Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 15, 1891, Image 2

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iditoe aid pbopaieto.
Tuc war cloud in Europe ia bigger
than a man's band.
Tux doctors in Berlin, Germany
are to wear white bats.
The sleep fast craze in the west ia
over. Now lt the country have a
sleep the longest test.
A. portien of the British subjects
in India are in a state of rebellion.
If all the people of India eould be
induced to rebel, the Englinai could
not hold India 48 hours.
Thi saving of over $50,000,000 a
ysar to the country by the removal
of the duty on sugar proves that the
Republicans know the sort of free
trade people want. St Louis Globe
Dimocrat. P. T. Bakn-um of Connecticut, the
world fumed flhowican, died at bis
home in Bridgeport, Conn., on the
evening of the 7th inst. He was
born in 1810. He was not diseased.
He was worn out.
The Baltimore Bepublicscs have
adopted a constitution for the gov
ernment of the party which had be
come necessary becaiwa .of the fac
tional fights within party linos, with a
Bet of written rules and laws it is ex
pected to manage the factions.
Adespatch from London last wcek
says: The steady rise in wheat re
vives the hopes of the English farm
er, adding that wheat will probably
reach the highest price in many years;
the principal cause of the rise being
the failure of foreign crupa. The
wheat crops of Franc j and Russia,
according to the Standard are much
below the average, and tho same pa
per says the ilaficiency will be at
least 20,000,000 quarters.
It dooa'ut rav to strike. Thecoke
strikers in Westmoreland county have
lost between ene and two million dol.
lars by their slf inflicted idleness.
The state troops are protecting the
place made vacant by the strikers.
It seeing strange that men who do
not want to work will do violence to
men who desire to woik in the places
made vacant. It is pure unadulter
terated dog despotism for a man to
drop a situation snd then threaten
to do violence to anv man who will
choose to take the place he has left
Buch people have not the honesty
and intelligence necessary to qualify
thrm for citizenship for a govern
ment like the United States. They
have to be governed by force, snd
pooplo who havo to bo governed by
force are not fit subjects for a repub
lican or democratic form of govern.
Deed's of Crazy People-
Nttt crna, N. Y., April 9.
Seven small children wore more or
less wounded to day by a miu who
is thought to bo iimune and who shot
at them with a double-barreled gun.
It was about half past 10 o'cloek this
morning when a greup of children,
none of them over twelve years of
age, were playing on Gidney avenue,
a short diHtacce from St. Mary's Par
ochial School' which they attended.
Just at that time James H. Fergu
son passed with a double barreled
shot gun over his shouMer.
When ho i the children he
stopped suddenly and then without
any warning took deliberate aim at
the group and fired twice. Tht n
without stopping to see tL nfiVct of
his nc.Ff r;;scu rnu up tho ntret
' paying no attention to the screams
of the terrified aud wounded chil
dren. The reports cf tho gun attracted
quite a crowd raid it was fonnd that
seven of the littlo ones had beau hit
with the bird shot, the mest serious
of the injuries being sustained by
Frank Barnes, aged 10 years. He
received npward of 20 shot in var
ious portions of the upper parts of
the body, eleven being in the faee,
three in the neck, several in tho tar,
euttiDg away a sma'l portion, two ia
the scalp, and one directly in the
edge of the eye. Tho right baud
received a half a dozen, arid the
thick woolen jacket was filled with
pieces of lead.
Hkkman, Nub., April 9. A totribltt
triple tragedy occurred to-day. ilrs
Andrew killed her two children unJ
took poison, dying shortly after erm
mittiDg tho deed. Befeae ths chil
dren, a girl and boy, aged lcspect
ively 7 and 9 years were dressed,
she took them to tho kitchen and
crushed thoir skulls with an axe.
She then replaced the bodies in the
bed, nailed the door shut, and, after
taking a dose of concentrated lye,
climbed out ef the window and call
ed for the neighbors to come and
sco her children.
The door was forced open and the
sight was 6ickeniug. Oa the bed
lay the mangled forma of the two
nine ones, wnue in tne Kitchen was
the insane mother in tho agonies of
death. The mother died in great
pain a lew moments titer ward.
Nicely's Confession.
Somerset, Pa., April 9. The fol
lowing confession of Dave Nicely
was maue puonc to day:
oomshset Jail, Somerset, Fa.,
April 1. 1S91. L, David Nicely,
make concersing the murder of Her
man Umberger, for wkich I am con
victed and sentenced to be hung
April i tne Iollowmg statement-
was present wheu Herman Umborg-
er was murdered. 1 left my home
about 1 o'clock on February 27,
IS89, to go to some place ia Somer
set county for the purpose of rob'
bery, if not murder, and did not
know who was to be Jrobbed, not
learning Umberger's nanio until well
along on the road.
"The murder took place, about 7
o'clock in the evening. I arrived at
home about 1 or 2 o clock next morn
ing. I had a pistol and fired into
the ceiling, bnt not with the inten
tion of bitting Air. liabergar, nor
did anv shot I fired bit him. I in
tended only to frighten him.
