Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 05, 1890, Image 3

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c- T I N E I ijfcj F P LT R LI C A N
rMUT. FEB. S. IH).
r,.n $1-V V nnnm rf pid
aaMrnr" ;10 )f BO, rkid i advance.
it .dram : -;,.rtll.m.nt. inserted at 60
,mn. JV s, mad to tho dirui
n,jact..'0 half or owV
u s
ru. '
K..1 Si
4S4 h'ih'
oh II
at f
jl ir li I
JUrr.'" -'"
.tix-k wH.ro-
, .1 Varnra will sell nr
.t,K-k. ftrtn imple-me-nta
!,. JamM Cfny, Aue-
Vrv rh Tmstel r!U ll
i i.iriDll rr'."' ......
. 1 -i. r It-own
live stiwlc
.1 .-"1
k will -lt live
rts in Turbrtt
Julia l!n.ul Payette
k anil tamnnir
1, Atli-ti'K.e'tT.
i i :it !-'"
n d.T.
1 !i
T '-"- ' '
V.. :
the Snt:m :.
Havl- '' '
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Cfl' 1
of rn-t"
A -!'"'
i- hi ! -
in t'llS W
asTcrni lav I
;-n. r! H:i
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ThlP.l:iv. I
51:- .V.ary
R 1" : i : -i II of
Ms- F:innn
!! t.
y, in i:ii v nu s
::ij s :l
H M.l 'VAUF. .V Co.
no hills printed in
. Kki t r.:.K AN flit'.
!, i-. .nitc'l Imij's at
i Hai-H'-vaue Co.
'u c'.r.sili'rit1l nuiu-
i" :t.
within tlio Jiast
. .f 5Vail:r town
l.:uk July iftision
till!! t
, pi t
e l n ribbon
.rl ni'!it
kept lit
f rtff-k-r.spt-n-
I ir.U iiinl iu
nimii iotis l:it
Hi 1 w
vt i k
From llie Perry uuty Fryman :
The farm of the late lie. J. J. Ham
ilton ro STiI township in this
12t)0 l.r Istf-r ami Reorder Nat
On the roornin'p of the 24th nit
I rtnkiin D Chariton a frei-ht brike
man while atUnnptinp to pet on a
m..rnin,' train fell inta the nnuVr pit
m I atterson an.l iis!o-te.l Lis ltft
shonl.ler. Dr. Crawfor.l ami re
dacel the olisWation and the mm
takeu to his home.
in fa-
: I; J
, ('
--' :
f it ir -
M. -
h .?i i
Kl !:.! .f Port
t! i.' family i-f KurJ
uall;lii t.). li-bip.
s. i nf (.'l.nmb.Ts
, i. i f Lihi Hanks
it wfi k.
'in'-i p-irticipnteil in
M.mty f"i bunt lu.-t
Hli invitfil ju-Nt.
l'n ui s n n i Mi rainio
N.pi'lt me isitin;
K-.1H ii-.l;a.lc 'li Tl.irilj
iMiit-'npi.:is !li
r i ! . t :k r f. r hii v-
:::t lit ;- iu tl: i,i ar
' i
Si!:i :
T' T .:r;
tj" h' f
it!v-t. n
nun. A:f
a t-HV.i:ilnt
trvt Mr I
i- ''nty.
M.-, ir.n
t- r s v i -r t
: ii- r 1,. !..
.1 1. i . !':;
It. I'... v.
ai'p'i;:ti. i
r .ill I'. .
iit.Ttnim 1
at ln-r
hi Miii.lay
i nf Tlifinp
V-r 1 i'i:j!it
r in t.vv ti List
l.iu-htr "Papa, are too
w of the Eight-hour law V
Papa (thinking a!.ut .m-thinir
-l "No, la i-ht-r, I am n..t ;
au l if yoan .MitkUr htav9 lre
ipiit hours another ni-ht this wrtk
I II tv.rue down staira an-l kr.ook a
hia.-t. cffthe fr-.nt .l.or wi:h him."
t'Hiiuiiou Siju:.
A Ivi-rtise 1 list of 'tt-s nnca.le.1
f'.'r ieru.inin in the P. O at Mifllm
t wn Ph., week ending F;bury 1.
IS. t(). Persons calling for W-turs
in this list will plea9 as'i f r adver
tifd matter. Letter: Mr. Cttli
t-r,tn' Jones. Mrs. Ii. Trtfcott, Wil
!i-nu I'ox.
.1 V1IES McC-ATLET, P r.
All Mi-luinje ri-mrks : One third
"f the foilrt of the country think Uky
ivin b-at t'i Iawvt-r in .utiilin
l:v o:i;- half t!:ink ther can b; at tho
i t..r .aliuir th sii-k. two thirdn
f t'r.ttui think they can bi-at th min
ister pri-Rchin the (rnspi-1, and r.ll
of tiirm know they ran beat the edi
tor in running a newspaper.
