Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 11, 1890, Image 2

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    " . -If
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WEDTESnil, JOE 11. 1890.
BBrTOB piwiltni.
Tn Philadelphia Record reports
tht making of bogus coffee, in Phila
delphia. The bous eoSVe is made
of flour and is sold in a roasted or
nuroaxtej state, mixed with genuine
coffee. Onl the best Judges of cof
fee can detect the fraud.
DeM'ViUTic newspaper mn in the
astern ataten get off some wild ex
pressions on the tariff question, but
it is the western utate Democratic
editor, who leads them nil in extrav
agant writica-, of which the MIow
in from the Wichita, Kansas, Eagle
is a spefimsn : "Listen here ! The
MeKinler bill is an outra,g-ou per
formance. It is but n cheap monkey
show in the face of hih hearen and
of the American pt-ople. It is an
attempt to make .in angel of thedT
il without abbreviating his tail or
sawing c ff lim htrns. It takes dollar-
fp.rn the firmer and returns
them d m It !.- nt impoM a
nn;' dtt wL:. i Lelp a Kansas
farmer. What .l w (-are ala.iit the
1 it t on e-gs and on liar Tb- 1at
r- r in. but what with the Mc
K;n'.v bill, th- ii inne of the
Peed "anc-D Id ctwid in the Kmcr
bom of I'oeim and hvp.M-ritical
prohibition, if the Ilpublu-ari partv
loti't here Koiuetliin' ilrop uxt No
eral er, tlu n t eritr -icvn v ar in
tu tiitorial m ri-c has onlv tit tan
is for thf inuu a-ylum."'
IWviut. is rhil.ad.lphia held
a great rui-etiiijj lust week, on the
subject of tbe t.tritT. Thev had a
number of Congressmen there, who
rehearsed their old Congressional
tariff speevhea to the di-light cf the
act i tariff puopl- They 'used the
old time worn lU'tnocrsitio urithme
tic to figure up the tux that a man
pavs by the tariff on the clothes that
he Weill's, and bleeps in. They will
Count so much percentage on every
yard Jof muslin in bin shirt. So
much on every yard of goods his
wife wtars and so much on the
thread, nud bo much on the blankets
and sheets in tlivir leds, and so
nmcli percentage on the run Is rat.
tie, and so f. irth Then they shout aw
ful burden.vm tax, but never stop to
tell t!u ir Iieun r that the tsxe that
iiilbct the ouintry generally are the
tile's of the cities, towns and town
ships. The county taxes, the Kr
ugh t.ivw, th road tuxes, the poor
tuxe-t the school tixes. There isn't
much ue of talking about the drip
ping waste at the spigot when the
barrel lies with burg hole down for
the e mtents t run out, or in other
words there isn't much use in talking
about the p jrceistag- of profit or tax
paid to manufacturers and dealers
in b iby rattles, t"muslin and calio
sellers, to clothes dealers aud so forth
when the revenues of property ewu
ts art" running out of th bung hole
tf l-al taxation, county tax, road
tax, sc!n Mil tax, poor tax, insurance
ami rwpairs.
Storm's Deadly Work.
At s.30 I. M., June 3, a storm
truck the town of Bradshaw, a place
of 5 )0 inhabitants, in York connty.
Nebraska. Tbe storm came from
the southwest. Scarcely a moment's
warning was given, the roar of the
whirlwind being the first notice tbat
the terrined people beard. It struck
the town fairly and there was not
left a single building. Every busi
iuess house was made a total wreck
and the principal street was filled
with the ruins. In the extreme
western part of the village a fer
houses were left, with a semblance of
their former appearance, bnt they
are without windows and doors and
thiiir contents were scartered broad
cast over the prarie.
The depot building was crushed
info kindling wood aud every car
stauding there was wrecked, except
one that was loaded with stock, and
which was blown without leaving the
track to York, a diotauce of nine
luiles. The telegraph lines were
prostrated and when the car arrived
t York it was feared that some dis
aster had occurred. A messenger
weut up the track ami at midnight
returned with the news of the dis
aster. The fire bells were rung and in a
short timo large numbers of people
were on their way to give assistance.
At the same time a special train left
Lincoln with physicians and other
relief. It wad found that a Russian
settlement near the town was struck,
and the report is that nine persons
were . killed there outright. The
physicians sty that in all twelve are
dead, eight mortally wounded and
perhaps twenty-one hurt, more or
.less, seriously.
A ru Steal.
Sas Francisco, June 5. The in
vestigation being made into the tiro-
posed filibuteriug expedition against
Liwer California continue to reveal
startling facts. From the evidence
furnished by the agents of the Mexi
can Land aud Colonizing Company
it appears the president of the com
punv hail in view a plin to annex
the peninsula to the British Empire
by pursueing the snme policy that
was followed by the East India Com
panvw hen (treat Britian acquired her
p )Retion iu Asia.
It was designed to colonize Lower
California and secure concessions
Mexican Goverment, and then to
provoke a strife and foment disen
eions. English capital and interest
Trunld then be jeopardized and tbe
intervention of the mother country
was to oe invoked, in proof of this
the statement of the agents of tbe
company, substantiated by documen
tary evidence, has been secured.
Major Scott, manager of the com
pany, assured the filibusters that
two Enrlish men-of war would be in
the vicinity of Ensenada skirting off
tbe coast wneu tbe new republic was
to be declared. As soon as the de
claration of independence of the new
government had been proclaimed
these war vessels were to enter the
harbor and reconize the new nation.
