ECTE5CE. 'KFTRrriON IX KGJ. -f frof. Fresenius, of "Wiesbaden, af ter a long series of chemical analyses, declared that an egg contains as much pourishmeutas a pound and an ounce of cherries, a pound and a quarter of grapes, a pound and a half of russet apples, two pounds of gooseberries and four pounds of pears, and that 14 pounds of grapes, 127 pounds of rus set apples, llJ2 pounds of pears and 827 pounds or plums are equal in nourishment to 100 pounds of potatoes. AN XrEHIMF.XT OS EIFFEL. M. Do Fonvlclle has made yer curious electrical experiments at the summit of the Eiffel tower. Some, it is considered, will lead to important oiiMJ.:rationf of a scientiiic character. The atrnof pin-re round the tower at this elevation is free from all influence of the soil, as would be the case at the top of a Tiiounlnin, and the air is in an eitarordinary active state of electricity. The tower will, it is said, be the mo-t perfet conductor of electricity during a storm, and all within will be in a Rial'; of entire immunity against all danger from lightning. The pret ty iilrii has lieen suggested of havuig a carillon of bell at the top, which Will play every two hours. Hl.MOVAL OK TATTOO MARKS. I lie following method is recom .ocikIcI bv M. Variot in the llevut M-iKiitJiiiie: Tlie skin is first covered w ith a concentrated solution of tannin, and retattooed with this in the parts to ue cleared, then an ordinary nitrate of silver crayon is rubbed over these parts, which become black by forma tion of t:innste of silver in the super ticial layer of the dermis. Tannin powder is sprinkled on the surface several tiim-i a day for some days to dry it. A dark crust forms, which loses rolor in three or four days, and, in a fortnight or so, comes away, leav- ing a reddish scar, f iee r tattoo marks, and, in a few month, little noticeable It is well to do the work in patches about tliH size of a five franc piece at a time. The person can then go on with Lis usual occupation. SOAF3TOSE AND ITS USES. A writer in a London .journal calls attention to the unappreciated uses and preservative qualities of the soapstone, a material, he savs which possesses what may be regarded as extarordinary qualities in withstanding atmospheric influences, those especially which have so much to do with the corrosion of iron and steel, and from experiments inado it is said that no other materia is capable of diking hold of the fiber of iron and steel so readily and. firmly as this, lu China soapstone is largely used for preserving structures built of sandstone and other stones liable to crumble from the effects of ihe atmos phere; and the covering with powder ed soap&iomi in the lorin or paint on some ohelisks in that country, conv posed of stone liable to atmospheric deterioration, has been the means of preserving thcui intact for hundreds of ytars. TnotniTTi or the Drrxa. Tn the Sooiete do Biologic, Fere aiflii med that a dving person in his last moments thinks of the chief events of his life. lVrsons resuscitated from drowning, epileptics with grave at tacks, persons dying and already uncon rVuis, hut momentarily brought back to consciousness by ether injections to utter their last thoughts revert to mo mentous events of their life. 6uch an ether injection revives once more the normal disposition of cerebral activity, already nearly extinguished, and it might be possible at this moment to learn of certain important events of the past life. r.rown-f?equard mentions the remarkable fact that persons who, in consequence of grave cerebra affec tions have been jparalyzetl for years, get back at once when dying their sensibility, mobility, and intelligence. All such facts clearly show that at the moment of dissolution important changes take place, reacting upon the composition of the blood and the func tions of the organs. CONSUMPTION OF TIES. Assuming the entire railroad srstem Of the Uuited States to be 160,000 miles, as appears from "Poor's Man ual," with tlie addition of the lines in construction during the current year, snd taking 2,640 ties per mile, we have tn use at least 422,400,000 ties. The life of these tics varies according to their quality and the climatic con ditions; but in the East, where only the best ties are employed, the aver sjro life is found to be about alrgira. While in the West, where poorer quali ty of timber often lias been accepted, and where dry rot and other disadvan tages have to be contended with, the average life is from three to five years; so that even after allowing for a few exceptional cases in which ties fjjay last ten years, the average life ofiies all over the country cannot be counted as more thau live years. It follows, therefore, that the annual consumption must be about 81,500,000, which, fvith steady increase of railroad building, mnst soon exceed 100,000,000 a gi gantic demand to be satisfied from our forests eaoh year, when we consider the many other calls upon them, and the fact that at preient virtually noth ing is being done by the government (V the people to replenish our souree of supply. J'uoijic Lu mbernan. TnE Electrical Census Machine Tliis system of machines, maybe de scribed as follows: The census col lector will call with his printed blank, and answers to questions will be writ ten in the usual way. These sheets will then be placed before a pers m who operates a machine which may I likened to a type writer, except, In stead of the usual ink mark on paper, small round holes we punched In a card. The cards, one for each person, are about six