Oil tlis mitrai'ig of the 21t!i ult.
Mrs. Mary C ider living Den" Aca
domi.i nn.se put lire in tlu Ktovc,and
then went t' led to Itu comfortable
till the riM.in wr.nii'.l. She fell into
a shvp and was awakened by a roar
ing lire up stairs. Tho building
and nearly all of the furniture burn
ed. Insurance on building and funi
iture i'OO.
The census enuim-ratrs wiil lo re
quired to l-gin work 'ii the 1st of
June and finish :he work on or W-fr.-
the first f July. They will
find the lnwn btisini men in the
midst of mid Mitnmr r businesn bull,
and the farmers in the rush of mid
summer woi k. The tnwii lUHii wiil
miplain of dull times and the farm
er of hard Wiirk.
Kngiish Si nviu 1 tit
al' fl.ii l, Suit, or Ca'iiUM-il Lumps
and lib i.iis'irs, frmn I:ofs s. JUxxl
SjutIti, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney,
Ui:o.- Ixu'e, Stit'es, Sprains. h!1 St.1
i !i l"l.r...its, (Jough.s Ac. Save $o()
b- the uae of one bottle. Warrant
ed the nnt wonderful blemish cure
ever known. S.ld by L. Danks
Co , lii-tiggists, Mitlhntown. Nov G
'"Ca:i a man tish with a seme in
his own private pond on his own land
is the ip.iesiiou that has lieen agitat
ing tl.a jxTjiV iu Montgomery C.
A tish owner sv the owner at work
and Mied him for violating the fish
laws ..f the Slate. The' justice of
the pi rt.-e ! i id- l !u had a right to
c.io 1: his own ;ih iu l is private ilid.
Tin- high r courts will ! app4-alel
Th decision of the Supreme Court
of Montana in the Thompson cas,
which makes the Republican body of
the Legisl.-ure the legal one nettle
beyond a doubt the standing of the
Republic -i United Slates S:t.ators
from that State and puts an extin
jruisher on the Democratic cry of
fraud.. Whether the Democratic or
gans will now charge the Sttpreme
Court with corruption remains to lw
wen lut it is m.re thin hkt-iy that
they will have the d-ency t .
keep quiet and take thier meli.-iue
without a squeal, bitter as the dose
may le. North American.
On account of an insoSr.-ieney f
light in the Post Office room, and
pr ijxis.d increase of rent, a gen
eral misunderstanding sprsng ii
lwtfu pst master J.imes McCnu
ley, and the landlord li. E. Pari.tr
which resu'te.1 i-i t!i Post Master
askin;. Post Master l?neral to jer
uit him move theoflicw. The permis
"'"B was granted and McCauler jn
I'd to move the ofiice alxnit lo(
Rtfps sway frtm its present location
on. main street, to the Jarolis Houe
lot on bridge street. When McCau
ley'spurprse became known some ore
sprung a movement of opposition
to the chanpe of hcrtion fur theofih-e
anl during the lieriod of a dnv cr
mi mere rr."el a i
C- Copeu haver.
Com, vs, Jeremith Ciders and
Amanda C Bay, for livine as roan
and wife ontide of tha bonds leca
wedlock. Prosecntr William
Com. t, Charles Sher'ock, formi
fiii n a?id basterdr. lfecnor
Saury X Brton.
tloni. v, Bur. Vj-1 Ivk rape.
P:0c-i' r 51.'. I'lllbe.rson.
.Murder in Centre County
A special from Bellef.mte to the
Alt'KMia Tibune, January -'J, says:
Nevis has just. !i n received of a
dreadful murder cemni'tlcd at (lre n
Briar, alxnit five miles from Sjr;ng
Mil's, at 10 o'cl ajk this morning.
The victim was tin i ! 1 man named
Andrew Weaver. He was stahbel
to the heart with a butcher knifeeith
er by Mrs Auman or Lit sou they
being the only persons in the house
at the time. The neighbors heard
them quarreling and on going into
the house found the old man dead
ami Mrs. Auman aiul her so l in dis
pute as to who cmaiiiU-d liw d.-e 1.
The woman bad lieen iivin-r with
Weaver for quite a whim and chimed
to b r.ir.rri! to him.
S '. e 1 nd Ix i n mai ned to a man
nasiici Autimn and had on.-s n. This
rid'' his home with his mother
s'-rvices of a physieian are being, JUMATA VALLEY AiNK,
brought into requisition. j OF MIFFLI.1TOH5, PA.
