m- WjnPffltii'V.- S FOO D FPU T)iO UG U T The perfectly consented man is also perfectly useless. Try to see yourself through the eyes of ttise around you. The ideal se.int of the youDg moralist Is cut from sappy timber. True prosperity build) up tne soul rather than the pocket-book. Faith that aks no questions kills the oul and sMtles the intellect. The vigorous ideal keeps, warm though wrapped in few words. Happy is the man who has neighbors willing to forgive bis mistakes. Appear to be better than you are, and aim to be what you appear. He who thinks poorly of himself cannot win the respect of bis fellows, Unhappy Is the man for whom his own mother his not made all mothers venerable. There Is a German proverb which says that Take-it-E uy and Live-Long art brother". Men show their character In nothing more c'early than by what they thluic laughable. Rejoicing and congratulation should not be at our birth, but at our dath, for the good we have done. We have not far to go to find death; but unless we are looking for him, we shall not know when to find him. The Lord can more easily have faith In the religion that wears an old coat to ehurcb, than the man in the coat can. Bad custom, consolidated into habit, is such a tyrant that men sometimes cling to vices, even while they curse them. It is better to rise from your knees, and shut your hens out of your neigh bor's yard than to indulge In long pxay era. When men, women and opportunity meet, the devil sits down, knowing tbat the fire without will burn without help from him. L'e careful not to let a note fall re fleeting on a friend's character. By simply dropping a letter, you know, a friend is changed luto a (tend. Give bread to a stranger, In the name of the universal brotherhood which binds all men together under the Common Father of Nature. The old ought to treat the young with benevolence; and men should be kind to children, remembering tha, childhood Is especially dear to God. Applause waits on success, TAia fickle multitude, like the str.w that floats along the stream, glides with the current still and follow fortunte. The path of duty Is near,, jet men seek it afar off. The way ts wide, It Is not hard to End. Uo home and seek it and you will not lack teachers. ilany w;to expect to go to heaven, will find hvLlo comfort there unless they are a.b'e to get up a lively trade In harps, and gold and nickel plated crow ii3. X6 single moment In any life accu ra'e'y represents the motive and worth of that life; yet who that Judges others takes more than the act of a moment to Judge by? Conscience Is the true vicar of Chrisi In the soul; a prophet in Its informa tion; a monarch in its peremptorlness; a priest in its blessings or anathemas, according as v. e obey or disobey it. The school cf the cross is the school of light. It discovers the world's vani ty, and baseness, and wickedness, and lets us see mors of God's mind. Out of dark ulUictlon conaes spiritual light. Buddhism is declining in Japan. In a smjrlo district seventy-one temples have been converted Into dwelling houses in 1373. and during the last six years over 6X) temples have been so used. Faith builds In t.e dungeon and the lazar-house lis sublimest shrines; and up through roofa and stone, and shut out from the eye of heaven, ascends the ladder where the angels glide to and fro prayer. It is weil enough to hang upacbromo wlah "liod Bleis Our Home" on It, but It will do no liaiui to help on the mat ter by a little iess fretting. A great many peop'.e ask the Lord to do what they won't lilt their finger to do them selves. Childlike obedience moves toward very command of nod, as the needle points where the loadstone draws. If tiod calls to duties that are crosses to flesh and blood, if we are Indeed his children we hear and obey our Father' voice. What we seem to want Is not polish or literature in sermons, but something earnest, real end affectionate; some thing to maVe the people hear as if some truth of transcendeut present interest was eet forth. Rhetorical effect la lm potent. While It may be considered tbat many highly respectable and estimable persons dance, we have never known a young person to become fascinated with dancing, whose interest in religion did not diminish Just in proportion as the love for the dance increased. A man or genius never seeks ap plause, whl'e the little minded, or those who have but a small portion of Intel lect, try by their vanity and conceited boastings, to build upon the mental re sources of others their own fame and reputation. However, It is for the best, for they soon fall to their proper level once they reach it, they never rise. Almost aF. men are over-anxlon. No sooner do they enter the world. than they lose that taste for natural and simple pleasures so remarkable in early life. Every hour do they ask themselves what progrss they have made In the pursuit of wealth or honor and on they go as their fathers went before them; till, weary and sick at heart, they look back with a sigh of re gret to the goldaa times of their child hood. Forgot the Suake In Her Pocket. One oi I oitluna s bright young