Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 09, 1890, Image 2

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    md spu mw ii I. . ,l
i 7':. i" :r .E'tcqxgi.yrft?;.-!' imn, .ai . Fiwa-r ,-.. -jr;
It KI'XESDAY, AFBIL. , 1890.
Tur. Ocurof Rusaia is afflicted with
fainting sjxdls.
tJi-gsTtos Will the Senate pai-s
tha Anti Trur4 Bill ?
J-d.e .ivs, tha k'uitf .f Siam is le
Kiv . ;. h.'iiMjnit ruarr e I twenty
tl'.r- i itlvH.
A ii'ji T four hundred woman voted
at the citv election in Topcka, Kan
a mi the lt of April.
,iki Vi. T.miA, it is said, will
s , ,u aUlii-at the th-i-a" in favor of
. - .n t:-? Iriti.-e ..f Wales.
.I. ut llt'Tinn's pr.'fita on Lis
l....... for the Tr lSD, was a check
IS . u i'rtu the publisher.
V I.!, kshe oiiToutiou f 20.) dele,
gates. i-i,res..titiiitf 2. c.mriti-R was
h!d .-it !. M iuM. 1 wa, lust wet k.
F. I'mtei' Stte Slator Wal
lucr Las dc-lnr.".! I unlf a r-andi-.!.,!.
s- lfi:ic-r.-v f-r the
4 t iTi"! U' -". II--
Tiu l'a i Ameru-an C tigress is in
fwr of k uniform ilr currency,
bvtw.-eu tha fiuted States, Mexico.
4 'antral Atneri.-a and South Aai-riiu.
Tits uj s aud downs ..f l!n(.'lish
lit,- fin. It un i'.Kw: ration in I. ndou,
where Lord liiuton grinds a street
..rK:i whi'r hi wife gathers the
. i ... , , ,,-..
l ll:U5kulu w 1 " , "
. !,.).. Inm'u- htit-t.y cmintr.ijwn i
stun -tin tins small hours uf the
m .i nuiij t. o. n the door for hia
. ....,. iu
A lie- vifia:i mfiviiaui a- jiu"ji;
'I'm K;i-ian i .v. rrim-nt j a rttM-k of w..d and u; .-l iateudiMjj
t rw.il 'with I'n v vry ota lentil. tu,, :ll.t ,!;s of Ik -, win u;n!r his in
The sfj.V.ntH thin!; tJ nmci 11:1 i talk sti u.tioii.s whs ti'ft'isfaiTinjr a lot of
, , i ...rn.,Mi t Intii fr ni the oprn :iir to the intcr-
;n-li n.-, thv hv in r.ns:.
Tun C .in t. of Claims at W'aahing ,
.. - . :.
met iu. 1 t
1 C., has ileclded tlint liio
oov-riuiient is responsible to mem
bers t)f Congress fcr the los of sal
arv ! at Suo tt stole uud rau away
Tmk l intel M:ate Supreme Court
luiv -ir iuse. I :i fueling :nong the
(! i igcts of th- we-,t. and thi Furra
i.r V'.Iiuiic. of Minnesota Isnt week.
j.a'd res Iuti"iis .len ..'.lnciivf cer
t:ri. .ic.-.ii .lis of th..- Co art.
Ni:tr the ti ioicf Lt:giis'i iu the
tHic ...f II li!i:i art two 'i-var -
r a i i . I n
1 iu sp.ils th
at .1!
, wlnir r thv.n
r oi n mi "
The spts sca'e
sil sitk below a Ijic i t parts.
Irishman named Doy. who
came t AmT..'a sev,n years a . is j
warta 1 in I'.ngland to assume the)
t t:tU and l:rgo tstato. H ,
ntv.'d t.. be in sru-'' one of tne I
mining regions in America. i
v. elections in Vrisoonain Lava,
ii.. Democratic. The dsfeat in
. . 1
I. a
to a ConipuIs.'rv rMucation i
The compulsory education I
ii iti'.i .iu o 'VI i .oi ; I . i(
p it Lis notions in the form of
;!I defeat :ic j iirty he Iieloiig
lnws 1
b. i
A. . . l. !'. to a California pr. ph t
Oakland and vther cities in the t rol
ilerjStRte. and Chicago and oth r
middle and western state cities are !
oed bv an earthouake. 1
stt a,
Header, the self constituted prjphet
knows no m re nVmt such things!
thsn xou.to. I
Nrw Y .uK bn ksr named Robert
Irwin, w as in the habit of piuching !
the arms . f ladies who he pased on 1
the streets His fun was cut
hort 1
last Thurs.Uv by a lady having him
. i ri. "i.. i i.ii.- i i
sr : s 4. i iiu-r yurii iiuu lent.
liolsis Mud rad him a lecture.!
He i, r.ot ns fre-h ns he was a
Til rhiladelph
Iininirt r says :
A .1 Til .h . !.r,-Tn, ... lio ra-
'iitlv preached a very brilliant ser. j
mon on the text "Thou Shalt ot j
S;eai." was charged witli Laving
stoleui. H indignantly denied
this, asserting that ho had paid for
it in cnh at au agency where litho
graphed sermons are Bold.
H0..1 s land a-snts in Loudon, Eug
laud have bann swindling younj
Lutflishmeu "out . f laro sum of
tuouey by preteu.I.ng to sevure each
oiih who applied to the agency a pos
itioii in Cairn. Is. Disbelieved Hut
in a lduiou to the swindle a nuralier
the yoiinjj men wio came to Can
ada have b-t-u murdered and rob
bed of their money soon after thev
arrived in this country, as thev
have pot bseu heard of sinre thev
aiae to North America.
