Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 25, 1890, Image 2

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di allop.eci ar.a,a, which h ' W or .T-vr.nwn m-v t,k the ev- SEW OR rr. WTO RE.
i-uu ui mun Kur&UL pudnMi
B. F. SC II W K I E R ,
oiTom abb raoraia-roa.
TTT- J1. I 1
Tax trol J bond men put- : '-If the
free coinage bill becomes a law t
country will be floodeil with silver.
Bat that is an assertion, anil tby
cannot toll where the flood of silver
ia to come from. Nonseuse.
Tas Republican platform on which
President Harrison waa elected says:
"The Republican party is in favor
of the nse of both gold and silver as
monev and coudvoins the policy" of
the Democratic Administration in its
efforts to demonetise silver."
Gold is the dearest money, and if
the men who control the bonded in-debtednt-ea
of the world can get rid
of silver, pold will be made dearer
than it now is, aud ad a natural (con
sequence luad valne9, town property
valnes, will shrink 10 such a degree,
that men who have comparatively a
small Injn led or mortgaged indebt
edness will be bankrupted.
iSkcketarv Blaine is in favor of a
full exchange of each products, be
tween the ftouth American States
and tie United State a people
of the respective governments may
need and do not largely produce
themselves. For example if the
South American States produce ZZme
thing that needs not protection here,
receive it fieo in the United State,
in eiclin,'e f r roiiietbing that we
proiiu-e and tbf-y nee-1.
vrucL the Senate bv a vote of
verv, l i "21 iiuv, parsed the free
position it held
patches cansed by the shock.
The defence had also an array of
witnesses and amonsr these. Dr. D
Lannoy of Chester, who differed with
Stellwagen as doctors invariably do.
ue sat Jir. , orrmo s aiaease w as
not as stated on the other side, bo he
thought, but it was parasitical and
could be cured, the shock having
Doming 10 ao wim it.
1 he Judge hardly knew what to
do, and especially did he know noth
ing at all about medical matters. As
he was brought up on a farm he did
know all about bulls and there wure
many of these in hia charge. II
told the jury they were twelve sensi
ble men and would settle the oues-
by the fact, although these were
somewhat mixed.
11 tne bulls smashed the wagon,
and tbe tree did not touch it, then
the bulls were clearlv liable, but if
tbe tree was the sole cause of the ac
cuient, ana the bulls aid not run
against it, then the tree should bear
the blame ; but if the bulla scared
the horse into the tree and altogeth
er contributed to tbe general wreck.
it was for the jury to divide the con
spirators and lay the damages ac
cordingly. As the bulls had no mon
ey and could not be assessed, the
tree should only be charged with its
share, and this would fall on the su
pervisors to par, therefore no exces
sive amount should be awarded.
The jury retired for a half hoar
and gave Mr. Worrillow $025, a ver
dict that seemed to please both law
yers interested.
A Goat at a Wedding.
A despatch under date of the
16th inst. from ChrUt-,-0I,arfj, Va.,
ms, our little town had quite a sen
sation in its best circles at the mar
riage yexterday of one of its most
prrminnt young men to a young la
enini; trams leaving Pittsburg for
Philadelphia at 4.30 and 8.10 P. M..
and proceed to the shore the next
The immense success of these ex
cursions in the past will undoubted
ly serve to increase their popularity
this season.
The excursion rate from Mifflin is
$5 65.
A - 1 .
Any special luiormation in re
gard to these excursions may be eb
tsined by addressing Thomas E.
Watt, Passenger Agent, Weatern
District, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pitts
burg. Orleafal.
The Drmksrds at their meeting at
Oriental last week elected and in
stalled Joseph Anker as a minister
of the Gospel in the first degree, and
Fred Meiser as deacon.
Lightning etrnck the Troutman
Evangelical church and bnrned it
Every church in this section has a
Sabbath School. This is as it should
be and all should move along har
moniously. Friends of the good
cause, there is no room for jealousies
in this matter ; there is plenty of ma
terial for all the schools to do all the
good they can. Let the world see
that the Sabbath school spirit is tbe
spirit of love and Christianity.
Hay-making will soon be in full
Oats fields are making a slow
change from that red hue to green,
but it has been so far gone that we
would look upon it almost as a mira
cle should anything like near an aver
age crop be realized.
Wheat could not well be better
than what it is Axiccs.
June 20, 1890.
Literary Note-
M. p. Crawford, Pharmacist,
has opened a new drug store in Mif
fl in town and has in stock a full line
of all goods kept in a first claas
drug btorel Pkesthiftions acci-rate-lt
coMporxDED. Purity of ingredi
ents guaranteed. The patronage of
the public is respectfully solicited.
xsemocrai ana lvegisrer Duuaing, i
opposite Odd Fellows" Hall, Bridge
street. tf.
Hold It te the Light.
The man who tells you confiden
tially just what will cure your cold,
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this
year. In the preporation of this re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds no expense in spared to CDfli
bine only the bost aud purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Bnl
sam to the light and look through it ;
notice the bright, clear look ; theu
compare with other remedies. Price
50c and $1. tf.
