Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 05, 1891, Image 2

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inrroa Ar rxorRiKTOB.
- A -
Ssjtatok Qcit resigned tho Chair
munsfcip the National Republican
Co emitted.
JonVCinsAiiAX land1? in the domin
ion of Canada and then monks his
way into the United States, and in
that way evados the United States
law against Chinese emigration.
TnBiiE Eeem to ha fsw advocate
for a new constitution for this com
monwealth, and it is probable that
next fall when the peoplo vote for or
against a. convention to revise the
tat constitution thy will vote it
down. There are a number of de
tects in the present conbtitntion, bat
they can b submittal to without en
djvngering the psrpetnity cf good
TuBoruy money that Las stead the
test of the paRt and the only money
that can etnnd lha test of the future
13 gold aDd silver, and gold and silver
cannot bo mads by government it
id one of 7aixrri prodni9 ecd has
never beecn so p!!iiif:t! tljat people
failed to know what to do with it.
The redeeming 'filters cf every paper
obligation a:nong civilizad men i8
gold and silvrr coin. To try and leg
islate cut either gold or silver ean
not be a success for such legislation
aan not fail of doing a great deal
of tompornry fiuancial injeyy. The
fad now among the men who control
the bonded indobtaiss of tho world
is to rule out silver bscauao they
will be curichod by snch a ruiieg
out. To n;l out silver as mony by
Icgifihti&n will precipitate tie
grcatefct -financial panio of modern
times- For tho reason that there
is such an traount of pr.par afloat
that it cannot be carried on a gold
Lr-sia find just so soon as that fact ia
cloiur to t!"a peoplo down goes its
papar merry. Then will coma its
lamonlalion and quickly realized
nessa of the unntako of Irving to
bas go large a bonded indebtnsts
n a sint;le standard the gold stand-
Stay la Tha Country,
All through the snmmsr season
philanthropic New Yorker's have
been doing nil they know how to
get some of the poor children of tha
groat city out ir.to the country, with
the double hope that it will revive
their health, ted givs them an en
larged view of lif that it nay lead
them to seek other places for homes
than the debased slums cf a great
itr. A glimpuo of siom lifa in a city
way nerve a food purpeso to the boy
or girl who is discontent with a com
fortable horan in tho couatrv and
longs for city lL'y.
The New York Tribune toll hew
tby live in Tonomeot houses in Now
Yi?rk Tho homes of the boys end
girls that the Tribune mission has
J!fcn getting places in tho county
for a summer onting.
Tho places whore thcfj) poople livo
abound in filth, neb and garbage
barrels at every pccond or third door,
some of tbotu overflowii);, tainting
tU atmcephero with their vilo, nox
ious odors, artp, trucks, builJing
materials arid broken boxei crowding
the way; bedlam's shore of noises,
the clatter of tha elevated road, tho
Bcroaras of children in pl.iy. mothers
culling to liLtlo oa3S cut of the upper
'windows drivwo yeiiing at horses,
and hucksters shouting their warts;
slovenly women, dirty, gutUrbtgrim
cd children, vilc-ir.outhcd, lazy niua
ut every corner; houses four end liva
stories in height, packed from garret
to cellar with human beings httlf of
thein stood back, the "rear-tono-racats,"
with no wsy o seeing out
except to look straight up pome
b:id not bven painted since tho dav
of their building, aud tho wbitewa.-di
usd sparingly; from tea to twenty 1
famines in each hor.3, each faruilv
gonerally with asuit jof two or thrs
small rooms; cellar apartments es
pecially dark e.od uninviting; families
blcsped with many children; no car
pets, furniture rickety, chairs being
specially untrustworthy; no separ
ate sleeping apartments "for the sexes,
children generally sleeping on the
floor, and preferring it to live or six
in a bed; washing, baking, ironing,
sleeping aud eating in the sumo
apartments tho shoe-bench, the
dining table and tho b-d stand
"oibow to elbow," the small porticoes
on tho outrndo covered with bedding
tabs and truck; nationalities crowded
togathor without discrimination, aud
ev;ry sect and shade of religious be
lief represented; put a clothespin on
your noso before you 6tart to wade
through them.
The little people, are oncommoniy
anxious to go to the country they
have their ideca of hoaven aud tha
ountry confounded-
The Tribune says v can only
mention three families of the last
lot of children sent to tho ceuutry
as samples. This first is that of two
little girls who have never 6een the
country have never ben beyond
the city limits. Their father is a
consumptive, unabie to do any work.
The mother works by the day, scrubs,
washes etc. When told they were
to visit the conntry, theso two little
girls, seven and nine years eld,
respectively, could hardly contain
themselves. They have talked about
nothing else (ivereimce. The mission
teacher had to fit them out with
shoes and clothes, as their own were
worn out. There are two ether lit
tle girls who livs in a wretched base
ment in Cannon St. Their father
works on umbrellas and the mother
earns a few dimes taeh day by work
ing on waistcoats. They live in two !
is dilapi-1
dated and broken down, and the
whole air of the plac is that of ex
treme poverty. Tha third casa is
that of a little child who lives on the
fifth floor of a rear tenement in Eiv-
ington St. There are seven children
in the family. The father has been
ill since early in the winter. He
does not work and probably will not
gt-t well, since he has consumption.
The family occupy twe rooms, for
which they ray $6 50 per month.
Tbey Lave one bed and a crib; the
father sleeps on the floor, in case of
sickness the accomodations are sim
ply terrible. The mother and the
fourteen-year-old support the family
by makihg paper boxes. They are
paid at the rate of 100 boxes for five
ceutp. This means that the joint la
bor of mother and daughter brings
in aliout thirty cents per day. At
present the family ere still $3.30 be
hind in their rent Tbey often go
without food to eat, that they may
be ablo to meet the rent. Before
warm weather set in two of the littla
boys had to remain in the house all
day they had no shoes to wear.
The little fellows would climb up into
the window and cry pitfcuusly for
permission to go down stairs. Th9
leather wishes to send these two
little fallows ta the country they
are six and four years of aga. They
hare never been awav from home,
rven for a single right, and they are
loath to leave their mother for the
big world beyond.
- . ' m m .i .
A Stranga Lstt3r-
,:Tbo postmubtvr at Johnstown r
ceived a strango letter the otbet
morning boaric post inark of Eean'B
Ujeok, JLenn., addresoaa "1.
Johnstown, Cambri:t Co , Pa." and
having the following writtsu en one
c-nd cf the envelope: "If JJnot called
for within 15 days return to A. A.