Oriental Feb. 1, ISM. ! . WI
What a Comfort Stockholders Individually Liable.
jn5FPn ROTHROCK. Prtf.Jnt.
! - T. VAN IHVIN, Cathur.
l A
"A is
W. C. furnvtvy,
John Hertler,
Robert E. Parker,
T. V. Irwin.
JnM-pb Kthr'ck,
Pbilip M. Kejmer,
Ixuia E. AtkiDSOD,
in a tea pot in the vilhae to the Kt Weavers. The three quarreled
amm-menr . ot r!l who K- p. tlK-m- among thtmseives very often ncd it
r--i.e. out i.i iue pof.s omce removal . tninllv citiminate.l m the aoove tragic
SEW nitt ; STORE.
M.. P. CiiAwroRn, Puabmacist,
l-.a-s opened a new drug store in Mif
llintown nnd has in stixk a full line
of all goods kept in a first class
drug store. Pkesckktioss acoirate
lt covin h-i.f.i. Purity of ingri'di
ents guaranteed. The patronage of
the publicis respc-tfnlly so icitod.
D'tuocrat ninl Register building,
oposite Odd Fellows' Hall, Bridge
street. tf.
lit f cl 1 i I! ii til: ITI 11112
.... " - J
e that Mrs. Auman committed
:uiv. d-r as she was verr jealous
id f.
peach grub, commonly call-
t :u ii K ir r. can ! dot roved.
ig t.ij. TI. Hale, with caustic
. i. :..! i;:to a .-trolly le with
I.: n f lime and carbolic
The Sheriff soM at the Court Hous-e
hist Fridnr O'l-rge P. K nepp's
property in Uea!e township to 5l4ry
I Kenept for i?'2i: CO.
The A W. Dr. ;' mg'i pmiw t v.
' to Thcm.is F. DroUbatigh for $10 00.
Tli't ii leon II !d.v.u-in property t i
I K'izi Cr. z er. for SNil OO.
removes! T!u u! ,f I.m i : f ISilr t.r..n
"- - - " - ! f
trty w is stayed.
The Sale f the Fr.inei- M. Tfahler
proverty wis f.s - I.
luolhrr Iloroe Sale.
L. I'.ai.'ks Wilsr.ii of Creston, Iowa,
will conduct his Thirtv-ninth horse
sale at the Jacobs House, in this
j place at one o'clock sharp, iu the af-
t- rnoou, on.
TIESliAV, VARiH 4, lhDO.
This lot will -mbrace single and
I double driving horses, colts and
: heavy draught horses. Terms: Si
ty oars on note ; 1 per cent, olf for
; ca"h.
Pim-ba-i-rs fr.-r:i M tllin county can
, have their le res delivered at L. vvis-
town, free of chnrie, : desired.
r: s'l
to 1
of Mr. Weaver. Mrs. Auman and her
s n v.vre brought to this phu-n on tho
5 oYl.x-k train and lodged iu jail
Iovr Ralen to lTiialilpton la
I'cnnoliaola llailaoad.
No Dirt! t-o Fuss ! No Dick Ache!
and miic tht fboM WEAR EETTIL.
!m"l let llie we men have mil the best ti- ir-.i;,. but ie
I Grid it a en trip Harness Dressrng--WOLFF4
1 Philip M. kepner, Annie M. Shetley,
Joe;ili Koibroek, Jn H- Irwin,
' L. K. Atkit'fon. It. E. Parker,
i W. V. Foc:er -y, J. Hl.nes Irxin,
' Mmv Kuril, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr
J.iliD iiertzler. T. V. Irwin,
i I'hirlotleSuyder, Jomnh L.Barton,
John M. Hlir, Hubert H. Patteriin.
! F. M. M. Peiinrll
i Three and Four per cent, interest will b
raiJ n tertif.catea ot deposite.
i i.)in SJ', 1889 U
The Pennsylvania Railroad's spec
ial excaisifiiis to Was'.iingtjn on Feb
uary 13th March Gt.li, April 3rd, and
April 24th, present an estraodinary
oppor' unity f .r a delightful visit" to
the capital of the tuition. The capital
with nil :ts interesting features is
mud attractive in winter and spring
and tint is also the season wi en our
ppopk can command the grvaiest
period of leisure.
The limits of the tic-Vet are gen
erous enough to make tli-r visit
thr I'lp": not only taking in Washing
ton. b,tt liallimore, Mt. Vcnm, Rich
mond, and re'ersburg. II .mud-trip
tickets will be sold from Pittsburgh
to Washington at t'O.IK), valid for ten
days and admitting of a stop-over in
Utdtimort" in either direction. The
mtv from oi'mr slationsin the west
ern portion of the State will lc pro
port innately low. SjxH-ial train, of
parlor cars and day coaches will leive
Pittsburg at A. M., stopping at prin
cipal stations and c uinecting from
blanch lin-s. The ticket will also
bo good on the night traixs leaving
Pit sburgh iii dates mentioned.
