Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 07, 1891, Image 3

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    . i
nrr. 7. 1891.'
...-.-Hmnfl-M per annnm
8. S2.00
if paid
if not pil dTance.
Iertisement. Inserted at 60
jjnnient ea insertion.
Dnfre.1Votice. in local col-
P".- the Tear, half or quarter
j dri lira kj
Atirron oexeral.
pAT10lc GKEGG.of Berk. County,
MOHKl-''' J
WlwnCounlf Ticket.
JEEEM1AH LYONS, of Mifllintown.
TfWUHL. BARTON, of Spruce Hill.
j.VlCKEUSHAM, of Thoropsontown
Subject to District Conference.
SAMl'EL I..UT, of Mif!lintown.
SA.VCEL A. GKAUAM. of Spruce
g g. GKAYBILL, of Walter.
Kuble dees upholster work.
Chestnuts are coming into market.
The tomato is a native of South
A deep snow full in Montana on
the 1st of October.
rWlie Thomas is home from
Norriritown buying cattle.
The board of Trade has got itself
into line lor efiicit-nt work.
The Odd Fellows of the two towns
gave a parade last Friday.
Revival services in the Methodist
-iurch everr evening this week.
The Newport band serenaded the
dicial conferences that met in that
According to the Hebrew record
(He world was 5,(152 vears old last
Dr Harry D3rr of Mifflinburg
epent sever 1 days with his parents
list week
A charter has been granted for a
water company in Duncannon, Per
ry county.
Derid S. Siober of Fermanagh
township is one of the large dealers
in live stock.
The Supreme Court has reversed
Judge Eucher's court in the .Aidm
town bridge case.
The turn out of the Horse and
.Vjls protection Company on Satur
day was a lerge one.
Saturday last was Hebrew New
Tair's day and was observed as 6ch
by tbe Hebrews in this town.
-s iVilliam Copoland and family of
JtsUngton, Iowa, are visiting Mr.
Copeland's parents in Patterson.
Siowers and Scholl are about
ready to put down a brick pavement
along their Washington street prop
erty. A Suyder county farmer sowed
Japanese buckwheat which promises
a large yield. He counted 2,C7G
grains in one stalk.
"W. A. Caldwell Jr., was killed in
cane rush between tbe Sophomore
and Freshmen classes of Lehigh
University last week.
Robert Hart is in from the
wait visiting his cousin Dr. Rodgers
of this town, and other relatives and
friends in the county.
Carl E.spenscbade holds a clerk
ship at the Republican State Central
Committee bead-quarters at the Con
tinental Hutel in Philadelphia.
The First National Bank of Clear
field lids f.iilprl unrl ita f:iilav cnnspd
a Houtzdnle Lank with two hun
dred thousand dollars on deposit to
close its doors.
The partnership existing between
C. B. Horning and E. E. Berry iu
Fermanagh township, in the peach
husinsss has been dissolved by Bsrry
;!lhig out to Horning.
Itch on human and horses and an
imals cured in 30 minutes by "Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never
fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Drnnsts, Mifllintown. Nov. 13,
This is a good year for crops and
wnseouentlv a poor rear for Demo-
lne Democratic party thrives
best when the crops are poor. They
can then blame the hard times on
tus Republicans.
Oounty Commissionprs Sbuman,
oaientiLe, JJeale and C. B. Craw
in at
gain in
ford, clerk of the board were
tendance upon the State Convention
w uranty Commissioners that met
Lancister last week.
J5J state authority the sheriffs of
we several eoenties of the Common
re instructed to embody the legis
wive act relative to the constitutional
ronrenuon in their election procla
Nation. Read in another column.
ft. t
pDysician makes the statement
, 1 " person addicted to the
.v 'toxicants will eat an orange
4 naif v . . . 0
.uuur ueiore breakfast every
niorning fr three weeks he will lose
'u taste for liquor and
alth and strenc-th.
- wnrer on tbe boy says
-e oi tne best ways to finish a boy
in i m PIerty of money, noth
o - , et uira cnoose bis owa
i.'-818" spend the evenings where
k-cs, come home when he jjets
11 i.and he wai yery Boon finish
ff. . .
oyou tried Rnnfh Imuran
,,,. ior indigestion, JJys-
U,rnaa Aervousn.ss. Warrant.