and a half inches in length by three inches in width, and the particular position of a hole In a card indicates an answer to some of the questions in the printed blank. As many as 550 items of information can be punch'ed out upon a card, although no one card would ever have more than one-tenth part of the whole num ber, as, for example, no one person can be classed as both white and black, American and foreign born, and if foreign born he can only come from one country. These cards when punched arv placed one at a time in a sort of press, and a lever operated by one hand is brought down, w hen a series of pins are brought against the card. When ever a hole has been punched in a card the corresponding pin passes through Into a mercury cup beneath, complet ing an electric circuit. These circuits, one for every holo, pass out to a large number of counters which operate electrically, and which add upon their diois all items of the same kind upon the same dials; as for instance, all White men upon a dial marked whit males ; all bnalness or professional i people upon Uls which indicate ' their particular dusTbws or profession The card, as they leave the press, art all sorted by means of an electrical sorting devise, whereby they may be separated iuto groups or States of she Union. It will thus be seen that the machine! are much more reliable than the most accurate human agency, and that one machine will do tlie work of a large number of clerks. The next census of this country will be taken .with these machines, and two will be sent to New York soon for the 1890 census taking. KfiaTES. I Germany wash cor.irlBtinjr ot parafline wax dissolved in heavy coal tar oil has been found very eCcacious. Tret are introducing electric lights into the Montana mines aud shops, as they are safer, better and cheaper than candles. Ammonia gas is said to fee more largely used for tlie making of arti ficial ice thau for all other purposes combined. Phof. Kuleschoff, after long in vestigation, concludes that the ances tors of the European cattle must br looked for in Europe. The treatment of phthisis with tan nin is reported to have excellent effect in Belgium. It gives excellent results in all stages of the disease. Lake Superior, is said to be the most ancient of the great lakes, dating back to Cambrian, and, it may be, earlier times, and that it formed in other ages, one of the sources of a great river system, terminating on the At lantic seaboard. A Congress of physiologists will be held at Basle, beginning September 10, 1889, with the object of promoting the progress of physiology by affording an opportunity of personal Intercourse and the friendly interchange of ideas between physiologists of all Nations. A Cheap and sufficient substitute for the hand grenades sold for putting out fire can be made by filling ordinary quart bottles with a saturated solution of common salt. The salt forms a coating on everything the water touches, and makes it nearly incom bustible. It Is proposed to apply telephones to the infectious wards of the French hospitals, so as to enable the sick people to have the comfort of hearing their relatives' voices without any risk of conveying infection by an Interview. This is indeed enlisting science in the cause of humanity. Soire Lnportant inscribed marble lust found at Ostia prove beyond donbt that the building now being excavated was a station of the Roman vigiles. The last record of viijile in England was found at Chester a short time ago, Prince Torlonia has undertaken fresh excavations on his property at Canino, the necropolis of ancient Vulci. The works have already brought to light several interesting indications of an architectural and topographical char acter. Veii is also yielding just now a rieh harvest of fictile votive records A Number of the chief experts in pictures held a meeting in Paris recent ly, and formed an organization to pre vent toe sale of fraudulent works. They decided to attempt to secure the passage of a law providing severe pen alties for all persons knowingly selling imitations or works of art or fradulent pictures. To insure the proper enforce ment of such a law they propose that at all public art sales the auctioneers shall be compelled to call to their assist ance a properly authorized expert upon whose judgment reliance can be safely placed. Wages in the United States In 1S0O. The condition of the American wages class nearly a century ago is full of instruction. In the large cities, unskilled workmen were hired by the day, bought their own food, and found their own lodgings. But in the country, on the farms, or wherever a hand was employed on some publio work, they were fed and lodged by the employer, and given a few dollars a month. On the Pennsylvania canals the diggers ate the coarsest diet, were housed in tlie rudest sheds, and paid $6 a month from May to November. and $5 a month from November to May. Hod carriers and mortar mixers. diggers and choppers, who from 1793 to 1800 labored on the public build ings and cut the streets and avenues of Washington, received $70 a year, or if they wished, $60 for all the work they could perform from March 1 to December 20. The hours of work were invariably from sunrise to sun set. Wages at Albany and New York were 8s., or, as money then went, 40 cents a day; at Lancaster, 88 to $10 a month; elsewhere in Pennsylvania workmen were content with $6 in summer and $5 in winter. At Balti more, men were glad to be hired at 18d. a day. None by the month asked more than $6. At Fredericksburg