Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 17, 1891, Image 4

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The stran-liorry is in.iiijonons to
many eoiiutries in the Temperate
Zoiips, ami l.jr cnltivation has grown to
tn ininioiiBO hia; but, in a rule, tlio
very larj berries are infer or in flavor
Bono of thorn equaling tUe wild berry
from wljieli th y all uprnnp. It is one
of the moxt wholi gome fruits and is a
universal fav.'iite. When served fresh
they should be carefully looked over
before they are put on tiie table, as
they arc som times infested by a little
thread-worm, so giuitll as to Iks aloiOHt
nnnoticeable. XIioho that are gritty
shonld be rinsed in a bowl of cold
water b fore tliey are hulled. Take
each one by its h cm and dip up and
down in the water as riniekly as possi
ble; then lay it on an inverted sieve to
drain, until all are washed; but do not
wash any, except the handy ones, as it
destroy the iluvor of ny berry to
wash it. When biking off the stems
bold the berries a lightly as posHpjle,
so as not to ma h them; heap tliem in a
lilaas die ii, but do not suar tlnni, or
any oilier berries, liefore serving; the
sugar aud cream bhoiild be passed to
each person at tho table. Very large
strawlierries are sometimes served, es
pecially at breakfaut with the stems on.
In this ea-e each individual shonld have
a small 'lisu of ixmdercd snar to roll
the beriles in. Jlerncs look pretty
served in a block of ico with a spray of
fruit and lo ives )euliiut over one edge,
ut it makes the fruit very acid.
To keep berries over night spread
them out on largo dishes or trays with
out touching, if possible, and put them
in a cool, dry place; not in an ice chest
or refrigerator, nor in a cellar if there
is the lea-it dampness.
Straw berries, raspberries and hncklo
berries a' e all used in making cak ,
the Him;. lent form of which is short
cake. For the tirst two the following
"ecipe will be found eiceediugly good:
To one quart of flour add two heap
ing teacMKnfulH of baking jowd. r,
half a twiniMxiiifiil of salt, and one
tl,l, ni,oonfnl of oowdered sugar. iSift
all together in a deep lowl ami chop
into it throe ounces of bnttor. I Seat
one eK and add to it one large cupful
of sweet milk. Stir thin into tho other
ingredients a- quickly aud lightly as
possible. iUill into two sheets, each
about half an inch thick , and bake in
well-greased pans. When done pull
the cakes apart aud spread them with
softened butter. Sprinkle thickly
with powdered sugar and cover wei
with strawberries or raspberries, we
sprinkled with rn'iir anil slightly
maidied. Tut on the other half of the
cake, crnst side ib.wn. ami 1 ile berries
and sugar on top; to be euten hot with
sugar and cream. This will make two
cakes two layers each, or one with four
Hitt together into a bowl one quart
of flour, half a tea-poonful of suit, four
even teaspoonfuls of baking powder
and half a cupful of iiowdered sugar.
Kub in one-third of a cup of bntter mid
moisten the wuolo with milk to make
a dough stiff enoii'.'h to keep in shape
when dropped from a spoon. Add one
pint of berries, wed flavored. Drop
by tho large spoonful on a well-greased
shallow psn, aud bako twenty minutes
in a hot oven. .
For layer cakes no nicer rccipos can
be fonnil than are in Mrs. Korer's Cook
Ties and puddings, ice creams and
charlottes, sherbets anil vinegars are
made from these fruits; and when they
are in sea.10 i no ouo need Iki at a loss
to'know what to have for dessert. K.
11? Jt.. is Tnhh lull;.
Heat six ounces of butter to a cream,
and lieat into it half n pound or flour,
and half pound of fino white sifted
sugar. Have ready whisked six epgs,
work tho above gradually and smooth
ly with the egu'S and finely grated lem
on peel and sliced citron, and finally
whip briskly into the mixture a tea
spoonfnl of Cleveland's Kukinfr Powdor.
l'ut all into n tin lined wnh woll-bnt-tered
paper, and bako in a moderately
heated oven for one hour.
F.oil some clarified sugar and water
until, on being lifted in the skimmer,
yon cm blow tiny sparks of sugar
throngh the holes, lay in some douolo
violets dive ted of their stidks, and let
tho sugar roboil to its former tempera
ture; then rub the sugar against tho
aides of thu pan till it is white, and stir
it all together till tho sugar leaves the
violet-i, when they must lie sifted and
dried. I lone leaves, jasmine, and
orange flowers can all bo candied in
this way.
Those StamDthe Lady.
Certain mnrks of behavior on the
Street indicate tho true lady, says the
Chicago Hi ralil. She has a purpose
and business air nlxint her, and looks
as if she knows what she wants and
where she is going and has really somo
meaning in her actions; she knows how
to walk in the streets, with not too lag
ging or too swift a step, but self-possessed
and quietly; she knows how to
dress as a lady can, avoiding lond col
ors ami striking combinations. Mho
also avoids too coquettish a simplicity,
which is equally as dangerous, Sho
has attained to that enviable street
talent which enables her to pass men
without looking at them, yet all the
while seeing them. She avoids loung
ing too long betore shop windows. Sho
doesn't wear her gowns np to her shoe
tops nor trailing iu the dnsL She
'doesn't mince her gait nor stare level
into the eyes of those she meets. Sho
doesn't wear a half bushel of paper
Hippies ou her hat nor a large size rose
ush pinned to the front of her dross.
In short, she docs nothing to attract
attention. Should i-he do so nnd gi t a
tritlo more attention than sho wants,
who is to blame for it? Some women
ignorautly ami unconsciously put them
selves in tho path of trouble. They
follow tho fashions to uti extreme.
Their hats are the highest, the broad
est, the largeNt or smallest of tho pro
vailing mode; their dresses aro tho
longest or shortest, the fullest or scan
tiest, or of the most striking pattern.
They make a show- of themselves, ami
yet complain because they are looked
at. tHhers have a strolling, looking-for-somebody
or too tree atop.
The Don of India.
The lions of India are going lite the
buf slo of Amei ics- Wlihiullie mem
ory of many persons lions were com
nion enough in Kajpiit.iui. and even
now a roar may bo heard Occasionally
iu the uikl.l p. ills o( Central India;
but tho i uliv.iy from Nagpur is
now bein" built through this country,
aud that will drive nut .tint few "re
maining lions in the Central Province.
