Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 19, 1890, Image 4

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Hints for Farmers and Busy
Housewives to Appreciate.
Trof. FrescnTus, of Wiesbaden, after
ft long series of chemical analysts, de
tiarvs that aa eger contains as much
nourishment an a pound and an ounce
f cherries, a pound and a half of
gooseberries, and four pounds cf
pears; and that 11 pounds of grapes,
121 pounds of ru-et apples, 192 pounds
of pears, and S27 pounds of plums,
are equal in aom i.-'.iraent to 100 pounds
f potatoes.
In our experience the lato crop et
white turnips generally does better
aiuon potatoes than among- corn. 8o
soon aa potato tops die the turnips
have all the soil from which to draw,
and they are rather benefited by the
stirring of the 6oil required in dicing
potatoes by hand. If a horse potato
digger Is used, no turnips can be
grown, a the. di jct nreearily up
turns the entire mmI, including turnips
or whatever c'?o way bo growing on
In ai Xorfliern ciiuiatrs orchards do
lest when planted on soil with a good
deal of TegetaHo matter. This is more
aj't to be a moist soil, and moisture
prevents the deep freezing that so often
destroys trees when they get Into bear
ing. These kiuJa of soiis aro usually
low and sheltered from winds, another
great advantage w hen the country is
denuded of original forests. What Is
the use of growing fruit on hillsides,
to have it blown off a it begins to
Many farmers think that Angust
and September aro the proper months
to sow rye. Sown at these times it
gives cuttings for soiling in the full.
If sowing has beeu in cted, it is re
garded by some gocd farmers as an
advantage, to sow ryo in the fall, even
as late as November, or as long as the
ground can be woi':cd. The grain
sown thus lato does not tprout ia tho
fall, but staita very early in ppring,
and the crop is much earlier than from
any spring sown seed.
The Pixie Farmer says: Tl.3 possi
ble products of a ton of cotton seed
are tweutv p..-undj of lint, $1; S:0
pounds of hull?. 6 cents; -0 pounds
of oil, CI.C3; 7C0 vn:njj cf ca'ce.
IS 89; total, Tho nrvt Improved
mills get all the lint and a'l tho lu'.U
but are tili'.o t g.t om!v S ?0 pounds cf
oil, worth ?! t, a:.,! . J puuti of cako
or meal, V"rth $".-0, giving a yield
to the mill of ::3.C. The d costs
$10 a ton. leaving a profit to the mill,
lets expou-;, of 1 3.03.
In passing .--.y r'-oe cf fn-r. corn
late in tie.' growing "':in, it is easy
to gee what will an 1 what will not
make good fee 1. 'I i. it wh; h li:. been
thickly sown, epcei ,;:y on poor soil,
Is a light yellow color, tastdeM, and
nearly void o? n:;r:i:ve vaiu. That
(own la dri!! nn ! cultivat" 1 cnoe cr
twice, Is la-g t:.ifk-semmd and
dark gTccn in color. Tas-te it and yon
find the sweetness that with a little
more room and time would be trans
formed into tho starch of the perfected
The Rcretjf) of ryo is s'cs!oy en the
decline in all Europe. In England it
has almost entirely disappeared. In
Belgium it has lo?t rruch ground. In
Germany mul Ku-:i it cidy hoi. Is its
own on the poorer Ian.!-1, while in the
other countries cf F.jrope it is rreatly
decreasing ia importance. In France
the same marked diminution is to be
noticed. Barley is also on the decline.
But oats are steadily increasing In Im
portance, and aro taking tho land that
was formerly given over to ryo and
Prof. E. W. Stewart trils tho readers
cf the Country Gentleman how to ren
ovate old animals. lie says: "Cut
clor hay short, say half an inch; take
cheap molasses aud dissolve one pint
in one galiou of water and sprinkle
;.; upon three pounds of the cut
ro vcr with two pounds of buckwheat
C ur and two pounds of wheat bian.
E-'eJ this amount to each horse or ani
mal three t:iues a day, commencing
with a little less per day for two days."
Marvelous rcults are claimed for such
The best time to prune apple tree
depends largely on the manner in
which it is performed. If the super
fluous growth is kept rubbed or
pinched off as it appears, it may be
done ail through the growing season.
Where it Is n- ccasary to remove larger
growth, the best timo is lato in win
ter or very early in spring, before the
buds begin to swell. Keep down or
cut away all water sprouts, and thin
out the top of i ho i.to, so as to leave
in open head, which the air and light
lan peuctiate.
Hog are comparatively few in Ilon
luras, although fresh pork sells for
12 1-2 cent pr pound and lard for 20
:ents per pound. This country af
fords a considerable market for the
log products of the L'nited States.
Bacon and sugar-cured hams sell in
Tegucigalpa for 76 cents per pound.
The climate and pasturage of Hon
iara are both favorable to the pro
luction of pork, mtiiton, and beef, and
the government now offers large in-IWc'm-nts
to American capitalist to
stablish ranchev and abattoirs.
'Will potatoes and such vegetables
nix?" Well, this depends. They do
nix very frequently in the baskets
hile different varieties are being dug,
ind ofteuer still in the cellars, when
.how from one bin get into the ad
oinitig one; but in the field, where
lifferent varieties are growing" along
tide of each other, i ia eimply Im
possible lor them to et miaeL The
n!y way In which different varieties
an become "mixed (crossed) ia by
fertilizing a variety with the pollen
f another, and from the seed thus
produced new varieties are frequently
raised, with possibly some of the
maracterUtica of both parent.
Grape growing la in this country
ret In it Infancy. We believe the
lime will come when successful grape
rrowere will baCd over the trellises a
ilight protection, if only four or five
feet ia width, to shelter tho grapes
from rains and heavy dews. Vines
thus protected from too much moisture
would not be able to mildew or Uie
(rapes to rot, or at least, these dis
eases, now so prevalent, could be kept
iff at much less expense than under
Jie present system. Under such a
:over grapes would ripen one or two
weeks earlier than if unprotected.
