.---TJC- .in ii- --a t--"-- - SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIJTLLNTOYVN. WEDNESDAY, JfOV. 18. 1891. B. F. SCHWEIER J BOITOB AMD FBOrBIBTOB. Tub grip has again broken out in New York oify. "Thk telephone has boen known in India for thousands of rears." Nine American shins of w.ir -will soon bo cruising off the coast olm kindness arui mercy than by teech Chili. A ire in IlanKow, China, destroy cd 1300 houses, and made 13000 peo pie homeless. Tiir Stato Convention of the farm- rs'nKiance nu-t in Harrisburg last week and elected officers for the coruirfg year. Ths war cloud in Europe is ex pected to burst between this end spring- time with Germany and Rus sia as the chief eombataata. Tns Jacar Valley in Spain, a val ley abont sixty miles longer thim the Juni.if:t Valley in Pennsylvania, has been visited by a greet flood that washed away nearly all the buildings and improvements alonj the river. Tits extraordinary session of the State Senate, that was convened by Governor Pattison for tha political purpose of making political capital for tha campaign by charging dis honest methods ngf'iost the State, Treasurer and Auditor General, ad j journed sine die on the afternoon of tha 11 tu of November after a cost of ! paid the sod waa very good for rais 37."5 for ench Senator S-2-iO ! inrr Ibe vecretabi. In future she for cieb employes. The Sen ate considered the churge3 Jtliat tho Governor presented, and afer due deliberation df-termined that the Senate had no rijht or jurisdiction in the case, Crime Will Oat. v' barrf., November 11 On the l.",th of October 1SS.3, 5 Wiiliain i in their ho:::o tit mi Jni; fcuui of money, i-ll in ht. and a large I ,r,,i 1 ! "" irom ui"!ii. I r.o crime preat sensation ;mt dct'.-c lives unable to locato the mur-.lerf-rs nut; Sun h'y last, when daring a brawl in Jisrej.utsble house at Hazieton a well Lncwn woman of tho town ac cused the men of being implicated in the murder. :der. This wna ov.rhpard bv '. the gang who gave the story l a coul bnd ir n ....H.-e. This ; some of away io 1 afternoon Heuiy lia eph Evcland, two formerly lcsidu.ts 5'ius and Joj uereriite men i of Wiikesbarre wero arrested for the criaie. will be hold to an:ir--r. .i.ey Elcp2d. ,r n i v Ni- , t . 1., eloped with b man nnmed Charles Beck m the employ of her j husband last Thursday n.gat. Tha t ,, -.-V -i r lJH'e "I UUtl Jill ilJ'l I 1 i li.CS. HUU I ;.,.. , .:. ,.-.i i i... i tuujjniiiiini ji it:i. i.i nun jjiti iiun- band, who had bu n working hard j asked JJffk to set up with her nu 1 adiaii;t: r to her wants. The over worked husband then went to his room and retired. When he arose in tha morning the couple were missing. Tlipy had started before daylight and walked many miles as they were 'last teen on tho highways bound east. Grimes harnessed his fastest horse and started in j ursuif, but'aftfr hav ing driven nearly 100 miles in a viin Bearcli, gave up the chase. A warrant is out f r the course's arref-t, at.d the infuriated, husbnnd is after satisfaction of a .different kind De tbreati LiS bodily harm should ho vertako them. (rains of Gold. Whoever is out of patience is out of bis soul. Ban. m. Discontent is the want of self re liance; it is infirmity of will. "Whafcwe oti'ht not to do, we should uot even think of doing. Ilk -ncs3 is both a great sin and the cause of many more. South. Ability involves responsibilitv. Power to its last particle is duty. Harare n. Doing is the grnt thing; fvir if resolutely, people do what is right, in time they come to like doing it. The best way to live is to cast away troubles aid contentions, which can not be cured by fretting. In jas ties to tho requirements of the pres ent you should not look back and make yourself wretched over things that can not be uudono. To be happy at homo is the ulti mate result of all ambition, the end to which every eu'erprisc and labor tends, and of which every desire prompts tho prosecution. Johnson. A woman should possess great virtue, for sno often has to provide enough for both herself and her hug band. Gormen Sylva. One of the illusions is that the present hour is not the critical, de cisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the bst day of tLe year. Opinion builds onr church, ehoos eth our preacher, fornicth our discip line, frarccth our gesture, measurcth our prayers, and methodiseth our sermons Faiindou. The Criminals of the Future. Pretty marly all the criminals ef the future are in our public schools to.day, and ice are educating them the men who will throw our railroad truins off the track; put dinamime under our churches; commit outrages and Murder; perhaps burn half a city aoae windy night. They are in eur public schools to day, and ice are educating them The churches do not reach them. It is said thit all the churches in New York city, with every seat filled, will scat O! 1 :'.'oout 250,000, while the population is about 1,400,000. 