Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 28, 1891, Image 2

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    ... iimmlHWlVSJZlZ" .1111
WEDNESDAY, JA'. 29, 1891.
editor i riOHIlTO.
New YoKk and Chicago aro the 2
best places in America in which to
acquire the bring: lansuag-es. There
are people in the two cities, who
speak, read and write all of the lan
Senator Camekox was re elected by
a mniority of both branches of the
Legislature. The Tote in the house
stood, Cameron, 113; Black 77; Tag
gart 7; Dr. T. L. Flood, 3; Judge
Harrj "White, 1. In the Senate:
Cameron 31; Black 17; Sibley, 1.
Ci'sRF-ssaiAX Mills, an aspirant for
the Fr-caktrf-bip of the next Congress j
which wiii contene next Jlarcii, an
which will be largely democratic,
ruled himself out of the race on the
20tb, by showing h'.H untrustworthy,
excitable naturo, by ruuniug to the
sneaker's dohk and nbaking his fist
under lieed's none. The fuss waa
about the reading of the journal of
the House. The Democrats wanted
it read in full. Reed ruled that the
journal as read by the Clerk of the
Houso khould etand, aud refused all
motions to tho contrary, and it was
Reed's rulings the caused Mills to
caper around whaling his lists like a
The gold men who expect to prof
it to the extent of million, if tliey
- -event the her Cv;up - of Bil-
yti, il"e succeeded in uroppilig a
drag net in Congress by instituting
an investigation to learn whether
any Congressmen have b6&n buying
niter with the expectation of making
money on its advance in price. It
seams like unadulterated captious
ness to hide their own wrecking
methods, to find fault with Congress
men or any other persons who buy
Bilrtr, -while they are constantly do
ing their best to rulei t out as mens
and tuake it on article of merchandise.
It is the fault of the conspiracy of
the gold men against silTer, that sil
ver id left to float among tho people
tf the world upon its own merits.
If Congress wcnld do as the people
would do within the period of one
hour, if they Lad tiie piker question
tu decide, it would give silver the
same right of free coinnga, that gold
has in the mints of the country, aud
tbat would settle the question. The
drag nt to liah fur people, who Lavt
beeOfbuying silver is only a small way
of whipping tbo Devil around the
stump to divert attention from their
ownjwork. "Why did they not propose
to investigate the gold buyitg people,
who expect to be so incalculably en
riched, if si'.vflr can bo set aside as
money? In the silver question they
learned tbat Senator Cameron had
pureha'J about one hundred thou
sand dollars worth of silver. Hav
ing learned that what are they going
to do about it? He had the right to
buy it, just as he has tho right to
buy anything that is in the market
for sale. If the gold bugs would do
as Senator Cameron proposes, nam
ly to ro-estHblish the fre coicago of
silver, just as in times j ast, wl-.eD
debts wre mado payable, iu lawful
UniUd States coin gold or silver
they would not bo fooling away their
time in tho interest of men, who pro
pose to establish the gold standard
for the payment of the bonded in
debtedness of the world. The great
est financial panic the world has ex
perienced since the breaking up
of the Roman tinpiie wiiltaka place
when nil payments are required to
be mudo in gnld. The investigation
is a dodge of the gold men.
Was attended with considerable
ceremonious display, and the uutei
ritied were in lianisburg in unpre
cedented numbers.
The Governor's addrers opened
with a recognition of the custom of
dulivering an inaugural address fore
shadowing the exwution of the Isws,
and xpressod thanks to De'ty for
bleseings b sluwwl and aked for a
contiuuince of Heaven's favor.
He said Four int.oriant prob
lems confront Constitutional ' en
forcement: Purification of Elections;
Taxation; Municipal GovernLoeit.
He declared the constitution of
Pennsylvania to be a l-oucI o' organ
ic law- In it there is no hostility to
any individual or corporate. " His
evi-ry power shall be exercised to en
force tho constitution. He consid
ered it futile and foolish to deny the
great benefits confessed upon society
by corporate capital. It is hoped
that some means may be found to
prevent corporate power becoming
superior to tho Common wealth, the
law ami the peop'e.
Under his second point that of e
lections ha spoke of ballot rofoiui.
The conllict between pi.rl:es has giv
en birth to many phases cf corrup
tion: to the use of moner; to T.ilso
registration; to intimi l itioc; to false
counting: to mirk, order and sup
press ballots. The worker in euch
method is tho foe to our institutions.
"WLen money shall be king at the
Ameiican polls, money will be kia
fit American Capitols."
Fifteen states of tho Union have
responded to ballot reform. Tho
Australian ballot system is the best
agency yet devised for purifying e
loctions. To secure ballot reform: a perfect
secrecy of tho ballot requires an a
mondment to tho State constitution.
The constitution requires each ballot
the numbered lor identification,
which makes it easy for unserupu
lous election officers to iearn 1 ow in
dividual citizens vote. To rtfoim
the abuses, a constitutional conges
tion is necessary, and there is no
reason why such a convention should
not be assembled at an early day,
and complete its deliberations and
submit them to the people for their
approval or rejection within, the pres
ent year. A secret ballot is the Lid
lot reform that the people mos. want
and that cannot be secured save by a
Constitutional Convention.