ladles has a decided taste for studies in UHtural history. One day last week she wns at Peak's Island with friends, and lu their rambles about the fields and swamps she bagged a number of sped men. Amorgf them was a gren snake about two feet long, and after a while lie slipped the snake into her pocket for want of better accommodations. Presently the snako was forgotten The party boarded one of the Casco Bay Company's boats, and when about half way to the city a great commotion ' was sudJeiily- caused among the pas sengers by the appearanoe of a green snake crawling upon the deck. Ladies screamed and jumped upon the seats or fled incontinently, and some of the sterner sex were somewhat taken by surprise at the sight of a serpent in that unexpected place. The young woman, as soon as she realized the sit uation, sprang to recover her property, but too late. A boat hand pitched the reptile overboard and science had met with another loss. All the post-offices In Italy receive moaey on deposit, allowing Interest it the rate of 3 1-2 per cents per an num and dividend paid every five fears. It is calculated that It wll require 5780 cars to move the orange crop of Southern California this season. The value of tbe crop is estimated t 008,000, THE COMMERCIAL TBAVZXEX Bis language Is artless and free, I And his fund of good jokes Is lmmewft I Bis handshake ia hearty and warm, And his manners polite to Intense. flls clothes (It him snugly and trim, H! necktie way up in the style, His bat Is the latest thing out, s And his face wears a genial smile, fie has the time tables by heart, He Is "chummy'' at all the hotels; ' . He calls his trade by their first name. And leave copies of all goods he sells. His trunk is just packed with "big Jobs, He throws out his pet little "baits;" He's determined to sell his new man. Bo he's offered him all sorts of "dates. The trade never want any goods. He's accustomed to alight and rebuff But get a man started and then He can scarce wait s day for his "tuff." Oh, a Jolly bright fellow is he, This tourist of commerce and trade, Dont call blm a "drumfner," forsooth Wt't a full band complete on parade. W. S. Ztng fa Phaadtlphia Xorti Amariaan. I fottisms. There Is nothing like being all brok en op to make a man see the necessity of mending his ways. Burlington Free Press. , "Well," said Wright Field, as he took his overcoat to the pawnbroker, 'here goes for three balls and a bat!" Yale Record. Miss Reeder You should read Di. Wier Mitchell's last story; the scene is laid in the Lumber regions. Dr. Schmeri Ah, I see; in the small Kf-tbe-back-wood, you mean. Puck. "Wlbble I wonder why ministers al ways wear soats long? Wabble If yon were a country min ister with a $S0O salary and a large family you wouldn't ask such a fool question as that. Terre Haute Ex- press. Towne That's too bad about Ding- ley, Isn't it? Browne How? What's that? Towne Joined the silent majority. Browne What I Dead ? Towue Xo,marrled. Llucoln Jour nal. In the afternoon papers of yester day John L. Sullivan had the good for tune to whip Jake Kilrain once in five rounds, once in nine rounds, and the third time in seventy-two rounds a record never equalled by any prize fighter tn hUtory. Beside this, he waj arrested twice and fought two draws. He had a busy day. Chicago Herald. "Please ma'am, will you give me an old suit of your husband's old clothes? am one of the Johnstown flood suffer s." "roormanl Of course I will. Come right in. So you were in that dread ful flood, were you?'' Xo, ma'am, but my wife sent all mv clothes to the people who were." Washington Post. Mr. Phuiinyman (reading froin an exchange) It is aggravating for a J hungry tramp to find only a fork in the road. Mrs. P. Except when he sees a brother tramp approaching. Mr. P. What difference would that make? Mrs. P. Meet on the fork. Phila delphia Press. Sweepstakes Broom bandies. Ter re Haute Express. 'So you've been to Washington 1" said one farmer to another in an ad miring tone. 'Yes." "Did you see our Congressman there?" "Yes." "Did yon see the departments there ?" "Yes." "Well, how did it all strike you, wvhow?" "Well, I've come to the conclusion that while Washington may have cap itol of the Government, It ain't got the labor not any to speak of." Mer chant Traveller. OKLAHOMA HOTEL BL'LES. Please don't empty the sawdust out of the pillars. The shooting of a pistol is no cans for any alarm. If you're too cold, put the oil-cloth over your bed. Guests will not take out them bricks in the mattress. Two men in a room must put up with one chair. The other leg of the chair is in the closet If you need it. Gents goiu' to bed with their boots on will be charged extra. Caroseen lamps extra; candle free, but they musn't burn all night. The rats won't hurt you if they do chase each other across your face. If it rains through that hole overhead you'll find an umbrella under the bed Please write your name on the wall paper, so we know you've been here. Don't tare of the wall paper to lite your pipe with. Xuffof that already, Three raps at the door means there is a murder in the house and vou must get up. If