Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 29, 1890, Image 2

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iwii n
WEDSEHDAT, OCT. 29. 1890.
B. F. SUn WE I ER,
bditob a psorata-roB.
Republican State Ticket.
Crawford County.
Lack aw ana Count.
la-uruT or isTiasL trrints,
Montgomery Count.
Lonia E. Atkinson.
William Hartxler.
Pretbenolary Clerk of the Coort of Qiar.
tar Prwit.ni.
O'.ivrr C. PiffenJerfer.
J. F. Stoner.
cocstt TssAsnBia,
Jaiusa J. MelluUin.
cocbtt coMMtaftonxsa,
Uriah Shaman.
Win. B. McCaban,
corsTT arDrroka,
W. 1'. Graham.
B. 8. Orarbill.
We aire risblns; Tor principle-,
net men.
The Republican party, in all of its
appeals in this canvas, ha respect
fully nske.l our citizens, each an J all,
to rise abov the liui which lias
been injucteJ iuto this canrriss by
the Deuiocrntia management, and
frive final and friendly consideration
to the pre.it measures nnd principles
involved. The ouly way to sustain
thane ia to sick mere personalities
and preferences ;nd giv a eordial
support to all of the State, Congress
ional, Senatorial, Representative and
Ciunty runJidates, for the defeat of
any of these nffeets unfavorably the
representative and organized power
-f a great purtv which has dedicat
ed itself t the pr-motiou of well
Kuowu principles and ine.-.aurea.
The present Republican Congress
parsed a Soldiers' Sarvii-
which distributee annually $150,000,
000 to the dependant Tuteraua of the
Union: $16,000,000 of this is distrib
uted to citizrue of Pennsylvania.
Our Conprsss has passed the
to prev-ut frauds and undervaln
atione ly importers and foreign
dealers, and it in a ruagsi&rent nie
ces. It has passed 1
which not culy adds over $30,000,
000 annually tu our currnnov. but
bas lifted the value of silver fully 15 I
.... ..... I l : .v... .1. .T !.-.!
iter ichi. v t ii - , lul uut u iw i" i
1 ,. . ,
pnreuasin powttr oi me wsn aim
nfrjor.es. of all citizens. It bas pass
ed the MeKiclev
the best maaeuren of protection ever
conceived, and one which will en
courage all of our industries, so sn
as the excessive importations of this
year are exhausted.
the improvements of the Navy where
by our great ship yards will for years
be enable to doubled their forces and
g iva work to thousands of mechanics
and laborers. It bas encouraged
the farmer, and bean watchful ef hie
industries. These are but the lead
ing msaauree, all of them involving
pnnaiples, which are at stake in this
canvass. And these are things at
stake ; the greatest man in the land
would be dwarfed beside them.
will ratify or reject them. The Re
publican party is wholly responsible
for all of them. Do tbey deserve
your endorsement T There is one
wsy, and but one, to say so, and that
is to rust a ballot for the entire Re
publican ticket. If yoti eppoaethoae
measures, vot for the Democratic
ticket, and, vote it as a who'. One
way points to progress, the other to
re-sction. Tke choice is yours to
make on the 1th day of November
next. Bae it npou principle, and
the Republ.rau party will profit by
your vote.
fullv deserve public confidence as
men, and public support as the rep
resentatives of great principles a
view which mud flinging should
never obscure, and which slander
should never intimidate.
the Republican nominee for Gover
nor, waa Mnvor of Meadviilo, then
elected State Scnatnr after a most
cordial nomination, ly a vote which
redeemed the party's majority in
Crawford county. Ho is able, courte
ous, clean.
long State Senator cf high distinction
from Lackawanna county, is tbe can
didate for Lieutenant Governor.
has risen fr m a 16 year old drum
mer boy in the Union army to a
member of th-? House from Lis native
country of Montgomery, then to
Secretary of Internal Affairs, tbe
place for which he hae been renomi
sated. While a member of tbe Legis
lature he waa the author of tbe Sol
diers' Burial Bill which Pattison veto
ed, and in the words ef this veto
every Union Soldier of the State waa
iusulted by arguing that tha appropri
ation waa above the cost of pauper
u.n. Loru K. ATKI30r.
Has sprung from the farmer class,
and bas clotv connection with the
fiArmiuir interests in bis native
country, and is ever readv to aid from
legialatiou when m proper aliape, iua
largest interests are real estate inter
ests and whatever burdens of taxation
are pasauig he helps to baar them.
He baa oarer alight! tha ic ter ta
of bia ennatituants, indiTiduallr cr
coUactiTpIr in a baainaaa waj arH bia
zaal for tha inter-eat of tha soldier
! generally- speaking bas been remark
able. Ha rants, among tha firat rate
members of Congress. He will be
! The present men-bar is well and
favorably known in the county. While
be ie not gifted with speech for the
floor of the Assembly be ie endowed
with the keen discrimination requisite
to Tote understanding. Nothing
derogatory can be said against bis
record, privately or politically. Don't
for some little petty spite try to turn
him down.
OLivxa c. iu rner AarxB.
For Prothonotarv. is a farmer of
first-rate standing in bis community,
an obliging man, who will give satis
faction in tha office to the people who
bava buaineas to transact.
j. rsA STowxm.