Under his third point, that of Tax-
otion. He spoke of the "equalization
of the burdens of taxatian." There
can be no excuse of houses and farms
bearing ten times as much of the
public burdens as personal property
A Revenue Commission has present
ed diverse reports on the subject
taxation for the people and their re)v
rtsentatives in the legislature, and
he will not anticipate the discussion.
but sucrsrests an examination of the
several bill". He uvges the aboli
tion of the olSco of Mercantile aj
pi aiser.
Under his 4h'acd last point he spot
of Municipal government Municipal
Governments, that is city govern
ments in Pennsylvania, have few
rights under the constitution that
the Letrislature is bound to respect.
Nearly half of the people of Ibis
Commorwea'th, live in citiey. Un
der the new charter the mayor of
Philadelphia is to b free from po-
lit'cal interference or cona-ol and
ret city employee aro iuse,ised for
rciitvsl burooeos. lie asks wouui
it not I e si'io to reserve to tho Com
monwealth the power to remove any
city official, whose abuse of au
tuority, transgresses the ri.-dit of the
minority of tho individual? He
speaks against the removal of public
servants for political ;easons. The a-
baudonmont of servants to personal
authority of party leaders, he char
rcterizes as the reduction of indepeu
pendwnce to a dream. " hue pat
ronage lie says does not strengtn-
en parties. It does strengthen par
ty leaders of a certain type; indeed,
without patronage men of that type
would not become leaders at alL
He closre the message with a num
ber of suggestions to the Legislature:
First The necessity of an appor
tionment under the late census.
Second. A more affective civil
service in tho State appointments.
1uua- ln sub8'ittion of ealer-
ies for f;t 3 in office.
Fourth The inspection and reg
ulation of State and private banks.
Fifth More power for the Audi
tor Generp'.
Sixt'i. More power to enforce the
law, relative to the investment of the
S'cking Fund money
Seventh. Revision of the mining
Pennsjlvanla Tours;
The wonderful popularity of the
Ptnnsyhania tours to the Golden
Gate is best illast'r.'.cd by the fact
that the full cmrpleiao'it of passen
gers for l'.io firsi. stalling on Feb
ruary 7th, rog'stered six weeks be
fo -e the date of the tour.
Tho sr. ..co in the first tra'n being
all taken e igagements are now being
made for the lemainder of the series.
The second tour, fixed for March 3d,
is au exceedingly desirable one, on
account of the interesting -route
traversed, ns well by reason of the
fact that its members are in Culifoi
nia a. what many consider the most
delightful season of tho year. East-
em peoplo wuo desire to see tlio
Goldon Coast in its most attractive
garb cor'd net choose a more desira
ble opportunity.
Names aro being registered veiy
rapY'y for the secoud tour, and
thos vtho w ish to maks their go: lg
ciiiain should apply at once for tick
ets The magnificently appointed train,
presenticg all the comforts of home
or hotel, is not the leaut conspicuous
feature of these great transcontinental
For itineraries aud tickets apply
without delay to Geo. AV. Boyd, As
sis ant General Passenger Agent
Philadelphia, or Tourist Agents
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 233
South Fourth Street, Philadelphia,
or 84 Broadway, Now York.
Real before the Juuiala Com ty
Fanners' Institute by Miss Lizzie
Blasuoke, Yau Dyke, Pa.
"The Beaut:ls of Nature." This
earth on which we live is richly frrn
Mied and decoiated vrith objec's
which attract the rttontion and
p'ease the eye of theves of bar 'y.
The moantairs sad Li'ls, the forest
ana la-id'caes, t le e.. rings and riv
ulets, a e a .o:g some of the beac
t'es of natu ,-: and not only these
minute objects, but the ocean, the
s'.y, the clouds, the sun, that great
monarch which rules the sky. The
moon and stars, which giva us liht
by n;;ht with numerous other thingi
are all clot jed with beanty and 6np.
ply the admirers food ior study and
rejection. In the book of Genesis,
we are told by whom and how these
things aio formed- God is tho au
thor and Creator of all. By the
word of his mouth he spake evory
thing into existence. Were it not
ior this narrative we should be en
tirely ignoraut of the creation.
There is beauty in the rainbow, tbat
God set in the clouds as a token of a
covenant made with Noah ad his
posterity, that he would no more
destroy the earth by a flood. There
is beauty in the wing so light, and
steps so soft of the leathered warb
ler, as he happily trips from limb to
limb, singing sweet praises to his
Maker. The vivid flashes of light
ning and reverberating Founds of the
peals of thjuder that fol'ow shaking
the eaith and causing us to tremble
at the iower displayed by the Ruler
of the Universe, portray an indes
cribable amount of beauty. What
an aspect ol radiacce the sun brings
with it. as it comes booming over the
eastern mountains: and a day some
times appears when God allows the
clouds to hide it irom our view, for
getting that there is beauty in the
elouds, and that each has its "silver
bring." "We will take the flower.
They rre particularly pleasing by
their simplicity. Ont single element
under i'ie forming hand of nature,
asumes all this beautiful ' variety.