Woods, Bean's Creek, Franklin Co.,
Term." Tho waitor savs ho baa con
cluded to find his friends id Tennsyl
laaio," that he was stolen away from
ho:ca us ahttle boy acd does not
know what his rame ; tbat he .ba
been living in Tcnaessoo for a cum
ber of years. lie savs he is five feet
seven inches tall, weighs 154 pounds,
and baa light hair and blue eyes.
Hq wants to know 'r more are any
people in Pennsylvania by the name
of IU83. Ha ai's he would like to
hear from them or anv one elso who
has lost a boy. He go ) by tho name
at A'esandar A Vcotls.
A Ghookicg Act.
The AHoona Tribune of laut Thurs
day resorts the followiDgr "Woul
was received here this morning that
a possible murd-ir and fuicicio had
taken place at Keystone Hill, an Eng
lish hamlet situate in Clearfield Co.,
about one and a half miles from
Fbiliipfibarg. This morning at 8
o'clock an investigation cf the report
laad to the disclosure of tho follow
ing facts: Rubon Wilkinson and
John Wilton aro Englishmen and last
frionds. Boi'u came to this country
about four ycara ago, 'Wilson pnying
Wiikinson 6 passage. Wilson is mta
r:d and hjn Sva children. "Vfiikin
fe&a is nui-js.rried and made his home
with Wilson's family.
l.'t-ceutly roporta reached Wilson's
oars that a criiaintl iutiinacy frxistad
bclng-m Lis wifa and Wilkinson, and
whilo ho did not helisv.; tha rumours
to have any foundation in fact, he
tnld his wife that sh Lad bettor tell
Wilkinson to Isavo and in that way
stsp tho talk. Sho did not do 60,
however, but said that her husband
t-hould lull him to letve. Still more
recent, Wilson heard the charges
repeaU-J, and again he asked his wife
to give Wik;.r.son bis walking papers,
that he would not da ao owing to his
old friendship.
This rooming Mrs. Wilson told
Wiikioson of tisa report aud asked
hira to leave- Ho expostulated, and
words following ii picked up a pice
of baso ball bst, and while tho wo
man was combing her hair in front
of the looking-glass struck her on the
tack of the head. Tho woman stag
grod a f6w etpps and fell out of the
door iuto tha yard. Usr stall i Wi
ly fractured.
Wilkinson stood for a momeut ccn
tetr.plutirg tLo deod ho hid commit
t"d, and believing that he had killed
the woman took a razor and out his
throat from car to car, though net
savoring either tho jun!ar voin or
windpipe. Wi'kinsoa was arrested
and is now in the cottaga hospital for
treatment. The woman is in a very
critical condition and with little
fio8 01 bcr wi.f.nsn e
rears of age.
Jury l.lst fr September Tern.
Lrib-;5, Jicksoa, turner, 7"t;tr.
liucbainu, JosCT.h, farmer, Lark.
Collier, Gorg?, laborer, Thouipsoitowi.
C'up;, Jacub, biaouiUh, Grcoawaoi.
Djow, Lewis, railroader, Milford.
Duna. Hiram, farmer, Dj1ciu.
Gingrich, W. d., farmer, Momroe.
UockcB brock, Danitj!, Iarm-f Sufcqio
barma. Koftsliijr, Iletry, faiaor, Moaroe.
Kurtz, 'AT. U.,(ioa'.er, Walker.
LiuiIIh, Stephen, laborer, Koyetto.
Luoc'ii, Wiliiau, farmer; Ba!e.
Long, Joaepti, Jr., farratr Dolsware.
JfcCahan, V. B., farmer, Miliord.
KcGtaugbliD, Stewart , laborer, Ferman
agh. Afuaeer, I. 1)., merchant, aiifnlntowa.
Neff, A. 0., Iaborar, Tarbutt.
Olf s, J aaiet), B., lacnbarowa, Walkar.
Palru, D. L., curpoator, Spruce HUI.
Kobiico, D. E., farm-r, Tnrbett.
Srr.ttb, VFell'.pjtor, firmer, Feraiaagi.
Slautterback, Wi!'uita, farmer, Walker.
Swartr, J. P., famer, Fermatiai.
Tronp, T. D., farmer, Saaqnohauoa.
Alien, Jas. M., farmer, Tosearora.
Barton, O. P., fariaer, Beate.
Barsett, John, farmer, Groonwood.
Bishop, Jacob, farmer, Miltdrd.
BretmiPholtx, 1. J., farmer, Walker.
Calbcrtaoa, Robert, (armor, Lack.
Fray, Geo. B., farmer, Greonwool.
Fnrcer, Jcromt, farmer, Walkei.
GUron, J. C, confectioner, JVifflintown.
GUiun, J, C, farmer, Sprnco Kill.
GroDingar, Ju. M., larmfr, Turbctt.
Guts, Kenben, rarmer, MitHintown.
IIeek,G. W., uarobant, MlSiintown.
Ilockcnberry, Herman, farmer, Lack.
Ilockenborry, Thaddcai, laborer, Tnaca-
Hoffman, S. A., farmer, Spruce Hill.
rooms. Their furniture
atamTmaa, B. W., agent, Jfiigintown.
Einxer, Samnel, farmer, Fayette.
Kirk, Amoa, laborer, Lack.
Leaob, W. S., buckator, Beole.
Leidich, William, mechanic, Delaware.
Leigbt, Levi, farmer, Susqaeaaana.
Martin, George, farmer, Fayette.
licAlIsier, B.C., farmer, Fayette.
aicCtura, W. L., farmaa, Taacarora.J
Pomeroy, W. C, banker, Pert Royal.
Porter. C. W., farmer, Walker.
Page, Emanuel, Iaborar, Monroe.
Rob'on, Homer. K., teacbtr, Beale.
SchreWer, Jacob, farmer, Delaware.
Sbcmen A. B., farmer, Delaarare
Spade, John, farmer, Monroe.
Speicher, Edward, fartcor. Delaware,
Stager, Clinton, railroader, Patterson.
Stewart, N. St., farmer, Tnscarsra.
Switeer, W. S., farmer, Jfilford.
Thompson, George, farmar. Lack.
Ulab, William, larmer, Fermanagh.
Watti.S. O., firmer, Fay e tie
Woodward, Stewart, laborer, Tuaearora.
The Saviour's Coat.
"Ia tie Cathedraljof Trier.Euri&
there will be exhibited for a period
of Bix weks beginning August 18tb,
the coat that Christ is supposed to
have worn. It is believed that two
million of people will visit this plac.
