tfVTIXEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : TERMS. anbarrirtton. fl-BO per mnnom tf pud 3l J21. a .P0 If not paid in dtuc. VLE advertiseaf taaerted at 60 Trer inch for each Insertion. ?vlnit bu.ineaa aoticee In local c . 1 cent" V line tor each inaertioa- V'non. will be made to thow desrrtag ..rfrertiM. by the rear, hair or ort- r- I-, in Mt. Vuion have .1. SHORT LOCALS. K B;:wl-r of farmers have plowed ground f 'r":it. A Buck cunty young lh- wears h 1 inches long. j- j lUrtlt y painting fur Law Trf'Lyou oil Monday. " Liat from lSc to t Fran (ku, Hardware .V Co. lI. raK'" preachers are seeking converts t ..rr N Sarireant Ross of York pa., was in Janata last week. r Dr TV!e, of the Johnstown Preb'vtrriaii church will resign. r;i leie Pannabsfker ret a rued from T?r,,u liwt week. Fuw r-n.n. Lamp" at Fmsi'ish HiitnE A Co. W.n.I-.iuelv decorated IjamM at Kras. ' Harhware A. Co. He vour vendue bill printed in the SlVHN! t. Aiu Kotiiucax office. rrl r"..nriKrlid is asain in the . , ifre r a protracted attack of an-. - A cold wave suspended lusinessjn Seattle, Wii.-liiut-tt territory, last III. not fail ti' e tVw Hurler at the Fraacisi'ii Hardware Company Store. Sanr.iel K'TiuiU ha sold his wij,'(.n kxVii; lu.-.ines to Win. HalD"4- Lawvt r Lt..h i ; having the tit .!.. if ins iv-id. on Bridge strwt p&iuteil. Americans in I.'nd n propose t- V f . 1 jive r U rcr Mt nry si. niA nicy .t baii'l'Ut. Gtlvln litiiiu ha fold 'his tablet f:ic! "-r 1 confectionery t ) rtamuel pnvid Vi!.n ..n t.f Samuel Wil e..n ni-vv of A!t. -n. was in t wn on M, t.Iav. Thr i li.'ti i'i . f a superintendent oKVra:n..u m'! take place neit My. Tj iir- vi'iit t!:- si-rt-n.! .f Marlvt Tin' iw v.-n ilay A lvviit UU have op al i l l. fr 'ii. 'Ik: vvnrhip in T m i ! rr uti -k t.i a wall that b-- n wh vahe I. WiisU in vino gv or -i.iVr i' m. G'iir. -;.i in (,V mi of "Willi -Larre in a rnn ii.l'itr for the Kt;puLli im U' vi: r!.ii'. Tin ri:rm.-n l l oiaiuitteo f Jihn-t w;i ;r i! j-sj 1 1 ask Cjnrx.H f .r J'ntO.tiuo ri ii f. N.wis (: :.!!. ta nl)s'rile for the S-v T.M.i. K'n br.ic.vs ami the Si-ial r ii-vs in the Lutheran churcli frv. rv t v niii- this week, es wptictf S:itiinly rv, uin Hpn-snt itiv Joseph Martin ni Bt pln- Eau. r I'arker or Pi'.tn Yui ar v Li i. tid.ila in town. Ker. Mr. Whit,, of rhilaJ.-lphia will con lurt Hie connuunion services in tLe I'rtrdh trrian churcli next Sab- tath. Tie p:ii';i onp in IVlaware has bn l!tri.y.'.l, hut that ia a rejiort tint r !a s fruiu lK laware tvery rear. Janit-s Curti r i.f Port Royal has rivtil M l hack pt-tiMoii 'aml will from this iin rtoeivo $17 a month pension. Mrs. Sur;iU U. Kartley in the re ciinrut of a niil.ivs back pm-Hioa-i-j,:?no- uiul monthly pay $12 a niuntli. Tact r.iun that said the clearing away uf f. ,ri -.ts is drying- things up, w t a loss to ocrouut for the past -t seas. in. The ThUidrlphn Tints Almanac, "LeajR Tbetu All." and is a gem that ban t) be swu and rpud to he prop r!v k preciatJ. Ice La'.f a n im-h thick ban not beet forrat-.l this winter. Everybody mailt in IVhruury. E'tit.T CVnrad of the MtVevtown Ji)urn;il h:i ht n nppointml to a pos ition in tin. .vi-rtinieut document f"m at Wttj.lantoti. TL fn that were out croaking on the itli of January were driven into their wint. r mu.i lcds lv the 8;uf the S;h. RoWrt lVterson who a nu-nber of Tar ;n. w it U hi fmnilv movd to '"org; returned to I'leasact 'lew thin rour.ty t.) livtj. . M the- Calf st reara insists in forc ' it- way nearer to the Atlautic t. winter will b kept awav acor-uJa:- .listaiire inland. Tie litiuf.Lx' season closeil on the Jt f the year -cepting for ducks, itif ihu-k hunting season WginsSp taN r firvt Hud closes Mav 1. T, P.e. Ifr. McCool of York eoantr. preached in the Presbjterian church last Sabbath. Banks Kanffm&a bought the Cbaple building from the O. A. R. Post at pnblio sale on Satnr Jar, for ? 