Green pickles will keep perfectly in
ttrong brine. Ko water ia needed
nerely place a layer of cucumbers or
rther vegetables in the bottom of a cask
r jar. and cover them with salt. Suo
scssive layers of the vegetables and
lalt are added from time to time until
Jie vessel is filled. The juice of the
regotabie will draw out and with the
iissolving salt will form a brine. A
oard with a few holes bored in it,
tud loaded with a heavy stone, must
e kept on top of the pickles to bold
hem down. If they float and come
n contact with the air, speedy decay
Moss litter and sawdust are becom
es so generally used for stabling in
England that many of the Lancashire
mil Chester farmers are unable to sell
heir straw. They recently held a
neeting to consider this subject, at
nrhieh it was admitted that is the pres
:nt state of affairs continue, straw will
jo selling at five dollars a ton before
he end of next year. Certain land
ords and corporations have found it
jrofltable to buy the moss litter and
ie!l their straw, which still furthoi"
idds to the glut. The farmers have
igi eed not to buy any manures except
vhere straw was used for bedding.
There is no sweeter or more nntri
ious herbage for any kind of stock
i:an white clover. It is hardy, too,
, ind on much land comes In from seed
ring in the ground without sowing.
This is what some farmers mean by
laying that clover i natural' to cer
ain eoils. They are usually such as
jither from negligence or failure of
teed do not get a catch of other grass
is. We suspect that these natural
white clover soils are growing scarcer
is farming improves.
Drinking the whole milk makes fine
fat calve, but calves raised on skim
jiiik and oatmeal and bran, if not so
ileek at eight months old, had a better
it-art In bone and muscle, and beat the
pampered calf at two years of age. It
s a waste of cash product to feed a
;alf whole milk after its rennet
tomach charges so as to call for solid
food, and it is a mistake to so feed it
ifter it is ten days old. Warm skim
milk and a little oatmeal are much
Farm Notes.
Rub off the sprouts from the fruit
trees before they get tough.
Lute cultivation in the orchard should
be avoided as timo must be given for
tho trees to mature their wool.
To iltry manure Is one of the best
T.ateria that can be used to enrich
Jie strawberry bed. Scatter evenly
md work well Into the surface.
Cut straw, fodder or bagasse make s
food mulch for plants of all kinds.
They need not to bo cut shorter than
two Inches when used for this purpose.
One of the most dirEcnlt weeds in
.he garden to eradicate Is pussallne.
Aftr a good shower It can be pulled up
readily, and this is a good way of
killing it out.
Often when the fail apples cannot be
marketed to a good advantage they can
te worked up Into cider vinegar with
pro lit. But sound fruit shonld be
'ised. Feed the refuse to stock.
Flowers, shrubs, evergreens and
ornamental trees are necessary to make
a nice-appearing yard, as w0 aa a
good stand of grass. The best effect
is produced by a combination of these.
Macy make a mistake in selecting
trees and get them too large. A small
. tree with plenty of roots will icvaria-
1-1 v make a good tree quicker than a
larger one with mutilated root, while
he cost will be less in every way.
All things considered, the growing
of strawberries in matted rows for
field cultivation ia the best; in the gar
den when only a small number of
plants are grown drill culture may be
followed. The advantage in matted
rows is that the cultivation can be
given with the cultivator.
Black and raspberries, currants and
gooseberries, should be grown in rows
i-o that the cultivation can be princi
pally done with the cultivator, and the
plan of the first two varieties be
allowed to grow between the first row
out so as to form a hedge.
The cherry, apricot, peach and nec
tarine requires light, dry soil. The
plum docs the best on rotten, stiff clay
loam. And the apple, pear and peach
thrive best on what may be termed a
sandy loam. With all fruits a aupply
of potash in aa available form ia neces
sary. Before investigating too largely in
the growing of fruit for market see
that a reasonably good market can be
secured conveniently. The cost of
sending a considerable distance to mar-
t looses the pro3t that otherwise
uugut be possible
The use of envelovs became general
after M&y 0. 184 , whan stamped and
adhesive envelope were Introduced.
Xhsy Seem to Be Invested With Vigorous
aVrival of Coaaadrams lappe! to Hav
Bmb Satisfactorily Solved Fifty Tsars Age
FroblsTos la Which Ia tares ted reople
Will Persist ia Kadieal DisagrMmsat
There are certain problems; chiefly
arithmetical, embued with a vigorous
immorulity. says the New York Jour
nal of Commerce. No matter how
often the solution ia printed or how
widely an exhaustive answer la pub
lished the question comes up again,
before the ink ia fairly dried, to the
lip of hundreds who have not seen the
reply or who either can not under
stand it or will not accept it.
The original question sent to us forty
years i go was how to find the product
or 19 19s lid St multiplied by itself.
CH course if the parts of the pounds
were stated as fractions, and the
pounds as whole numbers, then 19
6SyytK'ths could be multiplied by it
self. But money of account has not
two dimensions. If table is four,
feet wide and four feet Ions;,
then four times four equal six
teen feet, and we have the number of
square feel on the surface. Five times
five pounds are '25, but five pounds
time five pounds is unmeaning, aa
money does not measure itself in that
fashion. Twice two children are four
children, but twice ohlldrea two.oiiild
rea baa no meaning. So "nineteen
pounds, niceteeo shillings, eleven
pence, three fanhlngs times nineteen
pounds, nineteen shillings, eleven
peoce, three farthings," la utter non
sense. The next puzzle on the list, and one
which comes the oftenettt to our dwk,
In some form of a problem which pro
poses to divide a whole sum Into frac
tions that together did not make the
dividend. The original of this In our
columns was an arntwer to an actual
case where a rutin in his will had dlvla
ed one-third, one-fourth, ene-fiith. and
one-eixth of his property respectively
to his four children, supposing that he
hod thus devised the whoie of his
estate. The fractions mentioned only
made nineteen twentieths of a whole
number. This is easily seen If they
are reduced to a common denominator.