A i omioNnt in a Cleveland, Ohio
'oiirt was an applicant for natuvali
iUi..n. but the Judge i fused to con.
isr cuiAcUsutp ou hmj Kei-ause he
had never ra id tha Const it-ition. If
the iva.lnij; ,.f the a-nstitiition
s'l-'tiM Lecomu the test of a man's
. itir-ushtp, the number of ritiens in ! Litrimer street an.i blew his brains
ths I'imo.1 States w.ui!. I l.e Iarvelv ' out n , T1""'5110 ' haIf-a-dozn
re.la.T.1. How miiuv office holders i men" V"- i
u i i . , , , , morinie. ami to dav it was identified
an I l..g-s!at -ra haxe read the ,H,nsti-!B. that of Count Shimrnerman vou
t il i .ii of the state thev live in or the1 Hartiuan. Haml.urif. Germany.
t'O istitiitlull of the nation I
it ., i .,.,. .
it is u. im.--.mm. hi tines' for
iu;ui t sue anoilu r man f r nli.mat
nit,' the ntfectioiiH uf a wife. iKiwn iu
-rtnaiit..wn the bo..t -,'ot oi t. the
,i ..r i;,k o l . " i
oil .r hmb and a woruvn rarned Mrs.
J..hu Beiber. sut d :.rs. Bertha Bond
l-r ulieMitnu.' the arTectiona
of Mr.
F.eiber. Hhe Kaid on tha witaofs 1
stand "that she watched the house of
Mra. Bond for fire weeks and during
that time observed her husband go
ing in the place on an average of
three nights a week and remaining
until 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning.
Mr. liud ia a railroad engineer, aad
ia ! nt every night from his home.
Perils or I later Railroading
the Mountains.
A gr.-at suowalide recently tccur
re l nwar Whtrelt-r Colorado, at what
i known a wull cut ou the Hiii
Lint Division of the South Park
Ktilroal, iu which two passenger
train e me near beinf; ewept away.
The tniin goinu wat was runn.nj
iu section. The first action ot
stuck iu tb snow at Wall Cut, and
tha second aot'tioa came up w.th
two powerfnl engines t pull out l-:c
first section. Iioadmaater Itebbins
was standing iu front of the head ra
jiif, stiperiiit?uding th work, w'ti-n
ia an int mi a.i avalanche of snow
came down, swooping Lim away.
He wa.s completely covered by the
tlvin rna-ss of snow and carried a
ii.sitnce id sitiveral thousand fttt, n
tirelv acrinst the river and oil to the
Ilio Grande tracks, where he man
aged to vxtricn'e himself with dif
ficulty. Ho was severely injured.
Th. treiueu I ''.is volume uf stuw was
p'.It d eutii wly uv..r the f. ur engine,
pu tin out the tirea, and con.j.l. tciy
hur.ed the aiail a in which was
the mail agent. Ut re IL.Wrt.s, aud
I5ac.airema!ter Ias. n. of Ienver.
It t k fome tunc t citricat the
ruu, but neither was iujure 1. F;r
ma:i Lillertu wfc bvtiy ald- l.
Atbiputrthe OIl Clock.
Mr. 15. P. Hutohi..u. avs the Chi
rao Tribune, h-t a promising sou
Isaac of whom' ihe st-irv is tout
-Old Hatch." as the world call hitu
R( M itttJ nf artP1-UlM,u oa tho
f.n(.w surrouiidiiiir a li'e of bis
projHrtv upon which a cotnfort.ibl
dwelhug houaa was Ix-iug ptit up
ior of the untiuishe.t holism in a
wheelbarrow. It wis n"t nil easy
Anvlodv who ha tried u
, i "i-.- ..v...ii
knows how nam u is 10 wueei a om-
row up a single plans isut "loung
Hutch was performii.g the job cred-
itat.ly. t.U Mutcu watcne.1 an..
w'.ot.k-d for awhile m silence. Thsn j
na idea strtu-k him and he lumbered
.!.. .-tVtl.. f.m-Q unsi nimroricLisa 1
T rl
..: : , .'.'v,1l-.,,.-no,.,.-Vau ' Pel:
r -l",ka'"lJ K to i-n tcd t, the united
as an .y si I. 1 States Senate iiMlrHtmc it-':iiiii the
Ike mvle u. rrplv' bat looked a
ke mvle ii replvj bat
e sulky.
'S-e lu re. WtTl" "!! tile
! " I'a't w.u si e that von
old luau,
get '
tw: as v.-fi- v laths ont
burr-w f vou j
e them onsswis. !
...... I ..f l...,.,,i, .. r. 1
be--n iloing 1 Jut watch iu an.1 sea
; the h ad I II take in there
The boy silently watched Lis f
i thex laboriously pile up the sticks,
i When be started tho wheel-barrw
'slowly up the plank a bystand-i
lni'ht hnv petceive.l a hugu rin o'
dcuht spreading itself ov. r young
Hutch's features. 1
When el I Hut. h roa 'hwd thp brick '
dorrway he stopped. Why? Well,!
1v...,.,w.. . T. . n i.ii.-.t rr. .sswisA thi .
Uit,i6 ww tiK lr t rtrtait thei
' wheelbarrow to enter. The .H man j
:. . . . . .
siowiv turnri lfiii.t ana iaopt.-a ;
Lia b'row with a red han.U.rc ef. j
' l II , .i -i, T.. l- I ..f V. ..... -,.! i
Yuan.' Hutch lo. k d at Oi.i H itch. ,
-Father," faid the vounger of the!
twain deliberar.ly, "you don't know ;
a much as the shell uf au oyster- !
Tho i Id man told the CVm ury j
Club crowd ab. it it the n xt dnv
all,l Towe.l. av he related the circum-'
stance. , that Ike would be a bi-'-'er I
,na hls 'Tother CtianeT
. Keystone hit-Csp.
John . .shen. an eccentric and 1
well know citiz -u of C.nc.r I. Frank-(
yin Ct,UT1y
was placea in tailt iiarge.1 ;
with threatening th lives and prop-!
of tne citizens of that village, a lew
,,"'.v h warned three citi.ensto
leave town that evening. Ho threw
into the s'rett s me coutnvauce t
, . , , , . a . , . .
that att.lt.ii.t ltli a terrihli- r-o..rt i,
l", : ... , . 1 " :
The next morning issu- in the
I , , -L.il 1 ,
i bulletin, savino that the houses of
. three citixeus i.uist down. An effort
was made to ariest him ; but (t ish
, - ... , i
111 UllUdl MI1U-.I1 .1.1. t". .'
ed ruusket and paced up aud down
for several days and ni?hb. He waa
capturett ty strategy and wm proo
ably bo plsced in the asylum.
