1 S0TINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : ffn)NT51l. SEI"B. 16. 1831. TERES. gnbscr.," lf Bt?t j advance. advertise-"" inserted t 60 .'. oer inch for each Insertion. Sient business notices In Io?l Co5- 10 cents prr lino for each insertion. "Sdrc'ipns wiil 1,6 made to those desiring r--'ert;-s by the year, half or quarter . - RCrl "I I: STATE TICK, fcT. ,.i irr.-n i,t ;-'1U.l. jjAViD s.M. GltiXiG, of Berks County. STTF. TRKASIRER. jOflN" MDKUISOX, of Allegheny Co. "Tjepublliau County Ticket. IKKSIHENT JIDGE, JCKKillAil LYONS, of Milllintown. (Subi'-t0 decision of District Conference. A"ilC'IATE JUDGES, J05IAH L. KAKTON, or Spruce Hill, j j. WlCKLKillAll, of Thotupsoutown SJIKRIFF. SAill 'EL LAPP, of Mifllintown. Kr-is'rr.r., itF.cor.iF.it, kc, SA-VL'iiL A. GKAHAM, of Spruce Hill. JTT.Y COYiMISSIONT.R, H. S. GKAYBILL, of Walker. SHORT LOCALS. CLi;ilrii in New Port aie afflicted with dipihcria. It a short covt that Lasted to Thursday noon. Sheriff NVulo li.3 boaght a steamer to dill wet's with. Tho bur- on the river bridge were tightened lust- week. Ciil r birreU sell for mor-3 ra n ey than ci.hr t li'.l them. Tt i ! " county 1ms only five veter inary si'i ;.. i;s enrolled. Otic:.- totiuo iu a corurauaitv is til' yus. it is a rattier. F. S :iator Stn'.ley af Tfloo infield spent.' d.ty in bnvn last week. E'l;.'ftr Kirk speut a day in Lewis tov i: nm.-'ugs fi lends, recently. So:: i-. I Stt-:y( r lias returned fivm a t:,;p lii r..r.gu VVtslern (dates. C"".i-t!"n O i l Fellows propose to erei thirty ttrj story tumplc. .;:. Win. A. Spousler yvus in attendance upon ccuit hist week. Mason Fruit Jars by the gross or dozen tit Frauciscas Hdvr it Co. L''k out for the jrand opening at .lty-r's clothing store nest week. Chicngo is to hare an Academy to teach the process of btr niakirg. Ja ucs J. iloMuliia of Waterford wii in town on business on Friday. A pmall irseet is destroying the LuchwLent crop in certain part of the country. Mrs. Dill wifa of Joseph Dill died at the home of her husband ia Mex. if j lat Friday. Charlie Woodin of Mifliin ceuuty shot a white aquhrel while in the woods hunting lust week. It is no uncommon thing to hear Democrats express rrfgret that Judge Burnett was not re-nomiualed. The Juniata County Veteran Asso ciation will hold a reunion at Thomp sontown on th 15th, of October. Mr. amd Mrs. Gaorge Ileiubach, of Lawistowu Junation visited in this place on the 12tb and 13th ins'. Tin Fruit CaiiR, Wax Strings, Can Cement, Pure Gum Kings, Whole sale Ai Ketail at Frauciscus Hdw & Co. Dininl Fannebaker say the East era people in Colorado talk of their old uoiiifB in Pennsylvania as Gad's land. Charles Pannabaker went to Coal ort on Monday, to visit his brother Cleyd, editor of the Standard of that placy. Frost was reported from several points in the radoy ou tlao inornicgs of tho 9th and 10th of preacnt month. Tainea Horning of Fattfrson (street had his left fore-arm broken ou the eTfnir.g of the 8th iuat , by a log Loi.-uer. Tbo Ilopubliean county committee met on Hr.iird;iv and selected Win. M. Aliison, a constitutional conven tion delegate. Dt-ar l read ia London is creating discontent nn;ong thofse who have a hr.r.l time of it in that grtat city to get nongh to eat. JoIib IT. T'oraeroy hns retired from tl.tt firm of Foiueroj Bros., editors and piulitLcra of the Chambern burg llrpository. A Chinaman in town on Saturday, wa.s looked upon with inteaest by ninny people who bad never seen an iiibu'-.itnut from the "Coletial King do:n." Some boys in Diair county have ie n cHiight (Irenstd .is woriiiu and gmiij; about after niht fall, just for what puri ok6 has not been made known. Mr. If arvey Wallace, of Jnniata eoimty, brother in-law of Mrs. J. T. Shnll, was in our midst lact week trying to juircliase a farm. Bloom Held Democrat. An stUck of hernit started hic oougkir.g on