Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 12, 1890, Image 4

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    . ; .1 - - :
1 Fr Tamgt. for F:gU Kli; i
N Home
a T imii ii ea ths IVrprrie of Bnfsr. aa.
Saw M Kate IV Wholesome ApAsrUssa
ts be TwkW ea the Ban Door ay
Betas of laurast
A Laasaa la RmlUr Makla.
VT male butter from cream, w
let cream from milk, and cq the
eegetabte and aniaial kingdom, are
we dependent for tue cruJa material,
laye a writer Ii tha Amrr'.cao t'ultlTa
tor. It h:i: been f;i:d thai by feeding-
as we'l as t-rewiinff juu can ea
rirh tt.e i.-.a.iry t.' mil, make the
oily iaobulea m :tii-: v without a rela
tive et!! i' "f ":?r bu'llt oJ 'i"1
la a lesser wit '; caaoioe aollda
cou:d be cjin-d to l.kewi iurrraM.
Then aj;a;n. experhueDta proTod
that pecuhuriti s of voge;alle flavor,
like the oi!'r iii'iuirifi to m.i from
root, ensi. e:. i-oul'l b! averted
by feedin,; each food to :., inect!y
after imLkiiif. (ini- t mi l miik-flav-
ord hertai;e vrh'-n i-inn-d to milk pro
duce that mo'-i.'.'' iiti'i 'ii-lu'it lutter
flavor, aiwny. .:-(.'. v'S'T I'jr lh con
sumer. V:.:1- 1...' (Minpo-lt.no of but
ter t si x tv -i' ; t ;urn ;i!m.tin und
thirty ji.irti i. .:;,.. 1: r? remains two
part wli.i U .' ii:T..-?.-(I debars the
valu of tiin w':to. lhi-t insinitlcant
proportion of V- "'th of the bulh
coni-is if ""i- i ,i:u- odoriferous and
flvorin in,-r. 1 ! nt . thu principal of
which li.-i -i r-'i-.vrd the name of
butyri'iw." I :iut.on the butter
mkT nn 'nt , u-iir a lytbinj but the
very bt-st i : ri r t s t- al color, because if
baso inre-lin's ;! usod in eliminat
ing the dye 'run the nnn.-itto s?e?da,
the hue fiv.-n ti tr, dairy proJuct
will be of an In prior cnt.
It mint bo riMr."iilfrol lh.it the brtt
wer globules or "oil drops' are not
quite fluid, but lmvo a pasty consist
ency. oin; to tho lare nmouut cf
puiraitine- whu'h t icy co it lin. in pro
portion t-v Th. ii':'iti'.v 'I'he globules
vary In s:j bur ri:ri;j jh.ipo aliffht
ly by teitiiiL'. b''rn more circu
lar in form. We know tint a rupture
of these lobu!es rn-'am rancidity of
the product, an 1 r.ici I b far fitted,
only for ax e xrem-. 1 hoe globules'
taken la common nj.upoo the
(Train." t',u raiu of buttor
should not bo bi i-Kou ti.iit Ij spread
by the tnblo kn.'j of t m consumer.
Tba writer hre p:scnts trie nioit
allent point of t'ue r-.i-.r and intelli
gent method of rioilir with this
oleoinous cmrr.'liiy:
1. 'rea-n rren:n: evenly in one
batch, nor never il n; '--es in dirnti
stages of m.'irurity r..xe.i tojelbor priorf
1L Churni at a r.'.;f"rn tenipcrn i
tare, of whicn an aver-,o of to- can
be regarded n.i i'mt:irl
5. A firm grnnu'iit.on of tli b ittrr,
which the pro or te'i.pT.-Uure in thj
era am wiU a-:n.
a. The w.isi.in rf the butler with
cold Witr. wK-n it i-i in a granulated
stato. U.rhi-x -i o .'d b oecom
pliBhed ! v sfiVo rc. on of tins
dah tiil l.i" w.fer r-;n otT clear.
WcrU'iv-'i 1 the butter Tf'tbJ
ffut'jwn, e-rc:-;- "X'reme caution-KHtofT--i
.- -..! a-i tlie sa! '
which ebi-".! ! ' ti: t;ne,t titid.
pur V grm'.f. i i:;e. -rporated in tha
butter rn.. ' n- j -.: siiould cca$e to'
man1puiiro :t ; ;h-j ladle.
6. r;ici". - r '-ict in iniraaimlate
ckv'-i. A c. re i ro-e.- of manufact
ore will :-. . : i-.-!it if the butter
p-iei.-d '' 'v. - r in 'irielean ves
sels Kc t r--v w;t!t liat pertinac
ity pp'ir- jii 1 1 or. a will clin to
lt mi-i.-'!i m.- ' e.. ( f turn Hnd jars.
Ou!y pmi.o -. ! uo ,t ..via k-ill the mi
rroseo; ie JP. w.icb. if net eliml-nat-d
from -': of 'he firkin, will
by tt.eir -pre.,. ; . intt) t;-.e butter
structured Ilavir and io""sr'
Its tuar.vcrao.o -,..; -j.
it 1hf-. t the ltAro Pnnr.
"H'iio cut-.-rs bcre leaves pipe be
hind." The hor-e- "! Ve a'l tbe better for
work in - his w.iy tliwijh the winter.
Tl;e Tirtn tl-.ar cii ki tie" riht ti!e of
a hore biauact la a ln t ciasi horse
tn in.
Too many l.ore. eat un durir(f the
Wlrte!" all they L.ie crnd curing
the summer.
The ho binnk-- mv fed and
f!e-h iei jii'.'.'m.-. u-ed to cake
anim.il hear.
Kerning mate' in n-y other re
ceptacle th;m uti ;ii.a cr tin box 18
tempting Pr tluein-.
Some peep Hi -ik a farta an!mal is
HVe a prtae-s,:,i:i p no o.-od UiiUl
Meked. Th- m ...: m t.ik..n.