One-third is twenty-sixtieths, one
fourth is fifteen-sixtieths, one-fifth Is
twelve-sixtieths, and one-sixth Is ten
sixtieths, which together make but
Ofty-eeven sixtieths, leaving three,
sixtieths (or l--'othJ to mate up the
whole number.
This puzr.le reappears In some form
every few days the year round. It is
answered on the same principle Involv
ed in the intreprctation of the Arab's
wilL He had fifteen horses and four
sons. lie devised his estate, giving
one eon a half, another a quarter, an
other an eighth, and the last a six
teenth. They found it Impossible to
agree on a division. Tho eldest son
Insisted that as seven horses would not
be half of fi'losn horses ha should have
eljrbt. but the other sons obj-cted, and
as neither one-ha.f. one-qu irter, one
eighth, or one-sijL'.eenth would give
either eon an even lot they had a fierce
dispute over the division. A venerable
sheik rode up Just as ttie quarrel was
at tu bniffht. and to cm pore their
difference dismounted and generously
offered to add his. mare to the fifteen
belonging to the estate, agreeing that
eaoh should take his allotted share
from the whole sixteen, only stipulat
ing that his should bathe last seleeted.
The addition iu id-i an ea.-y solution of
the diCi. uity. i he first then took
elfht as his half of th sixteen, the
next toolc four for his quaru-r, the
the third took two for his eighth, and
the fourth took one for his sixteenth.
As this made but flfleea tho eheik
mounted his mare an i rode away. The
Arab boys regarded it as a miracle,
and exoliura?d that Allah bad given a
horse to the sheik for his generous in- 1
terference. In spite or this oft-told
tale tho problem still survives and an
nually puzzice hundreds of our coaiv.
try men.
A more recer.t problem, which we
have already answered aevaral times,
but which is repeated every week from
some quarter, is the divi-iou of one
fraction by another. 'Iho original
question, which we answered several
years ago. was: "What is the quotient
t-f two-lhirds divided by one-half?
The unthmKinjr person would say that
aa the half of two-thirds is one-third.
This must be the solution of the pro
blem, but Inbo!i wi.l easily refute it.
The quo'ient of i divided by i is ljr
that is, $ will go in one and one
third times. '1 he lat form of the
propiem is to find the q-iotientot 1
divided by . Two partners in a lead
ing backlog bouse, having disputed,
aa they say, all one day over the re
result, the senior mainting that 1
divided by J is i. and defying any one
to refute it. We answer that when 1
la divided by the quotient is 2; that
is, will be found 2 times in 1- If 6
be divided by ) the answer is 12; that
is. there are twelve halves In six. We
should beg pardon of our readers for
repeating these, demonstrations if it
were eot for the character and magni
tude of the disputes which occur
every day concern inp them.
We have rese-vej for the last of the
puzzles the century question, which
will never be laid to rest, we believe,
as long as the world stands. We
printed 250 proofs of a former answer,
and they have all been distributed to
parties who have quarreled ovef it.
A writer asks us whether the twenti
eth century begins with Jan 1, laOJ,
or Jan. 1, 1901. and declares that all
of whom he addressed for. an answer
about half took one date and half
(as omer. lucre suuuiu ua a 14,.
tlon about It. Ihis century ends with
the last moment of the year 1900;
and the next begins with Jan. 1. 1901.
The muddle grows out of the fixed
Idea which some poeple have that the
reckoning of time begins with a cipher
and one that Is counted when the hour,
day, month, or year has closed; where
as sill the counting of time begins with
one, and at the end of the first period
two begins to count. Thus, when a
child is born he enters on his East day
of the first month of the first year ol
his life. Ills ten years are finished,
not when he enters in his tenth year,
but at its close; and his hundred years
are completed, not when the hundredth
year Is begun, but ended. When we
write 1900 we have beirun the lastyear
of the century, not ended it. The cen
turies do not begin with 0, 100. 2o0.
but with 1. 101. 201. and thus the
twentieth century begins with 1901 at
the first moment of that year. The
quoted date comes with the beginning
not the close of the twelve months;
and therefore, while we quote the year
1900 as we do every other year at its
begioing. we must wait till It ends to
close the century.
A rossiBLB 8CF.8TITTJTE. Wife (to
her husband) When you are down
town, John, step into the store and buy
me some scouring soap; there isn't a
bit in the bouse.
Lit tile Johnny (looking up from a
newspaper he Is reading) Wouldn't
posse be good in place of soap?
Tossel What do you mean?"
Why, the paper tells about a train
robbery, and says a posse ia scour'ng the
woods for robbers."
The flora of Europe embraces about
10,niO species. India has about 15,0:0;
the British possessions In North America
though with an area nearly as large as
Europe, hare only about 5,o0 species;
one of richest floras is that of 'he Cape
of Good Hope and KataJ, which figures
up about 10,000 species Australia also
iarich In species, about 10,00 being
Editorial INfTerenoe of Opinio 1
Important Subject,
What Is the force that ousts disease-,
and which is the most convenient ap
paratus for applying It? Bow far la tbe
regular physician useful to us because
we believe in him, and bow far are his
pills and powders and tonics only the
material representatives of bis personal
Influence on our health?