The moisture of the earth and air,
inricu .tes itself into the vessels of a
plant ard niters through a series of
transparent tul ;s. This is the
cause of all the beauties which we
observe in the vegetable kingdom.
If each color had its particular cause,
the surprise of the beholder might
not be so great, but we contemplate
wil'i delight and are never weary in
boLolding and admiring as the affect
of s ipernatural wisdow a work,
which so diversified in its parts, is
neverthless perfectly simple as to its
Our minds are enlarged and
drawn to him, who Las formed them
aud painted the tiny petals with his
own hand Divine. How pleasing
their combination, how admirable
their diversity of shades. The col
ors are exquisitely touched with
lighted pencil and arrest the eye by
their brul'.ancy and deeper glow.
ihe ground color is always sucu as
to show the pict ire stretched upon
it to the best ad vantage, while the
-reeu snr. oundiug the flower, or the
shade of the leaves gives life to the
whole. How great and numberless
are the works of God. We cannot
sufficiently admire the erandeur of
his designs, the magnitude of his
designs, the magnitude of his views,
or the wisdom he employs in their
execntion. It is only with labor and
incessant toil, that men can accom
plish any single work, and after
many fruitless efforts, at length
sometimes succeeds in imitating some
of natures work. But supreme pow
er in a single moment has given life
to millions of beiDgJ, and has creat
ed them in perfection according to
their diOorent states and degrees.
There is beauty when the cold,
gloomy, winter, with its chillv winds
is past and spring with its smiling
face comes greeting ns, bringing
with it the genial rays cf the sun,
which cause the leaf and tender
blade to come forth and tho earth
and trees to be arrayed in u mantle
of green. What pleasure it affords
us when we are pressed down with
the cares, toils and trills of life to
resort to the forest and take refuge
under the shadowy wincrs of the
tatuly oak and pour out our hearts
to God in prayer, where no human
eye beholds us. For a short time
only we were permitted to admire
the trees thus arrayed, but what a
different spectacle yonder mountain
presents w crand j Uow
-.uine I Since the frost has chang
ed its coat of green into brighter,
gayer wardrobe of various colors.
The best arti&t on earth could not
produce or paint a picture half so
lovely. But the cold winds of win
ter have swayed the land, and every
leaf is laid low to moulder and decay.
Juniata Nursery.
All kinds of fruit trees for sale at
wholesale or retail. Write for price
list, to S. F. Hime,
Cocolanius, Juniata Co., Pa.
Nov. 19, 3m,
Oakland Mills Notes-
Air. Ed it ol :
The protracted meeting is still
progressing under Rev. B. H. Hart
at present da?e.
Oakland Literary Society is still
progressing. Last Thursday even
ing a deep question was debated:
Resolved : "That an educational qual
ideation is requisite to be eligible to
the jury box", but neverthless we
had men of talent and culture, men
who can debate scientific and educa
tional issues of the day, men who
have been trained not to merely say
a few funny remarks, but discuss
from a firm and sound basis. That
is the way to have a good society.
We niubt work together and if difli
ctilties arise stand up, brave and
firm and the victory will be curb.
We wish Oakland Society abundant
success in its future undertakings.
sen as clerk ior A. J.
Sausmaa next
That word Homeopathy has
brougbtj.ibout a great deal of con
fusion aud talk. Mr. are you suie
you are the one wo mean, aro you
willing to be qualified, we mean you.
If not keep quiet You like tho
homeopathic. If doctvrs get those
kind of physicians. But you still
wdl praise up homeopathy and get
ireaiea pv aiiopatuics wni-n con
vinces us vou arc wrong iu vour mo
An oration was delivered ct Oak
land school house, Thursday even
ii'g for lx.ut.fit of socitty. Subject
"Battle of Fredericksburg."
Cob. Re. Si-ondent.
There are more people cross-eyed
in the tongue thau iu the eyes; they
talk one way while they think anoth
er. Josh Billings.
Gold nuggets as large as hazel
nuts have been found iu Brock creek
a stream of about 5 miles long in
T 1 l T .
iucks county, imagine tuo excite
Philadalphia, has a vitob-craft
ca.se in court in which one citizen
sues another to recover money and
property p.tid to be relieved of the
spell of witch-craft.
A cabel report came to Now York
recently that 100,000 bushels of
Scotch potatoes will be promptly
bought by the British Government
for distribution among its suffering
subjects, chiefly in Ireland. This, it
true, will cut off useful Eupplies of
foreign potatoes from this marke
An exchange says: "In putting up
ice do not use pulverized ice to fill
in the spaces between the cakes if
you can get snow. It is much easier
to fill with snow, each layer of ice
can be kept level, and when remov
ing the cakes they como out without
any trouble. Try thii plan and vou
will never use pulverized ice to fill
the space again if you can help it
Tl. 1,1 4 i 1 , , .
luctimrai uiDuiii ine world IS
said to be a citizen of San Salvador,
Central America He declares that
he is lbU years old and attribute!
his longevity to his regular mode of
of hvmg eating but onco a day of
the strongest and most nourishing
iooa ana lasting on the nrst and
fifteenth day of each month when he
dunks as much water as he can boar,
From the Philadelphia Times:
fliARTis s r erry, utiio, January 21.