that hole where that pane of glass Is out is too much for yon, you'll find a pair of pants back of the door to stuff in it. If there's no towel handy ue a piece of the carpet. North American. The leadir.ir lutni'er concerns of Gerrgla have orcan'zed a trust to con trol tbe wor'd's supply of long leaf yellow pin-. Jam- Bijrps, the sole survivor o the T'cLure Arctic expfdition forth rescue of Sir James Franklin, has just died in London, r.nuland. The Mate o Virp nia, according to tre Commissioner rf Agriculture, has 15,010,(10 acres of land suitable for cultivation wl icli is not titled. Francis Wilson, the comedaln. has purchased the cha:r of Sir Walter i Soott w hich was given to him by Land I leer and recently sold in London, I The fa-ili louably bred trotter of to lav Is one whose ancestors on both i. dci were perforaers or producers. A man lsbard'y lu tbe 'me ting mood' vbei his temier la tslng tried. Studying ilie Con-.nls of the Ocenn. Prince Albert of Monaco has recently retorted the results of his experiments to ascertain the ocean circulation in the North Atlantic. Four years ago he set adrift several hundred floats, many of which have been picked up. Some of these were hollow copper balls, some oak barrels and some ordinary bottles. In 1885 he cast overboard on the seas northwest of the Azores 169 floats. Fourteen of this number have been re covered, giving clear indications of a southeasterly current curving around the Western Islands at a daily mean rate of 9.88 miles. Of 510 floats which the prince launched In 1885 nearer the French coast nine have been picked np, showing the movement of a cur rent in a similar direction with a mean velocity of about six miles a day. The United States Coast Survey la now conducting similar experimenU on the Atlantic currents with improved floats, each marked by a white painted pine staff. It is to be hoped In the in terests of navigation that all who find them will comply with the printed in structions which each float carries. New York Herald. Electrio Railways. At the close of the past year there were completed and in coarse of con struction in this country eighty-five electrio railway, comprising about 450 miles of track, and the reports show that during the first year over 18,000, 000 passengers hsve been carried over these lines. Kaklng .Tatters Worse. A writer in the "Business Women's Journal" advocates a dress with seven pockets for .business women. That will not do at all. Think of a man attempting to Had his wife's thimble in a dress having seven pockets. With such inventions no wonder that the lunatic asylums are overcrowded Tbe ProRre- of Rolrnoo. The progress of science duriug the past few years has been so great that we look almost with anxiety to what the future mny have in store. The Medical science alone has developed wonders sufficient to startle the world; bnt perhaps no other discovery in the medical world has created so great a stir or been productive of so muoh as Beecham's Pills. Sold by druggist generally. B. F. Allen Co., 865 and 367 Canal St., New York, Sola Agents for the United States, will mail a box if Beecham's Pills on reoeipt of the price, 25 cents, it yonr druggist does not keep them. Chicago has a woman publisher. fe Tm Eer Beecelate AnTiwrsoa MsndiTW a) tnelr name and a 1 Jrwsw.U receire Information that will la M a r.irtm'ti. n5J. urwte UaiUlimc tansaa l Ity. Ma. The English delight In feathers. Jo Safer Remedy can be had tor Coughs and Sold., or any trouble of the. Throat, than 'Brown$ Bronchial Trocn$." Pries acts. Sold only in bozt. Long plumes are more frequently seen thau flower?, rraxer Axl. M raaaa. The Fraxpr Axle Grease Is the Standard Axle G ream of the world." Cm It and aave four hoi see and wagons. One greasing ww last two weeKs. A n a ttem pt ! being made to lotrod uce perfumed gloves. Ever since 1S"4 there have been women (more sacA year) who claim that there Is no soap half is good, or as economtoal as Dobbins' Electric, t here niiul be some truth in their claim. Try t, see bow much. Sour grocer baa It. Mrmcv invested m ho?ea one Knndred dol- Iar bulltllna lots In suburbs of Kansas City will pay from five hundred to one thousaud per cent, the next lew years under our plan. fci5 casn ana so per mourn wimoui imeren con trols a desirable lot. Farttculars on applica tion. J. H.Bauerlein A Co., Kaunas CUV, Mo. Mrs. Frederick Vanderbilt has nevt t been photographed. Cann'ft Kidney Cure for Drops?, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright'!, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv ousness, sc. Cure guaranteed. 931 Arch Street, fhllad'a. si a bottle, o for ti, or druggist. 