aaMetSWKyr MlfFLlNTOU X. WFIWrMUI, MAY 2S IMK. R. F. S C II W K I E It, rniToa id riomrrui. Tub tiestion of staff novtrguity tn tho l:iuir iiMio is the ffreitt iiums- ti"U in low a. C-iu liiiur under lu ited States l;iw iti tl.n "original piick :it" lie sent iuto a prohibition st:ite miii s. ii.l thero . TrrK jrrcat factor in n.-vtioual affair is the NVkrro WLat adistnrbingtU- t:i -. : lie ha- t.een iu American affairs an! ii"W Hint tbc great Congo region in Africa 1: n lein opne l he j ruiu-i.,L-i r . 1.- trr. ? iiitirtin cli-tneut in rritii.nni affair among F.uropain Tint:. iU-.. Wli.i can vreilict the Ne gro's Ti,fciori. Tj! Kr are temple who reli-iotialv be'ieve that t s thn Pev ' who movi s u:i J rid-s u; on the ilorui-tiv and ck-at h U allng t iriii, and tl.r .Usti no tion uf a n ru!-r ..f live 5iy a tVtti lor 1 It. !:it w'u in h church in ( il l sauv, TV Ii the J'ot le WiTI' lit pnvor, him r-t i tethered the lo!ief iniruii-'.iral'Iy. Hy a fccial . l--tiou held in the Third 'et.ri .:. ua! .i::ii.-.t in l'hil-ide':iii:a Kuhiird V.i i was ek-c'u.l to ('. r'tes a t lie mio.mws T .f S:i:imi- 1 J. Han lull. Thiit-.-eu ot!T t:i-n wri-o f-l for and -ecureil ." t -s v-le-. among them the jr .'ri'itiou oaniidato h hceurtd 47 voles. Vaux reeeived votes. Tne elect i' II :is l.i hi n the 2oi h of Miv. A s v;i: of l'hila k'l'l ia citin- pi..po-e to rev.-t t band playing and ' t V 1 n-tw p ru st r. t t ! i :n,h"iu thi-streets, .v.j'i ns th, tu.t t a'h- baud and organ 4l !ers :il- Hot Mis. - It lit 'tl t s -, h v c. t a'lo w them t' V. t a. low ii:. :u in I'ia . ;r hearts .- i;t. 'it. Ma:: v pe. o ,v t' ,. i.-.-ih- they m-i'.e, nt;d 1','f f iks ate kliys del:.,' ted t!:::i. Lot th' ban is and the, ri n- ti s j -lav AsoniKU Turopem war cl-ni-l his utiseii. ard as th-r-J is a wotu-ia iu it, th- 1 .rg I 'oke I for war may take phu-e. It i all about a i kis A I'.i'Ui-h "Ti-cr aud tiv.s s'ul tits c 11 .! t ::n l fi'W btv ki-itd vtr d i: :: i l.i s, h i were walking ir t"t; in i r- rt :in t nvu in a ,, . . - 1 : m T..i!.ev Tlie ladies ''hv. an alarm Hi:-- i .iti o! !:.-rs nn-.'sfe 1 t!ie ofl"-n-l. 1 in 'liuLs. Th Tmkisti govern.' 1 nient has derjan hd the release of the, ' ptis..n.-r-. bin tl e Ku-sl-ui gov, in m. nt hi. r- f.i-e 1 to s-.ur n lor the of fen ler-i. Thk riH.i-r wit ! !iud in ini.!l;i r.:..'. c.inn the srn'.euce tliut t:n b--ti im- I pop. f-r S!i, ' it d Ji.! i t: .J. .M .nne m-..i i.in ri' l. .. ,'. z.emcr.r. it r: 1 f Tget y. Vefed that li- ni'-st aud ie c'l isi.s of " ivt red the ' i-.lit r .""t'l' I.a d.si c, i j.:ly t i be- d Y. ::'!o s r.ssn to t s' . J it i 1 VV lie I e tl. Sei.t, nee :i!i. . le.-lare-l th; tie l.fis-' i'l:t ' s i rirnts 1 H.l been so mi. that conridence in tho li.-ni in-'i had b:-;i ruvli-lv sh ikull. actoui .ty ol Over t !;is i lit : re 'HI. t V l.an s a cloud of an I bevond, there. iMiMst that ontv th- as of ti e v-i't 1. U . a a- can f t lie ! list VeUgeall -O Just Like Me. i 'n- 1:1. i i I-:' niirt-r tell.-. t! c i'i- 'v.-s th?.t truth ti n : Ti e remark ' l:sti i.-t Vtt "i i :- ii. ff Lancaster f'.-r.ivv;!:. which is s' r:i ri ger t li.ui able st.u-v t'.'i 1 1. iifv J hn W. .1 : coiitv, is r.r.t I,klv t" have t.i-inv pai all. 1-. 1.-Lit three ymrs b-!',.re the war. n.-tit'goa the great (.Ir.-el. v- advi-v y..'it:g J .hiisotm o. ,t l';r Wes; , Hi:,,, is. Us co . Frank Tii- f :o.d Kersey 11. F. 11. had p... d I th. re fr.-m i 'h. st, r o matv ft'i.i Mi -re we. s:'.''s!.ed. TheV put - ie lf.;i.i '..i.tivr.s in Ins hands' t'oit n- e.h-d -ii:. nu. : and on Apiil "0 Is.",-, I... . 1 .i;,),. -It nt Duatur t!:. i. . r. .ugh i.t :-. r-ilr. otd centre X. be the is. ti.ig t"-int of two Fli- ; tio-;; roa !-. Cm ectii.s wire faulty ' her and J.-hs-T found t hat he would : have to t-iy ov. r the gre-itest part of ty day until th n- t train cam.-al--t I'les-m'y lie not iced anut her young man wh-, it afterward trail-. pii.-i. was -.ii a nr-is''v sonihar sit lint i. -ii. I rilll.ill ' t ; t ! t talking iin.l As :l i :iir of .--cal St-V.il Ile.-fl.v li. V -.l-.M.eil on it.i.l Wi le '.T.i '!:.-. 1. I' ui, tii',,eil t 1 ..... .,, 1 at I l." piiiiu Tins t.elteil t..uue! S.tys the FrauLliu Ilcpisit irv : S 'f(.i a-- t'.rti.ivs em. iJ t:t!l.rthau 'Tho tin it --f the buy marc, !! -!(-tlie .!l;er. TIi- t ruf:ts;ir(.l tlieir ! l"Z " Mr. J. M itter Wiu'er of near liot;; ' , t -- . .a. h k! o.nl five pine inch-1 ri. Stiil M':l t -le l-i .-...t. tilllt tn -re rc.iiai kahle. however, , .'tici l.-uc- that now catnc ; '' cuo was b . in i oa Im. sMt'i.. .1 iv ..f t!:e .lentic ii ye r -u w,m.-U the ,.t!;.r was niereil 1 int sii.. w riil. el; t: nv." hii.l tl, ,..; . i 1 !utris. to-i::,u Imwv.'I-. "vtlr.it i y-ur name?' J 'l n W. J-hs.n.' oauit; tl. rtplv "an.i w ii;tt 's v. .nr s '"' 'J .!m W. J i'inm S.. it was tliat tiitse two youii ' str niaT'-rs, aivi-lcnflv thnvwii t,'...,.i'J t r. f. . ni l tli.it tin irr'e..-i!.-.-tie tvJi. l.t- I liei.'ht. a-'es and n,L we.. J..?!.... 1 ' c-.l. U.th w, re also lVnnsvIvani in-sMii-u he went to Antrim township n . The Lancaster J.,lm TV." Johnson I Tu. sdav for the mrjioae of stealing v .nu ll . s for tl. truth of this remark-::lllor-'- il t the AViuer i . Me s.