NVrrLeJ?08t wnderful Stomach and
,U . ure ever known, Trial bot-
C Teent.8- Sold by L. Banks
The Odd Fellow i parade last Fri
day was one or tne nicesi parsueu
that has taken place in the town in
many days.
Ti, motyb fame between the Mif-
flintown and Tyrone base ball clubs
played at this town last Saturday.re
sulted in favor of the Mifflintown
club. Score 8 to7.
An English lady declares that a
mustarU plaster on tbe elbow will
cure neuralgia in the face, and that
one on the back of the neck will
cure neuralgia in the head.
Charlie "Watts astonished both
foreigner and native by climbing one
of the thick fiftv four feet high tele
graph poles, at the intersection of
Bridge and Alain streets on a wager
of one dollar with John Patterson,
on Monday noon.
Last Saturday a bank in Kings
ton. York State, closed its doors,
with a loss of alwut a half million to
depositors. The officers of the brok
en concern are in jail. It is no long
er a safe business to rob people from
behind the counter of a bank.
Letters remaining: in P. O. at Pat
terson, Pa.: not called for: Mrs. Alice
Ttiwlflfj J. Fritz. Betsey Stoner,
Mrv Gillsinle. J. Dwyer. Charles
Bieler & Co. Persons' asking for
letters in above list will please say
they are advertised.
W. H. McNitt, P. M.
Cornelius Howard, peddler of table
cloths, linen goods etc., for the past
18 or 20 years in this couuty and
Snyder is now in the county selling
the stock he has on band. Howard
is not only a salesman, but favors
you with his quaint Irish songs and
Jew's Harp accompaniment.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wright, whose
maiden name was McCy, died at the
home of her son in-law William Jack
son, in Altoona, last Sabbath, aged
85years. Her remains were brought
to this town end the funeral took
place from the Presbyterian church
on Tuesday afternoon. Interment
in Presbyterian grave yard.
Bloomfield Democrat: State Treas
urer Boyer has deposited $10,000.' of
the general fund in the Duncannon
National Bank. The dwelling
house of Absalom Gougler, of Liver
pool township, took fire from a de
fective flue Monday of last week and
was burned to the ground, together
with most of its contents. The loss
is partially covered by insurance.
Juniata people who visit or have
business in Newport can find a first
rate place to put up at in the Cen
tral hotel. Mine host Burd gives
personal attention to the wants of
his guests. The appointments of
the house are first rate. His stable
for the accommodation of travellers'
horses is number one. Try his
place. You will be pleased with it.
Democratic leaders want to hold
the Republican party responsible for
the theivery of Baidsley and his
friends, which is about as childish a
thing to do as to want to hold the
Methodist church responsible for the
robbery of the Clearfield and Houtz
dale banks, because W. H. Dill the
President of the concern is a Meth
odist, and springs from a Methodist
List of letters uncalled for remain-
in the Post office at Mifnintown, Pa.,
for the week ending Oct. 3rd, 1891.
Persons calling for mail in this list
will please say they are advertised.
One cent will be charged for each
letter advertised. Letters: J. C.
Stephen, vlfiss Ellie Hatty. Card:
Miss Mary Baldwin.
James McCauloy, P. M.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps
and Blemishes from horses, Blood
Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring
bone, Stifles, Sprains and Swollen
Throats, Coughs, &c. Save $o0 by
use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by L. Banks & Co.,
Druggists, Mifilintown. Nov. 13,
Ferry County Freeman: Win.
Roberts, of Miller township, had two
accidents last week iu hi3 family.
On Wednesday his daughter, aged
about 5 years, fell down the steps
and broke her collar bone, and nest
day his 16 months old baby fell
throucb the kitchen noor wlr.cli was
being relaid, aud broke her right leg.
Marshall Furnace at Newport
was put into b!at lat week. It had
been closed a'l summer in order to
make necessary repairs.
.U midnicrht last Saturday Mrs.
Cleveland presented her husband ex
president Cleveland with an 8 pound
"irl babv. Bat Milllintowa people
dr not need to co to the family of
President Cleveland fur such advents,
for on Sunday only a few hours after
the Cleveland baby was born Mrs.
Dotv, of this town presented Cashier
Doty, hor husband, with a nice girl
baby, and about tbe same time Mrs.
Cale wife of tonsorial professor Cale
presented her husband with a nana-
some boy baby.
