SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MirFXlNTOWN. tEIMKDA1,lEC. 11, 18S. B. F. SCHWEIER, norma u ruriimi. Jffke:s Davis in dead. Scmato DajtsiETK is a randidat for Governor on ticket. the R publican Sci-mrrutT of State Stone and Gen ral H.v,tius are candidates for the Governorship. Siwatuu Vance lias offered a bill in the United States Senate for the re jxal if the Civil Sorrice act. Turn only- two points fit for consid eration in the civil service of the Re- public ar integrity and capability-, Philadelphia are at the head of an enUrpriH to organize a bank with a cash capital of twenty-five million dollars. Governor Beavkk addressed th Hunting-dun Teacher's Institute last week on the subject of "Manuel Training; of Children. It is kaid the Williamsport Hood Commissioners proposojto take par fnr what thev have d'ne in the work of distributing the flood fund. Tan first bill offered in the United ht:it s Senate, is one that provides for the abolition of trusts. It d3 dares trusts to be inimical to the iu terysts of people. Th Philadelphia Record appeared in a suit uf new trpe anil newlr ar ranged form Iat rk, which adds to its appearance. It is one the great papors of the (Quaker Cit v. Mi-vh II. Ci-sace. a Pittsburg Nun, is creating a sensation bv writing in the newspapers of tho Smokv City of tho wr,.ns that are driving sis tars of a certain convent insane. Tun. Sult.m of Turkev spent 7 hun dred aud fifty thousand dollars io entertaining the Emperor of Ger many, who recently vim ted him and now it is reported the German Em peror looks upon the spondthrift habits as the work of an insane man. N'sw Yuan, Chicago and St Louis, each are trying-to secure the Chris topher Columbus World's Fair for the rear Washington D. C, is a competitor for the fair, and if Congressmen prefer that plaoo to anvonx of the crest cities monriouerl th. shw will h- 1,-M at ... w I j of the nation. J J efkersox Davis, died at 12.43, last 1 Friday. December C, 1S89, near New j Orleans. H was boru in Todd i countr, Ky., in 1S0G. Ho is one of the few Americans who has achieved enduring fame. He w ill bo known in history as the head of the rebel lion in the United States Jfor the purpose of establishing a govern ment with human slavery as the cor ner stone of its labor. A Wwbi;ton, P. C, woman got away with C. Edward Sileott, Cash ier of the Sergeant at Arms of the House 7of Iiepresrtntathes at Wash ington and Silent got away with $75, no worth of government money, he draw to pay the salary of Congress man with. A number of Congress men had their salery entrusted with him. He took all with him and the t'Xregnte of his theft is about one hundred thousaud dollars. Reed the newly elected speaker was so cleauly relieved of his money that he whv compelled Li borrow a quarter toTiuy ear tickets. Sileott ha a wife, children and grand-childsen. He left nothing for them. Thkre is a complaint from the South of a disregard of the asarringe ties among the K;ople. People need not be surprised over tho disregard of the marriage ties in that section or the United Stat, after consider ing for a period of several centuries m:irria-o a:uoug one race of tho peo ple w:is only a mockery of the niar riaK'.. htnte. A marriage would Ik. perfot rnevl to d:v, aud to morrow the husband rr wife would bo sold to a purchaser in a different part of the country, who when he at home would eucourage marriage on the part of hm slav. for breeding purposes. Among p.ple where such a state of hf MiHL, it is lest n )t tj count much on the b.nd of mar ng ties. It wiH require ,raI generat.ons to work to a higher level. Pitn.i.tT Harhlsos s message to congress i a long ,ae, and in rev,ewi-T.rv auhjtvt of nntiunaj importance. He favors tariff revision but only to th. degree that will ast and reasonable protecUon to our uome indu.stenes. On the question ....-. vo.uage. t,e recommends uch legislation as must -ure Iimmy to tho twocoius-Ij and silver. He favors such legation as will secure to the colored man iu the : coutu -in all of his relations to the . r euerai l.overument, w hether us liti gat t, juror, or witness in courts as . lector for Congress, or as a peaceful """" "I10" our inter state r,I ways s.ivs : uutue subject of peusioush :ie ilie luw now provides len "'n for o? err soldier and sailor who was musttred into the service of the f qi ted States during the civil war and is now suffering from wounds or dis- as having aa origin in the service und in the line of duty. 2 of tiie 3 uieessary facts yiz : muster and disa bility, aru usually susceptible of easy in the service, is often difficult and in maur