I make this statement in view of ap
proaching execution, in fear of God.
truthfully to CI YV. Oranger, my
spiritual adviser."
Dave icely and his lbrotber Joe,
who were haaged April 2 for farmer
Umbtreer s murder, protested mno
cense on tne scaueiu. nue ne
does not say so, it is thought that
Dave intended to eonvey the idea
that Joo committed the murder.
A Democrat Converted.
Bead over bis own name, the
statement of a prominent Bhode Is
land Democrat of bis convention
from Democratic Free Trade ten
dency to republican tariff or protec
tion as represented by the .VcKinley
bill. Mr. Martin is a AlcKmley con
PAwrrcKrr, Ii. I. Mar. 26th, 1891.
To Ma. Chari.es E. Sestox, Scre
tary of the Democratic City Cam
Deab Sir Permit me, through
you, to proscnt my resignation as
member of the Democratic City Com
mittee. The undersigned ia a tariff
reformer. The Iienublican and Dem
ocratic parties are both tariff reform
ers. The distinction between both
on the question, is one of method.
The Ilopublican method is by pre
taction, supplemented by its natural
end logical complement, reciprocity
The wiiter had the honor and tli
nrivoilece to hoar Mr. McKinley at
the Yeuncr Men's Ilepublicau Club
of Providence. That political lineal
descendant of Hamilton. Clay and
Webster made the most masterly
speech upon the tariff question that
Rhode Island has ever beard. Th
pnsentation of the tojjio from tho
standpoint of protecticn was com
plete. Ia matter form and delivery
it wi'B all but perfect. Its fxree,
weight and argument ara incontest
able and ui ans.vtrable. It has left
no doubt in the writer's mind that
protection is the lif line along which
the United States with leut injury
to itself must follow in its march to
ward ultimate free trade with all the
nations. Coming to such a conclu
sion upon the national question which
has been and is tho chief ground cf
political contention between the two
great parties, ho feels that ho could
not honestly and consistently contin
ue a member of your organization,
since organically you repioscut in
a measure the Democratic policy on
this great question. He does your
organization the ciedit to believe
that you hp.d rather havo ?an honest
and out-spoken opponent whom you
resptct than a dishonest associate to
be despised and suspected. In clos
ing permit me to offer to the Demo
cratic city committee my thanks for
tho uniform couriesy and good fool
ing tho organization has colletively
and individud'y ihown mo during
my short term of membership:
Richard Mat.tix.
Women a8 Voters.
At the Kansas elections held on
the 7th iust., woman participated
as they have a right tj do undor the
Kansas laws:
At Topcka the rotristration
were augmented by ubjut 400
names of women.
At the Witchita the inriosie
about 300; at Leavenworth 250;
at Atchison, 200.
At Kansas City, Kansas, 1,215 wo
men were registered; at Leavenworth,
2,748; in Topekn, 2740; in Wichita,
2,300, and iu Atchison, about 1,803.
The number of negresses that vo;-
ed in Kansas City, Kansas, was not
able. The marched to tho polls with
as much, if not lucre pride, than
their white siuter and exercised
their light of siifferng" with a satiu-
uction pecular t j then racn.
Dispatches from other of the larg
er cities of Kansfta, indicate that the
vote of the women compared to the
registration was proportionate to the
male vot?. -Uost of tho women had
their tickets prepared at homo or at
places of meeting, and their pres
ence at the polls was only enough to
permit them to deposit their ballots.
Oiilv a law female caudidat'.s ap
peared oa any of the tickets, and
these few were up for election for no
oilioeH higher than membership on
the school board.
Keasoa for Office Seeking-
From the Franklin Repofiitorv of
April 8: Nine good Dumccrats have
announced thoisnblvos as candidates
fur tho nomination for Associate
Judge by the Dc-iuocratic convention
of Fult'n Cunty. Ia the publiih-
k1 cards sorai qn--er reasoua are al
leged why they should be given rthe
pcsitinr. One says he "is unable to
work, from the affects of a full from
a bridge, and therefore rolicts the
support of the dulegates." A second
says that be is no longer able to fol
lew the occupation of farming, on
account of being somewhat crippied.
A third announces that "as I am get
ting up in years this is the last re
quest I shall ever make of my pnrty."
Our neighbors over the mountain
certainly have some strange reaon
to give in support of their candidacy
for a judicial position.
. In Line Eleven Days.
Asulakd, Wis., April C. The 100,
000 acres of pine land which is to be
thrown open to the public on April
17, by the Ashland Land Company
is proving a powerful magnet to
people in all parts of the country,
and the land office here is already be
seiged by 500 hardy woodsmen,
standing one behind the other in a
line that extends half way around the
block. They propose to keep in line
until tho 17th when the first that
make application will carry off the
greatest prizes.
Lancaster, Pa., April 7. Mrs.
John Chamberlain, aged 80 years,
and sister, Miss Rachel Hood, 75
years old, living in the same bouse,
died within seven minutes of each
other yesterday.
The North will be flooded with
Georgia watermelons in the summer.
The melon acreage - there has been
greatly increased.
Thomas Bamberger and Ruben S.
