Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 18, 1891, Image 4

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    , i
t-d By Little Child
Throw despair, that bitter leaven, I had lost
my hoi f heaven.
And the faith X unco bad, seven-fold, was
dead: . . , .
All my feellnes were nnholyfl was humbled,
but not luwly.
Asllaya-dvlngolowlyonmy bed.
With my wild ambitions thwarted, and my aar-
lln dream dprtv1.
I rebelled, still stony ln-arted. at the rods
Butwlihverws that she readme, wnus wun
kisses sweet she fed me.
A dear Utile child liaa led uie back to God.
I was sire, and seeming teacher, to this artless
little creature. ... .
Like me, both In form and feature was my
Though my sins were red as scarlet, and I was
a worthless varlec.
On me, like the heavens star lit. Era smllfa.
I had quaked in tear of dying, uxeadtae outcast
With my w.cWedness so eryln. neath tn oa j
tut her simple wiles have caught me: wlta ue
lessons she hns tauKht me.
dear Amy's cluid haa brought me nack tt
for one day. as she wns reading, with her rolce
so sweetly pleaalnK,
On my bosom torn aud bleeding sank sort
in'i Vccursed chslrs were riven, the Urk
pint was out-driven,
And nnto my soul was g.ven Eden spun.
Then the Sacrament they bore me, to the 010JI
Fold to restore rue. .
And the path lny plain before mepnee y d
Twaa my child inouniit meCbrnrt'icuaUce,and
led me. dep.te hell's malice,
through the poi Ula of ills .ao, back to God.
As my (ttinn eyes (row dimmer. Canaan
brlghier seetns to nl'inmer; (
can see whlie limes ahmiint-r Jordan o er
"here the sorrow lui cee signing, where woo
wipes away nil crying.
Where come atony and 1 .ng nevermore
When I pass Hie Kipphire-studUed, peart-aJUte
gales, with K'Oiy flood. d ..
Where waves siauy almond-budded, Aaron
Then a 'child with bright nali streaming, 1
Ilull Wad nw uu w tii citiJUiiluB tlirone of Ood.
C. J. Marabon," his name stood
en the class roll. The rules of the col
lege required that the name of each
student should appear in full, and mine
was there as Gabriel Pierce Belfort.
His was the so'e exception, and why it
was so, as in the case of Lord Uun
dieary's ptiizle, "no fellow could Dud
out." When X. C. J. came he de
clined to comply with the rule and tie
lred to give his reasons, coutidentially,
to the faculty. That august body,
being as curious ai the juniors, met in
secret conclave to consider the) case
and listen 1 to the petition. His ex
cuses were suUlcieut aud they accorded
the exemption, hut when he emerged
triumphantly from the faculty chamber,
Just as the dixir closed, there was a
terrible burst of laugiiter In his rear.
This piqued our curiosity still more.
The secret seemed to be impenetrable.
N. C!. J. himself was as mute as an
oyster in the mutter, and we dared not
pump the professor, though we always
pronounced tliem to be old pumps.
However, X. C. J. turned oat to be uo
nd of a trcod fellow. Iia was as strong
as a bull and asnifile as a c.it, and after
lie had th aslie 1 a half dozen who had
undertaken to haze him and proved
himelf to be the best baiter in the
ball Held he became popular. lie used
to tell a great many stories of life In
North Carolina, lioui whence be came,
and always, no matter bow funuy they
were, with a pr.ive face. So we nick
named him North Carolina Joker Mar
rowbone, and it ftuck, or part of it,
nd we Hl'lrc9.-ed him imliUerently as
'ortb Car'lina, or Joker, or Marrow
bone, as the vs 1.1:11 struck us, aud he
tooK either In poial part.
Marabon and I Ucame quite Inti
mate. AVe were claims, pas ed through
our four years of college life together
and were tiia lulled at the Same time.
Then he went b.ick to North C.irolina
and I took up the Mmly of law a; d in
three yeais' t i.:e iui called to the bar.
We kept up a corns, ondence. though
we did not n eet. Auout two years
after we In d lakcn our degree lie came
to Xevv Yoi k and our letters continued.
Ee was quite rich and liked New York
nd club life. 1 w.is not quite so wti
off, and lived in Brentford, our couit
try town, raiely going away, even tor
a vacation. I was quite surpri-e-1 then
one day, a short while alter I began
practice, he walked iutj my office. Of
course I was s'ad to see him, seated
him In my clieuts' chair and produced
box of ci.irs from one of the draw
ers. We e.tch lit a ciar when we
leaned forward.
'I3ell," l.e ni.l he always called roe
so for short "l'ui m a mess of trouble
nd I must have some advice. I
thought of you and as I know you
are not so great a tool as you look I ran
up here by the ten o'clock train to con
sult TOU."
"Well," said T, not much flattered
by Part of his speech, and determined
to return him a Roland for his Oliver,
"the conference of tw.-"Tools is not
likely to amount to much, but what
fc it'
"It Involves a secret," he tald,
whlch you mut consider profelionaL
Br the way. what kind of a cigar is
"Key West," I replied laconically,
I thought so. AVhy don't yon
(moke Havana? '
"Can't afford it."
"Can t, eh? We'l, partly as a fee
did partly out of regard for yours truly.
1 shall send you a hundred ot the right
sort as soon as X get to town again,"
"All riybt, I'll accept them; but am
X to wait tor your story until the cigars
fat here?"
'Ho. Ton see I've been expecting
to marry. The lady has confessed she
fwclprocrates anu all wai sailing along
monthly when up pop) an obstacle."
"Who is the lady, Alairowbone?"
"Mips Edith Ktteltas. lou have
fctard of her?"
"I sbould think I had. Daughter ot
Old Keteitas who made his money in
Bo matter how he made it be did
make it. The lady Is a belle. beauty.
hi sole heiress and tveiy one speaks
well of her. Permit me to congratulate
Ton. Out what is the obstacle:"
"Take notice that all this Is under
the rose. The obstacle is this: I shall
have to give my full name when I get
married, in f net. slm wants to know
It now. "What shall I dy?"
"Dol Why give it, of course. Why
"But how can I ever do it? Ton
don't krio.v ye , but wl n you do you
wid see that it is quite impossible.
should never I e :r the last ot it. The
newspaper reivn k-rs would get it. The
little boys would shout it on the streets.
It would be iu the comio papers.
They'd sing songs about it at the ruin
strel shows. It is too dreadful to think
"What on eaith can you mean? To
seem excited. Ti.ke another cigar."
"Thank yon, I will. X t you sure
there :s no one in hearing?"
"Not a soul."