Round trip tickets to Mt. Veron
Richmond, and Petersburg may le j
purc'.ias d in Washington at reduced 1
The round-trip rate
town is $V25 an l the
-'.3 N. b
& m
TTce-n 7 n? Cor; I o M,ri?nr::rr.r
. Uv.'i t jr a tinitf, C:i 1 t.:-n Ijrvf t i;: i X
t -
life-Ion stndy. I witrit my remoi.r
ejus tbe Font Cfle. Jcaarc oll'-.r h:.
i .liletlie noron lur not uoh- rei-eivin acu
bei.dtoac Inraireaii- ana ii t r.Ei-. run .
rt oy l::Ai.:.aBiji Ulmect. i-ivk fcjr.-iCi.
r.nrl ic, Offi. e. it cu j-oc Lutiiy i..- .
;-.!, axui it wiil euro you. .ducs
IL C. HOOT, M -C, I E3 i al S v Un V3
400ACKKS. 3)lll TIM It.
To represent one or tho Urgent Nurseries j
in the country. We guarantee satiMuctton '
to all cnatoniers. No. previous eiperii-nce
Decenary. Salery and rlipenae
from a'art. Addre-s, hUtiu a(te,
Maple Avenue Nurseries, West Chester , la.
January 22, lS90-4t.
Worth Knowing,
That i en stop toot qachk in less than
five minutes ; n p:iiti, nu ex:r;ctingr.
1 hat I can extra-t teeth without pain,
:.y the ue of a tt.iiii applied to the teeth
tr.rt ruins ; no danger.
, I hat Diseased (i mi iknoso
1 as Sciirvr) treat cl ucc-as(ully
tid a cure mrrf'; wrantej in every
pne.. -iji-i '
! Teeth Fillep anil warrautad lor lite,
i Artificial Teeth rapsirei!, exchanged or,
reiwotidled, trora S.t to $12 per set.
; Beautiful Gum Knaiueleii Tee iaserted at
prices to suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis
1 taction. People who have artificial teeth
! with which they cannot eat, are especially
iiiviieil to call. Wiil visit professionally
I V their boiuea if notilie l by letter,
j Will visit regularly nt Kichiielil the 2nd
I wetks ot Mav anrt October.
1 t.x ii Cash.
G. L. DERIl,
rractlcal UeutUt.
ksTsBLisuitD is mrrLisrowH, Pa., is lh6U.
Oct. 11 'S5.
Men's, Boys' and Children's clothing, overcoats, fioe shirts, hats and
furnishing good3, at reduced prices AT SCHOTT'S.
Encouraged by the enormous trade during the month of October w
bought .o,000 worth more Clothing aDd Furuisbing Goods for November.
The weather in October was favoraole to the Clothing trade, but there is
every reason to believe that November will be a mild month. Now we find
ourselves loaded to the muzzle with a full stock of clothing and fnrnishinK
goodi--. To nnlocd ourselves is to cut down the prices, and our customer,,
w-dl reap the HARVEST ot BEST BARGAINS"ever known. W rMM
now u every article to a price that you will wonder at. The goods a: .
shop-worn but all new and bright.
Men's taits marked do wn to
Men's 6aits marked down to
Men's snits marked down to
Men's suits marked down to
$ 3.50 Men's suits marked down to " 7. SO
4 00 Men's suits marked down to 10.0
5.00 Men's smits marked down to 13.00
These cuits are cut in sack and frock styles and come in light mediant
and dark cassimeres, Scotch, Chevoits, Worsteds, and Corkscrews import
ed and domestic.
Men's overcoats
Men s overcoats
Men's overcoats
marked down
marked down
marked down
to Men's overcoats
Men's overcoats
to $12.00.
marked, Jo wn
marked dwn . to
Many of these overcoats being made of
Corkscrews, Cassituers, Meltons, etc.
light and medium weight.
YV ANTED?e1.LKN ur? e ry
Stock. All Goods Warrsnted Fibst Clss.
Peimsnent, pleasant, protitablu positions
tor the r'frht men. Good saleries and ex
penses paid weekly. Liberal inducements
to beginners. No previous experience nec
essary. Outtlt tree. Wrile tor terms, giv
ing age
C iiables H. Cuase, X urservmati, Korl.es-
te. N. Y.
Vrntn o ihn.lir. Die. is-7s'.t, :iin.
