V "" -."- e i r ! I:-:; U . i : A i . - I J 1 rti . 1 !- i ' ' .'a I I '!.J i' 1 I 1.1 , 5' ! It-' Hi' 3 i r ABOUT THE f ARM. Binta for .Farmers and Bus Housewives to Appreciate. Provide the stock with plenty o hade. Let the brood mare9 have plenty o: fxercise. Let the pigs bo kept growing now io that they can be fattened early. One advantage with a feed cutter i. that the beddins used with the 8 toe! n all be cut up. Cultivation in a dry time Is not onl; generally beneficial, bat does a goot work In destroy! ng the weeds. After the harvest work is all finishei is a good time to haul out and appl; manure and especially so to crops to b eeded in the fall. After the crops are harvested an' stored away ii a good time to put i tile drainage, in this way a low we place can be made productive. It is not only necessary that (In anlam should have good record, bu thai in addition they should posses individual merit in themselves. Thistles are a pest on many farms Thorough work in cutting them dowi as fast as they appear above ground i one of the best plans of exterminating It is just as easy, so far as feed an care 1 concerned, to "raise a really goo animal as it is a scrub, while there i sertainly a considerable difference it the profit. Wlille a good system of rotation, a role, is beat, some land can be kep in meadow for several years if care ii taken to keep clear of weed and tt properly manure. If the ground la kept occupied th greater portion of the time with hoec erops weeds may be gradually killer.' ut. A great help in addition to tfai la to keep the fence corners and road tides clean. While from the middle to the last o1 July is usually considered the bes dme for sowing turnip seed, they can in many cases, be sown aa late as Au just with good results. They are i sheap crop to grow. "With a full supply of fruit a gooc supply should be secured to use during the,fall and winter. There are quia a number of ways of doing this so thai In addition to a full supply a good va riety may also be secured. A good work can always be done ii lessening the work of properly culti vating the soil by destroying the weedf before they mature seeds and usually the more thoroughly this is done i Meaner the fields can be kept. There is no hotter time for pllt draining than in the latter part of tin maimer after the crops are all harvest d, and a portion at least of the fal plowing has been done; plan the wort So be done bvfore making a start. While it is usually an item to crowd it work during the busy season, ai the same time it is a questionable policy to overwork either vourself or the '.earn. A day's work can usually b lone between sun up and sun down. Oats should not be stacked until dry. (Then It can be done it will be best tc tore under a good shelter, even il Kme of the timothy or red top must e stacked out. If kept in a good con lition they make one of the very best f feeds. Shallow cultivation only should bt liven the trees and plants at this time itir only the surfaces but take pains tc io the work thoroughly. Usually witl Fruits tree cultivation Is not necessarx st this time, but often more or less cul dvatlon is necessary at this time. Budding and layering are two meth ds of propagating different varieties O plants, the work of which oan be done it this time. Budding, aa soon as tin ttuda have made a sufficient growth and ayering before the wood begins tc aarden. Either plan is a very easj ivay of increasing dosired varieties. A coat of paint will not only add considerable to the appearance of tht farm implements, but in addition wil. io much towards preserving them. A food plan is to apply before storing wvm oj . an suvuiu utra nnuCl sny condition be allowed- to remain ut exposed to the scorching hot sun. The shorter the manure the easier ii la handled and the more evenly it car be distributed, while in addition it it much easier to thoroughly Incorporate with the soil each of which are verj Important Items in securing the best results, especially with the first crop tc oe planted after the application 1 iven. Flan ahead to sow a good pa'ch of rye for winter pasturage and early ipring feeding; for this purpose It will e found one of the best crops that n be sown and with breeding stock in the spring a supply of early green feed will be f.mnd quite an Item anc early sown rye will usually sup ply this. The advantages of the creamery Is a lessened cost in the labor, oue or twe doing the work of a large number; s more even quality of product than h possible when m.de by quite a nurnbei sf persons. The advantage of being able to ue machinery in doing the -reefer part of the work which is mori economical than hard labor. In a majority of cases It will be bes to cut the new meadow, even if there, is not a firet-class stand ; by cutting before the gras9 plants have matured will add to thicken up while at tht me time a good work can be done io destroying the weed. Thia will be" found a much better plan than to