"Well X sUmiTs for Xapoleon,"
"A good enough naruo. What Is
there dread' ul in that?"
"And C s:an Is for Cxnr."
The t wo loeihdr aro odd, but not
so very."
"And J well, J is fn Jaho.ophaU
Jfow eveiy cue nearly m:?-pri nounces
my D ip e unv i.ow. and I put it to you
as a friend. IP 1 enn tro trronirh. lire a
Kapoleon Cs-ar J-.hoiopl.at Marrow
I had to lau;h T couldn't help It
not so much at the name as at the
Intense misery and desnair in the coun
tenance of M irabou. When I recovered
myse f I asked:
"How in the name of goodness did
70U come by such a queer collection of
"I'll tell you a l it 0' family history.
5"ou see, we Marabons nre of an old
X or lb Carolina family of Ilmruenot de
rent, anl pre. ty well oil My father's
Christian iianw was Algernon. lie
used to say it stiould l ave been Iaicrar
that l.e was an a s stooping betweea
two bur.iens, his wife xnd Lis mother-Ja-!w
he was given to bitter aipeeehe
J When I was born there was some dis-
..K..t o mnnpr nAmft for ICe.
; uniainn nnmiL n. piotier
It was a regular family council. There
i were Grand fat tier aud Grndmotti-r
, Marabou, Grandfather Jenifer, father
and mother. Grandmother Jenifer
was a rather important per-wia). o
was richer than the Maiabons, a
widow, and couM leave her property to
whom she pleased. My mother's
younffer sister, Felicia, had married
with Sam Martin against her consent,
and she declared none of . the Jltriiiis
should be the better of her mouey.
There was no one else for her to leave
It to but mother or me. S. her views
in the matter had to receive respect."
"She was one of your father's bur
den ' " I said when lie paused.
'Exactly; but he didn't tell her so.
"Well, they met. My giandfather voted
for Peter. Lt us have one good, sen
sible, substantial na-.ne. I let my sort
be christened Algernon, to please Lis
mother, but one fool name Is quits
enough iu a family.' Grandmotur
MaraDon thought he ought to be named
after bis father. Mother timidly Sug
gested Johnl'
- . . , .l Tdnlfa Aural
l nen vraii'i uiuLiiei ou u'vi
up, 'Peter is bad enough, she said, and
Alrprnon worse: but JohnI Why,
very one will call b m Jackl
SuDoosa they 00,' saia moiner.
plucking up spirit, 'John is always
called Jack by those who lite him. It
hows he is a good fellow."
'Our Johnny 1' sneered Grandmother
"I didn't think of that' said
rmlher. appalled at the posiibility.
What wouid "ou call him. mamma?'
lf I am to have any say in thn
matter,' said Grandmother Jenifer, 'I
should suggest a name of a quite dilfer
eut kind. The boy bids fair to grow
up to be a fine man with a great bead
on his shoulders; that conies from tne
Jenifer side ot the bouse, at least from
the Setons, for he has my father's bead
to a mold; and I shouldn't be surprised
if he became a great soldier or lawyer,
or something. lie should have a name
with a ring iu it, a something that will
stimulate him to do soraetWug to de
serve it, a name to rouse his ambition
and strengthen bis purpose. Call him
Xapileon Cwsar."
"Mother agreed to this, she always
gave in to her mother at last, but the
others demurred. There was a tie vote,
for father seemed to be barred out.
"They wrangled over the thing for
two days, when Grandfather Marabou
proioseJ a compromise. 'Let's leave
it to the minister,' lie said. 'Dr. Cur
ran is a sensible as well as a good man.
Let every one write down the name be
or she prefers on the same sheet of
paper. Algernon can hand it to Dr.
Curran and tell him he is to select Hie
oue he thinks best.' This was finally
agreed to. Grandfather aud Grand
mother Marabon both wrote what is 1
called One hands, aud Grandmother
Jenifer a bold hand. This time Bhe
enlarged it until it rose to what the
boys at school called a 'big band,' and
tne Xapoleon Cte ar weut two-thirds
ot the way across the page. Father
took the paper. lie did not care a
straw whether I was callel Teter of
Algernon, but he revolted at XapD
leon Cse-ar. So, before he handed
the paper to the minister, he wrote
Jebosophat! in quite as big letters as
Grandmother Jenifer's, right after hers.
This was to call Dr. Cunaii's attention
to the absurdity ot the name just be-
ore- Xow you see how the tbiuz Is
"I can't say ttint 1 do, as yet."
"Ahl Eut you must know that my
father was a soft i-poken m 111, and when
he said in a low voice, 'iou will hud
the name on this paper, Dr. Curran,
u are to choose wnn.li.' The minister
onlv caught the rirni part of his re
marks, lie looked at the paper. He
as a little slior:-s'.,'i.led, but he caught
Grandmother Jeitrr's ii'i letters, aud
my lather's atte.- tuc:r. a.i.i nuite over
looked the oil.ezt. He thought the
name queer, but not e.tijily open to
auouical obiAtlLvrt, and it lixcd Itself
in his mill J. tiottheu the moment came
had tho liauiO ot Xapoleon Cwser
Jehosophat ll.c-d on me as tightly as
the church could do it."
"Then your Grandmother Jenifer
must have been pleased?"
But she wasn't though, bhe de
clared that father had doue It on pur
pose to make fun of her. She left our
house and took up with tarn Alartin,
and when she Ued she left to Felicia
and her children everything she had."
"That was bad."
"It wasn't bad for the Martins, bd1
I have enough. But how am I to break
the matter to Edith?"
''It is the easiest thing in the world,
my dear joker. '.Napoleon Marabou'
sounds very well."
"Hut tho iesar and that abominable
Give them the go by. Follow the
example of ntv. of rank abroad. There
isn't a ki: x, not a royal prince, nor the
head of iio':le hoi.-c tat hadn't from
three to tiiinj n0uie given hmi at his
Kiptisin. but he uevtt uses but one.
There is no law l.e.10 that forces you
to use :no:o than out of yours. Drop
the Caar .jd the Jal.osopliat, at least
the Jehosophat, aa I vr.h 1.11 bravery
Inherent to the uame itself, march to
matrimony as Napoleoa .Marabon."
(J. J., as J. G. J. co more, took
comfort aud my advice. 1 was the
groom's best man wU9u Miss Edith
xveteltas became ilrs. Napoleon Mara
bou, and the gratitude cf my friend
seems to know no bounds. He uot only
gave his willingness, but he never
rested till 1 removed to ew xork,
where he promoted my fortune In vari
ous ways. I a in alnays an honored
guest at h.' tK. and a very young
kteulleuia.i la .New J"ork bears the
name of Gbne' :'.frt tfarabon.