Scott supposed that after the Re
public bad been established the Un
ited Slates Government would join
with the Mexican Government in
suppressing the invaders. Then
Great Britian would be appealed to
to protect the interests of her sub
jects, and would establish a protec
torate over the peninsula.
Now it's chicken pox.
Several people from this vicinity
took in Middleburg, during Snyder
countv court.
The Supervisor's are "going over
the roads.
Tlie'mau carrier had a run off at
Oriental a few dav ago. A demor
alized buggy sj the result.
1 eter Ihilniu who resided near
Oriental ra years ago, died at his
home, near Meiaa-rtville on the 24th
ult.. aged about 40 veers. Sir. Iill
man's mother died, during tbe past
winter, and only alout two months
ago hi Isrother IVnjsmin died, at the
Iel.iware Cro Iloads in this eoan
tv, and now be bad t follow to the
pint world. All died of consump
On AVednesdav afternoon. Mav
2Sth. the barn of John Barner. four
miles t of Oriental took fire, and
burned down to the ground togeth
er with the bog n and wagon shed.
Origin of hre not known, t ullv in
Your reporter visited Bichfield on
Memorial dav anil was deeplv im
pressed with the ceremoniee, every
thing having leen arranged and car
ried out in the mofct impressive man
ner. An tecs.
May 30, l.srH).
Having been spoken of as a candi
date for Legislature I take this meth
od of informing my friends that I
will not be a candidate at this time-
Mr. Hertzler claiming secord term
as has been the custom. We must
be nnited to succeed, and to avoid
any tronble. I cheerfully step out of
the field for the coming term, with
thanks to many friends for promise
of support.
It. La timer VTrLsoN.
Yan Wert Pa, June 9. 1S90.
Memorial lljins.
For the ?etiil Ar Kspcblicas, bj
Krv. S. (i Preslrr, reit t KrMIeld,
May 30, 1390, (enpvright r-rve4.
In eif hteen hundred ixtjine
The trmitor raie4 their "hand
To trample down the liberties
ur our beloved land.
Cho: Strew the tlowera Strew the flovril.
Oti the grave where the h-roea lie :
They irave their livea a aaoriflee,
For their country they did die.
The L'oion men, both prcat and amall,
Went forth to meet th foe ;
They rallied at their country call.
For Richmond they dul go.
Cho Strew the flowers, &s
On many a hot contested field
The enemy they did meet
Their bayonets and award to wield,
Rebellion to defeat.
Cao 5 trew the flowers, tc.
On right and left ia front and rear
The comrade they did fall ;
Some mangled by the musketry,
And some with cannon-ball.
Cho: Strew the Itowera, .c.
The battle raged the war was waged,
Down to the Soothers Soil,
Until rebellion had bees cruabed,
And peace reatored to all.
Cao.- Straw the Howera, ate.
But st the time of master ont,
And on returning home,
We left In Southern grave to mould,
Fonr hundred thouaand men.
Cho.-Strew the n men, c.
There buried in their uniforms,
Their bod iea did decar.
Abiding Gabriel' trumpet' aoand.
On resaraxction day.
Cho Strew the floweia, Jte.
Tbe rest returned but ome have diedf
And tomm are near the grave:
Come, honor thm -both great and
Our country they did aave.
Cr Strew the Howera, Jte.
The rrefane Senator.
The Bev. Pr. Daniel Dorchester
in charge of Indian schools, is a very
dignified old gentleman. He hails
from Massachusetts, possesses cul
ture, but it is only by degrees acquir
ing familiarity with the breery West.
The successive suprises which Dr.
Dorchester encounters afford his in
timate friend, Senator Dawes, much
amusement. The latest experience
of the doctor relates to a conversation
between him and a certain Western
Senator. The latter was arguing
some Indian school propositions with
off-baud ea: neatness. But the rever
end gentlemen couldn' see it as the
Senator did.
"Why d d it, man" said the Sena
tor, "we must
There he was checked. Dr. Dor
Chester drew himself up with freezing
dignity, and in a tone of crushing re-
proof said :
t "What business Lave you, sir, to
utter profanity in my presence?"
i The Senator stared at the doctor
for a few soceads. and then out
with ;
"I n you, sir, if you'd swear once
in awhile yourself you'd be a more
reasonable man." Washington Let
"When a man's temper gets the
best of him it reveals the worst of
A dispatch from Atlanta says:
The peach crop in Georgia will be
almost a complete failure this year.
The orchards of Houston county,
which last year brought in revenue
of $250,000, will do little more than
supply the local demand. Two caus
es are assinged for this failure:
First, the lite frosts, and second, the
fact tbat the immence crop of la t
year broke dowj and exhausted tbe
A Tower 1,500 Feet High.
Says the Metropolitan : The con
structor of the famous high tower.
called the modern "Tower of Babel,
which rears its lofty head from the
midst of what was until recently the
great Paris Exposition grounds,
wants to ont Eiffel, Eiffel. The gr at
French Engineer in collaboration
with Thomas A. Edison, has made
tbe proposition to tbe authorities iu
charge of the 'World's Fair, to be
held at Chicago to erect a tower, on
any site chosen by them, that Khali
be at Ieat aOO feet higher than tli
thousand foot structure that no
stands on the left banke of the Seine
river. Should M. Effel's proposition
le accepted by tbe Worlds Kxecu
tive Committee, it will lie the great
est drawing card of the show of '92
It is purt'osed that the toner shall
be illuminated with a million incan
descent lights, and will be quite as
sttractive geuerallv as its famous
counterpart aero the sea. It needs
only tbe mention of the projectors'
names Eiffel and Edisou to prove
that the greatest succw. will attend
the undertaking.