It has been exhibited only twice dur
in this centurv, in 1810 and 1S44.
ilany miracles aro claimed to have
been performed by this robe, and it
is said to still possess great merit
The relic is said to have ben given
as a present to the bishopric of Trier
by St. Helen, the mother of Emporor
Constantino, upon the latter's conver
sion to Christianity.
The robe itself is a tunic about five
feet long, cut narrow at the shoulder
and gradually widening towards the
knees. It is woven out of one pieco,
without any seam whataver. The
material is supposed to- have been
linen, but it groat age prevents any
exact examination. It is incloned in
in an outer casing of purple and gold
cloth, euppoeed to havo been added
sc-rac time in tha seventh contury in
crdcr to preserve the rslic."
Pennsylvania Strife Debt.
State Treasurer Bover, inspwkiag
of tha liquidation of the State debt,
soid lant week: "There is now 7,
000,000 in cash in the Sinking Fund.
This money is deposited in good
banks, all cf which have riven us
bonds. If we buy op the $3,OGO,000
of 1S12, which by the way, wore is
sued to merit bonds issued twenty
years before that, wo shall wator-ial-ly
decrease ocr cash deposit. This
fall, too, we shall purchase a large
amount cf bonds for iavestment. In
twenty years from now tho Btato
ought to be entiroly free from debt.
In 18C1 it amounted between $33,
000,000 and 810,000,000, but to-day,
taking into consideration tho cash
and investments held by the Sinking
Fund, t;it is practically b.it $1,
000,000. With the $100,000 a year
to be placed in the Sinking Fund,
and th interest upon investments it
will ba an easy matter to accemulate
Si.OCO.OOO by 1912. The cut
standing bonds now aggregate in
round numbers less than 11,000,
000 Next February $3,COO.0CO,
are duo, ?1, 600,000. gbss to be
paid in IHli, and the last $G,000,
000 in 1912. Then the Stat will
bo froo from debt."
Kebocca Wilkinson, of Browns
vaiiev, met., savs: "l nave been in a
distressed condition for three years
from Norvouauess, Ycaknes of the
Stomach, Dyspepsia, and Indiges
tion until my health was gcne. I
had boen doctoring constantly with
no relief. I bought or5 bottle of
South American Nervine widen done
me mors good than any 50 wcrtb of
doctoring I ever did in my life. I
would r.dvise every weakly person to
usu thi3 valuable and lovely remedy;
A few bottles of it has cared me
completely. I consider itths grand
est medicine ia the world." War
ranted the most wonderful etommeh
and nerve cure ovur known. Trial
bottlo 15 con's. Sold br L. Banks
& Co., iliffliutowa, Ta. " May 14, It.
A year ago Harry, Walter end Bsn-
jaroin Talbot, sons of C. Morgan Tl-
bof, of Honoybroo'r, togf-tr.er with
John Rnk, Jr., a first cousin, secured
a large turkey buzzard by catching
him aliva in a steel trap. The boys
tock hira home, and with wire attach
ed a email sleigh-bell to the birds leg
then gavo him his liberty and never
hoard anvlhing of him until a few
wso'rs pgn, when tboy read .n he-
count in ths papers cf a buzzard
with a bell fastened to ono'leg having
bteu captured in South Amoiict,
which tho Tclfeot boys bavo good
rsson t believe is tho identical bird
liberated bv them one Tar ueo.
West Chester L.xal News.
A sleepy head poet wrote tho fol
lowing: -Ths lark came up to the
sua and caroled forth Lin lay; the
farmer's son took down his gun and
at him blared away. TLo busy boo
roso up at fiva and huiniod the mea
dows o'ar: the farmer's wifo went to
his Liva and robbed bin of his stor.
The Jittlo ant roso early too, his la
bor to Lgin; the greedy sp;iii.iw
that way 2ew and took his aulbhipin.
O, birda and and act3 and bee3 bo
wifib; in proverbs take no stock; like
me rafuee from bod to rise till half
pa-it eight o'clock."
CnAVF2r.33CRrt, Pa, July 31.
Annio Harvoy and Danny Skh:nr,
ana a coioroa dot n&uioa oaia iius-
sel, took refuge in tuc bar.t of PbiLp
S. Slnanor, near Dry liun, during
a he:ivy thunder shower on Thure
day tvenuig. The barn was struck
by lightning. Annie red Harry
wor killed and tho other children
badly stunned. TLc barn was total
ly destroyed.
Cavdet, N. J., July 30. Lightning
struck tbe cow shed on the farm of
Benjamin Carvis, near West Collen
wood, this county, this evening,
killing a faran hand, whose name has
not yut boon learned, and five cows.
The mrji was milking ona of tha
cows when the fatal bolt came.
Federalseusj, Md.' July 31.
Wiiliaci Nichols, a farmer living four
miles north of this place, had five
horses killed and a barn and contents
deatrorod by lightning vesterdav. j
in Central
The monkey bouse in Central Park
ia the favorite resort cf that half -million
of children who live in and
around New York. Here tber are
fifty monkeys. Ia one bij cage
there a dozen new monkeys net yot
thoroughly accustomed to civiliza
tion. The cage has to bo tidied and
se, whoa tha keeper enters with his
broom tho wholo lot of them sqaeal
and scamper off to the opposite) side
of tne cage, and huddle theie. Iam
certain they aro net really scared,
but only pretend. In this lot cf
monkeys, ono two-foot monkey has
become the dear friend or a very
email one, aud so whenever they
scamper from ono side of tho cage
to tho other the big ono acts as a
horse far the little one.
All the monkeys ara on intimate
terms with LZx. Jacob the keeper,
and some aro never happy unless
they can get into his arms or hang
about his neck. As the keeper has
to use his broom vigorously in sweep
ing tho floor it is amusing to see him
carry around a necklace of live monk
evs whilo at work.
The monkev house is a scene of
perpetual motion. It can be quiet
only when all bands ara asloep.
You will eea a monkey perfectly still
and motionless, and you- will say:
"1 hat chap is dead tired at last.
No wonder! Now ho is going to take
a comlcrtablo nap. JJefore vou
have said that, off is that very aacue
menkey, s.vingiag on the ropo and
twice as aetive ana energetic as evor.
It was only ono of Lis tricks.
Ton cannot help laaghing when a
monkey looks at yon. If you star
back at him he will blink and wink,
then put his head on one sido with a
knowing air, just aa would a rude,
vulgar little boy when he savu; "Who
are you staring at Hope you'll know
Die next time!" If yon face him fur
awhile, it will end by tha monkey's
yawning, which means you make ico
very tirid."' Yortug Paople.