The farm lor--c. h:i-iu only litrht
tabor, and rot m-... '. of that, d-irinu
the winter, should to.. : I gm'.a and
Snore roug-hnes than o-irin ihe sura-
The men that p ti Iron tit In
ttorsea mootl.s in r- ro d weather,
without r;t wu;;;,!-:; the. bJ-t. ha-- al
together too much of ".Lie ?av;(g-0 m hi,
It b equally Certain that rr.iney in-v-essed
In fertii'ers or fertilizinrj
materials H fr- -jUrntlv thrown away
through i jnor.uieo t ' 'bo wint cf the
soil to which tl:o f.'tiiUior Is to be
applied. A in which any of th
plnt 'rmiuiT eo-nirnt-i is abundant
ami in an a v a ('.ut form requires nc
such c'onie-.t i.i a '. ti i,.or. It is only
no-s h H w.'ii.-Ii are drticient it
the oii ttiit tn :-t ho supplied. an4
until farmer li.ive lonrr.i'd some ea.-j
an-1 jr;i.-t;. al ir- th-vi of determining
tlie c:i r:i--'er cf t'i' ir oil the proti'
from ferti i ers. 1 roue rnxed or other
wise, wt.l pro-, e. an I'uc-i tain quaatit-.
T t ratilw rshornfirs.
t tic 5e:nn of the Sullivan cnuntj
court at Montie... !o. New York, then
came up. ti app! - atioa for a new trial
a ;aje that i ::: rely novel to tho
coirt of it at 'a;e anJ cf hlgl
moment to the owner of horned cattle
Tho caso o-i-ji :. 'i vl in a comolain
ent.-n-d bv the I. -: I aentof the socle
ty for the lVevcutiua cf Cruelty ti
Andmals before .T i4-e Toter Ton
siaat a?amt J-ihn Austin, a farmer of
the town of ll x'ii and. of cruet mod no
naturai treatment of n ne of his dairy
catt.s in sawii, orT th--r horns. The
proof of tho aiie.-d of?cn was com
plete, and the j-at.ce pronojacrd the
defendant guUty aci Cusd hia and
cos la.
a Carinas Clltlaw
James I rea-iyp-wr'.;er, of rennyl
aoia, has a curium collection of
clovers from UiuVreut etatoa. The
clovers are mounted upou a card so
as to represent a four-leaved c!ovr.
One leaf is raa-lc up of cloven four
leaved clovers. ano'.iiT of nine five
leaved clovers, and the fourth of six
seven-leaved clovers and four eipht
leaved clover 1 ho stem is repre
sented by a eerie of clovers contain
ing cup or furu.el leaves, and at the
ssry end Is onj clover having nine
leaves and a cup and auolher clover
having thirteen loaves.
Tin t lirrrT Trss Sine.
la a recout paper I'rof. Llntner
tpoke of the rava ;--s of the cherry tree
iliur, to'imi .vru, and said there
was no need of -ueli destruction of
foliuifo by tliis pe-t as hut beaa re
po: t -.1 t- ui .1, for tli-i l.vrvja can be
re iai y u.-sirtiynl by spnying tha
reoi w..u -iielurd ia water ag
ounce of the powder to. two gllmma f.
water, or by dustinir the foil re witti
fresh, air-rlaked lime.
!! Twrkaya.
There are six breads of dome tin
turkeys la the United Stales, which
are known as the bronze, the 2tarra
raosett, the biaclc baff. white ao4
sUte. The largest of the broase tar
ksys. raised principally la Khode Is
land and noriij Monlnton. Ct.. attaial
a weight of forty-five pounds whsa twe
jrears old. and yearliog-s tweatj pouad
mm ra.
There is much la the breed, there If
much la the feed, and there Is more
in the feeder than either. A good
feeder Will d fairly well with a good
breed and poor feed, or with good feed
ana a poor breed. But a good feedet
putting good feed into a good breed i
the acme ot perfection ia dairying.
I'rastlcal Mia.
Cauliflowers are superior to cabbage
in every respect for tue table, and can
be grown as easily.
l'aint splashes may be removed
from window p iocs by a very hot solu
tion of soda, using a soft flannel.
Mildewed linen may be restored by
soaping the spots, and while wet covering-
tuem w.lh powdered chalk.
Colored embroideries, edgings and
Inserting are used to a considerable
extent just now for trimming under
clothing. Strensthen vinejjar by freezing It,
snd then remove tue ice which forms
on the surface; the water of the vine
gar only freezing.
For family use It Is advisable to
plant six or eijrht peach trees every
year, which will take the place of those
that are ceasing to bear from age.
Corncobs contain more potash than
wood. If they are used for fuel, and
the ashes saved, it will be the most
economical mode of disposing of them.
Judgment in planning and arranging
the work to he. done will accomplish
more than the amount of work itself.
System and regularity save work an (J
Hos ought to be fed regularly even
during the summer, but a good feeding '
place should be provided, as it is not;
a good plan to feed hogs grain Of any
kind on the ground.
A Kideewater. Pa., rhvsiclan save
that olive oil is au antidote for rattle-'
snake po.Yin. Half a dozen table-1
spoonsful are suthcicnt, he says, to
cure any snake bile.
The French method of administering
cantor oil to children is to pour the oil
into a pan over a moderate tire, break
an f?(t into it and stir up; wiiea it is
done flavor with a little salt or sugar
cr currant jelly.
To rtarch col'ars, make some gum
water of clean gum arable; keep it ia
a bo.tle. and when wished work a lit
tle of it and a trifle of common soda in
to the ordinary starch. It adds both
los and sti.'Tut-ss to the collars.
New ulsters for traveling are of
rtripod or checked cloth, and are made I
with straight, double-breasted fronts. I
redin?ote backs, large sleeves and
shoulder capes, the latter la plain'
triple layers or a single large frilL
t-eeJs of beets, carrots and parsnips
are alow to germinate. They may be
made to swell and sprout quickUy if
placed in a flannel bag and moistened
with warm water daily, i-ome gar
deners mix the soeds with fine earth
before placing the seeds ia the bag.
lurk indigo blue India silks will
a'ain be used for morning gowns. The
newest designs are white flowers,
thi-tles or grape clusters, or stripes of
yel'ow, green, white or red, placed
two inches :-part in clusters of two nar
row lines with a lavendar stripe be
tween. It is proposed both la TIenna and la
furis to water the streets with a dis
infectant mixture with water having
powerful antiseptic matters dissolved in I
it. They sre tired waiting upon the j
microscopists to discover toe influenza j
microbe and mean to get rid ot the
disorder as best they may. I
No experienced planter wouM ever!
think of planting trees with bruised j
and mutilated roots. When the roots
are damaged at the time of lifting the !
tree, the mutiiatod or bruise! part
thou'.u be cut ol with a sharp knife,
so that the wound may present a clean,
smooth curface. The healing process
is in this way accelerated, and the
risk of damage by fungoid growth
lessened to a lara-e extent
Recent experiments prove that salt
Is a ne-esity for fowls, and that
when it ia supplied them they keep la ;
hefer condition and lay a larger!
number of tpss. Salt la one ot the!
