Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 18, 1891, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY. MAR. 18, 1891.
Three hundred pirates and rob.
berg were beheaded several w
azo in China.
There ia a bad feeling between the
white and negro settlors in XNorth
western Okloboma.
Tn. mllincrhas commenced amorg
for the
Speakership of the next Congress.
Br proclamation, or decree the
porta ef Brssil have been opened to
imports from the United States un
der the riciprocitr agreement.
Gmibal TAi-MEa, democrat, ag-ea
75 years was elected on the 154th
ballot by the Illinois Legislature to
represent Illinois in the United
States Senate.
Wiooms predicts an earthquake
to take place August 17, 1904, that
will shake np Philadelphia and
other Atlantic coast cities. A good
many people here now will be on the
other shore befere that date.
TnEBH is a war of words and war j
of petition by many city people
against nude statuary. "Evil to him
who evil thinketh." There is noth
ia nude statuary, but there may be a
good deal in the kind of people that
look at the statuary.
The republicans in the next senate
will haTe 49 members; the Democrats
will haTe 39 members, which fact
should be sufficient to mncleud the
mind of the Democratic brethern
who profess to believe the republi
can party is dead. It sleepetb, and
will be awoke in due time.
SssiTon Staxtord would not per
mit his car te be attached to the fumsr.
nl train of Senator Hearst from Wash
ington to California, for the rea
son, tho train was full of people who
were more on a pleajure and poker
playing trip than on the solemn
journey of burying a deceased
friend. Stanford followed on anoth
er train.
Faoii the Philadelphia Times of
March 11: Of all questions in? the
world the question of imported labor
got into the Methodl conierence yes- j
terday. An applicant lor admiSBioa
to the ministry was objected to, bc
6aufae he was a recent arrival from
England, and the debate which foJ.
lewed shewed a very general senti
ment anwEj the membors for tho en
couragement of homo talent first.
They finally concluded to admit the
nrlit(.Mut i -1 v:.
taking out naturalization papers aa
soon as he can; but intimated strong
ly that they preferred not to make
his ease a precedent. It is constant
ly growing more difficult for foreign
ers to secure remunerative places in
this country, and a few signs are be.
ginniDg to appear on the horizon
that by and by the day will dawn
when Americans shall rule America.
Direct Taxation Is a Tax-
"The tariff ia a tox." That is a
familiar froe trade cry. Few stop
to think of how the revenues of a
country must be raised if the tariff
is reduced or alolisLicl. lne only
way posaiUo is by direct taxation.
In European countries, where the
tariff is not so high at in the United
States, every npecies of direct tax
ation has to be resorted to in order
te raise the necessary revenue for
tho enormous expenditures to sus
tain royalty aud standing armU-s.
A reader of The Press recently re
turned from Austria comes back
wish a talo of woe about taxation.
This gentleman, by the way, went
abroad thoroughly tinctured with
free trade, but he comes back with a
delibarato rnquest that The Press
expose the infamous system of direct
taxation in vogue in Austria.
"Go into a telegraph office," he
says, "and you see the cost of tele
graphing is so much per word. You
write out your dispatch carefully,
count the words and hand over the
amount. The clerk looks it over and
says, half or a third more.
'What for ? exclaims the traveler.
'Imperial tax stamp.' " Nearly
everything is taxed. Every oopy of
a newspaper is obliged to have an im
perial stamp upon it.
; But this is not tho worst of -it.
TLile in Vienna th gentleman h&d
Tho Press sent to him, and was as
tonished that in addition to the reg
ular postage, which of course, was
prepaid at the New York office, he
was compelled to pay a small sum
a eect, or posfibly less on every
copy that reached him.
How would the people of the
United btates like a nscal system
that thus puts a direct tax upon
every newspnyer they read ia addi
tion to the publisher s price, and a
tax on every telegram sent in addi
tion to the cost of transmission, a
system that which, in short, is so
obnoxious that it irritates and annoys
you in every action of life? It would
not suit Americans.
Horrible Statements.
Tacoma, Wash., March 11. A
prominent physician of this city has
just made a horrible and startling
revelation in which he alleges that
he was called two months ago to the
death-bed of a poor Swede named
Lars Pedersen, who told the physic
ian he wished his ivinr confession
written. It is as follows. Pedersen
worked in Armour's packing house
in Chicago until 1887, then went to
Sionx City, in Silverhorn's -" packing
house, wh-re he worked until the
spring of 18S9, when he killed a man
named Larson HarstruL who work
ed on the night shift with him clean -
ing the floors in the killing rooms.
He stabbed Haratrul many times and
his blood flowed dewn the gutter to
the fertilizer, mixing with the blood
of the swine killed that day. He
then put him in the chute and ran
his body in among ten thousand car
asses killed that day. Near morn
ing he took the body to the chop
ping blocks, cut it in piece, covered
tbem with salt and ran them to the
froezing rooms among pieces of.pork
left their for months. He then
burned the clothes in the fursaee.
Pedersen lived in Sieux City for 3
months after the murder and then
came here. The physician can give
no good reason why he did not make
the alleged confession publio before.