-ries of coincidence He 1 -is ! f!l" ' vet.in- and was lvin- in ' -ver scon the -t her J,.hn W J,.hn-' ' wu-oii leti while the horse " which ! s i from that duv to this but of'en i -,Ir- "in-er had just Iwj-ht was 1 k-I w .ndors as to th.'. wl.,...l' .i... iriur fiit vit in the stable. As soon ! i:i in whose remai kab!o resemblance t- I.im.splf in so nmiiv part-cnl.-irs b-ats the record of t he .f : sun "fi 1 low who Ioi Lm like m-- " I Solution of Scrvanta'aiism MRS. T AN S l'..VN- roil THE RELIEF OF WOMAMCrSD. And now for th solution of Sr- vant-galinm. It is rumored that Mrs. Gen. L gan, weary of chaperoning pij-'gling girls about anl arrows the continents has settled down to the study of tloin-1 entic economy and familiar philo&phy and with a capital of $50.00 and a stock company, with Miss Frances Wilhard. Mrs. Illicit Foster aud Miss Kai Sanborn as chief directors, is "rgaui.ing a normal school for tloin - tica. These ladies intend to brir g alnut by intelligent b'irIv aud elllciont training the the loiij and much need ed kitchen reform The days of th dish cracker nro numbered and the grenadier steak toughuer and potato soak r has out lived her occupation. r orward, m-irch ! the light nugen it soft soled, clean frocked brigade of cooks, laundresses aud mtids of the pantry, parior, scullery ami nursery. The main school will Ixj located in this city nnd foreign and domestic help will b received without ques tion or credential. A graded courseof study will be pro vided, consisting of practial lessons iu cooking, cleaning, sweeping, wash ing and ironing, nu:ing and miscel lany, by nliich fcouring dusting, window, a'ul ghiss polishing, table service an 1 hki il-ities nrs meant. Uidy tlie mere intelligent applicants will Is- taken thri.ut i the Course, skill iu any one line or class leing i mitted him. Mr. LittMield was on sutVioient rtconimend ition for a josi- the front porch watching him, and tion that will ninke a girt self sup- finding them iu a compromising isi portiug. IipLma or card of merit ! iti . n he rushed through the window will be aceeptid us a "character" or into t'e room, and shot his wife ;j vst ret', r. u. o ail over the c untrv. ! over thr I. tt eye, killing her instaat- A '".rl siiiniiiLT ai'tness aud pos sess, d of u:Vi -ient mental ability t warrant such instruction will le give a lusher training including foods, hygienic i'king. sanitation, and interior dec .ration as applied to picture and curtain hatiging, catpet i-l, aniiig auil the care of sleeping rooms Iu the laundry practical les ous will Ihi given iu doing up l:ic-s, curtains, l;n..-n, lhint;l and cotton i c'"i he : t h pupil liing t.tug!it how ti wash tine cabrio handkerchief-, aud deh.at laces without rubbing or vvr.n'itii t'tieiu. (.'hops and steak. to.i-t. niaffir.s and pa!ieak- s will foria t ue t.r tiling lessor. : joint, vcgtailes HU'' l'"'' ,l tl" :i;-' wui W:U1 ln" .ll"' - " - orea.i, I'ons, ruasts, psju.iry ! ati-l pastrv with the oven pastry witb the own. .vlud-Iy e, leathery steak, sodden biscuit so-.:r brea 1 will le bufScient - f -r siisj.i us- nnd during t raing each tunel vv ill be charg- i ,.v 'and ca:: ed with tl:ed:shssi:e breaks or chips ! vs tho . 1. limes. 1 ho I'attle an-l the material, whether food, fuel ! t-x k place in a fi owned by a farm or ;-u wate l. I er named Iw-rjaruin Shi:V-r, of Tunk- Aah es will be b.rr-ove.l from in- haunock Moroe comity, Pa. Mr. Sbif dasti ial schools and bathed, dr-ssv.l b T was l'lowiii ' when 1.0 noticed the f-d and carcJ f -r in T ss. K verv ir:ri will l.are the -ement eucoura: iof a trial ns s pupil, but no Piij.il will : ' wilt bo retained orgtvr-a a diploma v h. t' r...i lualthv. lioiiest, s-'bc r m- dt trioiis, clean an I capaol--. lVserv- T. up', pn nisin-and nain-taki' worn-! en wi.l Is.- sisted bv ... l-n-'al train-i . iviss c. iinsi 1 un l rice, l r .vid.-d witii 1" -s. r-f! i:i- I i"sitio'is ; nuUt' d to inato their ti me in tne li ! 1 when out eft iiiiilovment. It is the int. ution of these I'uhii. pirited la.li. s to o:T. r sutlicient in- l': .r.ii-i nu nt to ir:ng troiu tlie country 1 irt ..... i ii r i-i- 1 " t..vi:s and tenement of the those brlglit voung. iutelligct.t citv - '11 Is i e, , ,. tin? face . ri ind shoos l was-.- t r.eir vout h ainl energies , iweeu oir t aim auimat :u at tasks that scaivelv yield tl s, f-, ' suraed vv.t li renewed vigor, tho lat ticieticv to sustain life. New Yulk ' '''r being .isvsU d t'nia timo by ilr. World. killed while f'rayinjr- II: i:t in M.i y 'll A terrihle vi.-tii-n of Providence wa.i inflicted the ii. habitants of tlie villjgo f f it i on St. far Mitiili tn, near ibid frstii im. not from tins city. Ihe result is that j r!i J r,,r" 'ltMiJ- tw,Vlt-v, "J" J I pire l. ,o-d four are completely b .n 1 ! I he v-o.age cL.trch is a w reck and j .l 1 : spair ; That rt-ctk-n of tlie country lias j b" cvisite-.l recent IvJ by nnun.illy i sevi.re hiil storms, which have done a ' Teat ih-ai of d image, both to prop- irtvandto crons.. Tho resid-uits who are a .1 eplv retigi , is class. ;n semb!.