For REwoENCrs. CHuOHe3. Ceme-thhies. Fmb I
Caroens OstM Aniors. Wladaw Caaras, Trellises, )
Hrn-priM.f l-I.txlalllKU I,TH, DOOR MATS
Ar. W rite for JlluslraleU Catalogue: mailed fret j
I Itf nj-r Oil., rilKksrch,
ITarJ-,i-e r Lii-i IU Give nsme of uia papa .
These suits are no old set up goods, having been received by us tea
days ago. But go tliey must.
Children's overcciits marked down to Boys' overcoats marked dowa to
2.oo. $ r,i
Children's overcoats marked down to Roys' overcoats marked down to
!?2.40. $300.
Cbi'dreu's overoonts marked down to Boys' overcoats marked down t
S3 00. !?3 50.
All the best and latest styles are inulu led in this offer. Kv-.rv eotk
er who has a boy to clothe should avail hrsolf of this unexpected offer.
Men's pantaloons
Men's pantaloons
marked down to Men's pantaloons marked down te
iiiiuked down to A great variety to select from at
the above reduced prices.
Hr- 5j .? , A- Z A.
Oii u you. lurgyi it,
G . W. HECK,
l;as n:ovcd his Lce Store with the 3 ulk t-t Stt.t-k in the County
Into the xtfcCrtim ISi.i.iiii.o;.
Don't fail under any circumstances to see the above bargains. If yea
are in need of clothing it's the greatest money saving chance ever known.
from 'XTiftln-!
leaving time
i tlie tl
is 2 ( 1. M.
renn Uania
IV r-ii re.
:.-:d, f
wlm fi a
j.i.ple rei.
lit till:.'
I.u.is on Win
CO :
of 1
at ;
1- !
I 11 i.s is announcexl as
r ' ngrt sn in this dis-ie-i
is a citi.-.en of L u-
I. ;i ! 'ii ae an vs-
1 i r is urnei-oUH fiit inin
t !'. i-t l'i int on Fri
M. Crawford has been
tl.e t' tin y hania Rail
r a-.isi;iii! siirjeiiti for
nrneiiii- is adil
e.l. in: 1 s -roitinns a li'ile clay to
make it adhere to the tree. The
srtii is ilrnn away from the fixit of
the tree, and the mixture is applied
with a sssli. Kx.
A I.itt-rai y Si -iity was oroanizel
in looia 1, of t tie . common schoil
l'.iii i:i.g in tl.i plai-e Friday even
tug. S ins Mov-ir was -lecteti rrcsi-
li tit : A'is. n VilN. Vice President :
and Martha Fasic, Secretarv. A'.
l.iriri' numlh-r of voting tn-ople ininl !
and aItho;:;;!i organiinl late in the ,,f the Church and
Count v Fret man.
The nunaal sosioti of the Celitrul
Pi nr.sylvaiii.-i Ci iife ence i f the
Met!iil:st El-ia'-oral Church will b -
gi n .March i.'tii, in lames . Jis- Iroin iii-- liy an olisi.li te process
ler Memorial tail, Carlihle. The i phtdograpny in clay, and J. Q
ci.nfvrtfict is one of tho largest of i Ward's ideal sculpt nr.- as it now
H .rac.i (liv-ley and Ji iTerson D;t
vis ar.- tin.- subject of the fdr. llgest
arti -k- iu t.e 1 bru.irv O-'.s:uou.litn,
by A !i.t llilsie.l 1. Twoofth il-Iiastrat.-
.s in citriotts contrast, are
a reih-i:-- l hoto-scnirttire made
1 si'ivi'li. L'.Knl nurk is rivrteil to 1 I
j ai-i-oTuolinhed by the organiziit ion,
I which meets every Friday veiling.
The public are invited to attend the
p.nft ings.
the reat Methodist church, .m-; pears in his studio. The other (vu-bra-iug
in territory, the larger p.ir- j tents give an iibureiant variety of ttt
tton of Central and S mtheru IVnu- tractive and timely r. adi:ig, with the
ylv.inia. divided into tiv. presiding ' usual jn-ofusioti i f illustrations,
e lder districts, Altoona, Harrinbartr, j Capt. (irtr. of the U. S. Ordnance
Itauvitle, Wili:unisp rt and Juniata. I Corps, in 'duceiit Ii.vel.iimeiiti iu
Its miiiiftrv mimb-rs two hundred (hri Making," shows the growth aud
and thirty-one, amon whom are j tendency of nrii-.am-i-ut in various ta-
siine ot the aolest anl rnot em -tetil . lions. iiie it i.iu lurg llieatre,
Nation. l'errv
! ii.; u;
t " Kin ; F. !'tr 1 of Kr.gHtid is said
fx-..- '. i lo-d the foot measure
111 'st-tiil.iv !i iisiu-- ore of his
f-t a-'a Standard."
ii "hum i.-i ,.