We will hold our second sale of
Iowa horses at the Patterson House,
Patterson, Pa., on
mow day, iiARcn 23rd, 1891,
at 1 o'clock sharp. This sale will in
clude horses and mares, drivers,
good roadsters, draft horses. Terms:
CO days on note, or 1 per cent, off
for cash. Gahlt ic Majiatba.
aad St-
raul WL'f.
Electric Lighted and Steaaa Heat
ed Yeatibuled Trains, with Westing
hoase Air Signals, be tween Chicage,
St. Paul and Minneapolis, daily.
Eleetrie Lighted and Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled Trains betweea Chi
cago, Council Bluffs and Omaha'
Through estibnled bleeping lsrs.
daily, between Chicago, Butte, Ta-
coaa, Seattle, ana roruana, un.
Solid Trains between Chicage and
principal points in Northern Wiscon
sin and the Peninsula of Michigan.
Daily Trains between St. Paul,
Minneapolis and Kansas City via
the Hedrick Route.
Through Sleeping Cars, Daily, be
twecn St. Louis. St. Paul and Min
The finest Dining- Cars in the
The best Sleeping Cars. Electric
Beading Lamps in Berths.
6,100 miles of road in Illinois,
Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Ie
wa, Mianeseta. Missouri, South Da
kota, and North Dakota.
Everything First-Class.
First Class People patronize First
Class Lines.
TicketJAgents everywhere sell Tiok
ets over the Chicago, Milwaukee,
and St. Paul Railway.
Feb'y 25, 1S91 T
A Good StiepherdRewrded-
Frem the Lswisburg Chronicle of
Mareh 5: One of the uleasaat occa
sion of the season toek place at the
Lutheran par socage, on Tuesday er
eniog. I'bo congregation ffccogntzlng the
matchless worth ol their minister,
Rev. L. L. Sieber, agreed upon a
social surprise, and a great . surprise
it was. By the aid of the good ladies
of the chnrcb, many of the brethren
and friends of other denominations
were marshelled at Bro. i. K. Difeu
Horfiir's until time was called at 8 P.
M.. when, aa by magic, the crowd
suddenly grew in number to more
than two hundred, who, uncereane
niously, invade 1 tho parsonage, only
to find the minister hard at work in
his study. By, some momentary
misunderstanding, the surprised
minister was brought face to face
with his house overflowing with par
ishioners. A large extension table
was hastily arranged and speedily
heaped with many articles for the
minister and his family.
The persons present funding only
room to stand, enjoyed themselves
in social conversation until one of
the brethren unavoidably detained,
appeared in the throng with instruc-j
tiocs from a committee of ladies.
The brethren were speedily called
to order, and listened to a short ad
dress from tho minister, after which
one of the brethren addressed the
overcrowded house, and presented the
faithful minister with a purse con
taining $113.00 in money. Recogni
zing thatit was not a gentle rain
but a pouring out from the hearts of
his members, the minister seemed
too full for utterance.
The nvn'eter, family and members
heartily joined in sieging "Praise
God from whom all blessing flow,"
after which the throng departed.
A inventory of the stores upon the
table showed a liberal outpouring to
the amount of $30.00.
Since Bev. L. L. Sieber's ministry,
not yet a year's duration, there have
been 02 new membors added to the
church. The brethren recognize in
him a faithful, untiring and worthy
shepherd, well worthy tho recogni
tion shown. May he feel that "Be
hind every cloud there is a silver
Ml .
AlkTeiirFriendi about It.
Your distressing cough canbeeui
ed. We knew it because Kemp s
Balsam within the past few years
has cured so many coughs and colds
in this community. Its remarkable
sale has been won entirely by its
genuine merit. . Ask some friend
who has used it what he thinks of
Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi
cine so pure, none ao effective.
Large bottles 50o and $1 at all drug
gists, tf.
Court Proceedings-
Reported by B. F. Barchfleld, Esq.
All accounts of executors, admin
istrators, guardians advertised for
confirmation this day were confirm
ed, there being no exceptions.
Licenses for hotels were granted
Wm. S. Arbogast and S. B. Murray,
MiiQintewn; Samuel Leocn and John
lHaves, Patterson; Samuel Arnold,
Jr., Seven Stars, and Jehn Iiandolf
Van Horn, Richfield.
In the matter of the exceptions to
the report of Wilberforce Schweyer,
auditor to make distribution of the
estate of Samuel H. Fisher, deceas
ed, after argument the court held
the matter under advisement.
- In the matter of the exceptions to
the repo.it of R. F. Elliott, distribut
ing estate of James Wallace, late of
Tuscarora township, deceased, the
court over-ruled all the exceptions
except one as to trifling oversight of
auditor, and after a slight modifica
tion of the report confirmed it.1
Absalom Rico for use ef W. D.
Walls ts, B. "W. Parsons, fi, fa., No.
15, April term, 1891. Stayed and en
judgment No. 19, September Term,
18.90, a rule granted on plaintiffs to
show cause why the judgment sbo uld
not bo opened and dofendent let in
to a defense.