the price for labor was from $5 to $7. In Virginia white men employed by the year were given 16 pounds currency; slaves, when hired, were clothed, and their masters paid 1 pound a month. A pound, Virginia money, was, in federal money, $3.33. The average rate of wages ail over the country was $65 a year, with food and perhaps lodging. Out or this small sum the workman bad, with his wife's help, to maintain his family. Chief Justice Fuller's House Bent. The rumor which has been curreni for some weeks that Chief Justice Ful ler had purchased the old-fashioned house and beautiful garden at the junction of M street, Vermont avenue and Fourteenth street, Washington, has caused considerable comment on the insufficient salary of the Chief Justloe of the United States. The purchase price, named is $100,000, but this is pure guesswork, but the figures lead one to consider bow far the Chief Justice's salary gsw in helping him to carry on the establishment that so ciety in this city requires from him. Calculate upon a 6 per cent, basis, and upon a cost of 8100,000, the Chief -Justice's annual outlay for house rent would be $6,000 a year and the intcr tst upon the purchase money, to which 2 per cent, more should be added for taxes, wear and tear, water rent and insurance, making a total f $3,000 per annum as the cest of living in a $100,000 house. This being true, there is but a pitiful $2,500 left for house keeping and personal expenses. Any one can readily see at this rate that no man can accept the office of Chief Jus tice of the United States nnless he has' a large personal fortune upon entering upon the duties of that high office. This by itself is sufficient to make any reasonable man agree that the Chief Justice should receive more money for his services. Botanist Tkis, Miss Harlem, Is thf tobacco plant. Miss Harlem How Werestingl And when does it begin to bear cV garettes? From Tim. - W1NOED MISSILES The wages of English iron workers art Idvanoina;. Uncle Sam wants to build eighteen new war vessels. Manufacturing corporations are spring tag op in Illinois. Golly, What Paper la the Bam of sew London newspaper. , . . By paying $3 in spot eartl, jeo can get livorce In four hoars in Japan. American cattle are glutting English Oarkets, and prices are away down. A brother of James O. Blaine Is teaohln In the Indian school at Cham wa, Ore, Boston enjoys the honor of having lntr luoed the first Turkish batik In America. The German reichstag has Toted to ex impt students of theology from military lervica. ' The bridge builders cannot put op bridges is fast a they promised, lor want of iron and steel. A Wlillamsport Pa., child swallowed toy whistle and has not been able to take say solid food since. There Is a story abroad that Queen Chris. Ha of Spain is thinking ot contracting at ' uorganatio marriage. The electricians are booming things and a hundred towns and cities ova the eousv Iry want slectrio roads. A Bessemer steel oasting works is likely lo be built at Pittsburg, which will make ilngle castings weighing 8 tons. Barbed wire fenoes In England are malt bg fox hunting so dangerous that my tords are foroed to give no the sport There died at Anglesey, England, a short Bme ago, a woman aged ninety-eight years ir ho had recently out three new teeth. An English company with $1,000,000,000 tapital is said to have been organised to New York city, to aid American railroad ulldera. Sixty-lire ton engines are becoming quite nmmoo. Tna Illinois Central is baring rwenty large "Mogul" engines built at Sohnectady. Da Maurier, the artist was educated orig Sally In soienUfio chemistry, but the at tractions of the studio overcame those of Ihe laboratory. In the next European war, with anything Ike favorable ground, artillery will ef fectually stop advancing infantry at 4,008 rards distance. The slectrio light Is making Its way in London, the wires being laid under ground, ind the streets all over the city will soon bo Illuminated bv It. Mrs. Emma Forsythe, daughter of the former consul at Somoa, is said to own a plantation of 190,000 acres, ea which she unploys 900 people. Franklin B. Go wen had a marvslons nsmory. After reading a long poem througb twice he oould repeat it without Ihe text, word for word. Anthracite coal Is sold for E0 to T5e per ton lower in interior Nsw England points, linoe shipments over the new Poughksep lie bridge were commenced. Coal miners are poorly paid In nearly all lections of the country, but In spite of itrikes and labor organization they do not teem to Improve their condition. Criticism of a New York sohool girl "1 think Shakspeare had better have kept Himself to blank verse. When be writes poetry, he gets himself all mixed up." One ot the items In a bill received by the telectmen of Eaatport, Me., for the main- lenance of an estrayed Eastport pauper by mother town was f 10 for popcorn cakes. Can the woman who recently had her nose pieced out by physicians, who replaced Ihe missing part with a piece of ohicken bone, be arrested for passing a counterfeit bill I A Montreal police sergeant says there are many hundreds of men, women and child ren in that city In such abject poverty that they are almost destitute ot both fire and food. Illinois has a new law nnder which crtm to alt who have been found guilty of rob bery for tae third time are oonsidarea In corrigible and sentenced to life Imprison ment. The description of a missing man which ivas sent to the Columbus (Ohio) police headquarters contained the statement that he was sixty-five