Cornelius Iiaegan of Bethlf.hf.rn, Pa and aftei fhiccougli ing sis weeks he died on the lOih, day of September. Colonel J. R. Rhodes of Iwis town, who has been the efiicient sccretery of the J. V. C. M. Associa tion has resigned to take affect on the first of November. Miss Louie Jackman has become a student at niueic in the Now Eng land Conservatory of nmsic in Bos ton. Her father, editor Jackman accompanied her to Boston last week. Harry Patterson Las returned from a v'uit to Sunbury, Sbamokin and other coal region towns. He will soon return to Philadelphia to resume Iris studies as a veterinary student. Sheriff Noble ia sinking a six inch wed with Jus Bteamer for Wagner & RobUon at the south end of Third street. An eloquent exchange says: The thorns in the grand agricultural fairs soon to bloom in all their autumual fragrance and beauty ia the horso race tbo faker the gambler ant the growler. Itcli en human and horses and an imals cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. Banks & Co Druggists, Mifllintown. Nov. 13 1890.-1 v. J u Jga Junkin's presence In town last week awakened the rumor that if President judgeship shapes tip in certa.n way ne will become a can didate for the bench. Street talk is mt ra iible. The toleirraDh volea in town ln been pointed and that is all the town council are to receive for the right of war from the Telef ranh company. It is a good bargain for the comnany. Rufua C. Elder of Lewistown de clined the judicial nomination be caus?i of the condition of the party in Mifflin county brought about by factional quarrels and also by the unfavorable outlook in Snyder coun ty. A Miss Ramblwr of Newport took poison on account of an unsatisfac tory love affair when the poison be gun to woik she lul nt want to die, and after bnrd work on the part of two or threo doctors her life was saved. .Vrs. Hamlin wife of William Ham lin died at the home of her parents Jlr. and Mrs. W. If. Kurtz, in -1sxieo last Friday, September 11. Interment in Vuion ctmetry near this place oa .Vond-iy the 11th pres ent month. The New ton Hamilton Watceraan came to hand last week enlarged and ao greatly improved in appearance that at first sight it was not known. It is a valulilo papi.r and is appreciat ed it. th community in which it is published. Mnrtirjfburg. Blair county, voted on the Itli inht., to decide whether the debt of the borough should be increased $S000 for the pnrposn of establishing water work:. There wat fifteen majority auinst thu in crease of dubt. Unfits C Elder of Lewistown aftor Laving been nominated by the Re publican party of Snyder and Union counties for tiie ofiiee of President J'.idjje, refused to be nominated in Mifliin oounty and declined to be come a candidate. Huntingdon Globe: A. L. Ste vens, of Wai riorsfuark has placed near his steam eider press a machine for boiling apple butter. It is a copper worm and boils the buttt-r by steam. Every 2 hours boils one barrel of ciib-r into butter. Liverpool Sun: George, Bncher, near Doncally's Mills, has two rattle snakes that he captured ou the mountain latt upriug, and has kept them all summer in a box. The rep tiles have not been known to eat anything during their captivity. People used to believe th'it heavy apple crops came in the even num beroJ years, bat 180i is au odd num bered year, and who remembers an apple crop like this odd numbered year of lS'.ll. Make cider for vinegar it will brin you money next year. Mrs. Hannah E. R "bison of Tnr bett township, raised a crop of Po tentate potatoes that proved to lie very fine in quality and potatoes if unusual size. She found one that weighed three pounds. Others weighed two pounds and the larger portion weighing over one pound. Hive you tried South American Nervine the gem of tho century ? The great euro for Indigestion, Dys pepsia and Nervousness. A arrant. ed the most wonderful