Tbe regular doctors cure;the homoe
pethlo doctors cure ;tbe HahnemanniUs
cure; and so do the faith cures and the
an Ind cures, and the so-called Christian
scientists, and the four-dollar -and -
half advertising itinerants, and the
patent medicine man. They all. hit,
and they all miss, and the great differ
ence one great difference In the re
sult is that when the regular doctors
lese a patient no one crumbles, and
when the Irregular doctor lose one tbe
community stands on end end howls.
Rochester Union and Advertiser.
Nature cures, but nature can be
aided, hindered or defeated In tbe
curative procees. And the CommtrctaVt
contention is that it is the part of
rational .beings to seek and trust tbe
advice of men of good character who
bare studied the human system and
learned, as far aa modern science lights
tbe way, how far tbey can aid nature
and how tbey can best avoid obstruct
ing her. Buffalo Commercial.
It is not our purpose to consider the
evils that result from employing the
SOSCTupulous, tbe ignorant, cbar'a'ains
and quacks to prescribe for tne mala
dies that afflict tbe human family. We
simply declare that tbe physician who
knows something is belter than the
physician who knows nothing, or very
little Indeed about the structure and
the conditions of the human system.
Of course "he does not know it all."
Koc'ies'.er Morning Herald.
I bave used Warner's Safe Cure and
but for its timely use would have been
I verily believe, In my grave from what
the doctors termed Brlght's Disease.
D. P. Shrlner, senior Editor Scioto
Gazette. Chlllicothe. Ohio, in a letter
dated June 30. 1S90.
High Speed en Railroads.
There are many things connected
with high speeds on railways which
tax tho ingenuity of locomotive engi
neers to the utmost. The lines have
to be made strong enongh to withstand
the heavy blows of the locomotive, for
the other portions of the running plant
are light in comparison. A railway
train running at 6ixty miles an hour
may be compared to a huge projectile,
and subject to the same laws. The
momentum is the product of the weight
of the train multiplied by the square
of the velocity in feet per second ; and
if we allow a train of one hundred and
twenty tons, travelling at a speed of
sixty miles an Lour, then the work re
quired to bring it to a standstill would
bo fourteen thousand four hundred
foot tons exerted through one minute,
or nearly a thousand-horse power,
which gives some idea of its destruc
tive force if, unhappily, it should
come iuto action ; and yet this terrific
power is so entirely under command
that the strength of a child turning
the small handle of the vacuum brake
can bring the train to a stand in a few
Jew Cigar Horror.
Among the latest imitations which
have been successfully introduced into
the tobacco trade are cigars, the wrap
pers of winch are made out of a spec
ially perfumed paper. A drummer
for a large tobacco factory of "ew
York State is introducing an Imitation
cigar wrapper which was so deceiving
ia its character that experts could
scarcely distinguish It from the genu
ine. This preparation was made from rye
straw, and one portion of the process
Was to steep the material In a strong
solution made from tobacco stems.
The grain of the straw together with
the manner in which the material was
dressed would lead any person to sup
pose that it was a sample of the leaf
Used in making wrappers for cigars of
a more than ordinary quality. The
flvor of tobacco was alao present,
owing to the paper having bc-en im
mersed in the solution made from the
genuine article.
ancient Tombs Discovered at Naples.
A subterranean chamber has beeu
discovered under a house on the hill
side at Naples. Along the center runs
a mosaic pavement, and on each side
there is a double row of sepulchres
hewn in the rock, the fronts of which
are stuccoed and painted and decorated
With terra cotta and marble reliefs.
"Within the tombs were pefect skele
tons, vases), and other objects, the an
tique lamps being in such good con
dition that when the new find was in
spected by a party of German archae
ologists, the workmen made use of
them to light up the vaults. The many
well preserved inscriptions are chiefly
in Greek, with some Latin, and prove
that the epoch of these tombs was
about 10CO B. C. Other tombs in a
second chamber have not yet been ex
cavated. Similar catacombs have here
tofore been found in this locality.
Fall Mall Gazette
A Fast Locomotive.
On the Big Four road, between Cin
cinnati and Indianapolis. Is an engine
which advance the maximum speed
limit enormously. It is one of five
engines built according to the patent
of an inventor named Strong, and ia
being tested by the Big Four people.
It is claimed for it that it is capablo of
hauling a heavy passenger train at the
rate of from seventy-five to ninety
miles per hour, and the tests made,
while not severe, have tended to sus
tain tbe rlaim. The engine itself con
tains many novel features in construc
tion. It has cylinders in which the
e-M4 of steam, after it has been used,
is r arranged as to be a vast imjyove
ment over the common. The boiler is
very long and there are two fire boxes.
An ingenious contrivance consumes
ilrp pax's and smoke, so that economy
in ilie ue of fuel is one of the advan
tages claimed. The fireman has a cab
to himself at the rear of the boiler,
while the engineer occupies a separate
rah perched on the top of the boiler, a
liule to the rear of the center. The
engine weighs sixty-five tons and rests
npon eighteen wheels. Its drivers are
sixty-eight inches in diameter.
Fires Are Raging Everywhere.
First Small Boy "We Lad a fire at
our house last night." Second Small
Boy 'That so?" F. S. B. "Yea.
Pa fired sister's beau." Boston
There are nearly 5,000 dialects and
about 930 languages. The Blbla or the
New Teat -ment Is published In nearly .
250 languagesand dialect. The Ameri-,'
can Bible society has 552 different ver,
s ions and last yeir issued It la its new
Why does this man stare bo ? lie
is simply listening to the marvelous
cures effected by Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discovery.
The following case illustrates:
February Mth. 1830.
World's Dirpeotiaiit Medicax, AasociA
tios. Buaalu, A. v.:
Gentlemen A remarkable ease has occurred
In our territory. J. N. Berry, a man about
thirty years of aire, was roiotr down rapidly.
Ha tried pbyaician after physician, patent
medicines, borne receipt in fact, eTerytbiDr
H went to a noted sanitarium and returned
DO better. We all thought be was dying- wttn
consumption, and only a few weeks of Ufa
were left for aim.