135. 00. Four feet of snow fell at Omaha, Nebraska on Sunday. At Witch i La, Kansas, the snow waa fifteen inches den on Sunday. Railroads are all now brand Itch, Mange, and scratches on bu-1 man or animals cured in 30 minutes by Weolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. Banks i Co Druggists, Milflintown. Not. 6. Harry Patterson, who the leader remembers, was severely burned aboat the face by an expulsion of gan powder in the (t. A. Ii. Hall, Koine weeks ago is able to be out araon-r hi friends. Congressman Kelly f Philadelphia lil last week. His successor will lele-ted on the ISth day of Feb ruary the day of the "regular spring election." He was Varied filter n times to congress. The Glamorgan Company doing bu ness at LcwbOown have made aa aosirnmcnt. The forgeries of the Secretaries ami Treasurer of the con- . rti .amouutinfj to f C9.000, was of the failure. C P. Pannabak-r, proprietor rf the Coalport Standard was to see his parents and friends last .week. :He thinks the printing trade the grand est tde in the world for .ike man of the right temperament. Ia an any towns UirougLiaut the country, the Democracy .assembled on the. 8th of January in hoaor of .Ia-ks -ii's victory over the Dritish at Xew Orleans. The Aady Ja-ison Democrats keep themselves akve a long whTc. On th Mb iust.. G. Ii. AVarner of this town was married to Hiss Lnlu K. JSryuer at KLftler, Porry county, aud at the same time ;aid place W. C. .larbey was worried to Miss Laura JJ. Bryner. The briiUs are bisters. Trout of tke LowLstown Fre Presa is liat k from a trip to the Pac' lc coast. It is a great place out there lie lielicvcs. iVyjbtltKS it is, but it will lx? gcut-ratiems after this when Washington ktate U a great a fclate a. Prnnsylvauia issun. We have been honoretl by the r-tt-jj't of a pbamphiet copy of the able aj.uual r :ort of Jno. iv'unuamaker. Pot-t Matv!r Cleneral of the United StaUs for the fiscal year ending, June 20, 1S89. The document is an interesting and instructive paper. On Saturday about 4 o'clock P. M. a terrrifio storm struck the south western iid. of the city of St. Louis i. .i. ..,.. a mile witli', Ch urche, school hoases and alt kinds of h-;us.-s Tere dcmolisb A iiuuibvr of pcuplu rc killed aTitl a lur uuuil-r injured. List of letters uncalled for remain ing in the 1. O. at Mifflintown. Wetk ending Jan. 11 18'.0. Person.-" callliug for letters iu this list will phase ask for advertised matter. L ttrs: J. S. AVebster, Abraham Musser, Harry Rukh. James McCai lev, P. M. The t jw nsLip and borough tle? tiocs are the mora iuiortant, be cause they have a direct bearing up on the revenues of t'.ia pejpla, and if incompetent or 4caielens or corrupt men are elected to cilice, the tax-pay ers have to pay f.r permitting the ek'ctkn of such rueu to placed cf ti ut. In the afternoon of the train uesj atcher Adam formerly of Fermanagh this county, was run over Cth inst., AVolfraug, lous and business and political news f,,CT wen selected aasortment of hterary reading, almost twice as much reading as any other paper published in the county. One dollar in advance. Those who desire the Wee Press can secure it with the Sentwx ajo RrprBMcax for one dol lar and fifty cents in advance. The lijrht of a fire in th dirwt'iTTT. of Lewistown on the evening of the ' 8th