"MIFFLISTOWN : jrrt. FES-25. 1831. Tf.KllS. .u 1.50 per annnin if in advance. :;;ti,emeol inserted I paid vanc. at 60 Tranwu.. insertion. "nt,p,jr'nf u1 notice, in local eol- year- I'ubllc Sale. -hSrd Tuwdav, Uannah Sieber Of 11.,.!. household and k.tchon unci .. at one o'. fmnilur Sale xo tuuiiut."-.- ,l-.k. P. M. Jospb l'g. Auctioneer. , inn.hv. March 4 will sell, near juuu ' - . r.-- Seed's Gar , horats, catui-, uugs uu ... TV- .. , 1 Tharsdav, John H. Carney at ti, re.Me.ic In township, two ..Me.caftorMcAlisterville, six h.ad of hones, two mares with foal, six cow,, .,, rati!.-, nine ahep, seven snoates, 4 horse-".?"", 2.hor.e wagon, Osborne jloer, Champion harvester, hay rake, hay tork aJd fixtiin-s, fllrT lot of mett' lot of tb,ikeu. new bled, fanning mill, seed drill, horse po" -orn Sear9 plows, har. ros, K'g chains. lot cf bay by the ton, and many otb. r articles Dot here mentioned. 0. C. Piftucdeifer March 7, will sell near Jericho Milli, horses, cattle, sheep, hAgj od tarmirg implements. Tuejdav, Mirch 10th. James Kidd will sell at Lis Pce of resideuco, near KcCoy toa, burro, cattle, sheep and farming jcg implements, and some household goods nd furuiture. D. B. YcVi illiains, Auc tioneer. Tiitsday, March 10. T. K. Beaver, will ell at his place a half mile south of McAl Ijtervilie: Horses, cattle, hogs, farming tnjp'ements nd machinery, Jtc. This will be one of the sales of the season. Tbur.day, Varch 12. John Aaster will tell at his residence in Kayette Twp., 1 mile southeast vf Oakland Jills, horses, colts, cos, toud cattle, sheop, beys, ic Tliursdiy, March 12, John Foreman, will sell on tis larm near Tatteraon, Ilorses, cow, cattle, hogs, chickens, and a general asnrttnent of farming implements tbat are almost as good as new. March H. Jlirtha fa nnabakrr will sell at her borne on Water street, Jlifflintown, a pemril asjortmc-ut of household property On March llish, TJ. A. Stambiugb, will s;U on his farm 2 miles north of AMMiutown, 4 borsoa, 2 cows, one 4 brs Webster wag on, one 2 horse wagon, 1 sled, hay-ladders, Hench 4. Dronigold corn cultivator, plowsi harrows, harness, chains, grain cradles, Os borne Ilsrvestor, Osborno iVowor, ice Jurch 1? Mta Sarver will sail at the Jacobs' farm near AfifTliutown, one hors, to cews, eight ' your.g 'cattle, four hogs, lot of cbicksr.s, buggy at. J a full assort ment of farming implements, potatoes, oats, corn ty the buabal, four load of htv, and 'l bcr household snd kitchen fnrsitr.re On Saturday, Xar. 21, Geo. V. Kurch ner wi'.l sell nuar Van I'tke; 7 Loracx, S mili-h cvws, 6 youri cattie, bogs, sheep chickens, andfl'ull aasortmnut of farming implements, SHORT LOCALS. Tho iletbodist festival was a snc- CfiS. iTr. J'iLn Tefckley is ill, down at ileuth'n door. Hull. J. S. Ifartia of Pittsbnrg was homo on Suuilav and Monday. A pension of $12 a month Las been granted to llarjry Farlutnan of Mex ico. For eet a comfortable dwollirsj Louse. For particulars call at this I office). Rev. Mr. Furst of New Berlin, preached in tho Lutheran church last Sabbath. Mr. (Jporgw Martin is quite ill, having alnmat died from none bleed ing on Sabbath. Tho G. A. li. Post held nppropiate service ia honor of the doath of (ieueral Sherman. Ks-imh' Lij'slaturrt propos-J t prevnut forfiTnsrj from holding land in tbat State. Jacob Davis gave a party for hii f; jmd at Lih rcother'a home in town, i-rio kvetiug Ia?t week. Jcfff-rsou Moyfr hag reniOYed from Aitoona to McMeen's building, Main straot, this pkco Captain McCIellan was called homo from Washington on account of the iliness of his wife. The flood at Johns! own last wetit, uncovered tha bones of many of the tictims of tho flood of 1S80. George Eartley.liu' the employ of an Aitoona buianesg firm yisited ia this place several