1000 certificates of cures. Try It. Two more cooking schools are to be opened In Boston, Mass. Guaranteed five vear etirtit ner cent. First Mortgages on Kansas City property. Interest payable every six months: principal and inter est collected when due and remitted wltitout expense to lender. For sale bv J . H. Bauerletu & Co., Kansas City. M. Write for particulars. Vice-President Morton's daughters are accomplished horsewomen. ft u ( ii re cureiriinraiiieetl lv Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St., I'hll'a, fa. Ease at once, no operation or de lay from business, attested by thou sands of cures alter others fall, advico tree, send for circular. Blondes are said to be disappearing rxin in i-riiiUinti ana in Amt rica, FITS: an Fits stopped rreeoy Dr. Kline's areas Ktrve Restorer. oVusafutr nrst dav's use. Mar velous cures. TreatlManutt.u tnai ooiue free ii rltcasea. benuuir.K.iine.iul Area iK. fauA-.f. Queen Victoria Is said to entirely lacK consideration lor those about her. Timber. Mineral. Farm Lands and Ranob.es In Missouri. Kansas. Texas and Arkansas. bought aud sola. Tyler SI Co- Kansas City. Mo. "German Syrup 99 For Coughs & Colds. John F. Tones, Edom.Tex., writes I have used German Syrup for the past six years, for Sore Throat, Cough, Colds, Pains in the Chest and I.ungs, and let me say to any one wanting such a medicine- German Syrup is the best. B.W. Baldwin, Carnesville.Teun writes : I have used your German Syrup in my family, and find it the best medicine I ever tried for coughs and colds. I recommend it to every one ior tuese troubles. R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, ol Charleston, IU.,writes: After trying : scores oi prescriptions ana prepara tions i nan on my ties and shelves without relief for.a very severe cold which had: settled 'on my lungs, tried your German Syrup. It gave me immediate relief and a perma nent cure. os a a GREEN, Sol Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey, U.S. A. Totally Helples From Scia'ic Ehevmutltm. "Mar, 1SS5, I as taken with sciatic rheum Usui lu my let and arms, and w confined ti my bed entire helpless. In August I was Jusi able to move around. 1 was reduced to a men skeleton, my appetite was eutlroly goue and mj everythlnn I could hear of. but with no irood result, ourinc mat winter. un nay, irmuui abont taking Hood's Sarsaparllla In March April and May, I concluded to try it. One bottU gave me so much rellel that I took (our bottles and since then I have not been troubled wltl rheumatism, and my general health has nevei been better. My appetite Is good and I bav gained In flesh. I attribute my whole improve ment to taking Hood's Baraaparllla. WM. F Tatlor. Emporium, Cameron Co.. Fenn. N. B. If yon make up your mind to try Hood"i Barsaparllla.do not b Induced to take any other Hood's Sarsaparllla Bold by all dnugliU. $1 ; six for S5. Prepare! only by C. 1. HUOD Si CO, Lowell, Mass. lOO Dote One Dollar A Skin of B-wnty Is a Joy Forter, DR.T. rKl LXX OOUKAl'DI Oriental Cream, Magical Bcautiller, I5i Eemoes Tan, f imp lea, Freek ls, Moth Pateh e s. Hamo. anc akin dls eases, anc every ble mlsh on beauty, and denes de tectlon. Ii baa stood tbe test 0. 40 years noother has and is ac harm le s i jr f aofjt it tn h anre It prope r 1 J marijt- Annt na counterfeit of similar name. Tbe distinguished Dr. X. a. 8ayer, aald to a lady of the baottom (a patient) : "As ynu ladles will use them, I recommend Gonraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the ekin preparations." Also Foudre Itubtlle remoTes superfluous hair without Injury to the km. ' . inKD. i.HuniJB. rropriior,i um Jones Btreet, New York. For sale by all Druggists and Faney Ooodi pealers throughout the U. a, Canada and Europe. SIAalC MTUUY. DoocMplBC, BiulaeM rortus Id U 11 C raumauUilp, AriUtmatlo, Short-hand, tc lltborDUf.nl' taught by MAIL. Circulars rra Brynnt's tel'eae. 4il Mmln Burtalo. W. V M'M FAH'I "J'JSO amt'a bnntiM wmr Rain !7 '"Ssllitliilos.eooiurhloor M q. n PATENTS bSD roa Cihcclar. F. A. LEBMm, Washington, IX C, TIPniil 1MrraMrain-tmta.raM(t2 llliUMs wti iisiiLLi mat Twain hIUUl IM aa, f Aiwa UTaaTUAT CO.. TACOai. WASH. Fruits and Treoel Points for Treo Plantar. This entire book 1 ably written and gives trusty information for everyone growing fruit of any sort or kind. Bent free by Stark Broa Louisiana. Mo. Orange Jttdd farmer. EXCURSIONS TO Ji under the Management of Ed of Putnam Ave.. Brooklyn. EUROPE win Jo:es, M v. v t- . . tire trip only: .iln. Everytlili c first class; all expenses. J werks' trip. In man Line steamer "City of New Yoik." July 6th, lstfl. Eimland. France. Switzerland. Germany, The Kliiue inJ Belgium. Scud for itinerary. at - a DR. Tim ASTHMALEN1 At) I rllVl A-p!BCn',r'b1' ""i"yu .Mio... we will mill tri.l WW fl CUaoTTLS S" n C gT tat os. tart lias. m. co..ocHUiu,s.t.r n C C, A peck of trouble Ilenpeck. Can't be cured The sUge bam. Breviit la often a sign of the pov erty of wit. Tub gilt' el youtb ia simply fashioa plated. L09IKO ca.te An operation for stra bliinus. SUKsnts'K is mo asdes on the bread of nature. TVz bate to see girls throw kisses. Tlie avenge girl ia suci a bad shot. Take loe and taxes out of life, and not much is left. Tnx man who can't sins and has baby Is usually made to sing. The band tbat rooks the oradle is tbe hand that wields the slipper a few years latr. Pxoplb who live In glass houses should raise early vegetables for the Xew York trarkets. The nw theory: "Do you bellera In a single tax?" "ot a single taxi" You cannot tell from tbe number of Its feet how long a run a poem will have. A modem isiTXKOK. Tommy Dres your ma ever go through your poc kets looking for cigarettes. Tommy aw. she don t smoke tbe same kind as me. IN A ST. LOUIS RE8TACBANT. Walt er, bow long have you worked Itere. Oh, about ten days." 