inst., was seen br niir noorOo in this town and county, and various were the conjectures of it wlioro. about. Most TeoiJe of this to- settled into a belief that it was & Arm in Lewistown. All conjectures how over were out of range, for the fire was uevona lewistown at GranviSe, along the railroad and was a double frame d welling house belonjrinp to Anna BroughL'and occupied by Hen ry M. Steel and Howard Pelter. S ime of the household goods on the lower floor were saved but nothing on the upps r floors. All the cloth ing of the families except what they hail on was burned. ' There was in surance on le building. From the Newport Ledgers The County Commissioners and Contrac tor Kiefer made an inspection of the last span of the river bridge here on Tuesday, and owing to the pivinr away of thskew backs, and tin light t p p" Ues the Iridge sunk me eigl t inches, cracking and splitting many of the bridge timbers, it was decided t tear s. aeuch of it dovn as was necpssarr to put in timbers. The work of demolition Wgax on W'ednesday. The superstructure will have to be raised up with Jacks the skew back replaced and new tori ylates put on. At will be unsafe for heavy teams tff-oss until the repairs: are made. Thi will lie an additieoal eciense added U the cost of be britlge, which eonJd have been saned if the proper timber was used ia ihe fi-Tfct placp. Tle builtlin? of ft Nwiort river britge out of old tin- ter. w as a "penny w ise and poini looikuU move The Bloomfield Advocate sava. Aiiiub the poiile f the upper end most .accommodated and benefit! by thJP. C. 11. IL. Mr. Cyrus Minicb, farmer for the Lovsville" Or phan Heme. Last year he traveled to Xewp rt 89 timeH. cont-rinjf a total distance of 2tJ70 mile. He now hves 7 hoars in the roc ad trip. Ov Saturday, the 26th ulL, Albert S. Suiyder, of Lijrpool, in cocjpany with others vat starting out on the .river for wild ducks. Wldlw pushing' the lHt with. a lole, his foot slipped aud struck Li ju which asdistthared, the shot Jotlg ingjin his right and left feet laci-rtf hig them it;t painfully. Wrs. Elizabeth Mai-el widow of the laie Jesse March residing just HoutheMt of this borough's limits, was notified that she had b&en g-ran ted ensioa amounting t . about $3000, with $12 er mouth hereafter. Mr. lfeiiry Bcntz-1, of Iii-jomfi t Id clain,s thi banner coop of hens, to far as lay ing is concerned. He has ke pt on au average twenty -five hens throughout the twelve months, which in that time lai.l 4201 e ggs which is over 13 dozen eggs a year fir each hen. The Carlisle Herald says : Oa the last day of the year lSb'J there was a pcene at the jail, when the Sheriff refused admittance to the county commissioners, Jail Physician Davis, Dr. W. W. Dale and commissioners Attorney H. S. Stuart, Esq. These gentlemen went to jail Tuesday after noon with the express purjviso of making a medical examination of the tramps confined therein in or der to ascertain who were tramps and who were vagrants, hs the com missioners intended to find work for tbo tramps aud desire the Sheriff to tow-nshin. I put them at it. Thev were met iu and killed the ifli:e and refused admisson to bv shifting cars at Tyrone. His tne prison i.y tne ouerin on me remains wtre brought io'juniata Co., grounds thai Le Lud received uo not for interment. He was iu the ser- itieat ion of their visit, and that as f h.. Pennsylvania railroad t was lue last uay oi tno jear ami lie anil the deputy were uusiiy vice. twenty six years. WniHirt News : The last sran of! the river bridge on theast side may have to be taken down aud rebuilt. Through imjierfcct