years old and small for his age. A petrified moccasin was unearthed at Pendleton, Oregon by some laborers who were digging for the foundation of a bans building. It will be sent to the Smithson ian Ioatution. The tenor NarconL, who sang in the Cam paninl troupe, upon hearing that be had lost his entire fortune through the failure of a bank, lost bis voiee also, and is now Under treatment. A lately married Belfast, Me., couple sannot be accused of hasty action. Th&y were published and the certificate was Is sued a year ago, but the knot Waa not tied until last Friday. A petrified apple was discovered at Har rington, Me., by some boys. It had chang ed to the color of marble. The stem and blossom wars apparently as perfect as when the fruit fell from the tree. Russian officials have decided that ths telephone la "dangerous to the state." In Warsaw orders have been givsn that tele phones be removed from all restaurants, coffee houses and liquor saloons, A thief stole a locomotive from a railroad yard in Tuscaloosa, Ala, and got miles sway with it before overhauled by pursuers an a switch engine, and then be got away himself by taking to the woods. There were altogether about three bun 4 red distinct epidemics ot influenza in In Europe between 1310, when the disease was first noted at Malta, and 1890. In 17a) Ihe whole of Europe suffered severely. Prof. YVestpbal, ot Berlin, ths distin guished authority on mental diseases, has tucoumbed to one of the forms of brain trouble he was so successful In treating la others. Ills case Is reported ta be hope- j less. At a recent wedding In Philadelphia ths room was festooned in rod, white and blue, in honor of the patriotism of the bride, who had declined many European of fers and decided to give hsr hand to an American. Ths largest gun In the world weighs 135 tons. A man could stand in Its bore, with a plug hat on his head, providing the gun was not being fired at ths time I Toe shot weighs 2.00J pounds, and will go througb Inches of armor. "German Syrup" tt , - r- . . . a tt i . 6 , mAU-1,rl,lajl A. Hale, proprietor of the De Witt House, Lcwiston, and the Tontine i-orei, .Brunswick, We. Hotel men meet tbe world as It COmeS and ZOeS. I and are not slow in ronle and things tip for what they am worth He mys that he hosta r j says inat at Has lost a father and several brothers and sis- ters irora ruimonary Consumption, and is himself frequently troubled '. wim COl03, ana HO Hereditary ouen cougos enougn tr mt Sim drV at n . ConsumDtloni,ietMmo nn.n. r ' h7l iZT . t ever he has taken a cold of this kind he uses Boschee'l Lrerman byrup, and it cures him every time, were is a man who knows the full dancer of lnno- tron. ' bles, and would therefor be most i ,. . i P-iLitmara-toinemeaiCinenetUea." WTiat is his opinion? Listen I " I use nothmg but Boschee's German tehuVd . . z rC r. . ,h v jt wiui iuc iudi it i9 tuc uul cuuga yron tn tha marlret " tj The Failure (W the kldneyssnd liver to properly remove thi vctle or uric acid from the system, results In BHKCXATI31C. rhls seld accumulates tn the fibrous tissues, particularly In the Joints, and causes intlamm.i Ion and the terrible pains and aches, which ire agonizing every time a movement is made THS WAV TO CURB Khenmatism Is to purify the blood. . And to da ibis take the best blood purltt r, liood's ara karflla. Hosts of friends testily to eures of betunatlsm It has effected. Hood's Sarsaparilla fold by all draze1ts. si : sli for tV Prepared )nty by C. L Hoot CO, Lowell, Mist. lOO Doses One Doltar Somebody has Invented a soap-bubble mtflt. It Is put np In a neat box and in Undas a peculiar kind of pipe, made es pecially to blow bubbles, a special brand of loan, warranted to beat the world for tenu Ky of film and other appliances. A new departure In the building business las been successfully tried in Germany. This is the wholesale mauufacufac aire ot mortar, to be sold to small builders ind private individuals. In Berlin last fear 8,000,000 barrels ware sold. In 1843 what is now known as "influenza" aras known then as "Tyler's grip." Tyler ajaa president of the United States, and kiat after he vetoed the "United Stats Bank bill" this epidemic swept over ths lountry and was called "Tyler's grip." The pension department has upon ita lolls the names of twenty-seven widows of (evolutionary soldiers who have been regu larly paid pensions np to the present time, three of them are ninety-seven years of tga and two ninety-six. The youngest is leventy-one. Lepers are still numerous In Norway. The number is upward of one tBousand, kiost of whom are found in the seaooast listrlcta. There are four leper hospitals. Leprosy, once common in Europe, has kiaintained lis hold in Norway longer than d other oountries, but is gradually being Ix terminated there. A horse employed In a lumber mill at Buernville, Cal., for the last twelve years io haul away ths sawdust, has become so irell acquainted with his work that he goes from one hopper to anotbsr, through tue Intricate passageways without a driver, Ind never strikes a post. Ue begins and lulta work by ths whistle the same as tht ktea. The wife of J. D. Cheever, a PeonsyW rania salesman, made the discovery ot a petrified toad m a lump of ooal and this relic of the carboniferous aga, which Is sow In the bands of Prol Hambach, of Washington university has created a sensa tion in the ranks of the students of palaeontology, who have been favored with k view of it. Photography has attained a recognized position in medicine. There are amateur photographers on the staff ot nearly every hospital, and the extensions now being tarried on at the English Royal College of Surgeons comprehend a "photograph com." Before long the surgeon Will think 10 mors about carrying bis camera than be ices now of carrying his stethoscope. Lady Dufferln has been abenefactrrs to the women of two countries. Mnci the returned from India her el forts U belp women to study for the rnedica' profession have been ceaseless, as wd is to urge them to open f jc themselvet careers in India. Most of the province of Uralsk, it southeastern Russia, bavins an area ol 141,174 square miles and a poiiluation ol over 600.0UO, is below sea level. If not abovt bring taught bra man. take tlili rood advice. 