days la.st week. Kxcommiiisioner Francis Howc-r had his riht arm broken by the kick of a horse last Saturday. William Culp is receiving the con gratulations of his friends over the advent of a lJ pound boy baby. ilber Schweyer of the "Washing ton Cfmsug department was at home last Friday, to Monday afternoon. Twenty-five thousand men were thrown o,it of employment in and about Tittsburg by last week's flood. The flood in the river last week carried away a lot of fence from tho bottom fields of H. A. Stambaugh. The G. A. It. department of Ponn fylvania, is holding its ro union this Tuesday and Wednesday at Aitoona. General Sherman's funeral passed nut piace last Xuursnav morning nbout 2 o'clock on its Louis. wnv to St. w li.mm Adams m tho service of Wilcox & Gibbs Philadelphia is vis iting his parents and friends in this place. Governor Charlos Foster of Ohio has been appointed by President Harrison, socretcry of the U. S. Treasury. Some unknown friend has our thar-ks for sending he annual cata logue of Cniril Pennsylvania Col lego, New Berlin, Pa. A number of people in this vicim ty are ailing with cold, and other diseases incidental to this time of year. The estate of the late Secretary of the U. S. Treasury Hon. William Windem, is 48aid to be wcrtb. six thousand dollars. "SDnatc and House are divided on the question of taxing mortgages in Kansas. The senate thinks it will drive all outside investments oat of the State." A mass meeting of the Delamater creditors, was held in the Meadville court house, last Thursday and agreed to settle their claims "for 50 cents on the dollar on two vears time Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool foad's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. Banks &, Co., Druggists, Mifflintown. Not. 13 1S90, ly. The oommittee on revision of ruloi of the republican party in Juniata county, for the government of pri mary elections will meet in the office of Jeremiah Lyons Esq., on Saturday March 7, 1S01, at 2 o'clock P. M. Read Ferd Meyer's reduction of price of clothing in another column. Make your selections of what you want, and step in. His list of goods comprehends a great deal that he does not mention. Step in. he can suit you. Cards arc out for the marriage of Elmer Kurtz of Omaha, Nebraska, and Miss Lou Turner, at the home of the aflianced in Montacello , Iod., on the 25th of present month. .Wr. jvuriz is a sou oi V. li., and Mrs. Catherine Kurtz, of Mexico, f-i county. Did you ever T says the Newport Ledger: One of our young men was with his best girl last Sundar rii-ht. and while they were both rocking n one chair the weight madefthe chair screeon. tie then procured sewing machine oil and greased the noisy parts, and the rest of the family went to sleep. Sir Edwin Arnold now thinks chopsticks superior in some respects to the knife and fork. Says he: -I mygelf picked up with chopsticks twenty-two single grains of rice in en minute from lacquered trav, be ing beaten by a Japausse 'kdy, whose awift skill dexterously con veyed as msny n"forty-nin9 AJvertisod lit of lettors uncalled for rem uning in the Post OfiW, at Mifflintown, Pa., for the wek ending February 20. 1S91. Porsons calling for mail ia this list will please say they are advertised. One cent will be charged for ech letter ad verted. Letters: Ensanuel Browand, Mis Ella Dunn, Wta. M. Shaliy, Esq. James McCauley, P. M. Rheumatistn Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure," for Rheumatism and N euralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upou the system is remarkable and mvsterious. It re moves at oncojlhe causa, and thsdis easo iiiiiiiodiately disappears. The first dotie grer.tiy benefits. 