Stomach and Ntrve Cure ever known, Trial l ot tle-i ir cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., DruggistH, Mitllintowr, Fa. Nov. 14, ly. A tired stser laid doirn at .Vitllia town side of the rivor bridge last Friday evening and all that his dr'vr could do he wonld not move. As a last re-.ort a small lire waa kindled at the ride of his rumr, end that bad desirrd effect, the tlame had scareoly started till the arduvd sprang to its feet and started off at a brisk pace. English Spavin Liniment removes nil Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from lioracp, Blood Spavin. Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring bone, Sluics, Sprain. and Swollen Tliroals, Coughs, ie. Save $o0 by u;eofotio bottle. Warranteu the fiost wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv L. Banks & Co Drngists, Mitilintown. Nov. 13, 1590-ly. List of letters uncalled for remain, ing in tbe Poet ofiiee at .Vifflintown Ph., for tba week ending Sapt 12th, 1891. Fersons calling for mail in ihis list will please say they are ad vertised. One cent v.itl be charged for each letter advertised. Letters: Mi br Cora Gilliford, H. V. Hover M. D., Jm. W. S. Mann, .Mrs. W. D. Davies Curlain Bradford: Cards, S. It. .Miller. James .MoCauley, P. M- A family of five Lewiatown people, who were legallj- declared a nui sance by Court, were ordered to leave Lewistown within 24 hours. The head of the family pled poverty. Said he Lad not money to leave the place. Certain parties bought tick ets for the who's fsniily to MifHin and they landed in Juniata county lust Friday. Tho proper authority should look this case up, and see f o it that they are not quartered where they do not belong. Harriet E. Hall of Waj-netown, Ind., tuays: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I had been in bed for live months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigestion, Nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of my wholo sA'sltm. Had given up ad hopes of getting veil. Had tried three doctors with r.o relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it ia the best medicine in the world. I can not recommend it to highly." Trial bottles, 154. Sold ! T. t?.i. t. Co, J AiALA.O IX. May 14-ly. Tilhe M. Loudon will return from Philadelphia. Ttsarjdar, with an as sortment of Fall .WJjiasrv of the latest styles. Call and ' eximine 5V a" ie Buop on bridge streef. .Tl,.,i .'t :.. . ... j.iit ii i umawiui lor a person to open his wife's t-t the postal law Judge Shiras, of the L nited States Court, in session at Des Moines, last week, fined a man 925 and costs for opening a letter addressed to his wife." The leader of the Democracy Lave baen telling it so often that Judge J unkin is about to run as au I'lis. pendent Republican candidate that they are lit, the fellow that told the ghot story tale fo often that he bo- 1 eved it. The Democracy Lava al most come to believe their own story. The Republican Judicial Confer ence met at Newport u .Monday. The Perry County Conferees were Jamej W. Shull, Thomas JUilliken, Vither JWather. The Juniata con ferees were L.E. Atkinson, J.B. Wil son, W. N. Sterrett. The balloting stood three for Spotaler, three for Lyons, and as wo go to press the balloting continue that way. This is Fair week at Newport, Perry county. We aro pleaded to acknowledge courtesies extended to us in the management of the society. ! Our neighbors always get up as good a fair as can be gottou up jn central Pennsylvania: and Newport is a place where many Juniata people love to spend a day in Autumn exchanging social courtesies and comparing agri cultural note. On last Saturday afternoon a game of ball was played on the grounds east of town between the Miflliu and an Altoona nine. Tho victory was won by the former. Tho ardor of the play was somewhat dampened for the Mifthn's by the catclier W. H. Kauff man of Hanisiburg being crip ple 1 for catching by a ball that I struck him ou a tinker of the left j hand; and by Dr. Dowd Crawford of I this place, the umpire being struck ; on tbe chin by a foul ball that cut i his lower lip. Andrew Bunks aiso j was unfortunate in receiving a black i eve from a bat. ed b ill. Scoie, Mif- llin 'JO; Aloona 11. Bloomtield Advocate: Monday night of the present week Daniel Rtce. of Little Germany, captured - -i 1. 