Harriet E. Hall of Waj-netown,
Tnd.. Ravs: "I owe my life to the
"reat South American JNervino.
had been in bed for five months from
the effects of an exhausted Stomach
Indigestion. Nervous prostration and
a general shattered condition of my
whole system. lad eiven up an
lmwa of frettini? well. Had tried
three doctors with no relief.
first bottle of the Nervine Tonic
proved me so much that I was
to walk alxut and a few bottles
ed me entirely. I believe it is
lwtit medicine in the world. 1
not recommend it to highly
All from the October Harper.
A young physician commencing
practice had among his first patients
an uncommonly unclean infant
brought to his office in the arms of a
mother whose face showed the same
abhorrence of soap. Looking down
upon the child a moment he solemn
ly remarked:
"It seems to be suffering from hy-
drophatio hydrophobia."
HOch, doctor dear, is it as bad as
that?" cried the mother. "Thot'a a
big sickness for such amite. What
ever shall I do for the crathur ?"
"Wash its face, madam; the dis
ease will eo off with the dirt."
"Wash its face wash its face,
indade!" exclaimed the matron, losing
her temper. "What next, I'd like to
"Wash your own, madam wash
your own.
manes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. Itisin the form of
dry roots and leaves, and is known
as Lane's Family medicine. It will
cure sick headache in one night
For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for the clearing up of the complex
ion it does wonders. Druggists sell
it at SOcts a package. tf
Ilone TbiefSbot.
bottles, 154. Sold by L. Banks
Co. fliar 14-iy.
Millerstown. Perry county is de-
i;rhtil orer the prospect of having
anew industry located there. They
onr. "The firm of R. S. Mills & Co
f Pittchnrc. has purchased the old
Mm Ward mill property, in Tusca
rnra toweshin. iust opposite Millers
town, and will erect large iron sheet
mills on the site. The firm expects
fr. cmnlnv about 500 meD, and will
lmiler plate and other
hoorv nheetincr. Members of th
c v.ntr Imjpti traveling nlonjr the
UliU , 1 " ,
.a railroad lookinff out
consider the one selec
'i tho Vumt The mills will be
olnnr Tlaccoon creek, a few
XUlObVlA ' " -
lin nil red yards from the 1 ennsylva
The Woman's Home Missionary
Society of Huntingdon Presbytery,
met in the Presbyterian church in
this town last Thursday for the
transaction of business relative to
the society. Dinner was served for
the delegates in the lecture room of
the church. The society will hold
its next yearly meeting next October
in Tyrone. The officers elected for
the coming year are: President,
Miss Irvine, of Uollidaysburg: vice
president", Mrs. Schuyler, Everett:
Mrs. Dorrls, Huntingdon; Mrs. John
son, rhilipsburg; Jfrs. Thompson,
Spruce Creek; Mrs. R. A. .VeKinlev,
Clearfield; Mrs. R. E. McMeen, Mif
flintown; Miss Sarah D- Morrow,
Tyrone; Mrs. D. H. Campbell, Mount
Unson: Mrs. J. W. Bain, Altoona;
Miss Mila Humes, Belief onte; vice
president of bands, Mrs. A. S. Landis,
Hollidaysburg; recording secretary,
Mrs. A. . Liyporte, Tyrone; corres
ponding secretary, Miss S. A. Hutch
ison, Altoona; assistant, Miss Clara
Bain, Altoona.
Farmers' Alliances, and other
rural organizations will be pro
vided for iu a special building: at the
World's Fair. It is intended that
the farmers shall have nothing of
which to complain in regard to their
reception and treatment by the
World's Fair management. They
will be afforded quarters in the Live
Stock Assembly Hall, plans of which
have just been completed. The
building will stand south of the col
onnade connecting the Agricultural
and Machinery Buildings in the
south end of the park.
On the first floor will be office-room
for cattle and horse associations, dog
and pet-stock associations, and all re
maining live-stock organizations.
On tbe eecond floor will be an as
sembly hall 172 feet long and 74
feet wide. Here the farmers will be
given a chance to hold meetings.
Special rooms are provided for the
Farmer's Alliance, the National
Grange, and similar associations.
The entire structure has been so
planned as to give the farmers and
live stock men generally all they
could ask in the way of accommoda
tions at the World's Fair. The
building will, in form, resemble the
letter T, one portion being 500 feet
long, and other 200 feet.