Absalom Rice, trustee for use of
W. D. Walls vs. B. W. Parsons.
Rule to show cause why judgment
should not be opened to the extent
of three handled and defendant let
into a defense and execution stayed
to that extent
In-re Lunacy of Emory Patterson,
opinion of court lied, decreeing that
Emory Patterson pay costs of pro
ceeding. A writ of partition was granted in
the estate of John Frederick Wald
smith, late of Milford township, de
eeated. Samuel E. Spieher, exeeuter of the
estate of William Shope was allowed
to expend $100 for repairing real es
tate. -
J. B- M. Todd, Esq., and Harrison
McDonald wore appointed appraisers
in assigned estate of Jonathan Kauff
man. H. J. Shellenberger and John L.
Yanart were appointed appraisers in
assigned estate of Maurice Leonard.
Geo. L. Hower, Esq., was appoint
ed to take testimony in matter of di
vorce, Sarah M. Roe vs. Robert Roe.
The bond of Geo. S. Conn, as
signee of Henderson Forsha, was ap
proved. W. S. North was appointed guar
dian ef George B., and Kebecea
Olivia Jacobs, minor children of
George Jaeobs, Esq., deceased.
The administrators ef George
Hockenbrought, deceased, make re
turn to order of sale, that they sold
the real estate to Susan Hocken
brought, for $750, and sale confirm
ed. Estate of William Beell, deceased.
Upon petition ef Nancy R. Rhine,
for specific performance of contract
of sale of real estate and answer of
executor filed. Henry Titzell was
appointed a commissioner to ascer
tain and report specific boundaries.
Estate of John R. Yan Ormer, de
ceased. Return to inquest of parti
tion confirmed and upon final ao
count of administrator, B. F. Burch
field. Esq., was appointed an auditor
to ascertain advancements and dis
tribute. Estate of John Wilson, deceased.
Upon order of sale of real estate
to Mary N. Hackett for $110 and sale
Wtn. M. Allison, Esq., was appoint
ed aa auditor in the estate of John
Q. Adams, deceased.
Solomon Bardell and Lewis Degen
were appointed appraisers in assign
ed estate of Samuel H. Kinser.
VT. H. Kurtx and H. H. Hartman
were appointed appraisers in assign
ed estate of Dr. Philip A. Smith.
The bond of Jeremiah Lyons, Esq.,
a?sigtre ot David E. Robison, w;;
The report of viewers of new road
in Lack township was so modified as
to not vacate any of the old road,
and with the width of the road fixed
at 30 feet the report was confirmed.
Henry Tits ,11, J. J. McMullen and
P,nj WallacA were appninfad tn viavr
a road in Lack township, from near
Behel's saw-mill to near Allison's saw
Joseph Bell and Joseph Mafflt
were appointed appraisers in assign
ed aetata of John Brant.
J. N. Keller, Esq., was appoiuted
to distribute estate of Joseph G.
Mtthis, deceased.
Robert H. Patterson was appoint
ed guardian of Enooh A, and John
Newton Morrison, minor children of
Dr. J. M. Morrison, deceased.
On petition of J. H. Neely, Esq.,
Absolem Rice was cited to file an ac
count 30 days before June 9th, 1891.
The application for tho extension
of the limits of the borongh of Pat
iersofi, Was rehired to the Grand
Jury according to law all the pre
liminary proceedings being regular.
A charter was granted Lieut. Day
id H. Wilson Post, No. 134, depart
ment of Pennsylvania, Grand Army
of the Republic, located .at MUlin
town to ba a corporation.
James T. Cox vs. Catherine Cox vs.
Paul Cox and Lewis Gillfillcn, ad
ministrator, Si-7. Rule to show
causa why judgment should nut La
Opened and defendant 1st into a de
fense. Judgment opened.
John W. Hibbs vs. Jacob Lauver.
Motion for a new trial. New trial
J. E. McCahan vs. O. S. Kepler.
Demurrer. Leave granted to file an
amended statement.
In the matter of theprivate road
in Delaware township, over land of
Banks Taylor, referred back to the
viewers to indicate on what width ef
of road they computed their damages
Ebtale of Samuel H. Fisher, de
ceased. inceptions to auditor s re
port.' Argued and held for eonsid
Lowib Arnold vs. Joel Dressier.
mo Heirs at law of defendant were
submitted on motion. - Joel Dressier
having died since suit in ejectment
was brought, and J. N. Keller, Esq.,
was appointed guardian ad litem fer
In estate of Elizabeth Jacobs, de
ceased. Administrator was allowed
to pay money dae certain heirs who
cannot be found, into the Orphans'
It Ij. Guss petitioned the court to
decree that Thomas Waldsmith give
counter security as administrator of
Frederick Waldsmith, deceased, Mr,
uui), Demg one oi ms Dondmen on
the original administration bond,
Decree made as prayed for and 30
days alio wed te file bond as counter
security. On petition of T. H. Mem
ingor, F. W. Noble, John Etka, Goo,
W. Heck, S. H. Rollman, J. L. North,
and D. 1L Craig, a rule was granted
on r redenck .Lspenschade, commit
tee of Mrs Jane Gallaher, to show
cause why an order should not be
made on him to contribute annually
10 me jix. Jtu cnurch ol ill 111 in town.
A Cur for Comstlpallcm
lick. Headache.
Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that
when combined with other herbs;
makes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. It is in the form - of
dry roots and leaves, and .is known
as .Lane s family medicine. It wilj
cure sick headache in one niht.