1.11. i 1 goons ier nor customers. xy tue ifourcoons. One night last week ho:?.. , , ., , , ..- ,l bagged 5. His total catch this '"' Ti 1 -t. . n . T t..n thus far Las been 16. - j "rived home with a full a.aor ment t - 1 -v 1 r-v . 1 of goods to auit the taste f all and David Osborne, of Duncannon, aged fc T. , , , ,, i n 1 i, ! every uns. Don t fail to call, about 67 years, was killed at the i - m short curve, below Duucannon, last J Half Rates tn Scraitt.su i-la Wednesdaj' morning by M.:tllin Ac reoDSjliaala Itailread. comodiition. Ho had gone down the road to fish at Cove Forge and iu TLe Fetcsylvania Ruihoad Coin cro!siug tho railroad track, being I par.y announces that on the occasion deaf, failed to Lear the approaching train and was struck. One log was cut off. the other crushed and tho back part of his heal crushed in The deceased was a member of Co. 15.. 184i.li Keg., P. V. Last Saturday night, about 8:30 o'clock, as John T. Mnsser, ef 1'iddletown, Dauphin county, was driving to Newport from the residence of his mothfcr-in law, Mrs. Thos. McCoy, at Roaebnrg, this county, he met with serious accident which might have resulted fatally. Near the residence of Mr. Toomey, in Juniata township, the horse, buggy and man all went down a steep embankment abjut twenty five feet and there lodged against a tree in the deep darknoss. Mr. Muster managed to creep up t the road and call for help. Messrs. Toniney anil Trawler came to the rrscne arul thy got the horse out of his perilous position, but the bu-gy was left until Sund.iv luoroinar. Mr. HuKser remainsd at the residence of Mr. Tooiucy until Sunday morning, whi u he again started for Newport. He escaped with several bruises on his arm and shoulder. Tho buggy was badly broken, but the horse s- capeu witu s igiit onuses. From thn I)ltimore AmiTicjn. A wntumn came altar Th very Si at man; Ani that is liow The trouliie begin. 1'ort Itoynl Fair. TLe Port, Royal Fair will bo held next week, Tuasdav, Sepfenibf-r 22, Wednesday 23, Thursday 24, Fri day 25. Thre thousand dollars in premium areoffured. Grand balloon ascensions and parachute la-ips on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, by I. I. Frisbie. Send to Secretary for premium list. Races on Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday. The management promise a good fair. The river fording will be well mark ed for the time of the fair. 4 Judge or Election Arrested John H. Morrison was judge of election in the South ard on last S-.turday fifternoon, because l.e refused to take the ballot of James Wondrow, who was vti'ling to swear that he would vote tho republican ticket at the coming fall election, has been placed under arrest, the information having been made before Juitice Pierce. A hearing was to take place j-esirrday afLeruoon, but Mr. Morrison waived the same and entered bad for court. Lewistown Frse Press. The Perry County Fair. Tho preliminary arrangements for the sixth annual exhibition of the Perry County Agricultural Society, to be held at Newport this week, beginning ou Tuesday, have all been made and everything is in good shape. The buildings and grounds Lave been put in first class condition. The race track was nnvr better. Tbe races promise to bo unsually spirited and exhibits largo in all departments. There will be a bal oon ascension and parachute descent each dav, after Tuesday, between the hours of 2 atd 4 p. m. Ueglsttered Voters In Juniata. Following is tho number of voters in tiie teveral districts of J uniata ceuntv under the new registration and the registration of last Spriu Miffllntowa 2CS SI7 vrn- n.. . OLD E8. 