'I he Sunday schools da not reach them. I have seeu, recently, in the Sunday School World, that of sixteen millions of children in this ce-nntry, of school age, on'y about seven attended the Bnnday Schools- The other nine millions never go. Many of them have no parents or worse than none. They have little or no thought of God or immortality. They can be reached in onr public schools; and neither they or their par ents can be reached any where else. I believe it is infinitely more im portant to the future of this nation that thoy be taught kindness and merry than grammar or arithmetic, and I mm tare there is no way under heaven in which you can better leach iv ua itintt acis ana say nina mora ( hundred times a day to the creatures by whom they are constantly surrounded. Every such teaching in our public schools is not for tho protection ef animals alone, but for the protection of property andlije; nay more, it u laying. j ,l hearts ct these neglected child, en; PrtPartn? " eriminais, a jounaa. non oj mercy ana numanuy on wnicn every ciurca can build. Geo. T. Anciell. Grave Jard ;Tomatoes. New Jersey paper: John C. Per doe, Buperintenkent of the Phillips burg, (N. J.) cemetery has for some time been very much interested in the actions of a middle aged woman who payed frequent visits to the cemetery. She always wore a cnarse calico apron which when she left the grounds she carried on her arm. Ptrdoe stopped her having be come suspicious that she might be carrying off flowers pliced on the graves. He whs very much surpris ed to find that the apron containsd several large and rip a. tomatoes. When askod whe8 she got thorn sho had planted tomatoe vines at the I foot of the graves of friends. She Villi have to ilo her garducmg e.so where. Olean X. T. A large andieuce greeted the Sivedi-ii Quartet at tho Presbyterian Church last evening In fact, tho church wns full to ovurll jwirg some times In -fore the opening of the con ceit. The quartet appe ared in native cos'u:ns uu a numDPr ' their Belo.-tiotis were in their nntivs tognue. All,!0st ln!mo 00 ?B T8 w.-i:Tonwir-(!,aii.linlhemtiveserna'.io. .... : . .1..: ho l.n''heiied flS'i v.ietierous Kppiims. The voices r.ro Jill pood una hlciul ttnit iut. SoIoh were rendered by the first ttiiior, air. C'has A. Skooif, and ilr. WeiXFibrrg, babso, Both were vigorously app'auJed. Tho concert ou-iy rp aueu. xn., ciwm - 'V'r; f" 'of T'-arte t.-Ia-.ly He.ala.Dcc. 19,lbfa9. jTrlal VM, Ilfrfmber Term, 1. Griii'eth Licliteutaalsr nna George MoLcav, now lor use ct Goorgo McLean- Vs. Philena Ia-ffitj. t-n. wit'i notire to terre tenant. No' t 21, April ttjrjn 1S01. Scire fuciat. Surmoita re. JJiiciiaatit, i.con . , , . . vhlh .m 1). Lib vs. James .j. 219. Anril ter, 1891. A'neal of D. fuiidaut a 'in ai ii ' imiimi 'Ill ju ! merit of A. lUrner, J. P. Plea, nil J L 4 debet. 3. Gaorjre Murs vs. Lvkns Val- Icy, Slutual Fire Insurance Co. i8S, Sii-tember ti rm. 1891. No. i I 4. fc. 0.-borno Co. vs. Andrew iDashoarand HiiaiU Eashoar. No. 15, Dec. term, 1391. Appeal of IVi fendant from judgment of J. 13. ii. Todd. Ploe. nil. debet. 5. David B. D.-ty. vs. Mary T. Jacobs, Adra'x George Jvobs, dee'd. No. 93, September term, 1891. Ap pcnl from Justice Horning. nil debet. JouxW. Hiisbs, rrothonntnry. OUR CLl'DEIXG OFFER. Ever desirous to pleaso our large family of realers, we hava made ar rangement whereby wo can furnish them with an extra amount of read ing matter for tha evenings which ere now lengthening. Agricultural and stock raising under the present hard times will require more study of the methods of those who have made these pursuits successful. Knowing the readnrs of the Juniata Sentixix Si Replulicas would be pleased to re ceive as a present a first class farm and stock paper we made arrange ments with tho publishers of "The Breeder's Guide and Practical Farm er," of Huntingdon, Indiana, where by we are enabled to give free to each of our subscribers one year'e subscription to that excellent farm and stock psper. We do not ask you one cent for this extra paper, we wish to make a present to all those subscribers who will appreciate. That is to all those subscribers who pay all arrearages and one year in advance for. the Jun iata Sentit.l akd Reitbucan We are not content with giving subscrib ers the best paper in Juniati county, but