-d ;n t':" villa. - ch-.ir. 'j to pruv- for theeess-itiou o" !... storms, While thev vv. ro ia ti'- iiu.tst of the in- st devout irix'tln for Irvine re- l.ef fi- .t t ii c i their troubles a thunder , i-c; iv nr.d the miirbtv ro'.i . ..f Herv.-ns tilery comi.lete v C.til'i!ete y iro vv 'i il.r. -l: 1 1 t iv "'I'l'tv' v-m-es f the -isi .1 v:I:.i-ers. j ' st..r:u 'r-.".v in i!itr-n-I:y i.d ! tlit niiro Ciitii7r"t.'r'l .ti wero i Tl. vvl.ile knetliii'' in nu en-tit t.t tri"T f r its. ;i!i ttement t!ic cli ir.-H vt striick lv ! li!.t: in. riuvrrin tho irrent roof into linn lie Is --f piece a. F-mr er- , M.n-4 w. r- instantly Lille. 1 hy the , tl ish an 1 t!. fulling timber. Four j Ktl.er were in t lu entirely Mind, j Tho fi iUtene.l ;e hectnie anic- i t:v.. .li -i t r -irii-Ki-ii ati.i tiii.ie a Wild r?Pa IiT tlie ilo'-rs. in u rir tn:i.i ai-erejus n ec ipo t ti) c!;;l li i-ii were tr im j-Idl to itellUl Horse Thief Caaht. -'"' tlo on Tues-1 iv nieht was s followed by thn arrest of the t!if tind the reooT.'rr of tlie hnrse. Ti.e thief wan ATi'.liani Hall, of v i';er Sti-.-it.ar. Hall is . .f a-. man - f ab nt tw.-nty-Svo yaars ; w'io already has a recr.l an a I th'ef. In 1SS7 hr a li.Tse thief. In , - ' noie l-elnne-ins to the S.-nt :uan s . lieirs. at HoxVinry, and on Septern- bi-r5tLofth.it year wa sentenced t two years and six. months imj ris- I onmetit in the petiitentiarv. Ha ro-I ! turned to this co-.mtv t.tifv a hort tim a-'o .Vcordin to the story ... l-'ld bv Hall to those who arrested ! Hs "!ls,;l''''t ' Ivat the house, he ' w''d to the st !!e and took thehoro ',,llf - He rode through, (rreencastlo and came ou to Cuamberslmrj; pas- in through here abeut midnight. He next turned up at Fanntttsbur on Wtduesday morning when he at tempted to sell the horse to Post master, Robert O. Jones, offering her at first for $125, and then coming down to $00- He said he waa from near Marion, but Mr. Jc::es was sus picions of him and uked bim to go with bim to Mr. Ix-Jyof Marion, who liapened to le in F:innettsbur;r, !anJ have himself identified, . Ou the way over .to where Mr. , L-ly was, Hull trie 1 to rsrap. Mr. i Jones caught bold of him but Hall broke hxse and ran across several fitl.ls, but Rib a plucky and kept ' up thu chase until Le captured him. j He brought Hall and th horse to ! ChaiuWrshtirg late on V"clni-sdy ! ni-'ht. Hall was plact.l in jail and the horse delivered to Mr. Winger, who was greatly d lighted at recov ering his property so s.xn after it was stolen. Mr. Jones will get the reward for the arrest of a horse thief, and Hall will get , well, some kind of a doserat September Court. He Shot Them Both. Jessi-p. ia. May 21. J. M. Mc Call, county surveyor of Ware coun ty, camo from Jessup to Urunswick a!xut ten l.K-k last night Ullil xto) Jcd at the I.ittiefiold House. He re tired to his room and after staying in ld tw. hours, went down stairs in hi night clothes, ani asked for Mr. Ijttleiiel 1 but could n-t Cud him. He then went to Mrs. Little tleld's room anil kn.K-ked. Slio ad ly. H.-then shot Mr. McC ull Unr tim'S. Oue ball struck him in the lip, just un.ir the Buw, oiie in h'.s right si-le. one in the It-ft- shoiil ler, and one in the small of the back. McC'ull rau into nu adjoining room and fell. M"d:cal aid was summon ed at one,-, but he died at 2. "JO A. M Mr. Met "all w;ts almut fifty vears oi l with a large family, having grown children, and the family fciands very hirh in the estimation of the com munity. Mr. Litth ti Id is nloiit tin same jvc Th.-y came from Massa chusetts and l ave ls-enliviug in Je sup for twt-ntr years. An Easlt- 1VM l oray. On Wednesday 1st a fiht occ ur td between an eagle, a ram aud a man. in which the lat'er two rmu out victorious but not until the eagle had dispatched its victim, a lamb, ! eajle swoop down und attempt to i'" a lamb that was resting by tne s;'''- l, its ilam. t he aimwas faUity, a d - etrifk t'.;f ewe, knocking Ler .t .wn. -i. ta-ata n.v iocv u..i mxi tue I,:rl k,"V-"i-; " bwa. XH9 t;igie ... I. ... 1 auU vvneti Hie ram started i. r !r s-:n ::eaa iiown, nm oira las :en- its taioi Cs in tLio w 'ol on the hack f the b.i.-k and comm:r.cc-d to boat i tin- n. w frightened shut p vvitli i:s win When it had tired of this the t-v lt't't tho demoralized ram and ime l iiix.n the '.a::i;. The ram again returned to tho fight buttiug 1 ilp taie inn let lis I l 1 1 1 . 1 11 g, alls- in ,' it t- itr.-i' its l-r-v. 1 iieu tlie I Sii:l:.-r, w ho had arrived on the scene I vv-tli a fence rail. As s on as oppor tunity offered h" sw ung his rail with unerring aim, and the eagle fell dead its neck being broken. Tht- farmtr loosened its talooiis I from the wool on tli- buck's back aud threw it to the ground, when the ram again resumed tho tight, and alter h ; )U(J tw. H n , ba3 llUr. r:ed off to j-,in the frightened flock ia a rnl( I. f l1cll, Xho ,amb W!ls ,lt..ul The ,v measttrt.d froia i u t ti! ol winis tt-et 4 inches. aV a f Opportunity to Secure Ilar salns. I t Himwel S.ntv-r d.d Rot find a cus i'"111'1 ''"X h,s Iot':'ng .tote, thcref T-: hi laid in a nice new i l Ter.v hiV h Old " K "u" ul co'1 ns '' w inl8 lo l'm ' nMuess eud will hell to anyone Wllat1"- l" ljUT L:IB rut 1Ie n vitesyou to ch nt.d ltarn terms and 1 .... f -t; .. i , a." . a " ' ot n. at jos ti.t t f . i'lg" . tee. i Pattersun. M i ShelleDbarser SenteEced- IX.ti.i.htow.v, Mar 22 I. M. Sli.