241 Beat 410 m 199 134 9S 81 147 III 157 247 836 245 273 48 "5 1S4 28t 8rmee mil Purt-Boyel Tbomjiientoira. .."J,"." Walker StMBqaab.au aa J Oreenwwod 207 J07 137 90 470 149 1J9 188 U49 2l!5 J-lJirbtt ili?'0. Tuacarora . ,.. Fermanagh...... Lack..! 247 Black Log 48 Miiiera jj,; Patterson ; 200 Delaware oyj Total.. 4052 t9C3 I'abllc Sale. Lewis Degen Administrator of Eli Weidram deceased late of Fayette township will sell at public safe at the homo of said decedent in Fay ette townsnip one mile northwest of McAlisterville on Saturday, Septem ber 19, 1S91. Horse, cow, hog, wag on, farming implements, Lay, lumber and soforth, and household f urniture, and at the same time the heirs of said decedent will offer real estate at public eale. A farm of 8 acres hav ing thereon erected a house and barn l.og pen, corn crib. Terms made known on day of sale. Tbe C'emler Fair at lireok l'ark, LeUbur(. The Fuion County Agricultural Society is one of the oldest organiza tions of the kind within the confines of the State. Tho experience it has Lad; therefore, ia of considerable moment, and fully justifies tho ofli 11 . . ., ... cers tuereoi m saving ttiat tLeir ex hibition this year the thirty-eighth promises to eclipsa auytLiug of tho kind heretofore held. It will take place at Brook Park, Lewis- burg, Fa., Oct. 7, 8 and 9, 1S91. The premiums offered rre very liber al, covering all industries th farm, the workshop, the fireside, and the n-et looted roadster. 1 Uo race coure or traek is ia first class condi tion, while the trials of speed protn iso 2 to be most exciting. Their spacious grounds nd buildings are aiso in excellent order. The people of beautiful Buffalo Valley extend hearty greeting to all visitors nt their coming Fair. Make note of tho dato Oct. 7. S and 9, 1891. Fall .llillluery. ... T,. T T L.1.1 ?- in I buyiar W1 "lIiine.r-T 1 of the meeting of the Pounsyivania State League of Republican Clubs at Scrauton. September J3.1 to J5th. excursions tiwk.ts will bo sold from all station on its system to Scranton at a smqle fare for tho round trip The tickets will bo Sold September 21s(, 'I'l J, and jrid, valid for going trip ou any of those d-iy aud tj ro uutii September '28th inclusive. The Iierks County Fair. Among the most successful fairs in Pennsylvania are thoso hold at Reading by the Berks County Agri cu'.tural Society. Every mar, wo man and child in tho county, takes an interest in the fair, which is made the great holiday occasion of the year, and there is unusually a fine display in every department. Visi tors are promised a grnd entertain ment this year. Tho immense fruit crop in the county will bring out the choicest product of the orchard and garden. .Many new attractions have been provided for iur lu-ling, Roman tl.it and Lurdie race and a regular circus Prfor.'nnnco d.uly ou the track. Balloon ascensions hud para chute leaps by a gentleman and lady will tako pi tee every afternoon. The grounds ire splendidly equipptet with buildingn, race course grand stand and ail necessary adjuncts, in cluding a largo and well-comlucted hotel. PuBsenger trains arrive at the main entrance every few minutes. Tho datss aro September 15, 1G, 17 and 13. Hold It to tbe I.lslit. The man who tells you confiden tially just what w ill cure your cold is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In the prcporatic of this re markable medicine for coughs aud colds no expense is spared to C3;n- biue only the be st and purest ingred ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal sam to the light and look throsga it, notice the bright, clear look ; then compare with other remedies. Price 