Moist, both of Walker township Ju
niata Co., were placed on the pension
rolls of the TJ. S., last, week through
tho agency of Wm. Fry, Mexico.
Three immigrants who had been
put on board the steamer Inezitiva
at New York to be returned to Italy
were allowed to escape, and the
steamship company is liable to a fine
of $900 and the refusal of clearance
papers until the fine is paid
PrrrsBUBO, April 8, The three
Hungarians, George Ruswoek, Mi
chael Gabal and Andrew Tedt, con
victed of murder in the riote at Car
negie's Works, Braddock, on New
Years day, were this morning sen
tenced to be hanged. A motion for
a new trial was overruled.
Perry connty Advocate: Daring
the month of February $58.50 were
paid out of the county treasury for
scalps and justices' fees of animals
upon which there is a bounty, and
in March $104 35. In the last named
month two wild cats were killed in
the county. It is estimated that the
county will expend over $700 for
scalps during the present year. A
big increase over last year.-
Since the act of June 8, 1881, went
into affect rrquirng ail physicians
to register, 93 M. D.'s have been en
rolled in the Prothonotary's office of
Perry county.
The Washington D. C. Post of
Ayril 8, says: The counterfeit 1 sil
vtr certificate here to fore described
in The Post is causing coniidorable
trouble at the Treasury Department.
Not more than twenty of these coun
terfeits have come into the bands el
Treasury oflitfials. The extent of
their circulation, however, is not
known, es they bear so close a re
semblance to the genuine note that
they cannot be readily detected ex
by exports. The issue of the regu
lar series of the 2 silver cmihcate
has been suspended, and arrange
ments are being made fur tho issue
of a substitute. The original bears
the portrait Of Gen. Hancock, and
the substitute will have that of Sec
retary Wisdom. While the old
has not been called in, none cf the
ne t of that series coming into
Treasury will bo reissued.
Water Resolutions
At a mooting of the. town Council.
Hon- John J. Patterson councilman
cffernd the following resolutions.
Th resolutions were adopted.
Resolved, That the indebtedness of
the Borough of Mifllintown be au
thorized to bo increased to the
amount of seven per eentnm upon
the last preceding assessed valuation
of the taxable property in mid Bor
ough, for the puqwse ef furnishing
a water supply to the said Borough.
Resolve J, That a special election
shall be held iu said Borough at the
Sheriff's office in the Court Houso,
on Tuesday the 2Gth day of Msy, A.
D., 1S91, and that tho polls shnU be
opened from 12 o'clock noon, until
7 o'clock P. M., of said day, for the
purposo of obtaining the assent of
the electors of said Borough to the
said increase of indebtedness, which
election shall bo held by the tfficers
provided by law for the holding of
municipal elections.
Resolved, That the Sacretarr of
Council be authorized and directed
to prepare the proper notice and
statement for said election and have
the same advertised as required by
the provisions of the act ef tho Gen
eral Assembly, approved April 20th,
A. D., 1874- "
sfltere tbere are no Had In
dlHBM. '
Yhe Sisset'Mi Indian reservation at
the eastern boundary of South Dako
ta and containing one million acres
of choice farming lauds Las just been
opened for settlomont a'-id offers to
th j home seeker inducements that
cannot bo equa'lod. The soil ia vary
fertile, the coun'ry well watered,
there being utvnaioj small Iaks
with n its bjiiiidirv, aud it i- within
a -hott distance of the twin cilin of
tho Northwest, St Paul aud Minne
apolis, iesuring good ran kits almost
at the settler's doors.
This is not a frontier rservation,
bnt is surrounded ou all siJos by an
old, well settled and prosperous
c um try.
Tke reservation wi-1 .be held for
actual sott'ers, only homentead en
tries of 16!) acres each being permit
ted and tlnre is room for mora than
0000 farms To get the beet howev
er come early: first come, fir it serv
ed. The Chidgo, Milwaukee ti St.
Paul Railway is the only road which
runs directly througli the reserva
tion. To rench it from the Et buy
tickets to Summit, S. D., Waubay,
S. D, Witmot, S D., or Wheaton,
Minn. Summit is within 'the reser
vation, the other stations on the bor
der. All ticket agents in the United
States or Canada, sell tickets via the
Chicago, Milwaukee Jt St. Taul Rail
For further information apply " to
Geo. H. Heajtokd, General Passen
ger Agent, Chicago, 111., or to
Jso. R. Pott,
D. P. A., Williumsport, Pa.
Societies for the abolition of flow
ers at funerals are bing organized
in Baden, Germany. The parent
norir.tr in Wiosbaden was founded
bv clergyman ncainst tho bitter op.
nosition' of all cardenera in the
It is not every dentist that gets a
case like this Crocker, tho California
railroad king, has a molar tooth well
filled with gold, tho crown of which
is faced with four big diamonds.
The job cost Mr. Crocker $1500.
Superstitious folks point to the
fact that there were only thirteen
persons at the table where Secretary
Windom died. Places bad been set
for seventeen, but only thirteen re
sponded. A Norwegian has invented a pro
cess for the production of ivory from
skim milk.
Seven cups of tea killed a New
York woman.
