Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 21, 1890, Image 4

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    mi , ...;... ;. .; ' . ;;-; . ; . .f . '-" ' ' . !jrj-'.i'' '.'.'''" ' - ' r trK
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Fajult Lawtfr. f uuJersIand
that joq are a suitor for the hand of
the daughter of niy millionaire client?
Titled foreiguer Yea, monsieur. In
Family lawyer In rrl? KipUlu
Titled foreigner (with a shrug)
Well, monsieur, to be frank "iz you, 1
hall expect ze ocketbook sat goes wiz
ze hand.
Yocxo Max (gazing dreamily -t
the candy ca-te iu fancy grocery store)
I I wi.s!i to pet something real nice
for a a young lady, but I hardly know
what to select.
nrocer fbrttskly) Very young?
Young Mau 'IJuut 17 still going to
boarding school.
firmer Ys. sir.- John! show this
gentleman to the pickle counter.
A. Jones did uot recognize
wlieu he raised mat now.
il. Well, you s e his ejeaiht is
I never heard that Ifore.
Yes1, 1 e has ix-com rold and incUTer-
nt since his ejetiht was ailected tj
Yei. it was asigl i draft. I crew it
on h;ru for wmie ni ney he ha. been
o ilig me fur a long time, lie never
sees uienow t:o n.atler hovr closo I may
t to Mai.
"Vof Mi- u!d visit the seaside, Mr.
lllauk," S lid a gi sliing young maiden
lu a crusty old lawyer, "ainl luteu to
the rnur i in j: g i f ti e tide."
"I hear e::in.gli of that eveiy day,"
limle'! the lawyer.
"Wheie ul't" ijuer el the h'iiL
"In the divorce court," replied the
No imitations or him.-A litt e Xorth
bide boy, who wan visiting a playmate
the other evi ning, was invited ti take
a riile on the hitter's rocking l:or.
"I don't want to rule on that thing,"
Le said, ioniewhal s-k.riifully. "It's
only a woo-leu horse. Wheal get to
be a n an I'm going to have one iu:ule
of meat."
rxiiLo.-oi'ii kii (at the theatrel It Is
most remaikal lo to me hovr that hero
aud heroine can act so vividly, like
truly iirps cnel lovers.
Theatre llahitue OH the stage those
to are man and w ife.
I'hllosopher Yes, it's remarkable
very remarkable.
A r the New i i.rk hospital. Surgeon
"Wi.at brought oii to this dreadtul
condition? Were you iuii over by a
street cai?''
T.it e:.t ".N sir; I fainted, an J
was brought to by a meiulier of Hie 5 -c:ely
of l us; A d to tlie Injured."
!tEiu it In a new Light "You
oiitjht to i;n:t snioki g cigarettes. Ie
!.i-py. It's iijnnoin t your health."
"Aw" (Putt: ,'iifi')
'Vs; I'liys r:,m say cigarettes para
Ij ze Ihe in a n "
A i ruti: puff :i
Tesl.les, the 1'rmc" of ft'i'fj has
g:m them up.'
"You dou't aj'f' (Throws it
T is t HF. is one solace left to me, at
least, re in. 1 1 ied the -l i farmer. "After
all my l.o leave and go up to the city,
after the p:tfi and cattle die, and cxeiy
tlnug else forsakes me, there is at least
one tlang th..t will sick tj t'le oil
And that is"
"Tne mortgage!"
Mb, Venkkam f. (who had not seen
her for )e.rs, How beautiful Mp.
tirayaire. you were in your youth.
Mrs. i.r.iy.me (remembering his
weakness) And how idiotic you were.
Then af'.er looking at him a moment,
"And you have not cli;' nged much."
(if est (to head waiter) Is your
uame Tide4
Waiter No. sir.
(uest Or Time?
Walter Not at a'.L
Guest Well, it ought to be one of
them. Y ou wait on no man.
Minister (to tramp) Tell me, now,
haven't you stolen something recently?
Tramp Yes, Imj-s, I have.
Minister Well, piomL-e me now
that you w ill 3.ve it back to the own
ere. What did you steal?
Tramp A ride on a freight train.
The Court "What Is your age. Mad
am?" The Plaintiff "Must I answer?"
The Court "You must."
rlaintiff "Why, Jmlge, I thought
people didn't have to testify against
She Oh, horrors!
He "What is it, darling?
She I forgot ail about poor pussy,
left in the hons alone, and we off for
a week. She'll starve.
lie Oh, I remembered ter. I left a
can or condensed milk on the kitchen
table with a sardine opener beside it.
fi AiuiY Well, how do you find your
self? C'rusty-loni have to Cnd myself I
never get lost!
"I tfll you 'Cuts is a' ways at the
end of the book; never iu the middle or
tirst part."
"I 11 l-t you a Cve you'll find it
umler F' in the dictionary.''
V. What is medlc:ral wine?
rt. I am not sure, but I think it is a
sort of wine that makes the man who
drinks it send for a doctor.
Earliest Form of Ladles' Headdress.
The earliest form of Ul:es' headdress
is said to have been the overchief or
head handkerchief. Then came the hood,
universally worn during the fourteenth
eentury, a revival of the Anglo-Saxon
head covering. The close fitting cap is
said to have or gmated in decking the
comers of the hoxl for the sake of com
fort and convenience. Chain! -era ob
serves that "the era of cps and bats is
referred to the ear 1 1 I'J, the Cist seen
In these pat : s of the world being at the
entry of diaries VII in Kouen; frnrn
that time thev began by little and little
to take the place of hoo Is or chaperoous
that had een used till then." Sew
York Tlt t am
Tbr boundary line between the
United States and Canad t is not ,un
itiuary," as most people snppooe, un
the .V. .ou it Uiobr Vmooaf. Ihe
fact is the line is distinctly- mirked
lrotn Lake Michigan to Alanka by
cairns, iron pillars, eirth mounds and
timber clearinsrs. There are JJfUi of
these mark between the Lake of the
Woods and the base of the liocky
Mountains. The Uritinh placed one
poet every two miles and the
United Stat. one between each
British, post. The posts are of cast-iron,
and cast on their faces are the words
Convention of London, October 2d,
181'?.' Where the line crosses lakes,
mountains of stones have been built
projecting eight feet above high-water
murk. In forests the line is defined bj
el.ing trees lor a space a rod wide.
Misa Mania D. Parsons, of Fire
Place, Long fsland, X. ., has received
a silver medal from the United States
Government for having saved from
drowning a man and hu child ia the
omaser of ISsd, when she vm o&l
ten years' old, . .