-l Iet;l.tr - er, tlie Iu-yer wln.e criiuinil B.-iij.n.ies an.l r-'-entlv cn-ie.l 8ncb a wi.lesi-rci I sensation. t-wUv plc!t.l1 guilty to BbTentecn indict ments f. .r forp ry an.l tubezlement. Rn.l wan t-.-ntenctil bv Jj I-e YerktP - . - t - v llti.lere.it tn lir.nrin.inrMAnt r.T tw. ntv two vtars at 1 hur l la'iorl n JS ibtern i.n:tentairv. When jml 1 ni"nt was piononnce.1 the prisoner hrcke lown rompk-tely ami hml to be carrie-1 from theci-tiit room. The scene was exciting in tl-." extremo nntl one lon-j to be ren:etn'ered bv the crowd which witnessed it. - . GE.YER.1L .YE H'.S ITEMS D-.ui:i one of the huowhtortus of th p.ist winter in the l:.K.-ky Moun tains, nineteen er.eiIlt.H wre re.niir. .l f ,r one tram, wliich was made nt r. f.K .ws : First a mj pi .URh vvitli i.-m . -e.rini s -liin.l ;r tl..... T rt " v t- cat iiiiiij ,.f ui:.,. ,.ars w ith another fiveen.-ine and behind this five c-nnneb whh a San-of men to di the train out B .mid il efct dtuck. 1 1 fChoc.U saving bants bare i,,pvu "V1 n the lUiamsjvort srhools ,or sls and nearly '!"'-rs havo been depo.uVd by ,1.:,., l'"P " i V m,;Hns of teaching chl1, .rt'u !.u' f , twUorT ttl!1 """'"''-J 1 itir sindthrift tendencies ths banks are a jjood thin- Tlie soW.1 l,oar1 of HaiTisbur?, has di corntnitte to imiuire into n:e i-i .n: m me scntiiiia witll a . I I : . . i i ... , view to its establishment in Harris burg. It i. a thing that commends itself at once. XEW DRrr. STORE. M. P. Crawtobd," Pharmacist, lias ojened a new drug store in Mif flintown and has in stock a full line of all goods kept in a first class drng store. Pkesckii-tions accukate lt compoi-xped. Purity of ingredi ents guaranteed. The patronage of the public is resjvectfnlly so.icited. Democrat and Hegister building, oiposite Old Fellows' Hall, Bridge street. tf. TO CONSUMPTIVES Tlie undersigned having leen re stored to health by simple means, after suffering for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow suf ferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of chartre'i a eopv of the per- scription used, which they will fiud a sure cure for Consumption, 1sthma, Catmrft, RroncMx. and all throat land lung M'tltdirs. He hojfs all suffer ers will try bis remedy as it is in vnluabl. Those desiring the pre scription, which will eot them noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will please address Rrv. KdyrardJl. W ilson, Williamsburg, Kings County, N.-w York. An AeMor Sestenced. Th. sentence of $100 fine andcosts imiKsod upon au election assessor 1 who refused to plac a voter's namo uon his list is not e.vere, but it will J probablv tend to ducreaso that si rt . . t - .i TL . ' ..I c-leclion irttuii in ine uiiuie. a at- - licit thii.o; to K done is to punish a . V " i :a t i r it t"W HoRessors wno commit iihw.i t-i anftthvr kind by neglecting to attend ' to the ir business. There are plenty j of houses in this city which have not j l-een visited by au assessor fur years, j The assessor simply takes the old lu.t und xuukes corrections in the nanus he is familiar with, whih he lot the rest go. The result is that dead j men and men who have moved out I of the division are put down bs vo-! trrs, while new residents find it nec- j essary to hunt up the assessor and see that their names are not omitted. This may not lx done for the pur-! pose of furthering electiou frauds, j but it is a palpable neglect of duty j which ouirht to be corrected. Cnui Enumerator. IV.tvi.l G. Alter. Sup rvisor of tho 7th census district, IVnirsvlv.inia, cotuprising Adams, ltcdford, 1 '.lai r, Cumberland, Fulton. Franklin, Hunt- ingdou. Juniata, jlitMin, I'erry, Sny iUr itnd I'nion counties, has ntmed tlie following jx-rs-'tis to take tho 11th census in Juniata conn'y : liealo township, Joseph t'. I'rown. Delaware and 1 tioinpfioutowu, Ueti-j.-.min F. Oliver. Fayette and Mc.Uistei ville, Theop iljs X. Davis. Fermanagh and Milllintown, An .n D. WilL (Srettnw ind aul .Susuut-h.-intia, ! Th-jo-'hilus J. Nicliol. Ii.-k aud Water'.-.o. Llni n.misey. llilford, William li. Ati-Cabaii. Monroe. Abram (i. Si-ellenl-rger, l'ort Iwvtl, John S. Kilmer. l':itters. n, Frat.k F. Mi toy. Sprue Hill, Horace H.-lTman. Tuibi tt, Wiliiam S. Wiuu-r. Tusi-urora and Fast Water ford, Porter I a'.e. Walker and Maxice, Isaac N. Gin-gi-ricli. A "farrow Escape i : Troiii the. 1.1-vomtield Advocate of May "21 ." Frank Cirube and faiuily, ) vv ho occupv the dwi lling ihouse of ' at t i' l .. V i M r't,... : Jlrs. Jauu 1-iliv, on est .vlct-Iure : - . , j street tuls b. -rough, met wtta a nar-, row escape treni iieatii on ..Ionitay ! morning. Iuring the I'fevalouca cf a terrific thunder storm about 2 a vt, iiri,. lv..,;.,.r v.t ...t-. ' "' , ... 