mason work, the skewbacks were not properly sup ported, and were forced about to in ches into the abutment, lowering the part 1 1 the bridge in question about ei-'ht inches. Some of the top plates and posts wtre cracked. English Siavin Liniment removes aU Hard, Soft, or Caloused Lumps and Blemishes, from horses. Blood Curbs. Splints, Sweeney, years son Jacob Smith of West Fair view, died of hydrophobia. About nine weeks ago young anutn was playing in the vicinity with a small log belonging to a neighbor, and was bitten and scratched on the back of the neck. The wound was not supposed to be serious, although the dog was shot several davs after. Saturdav evening the bov went into spasms and began to foam at the mouth. A physician, with the assistance of several neighbors, tried t quiet the lad, but without success. and he suffered the most excruciating agony until 7 o'clock Monday morn ing when died. It is said the doj which bit young Smith had bitten several dogs belonging in the neigh borhood, but as yet no symptoms of rabies have been shown by those animals. HAtlMKD : Fishfb Bn.mAM. On the 1st mst., by Rw. D. Kepner, A- C. Fish er and Alice33llman,bothof Snaoue hanna. Wabn-eb ; Bowers. On the 24th ult. by Rev. JL H. Spangler, W. G. v arner, of I an Dyke and Maggie -"""ere, oi xuroett township. tsxvDEB JlAssuioER. Onsanicday, by the same. Wm. G. Snvdor and nue a. rtassmger, both of Beaver- xown, bnyder county. Pa. JjARTLMV LoNU. On lian,.r b-r,RJ- M,lmI. C Bartley aud Ile-becca Lone, P..t Waterford. Bab-neb Cox. On the same day hv rKlmer Earner, of Susqae- hauna, and Maggie Cox, of Green wood. Tbeoo liATTHEBs. On tie 2S ult., by Rc-v. L. L. Haughawout, B. Frank Trego, of Fatrette, and Annie M. Lautherc, ofhade Valley, Huniin don county. " Di ks SiurrEB. On the same day. by Rev. John Landis, Hiram G. Dunn, of Fayette, nnd Annie Jt Shaffer, ol Delaware. m o&d Biafkinc BnMih. and bM WW BOOTS without Laaow. Wolff's AC MEB lacking Trodnem poiteb without Ch old braeh. And Mim wtU laM a-aaaV cm aaat's, tki (Jbraw mm laii'i mam Whytiok to eld wmy hm tba day at priiiMf , Said br Shorn StorM, Oraoers, Dnataki, mtn WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHIU0ELPH1A, Locii E. Atuiki. F. at. If . Pmiu. ATKIXSOM Jk PE.1.1ELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. CtCollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orricc On Main (tract, la place of real, dence of Looia K. Atkinaon, Bsq., aonth of Bridge tree t. fUct26,1886. If ILBERFORCG SCI1WETER, ATTORNEY-AT -LA.W, Ml FLINTOWN, PA. C"01Bce on Bridge atreet, opposite Conrt Douse. Johw VcLacghlix. Josipb W. SriaaiL MCLArGnLIv JiSTIMMEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, -PORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA. llOnly reliable Compaawe represented. Jan. 1, 1889-17 Sabtaiw n tlut cm day, by Rev.Ot. M. Campbell. Joseph J ill OI 1'ort liOTHl. DlEHL BEXStTT. Oh the 2-itri Lalt. by Rev. E Ju. . Berry, Elnuir E. j'lem, or and Annie B. Bennett, of Spruce HiiL t'wi. Staweb. On the 26 ult., by the same, Thomas Ubil and Lvdia Styner, loth of BcHvood, Blair coun ty. Icsxjj Feck. On he 31st ult., W Rev. Ji E. B-rry, J. H. Ickes, of Sa vdle t-n nt-hi', l'. rry .Co., and Su san D. JH-k, of MiJfurd, McK moht Campbeu On the same day in Altoona, by Bev. John W. Bain, Blajr C. McKnight,.of that city, and Emm, daughter of WD. Camp bell, formvly of Tuscarora alley. ORCiaX. STIfC 5 Ml IIA3IUB were busily en gaged in fixing up the accounts he had no time to attend to them. The visitors departed with irstructions to get an order from the ceurt when they