we want to give them in addition one of the best semi-montldy and arm paper published in America. The subscription price of the Jun iata Sfstisel &. IwEPrBUCAN is $1.50 per year, and "The Guide and Farm er," is 50 cents per year. We will give you both for $1.50. "The Guide asd Farmer," is a semi-monthly journal devoted to the interests of farmers and stock raisers and is replete with practical informa tion so highly appreciated by all our farmer readers. You will want more reading matter this winter than usual, and you can not get so much reading matter for this small amount of money any where. Tell your neighbor about it, and ask him to come in with you and get two papers for the price of one. OB IF YOU PRUTKR, "We will get for you the Philadel- phia "Weekly Press an unsurpassed weekly journal of general news and literature for $1.50 in advance. Commence now, talk it up. It is not every day that you are presented with such an opportunity to secure valuable literature and full account of all important country events and enterprises? Official Vote oft he -6 1st 'Judlc lal District. J. C. McCurdy of Juniata, county. and Harry G Swartz, of Center. Perry county, return judges re gu- mriy appointed to count the vote cast for President Judge on the 3rd inst in the 41st Judicial district met in Bloomfiekl on the 10th inst., and discharged that duty and report the following vote. Juniata gave Lyons.... 1551 votes. Perry gave Lyons 941 votes. Total 2492 Juniata gave Sponsler. . 95 votes. Perry gave Spousler 2014-vetes. Total 2109 Juniata gave Siebert. .. . 104 votes. Perry gave Siebert 2103 votes. Total 2213 Juniata gave Patterson . 1571 votes. Perry gave Patterson . . 400 votos. Total 20C1 Juniata gave lVckett.a 17 Perry gave Iiiekotts 44 Total 61 Lyons vote over Seibort 279 Lyons vote over Sponsler 3S3 Lyons vote over Patterson 461 Lvons over Iiickttts 2431 Signs of Hard Wintar. "This is going to be a v&ry hard winter," said an old resident of Lack awanna Valley the other day, "and I'll tell you why I say bo. In the first place, look at the hornet's nest. lou will find them high up this fall. That's a sure sign of a hard winter. If it were going to be a mild winter you will find thtew near the ground. Two yers and three years ago the winters wtre dild, and the harnet's wore low down. Then tuka tho angles worms for another frign. Dig in the ground and now you will find them crawling two f-et or more below tho surfica. The- know what kind of weather is cora'eg, an t they gu clown to avoia the frost. Two years ago I found them not three inches under the sur face and thy stayed there all winter. "Fuzz on hog3 is another sure sign of a severe winter. Butcher a hog now and you will find a thick fuzz at the roots of the bristles. The fuzz woulden't bo thtro if nxt winter wasn't going to be a touh one. Two and three yu&rs ago this fall there' wasn't any fnzz at all on bo'S, aid you know how open the winters were. "I predicted a hard winter in 1S25 from these signs, and my neighbors rodiculod ma or tired to-, but wo -jot it iust as I said. I h.id so mneh fiith in the sigU3 that I got a lot of boys to trnp ail the cpaaiSs for mo they could. I wintered over 200 quails, und in the spring cf 1S65 there wasn't, a live quail in the Lack awanna Vuiiey except tho ones I had. I t'irr-ed them all loose at various points, and in the fall we had some crood shootintr. which w- wouldcn't hive had if I hadeu't paid uttetilion to the signs. I.tre. Life is a mirror that reli efs onr mioli. Aul on lis 8iirli.ee our own vie obtrudes, 'Tho drm.kar'l n a tuny, reeliojj mob And robbrrs swear that honeut po-if 1." rob . No inaidiachanta, proclaims tha litHfrMqr; Virtno aluno hy virtuon raon in m en. That which tby nuighbur s:omt tu bo tliou art. I be t)ncID7 G''piffy ibr heart. XI. U Heat. GE.ERJ1L.EKS ITEMS. Harriot E. Hall of Waynetuwn, Ind., says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I had been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shntterod condition of my whole system. Hsd given up ad hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no reliuf. The first bottle of tho Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine iu the world. I can not recommend it to highly." Trial bottles, 154. Sold by L. Backs & Co. Mar 14-ly. Wn.LiMsroBT, Pa., November 10. Death came in the most unexpected form possible to John Pierce a woodsman lear Cedar Run yester dy. Ilis borsoa were hauling a log from the forest on a skidway when the log caught on a sapling, borrt it almost double and let it loose so suddenly that it struck young Pierce in the stomache and