!lii:?it!to;i iintt-oW
I-. tug a ttrs of 2.
! o"'li and restaurant
irui.' i-:timiin'titi.
Th- flint I :d of M,-K. .Tot'ih llrna.l
''Cl!b.:i e fj. ,:, ,wof her hn
n m.I 1 .. i - . . .
" "1 I i Mll'ilvl i' ti townniitii nn
mi-I-iv ln:,.r . .,t ;, ir.,; ,.
A:u-"K- i!.,. , i.niks
ei!.lin.r t!,,- otl.er .!-,v
HI "as lift e.l '
'laved at
in Berks C
ver a fern
j S tbscrihrrs to the Sentinel axo Rf
. pi kmc v wl o are back with their
. p. iv more than a vmr will confer
! liati'ints:s upon th rnselvea and tie
!iii.:gpment of the paper by paying.
Few of our air. ar patron would en
jo v wet king one. two. three, fonr.
tivo at'd ra'iri ers for a d llr
an, i t li.i'f on trust. We do not
HKc to p te e ttit-ir account in the
hin.M of an attorney f r coll-ction
nnd wiil riot do it if thev pay within
rix we ks liwc. Feb. lS'.ll). tf.
From the Lwintown Democrat
and Sentinel ? ! you know AIm
Lacy " AI..' is a k right of the roail,
ami h:vs l'n on the tramp f r aliout
ti ft v years. AIh' is no louder a de
sirable visitor, and whu he im'. in
r.n aii'iearance at Ad.-imsburg the'
The I'lrst mToman tround Hie
Nellie B'.y, and Lizzie Bisland,
are not the lirst of their sex, t trawl
nr.nn.ii the world as appears from an
t l:i:
ill was put iu a bake
ri . i i . s;,:, v
P.' l: f , .... .
.V V. -i,r.( ,.
:th his iv.
recently in
u makers
'1 to Canton,
mi the 4th
Robisoii Illinois
of t'u is
Si;i, e tin-
VI rv ;
siui ti ar.. aire
n. .. .. - i ,
- rantut ,-r,
ivcHiit fail of snow the
bits arc remrte I as le
Ullt ("lis. Col!; ii:ieutlv
adv antic
next fall.
pat i tig a
"V Ft.,,,1,
ur::s t.
i.-iv tin
t i,
ills lal.n- ..t l ..
i"un ! training his
' nv's in tlie kitchen,
laced a cradle for
lafioti. This saves
'"eT the eggs."
and scratches on
the i.-ading theatre ef Germany, and
in some) resp-c's the tinest in the
world, is descrilied by V. v -n Sachs,
with illustrations ix 'iu ittj magnifi
ctnt fr.se .;S. "The ex'h 1 La:ic-r
or," by Fr.itik Vine :it, contains in-
ter. s'.::;g rem hi in:- nets f the ile-
jKisi-d moiiaiclt. Tiie arniv.il f,s
' tivities iu N.-w Orl.-itr.s a;-o s--as ma-
article in the dmoilitau Magazine j ,ly p.-rtiayeil hy Maty lilsland, a
from the pen ot . S. Walsli. .Mr. young journalist f the Cr. -sc-r t ; ity.
Walsh says: the tirst woman to cir-'tiraco (iri-niiAM.nl t. :ls of .Mrs. R i:l
cumnavigate this sphere was a mem-: ey's Washington Salo.'j a gc:i rati ti
ler f Ii. u gaiuvihe's famous exj-di-j ng , wle-re tue h ading iiidi-shiv.Ty
tiou aroutnl the world in 170G t'.'J, p,.fs liahtics c .ngreg it'd. '-(iorge-which
occupied just two years and j town University,'' by Join; J. aBick
four months. Uuder the name of ' ct, forms a chapt r'of t!io ed'tcatiou.-il
Bare, and the disguise of a man, this j series, and half a toZ n other g 1
woman had taken passage upon the . articles appf-ar. Instead of the us
storcship L' Etoile as a servant to j ual now , thi. month presents a
Philibert de Commercon, the lxitan- j doubhr substitute in a ipiaint (l-.irgia
ist. She K.re the hardships ami I st rv by R chard Mali; il u Johnst m,
privations of the trip cheerfully and ! characteristically illustrated by Kem-
uncomplamingiy, proving lierself un j He, and a numerous play called "A
intelligent assistant in all her master's (ieutle Maniac," bv Cleorge; Edgar
scientific studies and her sex was Montgomery, superbly illustrated by
never suspect eit until the vessel reach- I)j Veza.
other day the big hearted citizens ! el Tahiti. Here the natives, with;
collected enough money to buy him ! the keen intuition of savages cried
a ticket nnd shipped him to Lewis-1 )Ut in theirdinh ct. "It is a woman."
town. He arnwd hereon schclulo j Bougainvill, subse,,uently . btained j 0!1 Sunditv night Jan 20th the
tmie. and wasseLti on our streets from her a full confession She san j kf) hcxl of K Tri)lltnlan
ma i-.ng time with two u ks f.r sup- that she was an orphan, that she ha I . burneJ tlo witll all of Mr. Tro.jt.
p rt at th.. rate ..f a m.I,. a day. It rved b fore in mv.m s clothes and j m,iu-s mtat iu it whi(.h c(llsi,,er.