The I. O. O. F. demonstration of
last week was a success. It was the
occasion of the consolidation of -Vif-flintown
Lodge, 131, and Lost Creek
Lodgn, 5GG, both of this place. The
Lodge thus formod will be known by
the name, style and title of the form
er. The parade in the afternoon was
witnessed by many. Wm. M. Allison,
Esq., was Chief Marshal. The c el-
urn n was formed on North Main St.
The right of the column fell to IVio
toria Lodgo, 911 of Patterson; A. H.
rasicE, Marshal, lne number in
line has been variously estimated,
but the following has been taken
from actual count The Chief Mar
shal, and Dr. W. H. Hoopes, D. D.
G. M.. of Juniata county, led the
procession, followed by the 1st Di
viuion, consisting of Mifflin Band
with 18 men, and 81 I. O. O. F.
members: 2nd Division, consisting of
Mexico Band with 17 men and 87 I.
O. O. F. members. The following is
the attendance, classed as Lodges:
Number of members of Lodges in
attendance from outside of county,
nine; number, Tuscarora Lodgo, 55G,
three-, number, McAlisterville Lodge
1G, eleven; number, Sincerity Lodge,
357, twenty.
Number. M.fibutown Lodcre, 1.J1
and Lest Creek Lodge 566. now 131
ncluding one member in Jlifflintewn
BwA, fifty.
Number ictoria Jjodge, 15J1, in
eluding four members in Mifllintown
Bind, eighty tco.
Total number of Odl r ellows in
iue, one huntred and teventy five.
About 7 o'clock last Thursday
morning a ireignt tram swucning
off of track number 1. was run into
by a train running on track numbe
2. Of course the wreck tuat was
caused can better bo imagined than
described in a short locsL Alljtracks
in the yard excepting track number
4. were obstructed and everybody
and all machinery that could be us
ed was brought into play to clear
the tracks. A freight train drawn
by a "hog engine" bad stopped at
the head of the yar l j ust east of the
curve. The engine was brought
down to the work of the wreck and
the train was left to str.nd where
was first stopped. While everybody
was hard at work, news was brou ght
to the wreck workers that a tram
had run into the cars that hnd been
loft stand at the head of the yard.
T! was correct and that put four
freight trains out of running order
in the railroad yard at one and the
same time. The second wreck was
caused by the fourth freight train
all eastward bound running into
the caboose of tbe train that bad
been left standing by its "hog en-
e." The caboose was lifted up
on the engine and slid back, carry
ing smoke stack and so iortn on
down clean to the boiler as far back
as to the sand-box and there the ca
boose lost its balance and fell off the
engine on the side. The third
wreck is expected by those of rail
road men who believe that when one
wreck takes place two others must
follow within a short time near the
same place.
Juniata county, Pa., hereby cautioa alloer-
aene not to treeepua en their lands for the
pnrpote ef hunting i John A. Gallagher,
Cbriat Hutaer, Calvin Mannder. John F.
Babr, David Diven, Samuel Aakar. Cm
Sieber. Seth Kerchner, William Cleck.
The Adamsburg Herald of Octob
er 1st says: About a month or
more ago the man who now languishes
in Middleburg jail came to Mr. Jack
son Weller, near Middleburg, and
asked that gentlemaa to go along te
bnamokin, to neip mm soil his horse,
agreeing to pay him five dollars and
expenses for his trouble, which Mr.
yeuer accepieu. ine horse was
sold and afterward found to have
been stolen, and Weller was arrested
as an accomplice in the crime, but
was found to be innocent
uu sunuay night the same man
again had the audacity to come to
air. eller s house, with three more
horses, harness, spring wagon and
several sacks of grain. Weller told
him about the trouble he had got
him into, and that there was a re
ward out for his arrest. On hearing
this he left for this place, followed
by a party of men who intended to
capture him. On. being overtaken
he left his horses and made his escape
through the field. The horses were
then taken to Middleburg.
To day the thief was seen several
miles from here bv Dr. Tool of Free-
burg, who, in company with three
men of this place rave chase and
followed him to near Millersburg,
where they came up to him. He
drew a revolver and told them to
keep their distance which they re
fused to do, and drawing a revolver
he firod a 38-calibre bullet, striking
ur. Henry Harding in the thigh, in
dieting a painful wound, and a sec
ond shot came near hitting another
of tbe party. His first shot was re
turned by Mr. Harding, who fired
the contents of a shot gun into the
thief's arm, making him helpless.
