Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 12, 1890, Image 4

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    Kvaatna; Aloud.
Tbere are man liroJ, body-aid. and
onl-lrk women, who Iwmya emu b
found "a home" to all callers, and who
mwi hava a moment free from house -hold
earea, when thev em rr ad, stroll
about ia the fresh air. in.". ..? in ex
cliaage ot thouirht with avi.it, ..Hitannjf
aoala, or even give looae run t . tl.. ir
own imaginations It is to x'.-.vm th
I want to apeak a few .
wriW in the lluukrrprr to tu. in.
and to the other members of tlx ir I
Jliea, Oh, I wish I could nv '
omethins; to bring pli-astire a:. I r. .-i
to tlieee weary sisters of mine, but I J
mt despair tliere are so man v. of
t hem.-
lt ia bat a-sleaa no. it is worae than
useless, it is a ernel-mockerr, to eav.
Let the work K, an I take tuna's
auT." The work must be done. Jt
can't be made eaey. 'I he only thir its
taat erer make work eay are strength,
love aDd hope; and a hen the brst
immwl of these ia la.'kinit. the la.it soon
follows, ani, I fear, sometime lore
also. It ia etinllr naelese to advise
"hired frirla," for I know very well thai
in many raara thev ran not 1-e afforded.
But are there not lung winder evenings,
when there are sewing anil mending to
he done, and the fumily ran he gather
ed together by the fireside!
Would it not amazingly lighten the
labor, and yield both pleasure and pro
fit to all, if" then were reading aloud?
Many times I hare seen the mother
hemfing over her work almost in ali
enee, while the father of the family,
utid leihaps two or three children, sat
around reading. lo they Dot thiuk
"mother" would enjoy their Ixxiks and
pafH rs, tM If she cannot get time to
n ad for herself, whr not read to her?
"But," anva one, "I ein't read alnml;
it's hard work, and 1 can't get nl-mr
fast with my story."
1 wnulil answer, "If Ton can't read
uli.ud easily, the fact that you e.mnot,
argues that it wn..'.il be exi-ellent prae
t ce for you. Kv ry one should bo
nblt: to read aloud clearly and naturally.
XVop.e nre often Culled nnn to do so,
anil ln.w embarrass, ng it is to 1 oil
liged to refuse! And what if It in hard
work at first? It will soon cease to las
hard, ami even if this were not true,
von ou-l;t to ! mis llisli e ionu'h to le
w ilhng to read fur others' benefit stme
t.meM, and not f.irself always."
I hi e..niu:r could ! made very,
plciiruint, t am sure, by re dins; in tnrn,
ntid thm would not bring all tti.' sjmti
tiee, if it 1h a MuiTinee, upon one. And
what slmll yoti rea.1 I'se your own
juituii nt. Ili a 1 whatever yoa are in
eret.ted In yourself; ri ad whatever
mother cares to bear; read the news-
aers, iililTu.i nes, if you have them.
is'orv, cl.'iiutie nove.s, and !Min l:iv-
rli.xil stor ex. Have a va iety. I-et
father re:td of politics and agriculture,
oi lmt he is in tlie habit of reading
fur himself, and let !siis in and Mary
and John and James do the same. I
Lunar ot a very persevering girl who
whs trying to study Viriril at home
wit Lout a teaeiier. and who translated
and eiplained it all out to her mother as
be w. nt alumr. IK you not think
tout this wuy of doing things made the
work eanier for both mother and daugh
ter? I do not el dm th it reading aloud will
make the tied", or do the weekly irou
iui, hut I ilo lieheve it w 11 gi f.-tr ti
waid rheerin the heart, and awaken
ing within one a new courage; and
da ghter, tins in your ear) not the
enst of nil the good it will do, is that
it will show mother that you u .t her
to le interested in the same things that
interest you.
Home Hinta In Illness.
It i very often a mutter of consider
able ii:iiculty in the absence of a skill
ed nurse for the female ruemWrs of a
family to know what U exactly the
rtht thing to be done in certain cir
cumstances. Of course we know that
this must in the future Iwoome less and
lass tue case, for ao many of onr girls
nowadays deem it an essential and nec-
ssarv tmrt of their education to nnd. T-
i, as an hospital probationer, that e
tct course of discipline and training
which is the one thing from witho it
oeecasary to develop ability within.
The fi ll winif siiL-irest ions may be re
lied on, and acted upon with advaut
ige; they are taken chiellv from ".sug
gestion, by the Society ot Medical
UfScers of Heal'h." and as such are
vaiualile and thoroughly trustworthy.
'riu rnl I.'h' in tit- M'liutfp . nt r
f'jtitt' itiii'M ur 1 'tmUtyttm ii-ti!tt.
(I.I It is generally desirable, nay
tj.cissnry. that the pel inn alllii-ted with
illness of this particular sort should bo
"la-dated," i. c, should to separated
from I lie other inmates of the house,
tud swit to a room, preferably on the
top Moor, and should have, if posj.il.!.-,
Uie whole of th it top floor on fined to
tiia own and his att. ndant's uses.
li) All hangings, such as bed and
ther curtains, ail carpets, and any
ftrticlea of dress in wardrobes or chests
f drawers, should to removed, as also
hould any nunec s-ary articles ot
(X ) As to the almiaaion of fresh air
into the room, the room should be well
ventilated, the chimney communication
hould to free, and the windows partly
spen; if the weather tie not too hot, or
if the room to lare enongh, a tire
should to kept burning, as that ensures
more or less free passage of air
through the room, besides adding to
patient's and nurse's comfort. fhe
floor should to sprinkled with disin
fectant each day and cleansed.
( 4. ) The door is to to kept closed.
and a sheet, which is kept damp with a
liainfcctant solution, such as Condy'a
fluid, carholte acid, or chloride of lime.
sramld to hung outside so as to cover
tip every crevice.
(5. Kvery thing that the patient has
oanu.io.1 or use.1 and finished with, such
a loo. I. drink, etc., should be plunged
into disinfectant solution before being
smptied away.
(,.) Pieces of lint, etc., need for wip-
iuji iue mouin must ie burnt at once.