75 c?nts. Sidd 1,7 L- Banki & Co., Dr ug-ats, Mi;l!intown. Feb. IS, '91, 4ui. English Spavin Liniment r'movi3 all Hard, Soft or Cdlonaod Lumps and Biomishes from horses, IJIood Spavin.JCurbs, Splints, Sweeny, Riiig bfino, Stiflos, Sprains and Swollen Throats, Coughs. &c. Save ?50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by L. Banks & Co , Prucsrists, Mifflintown. Nov. 13, 1S90 ly. Thi mind of sportsmen ia directed to Kspenchade's farm. well scratched hollow true has be-in found iu the woods on the farm. The tre-j it is certain is the home of a member or two of the bear family, possibly a family of coon, and the other day from the river that borders the farm Solomon Gross drew a large Ger man carp,- the fish weighed 8i pounds was 2 feet long, and almott 11 inches wide. R. L. Poke & Co., have issued what they are pleased to call "Pennsylvania Gazetteer and are selling it it is not a reliable book it does r.ot fre all business places. it mar answr a purpose n it men tions a place one looks for, but if it omits what voa know is in a place, it stamps itself a failure. The pub lishers would do well to call in tho addition that i3 being sold and issue a new one. "Everybody is supposed to know how to boil an egg; but everybody doesn't; only a few do. The com mon way is to drop the egg into boiling water. The white hardens and toughens instantly and is not fit to eat, and is not hard to digest if eaten. But an egr dropped into cold water, ard tho yessel covered will be beautifully cooked tbe in stant the water boils. The white will be as delicate as a jelly, digesti ble and nutritious.' At 2 o'clock in the morning, some nights ago, an unknown man broke into tbe residence of Henry Kern, occupied by Mr. Kern ami L. C. Bowersox. Middleburg Snyder Co. The thitf ransacked the lower part of tho house and found a revolver and gold watch. He then went ap stairs and entered the sleeping room cf L. C. Bowersox. As the thief rummaging about the room Mr. Bowersox awoke and, seeing a man, ho called Mr. Kern, thinking it wae he, but whon a daik lantern was turned, he discovered his mistake, and jumped out of bad, grasped the thief and a tussle ensued. Several bhols were fired by the thief when he made good his escape. The tbief left a fine fur cap in the house as a token of remembrance. The flood last week in Pitt.sburg did great damacre. Nearly every iron mill was flooded and closed down, railroad tracks washed away, squares upon squares of streets flood ed to the second story and thousands of cellars filled, the direct loss by the flood cannot fall less than $1,000,000. The poor living along the river suf fered so greatly, that appeals for aid have been issued by tfce Mayor of Allegheny." Tne greatest losses of course fall upon the down-town wholesale stores, and the river-sido establishment out on Penn avenue, where fully three miles of cellars were filled to tho first floor and good3 damaged beyond repair. Add to this, build ing inspectors say the flooded dis tricts have suffered great injury in the way of damaged foundations and ouumngs. From the Bloomfield Advocate of me io inst. uur Liverpool corres pondent sends us the following: On Triday while E. K. Bitting, grocery man at Upper Liverpool lock, was gathering drift wood along the river bank, his attention was attracted by a number of crows around one par tioular spot. Upon investigation he found, partly buried, a male infant child about a month nU ?n, . arm eaten off and the hair miBduo- from the head- Dr. E. Walt Sny der county coroner, was notified. A jury was empanelled, whoso ver dict at this writing (Saturday) we have not learned. A thorough in vestigation will be made, and it is hoped the guilty parties will be brought to justice. The body was interred by undertaker Deckard. Later. The iurv rnclrA1 a djet: "That the male