But a seciti w:U leas, out. I am sure
I never bieatned 1'- 13 jy oue; I am
equally sure that .Napoleon never did.
unless it might care bt-en muttered in
pleept but Mrs. Marabon knows all
about it. Yesterday they had a good
natured dispute, to which I was an
amused listener. Marabon's loqic was
too much for his wife, who took refuge
in a retort. Looking quizzically nhe
raised her forefinger, and to her hus
band's great astonishment, said: "Xow,
Ton Jehoeophatl"
Kissing goes by favor.
Soch Mrxx Bracrrre.- One quart ol
flour, two cupfuls of sour milk, two
level teaspoonfuls of soda and two
large tablespoonfuls of lard. Mix with
the hand as bread-dough, only not so
stiff. Koll out obout an inch thick,
aut and bake in a moderate oven.
Rtb Gems. Three cupfuls of rye
meal, two cupfuls of flour, two and
one-quarter cupfuls of sweet milk, one
lurge taolespoonful or sugar, one tea
spoonful of crtam of t rtar and one
half teaspoonful of soda, llava your
pern pans very hot and well greased,
and bake twenty aalnuUs.
Coooasct Cakes. For these add to
the beaten whites of three fresh ergs
one-half pound of pulverised sugar
two heaping teaipoonfuls of cora
starch, and one-ha f pound of grated
cocoa nut. Beat well and drop by
spoonfuls on butterel papers placed on
Cat tins, Bake a few moments, but
do not let them brown too much.
Cabbage Salmx Yolk of four ejjs,
half a teaspoonful of mustard, half a
te.ispoonful black pepper, h df tea
spoonful sugar, half a' teaspoonful
suit; beat in a dish half a pint boiled
vinegar, strain, and add while hot to
other Ingredients, set away to cool;
cnup up pri ui iremiiuuiijj
nne, pour wm ttrcmj uvwr it. wrre.
1 n:a wiu Keep in com weamer jor a
nntr Li mm.
m ' I
Short Bits of Gossip and Latest Notes
, of fashion.
iteautiful table covers for afternoon
tea are of fine Irish linen, with fringed
ends or a hemstitched hem all around
and a border of drawn work. Then
work spravs of honeysuckle on each
end in shades of pink, flax or daisies
with gold washing silk and the result
will be charming.
"White toilets are found amonj the
choicest of the gowns this season.
They are worn alike by matron and
maiden, though formed of course of
different materials. When found be
coming it is considered good style for
all, adapted to all ages and constitutes
the most refined and beautiful toilet
that can be designed.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, writing in
the Epoch of "Journalism . and
Woman's Place in it," says of the too
common vulgarity of flippancy and
uncbarity: The olfences of women in
this line, if not more heinous than
those of men, are yet graver, because
they are bound by their very woman
hood to represent the gentler quali
ties of human nature and iu nicer dis
crimination. According to a paper read at the
"Woman's Rights Congress in Paris by
Madame Fries, women in Sweden are
employed as bank clerks and managers,
professors in boys' high schools, jew
ellers, watchmakers, and in every sort
of wood carving. The education ol
nearly every Swedish girl not born
to fortune, is in a degree industrial.
There is no doubt, the speaker added,
that the Swedish women will soon
be granted the right of suffrage.
A woman on the school board of a
city near Boston has been trying for
several years to have cooking taught
in the schools. After finding that the
majority of the girls were in favor of
devoting a few hours on Saturday
morning to this useful branch, it was
quite a surprise to liave a bright little
boy say that he would like to Join the
class. He said that he helped his
mother, and therefore wanted to learn
the best way. Eleven other boys have
aked to be admitted also.
"Women," says an observing wrltei
in Dress, "stab
each other daily in
conversation without Intending to be
malicious." Tact is, perhaps, the rarest
and most valuable of gifts. Sue who
has it can get on happily without any
beauty and without any brains. She
who has it not cannot get on at
11 1
without constant attrition. She hurts
where she would heal, and wonders at
the resentment that follows her well
meant efforts.
Mrs. Emma P. Ewlng, of Pardine
Cniversity, Indiana, is one of the cul
iuury experts who give object lessons
in cookery to the young women who at
tend the summer school at Chautauqua,
Jf. Y. Mrs. Ewing has little patience
with hish-sonndiug names on Ameri
can bills of fare, aud thinks our lan
guage contains expressive words
enough for American dishes. She
looks forward to great achievements
in our country in cooking, and hopes
to see a state of perfection attained.
Mrs. Alexander, the famous novel
ist, tells us that there is one kind of
dress in which the Englishwoman ex-
eels, and which she has made peculiar
ly her own. It is the first morning
toilet when she comes down to break
fast. The dress of some washing ma
terial ; collar or lace cravat all so fresh
and spotless; the soft, golden brown
hair so carefully yet simply arranged,
the dainty refinement of all details,
makes her first appearance each morn
ing on the domestic stage "a thing of
beauty and a joy 1"
Just now garden dresses take up
good deal of attention. One very
pretty one worn at a recent fete was
of white India silk, with a sash of
yellow crepe. A huge Leghorn flat
was trimmed with folds of yellow
erepe and a bunch of yellow and white
daisies. . A nutnber-of others were of
pink silk muslin, soft and fleecy, one
with a large white sash in the back and
a big white and black hat trimmed
with pink blossoms to match. A great
many of the costumes were simple and
girlish, of white muslin, sometimes
dotted and set off by pink sashes and
sometimes by pink shoulder knots.
Truly a low, soft voice Is an excel
lent thing in woman. No matter what
other attractions she may have: she
may be as fair as the Trojan Helen
and as learned as Hypatip; she may
have all the accomplishments con
sidered requisite! at the present day,
and every advantage that wealth may
procure, and yet if she lack a low,
sweet voice she can never be really fas
cinating. How often the spell of beau
ty is broken by loud, coarse talking.
II ow often you are irresistably drawn
to a plain, unassuming woman, whose
soft silvery tones render her positive
ly attractive.
Bsatex Biscuit. Two pints 01
flour, one teaspoonful of salt, one table
poouful of lard; mix Into a stiff dough,
with equal parts of water and rrjiln;
beat thirty minutes with a wooden
spoon; bake in a quick oven.
Sfoxok Pcddio. One egg, oae
cupful of sujar, a small piece of butter,
ODa-half cupful of water or sweet milk,
two teaspoonfuls of baking powder,
Rnd flour enough to make a good batter.