50c and $1. tf. A rwvoralile fcrdlct alter Twenty Years Trial. The orieinal and only pennine Compound Oxypen Tr'itmi'nt that of IJri. Starkey it i'hali-n, is a scientific adjustment of the elr. mcnts of Oxygen and Siitrogun magnetized; and tho eonipomul in so condensed and nude portable that it ia sent to all the world It has been in use for more than twenty vearft; thousands of patinnts have . been treated, and rccommeLil it. a v?ry signifi cant fact. It dooi not act as most druirs do by creat ing another ailment, often rentiirine a sec ond course to eradicate tho evil affects ol the first, but Compound Oxvgen ia a revit- alizer, renewing, Mrongthcning, ioTigorat- M the whole body. These atateraf-nts are confirmed Ly turn erona testimonials, published in our book ot 200 pages, only witn the express perniis aiun of the piticnts, their names and ad dresaea are piven and yon can re!'v.-r to them for furttier inlormation. The preat aucrceas of onr treatment has piven rise to a hest of miuutfTS, unscrupu lous persons; some calling their preparation Compound Oxvpen, of.eu upprupriatiup our testimonials and the names of our pitiente to reccommend wjrtblese conaoctions. But any uhsta:iro mtde el.e here or bv others, and called Compound Oxygeu s Injurious. 't'oniuiind Ox? e-n Its Mode o Action and Kesu.ts," is the title of a new book ol 2i0 pages, published by Dra. Starkey & Pa li' n, which eives to all iuquirera t ull iuforiu- ati"n as to Ihis remaikablu 'curative agent, and a record of surprising cure in a wide nnge ol chronic cases many of '.hem after l.i'iiil' abmainned todio by other phsicnn3 Will he mailed free to any address on ap plication Dra. Starkey & Phalen, 1529 Arch St., Pbiladelpnia, l'a., 120 Sutter St., ban Fran cisco, Cl. llAlililED : Rask Weight. On the 2nd day of beptember, 1891, in Camden N. Joseph G. Rank and Miss Jennie S. Wriht formerly of McVertown. DIED: Paxjtesaseh On the 8th inst., near Reeds Gup, Emanuel A. Panae baker, aged 52 years 8 months and C davs. MIFr-LINTOWN MARKETS. JtifWaTOiri, Sep. 1C, 1891. Putter ifi FRgs 18 Ilam ..lti Shoulder, ................... .... 10 Sides j(j k"' 8 UIFrLIJi TOWN" GRAIN MARKET TVbMf, So to 95 forn in ear 65 Oats, go Kye 76 ClovernueJ $1.00 Timothy aood $1.00 Flax sued 1 60 Bran $1.25 a hundred Chop $1.50 a hundred Shor.8 1.40 a hundred. Ground Alara Salt 1 20 Americ&n Suit 80 Philvdflphia jTabkets, Sept. 12th, 1891. heat $1 to $1.03; Corn 72 to 73c; Oats 34 to 40c; chickens 7 to 14c; Ducks 9 to 11c; Butter 14 to 25; Egis 20 to 21c; Peaches 30 to 80c a basket; Plums 20 to 25c for 10 lb. basket; Grapes 2 to 5c a lb; Potatoes 25 to 35c a basket; Onions $175 to $2 a barrel; Timothy seeel $1 45 to $1.55 a bushel: Loose straw 75c to $1 a hundred pounds. Chicago, Sept. 11. Cattle Re emits, 10,000 head; natives $G.10a G 30; others $3.50a5..'!0: Toxans $2 50a3.10; rangers $1.75a5; cows aud heifers $2.253 90 Hogs Receipts 15,000 head; rough and common, $4.fi04.S0: packers, and mixed $4. 5(aG 25; prime heavy and butchers weights $5.r0a5.50;"light, $4,25a5. 25; graspers, $4.25i475. Sheep Receipts 7000 Lead; native, $3.50a 4.80; westerns, $9.75i4 35; lambs, 3.50a5.40. WoIffsACM Blacking IS Wteioof. A HANDSOME POLISH. A LEATHER PRESERVES!, NO BRUSHINC REOUIREO RhoM oaa UmmI ly nwa. wmniM sad hiidm. Look t tcy oM chip bMk ifnt it a biuVj! A u iu nuisuea pjntitr is wiin A 10c. m 7ss BOTTLE will da bUf ft doMa baakutl. WOUF RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. PI K -KON beaitiflM othtw .hinff htwidaa bskt, It tnskn a wLul kIm anj cior j.u ile- rare t match. V chanc a pin tLlo Ut waUnot, a caatt rocker iu mahocanjr. It main poiatau lacquer J&pkjm. Notliin? On Earth Will LIKE Slioridan-s Condition Ponder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevent all Disease. Good for Jtfoultinff Hens. Tt In ?rntnu-lr T"r- Hiirhly ronrtntratH. In ncam titT jjui r-iiin tf a rent tUy. So .XiifTORt-ffurth m $ m.