infant came to nis deatn by violent and iinnatural means at the hantU of wim a nfiron or personi to the inquest unknown." i r ve a -.. i, 7 jur. n. a. 1'eUer, the Alliance candidate, of Kansas, who defeated Mr. Inealls for tho TT Senate, is an undo of Mr. Vili;m A. Tefler, of Watts township, this county. When W. A. Peffer, of Kansas, is elected nreslrh nr. of United States in 1892; Mr. W. A. Peffer of Pennsylvania, may expect a lucrative position. From the McVevtown last week: The residence of Snm'l Mc Williams was entAiwI hv on last Thursday morning about1 one uciocil. J.uey camued in at a win dow in which Mrs. Mc Williams had her house plants and which was without a fiaHb Wlr TIia Hn'of stood on a bench and carefully re moved the potted plants placing them On the rround nni? flmn nntar. v . ed the building and ransacked the pockets of what clothinr was lvinsr about down stairs, the only spoils found being a full plug of chewing tobacco Lolongiog to Mr. McW. The thief or thieves then weut up stairs into J. T. McWilliams' room and secured Lii trousers containing the keys of his store and safe. The click of a trailiag suspendar buckle nn tho filnirii iivftk'Anel Tinrlnr wVm at once grasped the situation and nnaing n:s troupers gone gave the alarm, and jhiNinpnt.lv arniKnrl tht neighbors, but the birds had flown under cover of the darkness. The trousers were afterwards found in the Yard, nothinsr in the pockots havin? been disturbed. It is kiid- - i posed that the object wsi to secure mo Keys oi me sior or didk wiu a view to mere profitable operation. We next hear of them an hour later invading the domicle of Alex. Correll at Mattawana. Mr. Correll's suspicions were first aroused by footsteps on the outbide and being forewarned was forearmed. Accor dingly he and his sou awaited fur ther developments and next heard the intruders down stairs, then on tha hail up stairs. Mr. G, however, had no cor.fi, Icnca iu Irs revolver which was cn!y partially loaded and not Lnnwinrr in what fiirrn ttia rnn my was present hesitated about ad vancing in the dark, so he opansd hi bedreora door and paid ot out of hre. and of conrs.-j thev haatilv retired without saving good night, taking along a child's mot.er bunk containing nl.mr. ST2 Tha lirnl-Ti hank was afterwards found at Atkin son lumber yard. Chicago, Jill wattkeo nod St. Faul K'y. Electric Lighted and Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains, with Wetting house Air Signals, bo tween Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, daily. Electric Lighted and Staaru Heat ed Veatibuled Trains between Chi cago, Council Bluffs and Omaha' daily. Through Yestibu'ed Sleeping Cars, daily, between Chicago, Butte, Ta couaa, Seattle, and Portland, Ore. - Solid Trains between Chicago and principal points in Northern Wiscon sin and the Peninsul of Michigan. Dailv Trains betweon St. Paul, Minneapolis and Kansas City via ttie Ili'drick Route. Through Sleeping Cars, Daily, bo tweea St. Louis, Sfc Paul and Min neapolis1. Tha finest Diniasr Cara in the World. The best Sleeping Cr3. Electric Reading Lamps in Berths. G,100 mile of road in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Io wa, Mirnrsota. Missouri, South Da kota, and North Dakota. Everything First-Class. Firt Class People patronize First- Cisbs Lines. TicketJAgents evervwhere sell Tick ets ovr tho Chicsgo, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway. Feb'y 25, 1891 ! MirrUNTOWN MARKKTS. Mirruarowa, Feb. 25, 1891. Fatter 13 Fggs 12 nm 10 Sbfnilder, 7 Sidrs A Laid 0 MirrLINTOrTK GRAIN MAKKBT. Wheat 60 to 05 Corn, old ............ fiS Oats, 43 Ke 6'J Cloverseed. .... $-1.00 Timothy sect $1.50 f lnx sood .... 1 60 Bran 20 00 Chop , . 