Beet Steak Pcddixo. Make a
paste of six ounces of chopred suet
and three-quarters of a pound ot flour;
or the same weights of butter and
flour; butter a pud ling basin; line It
with the raste. Cut up some rump
steak, with a moderate proportion of
the fat; season with pepper, rait, a little
chopped onion and parsley; till the lined
pudding basin with this, add a little
stock of water, cover with paste, tie
it over with a buttered floured cloth;
boil for three or four hours; s--rve with
tomato sauce.
Chocolate Tarts. Tut one-half
cup milk and one-half cup va'er ov. r
the tire in a brig' t caucian; aM one
cupful sugar, one teaspnful butter,
pinch of Moda, one-half cuke anted
chocolate; then, when it lmil add one
third cup ot wat-r. inuhich has 1-een
dissolved one tKblesi-ooiiful ot corn
starch; let the whole U"i! for a few mo
ments and takn iroin the st?ve; when
cool add tei.sp onf'd extract of vanilla.
This will male uUiiit a dozen tarts.
Line patty lans wiih good caky pie
cru.'l and ake. when done put in t"-is
mixture, 1- e the top-", and let the Ir t
ing harden in Cie o en air.
htckorjuuts HMinddl fine, add mixed
ground allspice end nutiuep; make a
fr sting as for cakes; stir la te meats
and spices, putting in tnoncii only to
make it convenient to bardic; four the
hands, ami make the mlxt ia into hulls
about the idze of a nuting;lay tberu
ou tins well butteied. riving room to
8 naJ; bake In a quick oven; use was.'i
eI butter for gi easing the tins; laid or
salt butter gives an 'i ; ieasaut taste.
A pretty little cushion for rtwi stir
vice can le made of the bottom of a
tumbler and a piece of nbinju and l.ice.
Any hou-ekeeper can supply the broken
tumbler. Make a cushion for the top
of any pretty material, plush ve'.vet or
cashmere are very pretty, aud ed'e it
with widi lace, tiiu.-h ng with a hea ling
of loops and ends of narrow ribbons of
various colors, placed close together and
fastened to the cushion with tiny gilt
or silver pins.
Savory Omelet. Have ready one
pint of bread crumbs, a large handful
of chopped parsley, a slice of oulon
minced tine, a teapoiif ul of dried
set marj rltt. lat two eggs very
light, add a teacup of infk, peprer
and salt to taste, and a heaping table
spoon! ul of butter. Mix all well to
gether, and bake in a rather slow oven
until slightly irowned. It must be
baked in a buttered dish, aud turned
out on a hot platter to serve. It must
al.Mj le eaten ho.
Ciikn (iEM- Oue-half a pint of
linely-bo'ited corn meal, one-half pin,
flour, one tub!e;xi,ful white sugar,
halt a teaspoonf ul of su t and two heap
ing te.mp- onf wis of b.ikiug-powder; mix
together thoroughly while diy;then add
tno well beateu eggs and cold sweet
urlk. r milk an I a'er. to make a
iiio. : .. t '.y tliin batter; bake in gem
pans or n.i.l?ui riiik1.
t hocolate 1'ie. Chocolate pie may
1 made with the yjlks of two eggs,
three tablesjnw j-.fuls oT corn starch,
four table' ootifti' t crorolate, s.x
table-jxioiif uls -f .-uar. Mix a. I to
te: iir and stir it t a pint if W'Hing
water. Mate the crust aid lake :t
lirst. Heat the wh tes stiff, ad I pu.ver
irel nigir, anl when the i done
l.i. e the tutr:.gi:e ou b p and leluru it
to the oveu for a few minutes.
Slkft is a restorative aud a cure
for overwork and nerve waste. For
tho.-e who can m ilher goto 11 early
enough nor lie late enough in the
morning, a da; time n.ip whei ever it is
i.eedvd is simply invaluable. It is a
habit that anyone can acquire by prac
tice, and for many ,t means salvation
of nerves aud even of life.
Lyonnalfe otatoes. Twelve "'
toes to. led till near y done; when Cold
slice or cut Into d ee. Cnop fine one
onion. Tut a tab!esioiifMl of butter
In the skillet; put in the on. on nil I let
it fry two minutes. Add the potato
dice. Stir constantly and fry live min
uUs. Just before taking up add salt
andpep'er to taste.
Car hot riiii.o. Mix one half
p uudof grated carrot with one-half
pound of four, 0 ounces of linely chop
ped sut, 4 ounc s currants, 4 ounces
sultan i raisins, 2 ounces sifted sugar
and a tahlesoonful of raisin wine or
Marsala. .Mix with water and boil
three hours in a bag.
Tomato Sai-c e. Tomatoes sliced,
put them into a stewpan with a l.ttle
butter, lenr, "alt aud a little sugar;
melt them. Hub through a sieve, boil
up, aud improve the consistence with
a little cornilour mixeJ in cold water.
Stewed Trite. Take a pound of
tripe and cut it Into narrow strips, put
it iu a s.iucepan, and cover it with
gravy stork; add about a third of a
can of tomatoes, some chopped onion,
a dash of olive oil, Worcestershire
sauce and a whole red peppr, sa't and
l-epper; s ew gently until very tender
and rich; serve.
Fried Totatoes. Tut two slices
of fat ham in a pan with hall a sliced
onion; when both are brown, remove
them an I put Iu the hot fat two cupfuls
of cold boliel I'otato s out into small
pieces; season with, pepper aud a little
salt, aud serv- quite hot.
Deviled Soft Clams. Chop n
two bunches of clams; season with pep
per, salt, buffer, parsley, green pepper
and a little sausage meat; aJd enough
cracker crumbs to thl ken sllghtlv, aud
bake in clam shells or small dishes in
which thty may be served.
Tnr pie crust of meat or chicken
pies should always be perforated before
baking, to allow the escape of coxious
ga-es generated within.
Chocolate icing can be and is bet
ter made with yelks of eggs instead o
whit. , making a softer icing and disf
posing of the yelks of the egzs.
Kefp the lack, especially be' w ten
the shoulder blades, well covered; also
the che-t well protected. In sleeping
in a cold ro m establish the habit of
bi earning through the nose, and never
witti the mouth open.
I'otato Ccstard. One teaeup'ul
of boiled or baked potato mashed and
pressed through a sieve, one teacupful
or butter, fame of sugar, three eggs
well beaten. Cream potato and butter
together, beat egs aul sugar together,
mix anl fltvor to taste. Bake in a
rich crust.
On the last day of last year M. Ad.
TVurtz called the attention of the
Academy of Sciences, Paris, to a white
rainbow (Ulloa Crete) witnessed at
Courtenay on the morning of Xov.
by M. A. Cornu. This very rare
phenomenon appeared under peculiar
atmospheric venditions, and was of
much shorter duration than the ordi
nary tinted arch.
Mother (retuxmug to lunch table
after a temporary absence) "Why,
where are the jumbles? Tommy (sternlv)
low many did you eat while I was
Tommy (aged seven) I don't know,
mamma. You told me it was very rode
to count what was eaten at the table."