The July number of the Cosmopol
itan Magazine departs from its usual
dy wliutm beauty and wit made her a j make up aud dovuUm itself largely
lwlle. but whose nuptials were near-, to fiction, travel and sports. A new
c iti.-igi- i... i, w i i li
ver dollar to tho
previous to 1S73, when the single
etauditrd or gold bug men, or in oth
er words the uieu who control the
bndd indebtoduuss of America had
silver ilemouitiL-d, or its free coinage
stopped. The men who shaped the
legislation of ConrebS so that the
fr- ciiti: rf silvr m stopped,
ly prevented by a billy goat belong
ing t au Irish f.unilv, living in the
suburb. The bridal party was fol
lowed into the church by & goat,
which proceeded quietly and peace
ably to inspect the guests ana the
edifice, and probably would hve re
tired in like manner if it had not
beta for the injudicious efforts of
one of the groom's attendants to in
duce it to leave by an impertinent
shoo. i
This was more than his goatship
meant to tamelv endure, and to
sooth his wounded honor, he made
a bi t iik at the bridegroom who hap-
thought tbe act would cus silver I pened to be nearest to him, and with
out that gentleman Laving suspected
his proximity, made him painfully
aware of it by a well directed blow
that caused the candidate In mat-
t 1i iuored as money entirely and
thereby they n mil be iuituecselv
benefited by tie unlinking i f valj-
in everything but tbe bonds payable
iu gvld, but the poople generally
without bum financiers had confi.
der.co iu sUvjr, hence it held its own
value rem-trkubtr wU. in the face of
the t fforts of American, German and
English gold bugs to rule it out as
motley, and now that the Sauate has
come to the rescue of the debtor
class, aud pasaed tbe free coinage
bill, it is hoped that Speaker Heed
will u-'t as some predict, put himself!
in the way in the hoiisn aud prevent
the fiuol passage f the act. Presi
dent Harrison it is said is not in fx
vor of the froe coiu.-ige bill. If he
could huv the expression of the peo
ple who elected him to the Presi
dency whisperad iu hi ear on the
subject of free coinage there could be
uo doubt of his position, fchould
Speaker Red and the President
take a stand against the free coinage
bill, there is no telling how the Con
resional elections tbe coming fall
may gi.
Tut silver bill when sent over from
the Senate to the House was referred
bv speaker He el to the Committee
on Coinage. The free coinage men
objected to that method of disposing
of the bill. They wanted to vote on
it im mod itely, and a a consepieace
Thursday and Friday and Saturday
in Congress, were battle days in the
Lower House to put tbe bill on its
passage. However ou Saturday the
Speaki-r's rule prevailed aud the bill
remains in the hand of tbe Commit
tee on Coinage.
A Singular Lawsuit.
The Pb.ladelphia Times under
date of June 16, reports the follow
ing singular lawsuit. Media has
bM-n tn ated to a novel entertain
ment in the Court House for several
davn. and it hits attracted large aud
iences. It appears that Antrim Wor
nlow was driving along a public
road iu Chichester some time ago
and came upon a scone that is sel
dom witnessed eutftide of Spain and
her old colonies. It was a bull fight.
With locked horns ami foaming
mouths two gentlemen cows were
engaged in a duel in the king's high-
wav to the delectation of a bevy of
femiuine Jerseys, who were enjoying
the t-port in a field near by.
His horse fearing bulls as all his
kind do, slid sideways to the furthest
admissible place and endeavored to
pass v reganlless ot consequences
and ol the restraint of his master.
All would have been well but for a
solitary tree that sent its branch
overhanging the road, and it was
these that tore tbe top off the Dear
born, broke the trace and shot Mr.
Worrillow out into tbe road. He
wni picked up insensible, and Buffer -
en for weeks before being able to
get ii'iout again. Mr. Worrillow
broiu'l.t fuit against the road Super
vises for $."1,000 damages for negli-
tm e u permitting the highway to
le obstructed by the tree, and Judge
("avion hs wiistled with this for
fuli two iJuva, unv"rtaiu whether tb
blame rested ou tha buils, the road,
the tree or the horse, but with iucli
nntiousjtow aril tbe bulls.
Worrillow produced many wit
nesses as to the fact and Dr. Stell
wagon. of Philadelphia, as to the
cause of his baldness for his hair had
all fallen out. The doctor called his
Southern writer, Robert Yulee
Toombs, of Georgia, comes to the
front with one of the most 'spirited
sketches of Southern life yet publish
ed. Julian Hawthorne presents i
curiou study of the Boston girl,
asking of her in his title patre 44 H as
it typicai'' Eleanor Sherman Thack
ara, a daughter of Gen. W. T. Sher
man appears for the first time in the
literary world iu a discussion of
Tkret Great Philadelphia Training
Schools ; and Mrs. Itoger A. Prvor,
considers tbe constitution of Ameri
can Society in an interesting way.
Trout Fishing in Lake Edward, and
the actual experiences of "Trapping
Urtxzly, ' will interest the hunter
who proposes to roam the mountain
ridges during tho summer. Arthur
nberburne Hardv, one of the most
rimouv to alight several feet distant, distinguished graduates of the Mili-
though hardly with tho graie or pos
ture he could have desired. The an
imal then turned his attention to the
bride, but the lady escaped by climb
ing the pulpit stairs.