TLe aeppeach of every full moon
occasions many sucides. Dispatches
last week reporteil a large number of
people who used their own hands as
instruments of their excution. As
the mason says, "these three are giv
en as sprcienn brick of all the othera.
York, April 2 Henrv Burek, a -on
of Farmer Lewis Burck, who lives
alx.ut two miles 84uth of Cross lioads
committe.1 suicide by hanging him
slf with a rope in hi bed room.
Mr. Burck ha,l ben worrying over
money matters. His wife found
him hanging to a hook and cut him
down, but he was too far gone to be
PoTTsTowN, April Mrs. Samuel
Lavengool. a highly esteemed lady
living near here, aud who has at
times shown symptoms of mental de-
rangemer-t took a dose of rat poision
!lat ,,i:;ht and d'ed hi9 "S-
Pcsvrja. CjI., April 2. Yestenlay
eveniui a inau calling himself Lea
Hartiuan walked into a saloon in
Pension Bills.
- 1 L.tt week a Philadelphian wrote
' to the editor of the North American
liim -for imforniation relative
, to -The Servic Pension Bill," nd
..xhe MorriI1 P.Mion R1L
1 McMicheal answers the injurv, thus:
' The service pension clause suthonies
a service pjuaiau fr live to awry
veteran over fifty years of at who 1
served sixty days and waa honorably ;
discharged. Lnder the general law '
all invalid pensioners who receive Wa j
than $S a month can surrender their
invalid pensions, if over fifty nnd j
take the aenice tension. The bill
.ils-- gives the w down 12 a month '
and provides that nil invalids pension-;
era whose pt-nsioni do not carry ar-'
rears nkall le granted a pension .-f :
$"5 a raouth from the date of the iu-,
currence of thrf disabi'tv to the date
of the issuing of the existing jwusi-Mi.
""""" ,icni.uu
Disnb.litv IViini .u bill H-uiiona ali
soldu rti sixty-two years of age , and
tL"e uno -r that ae who are suffer
ing from disab lites : also the widows
of those who had reached sixty-two
years all widows of soldiers wh are
dejieudicg on their own lalxr.
A Flagman's Heroio Wife.
- pr.;i 3 .V reat
k broke awav "and
Nk Brnn. 2f. Y
muss of solit r,x'
fed on the Ct-ii ral Hudson trucks a
miie and a ha'f south of (i.irr-Hou's
ju-1 a-ttrthe fast mail pased soutli
at 4.43 this morning. As a watch
ui'.Li is stationed there constantly
to watch this le p lloch cut some
sixty feet in hight he rau int bis
cabin aroused his wife and daughter
and then the thre set out to warn
approaching trains. The wife ran
north in h-r uuht clothes witii and
lantern. whil the father and daugh
ter rau south. The wife succeeded
in flagging and holding the expr6.s
at (Harrison's, but the watchman and
daughter, with all t'nt-ir swiuging of
red lantern and bed quilt, failed to
catch the engineer' eye in time t
stop an approaching freight. It
struck the rock and was wrecked
piling fifteen cars thirty feet high
over the bowlder.
Engineer John Powers, Fireman
John D-oole and head brakeman feli
und-r the eugiue when the tender
broke away, but all three escaped
with their lives, b;it the brakeman
badly bruised ruid injured inwardly.
In oi.e of the fr-ight cats, which
t H-l on its end like a church sieep'e
on the top of other cars, waa a 14-
vear old b iv asleep in a buggy and in
cl::irg: of a li .rso. The nnimal rol
led o;:t through a broken side of the
'car, and ciuiiied down the heap
of w re.-kage to th-gnunil It was I
severelv hurt. but thebov received no
Chinamen vs. Irishman.
Nkw x a ;1 2. Thw New
Yorfc M R (Vnfereuce was op-
iu j;nv,kIvu lo1:l, xb .
, . - V . i
A " ,nt- retary (! tti5 Amen
7 ;.'-,, ' ,.r . i.,..J
, . . ...w i "Hit
that all Ci.:ua:neii f.und iu tuiscoun- i
trv afttfr a i-t-i-'itiii il.-it s 1:1 1 l ic im-
t Ti. n.'. i 1 1, c lilfMs:ii, i.'.ltrfl'p-i.ll':
" '7 " : TP .1 I
.v..... ..L ... ...v
coacirv. an niiuui iTiaiui:fi int;
- . I ... T 1 . 1 . .1.. -
I liv.-s o
' China
the A:u ricun missionaries in
The K-v. A. B. Kindig said ;
that the enme as tho rmmit ol the j
! ,.pp .:io:i to Chinamen as sacii ictii
, as lk.uu is Kearney, w. represent -.'
.tne tiomuii Catholic (..hurcu on the ,
1 A. i:u: l.o... huh. i- nitui, hium
.-itic c- hat we waut, shk
Mr. Kin. ii. "is more Chinamen and;
fewer Irishman. " Ttn-re wa a mild
sjt.satioii produced bv this iisS'-l liou.
Us for Rat Tails.
ti u ... u .. .. r: t
A.rwiu iu-i,u...u .u.n una i
rlai by u.ing the ta Is of i.ts
1 lie in.'eniousness ot rinnl.ii ir'' rats
to sivo lmndr. ds cf thousands . f "
dollars is briefly explained from Nw '
York as follows : New Yoke, April ;
J --'i;l'- l p iy nters on lue .
part of a v.oi kiaa caused a seri .us
iwci.lent on juiirty in riiitig to the
cais.sn of the H i :i It.vc
t the fe..f of Mort.-s street.
A Wol k
ruau in the caisson slight t sec lea s
I-. - r. r ....
i irrsteau ol lists:. ing for thrn ami, aid-!