(7.) All articles, such as spoons, caps,
and glasses, used l y the patien" should
lw wasbrd in a tlisinfectant after nse,
ad then washed in hot water.
t.l No food left over by the patient
must to touched hv anvone else: it
must to put into the disinfectant and
throws awav
4 I AU linen, whether cf bed or
body, after nse should to placed in a
jiainiecxaai solution in the room itself,
i. e., to. ore leaving it. When thev
have been in th s for at least aa hour
thev should he Killed in water.
IU It ta highlv imiarUnt tbat the
b. dy and the bed ot the pat ent should
kept scrupulously clean, and if
sea. ea or crusts form on the ikiD dor
las the disease, it should to smeared
iiail v w ita OIL
I II. i Those in attendance as narses
uoul.l. if rxws.ble, have bad the d a
ease from which t e ratiens ia sutler
o Th y ahonld freqaently eleanae
l heir han.le ia ame aat.sertue aolntioa
aa tady fluid, aad aboald nse
rarbo! e ae d soap; they should wear
t iblil Jmm. rreferahlv of eottna
aad sb.-ttel avoid lahaJiag the t real h or
aay eaana tows ftoea h a todv. TkwT
sss bw ta atiaai'e rovaa w.tk
JafhrstUiusnitri a rt a Uf
awa xtvrs I la tarn 1
li i at was eal to a.aw4
ta -s.u.a. ksrtvae
t-v4 la's! a.fe,au
H e
ea I
ii a a
' aa Sk'
FAi:.M SOT Ed.
BccAt'SE t'ie weather is mild do not
forget tliat the rods mar become froz
en at any time, and that they may to
slippery when least exr&rted. The
shoes on the horses should be regulated
accordinzly. It is better to have the
horse roughshod at all times during
the m inter.
Tni cow that attends to the business
nf chewing cnJ, digesting food and
cretlng milk, regard lss of usual sur
. ii tidings, la the cow that will come in
.. e id at etHle show trials. The ner-
4, excit- ble cow that forgets her
work under excitement Is the one that
is more likely to "get left."
Sweet-Cream Butter Why not
make fcw eel-ci enm butler for ".mmedi
ate consumption" as well as sour? asks
a dairy writer. It has been coi. tended
by sour c renin advocates, be adds, that
their butter does not require long-keeping
quality bec.iuw it Is made for "ini
niediate consumption." Now one of
tl.eir cries is tl at tweet cream butter
w.U not keep. In one serif e, but not In
the s -use in which they use the term,
it will not keep. It is consumed as fast
as people can get hold of it.
Aboct Farmers Rktikixo. -"At
what aue should a farmer retire from
aetive work?" is a conundrum recently
propounded. A wnter with whom we
ajree leus.b'y observes that he ia for
tunate who is able to use his own d s
cietton in answering the question, and
who is not tor ed to plod on after labor
lx-oin3 douhly Irk-ome. 15ut It is
till belter .1 the farmer who feels bim
eif unable to ilo full labor refunes to
entliely nive up, and contents himself
with such liht labors as axe suited to
his poaeis. For an active man, re t Is
such an unnat.ral change ttiat it soou
J. alioys both health and strength. The
rare of domestic animals and of a small
lanlen In ."suniiiier will keep both body
nnd mind more hea'thful than is po s:
i 'e with l.l ene-s. To give up worK Is,
Tor a man who has always been used to
labor, not h; pines, but a ceitaiu and
jieeily retirement from a world where
ie reeins tu himself no longer of auy
A writer Is the Cu'ticaior states
Chat eight years since he bud au ice
house; dug five feet in ground; bu It
t!ia wa 1 of ttone and b ick (old mater
ia!) ten feet high; b.inked up portion
ibove ground; p'aced one biick urx-a
another on Up of wall to set r. f;ers on,
ieav.ng an open space of four inches
all around, and the inside uf
the tatter! lined with draw
leaving an open space three Inch
es deep from 'not of ratter to ventil.ito
t top. Iug a well iu centre of I otu.iu
four to MX feel deei. and tilled up w ith
small stone and pieces of brick. The
hou-e is round and ten feet inside of
wail, so that t!.e bo ly of ice is ten by
ten feel. No lining of any kind use. I;
puck ice apatnst wall and cover wilh
wdu.su Uy adopting this rocess nf
4'oiac.e he always has Ice until cold
weather, aud frequently finds ice when
he clears out the hou-e for the next
The house ce lar will not be beuefit-
ed by wirm weather, so far as the de-
c.'j of tieil vegetables is conc-rned.
The cell, r should be kept ciean aud fiee
frem od r . On mild days a current of
a.r should be allowed to p.tss through
for a short time. Any .signs of decay
of the fruit or vegetables should prompt
you to uton-e ovtrhaul the bins and
clean out all r lteu or diseased polal.ies
or root, and the milk should never !e
rlai ed in a cellar that is used for the
storage of crops.
Tiieke are some weeds that put in
an apieaiame early tu the season, and
take p.sessiou of the land before the
seed p a iled com; up. To assist in
'tvii g them a chance to gro v plow the
iiiiu earlr, an I as soou as tue eeda of
he weeds nf the weeds have sprouted
Co over the field with the cultivator.
and also hi now the ground, before
puii'in Hie cn p. This will U-Ssen the
wrels atld put the land 111 better COU-
Cake or Sefi roTAiOKs. Uuder
this heading au Eastern contemporary
makes come perunent suggestions, ll
observes thai tlie Winter has been a
arm one, and the ilang r. i siiecially in
el ars. has been tliat potatoes will be
t too high t iu; eratuie aud begin to
spiout. Ths gieatly weaVens the
vitality of the tet, as the spiout must
i broken utT in planting. The besl
way to ktep seeil potatoes in larje qu in
t t es is in pi.s secure! covered. t hen
once tl ese frttze over, there is little
change in teniT t re uulil SSj ring.