Fur District Attorney, baa agree
sicesa to make a first-rate prosecut
ing oScera. Under hie administra
tion law and order will net be wink
ed at bat maintained.
For County Treasurer, ia identified
with tbe industrial intereets of Tus-
l carora Valley. He is an energetic man.
was a soldier against rebellion and
wi hold the parse strings subject to
the order of the constituted anther
Uriah Shuinan. and W. B. Me
Cahaa. are the coming men. With
out distinction ef party there
is a disposition to vote for them.
There is a general feeling in the
county that they are the men for the
county government.
roa corrrrr Arnrroafl
Wm. P. Graham and B. S. Gray
bill, are msn worth of tbe i u.Yae,
of any man or set of men.
Ropubll can Meetlnar-
Tbe Irg.t dav merlirj bald in town
within the pvrtod of a f naration aa br!d
tat M 31at bv the Itrpubltcana, nn the or
caaias of the :sit of Senator Drlamatar.
The Governor's party waa escorted to the
National flutel and after rartakina- of dm-
. . .v . -i k. '
ner they went to tbe Court House where an i
.. . - . I
enthusiastic crowd of men and women j
awaited them. I
Chairman Carl Epe.cb.de called tb. !
meering to order- j
Jeremiah Lyons. Kaq , wss elected Presl-I
daat. aad John Motier and Jnl.i J. K i
Patterson, Vice Presidents.
Mr. Lvon. in t.kin( the cbair divere. j
a pech that waa a model of tereeneaa, and
in clusing it intrduce-i Senator Detamater,
who be said any Democratic dudes called
a country pumpkin. !
Senator Delsmster ia opening his address
mads reference to that part of Mr. Lyons
speech wherein Democrats had called him
aeountrypun.jkinsudeithdeferance.tottet,.""1"" "'KS
... . . . , . them solves Lincoln Itepnblicane, be-
city gentlemen who were with him he would
say that tbe Wading statesmen in both state
sod nation owe from tbe country. He was
roundly applauded, time and again during
bis convincing and masterly presentation
of tbe issues, before tbe people, and their
bearing npnn the ccmirg events, of both
tbe nation and tbe state. He dwelled cpoc
Be !
tbe question er prn'ertmn. tne question ct j
crporaliona end tun Tieenon ot .tare tax-;
He dwell-d upn the unfortunare
depression that would tall upon the eountrv j
u tne Democratic poucy e government ,
weuld be adopted, ot redacting the country j
te an almost exclusively agricultural peop'e j
His remark ! am an American," produc
ed the wildest enthusiasm. j
He raid the McKinley tarifl bill embraced
the tariff view, of the distinguished Gran-
gar Victor Tiolett, aad
will result in pro-;
tection to the farming interest to tbe reluctance ia breakirg my rule tc
amount of $io0.Ce0,0O0, Ila nrgl it 1-ave to others ail public reference to
upon bia aedience to aee to it that a Eepab. j uy father. It seems to me, however,
llran rcngressmen and Aasemblymea be j that if a word from me mav be of
elected for the people's own good. auy importance in the direction you
He said 80 years ago, under Democratic j wish, it sbould be spoken,
administration, tha land paid all the taxes, j Tbe movement T"U mention re
Tbe Repcblicana had taken the state tsx off- call up here the old story of the
land, sad put It en corporstioss while dis-j Highland Clan that dwserted its
cussing this point some one in the aadieocej friends and went over to the enemy
said and "pot it en oil corporations , "yes on the field, for no better reason
on oil" said, tbe Beaater. Shouts of "pot than that it wxs not given the place
bim out," went np frora
all parts
tbat the
ef the
citisen '
wore a Delamater button and that ho was ' either side, and you and I will heart
indeed sa enthusiasts admirer of the Sen J Uy sgree that their political imitators
aior. On the question of unequal taxation f to-day should fare no better. I
He aaid ha he bad originated the tax eon- ' not believe in the sincerity of men
mi..in that ha. weosred a bill that win be ! -"JBnnr to be Republicans, who in a
, Km Mij Ih. ...i t...i.ture TL.'emP'e t!j eutrnj Umiw the
bill will meet the new issues
before tBe
people and result ia great relief to real es
se tats interests.
It is impossible to do justice to his speech
in the limited space st cemmand. Snfflce
it to say. He aid himself s great aerviee
by the speech. Everybody was pleased
with him, snd with the tone of sturdy man.
hoed of the speech.
General Reader was introduced and de
livered a speech that was highly appreciat
ed, on Ballot box reform and the tarifl. He
airf the tariff o.iestinn t mane neoole ia
h.e.t to mnf.h.nil. He ssid it is an esse
onestine and lllnstrated It hv locatine a ceo-!
i. n.tine heeond . river, where ware. I
are cheap. 0n thia aide ot the river, wages
are one half hi.ber. The people on the
other side wsst to ssnd tbe gods that tbey
were sllo-red to do would result ill reduc- I
ing the wages of the peopfo of thia aide of
the rivsr to the wages raid beyond the
stream. The people on this side of tbe wa
ter say we do not object to yen sendirg
yonr goods over to ns, but yon can not send
them here free, we want te put a tax or
tariff ea yonr goods high enongh to make
up the difference between your cheap wages
aad enr ens half high
wages. That
aaid is tne tartti question, i ne uemocrst.
bv wages one half lower than tbey can
and tbe
cans say. Tee Mr. foreigner yea may sand
year goods here, but we want te pnt a tax
or tariff on them high enough to make np
the difference between year cheap tabor
waxes and our one bait higher labor wages.