A waste of la'oor -auses a wasf of
crop, tut this waste f oinctiixiea occurs
n the beginiiii g and not when the
crop ia harvested. If the labor that is
expended over a large area be applied
o us to concentrate the efforts on a
smaller tract, ranoo which the mature
can be advantageously applied and
thorouch cultivation be riven, the ex-
i ensea will be less and '.he yield greater.
sta: le crops, such as cor and wheat,
i o not always receive that preparation
of the soil In the first place as b uld
be given. The bod can be more liar-
Dughly prepared ror tne recepnou 01
seed and the cultivator and harrow De
used to Wtter advantage when the area
is limited to the proper amount or
lalxr to be performed. It is costly to
expend the energies In a manner that
eiit ills needless expense; and as tne
I rt'ht deieuds as much on the jiMicous
application of labor as upon the pn es
obtained, labor becomes an impoitaiit
ac or.
I ik.uorns kor Late Uatcuing.
- As the t en will not set until she is so
inclined, it may happen with some that
they will be unable to hatch out pull, ts
ear enough to have them mature by
Nwvember. Ir such drawback occurs,
advisee a good authority, change the
males In the yards and use Leghorn
males in their places, as a cross of the
Leghorn with the other bieeds produces
pullets that matura sutlicieutly early to
allow r hatching them as Lite as May.
The Leghorn is not a large biid, but
it is a superior breed for laying, ma
turing when six months old. the pullets
often beuiuniug to lay before they are
ive mouths old.
How to Grow- Sthawherries.
In an address before Farmers' I: sti
tute, Mr. Geo. T. l'owtll remarked
(hit one cf the reasons why straw
berries are so often a failure In the
garden is because runners are taken
from old bearing beds. Such plants
aie unproductive have not vigor and
are uuproDtable; therefore set only
runners from plants grown for that
purjvse, not from fruiting beds. Set
in rows, oue foot distant, thrte fett
apart, leaving sufficient runners to till
up the ros and leve a narrow mat
ted r. w or tmelve inches. Plant such
varieties as do well in your locality and
on your soil.
Old ArrLE Trees. The rotting
out of the heart of many M apple
trees is doult less due to the cutting
away of large I. tubs by ignorant tree
butchers without giving the wounds
any protection. A tree pro; er'y pruned
during early life at els i.oihicg severe
afteiward. Trtes aud chillren are
much alike in touie rcsicts. The
time to train both is in their eaily
The introduction of the bush 1 ma
I eau is a valuable ai 1 to the beau-
grower. 1 he chief expense in grow
ing lima l-eans is the poles, which re
quire labor in staking and replacing
when affected by winds. Those who
Lave tiled the bush beans ciaiui that
tl.ey are fully as prolific as the po.e
t-an as well as ling equal to the
atter in quality.
Fatly cabbages are not usually as
hard and large as the later kiuda
1 hey are intended to affjrd a supply
while waiting for the better varieties
to come in. They are of but little
value unless early. It is time to have
the seed for eailv plants sowed in the
I otb-d, aud tue young plants tbouid
le set out as soon as possible.
I"he rapid growth of an animal when
It is young will be an advantage to it
later ou 'n life. The greatest projior
tiunate gain with animals is during the
flist year. If the young stock is kept in
thrilty. g'vwiiig condit on the lirst two
years the greater proftortion ot work
required to secure a profit will have
been performed.
Weeds w i 1 come up sooner than the
crop. Ihe damage trom weeds is done
early in the season, as they ciowd out
the young plants and appropriate the
'hint fool. Much lalor can te saved
by working the plowed laud over
with a cultivator and harrow before
planting iX the weeds have made a
Some varieties of peaches will not
tl.i.ve on sandy soil, while others do not
ihiive well on heavy soil. The early
varieties do not 'eeui to be as reliable
as the later kinds. One of the hardiest
and tiest varieties is Stump the World,
which has been tested iu New Jersey
w llh satisfactory results.
Iu a series f exp runents conducted
oy I rofessor Collier iie found that for
tvery dollar expeudtd iu food tin-re was
left in the solid and liquid mauure 73
cents, which is just s valuable to the
farmer as the original food procured, as
it can I e converted into salable pro
ducts the Lext year.
Look over the see l corn. There Is
but little danger of any of it being
frozen this season, but the best ears
should be selected, lly carefully se
lecting seel every year the yield of the
corn cio can be radu illy mcrea e
No plants are more easily improved by
selection than corn and wheal.
Dampness in the stables is not ea i!
avoided. When the animals aie out
side, the windows aud doori should l-e
kept oien to allow currcuti of air to
flow through. As a ruie in uiy stab'.es
necl more windows, in order to admit
the rays of the sun. which serve to diy
the inler.or. Insuirmer the windows
can 1 shaded.
The early vegetables are the real
luxuries. To liave them early the
preparations must be made early. The
garden plot sliould have been put In
condition before now. Have the seed
ready so as to plant as sjon as the
ground is warm enough au l danger
from fro t is over. For late crojis ths
groui.d s oul-l also be woiked soon.
The AVr Jrrtrti A-j icuIiurLt, a jour
nal devoted largely to the Interest of
New Jersey, aas that 2 cents per
quart is pa d t ) the producer ot luilk
un-1 1 cent for tiansportation, wide
fie consumer pays 8 cents per quart.
In o her w irds. the farmer receives
only one-fourth the pr ce paid by the
One orange grower of San Diego
Keeps trees froni l-eirxg plucked of ripe
fruit by putt.ng up placards: "These
itai.gfS have bt-n poisoned."
If a hen will leave her nest when auy
one approaches she should not be usd
for setting purposes. She m l 1 reneialiv
i r-.ve an unsteady titter and breaker of
Tfte Niagaia Iiiver lly !rulic Tun
oel. Power, and Sewer Company will
low, it is stated, carry out its plan for
utilizing the fall of water at .Niagara
t-y building ita main tunnel and con
necting cross tunnels with wheel pits.
The estimate of cost is $3,250,tO . It
Is est.niated that if thirty mills of 6JQ
horse power each are built It would pay
five per cent upoi a capital of J3,iw -ooo,
while if all privileges were taken,
the result would pay the interest upon
a large block of bonds and a handsome
return upon the stock. One of the
best known 1 anking houses in Wall
street. New Y cik, is deeply interested
In this undertaking. The scheme ia unit
t of sound engineering and is thoroughly
Chaboit, '92 Can I have this put
on my account here.
Mr. Tick Very sorry, sbr, but we
dont know yoo."
Cbargit (making a trial elsewhere)
Put this down for me, please. ou
know me, I believe.