-a.-, i.ei.e.o, t, oi .,u, .er v.... ,,,t i,, ,.,ea ;i a vov age aroumt ine ; al;e ()f a ,iHS Rs tjuri.
peopi- io s nn 111:11 i.ere kihi l am worl.t liail lnnameil ner curiortty.
Oriental .eiv.
awful sorrv we can't return the coiu-
! amount of meat in i
vas finite an
."animals cured in 30 minuUs
I'T I's Sanitnrv ;.. Tl,;.
""Mails. S.J.I In- t l..i... f. ...
IT-le,.... , .x, .
Or Rmk
TltfS. run
Aid.y Rick and Will
1 uiiting a fox on A.Linw
ncro's a tn..rU i
nr.,. -' - iimfc 1 1 1 (, 1 e
rP.'Sllm 1 ,.i. ... .
n tl . . . seen
TMift!le lUnt-
A IlOvv I'r.iM,
-rs,ilnp,.., . ; r. f ('"'
I hog pruphet ha
i-aiieii Ll. an l annonncc.l
i.r ,141,1 1 ,1 , ,
i tie amis mat. sue aiwavs uenave.i on T,.i.,.r.v ,i;.i-..r .t.,. t
pl.tnent by forwarding to Adams- j Is.ard with the most scrupulous mod- .lt b pn tolen or carrie1 a auJ
burg some of the girls w ho tigured j , sty. Sue attended M de U.ni.ner- yet is nt there )iUtl johunv is
so iTomuiently in all our na-ty court ,-on in last sickness and sulrsequently i ?ll,:v Himw lookimraroiind
f .r si- m? one to kep house for him.
C. iiiwtnlila T . ii-li kw v,no .Inwn
b'"try. ' a batch of young fellows the other
- day for disturbing a religious meet-
i ing. lictter to carciul loys,
:rememiK-r t ivs, rememiter voa
scrapes. I rataor tlunli ijewistowu
would then bu otic aliea I.
luarricd a soldier, bu' with these mis
tv details she vanishes entirely from
llooUed Tor Court.
C cjrt this week mav be short. The in 'ie house of God, that you
Sir .
lie 1
R. I;.
l-'.r I .
Mr. Iavld II 'lTiuan of this town!
resi-eive.1 a new house keeper last week, j
A nundier of the bhx ds t.f the town j
wer.- impiwd on by a wag. who told ;
them that Hoffman had just taken ;
unto himself a new w ife. tool, ! eases hefoie it ure few.
said the bloods. Dave is worthy of a 1 are. The case of M. H.
serenade, and that evening they ap- J;n 1. B 'ts'ior, for the hauling of
peared befora his house with all the Jllne flood drift from the l tnd of Var
infernal noise of the working con- ne9
trivancr a of a calithumpian band. : The case of tlforse C. Tavlor vs.
Hoffman was surprised and wonder- T.ewie Arnold and Fratik W. Noble
fully hurt in feeling over the riotous on account of ttie teizare of s.iiue
demonstration. Ha ijuietlv glided jrsonal proi-erty in Perry County,
out of the house and secured the ; The case of Elizabeth Swartz, vs
names of several of the sjreiiadi rs, t J-wis Arnold is a sort of a cross
f-.il immedintclv mnde information ; Buit that hs it origin in the case
Wfore S.iutre C. II Horning, wno i-,of Go. C Tav'.or vs.
"i-. nu1! ill I lull 'I'll ; . - . .. . . , . . . . .
Tound ho came out of it s"pd rrarrnt a,,l ri 'i n in me Rr,,i j. rant . ,u,e.
- : . i. r . ... II. , o 11., rt- re I - E II...
nitllUS Ol one ei ijni I'. a ilia " l Q case Ol Jiso
turn made the gjiil.-mt seren.lers next frieud Dmiel R'tine. vs. Joseph
feel hke t.-king a grip on the safety ' Campbell and Samuel Cimpbell, i,
valve of the law and bring a cross ac-, on account of a settlement in which
i'vvi rf-.il frei -ht en-'ines tion against I.ive fr swearing and ,De ptrties nre intreste i.