'ily steak whs ordered before your time then. Tell one of tuosa otber waiters to come here. Barker "She didn't return your bow. aid she?" P r Iter No, The next time I meet ber I will explain to her the reason I wai with you.' The Wisest Physicians. Since Hypneratns dlcorred tbat all manner of tllsortlers were rroouped by th Yltiaiec fluid i f tbe body, haT ouirht to aid nature bj meioods calculated to purify tn uioj, pro moie nieestion. nutrition ana excretion, suma lata Inactive lirors, kidneys and bowels, ant as yet no attainment of art bas (urpasetl th old b(. Bernard Veet-table rills of our fat! pronounced eenturieH aio. tha triumph of nied loal nrt and unequalled since. A sample of th Bi. Bernard veKetaoie nns win Be sent rri to all sddIIcs nta. ddresa Sc. Bernard, Bof Plain net veils are now tbe rage. A man who has p moused medicine for V. years, ouulit to know salt from sugar 1 read HUM 111 hji; TOLIDO, o., Jan. 1S87. Messn. F.J. Chenev St Co. Oentlemant 1 have been In iteneial practise of medicin foi most so years, ana wouia say mat iq an my timet Ice and experience hare never seen a oreo (.ration that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I tan Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed 11 a RTa.i. many tunes ana its enrect is wonder ful, and would say In conclusion that I have yet to find a case of Catarrh thnt It would not sure. If they would take It according to directions. sours truly. IT. !. i. GOKSTJCH, M. D., " Ofnea. 21.", knmrnlt L We will give 100 for any case of Catarrh thai cannot be cur4 with Halls Catarrh Cur Taken Internallv. F. J CHENEY ft CO., Props , Toledo, O. a-8old by Druggists, f5o. ' Qu en Vlcrorla's dinner hour Is rol untlt nine o'clock in tbe evenin. To purify your blood. Restore your strength. Cure scrofula, salt rheum, DyspepaU. sick headache. Catarrh, rheumatism or malaria Take Hood's Sarsaparllla. A well shod foot is as necessary to beauty's outflt as a well gloved hand. l ee WaN Chinese Headache Core. Harmless In effeet, quick and positive In action. Sent prepaid on receipt of si per bottle. Adeler ft Co. 122 yandotte btn Kansas City, Ho. wumoor garments ror rniiaren are much ornamented with gold braiding. Ok'atioma On'de Boo ivid Map tent anywhere a a. n recelpl 01 auets.iyier . o..tUnaa clty.Mo. TT. Taii i .u . T ., , nate Field says that the term "old maid" bas become obsolet la America. jjauiicTeaw.m soreeyes on Dr. UaaeTtMiaae sco'sEye-watetj. InaT-rassalatakiwsjottie fifltmill neaul In eina...,ha.la.a1 or 1 8 fZik - ' I .a..a. Va tjajuiuuiwa, JWUW VSSj I no one doubts that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy really cures Catarrh, whether the disease be recent or of long standing, because the makers of it clinch their faith in it VY'lth a 5 guarantee, WiUCl. isn t a mere newspaper guar antee, but "on call" in a moment. That moment 'is when you prove that its makers can't cure you. The reason for their faith is this: Dr. Sage's remedy has proved itself the right cure for ninety-nine out of one hundred cases of Catarrh in the Head, and the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion can afford to take the risk of your being the one hundredth. The ' only question is are you willing to make the test, if the makers are willing to take the risk? If so, the rest is easy. You pay your druggist 50 cents and the trial begins. If you're wanting the $500 you'll get something better a cure For Internal ana External V. Stops Psia. Crump. Inflammation tn body or Bmb, ttk mwio. Curw. Croup. Aal hma. Colds. Catarrh, t hot. ara MorBua, Marrta. Rhtuinaunn, SauraJifla, utii-7iltaaiid Stralna Full particular. fr-a. fries Ssla. poat-paliA, L S. JUaWaOl EEECHA'VS PSLLS euro SICK HEADACHE. Q5 Cents a Box. OB Ali DKITOOISTS. J ''' Y iT t !" 1 "' lm FOR FIFTY YKARS1 MRS. WINS LOW'S : SOOTHING SYRUP hut 5 .ti m been nsrt by mothers for their children lc T'-tJt ii! 1' j for iser r tny 1 eix. is ' K . .1 - 1., a..,iaia Ilia ct' oiUse ttio c ltn. rwft.n the jruiTi!-, allay- all pmxi. curci wtriil colic, aud 1 tu best riui--;v for tiinrrhoea. Tt-ri-ttTe Ont m Dottle DR. SCHENCK'S QEAVEED 0 TONIC Ii a PoatUv Can for DYSPEPSIA And all Dlsardrrs oftht tlcit T OrfTAOS. It Is llkwl corrob'rmttra, or trenctltcD. Ins; atrdidna, and may b Wken with Rrrat b-n.ftl In all raaraof Drl.llitr. Fur Sale tf sll Druirirfata Prlra.! ml par botila. Tr. ecbenck s Saw Book on L'inir l.iv-rantl stomach m.-tfll free, taarttt. Dr. J. H. SCHtNCK 4 SON. Philadslphia. erUod rn-UjrcnxiT lacirf fcocj.0 Cabbar Sezd lfd mm to odr a P. S. Gaowv OrUota, U TtOtm CLM MMdtrax. To in troduo It and snow lucapabiiitltM 1 win pay $100 for tha brmt floid oUaliv ad from 1 otine t nid bt- a i malt tm ctf Cata -Na.U,'tV,a lanaio r. Tllllfiarhaat. rT. a.o:u.rie.Pa. PREVENTINE Men EW & WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Sure I revr ntlre Against Diseases of Men. IOMET SATFD DISEASES PBKTEMTKD flO cents per bottle, post-paid with full Urectk'us an I written Kunrautce. a eni stamp ior circular. 