He commenced "Golden Medical Discov
ery, and at tbe same time commenced to
mend. He has used about two dozen bottles,
and la still using- it. He bas rained in weight,
color and strength, and is able to do ligbt
work, it is just such a case as wa should
have Urtt-ned to rather suspiciously, but when
we see it we must believe it.
It has trebled our talus of Golden Medical
Druggista, Boanoke, Ind.
In all bronchial, throat and lung
affections, lingering coughs, spitting
of blood, weak lungs and kindred
ailments, the "Discovery" effect
the most marvelous cures.
sa si msTss- bunui iiur ruwum
Vta(hvMinMfititas TWistei SH-nuail In fiiianfirv 1 1 m
jsaa triaJi onsvtemUi at ft dsv pmr hfQ Trsratai sad
pureas aUl dleesera. If yca cevn t are It, w sDd by tnsul
swjss ,'w-id. Onat-sark. fee Fir i. 1-4 In. rsati tl.awi
BMh. Vsu-nrr: J'oultrj (.'lids yrv tbe. frsssj a Ith $10$
Poplaam's Attbma
lives fm-nedlate rellrf.
:t in believed to be the
Uet ASTHM A RVntedr
known to humanity.
A evidence we irive a.
Trial Packace Htl:K.
Sold ty llrugci.ts.
hent bv mail itotnnfft
for SI per Hot. A1ilre, THOS. fOFHAM auOl
Klilfc-e Avenue, Philadelphia.
ha ben nM by tnotbsrrsj for thMr rh'Mren
bile THhliiT for ovtr Ftftjr TnL It
svo Ur the OMlil, reorient the rumi allay
sail e.in. curt Ti J m11c. aa&X la tho beit
retur iv rwr aistrrirtA-.
TvrBl-slve Teat m Boctlt?,
In Its First Stages.
fit swra yaw pat fJU fnutna. '
For Coughs Colds
Thm i bo Uadsdna lik
L-t a?---- r- S
It Is rleaaant to ths tasts and
doss twi ojntsvin a particl ol
ciumoranythinc Injurtotia. It
U tfas DsjatCvUfb Ufriicin In ths
vYarlii- ?sa1 tiVavll I !r- ar a-iarra.
Prioa, lljOO far bottl. lr. achecr. Btaok on
fjoDsTaimptton and Its Cart, BB4Ul,-i frca. A cM rests
Dr. J.II. Bchenck & Bon. Philde!p&iv
Instantly Stop Pain I
A representation of tbe entrrsvieff on out
vrtDBen.-RaDWaI CO. 15 EW TO EX.
a sb
I Iff- MI LV. bKk-e)et.iiii, buaaits) Forms,
If U In C t-umansbiia. Aruhmetlc. SDorV-tuusi. stc
II Uorottbly tauctu Ivy MAiL. Circular frsa,
Rrraetc-s t !-(, 47 Maia C rmnakx W. T
Xk I fvS.l 1Ol IB cTOTl Haw. Willi
ail cau-ma, aiy .!. iaies aa
bsjat. rad for sa-tasjr catsUosma
itssnaa Eiiae Mf. ., Rrsiatar. S. V,
aiiim, 1. C.
YK ro 9-iSO A MONTH can be mad wnrktns
w w roc ua. reraoaa prererrd woo can ruralal
a horae and alv their whole lima to the bosloeaa,
Bpara momenta may ba pronUblily employed aiao.
A faw vneanelea ia towns and cltioa. B. F. JOatf.
wvji a? imu asw maim mu. Hirntntma. v.
JA dollar for bow to care pain and what to do
i or me sKir, nair ana teem. A.atiress AME.K1-
ia.m luiLti Jersey uity,
bTmau. Ktow.ll
Wedding rtnge bearing counterfeit
haif marks" ataa peoornlng prevalsnt
Vneatu Box Tart Beast V H. Y. W
B pnasBi.
"Are .tou goliu to tbe Van Twiller's
tea en tie Win?"' . , ,
Oh, ro; that's oue of their general
affairs to square accounts. Tber give
a select ciii uer on the 19lh."
'.No; I wasn't Invited.
Persiflage ix the void. "I'm no
coward," said the Earth.
'o; but you have two -Treat fears,"
observed tbe Sun, hotly.
And they?"
The hemispheres.
you've forgotten the atmosphere,'
put In the Moon. And the Comet wagged
h s tail with joy.
Desebver a life sentence "
Prisoner, stand up. How many times
bave you been convicted of crime?"
About leven times, judge."
"Uavayou no fear of tbe law?" stern
ly demanded the judee.
"No, y'r Honor,' answered tbe pris
oner in a broken voice. "I've got tbe
courage of my convictions, I reckon."
Mrs. barqan What are you wor
ry In' about this morning?
Mr. Bargan 1 need some new clothes
and a watch, and I can't make up my
mind whether to get the clothes at a
store where they give away watches, cr
to buy the watch at a store where tbey
give away clothes.
Her o boundless fears. Clara(with
emotion) George, are you sure you
will always love me?
George (fervently) While life lasts,
my own.
Clara (suppressing a tear) George, if
trials and tribulations should come?
George (amazed) My heart Is yours
alone, my love, and always will be.
Clara(sobbinir) George, are you sure,
perfectly sure that nothing nothing at
all, could cool your affection?
George (thoroughly alarmed) My
gracious! What's happened? Has your
father failed?
Clara (hysterically) Worse. Tar
George (much relieved) Tell me all,
my angel; I can bear it.
Clars (with abeolc efforr) George,
I've I've got a a boil coming on my
Wife (pleadingly) "I'm afraid,
George, you do not love me as well as
you u?ed to." Husband "Why?"