Tbat is the tariff qaeetion. That ie protec
tion to American Industry.
When be declared Delamater to be as
pure a man as wsiks God'i foot stool,
cheer after cheer broke fma the audience
and it was sometime f.r he could pro
csei.'. State Trvesitrer Borer waa
and delivered a ringing s.ieecs. His
- -
"'" -
Vur P"" wma reeted wit- tbe wild -
iti. the
- .e.r-.- .--
I era isiBse pore pontics ia reansyivaaia
sad Soath of Maaoo and Dixon Line, they
practiaed diaboeeat politics There are 81
raareaesutivee in CaBgrea. soeth f the
Masna sad Dizoa Lie, that have no right
there. Tby were alerted by dlshonaat
politics, fmad aad iotimidatian.
He eoaipared the expeee f the .Patti
son administration with that of Governor
Beaver's sad shewed how aero revenues
bad been collected and several million dol
lars sere paid to the Jconatias than un
der thePsttison administration. When
the Republican party came late power the
sacoxitiee of government went a begging
for borioeeis. iew the borrowers are
plenty at 2 and S per cent.
Tbe Democratic legacy of State dabt was
about 38,000,000 dollare which has alt been
panl, exeeptiug 4OO,0O0 dollara. The Re
publican party had never borrowed a dollar,
excepting it was to pay ',for a Democratic
eebt. exceptiog $3,000,000, which was to
pay rebel war cUima.
No practical relief measures had been
pro pa aad by rx-Goversor Pattiaea.
Be nrgd apon hiaaadience tbe fre-elac-txa
of Representative Bertsler. Since he
had come to town he had been told that
certain parties had been coodnaning Mr.
Hertslar for voting to repeal tbe fence law.
He weald say Hertslar had not voted for
the repeal of tbe fence law. He ;bad ;bea
an honest sod efficient member, and had
been of great service to bia department in
the way of comparison of bills. He was
repeatedly cheered.
Colonel Tbomaa Stewart was the nex
speaker. His fame sa a humorist had pre
cede 1 Mm. hut he was not in a humorous
vein of speech. His addraaa displayed the
veraaltty of the asa, sad shewed his earn
eat and pathetic powers. Hie jtalk about
the old enU Mr drew the liaee Jof eerioos
nees upon the face of ali the jaudience. aad
brought tears to tbe eyre of many. He
talked about the soMier'e burial bill in B
vein of pathos, tbat stirred the serious em
otions of Lis hearera. It was tbe bill that
ex-Governor Patttsoa had vetoed. It was
a bill like tbat passed in MasaachnsettiK
Rbode lalaad. New Jersey, OV. nnd other
statea. It ia onlv by hearing hiiu tbat the
power of the Colossi's speech can be ap.
preciatrd. Round after round et applause
greeted bim.
CoLgivssrjan Atkinson waa the next and
last speaker. When becanie i forward ha
I was heartily cheered, tie said be hst no
J speech i.i the occasson, but tbe mud bat
teritfs bad been opened on him, aad be
j would ask bis friends to stand by hxn
'"r -
Great enthusiasm vrevailed amidst which
tbe meeliug adjourned.
Chairman Conrad of Hifflis county was
band with the Log., band and a delega-
t,on ttum Levistown to escort the Oflvero
or n4 hi rt.T 10 Li,,own
I"" h nw n i nson
The MeAliaterviila ban-1 and tha V-ik-o
bu(1 s'tendaocs npon the
Vote tbe Kepublican ticket and be on tbe
Line I a RepMbllcane-
, ctait they believe if they use the
name of Lincolu Itepubbcane, their
opposition to lMaaiater will bare
i more effect, bare issued circu'ars
i against the election of Delamater.
How disappointed thy must feel
when tbev realise tbat Liuuoln's Hon
doee not approve of their political
wreckinc efforts. Thia ia what Rob-
ert j L,neo,n son of President Lin-
co!n in a 1ltr jtoik y. H.
Andrews about the movement of the
ao - called Lincolu Kepublicane.
Axiiowi Ikteh.ve.s, itb Oct., 1SJ0.
Pear Mr. Jlndrevct :
Yonr letter has been delayed in
reaching me on account of ray ab.
nc, frora London, rvelii g in Scot
(u mn.t cr,fees) too, that I
h,e jt r a.rBl davs
in mv
of honor in tbe hue of battle. That
oian got no good in the nistory oi
majority or the Oocvemun bas re
fused to submit to their dotation,
nor in the soundness ef a position,
wbich is based on assumptiou of rep
resenting the .opinioos of Repnbli
can leaders who can no longer apeak
for themselves. I pretend to no
right to spehk for anyone but my
self, but I think I may claim a spec
ial interest in tbe memory of my
father, and having it, I most earnest
ly regret the use of hie name, an a
founder and loader of our part.
induce adtesiou to an eJort, lor
OWU overthrow
in Pennsylvania. 1 j
knO W BO warrant
for such a use.
True Republicans should.