Bake in a long tin pan in a quick oven.
Bakkd Apples. Pare a dcxen tart
apples, take out the core and fill up
with sugar and a small bit of butter oa
top of each, put them In a part with
half a pint of water, bake till tender,
basting occasionally. Serve cold with
Graham Brsatx To a pint of very
light sponge (made of white flour) add
one te icup.ul of warm milk, six tea
spoonfuls of molasses (some prefer less
sweetening), a quarter teaspoonful of
soda, well dissolved. Beat well to
gether, stir in unsifted eraham flour
until the mixture is as still as can pos-
eioij do surrea wun spoon; place In
tins and steam three hours. Some
prefer It baked for last twentv min
utes. This form of bread Is very fine
vauea nou
A Kich FUDDiNfj. Line a tart dish
wun pun paste, place over It preserves
and tart jelly in alternate thin layers.
to which add some strlDS of ndi.il
lemon; then nil it three-parts full with
the following mixture: Quarter pound
of clarified butter, quarter pound ot
pounded sugar, four yolks and one
white of e?g. two ounces of sweet and
one or two bitter almonds, blanched
ana pounded. Mix up these inirredl-
era wen tosotner, put them on the
1 preserve, Dane in a moderate oven.
w nan cold ecrlnkla omp it eon..
i aiiir&n.
Little Tommy has spent bis fit at dav
at f chool.
"What did you leam?" he was asked
in his return home.
"Didn't learn anything."
vell. what did you do?"
'Didn't do anythlngl A woman
wanted to know how to spell cat,' and
I told her."
A question or time. Blushing
Bride "I want to get a present for
my husband, but I hardly know what
to get.
Clerk "Why not get one of these
n!ce silk mufflers, to wear erenings?"
Brides "Oh, dear, no; mj husband
never goe out nights. -
Clerk "Well, you might get It for
next year."
Trexbitdoits. "Is there any money
to your bus.ness?"
We paid fHty per cent, last year."
"Phewl How did you manage it?"
"Our creditors saw It was all they
could get and tbey took It."
A Hoosler Inventive genius has re
cently patented a voting-booth that can
be fohied up into the smallest possible
ipace for transportation.
We take pleaeure In calling the attention ot
oar readers to th advertisement ot the CUose
brourh Maniitaeturlng Company, whlcii ap
pears in another column. This eompaiij are
the original tliscoveiers and ouly manufactur
ers ot Vaseline, which to known all over the
world an the emollient, and the m..st valuable
family remedy In ue. Their (roods are sold by
dr.iirelM throughout the country, but we wih
to caution our readers, when buying to seeei.l
onlvgiiode in original packages, and labeled
Ulieseorouith Manufacurlne Company, as
metlmes unscrupulous dealers try to ""'t1:
tute preparations which are of little valua
when compared with vaseline, end eome are
InKulous aud unsafe to ue. .w,. ...
By sending the company a dollar y man, tne
render will receive tree quite an aawrtinrut of
these beautiful and valiioleood without any
sharge for delivery. We know w hereof we
wnwwlienweaajthe "Vase One" Map IS
An Orovflle (Cat) man keeps thelves
from his orange trees by tying cow-bulls
to them.
Cann's Kidney Cure for
Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Brlght's,
Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, Ac. Cure guaranteed. 831
Arch Street, Philad'ai $1 a bottle, 6
for to, or druggist. 1000 certificate of
cures. Trr it.
A teacher of mathematics says that
the simple tearing up orcuttlnu of paper
Is a great relief to the mind after men
tal labor.
Onnranteed five year eunt per cent. F1rt
Mortiraeeson Kansas City property. Interest
payable everv ix months: prlnclpil and inter
est collected when due ami remitted wttuoiit
eipenneto lender. For sale by J. H. Bauerlem
& Co- Kansas City, Mo. Write for particulars.
The German army Is uwg horseshoes
made out of paper.
Ezperlenoe the Hest Sobool.
Twenty centuries of experience have proven
that good old .st. Bernard Vegetable Fill of our
fath ri la the verv bear remedy known for tr-
mm liiir riiiresriiin- nutrition and excretion. miti-
lying the Mood, building up ileprem. d vitality
hdu rminTeraccmie tne inuumeruoie vitruei 01
he UU that fleMi Is heir to. A ample 1 1 the
St. Bernard Vegetable Pills will be sent frf to
all applicants. Address St. Bernard Box 241s,
New York.
A Missouri man, aged n:nety-thrce,
is cutting a new set of teeth.
Lee Wit's Chinese Headache Cure. Harmless
In effect, quick and positive in aotluu. cent
prepaid on receipt otsi per bottle. Aue.er A Co.
tttt Wyandotte su KanM City, M4.
Frith and firth raeen the s tine, a nar
row arm of the sea into which a river
empties. The former form is better.
Ok'ahom Gn'rte Boo 1111I Man sent anywhere
a receipt ol iuets.Xiler rv.,K.aU34City,Mj.
A savant estimates tht the number
of persons dr owned in the varLiuswitterp
r f the world since the creation is lotJ,
OjO.iOO. Timber, Mineral. Farm Lands and RaneB.es
In Slliwourl, Kausas, Texas and Arkaueas,
bouslit and eolu. Tyler Co. EUteaaClty, Mo.
Sir Samuel Baker, the great hunter
and explorer, says it is the most foolish
thing In the world to look a savage unl-
nial in the eye
Da Tew Ktrer Beeewlatet
Anv person eendlaJ es tnetr name and ad.
Arena will receive Information, thax will Wl
to a fortune. Bol- Lewie . leeaattf
ftnii.iin, Kante CUT. Vet
Coffee Is brewed by electricity.
Knptiiro cur guaranteed by
Dr. J. H. Mayer, 8J1 Arch St., i'hU'a,
i'a. Kase at once, no operation or de
lay from business, attested try thou
sands ot cures after others tall, advioe
free, send for clrcjtlv.
John Milton is sometimes called the
Homer of Britain. -
The Throat "Broun $ Bronlil Trothti'
set directly on the organs of the voles. Tbey
have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of
the threat.
The ancient Gauls
used a reaping
Traaer A ale Urease.
On trial will convince von that It Is the
beau Ask your dealer for the Fraser Axle
Urease, and take ne other, livery box has
our traue mark on.
Alaska has the largest quartx mill.
Jlafllkted with foreeyes use Or. IeaaoTaomD.
sen ' e-water. Imigaista sail at uto, pec boiuj
ST Howard Grabbe. of Dublin. Ire-
laud, has completed the larsest telescope
lens la Europe.