M. P. Cawroax,' Pharmacist,
baa opened a new drug store in Mif-
tl in town and has in stock a full line
of all roods kept in a first class
drug store. Pkescrii-tions accihate
LT roHKH vptD. Puritv of ingredi
ents guaranteed. The patronage of
the public is respectfully so.icited.
IVmocrat and llegister building,
opposite Odd relkiws nail, IJnd;
street. tf.
Hold It to the Light.
The man who tells vou confiden
tially just what wi'l cure your cold,
is prescribing Kemp's Balsam this
year. In the prepor.ition of this re
markable medicine for coughs and
colds no expense is spared to csm-
bino onlv the best and purest ingred
ients. Hold a bottle of Kenips Bal
sam to the light and look through it;
notice the bright, clear look ; then
compare with other remedies. Price
50c and $1. tf.
Land Sold I'vr Tax.
The connty treasnrer's sale of land
for tax unpaid, took place in the
court house 'on Monday. June 9th
lS'.K). us follows : Four lots in Port
Royal to E E. Berry for 4S.
A tract of 40.1 acres in L-tck town
ship b A. J. Patterson, for $To 00.
sold as the property of Irwin Dobbs.
A tract of b acres in Monroe
township, to O. L Hower for ?3i.
sold as the property of Thomas John.
A tract of 4l 0 n res in Milford
township, t J E. E Beriy, for $10.
sold as the property of Birr Jacobs.
A trtct of 4' 10 hundred acres iu
Milford township, to B. F. Bnrch
field for $10 50, sold as the propertv
of William Potts.
A tract of 400 acres in Milford
township, to John E. Hollobaugh, for
$7, sol I as the property of James
A tract of 400 acres in Milford
township to John E. Hollobaugh for
f 10, sold as the property of David
A tract of 40:) acres, in Milford
townshiy, to John E. Hol.ob.iugh for
$10, sold as the proprrty of Stephen
A tract of 410 acres in Mil'ord
township to John E. Hollobaugh for
$6, sold as the property of Samuel
A tract of 450 acres in Milford
township, to A. J. Patterson for
$1050, sold as the proirty of Steph
en Walker.
A tract of 2 acres, in Greenwood
towceh p for $6, to B. F. Schweier,
old as the property of Benjamin
J. II. Simons visited friends in
Tyrone on Sabbath.
Bono school house literarv societv
will hold a picnic in Sohweier's
woods on Saturdav.
Telegraph operator, William Miles,
is bappv ver the present of a nice
girl baby by his wife.
Drs. Brown and Scholl of the
Riilroad relief service at Harrisburg
iu company with Mr. Gross also of
tiarnsburg visited Dr. Banks on
"The childrens' day" services, -held
in the Presbyterian church and in
the Methodist church on Sunday,
came up to the standard they were
expected to reach.
Advertised list of letters uncalled
for remaining in the post clflce at
MifHintown Pa., for the week ending
June 7, 1890. Persons calling for
letters in this l:st will please ask for
advertised matter. Letters : William
M. Howard, William Hood, "William
Singer, Jessie Shoemaker.
James McCaclet, P. M.
Chauncy Black, has complicated
tho question of the nomination of a
governor among the democracy, by
appearing in the field as a candidate.
Mr. Black is one of the original
Thomas Jefferson Democrats, and is
as capable of knocking off as much
Democratic fur among the faithful
as either or both Cleveland or Wal
lace. The lower house of Congress, pas
sed, last Saturday a silver bill by
which silver treasury notes are made
a legal tender. It is a move in tbe
right direction, and the next best
things to free coinage. The vote
stood 135 yeas, 119 n -ys Atkinson
voted yea. Eight republicans voted
against the bill, one democrat voted
for the bilL
The Lewisburg Chronicle U au
thor of the following fish item : A
i German carp, twenty four inches
long, weighing over ten pounds was
speared with a pith fork by a young
man on the Negley farm near Bast
Lewisburg on Saturday May 17.
The moncster fish was discovered
in a pool of water a short distance
below the carp pond of Mr. Harrv
Nesbit and no doubt escaped from j
tbat place during tbe flood of last 1
Reader, if you attended Port Roy-'
al Fair last fall, you have a recolle- J
tion of Fawnee Bill well her is
something from the N-wport Ledger, j
relative to Pawnee Bill's latest enter
prise: Maj. Lillie. "Pawnee Bill,"
who is traveling with Given'a show
was here on Monday and succeeded
in purchasing an old Concord stage .
of the Rice Brothers which will be
used in exhibiting the methods In
dians and other highway robbers on
the plains, in robbing the mails and
travelers. Tbe stage i at Snyders
& Kabler's undergoing repairs, after
which it will lie shipped to where i
Major Lillie orders. J
Tlio Tyrone Herald relates the .
particuhtrs of a daring rebbe-ry jwr-
petrated at the dejvjt in tbat place i
some evenings ago. A family con
sisting of father, mother and little
- i a . . il 1
girl, in company wmi iwo uiim
families, w re ou tbir way from
Houtzdale to England. As they
w. re getting on the train a stranger
pproarned ttiem wiui apparent i i-j
tentiou .l u. iping n.em on me ira.n. . ,,.,. h lnuta,t!y .sr-ed np
JUtt. tbe w..m,, was filing in, , nd dutio.
be suddenly reached f Jr her pocket
anil dtftlv to-k her pocket look,
dntaiug $30, and started tip le
t ween the laggnge room aud station
in the direction of the warehouse.