let them go because a profitable crop may mot be secured. A r er wr o I a tiled riding with st:i rope lonj and v irrupa short now eny that be rides w Hi his Ktinupt only ai one m fru) the paltn of his band to bit irmnit afi4 o vil-k rfrtAS with nm AJmin'imls ti)a--s than tbe other on j XP3 TO HOUSEKEEPERS. BT MARY MABTTS. At first glance tbe title to this article may appear ''Hints to Housekeeper!), bnt it is "Helps," which, in thia in stance, includes hints. It is written lor more than hasty scanning. It is hoped that some real help to tired mother or housekeeper may be found. Long ago, in poor Bichard'a sayings, mo learned that heaven helped them srho helped themselves. It is thus with the Housekeeper. She must help herself, and in many ways. To begin, in furnishing a house, many seedless and often useless articles creep in. For the matter of sleeping rooms alone, in many instance, what an array it decorations I Tne draperies, hang ings and adornments are quite wonder fal, and were' not put there without much -.kill and labor. And that is not , . , r.Vk Sf the constant warfare with dnst they i a r i ; ! 1 1 1 a. : will demand. A room which la need nonseiMping utensils if he has no SgS5 " rv!lePH rim ''.oisV.weddini-c.k.sif he is a con the bed must be mad. daily, will very , , bior, asnitary plnmbing if juickly be converted into a dost- . bnTe,ht,aldf t0h.?K-h, it tTr haLtinn ' A? time goes on, he receive, other should be, the law before decoration, I ,,1Mm.ntl in the same way and he wa Kai nnm tha htn sia feT aa irtAI1 Attn . plainly see the way to help herself in this instance. Why get up this array ofFrench millinery, I had almost said pillow saaes and towels covers, and shams of tlmost every other description? And, ss a p'easant writer has lately aaid, it is matter of taste, but in the way of tome people's thinking it amounts to a tort of tinsel i-bow, without one parti ole of real artiitio merit in the whole it it. Where there is so much that is use less, something is almost always neg lected, wbioh often is the useful. I sail to mind one housekeeper who, in ber early setting up, was quite un mindful of things needful, bnt, I tsaare yon, her bay-window draperies sere ample. The parlors and sitting-rooms, in ihort, nearly all the rooms of soma bouses are little lens than museums for different styles of decorative art that bava accumulated. Here is a short paragraph from a recent writer on this inbject: 'The different styles that have been in vogue for many years accumulate in I tome nomas. .Paper flowers, leather Sowers, wax flowers, worsted mottoes, framed worsted work, applique work, knitted, crocheted, netted and needle work, in profusion and in wretched taste, abound until one wonders how sny woman of sense conld have so wasted her preoioua life, aa to fashion luoh things, whioh catch due', make labor and are rarely either useful ot irnnmentaL" Simplicity in the home should be urged, and tbe housekeeper should take the initiative. In this way sb can help herself, and save money be sides, if that is an object. K' trench- ments that save strengtb, time and money are wortu making, when tbe housekeeper finds her work beyond ber strength, whatever that work be, whether muscular labor and weary planning or the management of un pleasant servants. This article is not uone for the economical sistt-r, obliged to be such from the force and stress of sirenmstances, but tbe s ster with well tilled purse, who, nevertheless at times, becomes a-weary with life's burdens 1 believe the tendency of the house keeper of the present is to multiply articles around her and to make beroeif labor. May not this tendency be re versed by choosing the simple and use ful? Or must the mother's days be sao- nncra in a way too olten illustrate.!. For such as do their own laundry work simple rules of wash njj may be followed, if thought is given to the snhject, and in ironing, many pi ces may be so folded as to require little or none. It will also be found a saving of strength if, in ironin.', a high stool or shair is used, instead of standing so long. In preparing meals many simpler ways may be instituted and substi tuted, generally bringing better re sults. The number of dishes served may be reduced with benefit to the family, if the mother's strength and time are too muon taxed to prepare them. One woman who makes pies and pies, nntil it literally seemed her diys would end in making pies, was asked why she did so. "My family must eat," she replied. "But not neee&aarily pits," was the answer. "Why not stew the fruit and give them plain bread with it?. It is mueh more healthful for the ohildren and lesa work for you." I do not think the thought had en tered her mind before, bhe was a con stant workerI had almost aaid a slave to her family. --Each member of a family may be taught methodical, cleanly, orderly ways, helping to keep himself com fortable, without departing from the standard of good housekeeping in the