AnK Tour Friend Artec! It.
Your distressing cough can b cur
ed. "ve know it be;':r.,.:;8 Kemp's
Balsam within tho past few jvi.vs
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this comiuunity. Its remarkable
sale has b-jen won entirely by its
genuine merit. Ask somn friend
who has used it what ho thinks of
Kemp's Buls.-.m. Tiic-ra is no medi
cine so pure, ur-v.D aa 4fietive.
Largo bottles 50c and $1 a! nil drug
gists. If.
Suaquehanna, at Prosperity, Wed. Ang. 6
Ojenffood,atStraig:h:wa:crTbBrii. 8
Tboropsootown, tn Tbooipsortown,
Friday 7
Delaware, in Eaat Salem. Satnrdny, 8
Examination! will hng'.u at S o'clock.
Btrangera will be repaired ta farr.Isli a re.
coiumondatlun cf good moral character
Applicants must be examined In tbe dis
trict in 7hich thev Intend to tnach. 1)1-
j rectora and friends of education are Invited
to attend. A apectal examination will
bold in UifGlntown, August Z'J.
Juux II. Cabxst.
CetBy Saperintfn:lfl.
DrunkcDnen or the Liquor
Habit petltlTclyCMreilby Ad
nilnlsterlns; ( Ir. Haines'
Golden Specific.
It ta manufac.tnrel aa a powder which can
bo riven In a gias of bo-r. a enp of roSVe
or tea, or in food, without the knowledge
ei tbe patleet. It U absolutely harmless
and will affect a permanent and i-peedT
enre, whother tbt patient la a morlerat
drinker er an alcoholic wrf-ck. It has tocn
piven in thonrarcts of caes, and in every
inntacoe is perfect euro taa followed. It
ycvgii raiL. Tbe system once impregmt
ed with tbe Specific, it becciued an ctter
impossibility for the Hjioor.appetlte to exist.
Curos guHntoi'd.
4 poge book ef particulars freo. Ad
dres aoLuta srrciic co., 185 Race St., Cincin
nati, O.
June 24, 'Sl-ly.
A Fnvorable Tcrrilct nrter
Twetty Ycara Trla.
Tho onjrlnil ant onlr penaine Compoond
Oiycen Tr-Atuient tht of pre. Smrkey At
I'balsn, s a scii'ii'.ilie at'.justment of tha elf,
irents of Oxv;"n ar. Ki(rc5onmsgnetred:
and tbe ei mixinnd Is o cw.dcusod and
tiiects i rta'j'o tbat it !i te.rl to all tbe world
It ha ba In nfe fnr more than twenty
year; thouwuda of patients bT6 been
treated, and reco'-ninei:! tt a very signify
cant fact.
It dris cot act as mrtst tirnijs tohvcrit
!op another ailment, often requiring a see
ona courao to rradicatn tho evil &3':cte of
thu first, but Compourd Oxygon ia a revit
aMr, renewinf;, alrentrthtning, lnvigorr,t-
iig tea whoie boly.
Tli'.io statements are confirmed by sum
erons testimonials, puhlisbod iu ocr book
ot 200 pages, only wlti the express pormia
sion of the patient, their naniAa and ad.
dreae ara given and you can refer to them
for ftirtaer iQfnrintia:i.
Tbe Croat euccress of nnr ti-eat'jnnnt has
piren rise te a host of imitator, u;crnpa
ious persons; some cslling their preparation
Coiroand Oxygn, oiten apropriatin; our
testimonials ard tbe names of our p.-.:ion!s
to reccanim:nd wortbli-fs cot;coction.
Bnt aoy substance made slewhere or by
others, and called Compound Oxygen
'Compound Oxyeen In Mode o Action
fiid Results, " U the title of a no-.T book ct
200 pages, published by Dra. Swrkey & Pa-
lee, wbich gifi'8 to all inq-iirers full Intorin
alinn aa t'j this remarkable "curative azont,
and a record of surprising cures la widu
rssge of chronic cases rainy of thi-io after
being abandoned to die by olnor f-liyt ic:id.i.
Will be triailo: free to any adtrv.-is on ap
pile ation
Ih-s. Staricy k. Tha'sn, 1521 Arch St.,
I'biladelpbis, i'a., 120 Sutler St., San rran-
r.:sco, Csl.
A Cure far Constipation aau
SlcH. Ileaditcke.
Dr. Siliis Iiftno while in th6 Rocky
Mountains, dijcoveml a root that
when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cur for
constipation. It ia in tbo form of
dry roots and leaves, and is known
as Lane's Family medicine. It will
euro ,ick headache in ono night.
For the blood, liver and kidneys, an 1
for tha clearing up of tho complex
ion it does wonders. Druggists sell
t at 50c ts a package. tf
Money for the Evan's Family.
Pottsvti.t., July 30. C. M. jfiller,
of Park Place is prosecuting tho
clfl'ms cf the Evans estate in Wals,
which is Talued at $100,000,000.
IteT. M. II. Slishler, pastor of the
First Reformed Church received a
letter from Sir. Miller last evening.
The Mackey House
asking him to look up tho family
church record. The estate was own
d by an Evans who come from
Wales to this conntry toward tho
latter part of the eighteenth century
and founded tho settlement of Mor
gantown. Bucko county. He died
about 1800 leaving his largo estato,
over which tho heirs havo been fight
ing for, tho paet ninety yoars.
A mooting wa held in Vienna by
tho frienda of tbe Jews, and it was
decided to turn tho tide of emigra
tion to tho Argentine Republic.
valuable"real estate.
By virtue of an order of the Court ef
Cemmoa Picas of Juniata couaty, issued to
meon the tie. day of .June, IK'Jl, I, tb As
signee In trust for tbe benefit of creditors of
LIob.-t S. Hoist, of Walker tnwnabip, Juui-
ata co amy, Pa., will soil by public vendue er
outcry, on
Saturday. August 15. 1891-
at 2 o'clock P. V., of aaid day, en tbe man.
ien farm in Walker towoeaip. te Jollow
ipt; teiaablereal estate, le wit.-
Ho. 1. A tract of land situate ia Walker
township, Juniata county, Pa., bounded on
tbe north by lands of .Michael Siebor and
Johi; Kaiiiimao; on tbe east by lands of
John KaufTmin and Joha Karti; on the
lout a by lauua of JoLa Mrtz, Samuel 6e.
ber and Kattaew Kadgors, auc on the west
by land ef Matthew Kodgera and Joseph
Dyainger, eontainlng
more er leaa, and having tuereun erectad a
Log Framo lloase, good rraiae
Bonk Barn
and eutbuil i;DjH. A. goed Apple Orchard
en the farm and runuing water at tbe bouse
and barn. Handy to acheela, churon aad
railroad station.