Ik-fire pursuit coui 1 Iwi given be bad
disappeared in tbe iHikuf s. The
family was male almost frautic over
tlie loss, but fortunate; v still
retain- :
e.l their tickets and baggage checks
and were able to proceed ou their
Allen's Great Eastern shows aud
trained animals exhibited hero last
Wednesday. If i.s did not come up
to what it professed in its adverti.se
nient or paper statements, "it was
bill! ou tortaining show," so st least
those who attended it say. There
s:-ems to be a weakuoss among men
whether they are show jsple or
jople in other walks of life when
they advertise or go on puper. Fi r
example, a man will go on paper in
bank, on n promise to pay, wheu he
has nothing to pay with. Another
will relate a scandal, colored with as
much of tho rainliow finish in it as
he can command. Another cn'chc
a -1 inch trout and before he closes
his talk almut it, the fish has length
ened to tho pize of 10 or 12 inches.
.Vnother is t hirst r and he savs he is
dving for a drink. Ono man don't
agre with another and thev each
ca 1 the other the crauk. One mnn
is a Presbyterian and the of her a Meth
odist and iu the opinion of e ich other
neither one is right. Another is for
taritT, the other is not and ii the op
ioti of each other both are I ent on
ruining the buisness of the couniv
and umids all of tho exageratiou the
nvsn:ijxrr man is declared t lo
at the head of the list of exageratious
when in point of fact lie is not. Ho
iuit a o uiservative character wboii
it comes to t xageration, which is
plain enough tj any one who w ill ob
serve what exagi rated statements
people make. If the statements of
what one neighoor of tins commumt v
says about Ins Wow neighbor and
aUjut the events and buisncss of the
dav. could le published in a ues i
paper it would prove how conservative
aud cautious the newsp-prrs are and
how little of t:ie exair.-ration thnt
afflicts every phase of human eccu-ty
finds its way into newspapers.
A Toronto agency is said to get
from $20 to $30 a head for smuggling
Chiuamt-u into the United States.
A report comdemuing secret so
cieties was adopted by the Reform
ad Pre?bvteriau pvihk! in Stw York
after a warm debate.
Governor Beaver has roapponited
C.eneral J. P. S. (robiu as cuniruau.lei
... , . ... ,x- j
of the Thinlbn-a.le,atMiial Guards
of 1'fennsylvaiiia. Hi lust apixjint- j
Hi lust appoint- J
meut expire.! on last aatunrty a
By virtue of in order or sale for the av
ment of drbta issued out or the Orphan's
Onrt of Juniata county. Pa., I the nnder
s'fcned. administrator, of Edward A. Msr
jriir, late' of Fayette township, Juniata
connty, dee'd, will sell by public vendue or
ootcrv, at the late rexideot of said decedent
in Faette township, Juniata county, Pa , on
mri'0r,THi 17h dav or jrxv, D , 1890-
at one o'clock P. M., of said day, the fol.
lowing described Valuable Real Estate, to
Tract No. one: A tract of land aitutte in
Fayette township. Juniata county, Pa.,
bounded on the north bv land of Lewi
Depan, on the eat by lands of Sophia Os.l
wald's heirs, on the south by lands of Elii-
ala-th Leonard, and on the west by lands
of Wiiliam Harms, containing
Seventy-eight Acres,
and forty-aiz perches of land, more or less,
an. I having thereon erected,
2 Frame Dwelling Houses,
Bank Barn, and outbuildings.
Tract No. two. A tract of land sitnate in
Fermanagh township, Juniata county.
bounded on the north by lands of Jacob
and George Hower, on tbe eas: by lands
of John M. atoner, on tbe south by lind I
of Henry liarubritht and James William,
and on the west by puolic rosd, lea line or-
er shade Jmountain. containing FORTY j qualities of iVr. Ehrenreller and the di
ACRE8, more or less having thereon a i trict in which he lives bis nomination at the
Dwelling House and Barn. i f7im 'rr w'""d ,""t ,i,n,ly nd hi'
TERMS OF SALE 25 Mresst. r,f th
purchase money to be paid on the confirm- '
atlnn of the sale by the court. 'I't per cent. I
on the Istdayot April, A. D., Ib91, when
de. d will be delivered and possession gir
n.ana tbeJDjianc on tbe Drat day f
April, A. D., 192. with in'e-est Jrira tbe
Urat day ef April, A. D-, 16 91 to be secur
ed by judgment. :
The improved method of fastening s'rinra
ot Piann, invented br a, is one of the
most important improvement rr-r male,
roakins; tbe mstrnment more richlv mnsi
cal in every tone, more durable, and less
liable to get oat of lane.
Both tbe Mason k. Hamlin Organs and
Piaoo excel chiefly in that wuic.i ia tho
chief excellence In any musical instrument,
quality r tone. Other things, thoufb im
portant are tnacb lea so than tbia. An in.
irameni wur. nnmusical tones csnnot be
good. Illnatraled catalogue of new styles,
introduced this scasoa, seat tree.
April 23, 1SW, St.
I took Cold
I took Sick.
I take My Meals,
I take My Rest.
Kftume nu rv. ?, , Scott's
Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil
and Hvpophosphitesof Limeand
ienC Cons unapt lost sut built
ME i r. Al 1$ NOW rUTTINtt
ft. r.n.aviiiB Aoalu ririria for an
Congre, $25 ; Priiteot JadR.