least, and thereby saving tbe mother many steps and much work. O.ten times, the fatigue of doing everything has so used the energy and sapped the springs of life, th mother caunot be cheery and entertaining and the family wonders what haa gone wrong. She if tired and wishes for the strength of Hercules. The remedy is with the mother, to simplify her work and have each member of the household do bis or her part, unless there are well trained servants, and then it s urn air to throw all the burden of care upon one. The mother will age prematurely and people will wonder why this is so, "with all their money." There are, of course, other causes that break women down, but the amount of work attempted by some unaided, and the amoun actually per formed by others, is so great and the ill effects are so manifeot, a warning ought to be taken by those who still have health lelt to save. "All have not the power to reform their present system ot living," I hear from some dejected sister. Perhaps not, bat I am talking to those who have. Is my article one prolonged wail? IfVrill b a delightful wail if one aister is, in the h ast, strengthened, heloed or encouraged by its innuence. That is its mission. And one word to Mrs. Shortpursn, when she finds herself shopping with neighbor Easymoney at her elbow. Have your ideas fixed on what you in tend to buy, what your pnrse will allow, and no more, ivever-tnind Mrs. Easymoncy. bhe knows her business and resources. Kone the less do you know yours, and do not, let me entreat you, find yourself becoming miserable that facts are facte that yon are Mrs. Shortpurse and ahe is Sister Easy money. Hold to first intentions. Do not overspend the allowance lor this I shopping expedition, and, above all, keep the spirit of contentment that was in your heart before you met Mrs. Easymoney spending so liberally. To give to little the appearance of more, requires calculating, planning and talent, those of abundant means know nothing of. An. I they mlSS InO glow of success that foliows. And the round of days in Mrs. Easymoney's life is not alwavs so beautiful aa it appears to Mrs. Shortpurse. s : Life is tilled with compensations. Tbe housekeeper will ttnd it true 11 endeavors to lighten her labors, by in troducing, occasionally, simpler ways of living. She will find compensations la more ways than one, and in dinereat way than may readily oe put oa paper, N&scAorps. HELD FOE POSTAGE. When a person receives an oiSc-'al-looking communication which informs him that there is at the Post Office a letter directed to him but bearing no postage stamp, he naturally experi ences a feeling of curiosity. And when, on reading l.tber. he learns that he may obtain possession of said misxive by merely 'paying the two cents necessary for its transmission through the U. H. Mail he makes haste to seed the postage required to the poet-master. He is then apt to in dulge in conjectures as to the contents it the mysterious epistle and when at last it appears, and he proceeds to apen the much post-marked bnt other wise ordinary looking envelope a aeries if doubts and hopes flash through his nind. This my be long-expected ti dings of an absent friend, it may be a business communication of importance, poasibly a legacy the letter is opened tnd proves to be an advertisement! Sothing bnt a printed circular, de icribing the merits ot something that r'T'"8 . . .,.4 ' ai astonished to find bow many errand " jjoys connected with tbe different ient-mindedness or possibly dishonesty s tbe matter of posting letters witn tut stamps. He does not like to ignore these postal-notices, however, lest perchance be lose a valuable letter and gradually the suspicion dawna on him that the : anpaid condition of these business oir j ralars is not due to the oareleasness or I Dilfering propensities of errand-boys, i bnt to the petty shrewdness of the tradespeople who take thia cheap aeana of advertising their wares. Then indignation fills him and he longs to see the day when the powers that are will think proper to return unpaid letters to tbe readers instead of having them "held for postage. Touiats. Whether on pleasure bent or business, mould take on every trip a bottle of yrup of Figs, salt acts most pleasantly ind effectually on tha kidneys, liver tnd bowels, preventing fevers, headaches ind other forms of sickness. For sale In 60o and $1.00 bottles by all leading Irugglsts. Of tbe tuvcntv-six British nobles who dgned magna cbarta all but three had o "make their mark," being unable to vrite. A ton of tomatoes as they come from he field, it la estimated; 1J fill from 100 to 450 cans. nothing Mstariaaa Aboat It. Any modiolus or compound able to stimulate orpld livfr. kldnats, tlumacli trowels and skin tiKl tlmrehy remuve congestion, puriiy the inrkriicd blood mid rvsto: i depf-seu vitality, ere f ui -tilths of all tbe 1 is neslils linlr to. t he ancient doctors Kuew this u well as wa ind raii:ickrd tbe vegetable Kingdom for