FITS ! An Flta mopped rree ov Dr. Kllne'iOnel
Itrve tteaiorer. Jo Viuafier nrat day'e nee. Har-
vcouacore. Treaiireatidts.uiu'ial ootuetreeu
tiicuu. Mtu u uu tt.iiue.K4i Area at. fauara.
Don't be content with doin what
toother has done, surpass It. .
O. Ologer. Ierist. Wttertown.
Wis. This is tho opinion of a mad
who keeps a drug stort), sells all
medicines, come in direct contact
with the patients and their families,
ind knows better than anyone else
how remedies sell, and what true
merit they have. He hears of all
:he failures and successee, and can
iherefore judge: "I know of no
medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat,
r Hoarseness that had done such ef-
fective work in my
Coughs. - familv as Boschee'a
Sore Throat. German Syrup. Last
winter a lady called
Hoarseness, at my store, who was
suffering from a very
severe cold. She could hardly talk,
and I told her about German Syrup
uid that a few doses would give re
ief ; but she had no confidence in
satent medicines. I told her to take
1 bottle, and if the results were not
iatisfactory I would make no charge
'or it. A few days after she called
ind paid for it, saying that she
jvould never be without it in future as
i few doses had given her relief! '
ftfiuiiuiuiia. Arithmetics fttiur-iieud. tc
tuoronguiy iuHt by xaiU cVcuiu-t
Brrif t' t el fgc, 4.7 Main C,
, bun. 10. 2. y
wau. Stow-naOe.
There's a good deal of
guarantee business in the store
keeping 01 io-u-iy. o
excessive. Ur too reiucrant.
Half the time it means noth-
r. Words only -wards.
Vrn's offer to refund the
a.r rsr- t-v mv i rpward-is
made under the hope that you
won't want your money Dacic,
and that you won't claim the
reward. Of course.
So. whoever is honest in
making it, and works not on
his own reputation alone, but
through the locfi dealer wnom
you know, must have some
thing he has faith in back of
the guarantee. The business
wouldn't stand a year with
out it.
What is lacking is confi
dence. Back of that, what is
lackinor is that clear honesty
which is above the "average
Dr. Pierce's medicines are
guaranteed to accomplish what
they are intended to do, and
their makers zive the money
back if the result isn't ap
JJoesn t it strike you mat
a medicine which the makers
have $0 much confidence in,
is the medicine for you?
ar- attiei til tern A I I'M.
. . K4t tn twwf-v am ft mla.
K$5oludStim " VuWtU.-uler.Tive.
has bvn n$e by rootl-rt for thalr cbll4rm
Tihin ffrir n-pr Plftv Year. It
S svxtb h o-i 111, oftn tho jruma. Uny
all pain. ours v ni ooiie, o im iu
remfir for diarrhw.
fwMivBT Cnt R Boctl.
2.5 Cents a Box.
! e Potltlve Cere for
Aod J DiswrOf-n oth tHrwt
Orj:ii. It im l.ktwiM
corrobuiFiiv-sX or irvnfrtbvo
in)f Wiidae and muy b
t&Vea wth irrcat btiAi in all
e-Jt-i of Deb litr. Fur aml iff
til Prnrtit-i. Pricey SI utpr buttl. Tr. hct
Sew Book oa Lunp Liver (.nrf tomtrh mtl-W frb
odreti. Dr. J. H.bCHtNurt ft Son. Phlndelpf
ICVU UCUHIlif imtitl-NWIt!, ZM m''1 h4
v 1tm thorn wLWh ffHnntswult luclt.
ttapd-wf 4 Writ. A Oa wUf ftho M-
"t vqtuulfMl fur ty and durablilcv.
S.JO Loodrvnr Well la ibm fC&Aaard tfnas
W buo ac a popuiar pne
VO.Atf I' Hi run ! r I U innlillj ilijUsiil
w lur rmUrtmd wma. rartiivra, oca.
AU DtAda in CNjbgrusk tiuttoa aad T n
.00 lor sLadlvsi it u uuif kud-wtl Sho
aolU &t thist uormlsLr im
Don k tla ih tor Ladlva la ibcw da-
iniir aua promi to txMiou vary popular.
99.OO tihom 'or Ladir. axul -1.73 for SnaM
st Mill reuuD ittalr axcviieiBcc for Kylss, ta.
All roods) warranietl and atatupaU wltb aant oa
bottom. If advertised local araut oaaoot aupplf
you, send du-sjwt io factor, uudaia$s advarUatd
or a postal for or1r blank;.
VV. L. DOKil.As Broclcrov, faaa.
WAMEJ-Miof slt-nler la vrrr rttr and
town not occur - to tuka oxclnalve aXreicr
All nvonCa advarnprd in lovavJ oopor. aind
Uir illuatrated cmCaloiruo,
Febrnrv. Til' V."J.k Kditlo-i of the Peerless
AtlR ol th wnrld hs larg' map engraved ex
presl v tor It. Accur.it" mid r liable us to loe.v
Hon of town, clt'e. nl ondi, etc. Censu. of
l9(i. Eve.ybo.lv wants It. Slis on Mirht.
Airenu elcr loo per cent. Ladien do nit to- I
2" men Kr t -rirn lrtre. Mast, Crowell
KlrkpirUk.SrIni:nelii, O.
FOR A 0IE.)OLLARB1 l.t.eentae trf man
we will deilv.r. trve o ail eharges, to u pereaa 1a
tbe OnlKl Statee, u of ue tsUawkis erUelae, eere
fallv peek. 11
One two-onoee befrle of Pnve esetrne, . . lOete,
Oae twtoa'-ee bottle of TMttltne Pomade .IS
ne Jar of Vaai-llue CO!t CreMn, ..... IS
One 1 kor Vtaait .e Cam; hortea, ... to
One Cake of Vurliae p, noMrntl, - 10
Qae Caiteof Vasal me Soap. caqulMtelv aoeated,SS
Oae two-etinee bvU.e at Watt. TauUua, St
Or far eeaftp ertmne env v7i arflili r (A. rrlat
aamefL On no acoownt b4 perwided to aepf rvm
eewdrwoff.v; v VaMiintorvrmparntioik fc'm .Viai
Mlaat iabelie with sr itama, oerams. won rU ea
to! nly rcir. aa etrarioa uWc ho Mfti. or neeaiwe
Cae-chronatt 'If j. t o., ii -tale c, N. V.