Robert Beavou, who lives on a little
farm up Glenn's run, was in Martin's
r trry to-day and told of a big drunk
an ong his cows, hogs, dogs and
chickens and two deaths from the
same. Mr. Beavon brought aa em
pty whisky barrel for domestic use
and took it homo. OpeniDg it he
found several piecesof meat, which
he fed to the pigs, dog, cows and
chiokens, which had a bad affect a
them. The dog and one hog died,
the cows staggered and made the
most hideous noise and the'pis
squealed as never before. The
chickens acted strangely a.nd fell
from the roosts that evening. All
the animals that had eaten the meat
were drunk.
wTh editor of the WiUiamspori
Republican wrote a notice of three
applicants for commissioners clerk
ad referred to them as "leapers.
The intelligent compositor made it
read "loafers" and bloodshed was
only prevented by a profuse apology
on tho part of the editor, coupled
with permission to the offended trio
to call at the office and kill the com
A well-known farmer of Bucking
ham, Bucks Co., owns several farms.
One of them has been uatenanted
for some time. The owner of the
property, who also owned the farm
implements, left them there until t
new tenant should take possession.
His own home was several miles p.
way, and he only visited the farm
occassional y. Kecenllv at each vis.
it he missed une farming imple
ment, and at his last visia he discov
ered that even-thing movable bad-
been taken away, even to hen-coops,
corn-cribs and small out houses, onlv
the houso barn and land remeined.
By inquiring of the neighbors the
owner learned that -a farmer living
near by had frequently been seen on
the premises lately. With a dark
lantern one night, the plundered
farmer, visited the suspected man's
p!a-e. and found there his sheds,
cribs, sleighs, p'ows, barrels, hoes,
rakes, axs in fact every implement
aud utensil formerly on his own farm.
The robber admitted Lis guilt, and
the owner maguanimously told him
if he would move everything back
ho matter would bo dropped.
Farmers passing the next day and
seeing wagon loads of farm "imple
monts moving into the farm-vard
thought a new tenant had taken pos
session. Ex.
Hold It to tbe I.lgHl.
The man who tells you confiden
tially just what will cure your cold,
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this
year. In the preporation of this re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds no expense is spared to com
bine onlv the best and purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bid
sam to the light and look through it
notice the bright, clear look ; then
compare with other remedies. Price
50c aud $1. tf.
Sugar wrter is a sweet fluid cb
tiined from the mapl. ;Sorae '
have a taste for it, while otheis
do cot like it, yet t-veryono appre
ciates tbo sugar manufactured from
it, since it cun be used with "eatable
viands," to make a fair dish.
Yet it cannot be had at all
times. Like the wheat and fruit of
v.cbnrus it bos its seasons, It de
pends when people seek it whether
they shall get any or not.
Suppose a company go to seek this
water in early spring. They soi au-
g-r several cavities in a trea, and
obtain it by the quart on account of
seeking at a good time. They are
successful on account of searching
in the season that the fluid cm be
They that seek mo early shall find
m," eaith God. By this there are
times to seek God. The early and
earnest seeker finds. - The Bible
Leaches : "Seek ye the Lord while ho
may be fonnd; call ye upon him while
Ue is near.
Suppose another company not know
ing marie season g-j aad seek this
water with which to mako sugar, in
the autumn. They open the tree by
rugur and gimb'.et, but fail to get
what thoy are seeking. hy T be
case tue - are seekers out oi soason
too latf bucli may be com
pared to the five foolish virgins, who
had lamps but no oil iu them, when
:t was sa'd, "behold the bridegroom
comelh, and who went off to get oil
to fill their empty, neg'ecte.l lamps,
while in the meant'' me the brtfe-
6. room came and withdrew within.
taking with him the five wise virgins
and shut the door. Yet the five un
wise returned and knocked, but were
told by the Lo,-d that be did not
Fuow them. They sought him to
late, and were unprepared for his
summons. Such a. a the kind of
peoplo that waste their chances,
seeking to late.
However there is a wide difference
between tho ''water of Life" and su
gar water. Tho one is from the
Lord. Tho other from a tree. The
one nourishes the soul effectually; the
other is about as palatable as any
well, spring or drinking water.
Christ said to a woman who gave
him water from a public well, that
thsy that drink of the water he gives
will never thirst. He is holy bread
or living water from heaven for souls.
Why should any turn away or
seek out of season the valuable, in
comparable water from Christ. Seek
it during the spring grow th and
blossoms of privileges. Don't re
fuse aud spurn until the autuma of
life and chances, since then the blos
soms and groen of opportunity may
fall off perhaps like the leaves.
A Cure Tor Constipation and
Sick. Headache.
Dr. Silas Lano while in tho Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that
when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. It is in the form of
dry roots and loaves, and is known
as Lane's Family medicine. It wil
cure s'ck headache in one ni"-ht.