Mr. Editor: Permit me to announce
Jeremiah Lyons, Esq., as a candidate for
President Judge, t abject to Republican
Kales. Eulegy upon him is unnecessary,
because, be is well n'l favorably kiown to
every man in Uunia'a coanty.
He began life a farmer's boy, and by
bis own exertion soenred a good education
and came to the ba: t He is an able lawyer,
a wise coanse'or and a Christian gentlemen.
whose sterling honesty has deserved and
secured t'.e eonfldence of the people.
Juniata county is entit.ed to the nomlne
t'oa, and Mr. Lyons will be triumphantly
elected in Norember next, and will be an
Impartial and learned Judge.
Iloldlt I the UsTht.
The man who tells you confiden
tially iust what will cure your cold,
i. nresi-ribinc Renin's Balsam this
the ureooration of this re
nnrWM medicine for couerhs and
colds no expense is spared to com
bine only the best and purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bal
aam to the licrlit acd look through it
notice the bright, clear look ; then
minMrg with other remedies. Price
50a and $1. tf-
: White and Black.
Haverhill Nass.. has a sensation
nr the marriage of Rev. C, E. Rob
erts, colored to Miss Martha Abbatt,
white, aired 22. A haverhill despatch
savs: He first saw her at Worcester
a few months ago, while engaged in
his religious work. She became
infatuated with the tall, handsome
colored man and followed him place
to nlace. Lat week Roberts sud
decly left the city and went to New
York, where he met Miss Abbott and
they were married by Rev. Mr. Bos-
well and returned to Worcester.
There Mrs. Roberts stayed until
Mr. Roberts returned Saturday
night and preached on Sunday, as
usual. Monday ha returned to
Worcester, and last night brought
bis wife home with him. She pre
sided at the organ at tho meeting,
and played with much expression,
and sang sweetly several soloes after
the services. She met her husband's
parishioners and greeted them kind
lv. Ask Yotir Friends lbont It.
Your distressing cough can be cui
ed. We knew it because Kemp s
Balsam within the past law years
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this community. Its remarkable
sale has been won entirely by its
irenuine merit. Ask some friend
who has usod it what be thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Large bottles 50o and $1 at nil drug
gists, tf.
The Duncannon Record says: One
young man's stomach capacity must
have been taxed on Easter as he only
eat twenty five egg, and ece being
a coose etrcr. He said he could
havo eaten it few more but did not
like to make a hog of himeif.
M. A. Bailey, writes to the Lewis-
town Sentinel last week and says:
The man whoae bdy was found in
Ferguson Valley, was Ad im H. Hoff
man, formerly of Lycoming county,
and a frequent visitor to Miluin Co.,
and Juniata Co. He was a single
man and very much afflicted and sub
ieet to fits all his lifo, aud was also
weak-miaded and dependent upon
his brothers and sisters for support
He left two brothers and f vur sisters
to mourn bis dsa;h. His brothers
live in Lvcomiog county. He was
peculiar and self willed, and the old
er grew the weaker his mind be
-r am T T
came, lie was oJ years oi age. ne
came to our bouse ou the 9lh of
March and wanted to leave the noxt
morning, but my mother insisted on
him staying until he was rented. Ou
the morning of tne 11th' she noticed
his mind was much worse, but he
said he had to go and persuain
could not chan his mird. My
mother gave him r.ome lunetnou nd
r. lilt! climjjri, ami told him he
ould h.vs to stwp traveling so much
as he wi.8 gfttiug too old. Ha re
marked that another tisttr bad told
him tho same thing, but that be re
plied that God alw ijs watched over
him. It makes very sal hsarts
when wo tluDk if ho oidy could hve
buen prevailed upon to remain that
diiy, instead of going to his death
apart from all Lis frionds.
From Huntingdon per Journal
and Globe: The sons cf America of
th;g pl-ieo are making an tffjrt for a
big celebration on ttie 4lh of July,
in which thev will ask the co-opera
tion of the Grand Army of the Ro
pubiic and othr societies of the
countyv Sf.mael T. Clement,
of West Huntingdon, has received
about $1,000 from the government
on a French spoliation claim filed
prior te the year 1800 by his grand
father. J. S. Biair, Ksq , son of Da
vid Blair, Esq., deceased, of this place,
prosecuted the claim to a successful
issue- The safo in the ofllce of
Thimas K. Henderson at .Vorrel was
blown open some time during Wed
needay night of last week and des
poiled of its contents. The burglars
got away with some $23 in cash be
longing to tho Pennsylvania railroad
and $40 of Uncla Sam's postage
stamps. " Caaio Brooks, the
girl who panned herself off a the
widow of Loring A. Robertson, the
proprietor of the Maploton tannery,
in order to share in his fortune of
$5,003,000. has confessed nil. Four
other persons have been arrested
who were connected with the plot.
There are several corners in this
town upon which loafers congregate
in tne evenings and oftentimrs then
conversation is not at all instructive.
una evening wnue we were passicg
one oi these corners, we saw a iady
get pushed from tbo eiduwak into
the muddy street by a boy who had
b.ien pushed roughly from the crowd.