Lon-Utucnts of cg;s and must be pro-
videl. Of course an excess ot salt Is I
Injurious, but if the soft food Is seis-j
oned with it benefit will be obtained
from its ue better than In any othes
. i - i.to u w s, i - v vur
fow s a proportion of salt In the too)
two cr three times a week.
I., r. I e p Sneerr.
Sneczi' and the manner in whic!:
:he sueeie is sneezed, is an interetir
-tiidy in itself. Xo two persons sneez
xai tly alike. A two months' study of
his spasmodic practice has filly
ienionstratrd the fart that there r a
auich individuality ; j the sneeze of the
average man or woman as there n in
:hc laujrh, the conversation, the wal.
"r the handwriting.
The little boarding-school miss trips
jauntily along the street, and in turn
ing to note if she Is attracting due at
tention, happens to inadvertently look
it the sun; in a moment her nostril
icgin to tickle, and burring her face
in the folds of the neatest of cambric
handkerchiefs, she contracts her shoul
ders, and gives utterance to the dain
tiest "skick-skick-skirk" imaginable.
The fat woman, with a basket uon
her arms, halts suddenly npon the
street, bows her head reverently, re
mains set for a few moments in wllj
expectation, and then, straightcning
np a little, inhales the air until she
wells up like a balloon, then "ah-h-h-choooool
ah-h-h-tchooool ah ah-ah
kitch-tsschoo I oh, my I" aud wobblo
i!oDg, wiping her inflamed nose on Lcr
The tall, cadaverous man, whose jv
sry look indicates the presence of o-n-umptlon,
stops short on the sidewalk,
nervously runs his hands into half a
dozen pockets before he can find his
handkerchief, throws his liead back
ward nntil his nose points at the City
Uail clock, and electrifies all within
hearing with a spasmodic "witchoo-witchoo-witcho-o-o-o-wi-wi
- witcho-o-o-o
I" then gives bis peaked nasal organ
a wipe or two, and moves painfully
The ncrvons man stop, while a look
-f pain crosses his face, draws two or
three long breaths to huiry the thing
along-, then doubles himself up a if
endeavoring to shoulder the heaviest
portion of his body, twists his face out
of all semblance of a human being,
and Jerks out his "kroo-whak-kroo-whak-boosh-ah-kroo-whak-oh
I" and
leaves the spot, wearing a look of the
most -iisconolate pain.
It does one good to see the Jolly fat
man sneeze. He throws back his mas
sive shoulders, opens hi cavernous
month to its fullest capacity, ahurs
both eyes, and fairly raise the dead
with hi "ah-achooool ah-schoooo 1 ah-ah-achoooo
I whoopee I woosh-ah-schoooooo-wagh
hooo-phy schoooo I"
There la an
Jndlan chief named
KeAriy Always Ri(b( Im fter Je1jinenl
la Reaard to Gonnoa Thiaas.
An old rntleman over seventy came
Into the city from his farm without Lis
overcoat. The day turned chilly and
he was obliged to forego his visit to the '
fair. I
To a friend who remonstrated with
blm for going away from borne thus
unprepared, be said: I thought it
was going to be warm; my wife told
me to take my overeoat,but I wouldn't.
Women have more sense than men
A frank admission.
Women's good sense la said to come
from intuition; may It not be that they
are more close observers ot little tninga.
One thing is certain, they are apt to
Hike the nail on the bead, in all the
ordinary problems of life, more fre
quently than the lords of creation.
According to Dr. Alice Bennett,
wbo tecently read a paper cn Bright'
disesss before the Pennsylvania State
lied leal Society, persons subject to
bilious attacks and sick headaches,
who bare crawling sensations, like the
flowing of water in the bead, who are
Hired all the time' and have unex
plained attacks of sudden weakness,
may well be suspected ot dangerous
tendencies In the direction of Bright'
The Teteran newspaper correspond
ent, Joe Howard, of the Nsw Yotk
Prut, In noting this statement, sug-
gesw: "Fossibly Alice la correct In hr
diagnosis, but why doesn't she give
ome Idea of treatment? I know a
man wbo has been 'tired all the time
for ten years. Night before last be.
took two dose of calomel and yester
day be wished be hadn't."
A proper answer is found In the
following letter of Mr. Davis, wire ot
Iiev. Win. J. Davis, of Basil, O., Junt
Slat. 1S9J:
"I do not hesitate to say that I owe
my life to Warner' Safe Cure. I bad
a constant hemorrhage fom my kid
neys for more than five month. Tht
physician could do nothiug for me.
Jay husband spent hundreds of dollars
s nd I was not relieved, l was unaoi
the care of the most eminent medical
men in the State. The hemorrhage
ceased before I bad taken one battle of
the Safe Car. I can safely aud do
cheerfully recommend it to all who art
safferera of kidney troubles."
Fame cannot brincr Immunity- or!
punishment, but it is very rough cn
Kttle I'atti to have a cigarette uame
after her.
The recent search for a Chinese Im
ported woman was very curious. Ow
would think the best search would Im
for the means to lose her.
The Government is to forbid somi
Indians the privilege of the war-dance
This dance always makes the red mat
fighting mad because throughout it ha
keeps stepping on his own corns.
John Bucks of I'rbana, Q., claimi
that his barn has been struck by lijrht
ning four times in six years. Kithei
Bucks or veracity has lost in reputa
tion, or Wiggins is a gTeat man.
The reports about the Hon. Mr.
Sullivan's inebriety are too frequent t
be reliable. Some day the honorabli
gentleman should get sober enough tt
knock out these miserable slanderers.
They tell of a lady in Carlisle, N.