Mo. 2. A tract of woodland situate In
Fermanagh township, Juniata couaty, Pa.,
bounded on tbe norm t. lands of
; u tee oat by land of Rtuben
foist; on Ibe sooth by binds of Emanuel
Brewand and on tbe wet by William Ort,
more er loss.
CexDirieas or Bali: $17S3.3 of tbe
purchase nieney of tbe mauaioo tarsi to ra
maiu In said tvm during the natural life f
Hra. Anna Voi;t, widow ot Parid Vit,
dtcased, t be secured by ictrtgo, luc
lsirrcat of which is to be paid aunaaiiy nu
the lsrday ot Jr.nw of each ar.d every year to
Abraham J. Moit and Jnnas Ksjtlian, Ex
wutors of the last will and ttstaraent of
L-'avid kfo.'St, doccased, aud the principal
sum te te pa;d fitter the death of tie said
Urs. Anna Mcist to William U. Kurtz, Aa
sigi.ee as atorc.-aid, in tbrto equal annual
pgymonts without internst. Tu per cent,
of :be baunce of the purrba&w iuouy ef
atkid farm to be paid on dny ct salo. Thirty
perct-nt.ou tbe coufirma:ioa of he sale ( by
ibe court. Thirty per cnt on tin first day
of April, 1892, whju doed will be dolivercil
aud poxaossion giveu, and thirty per cont.
ou tho ami day ef April liiM, to be evcr.r-t-d
by jucgciuent with Interest from the
ctru.-icatfjn ol tUc sals by tbo court on tho
ust lo paymvuts.
Ten pr ccut. ol the purchase money of
the tract of wcedland to be paid no day of
ale. Thirty per cent, ou tbe confirmation
of the sale by the court, aud tho balanLe en
the first day of April, 1SSU, when d.wd will
bo dellToraU and pOfseo-.ion giTn.
William U. Ktktz,
Ccttyitburr;. I'm.
OUNDEO I VM'l. Large Taca'ty.
Two full courses of ataaj Clvisioal
and Scientific. Spial conrse.i Iu ail du
pir'.meits. t'b'errgtorr, laboratorlea ard
new 'iymnnslum. rive large buildings.
Stuam beat. Librarioa 2i!,C0'J volumes.
BipenHee low. Dr-partment ot llygione
and Physical Culturo in chariro of an ex
perioncod physiciau. Acr-ssible by fre
quent Kaiiroad trvna. Local un on tbe
bATTLKFlKLD of GcttVbbnrf; most pleasant
andbe.llhv. PRGFiBATCRT DE
PARTMEST, iu separate baildinga for
boys and your. men prejarinj for buM
ness or CoI1ob uniler opil care of the
Principal and three assistants. residing with
students in the bi.i'ding. Ksil term opena
Mept. trd, 1S'.I1. For Catalogues, addrssn,
II. W. McfclN l'HT, 1). D.,
President, er
Bxv. a. a. bceoleu, a. u .,
Gettysbnrg, Pa.
We have just unloaded and
ShelreJ our Spring & Summer
Goods for 1S91, which have
been personally selected by ths
S:'nior.ineml:er of the Firm in
the Eastern Markets.
und sco for younelf. We are
not paying to much when we
declare that you will bo pleas
ed. We have them to sell,
nice Dress Goodn, all shades
and grades at all prices. We
caa accommodate the Quaker
with plain dress or fell goods
to unit those who love brighter
colore. We sell norelty goods
that many people want. We
hare a full line of
at drop prices and Queensware
in full assortment. Glassware
to plea-e the eye and to do eer
Our fehoo Department is large
and grades from the Daintiest
to the Substantial Shoe and
Bcot for the field and forest.
We hare almost everything,
and what we hav'nt gt, we'll
Order, so pleaso favor us with
a call.
To the lovers of the weed,
we eay we keep the best brands.
All orders by mail will re-
ceiva prompt attention.
Remember the place,
XIaes Steeet, Opposite Couet IXcesy,
MifJlintoTrn, Ia.
& Sou.
I3 Qsnmnsliasa
RrD H tin tag an
every" plug.
Old Honesty is acKiowi-
odced tcj bo purest
and rr.nnt lasting piece
Standard CnvTng labacca
cn tn 3 market. Tjnng t s
a betUr test than any ta K
stoat it. Givsitafif trifiJ.
Your dc?.!er has iL
VaWjUahle real estate.
liy Tirt ie uf mi erdar issued or:t of t!ie
Orphan' Court of Junta:, roa-ity, Pnn..
I the u:Mtrjii;i-1 Kxecutcr f Kufus M.
Ford, lute of i :iawar; ''.-.wnnhip, Junia!a
countT, Pecr.a, r. iil cell ly j ul-lie TerJoe
or ourorj-, a: ibe prauitcs :n Io!are
towust::p, Juniata seunty, i'enna, ou
S2turiay,AugcEtl5t.h, 1801,
at 1 o'cloclt, t. ii., sao fnllovi'.; ueacriU-d
aluatile UcaI Ej.ate, to wit.
A trat t r.f LanJ ailoalo iu Delawar-jtown-
sh'p, Jamata (Jonnty, I'a., leuotc-4 oo tbo
norib by land 5 of ii!cb tliia traa a part
aluB); the public torA; on tho eat far lanrlt
ot Tboinan Cri.asoa and !. is Kolr; on
tbo south by laDila of Al; h.ro Pt; and en
tbe treat by lan-ia of Harriet Naylm een
taining Twcitr-eK Aere.n,
more or loss.
Taa 111 er Sals.
-9 i'er cent. ,f prtrchasa monpy to be
pM on oiy of Mi; SO por caul. 00 cobfirui
a ion of aale by the court, aid tbe remaiu
der on ta flrat day of iprll wbaa
docd vill be ileiivtrreJ an'i poaastloa riven.
IlAaaiar A. Natlob.