For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for the clearing up of the complex
ion it does wonders. Druggists sell
t at 50cts a package. tf
Mcsical CoLUor The 39 th ses
sion opens Monday, May 4th, for
Young Ladies in Vocal and Instru
mental Mnaie. Address, forcircalar,
F. C. Motir.
Froeburgh, Pa.
Feb. 18 to May 4.
BiTHLsniM, Pa., March 10th. The
sudden appeat ance of , White Caps
has caused a sensation. This morn
ing pedestrians on Ellweln strethad
their attention attracted to s genu
ine "White Cap" notice tacked on
the residenee occupied by Eugene
Hartxell. It stated briefly if he did
not go to work and support his fami
ly within a week's time he would
have to stand the consequences. His
wife took the notice down when her
attention was attracted to it. Hertz-
ell for nearly two months has not
worked, and h"s family is a large onr,
consisting of an economical wife and
six small chudren. He ban started
to work again.
From . the Bloomfield Advocate:
Rev. Wm. Quigley of Shermansdale,
has a flock ef 43 bens of which he
can be especially proud. A majority
of them are Vr bite .Leghorns. Dur
ing the month ef January they yield
37 dozen eggs, and during February
49 dozen, which were sold lor f 13.34:
the feed cost $3, leaving a net gain of
110.34. Mr. Charles J. Hack
ett, of Dorry, Pa., son of J. B. Haek-
ett, Ssq., of this place while en route
with the party to California, of whose
departure we made mention, had a
startling experience while passing
through New Mexico. He was sit
ting in the smoking car when a mad
man suddenly drew a revolver and
shot down two of the occupants of
the ear, and then cut bis own throat.
Mr. Hackett pulled the bell rope and
stopped the train. The utmost con
sternation prevailed for a time.
The town of Newport seems to be
oursed with thieves. Hardly had s
youthful band of burglars been brok
en up when a robbery is again an
nounced. On Tuesday night of last
week the residence of J. V. Fickes ,
was forcibly entered and the whole
lower story of the house ransacked.
A satin wrap, muff, plush coat, pair
of new pantaloons and ether wearing
apparel and a small amount of mon
ey were taken. Attempts were made
to enter other houses, but without
success. Tho thieves were 'tracked
to the outskirts of tho town by means
of juice from a berry pie takon from
Mr. 1 lckes larder.
Two travelers in Philadelphia from
another city in passing the Baldwin
Locomotive Shops were attracted by
the clatter of the great machinery in
muuvu witmu ana cencmuea to
go inside and obtain some profitable
knowledge by observing the works
The massive doors being wide open
they started and had entered soveral
yards, when they were unexpectedly
confronted by a pclieeman or fore
man, who had stepped from one side
and said . '"Have you a pass."
The men of course said that they be1
not.. Ihe policeman then said :
"You cannot go through." The
men retraced their steps, somewhat
taken back and disappointed.
On another occasion two l hiladel-
phians bnving heard that cone with
out leave were allowed to go through
applied te a chief officer of the Works
and received each a pass and with
these entered. The policeman step
ped up and enquired: "Have you
passes, gentlemen." They said,
yes, and produced them. ' The police
man recognized the Work's Pass,
and said: "This is what is necessary."
This was not alL He was a pleasant
man and espeoially so to those who
had the right of way and in accord
with his gtuial disposition, he to
tho surprise of the visitors showed
them through the chief departments
and explained to them m ny inter
esting things.
Now in another sense picture a
person Attempting to enter the favor
of God and thence to redemption
without the intorcession of Christ,
destitute of the mercies of God
in Christ or without the merits of
Jesus, and at once s law of God, that
ho alone knows the righteousness
of will confront the person and for
bid him or her to pass, or so mnch
as say: "You cannot pasa." Such are
without the mediation of the Savior
and because of the want of this, Jua
tice prohibits
On the other hand obedionee to
Christ and belief in him is a pass in
to the favor and good will of God; a
pass for the ainner to the pardon of
his sins against God; a pass through
death, insomuch that the soul is say
ed; and a pass over hell, and a pass
through the judgment yet to come.
Those coming an to God by the
Advocate in behalf of sinners
are recognized by ' God and passed
unto redemption or from death to
life1 The laws of God so in nob as
say : We pass you through Christ.
Of Pure Cod
Livr Oil and
f L!mo end
U i ndrmJ and praerltw4 by l.adlnff
phrsleltM bMm fcolb Ihm CM TAr M
tad JfypMfcMpMfOT ar lbs n(il4
(nts la tu tun ot Cmimiiakm. It la
aa palatable aa Milk.
Scott's Emulsion ?"',
" amlalW iTimt Mwir, It i tKm
Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wasting Dia
eases, Chronic Cenghs and Celcs.
Ask tor Seou'a Kmnlaioa and take aa oUiar.
. Consumption 8urly CurocC
"& ! nanaa: naaaa tafotai nu tm
Sbat I aa a paataVra wit; f-iali.lnn m.i 1
"a. Mr Ma mU aaa Sionaiaoa ot aoaaiaai
aaaaiaavaaaaapiia ttyaawd. laaaU hasted
to aaatlaa at mj noMy IMS to 007 ol
aa aareaaaaaaiattoa a? taay wMt
iteur. Xa.aLocuaf.kt.airadt(.ln.z.