killed him. Have you tried South American Nervine the gem of tho century t The great enro for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. Warrant ed the most wonderful Stomach and Nervo Cure ever known, Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, MifflintowD, Pa. Nov. 14, ly. Halifax, N. S., Nov. 10. Hon. Sainnol Chipman who celebrated his 101st birthday on October 18, died to-day in Cornawallia, Kings county. He is believed to have boen the old est Freemason in the world having taken the Master's degree in the Virgin Lodge of Halifax in 1813. Hazletoh, Nov. 15. A Hungarian aecused a country woman living near here of being a witch, and endeavor ed to incite his countrymen to burn her. Officers have boen put on the fleeing scoundrel's track. Latboue, Pa., Nov. 15. John Wepler's 12-year-old son Logan bled to death from a cavity out of which a tooth was pulled. His mother and five of her brothers had each died from the same peculiar cause. Itch on human and borses and an imals cured in 30 minutes by Wool roru s sanitary iiouon. ibis never fails. Sold by L. Bank &, Co., Druggists, Mifllintown. Nov. 13, lS'.lO.-ly. j List of Juror Tor December Term 19X. OBAJTD JUB0RI. Anghey, Jacob, Milford. Beale, W. D.. Spruce HilL Beers. Silai, Spruce Hill Cox, Newton, Greenwood. Cellier, J. S., Lack. Doughton, James, Delaware. Farra, M. C, Delaware. Fisher, William, llilfori Haines, Jno., Fayette. Kepler, Ira, Walker. Miller Samuel, Wulker. . McKicley, S. B. Tuscarora. Neely, Brooks, Spruce Hill. Neimond, Jacob, Monro. Noble, Wm. A., Port Royal. Nace, Daniel, Favette. Pry, John, D., Milford. Rhine, J. J-, Fayette. Rsdgers, Matthew, Walker. Sechrist, Peter, Susquehanna. Smith, E. A., Fayette. Simonton, Cha. Walker. Wilson. H. L.. Walker. Zook, Clarence, Fermanagh. MTTT JUBOR. Arnold, H. II. Delaware. Brewn, H. S.. Fayette. Barnard. J. M., Spruce Hill. Bergey, John, Mifllintown. Buruk, Jonstlian, Fayette. Clark B. P., Beale. Dumm, Charles, Fermanagh. Davis, Luko, Walker. D'tTondorfer, Oliver Fermanagh. Frohrer, Joseph, Thompsoutown. Fronk LL H., Fayette. Felmlee, George, Lack. Gelnet. J. B., Monroe. Gu.s, Geo. L, Patterson. Hopple, Jacob, Fayette. Horning, W. ii., Fermanagh. Heinbach. Harry, Tuscarora. Kaufl'man Grant, Walker. Kmzer, Amos, Delaware. Kohlor, John, Tmbett. Kirk, Millard, Mifllintown. Kirk, T. J , Tuscarora. Landis, William, Dataware. Lathers, Wm. A-, Lsck. ?.T;llil-.T. AV A T..u.o.,,i. Mitchdi! William, Milford. McLaughlin. J. K., Tnrbett. Mcilulierj, J. J , Tuscarora. Mayor, Ephmim, Port Ivoyal. Nce, David, Monroe. Pines, Joseph, Fevette. Partner, J. O .Milford. Ttobison, J. A., Milford. ' Heed. A. M. Beale. Swartz, William, Beale. Stewart, Witliam, Turbo tt. Showers, W. A., Lack. Stonor, Abra. A., Fermanagh. Stiiber, Solomon, Fermanagh.. St oner, Jno., Fermanagh. VaiiOrmor, William. Fayette. Williamson, A. J., Tuscarora. Wi.rk J. T. Tuscarora. WeUkr, Zich, Walker. Wharton, R. W., Spruce HilL Sew IVIuter Opening- OF. ELEGANT MILLIERY in latest styles and bargains. Hiving spent last week in New York and eastern cities selecting my winter stock of millinery for ladies and children it is witn pleasure 1 now in vite my many friends and pat rons to call. You cannot fail to be delight ed with my styles and pleased with my prices. Fine Quality Felts, formerly 87 cents, now 50 cests; others formerly 1.25, now 75 cents. A stylish hat trimmed for 31.00 1 have the Elloisc Shaker, something entirely new for chil dren. Tips, Fancy Feathers, Birds and ornaments in abundance. velvets in all the latest thades. Having secured the service of an experienced city trimmer, 1 am confident more stylish work cannot be shown. All my goods have been bought in large quantities which enables me to give you induce ments unequalled before. Annie Ickes, New Port, Pa. Nov. 10th, 1891. 4-t. The grer-t Lick tolescopo reveals about 1,000,000.000 stars, some of them so small that 30,000 of tbem in one mass would scarcely be visible to the naked eye. A riwpable Terdlct after Twenty Tears Trial. The original ant only eennine Compound Oxygen Treatment that of Drs. Starkay Sl I'halen, is a scientific artjustraunt of tha ale. ments of tlxyirt-.n anil Kiiroeenmtirnetized; aud the eompound ia so condensed and msda portable that it is sent to all the world. It has hewn in uao for more than twenty yars; thousands of patients have jbeen treated, and recommend it. a very signifi cant fact. It does ret act aa most drnes do by creat ing another ailment, often requiring a sec ond course to eradicate tho evil affects of the first, but Compound Oxynea is a revit