The lady naturally was much embar
rassod and to retain her dignity was
ooiigea to pass on witaout returning
a woid. Now if these rude occur
sences would only happen once in
six months, we would not say a word
but when it is an a'most daily occur
rence it is time that something be
said which will lead to the breaking
up of corner loafing, and thus pro
tect respectable pedestrians from
public icsu't
A perfect Harness dressing.
EVERY Household FVERY Office
EVERY Mechanic EVERY Stable
mould rss
W)U. sraiM Oim rwawiTuec farnfsh
W,H gy.iH GIAM ... CKIH.WAM 0$ iAe
wm staim TiNwMi same
WOITf S RANDOLPH, Phnedelpbl.
Atk Dr. Put mtd baa WwJiM
Of Pare Cod
Liver Gil and
Ci L.
1m o and
U endcro4 ar-t rroqcrlb 1 b loading
phyalelaus ix-caus ootl. Hie r-i r.inrr Oil
and Iltrpoiihorphllr mra xl-.a rosiitwl
agents la llie cur. r C'Mrti"if-- It Is
&3 palmMiblo u mil!'.
Scrofula, Bronchi J, "XTcciisg' 25i3
ftnL CiT3iii Gi-i: Calls.
Ask ter Brotfs ZzlmU I; a i s t. '.s me oilier.
3i lists auJt ss5ifSwill
; Tbo licrllr.fiof
vlt-jmi'.n i i-
S uullx:itlu:U b:v::t!;. l.X.-rm
m I'ur Kw:ty in tlia : - t'.i::-t
Glitch rii"-'Jjl: 'ri " -
; tod. III vc:i!a Joa, lilMi u: 1 !-.
S lUliMxUl the slumUevIiv i:r;.i i. i'.-'c :.'-
u!a t. uv.jriovi' :r vi'.-.ii; cl ti. 1.1 r
; sid run riut in I'.is -.S::ii. TI. hloc! i:i
S !: pro-ot rf rsr.awl.ii IV. Vi (i'l-
Z i.t eip.'l any '. t f
J nc? cr li'T"-';. ' : -.--i : h r.--
jadlriujl K'ii'ir, viiirli :i U tivl l.r mi-
; tritiuuu to- T. ..-:i lli;i-.'l Md r. jsii-.il.i-
n tcdiuIoWliioii, vrKt'.'.uJ'.y iitwfi l'.:o fo.'-
m setibloil of sound htl!ii. Hi:'i u r.u i.t-
? ?
- tut rayirdy Irown'a S'iiK:;:.riKa
; proved it,self to ho, whet!!;- t!tU UA'.i t
Z rlvca ri.40 to Srrofn!, altU'aoun! Klieiu-
5 mutism, i:rtt'.M,L!ver (omI.Ints,
Kidney I!siiJt.'i which ni the mo.'it fr
qiiiat nmnif-stition"t ft pro.o:ite, ull
havo rndily yittM.-d t- th rliun nd
pnriiyin-r Hct!r,;t cf IJro xix't S:irapp.rilla.
: ,i f::;t t;.u t:.r-;r:
of SiTrifLil. furv.l W Mrown'a Rarsapa
2 rlllu. hiiM e.'if,U ths pooplo living In and
5 nroiixKl the :owu cf Ioe, Mo. Mr. Avar
m ill wriU ua uk follov.a: 'My son has
nor takfu fonrtwu of Urown'H
S SarwipHdlln, and I am sure It has corn
ea pie ted a cur. Ills ratie was the wtwt I
ever saw. Ilia face was varod with
S rrhat aootued toba waletorcah,aud tho
ltehiaf was so tntolcrabU that he tossed
rowers &ars
At all Druggists I.OO.
DON'T tke Something elue "Ju as goi," IT IS WOT .
Ara Warkkk & Co., olc Proprietors, Bangor, M.
'"'laataii.t. aaaaaaaacaaiaaaaaaaaaiaaaiaisasasaiaaiaiaaaatae'
The greatest improvement In
Corsets during the past twenty
years is the use of Coraline in
eLe place of horn or whalebone.
It is used in all of Dr. Warner's
Corsets and in ne others.
The advantages of Coraline
over horn or whalebone ara that
It does not become Bet like
whalebone, and it Is mOre flexi
ble and mora durable.
Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets
are made In twenty-four differ
ent styles, fitting every variety of
figures thin, medium, stout,
long waists and short waists.
Sold everywhere.