FaoDla who aeror rrm aireatleea ata
tho aral M emplaiB that
. . en..t1 m a It U
MrraniHOT on uw sane. "z
am " flkbitiu. Orowlws ?
mix mwm mum rvMiYwiM
fU. TeVlsl ausi CM.WAB
tlx Tiwsisi
Wall atTaVSSa VMS.
bai A. faxAsYTCiLP. .PltJlAstelDlUeW
In the Spring
The foellnc ef laailtnde peculiar to the
S a'aoon bofclna to le felt. The averaxe
5 stork of vitality hua been pretty thor-
oHL-h'y exhawited in carrying IU possca
S aor tlirounh the rlgom and chancoa of
S the tryinK wlntr, and u tho more K"nl
S al Benson approach and the train upon
S tho system relaxen a frollug- of p rostra-
Ef You
iare Wise
Z tlon, more or lcri prononneed In decree
2 and duration, U the natural und inevita
5 Me result. Dtirlnx the cxiitom-oof thl
5 fnclinK of laiwlliide and drprewion, lmnl-
dok careg and excrtioim norm almott
Z InijioKhilile of endumner, and even the
S Uchtrnt dntlea and f-'pon 'Utilities of
5 llftnrerrMMednKHliiiflen lol.enhlrkod
S or dinreitarded to tho freutcat potwlhle
S extent.
To devlne ftomo preparation to ronn
S teraet thin tired r'lln and rentore tha
nyKtwn to soiiiethluic Ilk" a normal con
; dltion hua been the endeavor of many
S people more or leva skilled in medieul
Z erleni-o, androunllrtKroneoc llonHundi-r
S the fenoral title of 'Vprint medlcliio"
; huvo leen pltu-ed iion t-o market, had
Z a hrtf boon and tlwn l4m lost rli;ht of,
Z to be aureoedod by aomc other iml1ur
S preparation. The principal Ingredient
S tn momof thortii"l)i:V;""toulca,'
atenPnurrictsl.OO. C
DON'T Uio t'omethixtg else "Just as good." IT 16 NOT.
' Asa Wabekn A Co, Sole Proprietoni.Itsngor. iit. ,
. "llllilllHll iiilliillMiiliiillliiiinlliuilini iniiiiHa''
WkksiI Ol WsTTaBS. as souia, ao anowT
Wot Rlasse UiAuosa &oonsa to com nts ear.
r m fas net tsc la or vara snrnit
fmuxm it sxsxapv so i aus -rm baktii.
8-i Lie niuouatasl otmisf to j
II. ElIEET, JUo, & CO., I
U)U Walnut Wtreet, I
Stop XJxgX
Ckrgfjic Cough Now!
for If vsa da Tnt It mm-w iMmiM Mn.
sutnpllr. p,r tSHMmvNm. arrmpmlm, I
Wnntl Wif(y and Itmfimg Ihtimtm, )
tuoro Is naiblag like
Of Tore Cod Lit or Oil Jtnd
Or Lima d-a.net -Bdcl.
It I at moat m ptslRtitbl mm nallk. Tmm
bettor Uian other s-mllo4 jtauiftlOBtk
A. WuB4rful fltsali prod uoer.
Scott's Emulsion
Tbsra are poor lssltatlnna. Od IA
BsSnlsg woes Ots oi of yooA spots. sarr
aaad a vslamsls atioss IseaW) soatslalas; fan
asiwsuaws for hosAO oars. FWBB saarao. A
salsa aid anaaaq wsrtt t shsaldhe rasd hy ovary
aaaa whs ss tsua sad ashlUaiasa., dlliaayj
IBS. SP 9m sTw
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's CosditioB Powder.
it tm slmhitah' Sara. HIshlT
MUfAswuiA rTimailsi isn sum is
Uod fr roniw ohiekA. WrtS aur SAs ci4
vkn bam Moult. "On Iatb aas satsS in BiS.
Mad ptx fer 9& ta pmnt mmp.m sata s osisit.
H 70a asnt M It suid W ammmt tor pmrkt:
tl. ASIA Pound oma ml f0oS-IIAid : SAAA SA,
pit. iy JW nltrv KAlHnc Gwlde trmm wis, ft
erusn or mwn. a s. j viu'sua s, aww, uiwia,
This standard brand of plujj
tobacco is acknowledged to be
the best chew and the largest
piece for the money in the mar
ket. Vineo tin tag on taeh lump.
Its extensive sale for many years
has established its reputation.