About a mo lh befoie plat ting time net
se unsprouted potat.es out, then
P ead thinly in a room . xioscd to light
u here they wdl not freeze, i-nd the
buds that then start w.ll be dark green.
id wna care ran Us planted without
being broken off.
ritsrARiNo the ii The ciound
should le p.kdel.or plowed just as soou
it can be doi.e. 1 he best loc.it'on
tor straw berr es is a piece of lai.tl Miat
s well umlerd rained, aid that war cell
manured the previous year to pUr l 4ig.
l lie plants delight in nioistuie, t-. till
ot thrive In a cold, wet location.
l'roerly, the work f preparing the
soil should to done in the fail, so as to
have the tnaruie well incorporated with
the earth, and then woi king the groi rid
eariy in sprin so as to give the wee !s
a clianie to start, when the plot shoul I
-ie worked over again. It manure is
ti p ird in the soting it should be well
iotUd, and when fert'lizers are used
equal portions of superphosphate and
uliaie of soda, with four times the
bulk ot the mixture, of un cached
wood ashes, well raked In, will becx
oelleu. "I lie sod should be made as
line as it ran to worked, and utep. so
s to give the plants a good start.
inly siron; young plants, with plenty
I roots siiouni l useJ.
How to Hold the Farm Hand.
It i the sense of loneliness aud houie
iessi:es which causes the farm hand to
wander about so much. Give him
wife and children in a cosv home and
..a will toome a fixture. He will be
utached to the place by sentimental,
ecouoin ta! and prudential considera
:ioi.s. and will not forsake his home
aud employer for Uival causes. A pub
c p nt w ill be awakened in him. He
will discover that he has an inteiesl iu
i he weliare of the neighborhood. In the
cliool. church aud ahl ath-schooU He
wi.ldo bis woik better, will be mote
.i.xi. us to g.ve salrac'ion to bis em
yr. that he may bl I fast his home
ud all l l advantages. Of course
he m plover must to weU his parr.
No man or his family will become much
uaci ed to or w.ll be bench led by ai
i. paii ted shantv, a gras-less yard, and
i r il-feuce in trout, a painted bouse,
r i-y yard aud a neat fence will cost
1 ' t e more. Tl egaideu, berry ratch,
-t-'.. niul not to of a ggardiy dimes
win. With generosity is always pro
it. Ue.
E f u i kriow lut da tooiam eon
u iu c l.r-b D.lieww ta regard t
e i u buew. Arcuediug to Its re.
!eo' IT A Inl , iblilt.:M m
a. v .i. a esi t f a ruir. i mai 1 1 lj
a r i ewx'aiw saw. t. i aaew.
T..k.i.. w ' ! a . e su turn avaaw
-w il , a.tfiM
1 . i . i t afwwa raa.4
. . - i. , . i la a M t aw-
a i-4 ta ih,.
a -
. f..H I. - t
' s , t a
Tctti rRrrm. One quart rich
cream, one and a half ounces of rweet
almonds chopped line, half a pound of
powdeied sugar. Freeze, and wton
sufficiently congealed, add half a pound
of preserve 1 fru t cut fine, a few white
rais'ns chopped, ani some finelr sliced
citron. Mix. well and freeze like ice
Kick. Fcddiso. Wash three table
spoonfuls cf rice (aa much as you can
take up on the spoon) in hot water;
cover with a quart of milk and salt
and sugar to taste, making It rather
sweet, as it mnst le eaten very cod:
grate nutmeg and drop a few bits of
butter on top and bake elowly for two
hours, or until it Is of the consistency
cf ice cream. Watch it carefully dur
ing the process and never let a dark
crust form on tlie top. but as soon as a
golden brown skin fotms break it in.
Do thia several times. You may add
half a teacupful of very flue large
seeded raisins when the pudding is
a boot half done, and if you want a
handsome as well as toothsome dessert,
stir In a hand.'ul of caud.od clierries
the last time you break In tlie erost,
for this operation must be so timed
tliat when the pudding is taken from
the oven it is covered with a crust tlie
CDlor of AMerney cream. Staid iu the
ice box untd very cold.
Fruit Tapioca. -I'ick over and
wash three-quarters of a cup of pearl
tapioca. Tut it in a double boiler with
a pint and a half of boiling water.
Cook till soft and transparent, stirring
often. Add nearly a saitspoonful of
salt, a quarter of a cup of sugar, one
good sized banana aud one large, juicy,
sweet orange, cut in thin slice'. Serve
with cold cream.
Boiled Custard. One quart of
milk, five eggs, half a teacupful of su
gar, and flavoring to taste, I'ut the
milk into a pail or pan and set in au
ot her of boiling water stir the su.tr
into the milk and when at boiling
point, add slowly the well beaten eggs
and flavoring; when well set pour into
a dish to co d. aud from which it will
to served. When eggs are not p'enti
ful two may be omiuiitet, auJ a table
fpoonfoi of coin starch used. A tiny
pinch of salt is considered au Improve
ment, by some, to a boiled custard.
Slet Pudding, Xo. 1. One cupful
each of suet, raisins, molase1, and
sweet niiik; two and a half cupfuls ol
flour, and thro teas; oonf uls of baking
powder. The suet t-bould be choppeu
liue. M'X the bakin2 pjwuer thorough
ly through the flour. S'ir all well to
gether; steam three hours. Sauce lot
the pudding; One cupful of sugar anil
half a cuptu! of butter, beaten to a
cream; add one beaten egg, aud oik
teaspoonf ul of flour. Add three-quarters
of a teacupful of boiling wat r, a.1
boil half a tuiuute aud serve.
Chocolate Cream. "ciape fine
half a p iind of chocolate and add mi .k
enough to dissolve it; cook for ten ui'ii
utes; remove from the stove and let it
cool; then add a plut of cream, and su
gar to tas'e; I eat the yolks of e ght
egis and the wh.te ot our; add to the
cliiK-oIate cieaiu; strain, aud our int i
I ttle china cream pots or tips, and set
tlieui in a shallow dish or pan of hot
water until the mixture sets; then put
into a cool place until requite J to serve.
This quantity wid fill twelve or uioie
WmrrED Cream. Put one pint ot
rich cream ou the ice for an hour, or
unt 1 thoroughly chilled; then whip,
skimming off the stiff froth as it rise,
and 'aying on a sieve to drain, aud le
turning the cream which drips away to
to whipped over agaiu. Add to the
whipped cream, one cupful of sugar,
aud auy flavoring preferred. Set ou Hie
ice for half aa hour before serving.