alize, renewing, strengthening, invigorat ing the whole body. These atstements are confirmed bv nnm- erona testimonials, published in our book of 200 psges, oalv witn the express permis sion of the patieats, their nsmes and ad. dressus sre given and you caji refer to thsm for farther information. The great succcess of our treatment has given rise to a bost of Imitators, nnrcrupn. lous persons; soma calling their preparation Compound Oxygon, often appropriating our testimoniala and the names of our patienta to reccomniend wortnlvsa concoctions. Bat any substance made elsewhere or by others, and called Compound Oxygen injurious. Compound Oxygen Its Mode o Action and Results," is the title of a new book ot 200 pages, published by Drs. Starkey fc Pa- leo, which givea to all inquirers tull inform ation as to this remarkable curative agent, aod a record of surprising cures in a wkle range of chronic cases many of them after being abandoned to die by other physicians. Will be mailed free to acy address on ap plication Drs. Starkev II Phalen, 1629 Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa., 120 Sutler St., San Fran cisco, Cal. Drunkenness or the Liquor Habit positively Cured by Ad' ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It iss manufactured aa a powder wbiebcao be given In a glass or beer, a cap of coffee 'or tea, or in food, without tha knowledge I . . . 1 ha.mlAM ot tho patient. i i' hdboiukmj and will affect a pwmanact and apacdy cars, whether tho patient it a miderat drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It baa boon given In thontands of eaiea, and in avery inataoce a perfect cure baa lollowed. It itk fails. The system oace impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for tha liqaor appetite to axist. Cores guaranteed. 4S page book of particulars free. Ad- ooldmsmciiioco., 185 Race St., Cincin nati, O. -June 24, "Jl-ly. IIold.lt letbeLljbl. The man who tella you confiden ;0ii,r Jnct what will cure vour cold, ia prescribing Kemp's Balaam this year, in l.ne prepcrauo oi una if narlr-ihln medicine for coucrhs and colds no expense is spared to com bine onlr the best and purest ingred ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam to the light and look through it, notice the bright, clear look ; then compare with other remedies. Price 60(3 and $1. tf. LEGAL. JQISSOLUTION OF FASTNERSIIIF. Natice is harehy given that the buinem Arm of Krewo U Sor., doiug hnsi'iMs at Cocolamus, Fayette township, Juniata Co., Pm hn heti dmaolvsd bv mutual consent ua accouut of the (ailing balth of tbo Sen ior Brown. AH partia having claims acainst the firm ar rrqnestud to pretsnt lHm fnr mmt i mmmA. ami all Drtls iudebt- ed ta tho firm ara Mo,utel l mk pay ment ot M ino.e3irr.ness. in dusios ill be coDlinuo.i at tlio old stand bv Wil liam . fiiown. who will be pleased to aerva ail former patrons of the arm and ths pub. lie generliy. BKUTYIX it sua. November 13, ll-6t. RIDG3 LETTING. From date hereof, Novaibr 13th, 1S91, until 2 o'clock December 3id, 1891, pro posals will he rsceived by tbo unde'sKed for the erection of aa open truas bridre to rsnaw the county bridge, ton aa Morn ing's bridge, north of aod near H. A. Stam laugh't reaiduncn in Fermanagh townhip. Each rioj t"i to be accompanied fcy bond in doublu the amount of bids for tlie faith ful performance of the work. Tho riguf is reserved to rejict any or a'l b'ds. De scriptions, &c, can b obtained at the Com missioners' Onicu, Hittlintown. DAVID Umi.K. JOHN BLKNTIKE, URIAH S llUflAS, CemmiftioHtrt of Juniata county. Attest: Cuabi.es B. CaAwrcuD, Cicrk. A CUE BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOE3 A LONG WAYS K-auro shoes once tlackened with It ran be kept clean by W3tHinr them with vnler. l'ecnlo in moderate circumstances 6nd it p.roiital'lo to buy it nt 20c a bottle, because what ther spend for tlncking they save in shoe leather. It i.5 the chMpert hlacklnp; con?Idrr!Ti its qiidl'itr, and yt ire wrnt V sell it chcajier if It can to done. "Ye will pay fr a. recipe that 31 cnaMo cs to r.v.Va AVoi.FF'a Acme riLACKiso at etich a price hit a retailer ran profitably ell it ot li)c. a bottle This offer is open nritil 3 an. 1st, 1?'J3 WOLFI" BAWDOLPH, Philadelphia. OH furniture paintod with (:h"s is fie name cf the r5"0i 'ceks le ta:nei and varnished neto umiVure. Ono coat Trill do it. A child can apply it. Yi ;i cua clinneo a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to mahogany; there is no limit to your dados. All rcUilers sell it, TiTiili'lii HnSriiin n-n hi e.