nrd cities unul M. Beru.nd VegeMul PIUS jec.inie the model and triumpb oi ai t as the r.d ni'.nki calioJ tlmm, K.tturs blesse'as ihlant." a sami'le ot tba tt. beruard 'ei:eiable P i s will be sent re to all ayli ;ants. Addiess bl. Bem-id Boa, 2418, T.a The Put'eJ, a larerlverln British In vx, with a descent of 12 000 feet in 180 niles, is the fastest flowing river In tbe world. A Slight cold. If neglected, olten attacks the 1ia lungs. Bhowx'b Bkoscdial Trocuxs give .ure and Immediate relist. Bold only in bozt. fries 24 cents. The first Enslish settlement of the or;h American Continent was made it Jamestown. Va., In 1007. Caim'a liitiiit-y Cure for Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, L'rlaary or Liver Diseases, Nerv oneness, etc. Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Phllad'a. $1 a bottle, 6 for to, or druggist. 1000 certificate of cures. Try lu An Italian servant claims that Inject ing a current of electric;ty though milk delays Its souring for several days. "Penny wis and pound foolish' are those who think it economy to use cheap soda and osln soaps. Instead of the good old Dobbins Electric Map: for ala bv ell grocers slaee ISui. Irr It once. Be sure, buy geuuiae. Babbits are so thick la the vicinity of E cha-ond, Kan., that the boys kill them with oiubs. Frmser Asjo Ui Tbe Fraier ia kept by all dealers. One box lasts as long as two of any other. Ha. eivetl medal at North Carolina Stat Fair, Caateaalai, and Paris ExposiUcn. A specialist. Editor -'Jo you are a Harvard iluii, eh" Applicant- "lea; I was champion xixe , 'tto" Editor "Well, Ml give jou a place You'll do to lick stamps, I guess." "August .blower 99 How does he feel ? He feets cranky, and is constantly experi menting, dieting himself, adopting strange notions, and changing the cooking, the dishes, the hours, and manner of his eating August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? -He feels at times a gnawing, voracious, insati able appetite, wholly unaccountable, unnatural and unhealthy.- August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels so desire to go to the table and s grumbling, fault-finding, over-nicety about what is set before him when he is there August Flower tha Remedy. How does he feel 7 He feels after a spell of this abnormal appe tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, and detestation of food; as if s mouthful would lull him August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He has ir regular bowels and peculiar stools August Flower the Remedy. A RKT WELL iHaSSiSII 1- U .I. t p.nmsi.an.n. ArirhmtrW annrunaviid smv 1 tt.mU4nljr lesUtfklC by JIAllee ClTCUlsar tl9. Brrnm'. 1 4.M Mmb gt, Bufiaio. W. r WANTED" as as an estlmatei eoa Secretaries and Or- guoizeis by Assess ment Order D-vlnz tluOM In six months ai an estimate 1 east ol tu.OO. Beputable men and women ean secure liberal compensa tion. Ad'tres, M. MclNTlKB, supreme er. No. ioa Arch Street, Philadelphia, Fa. if mnCR'fi DftQTH I CO rioseisASlfl-U. Aarr.irr pm.n w I wu i n.LLO.ftyia. aerwe nSBBSJSSfJSBJSSBfB-SBBM TON SCALES OP $60 B1NGKAMT0N BMKTsr.Be Vft ft. T. W The Beauty Of It "Is that Hood's Sarsaparilla gives such perfect satisfaction," writes a prominent druggist recently, after speaking of the large sales of this excellent medicine. We nrmly believe there is nothing equal to Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify the blood and make the weak strong. If you have That Tired Feel- ing, or if your blood is impure take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best Spring Medicine. An idol collector in 8i Francisco, Jal.iwhohas Just died has a eollectlou OOJO little goUe. Causes Ma Nan Dr. Eoxsle's Certain Croup Cure Is unlrer allr couceilrd to be the only sure anil sate eroedy lor croup sold. It speedily silays iu amnutilou loiuroat r lungs, bold by druv Ists, or aildress A. t. Hoblo, BuHalo, Y. riee 60 eta. HoWe Tnlsf We ofiVrOne Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of catarrh mat caouot be cured by taking Ball's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CUENtY CO, Props., Toledo, O. We, the uudersigned, hare known t. J. Cheney fur ilie laii Li years, and bellere bun perfectly honorable In all business trausaetlrms, tnd Snaucially able to carry out any oblige- A ins made by lh-ir Brm. est a la lax. Wholesale Dnuutlsts, Toledo, uuio. 7s.Li.iNe. Krirxaa a Mas mi. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hairs Catarrh Cure la taken Internally acting ilrectly upon tbe blood and inuoous eui faees ol Ae system. Testimonials sent tree. Ifrlce 7eo, er bottle. Bold by all drux&iat. Alaska has the largest quarts mQl. Rnnrure cureiaaranleed bv Or. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St.. 1'hll'a, Pa. ase at onoe, no operation or de ar from buslnesa, attested by thou- laods of cures after others fall, advloe ree, send for circular. Jost aboTe Vienna, Austria, on the Danube, Is the convent and school of tlelk, which Just celebrated its thou VQdth annlTersary. FITSi AO Fits stopped free oy Dr. Kline's Orest Iterve Restorer. So Kits after nrst day's use. Mar teionscores. l'remise and ss.se vial ootue tree .i ancsaee. bendloir.aiUie.MlAxaast. rauSnfa. POCXTHr KOTES. When symptoms of disease appear sizing terpentine with their food is a food preventative. Of course only a mall quantity should be ummI, two easponfuls to a quart of meal beina; nfBcient. Even during the summer it Is an tern to protect the poultry from hard howers. The refuse from the garden can be ised to a good advantage in feeding wultxy that la confined. During the summer all the poultry Iropping should be carefully gathered tp and stored away to use as a fer til ler. It is not always the largest size turk rys that bring the best price per xnnd, but rather those of a medium reight. In raising poultry to sell as breeders lever keep any that are defective in iny way. Sand all this class to the narket. During hot weather especially it ill be a great help If the poultry that ire confined can hare a change of run icoasionally. If yon Intend making a start with Moltry this fall build your poultry louse and as far as possible get every bing la readiness. Whan confined, all the seraps from Joe table as well as the parings and waste from the vegetables should be ved up and be fed to the poultry. In the latter part of summer or early !all Is a good time to make a start cith poultry. Get a good breed, and e prepared to take good care of them. The young chickens ought not to be Jlowed upon the roosts until they are it least three months old. If allowed o roost too early It will often cause heir breata to become crooked. There Is fully aa much injury done ly what may be considered wrong reeding as by Inbreeding. In either ase considerable experience is neces sary If the best results are secured. Allowing the house and yard to get tnd remain damp is one of the princt al causes of gapes, and keeping them lry Is one of the very best preventa Ires. Blacked lime will aid in puri fying the ground. One of the very best materials to ise with poultry in feeding at this ime is oats. They can be improved y scalding the night before and let itand until in the morning and then Seeding. "Wheat-bran oan be added rlth benefit. During warm weather It Is nearly Jways best to send both eggs and wultry by express. Sent by freight s entirely too alow, and with live wultry will cause much suffering, and rlth eggs will certainly not add any hlng to their quality. The easiest way to And the guinea's test is to listen for her as she comes iff the nest. They always make con dderable noise when they oome off the lest, and they can be found In this way asier than by watching the fowls, as bey are usually very shy. Ducks ought to be reasonably fat a east when sent to market. A few lays' extra feeding will In many cases n crease their condition in this respect tnd add to the price that can be re wived. TTlth poultry as with other i rod acts the quality has much to do ith the price. l he London libraries all have a small (ailorer's shop conneettd with them, t h- re tbe various conveniences for writ, us are snpphd. According to an official return which ias Just been Issued, ttiere are 40u,uc0 nilch cows In tbe colony if Yicio.la. tnd the annual vaiud o." thai- xfclfjc, iu'.UT and eLteae is aeowA Uteuav mjlt'uu! ' - "- -- business S Itk fto Blossom)"- this Mr. Dloouier's oflke?" iiKissoiii ".N'o. Ilia office is across the ball." si oi (leaving the door open as hi walks out) 'i hunk you, bir,' Bljsoui "lleyl Come back ana elod t he doorl llaven't yoa any doort in your h usey" Mick "Yes, sir;. hut they all bav springs on 'em. Allow rv.e to show you, sir, my patient, double-back action door sprintr. I. closes the door wllbout abann, and is warranted to last a lifetime." A cask rv point. she "I bellevs. that a people are both outwardly and in wardly luiiuenced by their natural sur reundiogs that scenery infltieaces phys lognomy t'.ie Highlanders, you know, have ru freed f.ice.'' He ' Yes. and that Chicago plrl be hind me, who lives on Prairie Aveout ia plain-looking." , ., ... . , . Two reraarkab'e b.jf men were burlei at Marshall. III., recently. Uuarto Kel- ler, aged twenty, weighed 400 pound! and an eighteen-year-aU son of Davit Reynolds weighed a few pounds mori than eiO. Tnere was no hearse In towi large enough to carry the coJln of either of them. Probably tbe oldest bouse In tbi United States Is a decaying stone de!l ug tliat 8ian-1s iu Guilford, Conn. was built in 104 J and is still occupied In colon Ul times it did duty occna ouall: as a lore ai,o w:is a p'ace or refuge fo; settlers wheu Iving warf ath. Fiulip was on th. Twenty centuries before the birth a W.ttt. lier, ot Alexandria, Egyp, de tOribed uiiicliiues whose motive powei viassu-am. lie also inveut-d a doubli force pump, u-ed a a Qro engine, an anticipated th modern turbine wheel b; a machine he named "ISeolpile." A good memory. "I never fonret t Joke that 1 once hear," remarked Drou er. "So:" retu ned "Wiggins, wearily ''ana yotidou't give aiiy oe else chauce to!" AS A COROLI.ABY.