war ted to enter the prison. The Sin riff said, however, that he was willing they should make the examination provided tli-y give him timely notice of the intended visit. The sad sight of a number of boys on the way to the State Reformatory was witnessed by the eelitor of the Newport News and made mention of in last week's paper as follows : On mail last Saturday, thre-e solid, TJin.r.Kine Stifles. Sprains, all Swol-1 courageous lookinjr Philadelphia ik len Throats, Coughs, Ac. Save $o0 j licemen, took six boys, hand-cuffed by the use of one bottle. Warrant j ja papers, from that city to the state l. m.iKt wonderful blemish euro i reformatorv at Huntinirdon. They ever known. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggists, Mifllmtown. Nov 6 I'rnfwsnr J. K. Oliver, who has HIED: Si aoe. On the 28th of Noreniber last, u ar Evandalf, Jacub Spade, aged 77 years aud 1 iaidh. Hench. Oti the 20th ult., at Floia, Iudiuna, Franklin PLerce Hench, Esq., son of Wm. Heueh of Turbett town ship, ajj'ed 37 years, 8 nionths and 18 days. . Eracxbii.i On 20th 'ilt.,o Spruce Hill township, an infant chilli of George Brackbill. Fitzgebald. Ou the 2Ctb ult., iu McCoysville, from diphtheria, Graoo, i laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald agKi iu years. Losgeneceer. On the 27th ult . suddenly, from hear t failure, Elias Longenecker, of Fayette township,-agc-d about 60 veirs. Rese. On the 30th ult., in Wilkes barre, from muscular rheumatism and paralysis. Lieutenant William Reese, aged 58 j ears, 9 months and 1 days. Davis. On the 1st inst., in" Port RoyaL Mrs. Lydia Ann, widow of the lato Valen-ine Davis, of Harris burg, aged 63 years. Coxx. Oa the 2nd iust., in Tus carora township, Mrs. Eliza, widow of the late Daniel Conn and mother of George S. and John H. Conn, aged about 70 years. Kerltx. On the 3d inst., in Mil fwrd township, from consumption, Mrs. David Kerlin, age.l 75 vears 6 montlis aud 10 davg. VanOkmeb. On the Sd inst., in Delaware township, from consump tion, Samuel VauOrmcr, aged 80 years, 7 months and 21 days. Lebo. On the 4th inst., in Port Royal, from inflammation of the bowels, Edgar son of Mr. aud Mrs. D. M. Lebo, aged 19 years, 1 month and 21 davs. WANTEDer'v Stock. A 11 Goods Warranted Fibt Ci.m. Permanent, pleasant, profitable positions for Iba right men. Good salaries and ex penses paid weekly. Liberal indufetueots to beginners. No previous exprienrt; nec essary. Outfit free. Write lor.termt, i- " g e Ciiablm II. Cuase, N urserrman, R.w es- V. V. Mention (Ink paper. Dt c. IS 't'y, Stu. MASON & HAMLIN. ORUiS jt.lD PIAIO CO. BOSTON. NEW YORK, CHICAGO. MODEL. OB.D M.CaAWrOBD, DK. BABW1B M.CSAWTOBD, JJR. D. M. CRAWFORD k. SOX. nave lormea a partnerenip tor the practice oi neaicine ana tneir oiiattMral braoebna. Office at old stsnd, corner of Third and Or ange streets, SI ftliutown, Pa. One or .both ot tberu will be louod at their office at all iimes, uuirss oinerwwe prolessiorally en gaged. A slate will be left at the store of Mr. Howard Kirk ia Patterson for calls, and win ne examined at 10 A. X., and 3 P. M ot each day. April 1st, l-yj. MERCHANDISE MURDER I Man's, Boys and Children'a clothing, overcoats, fine shirts. haU and caps. iurnisning goods, at reduced prices AT SCUOTT 8. THE GREATEST SACRIFICE SALE ON RECORD. Encouraged by the enormous trade during the month of Octobar we bought $5,000 worth more Clothing and Furnishing Goods for November. The weather in October was favorable to the Clothing trade, but there ia every reason to believe that November will be a mild month. Now we find ourselves loaded to