For the blood, bver and kidneys, and
foi- the clearing up of the complex
ion it does wonders. Druggists still
it at 50cts a package. tf
Notice U hereby pveo that n appeal will
bo held at the Commioeioners' OKice, Mif
nmtown, as follow. s "For tbe Tf ZfT' slttt
rtheKiTer,onFiDAT, FEBRi'Aar 13tu
1891, and for the East Sid, Sati.dat
F ibecart, Htu, 1891, when ,d where all
persons who think them.elveg aggrieved by
the late assessment can attend it they think
proper. By order of County Commission.
. . C'UA- B CBAwroao,
Commissioners' Offlice, Mifllin- I Clerk
town, Pa., Jan. 15, ltsUd J
blood purlflcr.
a .it Ttt.erritaail OA
f)0HT take Sunmbluei eks "Jojt
Brown's' Sarsaparsllai
Rtck Headorhsaiul rsliers all she troubks tod
dent to a biliiws stats of taa ap stum, susb a.
Iliunxn. Xauasa. Drowsiness Distress after
eating, Paia in taa aids. Ac WU1U thau- most
reuaJaabis success kss bcaa aaowa la euriug
Beadavbe. yt Cum'i Lnwva Uvea Pnxa
aro equally TaltuUile In Constipation, carina:
ami ppetin- this rujnocmir complaint, while
oar also somut all disorders of tha svsnaeh.
ittnnulaie 111 lirar and rcauaua Loa tona,
tiy only cured
Arhe thsy would as almost pricalas. so those
who suffsr from tais distressing; complaint;
bnt fortwnalaly tttrtr doortnass does aot end
hare, and those who oava try Uira will and
these HiUe nil's valoahta In so many ways Uiat
they win ao so wuaas; rJ sw
lint alter ansicK ncj
Is the bane of 90 maay lives that
we make our great
. uoast,
Our pills sure H
while othars do not.
Cartxk's Lmu f jvn Pilus awe very small
and rery essy to taa. fine or Pm pins make
a doae. Tliey are ssrlctly wawtable and do
not aripe or punra. but by their Batk sat ion
Slaass all who use lhara. ln viah at SS wrtw
re for 1 1 . Sold everywhere, er sent by mail
0A2TEX VXZUati CI, Mrw Yak.
biHKL Ulb. Hl&n
I took Cold,
Z tool SlcJt,
I t&ke M y Meals.
I tnlio My Rest,
fettius text too, o Scott's
rnulsion of Pure Cod Liter Oil
arftl Hvpophosphitesof Limaartd
Soda N,r ON! v ct'11" Mr IiM'frs-
tiAiir. Take ko cn ksju
of good charac
ter To Sell
Give references, and apply to
4U West Cbestor, Cboster Co., Fa. ff
In Its First Stages.
B swre you pel tKe piintis
Worth Knowing,
Tbat I can stop toothache in less than
five minntes; no pain, ne extracting.
Tbat I can extract teeth without pain,
by the nsa of a (laid applied te the teeth
and gums j no dangor.
That Diseased G n m a (known
as Scnrvv) treat Hrrp ed succossfully
and a core warff'joTranted in every
case. JtiJuX
Teeth Fiilib and warranted for life.
Artificial Toeth repaired, exchanged or,
remoddled, tram $9.00 to $12 per set.
Beautiful Gam Enameled Teet Inserted at
prices to suit all.
All work warranted to give porfect satis
faction. People who have artificial teeth
with which they cannot eat, are especially
invited tecall.
Terms Cash.
G. Li. DERR,
Oct. 14 '85.
GettyNburgr, Pa. .
FOUNDED IN 1832. Large Faculty.
Two lull courses of study Classical
snd Scientilic. Special courses in all de
partments. Observatory, Laboratories acil
new MymusMiim. Three Urge buildings.
Steam heat. Libraries 22,(KM) volumes.
Expenses low. Department ol llygiene
and Pbysicsl Culture in charge of an ex
perienced physician. Accessible by fre
quent Railrosd trains. Location on the
Battler iKLn of Gettvsbnrz
sndhealthy. PREPARATORY DE
PARTS! EXT, in separate buildings for
boys and young men preparing for busi
ness or College under special csre of tbe
Principal and three assistants. residing with
students in the building. Fall terra opens
Sept. 4tb, 1890. For Catalogues, address.
11. W. McKMUHT, D. D.,
President, or
Kev. H. G. BUEHLER, A. M.,
Getty.barg, p..
1 Q1!
Tho mortality In tarpe cities ts due to the Oct
bTfd. bad Zr. and bad "ZX&
.-rom tho largest bone down to tbe smallest nwr , m
IhoTe body U fed, .applied with new S
alive and healthy by tlio flow of Mood. In mciuw a,
the most important part of the rystoui.
indeed, it Is claimed there can be ""Jl.'S
occasional brain tro-blo, when the blood la pure ana g
Trora..llapnrtdcs and cnr.che.the Wood I
and Invigorates the entire system. 3
Cnws Creek, WasUlncton Co Pa. .
Alfred C. Stephenson, writes, -I U.lnk Brown'. Sana. -partita
can not be e-juuUed as a blood por.fter.
Anna B. Crook ofStonchoro, Mercer Co.. Pa.,
have used Brown's BarsaparUia, and Had It a great ;
. Knttlflft for I.OO
m cood." IT 13 HOT
OoneHimptlon 8tirely Cured.