Wife 'Because you always let me get
up to light tbe fire." Husband ".Non
senee. my love. Your getting up to
liK'ht the fire makes me love you all the
Vert promising. "I hear,' said
said his rich uncle to Delter, "that you
are a very promising young man."
And Detter would have been highly
pleased if bis uncle bad not gone on to
say thatDetter's tailor had told him so.
When you were reading tbe larcc Prospectus
of Tub Vuuth 8 Compamioh, published but
rek In our columns, did you stop to consider
what a wealth of tal-nt mas ejipaf-ed In produc
liK this remarkable paperT lis auccens Is pbe
nomcual. and It Is read in Vdj.tfv families be
cause It Is the best of its kind. Now to the time
to send your subscription. SI .75 f tit at once
will secure you tbe rest of thlsyear free. Includ
ing all the liolMay umbers. Tub Youth's
C'ukhmoii, Boston.
It is curious that there are no direct
descendants of Napoleon, Wellington,
Washington or Walter tx.olt.
(snn's Kidney Cure Tor
Dropsy. Gravel, luabetes, Bright's,
lieart, Urinary or I.iver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, Ac. Cure guaranteed. 831
Arch Mreet, Pbilad'a. $1 a bottle, 6
tor $5, or druggist. 11HJ0 certificates of
cures. Try it.
Very Annoying. Fastleigh I
am nearly worried to death by my cred
itors. Goodman Ah, you see your sins are
bea Inning to find you out.
Fastleigh 1 wish they would, butthe
trouble is they always find me in.
Greater than a boon.
"You are very proud of yourself, I
think, chappie.'
"Yes, I consider myself a boon to man
kind.' Greater than a boon, chappie say a
A faint hope. Miss Artiste lam
so fond f paintingl Indeed I may
say that I am weeded to my art.
Jack (her admirer) Would It be
any use to inquire whether you bave
any conscientious scruples against big
ma i nirni.Tiii aMuMw.
I will forfeit the above amount, U I fall to
prove that Ploraplexlon is the best medicine in
existence (or lypepsia. Indigestion or Bilious
ness. It is a certain cure, and aflords immedl
ate relief, in cases of Kidney and Liver Com
plaint. Nervous Uebllltv and Consumption.
V loraplexton bull. is up the weak system and
cures where other remedies fall. Ask your
druggist for It and get well. Valuable book
Thiuirs Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle
sent free: all charges prepaid. Address
... ..
1-ranKllu Hart. 38 Warreu street New V
lor a.
Fashion bas decreed that its follow
ers among men shall look as much
like Van Dy ke portraits as possible.
It is a mistake to try and cure catarrh bv
using local applications. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease. requires a constitutional
remedy like Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, acting
through the blood, reaches every part of the
A deserved wife in Milwaukee, Wis,,
bas been placed in jail because she was
unable to pay a (24 fee on a six-cent
Ok'ahoma ;u te Boo t and Man sent anywhere
on receipt of norts.Tyler Kansas City, Mo.
Timber. Mineral. Farm La. - land Ranches
In Missouri. Kansas, Texas and Arkansas,
bought and sold. Tyler St Co, KausasClty. Mo.
Lee Wa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harmless
In effect, quick and nositlTe In action. Ment
prepaid on r-c--iutofl per bottle. Adeler As Co.
Izi Wyandotte St, Kansas City, Ma.
Da Yea Erer Saecalate
Any person sending; us their name an1 ad
dreaa wlU receire Information that will lead
to a fortn-ie. Benl. Lewis St Ox. Sacority
building-. Kansas City, Mo.
Guaranteed five year eight per cent. First
Mortgages on Kansas City property. Interest
payable every six months; principal and Inter
est collected lien due and remitted without
expense 10 lender. For sale bv J H. Bauerlein
A Co, Kansas CI! y. Mo. Write for particular.
Money invested In rbolca one hundred dol
lar building lot in suburbs of Kansas City will
pay from live hundred to one thousand per
cent, the next few years under our plan. BJ3
cash lB'1 to per mouth without Interest con
trols a desirable lot. Particulars on applica
tion. J. li.BiUf rlelu & Co, Kansas Cltv. Mo.
Three thousand dollars Is now the
market quotation for the title Baron in
Spain, while that of Count costs twice
as much.
It 11 pi 11 re cure ten a ran teed ly
Dr, J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch St., 1'hU'a,
l'a. tae at once, no operation or de
lay from business, attested by thou
sands of cures after otbers fail, advice
tree, send tor circular.
Tbe falls of Niagara carry down 10,
000.0t0, cubic feet of water a minute.
which is equal to about 3,000,000, horse
THE1K TREATMENT." A valuable Illus
trated book of seventy-two pages sent free, on
receipt of 10 cents, to cover curt of mailing, etc.
aum, mt. vr. out iwn, r nuaaeipuia, 1 a.
A bride fium Michigan was visiting
Libby Trison, in Chicago, I1L, when
sue round cut in a window sill ber
father's name.
FITS: A3 m sumpea rrae ty Dr. Klrae-a Qraat
IServa Uaatorer. No Kits after Brat day's oaa. Mar
vemms corea. Treatise and st-sa trial Douietraata
in casta, aebd 10 Ir. Kiincml area at. raUm,ra
Apartment Houses have been multi
plied to such aa extent la New York
city that a decline la rents Is imml-
Catarrh in
Is a complaint which affects nearly everybody,
more or less. It originates In a cold, cr sncies
lon of colds, combined with Impure blood. Disa
greeable flow from the nose, tickling In tbe
throat, offensive breath, pain over and between
the eyes.ruiglng and bursting noises In tbe ears,
are the more common symptoms. Catarrh Is
eared by Hood's Sarsaparllla, which strikes
directly at Its cause by removing aU impurities
from the blood, building up the diseased tissues
and giving healthy tone to the whole system.