Velvet Creak. Take a lare tea
cupful of white wine, the j lice of a
If moil, h ilf an on (ice of gelatine, and
sugar to taste. Let fieiu simmer to
gether until the gelatint Is dissdv.d;
strain tlie mixture; add one pint of
cream, an I stir the w.iole until quite
cold. Pour iu o a mould and let it
stand untd set
ii ax t i. oiled). -oiu tlie mm m
water from twenty-four to forty hours.
changing the water two or three times.
wa-sii tiioro'iglihy c ean, and trim it
then put it iu'o a bjil-r filled with cold
water a bottle of sherry addei to the
water is a great improvement!, add
carrots, celery, onions, garlic, larsley,
thyme, marjoi am, iay leaves, cloves
and mace the proportion! of these
must be regulated by Hie size of the
ham aud the skill or taste of the cook.
Bring it gradually to the boil, skim
c.ref ully. and simmer from four to six
hours When it n done it should be
all wed to remain in the liquor until
nearly cold. lUstuove the skin, glaztj the
nam, ana orujiuei i tue knuckle wiui a
raiier friu.
I itteii - Milk Biscuit. Those
who rem. ub r the -Vool. old-fashion
ed" butter-iui'.k b scuit, will flnd this
a trusiy r.-cipe. iluli a tablespoouful of
butter into a quart of Hour, into
which a teaspoouful of salt has been
sifted. Dissolve an even teaspoo.iful
or soda in a large cup of butter milk,
mix very Soft, handle as little as isjss:-
o e. roil at once, cut into small biscuit.
and bake in a quick ovei'.
?SlGAFTmia IRTf'TfltT T ..in.
va w MJ J . O.
The oil ie ervoir should be of luelal.
rat er than of china or glass. Wick
should to soft, not too lightly ph.lted.
Wicks should to dried at the fire be-
toie t-euicr nut fntrh th 1.. n.t
v r ...... .uv u .... -.j, 1 1 v
should le ouly j'ist long euougli to
reacu tue ootioin oi ine oil reservoir.
They should to so wide that they quite
lilt H e wick-ho!der without having t
be squeeze I into It, and should be
soaked witu oil before being lit. Tl
leservoir ahnu'd be quit filled with oil
every time before u-ing the lamp. The
lamn should to thornurtiiv -in .11
Oil H ll..! I ll I lmm . FV- f 1 1 ' 1 H t ..9
- .j " m I S.A1. auu
aii cnariea wick dirt removed before
iisnuug. uen tlie lamp is lit the
wick should be at first turned down,
and then slowly raised. Lamp which
have no extinguishing apparatus should
put out as iouows: i ne wick should
be turned down until there la only
smalt flickerimr rlama ami a iinn.
of breath should then be sent across the
lopoi inechimtey.
Thev don't hv . i.v:
church socia s" down in Maine. They
upon jags w in too much rever
ence down there ta lir-.. V ..m
tliey Cnd it quicker, an j way, to 'drive
u um cot a
The coming year is n e'.y to to a
goou one to a ivorate the EnrTish Idea
- ui(ii.j sejaaiciai tj
(tlt.lvn, by aiierUBeuXs s&atfv
Lake bl4. etiunaiM I h.i - itt
rweaawaw au. turn ILal couM Le heard a
turee iw l.aietMuj
ws.4 1. u uuamgvd ia kj awaw
tasaatd ever aitty
s vwm Aiaaa:a-tf--We art
- ws.l r-v-U.a a wa I a vl f ti-.
-.'-a Ms Ktm fcaiu. aak w, j
taw ca.i lira'
Ma- l. -
r . . . , .
2. , Imh) Wit IS
.a i. kTVi fk.ra
' s-i i tad mm wwai
sl m m-m v
March April May
Are the best aooatas la which to purifr your
blood, tor at no other season does tlte system so
much weed the aid ol a reliable medicine like
Hood's Sarsaparills. as Dow. During the Ionic,
cold winter, tbe b ood becomes thin and impure,
the body becomes weak and tired, the appetite
aiav be lost. Hood's SanaparUla Is peculiarly
adapted to purify and enrich the blood, to create
a good appetite and to overcome that tired feel
Ins. It has a larger sale thaa any other sarsa
parilla or blood purioer.aad it Increases In popu
larity every year, lor It is the Ideal
Spring Medicine
Tarty last spline I was very much run down,
had nervous headache, felt miserable and all
that. I was very much bene fit Led by Hood's
SanaparUla and reeeommend it to my friends."
Mrs J .M.Tatlo0119 Euclid Ave.X'leveland.O.
"Hood's barsaparilla has cured me of salt
rheum, whica I have had for years. I do think
It is a splendid medicine. I am 40 years of see
and my skin Is lust as smooth aad fairasapiece
of class. I have six children, and when any
thing is the trouble with them the first thing I
co for is Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mas. Liixa
tlLAKC, South Korwalk, Conn.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. 1 : six forks. Prepared only
by C. L HOOD CO, Lowell, Mass.
lOO loeM One Iollr.
From some oust rvalions recorded by
Mr. IL L. ltussel in the Botanical Ga
s tu, it appears that, as a general rule,
tlie temperature of the Interior of a
tree is somewhat higher than that of
the air, except during tbe warmer
parts of the day, the maximum tem
perature of tbe air being generally be
tween 1 and 2 p. nx, and the mini
mum between 6 and 7 a. m. The
comparative tablea show that beat is
absorbed and radiated more rapidly
in the outer layers than In the
Experiments made at a time when
the buds were starting, in order to de
termine whether the chemical action
carried on in the tissues gives rise to
heat, led to the conclusion that It is
very doubtful whether the metabolic
processes Involved generate enough
beat to Influence the ordinary ther
mometer. A curious difference, bow
ever, was discovered in the wood of tbe
oak and pine in winter, the author
having found that the temperature of
tbe piue was lower than that ot the
oak at all times except during the lat
ter part of tbe night and early morn
ing. This is attributed to the thick
coating of tbe leave on the pine pre
venting absorption of heat by the
trunk, since tbe larch, which uas.simi
lar wood, resembles the oak rather
than the pine in tbe matter of tempera
ture. Tbe further conclusion Is reached
that the direct absorption of beat is the
main cause nf the high temperature of
trees, and that it Is largely dependent
upon the character of the bark, 6mootu-
toiked trees being warmer as a rule
than thick-barked out a.