J., who didn't borrow anything of I
neighbor in thirty-four years of mar
ried life. fhe must have bad mud
trouble, but she probably borrowed
hat of her husband.
Vicky Woodliull announces hegpelf
In an English paper a Candidas foi
President of the United States ; but tht
last national election showed that tht
English were t doing any American
voting worth mentioning.
A woman in Ohio sold sheep-pell
for thirty cents when it was wortt
seventy, and her husband went and
hanged himself. If she had twenty
husbands of that kind she ought tc
have twenty sheep-pelts to sell.
Mrs. Snell, of Idaho, gave birth the
other dav to three bovs and three
pirls. Here are two threes of a kind,!
it onr mathematics are correct; and 1 JniucKiy word droppsd from the ton
Mr. Sncll befrins to have apprehension ' "e cannot t-e brought back again by a
that the good lady will deal the entire
The Ivnentor rarely gets the reward
of his ingenuity; and there is a good
deal of svmpathv for the poor old
wretch who killed Oesswoin because
he generously gave his suicide, .s well
as his invention, to the niau who made
the thing Inevitable.
A woman in Massachusetts sued for
divorce because she found a strange
hair on her husband's coat; but the
man proved that the hair might have
grown there, and she had no proof aa
to the several that had apparently
grown in the butter.
The worst thing that can be said of
Sam Cox is that nobody has a word
against him or his memory. Men of
positive force bave enemies that are
frequently an honor to them. Still,
Mr. Cox is all right now. That ia a
firt-rate reputation to go to heaven
"What does the world care for
dead folks?" asks the editor of the
Chicago Mail, epeaking of George Eliot
and some others. Iear sir, it takes
first-rate care of their memories, good
and bad ; aud bevond that what elould
dead folks care for what live folks care
for them?
For a Tonng Conple.
What is needed to insure a larger de
gree of happiness in this world is moral
independence and moral principle. The
notion tliat the end is attained when
Ihe altar is reached is almoet a crim
inal mistake. That is not the end; it
is only the beginning. As a rough
farmer once said, "to marry and Iovo
each other for a few months is as easy
as rolling on a log; but to love each
other right along for forty rears, np
hill and down, well, it's quite a job.
There is hard work before a young
couple. They must get used to each
other, make mutual concessions, get
their plans, aims, interests to work
imoothly in double harness. There is
too much kicking in the traces, too
strong a desire to have one's own way,
too little forbearance, an insistence
opon one's rights, but a forge tfulncss
of one's duties.
Then it is well to remember that at
25 you can't have what you will per
haps be able to buy when you are 60,
if you are economical. Young people
pend too freely, are unwilling to
pinch themselves in order to have
a surplus, delight in show, and
ire apt to live beyond their mean.
New York Herald.
Editor You see Mr. Pulpit, we hare
i Bible in the office.
Clergyman (examining the Bible) Yon
ceep It n'ce and clean, don't you?
There are no finger marks on it.
Fixtiso A Wast. "There is a talk
f reducing the course of study at
Harvard from four years to thiee," said
McCrackle. .
1 "The idea la to give more ti me to base
kwOj 1 uppoaa," replied HcCorkie.
Jold bloomed. "She jilted me for
uiat fellow Jim wlien we were three
days out from UverpooL"
'Threw you over overboard In mid
ocean Barbarousr
dox't know what to put my boy
st. Kai 1 IVbbs, -He's a promising
rouoes'er. vry promising." "In that
ase," said liobbs. Mmake a shoemaker
xr a tailor of him. "
Moth Fit: And do you really feel so
rery bad. Bjbby?" Bobby: Y'es, ma, I
tin't quite sick enough to need any
nedicine. but I'm a little bit too sick
t go to school.
Patient I say doctor, what sort of a
ump is this on the back of my neck?
Doctor It la nothing serious, but I
would advise you, nevertheless, to keep
four eye on It.
They Bite, too. "Why did you
(o down to that low toned place to
"lxiw toDed? Why, man, I want you
to understand that there are lota of big
buja there."
Minister Here's a motto I want the
eyes of my congregation to dwell upon
un 11 Its words are engraved upon the
tablet of the people's niem ry. Shall
I hang it here In the center of the pul
pit? Minister's wife Oh, nol Hang It over
yonder in the corner right side of the
Sub divided affections. Helen
nere, J.ick, Is a rel rose for you. that
means my best love, you know.
Jack Yon darling! Do I get that
flower in your other hand, too?
Helm Xo. That's for Tom. my
other adorer. It is myrtle, and means
constancy and fidelity.
Mrt ii iv a name. City Boarder
"Why, I don't see anything around
here but sand and marsh. 1 though the
name of your tlace was Forestvllle."
Farmer Frogpond "Ye. sir, yessir.
I named it after the great tragedian
Edwin Forrest."
IT would not suit. VNow.niad
aiu." said the pentlemauly clerk, "this
canet can't be beat."
"Then I don't want it," replied the
shopper. "I always take up my carpets
In the spring and beat them."
Expecting too Much. Mr. Pet
erby I am afraid that our son Jo':uuy
is g-ttiug Into liad habits.
Jude Petciby He may turn out
tolies great man neverthelefs. Sjuie
of the greatest men who ever lived had
tad habits.
But I e does not show any other signs
01 being a great man.
well, you can't expect everything
rrotn him.
Hl3 tOST VMBTtEI.A. "Now.slr."
said the Colonel to the Major, "I took no
notice or your behavior la-st evening.
considerii g the state you were in; but
sre you aware you put your umbrella in
my earr
"On, thank you so much," replied
tne ii.ijor.
"I'd na notion where I'd left It,
Would you mind returning it?"
Clara (waking) "Whose
poem was
that you've junt read?'
Isaliella " hy. that was
Clars, "I thought ro. I knew it
moment I fell asleep."
-Selby "What is Mr. Ponsonby nro-
fession. lo you know?"
Miss Popinjay "Oh. I've beard rana
ay mat ue was a pe.slmlsl."
The art of veneering was known to
the Egyptians more than 3000 years
igo. i be sculptures of Thebea are said
'jo illustrate the process.
Life Is misery to thousands of people who
j .ve iiie tatnt or scrofula In their blood.
there Is no o licr remedy equal to Hood's
Sarsaparlila for scrofula, salt rbeum and
rvery form of blood aisea.se. It is reasonably
lure l-i Den. ui an who try it.