Senate S10 ; Legislature, 7 ; Aaiociate
! Judge, Prothonotary, Krgiter and Record
er, Sb-nflTand Cwuntj Treasurer, eacli, J ;
Comniiionfr nt District Attorney, each,
$3 ; Jury Cumraiminner and Auditor, each,
fl. ah nuniini cuwmuun-i'- . .
modiog candid te will
centater line. Money in
be charged
aU caoea to
paid is ADVAXC
Editor Juniata Herald.
Editor Shstinel asi Keri BLic vs.
KniToa Skxtinil aud Kepcbmcaii : AO.
tiounce tht Wm. Heitzler of fort Kuyal
ia a raodiaie It fb nomination of Aa.
nem lily man from Juniata. Mr, Hortz'r in
the prenefit member, and him rrcord com
mend UshII la ur.h a drcre tlmt it aerina
lik. a mirtako not :o return him to the
State Legislature.
Editor SrsnicL and Reitblibas :
I'leano tiinrnnra the nam of W . Ilrry
Moore, of Wa kr Tp., a a car.did.ite tor
nomination tor County Cotuinianioner, ,nuh
ject to Kevnu'ic uft;. Mr. Moore'i re
cord as a Soldier and Cnizrn ia without
blemish and h ps-i-p all tl.e cii -tirir:-tion
aec-'i'rv iuhhIih a gool and etliiittnt
olli-er, hnvinr rrceivd within a few vots
of a mt''rtty ttire yt-Hr ago. alter uot be
i:tg abl-to ranv js the county en account of
ficlmni in hi Unii'v, f'l lv tn ts bis claim
tor the ettice. ' M IKKI.IN1 OWN.
ilay 12, Ifl'Jt).
KuiToii Skntinh. a n i Krpcblicar :
l-rsir.- Thf cimtv rov.-rnm--tit hich
i lodcd iti t!if txrd t I'oiimv Ciiiin s.
ainnf . in f tu'ire iiuiKi'tace in tim.-s of
(eace lo the pfop'e ol thf count,' t li in the
grneral rovernment aid thrrr-fre the
board ot collntT cmi ni'-HioriiTS li-nlt br
coinp'a-d h"nat an-l c.pVf nifti, who
wi'l l ich:-re the arTt r t "Hi -f t r th
g. ntT il po-fl . 'Vi'li 'hi ol'.j-ci in vi.'w 1
Would fiamu J'."' i.'h S eli-r t.f Kavette
It'wt t-tnp am a c.lizrii at'ii::dtn!ly tia iti- d
to fi ' ilie impTtan' "tti of rom:t com
ni '.r. II a ir.tri itt'i'in at the J.ti:"iury
el-c: "'ii will 1 1 e thf :-.tl- p nrratly u
op- lutioT t fl-ct a fM,d uiai t the im
portant oiti;-r in No't-m!n'r.
r'ltr i.r : J tn-i J. VrMi;!in ot
ra t -tii i i:iiT'r-i!M lnends,
riU I iff him nn'!ii;c "1 j 4 cm
C S N ! '
didatr for the tIti
nit Trfapurer at
tt.e Kj'ti!!:r4n lriiH4rv K .Jmh, n'ibivct.
lo ttir rulr thut KOVtrii Tli J'rty, tt-e'li
sjfit1-l th.t it h l-comes th tatUatIci
lar-r Ur that office, t will pror twnr
of titrc-ncth bl'r- the if.'f in Tn-ca-rr
mn(i the j-pT end. mt-ri thr"'i;:liiuf tfcr
ntir ciitii at th- IC nTvniltT trrtini.
11 a m4ii of at? nieht for-vrl 'lltft and
good buins qualilVaTioTi and curamon
9tnr viowa of h ns.no-.! aft'iirs.
Ri.pi blicax Dear Sir In conformity witb
tha rule, of tho Kublicao i-arty lor prim
arr Domination thitt all cndidat for of.
I n'e mu' j1? - . V 1 .
i the nsrae of Luke lav.a ot VVa'ker ton-
Lhin... , ni,.i,i- m.n (t.r the ..thee or
County Traurer. Mr. Davi. livt in the
County Traur'r
beavirst tax-pat inz t wn-h'p !n the county,
a township tbat has not liewn honored with
a nomination for county ottice in ears.
He has l-n a h-svy tas-ptyer all lis Lie,
an economical citizen, a tiller of the sj-I, a
soldier in the I'niou army almost lh"-e'
yeaia, a niemt'er ot tb Nati nal (Juard
Ore years, a good citizen every w. wb
will ror biuiarlf an efficient county Iliccr,
if tt.e people will do themselve j i.ti-n in
el.ctuic bnu. WALKER.
KniToa iXTiNL asd Kkpi blicak :
No iiian in this community lis Hie puMic
confliienc to a srreatT d-pre for lioni-sly
of piirpofo and financial i't'eri'v ttan
Frederick Kspeuschaie. atid for that riaon
be is one of tbe fittest men in ti e county
ter oftl.-iul position, thereloro I presnit him
aa a candidat' tor the pritrarv nomint on
tor Ihe otlit-e ol County Treasurer. Ho
has not been an ottice seeker and tor that
reason will be acceptable to a l.irg maj ri.
...J7,, ' im irMt ,hrn,'t ,h
I county bv dillirent attention to Uusmesa
will make htm invincible beforo tlifl
in NovetiiLer.