- 1
iu my i
opinion, submit their personal choice
? tn,r PrtJ- -nJ not ' ow persou-
I al asalconteats, whose a.imn identity
i them with our opponent, if they are
l ln "merely masHea opponents.
For rut self I would be in Pennarl
vania, a supporter of .Sod a tor Dels
mater, as an ardent and able Re pub
lican, holding bis defeat as the olios
en head of our tioket, to be (danger-
I ous to the national upholding of the
t principles we have at heart. Wish
ing all success to your good work, I
I am sincerely yours.
I T... T T
; Hon. W. H. Andrews, Chairman
i nepuolican otate tJommittee, JL'hua-
1 Jolpbia.
TakI wmk: two fef f ik. i,
ful snow came down in tbe retnon "Trer8hock to b,a many friend. -ofQaebeck.
Canada, and they are' ,., Lawrenc IitohelL a 19 year
sleighing there now to their hearts ! - 7 M n f LW18 iIt hel'.' Terry
content. Vote the Republican ticket ' X J' "j Ut :'lnniB-r Mr.
D. wPl
Rev. S. Miltou Frv-st I.
j preach in the Methodist E
' nest Sabbath mornLn'y anrl
i 'Vjb-K'k for mrti--'rT- "Tte SslocTn
.agaiustoar Uoiurk Th S-ms of
iTempetance will beprtseut. Subiect
: Terfl
Ior eT,ning:"The lMgrim ia thet
--w-. . - . .
m ia the
"This will!
hous 0f tha IntarparUr.
be the third lecture on Bun vans Pil
grima Progress. All are welcome.
Daniel Paanebaker blacksmith hae
sold bis shop to Banks Fasiek, and
will go to Colorado.
C. P. Pannebaker editor of the
Coal port Standard accompanied by
cis wne Tiaitea in tnis place last
Mrs. H. L. Smith of Fayette, who
baa been on a riit to her parents in
Carrol county, Indiana, returned
on Saturday.
Tbe lie baa been circulated tbat
Uriah Shuman, has recently moved
into Juniata county. Mr. Shuman '
has been a citizen of Juniata county
Dr. Frost delivered an interesting
aad instructive lecture in tbe M. E.
Church, to a large audience, on Fri
day evening. Subject: "How Seven
Women Take Hold' of One Man."
Tbe Madame Fry concert Co., of
Boston Mats, will give a musical en
tertainment in the Court House, Sat
urday evening Nor. 1 1890. Doors
open at 7.00 concert will begin at
7.30 o'clock. Tickets for sale at L..
Banks Co.. Drug Store, 35 & 50
Advertised list of letter 8 uncalled
for remaining in the Post Office at
Mifllintown Pa , for the week ending
Oct 25, 18!(). Persons calling for
mail in thia list will pif sue say tbey
are advertia-d. Letteirs, Mrs. Min
nie Hooti. Vliss Usrv A Swartz.
James MeCajley, P. M.
Mr. Halderman, ha during a nuns-!
er of years, been propr.etor cf tbe
Thnmpsontown creamery. His en
terprise i highly appreciated, and is
of Treat value to farmers and to
store keepers with whom tbe farmers
deal The farmers sell toeir milk to
hrt crraiueiy for cash and buy
the et'-re keepers for cash.
OI '
On U-t
in wa'kin?
alonry th
Millard Kirk :
road J- of a i
nnie on thia ai Je of M-xico sew a fox
frightened by doj t uuninjr towards
liim. He utonjted au 1 FtfHl perfect -
ly quiet and tiio fox cttut on th op-
pewit side of the fee. a within six feet
wlmti anddenlv caicbine siVLt of him
it jumped more tha i 20 feet aa 1 ran
T. , ,i,in4 -
The pi.p of 13000 toes of iron are
I -u -c i l u-
at OrahamviliC Fermanagh towuh:p,
Tnninta ccuaf-r, ws sold laat Thura-
. T r ' , .
div, at Le-istown, at an ivcsijcee b
t . , y-.,
a' of property of the Glawareio
r . . . , b ,
iron company to slker Woods t-f
r - . , , , , , :
Lewistown for two hundred and
. .r, , .
thirtv four dilUr. Tie furnace at
r " . ... , , ,
Ij-wtstown with a vorle of farms
was Hold for $35,000.
Vote the Ke-
publican ticket.
The f-..llowini was banded in
late frr last w-lc' publication :
Th Anmisl S:-U C-inret.tioa of
the W. C. T U., held at S J auton,
Lackawanna Co . Oct. 13. 16 and 17
wan tlie largest yet held. Four hun
dred and fifteen delegates were in
al teiidanco. If all had costs there
wi.iIJ have beeu 13y. The hetaiona ojiiaiou, arul thu the dslay brought
were barmonions and mnrh good ' ob -iu hy the latter gentleman's i
w .ik was JjLe. All the depart- pinoni saved Colonel Hilbmb froji
meuts of work weie conoi Jrei, aud j bousiing a henvy loser. The bunjo
.Uoieut aupeiiuteudenis appointed-!
.lore than ever are the workers en
oouraged to work l-.r '"G.k1 and
Home and Native Laud " Seranton
is a large su.l growicg city. Th
population ia aaid to be tlti.000. Del
egates to the Convention are uuani
mous In praise of the hospitality and
kindness of its citizens.