The clergyman, wedding party
and guests dared not stir, fur every
movement caused the goat to make
for them with lowered head, so for
awhile the animal was monarch of all
he surveyed, but the arrival on the
scene of one of its infantile masters
speedily reduced him to submission,
and he followed the young stepson
from the church an meek and humble
a goat as ever dined on a tomatoe
can. lhe bridegroom though much
bruised and with one arm broken,
insisted on having the interrupted
ceremony completed.
Peaches this Year.
The Delaware peach growers have
cried "wolf" so often that their an
nual laments over the probable fail
ure of the crops have come to be re
garded by the public with a good
deal of incredulity. Every spring
an unseasonable frost, or a cold rain,
or a hailstorm or a high wind or
something or other, destroys the
blossoms and prevents the possibility
of any fruit to speak of, and every
summer the supply in the market, if
at some time better and more bount
iful and others is reasonably suffi
cient to meet the demands of the
Consumer. This season, however.yt
seems as if tbe wolf has really arriv
ed. The reports of the daniago done
by the oold weather of April and May
are so substantial and come 'from
such varied aud trustworthy sources
that it may be taken as true that the
Delaware peach crop this year will
amount to little or nothing. This
means that the Delaware farmers
will be thousands of dollars out of
pocket, that tbe railroads will lose a
large amount of freight, and that
hundreds of poor people, ordimarily
employed in the canning houses of
southern Maryland will lose for a
time their means of livelihood. The
only compensation for this misfor
tune is to be found in the fact that
next season, the each orchard's hav
ing had a year's rest, w 11 be more
than t ordinarily prolific. In the
meantime there will be hard times
in the Blue Hen's Chicken Slate.
North American.
Summer Trips te the Seasnere
via tb PcnasjlTaala Rall-read-
In accordance with the custom of
past summers the Pennsylvania Ilail
road Company bos arranged a series
of pleasant summer trips for the peo
plu of Western Pennsylvania to the
most popular reecrta of the New
Jersey Coast. The datesixed for the
excursions are July 10th and 24th
and August 7th and 2Ut. Tbe re
sorts covered by the tickets are Cape
May, Atlantic City, Sea Isle City or
Ocean City, any one of which is a de
lightful place to pass a few days of
rest. The excursion tickets will be
valid for ten days, and they will be
sold from Pittsburg at $10, and at
proportionately low rates from other
A special train composed of day
parlor cars aud day coaches, wid
leave Pittsburg on each of the days
mentioned at 8 50 A. M , snd run
through to Philadelphia, arriving at
7.16 P. M. The night will be passed
in Philadelphia and the party will
take regular trains to the seashore
next morning.
Passengers from Pittsburg, East
Liberty, Irwin, Unio&town, Connels
yille, Scottdale, Stonersville, Greens -,
tarv Acadeinv, and tbe author of
"fosse Ruse," which received last
year such favorable criticism iu all
English speaking countries, will
start this month for Japan with the
intention of preparing for the Cas-
mopolitan , some articles on the mili
tarv forces of that countrv, to be
completely illustrated ;by photo
graphs aud sketches.
coktests ro Jci.r.
High Life in Persia.
Illustrated- S. G. W. Benjamin.
Poem. Frank Dempser Sherman.
A Flvinjnne Trip Around The
World. (Fourth Pa.) Illustrated.
Elizabeth Bisland.
Three Great Training Schools
Eleanor Sherman Thackara.
Ltsses. Poem.
George Edgar Montgomery.
Court Life at Versailles. Illustrat
ed. Edward King.
American Society.
Mrs. Roger ji. Pryor.
The Augalus Bell. Poem.
.Vury P. Brine.
Trout Fishing in Lake Edward.
Illustrated. Leinder Richardson.
My Rods.
Illustrated. Graydon Johnston.
Was it Typical ? A Story.
Illustrated. Julian Jltrwethorne.
A Society of many Colorings.
Lafcadio J learn.
Trappiog a Grizzly.
Illustrated. Mian Kelly.
Presbyterianism in America.
Rev. James Jti. Ludlow, D. D.
A Woman's Heart. Poem.
Hugo Hirsh.
The Post Master at Bible Hill.
Illustrated. Robert Yulee Toombs.
Kev iewof Current Events.
Mural Halstead.
Social Problems. Clubs and Club
Life. Edward Everette Hale.
In Memoriam. Portrait.
A Colored Philosopher. Poem.
Illustrated. CAar F. .Wen.
Nbw Berlin, Pa., June 19, 1890.
Mr. Editor : Last evening an im
meute crowd gathered on the college
campus to witness the graduation if
the class of 'JO. tvery year if wea
thc-r permits from 801) to 1000 people j
and sometimes more than this gatb
er. People look upon this period of I
the year as a place where they may !
spend a pleasvnt and profitabhjven '
ing Friend i meet glad friends :
whom they love to see. Fond reeol-1
le. tioLS are brought to conversation, j
and old friendships renewed.
Tho class con&i&tod of eight mem- j
bers who graduated in one of the 1
three principle courses Classical, j
Scientific or Elementary. The pro
gramme was an interesting one, and
it was followed to tbe letter in fine
spirit by the entire class.