'reventme Manufacturing Co., LABORATORY ft OFFICE, 81 TEN EYCKST, Brooklyn, N. -VASELINE- 'OR A O-CDOI.LAR Bll.l.sentos by mall re wlU dellT. free o. aU chargea, to any person IB He Unit d states, aU of lae foUowlns articles, sara ally packs it me r-nxronee bottle of Ptrre Vaselttw, . Wots. ne twtou ee bottle or vaaeima romxaa, . u - hie Jar of Vaarllne cold Cream. ..... 15" nec.keof VafH,.eCair.i horIce, . . . 10" oe Cake of Vaaeiioe oep, nnrenti, 10" ne Cake of Vaseline seep, eiquisneiy w-ravai,j - . . . v.ui I .a - - oaa aw Haa. w. " .in ' 11.10 Jr fee phMm Hamrm any tinntt nrficU at t pefa rtm, an nvnimf h nrmvulmd M 0000 fl ua lourdrumint any Vulin or preparation Utfivm nine labelled tell ntr mw becauM yot U or etntv recefax an tMUanoe mucH ko iiw atojaMwe ?,00 Labifs !?oo W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centTeW 5.00 lrDif inc lian tMwti, an civuaui. aatl tyllsti dreia Shoe whicu commeitdi ttaaiC. 4.00 Hani-t-wcd Ve!c. A fln catf Sba aa MUAl.el for Mvle and durabUitr. '.0 twaodycar Welt iM Um srtaadard dxaat 3.50 Pohctmnn't Hhne H ipclaHj fjajrtd for railroad men, fanners, ux All road tn CoDgrean, Uuttua an1 Lac. 4,00 lor Ladtf a, la the oulj haod-aawad Sboa v oid at this ftopuiiv prlca, 2.50 Donsoln Shoe lor Lndlffn, Is t ntrw 4 Iartiir and pro nitres to become crv popular 2.00 Shoe for Lad.e. and 91.75 ior Muiet iUU retain their excel ior ce for atvl. oum ai uuptuar price. All goos warrn.ntd and stamped with narno on ittotn. U advertided kcal aent cannot supply yon. mi direct to factory encloaiiig advertised; pcic or puatal for order blanks. W. L. DOH.LA. Brackun, Mawa. STOPPED FREE 'Dr. KLINE S (IREAt NERVE R K STfl RF.R' .ftw Hrrv AptCf, tr Fpitejt, trie. iBL if takm a dirtM-trd. Ao rut qfttr TrMtiM and SJ trtsl bMit fr to cot, ihajr pavteft irM rbai-fret oa lvi wfaD asnn nuroaa, r. u sou exprvaa s-tarsi at aniinexi to I'M 8M DrraCaTMi-v, l. RLlri, vni Arrb t., Phi arWtphlti, r. iCBCinM'S"!.0"!!1 F" Successfully Prosecutes Claims I aw i-xlccipal ExA-nlner US. pension Bureau. 3vt1u UkAt Weir, Uaujudituigoiauna, attyauica B m si V vss mmW a a V mahtliloti. I. C ; ppy iiirr;o positivfi t m vn.f: 'iRUUI r..TCL0 Kwir ram vm.i,, p' y " i'"- "arv j, AD.iir. ami .ti . ;,ar,pJ,i,iM"ar,' J B. J. (iUtbl.Y, Tli Waahlustoil Slnvt. Bolton. DUU12'u11 ln?,n portrait beautiful aotres. IUjIJ se' A" differe nt, bendstanyj for pvst- uu; u. v , wa aaAJ, aia J 1 1 1,- lOHNSgiSUNgl rj frriniTti "t II I B V ft IWrAIL Fit pelt it i M lvMl. XHsS TOWERS OP BlueXCll A VJsle to the Burial Place of the Parseo Tbe Vnltnrfje. A hundred yards distant through the trees Intervening ia one of the gloomy Towers of Silence, fully inkeepmg with its gloomy name. As visitors are not permitted to approach nearer than 100 feet, we are directed to a small worKlng model under a lilac just off the garden. Here, with the aid of a reference card, we examine the eternal arrangements of the tower. It is a roofless, circular building of stone and painted white, 300 feet in cir cumference and about sixty in height; thirty feet from the base on the side facing the garden is a small entrance. Just large enough to admit the bearers and body, closed by double iron doors. These doors open on the main platform, which Is paved with large slabs of stone and divided into three rows of shallow open rceptacles, into which art placed the naked corpses to await the coming of the vu'.turta. The first, or outer row, is for males (adult), the second for fe males and the third, or inner row for children. These three rows correspond with three moral precepts of the Zoro astrian religion good deecU, good words, good thought. Between the rows are foot paths for the bearers to move about. In the center of the tower is a great well 150 feet in circumference and forty to fifty feet in depth, into which the dry bones are thrown after being denuded of flesh. From this great well toward the cardinal points of the compass diverge four underground drains each of which baa its terminus, about thirty feet away, a small well. The bottom of each of these small wells is covered wilh a thick layer of sand. Pieces of charcoal and sandstone are also placed at the end of each drain. Thus the rain water coming from the great weil and bringing with It the de composed osseous matter passes through two sets of filters for purification before entering the cri.und, thereby observing a tenet of the Z 'rcKustrian religion tha 'mother earl h UA not be denied." A corpse is carried into the tower by two beArn-i, called Jfassaslara, who alone are pilveleged to enter; the clothes are then removed, the body placed in one of the receptacles and tbe bea rer withdraw. Now Is the opportunity for the vultures to fulfill the duties of their offloe. Upon the approach of the pro cession hundreds of them arise from the tops of the palms, which have become withered and dead from contact with the ciirnlverous bodies, and hover in a circle above until the bearers have gone. Then like darts they descend a