The next anunal meeting will be
held in Bradford.
From tbe Bloomfield Advocate of
October 22 : Mr. Ja-.ob B. Reader,
died suddenly of heart disease at bia
residet.ee about one mile east of this
place, in Center township, on Friday
morning, in the 55th year of Lis age.
He was about to riee and was sitting
oa the edge ef the bed talking to'his
wife about getting np early in order
to get the work done so that all
mght attend the re union cn Satur
day, aod waa about to put on bis
clot hi eg when be suddenly fell
Thedeceaa - ;
ward to the floor, dead.
ed bad been troubled with heart dis
ease for seme years, but prior to bis
death he told his family and friends
that he felt batter than usual.
J. Mac. Barnett. son of Judge Chan.
A. Barnett, of this place on Monday
started for the weat, his objective
point being Wyoming, Ty., where he
will engage in the duties aad pleas
ures of rsnch life.
Tk. Hi. -r X3 t 1 1
: . , , . Jl I
iruioriers ana r ree iraasrs or
York, everv political interest, which
nn,f;f h. . M. . iu rp.--
and ovary politician from Grover 1 -Tear the preporatiun of tbw re
C!.veland, in New York, down to Don rfMt medituu. for coughs and
Dickinson, in the far west, and the f'?U n" Pne w spared to cm
old c-onfederats-i in the etid soHd ! l"n? W"9 Kt",ud T!?iest
south say the same.
Vote for Dela-
When Col. Quay was State Trees.
nrer, Pattison was Governor, and as
Fund Commissioners, could dsily u-
: 11 1. . , T-r .
' " i -
iZy9 . - '" A"
.jiate oi renusyivama never lost a
- -. i : , .
cratio Slate Tieaanrers are now in
exile or jail for defrauding their
States. Why don't the Mugwumps
point to these, aud if they are bonent,
why do they not vote against tbe
party showing all of the dishonesty
in treasury matters ? Vote for Dela
snster ?
From the BloomfiYld Times : Mr.
Jacob B. Reeder, of Center town
ship, arose early on Friday morning
last, with the remark "I will call the
boys and get to busking corn so we
can spend the day at Bloomfield to-
Just wi he had finished
speaking be fell orwar J ard tbouirh
assistance came to him at once be
w.e dead when picked up. He had
been troub!ed for soma time with an
edition cf tbe heait, hut at the time
f his death was fseling unusually
welL The deceased was a wrthv
' citizen ana tie sudden diath was a
i w duu ouuiuor companion, truonn
! name be did not learn, was accident
'1 fnot by young Omer. The trio
! cnasea a squirrel into a hollow trer
Tonng Mitchell elimbed the toee and
routed the eqairrel. and, after ho
! tueugbt the nouirrel far r.r,M.
! "... - . - n"
- y told Orner to shaot.
ey tola Urner to shaot. The
chiu-ge scattered and three of tbe
shot penetrated tbe body one in
the abdomen and two in tLe arm.
Dr. Hall removed the shot from the
abdomen, bat, on account of its swol
len condition, did not remove them
from tha arm Thia waa e parrAS
I escape and should be a warning to
! all gunners to ereroiae great care
wbue nun ting.
A !Vavrre)w sEacnpe).
Last Monday morning two well
dressed men, strangers in these parte
called in at tbe 1st National Bank
aad asksd for change for a oertain
wm of money. Later on one of tbe
party drove to the residence of CoL
Philip HUbish, and inquired for tbe
Colonel. Mr. Hilbiah aoen made bis
appearance, and the stranger stated
tuat John B. Packer of Sunbury, bad
ent bim there, tbat he wanted to
buy a farm and Mr. Packer bad in
formed him, that Mr. Hiibisb bad a
farm for sale. The fellow made him
self very familiar with the Colonel,
saying that be knew his sen, at Sun
bory, and a number of the Celonel's
particular friends, mentioning their
names. He then persuaded the Col
onel to drive to McKeee Half Fslle,
where the farm is situated. Mr.
Hilbiah tried to persnade ber bus
band net to accompany tbe stranger,
but ber words had no affect. After
they bad traveled abont three miles
the man looked at bis watch, and
asked Mr. Hilbiah the distance to tbe
farm. Upon the latter replying nine
miles, tbe stranger remarked: "I
have an engagement and must re
turn, bnt we will make the trip the
af ter patt of the week when my two
brothere will accompany us. They
bad not traveled any distance on
their return, till they were greeted
by atranger No. 2 who represented
himself as a Tennaaoean Ha ha,1 a.
large sum of snonev, which be said
bad been easily earned and which he
iutended spending the same way.
He then proposed a game, of course,
: sa-auger no. l made tne lucky ttraw.
' Stranger No. 2 then requested srang-
! r 1 to put down $5,000. The
j latter seemed to hesitate a moment
tnd tuon turning to Mr Hilbiah re-
i marked : "Here is a man that you
ind I can win come money ofifof, and
! if do not win it seme oue else will."
I He asked the Colonel if he di 1 not
t nrui .i . .u i .i L
hare .i,000 that thev could pav that
... n, . - , . 7 . t tl.