1 20 Sliortit 20 00 Ground Alum Salt 1 20 AuiuncnQ Salt.... 80 Phtla pixp.vi a Markets, Feb'y 21, 1891. Wheat $1.04; Corn G0c; Oats 53c: Bran $22 a ton; Wool 16 to 40c a pound; Cheese 10 to 11c; Sugar 6 to Cle; New potatoes from Florida at Si to So a box: Pennsylvania po tatoes 90 to $1.15c a bushel; Eggs lGc; Butter 27 to 30c; Iron bar in 50 ton lu!s at 1.70 to 1.80; Feathers 35 to 40o a pound; Cloverseed 6 to 8c; Buckwheat flour $2.50 to $2 GO per 100 pounds. Chcagi, Feb. 20, Cattle Re ceipts, 8,000 etser!", $ 4.505.10; heif ers, $3a3.50; cow3, $1.40a2.G5; Block ers, $1.85a3 40. Hogs, Receipts 35.000 lxad; common $3.40a3 50 prim mixed and packers, $3.55a3.G5; prime heavy and butchers' weight?, $3.70a3.75; light, 3-55?.3.70. Sheep Receipls, 7,000 bond: Wef terns, $4.30a5.35; fed Texana $4.75a5; na tives, $5a6.50. jJ-ERCANTILE APPRAISER'S LIST OF DEALERS & VENDERS Foreign and Domestic Merchandise in the county of Juniata for tho year 1891, as appraised and classified by the Mercantile Appraiser: mrnjjiTowN. Class, rfm't. J. B. Murray.i'hotel $150 00 Uavid 1'owles, hotel 150 00 Franciscus H dw. Co 12 12 50 J. W. Kirk, merchant. . . 14 7 00 W. F. Snyder, furniture and undertaker 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 .7 00 10 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Banks Kanffman, piano k organs 14 Wm. H. Rodcrers, drucc't 14 J. C. Gilson. Groceries Si confections 14 John- JCtka, groceries, and confections I Joseph PennelL merchant 13 L. Banks & Co., drugs. . 14 F. Espenschade & Son, merchants 13 L D. Musser. Groceries . . 14 G. W. Heck, shoes 14 M P. Crawford, drugs. . 14 D. W. Harley, Clothing 13 Manbeck & Nelson, grain coal, lumber 10 Wm. Bell, farm imple ments 14 . H. McClintic, H'dw. . 14 P. Robiuon, groceries and confections 14 S. G Mvers, farm imple ments 14 Wm. H. Rollman 14 I Joseph Adams, groceries, confections 14 7 00 40 00 12 50 7 00 7 00 Juniata Valley Bank. ... 8 Lmil Schott, merchant. . 12 Ferd Meyers, clothing.. 14 Sain'l B. Loudon, farm implements 14 PATTEBSOX. Guss & Siobor, H'dw., ties, &.c 12 12 50 150 00 150 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 CO 700 12 50 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 " 7 00 7 00 7 Oi) 7 00 10 03 7 00 7 CO 12 50 7 00 7 00 John Hayes, hotel Robert Nixon, hotel .... Wm. H. Banks, drugs. . . 14 Melcy & Son, merchants. 13 Hollobaugh & Son, cloth ing 13 Joseph Pennelh merchant 13 McMeeu Sl Beale, merch't 13 T. J. Middagh, merchant 13 Howard Kirk, stationery .tobacco, Ac 14 Wm. H. McDonald, erro- cerien, flour, &c 14 North & Son, grain, lum ber, coal, ifcc 12 Mercantile Associa'n, dry goods, &.c 13 , B. R. Mitchell, flour, feed, &.0 14 II BALK TWP. S. D. Kauffuian, merchant 14 Rodger Bros, merchants 14 T. K. Beaver & Bros., merchants 14 J. P. Kolley, merchant.. 14 GPECCK HIIX. J. L. Barton, merchant. . 13 E. J. Heckendora . . 14 S. Mowery, merchant 14 J. C. Conn it Bro., morc't 14 TUSCAKOHA TWP. J. B. Oenrv, merchant. . 14 A. C. Harris do . . 14 A. J. Ferguren do . . 14 II. S. Thompson do ..13 T. Harkicson d . . 14 W. Van Sweringen, mer't 14 TCRBETT TWP. Noah Hertzler, merchant 12 G. . Fink, f mimplem's 14 J. G Barrett, merchant . . 14 PORT EOTAL. Thompson & Bro., grain coal, &c 14 D. B. Bousum, merchant 13 A. J. Petit do. 13 A. II. Rannel do. 13 T M.Coek, Agt. do. 14 G. G. Crozier, groceries. 14 G. B. M. Kepner, drug't 14 Philip Kepner, grain and col 14 JuniaU Valley Br'h Bank 8 Jaceb Groninger, grain. 14 G. B. M. Wisehaupt, grain, coal &c 14 J. F. Jacobs, fmimple'ts 14 LACK TWP. Rob't n. Patterson mer't 13 John Vaughan, merchant 14 G. W. Campbell do. 14 FAYETTK TWP. E. M. Kelley, merchant. 13 Brown A Son do. 13 W. W. Sharon! do. 14 Joseph Page, f'm irapl'tt 14 A. J. Sausraan, merchant 13 B. F. Harley, merchant. 