Mr. Hungup Most unfortunately,
we do, sir. Sorry we can't accommo
date you.
Mrs. Dnsky "Am dem de black
stockings' you told me "about buyin'?' !
Miss Saffron Yes, dem is de ones.
Cicely; au dey only cos' seveuty-five
"Am dey silk?"
".Not 'zactly. but dey'rejes'asgood..
An' w ill dey wash."
Iat I dcu' know; l'se only had 'em
fo weeks."
"Don't you think Mr. Anthracite a
veiv unceremonious iK-rson?"
-Far as I know I should say he
Xever knew him to stand ou cere
mony, did you? '
Certainly not. He's so busy stand
ing cn the scales while he's weighing
his c al that he ha&n't time to stand ou
anything else."
"Are you careful iu the kitchen
and with the di-bes?"
'I am. lua'ani. It was thro' my
care I lost my last 1 1 ice."
'That was strange."
It was, ma'am, bit you fee my
master was in the China delf business,
and he snid if ail servants were as cart
ful as 1 was liL tin le would be ruineV.
So he M'lit me iff."
"I say, S,.aikins: did you fca In the
paper lo-d.iv t! at the captain ou ti e
schooner Ftuuia is to receive a medal
for hi betoic conduct in saving bve
"Well, what of it? I've saved hun
dreds of lies and nobody ever gave
me a me !al."
"You? Impossible! How? When?'
'hj, I slu lie I for a physician and
theu tefu-H'd to prai-iice."
"1 think that's a v ry pretty pie'e
of nuisU-," he remarked, self com
placently, after he h id thrummed away
at the iano lor lifteen iiiinutes.
Inch pail do you like becl?"
"The part you" id n't play," repliel
the fiir gal. ;ui I l-e went forth into
the wori'l. for ho knew he ha in't the
ghost of a chance Ih-re.
"Well, Mrs. I'.rown, how dors your
daughter get aloni; on fie piano?
"Law sakes, Mrs. Jone-I Vou know
I a n't no musician myself, but I did
hear her teacher say only yesterd.iv,
Emu a. my chil l, vt.u'rd quiUr ten
ha s ahead!' so .-he must be uiakiu'
some proiess, musn't she?''
Not In need of it. I hysiclan (re-Brt-t
vel ) "H'm! Theci is c ue, I
think, that will yield to a mild st.n.u
lanl. Let me see your tongue, madam,
if Vou p.ease."
Ilusbaud or p ilient (liastily) "IU
tor. her tongue doesn't need auy stim
ulating."' Visitor (in aili.t'j studio) This
la; ge canvas you have covered with a
bla -k, sruoky background aul put in
such a costly I ramf, I sup;misc is to be
au elegant picture when huished?
Artist (haug tily) That painting is
completed, sir. It a bird's eye view
of Cli cao.
iH DEsOX (who has fail ll head fort
most ou a slary bideualk) Help!
Help! I believe I've knocked luy b wains
Smiley (helpinz l.iui to his feet)
Oh, is thai all? 1 was afraid you wt-ie
sei .ously hurt.
L.t le Edith "M.iiiuiia, did you s.iv
that we sliould all kuoweacu i-ther in
Heiveu?" Mauimn ' Ves, my clnM.'
Little Edith "You can play Hint
vu'l're out. thou-'Ii. ruii't vjj. nunouia.
When -op:e call that you dou't want 1
to see?" I
'Coing to America, l'at?"
'Yis, sor; an' I've got to
g't t'.iere
S-H.ll, tOO."
"Why so?"
"Me cousin in Chicago has had me
nominated as alderman, an' I iiiu-t
lave Irdatid in time to take me sate in
the common council."
She Dealer (to younjj widow, who is
haulmg over a iile of ladie-.' slippers)
Are you looking for number two,
Young Widow (blushing'! Yc- sir.
Aie y -u an uumained man?
"Mamma," said a little gii 1 as thc-y
draggled alnn in the rain without an
umbiella. ' how old istJenenillJrecly?"'
()1 1 enouph to know better,' sna,
t ed the mother as she thought of tin
fair weather redictious iu the mornii-g
MLss Tarsons And so Adam
very happy. Xow, Willie, can you
tell me what great tiiistoi tune, lieteil
him? Willie 1 lease, M-ss l'.rso:is,
he got a wife.
Tlie 1 aily Next Iloor.
Mis. V. envied the lady next do ir l-ecaii.o
s!i-s. se- med so ell aud hepv. -sin-enj,.j
.iie :md 1 don't." said ihe dicoiiteir .1
HtHiiau. "llow 1 would like to change plaet-s
with her!" At lat sli- ui:i.le the u.-.iu.i nt.iii
il the olijert 1 f !i-r eitvv. aii-l IhtH is what 111'
U.ily lot. I her: -ll.ipp? Ut Course I :illl, fi, 1
eiiji.y rleci li-'.iiih. Mvdear Mrs. V vour
tae lei Is me why y aie iu-t liappv. Vcu" .
suff rmu Tttnt li.nel tonal d-raiii;'iiii'iits. 1 w i
auiarli tt fema e w-akiit-nes inr ear. 1m!
lr. I'ieiee' Faorlte I'rescriptiou cu:ed ln-. us
11 w ill yt ii il you k ill try it. It is u. , ,!..-,1
t-i tive siitiaJat-iiun in everj- caseor price 11.'
tr. Pi rce's Pellets. iiie a dxe. Cure hi u.l-u-be,
ccitipatiou an l indigestion.
Ciiuoxic creaking never got a man
out ot trouble or lifted a mortgage from
a farm. Don't croak.
Common sen-.
If yon dam uj a:l the 1 ttle tr-'am yu will
hr a f1M.. II ou eio-ek tu- beer-! ions -if Hie
liver. kMll'VS. Jik'lU ati-l bifW ou will have
d'H.-.i!,.- aitd U-a.u. That is the sioi v in a mil
-le-il. Ketiiedi-S tor llidi;elio(i. rheuinatlm.
lie iiir .liiia. headache, e c. are lioiiHeusc, they
im rely 1 aluat-. Ch o uii me sun.-en. K.-t rid
of ihe aie. stimulate the healthy actions i
Hi;- i-teat o: a-ans id uiilrlLiou and exereium alitl
pa. t the bloo-l tj Hie oiilv known miners, I
remeuy rf our lathers. St. k ruard Veiretable
Fills, and all vour disoiders will Tallinn
simple ..f I be St. Ikri.ard Vcp table I'llm wul
lie elit tree to all apl-lic aiits. Address, ht. ller
uaiil. lia ittlii. Ntrvi oik.