Each member showed his ability
in the preparation and delivery of his
oration and impressed the audicLC
that years spent at college were not
spent in 44talkjand idle play."
On the evening before, Tuesday,
Deputy State Superintendent Ho uck,
delivered the annual address before
the literary societies. His subject
was the 401d and the New, and
needs no comment for all who know
Mr. Uouck can be assured that noth
ing but a good lecture could come
from 6uch a pleasant and genial man.
Tbe exercises preceding thi, begin
ning June l"2ih, were all good and
This standard brand of plug
tobacco is acknowledged to be
the best chew and the largest
piece for the money in the mar
ket. Vinco tin tag on each lump.
Its extensive sale for many year
has established its reputation,
i'here is nothing better. Try it.
for sale by dealers and grocers.
Chronic Cough Now!
For If yon do not It may become eon
nmpUve. rr CkmMmprtew, CrrofaOo,
8"wl HrVUUn and Watting Mrrri.
then la noUilnc Ilk
Of Tare Cod Lirer Oil and
Or Tilm ana Bod.
It 1 r'm- m tlAf !i!e u milk. Tmx
fcour I othr t-callod Emulsions.
i u. itt-.i jruluoor.
Scott's Emulsion
Thore ara poor Imitation. MlttaminH.
The improved method ef flBiD(j string!
el Pianoa, ioTented bv urn, la cl tha
moat important improvamesia evr made,
making tbe iaatrnaionU more rich It musi
cal in every tone, more durable, and leas
liable to set out of Itiur.
O . L. . f - . t .
oiuueuio OTt.o .u , p;..,.. T,..I ,.Kirrl- in I'. .f whir,, i.
at-a.sung i n i vjouvii ana
ritirrment of bia rarty principles, and nev
er behind when the good of the people in
local affairs are at stake. He U the kind of
a man to nominate at tbe primary election,
and the kind of man tbe peoplo will glad,
ly vote for and elect to the office In No
vember. DELAWARE.
Ma. EoiToa : At tbe reqaeat of nnmer
ona friend a and citizens of Juniata. I pre.
sent myself U tbe consideration of the Re
publicaaa for renomination for tbe office of
County Commissioner, aubject to Republi
can usages. My past admiaiatration of tbe
office is a guaranty of what my future ac
tion will b, If lavered by a re-nomination
and re-election.
Enrroa Ssstoiil ad Refcblibas :
Please announce the name of W. Harry
Moore, of Walker Twp., as a candidate for
nomination for County Commissioner, sub-
ject to Republican nsagea. Mr. Moore a re
cord aa a soiaier ana inizen im
blemiab and be poaaesaea all tbe qualifica
tions necessary tomake a good and efficient
officer, having received within a few vo-a
ol a majority .three years ago, after not be
ine ahl toeanraaa the counly oo account of
aicknesa in bia family, fullv attextsbis claim
for the office. MIFFI.INTOWN.
May 12, 1890.
Editob Sehtisel ad Kepiblicak :
Di-arSir.- The county government wbich
ia lodged in tbe board of County Commis
sioners, is of more importance in timas of
peace to tbe people of the county than tbe
general government aud therefore tbe
board of county commissioners should be
compoaed el honest and capable men, who
will discharge tbe aflaira ol otnee lor tne
eeneral cood. With this object in view I
would name Joseph Sieber ol rayettej
township as a citizen abundantly qualified
to All tbe important office of county com-
mistioner. His nomination at tbe primary
election will give tbe people generally an
opportunity to elect a good man to tbe im
portant office in November.
of able professors to make the Com
mencement exercises a credit to the
college. This rllegt was known as
Unin Sewiniry uutii lhSl), when it
was chartered ae Centra! l'cno. Col
lege with the power of irraiitiiifj any
deyrf evept tiit ofhiw or medi
cine. .New lii-rlin n but a small in
land town sittiftto on the north bank
ef PeDu's Creek. Tue gtown is in
holies of bavin"; a rn!rj i run to it,
which will improve the place wonder
fully. The to vn ic :ua'I, but I can
trutbfallv say there Mre few towns
that ean stirp iss it in m aintss and
cleat liue-s. The streets are broad,
and except the track look like a lawn.
Ibere is no town m Central Penn
sylvania that exceeds it iu general
appearance and pleas mtuess ; and
exceeds many of tbe towns in New
Jersey, and some along the Hndson
river which I have bad tbe pleurure
to eee. 1i:x OX.
A Cure for Constipation and
Sick. Heasdaclae.
Corp ; chief excellrncf in any murical iusliutiieut.
quality of 'one Other thinga, tbou-b im
portant are ninth less so ttaa this. Aa in.
atrament wttr. n niuical tenrs cannot be
good llluatiatrU CAtaloguea of ntrw stoics,
introdaced ths sut,ut sent tree.