13 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 CO 40 00 7 CO 7 00 7 CO 10 00 7 00 7 CO 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 CO 10 00 10 CO XOXROE TWP. M. S. Grybill, merchant 14 Ryne A Graybill do. . . 12 Seth Winey do... 14 J. R. Van Horn, hotel.. J. I. Terger, flour, feed, Ao 14 S. S. Graybdl.morehant. 14 J. M. Dietz do. . 14 GREENWOOD TT.P. 7 00 12 50 7 00 75- 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 J. T. Dimm' A Bro., mor'ts 14 7 00 SUSQUEUANSA TWP. E. G. Shaffer, merchant . 13 10 00 H. R. Beale " . 14 7 00 B. S. Rine, merchant. . . 14 7 00 DELAWARE TWP. A. Rhoada, merchant. ... 14 7 00 Sam'l Sidilaglo do ... 13 10 00 C. G. Wmey, do ... 13 10 00 THOMrSOXTOWX. J. T. Wickersbam, merc't 13 10 00 M. E. Schlagel do 13 10 00 T. S. Thompson, grain, coal, A 5 13 10 00 E. A. Tennis A Bro., grain, coal, Ac 13 10 00 Emanuel Gohen, merch't 14 7 00 WALKER TWP. W. W. Dimm, merchant 14 7 00 E. A. Smith, merchant. .14 7 00 David Dasher, flour, feed, Ac 14 7 00 M. L. Keicer, merchant, Mexico 14 7 09 M. L. Keiser, merchant, Centre 14 7 00 C. A. Thompson, graiD, coal, Ac -.13 10 00 J. T. Kepler, merchant. .14 - 7 00 ' Tho licences mentioned in tbe above list will be due and payable to the County Treas urer on and after A'sy 1st, 1891 An appeal will be held in tbe Coramis sioners' OfJico ia tho borough of .WifP.In town, on Tuesday, Jarch 10th, between the bonrs of 10 o'clock, A M, and 4 o' clock, P 31, when and where all persons feeling themselves aggreived, may attend, if they think proper. Given tinder my hand this 4 th day of February, A D, 1891. JlMIliatown, Pa , Feb'y 4th, 1691 S n. A. STAMBAUGH, Mercantile jjjjpraiser. 4t. A TTcddlnff at Juniata The spacious parlors of the hand some new residence of Jur. George W. Fasick at Juniata were filled last evening with guests assembled to wit ness the marrage of his daughter Minnie S., to Mr. Jones Vf. McCoy. At 8 o'clock Katie Williams at the piazo began the rendition of Wen delssohn'a wedding march, to the trains of which the bridal party en tered and were met by Rev. J, B. Stein, who assisted by Rev. J. R. Williams, impressively preformed the ceremony that made the twain one. The attendants were Miss Annie Coleman and Mr. Horace Fasick, brother of the bride. The bride was handsomely attired in creme tricot and carried a boqsot of illies of the valley. The presents were numerous, cost ly and elegant. After congratulation the company repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous repast was served. An orchestra composed of a number of young gentleman, head ed by Mr. H. O. Fittinger, contribu ted largely to the enjoyment of the guests. Guests were present from this eity, Tyrone, Lewistown, bun- bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and other points. I be groom is the elhcient day operator at EF office and enjoys the estoem of a large circle of friends. The happy couple left on fast line for an extended trip to Philadelphia and points east. Bon voyage. Ai toona Tribune Feb'y 18. mm Ask Tour Friends about It. Your distressing cough can be cur ed. We know it because Kemp s Bidsam within tho past few years has cured so many coughs aud colds in this community. Its remarkable sale has been won entirely by its genuine merit. Ask some friend who has used it what he thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There is no medi cine so pure, none ao eflective. Large bottles 50c and $1 at all drug guts, tf. There will be seven natives of Vermont in the next United States Senate. till a Kicking ! -00- Our Competitors are kicking because we took every advantage that the markets afforded in the selection of our SUPEBB mm AND SUMMER .STOCK, They kick because they're left. Their kicking is the strongest testimony that can be offered to Our excellent stock