A Suai.e of Ii nk Coual is advan
laeeouslv combined with green and also
with brov n.
r.lieumatL-m originates In lactic acid In the
bl--d. which settling In the joints causes the
l-ainsand aches of the diase. II.mjJ j sara
1-ur.Ila cures rheumatism by neutralizing the
ai-iduy the blood, and giving it richness and
vitality. Try ilnod's s-arsapaxiila.
Silveb gray foxes h ive b come le
markably plentiful in Connecticut
ll.if a uozen of them have been shot
there this winter.
F J.rnrNEY&CO..Toledo.o.. rr-nm f
lUil'sl ataith t'uie. ofleri'U rewaid b.r anv
eaix- 4 catarrh that can n4 be cureil by lakn.i
Hal. s 1 'atari h t uie. send lur u-slunouiaK
tree. Sold by Lm-uchlj-s. 7..
Low prices and cheap production
must be made to go hand in band.
,"r,'T' .' I "t'tins' Electric Poan?
.. . ...urn i -i j u 10 ret out bar ol vour
' Kiocer. and w .V yourself , t upnSUagl
Sl no uuiiation. ' 1 here are lots of'thVm!
IIcbses generally prefer cold watr
but It should be clean and sweet. '
We recommend 1 -u-i.i'a luuch" Cigar.
. U,D "lock, good care and good
belter are essenuals la poultry keep-
One Reason
Why nearlveer body houldUkeagid medi
cine la the MTln U DeoauM t this tbe
system U especially awptlbletothervne8t to
I derived Irom a reliable pr'Pr,,"n
Uoud's Sma.arill. In the winter vnou inv
purities accumulate In the hi- -J. the efl-ct oi
union is mo t felt whenkpriiict- nteson.ln gen
eral weakness and lanfruor. Te system craves
aisiMauce to ma ntain the health tone and ex
pel impurities, whirh Hood's Sarsapartlla read
ily cives. Try it-
"For five years I a sick every sprum, but
last year bejjan in February to take Hood's Sar
sapai ilia. I used five bottle and have not seen
a sick day s nee." ;. W. Si-oas. Milton. Mas-
p(.:.ll.v:i!l.lr.iiits. 1 -.lfor. Preparedonly
b .'. I IUKI1I & (Oh Lowell. Hl.
IOO lw One lollsir.
Kly s ( nam Halm f jC-'WijJ
i llie be r-m-l r r r rl. Ur,,, L AT AP P Vnl
.iHer.i.it fr.m KgLDiNH "I
. ..Ss a 1.
Annlv Batm im ea:-h n.is'iil
LI.V I'.KOS.. ." Wa: n-u St.N
I took Cold,
I toolc Sick.
I take My Meals.
I take My Rest,
Cl-KinS fjit loo, mi Scott's
Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil
and Hvpophosphitesof Limeand
sail testimony is nothing new.
l'.viLV. Take no other.
Tlty tavi Ion trid i t over V.T yi
it to-diy t- cat pcBs'.ar ia
TimTiitkMi aniccthM4 them.
t. Eifett, Ptirwt, and Bait E.Taiy for
:1 Eisitoi IitMst Tr ccmpsTiiwea.
Tar6l.r'Itenir1. r.lr. rt..ir bl
MOloIjn. tr.J.U tJ- 81-hXl.l..
-T-"0 ?. " - . TI ct line
15-M mr.'h yrup. Tt ntU C
,tr rmmm aae
1 14.
Aud Other AHrerlLed .-perlallle. A r. Ilia
"e-l Iu llie V arlil.
oae p-caln'' tin:,--, nanii- an-l price are Mainnel
sn I. ,tt., in. siilii KVEKYU-HEKE. If jmr r.rr
U1 uul .utu l.v ,,,u, aru. I p. -Mai f.,r lnstruotlnns IwiT
Iu lij iliie.t in.m ( try mui ul extra ebaraa.
W. I.. HtH ;i. 4. Brwktaii, !..
Sf col Holder
M.Wl-AlEr. Sire
l.ii-eand truuole. An ni-
is i usable articlo fur
vrrv liuusehold. 1 1 ly
tl.GUlu ue witliuul it.
buinple can l mn
tb ii or
II. STl'ART. (Written fo lHosflf)
f ;t1iN.rlKiij; int re--t and uufniij irtrt cil
va'tit. l h s i -t-mm in d I'ltristian phil.intluuii-t,
foinri- i the I . S. tiriNtiun Cmtiinissiuit. and
Y. M.V. A..nf r.i'Iad.-li.lii.i; uiiH.mI thf I'r.sbv
I l.i n l'iiiin-li. and worked :mi -ly In the oau-e
at T'injtr:iiM, Hum nnd Foreign Missions.
A l'.TUt:fn. '.iiiiit. fulT I hitra:M. AuKXTs
a 11! Y (jrii Ki T !.!. M STIAltT & CO.,
l'ul-1 h. i, 714 Kilbfit M., I'liiladelplua.
all TniaTi P-rsnm Rritor.
I P4I i it.LK if takes M 4irnd .Vo Ftt after
1rt TrratiM ! BJ trial botti frr m
" 1 i t. ihf u x;-r- barrio hm
vnlinwft, r O anl aj.r. .1drr ol
L. KLINK VII A'b -t . Cti aaelt-ht-. T
Bh. Karl Of iMiiAtiS'4 khm
trVAMTCn A c.vsKKfor tnls
If MIllCU and v cimty. Sotiietniii)'
'"e mr lull n&j ucilllirA to MKH. S.
1. AUMKKtSTKK, FhiUdelpnia. Woniau'i Ex.
eliauRe, ly S. lJtli street.
FI.KI-.MA A MONKV. Waslilncton. P. C.
t.iknfvs. II. I. Munev. IO veara Meniler
I -.ti -.-res. A. A. Freeman, ' yeats Ass't
I -b. Att y ;eu.
ui,-i i.f ifiirtin anil Uvuaiy la. teud loc In
vcinurt' luwie or How u oet a lateuu 'Tnirr
o umu. AiUMTiey l Lm. u aiOiutOufi. Il c
He Alan, you kuow, was created
on y a little loupr than the angeK
the 1 wouMu't fay that. It uoumli
.-k much like a reflection ou tlie angel",
you k no
Thk St-p-Mother'8 Rectption.
"Father: "Childnn, this is jour new
Tomuiy. "Aie you going to I it
Uer, tooV"
rittsbiirsr DLp itcb: "Birds are very
t he; p now." said a dealer in omitlio
logu al t-pecimena.
"Are tlieyr"
"Yes; acoM n e.igla is only woiti.
ui ther (callinsr) C'iara, Mr. Sui.t
is iu the pirli.r aud tmya he. watts vou.
Clura (enterinj parlor an l throwi c
hersef into fc-niither's aiiusj-Oli,
Ciiarlie, this is so 8utllen.
Knew the tign: Cierk
stead of '1' waDt,"
A lew i-uiiiura.