1 ry IhAiUm' l.lectnc bap nex Monday. It won I cost much, and yuu will tliei mow lor yourself Just huw koimI It . B- sun lo get no uuitatio'u. 1 here are lots ol thoin. Reading cars, fitted out with the most popular periodicals and books, will be attached to the passenger trains of ths 5t Petersburg and Warsaw railroad. FITS: An Ftta noppeu rree ut Dr. Kltna'sOPMt Strvt heatorer. tin t iui fier dr day's uu. ve.'ous vurea. Treatite and fiuu trial uo'.tle rree i ilium. &nu iolr. Kiiue.Wil Ana at. ruuj.,fa Arthur On) ton, tlie British claimant, ilias Tichborne, is now employed as a waiter in a big drinking saloon in Bir mingham. Money Invested in choice one dnndred dol tar building lot in suburbs of Kansas City will pay from tlve hundred to one thousand per cent, the next few years under our plan. $JA eaih and to per month n iiliout Interest con trols a desirable lot. Particulars on applica tion. J. H.Bauerlein & Co.. Kmas Citv. Mo. There used to be female base ball teams, but as yet there have been no foot ball teams composed entirely of the gen tle sex. It Is a mistake to try and cure catarrh by sing local applications. Catarrh being a lonstitutlonal disease, requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla,, actlnj through the blood, reaches every part of the tystem. ew York City has been suffering an epidemic of "moths" and thieves. The moth will pass away but tht thieves will remain. Timber. Mineral. Farm Lands and Ranohes In Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas, bought and sold. Ivler & Co, Kansas City, Mb John Itu9kin says: "The good book ot the hour, then. Is simply the pleasant talk of some person whom yon cannot converse with, printed for yon." "Woman Her Diseases and Their Treat ment.1 a valuable Illustrated book of umntt. two pages sent free, on receipt of inc.. to cover cat of mailing, etc. Address, P. U. Box lutti. Fhila., Pa. Nine hundred and ninety-two women registered at Cheyenne, Wyo., for the 'ravntoltmna cr..i ,nm twenty-six miles into Cheyenne to vote. Rnprnre cureiruaraiifeed by Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St., i'hll'a. Pa. Ease at once, no operation or de lay from business, attested by thou sands of eures after others fall, advice free, send for circular. The Belmont family, fearing an at tempt to steal the body of the late Au gust Belmont, buried at Newp rt, baa t-stabli-hed a nightly guard at the irrave. Oklahoma Guide Boo nd Map sent anywhere n receipt of oucts.Ty ter . o.,lausas City, Ma Good Times at School. "Poor little fellow," said the aym Dathetio lady to the urchin who was truaeiDK trudging along with books and s'sts nnder his arm, "aren t yon have to go back to school? suppose you manage to have sorrv to ' ouii, ; great nsny gooa wmes. "lesm, was-ne reply, -a nave jnst put a lizard in tne teachers desk. mucilage in ner i?k ana dropped nlTla,e1?11 Johna7 ro mDd put bmbnrger oheese tn the pump, and school aint really opened ye either." watnmgton rosu --- jonnny Mr. Hankinson, ain't yon .1 i;i, -jii aiun mcui Mr. Hankinson--! suppose so, John oy;wnyr t,pP f J00 't "Mtly square, . ina vnn am a, . i,. round." v was n.vau . SV A tTCaj W Dealer "I am a handsomer carriage than this." I T,, ?r , I aiio. a. uou u, iw) uano-Jome enough, but tt looks too comfortable to 9'yuso- caiom gusmiiu uouae who a.nanier riawmorne, a lea recently. Wboevei' was aim jiawtoorn secured lame I not Immortality. tried Dr. Pierce's Prescription have Favorite yOU ajyj you're disappointed, j jJL owi nnT ,W.: The ate. j j-J . -,. ft,. J,,- And did VOU expect the CllS- ca. r ,irc tn .-ilesnrypar m VAO Wi v.i-- i I a week ? rut a pmcn oi mn- . - 1 r A. ww a in everv aose. iou wuuiu not Call the milk poor because the cream doesn't rise in an riniir? If there's no Water in it the cream is sure to rise. - - , J Tla If there s a possible cure, Ur. rierces favorite rrescnpuon is sure to effect it if erven a , s fair trial. You get your one dollar it costs back aeain n it dont benefit or cure you. We wish we could give you the makers' confidence. They show it by giving the money back again, in all cases not benefited, and it'd surprise you to know how few dollars are needed to keep up the refund, r r Mild, gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Cures the worst cases perntaTiently. JNo ex- Denmentine. Its "Old Re liable." Twenty-five years of success. Of druggists. fflvfetr eotumtruxi. Dom HnalL la nantnr Sm Uuui one-tcnta cent a dJ pmr ban. rrTnt and aires all diaraM. if JQtt cant Mltn aud or mall Mt-nMd. Oll PACK. SMS. CM 1 L. IM1D. fl l. Irani t-V ETpi iialrl TMtitnonlAla fi-M. Send rtamtw e Poultry ulde tone too.) fr wUhSLOt ASTHMA. Popham'a A s t a m a 'Slves Immediate relief. It Is believed to be the Kest ASTHMA Remedv Irnnarn tn hiimanifv. bend rr.r a xrlal raca- ag FREtC hold