I:'Ttrior of Rufut H Fori, dictated.
flT Tirt;i f aa orfir iui out of the
Or:!iana' I aurt ot J ioiaLa Cakatr, Pcae-
ylvso'a, (. thr 'iB.lrin" Kintor of
I.UTi'l Saii'b, lr.it- of Dhlaare toUPhie,
J I'ptata county, I'a , daand, will il by
puhilo renne r eatery at the aremiaca la
Dnlajre tewna.'ilp, Jaaiata eonntr, Fa., on
Saturday. Aagust 22, 1891,
at 1 o'rlook f. K., 01 skid day, tbe toUnTT
Inj dckcribed Taiuajle real estate, te wit:
Tbe DC iirided oia fcilf if a enr'.aia mev
auagd tnaiaeat inH triot ef land situate la
Delaware t .wujliip. Jinlaia tohnty, Fa.,
bonndeden tto 'isrth by lacda ef Uavid B.
Dinm; ou 'oe eait by anda of laabella
l.ou1cuai!sr, r.-j. je F. V-vy and Jona
than Uier: ea th souiu wett by land
o! it Lei.a a! Saiui O. H.a-., ceBtaia
nore er Irae.
Tm er Sali.
Oia half of the ).crehaao money te te
f .-.id en tbe cur.0 rui.tioa a! tin rale by the
cejrt ar.d .!. rfioainaar ou ll.o Erjtdar of
Arril, A. I)., i?2, w'on deed will be" de
liTrred aud pesiessioc girro.
Johathak Kisk,
E t.'or tf Vtvid SiuU, arc 4.
Notliirs On Earth Will
SSsrldaa's Scstflllsn Fcwdarl
fct1.-.itif ft nieHUrtKA. PntVaVitc ftlt tnTM fcal Inum
I for yoarrj- obi r in. Wirth m.- Uu
wiin hnu tCor.A . mrrm rn utvfnl m IkyL
This standard branH cf
tobacco is acknowledged to Le
the bett chew and the lajwr
piece far th money in the mar-
kzz. ytfuo ttn tag oh each lump.
Its extensive sole for many years
has established its reputation,
f here is nothing better. Try it
For sale by dealers and grocers.
mil m0A rlRl
aSV mi
Having just returned from the City with a
we are prepared to show you tUe neateet, nobbiest nnd latent styles ia"tt
Onr Stock of Hats. Xeckirw, SMrts. aad ercrylhme In tbo Line of Uw Fn
i.biog Goods, ie larger and fluor than eT before. Aa we tock extra p,in, In OUr
tiou in Ibat line.
froti the Bmallcbt to tbe largest at pricee that cannot be boat.
We also havo a fnll line of Mens. Ladies' and Children's Footwear
Umbrella, Trunk, Satchel, .TcYrelry, Vc,
If in need of anything in onr line, and if you want a bcris,
s tbe plnce and now tha time to get, it.
iorti B. Arxeo. F. H. M. FiMiRBMk
HyColleotlng and CoBTeyancin,: premj.
ly attecded te.
rrtcH Oa Kaic etreet, In place of real-
dance of Lonia K
Eridge etreet.
AtkiDaan. Eq., aoath
fOct20, l.
Jons cLAOaii. JeaiPH W
SyOnly reliable Cempaaiea repreaaaterl.
Jan. 1, 1S89-1J
R. D. if. CRAWFORD a SO.T . ;
have formed a rrtncr-hlp for tbe pmtice
of Medicine and their collnttoral branch.
Office at old atand, corner of Third and Ur-
ot tiera "ill bn lound at tbir aiftice at all
ttmra, unlf otterwiae professionally ?a
gaeed. April 1SH0.
BTifitta-ALUmmtliLfc i
tuv riniNe tr.kinnL OF
Worth Knowing,
TbEt I can Tep TeerBACBi ia leas tban
five minntf a ; no yaio, ne citracting.
1'hat I con extract teeth -tttbont pain,
by th nee of a fls.4 applied to tte toerU
anit torm e daagar.
ai Scurry) treat p.?"-rt BnccRfnliy
aviaenre iarf v.'wfiranted in ev-ry
Teeth P.llbb an warranted fer life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, ezchaagri cr,
rernoddlod, troro le til per aet.
Beaotifal G linaoieled Teet Inserted at
pricra to suit all.
All work warraeted te fire perfect at!8
factinr. Paor le k hare ertificisl fee-.h
with wMc!i tbey came! i-at, ere j.oticl!y
(crltrd te chII.
Tebhs Cah.
G. Li. DEliR,
PrRCtlcal B)entJ?t,
Pa is IHbO
FrraetiFnaD m virruaTOwii,
fct. 14 H5.
Palest Variable Friction and Belt Fn4.
STEA.ll C.Ii:S. Hay PrnMci
TitrfMhiBt; Marliincs, t-tr.
Scud for illustrated (Jataleeue.
A.n.AK(Ji:Mi:tO.,T'k, Ta
Washington & JeiTersan College,
Tbe ?l-t vcartxiflna Sept. 16.
Latin Scient'fic ccarjea ef atniir
ktory Iept. conducted by the Coiloqe pac-
ul;y- Expenaca low. Morale of tbe place
Ne saloons.
For catalof rie, ai.piy
Pbbmoibi Horr at.
I woo Id Inform tho poblio tfcat I hv
bow ,n ,Uy new nni0ery etor, at r,v pla
of residence on Water etreet, Slitliintown,
w i l i n r l it l Niiii i n Hnii inn. npw nori. m inir'vrn Thn .
34T1L SaSat STaTS? r SfSST ! ta, 2 15 a. m..and Pltt.i. w . '
second door Trom corner .f Bridge street, ewrilie II 22; f;' ii.'o 1 1 41 p In: M.ocban
afuiietock fSpriS r.d Snnimrr i!!line.-y '"jj 1 2 01 a rai arrlvts ", Harji-ibn'g li-
gooa,, ail new, ar.d or tfce latrrt atylee
and bjivii employed first claas teillinera
I am j'repared to inppy theBsbl:o with
everything fennd in a Eretnla-a ruillincr
Ptore, cone and examine my eiock.
consider It no trenbia te shew foods.
MT.S. VZlTlh.
Maich 22-8.M...
Cautln Notice.
The naderalrned,citir.ena of Walkar Twf.
Juniata county, Pa., hereby tautioa all por
aona not to trr,.p,a on tSeir land far tho
pnrjje.e ef hunting : Joba a. Gallagher,
vmkoi Kui-TOi, t.iTiij ajrrnior, jonn r.