the muzzle with a full stock of clothing and furnishing goous. ao nnioait ourselves is to cut down the prices, and our customer will reap the HARVEST ot BEST BARGAINS ever known. We marked down every article to a price that you will wonder at. The goods are not shop-worn but all new and bright. iBB&D THESE GENUINE REDUCTIONS Men's suits marked do wn to Men's sails marked down to Men's suits marked down to Men's suits marked down to 3.50; Men's suits marked down to 7.S0 4.00 Men's suits marked down to 10.04 5 00. Men's Baits marked down to 1X04 5.75 These tuits are cut in sack and frock styles and come in light Baeeuaja and dark cassiuieres, Scotch. Chevoits. Worsteds, and Corkscrews i safari ed and domestic. Men's overcoats $3.50. Men's overooats $5.00. Men's overcoats $7.50. marked down marked down to' Men's .overcoats j $10.00. to marked etaw marked down to Men's overcoats maiked dewa to $12.00. ( Contains a five octave. Pi ine Stop Ac lion, turn lehei in a large ami handsome case of solid black walnut. Price, fWM 4 caab ; also I4 on the Kay Hire System at $12.37 per q u a r te r , lor ten quarters. I when organ bt-ctMUna property ot person hiring. I ( The Mason k. Hamlin airwger," invented sua patented by Mason Jl Hamlin pianos exclu sively. Remarkable re finement ot tone and pbenominal capaeitv to atajid in tune characterize these instruments. POJ'lLtR rrYLESIORCA-IS AT AKD UP. lt.1t) FOR OUR CiTlOSUEs PRICES ATLAS ZmUiL WORKS, '.ND1ANAFOLI3, IND JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF MI FFLISTOHM, PA. BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Indiridaally Liable. JOSEPH ROTH ROCK. Prttidtni. T. VAN IRWIN, CatAier. eiBICTOBB. Pomeroy, Joaeph Rotbrock, Qrgunt aud Piaaos -told Jor Cath, Eay Pay mat Is and RemUi- Catulogutt Fret. Toember 13, 1889, I2t. W. C John Hertxler, Robert E. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Philip M. Kepner. Lonis . Atkinson, : ji 22 . - i . rA-4rfI:IsKC7 ultimo Xizvj t- cwu tv en tnzKMea a-xpc-ti. s and fMt!lt - wjiiti ir RR-i Q oil evwrr -m ?um . e? f tita-Viarll. . f- 02CAra. t-5 to r. lai waaaa- eaea-i KAKH. tJa..-rui. free. jr.y.eV4Sijst HTUCKUOLMtl : Philip 11. Kepner, Annie X. Shelley, Joseph Rotbrock, Jane H. Irwin, L.E.Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holies Irwin, Vary Kurtz, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr Jofcn liertzlur. T. V. Irwin, CbarlotteSnydw, Josiah L. Barton, John M. Blair, Robert II. Patterson. F. It. M. Pennell. Thre and Four fur cent, interest will be paid ob certificates deposite. I.jn 23, 1889 tl Many of these overcoats being made of. light and medium weigkt. Corkscrews, Cassimera, Meltons, etc to! Boys' long pants suit marked dewa to $2.87. to Boys' long"pants suit marked slows to $3.50. to. Boys' long pants snit marked dowa to $4.00. to Boys' long pants suit marked down te $5.25. to Boys' long pants suits marked dowa i to $G.00. Children's suits marked down $150. Children's suits marked down $2 00. Children's suits marked down $2 50. Children's suits marked down $3.50. Children's suits marked down $3.75. These suits are no old set up goods, having been received by lays ago. But go they must aa te Children's overcoats marked down to Bovs' overcoats marked down te S2 00. j $2 50. Children's overcoats marked down to' Boys' overcoats marked down to 2.40. j $3 00. Children's overooats marked down to Bovs' overcoats marked down to 3 00. j $3 50. i All the best and latest styles are included in this offer. Every moth er who has a boy to clothe should avail herself of this unexpected ofi'er. Men's pantaloons