hv DrnffBiata. Sent bv mail, postpaid. forfl rar box. Address, THUS. fOFHAM 2uul Kidgs Avenus, Philadelphia. A Skin of Seamy is a Joy Forever. Dr. T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental Cream or MaMcaltatififir Rsmovas Tan, rump les, FrecK- les, Moth- we niaile. Acct pt no counterfeit of similar nam. The dNtniituislied Dr. L. A. Haver, said to a lady of the rautton (a patient): "As yuu ladles win us them, J recommend Gouraad'e O-un' aa the iaaat harmful or All tha akla prerarauana" One bocUa will laat all monuu, oalus Haterr dar. Alaooiidra Subtile nmona aaparai na mm ijry 10 ue BB3D FRRD. T.HOPKINS. Proprietor, W Great For sale by all I)rucitj and Faney Goods Peaiers throughout the U.S., Canada and curope. FRAZER AXLE GREASE It EST IN THE WoilLII. iTflwe.irtngquilitles are unsurpassed, act iij ouiiHsung 1 o ooies 01 any otner bran U. VUDVteU LtJ ; eUeutod heat. -ut:r tiiic GUN kOU SALE BK DKALEItS GEN HI ALLY. T "T rP I7"TrPt A. LEBMANN. X a"V L 1 al WaabluBtoB. U. C. OtAU rJK l.lKLAlt. r- auccessruiiy r-rosecutee viaima. ate Principal Kraratnar U H. Panalo a Bnraao. rraiaiMM war, r-a-tliiflirauniT'nna. AMj . l. . i lAllll.liv f noth 10 cuvar M aa. Ina lauuma.n., ivMiai mi TKun IODs lAtoMl iAtaaraaki 10.. luu.i. ASTHMA- SR. TIFT'S ABTHMALBUS -OIIDCfl'OTar fell,: tend usyoul 1-1r.. r will mail trial wwllkWiWTTLI O ? THE SI. TAFT l0t. M. C0.,0CHIS T iM.I. rKCaa Kcw fo Learn Modern i Languagi t, BartaAeia, S es ft rthont cort. Adclrf Ilpgwlt. HnKlAej,T. jf H U fn k enmana-lD. Arithmarla Sbort-luui-. etc. niir : I tborouguir uuim by MALL. Clreulare fraa Brraai'i 1 allege. 457 Wain Buffalo, w. y Mnra rQiiar rw a PncaSct.-1 J JUL if innCD C DAQTII I CO rncMcu. nmall. HtowaliaOa Fire has been worshipped as a divin ity. The platonists confonnded it with the heavens and considered It as the livine intelligence. Deafons Can't Be Cored iv local applications, as they cannot rsaeb ths liassd portion of ths ear. There is onlv sua aay to cure deafness, and that Is by constito- luuai reiuvuias. n-aiue a oausea uy an ln lined annditlon of the raucous lmlu of tba Eustachian Tubs. Wben this tubs gets lu- lamed you har a nimblinir sound or lmerfrct loarhig. auil whan It Is aiitlrsly closed, Deaf- i-ss Is the result, and unless tne luflsmmaflon an De tauen out ana mis turie restored to its lormal condlt.on, hsarlns will be destroyed fff.'SSrta? iatarrb. which Is nothing but an inflamed cod hi ion of the mucous sur We will kits One Hundred Dallam fnr ana ase of Deatness (caused by catarrh) that ws iuncn cure uy inning U11 I VAUrrn CUTS. wuu lur uirnuiara, iroe. F.J.CHKXEV ft CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists 7fcsuts. An illuminated yellow fan will 'or centuries. Illuminated paints )ody water colors that proceeded li ico very of oil paints. On Remedy For Ail Plssasss. Is true, however strange the assertion, (impound ot veiretabltM easily absorbed 2 fbi- to promote digestion, nutrition snd excre- lun. puriry the blood and secure healthy sotlon s mm liver, Kinneys, SKin, ooaets au he ancient formula adopted by ths he Middle Anes and known as Sit. or Bernard "'Seiaoie rills, win do, is such a remedy aod here is not one Ingredient In them not endorsed ry the experience 1 all schools ol medicine Ince Galen. Mo blood pur fler tn the world i iu rqnai int-m. A sample oi me si an equal them. A sample of the 1st. Bernard reeetauie rills will be sent free to all appli- ants. Address St. BeruardBox 2416. Sew York. Over 130 species of flsh abound along he coat of Urnguary and more than:, jo Blteciea of insects have b.n d wUhln Ita berl Guaranteed five vaar artrfit m. hmi vtH forta" on Kansas City property, Interest J""1" J si-uwuuB pnucipai ana in tar. verv six months : nrinnlnal mil inr- Bt collected when due and remitted without ai.ense lo lender. For sale by J . H. Bauerlein I Co- Kansas City, Mo. Write lor particulars! The Humboldt river, California, and ome of its tributaries are said to be torged in many places with oaroassesot tattle that perished last winter. tt. tv. vZY 7 , r' , . use the Frassr Axle Oraaaa. tls tlia ha a the world will wear twlca aa iona I my other. Ask joor dealer for it ad no other. L"W enter- aaiuing leiiow; aon t you think bo? Jcogg -les, but the deuce ot It is rou can 'i Degm to laugh until ton." be has I You've 'rllsa "CONDITION POWDER res IrUstra or mora. X. o. Jut -." : every bla- jfC ' o"- V hi "'-"l1 rrLyM iJ.Vf beauty.snd r. - pv JtA f ( denes de- Ai- jRSt teetlon. It I f-S5f" 1 has stood iVt f I the test of 5 -AV J o years; . V': i noother has, -; ;. iL T-'V.$SJ! s, and is so hartnlaaa taste It to ha inn ft la n . EUMOROU& Tnn Tvpvinr.l RUSSIAN WORDS. A tlVOZS - Bronsou "Did you hear of the sad fate of uoor OtfaloCskl. the Russian?" Johnson '-Xo; what waa it?" n, . "Ha i?ot into an altercation " " : a 1 lh with a fellow countryman, aim luOU. I1U. - revolver and made I nfrainffvi flat h is words. It killed I him " , RfirTAT,ST.Mr. Goodrei- low (waitlnc for Miss Beautl to appear) "Wasn't Mr. Van Nice Here last even- .tuTVlitr.lAt)rnthpr "Yen." .:50k?.! I X CPs X UU JCOl Will tWS -JCW W avw - h . ith , ter when ,,e gets her aiona" African' cotttest. "Mr dear air. vou have traveled In Africa! Do the African ladies suffer as much as we from the tvmnnv of man?" "Oh, no, the ladles there have special privileges " "How I lonir to be therel" "As 1 was going to say, at all the banquets the lady captives are always first eaten." Twice he wept. 