7i - .'Deartir.- The countv eovernnint which ' vo-,s arose and lit a small piece of : oil..r1 , thw bo:lr(1 ot ( 1UI,IV Conim,H. ; candle, and placed it without any j Moiiem, i or more iurta:ic in times t t candle stick ujku a bi lo board ne ir i jt-ace to tlie p;i.i!e ot th couuty than the , tho led. Reassured bv the pres 1 peneral government and therefore the r i i- i. . i ii i T tnjard of countv comniissiunera ahouid be etico of tlie light she tell as'eeii. In ' . i " 1 , rotnpeaeil i hon-nt and caph' ino. ho about an hour thereafter her lius-1 i, rtiMelrirc th atliro ut ortics for th-' band awoke in a t-trangdi'ig c .ndi-' p-neral good. With thi ot-j-.-t in view I tli-U and found his if suffering llko- ' wouM naino J-.srph S'et.. r rl Kaie'te wise. The room was filled ith ! '""iP C'tiien .lmnd,ntlv .,-.a!,H-d ' , ,. ,. . . . - . to flu tt'e init.rtant nine of rounti coin- blinding htuoke and in the darkness ,,,,.,,rr. I! nomii.ation at the i-riu-oy discovered sparks flying hi' her ! election will civ- the j.e.,l r n-railv n'a sad thither. "Managing to get to the i ' pportunity to e!.c: a po.rfl man to the i:u- ,' window be let in fresh air. whic'i re- vived them, and then proceed -d to tight the fire which after stubborn resistance wan subdued. An eiaiui- nati-.11 was then made and it was ound that the candle had burnt , !-wn to the crTerilir "f the Bide- I I iitrd aud sr-t it on fire, which rapid- ! Iv ,.pread to the contents consisting j ... p of tne best ciotLint: of the familv and I Completely ruined thetu. The side- kir r ti.r that ..itii-. lit will prove a t.er j b.i.ird was a new one and is baiilr ' Btrencih .. t..re tf jM-i.pie iu old Tns-t-charred and almost a wreck. Mr' '. r" ,he "tf ' "-"d thronh-.m tt;t. j ...ii i .ut i i' et.tir conutv at the X.vt-niter eleerii.n. ; Urube Lad a Kilver watch burnt and ,, . , .,...,., , . . , , , . , Jie is a mao ot Fttaicut lortvard ail'lrr-h ari.j ' rendered aiiaot Us. less. A curious ; ,,1 bii:ie. qiiahticatiotn and cumti.ou j feature, l.-ut most lortunatu ('tie. was t':.o fact that a lartre 42 cuibre revolver i 1 M.led was in the tire, aud Itecamu i i.t . i : i . . - li-.i i.nii Jtr. viiuiK.- in iiaiii,ir.LT . :t was burnt, yet it did not explode, j i i f escape ol t lie lamily UH'ter nil I ilJO Cirritnistatices was most 1 rovi- i i .- i ii i t t t i dential. Had Mr. Cirubo not awtk-' . ti-- -i .ii i t ued ho with Ins family would have Im en sufloi ated and burned to duath. ' Consumption Surely Cured. TO Tub Edit-m: riaa inform your readers that 1 ttaT a poaillva remedy for the aboTe-nained fluaaaa By Ua timely naa tboueanda of hopeloa iwaiwiwniiiii.iiju;cuii4 1 auau DC KtaH to aasd two bonlea of my remedy FHES to any of your raa.Vra who hare eon.umpti"n if they win i aed ma their Exriraaa and P. O. aJdreaa. Iknport- '. foJly, X. A. oXoCLit. at. a. Lit 1-oarl St.. U. Y. ! I OULTKY I'AYS ltrr.j-rly n,anaBe.t. Th. Poi it.i Bn- "1L'. . ,,,"h-d """"h'.v. tinely llluatrated, is th. beat ,fr t..r tanr..-r ant tarm-r. I'Z !" Cri1". """"i bTWf' il ,a 1 yon po.tid. bend atamp f.iraample copy, j Addr. .. J-oullry . ',,., IS heart St. ! ,or,:- j 1r "V"" "al t -toi l.JtV 1 JolAHjr jfViN : The improved method of laat-ning s-rirra ot I'ianoa, invented bv ua. ia one Tot the i moat important impn.vem. ni. er.-r mad. I ""- im.-tw ntuiy UJQ91- , cal in erery tone, more durable, and trun naiiio io gel out of tune. , rDITOa StKTltaL A5D RCPI BLICAS Both the M.aon t Hauilin Organ, and j Dear Sir : John F. Et.renxelier ot Farette rianoa exrel chi. tty in that aiLici. ia it.e : towtiabip, mav not tw kno. n peraonallj- to chief ncel'ence in any inui.;l ii.atrument, ; ev. ty man in the comity, but wherever be qua ny cr tone. Other thing., thourh im- i Known bia name when mentioned in con partant ar much lea o than thia An in. ; npction with the nomination for the otiice ui. u. muaicai tones cannot be good Illutrated catalogues oftiew sttles i n t.lwt m. . - . . - ' . u WM Bcm.ua, aeut ir.O. MASON & HAMLIN. ORGAS ASD PIAXO CO., BOSTOX, NEW TORK, CHICAGO. AprU 23, 1890, 8t. a K Si a DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In Its First Stagss. Ti iu ilotlcc. All perw.n r hereby cautioned rot to trespass i tlie farm Uml nl w.km! lan.l of tlie un-ler.iv-i.e.1 in MiUi."1 township, for the purf"" " hiuliue, hutitmn, tishitip. l ii-kine berrie. throwing down tenre, cit- tine tnutr, The law gii.st trep- be eulorcea. Novembcr 27t 1(.;K) SHJwww.. StOP tJtLVfc Chsgszc Cough Now! Tr.r If yon !o ct It nicy leonme con- ) nuinptl . 1' r (oNMmien, &rrjftz j tiitsre la ii"tl.iii like J TT'S Of Ture Coil Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSrHlTES Or Ijlma ml Sola. It ! lni. t km i . Hiatal. in m milk. Far I i i-r ttiiu other o-rmllMl V in uleloua. A wuiidoriol fltfU pruduoer. Soott's Emulsion Thfrg an im.-tmltatlona. Grl ths gewtulM. Announcements. Th tolloww wale ot j-r;cr lor jn nnuncemrnta h li-n mutaatlv affrvi'J ui- j ot by the vind.-niiri.