April 23. It TO, t,
i, .:v,.U'..,. c.,,,, ,.(llr ..wn. .d I 1T efti.-i; po-ition, tuerolero
Editob or tbb StmrKii akd Repcbu-
cam Dear Sir: James J. McMuilin of
Tuacarora township has numerous friends,
who def-ire to have him announced as a c-.n
didate for the office ol County Tre-ruror at
the Republican Primary Election, subject.
fu tbe lules that govern tne party, testing
satir-Oed that if be becomes tbe standard
bearer for that office, bo will prove a tower
of strength before tbe people in old Tuaca
rora and tbe upper end, aud throughout tbe
entire county at tbe Novetub.-r election.
He ia a tuan ot atiaigbt forward address and
good btiBtuesa qualifications and common
sense views of financial all'airs.
Repi-blicab Dear Sir lu conformity with
tbe rules of tbe Republican party for prim
ary nomination that all candidates for of
fice must be publicly announced, 1 present
tbe Dime of '..like Davis of Walker town
ship aa a most suitable man for the office of
County Triaaurer. Mr. Davis lives in tho
heaviest tax-paving townxhie in the county,
a township that baa not bean honored with
a nouiibation tor county office in years.
He bas been a heavy tax-payer all bis lite,
an economical citizen, a tiller of the suti, a
soldier iu the Union army almost three
years, a member of the Natioual Guard
fire years, a good citizen every way, whe
will prove luuiitelf an efficient connty officer,
it the people will do themselves justice in
electitip hiui. WALKER.
Editor Mcxtisel asd Refi'Blicab :
No man iu tbi community Iiab the public
confidence to a greater degree for honesty
of purpose and financial integrity thaa
Frederick. KpuchaUe, aud for that reaoa
he is one ot the tittext im n in the county
present dim
Locis B. Atbibsob. F. M. M. Fibkell.
Uncollecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrica On Main street, in place of resi
dence of Louis B. Atkinson, Esq., south ef
Bridge street. fOct 26, 188S.
rjyOffice on Bridge street, oppositj
Coart House.
Johb McLacoulis. Josicrn W. Stimmel
tmOnly reliable Companies represented.
Jan. 1, 1889-ly
have formed a partnership for tbe practice
Of Medicine and tbsir coliatteral branches.
Office at old atand, corner of Third and Or
ange streets, Mifliiutown, Fa. One or both
ot them will be tnund at their office at all
times, unless otherwise professionally en
gaged. April 1st, WM).
JVetc Goods.
addresaof all bout arenta you know A we i
will senl you a ropy Kate FRAKhlLIX
KKWS CO., 7'J0 CLeti.ut Sireet, rhila.
Dr. Silas Lane while in the Rocky
Mountains, discovered a root that
when combined with other herbs,
makes an easy and certain cure for
constipation. It in iu the form of
dry roots and loaves, and is kuowu
as Lane's Family medicine. It will
cure sick headache in one night.
For the blood, liver and kidneys, and
for the clearing up of the complex
ion it does wonders. Druggists sell
it at 50cts a package. tf
il preperly mamged. The Pei Lrav BtL
LKTis, published nionth'y, finely illustrated,
ia tbe best pei fr fancier and tanner.
Less than tiv rents a month bring- it to
you post ptl. Send stamp lor ni.uiple copy .
Address '. y Lullthn, H'-io Fearl St.
New Yora.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration, on the etat of Margaret
Conner, laf of Fermanagh township, Jun
iata couuty, Pa., have been granted to tbe
undersigned reidtnc iu t.anje township.
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make immediate payment, and i election assured io November.
those having legal citron to present them l FAYETTK.
duly authenticated tor settlement.
josefh KormtoeK.
Arlmtnittrator, Mitfltntoun, Pa.
May 14, 18'JO Gt.
tor the office ol County Ireanurer. lie
baa i.ot been an office eeeaer and lor that
reasou will he acceptable to a larg) luaj ri-
IV ot pvop.e. His eateuaive acquaintance
which haa been acquired throughout the
couuty by diiiigent attention to busiuuss
will make him inviuc:ble before the people
in November.
Editob Skhtimbl aid Repcblicab .-
Dear .Sir : Johu F. Eiirenreller of Fayette
towuship, may not i: known personally to
every man in the county, but wherever be
ia knowu his name when rueutione 1 in con
nection with tbe nomination tor tbe office
of County Treasurer, inspires Confidence.
He is a xuum ot tbe people aud resides iu
tbe banner district of tbe coouty
eyes of all Juniata are turned upon Fayette
at election time. Considering the personal
qualities of Mr. EhreDzeller and the dis
trict in wbich be lives hia nomination at the
primary would be most timely aud hia
Dr. Warner's celebrated
Coraline Health Corsets have
one peculiarity which pertains
only to corsets of their make.
The bust retains its shape to
the end, and the corset im
parts to the wearer a well
proportioned and beautiful
figure. The corset is boned
with Coraline, a substance
superior to the finest whale
bone. Made in short, medium
and extra long waists.
There are many imitation, but yotl will
nd " Lt. Warner's Cora!-rie " printed oa
the inside of every genuine Corbet. They
ara sold by your nearest ry ood dealer.
WARNER V.WOS. '.lairs..
New Yoi k and Chicago.
13 3 B?-l&e35a
TTNti I esy Cum I not rosaa ircxely to
rne Clicra fr a luce, east riir.n h&va ti'Ka re
tern -aiq. I hm A ' ' t.. ..- J. ?'.