Co Turn KaiTosu-P-s-e yo""e"
bail ha, a positive ranted tor tbe aoTamad
77, - B. AWttmely nsa thoasana. of bopatass
ZZZLrfL p.n-.tl, eared, r be glad
TZnU wolKto.fyray"t0-',
oar rasdan who hsra sonaamntioa If "T
sead ne tbair Esarsas and P. O. addrass. Baapert
teuy. t-. oioctiat. JCli.UU 11 -.
The greatest improvement la
Corsets during the past twenty
years is the use of Coraline in
the place of horn or whalebone.
It is used in all of Dr. Warner's
Corsets and in no others.
The advantages of Coralina
over hom or whalebone are that
It does not become set like
whalebone, and it is more flexi
ble and more durable.
Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets
are made in twenty-four differ
ent styles, fitting every variety of
figures thin, medium, stout,
long waists and short waists,
Sold everywhere.
New York and Chicago.
to sell our Knrstrv. Stock Sslt'ry, Kz
feiircssnd Su-sriy Jnplojment guaranteed
Rochester, 5. V.
Dec. 20, 'W.
On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
It la RhantutWy pom Blr-iT ematrmtd. U
Juntity It cMtA lew thn lnth of a n a dr.
irictiT ft rrMNlioloe. FrvvtMi am o-ji-mbvII 41mak.
Good for yourv klck-L Worth more thaa n-'ll
b bnai Moult. h.rv ran nTMt mo w,
"'ad vis for $S to prva.f, ronp, ui a cmomcr.
If Jon osvn't It wfxl rj a cvnto f'r two psvrki ;
flvn $1. A 1 1-4 rvttin1 nn $1 Kpaid ; can 4.
nprrtjpald. -THW. BRhT frWLIprPAPKK." mud
p) ct-py fi-M. Tottlb-r V.suHnif Gatdo Ci-m aitl, ft
Criuiw r tuoro. L S. JOikXSOVA Co., Boaon, Maaa,
ITIuvt I pty Ctrca I sV evsae F-ar'.y tu
Itcp thtun for a time, aad fhea hsv fltwna (
turn asrain. I ubaji a RADICAL Qrar7-
1 hae oaace taa dlarsss af
ITAIilill CIC3a05XSS,
A tlfo-long srady. I wtMiir sny remedy to
Coua Uia wont cases. Seeaase otbers bava
lulled is no reason for aot bow reeatnnr aenra.
Bscd at once tor a treatae aad a V SB a Bottlb
of cir JarALLBUi Hsmsbt. Otre P.xpresa
and Post Otnce, It aosta yea Bothlag lot
trial, and It wiH core yoo. Address "
H.Q. ROOT, M.G, I run It, RnXtM
to weaic mm
Boffsrinc rmsi th. .Basts of youthful errors, early'
srIUi(TnkHH, lost manhood, ens., I will
aud a valuable tromtiM (aralrd) containing fall
pertienlars for home cure. F R EE of ehaiin. A
splendid medical work : .hould b raad by ererr
man who Is nervous aad debilitated.. Addiwaa.)
Trot, W. C FOWLER, ZHooOwa, Conn,
This standard brand of
tobacco is acknowledged to hp
the best chew and the largest
piece for the money in the mar
ket I Inco tin tag on each lump.
Its extensive sale for many years
has established its reputation,
fherc is nothing better. Try it
ATor sale by dealers and grocers.
as j
4 mJ4
rsrruTvr; STORE,
. 11. n:ri no a tnftl
Quick Sales an J small profits, is our mow
Hollobaugh & Son.
- , trw rrmn i
We have iust re stocked our
store with Winter Goods for
our customers.
The Senior member of the
firm has iust returned from
Eastern Markets, where he se
lected with great care the goods
that his many patrons favor.
tmQTt ia mnrp mm- ,
llUr UBtUI LUlctn. io.-.-
nlptP than ever. Come and see.
Our customers have appreciated
our efforts to give them goods to
suit their purposes, and we
1 Al aV VtS- f f al rTA-a
no Tnrl fri.in over to merit their
conGdence. We invite you to
come and see ana ue eitiieucu.
tn mip ilrpss p-oods deDartment
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
buited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
t"n r ' led by the manufactures
al 11 r
wo nave mem an. ne uau
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a full line i
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
line OI
Also, the only full
U E E N S W A R E .
in me county . ery nouse
must have its lull Supply Ot
Queens and Glassware, this is
iiie store to call on for such ar
ticles. TOBACCO-
To the lovers ol the weed,
we say we keep the best brands.
All orders by" mail -will re
ceive prompt attention.
Fiemcmber the place,
Mai Stueet, Oppobith Court TloVHZ,
All ill iiit own.
Frcd'k 1SII:aSC1IAIK
fc t?on.
.m . ....
it properly msnnged. Tho Philtst Bi;l-
lktix, published monthly, finely il!uslratfd,
is the best paper for lancicr and farmer.
Less than Btj cents a month brings it to
youpostpsid. Send stampafnrssmplecopy.
Address Poultry fiullch, 826 Pesrl St.
New Yore.