boiling seething mass of carrion, each particle of which, intenl only upon precedence. Is quarreling and fighting with the other In lis horrible worlc In an hour or two the corpse is entirely stripped of its flesh; the lones are then lett until per fectly dried by the heat or the tropical sun, then thrown into the well, where, in course of t tne, they crumble to dust. According to tl.e teachings of Zoroaster, earth, fire and water are sacred, and in order to avoid their pollution it it strictly enjoined that the dead bodies shall not be buried in tha ground or thrown into the sea. In Accomplished Bride, The engagement of Miss Carole Fitz gerald, of New York, to Lord Edward FiUmaurice, younger brother of the Marquis of Landowne, is announced. Miss Fittzgerald is not more than twen ty-one years of age, and yet she has published a volume of poems that hat attracted the flattering attention of crit ics and scholars. She it not only mis tress of half a dozen modern languaget but knowt Greek and Latin well, and reads Sanscrit fluently, having studied it with Professor "Whitney, of Yale. Miss FitUgerald is the daughter of wealthy parents, and it wealthy in her own right besides, having inherited a fortune from an aunt. "That alle Ttarklns It the great jst girl for gelt'ng bargains at second hand. " "Isn't -Ve I nn lerstand she's gofaj to marry a widower." Thb hen Isn't ropular outside ber owner's nrpralses, but she makes quite a s;rerd in her owu set The mem' er . hip of the Cananiau Methrvrli-t Oiumi'i is row 223 803, an mcreas-j of 86. 3'.9 in four rears. s . Vtl r54XfGs Both the method and results when fijrnp of Fiyn j taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta eentljyet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleans the syt tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ae ceptable to the stomach, prompt in action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, Its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figt is for sale in 60o Md $1 bottles by all leading drut rsts. Any reliable druggist who nay not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accent any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AS FKAXCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kt. SEW YORK. N. Y. PR6F. LOISETTE'3 new MEMORY BOOKS. Crftictwirtt on two rtwit Krmrf l"Trfem, Rnr fcrotit April 1st, Full Tables of Cot.u-i.ts forwarded only to those who reed rtamrd dtrctd cnrrliri A!k Pnpotu POST FHKE of hm LoiSkPttUai Art Of .Sewr Forjrsjttlntr. AdtlrvM Prof. LOISETTE. tit Fifth A., 5w Torfc FRAZERgrIaIe BEST IN THE WORLD. ifi"?TrtZ,er J?-litles aro unstirpa1. sor IJ?ri T GXr THIS OS.V FOB SALE BT DEALERS OSKKB ALLT. fc.l.Tf I -rfS."" JT2Xa -a, How Is Your Appetite. If it is not good you need a tonic. Hunger i3 a sauce that gives your food a flesh -making and strengthening pow er. S. S. S, is fa mous for its health giving and building up qualities. It is th, best of all tonics. s. s. s. aids digestion makes you enjoy what you eat and cures you dyspepsia. TREATISE ON BLOOD AND THE SWIFT Your health is a citadeL The winter's ?t orms are the coming enemy. You know that this enemy will sit down for five long months outside this citadel, and do its best to break in and destroy. Is this citadel garrisoned and provisioned ? The garrison is your constitution. Is it vigorous or depleted ? How long can it fight without help"? Have you made provision for the prarrison by fur nishing a supply of SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda? It restores the flagging energies, in creases the resisting powers against disease ; cures Con sumption,Scrofula, Central Debility and allAnamic an! Wasting- Diseases (especially in Children), keeps coughs and colds out, and so enables the constitution to hold the fort of health. Palatable as Milk. SPECUL Scott's Emulsion la non-seerss. and fa prescribed by the Madicai Pro. fesston all over the world, because Its ingredients ara teieaucaily combin.l m .u.& . manner as to greatly increase li.tr remedial value. f CAITTI3X Scott's Emulsion Is put up In salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure sal cet tn. genuine. Prepare only ear fcoeu klwas, Man uf attunes Ccemisti. K.w Y:s. bold by all Uruggiata. P ISO'S REMEDY 1 03 CATARRH. Best. Easiest to rus. riM-anest- Kellef Is ImmediavU. A. cure b ceriuia. tut Cold In tbe Head It ha uo equal. I. la an flintrnMit WphL.tt nostrils. Frli-e.fioc. .id .la. 'When slovens gel- SBr-ar- ea a- -FaaSaaSISaal 0 r- klaJllVSIM3 lllbaAll. IIIIOll 0"a m IT f Tf V VI FA4 1-X V llVOl UltyU UJ Two servants in two neighboring houses dwsli, But differently their daily labor felt; Jaded and weary of her life was one, Always at work, and yet 'twas never done The other walked out nightly with her bean, But then she cleaned house with S A POT .TO, ELY'S CREAM "eeeee, Allmjs iaiii tne Bores, Keotorea oivra Kelief at Ajmlrinto th JVosrWJs. ik. vrugsw or bj mau. CmcHtsrem nous. If II I I aaa M , 0;iOIHa aNO CIMUmc. T. a.lr i.fr. Sort-. -alaiM rtn r rua JUplUalaaaatabaanl aaaaa, pit. ft' .T,7rt";"r- "" ,i ?'!".T",'?t?''''