'WIfe-"Ob George! Willie got bis little band caught in the fo lding doors to-day. and crushed his little fingers horribly. He cried and cried nntiU was reallyf lightened." George "Poor little chnpl I hear him crying yet; wrere is her" Wife "Oh, he's crying now because I won't let him do it again." I am going to be indiscreet. Miss Chicago," Oh, you can't be with me. Mr. Boston." "Jio? ell, I was just going to say how elegantly that Mg diamond iing does harmonize with your hands." Mrs. Bingo "Clara has been shop ping ail day. Oh, here Is the delivery wagon with some of the things she has ordered." Bingo "But where Is Clara?" Mrs. Bingo ''She Is probably wait ing ror tne change." Ills riancee "Are you sure you would love me lust as tenderly 11 our conditions were reversed it you were run ana 1 were poorr" lie "Keverse our conditions and try me?" The only thing that mars the dandy's peace or mind is the fact that he Isn't imported, like everything be uses. Meanwhile, from bis lofty place In the menagerie, the imported monkey looks down on him, and marvels. Jack "Why are you looking so sad?" Tom "I saw Maud throwing sly glances at Harry to-night." Jack "Cbeer tin. It was doubtless for you she meant them, though Barry got tneni. women can never throw straight you know." tlT ' OVT0 CXJOYS Both the method and results when Bjrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta ten tly jet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tha nly remedy of its kind ever pro dnced, pleasing to the taste and no eeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in hi effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. SvTUD of FifS a for m 1a fn R(Vi nd $1 bottles by all leading drug, fista. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN Fit AXCISOO, GAL. -.OUISVILLI, Kt. HEW TORE, ff. T. rVtttVt VEQETABLC. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. ABSOLUTELY SAFE. 9S Ctinf sts Baa S Boaas to SS ai Saat ay, aaaCNaaiaartytS an FOR BALE BY ALL DRUOOISTB. DR. J. H. SCHKXC-C a 90f . PhilalalplUa,r, F0R FIFTY YEARS 1 MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP 5""" nwd by mothers for their ohfldren hlla TeattUna for oer rifly Taara. It oothae the a.,llrl, aortena tha Buma, aUaTI all pais, ourea wfn.l eoUe, and uTtka baal nm&T for alarrhaau Twaaty-Sve Cents m. Bottle. SEEDS. Mv German eatalogne richly illustrated with directions ot sulture, Containing t Beat Vegetable, Flrrwer ana -arm Beads; also Balba, will be sent free to sverybody sending his addresss. Sl. XT t3Ha 3MLaSLITTaT 8ed Importer and Grower, 413 E. 34th Street. New York. -VASELINE- FOR A 0!tE-001.I,AR Bll.l. arat ns by nail we will dff l . r. free oi all charges, to any paraoo la the VnivA Stat, aU of foiiowina artlclas, oara fully packaji On two-oanee bottle of Pare Tuelrne. 10 One tw-onf bottle of Vaseltne Poouid - ".5 www jw w. , MPua inun, - - - - . ib One Crka of Vaaellne Cannhor Ice, . lo Oae Cake of Vaseline Soap, nnrntl, . 10" Ose Caaeof Vaaellne Soap, axqulaltoly ceatsd.-l " Om ivun bou.e of Watu VaaaUue, - . si. IS wysr pomoe " am afaob evftrlt of Xa prins wa aa aecmau oa perm-used fo aorept mm avararaoiriK aay vu-eje or preparation faWemaa tofcaUed arttk oar aauaa. oaoaaw voa arUl oer- eaaJv raoatoa tta tiaitaftoa wWcn feie attia or ao oaiae the-'g-raare. ytfj. Ca., "S4 Ktata Ht., W. Y. DIPPY iurro PJ11"' Mltto roemvr.LV BtMKI.IH, ik J. GataLY. 7U Waablnatar. air, a.. aTA H SBW asyj a. B sSJBJ aaa raasrncoiia . i - m " m aaad-book af J.B.CHALI.B a. CO., , "''-1 1 " . w -1 r 1 i - . v ' K WJ-.Ji Is Your I s. s. s. gives strength, health and vigor to weak and delicate children. NEVER WITHOUT IT. - About three years ago my little boy three years old was confined to his bed with what the doctors pronounced in flammatory rheumatism in bis left leg'. He complained of severe pains all the time, extending to his hips. I tried several remedies but they did him no good. A neighbor whose little son had been afflicted the same way, recommended 8. 8. B. After taking two bottle my little boy was com pletely cured, and has been walking one and a quarter ery Cay since. house all the without it. BOOKS ON BLOOD AND IRIS DISEASES THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. f-CLY'S CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal I FuufMi Allays 1-aJn Kuil IntlaniniatJon. Heal I f h Survt. Kntom 'AWAITS l l ;lvfa Kelief at Applr into tht SottriU. O0c Irtugguna or oy maiu . Chichester English. Red Cross Diamond bhaho m PEUtWRONMi rUiS -lijT TMt ORIGINAL AND OCNUIMC. Th alr SatK Snr, ni rriiafti. P1U ft nfe. 17 w rill. aah- rmHai far L'fceeA btt&M ) vttli blo rlboova. 1a. In aiBM tor Mrtieabaxs. lAsMMTMdswilila JVMMsNr. jU k-f mil Local lracfUa oiao'g REMEDY F03 JT cheapest. Kelief is Cold in tne Head it nas uo It la an f HntmenL. of wblrb nostrils. Fnae, toe S .Id Aflunu. irtuteflS a What would you FE5 who would take half your hard trorJc off your sJioiildm and do it without a murmur ? lYliat tcould you give to find an assistant in your housttcorls that would keep your floors and walls clean, and your kitchen bright, and ytl never grow ugly over the is just such a friend and "Do you find enough to keep you ousy tnee aaysr" "You bet. I'm Duttinir In biccer aay '8 wor2 these days than X ever did before." Why, 1 thought you'd given up your Job." "So I did. I'm looking for another." LrviXG and Drtxo. Sanso Old Brown lived loner, but his last years I were spend in a poorhouse. Kodd iban lie lived lone and died short eh? Veet riKELY "Charley btowIs be cause h s uncle is fo close." 