The Chinese have a saying that an
:cacli and six horses.
l'nre sonr Is wr.ite. Krown snnns r s.ini.
eiate.l k uh rosin. Periume ii tmly put in lo
" I'irsrm-e oi pttir-a J1Z. UoMjli.s
hirrtr.c o.ii is pure, wluie, 4Dd uiiscenieii.
aas uetru 9j,u s.nce lsuo. iryitnuio.
A fat men's club, containing 119
neniLers.ard representing an aggregate
ciiit of 24,0 ij pouuds, flourishes In
Mount l'ieasatit, Mich.
Itnpi lire -ur-guaranteed ly
t'r, J. 11. Mayer, b6l Arch r-a., i'hll'a,
fa. Ease at once, no operation or de
ay iroin business, attested by thou
sands ot cures alter others fail, advice
hee, send for circular.
The cheif supply of cloves la ob-
ained from the Islands of Zanzibar aud
Cemba; where the clove tree wa in-
Touuced in ldO.
Frarer axle Uraasa.
The Frazer Axle Grease is the very best
a trial will prove we are right. Krcetved
irst premium at North Carolina State Fair
Centennial, and Paris Exposition. '
Hol'yhocks, single and double for-
net tne clnet feature of the Massac h
lsetts Horticultural Society's 6how in
Both the tnfthod and result whea
Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant
tied refreshing to the taste, and acta
eentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanse the y
lem eiTectually, di.pcis colda, head
:tcbes and fevers and cures habitual
crnrtiiwtion. Syrup of Fig is the
only remedy of it kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ao
.eptable to the stomach, prompt in
ta action and truly beneficial in its
t iTects, prepared only from the moat
healthy and egreeable substance,
ita many excellent qualities eon
oiend it to all and have made it
.he most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fige is for sale in 60o
-nd 81 bottles by all leading dru
iU. Any reliable druggist who
nay not have it on hand wul pro
nre it promptly for any one who
wi.shes to try it Do not accept
tny substitute.
K , "Z OSS,
aawu. ct. nr r$m, at
runwAW, C4X,
: r i F'" it-
you mind giving me another bowl of
coffee; and make it a lutle strongtr
please?" aa d the tramp at the kltch. n
door of a beuevo'.eut housewife.
"Another bowl of coffee! Why, you
bave drauk two already," said the good
'It is not altogether for myself that
I drink It," replied the tramp sadiy.
"I bave read that coff-e sometimes pro
duces inebriety, aud 1 w sh to test it in
order tJ be able to caution my fellow,
that's all. ' injre this morning?
Welt, so-lorg."
" win wuin
That's the way you feel after one or
two of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
have done their work. You feel
well, instead of bilious and consti
pated ; your eick headache, dizzi
ness and indigestion are gone. It's
done mildly and easily, too. "You
don't have to feel worse before you
feel better. That is tho trouble
with, the huge, old-fashioned pilL
These are email, sugar-coated, eas
iest to take. One little Pellet's a
laxative, three to four are cathartic
They regulate and cleanse the liver,
Etomach and bowels quickly, but
thoroughly. They're the cheapest
pill, sold by druggists, because you
only pay for the good you get.
They're guaranteed to give satis
faction, every time, or your money
is returned. That's the peculiar
plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are
Bold on.
Can you ask more ?
ropluim'i A ithtni
'.iMi Imntetliate rlif
t is bt'lievt-'i to br the
wHtASTHMA Rv-medy
aDown i iiumaniiy.
A -vMMice w iriv X
Tr...l Pack:ir HIKE.
Sold iv liruirms.s.
Sriit bv mall. tK--tiia!(i.
f rfl lerr ArMr, THUS. I'Ol'il AM 2oUl
Jl.Ut'e AvcliUt. l'iilllt:I,lilsU
C7i ihlrcn
Too Fast
become listless, fretful, without ener
gy, tl.tn and weak. But you can for
tify them and build them up, by the
use of
OT I-iiue and Soda.
They will take It readily, for K is al
most as palatable as milk. And it
should be remembered that IS A PRE
vi tive oh rrKF or fotens ob comm.
JMEQU Allta. Avoid rMitutiottoffrri. f
For Coughs 0 Colda
1 k. r m 5
Tber is no lledicin lik
&3 3ir S
lie hs i ;
.r ft If 1 1 -n "a n t to the ts,ts and
s b..t c.nlsin s fmrticls of
l.tli- iWttuUefa HW11C1IH.IDU1S
Pri. fim pr tillls. Ur. Sbanrkl B.. k .n
1"..tiMiiiii.ti..Q and its Cure. cuil4 fits- AJ.lr-
Dr. J. It. bphenclr A. nn. VhilarIloh
For a Discrdared Liver
25cts. a Box.
CAliTlilN w- " "aaa'aa ISbas-a ars
ansa Slamred aa ksllsa.
a.l-!rr. on postal forvaiuabls laformasioa
V. I.. Illluil.AS, Hrwlilsa, Maas.
aaa a) vn aaf p a apw sas a Iqsu-u uoos n-mm
rA I iull I o ; SaSH
. u. s. I. . n s
M-hinslan, It. C
A LATE CF.xsrs jiiKf- 'T1ia fViin
of I'arlsj is con-.iiiff to this country,"
"wen, i bope ri-'U be estimated at
his proiier woith," said tbe Chicago
man. "Tlie COtlllf. of i TI icn t vna virv
badly managed.'' "
I ' W H T TTrn ii-HinTin . mm
TIIMK lliKllMKNT.- A valuable lllus
iiaiei l'.: ..( sevciiiy twn panes sent free, on
reei.t i.f in -.-i,rs. t cover cost f mailiue, etc.
Ad.lrcM, 1'. u. lix loi 1'lilladelphia, l a.
Iii Home males wore back for
mourili- S. While the wnmon IndieatA.I
their grief by wearing white garments.
FITS: AH Fits moTipearree tT Dr. K;tneaQreflt
rstrre lieurt?r. Noi'iissrM;r nrst Uav's ase. Mar
scxHis cures. Tiea! ife slid ft uv irial iwu.slreeti
t ncsses. ctuu to ir. tkiiucaai Arcn St. faua.,fa.