-ta TyCTKbfHt ovrurs. fcirtr aui:fveikwM. lo9tM-riioc4. cfe., I inll jnd a vmiwLl treM llJ .atnia full trUeolmf-Tkl. Ff-'Bo 'krii. A, Fpki4iJ Hadwil wrk ; basid b Mad f rrf man who is acrvns Ku4 dbiUtatrd. 111m Pref. W. C rowurra, Hooca. Caao, smiETTGeiLESE THE LEADING SCHOOL OF BQSiWSBOBTHIKD r 1 I rrsHwHM of both assaiMatd to pHneasl, Hrfc ! ImC rvLarisVisi itafyort vt Outsrwaa STCPEir.SSOXS UtrrsIHEJSS C O L L C fi E and INSTITUTE OF SHORTHAND. (Chartered uuder iaws of Pennsylvania.) WILLIAMS POIiT, PEN1TA., "Queen City cf the Susquehanna.' A spleadiJly criiiizealiiellLuUon. A hcsr.lif ul location. Delightful Bar roundiegs. Air pure. All the mod era improvements. BOOK-KEEPING, SHORTHAND, BASKING, TYPE-VTRITIXG. SPECIAL ATTE.YTIOA, is given to Business Arithmetic, Commercial Luw, Business Coirespoudsnce, Com mercinl Spelling, Rapid Ca lculation Penmanship, Punctuation, Letter Writing, Mimeographing, Manifold ing, Copying, &c. The Principal of the Business De partment is an experienced account ant in keeping bocks for firms, com panies and corporations. The short hand department is presided over by ono of the most popular teachers in tho. State. A DSMrETElfT CORPS OF ASSIST AST ! STRUCTOBS. POPULAR AT HOUR. More than one-half cf all the stu den'.s enrolled are from the City of Willamsport. Bok - keeping and short - Land taugit at your home by a thorough eouE9 of instruction by mail. Bad for Circulars and Trial List by mail. 1 S. T. Stephenson, Principal. Kavcjou tried rraaes of jeaj Jobicco walk m. "W alk in anil examine our large and varied stock for the Fall Trade of 1S91 and the Winter ef 1S92. We are HZver Heady To fIiow customers our goods. It is our business to supply your wants and we know that v.e can accommodate you, il you drop in and deal with us. We have all kinds of dress goods in all colors to suit the varied tastes of people. We have a full line of uRTeveitij Goods, that people want these times. Just ask for what you want and it will be cur pleasure to wait on .you. We are stock ed ia GROCERIES at drop prices and Queenaware in full assortment. Glassware to please the eye and to do ser vice shoes- Our shoe Department ia largo and grades from the Daintiest to the Substantial Shoe and I'oot for tho field and forest. ORDER. We have almost everything, and what we hav'nt got, we'll Order, k please favor us with a call. T0UACC0- To the lovers of the weed, we say we keep the best brands. TRY OUR TOBACCO. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Remember the place, Mw Stkeut, Opposite Coubt Ilucsi-, MiiititOTS-ii, Pa., & Son. Z.IXB Sheridan's Condition Powder ! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Preventa all Diaeaaa. Goo for Moulting: Botu. ..." I',"h'"lrj"'t lUrhiy aoaoaatmtad. In mas, nroRa. strlcl y a Bivdlnaa. "(Im cji mtmI mm i "'fin l to pm.il Knnp." any, tuauim. tt jom can't art It mos Iosi. We mail anr pk w-. Fir. si. A s 14 lb. nut ai SB. Sl $?"uklT Sl ot ort.r. mi moraTaiSi Vm of Tus Owkt rtrxni Pirn. Mat frwT W : 8 i"HMO!i w.anw biu.w.,iiiim u SALESMEN LOCAL OR TRAVELLING, to aell ,ur o.wia. rsiarr, Jixpensaa and Steady F.niploTraent guaranteed. C n A S E BUOTDKHS COMPANY t. Dec. 6, '91. Jtochwster. N . Y. XiilceAainnTreHspai. All per.oKi are brn-hy cautioned not to ,1 'nua 01 ,he undersiirned in W alkur, lermanarh n.i P...... .1 " n ' ". Willi.m I. A,Vin'..;. ow-Adan,s, L October 2Stb, 9I, ly. iL.ouisviuE.Ky. 4 BARGAINS AT Ye Lav- jast arrived frsa the City aa nare some 01 tne 33EST STOCK OF FALL AMD WIMTEH GOODS yer brought to tbis town, consisting of Large Stock of Boots 4 Slioes vbicb we eell at Iiock Bottom Price. Every pair guaranteed. All are inviUd to call and Examine our Etock, and compare prices whether you wamt to buy or not fJnh'en S FRANCTSCUS HARDWARE & CO. NOW OFFER THE H&NOSOMEST 0E8IGSC ir tt IVKTT AM) ATTK ACTIVE STYIaES, samples Sent hy Math Full Line of Guilders and House Furnishing Hardware. READY MIXED PAINT. J WISH TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I ran stbp toothache in tbtra fiva minutrs; B pain, no extracting. That I can utrz-.t teath without pain, by tha u of a f.uid nlied to tho lo-i-lii and jm;m ; on fiacji-r. Taa 1,'iieascd t o m a (known i Scurvy) treat .IVr'Jv..ed si:cc.'S!ally tcaiccri wer.'J:;' ranted 10 evurj ae. -wJ- Tc4tb FiLLSB-and warranted lor life. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged er. remodeled, troot '.W to Hi per set. C?ai'tiiul Gum KuaiaoleJ Tec iuserted at prices to suit all. All work warranted t lT perfect satis faction. Peepis who have artificial tevtn with which faey cannot eat, are epeci-tlj ioTited to call. Tsrxs Cash. G. T,. DERR, IPrwctlcal Dentist, ETAat.isHio 111 MirrLixTows, Pa., is ISoO. Oct. 14 85. TIME-TABLE Ca and after Sunday, Xot. 15. ISO), trains fb.it step nt MiITia will mn as f)l:wi- EASTWARD ViflliR Arcoraniodptiaa 1RTes M ifTSin it 7.16 a. ta.. Pert Kar"1 7,20 a. ra., TtoiD. scntawa a. tu., LMMsrstown 7.44 a. ia New Port .f2 a. r., Duncaanan, 8,13 a. as.. MarxsTiHa, S.S2, srrires st llarrlmbort. U.50 a. m., Philadelphia, 1 1,25, a. to.; I aare. WifC in at p. m., 1'ort KvtsI. S,0j p. m.. Thcnipioatowa, 8,'JO p. as., Uil. lerataws, S,'-i) p. at , arrir. at Uirrixlinr;, 4,49 p. m.. Fbila lelpni at 9, Si p. w. UfHia Arciamrdution oa Suuday lares Mi!iin at 8.15 A. M; arrives at liarriiburg, ,60 s. m. Harbisiuso ArrawM94Ti4ii leT. Al. taooaaaily at 19.10a. m., Trrana 1048 a. m . lit. Union st 11. 69 a. ra." Nr. Ilawllion 12 05 p. m , VcVevtawa Ii,24 p. ta., Law istawa 12,47 p. n Mi!iord l.Vo iu., llif f!in 1.1 p. tu., ?nrt Koyal 1.15 p Uexic 1,20 p. m., Tnscarora 1.2Jp. m., ViBjyta 1,26 p. ra., Thotnraantown 1,32 p. no., DurwarU 1,87 p. aa., Millerstown 1,. 42 p. as., Newport 1.53 p. ia., arrivinj at Harriaburc 2 6 p. m. Sr.A t assa Exrsiss leares Altoena daily at 7,!S a. K., aud stopping a all rrr uiar statioas batwaea Altoana and Garrisburi;, reach ra U-.fflin at 10.C5 a. m., Uarriaburg 11.40 r- VI., aal arrives in FuiUdjijhra a S.li p. a. K ail Tans Altoena at 2.00 p. ra., aa j steuping at a!l rsgulur stutieaa arrivos at iil-lia at a 03 p. ui., Uarrisbarg 7.C0p. m., I biltadelphia 13,55 p. m. Hail Express lavea Fittsbarg at 1 2 50 p ju. Altoona U 10 p ia ; Tyrone C 45 p ai ; Hnct ingiaa 7,27 p a ; Lawistawa SSJm Jlif rlin a 55 p se ; Harrisbnrs; 1 IP p. ta. ; PWi!- Dar Kxrss.j leaves PiUsbari at S,i A. K. ; Alioen 1 J.fia A. M.; may bs rajjed at Mi.Tha al 2.05 P. 14.; arrives at Burru burj at 2,28 J. M.; at Philadelphia, .5 P. Jl. Vhiiadelpbia Express will step at UifBin at 11 85 p. m., when Begged WESTWARD. lliBlin AcroramodstloB Icavas Philade! Pkia at 8,50 a. ra., llarrishurf, 12 4 p. Newport, l.fl, p. ra., Millervtawa, 1,10 . m.. Thempooatawn. 1,13 p. m.. Pert RbtsI, 1.36 Mifflin, 1,40 p.m., Uarrisbure, 7.35 p. m; Millerstown 8,39 p ui; Thotnaeontown 8.48 p m; lfsxico t 00 p m-. Tert Reyal ,CS p raj arrives at Mi.TIin 9,10 p n. HiRlin iAccessmodation loaves rrjsrris b-g on Sunday st 12,29 p. ra., Dun?a. non at 12.5J p m., Nowp.rt 1,16 p. n, Millerstown 1.35 p. Tbenipsontewn 184 p. m., Port Royal 1 J p. m-, Mifflim 1.6i p. aa. Fast Linn leaves Phiadslphla dal'v at II 4V a ; Uarrisanrg (49 p m ; WiCio 6 06 pas; Lswistewn 28 p ra ; Altooaa 7,!9 p in : arrWea at Pittnrj al 1 1 it pm. Wat Passsiisik leavea Philala'pbia daily at 4 80 a. as.; Earrwburg, 8 15 a. aa Duacsaaaa, 8 61 a. m.; Newport, 9 22 a' as.; Millerstawa, t Ms. m.iThompsantown 47 a. as.; Mexico, 10 02 a. ta.; Pert Reyai, 10 07 a. va.; Mimin, 10 14 a. m. Millerd, 16 29 a. m.; Lewistown, 1S49 ra" Huntingdon, 13 10 p. ib.; Tyrone, 1 2 p". Altoona, 1 46 p. ., and stops at all gnT' statieas batween Hvrisbnrg and Altoona Arrive at Pittsburg at 6 60 ' 1 Crrraa Espbess leaves Philadelphia da' Iy at 6 25 p.m., Harrisbura-, 19 20 p. ra. stepping at Rockvllle, Marysvllle, Bancan bob, Newport, Millerstown, Thempsontown Port Itoyal, time atMimin, 11 65,p.a.; Al toena, 3 15 a. m.,and Pittsburg, 6 1 a. m Kaii Taiw leaves Philadelphia dailv at 7.09 a. as., Harrisburg 11.20 a. ra., New port, 12 14 p. m., Mifflin 12.52 p. m., stop, pingat all regular stations between Mifflin anal Altoena reaches Altoona at 8 40 p. m Pittsbnrc 8.10 p. . F ' ra., Lewistown p. McVeyt. 46 p. as., ewro Ua mlten 7.r, wn ,. p. Bl- 2 , 0 P" m - AltnoDa 00 D. m iracme txpressleaves Philadelphia 1 1 pm; HarrisbtirK 10 a a, , Dncannon'g Mara ; Newport 4 00 a ra , Mifflin 4 89 . m I tra 1 is taaszr aa R sb I a . v The SenhHtl and RePMlltrM offir ;. ,fc place to get job work done. Tty iu It wiil Py Ton If you neod anything in that line. ALTooaA Aocommobatiow, Harrisbnr- at 4,19 p. ss., Duncsnnon 4,45 p. ra. No pert 6.12 p. ra., Millerstown 5,22 ' m Thompsentowa 6.3a p. Vaadyk,'' 6 4!) P- T"c-or 6 P- ui- Mexico 5,48 'V an., Pert Roval 6.61 n. m.mmi- i V- ?- U.UD Tl. V?L PUaL8n 548 i Huntingdon I 4 5 8 T "bnrr 8,"5 ' m BPTBC9 Cr9,k lo ? 5 A!tOGOa Pittsbar. j y at. THOMPSONTOWK. rown, Ilijf Tift Tf -r-T "w PAPER: Lock E. Atkiksob. F. IT. If. Pssya-ss. JITKIKSOX & PET1ELL, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAWr MlFFLlNTeifN, PA. tryCellecting and CoBveyancing prenpn ly attended ta. Jrrior On Main street, ia place of resi dence of Louis K. AtkiasB, Ksq., soath eP bndge street. IWct 26, lSfG. J-H!f ycLAVCBUX. JOSIPB W. StIBBID. MCL4E(;ni.n ti stijjsiel, INSDEAKCE A3ENTS, PORT ROTJL, JUNJJTJ CO., PJ. KJ"Only reliable C"utpaaie represented. Jan. 1, 18b9-ly cb.b.b .ra a wreRB, d. babwiis. m.cb awtohd,. R. D. M. CRAWFORD Al SOX. have farmed a partnership far the practice of Medicine and tbair callatteral kranchee. OSi.