The rMi-iit fLtitif. nr . v. - ,
, - w. auiuuer or
deatha sbnw tbat a large roa) riiy di - witi
BiNBuuipiwn. iuia Uimiw may cnuirnence
with an appureutly bArtulet.4 cou -li h'ca
?n ?"!?" iu!,''y b Keiup'a Balaam
tor the Throat an. I Lunt; a. wblcL 1. Koar
nted to cure au l relieve all cat. I'ri.e
y T,ui fw- ' t"
all drug-iMtM. -
Assort vour aoAiia oa i. ,. .
Of what you lack for Spring planting
taV BJi u ev ,
"That was
a nue loonug old coup e." Flooi waikt-r
Nuwly married, too." Clerk "lion
do you know?" l'Lorwalker 'Ilesa
'id' UJnl Ia V- i.
w BUU1D Bill,". T'l.
ict'- - i mm va
"There ar- bo ator btrange thin
in Alaska, ' aald the dia.overer of the
Mnir glacier, in a recent interview,
-that have not come to the fcnowled
of the pubi c, that one who haa . .u
them hesitates where to bein. tle
rhant remains are found a.l over the
creat valley oflhe Yukon. As a matter
hi fact thev are found everywhere
throughout the great western a.ope ot
A1Dana and Sir Charles Lyell startled
the world by announcing that hairy
frozen elephants ere found wedged
among the Siberian icebergs, but scarce
ly anybody knows that throughout
Alaska are the remains or countless
thousands of mastodons. Ton can dig
them out and find them on the surface
everywhere. Ho thick are the elephant
renwins that the native Indians, on
rinding theiu buried partially in the
groimil, decided they wore som kind
of Rreitt mole that burrows in the roil.
The collecting of elephant tusks
every Summer is a regular business in
Liberia just over Dehrin ISea. There
are just as niariy of them on the Ala.sk .1
aide as there ever were in Siber.a. Ages
a.-o great herds of elephants roamed
over these shores. Perhaps they ex
isted down to a comparatively recent
. . . ' ' - J 1 7 . ... .. . 1 n-.. ) i -
elate, too, lor tne nairj iwuii-o
preserved bones were evidence of
Tlie amount- of tobacco auuually con-ni-iu.il
in il.fl United States is estima
te J by an apparently comietent au
thority at 3Ul, 100,0'. M) pounds. Seventy
.m.... .wiiimii ut-a ntiltyed in t e Pro
duction of domestic cigars. 222,00' l.iilO
pounds or che wing ai:a sihok 111. too ci u
1- k iNM) OfKt tuiuiids sire
uaed in the manufacture of snulT; 0,-
(HKi.OliO pounds are requirca in me pio-iliu-tinn
of cliraretUf-: and 4.010.0' . tl
pounds of cleats are imjKirted. Tli s
won :l make ail average annum tuu
stitnpliou of live K)uuils for every 11
son iu the couutry. But ai not. moie
than one-fifth of our popu.ation use
tob.icco, it fo'Iows that those who do,
consume, on an averaee, twenty-five
pounds each, per annum. Opiuions
differ as to w he her this article bhould
be designated a luxury or a necessity.
In pjieaKiiii; of the cost of the tobacco
habit, an exchange says:
If the tobacco user of the Unite 1
States would abstain for a period or
two years from the chewinp, f mokinir,
aud pnuff-taking hublt, and place the
money thev woul i spend fcr tolacco in
that, period in a common fund, thtre
would be enough money iu the fund to
aim st w'pe out the entii. iiHtUcinl
!el t. and f.e yi ars all lain 11 vv.iuM
aive tlie lie.i I of each faniiiy i:i ll
United St ites eiiouii iriiiiK y t nvi'.-l
111 an ihly acie liomesteiid fai 111 in the
lar Weslerii States an ' Tei ritoi ies; or
it wmilii give us a navy of iiity hr?t
c':ls ar veswis, fully eii!ppi-d, :ii;d
create a fund that would maintain
theiu and t!ie Navy IJcp.irtiu. ut for a
peinU of at le.is twenty-live years.
It can thus be seen what is the ma-nitud-
of the tobacco tiade of the
United States, and what a multitude of
devotees are willing to pay annually for
a habit which gives thetu so much con
solation and comfort, if nothing
At a recent meet n of the French
Academy of M V.k-ine, i'rofessor I)u-j:trdiii-l'eauniet
siatexl that he had le
ceived from M. Yaliide, of Yitizoii, a
I-a;er relating to a rew spi cilic for tne
f-ver and other symi toins of pnluili.-i- .
This iiiedii-ainent consl.-tJ of the bai
of the putilKiiano, uhii-h U a leijuiniii
otis tree (pul ordcr M n.o.ine) f Mex
ico, i-kilated plants U-in cultivated i
some parts of Euri-pe. M. Viileje.ni
has just Mil-lie 1 the bark, and found
falty matters, tin n in. etc.. but no al! ;i
loid or glucoside. M. Yalude admin-i-stered
panboLano bark to li t patients
in form of an alcol olic tincture, and
also gave a preparation made by macc
ratiou. He pieferied the latter, wh cli
he niai'e by putting 70 gr. of I ruised
lurk into a quait of water and boiling
douii to a 1 lut, tins 1 lug the quantity
to be taken In lw-i.ty-four liour.-. In
the eight paludic cases described by
M. Valude a single dose, or, at in si,
two duses, caused the disappearance- of
well-defineil tertian fevers.
Ttro new co'ors are described iu vari
ous lecetil technical journals. The
lirst is apparency a reproduction of
color known to the ancients, an 1 uiaile
by th in with san-l and lime, heated
wi'h roasted copper. The pigment, cm
analysis, up, ens a cotn)ouud of sili
cate of bine and copp:-r. It is now
made with exact proportions of the
m .teiials, so that the pio luct is uni
fortn. The color is biuht greenish
blue. The ot!ier color is black, whu-'i
has licen made by treating canirhor
with sulphuric acid. 15y sleeping ciun
phor iu Mroug sulphuric acidujci; -like
mass is foiuied of a n ih!i h co -.r
AYlien this is li-ate 1 it bo Is, giving uiT
luiucs of sulj-huiie aci 1, and ti.ius
i- tensely black. lly evaporation the
unconverted excess of acid an 1 cam
phor is driven oil and a black muss re
mains which seems to have the quail,
teiol India ink. Like India ink. it
can be appaiently dissolved iu water.
ana remains suspended for a 1
irlci Arao was director of the
Ci-nsei vatory 111 l'aris the gift in s-i.J
w is less than 5J0.001J a year. In the
time ot JeveiTiei it was $.ji,i.0 . X w
the donation is i50,(i0i, although the
meteon -logical depitmetit is set ajait
as a special service.