AilfpUJ tv ita tent. nt Ilarvara. Arniiwat. an4 ethtr
OollK.a, aite. v pmfV..ion.l mn t bnMncs. mi ... r
wbwr. n nnt for mi yir town r ii to
B. J. cUtttV. JU V..i;.ttoa Suvct. Itwron.
T ore'rroe an Taflv.-v
done Bit; aa the onlj
pecific for itaaueruua euro
O.K.lSonAilAM,Tli p.
A m.t. rv i. -V
HrfteolT bvtfca TV. ri J ." ..2
OaeSim.t!53i;Sn: " "
unso. t A. XL DYOHS CO.
-.:'lsrj-r.- . e. . . nic-, i.-
..... jrT7ii.ttj. ho.o nr iri:Ka:
X -CV l A O viluBt.n. i. c.
ScKTLrTllEH. ror "n"?!. crnTeweace ml
C. from o a
nij ep to
Wsnsii "'T"wwr",w'r t.t.i a nn
, .ri.f i.m.i.i.v . mutr ulUUf
" fc lacuml iaiac.r 10, r...it. .
CrWctfTna cn two rv-rrnt Menory 9ytmn. rteayt
arsmit Arrtl IM, full Tables of Contnt fnrwardad
only to those wbo rend it am red dlrcctod rnvakrpsx.
AlKt Prrwpctu POST FREli of Iho UMaatuaaArt
Of AerW Forzettlna;. Address
lrof. LOIETTR, 8J7 Fiftq Vmw Tort.
taenlthj :r ttn rr-Twrr end aa earlv as4 iiria
.5r"' - lrcJl;tr giving rurtow Information
aJdrre grephen Hovt'. -oii, r-'.w Canaan. Ct.
i-nra.riiriji none ii.ra up ii-inflt. tiiu
a twaaurui sira teuj
V L!. iLzl Vf 1 i' 1 'v auou.u be
9 Si- JV. i!-'!"rf O
. U JHsrJ.-..vV 'iFi t:lfc-.I
Tbere Is plenty of room at the top,
my Dun, . M
Were bis father's last words as bt
bade him good-tye,
Eut he found ere the piize he had wear
ily won
That the mountain ot fortune ran up
For the room at his top was exceed-
1 si rrl tf r r A
And his crying' need was a new erop
ol cairi
fltrwTT.-r RKPROACHKD. "I Will h
a sister to yoe," he said.
"Only that," said he, "after I have
been a popper to you?"
'fVii Ttnozvwoode.
A JB.11.JL '
will be succteJed In Congress by
chump." . , . .
"Why, my aear bt, u iw-cj;.-.
I know it."
Tdttv a.rTTIT Xew Cock "Tou
strike me as leing pretty clJ."
Old Clock "Yes, I tatd the mark 01
time on my face."
Tn. rwmf ifrvnWTTTlOFD. '"Ar
youatquainted with this?'1 asked Banks
as he displayed an unpaid note u
"No." replied Kytlng; I never mei
th. I.HUU rt ti. n aiitiuen oooiuesi
between Tom Jones and Susie Brown?"
Torn sold her L.tlier a hone.
Two baux.-"WIit do you hare tWu
beaux ou your string?''
"Well, you see, Jiiar:ey is my svcirij
man, while Ed is my steady-go-round.'
Oteb the hill. Little Edith
'Mamma, what's a ponr-house?"
Mimmii A rwir-house. Jidlth. ll
an Imaginary place of papa's, where h
lutends real Jinn next week."
Authoritative. B1 Sister "Dick.
I think It is time httie folks were in
Little Dick (on Mr. Xlcefellows kneel
Oh, it's all right. Mamma said I
t-hould stay here until
she came down
Gttino her oarcLE. -"Une'e John,'-
-aid little Emily, "ao you know that 8
baby that was fed on elephant milk
gained twenty pound in a week.
- "jNonsensel impossible!" exciaimeu
Uncle John, aud than asked: "Who
bby was It?"
I "It was the elephant's baby,' replied
little Emily.
A little AsricK. Patient "I arii
ever so glad to be up aulu, doctor.
You wouldn't do anvlainz to oause s
relitpse, would you?"
Doctor' Why, cf course not'
"Then flon't brln? in your bill foi
about twe'.Ye monttis.
In THS DARK. Wood by 5well
"Say, Fwed, I w.is callln? on my besi
Elrl last nlylit, and at, hilf past ten hei
pa can e into the ptrlor aua turne-1 ofl
the ff is. W hat do you suppose the o4
beggar me-nt?'
tied Old an "'Why. llht out, o(
Dashawny "Miss Summit, I would
sugeesl that your younirer brother b
asked to learo the room, as I have some
thing of the utmost iuiyonance to saj
to you."
Hiss Summit I am afraid he will
have to stav, Mr. DaihawaT. In aSitiri
of this kind I And tiift Tommy'sserriee:
as a short hand writer are absolute!'
TVht hi was .whipped. Ethel (tt
her oun.p;er brother, who had beet
whipped) Don't mlud, Brutxer, doa'l
Brother (between his sobs) That'i
Just wntt 1 was l:eked ror, not mino
Ixheritisi. Tompkins "When I
cabled at Smvthts' to-day Inot'eed that
Mrs. Emytlie has a black eye."
Mrs. Tompkins "You don't suppose
uer tuisbana beats tier, do your"
Tompkius "Oh, I guess not ber
mother's eyes were of the same oolor
genius is reoofrntzedl" exelalmed the
artist exultingly, es he wared a letter
O, tell me about It,"saUhis de
lighted httle wife in reply.
"This letter is from prominent sod
firm, asking me to paint a picture to be
used as an Advertisement."
IIow it happens. 5ighbor-"ITow
does it happen that your oldest daughter
has consumption while your other
flaotrhier is tbe picture of health? They
apiear to be of exactly the same tem
parament." Ilo-tess. ''Sly oldest daughter jt
ber winter fashions from Puna. Tbe
other got her's from Canada."
Beware of Ointment. Tor Catarrh Tfajtt Con-
twin Mercury,
as merenry will surely drstruv the senaa of
smell anil irinp!eeljrar3t):oihewbole!-y'reiii
wheD entering It tl-rout,li tbe mucous e.t; lacs.
such article, ixioula i.evi-r be ntoa exornt oa
preacript'ons Iroin reputable phyiclau. the
lHiiiai:e tlifjr will do is ten lolJ to the xoixl you
can (xje.lbiy derive from thrm. Hall's C.itai rh
Cure, maiiufactured tiy F. J. CUeni-y A Cn.,
Tnli-do. (., Coutulu no mercury, and Is taken
Internally, ami acts directly upou tho blood
ai.il imiooui rurfaofs of the ev'tcru. In buying
Hi l l Catarrh cure be sure you (tot the gi-nuine.