A Xew Jersey ieach erower went
Into hia orch.ird this year and found but
half a dozen pe iches on 1.7u0 trtei
faffl!ete9 wltb hmmm nan rw Tm.m T-hMn.
on'sKye-water. liruinrisu sell at & per tioiUa
A mountain side makes the best
pasture for younff cows, because climb-
mg lendi to strengthen the calves.
A. M. rilTFST. nrni-rit KV1fti-:Ti. t.j
sav.- . iiii-. v. kT.." Zt". .V"i' """1
satisfactlim. Can get plenty of testimonials, aa
ill li, 74a, u. auusgiaia
Life misery
To thousands of people who nare tbe taint of
scrofula In their blood. The azonle caused bj
the dreadful running sores and other manifesta
tions of thla disease are beyond description.
There Is no remedy equal to Hood's Sarsapsri'la
for scrofula, salt rbeum and eTery form of blood
disease. We know that it bxs cured th severes
cases and It will benefit all who five It a trial.
"skrrofula bunches to my neck disap
peared when I took Hood's Sarsapartlla.' A. K.
Kei LET, I'arkenburs, W. Va.
Hood's Sarsaparilla .
Sold by all drueirlsts. 1 ; six for S. Prepared
only by C. I. HuoU & CO., Lowell, Mans.
lOO Dose One IoIIar
other morning as a farmer was coming
into the city by way of the Grand River
Road a bag of oats slid off bis load un
noticed. A citiz-n stood at bis gate
and witnessed the occurrence with out
saying a word. When he thought it
safe to do so be ran out to secure the
baz, but as be reached it a second man
came up.
"I saw it first," said one.
"Xo, you didn'tl"
I did!"
You didn't 1"
"Say. youl" both called In chorus to
the farmer, and as be turned about each
nan went his way. As there was like
ly to be a fuss as to wbo should profit
by the find they decided to beat each
other by being honest.
One Thousand Dollars.
I will forfeit the above amount, If I fan to
prove that Kloraplexion Is the best inedloiue in
existence for Dyspepsia. Indigestion or Bilious
iiss. It is a certain cure, and afford Immedi
ate relief, in cases of Kidney and L.iver Com
plaint. Nervous Debility ami Consumption,
r loraplexion builds up the weak system and
cures where other remedies fail. Ask your
druKtrist for It and Ret well. Valuable book
"Tbinirs Worth Knowing," also, sample bottle
sent free: all charges prepaid. Address
Franklin Hart. 88 Warren Street New Vork.
"If you'll go to work IH give yoi
something to eat," said tbe kind-heur
ed woman. "I can't follow my pro
fession unless you do," returned the
tramp, "for I am an alter-jinnei
Why 6HE LOVED BOSTOV. "I do so
love Boston said the liitle girL
It's my own dear natatorium."
Your natatorium?"
"Yes; it's my birthplace, you know."
Oklahoma Guide Book and Map sent anvwlire
on receipt of aocts.T lera; 'o Kansas city.M.
Timber, Mineral. Farm Lands and Handles
In Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas,
bought aud sold. Tyler & KausasCity, Mo.
Lee Wa's Chinese Headache Cure. Harmless
In enect, quick and positive iu action, -sent
prepaid on receipt of 1 per bottle. Aileler & Co.
Izz yaiidolte tt Kansas City, M.
Da Yaa Eer Spslslf
Any person sendinz ns their name an 1 a1
dresswill receice information that will M
ti a fortane. BenJ. Lewis 4t Oo., bocurity
buiMine. Kansas city, M
i-.iaraiiteed five year eight per eeut. First
Mirtk-aies on Kansas City property. Interest
paaMe every six mouths; i-rmctpal anil luter
et Citll.srted wiien du and remitted without
expense to lender. For sale bv J . II. Hauerlein
A Co., Kausaa City, Mo. Write for particulars.
Money inTested in 4-twlce one hundred dol
lar buiMiim lots in suhurl4 of Kans.ts City w.U
pay from live bundled to one thousand per
cent, the next few years under our piau. .5
cash aud A per mouth without interest con
trols a desirable lot. Particulars uu applica
tion. J. li.tt.iuorleiu & Co.. KausasCilv, Mo.
FrlgUt caused a young lady In Mad
Ian, lad., to scream so loudly, and open
her luoutb to such an extent, that she
dislocated her jaw.
No rolson Calomel
or other Injurious mineral enters Info the eom
posliion ol St. Bernard Vegetable fills. Their
claim to cure all diseases is based up -n Hflr
aliiiitti-d power lo promote ilieestuui. nutrition
and excr.-timi, punfv the blsl and retoi. im
paired vitality and stimulate I lie l.t-altliy ac iou
if the iiv-r. kidneys, skin, bowels and liins.
the derauenii-nt of w Inch jis the cause of all
diseases, i.r ne .rly all. A satuule of i lie ht.
lu-rnard Vi-Ketable l'ill will be sent rte to
all applicants. Address, St. Bernard, Bui 2416,
New Vork.
The Clncago Drovers Journal ob
serves) that southern cities are showing
up well In the annual statrments of
trade aud commerce.
Can 11 'n lii.iney Cure Tor
lrosr. Gravel, Diabetes, liright's,
Heart.L'rinary or l.iver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, &.C. Cure guaranteed. SJ1
Arch btreet, Philad'a. $1 a bottle,
for Jo, or OriiKgisu 1W0 certificates of
cures. Try it. j
A lious9 In Georgetown, D C, has
just bteti Mnnc;!l for the first time
!ince 11, and the carpenter say he
has found sawed shingles that had been
laid within ten yean in much worse con
dition than the shaved pine shingles
which had been in wear eighty-seven
JT ether Wek!f Paper
Suleika ;
Army Life and Adventure.
A Phenomenal Scout; by Gen. O. O. Howard.
Reading Indian "Sign;" by Gen. John Gibbon.
Hunting Largo Game; by Gen. John R. Brooke.
In Big Horn Canon; by Gen. James S. Brisbin.
Latest Discoveries in Science.
ThU Series of Papers explains In a simple manner the recent researchci of the greatest Spsclaliits In Scienca.