New York and Chicago,
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder
It to abMlntl7 pqrx BtrMT r.'".iKA. la
Jn.nttty H Kx a Una a uh of a rrt a day.
mctiaiiktiiiat. rrvvwM m4 cumkii (Iihv,
Coi for jo okfoka. V rtb mor tban r..ui
wb, Wult. "One Urr vtux n-rti 4.,
n1 X '"' pTB4stlt MUp," Mivs HUM UTVT.
if 7 out ir It ew-nd m M trul ir two pau k -f.ve
91- A 1 1-4 posiml t ft SO rMld : r.-.Tui a.'J
f-rpr. p. M. "TMKBITICLXKArKK,'saS
plp opy fr. XWultTT .i-iaunfr uuid frrvwttti
1 tM I&JPm3Wi
(hewers of
JfiO. FHZER & BROS.. Louis?il!e; K?.
tii3ttciiciiiatailM( '
rnv il.rougU many a deep
He tciiniCMi -J soma tecks
e .- v.' .ru' J&rsoparil.a la ccn- Z
t ti:t? tiaive cn Kent to nllnjr S
: . jl;, ' h ii fr recov
.' j m-li.-7 hi complete CHi-o
n.k-.i r.'i-cU'Mt ("o. t'ommliwioncrf
;:: v.-cp..1. r.il iv hut Rrown's Snr
hk, : u:-?:' I t uvi-t for youiijr ATerill.
l: I'll' t ... lit .vt'rf r.rsHMiil.a threw
rpi:. il:e - j.;r-. of tho skin,
;:.! i;:..e cr.i:i:iif tho blood,
t'. y v:;-j.-.v: wtirfuro 03 tho
!::. p .i e . i:;' fj;iu! ti-iO, uxd Whlrh
yns ei ? r.i;.-i.N;of mpply fortho
frro."'.th-:i -' .r v. J I. :;;.; da. Iu lime
t.i.4 r ';t4 IV.' ii lUo fc;.-Htm, and
;.i:m ;;.! . tt.Vitu llio tlood.
i2 l r r
On Pivtyr;.-o:, i:i JS.-.-ajor, ronidsMra. S
JMwI i w lion :!a;i;,;itv us tiidly ;
if:iU'tsd wi: j r.batir.i. Attliuosbur 2
fu."C r.nd hniJs vtou'.d be covered will S
blelolii'tf. So in:-:).e viis the ltohins S
venyaU'iu tlit ai);lirailoa:i of calt were 5
iu to ostror f. Tor u long time no 5
relirf cou'.l l.o o'jtniceJ. )::e day nomo ;
or. ar.r.te;! I.v-.v.-ii's firMiprilla, end 2
a iKiitia wr. f.'.i:li u .J. Later Mth. W'l- 5
ley liroimht bcr diuhter to tho esUib- J
liithmant of llr. Ara M'arron where -Brown's
MiLrrMi'iarlllA in mudo. The fiioe
tliut a sLort time pr.vious was corerod
wltu bloUlicK, liurnliig and Itching, pre- S
sented n fIrtndiinoothanapprance
asthutofnuy young; ludy. Lta TlliX
0 bottles for 5.00."
WrvTTetspul O! VfUTnrM. WOMAN, BO WCM ?
V- rt-H HtcK Dia: kvd Rcor:c to corn n met.
Sl for Illustrated circnlar to
H. Ehret, Jh., & Co.,
4tS3 TFnlnut Wtrcct,
This standard brand of plug
tobacco is acknowledged to be
the best chew and the largest
piece for the money in the mar
ket. 1nco tin tag on each lump.
its extensive sale for many years
ha? established its reputation,
here is nothing better. , Try it
'or sale by dealers and grocers.
Get a good paper by subscribing for the
arsTisaL ask'Bzpcblicas.
HaviD" just returned from the City with a
i i 1. a -neatest, nobbiost and latest ntv1a
we are prepared ic brvn.j""
Oar Stock of H.t., Necke.r. Shirts,
Hhinc Goods, Is larger and Oner man ever
tioa in that line.
i n.f ih largest at prices that cannot be beat.
OTBl IU till" - - . ,
AVa also have a iun line ui .
Umbrellas, Trunks Satchels, .Icwelrj-, Ve.,
If in need of anything in onr line, and if you want a bargaii., tlii4
1 4Ua f im A ff ft it.
is tiie piaco auu uu vi -
We have just re stocked oui
store with Winter Goods lor
our customers.
The Senior member of the
firm has just returned lrom
Eatrn Markets, where he se
lected with great care the goods
that his many patrons fYr.
Our assortment is more com
plete than ever. Come and see.
Our customers hare appreciated
our effort) to give them goods to
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite you t
come and see and be satisfied.
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainty can ue
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
vre have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery' Department never lags.
We have on hand a full line 01
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line i
in the COUntv Everv house
in tne county . x.ery . nouht
UlUSt have its full r-Upplv Of
Queens and Glassware, this is
the fctore to call on for such .ar
ticles. TOBACCO-
To the lovers ot the weed,
Ave say we keep the best brands.
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
lleinember the place,
Maix Sthkkt, Of rooiTK Caeur Hucsk,
Mitf! iii town, la.f
Fred'k liSli:CHAlIJ
At Hon.
Scad postal for a free sample copy.
Worth Knowing,
TLt I esn stop TcomAtHS in loss Ihaa
fire luiaates; ne piia, no cxtracticg.
Ihatlcan extract teth nithoat vnin.
by the ae ef a liU applied to tha teeth
anal (ana ; ne danger.
That Ci.easol o. Gams (known
as Scnrvv) treat
-r v
and a eare war
?5f"w ""fr'""""' stations between Ilarrislmre and Alt..ona.;
' Tury ! Ttrra Kxp.ks. leaves Philadelphia d.i
! It at 5 22 v. ru.. HarriaUur!:. 10 20 r. m..