Practically tho only lions remaining
are said to be the race existing in Kst-.
Ivwar. Their number remains, it Is
believed, pretty stationary. Tlicjr are
specially preserved for royal 'sport;
but even they are recavdod lis doomed.
Honors Easy.
Diiladclphian (proudly) I preSntn
fou know, sir, that Philadelphia, has
the only American who ercr dancei
with Queen Victoria?
Kew Yorker That may bfr. But
few York contains Hi only English
soon tvho ever sold ft hot ronsbr)porafo
to the Prince of Volet. IKV Yor
One Machine that Cuts 10,000,000
Stick a Cay.
The operation ef mukinsj matches from
a pine log may to divided into four
head, namely : Frcvmrmjr tbo splints,
dipping tho matches, box making and
niling. When the timber is brought into
tho cutting room of tho factory it is
seized upon by a gingof men, who place
it before a circular saw. where it if cut
into blocks fifteen inches long, the length
of seven matches. It is then freed of its
bark and taken to the turning lathe,
where, by means OT a special form of
fixed cutting band running its entire
length, a continuous tool, the thickness
of the match is cut oft.
A the block revolves and decreases in
diameter tho knife advances and a band
of veneer of uniform thickness is ob
tained. As tho veneer rolls off the Vnife
it Is met my eight small knives, which
cut it into seven separate bands, each the
sue of a match. By this one operation
seven lonj rililions of wood, each the
length and thickness of a match, are ob
tained. These aro then broken into
pieces six feet long, the knotty parts re
moved, and they are then fed into a ma
chine which looks and acts like a straw
chopper which cuts them into single
matches. The mschine cats 150 bands at
the mo time and a mechanical device
pushes them forward the thickness of a
match at each stroke of the cutter.
This little machine with its one sharp
knife can cut over 10,000,000 matches
a dsf.
From the cutting room the splints are
taken to the dry room, where they are
placed in revolving drums, which absorb
sll tho moisture the splints may contain.
They ore then prepared for the dipping
process, which is a very important oper
ation, ss each splint must have suffv
cient space to be fully coated and yet not
placed so dote to' the others as to csusi
the mixture to clot the heads of the othei
splints. To do this they are placed
under an ingeniously constructed machine
which seems to work with almost human
intelligence, and are caught up and
placed closely, but nt regular intervals, in
a dippinsr frame. These frames contain
forty-four movable laths, and between
each lath the machine places with clock
work regularity fifty splints, making ovci
2,000 splints in each frame.
The brads of the splints are all on the
same level, and a single attendant t each
machine can place over 1,01)0,000 splint
in the fiatne per day. The dipping vat ii
a store of masonry, which contains thrc
S'pnire pans. The first pan is for heating
the splints so they will absorb the mix
ture, the second coutains moultcn pnraf
tine, in which the points are dipped, nnd
in the third they are coated with fhf
ignitiug conipo-ition. Over 8,000,000
matches ran be dipped by a skilful work
man in one day. A fier the dipping pro
Cits the mntthci aro dried while still in
tho freiiic and eiro thcu tnken to th
ickiii! room, where they are nut intfl
xes br annd.
TUKT SUOCLtUE surpi.iF.o.
Jones Is a pretty good sort of achsp,
said McWatty to a friend, "but he'll
never amount to much. He never know!
when to stop talking
"That's so," replied Mc Watty's friend,
who it a railroad moo; "his conversation
larks tcrruiual facilities." Now York
Mr. Spuria way What ! lias your Undo
Ilirsin failed in business?
Mrs. Spudaway Hioknn up entirety.
That's what he says in bis letter.
'How fortunate our little Hi has a mid
dle name! When you write next to
Undo Lowo tell him his namesake. If.
Lowo Spudaway, is the smartest boy In
his clasa and as good as he is smart."
'!iit what if t'nele Lowe fails. too?
Innocent little Hi Lowo (from his cor
per) Call me Jack and tho game, papa,
LBuiliuntoo Free Press.
Miss De Pretty Let's form a Veen
Miss Dc Pink Let's. Just like the
Old Fcllos and Rod Men. Call it
the Ancient Order of of King's
Miss DcUlondo-Or the Ancient Order
of Pianas.
Miss Do Young Or the Ancient Order
of American
Miss Oldmaid Oh. float Tcfi call it
sncicnt order of anything, New Yotk
"Wonderful thing happened in onr
neighborhood last evening. A police
man killed a mad dog at tbo first fire."
"You don't say soY
"I'crbnps I should explain that the
policeman was shooting at a peddler. "w
ITcrre Haute Express.
Dinguss Hello, Shadbolt! How aro
you? Hy the way. Mluvl, have you 9!cn
that big alligator down at
Shadlwlt (cutting him short) No,
Dinguss, I haven't seen it, but I know
what it was going to lead me to. Alliga
tors have hides, their hides make nice
leather, tho leather is made up into
pocketbooks, and pocketbooks hold
money. I haven't a cent to spare this
time. Good morning, Dinguss. Chi
cago Tribune.
WEATnr.re ihdications.
Tramp (to buxom fanner's wife, stand
ing on the porch and looking up at the
sky) How s the weather this morning,
ma'am I
Farmer's Wife (turning suddenly and
catching np a pail of "suds") Clear I
And tho tramp clears. Burlington
5"ree Press
"Oh, John," exclaimed Mm. Cnmso,
"I know how to make a hundred dollars
just as easily I"
Why, (Iowa at Mm. Robe's there's a
lovely Paris dress marked down from five
hundred dollars to foul hundred." (San
Francisco Waan
a snxsrrtvB xa
It is remarkable to what an extant re
finement may be carried. There is in
this city a young man who eats crushed
violets and wears azure neckties every
time he feels an attack of the blues ap
proaching. The other evening he awoke
in the middle of the night, and rousing
his room-mate said :
"This is simply agnniring."
"What is the mattcrf
"Those two mosquitoes that are nag
ingin the room."
. "Well, what do you care as long as
they don't bite yonT"
"They are not singing in harmony.
Washington Post.