WarrMmt Ol Wmrim, old womaw. so hismT
Wrra Black Diamond RoorNC to com tri srr.
OecAunt IT aulsadv covin thb karth.
Send for Illustrated circular to
Me Eiiret, Jr., & Co,,
438 Walnut Street.
Robber Shnee nnless worn nncomforUblt turht
wul ofteu slip off tbe fret. To remedy
this eril the
offhoe with the tiwkle of the heel lined with
...... Klm niicia ax
the KubbtT from alimin. .
ennp. t the shoe andprerenU
Call for the M Colcheeter
and you can walk, ma orimnp ln Vheiu.
. c.n.l Rtraver. we offer epecial
Levis K. Atuiiiii. F. M. at. Piuxill.
Collecting and ConTayanclng prompt
ly attended to.
Orricz On Main street, In place of resi.
dene of Louis X. Atkinson, Esq., south of
Bridge street. fOct 26, 1886.
tryoffics on Bridge street, opposite
Court House.
Joan KcLACoaiua. Jessra W. Stimmii
jyOnly reliable Cempanies represented.
Jan. I, 18f9-ly
bars formed a partnership for the practice
of Medicine and Ibeir collattersl brsnchrs.
Office at eld stsnd, cerarr ef Third and Or
ange streets, MifHiutown, Pa. One or both
ot them will be t'eand at their office at all
times, unless otherwise professionally sa.
April 1st, 1890.
Ob and after Snndsy Dec. 14, 1HW,
trains that step at Mifflin will run as tollowi:
HiBlin Accom modatinn lesres Mifflin at
6.40 a. m.. Port Royal 6,43 a. ru.. Tbemp.
' "tow. 7.2 a. m., uinerstown 7,12 .
: New Port T.2I s. ra., Duncsnnon, 7.4
3 a.
MsrysTille, 8,02, sirives at llarrltburg.
8,20 a. m., Philadelphia, 1,25, p. m.
Ieares Mifflin at 7,00 a. m.. Pert Rorsl
7,05 a. m Thomsontown, 7,22 a. ai , Mil
lrrstawn, 7,22 a. m., arrires at Hsmaburg
at 8,43 a b., Pbla4e'phia at l.lii r. m.
Laarrs Mifflin at 2.00 p. m.. Port yal,
8,03 p. m.. TbompsoBtown, 8,22 p. m.. ilil.
loratewn. 8.88 o. m . arrires at Harrisbur;,
7;00 p. m.. Philadelphia rt 8,35 p. n.
Babbisbcbo AcooBMeoATies Al.
! toona daily at 5.20 a. m., Tyrone ft 50 s. m.,
: Mennt Union at 6,54 a. m., Newten Himil-
I . -. nt - mt-... a on - t
i istown 7,45 a.m.. Miirord 8.05 a. in., Mifflin
2S , m f TDKir(iri 8 25l m v,D(irk8 tg.
U a. m.,Tbompsootown 8.37 a. in., Dnr-
; "buj a- in., aiiuersiowa o,io a. iu.,
I Newport 9,00a. m., arriving at Hamsbsrg
10,U & a. m., and at Philadelphia, 1,25 p. m.
Sea Suobb Ezrasss leares Altoona daily
at 7,15 e. m., and stopping a all regular
stations between Altoona and Harrisburg,
reaches Mini in at 10,06 a. m., Harrisburg
11.40 p. M., and arrires in Philadelphia at
8.15 p. m.
Mail Tbaib leaves Pittsburg daily at
, a. w., Altoona at 2,09 p. m., and stop
ping at all regular stations arrives at Mifflin
at 6 03 p. m., Barrisburg 7.0 p. u., rhila
adelphia 10,55 p. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p vm.
Alteoaa 6 20 p m ; Tyrone 6 62 p m ; Dnnt-
tnrdan 7..'0 n m InliluiKS.. u:r
Bin 9 1 5 p m j Harrisburg If 16 p m Phila.
dglpltia 4 26 a m.
Dat Ex r bess lesves Pittsbarg at S.O'J A.
j M. ; Altoona 1 1.60 A. M.; may be flagged
1 st Mifflin at 2.05 I. M.; arrires al Harris,
i burg a I 8,20 P. M.j at Philadelphia, .s0 P.
Philsdelpbia Express will step al Mifflin
at 11 ST r. la., when Daacod-
I Hilll-B Arcommndstion leaves Philsdcl
j Jhia at 8.50 a tu., Harrisburg, 12,10 p. in..
! Millerslown, 1,18 p. m., Tboinuentown.
j 1,28 p. m., Vexico, 1,41. p. iu , PartKoyalt
j 1.45 p. m., M fflin,, 150, p. m. Fhiladel
j pl.ia at 4:25 p. iu., Harrisbnrg, 7 27 p. m..
r. e port, 8.1i3, p. m., Millerstown, 8.S8 p.
m , Tfaon-psonton n. 8,43 p. m.. Port Royalfc
Port Koyal, Q.OO Mifflin, 9,05 p. m. Uar
rifburg, 12 80 p. bi,. Millerstown 1,87 p. m.v
ThempnonlowB, 1,48 p. la , Perl Koyai
2,05 p. in., Mifflin, 2,10.