A ear coupling designed to automat
ically couple cars of different heights.
and permit the detachment of coupled
cats from the roof or sides of tne car,
as desired, has been patented by Messrs.
Charles s. Monroe and Clinton E. 1 ea
ger, of K.nzie, Ind. The coupling jaa
is seated, by means of a tra averse rib.
on the top of the main section of the
drawhead. where It is beld in a rocking
touring by a clamp. An integral
draught book .8 formed on tbe front
end ot the coupling jaw, and a spiral
spring Is arranged to bear on tbe under
side of its rear end, to retain tbe jaw
normally in closed adjustment, while
allowing It to yield to a longitudinal
thrusting movement ot the entering
coupling link, the pressure of the
spring llteu causing an interlocking of
the parts. A cushioning spring is
placed on tlie draught rod, received in
the rear end of tbe drawhead, to sus-
taia the shocks received thereby.
Across the end of the car a rock shaft
Is revolubly supported in bracket boxes,
with crank arms, whereby the cbatt
whereby the shaft may be rocked at
either side of the car, a rock arm on the
shaft being connected by a chain with
a ring on the outer end of the coupling
jaw. This chain is also extended to
the roof of the car, to facilitate the
elevat on of the coupling jaw wheu
uncoupling is to be tGected from llutt
Tliose timid beings who are haunted
by a'prehen.-ions of being buried alive
may now take courage, for science has
supplied an infallible means of deter
mining whether or not the vital spark
has quitted tlie mortal frame forever.
Electricity enables us to diatinguhh
with absolute certainty between life
and death. For two or three hours
ifter the sWlS of the heart the
wi.ole muscular sjstem has completely
lost, its electric excitability.
Wheu stimulated by electricity t c
liniLs uo longer contract. If then,
when fitraulsin. as the treatment with
Induced currents of electricity la called,
is applied to the muscles of the limbs
and trunk, say five or six hours after
supposed death, there is no contractile,
response, it may be concluded with
certainty that the subject Is really dead,
for no faiut, trance or coma, however
deep, ean preveut tbe manifestations of
electric muscular outra:t lity. Hence
i here is uo possibility of a mistake, as
i here certainly was when the old tests
were applied.
A V ommw tw Uie Caaa.
There always Is. She is the power behind the
'hrone. A woman's influence over the man w ho
loves her is often absolute. To wield so great a
ower to guide. strenctten and help her hus
Uai.d a woman's mind should be clear and
healthy. It cannot be if she is suffering from
my functional derangement. How many a
iHane is made unhappy because she who should
is- its life and hglit is a wretched, depressed,
iKrbid invalid : Wives, niothers and dauht--rs.
why sutler from -lemale complaints" wlneh
ire sapping your lives aw ay. w heu Dr. Pierce s
Kv..i,te l'reseription will renew yuwr health
and gladden liaise about vouf It has rest, .red
happiness t many a saddened life. W hy en
dure martyrdom when release Is so easy? in
tMlecMl field there never was a restorative
like the "favorite Prescription."
To cleanse the stomach, liver, and system
jeuerally. use Dr. Pierce s Pellets. 2& eeuta.
Ovei fed fowls will not lay well, and,
in cases of the larrer breeds especially,
tliey are more liable to die from apo
plexy. KaowlMtg Better Thaw Theeey.
While the whole medical world hi engaged in
.xprnmeiiting upon new remedies and invent
:nc th-..nes to account for diseases, bt Bernard
Vegetable Pills, the happy compound of Ihe
hi. lent l.itliers. have been quietly and surelv
-nnteraetmr the causes ef disease by Mimii
:.sting tlie healthy action of the liver, kidnevs.
urn txnselspr.Kni.tingditesHun.nutritK.il aiid
-xcretum. restor,ug vitality and curing people
ftiieirdisea.se. A suupie of the St. Bernard
et table Pu's will be sent free to all appli
s. Address, nt. Bernard. Box 216. Vew
I a using ammonia for domestic pur
poses one tatiie-poonful to a quart of
water la about the ordinary propor
tion. Platans Cast hw Cavaw
eal apftlw-atiuB. astheyeaaaet reach
n4siuiafianr. larval ealy
! ruiff D4i
taat as toy euuvtltw-
i m cause I
I by aa ia-
' la swm 1 mt the
'erw-aa law W umm I im yo Tm Saan 4
s luwutinc M.M tm tjftprlrt beai
wm w s . m Mlut jf -! x. Ll i I i s
I.W.1 , I
M 'iMMtmiM Ms e --T-
as rlath
aaarwd LM Sue aav
ey 4i k i tai
kk.1 LMllt l
a- ' CO.t
!r t
. a. j a 4 sfc 1.,
I " - ww
W a . vm.
I . , .
last Urn
Hood Strsaptri'la Is preparen ir
nlla. Iandelion. Manlrk. U-s-k. Juniper Ber
ries, and other well known v. setable remedies,
.n such s peculiar luai.ner as to derive Ihe full
mediemal valued a-:h. It will cure, when In
the pow er of medicincscrof uta.salt rheuniores,
bisls.p-mples, all hiimors,d sp. psia.blliousness,
sick headache, indipestion, general debility, ca
tarrh, rbeuinatism.kidney and liver complaint
It overcomes that extreme tired feeling caused
by change ul climate, season.or life, and imparts
lite and strength to tbe whole system.
Blood Poison
"For years at .rrepular Intervals in all seasons,
I suffered the intolerable burning and itching of
blood poisoning by Ivy. It would break out on my
legs, in my throat and eyes. Last spring I took
Hood s Sarsaparilla, as a blood purifier, with no
thought of it as a special remedy for ivy poison
ing. but It has effected a permanent and thorough
cure." CAi-vm T. SncTX. Wentworth, X. II.
1 had boils all over my neck and back, troub
ling me so much that I could not turn my head
around.nor stoop over .Hood's Sarsaparilla cured
me In two weeks. I think It Is the best blood
purifier." Da si el Bead, Kansas City, Mo.
I Sold by all druggists. Si : six for Prepared
I only by C. I. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass.