-ft. m.d w deviitwn ! from the .n.e In? iunl : j fuligreni, $.'5 ; lr-fcilt nt Jurtp", f-'t I etiatrt '.n ; I.opi!i.li!r, $" ; Am-jciate i Ju. !r, l'rottioTiotjri , K-g'5'er an 1 Ecnpi- t r SUi. urt ar.it Poiil-tv Tr;. Mirer, t-arb. : - ....,.:..,.., in'tr.,.. vo,.r....r ' $t ; Jury CiniiFiisii.riw nu'X Au-litor, f a.-h. j $1. AH aii.iitiona.1 roniiii'iiii.: it?-ij re.--jir.-! mending cau4i-1 itr tfl ch-trgi-il in jc-iitjcr line. Money in .11 casc-e ti b 1 li.i IN At'VANCC. Wm. M. ALLISON, Edttnr Juniata Herald. K. K SCHWEIKR. Kditor Sf.srisiL am Kki-i uLii ts CdUNTV COM MISSION EK. Riht.ir Skniinkl AMI Kl.l-1 bli b SI : I'li-thi; ai.iiii..i:i i;.c x.iu-' ol VV. iiarry M-x.re, ot Wa'fcer Tp.. as a c.indi.ltt.. tor noniiiislioD li.r C"Uty Ltniini'...iui-r, snii- 1 j'-ct to Kt-rui.uc-in us ires. Mr. Vl'iort- a r i rord as a Soldier and Citizen i without ; t.vmiah and h io-'-." all the qimhtioA- i mi orci-wtrv torr-akrt a r 'l and eili ---nt etli'-er, harinjr reef ivu-t within a tew voir. ; ( a in..i.ritv tlirte v..rs o. ai'er not b--- . . J ,. inp aiile to rauvMi Ihe countv on ai-irount of ,;,:ki.ra in his family, full itte-t hi. cUim tor the t-ttice. MIUMMOW.N. May lRSii. Editor Sf.xtispl and KriTHLict : , - ortat.t t,ihce iu .Nuttintii-r. Jl'XIvTA. O'l'NTY TKEASl khK. EniT'.a .r the SFrri Kpi-Bm-I T.iM-r..r ton-hi. m nemer..u friend,, ! wlio ite-irr i. have bitn ntir.oncd as a can I l' lte tor the ..Iti. e . ,,e K"f'h!- '"" tn th. rul. fli.ff ,.e, ol ("..lltltv Treitiir..r Hriiimrr Kiertmn. Fubject, t. the rula that ci.veru tti r.nrtv. I'.-ln.e i Kflwl Ih.ff if h lu'itiii. tl. ....H.r ue riewa ol hnauiil annirs. TL'SCAKoRA. Editor or the Jimita StNTixtL nIP1 blicax Dear Sir-In contermitv wul ih rnleh et thn Kruhln-tn t.arty lor prim- ry Donnnafinn tnai an cndidatea tor ot. c ,uu" ? puuuciv announces, i preoeot ths name ot l.uke Davis ot Wa'ker limn, -t.: ... ...., ..,.l.i- . .t .- . ,!P tnoat anitah'e man lor theolliceol C - unty Treasnrrr. Mr. Oavia liv. a in the beavirat tax-paying twnbliiy in tte county, township that Las not beun honored with i ui...u.i...i .... v . u u i . wu.i:b in year. J H-i baa been heavy las.payer all his lite, i an econnniical citiren, a tilier ol tti soil, a stildinr in Hie I'nion army almi.st three yejra, a nii-ml-r of the Nati'-nal Uuard tt . . . " 1',"1"""H) ' froee himwll an etttcicnt couuty otlict r, ,be t'eoplo wiH d" tlieuiKclvea justice in el.ttiiic bim. WALKKK. EutToa k.nTixcl isd Kepi blicas : X" man in this renimunity baa the public cmflden.-. ti, a arre.t-r .I-gree for h-a-sty parr,o ami financial integrity that, Frederick EpeDhade. and Tor that reaaon h- one ui 'he " ' county for .fllcial po.ition, tber.toro I prPnt hin . candidate for the primary nominal " for the ctfice ot County Treasurer. He been an otiice reeker and for that "eon will be acceptable to a Urge majori. ,v , f PpP1'"- Ui extenaiv. mciuaintance " h IT?!" iuuired throughout the "I'y f'.v dillitent attention to bnsinea, "'"'e him invincible before the people MIFFLIN TOWN. l County Treasurer. ' inspires enfirienrf . c i. uuu oi tne people BDa reaiaes IU the banner district of the county. The eyes of all Juniata are turned cpon Fayette at election time. Couaidering the personal qualities of Mr. Ebrenreller and the dis trict in which he lives bis nonjnation at the primary would be most timely and Lis election assured in November. KAYETTB. NT AX Jj KY'S rim i kofidiis. .it vour own. and ldr- t r..tti. v-.u Know at wo fc r riot t IVL.li !i. ui Sj'iect, l'hi'a. KKV.S ( TO ACCO This standard brand of plug tobacco is acknowledged to be the best chew and the largest piece for the money in the mar ket. I vico tin tog on each lump. Its extensive sale for many years has established its reputation. . here is nothing better. Try it. For sale by dealers and grocers. --.y--L t-s p2 SJi t, s- j.. r $ X Jtii " w"lt. Iuj cuoairC til - -t -t A l:V-1-Il? rliS-. I VUr.NT ir.y i i- -.n i'.n. r t.-. l;. i iu ;e CTe7 to i- hp riufn l..rret i...t iwwi-irtfurt. x ',. , c a i-oi- : :'' si -'r noTTLa i J?J-:i ; -.CMi I'xiiflif. Ir-llirei ai t'o't t-f - "' i oi T. .'3j5 U.T a tfcti, -a i i-:: c-ro yoa. .Ia. :.vi . C. F.'dVr, 1 2 tu.ii Sr- lii Ycsj A SOLID rEEL FEfJCE! t - i i BtUK OF EXPANDED METAL '. C T FR' Ti.a-1. ft SOST.ETHING KCW. Rfsu rt. ' ; Cm'jpcmts. Cf mttfoies. Firna Oaroen ..i.f H 1dgw Gvar.ia. TrelUaea, , in-u'-c- -j . ..UISW ItTII. KOOB JI tTS. Xc. Wi.ii : r . :'.i3.fr.l Clakirue' mailed fre IZMTKAL V;:ANDED KETAL CO Itfc r rst., fit Ixhnritb, I'm. iiniiv js. r it. wrvc xuutic tit una papa Dr. Warner's celebrated Coraline Health Corsets have one peculiarity which pertains only to corsets of their make. The bust retains its shape to the end, and the corset im parts to the wearer a well proportioned and beautiful figure. The corset is boned with Coraline, a substance superior to the finest whale bone. Made in short, medium and extra long waists. Tbcra are many imitationa. but roa will find " Dr. Warner 'a Coraline ' printed oa the inaide of every genuine corset. They are aold by your neareat dry yooda dealer. WARNER BROS. Mnfrs.. New York and Chicago. VJ A n T D-A C 2 NTS TokOLiciT oioero rcit aril A TREES, SHBU3S, VINES, fts. - t?K STEADY WORK iUi''L-it Bcryf.Vxi-m.orCam. V-lf. -f - " -row r-.ii Iica of vH Ti- r.iii!tt li-irl .y Lraninl. &-CO., t'flLA., PA. or i-o'.