Tetlh Fiilsb and warranted for life. i stepping at ltockville, MaryavilU, Dnncsn
Artiflclal Teeth repaired, exchanged or I Bon NewI'rt, Millorstowa, Thompsontown,
remoddled, from $9.S0 to $U ir ,ut.' I P,rt J"'. ,iin ,l ' 1 65 A1
Beantifnl Gaaa Knatueled Teet inserted at ". 2 15 a. m.,nd Pittsburg, e 10 a. ia.
prices te suit all. ! Matt Tbaik Iostcs Pb;ia.Ilphia daily at
All werfc warranted f give perfv.t satia- ! 7-t0 m- Harriahnrj 11.20 a. in., cw.
faetien. People who have artificial teeth ' Iort 12 15 m-i MiRiin 12.62 p. ni., stor
with which they eannet oat, are ei-pccial'.y I 'DRllt B" regular stations between Miffiii
invited te call.
Tea ms Caah.
G. I,. DERE,
EST BUSHED llirr LIST9WH, Pa., h I860.
9eU 14 '85.
Bubrx-rRhoee nnkn worn tincotr-fr.rfahlt tir-l,t.
wUl ofieu slip off the f,-t. To wnij
this evil the
the KutU:r from slipping off?
Call Tor tbe uolebeater
udyoacau walk, run or Jump-in LUcm.
---. 1U lJ16
sod every thioin the Line of Gents' rttnu
uur I9lec.
T...i; Mil P'hil.lron'o
Louis E. Animoj.
F. M. M.
CyCollectlng and Goaveyancing promm
ly attended te. f
Orrirc On Main street, la place ef reii.
denee of Lenis K. Atkinson, Ksq., south of
Bridge street. f Oct 26, ISss.
Jena KbLavoblih. Joskpi W. Stixii
KOnly reliable Companies represented.
Jan. 1, 1889-ly
have formed a partnership for the rractira
of Medicine aid tbeir collatti'ral kranrhr.
Ollicc at aid stand, curner of Tumi and (Jr
aage streets, Miffliutonn, fa. Oaevr both
et tkem will be found at their orti.-e at ill
times, aaless otherwise prwfenaio.-.u''.; n.
Avril 1st, 1S'.0.
On and after Sunday I :. 11, 1H80
traina that stop at Mifflin will run an fol!ow:
MiRlin Acceinniedatian ltnrrs Mifl'm at
C.10 a. at.. Port Koral 0,45 a. in.. Thump,
on town 7 .'! a. m., Millentewn 7,1'J a. u.
New Part 7,21 a. in., Duncannon, 7.41 a!
an., MaryarilU, 8,0'2, arrives at lUrrisburg,
S,2Q a. in., Flii!delpbia, 1,'J", p. m.
I.rirxs Miirlin at 7,t0 a. nj.. Pert Rgra!
7,65 a. in., Tbomaentovrn, 7,22 a. ni , Mil.
lcrstewn, 7,3J a. ra., arrires at Harrubnrj
at 8,43 a m., Fhila l.lpbU ht 1.2; y. ui.
Lfav.sMieilnat3.ua p. w , fort KfTal,
f ,03 p. si.. Tbempaentown, 3,'22 p. m.. Mil.
i.rstown, l.XU p. m , arrivua at Harrisburg,
T,00 p. bi., PhiladiilpaU at 9.S5 p. i.
12 A RRTSBVRO Acoo VTI.J I'av.a Al.
teesa daily at i.'.'Ua. m., Tyrone S 50 a. iu.,
Veeat I'nion at 6,S4 a. tn., N'nwtea Il.inn!
t 7 .Coi a. tu., McVevtown 7.2s s. in.. Law
itoTTw 7,45 a. ia., Milford .05 . iu., Milllia
S.12 a.m.. Port Koyal ,17 a. m-. Mexico 8,
28 a. m , Taacarori ".'iia. in.. Vandjke S
0 a. n., Thomp.ior.town S.S7 a. m., Dnr
ward 8,42 a- ni., Miilerstown 8.1H a. m.,
Newport 9,09 a. m., arriviDj; at Barnaburj
10,05 a. an., ani at Philadelphia, 1,23 p. m.
Sra Snonx Kxpbrss leree altoona daily
at 7,15 a. ni., aud stopping a all reg'.br
tllona "utween Altoena and Harrubiirs,
,r( hpg K.fflin at 1P(.5 a Vl t RrShar?
ll.lUp. SI., and errivus in Fhiladelphia at
3.1 p. m.
Mail Tbaik leaves Pittbuig daily a
,X0 a. m., Altoona at 2,01) p. m., ami stop
ping at a',1 regular stations arrives at MifUia
at b-CH p. n., Harrisburg 7.00 p. m., l'hila
adelybia 14,53 p. m.
Mail Expresa leaves Pittarmrg at 1 CO p m.