I ed by a canitle. s.icceoded in makintr ,
lit.-- .1 - ,
(si Ing a lek by tinngtLe i.rcu and
' oukum in the crovices trait the imvi rs
oukum in t:ie crevices trait the (m.wi rs
tht i. arc imw at their wit s eud to
stop it. Suji..rii!te!ident M..ir, wh..
rc' - utly cam" Irom I. . r.-:il, lia.l
issued t-rdt r that workmen s'joul
sanr. - li I r l. aks by listening' for 1b
I rip
of w ter.
SS ill EN.
t-i,. v . i
nen the crv of nre was Beard
. .. .. .....
iv iiMi-klarers in the air lock here
. , i. ..
"..V B .-J 4 . 1 -T . 4U 111411 LI . . . 1 ,
thev neglected to cloro the
- i
and water soon forced its wav in.
iiiin tiiempi was ma.ie
pump oui nit waier ine ii'.puest prvs-;
ure attainable bv the engines v. aa '
ineuS i r.L Two .livers wer put at :
W.-..-L- ... ...... k i..r- Tl.. ..,.m i
-- ' ' ' . ' 1 O ' -1. ' . V I, K . 4 II . 4.V.U' I I
not reach it, an i henco coi. lined their
t....l..i.. it,. .... v I
fr- M.ir lr,,.. ..l , l,lf A.
. ir .
-v.. ...wi. 44W.-.-, 4 1. ' 1 VI 44.U
i-, .... .I - 4 -l i. j
big water rats, anil to their tails hud
i .. . , , ,
attarhnil smail bundles of cakuui be-
;. .(-,,, . j i . i.
mg strnngout to had vara length
i ?t - i i" t i
aud caught in the midd c l-s-a p.iece
of brass wire which was also bound!
! about the tail of the rats. The ani-'
mls were tnen placed in the air- ,
iximp and forced into the caisson i
where, as they followed the air, they j
reached the leak and in passing
through tde ho!e Mt each hi? -stream-!
er 01 oakuin. it may take a (lay or
t wo to thus leave sufficient oakum in
the hole to stop the leak ; but the
supply of rat ia not limited.
Faraars Allianca,.
- ,,. ,
j ne mnuriB auiMiicv, in. iu west 1
l 11 r 4t- i i- I
neiu wuiricuci in xopv aa,n.susar
reo-ntlv, aud adopted a serios of re- -solutions,
tha most important points
of which axe expressed as follows : i
rirst Deraanding legislative on-
actraent npiM.rtioninij the shrinkage j
ot larm vuu,,, that are unu.r mort -
obligatious, bv reas -n of a eon -
traction of the circu'atiug medium
or Other Unjust leciHlation between
the mortgager and the mortgagee i
ests at the time the mortajre
Second Demanding that congress
appoint a committee to inv.stipaU
the original bid relating to national
bonds, for tLe purHse of ascertaining
whether th word '-bef r" .rannd
and the w..rd. "after" substituted.
j making the bonds parable with th
premium of 20 or 25 per ct-
Third Demanding the election cf
United States senators by direc;
vote of the people. .
Fourth Demanding the election
of railroad commisriouerii Ly direct
rote of the people, and that they be
triven plenary powers to regula(-
r ites a is now the law in Iowa. - !
Fifth Dem-indiug that an amend '
inent to the state constitution foV !
submitted to th jople allowing th-.-
legislttivo enactment of exemotion :
of u.ime steads, occupied by their
iovners, from taxation be levi, on
iamjUeiaior speculative puriKise.s
bv n'n-rsidnts, aliens or corpor
ations, in proportion to the increase
of valuation.
Sixth Kommending tho organ
ization by the alliance f a lecture
bureau, which shall provide lecturers
for the better education of the mem
bers of the order.
Seve'h Keconsmending that the
taxes paid by railroads built by the
the-ouuty bonds shall be part
of tlie county school fun-Is, ana win re
townships have been Ixmded taxes so
ccordinir shll be divided among the
if: t i TT-ri T-i
-ti'S i caii j im: leiiift'. ui luriu.1 j
tor to-.v; i,:.'it fru-nds in town lust ;
Th- n--7 br . s.n factory at Low: :
town wi.l give employment to abo';i i
"23 men.
O. W. Burchfibld Las been appoint- j
eel lnspctor-at-l:irge, jra iivia:-.-i:
Penua. it. A. Ii.
Ve .rotation cam forward rapidlv
aftr the rain of lust Thursday night
and Friday morning.
The nove;ty of walking the fret
bridge ha-Jpassed aud now new worlds
to conquor are looked for.
Jr. Robert Patterson, formerly f.f
Tuscarora Vulley, now a citizen of
G.!orgi:t with rt:sidt.-n?e neir Dalton
was in town last Thursday.
II r. Patterson is mw on a visit t
ruscarora- He will remain in th -
bis native county till next iiiluw::
whr-n ho will return to 11 -rgi .. Ii.
speaks highly of the country find t! :
peop'.o in and uroun.! Dni'.iu.
Cauadaobjects to the United States
increasing the tariff on wheat, corn, I
i . . ...
bailey, potatoes, hops, c it tie, horsi-t; j
hee, ucdothxr farm produi ts. claim j
ing that it will jrevent their belling
their farm crops in our markets m
coraneti'ion with our farm crops.
Ami yet the free traders arc tell. tig
the farmers a tariff on these arii.-l
is no lienefit to them because we lo
lU)t imv,rt fRlm p.oduce.
If l.ol
whv are these Canadian farmers so
;,M - itMl,.vtr tht, ,,,-opa rti
. c. ...1. t i.. ., .
V'"1' 6C"u,r "n 1'
i:at.ti. i ne vcrv iact tufti lru
;l,ja n.j,..
a. is a raon wrir
j'l'utoction is nreited bw tL Auieri-
i . ...-iv 'i . ..
competing H.iiiciK. i.
prot. - ct our owu P tn ot tne tarmnn.t
jt Uu Wils in of Cr.-ston. low. I
vv;;i .on.iuct his forty first horse sale '
,,t t i, Jacob's li'.uie in thii
u-e inline place.