1UU ItoMCM One IHsllHr
Does a woman ever go to Bed! The
last the man of the house hears of her
at night she is putting the cat out; if
he wakes up in the night be finds that
she is trotting around to see if the
children are asleep, and when he wakes
up in the morning he finds her up be
fore him. Does a woman ever go to
bed, or does a womiin ever stay in bed
after she gets there?
"They tell me you didn't get along
very well with your recent venture,"
said one young actor to another."
'No. not very. The fact is I was too
much used np to go on with my lines
on several occasions."
Who took your part?"
"Xobody took my part. Every
member of the company was busy pro
tecting himself."
"Madam," sail the turnpike tourist
at tbe kitchen door, as be coughed a
respectful cough and removed some
thing that looked like a Lat from his
head, "yoa will pardon me for asking
If the grateful odor that comes from
tbe meat cooking on your stove is nt
that of fried ham'f"
"It is, sir," replied the large,
swarthy woman with the projecting
teeth, placing her arms akimbo and
planting herself bquarely in thi door
way. "Have you any other questions
to ask?"
"Xone at all, madam." said the pil
grim, as he backed out toward the
gate. ".None at all. 1 merely lshed
to gratify a natural feeling of curiosi
ty. I thought it must be ham. I fiud
my conjecture was correct. That is
alL 1 have the honor, madam, to wish
you a good-day."
A Kcmetfv far Ike laceeaaa.
A remeiiy recommended for patient s afflicted
with the infiu nza ia Kemp's Balsam, the spe
cl'ic lorConirhs and Colds, which Is especially
-.ia j eil to diseases of tbe tlirvat and lungs,
i.i. unt w&iL lor tha first Hvmntoms of the dis.
etse ne!ore securing the remtsir, bat vet a bot
l.eandk ep it on bund fee use the moment it
:s need.sL If neglected tho 'nttuenza has a
ter..eiicy to brine on pneumonia. Ail dru-
ii.l fcru me jsaitaain.
Visitor "Why Doctor, are you go
ing into the lamp business;"
Doctor "Ob, no. My daughter Is
about to be married and the wedding
presents are coming in."
Aa a Flesh Producer there can be
to question bat that )
Of Pare Cod Liter Oi! and Hypophosphites
Of Lime and Soda
I is without a rival. Many have
gained a pound a day by the nse
of it. It cures
Hr sura yoM eW th- genniM as (Acre are
por im ttt f f cms.
Kly's Cream Italin
apply nalm Into eaoh nostrfl
ELY Bit ) M w.-rra st N. V
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, aetn
ally outlasting tar.i boxes of anv other brand.
Not eflecttd by heat. -titrt the ;knl
EE Government LANDS.
MILLIUNs OP A KIS in mmmu, Korxa
aaoia. Montana. Idabo. Uashlnirfm and Orcvoa.
tCyn CAR publlcatKms with map describing iae
vtRlU rUII brat aurk-ultaral. Urazrna and TUa
bwlaadswiw uin biSettlen. Sral f rrr. Addrwas
II 12
T V aXSa IValra,
Xraai Urar ttttacT ksvlDc, Kraai
Imrm ttmmm avavrl ftaavam iw tnr
sirT vita SrfaM. t ur frvs ajro rt
ir nt oo iha. paDrT and arJArw
BIMtiHAWTOS. i. y.
iTafiis, aaar tmmmmtm wrmmm
t-a. Tak atkta. All W,
i tMlrtasra bossm. aisl rrapara avr
acavnr, im , fur laarifccaiavra. tsrssalamaMkaJ i
-CWaaaT Tmw lmmHmm, a I lar. fey rt3
sal fa. ja
F EN S I O NSSirs?
i -
I stall
WtOFIT. B- tktnadtaf H avaviai r-a
ritly U mU ssttltl C MM fa at
tmU Ur HrrrtU ryXmtti mmfi nil (.if
P'.i ia wtibaat
etar. ptA i
lwlfsU.uVTiii. trriiatn.
. si,m, a. c
1 10 BE IwaMa 4, an k w. - -1 -
1 1 ' 1 ' " r imTZiaV
aesawafa e. t T awla Sa, a WW.
Yf A NTFfl
w sara s,af kn4 a - m ntL . j
w -1 t. . rf. u 4 . t waa a
I- lltlill 1. H.u.11,
atWQfU UlilLU4A lAC.UTCt
j i
rumK--J".r:.:n:z old f ijaru.iui
Iiar.l as ever, I suppose. .
lirioUtnaii "So, I've buried my
rrsiilee a aiust liiru.
F Lilev "otr. that's crtarstwi.
like, old man. When did you bury ll.e
hatchet?" .
Iiriglitruan "lisv csu)i '
we buried him."
. -I- p ti.a TTnusn fcalliDe ('own
XiXUy VI "v w
stairs to new cook)-4 Mary, can those
tomatoes to-day.-
Mary (railing lo rauiiniiuii
"Mumr" . ,,
Iady "I say can those Lomatoer.
Marv icorapreheuding) "Can tliey
what, mum?"
r;n..i..i niiifwir Irate father
-i. i IU. IVU.. "
Is It true, Irene, tliat you have finally
rejected young Croesus, as lie told ae
to-day i
Calm daughter l e. papa.
T. f..tl. TTnirratefnl Clrli WHO
am I going to borrow money from
Billy Blowitt,
Tbe village poet.
Wrote a poem, sad and blue;
lie wrote at its head,
'I wish I was dead;"
And his friends all wished he was,
Mr. Goodcatch (calling on the elde't
sitter) "Why, Johnny, how you are
growing. You'll be a man before your
sister, if you keep on "
Johnny "You bet I wfl. Sister'll
never be a man if she keeps on being
twenty like she has for the last five
Then there was trouble in thi
Western Undergraduate 'Don"t
you abominate college discipline? So
unnecessarily severe, you itnow.
Kastern Undergraduate "Tes,
heastlv! What are some of your rules?"
Western Undereraduate "Let me
see. I can't remember but two of
them iust now. One is that no student
shall burn the college buildings', and
the other Is that under no provocation
shall a student shoot a professor."
Judge Fulltrifiger Is your verdict
guilty, or net guilty.