Bahr, laTid Di"rrn, tiamnel Auttr, Cyrna
Sieber. Selu Kercli:ir, Willi.at Citii. "
Ba&rwc ar.m the 3Doc of ymfiifa! ei 1 1. a, oartr
avail a -ralosble areaUM ao-Jv!) aostulclof; taa
ra-ticTibrafrborueetir-, eh -. A
aKjodid mAini warit 1 abonld U rd br ernry.
cun wbo le nerroaa and dttlitew4. l(Uia,
fta and afler Snaday, J'.'.r 19.
trains tfeat alepat MUEin wiil ran asfal;w:
MirTlW AcroTtrridatieB loarj-s MlHla at
8.41) a. re.. Pert Royal 6,45 a. rn., Thorop.
aoBtawn 7.01 a. nj., Milloratown 7,11 a. m..
..r ion ra., unneannau,' 7,49 a.
Maryarille, B.32, atrives at Harria!
b.20 a. to., Phi!a.leiF.b;a. 1 1,30, a. ra.; Leivte
M,nira at s,w p. ao., Port Kayal,
8,Co p. ra., Tbonipvsntown, 3,23 p. so., Mil.
laratewn. 8.32 r. tn.. arrirra at Karr:lnra
4,4J j: m., Plj.ladolptiM at S.X5 p. m.
Mlffiir. .ecnmnic-iaiion eta Sunday lairon
MilSie at 7.29 A. M; arriTea at- Uarriabnrg,
9,ff0 a. m.; learea Hai-riaburp, at 12.25 p.
m.: arriTsa at M-fTin al 9 Gr w
IlABBiaBttKa AoceuieATfe leare A' -
m., lyrene 104d a.
m., Vt.TJcieB at 10,&9b. m.". N. Ilamilton
12.05 p. tn., KeTcytown 12.24 t. rn.. Lew
latewa 12,47 p. ... Ki!ford 1.00 p m., Kir
flin 1.1" p.n,., Fort Koyai 1.15 p. b
liexico 1,20 p. an., Tnacarera 1.22 p. m.,
Vandyke 1,26 p. ni., TheBipsnntown 1,82
p. bj., Dtirward 1,37 p. m., lillleratown 1,.
42 p. m., Newport 1XZ p. m., arriving at
Earnabtirz 2.00 p. no.
Sex Bbbbb ExFBBo!es7ca aUoobs dailr
at 7,1S a. bj., aud stopping a all regular
iiatioBe oeiwcea airoona ana MarrtaDurT.
....L.. a.'Altn - 1AIIC - TT I -1
1 il V" " PblIade,pb,B tt
T..iih... .,., J
Mah Tun Altoona tt 2,C0 p. m., aad j
fcterping at all resular stationa arrivea at
Miffila at 6 03 p. ., Barriabarg 7.00c. m.,
If all TTvwaA.a I..... T3I . . .
Alteona 6 20 D m : Tmn.inn ' -
tnjrrten 7.00 p re ; Lewi.:.-,,,",. p n L J!h
Sin 8 27 pn; Harriaba-r le IOb.b , pJI.
K. ; Al.ec. 1 1.60 A. K.: n,Sb, "
at Kifflia .!.()& P.M.; arrive .,
j hnrg at 1 P. M.: at PLiUieipbtj,,"?
nl r.inaaeipnia BTpres will itop it
' i' w.ea nrte-i-
j ifi31la AccomtBOdaMon M bv., . .
; phi at ,M . tn.. Harri.-.M.-.. ,
I Newport, l.M. p. m.. alilli.r.t-n i
tn., Thonapsootowc, l.VS o. m.. Pert En. i
1.45 UifHin. l.fiP d tn.. V..rr,.
m; ld,!ler.!own 9.3S p in; Tc-r,l,,?-
l,f-6 p m; arhe, at Mifflin 18 ffc p m -41
Vaar Lies learea Ph!arttil .;
m 1 mw.f a ,u PHI If
! P :l6J i
7' f" "., at P :!bnrPat n M
, ''- - ' . ,P
i Durcannnn, El
a. m.; NrtwiHirt. d t-t -
;tillnitown, 9 Sa. M.:T!;nrap..,r.tMr.
Mi a. ra.: Moxlc.
m.: M ice. i-; ill . D..
Koyai, 10 07 a. m.; MitfliD, 101J , m.
! fciliord, ! 20 a. m.; I.wiowc, le 4a..ai
j Huntingdon, 12 10 p.ru.; Tvrne, 1 0'.' p. '
Aiiooua, I 4S p. m., and arops at al! n (tnljr
atatioaa betwenn llarri!'ir.r nj A'.toa.. .
i Arr at Pittaburj at & 6U '
Otktrb Gxriaas laarn Phlh le'i.h!.
, ly at 8 lo p. ra., llarild.rir, j0 p. m
JIailTbitx leavna fhiladalnhia d.llr at
17.00 a. m., Harrilurir ll.'.'O a. m., 4w.
, pert, U 14 p. m., i!'J'D 12.57 p. i-., ttnf.
I plog ' regular ata'iona butweeii il.Si
! ad Altoona reacbr-a Altriona at S 40 p. n.,
. Pittabnrf 8.19 p. n.
AiT-ea AOCOMMOIATI, E,"r ih-lr?
I 4,ia p. bi., Puricancen 4,4 p. ra., xw.
.' jort 5.12 p. m., rtllrstown f,:hi j. ia.,
: ThempaoutowB 6. S3 d. in., Ven-lyre i.ii
p. Bi., Tucaror5 fi,4 p. m., Vsxi, p.
n., Port Royal 5.51 p. in., Mif'lin 5,r,8 p.
w., Loiitown S.2J r. w., y?.VTtiwa 6,.
i 4 a p.m., I-wton Ka Lilrei, ui p. n.
Uniiirialen 7.S.5 p, ra., Altai-., ony p. m.
Pseliie Expre'leaea Pb-ia-lclpt.ia WiS
p m ; Uavriaburg 10 a ru ; Duiicanncn I
', 3aai; Newport 4 00 a si ; Mifl!io4)t9a
di; Lewistown 6 01 ami Mr.yt.wa 5 2!
la. ib; Mt. Union 5 4 a ui ; IluntiplonS
. Vi a id ; Petfr'burp 6 25 a ru ; Hjiruco Crork
P 40 a M Tyrone 7 0(1 a ro j lien's 'li!U
.7 22 a mi Altovsa 7 45 a n i 1 itttbDrf
1 ii 45 p ru.
Time Table July JO, IBal.
Chamber? bur? A5co:nm.dar!on leavea
Cbatnburebti'g, i 5 a ui; Slnt'iwjsburg 7 1
; a nr.; Nowrillo 7 13 a m; Carliale 7 40 a m;
, j.?ciBrt:o.TBrr H U4 a ru; DiJ-Nirt Sam;
j arrives at Jiarr.abarg 8 i'5 a to..