"Had an accident here this morning?"
queried the breathless reporter as a
matronly lady appeared at the door k
response to his violent ringing.
"Yea, we did. You ace, the next
house come right up to ours, and the
man painting it asked to come through
onr house and crawl out tho scuttle on
to its roof. WolL I let him. When he
crossed the garret he fell through the
"Hurt hhn tnuehr
"'Yes, 1 guess so. Hut he didn't stop
with the garret; he fell through the next
floor, tore a hole through the carpet,
knocked the plaster off the ceiling, and,
oh, he has just made an awful muasl"
Texas Siftinge.
CUra-How da yon Nke my friend? "i.
Fanny He is horrid creatara. Is fc
married I - '
"No; he te net married. - ,.
"Has !.. I. IV. in. . tW
y J m HIV m W IKM
,aU,aot go in for a hmbe-WU
ve love all the brilliant tribe of
flowers, btatelv lilies, modest violets.
; rare orchids, bright camellias, all have
their own special charm, but tbe rose
stands crowned tho "Queen of Flowers"
for unnumbered centuries. Sacred
writers and authors of antiquity abound
in allusioni to this fragrant flower,
while verse and story and legend have
celebrated its beauty. It is a plant of
much vitality and will struggle along
under most adverse circumstances,
poor soil, drouth, neglect, insects, slags
sad worms may mar its beauty, bu. can
aeldoia utterly bn ak its spirit, and it
will put forth stnnted blossoms in spite
of discouragements. But give it rich
soil, plenty of room, care for it and pet
it, and it will return your affection a
thousand fold, 't may be slipped, and
grafted, and seeded, and hybridized in
innumerable ways, each time showing
some rarer bounty, or giving fort h so rue
more delicate fragrance. On the lawn,
a rose garden will delight alike the for
tunate owner and every passer-l-T who
'sees itsperfnmed blossoms. ltit he con
servatory, my lady never lacks tier rare
lioi.qnet for recvption or ball-room,
while one little tea-rose in the invalid's
chamber will cheer and comfort and
We give a list of the old and tried
varieties which have given delight for
many years. First among garden roses
is the Jacqueminot, the fame of whose
great namesake has for many years
rested "in the heart ol arose. It is
of a deep, velvety crimson, not per
fectly double, but with long-stemmed
large bnda which make very desirable
bouquets. Jlerruosa, of a char roe
pink, is old and one of the best of the
ltourlion typo, while (Uoiro de Iijon
was the favorite tea rose of our grand
mothers, with its luxuriant foliage and
pale salmon, bnff and yellow blossoms.
Alarechal Neil is another old favorite
but not always quite hardy at the North.
'1 ho moss rose, the Scotch, and the
blush, or damask rose, are pretty
enough without getting named varie
ties, and w ho can see the sweet-brier
growing by a country lane without call
ing up
The mothrr sonys of Inn frnne years.
Anil tmhy josand t-liililinh feiirn
And youdilul hopes anil youthful u ars?"
Tho well-known climbers, Hultimore
15el!e, 1'iairic Qneen and White (iar-
I land are of excellent hab.t and vigorous
growtn and cannot fail to satisfy.
Florists sell these old varieties very
cheaply so that they are within the
reach of all. One may get a dozen or
more iu sets at from 10 to 15 cents
a piece, and sometimes at a still greater
reduction to clubs.
Tho newer sorls come higher and
novelties are expensive, but to one with
ample means at his disposal there is
no more engrossing pleasure than
witohine the progress of some new
v iriety and compnring it with tho old,
and noticing the habits of growth pe
culiar to each, if he is a true rose-lover
and has made friends with his flowers.
tiood new varieties which have leeu
tried enough to establish their reliabil-
. ity can be procured for about tfo cents
. eaeu or tor a small aaiiuionai sum II a
1 1 .-o years growth is desired.
lho rnritan is a beautiful new white
hybrid perpctnal, a robust grower and
and of most ilelicioin fragrance. Tho
new tea-rose Sunset is of a rich golden
amber shaded with dark crimson and
is said to bo of tho very liest for either
open grouud or house ulture.
Air. Viek haa kindly furnished us
with illustration of his new striiied rose,
Vick's Caprice, which is claimed to
have the great advantage of being per
ccily hardy. It is n truo hybrid per
petual and tho flowers aro of a soft,
satiny pink striped with white and car
luinc, having long and elegant buds
making the plant d sirable for cutting
in r poses. It can be proenred at tho
price of 2." cents each, which is very low
lor such a desirable novelty.
Among the rolyMuthn or "Fairy"
roses, tho Miniature is the smallest; its
delicate cream-roso (lowers are in
wreaths or clusters almost covering tho
plant. The Countoss do Murinuis is a
new pure white Moss rose, with large
and fragrant flowers, but it is not a per
petnal bloomer. Among tho so-called
'black roses," Jean Liband and Cam
illo do Kohau aro the darkest; they aro
of an intense, dark, velvety crimson
shading darker as they open, so that at
a little distanoe they look qnite black.
J n preparing the gronnd for the re
ception of ro-es dig np and pnlverizo
the eath well for a depth of a foot or
more; enrich with a shovelful of any
good mannre or fertilizer, and set the
plaids in very damp soil spreading out
the roots well, aud packing the earth
firmly about them. Shado well and
water thoroughly for the first few days,
after which much water will not be
needed unless in case of unusually dry
weather. After the plants are rooted,
keep the soil by frequent weeding and
stirring. When your roses begin to
blossom keep them well cut, remember
ing that with roses as with religion, tho
more it is shared with others, the more
wid remain at home, and on no account
allow tho withered roses to remau on
tbe stem. As soon as they begin, to
fade pull off the petals and dry them for
a rose-jar to bring the perfume of roses
and remembrances of summer when
wintry winds blow cold.
Wo hope to hear from tho friends of
the roses all alnnit their pet methods of
cultivating favorite varieties and any
notes of interest on "Flower Culture."