Altoena ti 20 p tu j Tyrone 6 62 p ra ; Llsot-
lBgden ,40 pm; Lewistown 8 65pm V,i
' Bib 9 15 p ni ; Harrisburg 101pm; fulla
UelpUia 4 25 a in.
( Dav Express learna Pittsbarg at S.0'- A.
' H. ; Aliuuna 1 1.'0 A. il.; may Ijj fl i;ecl
at NiUI in at 3.05 P. V.; arrivra at llama.
! burg at 1,20 P. ii.; at Ptiiladelpbia, 8.6U P.
I Pli'Uiel.bia Sxprnas will step at Killlia
. at 1 1 '47 p. ui., b-a fla-il
KifS'B Arcommoiation leaves PbiUdcl
!bia at B.&0 a. in., IlarnaLurf, 12,10 p. ra.,
i tiilleratewB, 1, l p. m., Tboiupaoututm,
1,28 p. ru.. Mexica, 1,41. p. in.. Pert Koyal,
- t,ia p. u., iuwriiii., ISO, p. ia. Pbiladel
' fbia at 4,25 p. iu., Ui.i .7.27 p. in.,
' Newport, 8,28, p. Wil!ert-vvn. o,.." ).
; w., 1 Ijonipjcli'oo ti. f,!.". p. in., Pil Uuvnl,
! I'nrt Ueyal. 9J0 iiir.tin. 'J.C5 p. in. Har-
rutirrg, 12 80 in,. niir.urtown l.Si p. m.,
TkamjirMiilon n, l,4g p. ui , P.rt Kn; a!,
3,05 p. m., UiffliB, 2,10.
Fast Likk loaves FliiadclpMa daily at
It 40 a rs ; llarrisburr S 45 p ail I! if!! in
AOtpn. j Lewistown e 28 p m ; Altonns
7,0 p m t arr'ves at Pittsburg at 1 1 45 pm,
I Wat Passkkcir leaves Philadelphia
I daily at 4 SO a. m.; Ilarriatnre, 8 15 a. m.;
' Duncannon, 8 64 a. tn.; Newport,' 9 2'i a.
i ni.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. m.;Thempsnntnivn,
, 9 62 a. in.; Van Pyko. 10 00 a. ni.. Tuncar-
ora, 10 04 a. ni.; Mexico, 10 67 a. m.j Port
Royal, 10 13 a. rc.j Miiltin, 10 20 a. ni.;
j MilYord, 19 20 a. ra.; Narrows, 10 i'l a. ra.;
i Lewistown, 10 46 a. ni.; McVeytown, 1111
i a. m.; Newton Hamilton, 1 1 3 a. m.; Hun
1 tingdon, 12 17 p. w.; Tyrone, 1 07 p.m.
Allnnn. 1 4& .. - . 11 I
. aau ailouiib reacucs A..toona at o.ii p
l'ittoburg 8.10 p. bi.
Alto a a AccoHMnnjiTtos leaves Phil
adelphia daily at 1 1 40 a. ui., lUrrinburg st
4,10 p.m., Duncannon 4,4 1 p. ra., Ncw
pert6.12p. ru., Milleratown 6,22 p. ra.,
Thompsoutown 6,S;i p. in., Van.lyke o,19
p. ni., Tuscarora 6,44 p. ni., Mexico M" P
m., Pert Royal J6.61 p. iu., Mitlnn 3 f.S p.
Lewistown 6,20 p. ni., .McVeylown 6,.
46 f. ru., Now ton liaiuiltou 7.r5 p. nr
iluntingdeo 7,35 p. tn., Altoona 00 p. m.
Pacific Eipresskaves Philadelpbia 1125
pin; llarrisburg 8 10 a tu ; Duiica-.uiun 8
38 am; Newport 4 00 a ni ; Mifflin 4 8'J a
iu ; Lewistown 601 a m ; lie Veytown & 22
a. in; Mt. Union 6 4ti a ra ; Uuntingdoa li
12am; Petersburg G 25 a m ; Spruce Crek
6 40 m; Tyrone 7 00 a tu ; hell's Milli
7 22 a m ; Altoona 8 05 a ni ; Pittiibuig
12 45 p ic.
il properly managed. Tbe I'ot LTRr Utx
letix, publiahed monthly, finely lliuatrattd,
ia tbe Lest paper lor tancKT and larmer.
Less than Uvu cents a month bring it to
yon postpaid. Send stamp toraamplecopy.
Addirts Poultry Bullitin, E26 Pearl St.
New Yoik.
Patent Variable Friction and Beit Feed.
siii.gi.e: iiii.is,&c.
I'oitTiii.i: ci:it aiiLi-
Thmhiu; Mathlucs cliv
Send for illuotrated Catalogue.
a. n.rAKqt iiAP.to.jwk, r
Caution IVotlce.
The nnde rsigned.cilizens of Wslkcr TT-
Juniata county, Pa., Lcrtby caution all per
sons not to tresspass an their lands for the
purpose ef hnnting : John A. Oallaphif.
Christ Mnsser, Calvin Magruder, John f
Bahr, David Diven, Samnol Auker. Cyrns
Sii-bcr. Seth Kcrchncr, William Clock.