'1 urita,
Wheiher on pleasure lunt or lutsine.-is
should take on every trip a hottlo of
Syrup of Figs, as it acts mot j ea.,ainly
and effectually ou the kiilinyi, liver and
bowels, preventiug fever-, Leo.Iae.!,e ami
otl. er tonus of nit-ltue-. For wale in Mc.
and tt.UU l-ottles by all l.adiu- ,1 r-:i:gUt.'
A yard for ducks need not haven
fence over three feet high, if the I'eki.i
or Hi u-11 ducks are us.-d.
(aiitiM Ividiiy i:r ir
Imipj-r. liravt-i, l)..lT.-s, UrigiiL
Heart. L'rinary or I.iv.;r Iliseas4, err
oiiMicrs, ic. iir t-Uiraiiteed. 8111
Arch Street, I'hl sd'a. l a boitl-, ti
lor $., or drugtjis-. 10 10 ertilicar,. s ol
cure. Try it.
I.1ME should le fieerrom lumps when
it Is api lied to the soil. The finer it
condition the quicker its action and
chemical effect.
Itnprure ciirfciiuraiifeeii by
Ir. J. JJ. Mayer, eJl Arch St., I'Uil'a.
I 'a. Kase at once. 110 operation or le
iay from business, attested by thou
sands 01 cures alter others tail, advice
liee. send tor circular.
Ek careful in the u?e of kerosene
around tree. It will instantly kill peach
F ITS : AJ Kit t'opped free t l)r. Kline'aUioat
ive hesiorer. .No 1-iu alter ort da' ue. tr.
.cuk cuie '1 iemie aim . trial u.tt.e tree i
':-afc elnluUt.fcJuJe.ll Arcu al. e... . et
I.oxo cloaks are in grea. favor for
Inch large and small g rls.
FrilKer Axis lireaae.
Tiiern is nr ueej of beiu imputed on it
you will insiit ou Laving lha Frazir llrati l
o, Ax e Greae. one greasing will lir
two weeks.
Y'elvkt Fleevis in mutton-lez slui.ie
aie added to wool cloaks for tiny girls,
giving them a warm aud pictures pie
r-rourhiti is cured by frequent aru dl
doM-s of PiHo'a Cure tor Consumption.
Thb young sou of the t'ompU de
Faria la mora of a goose than a Duo,
. e ram's ere beV-w yon!" criM a mr.n to
a I 'uaiure paitv wboui ha descried g!i t.ns
Kwntly down ti? Btriua towai-d tit; i'i
i:,S entaract. And we wnul.I cry, t.".i ,
A'Tov' " to the oji- whose lLfo is being -iT T.'vn
into'tiie whirhKs-I of i-on.-,iiiupt:'ii, f"f
li-s roit u tfiis ijve n-eaiuris you will U
wn-"lted in Dmitri's f--.i:r.in rap-is.
ir knra nri v ik. I.ies'.ii s; .rr. r-."
Miitlintrcf bloo-l. exrri- :-.-- jts;i.T.l I
n..itnetr Bvumtorna. Tli'in-u-! rini:iir-.-r
without ixp.Tsvriein-f half tlio ar.jv-i syi.:;
tom an-l not heclhig ti -:-ir ii:i-rl - w::-r..i
arep!un?i-d int the rcl:.tli .- ,ljlt
ciost fatnl tcourcie C0.1.-11 n;.iiuu-
You can't a.V-rd to f-xil f-.wny B"?
ptvc'rois tim, if e!i-rin- fif-m t
c-.-iti ; : 1-1 m-i-il'T of t'lr i-ii iii
l.!e s tao : a;T'i li-1 -'-'-i 'r- 1
biada. U trl?J e.-.tK.-ni:; at i v -errtain
means v. bn thu irairtL I -0-1 1
fortrnt at eui-h a cri;i?al period that t"i
-nlv OM-uicine jiofesse.1 cf wh x-sit:v
curative proper'.ii-s as io vai-rant i f
proonrton ia putrarif'-einj it 1o cu n
Consoniption of the lungs, if tiin :
Ulcus and given a fair trial, is the wcw.-
KytlPTCkVfS OF C.IT 4 1
fallinr i"to throat, son;-- ,
tc-nai-ioua. muc-iui, purir'
lnr In ears. deatn-s; orr- :
eral debility. Onlrt fo
r cure tbo worst can..
r-r. Stje'i li-imodjf
For Erifty Years
Ayer's Sarsaparill?
has no equal
ri3 a
Prepared by
Dr. J. C. Ayer Cs Co.,
Lrowell, Mass.
R. R.
Instantly relieve- anil noon cure ColiK Sor
Throat, 15roii,-lmi I'leuriy, StlflT rk, ull
ewnixwtloii nnd ItiflAinttiatinnH. mlietlivr f
Ileala'lie, TiMilrt!M,lif. Weakness or ltln In
the lla'k. ('htntt or l.iinhi, by one ppli-:e-tion.
Internully an imter 1ft all intern. il
ititi. ttatulcnry, lleai-lhurn. Sick If lie.
N-riiii, SleetU4rtties lHlpitjtion r
li e Heart, hill Mint Fevor and Malaria.
.".Or. M bottle. All IH u-i-l.
An excellent and mild Ca-ttutrtle. Furety
Vegetable. Tim af-t muj Ht Medicine
iti the world lor the Care of U Disorders
or l lie
Tkn itratknliti); lit ilirection tlM-y will
rf.tr. lienllli mill reoetr ititlity.
1'rii o. 3.1 i K k Itiix. Sill I by nil IlmcU'i.
1 prwrrtl). and fa(W -n.
Kir ti u th '.. ij
rn-rifli- lor tlte cerl&iDi ura
rf IhlH diAs-.
O. H.i.MiKAII AH.M n
AniAU-rdaui. N. V.
hT poi it Bi(t ; :0
many yean, and il .nis
K-n tne bbi of eaua
fartioii. u. k dvohf m.
'tiii-ari. ' I '
.0tT. Skild bjr Urucsi: s.
B UH.ln6RFA:i:
li!rlneqiialitlii are nnvirpawil. aptn
ill oiiiUstinKlw.. U.xet of any oilier bmiiO.
-t eflecteil ly lieat. -it;t TI1K ii:Nf-
S'S 0000A
Ty a thoroata knw ol th. natural law
hlou fovarata. operation of iIImmIhq and Btitrt
tlou, ami by a careful application of the Bae proper
Uaaof welteleole-1 Cm-oa, Mr. i-ppa ha provided
Bur lireakfaat tallica llh a di-llcately aaoured bo.
rrag whlc-a ma uve ui many bravy d-M-iors ulila.