I " ", , 7 17
he could get the amount. Mr.
i ,r.,i u , . .
llilbiriU ana ins companion came to
,,, u v- n
town for tbe monev, lcavir.fr No. 2
-' Vt . a
i awaiting bis remrn. o. 1 waited
,.," , , . rr
' st the lower end of town ti l Mr.
: . . . . , ....
rii.bir.h went to tl-e bank. When
. T , .
tbe bank lor the ntsted amount
; Cashier C. B. North grew s lppici.mi
'aad cautioned bitu. jut the i!d
g-utieman reiuirked it was all right.
Mr. N -rib asked bim if a draft would
not answer. "No," said the Colonel,
I want it in bills." Mr North then
eaid : I will go and consult nnr
President, Mr. James K. 1)uvh."
Thia trtntleiuan was of Mr. North's
uieu. for fuch they were meantiw
must have suspected something
wrong, for when the Colonel arrive. 1
at the appointed place, they had
taken their departure for parts un
known. Let this be a warning for
all our citizens. Selinegrove Times.
- ---
Public Sale-
The administrators of the estate
of T. H. GiUon, deceased, will sell at
public aale at the residence of the
decedent in Spruce Hill township,
on Friday, October 31. 1890. Five
horses, one ball, a brood sow. three
milcb cows, six young eattle, four fat
hogs, twelve sheep, and a full line of
farming utensils and machinery. 2t.
M. P. Crawford. Phabmacmt.
has opened a new druir Btore in Mif-
- 3intown nd La" in "to 'all bn
vi bu gwuus .cpi in a nrst cl&r;s
drug btore. Pbbscbiptiojis accvratf.
LT coatroc.iDKD. Purity of ingredi
ents guaranteed. The patronage of
the public is reepectfully solicited.
Democrat and Register building,
opposite Odd Follows' HalL Bridge
street. tf.
II old It tatb Light.
The man who tell toii nntilA?i
i - - , :
?ia"T JUst, -wlia w,!1 ,cur?, T"r
w prescribing Kemp a Balsam this
bhiu to the light and look through it :
notice the bright, clear look ;
compare with other remedies.
50c and $1.
Just received, a choice lot of freeb
candies, barns", oranges, lemons,
cramborrieu, cocoanuts, prunes, rais
ens, dates, fijjs, sweet potatoes,
notions canned goods, syrups, flour,
feed, new corn meal, fresh roauted
peanuts, fresh roasted coffee, N. O.
MolanseK. ngar, ground alum salt,
-hee, tobaccos, cigars. I have whol.
pipper which I will grind for my
enstomers, I haTe for Bale all things
usually kept in a grocery 6tore. I uin
thankful t the public for past favors,
and would ask far a continuance.
Joseph Adams.
vThtra I say Otrsa I io nit msaa marel--1 a
tto- tns-a tor a unte, aad then have vnei-i z.
tura Main. I Ku a Ra.DICaUi CUZtL
i hate made Uis tiltirfts et
l ffe-Joey stsdy. I WaMaAwr any remedy to
Ccaa tea worst eases, feeoeaae oieers bava
f-ule4 ia ac re risen for not now recei-apa' ac-ir .
rendst once f'.r a tmu'm and a lai VuTTl
ol uy HiJALi-nrtl c Uauil. ti re atprvu
and Fort Offl s. f easts yoa noLhiCK ici s
tiuJ, sad tc will ear yon. .avd&reas
H. c. ROOT. M.&, 1 83 Publ St, Krryc-
Thank roo, so ocbrr draaauisT fur Die be
s JtM fet H( -We AM f aa -
tV sMaaaf . syrw rwa
fti R. 3 f a.
smsio. STaVtSS OUI 4s SaKaT I MRM'TUBI Jtl tmCK
snysu. Tllk 3t& AM CealNattaVshRS mi at
SB 1 LA. STeUat TtMwFsattC ff '
sj.au. tv Ota ae-VBi-rsB titm.
tayiax TaVIH an SBT' SB CMC aMB
Chronic Cough Now!
Tar If yon do not it may become con
sumptive. Tnr Cbswmplon, eceeywlw
feawerwl rssVUMy aaid Itamtinf XWasnsss,
(bare le nomine like
Of Pure OI Lirer Oil aad
Or Xtsrsm- sma.cS er-w
It ! a.'tnt h I'ttlatAblo as milk. Fur
lettsr tli-tu oitie-r -. lexl ZmuiAlODaV
A wonderful &otx ctlucer
Scott's Emulsion
This standard brand of plug
tobacco is acknowledged to be
the best chew and the largest
piece for the money in the mar
ket. I'inco tin tag on tack lump.
Its extensive sale for many years
has established its reputation.
here is nothing better. Try it
or ale by dealers and grocers.
The greatest improvement in
Corsels during the past twenty
years is the use of Coraline in
the place of hem or vhalebone.
It is used in all of Dr. Warner's
Corsets and in no others.
The advantages cf Coraline
over horn or whalebone sre that
it does not become set like
whalebone, and it is more flexi
ble and more durable.
Dr. Warner's Coraline Corsets
are made in twenty-four differ
ent styles, fitting every variety of
figures thin, medium, stout,
long waists and short waists.
Sold everywhere.
New York and Chicago.
TreasjiHsfl A'otlce.