'He'd get pretty mad if his uncle were to open his window and look ahmit for some fresh heir, Just the same." Her lamp was burning. "Whv burn your lamp so late my friend. into the dawning dayr" "Because," quoth the girl graduate, "This dude won't go away." A FINK LIKE DRAW!?. Mr. A Does your husband believe in corporal punishment In the household?" Mrs. B. Only to a certain nntnt. He's always whipping the children, but he thinks the dust should be got out of uid carpet uj moral suasion. A 1UAN VILLAGER.. Mrs. Dnnlilo. nouse-jake, our aarter wants a cabinet organ. Mr. Donbiehouse wall, I'll git her one. I don't like those new .ei hlmr vi uurs tor a cent. Crawford "Time Is money, you know." Merritt "And vet I would aonnnr have a girl who has fortv millions than one who has forty years." Doesn't that man look sheeDiali?" asked Mrs Keedick. les, but perhaps he has had the wool pulled over his eves." reolled Kan. QiCK. TVatts-MPotts shaves here sometimno. doesn't be?" Barber "Yes; Mr. Potts is one of mv irgumr cuenis." Potu -"cUentsI Don't you mean patients?" "What Is the name of the other vaga bond who was with you?" asked the magistrate. Jimmy the Calico." ".How did be ever ret a nm liVo tnatr" Because he wont wash." "Look here! Tou Inst lahheri ma the eye with your umbrella." "Too bad. Here's my father's card. He 8 an eye doctor, and if vou'll n. m name he'll give you bottom rates." Da Tow Vver aaoalatef Anv oaraon endla as tnelr name and ad- draaswiU receive information that will lrail to a fortune. BenJ. Lewis os Cu Security BrUidlng. Kansas City. Ma Mexican eontractyirs are imnortinir thousands of Chintse laboiers 10 work on railroads in course of construction in that land. Canil'n T llllifa- fiia-n n Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases. Nerv ousness, Ac Cure guaranteed. 831 Arch Street, Phllad'a. SI a bottle, 6 for $5, or druggist, looo certidcatea of cures. Try It- General Lee once ret used 2nn nnn and a royalty to write a southern 'his tory of the war. He did not think it proper to write and Dublish anvthino. on the subject doling bis Utetlme. "Brown's Bronchial Troeheaf Isnt for the relief ol Hoarseness or Sore Throat They ' are exceedingly eHectlve,"-Gftrfjn troru, umaon, Eng. Columbia Colipu nUI lDnrla.,1 aa, of about twenty acres In the best pwt nf 8W-,y Clty' wcxttl now 10.00 ', 000, and likely to double in value In the next decade. i..-T' Chinese H eadachs Care. Hannlesa ta effera, quiok aud p-jsitlre In actlSi att wjaadutt St- Kansas City, il. -Jockey Freeman haa aio-nari n .1.1. - -h W ljlH for i. E. Hltticit. WaffltotaJwith sorseyo, m Or. Iao Thorny aayo-wasse. IruarlataaaUatsa. r-r.7l Child Sick. His Perfectly harmless, yet so powerful as to cleanse the system of all Impurities. FHEE. miles to school ev I keep 8. 8. S. in my time, and would not be 8. 3. Cbkshtbk, Sastoo, Ga Atlanta. Ca. Tut inl Mnrll. and n once lor Cold in lleml. It U Onichly A b forbid. XX litfoa oo vt arren &u, a, wtta iHosnoswi Brand la Ned ar, I (iiA Tk tl-r kind. Asm wAsttfunm and xuUMsa tssuimui Ll. ol IC-lTff far tn trttr. k . CHICHCSTCII CHEMICAL CO . H. i'UlXAifi.U'J CATAJUtH. Best. . Ea1c to nw Immediate. A sure I equal. small particle 1s applied to tii it? crista or sent bv sialL by druggists or sent b E. X. H jit tiling va fou cn lessen ; i URDEKi MKMlialiS i seii pumwiw& purposes M give for a Friend matter ofliard work ? SapolU can be bought at all grocers. THE CHEAT ENBLISH REMEDY, BEECHAM'S PILLS Tor Bilious ml Nervous ffisnrfita "Worth a Onlnes a Box" but soil for 25 Cents, BT ALL Dill (.GISTS.' wsmmmBmusmam Stop tl2.CtX Chronic Cough Now. For If yon do not It mar becomn mn. snmptlra. ti.aMm;.(on, Scrofula, trnurRl Iirbility aua HumliMff I riaa.iaiiar SCTT'S Of Pure CoJ Liver Oil and HYPO PHOSPHITES Or X-laaa aaaac Boda. It Is almost as palatable as mtlk. Far better than otlirr ao-raiirl Einulsloua. A wonderful OosQ pruduoer. Scott's Emulsion nei There are poor Imitations. Oet tht gmub m Uoire af0fl GE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE K-0,.',e""l"e IHKI-wor- an Hand-ae-red 1'uf draaa (ibna wlilcn oonunor-ia Iba-if. i? ti?'."1 'i "y4 Md durability. rJ.SO GaadTlar Welt al tba al bboe i at a popular orlca Welt A rtoo sail aooe atndard diua l Staaa w apry adae-d All nuule Id 3 S-,.r.i-.d'", onl' haad-aawed Shoe at una popular prtoa. 2"J Uon0l" "ham far I.adlea, tianawta f"" ana promnaa to beeurue my popular. ...V.? "S f-aaiea, and 8 1 .73 far 1 aUU retain tbetr aaoolleiiae tor atyla, ato. OOttom. If adTertlaed loral anml nnmi t,nni- 41 iroooa wimntMl and etjmKt wi, s aand dtreot lo faotitnr enou d wii - apuatal fnr ardor hlanka " W, -.. KOlDUg, nroektoa. W.-a. GRATEFUL-COMFORTINO. eoooA BREAK-PACT !Tn?ri ,n "' n,"u' d.-jlor.1 bills. Wrnnauih " "rradaallv built up ontil "ad5.?Lb,hmaUu1l, m n-x'"- arcu.,1 us OTaSVZ, bln mV SOU 4AJl"Ui?Si,,l'r,r ,rno. labelled U.U.: T prewnba ana folly e nor o aa Uta onlf apfitlf tortbrcerlaini.urS (f thta disease. . U. US O fa A H A K . Jf, P Amatcrdiiin, . f We bare sold PI Li I" mauy years, aod II uaS pi -en tne beat of astir faction. u I L ll - ai.PO. Bold by Lin-.-sls'.a ITS STOPPED FREE I insin rrsrLt Henoraq, FDr.'MhbaT L... NERVE RESTORES ra rar a-tim Aa.u. t". ,m. I. , --- -una. io rn ITV. " ' T and i irial .! trn - J"u..brraya.aai.rr,h.F1.-no. b '7 ? ta. SLINK. KU Arch Si., ki -.1-1, l,u. r- Unana. Does Your HiO-iCH? BRDM0-SFIT7FR la A GUSRAMEED CURE Trial mn f Hill DATS. VI K , -fOaaraauM aol ta M fjfcjf aaaaaSinalaia. V Eaal MrSaaljbylka V Cissies! 9s. IOC r."tm" rHSC-inre5r B Wa Drmaalaaa aauiaaaa, as. 4 -a .....