It u iy tbe JnJiol..u u.ie of .neh artlelea of diet
U.at aeoatlluUoa may be irra jually built np natj
Hut.dred..,f .ubUe ...aladle- are rliatSi" SonS
rja.ly to .iuo 4.w ow. la a waaa poluu
We may - l mij a fatal .naft by keeplnrouiTl
ZZZr '1,','""? WU" i'ure bi"o I tropS?
aourUhe l ram.- -l-ii-J .vrrm u, v '
J" "" or milk. Sol
?;M" i'"' ?r- t.o.:
LA.iilor riiHNITURC
?il NVALtn
Jr. .'-v-.i ir x
.-!- 'irlrr yra.
atita ni j ajuuutl va D
ptid f- on dltvrT
A A ar.aa
7W T UttK.
'frrciAL wmww
'-- AiMurwiiV-iir
VI UllJt),
imiium withaat
lay, pa y
rl .1 II m C .ST1 TI TPrTW . T ..7.
- - j.i i ii n n k i ,
; VVAMilt;TU, P. C.
$75 J A MOKTMcan be mad. workla.
. 1. " h";. p'rma. preferrel woo TSi fraSS
1. "d Uielr waol. time toSTbiSSZ
-pare morneau may ba proatably amployadSS:
ha- kiii? c-imij-q, vanablo cr p-r ejv.it, ,
f.wl.le d!.ti'-n, with gradual l---i3 "C H' !, !
cold feet, iWtudj cr s."icrsl .'.'..i-itr, ci'
.aailr f-ititt d. don't niarrar! 1.-9 V' !
mlr-Jf to t DiTi.Jl
wheel Tm
I- m t V L
famed Dr. Pierce's Golden I'ediceJ Dis
Try'inj condilions these, under whi'h tc
o.Tor the afflicted relief and ciirn. -'-jor :i
narv nuaedy could su-tain itself ur.d.-i- -ui i
n rrnnmntee. It would bnnkrunt itsprnj.ii
ct".-il Not ao with "Gol len Metik-al fjis
r.vrry. Ita bet adTerti.-x-u-ent is the tl-.'i'i
Fin-Is of conwim;it:ve, in nil pari of tin
worH, which it has restoreil to health
ffr.'u,t"i and ho-pines. To-ilor no r.ihit
mo.1 ii'iua has sVjr-at a sale. Why! 1-e-i-is-s
it docj J tst l-..it it is ftiai'i.i.'c ! u
o-i miplish, oOii'i: i's sa'.e. 01 ..----i'-;.-a
jtl.m cm Uii t'.'-'.'Z rut's 1:: n ivn.t
"Ilol.fcn Medical Lix-overy" c.;.-. .11
sumption ia all iUe.ul; -r KUip-r, -in vi..n.- 1
c-nse priiv.-iples. iloin.?, aciur.iii.j t ai
r-"c-.Tii.l medical cii'.h-iri-y, a . -1 f-il- u.
c!T -tion of the luj:--, it is n-'r ',:: :!.! t.
bueli a reinodr in lU-jso a'eutM Ln .-. .1
prove ui'.t e-HficTvi.is in ci:viu'--riii t.-iiii
lnisdisea.-i aiTw-tin-joihi-r j.:irtK .-::'1 or?-.-;
Now for Scrofula ui ul! i-a i-iria-1 i .-m-no'.hing
h'-s ever vet 1-. 1 ti..' v-r -1
c iniTiTO wit'a tho w-?i . ! -f':."-lT .) . -I
tneniicned. And rzi.-riu'.' 11 tii s tr:- - :
JjUiir-scrciuTa, or C't.ii- ui-ii-Ti- rt. 1: : , ;;. .
ti-e cough. '- .1 .1.. i-U-.e:.
r-.ipetii, iiiviir--fates lie ii,i-. ij
1(ld, eids:.--" the sy-i--:n cf i-il . : (isi.
bimnrs, an-l builds ttpth-tl. -!i and '" -
Vv'or.t.n's InsPKr.-.'.itr ivlK'iiAi. A- - -ia-ti'itt,
0-iJ Mnin fclu-ei t, buliali), N. V.
f r an lncumM-- ensu of
C.trrh :1 l-e HMd bv
proTTiiors of DR. SASH. S CATABfiH RtMECV.
-til. Il'-ftiiache, olistriftion of r.i6'-. 'l:si:h:uirefi
nrnfll"", w.,t--rr. anrl n -ri l. at o-.ui-rs. till- .
bloody, purri-1 and ijTT.-:mi-e: -f- v. eak. ririf-
mve on-arn : smeii ana i,--." iixit:.i:i-e.r, ajia ir-n-
e.f th'-se ryniptoine likoly to he prr--nt at once,
-Jaly cs-ut. 1-1 by im i veryw..ic.
By pending vour Or-Jor to tLe
Purchasing Co
for anything you want in
Dry Goods.
or of any other Goods you carj
think of.
The Company lias a set of th
most experienced huers in all
branches, and they otier their blt
vices to any of the subscribers ol
tliis pater. Kvery L,aJy knowa
how ditlicult it is in lare cities
i and how much more in small ones,
to nnd jnst the article canted.
We have therefore established for
the benefit of the subscribers ol
this paper, this company, whose
luty it shall he to supply every
iady at shortest notice with infor
mation about the article desired
It is done in thin way: If you
want Dry Goods send us a sample
and we will let you know how
much the yard can he ha I fr.
Laces the Rame. Of Jewelry, Fur
niture, and such goods, we will for
ward descriptive catalogues, &c,
with the lowest net prices. Ol
Groceries, &c, we will forward a
The quantities wo shall soon
have to buy will enable ua to fur
nish all goods at
And all that is necessary to secure
these advantages is to send us a
Heading of this Paper, cut ofl t4
prove that you are a subscriber.
Qnahsr City Ymliiii Co..
Wnd (or larze Illustrated Catalogue,
CMicMrsTcn-s English
Mr M aiaaji ra.L0i. ljft4UMt
lWT-r-fca MU.II tMM, rli Wllfc MM A
fci-w Lrl 9tlor4 latM. plot wrmaaari. urm
AT ia... . jaaaal
i I tor fruccir. lwailiaM
-MUr fW l4Hx," tm Mur, M I WMM
Mall. Hmmm Wmt.
FREE Covernme-nt LANDS.
mii.lionn or aiki m son
liaaota. Hontana. Idabo, WaahlDltton and nrecoa.
rrun rna bubllcaUoB. with maps deacrlblnc ta
tBU rUn brat Aa-rlrultural, orul&i aad Tte
bar Land, bow open UiHeCtiera. reat lrr-. Addraaa
.ftLir i
f i Uioroux&lT tufhC by AiL. CircuUW. trme.
RrrMt i i Mira .. HuTlsU. H. t
$60 ) B!N6HAMT0N
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