Mospay. Ai kil 14. ISM,
This lot Mfiii embrace sing! arui
double driving horses, colts and henvy
lrught Lor. Purchasers en r
lily ! -ore bit -gains at thee ml--r
The terms are a great feutnre. Yor.
cau have the l.orse 24 hours, and i
he does not come up to the repre
sentation pu". on him at time of sail .
vou can return htm.
Willie (coming home from huroli)
"Pi'.pa they Lad'nt learned how to
pray very we 1 in Bible tim's ha i
thev ?"
Papa "I supjvsie my son peojil
I I !. ..n
tro.l . inc.. nn
., 1
as thev 1
-.. - ,
iihe (i.osii
, , ,. -,.i
ivclvl "Nil, they
Lord a Praver is onlv
a minute ion? ana our mini.t
can prav fr.r a p.iart- r -f an Lour
''i T-r. u-ii.-n.le Doctor, what -
- Oh. it's rotLi-.g more . r
isiiioiiabl.-i iazinssn.
. i.uoiidu But you said
M : s
th. olr.:
l a-v that I had tho miliar
lKctor Ahem,
well, what yon
fever Mnnssv's
have is mtduria
Ene. who waa serving a sentf-nce for j
!,i', u.v ln lb but I'ormatorr t
Huntinerdon. escattetl from the insti-
. 4 I
tution on the 3rd of April This .
makes the fifth successful escape thus !
far from the reformatory.
Bartholomew, the murderer, is re-
!iai.llllf IULU umuiunaiB. 11Q blrR .
l : u:.-ll ir . i.
... . . .
win im uin un u priiiin" ami tneir ii;
.. - , , r- . " , . :
on the scatlold, lie intends to curse
. r ' . , ,
his accussors, into sheol Rial out
. , , , . ,
arain before he is done with them.
t i
New Orlean has not been swept
"W.T "-cording to prediction i f sig-
n!tl 'TTf Oioctrs. 1 he ratnuu w;.s ,
,lot B fcf'hT-T RS they expeccted it t"
A barber employed at Laacisttr
has Lad two mon arrested for throw
' mg him into a w-ter trough in the
! wav of a joke.
! '. . ...
I , ?"", coun.erfeiteiw wort-
I cauput in the aetof coiningeilver dol-
; lars in Buffalo, N. Y. last Thursday
; night.
1 Whatever trunblea Adara had
Ne niaa could make hisu aore
By navinc !n n be told a jeat
I've heard that joke before.'-'
Hallimore American.
, JA.
I ' t e Brajaaita Dtllman.
Th. nnderaigd Admini.tr.tor harirj
tr.ntrd ,etter, te.Ulnen,arT on ,hw
ot DrU-
; war township, Jnniata county, decear-d
'ont of the Orphans' Court of Juniata com -
tv, hereby givea notice to all reraoua in-
aeotea to eaid estate lo make initcediatx
I m. t. and those having claim will r--ssnt
them froperly aa htaiicated fi r'set
tlement. E. J. KCHTZ.
. i
p ;
i -.l ' fa i"
V&fr si A
?32z; ' ?,
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
la enJorwt an.t in-o-rriix-i r l'dim
and Uyixrphotf'Hilrm ro 11. e rc .gnlt I
cf-ota in lliecuroof ConMtntytioi. It la j
aa pajatatile as milk. j
Scoff's Emulsion S5ZT7.
it a uitn'tTf'l ' -... filr. ! tha
jum juJ tot COWSrJSIFTtON,
Scrofula, Bronchitis, ITastiny Dia
easea, Chrome Canjha and Colds.
Ask for sooti i.iu;:'-a a nns t e u"
trr r
-4 ttll? C
r l I tiO,
Slrlc Il-..1-ha!--1 r-ii-' !i ll. troijl;!ra inci
d-i.t l- h ! . i-f ih ryct,i. -.-h aa
Iiwn-.. -a ..-a. I ..ii.rr. l:tr..- afur
eat. nr. i''. i:. I'w Sul. Ac Wh.li tl.-.r m.t
reni&i kn'jlc .ijcr has (.issji ai.owu iu .-urine
FT-t't !(. rpTh T.rmx Kivcr rir.L
ar t';nl;'. ;li!o in f' nil i!ion. runtu
anl pre 1-.. v.; t ftiin--.Tii.f ntmt'taint. w title
tiev i.r -j : :.---t :l rtii i '.trv (f tlie vLoitiKrli,
Ttnitiia'- ilioH ii- er iri reculsv'-e the bowel.
l.veu if lKy i.It eurd
A"h triv wr.(j! l I alu:.it rncrl to thoae
who t:fTr f r u tii.a d;iiM(inc c-mplaint:
but f':rurv !v r-ir f-.-.xii.iw J..i-i not en.l
hr. an1 tl.-e who on-e ity tl.riii will find
tsw llttli t.ll! taluab! in (j nmo waea thai
they will not Se willing lo do without tham.
Bat after all airk tu-.i.l
im The Mn of mmr U the hem is whre
mm mriki; our trrvt beL Our -ills cure it.
rht. othnt d n.t.
Ctwrr.H'm l.rrru t.tm Pili nrt? Trr email
an 1 ry ev K tak n or two pilli rtiake
a )r4v Thrr r strictlr TrtaM- and do
not cripeor piitv. t'"t by th.r ntlw act ton
' all whr. fiat tin In ieU at wf. cnt";
to for 91 R jU Ttry-ihre. cr iujiI ij Uiaii
CeailTlS KXZlZZtZ CO., Trt
tbUM Sal 8c. SsiHAsec.
I took Cold,
I took Sick.
I ta.ke My Moals,
I take My Rest.
felting Tat too- roa Scott's
mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil
and H vpophosphitesof Lime and
Soda?or omv ci RFD my Incip
ient Consumption but built
paily. Take ko otiiek.
i. "a Aftfuvo
j fj g Y SiUr-AULTa
Teoi it n oiit.-si roa or I j
I .