Kditor Skrtinrl aki Rcpi-blicasj ;
D-ar Sir : John F. Ehrenr.eller ol Fayette
township, may not ba known personally to
every man in the county, but wherever he
is known his name wben raenfione-i in con
nectiou,4rith the a juiinMi.ni lor the ottice
of Countv Treasurer, inspires confidence,
He is a mar. ot the people and resides in
the banner district of the countv. The
eves ol all J uniata are turned r.non Fare!!-
t election time. Considering the personal
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
Im endorsed and prescribed by leading
physician bflcauai bolb tlie Cbat Caaaw Oil
wl IfypnrisiasjiXtas are the reoos;alsd
scant In the cure ot tamijmess. K is
Scoti's Emulsion
ia m srewrfatyW WUmlt fVoHtirrr. il is tMs
Jssst Jaawaaaty tor COIf SCMPTlOlf,
Bcrofnlav, Bronchi tio, Waxtiag- Die
amsaaR. Chxeaaic Came-he aai CalAa.
xrt;. i. hfrfhv eiven that letter of ad-
i..l. n mi the untate of Margaret
Conner, latr . I r'enusnagh township. Jno-
. L. ... ...4 th.
lata county, i a . io uu Bimcw .
undersicred re-id me in aame towDship.
All persona iuucbied to said estate are re
iieaird to liMkc imin-dite payment, and
.v.. .. havii ir b-eil elai'us to present tbem
duly aiillieiilu-a'ed for settlement.
.Idmimi'trator, Mifflinton, Pa.
May 14. lf!o 6t.
Arcxt's Wru Hend your own, and
n.iiuioi ii bout: sgduik you know At we
will srni a repy K'RAR KUAKkLIX
NEWS "., 7'tl Oraluut Street, Pbila.
This standard brand of plug
tobacco is acknowledged to be
tho best chew and the largest
piece for the money in the mar
ket. Viiico tin tag on each lump.
Its extensive sale for many years
his established its reputation.
here is nothing better. Try it.
ror by dealers and grocers.
Dr. Warner's celebrated
Coraline Health Corsets have
one peculiarity which pertain9
only to corsets of their make.
The bust retains its shape to
the end, and the corset im
parts to the wearer a ivell
proportioned and beautiful
figure. The corset is boned
with Coraline, a substance
superior to the finest whale
bone. Made in short, medium
and extra long waists.
There are many imitations, but you will
find " Dr. Warner's Coraline " printed on
the inside of every genuine corset. They
are sold by your nearest dry goods dealer.
New York and Chicago.
-"r Residemco. ConcHr9, Ccmftcf?ic8. FaRia
uahlcni iv.iiis .rit'ns, w loaaw buaids, Trelll&ea,
Urs-j.ronf PUSTEItlM I.1TH. HOOK 1S,
A. Write fur 2J!u.:ratcd O.taiogne: mailed fre
Ita tVKSpr St., I'lIdahnrKti, I'M,
"Iru-.I n re Jttr krci iu Ctrc name of this papa
BnlToriziff from the effect of youthful error, early
decay. WaVtttiitrT weakneM, -mt mauliooi, to., I will
end a Taluatle treausa faealed cuDJainlncr full
paxticultvra for Lome eux. F R EE of cl r
splendid medical work ; should te mdby Tery
dan who 1 nervous snd debilitated. Address
Prof. F G FOWLEB, HOoduB, Coam
T-"-j ii.if:,"rmoii t!Xtn-nw ornl .Ioui,
&eit 'nrtrlalla jo.r wakna J VWV
it -jii a tuiir-ijoo coi;5 s. :tst..s.?-. "St
m v-vei wis Btrr
V!in I pvr Crrni I Jo not mean tneraiv tc
r.tcp tnata for a unie, Ac J C:n bzro tiiocu r.
turn i.--ajn. I keiij A UA.D1CAI.
X iATo zioAa tut iLmus ot
A llfe-liTif stoily. I TltRlKT my rereJT tr
t ess tne vrorst ensas. lcus olnera tic
tiie'i ti no reason for not noar raoetvuiir a fun
t end atotire for a trestiao anitsriitst-iiriU
ri C17 JsrAi.LSiujs lipair. -..o ?ip
an.1 i'ot OHire. it eoU yi.-i noJUag t-'Z i
trial, and it wlU w fou. AJJruaa
H.G. KOGT, M.C., I S5 Viml 6t,K c2H
K"y3:1i cows, f iJi la of ar'-
Tt ti-Hf Ufcra.
Ot kauasiv u ricTS. TIViV t3Timr'Hiir-j for trrmM.
it jTaperly managed. Tha Pcltbt Bcl
LETta, published msjothly, finely illustrated,
is th beat paper for fancier and larmer.
Leas tbaa fiv. cants a month brinft it to
jou pot paid. Sead stamp for sample copy.
Address Poultry Bulletin, 82tt Pearl St.
Nsr Yore.
t- as
StVl-T Z'K-r tuajraall. . J. J
! Tiii.CS, SliBUSS, ViHES, C.
Lou i K. ArRiRsus. . M. tf. Prrmrll.
rr-Col lectin and Convoyanoing prompt
ly attended to.
OrricR On Main etreet, ia place ef resi
dence ef Loaia K. Atkinson, Ksq., sooth ef
Bntlge street. oci i iw'
CyOffice on Bridge street.
Court Mouse.
Joaa licLacoBLia. Jor W. Ptimiiii
17-)nlj reliabla Cumpante reprented .