Foreman Bill Caparejo (of the Dead
IIoss Ranch) We want to ask one
question: The evidence snows mai tne
prisoner shot at tha man six lime1, ana
then only hit him once In the foot.
Ain't there no law ag'n such poor
shoo tin'?
Jtidze Pulltrigger (reluctantly) Xo.
Foreman Bill Caiaejo (sadly) Not
guilty, then.
"Tbat was a funny thing about Tom
Callowby and Miss Maibelle. They
agreed to spend every evening of a
month in each other's company, to see
If they could resist falling in love, the
ore who first acknowledge! that he or
she had done so to pay a certain for
"It was quite funny. How did it
"In a tie, of course, or at least it
wilL l hey are to be married to-night.
Mamma (leading a pug dog into the
nurrerj) "Don't cry any more about
losing Fldo. rse;-1 I've hroujht jou
another nice little pet."
U tt'.e Touty "Don't want it.
want a whole dog!"
"A whole AoiV
'Yes. This one has his nose burn'
ed off."
A Question of Economy. "Wait a
mumeutoutslde, Maria, I've got to step
in here."
"You ought to have more regard for
appearances, John, than to stop at a
dru? store on the way to church."
(Fiercely) "It Isn't a quet-tion of
appearances, Maria. It's a question of
i-cnuotny. I've got to buy a cigar or
two and get some f-mall change, or el.e
throw this twenty-live-cent piece in the
c ntribution b.ix. Do ou think I'm a
Jny Gould?-'
A Clear Case of Out. Citizen
'Hello, there. Grimes; why ain't you
and the boys at work?"
G lime? "Why, you fee, there's a
lockout up at the factory."
"What, another? Well, well, I guess
It'll be arranged suon, and you will be
back at work."
"Xo, it won't; we're out for good
this time."
"We've had three strikes, you know."
Kntitled to the Rest.
All are entitled to tLe best that their
money -evill bar, so every family should
have, at once, a bottle of tha best family
remedy. Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the
Fj-st. rn when costive or bilious. For sale
in SOo anil fl.00 bottles by all leading
After water-soaked shoes are, give
them a rubbing with kerosene oil to re
move the hardness.
ltiifiire re. i:uaranlerl by
Ur. J. U. Mayer. HSl Arch Sr.., 1'hll'a,
1'a. Ka-e at once, no operation or de
lay Irora business, attested by thou
sands ol cures after others tail, advice
free, send lor circular.
If you have not been converted to
sheltering cows see how much they
shrink in their milk the first cold storm
they are in.
Catarrh is caused by scrofulous taint In the
blcKKL, and Is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which purines and enriches the blood and itWes
the whole system health and strength. Tiy
this "jiefuliar medicine." It is prepared by C.
I. Hood Si Co. Lowell. Mass.
A piece ot sponge fastened to a stitV
is a good thing wilh which to clean
lamp chimneys.
Cann'n Kidney Cure for
Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, Bright's,
iieart, Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nerv
ousness, &c Cure guaranteed. 831
Arch Street, Fhllad'a. 1 a bottle, 6
for to, or druggist. 1000 certificates of
cures. Try It.
To Whiten the Teeth. Mix honey
with finely powdered charcoal and use
the paste, as a dentifrice.
FITS: A3 Fits stopped tree or Dr. KUna'smeaC
herve Kestorer. No Vila after Drat dar's use. Mar
teious cares. Treat im and Vi.vu trial oouie free k
lucuea bend lotir.Kiuiejul Arcs sc. PaLa.,fa
Xo hod carriers in Japan. The mor
tar is rolled into balls weighing about
six pounds and thrown to the brick
layers. Fraaar A ale Crease.
Use tbe F rarer xle Ores as, 'tis tbe best
in Uie world will wear twice as long as
any other. Ask yonr dealer for it, and
take no other.
Unless flower-pots liave good drainage
the plants may be ruined.
Tlie erij, hM tray to know whether or not
IV J. bins Urtnr sunp fs aaxf as it is said to
U-. is to try ti f.nirte.t. It ean t de.-elve you
B- sure t a-t ao uuiUtWm. lUrre aie lots ul
'. Aa ftmu sioref lur just one bar.
A uniform use of water ia essential
to tha beallhy gro lb of plant.
It ta dtK.Ua pus WW I ut iLrouj,
ti H u.ir pour aw. a la pouc eoou.-
sVmsl fcaeveea. laa. -T Maui rasu.'
The hull-dog Is not an animal to he
admired, yet he possesses one trait that
at least entitles him to our respect.
His tenacity of purpose is proverbial.
It makes him a formidable adversary.
A like trait has often enabled man to
overcome great obstacles and win vic
tory under the most trying circum
stances. In fact, it is only by tenacity
of purpose and indomitable will-power,
that many of life's battles are brought
to a successful termination.
Disease, like man's more material
enemies, is often an obstinate adver
sary, and it is only by the most de
termined persistency in the use of the
best remedy that victory is attained
over it. While Dr. Tierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery is guarantied to benefit
or cure io all diseases for which it is
recommended, yet in ailments of long
(Lauding, which are usually alike 6low
in their inception and progress, the euro
must likewise be effected by plow de
grees and regular stages. This can
BVtrTOSI F CITABRH. Headache, obstruction of nw. duisan.
fallinir into throat, sometiim-s profus.. watery, and ai-rid, at otbeni. ttia.
lll. IIIUH. III.I.-.IUB, IUS II I. "III. Ul'. "J . I'Ulliy ul . -I. 'II. I V . r. Wl
ine in -ars. lcafn.-sa: orT.nsive brenth : smell and tafcta itsisursS.
eml debilitv. 4nlv a few
Dr. Safe's Itemefiy cures ttie worst casos.
P ISO'S HF.MEDY FOK CATAKKH. Lest. Eiit to n(.
tueapest. Hi-lief is immediate. A cure is ceiuiu. tur
Cold in Uie Head it has uo equal.