He was then overpowered and
brought to this place whore his arm
was dressed by Drs. Tool and Roth
rock, and be was then taken to .Mid
dleburg jail.
lie refused to give his name or
state anything relating to the stolen
horses, and offered one of his captors
his gold watch or a thousand dollars
if he would kill him on the spot, and
was also wishing for mortification to
eet in his arm and cause death.
He is a man about 30 years old 6
feet tall and well dressed. The
horses are snpposed to have
stolen at Williamsport. He
Mr. Weller had nothing to do
the former borse.
Nnraary Stock. Salary, timnui and
Steady Employment ffoaraateed.
Dec. 8, '91. Rocheater, N. T.
I would inform the pnblio that I have
now in my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water atreet, Mifllintown,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
a fall stock ef Fall and Winter 'millinery
goods, all new, and ef the latest styles,
and having employed first class milliners
I am prepared to supply the pnblio with
everything found la firatclaas milliner
store, come and examine my stock,
consider it no trouble to shew goods.
March 22-87,1 .V.
Does this Catch Your Eyel
AftU Tour Frlecd IboMt It.
Your distressing cough can be cur
ed. We know it because Kemp's
Balsam within the past few years
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this community. Its remarkable
sale has been won entirely by its
genuine merit. Ask some friend
who has used it what he thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Large bottles 50c and $1 at all drug
gists, tf.
If so, get the whole of the story,
as valuable to you as to us.
It is short and may he
DruBkenncNg or tbe Liquor
Habit positively Cured by Ad
ministering Dr. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It Is manufactured as a powder which can
be given in a glasn of bur. a cap of coffee
or tea, or in food, without the knowledge
ol tbe patient. It is absolutely harmless
and will affect a permanent and speedy
cure, whether the patient is a tnoderat
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been
given in thousands of cases, and in every
instance a perfect cure has followed. It
kites rAiLs. The system once impregnate
ed with tbe Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility lor the liquor appetite to exist.
Cures guaranteed.
43 page book of particulars free. Ad'
qoldes srccinc co., 185 Race St., Cincin
nati, o.
June 24, '9l-lr.
and instead of hiding our candle under a bushel, are willing
the whole world should know it. We are now selling the
IIARRISBtJItG make of Shoes, which the above cut repre-
eenta. The best 93.00 men's shoe ever put on tn market in
Juniata County. We have them, both Congress and Lace.
a shoe is not complete without smooth, flexibl inner soles,
free from tacks, nails or thread that might hurt the feet or soil
the stocking
The Harrisburg Shoo is Complete.
It will pay you to try them. For sale only at
Also the largest stock ol general foot-wear. Ladies' and
Misses' shoes m latest styles and all sizes. Everybody can be
suited at Heck's, Bridge Street.
Great Fall & Winter Opening of Fine Clothing
For Men, Youths, Boyt and Children Commences to Day.
Bargains in the same that are hummers on every floor, in every aisle, on every
counter. Urim, cruel and cold with bis airs. Biting Frosts and bowling blast will soon
be here. Tbose wbo have the good fortune to reside In handsome mansions who can
ait by the cosy fireside, while without the chilling tempests and blinding snow-storms
rage wbo, when they venture ont are wrapped in costly furs and comfortable finery
tbose, we admit, may read this annenncement with indifference, but what of the poor I
What of the countless thousands for whom cruel, cold winter bears in his train antold
misery and privation, suffering and wretchedness? Oh.wbat of tbe poor Have they the
necessary wherewithal," to keep the wolf from the door Above all they must have
If purses csn't meet the prices ef good Overcoats, Underwear, Gloves, &.C., then
the prices mast meet the purses. Right now at tbe very ouUet of tbe co'd season, we
propose to give every man a chance to buy tbeae goods st figures he can well afford te
pay. With this objuct in view we bare jnst placed on sale and will offer 600
XO IO. Tbe materials are Chinchillas, beavers. Meltons, K.erseys, Oassimeres, Che
viots, &c. Every coat is well worth and could easily be sold for 50 per cent, more mon
ey, but TQAT ISN'T THE THING. We want to sell these overcoats not lor what they
will bring or.wnai we lnienaea to get ior inemjuui ai prices iwitnin tne reacn oi ine
"Dollsr-a-Day" laborer. This we think his been acomplisbed by ottering those 'over,
coats at $3, $4, $5, $'J up to $10. $12 will do tbe usual work of a $20 bill in
lien who want tbe very best and finest Overcoats can have anvone ef the follow'
ing extra One styles at $12 to-day: A Tan Melton Overcoat, a Blue .V lton Overcoat, a
Drab Melton Overcoat, Black Mellon Overcoat (Same shades in Kerseys,) an English.