Itlstaki-n Internal y. aud nue la Toledo.
Oh o by F. J.t'heory & Co,
WSjld by Druggists, prloe T5t per bottle.
A London Journal proposes the rabbi,
as a wool-producing animal.
Bare la m Chase to Make Money. "
I bought a machine for plating gold, silver
and nickel, and It work aplen nd. When peo
file heard about t tliey brought more (poous.
orks. and Jewelry than I oul pi ite.ln a Wi-K
1 made SSS, and In a lno.it h yjf. Mf dauhtrr
made tll In hve days. Tfou cm ret a Plater lor
13 from the Like Kleetric Co., Kiulewood, III.,
:ind will, we trust, be beueUted as much aa 1
have been.
Carlyle Is given tiiecreuit of first hav
ing cal.od the newspaper preis 'the
fourth estate."
Don't feel well," and yet you are not sick
enough to consult doctor, wo wlU tell yon
Just what you need, tt la Hood's Sarsaparllia,
wnich will llrt you out of that uncertain, un.
comfortable, dangerous Condi Ion, Into a state
f good health, eoulld nee and cheerfulness.
While a farmer at Shleback, Penn
was attending church his horse frose to
death outside.
India takes the palm for Tree postage.
Ti'S al cards cost ha f s. cent each, aud
a letter goes lor one cent.
TVlae Mothers
Cue Dr. Home's Certain Croup Cure, tbe ent
remedy in t:ie world that wM euro a violent
e-.ee of croup Iu h:tlf au hour. No opium, cold
by druiim-t-. or niail-d on re-oiyt of aucta. A
uresa A. P. Hoxsie, nU(I;ilo, S . iork.
There are six Siamese students at
WetmiDSterCollee, a small Institution
at2ew Wilmington, Penn.
Money Invented m i-tioice one Hundred rloU
lar tmiiuini! lota in snbtu l of Kaii3.ii City w 11
pay irom live hundred to one tU'u.tiu uer
cent, the next few yeitra under our plan. jj
cash aud Super month without Inturol con
trols m desirable li. PiirticuUraoit aiplie.
tlou. U.Uauerlem Co liaus Wtv.
The dally surplus of bii thsover deaths
in the Vaited JUngdom is LSOa
A!t who nie DobMns' Elretiie Soap prale It
as :lie oet, cheaneat and mnt economical
f.in-llysoap madetb.it !fy,u will try It ouce it
win te 1 a atiu jiroue -r Vile of Its nu r ts Utttf
IKom uylU Yuurgi oawr will sut ply you.
March April IViay
Are ths best months In which to puriry Tour
blood During the long, cold winter, the blood
Thlngand Impure, the body becomes
j ..i the. vnnitit may be lost, and
Just now the system craves the aid of a reliable
medicine uxe noou a
ke Hood s &Braapim. -".ut,
March April May
. . . ... 1. iliu. mnnth. t,t. ... . .
r, -. s..n.riiia ta necullarly adapted to
tbe needs of the body during these months. It
thoroughly purines and vitalizes too o.
creates a good appetite, cures biliousness ,d
. . K..ithw antinn to thd kidneys
and liver and Imparts strength to the whole
m -
March April May
the time when yon should give Hood's
Sarsaparllia a fair trial. That scrofulous Ulnt
which has been in your uiovu iui ,..,
bathorouehlT expelled by giving Hood s Sar
saparllia a fair trial. It really Is a wonderful
kleoo. partner, sua uuiiiuug-up
a punner, sua bui.iuij-u. j w....
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold bv all drngg'srs. : six for S. Prepare 4 Sold by all drag sts. 1; s x f r . Prept-,, . -only
by C.I. H OD O'V, Lowell. Mats. I only by CSMO JD A CU, I.e vail, Jt m
lOO lses On Itolljtr. !ne Oai laM;lP t
I jTm itves KeUef at oiioo lor Cold lu U1- ZXV?&Xi
5 Apr,9 into thsXotriU. It iat-mrliy
:-. J solraggiats or by nail. ELY BKOta Wamm au, i.. T-t,- $
How many people
there are who regard the
comingofwinterasacon- r
stant state of siege. It seems aa if the elements sat dcTa
outsid the Walls of health and now and asain, led by ths
north wind and hi3 attendant blasts, broke cvcrjhe
ramparts, spreading cold3, pneumonia and death Who
knows when the next storm may come and what its
effects upon your constitution may be? Th2 forma
tions of health must be made strong. SCOTT'S
EMULSION of prre Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and
Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold
out against Cozighs, Colds, Consumption, ScrofuLt,
General Debility, and all Anamic and Westing
Diseases, until the siege is raised. prevents wasting
in tkildrau Palatable as Mill:.
6P2CI VL. Scott's Emulsion is ncra-eecret, and is preserved b7 tM V.sV.rA Pr.
testlon all over the world, because iu ingredients are aaientfcaUiy eiBU- ia aa a
tr -inner aa to greatly laereaae tieir remedial value.
3 C ACTIO T.-Soott'a EasaUlon la pot up In selinoa-colered wrapper Ee sre aid
get the genuine. PTvpar ealy by Seott A Bowae, nnatacfrteg Cieinlstt, Kew Tori.
Sold by ail Ornggtata.
arrwj T3IS0 3 REMEDT F02 CATARRH. Best. Ea'let to ose. m
V; fte4 A Clieapesr. Tteiief Is ImineuUiOe. A cure is cenau. jrar tLji
F3 Cold In the Head It has uo egiuU. t"wl
r fcS 11 13 an Ointment, of vtMch a tm-ll parti-:j is f pr'ifcd to tUe -T
friTI nostrils. Price, soc Id bydn-cKisrsor sent by w.ul. ri
lutJi Addresa. K. T. H a it i.-.-iit-. V ajr-an tr JA
nostrils. Price, soc E Id by
TMK CRiaiMIL AMD OmuiNC. TW. salt sUrk lata, mm m
Lsullsba. smK DriKrIM fbr --
liHl smM srltk b.M ribtwn. Task:
4. la iubm for pululva, tewui
AU ptus la attboeara bi . pii. k
1O,0O TswdftMalaU. Am W.
sW4 mU Utwl lrvixriUtai
A Skin of Beauty la a .Toy Forever.
Oriental Cream, or Magical BeantiEer,
aK. r. raLU vtt.tt.tl i
Tan, rinip.
le!, FrccK-l-9,
Uo to
Pat tk e,
Kft-h and
tain d-s-at,
very b!e
mlli on
defies de
tection. It
b-a atood
the tet of
0 years;
nooiber h.i.
ai d is so
7 . ri prope r 1 j
51d- Ae-pt no oouuterfelt of similar n.,.