-a at old aland, ceraer of Tkinl and wr ange strcata, UlRimtewn. Pa. One or both ot tbem wili be found at their eSco at all tirai-t, unless olharwise profussiecally ea gsfed. April 1st. lS'JQ. c UMPEBLAND VALLET RAILROAD Tiraa Table July 20,1831. cown tbaik. Ciismbcrsbnrg Acconnondatloa leaves C'lamtwrshnrg, 6 85 a ra; Shippensbarg 7 09 a ii-; Newviile 7 13 am; Carlisle i III l a; il'cchanicsbnrg 8 04 a ni: L)illsbu-g 9 a ss; arrives at Harrisbur 8 25 a iu. Ua;erstiwn Accoraoaedation leaves Ha geratown it 7 D, stopping at intermediate paints, arrives st UsrrtsDurg 9 20 a m. Vir'e Wail leaves Winchester at 7 99 a ra; Uartinibiijg 7 4a a ss; Ilajreraown 8 40 a ui; Orecnct'!e 9 93 a on; Marion 9 l a as; C'hatberbars 9 S a m; Shippeoabarg 9 52 a n; Netrv.llj 1 is a ni; Carlisle 10 84 a in; .Mcchioicsbaig 10 65 a ai; arrives at Ilsrrisburg 11 15 a ra. Day Express leaves risjaratjwn at ,11 01 p ni; Greeucaatle 12 25 p ia: Jlarien 1216 p ib; Cba abcrsburg 1 2 5A p m; Shippens. burg 1 13 p n; Nswville 1 40 p ra; Carlisle 2 Q-i p ; Mechaoiesburg 2 26 p ss; Dills b'irg 4 5a p id; arrives at Earrisburg t 69 p ra. Evening Hsil leaves vTHeheafer 249 si; Varlmsburg S 80 p at; Bagerstown 4 19 p ; Greentastle 4 47 p ss; Uariea 4 67 p a; Cbainbvribiirg 6 15 p m Shippanburg 6 49 p ra; Newvlle6 09 p ib; Carlisle 6 25 p mr Mcbaticsbarp 6 59 p iu- BilUbnrg 7 18 p. m; arrives at Uanisburg 7 12 p as. N'ft Exprens, leaves rfinchester 7 26 p- in; Variinbur; t 20 pm; Haee.stewa 10 09 p m; tireeneasile 10 51 p mi; Cbaiabsre. barg 10 45 p in; Stiippe.urj n H B ewvilla 11 2.'; Cariule 11 41 p m; Uscaa. icsbarg 12 01 a tu; arrives at Harrisbarg 12 20 a ni. Additional train will icsve Carlisle daily exrept Sunday at 6 50 a m. stepping at all lutaiuiediaie stations; arriving at llarria bnrg at at 6 40 a id, and aa Saturdavs oalv trars trains will laave Mrehaniraharf al 6. DO p ni, arrive at Uarrisbsrg 6 25 p sa; ieaye Carlisle 9 p at; arrive (at narriaburg V45 p ss; stopping at intarnirxliate statieas. The Est A'ail and Wight Expre.s Eaa wiil run daily between Flarrisburg sad Hs gsrstown, and livening Mil and Moraiag ail daily btwecn Uarnaburg am) Cbasi bersburg a vt tbaixs. M'p Express, leaves Rarrisbnrg ( 40 s at; liechacicsbiirg 6 a ru; Carlisle 6 29 a ni Newville6 40a m; Shippensburg 7 am; Chsmbersburg 7 29 a no; Greencaatle 7 42 am; Hagtrslewn 8 25 am; ktartinaburg 9 19 a m; arriveat Winchester 19 00 a ra. Wg ilail leaves lUrrisburg at 8 95 ami Dt'lsb.irg 00 a in; Mechanlcsborg 8 27 a n; Carlisie 8 52 a m; Newviile 9 15 a sa; Shippnburg 36 a no; Cbsrabsrsbarg 18- a ra: Marion 19 17 a m; Greenbastle 19. 2! a as; Ugerstown 1 1 tX a ra; aUrtisskarg 11 48 a ni; arrives at vTiuehester 12 25 p ra. Accommodation train leaves Ilarrisbarg st 12 m ra; Mechanicsbiirg 12 29 p ra; Car Hale 12 65; Nawville 1 IS p ra; Sbippena burg 189 pm; Cbarabarsbvirg 2 08 p ra; Afsrien 2 16 p ra; Greencasti 2 26 pn; Ha gerstewa 2 50 p in Evening Mail leaves HarrUburg 4 09 p m Dlllsburg 4 65 p ra; Martinsbiirg 4 23 p a; Carlisle 4 60 p n; Newvill 6 16 p m; Sblp pensbnrg 5 88 p w; Chamberskurg 6 85 p m; Marion 6 17 p n; Qraeacastle 6 28 p ra; Hag eratowa 7 00 pm; Martin.burg 7 48 p m; arrives at vTinchester t 8 59 p ra. Chsmbersburg Accommodation leaves Harrisburg at 20 p I rr; stopping at later Biediate points aud arrives at Caaanbarsburg 7 16 p ra. N. O. Kxpreis leaves Harrisburg al 8 69 p m; stepping at intermediate points and ar rivea al llap;erstowB 11 10 p a. Additional trail wiU leave Harrisburg dal ly except Sunday at 7 30 p in, arriving al Carliale at 8 15 p m, stopping at ail inter mediate statiuna and en Saturdays trains wiil leave llartiihurg at 5 20 p ra; arrive at Mechanicsbu.g at 6 44 p in. Leave Harrie bnrg at 10 30 p m, arrive at Carlisle 11 29 p m; stopping at !! intrrmtdiate atatioas. Herapbis Express and New Orletns Ex press run daily batween Uarritburg and Ha Rerstown and Morning Mtil daily between Harrisburg aud Chambersburg. . Puilman Sleeping Cart between Hagers VtW" nd N,,r 1 ork on M-.rning MaU and A ight Express east and on Memphis Ex P'ess and New Orleans Express west. Pullman Sleeping Cars on Night Express and Now Orlesns Express between Phila delphia and New Orleans. Throuqh coachca two and from Philadel phia on Past Mail and Day Express esst and Accomodation and N. O. Express west. Get a good piper by subscribing for tho Sbtikil ash RepraMCAB. I T4-