-Will- ply beautiful." Bill Who ? Will '-My sweetheart." She's sin Bill "And you uilgLt add, beautl fully simple. " j i . i Amended to scit. 31c watty "Look heit; Uiizijinl I unde sUnd yoc : said I had ti e natural Ins lucts of s ; usuier back .' I waut you to lake thai Giiizam "All right, cnnatural in9t ncU of a that suit jou?' Tou have tht usurer. Doel it I PAINLESS EFFECTUAL roR BILIOUS 5 NERVOUS DISORDERS, ' Such ss W.nd anj Pt la la the Stomach, ( ) Giddiness, Fullness. Serening after Meals, t Dlulnsss,Ororslness.ColdChills.Fluslilngs ( ) of Heat. Lost of Appetite, Shortness of l ) Breath.Coitivenets.ScurtT.BIetches en the ( ) Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and 1 sll Nervous snl Trembling Sensations. Sa. , wHE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Erery satr-rer I f efiroestlr lnviteo to try one Snz of ibei Pills, and Oity mill b aekawuMfa tm b ( a wanmtrfui -7i.ecee . ) Worth a Culnea a Qox. tseecnam s nut, taken as J directed, will quickly RESTORE I FEMALES to complete health. For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach. Impaired Digestion, tonstipalion. Disordered Li ver.&o.. they ACT LIKE MAGIC:--'- domtm will kwork wonders upon tbe Viuil Organs. . ' Strergtheningtbe muscula-Syttem.r-ator- ins loug-jnsi Lomplsxion. oring-inf Daca Ibekeen edge of appetite, anrl amuslnf villi tbe ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tbe wohaim phwiaiil fMargy of the banian frarue. Tbese are "faoie" admitted 1)7 taooaands. In all clam-e of eoclecy anil one of the bene gtiarmnteee to the Herons end Pabllltatl utbat BEECH. AM'S PILLS H4VE THE LARGEST SALE 0 ANY PROPRIETARY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Foil directions wlib eacb Boa. Prspar-doelrby TFCoe. BFFrTTASX. St, Al-l-na, ff.nn.llre. Knil..e, Selfi by Dru(Mt&t owrmily. B. r. lifts c. ns 4h SaT Caaal iev Tork.Sole Ac.nu for tba United Stataa. waa til yalar sgl-1 rloaa not keap tbatn) Will mtjl Bnrbtum Ptltt m nnlot tfprtm "TV. DO, mtrrvon t lfWaSAwVwwwi I FOR FIF" FIFTY YEARS 1 MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP wmi Ttian-r tor okt Fifty Tatsrs. It siccus tarn a lid, wotin tXtm rvm. sUUt tuj ps-un, cum ITM SMiiO, IM m Us) t sstt lrrt-r'T for hxmtthcmm. TwBt7-siT cms m Boctlsk i n 1 I ji 1 O VaaUUi,wu. IX. C. bSSD VOU LlKCLLAB. i St. 11 1 ' f 'J ' T eno.u-h to wver SrS Rhe woNoenrjtrr-;.;--inunf , a in X 1 BIIIIWSoAr.TrCUS' IRNIjrURE INVALID I - AN i WHEEL i CHAIRS,! STjteUJ at tha lav j&t&s tad ab-p cacJa to Ua Csifk-) I mSUS--ACaZSAgLml a. - " ASElS00" r L"- . 225 IN 15 DAY. &;.S7.rTS a?," RV4f,aor.ru y-i i;(i' vH.ri SMel .tiaiiaftewm eltm rail 1 'maH, -tc. iWnn.nriMi .-, k lrwaault iui?1: r I TJTJilOEGTjS. " His HoirsEMAxsHiP, He "Is Mr. Eruce a eood nderV" Bhe "res; he took first prize at our riding-school. -Didn't you see how grace fully he was thrown yesteidajr ALL ELSE FORGOTTEN. "Didn't he nce say he would never speak to you tgain?1'. "Ye?; but he saw I had a cold, and he ioulan'l resist me tempiauu-i o ui fa sure cure." TT a pprvFsa. Is fa-nr Hancr liter haDDilT married?" I Mrs, Sourface "Indeed, she is. She's rot a husb-nd who's as afraid as death i t her." HOW TO GET KID OF A BOSK, Mrs. Jreathead "How quickly tbe time use Ir tbe company of clever people, klr. Slowboyl It teems dny ten minutes (Dee you came, and it is a good two ours.' Won. a and Mofs of it. Small SOT (who hates water) "famma, peo le is talkia' about a tu.iu wot went to ake a bath, and wai drowned In the bath tub." Mamma "Marcy mel I didn't know jath tubs were so cancerous, Brlnft nn a bowl of water and tome soap, and t crash towel, and tne lleah brush, and I'll wash you myself." Taken cneay siclc headache, bilious headacho, iizzinels, constipation, indigestion, bilious attacks, and all derange- ments of tne liver, stomach and . , T,, , ' v wda. It s a large contract, but -he smallest things in the world do the business Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets. They're the smallest, but the most effective. They go to lW0T jn tha riht way. They oleanse and renovate the system thoroughly but they do it mildly and gently. You feel the good they do but you don't feel them doin? it. As a Liver Pill, they're unequaled. jjugar-coatea, easT to take, and uut up ia vials, i hermeticallv sealed, and thus always fresh and reliable. A per fect vest-pocket remedy, in small vials, and only one necessary for a bxative or three for a cathartic They're the cheapest pill jou can buy, because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are sold on, through druggists. Should nave it la Tne Xlonso. JJropptU oh Sugar, Children Zove o tek Jouvs's a-odt-k Lwmsr for Croap. Osldt, So Xbrut. Toawiitis. Coll. Cmaij. and Fuua. k. tw-, kuuuu ..u.piuu, cuu. iruai u use.. TIIIXK OF IT. 1 nee or 4l EAR In one te-allv. ar. k- s vmwu& x i e i si.t .