Country bred people coming to the
city miss the wild ttowers which they
have been used to see growing in every
nook and comer. Kveu in the suburbs
the dust of daily travel drives them
away from their accustomed places. A
writ, r iu tho Washington &tir, how
ever, boasts that:
"Few large cities are so rich in wild
flowers in their near-by siirhurhs as
Washington is. Fvery untilled field
her. al suits has its wealth of them, and
the woods ou the hi Is in tho wilder
portions of the Pisfnct, are already
odoions tith the perfumes of their
dainty treasures. The negro lsjye ono
sees on the street ollering bunches of
trailing nrbutus or blue tu.l w hite vio
lets lot sale, gather them U over ou
the Virginia hills or np in tho Zoologi
cal 1'ark region. 'I hey get up at snu
rise and in a very short while can gath
er from nature's lMiuutifnl store more
flowers than they ean sell in a day,
'1 hey trndge dowu town with them and
oiler tl cm to you in the street with the
sparkling dew still on their simple
blossoms. It's a poor day when one of
the little barefooted beggars loes not
sell twenty bunches of the wild dowers
at 5 cents a bunch, that cost him noth
ing but the trouble to pick them."
In regard to tbo use of soot in gar
dening, the Ami rir.iin tlurln says:
"The matter which rises from burn
ing woisl and bituminous coal, and
which liecomescomleused and hardened
by l he cooler air in the stove-pi) es aud
chimneys is what is understood by n,t.
Soot fiom hard Coal exelns.vely is of
less vain. , still it is worth saving. Hoot
consists mainly of impalpable charcoal,
ami is rii h in nnimouia. All plants are
1 en -fited by its nse. It is also valuable
as an msei licide, on account of the
creosote contained it it."
Agent ( it r;ii.io.idJ iiadame, do you
wish your baggage checked?
Woman No, sir; I want it to g.n
riurnicia was at the pi- micle of
(lower tiet.ween tbe year 20tjOaud 75 ii.
Hlul n faet- iL-t IwxhiIa n-ra Ilia ilk-
sruilors aud civllizera cf the whole J
OCT V.. U " V HI.
"Yea see that girl over there
(he begacr, whea the ether aaiwered:
"Yet, she lives opposite us. She's deaf
tad dumb, poor thing."
."Tin Ida. And there Z tat Vhind
her la the street car (or four blocks and
made remarks about that dowdy kat the
hat oo, U. for aothing."
iraAT AT Ban tnron an COAT,
fientvoleat but New-Sighted Employe!
--"Patrick, wbat't that under your
coatl "
Pat (who is working tbe growler)
"I'm sorry to aay it it a can, air.''
' Employer "Great Boot, Patrick!
Etop work and go straight to the bos
pitair Mwuft WteUif.
mactice what rov r.Aca.
Merchant "I wish to insert aa adrcr.
tiseraant in the Morning BugU."
Clerk "Yes, air."
'.Commence it in this way: 'PayCash,
and put those words in large letters."
'Yet, tir."
'And I wun you'd trust for fhw
mount Xor a month or 9-"Taniu.
"Henry!" cried. Mr. Von Toodles,
grasping bet somnolent husband by the
rm, "Henry, there are burglars In the
house I Gel up and go down I"
"Utter nonsense, my dear," returned
Heory. "You wouldn't have a man of
my social position associating with burg
lars, would yout You astonish mel'1
"If you hypnotize man, you can
make him do anything you wtnt
him to, can't yout" asked Ethel.
Yet, I believe to."
I'd like to hypnotize Choliie Hinlu,
"This is my fourth season, tad I'm
getting anctout." Harper' Bator.
Lawyer "Madam, I'm sorry to sy that
I don't see the ghost of a chance for you
to break your uncle's will "
Woman "Well, to be Iran with
you, I don't see a ghost of a chance to
psy you for what you have already done
if the will isn't broken."
Lawyer "On second thought, mad,
am. I think tbe will can be broke;
"It you please, Mr. Cashgoods," said
the young saleswoman, "we have bocn
discussing the matter of salaries. And
we find that the men are getting mors
money for the same work than us girls.
And we tbibk, that is hardly just, do
"1 never looked at it in that light be
fore," answered the merchant, after a
httle thought. "It shall be remedied at
once I'd cut the men's salaries down
belt Saturday. ''.Indianapolis Journal.
Doctor Said There IV a No Cure."
(alva, Kans., March 6. lsw.
My doctor said tlieie was no cure fur inc.
Aisiiit hi x week: ai;o I had our druggist se d
jir six botile of Flurale xiou, wlia-a 1 have
akeu, and it ha- dune in more ood man any
Jtinu in twenty years. I am f- years old. I
;ilil a few mure buttles for myself and some
'or my iielglibur.
Mart M. Cussison.iw.
yioranlrrlon Is the speedy and permanent
sure for Slek Ileadaelie. Indigestion. lysie
ua, Itihtm-uiess, Liver I 'omotaint, Nervuus le
ilityand ('uii-tumptiun. It is irm only sure
:nre fur tiie- romplaiiits. Ask your lii'UKKist
lor it, and net well.
When the Minneapolis bu pension
jrldjje was removal recently, the an
ilioraffe liou.i. hILIioiiIi tliey 1ml teon
:arefully iuilKxtdod in cement, were
fouL'd to be deeply eorrotletl.
Ilow'a Thi?
We nrTrOne lliintlrwl IKdlnrs rAwnril for any
nf caiarrh lli:tt cannot be curiMi by taking
Hall'.'i t'atai i ll l ure.
F..I. t'MKNKY &CO.. l'row Toledo, o.
Vk, thn uiiilerHiKiitHl, have known K. J.
ln'iiy for I he lal 1: yearn, and lielleve him
rfoii ly honorable In all biisineM! transaef lon?tt
liul lliiaiM-ially able to carry out any ublia
.1 nt in:ol by llo'ir nrm.
VVp.!4T Sl Iklax, MnilfHalo llruicbts, Tollo,
tViniNO. Kismi ft Mahvin, Whohsaln
I'l llL'Ntll, loli-ilo. o.
Hall's t'alunii 4 'ine in taknn Intel nally aetinii
1 ireetly IImii the Mood and inueollH Hilrlaren of
;he svsii'in. Te?tiiiioiiiali wnt tree. 1'rice 76c,
y.t bottle. Sold bv all ilruuitisls.