Fast I ike leares Phisdelphia dailv at
11 40 a ra ; Harrisbnrg t 45 p m Mifflin
6 06 pm; Lewistown 6 28 p m ; Altoona
7,b0 p m ; arrWes at Pittsburg at 1 1 65 p m,
Wat Passskokr leares Philadelphia
daily at 4 SO a. m.; Harrisbnrg, 8 16 a. m.i
Duncannon, 8 64 a- m.; Kewport,' P 20 a.
m.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. m.;Thotnpsontown,
62 a. ro.; Van Dyke, 10 00 a. sa., Toscar
ora, 10 04 a. iu.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.; Pert
Royal, 10 13 a. m.; Mifflin, 10 20 a. ra.;
Milford, 10 26 a. m.; Narrows, 10 84 a, ro.;
Lewistown, 10 46 a. m.; McVeytown, 1 1 14,
a. in.; Newton Hamilton, 11 89 a. m.; Hun
tingdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 07 p.m.
Altoona, 1 45 p. m., and stops at all regular
stations between Harrisburg and Altoona.;
OibTKB Ezpbcss lesree Philadelphia dai
ly at 6 22 p. m., Harrisburg, 10 20 p. m..
stopping at Rockrille, Marysville, Duncan-.
Don, Newport, Millerstown, Thompsentown,
Port Boyal, time at Mifflin, U 65 p. n.; Al
toona, 2 16 a. m.,and Pittsburg, 6 10 a. m.
Mail Tbaib leares Philadelphia daily at
7.00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.20 a. hi., New
port, 12 15 p. m., Mifflin 12.62 p. m., stop
ping at all regular stations between Mifflin
and Altoona reaches Altoona at 8.40 p. m.
Pittsburg 8.10 p. m.
Altooba Accohmodatioh leares Phil
adelphia daily at 11 40 a. ra., Harrisburg at
4,10 p. no., Duncannon 4,45 p. ra., New
port 6.12 p. 01., Millerstown 5,22 p. ra.,
Thompsontown 6,83 p. ra., Vandyke 5.40
p. m., Tuscarera 6,44 p. m., Mexico 6,47 p
m., Port Royal 6,61 p. ro., Mifflin 6.56
dj., LewUtown 6,20 p. m., McVeytown ifi,.
45 p. m., Newton Uaailten 7.16 p. m
Huntingdon 7,35 p. ui., Alteona 00 p. m..
Pacific Express leares Philadelphia 11 -f
p m ; Harrisburg 8 10am; Duncanoon '
80am; Newport 4 00 am; Mifflin 4 89
m ; Lewistown 6 01am; McVeytown 6 2 .-'
a. m ; Mt. Union 6 46 am; Huntingdon '
12am; Petersburg 6 25 a m ; Spruce Cret-;
Si? m 8 TTron, 7 00 a m ; Bell's MiU
7 22am; Altoona 8 06a m; Pittsbuit
12 45 p m.
Patent Varisble Friction and Belt Fee.
STEAM EKGlxcs, Hay Presae
Thrtehing Machines, etc
Send for Illustrated Catalogne.
Caution notice.
The Dndersigned,citij:ens of Walker Twr
sons not to tresspass en tbeir lands for th
Chnst Mnsseis Calr.n Magruder, John I .
Bahr, D,r.d Diren, S.n.nel Aukor, CyrL
Sicber, Seta Kerchner, WillUta Cleck;
tn sJi
amn, :
to aJ
er, will
Clock, ;
bis Jresi
miles ca
7 aldwrses, 1
I? ' young ci
1 horse-in
I Mower, '
1 fork snd
i chicksDp
herse po
rows, lof
msay oil:
ell at hi
town, hor
and furoi
rill sel
h owi
tens, e
Tew go
ifisa E!
aaviTo war.i
T Mun.
Some of
It is a cc
bard wiiite
erl days h
d with boi
A snow o:
in Juniata
Her. And
in the Lutli
Tbo Bloo
nongh farn
AV. II. a
been appoin
r lour years.
r Citizens ol
; t&infld a chai
i Association.
-7jne hnndi
. C"' v1sg wen
ferry, last j
i Bead the
?tti8on's m
tnother coin:
r A numbe r
IU Tisited I
A Chcstf
feek Bold IG
a dollar a
I lira. Ann i
her husliUE
ie Pine l!id.
uo a beef fo
The Holli.l
irumenced tu
ttjeounty olik
iCaptain lloi
jU Times La
t cf Ihe t
f The thaw of
the unticipu
young peoplu v
- A sleig-hiuT 1
ritited Thumps
renins and tjt
, The ice ian
at week. Aft.
painted, it jB s.t
' Scarcity of fu
as caused man;
o , Kansas, to
or fuel.
bout SO eni
1 ricinity, ha
rk on the ruii
e time.
The" Fercaan:
bool indulged
ck and Cuba
it week.
a convenien
r 1891.
"Nveinor Bea
f ?V the hand:
T evenin
en ha
at an 1
the r
the i.
of Jo
l ni
e anc
nd go
on tl
ting gr
u rend
ho n
' s ar
3 je;