X have i3rda tie eusoeat. i-i
Jk SV-i-sT rtee) tal r"r V NT Zj
sBum it, : ici'c y - ,v . r ii-j fkv':r.
b jad at oik o f r c I rtv u-c ".; i.v.T-;
htsd 1 Cm li vay c -.f.ati! XOi." ft
iriat, c.i-1 ;t v !i jure ii-Tr-;3
K-wi.ajrvT. Rr..r, iSa.vi.r.T
400 ACRES. 3711. YEAR.
To represent one of the Urgest Narseries
in tbe country. We guarantee satihfoction
o all customers. previous experience
necesaary. Salery and Expesise
froaa start. Address, slating age,
Maple Avenue Xursens. West Chester, Pa
January 22. 1'J0-4L
Redoced rates obi tbe 4tb of
Jnljr the Ptnsi;ltaala
In pursuance of its usual Liberal
poliev, tho Pennsrlvania Railroad
Company will this year sell excur
sion tickets for the Fourth of Julv
holidays between all stations on its
Unas at reduced. The tickets will be
sold on Julv 3rd and 4th, valid to re
turn until Julv 7tb, 1S93. This re
duction in rates does not apply to
tickets sold between New York" and
Philadelphia, nor New York or Phil
adelphia and Baltimore and Wash
ington. Bv tbe use of tbene tickets
one can make a very pleasant holiday
trip at small cost.
The undersigned having been re
stored to health by simple means,
after suffering for several years with
a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, ia anx
ious to make known to his fellow suf
ferers the means of cure. To those
who desire it, he will cheerfully send
(free of charge) a copy of the per
scription used, which they will find
a sure cure for Consumption, jJsthtna,
Catarrh, Bronchttts, and allthroatfru d
lung Maledie. He hopes all suffer
er will try his remedy as it is in
valuable. Those deairins; the pre
scription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a bleauine, will
please- address Rev. Edward. 1. H ilon
Vf.ii: i t.-: r i '
In Its First Stages.
Buflwiac from tbe eOaaas ef yoattirul errors, early
eWar. waeuae weakness, lost maaaood. era. 1 will
Seed a valuable traattas I !! eocitaunlxi' roll
parumlM (whota core. FREE cHarae. A.
splendid BMdleal work ; abonld ba raad by everr
aaaa V la aw iuus and daUUtaaad. Addreav
jteCi F. C WWUB. leois . Caaasw
U sell our Nursery Stock. Salery, Er-
MBAM ABft RUmI. I? ' . .
WiUiamsburtr. Kintrs County. X. a. "
York, " - rrr7 ztmwrm pw
J oocnester, pi. 1 :
Notice is hereby given that letters of Ad.
miniatratlon.'oD tbe estate of Frederick 11.
Frymoyer, late of Fayette township, Juni
ata county, 1'., bavc beeu granted tu tbe
undersigried residing In sanie towobbis.
All porsous indebted to sid estate ( ara re.
quested lo make in mediate payment, aud
tbobe baving legal claitua to reM:tit them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
(sroomti, Jummta county, Pa.
Juno 18, lbP ijt.
The followiug scale ot prices for an
nouncements Las lieen mutually agred up.
on by tbe undersigned, aud no deviation
from the same will be made :
Congress, $25 ; President Judge, $23
Senate $19 ; Legislature, $7 ; Associate
Judge, Prethonotary, Register and Record
er, Sheriff and Conety Treasurer, each, t') ;
Commiaaioner and District Attorney, each,
$3 ; Jury Commissioner and Auditor, each,
$1. All additienal communications recom
mending candidates will be charged 10
cents jer line. Money in all caaes to be
paid is ADVAKCB.
Editor Juniata Herald.
Edittr Sestikel asd Kepcblicax.
Editob Seetisel asd RirrBLic : An
nonnce that Wm. Iieitzlor of Port Boya
is a candidate for tbe nomination of As.
eemblyman from Juniata Mr. Hertzler is
the present member, and hia record com
mends itself to snch a degree that it seems
like s mistake not to retarn him to the
State Legislature.
Editob Sextuiel ad Kepiblicak . Dear
Sir .- Please aunomice Calvin B. Hornii k
of Mifflintown aa a candidate for chairman
ot the Republican County Committer. Mr.
Horning i(Tan able organizer and ill make
an etticieat ctiairman.
Editob Sehtiiia-l asd Repcbdicaii : At
tbe request of many friends. I ak vou:
Pease ar.nounce mv nsme as a candidate
tor the office of Prothonotary, subject to
the ossgei of the Republican party in Jun
iata county. It 1 receive the nomination
and am elected I will try to please tbe peo
p'e whom I could serve in tbe duties of tbe
Editob or tub Sextieel apd Bepcbu-
cab .- Please announce tbe name ef Uriah
Sbnman ot Delaware township aa a candu
date for the office of County Commissioner.
Mr. Shaman rauks among the best citizens
in the county. Be is able and honest. lie
has always been in tha front for tha ad.