-' wim-w s im Wrncii of ywur Joit-fsuM'i axjdtis Ummjcmt, Cor mun than fortg vtarml hmv UK'd It to my fanuir. 1 rvKtLr-i Il sa uo of Ui bvst and lait-Pt family r-tm-KilM UisU rsva b fvurtd, tt-wd ln'rnsu or zrrnl. Io Ui em. O. A. I iiAi.l--i, ifaaooa ltu4 iUpUaS Churrb. hmsuror. Hex, Every Suffei er Kr "T voea nalclM. Dltihtberta.Cong'b Catarrb. aroaebtu. AJXtuoa. Caolra Morbus, Dlarrfua, Uintiiw. Soiaorel in aH n. I.imna. fiT Jnint. or Strain. tli Oua In lhl d in. kit., raliaf and iMril cure. P.mphla. fr-a. Sold -.rtwhara. Vrtea fc eta. br majl. bvttl-a, Snn said. s X. JOakOai (X, Boazum lues. OR. SCHENCK'S QEAWEED 0 TONIC Zs a Pualtire Core tat DYSPEPSIA And (-il tHMrdmof th tHn?V It Ortrmnm. It la l.kwla-s COrTHrUl-et-l, SjT eftlMrtisB- to-- attrdiclri, od may tt taken with rrr-t bsmcflt In all ciM of 1 H ii t. Fur Sal br ill DmfrlBtm. Prtc,l Wprrbuttl. Drchnrk Sew book on Lnn-n Llrpr-tnd ton.acbmll--ft Midrttt. Dr.J. H.aCHtHCK 4 SON. l-htlada:o. ELY'S CREAM HALM IMilirU Int Nostrils Is moklv Absorbed, Cleanes ue Head. lie.iH .be ewes and Cur-e CATARRH letrr-s Tt sd1 smell, ulckly helieTM Cold in It'sU and Htadacbe. eve. at Irnicimfs. .CoTrltrVO L1.X alius. S6 Warren t I. X. TLH POUNDS TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT! as a nesh Prodncer there can be no c.aesUon bat taat SCOTT'S Of Pure Cod Lhrer Oil and H es or Lime and Soda is without a rival., Many hare CONSUMPTION, SCROFUIA, BRONCHITIS. C0U6HS D COLDS, Af.0 1 ALL FORMS OP WASTING o7 EASEi AS fALAlABLB AS UILK. Jit Bur p (A. naiM aa (Aara poor taaUafauu. Patents W. T. Fitzgerald. WMhln-ton, IB. C. 40 1'afe Hook Free. , t-ii. .."""! "'""t Ira- ixs.rr ulfJUS u irshn Cx ll erders reecl-el from BMBbsT of tbe Tanners' i550H lllfi AmA Word can not exor-m th onr Wor.d Br'ntMrnat) I ) Sa Mluffain hT mot r.Ubu Ttmf Uv jo-ixi ld teK of ruQjh rtHd.. tur4 ci i cougB oriruig, tad CrOW STAN ID AT THE HEAD Without a kco i eompjOtor. Bowaro of Imltaeora W onr Mum.- Bneelea and Hamau. i " "W.- otu nas pm, id iunui I oa u, aba YOU -VltE SA.1T E WlTsT.TrTR.. RTTTnT. r? HOW TO is a question of vital importance, but it is equally Important use some harmlesss remedy; many people completely wreck their health by taking mercury and potash mixtures, for pimples and blotches, or some other trivial disease. S. S. S. is purely vegetable containing no mercury or poison of any kind. And is at the, same time an infallible cure for skin diseases Treatise oa Blood and Skin diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC, CO., Atlanta. Ga. n. CVmeta Medicine, nstomnwnuou - "i-sSJS-Lll alssTtaUa. Pleaaant and aereeable ESS! aSldren take it without i t -srrd.nge indeed rnajrs AW 5ikRSAPOLIOshould Cfr-aal Wke.cvervlhina so bright, but "A needle clothes n&ked "Try iHn yourjn "What fony it wonld bo to eat grass with a pair of scissors! Tet peo do wuallT silly things every day. Modern progress has grown m rem thehoo W siclda to tha swinging scjtha and thence to the law, Qower. So don't use scissors I . . . But do tou use SAPOLIO ? If you don't you are aa mneh behind th, are as if you cut grass with a dinner knife. Once there we no soaps Chen onsoap serled all purposes. Now the ee J""0' n the toilet, another in the tub, one eoap m the stables, and SAPOLIC or ail scouring and honse-deaning. -US T - Chichesur-s enousH. Red Ckom Diamond Bkand A jA TVIC OniOINAL AMO OCNUIttE. T alv ffK VOA t-4a-4 11U for Ml. V aaft DT-Uft-t CmtAsmert In in autd wlUk biM ribbsMs- Takti 4a. la aap Nr paiUaalar. JvU 11U m pm s-WTiieri s, p le.eee TMiaMiu. -aw SaU hr all aeel Ur-s ITenry Grube, of PatersoTi, N. J., had a parrot fifty-two years old of which be rrade a ft at pet. Last wetk Mr, Urube died, and tbe bird at once began to droop, llvlnst rnly until tie day of his master's funeral. Everybody knows tiiat at thU season tbe blood Is filled with Impurities, the accumula tion ot months. AU these Impurities and e-ery truce ot scrofula, salt rheum, or other diseases may be e spelled by takiug Hood's Sarsaparilla. Be sure to get llood a. An cxcrcshed rix ancier. Hun gry Joe "How much do you charge lorroat beef?: Walter "Twenty-Q7e cents. II. J. "ITow much for bread?'' Waiter Nothiog." II. J. -'And how much for the gravy?" Walter "Oh, we give you the gravy." II. J. "Well yoa can bring me plate bread and gravy. " n - Was a Scitob, ilLes Eunice "I like catDels.' Mr. Bawn-o Tes?" Eunice "Yes, they're sort of comfort able, you know. Can I rids on your buck?" Mr. Bawnso "Well er really.nowl , er" Euulce "I beard papa say last night that you'd got to bump yourself, and 1 thought I'd -peak for first ride.". A Girl Worlh Bartns;. Af er reading Mr. Gray's cxperlenee tn tbe plating business, I sent S3 to the Lake Electric Kl In a week. Isn't this pretty good lor a girl There Is tableware and Jewelry to plate at every bou-e; then, why should any prrson be mmewooa. Ill- ror a f later, and elear-d poor or oui oi empioyuieni who -urn an oppor tunity at hand. A bUbaClUBa;-. BESieXKO TO BIS FALTBT STU'KND. "It occurs to me. Miss Twilitag-," said tbe jouDg man, "that In the rela tions which will some day exist between us tbe thought of ahem! money might assume undue proportions. 