The Stare ; by J. Norman Lockyer, F. R. S.
The Moon; by Prof. E. S. Holden. The Earth; by Prof. N. S. Shaler.
- Tb Ocean; by Camille Flammarion. The Sun; by Prof. C. A. Young.
College Athletic Sports.
By Harrard, Princeton and Yale Captains.
College Boat-racing; by R. W. Herrtck.
Foot-Ball at Princeton; by E. A. Poe.
Base-Ball: Matches Lost and Won; by A. A, Stagg.
The Succesa at the Bar of Famous Lawyers; by Lord Coleridge, Chief Justice of England.
Incidents in the Livea of Famous Surgeons; by Sir Morell Mackenzie M D
Railway Storie by Railway Men; by Prominent Railroad Officials.
Jules Verne's Boyhood, telling how he became a Story Writer; by Jules Verne.
Among tbe Highland Peasantry; by The Marquis of Lome, lilus. by The Princess Louisa!
The Girl with a Taste for Music. Thrown cn
How can She make the most
X remarkable svrles of papers written expressly for
The Com ramus by the following; famous singers:
Madame Albani. Miss Marie Van Zandt,
Miss Emma Juch. Miss Emma Nevada.
Madame Lillian Nordics.
Hon-SfartTa ? T "n1 A Chrmin1
JnWrL.r' Kiri"g ",al info"'" 1" t.
Art Work, Fancy Work. Embroidery, the Decoration of Boom., tbe Care of riant,,
J - --, WITH
Is the motto and teachings of th Br.t ru'Mni JTr V' (yv -A, w.
Di.mths 2& rts. Cash or usmi Sample frf. A.lcirMa 1- AKM-1 Ot LTIt . It.,, , it.,;
It ta Abwlutety Pur, nitrhir fmtrntrtt. m
RotaF'tMxl. imi Ma rmy or mile f-Kid w rhrtip a we
jrtliiknroMwhenh-iarMulttn 'Mm Unr-
. .Ill nH tvauVnald bT ITtaXll MM f i l los. ft A ! W
JlAISINti iiVWK" (prtTe ft ct-lit Omtitia dll poultr aviTotirit wtrh tU pm-ri, nr t nrrml' i. k
I'uw.lcr frr 60c -nt. or, on ljarj" t l-i r""'"" a, '-ir 10 'rerular iriei an-l i.ui 1.. fr. hH'npU
efor SI 00. Htx ltvrv(ftna, rinrw pre-paid, t;.. (r-il fTtamim or rtri. In iimii't r..t- ttiar, ot
cUnirVr .i"n. leim.mUlssenf fr. t. S. JOHNS A t , g Uom liuux htrt.,,.
C-mL. '-it
fir Ought shdxnds forndrhinO':
WTH l Sop o b.Try Acoske Inyour
nexVhouseIenirig Cxnd.be convinced
"IGNORANCE of the law excuses np
man," and ignorance is
no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better
clean them in the old way than not at all ; but the modern
and sensible way is to use SAROLIO on paint, on flc are, or
windows, on pots and pans, and even op. stauay. To b
ignorant of the uses of SAPOLIO is to be behind the age.
P ISO'S KEMEDY KOK CATAKEIL Best. Easiest to nse.
C heapest. Relief Is iniinediaUt. cure is ceiUin. 1-or
Cold iu the Head it lias no eg.uaL
It an Ointment, of wh.rh
nostrils. I'rice.&Or. fi .Id hy
4 rlrlraastw.
T prerHTibP and tunv-r..
dopw Hig ii mm tt.e unl
I wide fur i ti ueruuiicurc
Of thlt) dttAa.
u. u. INHKAHAM.M p.,
AoibUTdttUi, N. V.
W bave sold Big d foa
Diaoy yeara, aud ii aui
frtrn tUa bat of saii
it. -id ty nr; .i i
1 B a Mitn-rttHv .Vmvm.
II BfS Inisns Prson RrstPTsd.
for OH SsIS Srsvs li.CA-r fi.i nrr
t frir A-e, Afftllvn; ft", rlC,
srsixisLS ir lahra a- riir.n.d. .Vr, f'tti atlur
firm! dfiv S 7rrati ...d , 2 lri.1 1mI1 fr to
Vtt Ti.ti.i.t.. ih.r rit. eiim rh.riiF. on b", when
fsrl..d. S'ti-l i'. O aii.1 m.frM ..Mlrr.. o
il n t'S. HI. 1st. H.11 Arrh St.. -. .dli.t.u. t'a.
lirscsu-s. Hi. M aAi Ot 1M11A ll U 1 1: I V.
ban beii TJd by mothers for ihir rb.Mren
while Tt-tbinic tttr over Fifty Wurt. It
stotliet. tfie c.ll'i. nofffHH thf rnn8- mIIhvs
all I'Htn. rir w'nJ folic, aud t tLo insnt
rwuiT-tv for diarrlHfa.
Teult-flTe C'eDla a Bottle.
' ao pabrKS our Fraarfi Fatttdoo Books lc E:
sid dseaot verortfrd Tlx ic-arncaoa rwiaTjrt tvetct-j
mv'umrj-.Jam. tM-oO or.'w V eLU for vatnr.
nm ouiw 10 inr DonBi. cca voiiiDi
tLL A Co.. W. tibH., MataT Vora
lBTrntr, fsalH?,
r Haw c fibinia
Patent. Snt r'ift.
Patrick O'Farrell, wVS"!. iV"7-:
Its wearlns qtiilities are unsurpamo.i, sfn
ally outlsstini: t o boxes of any .Ttr.r brtn.l.
fsot eaecied by Leai. Irtitt Tut oi:m-
I ASTH fVI A'core : D.ragj
"AUF TLIT, Book-kpliic. liuviir Form,
alUITIC tiinisiiiUai Arllhnti-Ilc, Sliorl-iisii.l. ft,-..
taorouaix tsuxbt vy mail, circulars irw.
Brrsst's t .llc.f. 4S7 Hs.o lt.. H.in.lf. N. V
'SuccessfuHy Prosecutes Claims,
Lai FriDCipeU ki&rsinur TJ S i'l-nt-ioo liurtau.
Irrala lait ww, L& 1j LxucmX) n dik 1 am, uxty au.ia
m MNiuiMin.