For Ruant, ladutrlen Bra.
I if ?"tr?1i Cala?7 Iiiii49, or Com-
rOiae" "1 We, aWTIV BB, Fill I tl CT
iu iic-kif ittrivca. 1
WriV iBSKirdu'try fur ts-r-m. 1
ot a Home umct.
I BUabtx-r rlh.a unless worn u-ir-crnfortahlj tfgha.
I ill isTbru fciip .tT ti.f i -t. To reniedr
tjie evil tne
L. tiul't-r frc-i'i ty)Utif off.
f nit ior the '?rh-lrw
avO t-o'i r au v'ftii.. run or jimii.-in Uiem.
Slock. All G.MMla Warranled Fibst Clais
for tha r-irht men. K.Jut .h
prnAea paid weekly. Libera iiidueeuienta
u beginnera. No prevmua experience nec
eaiary. Outfit free. Write lor terma. riv-
roz age.
Chablbs H. Ciaii, Nurseryman, Roches-
Ur, N. T.
Mention thu paper. Dec. IS-'SS, 3m.
S Ie-5o S-- ?fi" '3-
etcH - I-4 c
' 1
4O0ACRK- Tlh lEAB.
Turepreaeotoueof the largMt N "r'""
,o ,1. conatry. W. u.r.D.ee
.. U cu.tumer.. Vm Vrivioui
necewary. Salerf, nl !
fn.to atari. Addrr-a, atalin ace.
vj.-,le Avcuue Xuraenen. West Cheater, Pa
January 52. 130-4i.
I uld inform tha public that 1 have
aow is my saw millinery store at my place
.1 re.irt.ace oa Wat.r .treat, M ifflintewB,
aeci.nd door from coraer of Bridje street,
atullatoek.ef Kail "d Wietr niitiiuery
E. ods, all new, and of the latett atylei.
and having- employa'l 6rt claa milliners
laia prepared to aupply the public with
everything fonud in a 8rtelaa milliner
at-i, come and examine my stock, f
consider it bo treiible t ahow goods.
Vrrh i'2-HT.l.v.
a fp:w facts
Worth Knowing,
1 hat i can stoi- tuciii in lena than
Hv minutes ; n paiu, ne extractinc.
That I can extract teatb ithent pain,
b the use of a fluid applied te the teeth
sod gsuia; no danger.
That Piaeaaed jA, G a m a (known
Scurvy) treat XlfS!aA.e' Buce.rtisfully
ai d a cure w at fjg5p?g? ranted in every
Teeth Fillbd and warrantad tir life.
Artificial TeatU repaired, excbyeei or,
remoddled, trm -00 l 12 per aet.
Beautiful Gum Kuameled Teet inaerted a
prices te salt all.
All werk warranted to give perfect aatis-r.-tiaii-
Pennla wbe have artificial teeth
with which thv cannet eat, are especially
invited to call. Will viait professionally
at their homea if nwtined by letter.
will viait regularly at Richtlld the Sod
weeka f Hay ad October.
Tctm Caah.
G. Li. DERR,
Practical Dentist.
KuTasLisnxo in airrLisvows, Pa., im IStjO.
(h:t. 14 '?5.
H ocvonualtr. A. Su.
. nam net.
a. t.
I.cis E. Atkissos. K. M. . Pbbnpll.
CyCollectiDg and Coaveyanciug prompt
ly attended to.
I Orrics On Main street, in place ef r-ti-
tence of Louis K. Atktnusn, Ksq., south ef
I Bridge street. xOct28.lB56.
wilberforcg SCHHETER,
' iTT(iBiirV-T-Tiw
IX. M a w i. 1 a. a r- a 11 ll 1
Cy"l(Bce un Biidge street, uppoaite
Court Homo.
Jobs Mcl.ai-OHLIB. JoaiPH W. "timmkl
3y"Only reliable Compaaiea represented.
Jn. 1, !!-ly
l.a.D.H.CRawrosn, i.e. dabwis i.ciAvroii,
l.avr l.irmed a parlnurbip f.r itie prai-lice
ff Mediciue and their collatteml bmncbea.
OH'... at .,1.1 ulaiiH rftrni-r (tt Third and (Ir
- ' .
' ."'
' ince Klreetj, Mimiutown.
ra. un er twin
their ..flic- at .ii.
prelenaiot l!y rB-
c-1 tfieru i!l be tound at
timea, anlt-aa olhrrwina
Aptil ll, l'.'u.
liiDc r
. ir rsoK xir:i.
lLAl CM.
ssnnmNs new.
si rfKBicrNcee. ip.i.ipfOHws, tjffHiKTBiaa. rw
CAOOfNS ' .rk.rfc Wlaoaw 6rta, TralllMa.
I irr.prcar n,i.)in:.n liii, i-vr,. . o
Bis, t-aiai. i4va.iK pub,
raictt Cbialocve: mmiltMl fret
Write lor 1
! Ktr tt., piUbarb, f4.
'irJnro a.r Ik Cive naive of Qua rpet
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN IKW1N, r.,r.
W. (. Pumeroy, Joseph Rothrnck,
John IlertBlor,
Kol..-rt K. l'arkrr,
T. V. Irwin.
Philip M. Kepuer,
Luia E. Atkinaon,
Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joiiepb Kethrork, Jane H. Irwin,
L. I.. Atkinaon, R. E. Parker,
VV. Pemeroy, J. n oldies Irwin,
Mary Kurtz, Jerome IM-Thompaon, Jr
John Hert7.1er. T. V. Irwin,
Charlotte Snyder, Josiah L. Barton,
John M. Blair, Knbi-rt H. Patterson.
P. M. M. Penuell
Three and Four per cent, interest will be
paid on certificate ct dep4iaite.
rjan 23, 1889 H
( Containa a five octave.
Bine siop Aeiiun, tura
lohej in a lurtr and
handaome cane of lid
black walnut. Price. $99
caah ; aao aold on tha
fcaay Hire Syatem at
12.37 er q u a r te r ,
lor t. n iiuartera.