and loicpric.es. Don't fail OUR GRAND DISPLAY of New Goods or you will miss The Sight of the Season, and if you miss that you will miss BOOTS AND SHOES, SLIPPERS, .... RUBBERS, OVEESHOES, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS, -FOR EVERYBODY AT- G.W. HECK'S SH0ESTQRE, ON BRIDGE ST.; MIFFLINTOWN, PA. HAVE TOU MOM TO DEPOSIT? ARE YOU JA BORROWER 1 CALL. AT THE FIRST MIFFLINTOWN, PA. FOUR 3?ER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Money Loaned at Lowest Rates. SEND FOR CURAT.LOSUKnb PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Juniata Nursery. All kinds of fruit trees for Bale at wholesale or retail. Write for price list, to S. F. HruE, Cocolamus, Juniata Co., Pa. Nov. 19, 3m. " A Cure Tor Conetlpation and Sick lleadache. Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rocky Mountains, discovered a root that when combined with other herbs, makes an easy and certain cure for constipation. It is in the " form of dry roots and leaves, and is known as Lane's Family medicine. It wilj cure sick headache in one night. For the blood, liver and kidneys, and for the clearing up of the complex ion it dots wonders. Druggists sell it at 50cts a package. tf BEE MY SPONGE? - 8HINK yours noes with WOLFF'S ACME CLACKING ONCE A WEEK! Other tfaya weah them olAun witn SPCniGE IkUU WATE.t. c-TrmtatiT EVERY Housewife EVERY Counting Roorri EVERY Carriage Owrjer EVERY Thrifty Mechanic EVERY Body able to hold a brush should tras Will stain Old Haw ruitftiTWAa I Kiu Ima turn ua Cmiiwui I UtT,l TM 1 Tarnish wiu aTAiit vowa Ola aaaaTe 1 om SVILiaTAIM eJiaT'BCOASM I Hme. WOLFF m RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Consumption Surely Cured. So las Bono: Floaaa Inform your readers that 1 ham a posMTe maSj tar the abOTe-named dteeaae. Br its timely nee thousands of hopelesa eases hare been retnuiftnriy oorod. I ahail be glad to send two battles of sty remedy 7&JHK to any of your reader who hare eonenmpUon If thoy will end ma thr Kxpnee end P. O. xldreaa. Htvpert tailj. X. A. bXOCUM. M. a. lot Pearl St.. S. Y. to examine JUNIATA VALLEY-BANK, OFJIIFFLIJITOW3, PA. WITH BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSKPH EOTHROCK. Prtndnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Cm.hur. DIBECTOkS. W. C. Pomeroy, John Hertalnr, Robert E. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Jnsnph Rothrock, Philip M. Kepner, Leais E. Atkinson, STMCKBOLrFKS Philip M. Kepnor, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Rothrock, Jane II. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, K. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin, Mary Knrtz, Jerome Thompson, Jr John Ilertzler. T. V. Irwin, Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L. Barton, Jehn M. Blair, Robert H. Tattrrson, F. M. M. Penne.ll, Samuel S. Rothiock. Levi Light, Three and Four pr cont. interest will t paid on certificates of doposite. jan 23, 1891 U IMruai-ar s Luaaara MsmfUQiMn r't:. 9na tr Ctttftlecu. PnrfaMn St.. MA X- AS ( DID eirYi an AtUiMsA.aVfASttClUKASOa.IarK.ra, . IMMENSE CLEARING SALE. PRICES BELOWAXYTI1IXG BEFORE OFFERED NEVER IN THE HISTORY of cloLhes-sollIng will there bo such an op portunity to buy for little money such valuable clothiug. Vfe have hun dreds of Suits wore than we ought to have. We have hundreds of Over coats more than we need to have. They'll have to go at the best price w can get Regular $8 and $9 Men's Suits reduced to $G.50 Regular $7 and $8 Men's Suits reduced to $3 Regular $5 and .G Men's Suits reduced to four dollars. Regular $10 and S12 Men's suits reduced to eight dollars Regular $14 and 15 Men's suits reduced to ten dollars. Regular f 16 and $1S Men's suits reduced to twelve dollars. Regular $14 and $1G Men's Overcoats reduced to