. here is nothing better. v Try it
v.- hv dealers and erocers.
etc, alcohol, the eflfeet of which npon i
tha human ayatem has been sufficiently
dwelt npon through various public me- 2
dlums to render any extended reference S
to the same unnecessary here. The tern- m
porary feeling of strength and exhtlera- Z
tlon produced by this active agant la as S
certainly followed by a greater degroa
of depression, while the results of eontln- J
ned lnddlgoace are a permanent Impair
ment ef the vital organs the heart, kid- Z
neya, liver and brain. a
The facta of tho case are that yon have -been
living npon meat and other fatty
substances to a greater extent than at S
any ether time of the year; the pores of
the skin have been closed, and npon the S
kidneys and I Ivor have devolved aU tha S
work of keeping the system clear. Bat 2
now summer Is at hand, and those or- S
gana cannot keep up the drain. The
pores of the skin mnst be open, else dl-
nua will step In and throw you upon a
bed of sickness. If the pores be but
partly open, then yon are languid, lary S
and 111 at ease. You wanta sarins clean- "
Ing process within yourself, and then I
you will lie filled with vigor and a coat
for work and business. Vcti can have
all accompUhHl by tho uso uf I
bottles Sr S.OO.1
Tha sadarsifaed Aaailaistrator ef the
estate of wMltos 8sr, lata ef Ferry
Tewnthlp, Ssjeer soastr, Pesaiylvaaia,
eocassod, by virtts ef aa order ef too Ur.
pbsas' Caart of Bsydsr eeasty, Fessa,
will sell tho folio ing described Baal Batata
at bile sale spas the treatises la Ferry
Tswuhip, Snidor Caanty, Pa., at 10 o'
clock, A. M-, or
TharscUy. March 126, rlf.
A ooit.m I.IMESTONB LOT, sitaated la
Wast Parry tewassiu. Sevier Co.. Fossa ,
boaadsd by .asds of Jossthsa Petteigor, ces-
o(i rsvern er as aci,
tears er less.
Alts, all that certaia Farm sllnate partly
tn aajdsr ceaaty, sad partly la Jaaiata Co.,
Ftaaa, by roatsa ef the eoaaty lias raa
aisg thraagh rid trsat, bsaiidsd Berth bv
lead ef Jsha Hilaert Bad Asraa ShaOsr;
oast by lands of Cbarles Hosslisf aad Jabs
Hi.bori; sonib by lsads of Philip Bettor, aad
wott by laaas af Hoary Bath asd llissksth
Treat's bsiic, sosUmiag
sere er lass, ab.ot twshfy-lra acres of
whisk ia wail tiBtbured. Good Water.
aad ethar eatbnildiif ' asd A SAW MILL
apes the premiit .. Would be wall suited
far a Store Stsid.
Tsims will ba atade khows aa dav of sale
Fob. 13, 1891.
The greatest irnprovemmt ia
Corsets during the past twenty
jeers is the use of Coraline in
the place of horn or whalebone
It is used In all of Dr. Warner's
Corsets and in n ethers.
The advantages of Coraline
over horn or whalebone are that
tt does not become set like
whalebone, and it is more flexi
ble and more durable.
Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets
are made in twenty-four differ
ent styles, fitting every variety of
figures thin, medium, stout,
long waists and short waists, .
Sold everywhere.
New York and Chicago.
Tbeii X M Coal j jo wag ansae Merely te
HasSaaiIor a Wins, asd (sea cave nm to
vn as'saa. i siassi a, AvAluUAii IMS,
a sapfw SAaoe oi
r A? Jffgs caaxanesSt
A nafl-tflts; etado. I WAJiaAJrr ajy rod7 ta
Unu Asa wasst aasso. Bssaasa oobora hara
i UAU4toare&sonUrBBowneelTiaxasara. .
' tood at snea 1st a araawse aud a laaai Tlili ilu
; ef By lnrAi.UBAa Kaaater. arra Kxpresa
Bad Fast CKBue. U easts yoa Battuaa ior a
! t-stl, and tt wiJi ears you. Address
i H. C. ROOT, M.S.. 1 83 Fun Br, RlwYsa
You will j
Take i
's SaraaBarillai
Harinff purchased the clothing store ef Samuel btrayer, we offer specigj
bargains to make room for our new stock.
"We -xpect to make a specialty ol uenis i nrnisuing woous.
We will also keep full line of
And a eomplete stock ef Boots, Shoes, HatB, Caps, Ac.
Quick Sales ani small profits, is our motto. Give us a triaL
Hollobaugh & Son.
We hare just re -tocked our
tore with Winter Good for
ur customers.
Th Senior member of th
firm has iust returned from
Eastern Markets, where he se-
lected with jreat cart the goods
that his many patrons iaTwr.
.... i
Our assortment is more com-
plete tnan erer. wmtanuicc,
. i
Our customers hare appreciated ;
our efforts to gire them goods to
suit their purposes, and we;
beliere that we are better pre
pared than erer to merit their
confidence. We invite jou to ,
come and see and be satisfied.
In Our dress goods department ! OSlce at eld stsed, carser of Third and Or
, i . 1 ,l; i BBge streets, Uiffliutowa, Fa. Ossarbotk
we hare almost everything. theu wi f.UB(1 tB.ir .ffic. st t
Don't be backward, call for otherwisa proieBAn,.ii7 .
what you want. j '"aV'I
Oer Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a full line e.
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line i
in the count'. Every house
must have its full supply et
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar
ticles. TOBACCO-
To the lovers of the weed,
we say we keep the beat brands.
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Mais Stxut, Orrosrrs CewsT Housk,
HifflintewH,' Pa.,
Fred'k .KSPtSCHADi:
aV Sen.
tiYeatioxal baptist
Seed postal for a free sample copy.