Jan. 1, 18f9-ly
Ds.o.si.rsAwrrD, ia. titvn M.cwro,
bav furiucd a iartDrhip fur the practirt
ef Mc'Ih'IB aud tlisir collattcral branches.
Office at old siaud, corner ef Third aad Or
aiigs atresia, M llliutwn, fa. Oo or btb
ol ttiin will b found at thir otTic at all
times, utiles otbrrsrise irsleasiocallj a
gsccd. April 1st, 1PS0.
I would inform tbe public tbat I bav
aw ia my new millinery store at my place
of residence on Water street, VitBintowa,
second door from corner of Bridge street,
afull stock of Springand Sumner millinery
(roods, all new, aud of the latest styles
and baving employed first cla.is milliaera
I am prepared to supply the public with
everything found in a firstclass milliner
store, come and examine icy stock. I
consider it no trouble to show goods.
MK5. lKiai..
March 22-sr.l.T.
Worth Knowing,
That I can stop tootrachk in less than
fire minutes; no pain, no extracting:.
That I can extract teeth without pain
by the use of a fluid applied to the teeth
and gums ; no danger.
That Diseased rs. Gams (known
ts Scurvy) treat y72:-?!j ed siiccnesf ally
.ma a cure waryvJi'Sv.v raniea in ever
c. JjjUS
Teeth FitLen ar.d warranted for life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or,
remoddled, troiu i'.t.UO to $12 per set.
Beautiful Gum Kcauiuled Teet inserted a'
prices tn S'tit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis-la'-lion.
I'eop'a who have artificial teeth
with which they cannot eat, are especially
invited to cull. Will visit professionally
at their hom' s if notified by letter.
Will visit regularly at.RiehUVM tbe 2nd
weeks ef Mav and October.
Tebm C3-h.
G. L. DEIl'R,
I'ruc-tlcal Uciitiat.
I rTB.i-Mo i? mrrLiNTwK, I't., in 18C0.
I O.-t. 14 'Ml.
RSim VYiSTEC 5-i"!TVrVtTTr."
( 4 i4xuuilijr. raa A. iMata, UroaJwaj. M. 1
I 400 it'Rt'l
- 3 til VK4R.
S A Jj i: S M E N
To repn seoi one of the largest Narseries
iu tl:e ct'iiiitrj. Wm guarantee satisfoction
o all mat'. turs N previous exieriei;ce
neeaasuiy. Salery, anil Expense
troiu start. Afldreas, statins; sge,
VplH Avm.u Nurseries, We.t Chester, Pa
January 22. lS'JO-tt.
Whitiim! O! Vm-ti!K3, o: n vomaw, so Kicut
With Hlacic Dia'nti lioonvo to covn tki sky.
Uccai'b: rr tijiUAZz-: covki-s ii:r f.sth.
.i:d for Illustrated circular t j
M. Eiihet, Jr,, & Co.,
4.23 Walnut Mtroet,
. ' V. Ik a
Rubber Phrx utiIsvm worn uncomfortablj tig tit
wiii ou slip otT the f?t. To rexnedr
liiis evil the
offer a shoe with the inside of tbe beel lined with
rubber. This clmea to the shoe and prevent
the Huhbur front slipping; off.
C!l for the "Colchester"
and youcavn wulic, ruu or Jump-la them.
Consumption Suroly Cured.
To Th Zorroa: Fleas Inform your reader
that I bav a positive remedy for th above-nam.4
d la sail. Br lta timely nsa thonaanda of hopaa
oasa hav bsen permsnsntly cured. I ahull be glad
to sesd two bottles of my remedy FBH to anj of
your reader who have eonsnmption If they will
end ma their Mxpraas and P. O. address. IVapcct
tolly. T. A- BLOCL'M. U. C. ltU Pearl St.. X. Y.
Tresapaa Notice.
.'k -'-Is1
AH peraon are hereby caationed not to
tresipass on the farm land and woodland of
tha undersigned in Milford township, for
the purpose ol hauling, bunting, fishing,
picking berries, throwing down fences, cut
ting timber, The law (gainst tresspass
ing will be enforced.
Daxiel Fisher.
November 27, Ib'JO.
JYew Goods.
No more Winter for months
to com. bummer ia her
and to conform to the change,
th Senior member of the
firm has just returned from
Eastern Markets, where he se
lected with great care the goods
that his many patrons favor.
We hare now filled our
shelres with Summer (loods
of all kinds. Our cus
tomers hare appreciated eur
efforts to give them good to
suit their purj)ose, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit thwir
confidence. We invite ou to
come and see and be s.-vtisfiwd.
Jn our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Shoes and Hoots.
Our loot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and ou certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufacture
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door pervice. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We havo on hand a full lino o
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Al.o, the only full line or
in the county. Every house
must have its full Mipplv of
Queens und Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Kemember the place,
J.Iaix Sti-.kbt, Opposite Codrt IIov?e,
.SlijiHnlowii, Pa.,
V Son.
T1MK-TA li L E
On nd altr Sunday Mov 11. l'.W,
trains lLat top t Jiitfiiu will run as follaws:
riiRsitsrsn ArsoanTtn levas Al.
toon dailv at ti S'ls. ta., Tyrone 5 s. ui ,
Vetiet Union at fi.M a. m.. Newton Hsrnil
ton 7. (if) a. m . MeVevtown T.'J'I a. in.. Lew
istewn 7 .4 a. m.. Milford 7.0'J a tn., Mifflia
.1J a.m.. Port Hovel 8,17 a. m-.Mxic H,
23 a. m , Tuscarura 8.2'i. m.. Vandyke T
30 a. m.. Tlierapsontosrn 8.37 a. m., Dur
ward t.ii m., Mi'lerstewn a. m.,
wport9,(0 aa.. arrivine at Harriabnrc
Ui,'lo s. u:., snd at I'hiladelphia, l,4J.r p. a.