1 sLould bate to tklck that any discussion as to my salary would give ride to any painful scenes," "Felieve me, Henry, " sail ths youni Rlrl, as she placed her band gently on arm, "l hut never, under any circum stances would I allow tuch a Utile thing as that to come between ua." Tux latest Kuid-harted Servant "I can give you a cup coffee: but It's coll. Homeless Wanderer "Alt right fetch it along I carry this little alcohol stove for just suoli emergencies. " Not ir-CELT "I'm wllllnsf to bet money tbe Prince of Wale will nsvei succeed to bis mother's title," "Ione. I'll bet a hun-oh-ah-no, I don't beleive JUbert Edwaid'U ever be Queen." STiacrwe TO BUSUTES s. LItt'e Boy (at toy store window) "atamma, won't you buy me a top?" Mamma (meditatively) "It's too cold to spin tops." "Well, then buy me a double ripper sled and some new skates, and we'll let the top go." A Rechebcm ArrAnt. "There seems to be something going on In the bouse across tbe street," said a pedesu rian to a policeman. "Yes" replied tbe officer, "the friends of 'Bed' McCarthy the counterfeiter axe presenting him a new set of dies and moulds In honor ot bis sixtieth birth day." Owe Owxt. Daughter "Ob, ma ma, Charlie tried to kiss me last nltfht." Mamma (s verely) -"Of course you did not permit it." Daughter "Certainly not mamma." Mamma (still unyielding) "WeU. don't let it occur again." She didn't. StJ ALLIANCE MEW Cr nTTlT. -a s - J"0 Amwa lmttm uiiiiNT. -UISOOTTNT AiUa-.ee. To ' si -- s-vt j vai asmax rje-rsQ n -,- Jfea-SasV-T Sir CEP Sr"- y rV- - &X. GET WELL IS that" you IclaDS. 1 to tlie objection. By drucsUts. hjr others.and is itself. mtnmm Mnmwnm swrwr ua wiro saxi wu art .. y vthr kiss-u Mru MtUsswtuMtoms, md -ifu'-c-. V - rr - sp pea -re mjias mmm niAnviis, i wrusun-x or a-ni CHICHCSTSa vMCSICIl CO., MnilU.-n 6qua.a rUILAI't . I 1'. iiuc Tii- - i Inslnntly Slop Pain fffe. 'AHrrST'ttOIIT CUt ALL fA A representation of the encrsvlns; on enf wraCDers. (ULIWaT A CO. KEW TORS VASELINE- FOR A OXCDnLLAR B 1 1.1. sent ns try msS we wurdeil--r. tr.a a. ail char, to any persoa s lbs Celt' d T- -. ail a tin lailowliui art isles, esre- tallT peekei Cm tw o-eonee boedeef Tvr Vaeellae. One loanee bottle of Veaellne Poo de, One Jar ot Vaa.Uo Com Cream. . One i ke of VaaeUi.e Ciu hoi tee, - rv- fm a. V.vlin. sraa tJnPfnt. . inots. is 10 10- One CafceoTTaaallne soap. e-qmaiiiyatnn u. One mi sense eotbe et walls Vaseue, a Si. is Or for po-rnt- ttamvt - thujl nrnc't nt Ikt prU wnniad On no oceonitt ba piundsd to sP g mm tottrdrmaal av foa-Kma or pro mrattom, i-aaitro-s imtom Zallad wtt tor oam. braowm a-fc. cmf tonlu im a t-Urorlaa wMch ' ar "-"S Cbe-ebreb 'lf. Ct 11 !tate -t.. N. V. FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IX TflE WOULD. Its wearing qualities are unsurp.ise t, set Slly nut.iatlne two boxe of any o li-r brtd Not effected by b at. Sa-GKl IJ. GHH' ISE. l OB BALK BY DEALERS GENERALLY. ITS STOPPED FREE xWVTtse VbsI. Tnta.T"t P-tuli Raifrr Dr. KLINE SORFA? NERvK R F STflRF Q fmr mtt Baia nk-.b ii-Rs,r O-b trm .-aw i -aj AWent Fttt. Emh'm. a li-FAiLitiLel If tsskfti ctlrwrtrd. Sm Fits MW r-sf ans a mm Tatis arvd 1 trlttt Cold trm W paitrrusaV, tbey. p-sisi eii-r-Me) csvr-fe s mm n Baa tv4. be-idnau.ee f-V - a,.----e -rtdre-M al lw.ftu-4. MLWAJLXG UUlAll tkuCDi oruW lOUftjui 4j a-vos-i eW.MCblLr SlBlMa4j Csjr a p. . GfKfW Sll4Hl, tsW jr-wsl YoJUm A-esJ mxrmr TolStTgdtl(3alLsU now ii coabtUBs 1 wLl tmf flOB fat tbm oc-t jmi4 ob h-ai-;u.Tio. Pa PROF. LOISETTE'S NEW MEMORY BOOKS. CrfUeliiiis two recent Melius S-wtein-. Fes4 about April let. Poll Tsblea of Cnntrtits fi amas eal- to tbose wbo mil atampetl directed en-elo( Also Pronpecros KST KKKK ot I f " AX m a ever romttJcut. Addn rrac uou J JiTTE, zn firth a-e, lew Tors. BAGGY KNEES POStTIVUIT ItKMf Plri. - r at nim c Arab t. and nti m ?"-- ala. k' profaaalanal aa.i bu.h.... mt:, j. waera. II oot fbr Hit in yar town t a 5 to . 1. .aty. 71 VaaSlMtoo Stl. Bo. ma. t pre-crrio and fnlr 5". aorse Bl- 6 as the oi.Ij spuclOc iortbauuuocur3 of tkls diaeaae. O.U.15l,KAHAM.i: Amsterdam, jf. We bsve sold Bis w .cs snany rears, aod U Kiven tLe best ot sa. taction. t- ft- DYCITE CO.. Ctilciau. U. St.00. Gold uy ijczJ. ' ' I - - esKav; -r rrui 'jaat v- r Ce eorsted "M,,rr,7- " i i Sr"J ?V """TO co .nmentt-d rvcrlvrd n ore pratpe th.a aiiTthm Uuu has t" pla-ed oa tbe matket (or y-a. Oar isa ot -V Minn)- Direct to the Consume I? eelartrt; onl t rrp enlr 4 slvi-e y board o , L i . aaa e auule as maa- trieooa. onr nr frit f rta t atnltiiur, oaria.a;B inn aeecnpaua aaa sat cub riccs of 1 i;-f: r- t .i.-u m 4 la laPn f f TO t DATS. l XFG-ra aat wSj CI ri a-Jre-Oa V'Il-uJ ChsaJal fle. A Olrimnstl.lrrl JJKXT3r Oeo,, CINCINNATI, OHIO. r J - -srsr ' c W.ss.