Worth Knowing,
Tbst I ssb stop tootbasbb ia lasi tbaa
ve saiBBtas; Be paia, bo oxtractiaf.
That I caa extraet tooth withsat paia,
by tha bio of a Said applied te the tooth
aad fame ; aa daaf er.
That Diseased a a as a (known
aa Searvy) treat ?ved ancccsafnlly
aad a care
raatea la every
Teetb Fillbb aad warraatad far life.
ArtiSclal Taetb repsirod, axchaagnd or,
reateddled, frost $9.tt 4a li wer sat.
Baaatlfal Gbbi Baaaisled Test inssrted at
prices te soit all.
AH werk warraBtod te giva pfrfsct satia-
faetisB. Faaple whe hare artificial tooth
with which thsj oaaaet eat, are especially
iavited te call.
Taaas Cash. " 1
bitablishio is Mitrumwi, Fa., ib lSbt.
el. 14 S.
OHtw Sa few rwi mm I
-tiovatT.- ;
eoTsr a shoo wHh the lasldo of tho heel tln1 with
ruober. Thn cunca to tho hhoo aad preventa
tuo Bnbbsr from slipping off.
CmH tor the M To leb eater
aadyoucau walk, run or jumv'iu tueio.
r ii v
Loais K. ATKUies. Y. M. M. Fihsh..
K7CellectiBg bb4 Ceavevaaaias a...
j 1; atteaded ta. '
rrioe Oa slain street, it plscs af reU
. doses ef Loais B. Atkisson, Kq., soath
Bridja stroot. r0et2a,U8.
j WILBERroRC; .chweter,
; 1TT0ENEY - IT -L1W
j UT"OIBot sb
1 Court House.
Bridge strast, op9,ii.
iiclavculik IlSTImjiel,
roRT rotjil, juxutj co., r.t.
DafOaly reliable Csmpasioi rsprssofctfl.
Jaa. 1, lS$-ly
bars formed a prtaerbip for t'us prantics
T Mediviaa aad tbair callattorsl brssrk-A
Ob aad atler Sunday Deo. 14, li"s),
' traiai that stop at MiOliB will ma as lollvw
WiSHa Arceaimodatisa Iostos XIQIis tl
f .40 a. Fart Beval 6,45 a. tn., Thoap.
, soBtowa 7. Si a. at., Mlllarstowa 7,1 'J a. ai.a
Plaw Pert 7.21 a. m., Duacssaoa, 7.49 s.
as., MtrTtTills, 8.02, srrirot at Harriibirf,
,'J0 a. aa., Philadelphia, 1,23, p. u.
leaves MiBlia at 7.C0 a. ta.. Fart KotaI
T.ti a. m.. Thousontawa, 7,T1 a. at , IdiU
lorstowa, a. m., srriros st Usrrliksrf
' at 1.43 a u., Fhiladalphla at 1, p. n.
Loaves atiSia at S.OO p. si.. Fart KotsI,
' t,06 p. aa.. ThoBtpiOBtowB, t,21 p. ., Mil.
. larstowB. (,SS p. B . arrives at Hsrrlsksrf
1,09 p. at.. Fbilsdelphia at t,H p. at.
BABBtSBSBe Acc.B.e.ATto lesve. Al.
; taeas daily at 6.20 a. Bi., Tiroes i iO . ai ,
' Meaet Uaiaa tt 6,44 a. ss.,' Newton flmil.
tea 7.9S a. as., HeVeytewB 7.'J a. at.. Lew
i istowa 7,45 a. at.. Milford S.05 a. at., UiBia
S.l'i s.u.. Part Royal S.17 a. ni-. Mexire !,.
TBscarora t.'lb. ae.. Tandrko (-
10 a. m-.Tbeiopsootown 8.S7 a. tn., Dir.
I ward 8,43 s- m., Uillerttown 8,48 a. .,
' Newport S.CSa. ai., arriving at Btrrukirf
; 10,05 a. ., aad at Fkiladalphia, 1,2 p. .
Ksa Ssosb Exraast leaves Altoeaa daily
' tt 7,l a. at., and steppiaf a all regalsr
ststioas between Altoesa aad Harrisbttrg,
rescbss Mifflin at 10, & a. an., Barrisbnr(
! 11.40 p. U., aad arrives la Philadelphia tl
,1.16 p. Bl.
Mail Tbaik leavet Pittsburg dally t
a,SS a. m., Altoona at 2,00 p. m., tad atop.
' pin( at all rag nlar stations arrives at MiSIa
: at ft OS p. as., Harrltbar: 7.00 p. as., Fails
I adelpLia 10,55 p. at.
' Mail Bxprens leavas rittsbnrf at 1 W p ,
; Alto.sa S 20 p as ; Tyrone 6 6i p ; Usst
! tag-doB 7,40 p an ; Lewistowa 8 65 p at Mif
; lia t 16 p aa ; Murrishurj 10 46 p at Fkilt
jelphia4:6aB. Dav Tit ki.s leaves Pit'tsearj at 8.0 A.
i M.; Alisoas 11.50 A. M.; bit bo titl'i
at MiffliB at 2.05 P. M.; arrives at Bsrrii.
bnrgat 8,20 P. M.; at Fhiladelphia, 8.(0 P.