All persona n- ler.l.i c-uuucd net to
trestpa-a ,. f e Ur n !sl .,,4 woodland ot
the ti.d.fiji i.-.! inVit,,!. iW1(1;p for
the t.ur ..e ,.: i -ii iur. .U! (. tlabinfr,
ii-kiny te-rri. . n.r..w ,,,r lenus, cnt-
tinir tm! er, fcr. Tl.,. ajiiist tresspass
ma ii! bo tnioro- d.
!'V!fcL FlSBEB.
Ni.n mt-er 27. IS'.lrt.
Q A L 1 : S 1 E T
to ae!l ur .N'i,rs.rv Stt.i ; '.-. Kx
pcasessed S'earfy Inipini.i . antecd'
CIi.v.Si, BOTi:kjs ;t. . ,:;y,
, KocLt sS r. N. y.
Dec. 2o, "SKI.
Having purchased the clothing store of Samuel Straycr, we offer sDbpi
bargain to make room for our new stock. 1C11
We expect to make a ppec'alty of Gents Furnishing Goods.
We will also keep a full line of
And a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ac.
Quick Sales and small profits, is our motto. Give us a trial.
Hollobaugh & Son.
- 'J- t-
ware w it tt ttj c t- n rs v
vi 1 it i fit) oiuutve
- 1
We have just re stocked our (
store with Winter Goods for;
OUr Customers. !
The Senior member of the
firm has just returned from
Eastern Markets, where he se -
lected with great care the goods
that hta man v natron" favor.
Our assortment is more com
plete than ever
Come and see.
Our customers have appreciated
our efforts to give them goods tm
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite you to
come and free and be natisfied.
I, j , . .
n OUr dress gOOds department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
i . 1 .,
we have them all. We can
SUpplj VOU With foot Wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags. .
We have on hand a lull line e4
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line oi
Q U E E N S W A K E.
in the county. Every houe
111 1 lt 1 1 id 7e 1 f t frill Lttr.nl.. I
. miuik 'utv wo iuii r r ' J1
? a 1 1 . .
vjueens ana uiasswure, ttns is
the btore to call on lor such ar
ticles. TOBACCO-
To the lovers ot the
we ed,
We Say We keep the best brands,
nfii mjkiiiwn,
1111 VLU 1UB.KUI.
All orders bv mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Mair Strut, Opfusitx Cvokt Horst,
Miflliiitowii, IaM
Fred'k KSPKNfll AIK
W nm, 1 OI "WrTHE. old woman, so iml
Why go so pai r-au thi tanii or -rucj. Mml
8md for lUustrfttcd drctgar to
M. Eiiret, Jr., & Co.,
dWe3 Walnut rstrcret.
Oonaumptlon 8ursly Ourexf.
To Ta Xbtsub: Pleeae la form yonr readers
tbat I bare a poaltlTa remedy for the above-named
d'esaas, Br Ma Slmelr nae tboaaanda of bepslasa
eases haTe been perxaaneetlr enred. I sball be glad
as ssnd two bottles of my teaeitj TRIE to an of
roar readers who Lara eoneemptlnn if they will
send me their Express and P. O. adareee. Bsspset
sll7. T. A. aiXXJUaf , M. 0. ltl Pearl St.. Jl. X.
BtbbMh?w nnUas worn unoomforablT stxht,
wOl eCksa ahf. off tbe feet. To reaaeoy
t hlaa am aril as.. '
JLib0"th iamiim t "e beel Used with
ruWw- .Jhia elinca l-j the ahoe and prerenal
the Rubber from alippfnc off.
Call for tbe " Celcheetern
ad you can walk, run or jump aa lean.
I r.
i xeuis c atkihisi. f. h u b
.sr-.... . -'"'.
m- aval h r:
mikflihtowh, pa. '
. By-Cellectlaf and CsaTersscins
1 ly aiienoea i. - - -r-
omcs On Main street, u piac, ,f .
' d".!' m"
i ygg'.,.,,, -
; attorvpy tTim E'
! 1
C"Office on
Ceart Uonse.
Bridge street,
Jo"" -"- w. sT1Mlln
Lt7Only reliable Campasiat rsprassntei
Jan. 1, 1889-lj
Ds.a.w.CBAwrnsn. es. niseis .esawrssa
bsre formed a partnership for tbe practice
' ei-a- mn.t voilBlierai SraBCBM
Onice at eld stand, corner sf Third aid Or!
m steuicine anu uiair couatlerai sraschnt
auy-v iirpsin. w.iuiumwn. ra. oaasr Ssta
ol tbem wrll be teund at their eSc at all
times, unless otherwise proleseiorallr ss.
April let, T90.
Worth Knowing,
Tbat I can stop reeTBieas is e
Ore ajinntes; tie pain, ne sztractisr.
Tbat I can extract testh eithonl asta
Sy h9 "f fluid pi'o tettk
sod gurus f no danger.
Th.tui.ced c.
Scurvy) trMfv5' siiccatfolly
cd, "r m,w,ri " "r
Teeth Fii.tso and warranted ter life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged er,
remoddled, Iran $.0 te fl2 frr sst.
Beautiful Gosa Kaaiaeisd Test Issertcd si
prices te suit all.
All work warranted te gie peroct sati
laetien. People wbe base artificial teeth,
with which they cannot eat, are eijclall?
iurited te call.
Ttsss Cah.