'Hood's Sarsaparllla has helped me more for
catarrh and impure blood than anything else I
ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N.Y.
N. B. Be sure and get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggists. SI ; six for 5. Prepared
only by c. 1. nuuu at uiwru, jnm.s.
IOO OoaeM One I!!."-.
aa ai aaawa aw aw. SBBbSS
rr.T BRtri-H ER9. aa vinat
"He ha,d. small skill cThorse f-lcsh
Who boughfagposeto tiae onrDont-Me
awTTty & cake of ihi
m-mr t M O a. m m falls to accomplish satisfactory
wOrnillOrl OOap results in Bcouring and cleamng,
and necessitates a great outlay of time and labor, which more than
balance any saving in cost. . Practical people will ml SAPOLI0
the best Bad cheapest soap lor bouse-cleanicr and scouricg.
Boat Cough Medicine. Recommended bv Phvoioians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agrcc-alile to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By drupyists.
A scccess. Doctor Did the poul
tice I put on that boll draw well?
rat lent 1 should say so. ee what
a picture It has made of my face.
I J the excitement. Miss Goth
am Why did you reject him?
Alias tteaconhill (of Boston) tie maile
a grammatical error when proposing to
Two Points of view. Single Man
Foorlieorgel lie fell in love with a beau
tiful girl who cared nothing for him and
he has finally gone crazy.
Married Man The fool!
Tuttre ptjnisiimext. "What did
the minister preach about today?"
"Future punishment?"
"He did?"
"Tea; be said he hoped to continue
preachii!, throughout eterLity."
The bishop who had taken the ballet
under his episcopal countenance and
discountenance was asked lr he consid
ered dancing a sin.
"its," was his reply, "If you dance
Sue "Ahl Dont you wish you had
been here to see me get up?"
He "NoP'
She "Wny?,
He "Because I'm iroiug to wait and
see you come down!"
Ill The Omm Jaw A 1 tr f. fo T-r
Poor Budget Does your tooth ache
yeir 11 -iwere mine, aear, I'd Lave It
out at once.
Budge Taf 'twere von rs I Wall nnti
to would L
A Comprehensive Reply. School
teacher "Johnny, what does the word
meter mean?"
Johnny 'A measure."
School teacher "Now, Johnny, what
do they measure with the meter?"
Johuny "Gas, electricity, water, and
The Chinamen of Astoria, Ore., are
amusing themselves with a huge top
made out out of an empty 25-poiin 1
whitelead ke?. A square oj enlng is cut
in the side and it takes three men to spin
It, one to hold the top and two to pull
the string with a stick, which sets it In
motion. AVhlle spinning it sounds like
tbe whistling of a steamer, aud can he
heard three blocks away.
To IHapcl Cold.
Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the 9ystem
effectually. yet gently, when costive or bilious
or when the blood Is impure or sluicnish, to pT
manently cure habitual constipation, to awaken
the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity
without irritating or weakening tbein. use
Syrup ot Figs.
The Fat Men's Association, of New
York, recently participated in a clam
feast aud election of officers. The Pn sl
dent and board of officers weigh 31SG
pounds, an arerage or pounds.
Stubborn Facta,
None wilt dispute that nearly all the ills that
nesh is heir to, are produced by KedVntaiT liie,
abae of food or drink, col.i, exce-ses, iinpun
air, malaria and th legion cf c.i ix-j that
weaki-nvnality, vitiate the blood and disor.l.-r
whatever organ or function may be constitu
tionally or accidentally predisposed ami It is
equally certain that St. Heiuard Vegetable
rills 1'omiKncd of pur- vegetables, aila.ted to
promote uiKestion, uutrit ion and excretion and
purify the nlood. are able to restore vigorous
vitality aud remove all such diteaes. A saiiii.le
of "lie St. Bernard Vegetable Pill will toe
sent free to all applicants. Address. St Ber
nard. Box M16. he York.
A Statesboro, Ga., citizen has a pair
of trousers in which he was married
oyer forty years ago.
Frazer Axl Orauw,
Tbe Fraaer Axle Grease received medals
at the Centennial, -orth Carolina State
''air. Paris Exposition, American Insti
tute, New York, and other.
The regular army of the United
States was largest in 1867, when there
were 64,641 officers and men in it.
Millions of women nse Dobbins' Electric Soan
tifJly:ai,d.s??,tl8th' '"'. J cheapest, it
they are right, yoi ought to um it. ifwronn.
one trtoi only will show you. Buy a bar of
your grocer and try at next Monday.
The Rev. Henry Rominger officiated
recently at the second marriage of his
mother at Bethlehem, I'enn. Such a
unique occurence is probably unprece
dented. Anxious wife "Doctor, how is my
Doctor -"He will come' around all
right. What he needs now is quiet. 1
bate here a couple of opiates."
Anxious Wife When shall I give
them to him?'
Doctor "GlTe them to him? They
era for van mul.n v . ,
the Head
Dangerous tendencies characterlzs that verf
common affection, catarrh In t!ihead. Ths tool
matter dropping Into the bronchial tubes or
ungs is very liable to lead to bronchitis or eon
nmptioB. As catarrh originates In impurities in
the blood, local applications can do but little
good. The common sense method of treatment
is to purify tbe blood, and tor this purpose there
Is nopi eparation superior to Hood's Sarsaparllla
Tbe powerful action of this medicine upon the
blood expels every impurity, cures catarrh and
lives health to the entire organism.
This certifies that I w as cured of a bad case of
catarrh by Hood's garsaparilla two years ago."
WM. H. NOTES, East JeQerson.Me.
Bold by all druggists. SI :s!xforV Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO, Lowell. Moss.
IOO Itowe. One lollnr
VL tr Uit C. S?Cr9.'