Chinchilla Overcoat, a Black Cbevoit Overcoat, an imported Cas.vmere Overcoat, a Fur
Beaver Overcoat, a Real Elsyisn Overcoat, an Encliah Storm Coat, an English Cape
Overcoat. Nothing apprcacliitjg tha above pwrlect styles and Superior ualitios can be
seen elsewhere below $2d, yes $22. W c oiler choice at $12. t or quality, quantity
and prices in MBN'S SUITS.
A liberal percentage of our Hne clothing is cut and made to our order. We'd
be pleased to have you visit this place that yon may see how systematiaally and grace
fully ttese excellent garments ol ours are cnt. what fine trimmings and how excellent.
and perfect the workmanship. 4.1U ME.I's si l l s, at .t $15, $16 and $18
These suirs are suitable for bnsines. a.rt riIolu mtin. the'v arS made of strictly
All-Wool Domes tic, and imported Caas:mera. Cheviots, WorsteJ, Wide Wales'
Diagonals, in the very lateat and most popular patterns and are cut in Sack, Cutaway
Frock and Prince Albert Styles. Style, Beauty, Fit and Durability are characteristics f
Our Juvenil Clothing Department was never so full as this season with all . that's
new, fine and pretty for the "little fellows." Everything from the wear -resisting and
rough and ready sort, to the most advanced and richest novelties here. We hare good
low priced clothing, and we have clothing elegant enough for the little son of a million
aire. Oar stock is immense so is our trade, These and other things
enable ns to mme the lowest prices in the county. We have hundreds of
rich, select and novel styles and patterns that you'll not see in any other
house, and no matter how exacting vonr wants, rst assureu the style you
are anxious to procure is here, if anywhere. 700 BOYS SHORT PANT
SUITS, sizes 4 to li at $2, $3, ?1 and $5 and up to $10. Suits with sep
arate Tests or imruitation vests. Suits that are fancy and suits that are
plain, Suits, light, medium and dark, Suits striped, plaid, checked, mixed
and plain everything in short that will please yon. We also show a com
plete stock of the celebrated Star and Mother'n Friend shirt waists. 900
BOYS LONG PANT SUITS, sizes 10 to 19 at $2.50, $3, $i, $6, $S, $10
and up to $12. Young men who are at all particular about their clothes,
should see our truly immense variety of fine custom made garments. They
are equal to tbe best produced in this county, and cost less than half the
prices charged by merchant tailors.
$1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $5, $6, 7, $8, $9 to $10, sizes from i to
19. The above prices iucluding all the plain and fancy makes in Meltons,
Kersey's, Beavers, Chevoits, Cassimeres, Twills and Worsteds, some plaid
d or checked, others plain shade, others Fur trimmed. Don't ..lot your
boy run without an overcoat these chilly days when a few dollars will buy
such hne qualities.
Wholesale & Retail Clothier, Bridge Street, Mifllintown, Penna.
Lukexs TUrp On the 23d of Sop
tember, at Juiillintown, bv Bev E. E.
Berry, Mr Newton E. Lukens to Misa
Hannah E. Rapp, both of Van Dyke,
Juniata couuty.
Hollobaugli & Son
Knock the Persimmons.
Fall& Winter Stock
IjE-A-IDS them ajl.il.
Their room holds twice as much stoc k as any other clothing house in
the county. And it is Full, Bang up Full of
lien's, Youths' Boys? 4 Chihlrcns
Clothing of the latest patterns aud styles at prices which dofy competition
overcoat deparment
this neck of timber. Everyone new
1865, ESTABLISHED. 1889
Special Invitation 'To The Iublic
To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on dailj
Surpasses anything ever seen in
Their Pantaloons beat the Record, nothin
either in quality or price.
HrrnniTOww, Oct., 7, 1891.
Pntter 18
T-FFt 20
Ham 12
Shoulder, 0
Sides 10
Lard 8
Corn in ear..
Rye -
Cloverseed. .. ... .
Timothy seed ....
Flax seed
MraD...... ......
Chop. ......
Ground Alum Salt
American Salt....,
83 to 95
. $1.00
, 1 60
.$1.25 a hnndred
.$1.50 a hnndred
.$1. 40a hundred .