I Hajrcratown Aocomniodatioa I'ava Ha
j grratown nt 7 am, stopping t Intrruicliiia
: poiuta, arriroaat llarrisuurg 9 20 a m.
Br'tf x!ail leaTa YiiicDstr at 7 nu a m;
i Marlinbujj 7 45 a tn; llaerrstown a 40 a
i ui; ftreeiicattic t O-l a ru; a)-r:on 9 V b;
ClAiMrK-rfb'irK 9 :',0 a ni; Shippenbu:r9 St
I a m; Neevill 1J U a m; Crl,l JO 24 a
' m; ;Mccbanvabiirg 10 5" a m; arrivn, c
UarriKbarji' 1 1 ji a ro.
Day K.Tprs icavea ringor'.toAn t 12 01
p m; G'eeucastla 12 'J5 p ni( Marion 12 M
p a; Cbauibersbuig 1 2 .'5 p a ; MsippcBa.
burg 1 1C p rc; Norii; 1 40 p ru; i.'ariiale
, r-o a o; Moclinnkstmr a 2-i p m; Diila
' burs 4 f,e i tr; arrjTos at Harrnbur,; 2 5i)
CUmIcb.1, P m.
Prepar- Evfnir-r H nl 'a.. v;t,,,.. i,i..
' Vartinaoor; A 80 p oi; nirer.f.wn" 4 20 t
ri; Oronciwtj4 17 m- al'.r.nn 4 .17 n.
Cbamt-.r.bnr 6 lo p rui Sbipaen-h.irii 40
p Ncw.-iic f.O v tn; Car.i J- C 25 y m,
Xcnanir.biirf fi 60 p li- P'Ob'trp 7 IS p
n,i :,rr,T,M at ' " p
' Exprt, W.m Wiirb-ter 7 25 p
, Clr,ZZ
tiurg JO 45 p m; .Sat.p.riMirC j; i. p mi
; A!ditl,-1 train wi'l 'ca.e Otrl.s'o liily
j cx.-cpt Sin:ly at 5 60 ni. at-pi.i- at 'l
iutrrulian atationx; Brririn1- ut IJarria
b'irg at a; 6 40 a ra, and ou 5at:in . i calr
traioatiain leavi. ilir.l;anic'.i:ri at
; 6.00 p m, arrive at Uurria!tr R 2 t, ta;
! Oariu-lu 'Jpru; art ivo t Ku-rwBurf
, 9 4-5 p tn; atfpii!is at tnt rr1i."i;at-i Hationa.
j Tl aat MM and-M;-i;t P.xpn. Bait
, will ran daiiy b.twen Uai-rib'ir aivl H.
j gerarown, ai:d i-euinjr Aiil n t aSornin?
, Mail dtily b-itwo.-n liarrtjbr.r; aud C'baBi
1 brrsburg
, Vp Piprsa, ldivos 11 irrihur? 6 4Jau;
schanv.biirg 6 a ru; Carl-!o li 1'J a in
j ,WT11(
et4Ja m: Shipnonsbtir? 7 a;
C'.iainherabiirc 7 29 a n-; tiryencatlo 7 42
, atnj Iia;ersiowa b 2i a in; V trf in-hurj 5 10
: a hj; arnvout Wiacbeiter 10 00 a ra.
HVjr Hail Io,v Harrislinrr at 8 OS am;
( Dillsburg 9 (H a m; ecbjnic:bur- S 27 a
j w; Carlinio fi 02 a 1C. ,Tjje !,;
! Shii'tsjnsb'irj; 9 3 a m; Chambnbur; iO.
0.. a m: Marlon 10 17 a m; Grenbatlo 10
. 2i a a; H,j;eratcwa 11 00 a m; Hartmiburj
rn; arrives ,t VV li:cho,ti-r 12 23 p ni.
AeromiiiAdation train Io.t,., lUrrii-b-irg
at 12 p tn; liecfcanicshiird 13 2i' p m; Csr
liaUs 12 60; Njwvitlo 1 M p ni; Sbi-peu-bnrg
1 as p ni; Chau.liwbarg 2 0.1 p i
.tfariou 2 16 p m; Greoncaatle 2 25 p m; U
geratown i f.O p m.
Kvacia g Mall leoT' a liarrbtuc 4 "8 P
Dillsbnrg 4 65 p ro; aiertiosbu-f 4 23 p !
Carlisle 4 60 p m; Newriil 5 15 p ra: SWp
psnabur o S8 p m; Chumbcrtiimrg B 05
ni; Marion 6 17 p rn: irflenc.wt!e tf 2B p W
Ua(rcratown 7 00 p m; J(artinHbur)f 7 43 P
m; a-iives at Wincbobtcr t 8 31 p m.
Chamberabnrg Acoommedaion learei
If .irri-.bnrg at 6 '.! p Jcs; atoppi'J? at later
locdiate pointuand arrivt-a at Chaabnrsbnrj
7 15 p ni.
V. O. irir.te. !"avi ! 1 .-.rr l.lir"T t 4
p ;o. elopntr- Imorm ! n't p .Kiit f
rivt-a at .'l-rursttjtr. 11 l'J p ia.
AdJilio:-l trill will n irrwlinrj dal
ly except St.-iid.w at 7 JO ; ra, irrivin? at
Oarlialo -it R 10 r. ni, rtn yinf at ail Inter
mediatt; ;'n.r, v.d i.n S-.'upiaj, train!
will leav-. tn-rii i;rrt- ut . ;n r rr.: arrive at
! Moch:",:''h"r ' 5 4 ' P ,n- Lre nerr
barg at 10 110 p ui, fj-r;t it r-liln 1
p rn; stop,- br at !! itifim-diaie italionl.
Memphia Kxpreae and N.-w .'rir. Ex
press rnn daily ttrttiu Uarri-burg and Hv
jrerst'jwn a;td Morning dally betweea
Harritlinr; -j Cht;afm:i
Pailuian Sleeping Cars between Hgf"
town and Sot York on Mrn-ng Mail 5
Night LxpruT oast and on yeophle E1
preig and New Orlean Eiprcos weet.
PnUinaa SleepmZ Cara ou Krjat BtpreM
ir.d New Orioan, rprc-,a between Phila-
1 ik'n'i'j n- c
ic thle.mt.
1 J
Thronsh c-"ches two and from I'hilaaei-
phia on iM uli f)at Ktvn .,.Dd
Vccomodation ,ad N. O. Express we'
Gtt a good piper 1-y subscribing for ti