One million tulies for Koch's lymrh
:s the work which Is at present eiiKK
ing the attention of a liernmn glass
tvor-a. 'J lie tnlies are made of a line
iialily of glass, and are closed with a
hiss stopiier.
A miRar, fir teen timea sweeter than
:tne-sugar, and twenty times sweeter
'-bail liett-siiaar. Is reported by a der
n:in chemist from cott in seed uieul. It
cannot be sold to compete with ths
rrdiiuiry article.
Everybody known that at this season the
Hood Is tilled with impurities, the arc u in u la
Jon of months. All these linpurities and
.'very tr;u- of scrofula. s:ilt rheum, or other
liseases may lie expelled by takine IIikhI's
sjtrsaparltla. He sure to net Mood's.
The rrice of platinum lias advannnil
fully KKI er cent, owinjt to its in-
:reased use for eleclr'ca! puriioses.
f'timi'i lil'liiey Cum for
Iroisy, Gravel, IhiilMtes, llriglit's,
Heart, Urinary or I.iver IUeases, Nerv
ousness, A.C Cure KIIRrsntecd. 8:tl
Areb Hireet, riiilsd'a. l a bottle, (!
lor tn, or tlriigKisi. luoo ecrtilit'ats of
cures. Try iu
M. Danioise;tii. of Kr:iiirp. rinsinvAiit-
pl a camera to take panoramic views.
It is made to turn on its axis so truly
tllllt f h lttrLlira on Mia Aiittm striit i.f
sensitive paer is said to be perfectly
cieur in lis details.
FITS! " nts wonped rroa nv Dr. Kline's ur
heme Heslorer. No V lUafter Itrst dat's use. Mar
f:u turen. TiraiiM-aiHitiLsiiirial niKiia free to
Fit caeca. rHUilloOr.Kuue.mi ArcBbt FUUa., I'a.
It bus teea s'lown that if the sun
was n biirnim; sphere of solid coal it
could not bust ClXKJ years.
Tcrliaps you do not believe these
statements concerning Green's Au
gust Flower. Well, we can't make
you. We can't force conviction in
to your head or rued
Doubting icine into your
throat. We don't
Thomas. want to. Tbe money
is yours, and the
misery is yours; and until you are
willing to believe, and spend the one
for the relief of the other, they will
stay so. John II. Foster, 1122
Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:
" My wife is a little Scotch woman,
thirty years of age and of a naturally
delicate disposition. For five or six
years past she has been suffering
from Dyspepsia. She
Vomit became so bad at last
that she could not sit
Every Moal. down to a meal but
she had to vomit it
as soon as she had eaten it Two
bottles of yotir August Flower have
cured her, after many doctors failed.
She can now eat anything, and enjoy
it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not
know that she ever had it"
An imitation of Nature
that's the result you want
to reach. With Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, you have it.
They cleanse and renovate the
whole system naturally. That
means that they do it thor
oughly, but mildly. They're
the smallest in size, but the
most effective sugar-coated,
easiest to take. Sick Head
ache, Bilious Headache, Con
stipation, Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangements
of the Liver, Stomach and
Bowels are prevented, relieved,
and cured. Purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, and gently
laxative, or an active cathar
tic, according to size of dose.
As a Liver Pill, they've been
imitated, but never equaled.
Shonld Har It in Tb fIon
Jroppl on Sugar, ( AlMiwii Xm
tn tsxkr Johmw Aodtn LtmwiCNT for Cmp. CoM,
H'-ro ThnwO, TonnlHll;. i'Mlc, l rmi and l aaua.
llet- ttuuuiwr UoiupUlnt-a, Cut. Oruim Ilk tumUa.
In itf over 40 .Kill In onci htmtly.
IV. I. 8. Joint" A Oo. It In (rtTty yt-nrm nine I flrrt
k-r-t if y.mr J'h)-wi' anouykk Liniment for "
Vutjtiftw trr.ir I hivt u l U In my family. 1 Wj4
It a hik ( Mm Im-4 land Mf -Mt family rvnnHl- that can
It fou ml, umiI iiil'rn.l or eitfrnal, in all rw O. 11
1V1ALLH, iH-rfitn 'tid Jiaptuit rhurt-h, HaiilfT, Me.
E. CufiArAi Krtrttt KhvMiuiatiHin. li
very ounerer ati K-t-
TtMiw ilfvlH.-h. tMhthrta,VUKl '". lirMhiU,
Achilla. 'h.4t-m tf.-rMia, J Harrl.... ltn- n, Hr n-M
In It-nir r Mm In. Mlir Jolnfs r Strain, will Itnd in
tin o..l An-ivm r-lir an.l r.jlj rum. ..V,"'..!
ft-. S..UI rtvrvheh l'ri-o i. -1a.. hy mall. ln-UU-a,
Luirw AwUL A L . JOHKSUN X CO- lloaxoa. Uaaa.
DAUUl IMirXO Orwly Flint ktreUhrr.
Ailiit-4 by aiuJi'iiU at Ilurvaid, AnilMint. and otlicr
ColW-iffa, also, bv profrsslunal iimt buin4 men avt-ry-hcrf.
f Oft for alt in y-xir town tend 2-V. to
B. J. liltKKI.V. 7lfi Washlnirtou Hirttt, Bo-ta.
f wnr, NmiTorm, Wwrmrsn mnrtlo
hi well and Heop wll. HKUtH ntlei
a tolla how. Ml its. yar. Saniilecopr
lr. J. II. I V E. g.llur. Buftttlo. S. V.
1891 Hnnlr Rnnl- lf'l'"r.".
w wAfc aji j w rv ' . II H II i , O
HrMttlchiiro, Vl""
r-nCC TO PEOPLE "T MAKiciKfl".
I itflC Kml MHIr-M to Omaha Matkimomiai,
Woi:ij, omAhM. NetirBNka, lor Hfa.K CoY if ine
141 MiirrlMc Hint romN.imlfiuv lP .ulUhHil.
inH I LW Lit We want the name and ad
I dressof every sufferer in the
I V. K V?TII njl It U.S.an.1 Canada. Address.
'. EuMld Hath, 11 , Bcfil.. If.
Sin re than one supposed authority de
ctares that tho leaves of tho tomato plant
are more medicinal than the fruit.