1 20
A Cure for Constipation and
Sick Headache.
Tr Silas Lane while in the Rocky
fains, discovered a root that
! when combined with other herbs,
PirrLAriEXj'HiA .arkets, Oct. 3rd,
1891. Pennsylvania wheat 97 to $1.
08; corn 67c; oats 32 to 33c; rye 88c;
live chickens 8 to 12o a lb; ducks 9
to 10c; butter 15 to 30c; egs 21 to
22c; sugars 4ic; quinces f 3 to $3.50
a barrel; tangled straw $9.50 to 110
a ton; timothy seed $1.50 a bushel;
wheat sold in Chicago on Saturday
. 97 to 99e; corn 52 to 53c.
Chicago, Oct. 2 Cattle Receipts
lii.UUU bead; prime to extra $5.75ab.
35; good to choice $5a5.50; Texan s
f a.'ZUaa.yu; rangers S2.oUa3 so; sows
$1.10a2. Hogs Itoceipts, 15,000
head; rough and common $3.75a4.-
50; packers 5? A 60a4 80; prime heaw
and butchers weights 4.90a5.25
prime light $4 80a4.90; pigs $3.a3.75
Sheen Receipts 5000 head; natives
ewes 3a4.25; wethers; $4.35n5 25
texaa feeders $3.25; westerns $3 70a
4.50; lambs $3.75a5.50.
Caution notice.
Tbe undersigned) tizens of Walker Twj,
; like them iu the county,
All the latest styles in Derbys, Crush hats.
Ton never saw anything like it. Over three hundred different styles to select
from. They also carry a full line or Trunks, V aleises, liana-Bags, noois ana onoes
for Ladies and gentlemen, the Canada Rubber Boot and shoe, Umbrellas. Gloves, Col
lars, Cnfl'a, Suspenders, Hoisery, Shirt Underwear, Watches, Jewelry, and laot but net
leastare the stents for tbe ce lebraied Sweet Orr sl Co's Overballs, Pantaloons: Shirts,
which, are warrantrd not to rip until worn out or your money refunded. Measures tak
en, suits made to order and a perfect fit guaranteed. Over 500 samples of goods to
choose from. Call and see our stock and satisfy yourself. We do not misrepresent
either the amount, quality or price of Goods.
It will be
Who have money to invest to examine tha Stock of Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Trices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, eo don't fail
to give him a call it m need ot Llotning
i i .
Funeral Director.
I will guarantee satisfaction in all cases.
I am qualified to prepare corpses for any length of time. My under
taking room is three doors north of the National Hotel on Main St.
Cases requiriner attention at night will be promptly attended to by
calling on me at the National Hotel.
Money Loaned at Lowest Bates.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN I8WIN, CmMkur.
W. C. Pomeroy,
John Uertsler,
Robert E. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
Joseph Rotbroek,
Philip M. Kepner,
Lonis B. Atkinson,
FquhrE.y:tcu Cora Fhtsr
Com Dropper mt most,
rwrtect Krc-fwl Frii
iMr Distributor In tbo
worta. seal far Citun.
Send for Large Illustrated Catalogue.
Philip H. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rothreck, Jane II. Irwin,
L. . Atkinson, R. E. Parker,
W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin,
Mary Knrtz, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr-
John Hertcler, T. V. Irwin,
Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L. Barton,
John M. Blair, Robert H. Patterson,
F. M. M. IVnnell, Levi Light,
Samuels. Rothiock, Wm. Swarti.
Three and Four per cent, interest will be
paid on certificates of deposite.
fjan 23, 1891 tf
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tn Burma: Pleas Inform jrtrar readan
that 1 have a port tire remedy tor the abOTa-named
aisasnn By Its timely use thousands of hspelesa
oaaM bare been permanently eared. I shall b glad
te sand two bottles of my remedy FKKS to any oi
yor readers wbo bar eonsnmptlon If th.y will
and m. their Express and P. O. address. &Mpaet
fnlly. T. A. aLOCUI.aI. C U Pearl SUK.X.
Subscribe for tbe Sentinel aud Ekpcbli
can, good paper.
Subscribe ior the Juniata Sentinel and
feaasylTinla Agrlralturil werks, Ti. P.
Faraahar'a btaadard aii a.d saw stills.
Auireu A. B. rBQ.CiU S02U lets, f
Nov. 14, ly.
nia Railroad.