ten dollars. Regular $10 and $12 Men's Overcoats reduced to eight dollar Regular $8 and $0 Men's Overcoate reduced to six dollars. Regular $6 and $5 Men's.Overcoats reduced to four dollars. Regular $4 and $4.50 Men's Overcoats reduced to three dollars. BOYrS' SUITS ! BOYS SUITS ! SHORT P1.T STYLES, SIZES 4 TO 14. TJsuul $2 and $2.50 Suits marked down to one dollar seventy-five Usual $3 and $4 Suits marked down to two dollars and a half. Usual $5 and $6 suits marked down to four dollars. J Usual $7 and $3 suits marked dewn to five dollars. Usual $9 and $10 suits marked down to five dollars. LO.YG P.l.YT STYLES, SIZES, 12 TO 19. Usual $4 and $5 suite, marked down to three dollars. 53 Usual $o and $S suits, marked down to $3 Usual 10 and $12 suits marked down to 8. Usual $14 and $1G Suits marked down to $10. Usual $18 and $20 suits markd down to $12. boys' overcoats, Regular $8 and $9 Boys Overcoats reduced to six dollars. Regular $G and $7 Boys' Overcoats reduced to $4.50 Regular $4 and $5 Boys' Overcoats reduced to thre dollars. IUgular $3 and $3. 50 Boys' O vercoats reduced to $2.25. Regular $2 and $2.50 Boys' Overcoats reduced to two dollars. MEN'S PANTS ! MEN'S PANTS! Regular $5 and SG Men's Pants reduced to four dollars. Regular $4 and $4.50 Man's Pants'redueed to three dollars. Regular $2.50 and $3 Men's Pants' reduced to two dollars. Regular $2. and $2.25 Men's Pants reduced to one dollar. Regular $1 Man's Pants reduced to sixty cents. OUR HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS Are worth coming for. Ther ctrtainlv are tho greatest bargains ever offered in these lines. Reduced r rices all along the line. Saying that we have made Reductions in each and every garment does not fittingly express how cheaply we are selling off our stock. We literal ly give free not only tho profits, but a largo slice of the cost. This may appear incredible, but it is positively true and you will say so, too, when you visit us. bucli low prices lor fine clothing and furnishings have nev er been known in Juniata county, and every citizen should take advantage of it at onco. FERD MEYERS, THE LEADING CLOTHIER. BRIDGE STREET, 18G5, ESTABLISHED. 188U Special Invitation Jb 'Fhe IhihliQ To attend the Attractive Jsala of Clothing that goes on (laity from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. MAELEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examiue th Stock oi Goods fo MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUJL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, eo don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN 3?-A.. IT IS A FACT WELL KNOWN THAT WE HAVE The Largest Stock -OF- HARDWARE UN THE CODJNTY; BuildingIIardware ras never eo low as now, XAIL.9, LOCHS, lilXGES &.C., IEME5T, PLASTER, ill fact everything in the Hardware Line including Howe Furnishing G etd WALL, PAPER, BLINDS, fcc, Arc IVow Sold at Uotlom Prices by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE & CO- FALL AND W1XTEK GOODS- I would inform tbo public that I have now in my uw millinery store at my place of residence on Water street, MitBintown, second door from corner of Bridge etroet, a full stock of Fall j and Winter millinery ftoods, all new, and of the latest styles, and having employed first claoaj milliners I am prepared to supply tho public with everything fonnd in a flrstclass milliner store, come and examine my stock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DEIHL. March 22-87.1.T. MIFFLINTOWN, PENN A. WAWTED AGENTS TOLfcOMOIT OKDSRS FOB ortt A TREES, SHRUBS, ViNES, &c. -4, STEADY WORK fnrTSi icj, 'Of Honest, Indastrlovs Ben. I j )F ; I ;tri,'j-i Wo frov full lino ofvH- 1;V1 ".-,-Uo adapted to i'ajnnnylvawil i-S.iei Tin BiMieu (Jaictl; Uarsel a. C. CHAS A. CO.;PHILA., PA