.props r 1 y
' .0L.tD "oto (a etient) t -As
you ladles will use them" I riiommeWd
tS'!i:r',.' M harrrl of all
iiMSlS PrPrKtlons Al . 1-oudre Hubtlle
Sin superfluous hair wiUiout Injury to the
S&W5?ESi '-. t
: ' Tm ft rvM- Aoti- m.
.aw any aaasi. irMiiii atMj ax trul btMtl fcu
Peetrtrely rared with VeretnUle It.mr-dir..
Bare eurpf thuoMiodl uf cr.s.-a. lvre ltiruu r
Bounerl torli. by bt pbyslvlona. trim arot Jwe
ynpiema oiaappcar; la tta days at lp.t rou-tinr-ia
aiaia ok miMetiioiia mm t.m .
Ire by mail. Ilyou order trial, ar-ja 10c. in i.-.m,..
to pay poetage-
Da. a. It. Onaic a som. Ati.r t.
di??!"1. Iuallt' are unsnrpas,l, ssr
vSk! y b t t is a a si.
ll a- . ii n . vj "
re tha months in ... -
i of old friends resort t . e
course ot Hood's Sarsaparllia. tv. t.H
. t . . . . net tk
noou a oar3uiAiiii, wucc lairiy tried k..
the tivorlte spring medicine, ao.v. .r""i
for Its excellence and medicinal meat.
Ia these months this year tliouanih
patrons will take Hood's Sarsipartlu mil
lie Its benefits In blood purified and it!
-,.,i win vnn h. ..... . - alrftk
resioreu. ttiii juu vw vue or the nn-rwll
Hood's Sarsaparllia costs but little, im
Investment yields profitable returaa, Jul1'
"Last spring I was complexly famsln,,
strength left me and I feft sick and mueru?
all the time, so that I eou d hr.iiy atttnato
business. I took one bott'e of Hond's Stt..'
i i , ... . 1 1 ' A
Ill'ftu.iuvu..u . i.cio;si u n-I'itIltt'IB
B.C. BlOOLS, tdltor Entei prbe.Bell.TiU,
a a a
dt-cKisrs or sent by w.ul.
Htt i., iit-.
4 reltmM Fill tor Y
Bm0tt knma Mrad im Ifasd at-n vlA sne.
atkae klnS. Mfm 5iu.(.oeaa mA rwsaM
ft'bsr mr duairvrvtu ciMltrf-ltav At Dru k. ar mmM
Hsuiei- nr lr. " an baffr. rftura glib
Write us. We will SEND our
elvlng valuable Information. Ws
make It eaay to deal with us
SELL c:j easy payments.
We take OLD PIANOS In ""xchanse,
3antee satisfaction, or
Fiano to do
returned to us AT OUR EXPCNSEfofj
PIANO CO.;iisrcrMAls
IS3 Tromont 5t.,
1 9pp?5a ppfl
"By a taorouaa k. .i4i er tn" natonl !
wale., gov.rn lo. oport oaa j( aaJ n-Jtrr
Uou, aad or a caraf ul aupUcaUeo ur u.. Ra props"
uaaoT weii-selecteU Voce, Cpca qu provost
our breaalaat Uluim oioi a 4 jUsalaiy fUoarl Of"
eraKe waion ma Mive iu mait uaavr a -n' o-
Ituuy utejaaioioua un el .uca artiiM of ciel
aeonUiuUea may oe araauallr ount upaM.1
strong eaetua to re.l.t ry wudeocy tonua
Uundredaof tubtie maladisa are neaiuir areai m
ready to piuat wbararer thare U a walt pamt
v e may escape many a fatal .atf I by kMuln) oar
aivea wall foruaa win pttr b..J aad a nnft4
""fbed train, ""civil mtom ouwr.
JIad almpiy w;ta oiiln( water or ir.rt. U
oeiy In haJ-pTond Uas ar Uroori, uol i tSur
AJta k.lflftt oV CO.. Uo .n.a.paiaia CauU
The larllaB Serb P-ernedv. 5stnr- grrnt cut f
Indlirawon. S.X E.a-iiafca, Cuiutipiuoo, biitiw
attaau ana all Troaoie of tia l:oa uti, Ltmxw ;
fioweia. for yeara tali Herb Ilm o-u th ouly r- i-
etiv tued by tne es'.tijr.itl liwaiin iuti 1
noted taretiithoat tho emiitry for tnlr ranvkiJ ;
wensth, vl-ir and leata ot n:. Tr ikw.1i ?
teiUmoalals oa aim. Oj4 k tw a tvJ uf U ;
rrvat ootuaaeld mneiiy. Fjr a! it all dm--?-- j
orwutoa receipt at prlae bv Uie SAi.AFA-iL'A i
KEKB C., t.i.lv. Nw H-aloo. (So ri-i.i.t .toBP i
Kie.t-jc. tirst .atl3nAl Bank.
EB:i.l!UtlTLEY'S iltt'SV
C anlveru aarufaetlon. Way bouid yon v tV"
man'a profltf wbn you can bur direct from u. t3
aanutacurarl Socd UJ:0 ojid tni follairliit mc"rlj
ud wa will eiiariuitoa to tit and pleat you or refund
four Kooey. Rule for meafurement . brtwt nejt"
'vv wet, cIoh op r.rx"w anr.t, walrt rr.eMO.-e
paaaj &t wea, ej-d ijuld9 r acwur fron. erotco w
feel. Send six Cento for it uiiiip of eurtlilS'"''
ii-.it.fnlilon pUtte aud Wno BieoT-o Pr.' uif. t-1
Children 8uu. s. 1 1. l. Hiry itKt .l."fc
t "lonlelillorai lt glr.rt. ll'lfjg
men and worun em evi-e llbrra! C'W'pen,"
:nn. Ad-lrea. M. McINTVKK, Snpr'me Miu
ger. yp. ma Arch Street, I'hil.tdoipbla, l a.
eortled Tii-Ujtcius. 9 n?cfif
Onlsm. aW Jnmm Fee 6
IDftw ltoenatii;.Uf- i rf
3 8I0 toe Mm txl vid '.aic
yt from t piitt .t wlJ
I vrli; rnn'Mat l0 4-"i
lOi.c F. 'vHiTs-j;-ntf
ML'J tl'M-ailn six moi.tln A
an estimate 1 ensr nt ut.if! K.mitaWs
r.uAPSMErn cure
- y '- v'1 . "" "-' r.
-rnr rr-nj T