B SSSSS Sat Saaa SF- gT-'y . 1
Bt Mew York. Price SO f. aW- Vv e
,Mid he convinced.
. ' 1 w f,
n m 1 SI r -t arts.
1 -- J
'Such as Wind anj Ptin in the Stoeiach,
'Giddiness, Fullness. Sw-finq atter Meals, I
Dizziness, Drowsiness. Cold Chills. Flushings
ot Htst. Loss ol Appetite. Shortness of (
Breath. Costivnss.Scury.Blo'.ches on the (
) Skin. Disturbed St-p. Frightful Dreams and 1
tail Nervous s-iJ Trembling Sensations. Sc. .
TWENTY VIM'TTS. i:-.-ry t-m ror Is,
e i;-ij-st!y lliviu-.l i"i Trv ,.11. IJ'tx ',T 'he.
I rt; . r-i 1 tn-y u '.7 be u-'f-rou. wedged to t
11 Wf.ierful f. Jinn.:
Worth a Cuinea a Dox.,
uaecham s rilli, token as
(directed, will quickly RESTORE 1
I FEMALES to complete health. For
Sick Headache,
Weak Stomach.
Impaired Digestion,)
Disordered Liver,&c..J
) tBT SCT LIKE mcm: n ''"-. will .
1 work Kouu.ra up :i 111.1 Oroans. .
r Strengthening ! ho in uwu in.rS.stem. reeior-
fine loug-io&i vompievion. uriniitK dstii
kttiekeefi edge ef 30li', and arousing .
'with tne hOSEBUD OF HEALTH the
' wfUMfl pn vfuyil rHri of tbe tiumia(
jirtnia, inns are -turns' ilmliM.
. br tbousan-ts. In a'l clns- cr incletjr; '
'nl one of the bMt giij,r,ntM.?i to lhe
) Nrrou. aa 1 I. ti:nii,' 1 ltht LHECM.i
) WORLD, r'uil Ulrecilons with eacb Boi. (
) Prerar.d only br Tnos. Rrn ilAmt,
I nwa M Iti-Hffittmtn trnraiiv. r
S'mmmI Sic. "iw Yrk, S' Aa.nt. furl
ne Lmit-d rjta-.. nhg ,ii your rusi.l t
... n.t Itpn thorti 1
' Wilt mall Beeeharn't Pills on rreeipt of prlom
13 els. a dox. nerzion tf:a paper.
rPMRimunAiiTir:) r .
VT -8taal at the ImrmU r A
and -b (txsji to bo
rtsajd for oo dealjvcrr.
SUB aLa, f
Dood art amp for C&i-
'srtciaL rai
T prov rlhii anfl .nil. m-
Horsi- liif O as tta oat
;' m.- uriheceriaincQiJ
cf this Vua.
U. U.lSiiKAH AM M 3.
Amsltuam, S. Y.
have oold H c .on
many yara, ia II uaa
li.ll DYCHE a OOE,
'liicaro. LLfl
Pru . i.rmtatia
Iror aft TaiTf ft Nrit-i In-r-4-r fMhirea
InraU LTBLK if tak-t, aa ,l,riA ,Vn Ftt'r
irt 'irtv U Treatnf m.-i (J trim- tv.ftlr rVse aaa
t iiiei.t. th'v tjaTiiijr rt reaa hprcre oa bn !
ytil li'M. I'. (I e.i ! .H"M a.lrlfvaa a
UHi-texl to l.m. KI.IM, V;i A-rh St. i. edlil.t- p.
FOR . ONE-DOtLAR BII.I.rat on hj man
w will e-il-r. frro oi sal. ohtv U t,n? rx.OD U
tu Unit d stalsM, U1 of tbe fouosvUi u-tclM. canr
iuiij ptTtcico .:
On twooanns bottl of Pan TNeel'n,
10C A
One twoou- ce bo t tie of Viv!ne h'omat!,
On Jr of VHvitne cola (Twri, - - -One
k) of Vr,nnU- e ( mw hor Ic, -
Om Cake of Vaeitrisoap. txqiii:ttTv'ntBd,rf-
ODf tWU-OUOW bott e Ol W Ull VajfllCI, - att"
Or rbr pmtfXff vtamm y InsiXr nHrin at th f4m
fltTMMd On no tvwunf N- txt- tn tert4
Uitfemm bitxUd with ru namr. r.rr ., jfM ' Cat
taniy rrrvtu tmttitO n tchin) Kn .tftle orova
Its we.irtnif nn ilitles ar mi irr:ial, ajta
Ally oiirlastinc t o boxes .( any o'li.r bnud.
Joteaecul by heat. rtitr Tuts GKMU-
PenltWrly ( nrH wltb eibt .t t-mesiieax
Have rur' tbo inanla of ctv-. Crarf mU -I
BouqcwI forties, by bet plivfuciant. I -twn ri Jen.
rmpiorua iiMppur; tn ton da a. lea iw-ttUM
ail nibiui.K rm.)"-1. ud (or fre-. book cev
Dial of miraculou rur". Ten A? UaMiis?-
free by mail. If vou orlrr trial, sx d lOe. la ua
o rT ptHre. H. H. 9 Atievtita, Oe
to ktaiif
tit. V-4 Praa.
Patrick OTarrell, avrr.?-. f
A MONTH O FrV- Taaat Sfsjaj cr
a Huril f.T .! llMli'lo'li 'o
P. W. tl-l-r:t - oilaae;pwj la
tiritt-rrn naiiav Arms '-n writmii
r -S-J
na I. Sralai
'' !a C 3
J V 1 TO ft DAYHV3
mm tulutra.
?l Uttf m!7 bj : a
II I lav
WW AN I Ml Kim; kutL UaraifOm aa
linniLUHknvtl w,j. aa av IjrM
' "(