1 1
1 1
gton ruck, m Variety of Entertaining and Instructive Heading at to low a price.'
Illustrated Serial Stories.
The Serial Stories engaged for tbe year will be of nnnsnal Interest and Finely Illustrate
Through Thick and Thin; by Molly Elliot Seawell.
Nepigo ; by C. A. Stephens. Kent Hampden; It Rebecca Harding Davis,
by Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. The Heygood Tea Service; by Elizabeth W. Bellamy.
Important Articles.
of Her Voice ?
FREE TO JAN., 1891.
Ho?inav k , I. It" fr"" ,h,u " "' i-rlaHo. the
The Youth's Companion, Boston piass.
Mvrf Wee mrMt lUmttraled.Kead in ioO.OOO
i tup
xrnotni'mj. iKf-n. iir-n wrrif.il rV Trirttv a K(.flMn.
. J'rvrrrttM and C"urnj sill aim-m of f u trr nunt
cava bvmI mtr 910. m4 ix t,.im K, pre tent rntip tbi
slr-ira(ltl V ill llttrml-i I'PT ill tt,
wavv wuuu r"
a umali nartlcle is aTmlied to Uio
dmpcists or nent t y mail.
1 " T H" lYIV" ' e-an T-
i ili-a-.
Tt. ?rTci-J - Arrar. n.rnl u
ZINK, t.'.t r. itf-t : Ma.ui.LM
e aro t-n-vl- cl U. ir-afc.- wvry ut-r ot
our ldv rt tcr -t ..jj.i,r,, t r -Dt
(.lit llll tll;ss !r,s.,,l '..
a two o-Lt f-ii.j, ti.r t- tti.-fi si
and our rr,c avinl !,.'. r.-n tn W
.Ift.Tiii.L'" Iiii.nrtt, l: Ka-i i4ti, St
Nw V'.rk. aiid y u ii. f-w:tt t
return n n-.l a f'-.ii j ttrrn iliat
trisTrl aV'll f.l'l .'.-...i.i ..t .(..
ir ri'cr-r p'lin ijv.t, or
Hut a Flai-Jji.-Ti Mt:
. or 4i n
rrttti-'. I. k. -!I :t tf .-r 1 r,an u,. lU.
Von r- : v . tt a Uuivi. M:'.i.t-t in vue
. :.!iV HIT-:.. :t t., .r l-H-.u.
very Uiuuiii. fur r t
FOR . nM-UPOI.KA K Bf I.I. nt ng .y malt
w ni ds-iiv-r. frr? o: all rtnrtf, U hoy rrmon la
th L" tut d -tttte, ali of tiie loUawlug artlclo. cara-
lully iqke i:
Oaf tw.Hounw hottl of Pur VajHTM. -Cm
toou' c lxtTLe of V aniline 1'umaJa,
On Jar if Vaughn old ( rjni. - - - -(m
i k of Vmwln Catm;'hrlr, - - -i
...a f 'sir nt I'sb-I simn uiiiirit4l. -
15 "
C'ne ( a?of V sin. line Snap. equlfclt-ly BOPBtd.X1)
Ob lo-ouiioe bote c of v tme mtvU-u. - dz
Or frrr jxwtaa ntnmr anv rinl arHI at tK pit
ttamM On v anuit (V tx-r- iHiArd to a-wpf Ym
imr drita-jt-t an j IasWi ri or jrrpiritirr. tU ' rVj
unJfu Jn-i;ft vi.'h our rta. wcuuj ytm irw -
tainly rrrviv nn tmtfrtfmn uhfh A Hrtte orovt
( hfsfhrnugb MU. o., !t -!Htf3 t., N.
"By a th'roncrfa kn .v .:e of tu natnral lawg
whlci Rovrntufoiwrj' iq, ..f dltfei-tl'm mad autri
ll'ui, Hul ty a i-.rrrai a;.idicirlon nf ttio floe propar-ttt-H-'t
Meli-'leotl ..M-.,t, ir. tts litu provided
fur tireaklitMt lailfii lib a flllr;itfl y flavoured befs
lTH(i fJlCtl Mi MJaVa Ul IliaJV heVy U ClOtTl' blllm.
li in iy trie j'l lh'iiU4 u of f-urti ttrtHia of diet
tr at iroD-tltutluu may u craiuaUr tuilt up until
btr'nitf fii'i;ti t rt--ist -xry tt-uilency to dleaaa.
11 tui'lrt 'i 't riiiljtlt- itutt;i' ;ex .ir- float id c around ua
ri a.lv to aTrac wl.efrver tljT Is a trak potnU
We may -vr;i-" tnnu a lata! .Lnfc hy keplnff ouff
wivck wHi f. ti ririf i wuh i.urt Ino.s-1 and a ajfoerU'
Ut'urtslicd frjuitj." " l fit ,sri'i tmtette.
Iale iniply witti t jiiln wmU'r or mlltc. Sot4
only In half t' 'tin 1 tin-, ty ur.i,Mr, labelli-d tbua:
iA.UL tVra V 4 0., Uofn-paUuo Cluu2UaC
,yMilo B. SteyensXCi
Ali.rnrrs, 1419 F "I.. a-hiD(t.s. U. C.
Hrssch Oflices. ClrsrlMad. l-lreit.(-hleac
A. I. RUM AH!.
Wa.hinst.a. !.-.
si.i iui i.-iacL'ia.
I cnr relief a nam- -
ne W!S!?iJllt"MS AuHiiaL .sritrsuiwn. Msas.
u vuvun,
Naval Life and Adventure.
Adventures of a Middy; Admiral David D. Porter.
Powder Monkeys; by Admiral S. B. Luce.
A Chat about Samoa ; by Admiral L. A. Kiiaberly.
Overland in a Man-of-Warj Admiral J. H. Gillia
How to Choose a College.
Four Articlei of (Treat value to any yonng man considering
a Col If ge Education; by
Pre. Seth Low. Hon. Andrew D. White.
Prof. Goldwin Smith. Pres. Merrill E. Gates.
Her Own HeEourcen.
What can a Girl of Sixfi-n 3o .
A Series of Four practical an.l In !.r .1! Ar:i'!r-i, wlik-a
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