marked down $1.00. Men's pantaloons marked down $1 50. to Men's pantaloons marked down tf ! $3.00. i to A great variety to seleot from at j the above reduced prices. Don't you forget it, G. W. H E C K, has moved his Shoe Store with the Fullc st if leek in the County, Into the Don't fail under any circumstances to see the above bargains. If yea are in need of clothing it's the greatest money saving chance ever known. SCH0T T , THE LEADING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOWN, FA. ilJcCriun Building. p S2-3f AS&Cct 5 jJ'tr-'.-, r-.'sr ... ... xir-i r. . j 9 ... S.Sf' siv. . . OS: . 1.1', II, f sV- ."rt'. -tri-..-.- 1 1 ius-t retiuuid from a tour of Europe - - - v ' I ami Northern Arri.-a,cotnpreneuaiugi ,. l th ho is thc wn of a lawver and sem. -idiotic proba- CBiswr.r-T.- On thp 4-tb inst. in ranged in ages from 14 to 20 years, . Philadelphia, Mrs. Luciuda V., wife and had Wen convicted of petty of jawt8 x. Criswell, formerly of crimes. They did'nt apijar to be , tj,;a j,iace a;,ea 59 years, 4 months vicious or hardened, but were bright 5 davs. and clear with the exception of a a distnce cf alout fifteen milec, delivered a mot interesting lecture to a large aud appreciative andience in the East Saleu U. B. Chnrch He will give a similar lec ture in the Thouipfcoutown Lutheran church, this Wednesday evenin. Jannary 15, 183'J. Tb ladies of the non.partisian Na- tit.ual W. C. T. r.,have fav.-reil us for publication, with a rail for the meet ing of a conferencej.f the temperance . -w T m r a on. women 01 1 tnnsnauia, rxeil to the jHilicy of partisan nng of the National W. C. T V. Th. meeting is to meet in the hall of tbe amuri.n Suntlav ai-nooi iuw, aggre- inches. bly from excessive cigarrette smok ing. They could all sing the popu lar sentimental and comic soups of the day, including the despised 51c Ginty." Oue of the number went with Lis father from Chicago to Phil adelphia only a short time ago and both were arrested simultaneously for l icking iockets. The father got venr in state prison The Phila delphia courts send a batch of boys to the reformatory once a iuoum. j The December aUottment was fourteen. From the Bloomfield Times of Janriarv 7: On Saturday a week, 1122 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, ! R v. J. W. Forrest, the M-7V atr WoLroAxn. Ou the Cth inst., in Tyrone, by a r .ilroad accident, Adam Wolfgang, train master at that point, formerly a citizen of this county. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. VirruBrowa. Jan. 15, 1130 ... iiuntinrdon Journal : iut-r the have not j xout sixtv car loads of dirt and IfU snows fell l:it wintar (-"'ly a.lpj th of almost 18 -'wat u dat Insurancp a-, nt A s Okeson was . wn few davs ao and present-numU-r ,,f h,s friends with a "w n. hand' Tar 1800. Tli nnft'n.'.d 1 - . Met 1 n'"'u muvue sjan 01 tte uco hridj... a, the river was! "lOWn v,t ,e . . . . .. b..i . "ul siorm 01 last weu 1t night. on the 16th and 17th day arr. d a depth of one in:-h to Kitur calendar for the . . ..1 .... ilnm ted into the channel It .1. on. 1, ned canal ev.-ry 1 t, -,i-L- ii l"inuinr to show ruin 1 " ' - o - . in the rapidlv Ailing up of the ditcu- In Bethlehem they ar- 1 n.i,r ir. vMarsof aire who rest wna . . " are dete-cteel in Tf tbis course coul of Janu-I .r.-.t fmm shiir into a flock of wild ducks on tbe river at Liverpool, and subsequently he and Albert Snyder, son of George C. Snyder, got in a lw..i in further pursue the sport. " j xhe preacher got in first and laid his t iu the bottom of the boat. Mr. Sny- P 11 tier ........ rtg flam Shoulder, ..... Sides, Laid. 20 15 . '24 10 8 10 uirrxiNTowN grain maukkt. Wheat 75 Corn lu 33 to 41 Kf a 20 k) b CIver-eeJ $4.00 T.molhy sewd 1 .oO Flax aved 1 60 fcran 20 00 Cho( ., ISO Sbotts 22 00 Grouiid A.utu Salt.. 1 20 A uerKu Salt. ...... .... 1 10 straw a lb. The I ..... . . . ta it M'lfi lutirti ii'i - 1 1 ft... ""'"niisMoii amH.mteil hv . V . .1 . vn Ki-: tude to create any rTnir BeaVer tr..vl r..nd member tuai tue ' irnirai,m!m.86ajetTor to s of tin. -." :: V r .I ! rruueas is the largest, pai'y r-: "5T: Blet.t ir .. . " .""""uouweaiiu m: , T.1T1:ata county, and in auunioii mpuL-ww. ANTien von are looking around for a local paper for the home circle, re- are thou of this nisburg on the 22nd dav KUth. to all important personal and rclig- Philatjeu hia Maf.kets Jan. 11 '90. -Wheat 80 ta 88c. Corn heated 10 , , .n 1 or.,1 ;,wt n be struck the t 20c : Good corn 38c. Oats 2S to 1. if...., of tbe boat Mr. Forrest's gun 29e. Timothy hay $13 ; Mixed Lay went off. The load took effect in ! at $7 to 10,50. Straight rye t . 1 ff lt; rirrbt laxt ! $15 to $16. Hops at 6 to 30 .. uhnt aw'BV . 1 ; n.onnor rrt ' rinimi rv at 17 to 18c : Pennsylvania was laceraieu m i i . . no . ' , i heel having been torn ott. A lie j creamerj i o.j oj oc ; uotw mu . charo-e of shot passad n ud was ltn-. ter at 1 J to lc a li. i.ggs j in l.i foot, causino; another ' Chickens 10 t. lie Turkeys 11 ' ... . . - ! i .-l . T k 1.. 11 i. ii. r o .. X. .n of f ha lniunes A-o. uuiis iu w lie. ueese j w lOc omoKea nams xu io izc a io. Ribs 6 to 7c. Shoulders 5c B.-Uics 7c. Sugar 6s a lb. Tallow in cukes 4c. Potatoes 53 to Coc. Onions at 90 to $1.00 a bu. smoking cigarettes. - i tila flet,h Butter western creamery 26c; Juue ould effectually . , : , pursued in this place the number ot j haTinK dark livered cUiiaren wtiuiu p j ; painful wound. ht to be of sufficient magni- alarm for the necessitate On Monday of last week Chester Smith, aged 5 nttiwr.l?.VT . . i VI ' .... r- - - - itrsr .... ... - i'Z-. -i-r7 .if. 18G5, ESTABLISHED. 189. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing that goa Q tUfy from THE IMMENSE ST0GK OF D. W. (iu a I i t y AND P r i c We don't starve Quality to throw a bone to Pric. In ottae, words, we don't alight our work or use in ferior trimmings to tempt you with a low price for toor goods. None but-lhe Best Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest te examine the Stock ol C.d for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Frices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so den't fail to give him a call if in need ol Clothing. D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN YJ. i. ... ..j I . . .1. ' -.j -JMJll J-ILMJ- IT 13 A FACT WELL KNOW N THAT WK HAVE The Largest Stock -OF- HARDWARE UN THE COUiNTY A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER BCILDlJiB, :IXTH AND CIIliSTM'T STS PHILADELPHIA. Fuildirg Hardware was never so low as now, MAIL., LOCKS, III 51V tl JtC, CEME1T, PLASTER, in fact everything in the Hardware Line including House Furnishiag Goods WALL, PAPER, BLIIVDS, ifcc, Are INow Sold at Vottoiii Prices by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE & CO. . POULTRY PATS il properly managed. The Pocltbt Bul lctib, published monthly, flnslr tllostrated, is tbe best paper for faDcier and farmer. Less than tirs cents a month brings it to yon post paid. Send stampaforsamp!acopy. Addiess t nitty Sullttm, 82o Pearl St. New York. - feixiylvaala AgrlsulturU orfc, Yeri, ?x largshar's btaadar Esglass aad Kaw Bliii. tteM'T Iimum ..4 . . mm. Wtfh. Addraas A. a. r aJMlClUB 605, Tar A, tm. wmmm