G. L,. DERR,
rratct leal. Dentist.
Oct. 14 'H5.
On and sfter Snariar Hit It IPSO
trams that stos at Mimiu will r'Ba si falleer
Hassiasrse Accosmssitio l.arsa Al.
toora daily at ft ttla. m.,T.Troaa 6 69t. a,
Mount Union at ,f4 a. n.. N'awtoa Baisll
toa 7 08 a. m , MsVertown 7.20 a. ia.. law
istewn 7,45 a. re.. Utiferd 7.M s. at., K!2is
a.m.. Port Keys) P,17 a. m . Beilce ,
2S a. re , Tuecarora K 2 ja. m.. Vandrksi'l
T.U a. m.. Tbeiupsontnwn A.37 a. si.. Dor
ward .42 a- tu., illllerstnwn .41 a ..
Newport .r'6s ss., sirtTinf at BarnaSsrt
10,05 s. ai., and at Hjiisleiahia, 1.2S a.
Sn Sborb Ezpbsss leaves iltoesa dail
st 7,16 s. m., and stepping s all refulf
atations between Altoona and Uarrie'jurt
reachea Mifflin at 'S a. so . Sarristsif
11.40 p. la., and irii,-' in i'M sle asiai
8.15 p. m.
' Hail Tbaib lsr,., fi.ui.u.j daily i.
5.30 a. m., Altouua al 2, CO p. m., and sis;
P'rg at all regular stations arriretat Mini
at b Ci p. m., Harriebtir( 7.SS p. m., Phil,
adnlphia 10,65 p. ra.
Mail Ezpreas leaves Pittstiorg atlSp ..
Altoona 6 2Upm; Tyrone ti k2 p m ; Hu
ingdoo 7 87 pin ; Lewistown 841 ps ; V
; flm 9 0a p in j Harrisburf 10 45 pts Pi -
. delphia 4 26 a m.
! Dat Expssss leares Pittabarf at t.V
i M.; Altoona 11.60 A. M.; may b fitf '
at Mifflin at 2.05 P. M.; arrives al HeHi
'; enrg at 8,20 P. M.; at lbilacle!phrs.6. T
Philadelphia Express will step at U t '
I st 11 87 . tn., when flagged
I Vast Lisa lesres I'hiadelphia dailr -
i 11 40 a m ; Harrisburp t 40 p m t UiC '
! 6 00 p m ; Lewistowa 5 28 p m; A Use
j 7,P p m ; arr;res at Ptttaburg at 1 1 64 1
" m T riHlvoil iraea ruiisustpi
daily at 4 80 s. m.; Harrisburg, 8 IS a. i
Puscannon, 8 64 a. ra.; Newport,: t 36
in.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. m.j Taempsoets
62 s. sa.; Van Dvke, 10 00 a. n.. Tsse
; era, 10 04 s. ra.; Mcxice, 10 Qi s. r
Resl, 10 18 s. ra.; Mifflin, 16 2 a. '
j Mill'ord, 16 26 a. m.; Narrows, 10 24 a.
j Lewistown, 10 41 a. ai.; McVeytews, 11 '
1 i Jewta Litre. .toil, 11 83 ft. m
Ungden, 12 1 1 p. tn.; Tyrone, 1 07 p.
Altoons, 1 46 p. rn., and stops st sll rag' '
ststiocs between Harrisburg ssd Altee-.
Otitis Bxpbbss leaves Philadelphia
ly st 6 60 p. ni., nsrriahurg, If 20 j
stopping sf Rockrille, Msrtsrille, l
uon, Newport, Millerstewu, Tb.ni) ' .
Port Kojsl, time st Ki-Hiu, II ft' .
tnona, 2 15 a. tn., and Pir i..ur; : - -
Mail Tsaim leaves Pliilttilslpb .
7.00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.20 a. in., '
port, 12 14 p. m., Mifflin 12.62 p. ea., -
pins; at all regular stations between - ' -snd
Altoons reaches Altoess st 8 4 :
Pittsburg 8.10 p. m.
Altoosi AccossoniTies leaves
adelpbia daily at 1 1 49 a. m., Hnn
4,10 p.m., DnncaiiBOB 4.4' p. ba.,
prt5.12 p. m., alillerstowa .2i 1
Thoaipaontown 6.:4 p. m., Vaalyke
p. n., Tusc srora 6,45 p. m., Mexico i
so., Port Royal 6,62 p. m., Mittim 6
Lewistown 6.2 p. m., McVsyte
4 f. ua., Kewioa Ha nutea 7
Huaf.ntdeo 7,40 p. m., Alt.ona
faclHc Exprnaleave Phi!ad'pi'i
p mi Harriaourg 10 a m ; Uunca
AKau: Kesiorl 400 aw; MiflB.t.
i .
m; Laaisiown eul am; MeVeyton
a. ui; lit. Union 4 u sm;Uustin
12 a ss ; Petersburs 6 2j s m ; Bpruce
4t m; Tyrone Iwmi Bell's
7 22 am; Altooua b 06 a a j T:
I t 46 p m.
SAW Mil l
Psteni Vsii b e Iriclii n and Belt
sit iM i:.ui.e.s, li-ty Pi
SUI WI E .Tl I LLS, fct
Threrliluff Machlnrs, etc
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