By virtue of an order of sale fer tbe par
nietit of debts issued out of tbe Orphan's
Cuiirt of J uuMta counly. Pa., I tbe un..Vr
si:ned, adiuinistrator, of Edward A. 11 r-
j e i 1 ,1,11, .niltliyi, tfilll'll,
j county, dee'd, will sell by ;utiiic vwiufnawr
I ou'erv. at lhe late r-sidei.t ol said decadvnt
j in ra-ette tawnobip, J uiiUtj county, I'a ,ou
TlltaDAT,TUE 17n DAT OT JVLT, A D., 1890.
t one o'cloek P. XI., ol said day, the fol
lowing domribo.1 Valuable Real K,ta(', to
Tract No. one: A tract of land situate ia
Fayette towoxhip, Juniata cjunty. Pa.,
bounded en tbe n.irtli by land.i ot Lewia
Degen, on lhe east by lauds t Sophia Os.
wald's heirs, cu tbe se;ltli by laud of Eliz
abeth Leonard, aud on the west by lauds
ol Wiiliani llAndta, contaiuiiij
SevenD-elglil Acres,
and forty-six peicties o! "land, more or less,
ana Dsving tnereon erected,
2 Frame Dwelling Houses,
Bank Barn, and outbuildings.
Tract No. two. A tract ol land aituate in
Fermanagh townabip, Jnniata county.
bounded on the north by lauds of Jacob
and George Hower, on the ess: by lands
of John M. Stoner, on the south by lands
of Henry Hambright and James Williams,
and on tbe west by public roul, levtinc ov
er ahade mountain, containing FORTY
ACRES, more or less haviug thereon a
Dwelling House and Barn.
TERMS OF SALE. 25 per cent, of the
purchase money to be paid pn the confirm
ation ef tbe sale by the court. 2.5 per cent,
on tbe 1st day ;of April, A. D., 1891, when
deed will be delivered aud possession giv
en, and thrbjlanco oo the first day of
April, A. D., 192, with interest from the
first day of April, A. I)., 18 91 to be secur
ed by judgment.
Worth Knowing,
That I can stop toothache in less than
five minutes ; no pain, ne extracting.
That I can extract taath without pain,
by the ue of a fluid applied to the toeth
and gums ; no danger.
That Diseased -e Gams (known
as Scnrvvl treat ed anrcfauftillv
- ' , c- J
Bttbbsr Bhoe unless worn unootnforsablv Mxbt,
will offcau slip off tlie fet. To remedy
tbis evil the
offar a shoe with the Inside of the heel lined with
rulAmr. Tbis rhn- to the shoe and prevents
the KuUier from slipping off.
Call for tbe "Colchester"
andyouoan waia, rua or jumi.'ln them.
Corasumption Surely Cured.
o Taa Enrroa: Please Inform your readers
that I hava a poalnva remedy for ths abovs-narued
dlaeaaa. By Its timely use thousanda of hnpelaaa
oaaas have baen parmanantly eured. I ahall be glad
so sand two bottlas of my remedy FB to any of
your raadera who bava eonaumption If thay win
Bead me their Kzyiraaa and P. O. eddreaa. Haspect
tUy. T. A. aUXXJCat, 11, C, IU a'aarl St., M. Y.
and a cure
Teeth Filled and warranted tor life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or
remoddled, from $3.00 to $12 per set.'
Beautitul Ghbi Enameled Teet inserted at
prices to soit all. '
AU work warranted to give perfect satis
faction. People who have artificial teeth
with which they cannot eat, are especially
invited to call.
Teems Cash.
G. Ij. DERR,
Practical Dentist,
established ia suvruBTeWB", Pa., u I860.
Oct. 14 '85.
KITH KR 1 Ol H'limtl nilivnu.. .
With Llack Diamcns Kooruvc to ccn-Ea the sav.
UacAuaa rr auuldv covers the luih.
Send for illustrated circialar to
M. Eiiret, Jr., & Co.,
433 Walnut Htroet,
SXJJSlrER goods
No more Winter for moath,
to come. Summer is jjere
and to conform to the change
the Senior member of th
firm has juet returned frosi
Eastern Markets, whare he M.
lected with great care the g00fj.
that his many patrons favor.
W hare now filled 0Ur
shelves with Summer Good,
of till kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated ear
efforts to givw them goods u
ei i ! t i likiej niirruipQn ... l
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite vou to
come and ea and be satisfied
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything
Don't be backward, call for
what vou want.
Shoes and Soots.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality aud price.
Whatever improvements hav
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door ewrviee. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a lull line oA
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line &t
in the county. Kverv hou.e
must have its lull pupplv el
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for euch ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Mais Stkeet, OrrosiTi Ccckt Iloust,
JMilHiiitovr-ii, I'a..,
Frctl'k i:ssm:c!iai)e
On and alter Sunday May 11, 1H90,
trains that stop at MtUiiu will ru as follows:
Harhihsi Rn Accommodation lesvts Al.
tnona dsilv at 8"a. rn., Tyrone 6 69 s. m.t
Mount Union at 0.54 a. m., N'ewten Hamil
ton 7,0" a. in.. MeVevtown 7.20 a. in.. Lew
istown 7,45 a. ru.. Milford 7.0-.' a. ra., MifBin
t.12 a.m.. Port Rfiyal S,17 a. m-. Mexico H,
2:1 a. m , Tuacarora 8 2 ia. ra.. Vandyke t
30 a. m.. Thorupnontown P.37 a. m., Dur
ward 8.42 a- m., Miilerstown H,48 a. ra.,
Newport S,00 a. m.a arriving at Hamsburg
10,05 a. in., and at Philadelphia, 1,25 p. ra.