-. en uramata. Thk DiscnarAscT kxp i. .vin e d. 'Bromley. I'm rUbt In with you; It will take money, but it will pay hand somely. I have $10,000 at mtereit which 1 can call in upon ten day's no tice. If yon can command the same amount " "But how Is this, Darr nger? Yes terday you made an awful poor mouth; yon said you had no bonds, uo etoo'ds, no money at interest, no" "Did I say it to you, Bromley ?' "Ifo, but to a stranger who sat Just orer vherfj I was by, you lmow. "Oh, I remember. Well, dj you know who that stranger was?" "51 o." "He was the assessor." "Oh, i understand." A iHOi'OHTF'TJii HOSTESS. Hostess (to male wall-flower. IVnnlt tnf f.A I n troiuee you to a cliarmtLg Ueiocer. Tr. W..i .1 Mr. Westend Au thanks, no, I n.-v-ah dance. "Would you like to Join the card par . ty In the drawing room?." "Au, thauke, no, 1 ..o not play." "Well, euvptsr will be re.tdy aoou." Ftjsxy, when a nan starts out on a buslaess career the more checks he re ceives the sconer he eets there. IT IS Clie Of thn Pllrlnsit ta nf nn.....l history that a horee eujoys Lis food mon ueu ue iiasu'. i ot a u.t in bis mouth. "It seems that Iain not la It," sa'd the bry to tne shark. "No," replied the shark, picking its t etb, "you're out ot sight." What 's more pathetic th.m to se the s mple faith with which a bald-hf ad ed man will buy an Infallib e hair re storative from a bald-headed barber? Canire Per?on "I am extremely sorry my don: has M ten your wife, sir.'.' AffablaOld Gent "Dout mention It, I pray, sir, I like a dog to be a dog." The kiss 1 stole from Euhe, with my choicest poem -ranks. Because, to tell you trulv, It was, "Kttumel wiih thanks." Every person on earth mu9t have some sort or a pet, even if it is nothing betier than himself. This was a wicked trick. Shn How did you to get your rival out of the way at the supreme mo ment?" He Induced him to Join a foot-ball levtn. His mall goes to the hospital Gained 44 Founds. Mr. Jamea J. McCalley, of Monet, Mo., says ha had dyspepsia for eight years, which made him a wreck, tick and tuflarlng during the whole tune. After try. Ins; all the remedies, Includ ing all the doctor In reach, he discarded everything and took Swift's Specific Ee 1nf!raM from lis to lis pounds and was soon a seund and healthy man. of SKIN DISEASES MAILED FREE. SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ca a atn-.U tM In'i la ' ' i ... I ,i . a bydncistso. - sentbjmail. I' t h .x- - T, Hdy they polish tita t a. I n X i-t I V-i - . (aa TVti Wi&CJaUiU Up BALM - Cleansca tho IfaaeJI aud InUnmmaUon. Ileal. I lste and bmell, nd Cur TAIfUtHli''. one lor Com It ii Mrtly Alwird. tjjx EJIOS., 4 W arras Rto Citost Mi vrappan an danc-rae. anantrrVlta. a Urcci'm ar - . "Keller for UH,?m WwrS Mm CHICHESTER CHCHICAL Co . M.rfU..-7, a-ilal.AJJtl.l-mjL,l HE NEW WEBSTER JUST PmiSHTO-rSTIRZlY WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL , DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT hr (he FamilT, titu Buliool, or tbe Lit :rr. Rer' Mon lias been in prrcres for ott 1" Ysts. Mir9than 100 euitonai labortrs tmploye l. $ViO eipendf d lfure 6r?t copv ' prinl. Critical -xaniinatiou lnTiu-d. t Iho ll"t. isldbyall Btx.kelier. Illnstrateil i an. .'ilftfree. . cK O. MtRRIAM ft CO.. ruf.li.hers, erinsrUoItl, Muss., V. 6. .1. Caotlnl Thcro r.aro rmlv ten ln4 reral chrap rprmts cf the 147 e lition of Wehstcis UnabritG-'i Pictlonarr, m ft itton l"n in- ruperannnatad. Thew l"vk ir (r'.ren ariof ntmw, " Vhtr's Ccsbr: i." UT Orrat Vcbtr's I)lctirr.rv,- " v. t.-t. r' Big Wtrtiotsarv," " Webster's tncyclor J', i 1n.ti--ly " tr , etc Many finnormcanflants -ne-rn!nc t'ini snrrnirl"nl:rc, as tho bixlvc f irauli, I " M -, t I yaarirl.i, r.nl p-lnte'l f:-om rlicu- '.atei rx.ade ty photographing the rl.l pnrc CRATEFUL-COMrOii VINO. Jp' thTroura kn .!; o. tti nam ti l.s i nuerr - B.'Mis urri..oui or ai5JCt u.l autri- . ' ?nJ T oare'ui appUoailoa me lae prjper lies of wellcleclui lcoa, Mr. Lpin Iiru .ronJu our breaaraat ututee wt;o a dojcatcly flavourrxl Be erage whtca n.a.- fa"e u. uiauy beav Uio. ii i oy tae Juatoioas use oi -uea article of uiat aoon.iliutloa may oe rajtut1! uoiU up unt.l strong enouKa to rental every tttnd-Qcy todLtuJ. uurtdrecUbl subUe inaladiea are Ooalmi; apjuod m ready to ettaua wbareTer Uiere U a weak point v. e may escape many a tatai anaXt by kcppinir out well fortlfle I with pure uiooj and a properly BoorUbetl frame. "ot ti .sm t.azelt. alade tlmnl, wit. . . . . nw enl.l Wll in h. r.ikiti.A.rii . .. . , t: - i ....... iA.Us k.ftA Jl C'0. Ho n jeoptttoiO a l-QSDOS, ILKUM-fr. i tbu: lii inif T prescribe ar.4 folly done Kk i as the only specific fortheceriajncors rf this disea&e. . U.LNtiKAIIAM m. r, Amsterdam, Y We have som Big d lo many years, and It H.tiar given tne best ot aa.ir ,la-iV" fat tlon. c. E- DTcrrF ca., t'ili.'JtLO. . ! "?1 5V.M KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8.!.isI T"tv Diamond Bmo A v efps s ooead -rlily fey tha -1 . - "V.- D?oSr HEAD-ACHE?. EROMO-SELTZER la a GUARAMEEO CURE or sect by mall prepal4 EHI.SCK I.Ui CD., ftlir""" a MolOClIrsnl. aat tt " d-t r I ; T t rrfra I T . . . v . i f . . y , , r-.-i- . -.-J. Z :