UMilroad men as "hogs," ! thus the scene is prese-nted of Dave , Coin, vs, Samael Carter, desertion
''.' loll tiri ,l,r-,' I ... . f o t-ir. r ..11 the VolcIli of a threat Iff ' r.rwiu.ntnr. Marv J. drtrr.
.... ...', .... .... 1 - - - . -- -
1 lnv nis vsi.l t.i . r.vcntion. and the Imvs hanging fnm. vs. Jjhn Z uik anJ Stcnhfii
i:iV . . ..' .'..'-.!. '' .sir-O-ys. r.' 'i-
.' V . X-4 - i .:,.'.v- ... . - . , . i
18G5, E S TABLISHE D, 18i;9.
Special Invitation rTo rJThe iublic
To attend the Attractive i?ale of Clothing tJiat goes on
D. W.
a - ' : I
1 r 1 :
fs, .f.-HtJ
.11 r . 1 .. . 1 ...
i "",u"l"i'ii'UneKMih
i-i 7'nl "" k t its hole to
im re.
a t-roftccution, and the lny8 tanging
Law. 1 road in Fermanagh.
s than the rmwerful on the safetv valve of a cross suit in R-no. eaiiervieors for not repMiriig aul
... .i..
Here thev I in the presence of G.hI ; and he saTS
Varne, vs i what ye do to the least one of my
hhildien, ve are doing it unto me.
tuite likely those young ladies rea
lize the fact that when the roads are
muddy ar.d the night dark it is not
a pleasant time to pull each other
by the hair.
Rev. Andy Eeshoar was taken down
with grip while tittmiliug the Duuk
ard protracted meeting at Oriental
last week. Doiit be distnrged
Lewis Arnold ; Brother Andy, grip will grip ab ut
as nrmly on preachers as it will oa
Rbice, by her , "in
sIeaking ol sickneos there is not
m i.-ii rial .c.-kuess in this com-!
munity at prevnt barring a few I
casps of chronic ailments but influenza !
seems to be making a cl an swet p
b t this as a lule mere.y it c ii:manos
Le Ji-i'ieu! t ir e i - d:ivs or n week ;
thin i oi-- s fff again there be-,
in g but occasional cases where the !
To cleia tombstones. To ren -w oil-clotlL.
To 7vUsh knives. To scrub floors.
To clean dishes. To wlii-ea '--
L r i i r
0 &zst
To renovate paint.
To wash o: t ir lir,
Tj remove: r -
no m
0 a . '
To briph ten metals.
F-onr bath-tuT.
k aoi
ProRecuter A
Detitlat to elan fais trK
ParxocM u polbh trw-lnafrvmmta.
ConfectWsoc i m to eotax tllr pans.
Xektea to lrtctitT Uir tool.
CMks to ckaa Uw kitrbem tnk.
Trtatccm to rleaa off wrtMM.
Injufn tn rlM part r frnarhin..
Mli -Ua-r-. u rrtiB .to o. J etui
ak'xt.ma imcli-u tbo t'inbrtonrtL
Ilofttirra an b rawer atul wtiltf tsorbHO.
Art lata to clooo their palart.
lThwrliran to clooa btryros.
v floors.
r!.rM a M9 : .
Sold! t. br!,
lUnn tir to t
It will he
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of (Joods for
It is truly marvelous to See
i l Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to give him a call if in need of Clothing
D. W. IT A R L E Y
The Largest Stock
Luildirg Hardware was never so low as now,
in f:wt everything in the Hardware Line including House Furnishing Oooda
Are Xow Sold at llotlom Price by
it proprrly manaced. The Pi ltt Bi t
tr.Ti. publish! monthly, finely illusirated.
s ili t est papr f-T lancer and tarm.-r
Less than Ht. cents a month brinps it to
-rn post sa,'1 S-'iit stamp forsamp'ecopv.
ACil. ess rltry Bulletin, 825 Tcarl St.
e Yoik.
' feiasylTtsi Artcaltural Worta, Tori. Pa.
taraahax's PUaCsra KsciaM aad Hills.
Hens. Tnciiae m i. i Au.cnt.. (a
Swwxwif. irriMM..i.
W tVJ'i v 1 I "I
Aditrra A. B. HK'JCHaR SO;i. Im;.
Children's suits marked down to Boys' long pants suit marked down
,l o0. j to $2.87.
f'!i;I. hn's suits marked down to Boys' loug'pants suit mark! tlowa
'2 00. to $3.50. r
Children s fruits marked down to Boys' long pants snit marked down 'i'i
2 50. to $4.00. k--'
Children's suits marked down to Boys' long pants suit marked down
$3.50. j to js.ViS. .;;
! Children's suits marked down to Boys' long pants suits marked dawn '
3.75. ! to $l'..00.