Sfa Suore Ezfbeks leaves Altoona daily
at 7,15 a. Ui., aud stopping a all regular
stations botween Altoona and Harrisburg,
reaches Milliin at 10,05 a. m., Harrisburg
11.40 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at
8.15 p. in.
Maii. Train leaves Pillsburg daily at
5,30 a. ui., Altoona at 2,08 p. m., and stop
ping at all regular stations arrives at Mifflin
at 5 03 p. m., Harrisburg 7.00 p. ui., Phil
adelphia 10,jj p. m.
Mail Express leaves Fittaburg at 1 00 p m.
Altoona 6 2o p m ; Tyrone 6 52 p m ; Hud
lngdon 7 37 p ru ; Lewiato a 4 1 p ni ; Mif
flin 9 03 p ra ; Harrisburg 10 45 p m ; Phila
delphia 4 2b a m.
Day Exfbess leavea Pittsburg at K.O'I .
M. ; Altoona 1 1.00 A. M.; may be fUgj-d
st Millliu at 2.05 P. M.; arrives at Harris,
burg at 8,20 P. M ; al Philadelphia, 6.M P.
Philadelphia Express will stop at JiiiHin
at 11 87 p. tu., when flagged
Vast Libb l.-avcs Phiad-lphia d.iilv at
11 40 a m; Harrisburg 8 40 p ni j Mifflin
6 06 pm; Lewistown 6 28 p in ; Altaoua
7,00 p m ; arrives at Pittsburg at 1 1 65 p m-
Wat Passiboib leaves Philadelphia
daily at 4 30 a. m.; Harrisburg, 8 15 s. m.;
Duncannon, 8 64 a. m.j Newport, 9 26 a.
tu.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. m.j Thompsnntewn.
c r. . . . . .
e a. m.; an uyr, iu iwj a. ru Tuscar
ora, IU 04 a. m.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.j Port
Koyal, 10 13 a. m.; Millliu, 10 20 a. m.;
Miliord, 10 26 a. iu.; Narrows, 10 34 a. ra.;
Lewistown, 10 46 a. m.; McVertown, II 14
a. m.; Newton Hamilton, II 8 a. m.j Hun
tingdon, 12 17 p. ra.; Tyroue, 1 07 p.m.
Altooua, 1 45 p. ra., and stopiet all regular
stations between Harrisburg and Alteooa.;
Oyfter Express leaves Philadelphia dai
ly at 5 s9 p. in., Harrisburg, 10 20 p. m.
stoppiug at Kockviile, Marynvilie, Duncn-'
nen, Newport, Millerstown, Thonipsoutown
Fort Koyal, time atMilrlm, 11 50 p. rH.; a.i!
teona, 2 15 a. m.,aud Pittaburg, , 10 a. m.
Mail Tbaim leaves Philadelphia daily at
7.00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.20 a. tn., New
lrt, 12 14 p. m., MiHIin 12.52 p. m., atop
pingat all regulur stations between MiUiio
and Altoona reaches Altoona at 8 4t p m ,
Pittsburg 8.10 p. m.
Altooma Accombodatiom leaves Phil
adelphia daily at 11 40 a. m., Harrisburg at
4,10 p.m., Duncannon 4,45 p. m., New
port . IS p. iu., Millomtown 5,22 p. m ,
Thompsontown 5.:i4 p. in., Vaudyke 8 8f
p. m., Tuscarora 6,40 p. in., Mexico 0,47 p.
m., Port Koyal 6, .2 p. ui., Mifflin 6,0s p
n., Lewistown 0,21 p. m., McVeytown f,,'
p. la., Niwton Hamilton 7 p. m..
Huntingdon 7,10 p. m., Alt..euA Hj p. uj
Pacific Exprepslrave Philadclpijia 11 20
p ra ; Harrisburg A ID a uj ; Duncannon 8
88 Bin; Newport 4 0 J a ui ; Mifllin 4 83 a
in; Lewictown 5 ol a m ; McVeytown 6 22
a.nii alt. Union 6 40 a ru ; Iluntrngdu b
12 a li.; Pet.rsbi.i 6 20 a in ; Spru.-f Crcik
6 40 a m ; Tyn.fe 7tMiUi; iJi's Mills
7 22 a in; Altooi.a b 05 a m j Pi:tcbu:g
Pi p tn.
M u " ' energetic reliable men.
to solicit oid. is . r Nursery stock. Satis
faction to customers guarate-d. Suc
cessful baleDiueu are mkicg good wages.
No experience necessary. We hire on sal
ery and offer sj.eciat inducements to begiD
ners for next 00 days.
Address (stating age.)
Lock Box ,M. Geneva, N. Y.
AprU 0, '90-8L.