Ska Shore Expbfs leaves iltonna daily
at 7,15 a. m., and stopping a all regular
Rtati.ir.s hetween Altoona and Ilnrrishnr;,
reaches Mitf.in at 10."5 a. m., Hrrihhnrg
11.46 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at
5.1 r p. iu.
Mail Tbaim leaves Fittibnre daily at
5,80 a. ui., Altoona at l!.(0 p. in., and step
pinK at all regular stations arrives at Miftlia
at 6 0S p. ni., Barrisburs; T.t-Q p. m., Phil
adelphia 10,-3-j p. m.
Mail Express leaves Fittslntrg at 1 !"! p ra.
Altoona 6 2(1 p m ; Tyrone b 6 p m ; riuov
lngdon 7 87 p ui ; Lewistuwn 3 4 1 p ra ; Iftf
flinUl'Spia; rJarrialiurj; 10 45 p in ; Phila
delphia 4 25 a m.
Dat Express leaves Pittsburg at 8.JJ A.
V.; Aliotina 1 1.50 A. M.; mar a O.gfsd
at Mifflin at 2.U5 P. M.; arrives a: Harris,
burg at 3,20 P. M.; at Philadelphia, 6.M P.
Philadelphia Express will stop at MlfUia
at 11 87 p. in., when flagged
Vat I.ihb leave l'hiad.lphi dilv at
1140am; I larristiui jr 8 40 p tn ; ViflJia
SUpui; l.ewisloftn u 2S p in; AHaoia
7,t0 p ni ; arr'ves at I'ltishurj at 1 L 35 p m-
Wat Passfnopr leaves I'hiladeltihia
1 r'ailv at 4 30 a. m.j Harriabnrc, S 15 a. m.;
Uuncannon, 8 54 a. iu.; Newport, a 21 a.
rn.; M illerstown, 9 40 a. ni.; 1 hempsontewa,
S 62 a. m.; Van Dyke, 10 i0 a. ai Tuscar
ora, 10 04 a. in.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.; Port
Royal, 10 IS a. rc.; Mitllin, JO 2 a. m.;
Millord, 1 28 a. tn.; Narrows, 10 24 a. tn.;
Lcwistown, 10 4l a. m.; McVcytown, 11 14
a. m.; Newton ilaniiiton, 11 HJ a. m.; llan
tingdon, 12 17 p. tii.; Tyrone, 1 07 p.m.
Altoona, 1 46 p. ni., and stop at all regular
stations bettve-n ilnrrisburir and Altoeua.;
Otsti Kxpaasg leaves Philadelphia dai
ly at 6 60 p. no., riarriabunr, 10 10 p. m.t
stepping at Kcltil!o, Marysville, Duncaa
aen, Newport, Millorstow n, Thompsuntewo,
Tert Keyal, timo at MilHia, 1 1 65 p. m.; Al
teuna, 2 15 a. m.,and Pittsburg, 6 10 a. m.
Mail Tbaih leaves Philadelphia dailv at
7.00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.20 a. in., New
port, 12 14 p. ra., Mifflin 12.52 p. in., stop
ping at all regular stations between JlifHin
and Altoona reaches Altoona at .3 4'i p. m.,
Hilt-burg 8.10 p. ru.
Altoona Accomhodatisn leave Phil
adelphia daily at 11 4fl a. tu., Harrisburg at
4,10 p.m., Diiucannon 4.4 p. m., Kes-pt-rt.I2p.
m., MillerMtjwn 0,2i p. m.,
Tiiotcpsontowu 5.E4 p. in.. Vandyke 8 39
p. m., Tusearora 5,'i 'i p. in., M.iro ".J7 p.
ui., Port Koyal 6,r2 p. in., Mifhiu ', OM p.
tit., l.ewistown t.2- p. in., Vc Vey town fl,
4 p. nj., NvwtfcO Ha nilton 7 p. ta-.
Hiiktit.a dun 7,10 p. in., Altj; '. '.n p. .- .
Tscilic F.t(rlrn I'hilali. (.:.; II 2S
p Di ; IJarrici.uig a In a in ; 1i;:i ni i -m a
a in ; Newport 4 0) a ui j Mifliia 1 a
in; Lewisto u 5 'l a m ; MoVeytown 6 22
a. in ; Mt. Luioii 6 4 j a m ; 11 uatni i.u e
12am; I'etersbm f 6 2" a la ; bpruce Creek
S 40 a m; Tyrone 7 uo a m j Eel)' Mill
i ' m in , AiioOQa evil ni ; i ittsiiuTg
12 iZ
p ui.
ll'a ibui it lf em-retic reii.-.b e men,
to s4.:ieu or l-i a ir-r NnrM ry su ck. Saiis
tacliuu tu cubtoiuers guaranteed. Suc
cessful salesmen are making good wages.
No experience ncceoary. We hire on sal
cry and offer tprctal induce men 1 3 to begin
ners for aext 60 days.
Address (stating age.)
W. D. CHASE it CO.,
Lock Box ,84. Geneva, N. Y.
April 9, '90-St,
'L. -