At, Montichiari batteries of artillery
using smokeless powder kept up fire
for half an hour without their pasitioe
being discovered.
A petroleum engine has been intro
duced in a lighthouse in fjootlaad for
working the siren of tho fog signal
apparatus recently Installed.
A method of rendering tobacco smoke
harmless to the mouth, heart and nerves,
without detriment to its aroma, is claimed
to have been discovered at Vichy
The Russian Government has dis
patched a commission to Asia Minor to
experiment in tho treatment of coolers
with tho Turkestan plant ferbuhs sum
bul. A CLonans farmer wno wanted to dig a
well planted a lot of land with ots and
watched the land that showed tbe most
moisture. He finally selected a spot and
sank a well.- At twenty-five feet ho ob
tained a fino flow of water.
Artesian wells hnvo developed such aa
abundant supply of water in the Doscrt
of Sahara that Fronch engineers are
confident of being ablo to extend their
railroad to a distance of a week's jour
ney from Algeria right through the
Celluloid artificial eyes aro cheaper
than those of glass, tin d h.i7e a good ap
pearance; but Dr. Meurer, of Lyons,
Franco, states that oftor three or four
months they are liable to cause serious
irritation, probably as the rcarut of somo
chemical change.
Consumption Is said to have made ap
palling ravages among the young Indiana
of the Cheyenne reservation. Their en
feebled frames are unable to Withstand
the severity of the Dakota winters, and
even tho warm clothing of the whitrf
does not keep them from lung troubles.
The Russian Goveromont has ordered
that all medical and pharmaceutical
students shall bo honncforth accustomed
to the decimal system of weights and
measures, with the view of making this
system tho only legal one for prescrlp
ions to be written in after the lapse of Ave
The telephone has played an important
part in the manoeuvres of the Swedish
fleet. There is a telephonio post on board
ach vessel, and when lying at anchor
they can telephone to one another by
means of insulated conductors, which
are run down the anchor chains and sub
merged. The sanitary aspects of electric light
ing were discussed before tho English
Sunitiry Congress, and it appears that
the electric light is bettor than all other
sources of illumination, because it is
not dependent ujion the exhaustion of
hydrogen, resulting from the vitiation
of the air,
A flantical ball seven feet in diameter
and capable of holding four penooa
has been made and tested by an Italian
inventor. It sinks when closed, and has
a screw and rudder for propelling and
steering. It is provided with windows
and grpplers, and may be used in war
faro as well as for fishing up articles from
tho bottom.
'9omotimes," writes a correspondent
of a trade paper, "I have had to make
boles in steel that was too hard to cut or
Ale easily. Then I make a mixture that
will out a hole. I mix one ounce of sul
phate of copper, quarter of aa ounce of
alum, balf a teaspoonfut of powdered
salt, a gill of vinegar and twenty drops
at nitric add. This will make a bole.
A leaven worth (Kan.) domestic haa
deposited $2(10 for her funeral expenses,
has her last robes already mad-, has
purchased a site for her grave, and r lan
ned what kind of a colli n she will have.
The largest dynamite factory In this
country is in New Jersey, Trie greatest
danger or explosions is in the spring
w hen the extreme changes of weather
affect the stuff. Dynamite sell for
twenty cents a pound.
Stag gwing 'figure The "VTbltlty
Trust's millions.
Well-healed The heireea with French
A great poker hand An engino sto
ker's fist.
A man never sits down on his silk
high hat more than once.
She (in the theatre) Why do you go
ont between the acta?
lie For spiritual reasons, my dear.
Naughty Wlllla-I won'tl I aban't
I don't wanter be an angel.
Firm Mother Y'ou must.
When a new reporter asks for hiapay
in advance it is fair to presume that
he has been working on a Tillage news
paper. Car DrlTer My wor Is like a church
PasstDger How so? .
Car Uriver It's full of stops.
T.lvAa nf rich men oft remind us.
Struggling for our dally rations.
We shall never leave behind us
Millioua for our poor relations.
Millionaire ftohisnew butler) Jenk-
Inson, do you smoke'
Uutler Why ex er or. course x uu
fniinnirWe.l. tell the locksmith
to rail around to-day and change the
lock of my cigar cabinet.
Thev sav that each dog haa his day.
And ought to have some rights;
lint in that nnv rwuiin. urav.
Why cats should have the night?
Williamson There is one place I
never go to without putting my toot in
ITargraves Where is that?
Williamson In a shoe store.
Ethel I never play on the piano, ex
cept for my friends.
Mitml I should thlnK you'u una 11.
more pleasant to play for your enemies.
You would then taste the sweets of re
venge. Tub beckless girl.
"Put on your veil," her mother cried,
"Or you'll your beauty wreck;
The winds your face will freckle o'er"
Quoth the maiden, '-Let 'em frock."
A nightingale. Mrs. Smytbe
My husbaud is an enthusiast on music
sits up all night to sing.
Mrs. Tompkins What does he
Mrs. Smythe Oh, lullabys, usual
OnJBOTtoNS overcome. May A
girl doesn't like to be grabbed aud hug
ged airainst her wilL
Fiauk No; but my shirt front isn't
any girl's will.
Plenty of experience. Chappie
Your friend Cliollie talks of selt'ng
out for the North Pole very soon.
A wthaw Has he auy experience as
an Arctic explorer?
Chappie WelL he has been courtinz
a Boston girl all winter.
"Very stranoe indeed. Gilhooly
What o'clock is it, Charley?
Charlie Uondelipper It's just 10.
Oilhooly What a singular coinci
dence! I was just going to ask you for
A stuck-up lot of mkn. "Henry."
she whisiered, "is the glue business,
such as yours, a real nice one'
'Nicer he declared. "Come down
to the factory some time and I'll show
you the most stuck-up lot or men you
ever saw; the Four Hundred are no
Sue wanted to see. "So this is
the barn?" exclaimed the fair young
cirl who was visiting her country cous
Then do please show me the dear little
It is very important in this age of
vast material progress that a remedy he
pleasing to the tasto ami to tho eye,
easily taken, acceptable to tbe stomach
and healthy in its nature and effects.
Possessing these qnalitics, Hyrup of
Figs is the one perfect laxative and
the most gentle diuretic known.