I wiien ,tgan bt-comea
I property ot penon hiring.
.tl ASO.t ( The Ma.on A Hamlin
I 'Stringer," invented and
patei.ied by Mason &.
Uainlin pianoa exclu
I AMLISJ sively. RemarKable re
I flneinent ot tone and
HIASJO. pbenominal capacity to
stand in tune characterize
thcae instruments.
Stia.1.3 -2 .50,.60, 1,96,
Organ and Planet told jor Cath, Kan,
Paymtnt, and Rented. Catalagnt, Frtt.
November 13, 1883, 18t.
Selling" at 0 ost.
Having: determined to retire from business, I will tell my &rg i.
at cost. Now is the time to secure bargains in the Etok
Retirement from Business was
ed the
I now invite my friends arid tL public e-enerally to call and 4.
my fctock at cont prices. It will pay you. The goods sell ou tLeir merka
Men's, Boys' and Children's
and Gent's furnishing goods. First Class, ceiBbiaiag Style, Qu.;jty .
Elegance. Prices that will astonish
My et-ck of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS
and JKWKLRY, Calico, Percale
HMO iyUUIl, xiHnan nuu umepiii,
November 6tb, 1889.
Jcw Firm.
No more Summer for months
to come. Fall and Winter
are here, and to conform to the
, .it-- 1
change, the Senior member of;
Uc u 4. 4. 1 j- 1
ie firm has junt returned from
Kaatern Markets, where he se
lected with great care tht goods
that hi many patrons fvor.
We have nOW filled OUr
nhelves with Fall and Winter
Goods of all kinds. Our cu-
tomers have appreciated our
I ellortt? to give them goods to
- 4 4 1. . 1
i run tneir purposes, nnu we
believethat we art better pre -
, .j .1 . . . ., . f -
j.ared than ver to merit their
....r..l.,.. iv : :
luinmciiuc. 11 c 111V11C Ull IU
come and ee and be f-atihfied.
ln our dres goods department
wit have almost evervthinsr.
Don't be backward, call for
what 3 ou want.
Shoes and Hoofs.
riiif ri.-w.f I1
' partineilt is full in it.s RSSOrt-
ment, and you certainly can be
.. .,.; r,r iu.. Ti :
iiuucu iu 111, ijuniii nuu price,
whatever improvements have
1 "m '
been added by the manufactures
we have them all v- ran
wc lic llicill an. a CAn
supply OU With foot wear for
HtlV in or out door .nrv icp f.nt.
U11 in or OUt QOOr FerMCe. Uur
crocerv itiariment never lairs.
'.. 1 I 1 - i-
tic naicuii iiaiiu a 1U11 line Ol
Freah, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line
I in thu r-nimtv- Fvarir L,.no
. - - - - - - wu.a... w v. 4 w 4 4 V ' II
muet have its full supply ol
. . j ii i i -
tjuen8 ailfi U ltih WaT, thlB
i .1 411 ,
i tne More tO Call OD IOr SUCtl ar-
All orders by mail will re-
.v. .
CdVe prompt attention.
llemember the place,
MaIX t5TI'.ST, OprosiTE CoBRT HocSE,
AliitiilltOWIl, la.,
Fred'k II?sPK3ieCHAIi:
Sr Hon.
Dr. Warner's celebrated
Coraline Health Corsets have
one peculiarity which pertains
only to corsets of their make.
The bust retains its shape to
the end, and the corset tin
parts to the wearer a well
proportioned and beautiful
figure. The corset is boned
with Coraline, a substance
supeiior to the finest while
bone. Made in short, medium
and extra long waists.
There are many imitations, but you will
find " Dr. Warner'a Coraline " printed on
the inside at every genuine corset. They
are sold by your nearest dry poods dealer.
New York and Chicago.
f esns7lT.-'a A-rricoltwral VTcris, York, fa
Paraeh&r'a SUadarS kaciaea aad haw fttMa.
' 141.WC "
Addrew A. a. FAwUPHAB aV SOH. Tars, -.
1 1
si '
determined 114.011 efter I hJ
yeu. At cost prices.
and White .Shirts. Xeckwsur C11
mil buv 4uiu.jci.
Call and jjj aJ
Ob and after Snnday Nov. 10ta, lte
train that step at Ufffliu ill run i f iliow
BaBRIf.Bl'R IccnavniiiTiui lctvai
Iluntlnedon dailv at 6 80 a. ia- Won.t r.
iB at 6,54 a. m.. xewtB Hamilton i.ot .
in., JJeVeytowo 6,20 a. in.. Lswiitows 6 44
a. Miiford 7.02 s. m., uifiiin
Purt Roval7,14 a. in-. Vrxica 7,1 S a. m .
TnacaroVa 7.. m.. Vandyke 7,21 . '
ThompaontawD 1 .tl a. m., I)urr4 7,t5 a
m., Milleratewn 7.41 a ra., Nawpurt 7,61 a.
m., arriving at Harriaburg at S,sO a. bi
and at Philadelphia, 1,25 p. m.
Sba lien ExraEsa leaves Altoooi 4a!ty
! at 7,1 a. m., and stopping a all regular
itatiOBi botwaan Altoona and Harriiaurf,
i rnvhu Mifflin at 10.US a. ra.. H.rr!...-.
i 11.40 p. M., and arrives in Pkiladelpa a at
i " P" 1" .
I Mail Tbaib leaves Pittabarg daily at
'680 " itoona at 2.00 P. a., t u,r
; ping at all regular alatiooa arrival at llJCii
j at 6 og p. m., Harriet-nrg 7.e p. m., ruia-
. 1 . . . . . in -
j Kail Ezprena leave Pittabnrg at 1 08 an.
Alteona 0 20 D m : Tvrone C tl om: Haaa.
1 1Bdo 7 87 p m : Lewutown iMSpm; m-
j Cm 9 10 p m j liarriaburg 114 put; rkila-
! d.ipbia 4 1:6 am.
Dav EirtEM Ie4ve Pittsburg at k.