-a yrrif. R. C. CXAEfi . e-.tn.rtrf ' 1 J -- -nw. J L-ti. -ciAPiaas CaSit S. JlstCtS.?. 1 LEG IL. DMIXISTKATOK'S NOTICE. I e.tto tf Benjamin Dtllman. 1 be ui.uVrsigned AdminiHtrator having oeei granted letters testamentary on th. est ite of B tijuncn Uillinan, late of D.-la-waie tnuuhip. Jnniata county, deceaneile out of the Orphan' Court of Juniata coun ty, hereby gives notice to all persons in-del.-t.l to aid ettate to makfl imiuediitt pavni.-nt. and thone hnving claims will pre sent tbem jroper'y au-henticated for "set tlement. E. J. KURTZ, jidmtnixtrator. "7STATE NOTICH. I 6a9l o'ice i h.-n-by given th.t letters of ad niini.tr. lion, on the i-fij-b of Margaret CoiiMr, lair of Fe-managh 'ownahip, Jiip iaU c.ii'iiy, Pa., have bci granted to the under.;! ed residing in same towuabip. AU persona indebted to said estate are re queued to make immediate payment, and thoHe having legal claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPII KOTHKOCK, Administrator, iliffhnloum, Pa. May li. lb'JO 6t. KM D w . w . ATKI5IS05I &. PEMELL, ATTORNEYS -AT - LAW, M1FFLINTOWN, PA. txT-CoIlecting and Conveyncing prompt ly attended to. OrricF On Main street, in place ot resi dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Ksq., mourn oi Bridge btreet. juci-o, too... WILBEBt'ORCE SCBWEIER, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Mir FLINT-OWN. PA. DyOffico on Hridge Btreet, opposite Court House. Joan BIcLacohlih. Joskph w. ctimmii. MCLAVGIILn & 8TIJIJIEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., I' A. trOnly reliable Companies represented. Jan. 1, DR.D.M.CBAWrOEll, DR. DARWIN M.CRAWFOB0, D' It. V. M. CRAWKOKD t SON. have formed a partnership for the practice of Medicine and their collalteral branches. Oltice at old staDd, corner of Third and Or ange streets, Mifliiutown, I'a. Onoor both ol them will be loiind at their oltice at all times, unless otherwise protessioi-ally e- gaged. April 1st, lfW. SPKl.NG AND SUMMER GOODS. I would iuform the public that I havt now in my w millinery store at my place of residence on Water street, Mifflintown, second door from comer of Bridge streut, a full stock f Spring snd Summer uiitliuerj foods, all now, and of the latest styles and having employed firJ-t class milliners lam prepared to supply thepublic with orervthina- found in a tSrstehtss milliner store, come and examine try stock, consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. LKIML. Varch 22-H7.1.V. I WISH TO STATF. A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That i can srrp toothache in less than fl-.e minutes; n pain, no extracting. That I Can extract teeth without pain, by thu use of a tlui-1 applied to the teeth ai..l giims ; no danger. 1 hat I'dsease.1 ... Gumstknown a Scurvy) treat X''.l.; .'' fc'icces.itully ai d a cur. arGv'V-.-,-r'",: ever ca-e. Ti eth Fillp: nnd wurr.-mt.d t--r life. ArtiHcial Tieth rJ-aire!. exchanged or. reir.oddled, from y.H l $li 1'i-r set. B'-iutilul Guru Knair.-lel l'et inserted a pi ioes to suit ail. AH work warranted to give perfect satis faction. People who have artificial teeth with which they cnuot e:i, are especially ir ... ited to cult. Wilt visit professionally a' their homes if notilie 1 i y It-tter. Will visit regn'atly al Ui. liii.-ld the 2nd weeks of May aud Oi tehi-r. Tkrmk Ch. G. L. DKRR, :l- 'S, t is ISO'l. O. t. ? ' w. A. NU. S-AS it. 4OAriii:s. s .v Tj i: s v. i: n - 371 Ii Yi:ili. V A N T E 1 :e !. IV'.-st NHTherie 11 ir.il.t -l- -atii.fK'tlon T.--. i.'ti- . xperieiioe ami Ilvpenie j ii; tin." c fii ii tt v. V o- T.,rv. S:.Icr V fiom !-:i:. .-V'J'l'e-.. -1 iiiiii: ' HOOI'KS. IliiO. Jfc TiiOMAS, V.tple A v.-i.ire . iirM-ne.-, W-. : O'u-st.T, Ta J .eu.lrv -JJ. 4. . SEND FOR OCR C. ATLAS E Y'O NO MORE OF THIS! Rubber tbf" unlesn worn iincoTnfortftblj tight, will oftru nlip off th fwt. To nfUiedy tbm evil tho "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. ofJor a ahoe with th. Iti.1.1- r.f the heel lined with ru..oer. Tliia clinim to tlie ahoe anil prevent, tiie. Kutbc-r fnm aliipinir off. Call Tor tlie "alrhr.trr 41 ADHESIVE COUNTERS" lid you tau walk, run or Jump-In them. WHITHFK! Ol VHrTKBR. Ol.O WOMAN, SO HIGH t With Iii-ACK Diaj.:cso Roofing to covk the kv. HY CaO SO FAB FROM TH K LAND OF VOL'K BUCTUt Bccauu IT AUCKADV COVERS THK BAKTH. 6 end for illustrated circuiar to M. ElIRET, Jr., & Co., Ui'i K. Atkwsoh. r. .