Ill TTn rT.nfr'- -
It is an (Hutment, of whicti
noi. iu 1'ru-e. sue. So d bv
Li" IftT rVs'-ii.-reTrlIl-i I
Cure In J:Rftiin, Four Ptomar-ri, Hfmrt
1irn. KUtuir-ur;, r.ilir, anJ all Iitraps of
thf Stomach; i'-untitrn'wa, iQtiauimation,
1'iarrht l'ili,iitl V.veBarimftU- Ikiwala;
rrnicMti-m, HilioiiDv, J inmlice, Nnw4af
Lat in, UlJrllllfW, N'rl UUIfteU, WsQ-
sN-niiK I'sjin. Malaria. I.iver omplmoT,
and ail LMaas ai iiik frm a Goigt-d ani
Mujteish Liver. Th.r clan tlia luucou
c nta, rriluca eored or rooraatfd ouodi-
la tv Initiv Care for
fion. hrak upiullorn rom,licmUotia, re
alorfi frae, baltliy anion to tba argariB.and
Kir xitm Tifccn acholic lo rfuftr uti
auid atrengib. TUy aia
And all Piiordera of Ti
trftiT Drirans. It j likwiaa
m ornhortiv or Strnjth
rninaj Mdieitn, and may L
Uk-n with tx-n-fit to all :ae
9f DebiMly. For Sal by all
Ocugpift Price, tl p'f bot
tla. Ir Srh-nrk N-w Hook
aa lunei, Livtrand Momach
mailed frwi. Arl'lrt,
Br. J.H.Sctienck 4 Son, Fhlla.
For Sale by alt Procciita. Frlra 25 eta.
per boa; 3 boaa fur b6 rta. ; or sent hj
mail, pmt fra, on rwipt of pr!e.
Dr. J. 11. bthanck a ton, 1'liiUdi.ij.his, l'
Inslanlly Stop Pain
fifgi. 'wrsPHoirreusie Att
4ARmTTe- r-r.r'PT.fi
-ww i- U " V
A representation oftbeenirraTtne on onr
wrappers. BaDWaI A CO. KEW YORK..
.. SpcolHolder
New patknt u.....
jr- unit uu uuuuie. An in-
Vi oil-nsable article .r
"a e err household. No lady
" aiiould be witUout it.
i nie ana trouble. Aa in-
Sum 111.- run
be seen
at Uila office.
I preaenbe ar.d fo:Tya.
flora. Bl( il tb oatr
apceiflr 'or ib tariaiocurs
of tbia dlseaa
U.H.l.VliKAHAM.M f,
Amatardam, If. V.
WTs bas-a sold Bit u tos
many rears, and it uu
rlTn ua basl of aaua-
x. k. dVche a roa
SI. 00. Bold br Iiruasit 'ri
S DHQTII I CO rto2xiriS I MiL
kilnraiaS. kn.
: -r. :
Wa isaleul at Ua sWsmc k3Jr aywa
BhmtmmaU ) 'tyMry WKfTTrloL IT P C C
Aad ah .a- ooda to b VO I iTj?rMk- I 11 L C
pud lor m dalmiT liillVlF-
kaad mLmtmm tot CavLav- -laUJr jV 19 HIIL
uacaa ar. ia aTta .""'r.
only be accomplished by a pnnsm
use of this woniierful retaxir t
reasonable length of time. Whrt 1
used, it conquers the worst cue s
isalt-ehcum. Eczema, Tetter, Errsh
las. Scalp diseases, and all nunnVs
blood-taints, no mutter of how km
standing, or from w liatever cause JS
have arisen. All Scrofulous iflrctioti
as Old Sores, or I'lcers, White sw?
ings. Hip -joint Iligease, Elj
Glands and Tumors disappear ulw
a protracted use of thia greatest
"Golden Medical Discovery" fa
only blood medicine, among the itws
that are advertised, possessed of iiu
positive curative properties is to u.
rant iu proprietors In selling it, wtt(j
ore doing, through drtiggiu, uniitri
posit iie guarantee of benefit or em
in every case, or money paid for h
be promptly refunded! Worlds D
I'ENSakt Medical Association P
prietors, No. 0u3 ilaiu bL, BuSalo, S.l
O 1? JL-'JjTrt TUTD f ir sn lncurbl ct g
""" Cilsrrh m ttit h.m a
the proprietors ot OR. SAGE S CATARRH Kuril,
ml bi m.
of those evmiilnms llkelv to bs prnaenl si
Only U) etc la. Suld by rtrufi? :s, eTerywhart
a c.
a small particle is tp.
d ruunits or sent nv n u
K. T. IIazri.iie, arren, Pa
aJ '
-5 -5 &
Will Cura
And All lMMSMfta
It ia ji'Mwnt t tb twu.
and d.HM it r.inuinaparaca
of uj.i'im or mylhiDf Isjort.
out. It ! th HtCuurkS
i. in- In ths W ond Fur M
by &il b: u.t:.' rnr!l
perti .tll W S. bnrk ilw
on t'ontumiiti n tt1iadin.
mildfif. Il!i"l
Or. J.H.Scnanck A Son.fbBa
DDCf. 1 r A C T"
"I'.va t !wii nn-h ki:tu !.; of th nat-nui
Jiirli ni'V-'i i; tlie j"T.tt.'iis of diL'esIi'rt t1
iiiiu it u in. iiii'l l-y .i r.wt'lal a,pin -.iiion d "'
Im' prnM"t u's .f wli s-ir.e.i i ofoi. Mr t;
hits movidfU our ltif.tkf.tst tally's i!h ft a
i".f aail.-h':i-t ii-U-ai f .in-t th.it A r.ia-'.iiali
l'i :itiu.il!v I m i It tin until at rone fM
ll alltptl- IIUKl'l!
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r oi tni; It
otiiy in tut If pound I n.i-i '
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stamped on bottom. Sold eerys-hi
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formation. ,
W. I.. Dsa.las. Br.rWtaa
I 1 1 OiKiP
feijAslir n Sana a M.-t 'f
EJ IsrAiLtKLB ir ul.. M -'Lr f
it pitjasiU. I hay !; ei
Mil namea. r t
rr.lrta4 to Da. KL.ISK ml '
Cheap I.and in Kanj:
lnwmnt a rennr is l''' .
Iddreis to . Dill llN A ' " '
KlaiH, aud ii w.11 l.riuf J iu "''??Zrwt
ma.im U uf it .liar-. hrar !
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jat. Op;.Mr.uaitl4 will lie '
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jinlllli HiniT. Onlr reetaj r
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