M ; Alioona 1 1.40 A. U ; mar be !..((4
at Mifflin l 2.05 CM.; arrive, at LU-n..
burg at t,2 P. it ; at PiiiUdelpbia, 6 1 r.
Philadelphia Sxpraaa will atop at Ylfflia
at 1 1 37 p. di., whoa flagged
Litis Iravee Pliiadt-liihia
Fait I.i.vb leavea Phiadclphia dai'y at
' 11 4' a m; liarriaburg 8 "6 p m : MiffliB
I 1" P m; arriveaat Pittaburgat ll 6pai.
1 , DU ,
.. . 7 .-
aanv at ou a. m.; uarriBDurg, B IS a. ra (
1 )un"non 8 "V,?-'- -Ve"Prt.
; tn.; M illerati.wn, 9 40 a. m.; Tliompsontewa,
j t 62 a. tn.; Van' Dyke, 10 00 a. m Tuaear-
: on' w m-: Mexico' 10 m-; Pert
; Royal, 10 IS a. m.: Mifflin. 10 20 a. m.(
Hiltord, 1 26 a. ra.; Narrowa, 10 14 a. a.;
'-""''"". W - -; McVeytown, II 14
Newton Hamilton, 11 83 s. in.; Hub
oKoa, m i. p. m.; iyroue, i u, p.m.
Altoona, I 40 p. i
p. ru., and atopn at all rerular
atationa between liarriaburg and Alteena.;
OvtTBB EaPBBaa leaves Philadelphia dai
ly at 6 fig p. nt., Marriaburg, 10 'M p. .,
atopping at Kockvills, alaryaville, Dunaaa-
i nen, ewprjri, Miiieratown, Tbompaentewa,
, . rrt Raial.tirue at Hiltlm, 11 65 p. m.; Al-
., v i4i.,4.4.u i 44iauurg, D iu a.
Mail Tbaiii leavea Philadelphia dalle at
7 00 a . m Uarriat.nr. 11 .'O . n,
i pert. 1 14 r. ra.. Mifflin 12.fi'2 n ... .,.
, . - ' 4 , T
pirg at afl regular atationa betweea MltBla
and Altoena reachea Altoona at 8.4l p.
m ; riibBourg o.iu p. m.
; Altoos Accohmodatiok learaa ?hil-
1,1Pl''- 'T at 1 1 49 .. m., U.rr..l.arg .1
oxip. n., LiuBcausoa r,4 p. m., tm-
' ",crt s 8"' p- m 'iierstown r,,4 p. ...
i Tbompaentowa S-56 p. ia.. Vantlvke 7.W
t p. Tuacarera 7.07 p. M.xie'e 7,et ,.
! " l'ort Ho 714 p- m-. 7 " r.
' Lewiatown 7,45 p. m., MaVertewa 8,
1 1 m" Nwt Hanllten ti p. at.,
Huntingdon 9. OS p. iu., Alteona In iO p. m.
; r.cific ExpreaaleaveaPh laJelphi. 11 Si
1; liarriaburg 8 10 a :a f IIuiic.iiud. i
88 am; .Newport 4 00 a ui ; Mif?liu4t
in ; Lewiatewn 5 01 a tu ; J!c V'ej luwn t 22
. a. ibj Mt. L'uiau HI a to , Uuntingdna 4
j 12am; Petersburg 8 23 a m j Sprues Creak
40 a au; Tyrone 7 00 a m ; bell's Mill
i 7 22 a m ; Altoona 8 OS a m ; Pitlsaatf
12 45 pm. '
Sea bhere Hxpraia east, ea Suadsya.
i will connect with .Suaday Mail east learaig
' H arris burg at 1 15 p. m.
Trains leave Lewiatewa Janctioa ler Mil
ray at S 10 a at, 10 65 a ra, g la p m j fer
: Sunbnry at 7,i!l a m, g 00 p m.
Trains arrive at Lewntewa Jnncliea (Vaai
1 Milroy at B 60 a m, 1 2a pai, ilOpa; fraW
I Sunbury at 12.03 a. a, 4 U0 p. at.
TTROKB Dirjeio.f.
Trains leave Tyrone fer Bellefenta and
Lack Haven at 8 19 am, (,lu 7.1 p at.
Leave Tyrone fer CurwenavilU aad Clear
Held a 8 20 a m, . 14 p at, 7 15 p lb.
Train leave Tyrone ler vTarrlera Mark.
Paansylvaaia Faraaae aad Icetia at 7,0
ra aad 8,20 p ra.
Traiaa arrive at Tyrone frem Bellsf.atc
and Lock Uavea at 11 61 a at, aad 49 p
Trains arrive at Tyrone froai Cnrweas
viIIb aad ClearSeld at 60 a a, and 1 1 46 a
m, 6 17 p rs.
j Trains arrivs at Tyrens fro a 8e.ia, vTar
I riera Mark and Penasylvanla rnrnace al
i 1 1,40 a m, at 7,2S p m.
Trains leave Huntingdon for Be4ferd,
J Hrndmaa and Cumberlasd at 24 a. a
. and 0 tb p. ra.
j Tikins arris at Hiiutiogdoa froa BeJ
j Ipi4, Bynnmaa and Cumberland at 12 16
I p. ra., C 20 p. m.
Tiaina Iwure Altooca lor i.winis Souih, at
7 w a u.. 8 26 a iu. 12 50 p ui. 1 60 p
b 00 p iu., 8 no p ra il 60 p m.
Trains arriv at Altoona from paint
South, at 8 45 a m. 11 36 a ui. 1 Jo pin. ,
55 p. iu. 6 4't p. m. 7 00 pin. and .10 86 f
m. Trami. le.ve Uollw.Kid In 'run
tni- al 00 , in., and 3,2 p r
rive at B.-llwcod from Punxeut..ncJ at M.
20 a m., and C,10 p .
The Stnhntl amd Rtpnlitean otSca ia U-
place to get job work doa. Tiyit. It'1
fy you if yon need anything in that I: -
; u i -1 1 rr.: t . '
i'V.:: '! 'K'-
- --'Ay: .iy