- STaTY-- VVr-t V-rir- '- 423 JYcw Firm. -ooo- FALL AND WINTER GOODS. No more Summer for months to come. rail and Winter are here, and to conform to the change, the Senior member of the firm hasjust returned from Eastern Markets, where he se lected with great care the goods that his many patrons favor. DROP Jj. We have uow filled our shelves with Fall axd Wistu Goodsofall kinds. Our cus tomers have appreciated ur efforts to give them goods to suit their purpose, and we believe that we are better pre pared than ever to merit their confidence. We invite ou to come and tee and be .sat'iied. In our dress goods department we have almost everything"3 Don't be backward, call for what you want. Shoes and Hoots. Our Boot and Shoe De partment is full in its assort ment, and you certainly can be suited in fit, quality and price. Whatever improvements havr been added by the manufactures we have them all. We can supply you with foot wear for any in or out door (service. Our grocery Department never laga. We have on hand a lull line ot Fresh, Plain and Fancy GltOCEltlES. Also, the only full line oi aUEEJVSWAUE in the county. Every house must have its lull tupplv of Queens und (j lass ware, this is the store to call on for such ar ticles. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. llemember the place, Main Stiieet, Oi-pohite Cocut Hoi-he, 31ifHiiitowii, la., Frrtl'k KSPUSNCIIADK V fon. TPNKSYLYANIA KA1LR0AD. TIME-TAHLE On and after Sunday Mar 11. 1S'.0, trauir that stop at 31 13! in nil! run as f .Hows: EASTWARD. ilARitiSRiRQ tocotc"nefroii lnrs AI tnona daily at ; Stl a. m., Tyron" 5 5'' a. m , Votir.t t'nii.n at I'...ri4 a. m.. Newton Uamil tnn " on a. in , )i-Vevtown 7.2 a. in.. Lew iatown 7,4S a. tn.. Milford 7.02 a. m.. MifBia fc.TJ .m.. Port Royal 8,1" a. m-.(Mexico 8, 24 a. m , Titsctrora IS 21a. m.. Vandyke !S ",' a. id.. Thompaontown B.'iT a. m., Dur wtrd 8,42 s- tn., ktilleratewn 8.4K a. m., Newport 9.C0 a ni.. arriving at Harnabure; 1,'" a. tn., and at Philadelphia, 1,'JSp. m. Ska S-boei Express leaves Altnona daily at 7,1 a. m., and stopping a all regular sta'totis between Altonna aud Harriaourg, reai-bi-s Mllllin at 10.t' a. m., IKrrisliurg 11.40 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at S.l-5 p. m. Vail Tbaib leaves Pittsburg daily at ri.8u a. ni., Altonna at 2,00 p. m., and stop p;ng at all regular stations arrives at Miliiin at 6 IU p. m., Ilarrinburg 7.M8 p. ui., l'bila-ad.-ipbia 10,5 1 p. in. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 CO p m. Alteona 6 2D p m j Tyrone 6 62 p ni ; Hunt itig.l.in 7 37 p m ; Lcwisto n fc 4 1 p ui ; Mif HiuSiOapm; Harrisburg 10 4 " p iu j Phlta delpliia 4 25 a m. Utr ExpbK'4 l.-tvi-s P:tt-.b-ir2 at S.J't A. V. ; Alioona 1 l.,'iii A. M.j uiay be (lip cad at .Viitiin at 2.0i I. M .; arrives at llarri. l.urg t a,-Ji P. M .; at Philadelphia, 4. SO P. . Philadelphia KvpreHa will atop at MiUlia at 1 1 37 p. rn., w h.-n flagged WESTWARD. Vast I. ini leaven Phiadilphia dnilv at 11 4i a ni ; liarrihtnirg 3 40 p U) ; Mittiia 6 If. p tn ; Lew istown 6 2 p m ; Altaooa 7,oi p in ; arrives at Pittnl.itrg at 1 1 A5 p in. Wat PAaar.toKB leaves riiiladelphia daily at 4 30 a. in.; Harrisburg, 8 15 a. m.: Iluncannon, 8 54 a. in.; Newport, 9 2'1 a. ni.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. m.; Tbompsontown, '.' 52 a. m.; Van Dyke, 10 00 a. ui . Tuicar ora, 10 04 a. m.; Mexico, 10 07 a m.; Port Royal, 10 13 a. m.; Miliiin, 10 2 a. m.; Viliord, 16 2fl a. in.; Narrows, 10 34 a. m.j Lewiatown, 10 4'! a. m.; McVeytown, 11 14 a. tu.; Newton Hamilton, 11 S'j a. in.; Iluu tiugdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 07 p.m. Altoona, 1 45 p. m., and stops at all regular stations between Harrisburg and Altoona.; OvrTB a Hxpbbss leaves Philadelphia dai ly at 5 50 p. ni., 11 arris burg, 10 20 p. nt., stopping at Rockville, MuryaviMe, Duucan tisn, Newport, Millerxtown, Thouipsontown, Port Royal, time at Mirttin, 1 1 55 p. m.; Al tnona, 2 15 a. ru.,and Pittsburg, 6 10 a. tn. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia daily at 7.00 a. m., Harriaburg 11.20 a. in., New port, 12 14 p. m., M lit! io 12.62 p. m., stop ping at all regular stations between Mitllia sud Altoona reaches Altoona at 8.40 p. m., l itti-burg B.10 p. m. Altooma AccoaraooATioa leav Phil adelphia daily at 11 40 a. tn., Harriaburg at ,10 p.m., Duocannoa 4.4 p. m., New- pert 5.12 p. in., Milier.itowu 5,22 p. ui., Thonipsoutowu 5,iJ.4 p. ia., Vaudyke SB p. m., Tuscarora 5,45 p. m., Mexico 5,47 p. tu., Port Royal 6,-'-2 p.m., MifTlin 5 5" p. Ui., I.ewistown 6,2-t p. in., McVeytown 6, 4K p. u., Newton Hit nliloii 7.0'. p. ., Hiinlingdoc 7,40 p. m., AIu.-jd i j Oo p. iu . Pr.citlc Expresf leaves Piiilad"!pbia 1 1 2J p ta; Harriaburg 8 10 a in ; Duncauiion S XH a ii. in.; Newport 4 OU a m ; Miffliu 1 !9 t I.cwintown 6 "1 a m ; McVeytown i 22 Vlt Union n 4li am: H n ni inird ua ft t' . ni Pet.r.bura 6 2.1 t iu : S itrtice Creek 6 40 a in; Tyrone 7 tx a ni ; Bell's Mills 7 22 ni ; Altooua 8 04 a en; r Utsnmg p m. 12 45 WO R K OFF Ell ED! We wan! a i-r i iitT j""i: r':' .. ni-n, to M.lirii . ri.-t .4 'i.r Nur-iiy .... Sti--fucti.iu to n:t- tn.-ri r.'.niii.l' .il Suc cealiil al hi. ..ti i.r.kii.g good tiu.a. No XJ- ri in t t:. r.-K-iiiry. W bi- on h' ery and offer tptriat inducements tu Iwgio tiers for next 60 day s. Address (stating age.) W. D. CHASE & CO., Lock Box ,81. Geneva, N. Y. April 0, '90-ot. f ' i t . 4 j - l: f S If t- V:. i - Walnut Htreet, PHILADELPHIA. J, .L J J-