He was rnht. "Have you any
photographs of your children, Mr.
1'eckV" asked a friend of Un Hon.
Alpf'eus 1'eck.
"I should say I had," answered Mr.
Peck, "I've aliout a bushel of them."
'Why, Alp!ieus!"exclaimedhis wife.
"Well, haven't we? Haven't we pho
tographs of all four of them, and don't
four pecks make a bushel?"
Well meant, but Daube Xow,
Miss Hunter, please look pleasant
that's it keep that for a moment until
I catch it. There. Now yon
uijiy lesuma your natural expression if
you wish.
Not used to timer ways. New
Minister-Hereafter it will lie necessary
to keep the windows tightly closed dur
ing service. I was greatly annoyed
this morning by the noise of some
neighboring factory blowing off steam.
Sexton That wasn't a factory sir.
That was the folks snoring.
IIionLY unnatural Walker I
hail a most iiniialur.il dream last niirlit.
Fad man I dreamt links borrowed five
dollars of me for a week.
Fadman Uiinaturall Why, that's
iiinks ail over.
Walker Yes, but I went on dream
ing and I dreamt that Iiinks paid it
back to me at the end of tbe week.
One Remedy lor All riiaea.
Is true, however Mranue the aswrtinn A n
compound of vrK!alle9 t-.iiilv alnorbcd and
alii to promote diction, nutrition and excre
tion, purify the bloid and st-cure healthy action
td the liver, kidneys, skin. bow. 1 and liiiies
an the ancient foi inula adopted by the monks
of the Middle Aifeand known ai M. B-'Miard
Vegctald fills, will do. is such a remedy, and
til. re is nut one initreoient in them n..t en.
dorsed by th experience of all s.-hools of
medicine since (iaicn. No MoU purifier Iu the
world can eii:il thin. A suniiile of the St.
rkeriiari v eaeiaoie Ills will lie sent Jrer to all
applicants. Address at. Bernard, ltox 24lti,
Skw York.
The four most common causes of
boiler explosions are external corrosion,
overheating, overpressure and weak
lier of flue. The four least common
tauses are absence of safety valve, bad
material, weak manhole and deposit
nupnire rurgunrMnlerd by
Dr, J. H. Mayer, fttl Arch fit., Phil's,
Pa. Kase auonce, no operation or de
lay from business, at teste. I by thou
sands of cures after others tail, advice
tree, send for circular
A twenty-acre pond bubbled up eat
of earth in Center Co., Pa , receaUy in
twenty minutes
r. BTaaI Well
mm m a MB - -
oh tn eonsnlt a
Ana vet you aro no - , ,
docto. J yon refra.n from so doing : for tea
you wiU alarm ju"" . Hood's
U yo , what "To,
ndition. into a state iSwTtow
donee and cheerfulness. 1 ou n
potent this peculiar medicine is in such cases
as yours.
N. . e sure w . .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
..w sx. Prepared
Sold by an aruKKi"-
only by C. L HOOD St CO, Lowell, Mass.
lOO IXkwhs One
Chronic Cough Now!
rl .My ami M0
Uiore Is nothing Ilk
Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and
Of Xj1x ncl aiotl.
It Is most as palatable a milk. Far
better "inn other eo-culled KutulslOBS.
A wonderful nosh producer.
Scott's Emulsion
There are poor Imitations. Ort the armMtne.
Such ss W.nd sn4 Puis in the Stomach, I
r.jj; . roiifiAM. Sweltina alter Meals, I
of anoetite. Shortness of
Breath,Cotienss.Scury.Blotchet on ths (
Skia.0itturbef Sleep. Frightful ureami ,
all Nervoua and Tremblisg Sensations. c (
Tin riocT nncc urn I CIVE RELIEF IN ,
. ...uii.r. d 1 1 fr. . n r I.
ratrneatly llivluxl to try one Box of tlieee
l'lll(. ail'l XnCU WIU W. hhihwi,
a mtonaerjui mi-uit-in
Worth Cuinoa a Dox.,
Daiiiliiiiii't Pills. 4aknn as I
WOUbfru'' p w - .
j! .-j ...:n ..:.LIU OFQTftHF
airecxea, win huivrij ..w.w ,
r tNIALta IO COmpieio nwiim rw y
Sick Heaaacne,
Impaired Digestion,)
Disordered li ver,&c,
i rT I lUC Uir.lf a fm Atf Will V
work w.-iKl- rs uimii tho Vital Orqant,
Strengthening t ho ut uicu larSystem. nu r-
i i .... i ... f tit-1 iii hi lialr A
tho hern edqe ot appotite, bimI arulnK .
i . i. ... iincrDim fiC IJCJIt IU that
Willi III" nunCDUU vr (ia.ns.svs
7 HIUrIlllr- IU nnnmvi ii r .n ij .
.1 ..riha ruutoiiantnlMia tit 1 hn I
N.ttoiih ant lN'hllltatwl inthai BEECH-i
nr a ai V ocnDDICflDV UCnilllC lil IUC I
wnDI n IT till il lra.l l.klid villi AAfh lU iT i
p)irvHontTbT TIUH. BITHI4M,
..S tM. Yaak. S.ilsa A iri-nlx for
J th Llititvit HtJiuw, wko of your drucKt
hn& hrten ummI hy mothrri for their ohllrtrrn
whltf TthliiK ttr otT Ftrty Yitun. It
tootli iImi o-.ll-l. HoflfiiM th' ftunis. Allnyn
all MHlli, I'urtft wfnd oolio. aiii in tho Uwt
iwmi-yv lnin a Itatilr.
BJI m Ml - i mini urstuioui
far mtt lo Nnn iisBnrv iteUtt
Tn.ar,. 1.-.AK. D...A
7nr firrvm Aftnm, EplriM. elf.
MJbLB If tab -at mm dirrtsd. V F t,
4rmt tUtmm tut. TtmIim sumi $J kHll fr tm
t uuu, ill pmytrng lr chare M b.,v wp1a
'" Sr..i i. a sum, p, i mm, ttirt- .(.lra ..
mmi.tmA to OR. KI.1NF. Hl Arrh St, Hhitartrli.l.u '.
6-lnUTM!. fit AH OtiMliAti.StJ HiAi hS.