,M. -- - .
Fhiladelpbia Kxpres will stop at Mitlit
j at 1V-87 p. as., whea Ss(od
UifDia Acroiuraudstien leaves Philsdel
phia at 8.60 a. no., Iarntbr. 12.10 p. " .
( Millerstowa, 1,18 p. aa., Thnmpml'ii,
' 1,28 p. ta., Mexico, 1,41. p. lu.. Fort Kertl,
: 1.46 p. ss.. Mifflin,, 150, p. a. Fhlladol
'phla at 4,26 p. m., Hsrrisbarr, 7.37 p. ..
jKewport, 8.2o, p. m., Millorsto wa, 8.SS p.
, , ThasspsoatowB, 8.48 p. ., FertET',
Pert Koyal, 8.00 Mifflin. 0,05 p. . Br
I ritbnrc, 13.80 p. n.. Millerstowa 1,87 p.a-,
iTbempieBlewa, 1.43 p. n.f p,rt E?i,
j J,0i p. ., MifB is, a,io.
j Fast Lux loaves Fhisdelphls dailv al
; 11 40 a at ; FIsrrifbnrf 8 45 p ta f UiBia
6 0(pB3; Lewistowa 6 28 p B ; Alteena
j 7,h0pB; arrives at Fittsbarg at 11 pai
I Wat Passbbbbb leavas Fhllsdslpkit
j daily at 4 80 a. u.; Barrisbarc, 8 16 a.
, DriBeannen, 8 64 a. a.; Newport,! 0 SS a.
t m.; Millsrstewn, 40 a. ia.;Thsnpsnntewa,
t 62 a. n.; Van Dvka, 10 00 a. m., Tnsear
I era, 10 04 a. m.j Mexico, 10 07 a. .; Pert
j Beyal, 10 18 a. in.; MirTiia, 10 20 a. ta.;
siiiiera, IV a. m.; Narrows, 10 84 a. .;
j Lewi.town, 10 48 a. m.; McVertewa, 11 14
I a. m.; Newton narailtOB, 11 89 a. m.; Hi
; tiBfdon, 12 17 p. a.; Tyrone, 1 07 p.".
i AltooBt, 1 45 p. ., aad ttopi at all n goltr
i ttttioes between Darrisburr and AItoest.
I OTfcTBK KxPBBti leaves PiiiladalDbis dti-
ly at 6 22 p. m., llarrisburg-, 10 20 p. at.,,
stepping at Kockvllla, Marysville, DnBtss
Bon, K owpcrt, Millerstowa, Thenpsontowo,
Fart Bsyal, time at M ilEm, 1 1 65 p. m.; Al
toona, 2 16 a. re., and Pittsburg, 6 10 a. .
ail Tbaib leaves Philadelphia dailv tt
7.00 a. m., Harrltbnrg 11. JO a. m-., jiew
psrt, 12 16 p. ra., Mifflin 12.62 p. a., etop
piag at all regular stationa betweea MiSlis
aad Alteena reaches Alteena at 8 40 p.
Pittsburg 8.10 p. a. "
Altooxa Accobmodatiob leavas Phil
adelphia daily at 11 40 a. m., Marrisbnrg tt
4,10 p. a., Puacannon 4,45 p. a., New
pert 6.12 p. a., UillerstuwB 6,22 ; p. .,
TheaptentowB 6,88 p. m., Vandyke a,4
P. a., Tuscarora 6,44 p. m., Maxice 6,47 p.
a., Port Royal 6,61 p. a., aliSia 6,6 p
a., Lewislown 6,20 p. m., McVejtown ,.
46 p. a., Newtoa lla-allten 7.t5 p. 'at
Boatingden 7,85 p. m., Altoona l 00 p. .
Fsciflc Exprassleavot Fhiladolpbia 1126
pa; Harrisbnrg 8 10 a n ; Oanesnaon 8
88 a a; Newport 4 00 a a ; Miffiia 4 X9 a
a; Lewistown 6 01 a a; JdcVeyt.wn 6 22
a. m; Mt. Union 6 4 a n ; Huatingdoa I
12 b a ; Petersburp 6 25 a a ; Spruce Creek
40a m; Tyrone 760am; Bell's Mills
7 22aa; Altoona 06 a m : Pittibnrg
12 45 pm.
, Pateat Varisbla Friction aad Belt Feed.
TEAM ENC-ISKS, Hay Presses
SH131GL.K 311L.L.S, Ac.
Threshing; Machiues, etr.
Send fer illusirated Catalegne.
A. B.FAUii;ilARCO.,Terk, Fa
" " r-M
Caution Notice.
The undorsinned.citirens ef Walker TF-
JunisU connty, Pa., hereby eaatioa Bllpar
aoriB net te tresspass en their lands for the
purpose ef hunting Joba.iAiOBllaither,
Christ Mnsser, Calvin Majrrudor, John F.
Bahr, David Diven, Samuel Auker, Cvrue
Sitter. Seth Kerchner, William Cleck.'
- : i iiiii,i.iiii;ri-;VL!.,.iLv:'''' '