-rv fix to (r-v.' it U'up." mf unr eu.torur. IT fa rmn Kvt It ftntl to nn. We mall one i-mfX '- Klt 41 AIM ib ran yl A cu.r., on. cipr w . luitrg Sat'tng Utwir. pnt TS nf. fr with S,l.u.oniiT Jt niuiM. tuipl Copy S. JitHNsUN CO , Custom lliuaot,( Boston. Uaaa. Wastingtcn & Jefferson College, yASHINGTON. JA The SI st rear bepina Sept. 1G. Classical, Latin Scientific courses ot study. Prepar atory Dept. condncted bv the Collepe Faculty- Expenses low. Morals ot the place good. No saloons. For catalogue, aply to Pkesidext MerraT. qipua:3' court sale VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Hy virtue of an erdcr of the Orphans' Court ol Juniata County, the undersigned Adminiatratrix of the estate of .Virlia Hru buker, late ef Fayette towusliip, Jnniata County, deceased, will sail at public sale or octcrj,on the premises, oa Saturday. October 3, 1891, at 1 e'elock, P. if., the following described real estate, to wit: A farm aid tr.ict of Lc.t situate la Fay. ette township, Juninta Cousjtv, Pennsyla- uia, bviiDtled ad described s follows: On tbe norih by lands o'Sstancl EautTiuan; on the east by lands of John W ertj on the south hy lands ofjaenn bohrfll?r an Na. thsn Van Horn and John (jiogrich, eon, mining KMIITT-IWO ACHES JkS SIXTY TW3 rCaCUCS mere or less barir.j thureon erected a Good TWO STOEY FE1SE HOl'SE.. GOOD CASK BARX, and other outbuiidiugs. The larrn baa on it a good apple orchard, and other choice fruits and ia in a line atate ef cultiT.iii in. Located netr ebnrcbes ana schools, about one'ieile from the town of fan Salem. JERX6 OF SALE Ten p-ir cent, ol the purchase money to be paid on day ef sale; twenty per cent, en day of confirmation of sale by the conrt; thirty-nre per cent, on April 1st, IS'.) J. wh3 dacd will be deliver ed and peisossien ivan, and the balauce on September 1, 139'.-t, deferred payment to be secured by judgtEonl oa the properly. Attecdsice will bo civea on d.vy ef a! by Habb 4&A MausaEKs, -f'lmtnislralrix. LEGAL. DMIXISTHATOlt'3 NOTICE. Ktlatt of ELI IVE1DM.1X, dtctatd. Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad ui ioint ration cn the estate of Eii Weidruan, late oT Fayette township, Juaiata county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to tba en dersignrd. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaae make immediate payment, and all those having claims agaiut said estate will present them preperty authenti cated fur settlement. LEWIS DEGEN, Aug 20, 1891. Mminulrator. J1& PLUS dafofcToiwcQ MJ3H f- y IJMI ,r "J it Jl- i fit Tim SUMMER GOODS. I would inform the publio that I have now in my new millinery store at my place of residence oa Water street, HiQiintown, second door from corner of Bridge street, a fall stock of Spring and S ummer millinery goods, all new, and of the latest styles, and having employed first class milliners lam prepared to supply the public with everything found in firstclasa milliner store, como and examine my stock, consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DK1HL. March 22-87,1-y. Caution Sot Ice. The undersigned ,citizensef Walker Twp. Juniata county, fa , hereby cautioa all per sons not to tresspass on tkuir lands fwr the pnrixise nt hunting : John A. Gallagher, Christ Musser, Calvin Magrnder, John F. Bahr, Darid Diren, Samuel Auker, Cyrus Steber. Seth trchaer, William Clock. TTISII tO STATS A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I can stop toothache in less than Sve minutes ; no pain, no extracting. That I can extract teeth without pain, hy the use ef a fluid applied to the teeth and gnms ; no danger. That Diseased .5, tnms(knewn si Scurvy) treat lT-- ed successfully and a cure wax5 --yVTa-ranted in every case. Tcuth Fills and warranted for life. Artificial Teoth repaired, exchanged or. romoddied, Irom $'J.OO to til per set. Beautiful Guns Luatneled leet inserted at prices to suit all. All work warranted te give perfect satis faction. People who hAve artificial teeth with which they caunet eat, are especially invit :d to call. Tsbhs Cash. G. L. DERR, Practical Dentist, established is mrrLiHTSwii, Pa., u 1800. ct. 1 1 85. STEI'IIEXSO 5 H 17 SI. HESS COLLEGE end INSTITUTE CF SHORTHAND. (Chartered Jnudcr lans of Pennsjlvsnia.) AYILLIAMSrORT, FENNA., "Queen City of tho Susquehanna.' A splendidly organized Institution. A beautiful location. Delightful sur roundings. Air puro. All the mod ern improvements. BOOK-KEEPING, SHORTHAND, BANKING, TYPE-WRITING. SPECULj1TTE.YT10., is given to Business Arithmetic, Commercial Law, Business Correspondence, Com mercial Spelling, Rapid Calculation Penmanship, Punctuation, Letter Writing, Mimeographing, Manifold- rig, Copying, &c. The Principal of the Business De partment is an experienced acconnt ant in keeping books for firms, com panies and corporations. The short hand department is presided over by one of tha most popular teachers in the SUte. A CeMPETEKT COBPS OF ASSISTANT IX STRCCTOaS. POPULAR AT HOME. More than one-half of all the stu dents enrolled are from til a City of Wiiliainsport. Book - keeping and short - hand taught at your home by a thorough coarse of instruction bv rnaiL Send for Circulars and Trial List by mail. S. T. Stethejjson, Principal. Vj9a 8kw irjd will xoy tgxt Jjecyj Clear ing Out Sale :AT: MEYERS'. ENTIRE SUMMER STOCK will be sold at a reduction of 25 per cent, to make room for FALL AND WINTER STOCK. JUNIATA TALLEY BANK, OT .niFFl.I!lTOvT3l, PA. WITH BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSEPH ROTEROCK. PrttiAtnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Ca,h,er. BIEICTSES. Vf. C. Pemeroy, Joseph Rothroek, Philip M. Kepner, Leais K. Atkinson, John Hertiler, Pobert E. Parker, T. V. Irwin. STOCKHOLDERS : Philip H. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Rnthreck, Jane H. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin, Mary Kurtz, Jerome N. Thompson. Jr John Uertzlor, T, V. Irwin, C'harlutte Snyder, Jesiah L. Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. Patterson, F. SI. M. Pennell, Levi Light. Samuels. Rethieclr, Wra. Swartz. Three and Fonr per cent, ia teres t will be paid on certificates of deposits. Ijan 1S91 tl 1805, ESTABLISHED. 1889 Special Invitation The Public To attend the Attractive) Sal ef Clothing that gw oa dailj from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to inveat to examine the Stock of Gooda for' MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail t give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. HARLEY MIFFLIjNTOWZST PA. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tbhi Eonow: Please triform your rnnlii that 1 hATe a po!Ta mmady tor the abore-named iltna lij iu tlmaly naa thoasanda of hopcleaa imts bea peraMnentiy anred. I abau ta tried to sand two botUaa of mj ratnedy FlUuK toacy ol ymur rnadars who bava conaumpUon tf they will send m ttiair EUpiaM and V. O. siMiaas. Easpect futly. K. A. &LOCTJM. AC. 0.. V5L Pearl Bt. V. 1. Subscribe ter tbe StSTisrt asd FircBLi cas, good papur. HAVE IGU MONEY TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU ;A BORROWER I CALL AT THE FIRST MIFFLIN'IOWN, rA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES. Money Loaned at Lowest Rates. FarqaiapEejsicM Cora Plaster t arraniM ih ftvt Cora lrorpr and aarxt fsrrct Forr-rfftl 'irti IEtr DlatrlhatAr In tl.o. .warld. Ik. im litftlflfu. .A. B. FARQUHAR CO t YORK. PA. 8JTNO FOR LARQB ILLUSTRATCO CATALOa3. Enhrcribe for the Jnniata Seatinel and! Republican. S emiyTtaflla Afrrtofltuml Werb, Twit, P. farqakar'a btaaSar4 ttaaiaes aad Saw stills. h.1 Iur Uutlori. Pwi.u. ata. bun. TfMM m4 a.tMi.n. flnn-r-'-'V iHnauiiiia ljdreMA.rABtlITUJ.605,Irk,l. , r V. r