W. T. l-'lirrald,
axhlnrftwH. I. 1
-par bank trre.
diHiit mil I((hi thtinil
Will mall Btn-ham ' Pill m rmlpt of price
Jfi eta. a our. Mentkm f paprr. C
rrlU. aiul
srricc iu
niMklfllm lsssaava. 1A
i ll! RSSV BUM. I
rnmrr n aaira,
1 1-. T l ,'L ' I I . . . ' Ii
W if? l&-t SSriTItt " r,m.mrr,. tli. n l T F-rTttS
TOjj -viavliia .IO la 50 prr nil. j :J,gCH
1 TSicvctct. '(rlS " "
I Sc. XtfST-K -.V-s.
sal LUBURB CHAIR "' OfM K&ft
"'Ut. A 103. N.MI, 333 Norm Mh.SlrMl.
Boat Coutrh Motlirine. Rfyyiinmonili.il in. Tlic:.i,.n.
Cures where nil cIha faila. l'lonsnnt anil ntrr-nlilo f tlio
Iv a
uiuirt'u lano 11 wiinniit
.hjghrl-obe done ? f
The house
ex house-clecxnin end be convinced
"IGrJORJUCES of tho ,aw excuses n0
man," and ignorance i9
no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better
clean them in the old way than not at all ; but the modern
and sensible way is to use SAPOLIO on paint, on floors, on
windows, on pots and pans, and even on statuary. To be
ignorant of tho uses of SAPOLIO Is to bnhinH th nre.
r-m iMOMisTcrs tmgiiaH.
TMI nnifilMSI asan Ma-a.....
aemmtftm, mm I'rufrtH -r ClMe.
wmm mm 7ttb torn rim
tSaas?? fcr.p.VMa,U
yer ro re to th wnrl.l th,
Boiiml, w.re mud through a f., ,3 . r
For the .iMIcted of hrr ..x. ,si Ji " .
nrlr all the dU.u. of won, h,.l
l a inre core for all thow p.lnfni fnmj.yj
wnkni of womrn. Sold hv all i
a atnnditrd art id
icw, or in hr mall, tu laZ".
i, on rrwipt t 1 1 , " K
Pilli or Lozcnftea,
ry. ri.kfc' w.i,".M. i. m-.k, ,
l iiM,ui-.MIir.,"'?ii.
E. Pinkham's Mert. rt1
The most msrvcllous results ars nn
being obtained from the iie of petroleua
in tho treatment of catarrh uf the hei
and throat and lunsr trouhlcj. Send foi
pamphlet free describing the new trufc
ment to the Hkaltu Si;ri'i.iKs Co..
710 Broad war. New Tori.
Jt. 1. It.
tOKI AMII.l I sK IN IHK Houlu.
Cnroft and Prevaiitti Csilil Cough,
Tlirotkt-, lnllHiniiiiiliun, liliciiiuiitKtn,
lUrHl)iM. HHil:l4'li'. iMilh:4rlie,
AHtiiiim, littit'ult llrf;4iiiiii.
twenty ml n n u-. Not one lu.ur aitr rt:ninii
this advert .s-iiiriit need any in SI KH.I
Willi i'AIN. "
No ni Ut'-r how vinttMit or 'xni iating the
pain tho lilh'Uiint ic, r.nh nl.l. n. lutirni. Crir
ll, Nivous. Nt nialiiH- or n..-ii:u.'.
lisra'p may MiitliT, l;nl ay's lit-liel wui
allonl instant asu.
1 N i KltNA LI.V. a half t a ti:i-j.o .Tul iu
half a tnmtiitT of watei will in a fVw minute
cure v'ramp. Spasms, s.ui Stom.K-ti, N.iu-,jl
Vomitlnir, Ileal tlmrii, N''rvinsn', S1ivii.--lii'fw.
riik Hol;n'.u 1 Han h.r:t, I'ttllc, Flitu
lfhcy ami all inlt riiai p. tin.
Aik. l'or IVttli. Sold j lrni;f;i!t1
An Fxrollont and Mild .rh;iitir. pumii
vojcetahh'. Tho s;ifrst ami h"l tn.-tli.-tni m
the world for t lit cure of all li.lt.-;s l itie
I.lvfr. SloiiiHi-h or lion-In.
Takon ammlinR to lirt'Mjoas m. y will rfr
store hfallhaml rmw vttahly.
Triri, iV. a lox. SoUl lv all driii;?lK ot
malltMl Uy KAHWAY & ro.. .V Warivu Mroi't,
New York, on ri'eiia of priff.
3virrtoN 7348 PAPERS
Whfrt w htxvm no Ant n ill ftrrwigt
vltn any ai tlv MrrhanC- I- X M . V.
Fowdered and Fflrfumei.
Mrrnj7Mtliiiiti purest l.ycmadft
Makos the brst orfumml Hard
SoAiiin2liiiiiiut unthttut tVii
tnj. It is Mih Im'nI for ituin
Wntr, cliMinsinK wast if
flifliufrv'tin4 Hiiikt,rov'tH,aa,lv
ing lMttls, paints, trss via
tiou. Aiconta. 1'liila.. la.
Dr.Bowsted s PEHHYROYHLPit
Int dr m.H, .-nn.lr mhII, Priri-, S1.C0. A.Miwi
tim.lmluUlr, Hi. UoWsrMi, S. McuOil SUM,
. .. v i r ii ii 1 1 - n. mm or
OA f C llr.r.' .rolllpl.
Bnara Box Tire 6rm N. Y. W
Ovorl.OOO Articles
dirrrt tn rftuntmrrt. tlii'n'hy
m 3U la 30 lrr real.
KWHrrn, JtOm
r.lijwtion. Hy ilniinrisfH.
I I VV I ItTTrr? Tl
umu i Mail .1 X.- r ...
-l rsLOias stsi.
UHCH savs-l
" - -w . uii J W i. I IUII III V
oudhh ho ho. rlnd-
rr aly Haftt, sirN art rrlimtur piil ar as,M.
- K.-oVf r-rUK- S.
i t"Ur, t.f tarsi MlL
Co . UBaO.a MaiaiBvra
riaiiUIOat'aUA, teU