deserving- cases impossible to cstab - That very manv of those who endured the hardships of our most bloody and arduous campaigns are now disabled from diseases that had a real but no traceable origin in the service I do not doubt. Besides this there is another class composed of men many of whom served an en listment of three full years, and of re-enlisted veterans who added a fourth Vearof service'who escaped.the casualties of battle and the assaults of disease, who were alwavs ready for any detail, who were in every bat. tie line of their command, and were mustered out in sound health, and have, since ths close of the war, while fighting with the same indom itable and independent spirit the contests of civil life, beau overcome by disease or casuality. I am not unaware that the pension- roll already involves a very large an nual expenditure, neither am I deter red by that fact from recommending that Congress grant a pension to such honorably discharged soldiers and sailors of the civil war as having ren dered substantial service during the war are bow dependent upon their J own l;llor for a maintenance, and bv ! diseaso or casualty are incapacitated from earning it Many of the men who would be included in this form of relief are now dependent upon aid, and it does not, in my judgment consist with the national honor tht they shall continue to subsist upon the local relief given indiscriminately to paupers inste tdof upon the special and generous provision of the nation thev served so srallantlr and ana lh- Our people will, I am sure, very generally approve such legislation. And I am equally sure that the aur- ivors of the Union Army and Navy will feel a frrateful sense of relief rhen this worthy and suffering class f their comrades is fairly cared for. (.'muted Alive by Xecroes. Wnatus.., Dec. 5. James Robin son, a colored man, lately came here from Elmira; N. Y. He was steady aud industrious, but he won the dis like of a gang of neirroos who lounsre about the Arlinsrton saloon. Last ;ht, while sleeping in the barbor hop, a number of thesa men poured iconoi over nis clothes and person nd deliberately set fire to it. and Robinson was burned to a caisi. He lay several hours without lwing notieed cr attended to. Three of the (negroes are under arrrest for the ,-nme. , Imralitj In Alabama. B.WTON 5W 4 x generfll Christian Conference under the aus- pices of the American Evang.) Alliance of the United S'.atas, to continue three days, began in Tremont Temple this morning. During tho session Frank E. Jenkins, of New Decatur, Ala., told of the condition of the mountaie whites of the south, who are largely unchurhed and uneducated. There are some thriving towns, he said, where things are better, and the re cent efforts to improve the public schools have been relatively success ful, but family ties, illicit distilling aud a disregard of marriage ties have woefully corrupted them. The min isters are illiterate, and often immor al and drunkards. The Fall Penalty. The sentence of an illegal liquor seller to one year's imprisonment ami a fine of $o00 is a new but w ise de parture in the punishment of moon shiners. Up to the present time on ly tbejuinimum punishment, three months' iruprisouinent and $500 fine has been indicted. In a spirit of fairness the court has made allow ance for possible ignorance or possi ble misapprehension in the violation of the law, but there is no longerjanv reason for such leniency. Every of fender naw breaks the law with a full knowledge of the consequences, and the time hos come when the maxi mum penalty should bo inflicted in every caso not possessing extenuat ing circumstances. Whether the ad ditional punishment will frighten anybody out of the business who is now in it is doubtful, bat if there is any virtue in imprisonment for crime, it should certainly art as a warnin to those tempted to enter. Thn hort term of three months has few terrors to people ,f a certain class, but a whole ear mav have differ ent effect. It will at any rate add to the enls of illegal liquor selling, and the greater danger the less will be the disposition to dare it. North Awerican. After the Show. A Urrieble fipht in which three nefeTOs w. re kill.,1 is reportetl from Charlotte North Carolina, under date of Dttf ralier 4, the despatch. A circus exhibited at Lumberton, Ib-t-son county, last niyht, and after the porfonuaace, which lasted until near ly midnight, a cnwd neproea from alj:tcent towns, filled with whiskey started for home with their wives anil sweethearts. There were iu all twenty-three, and it is said that all were prettyjdnink. They had only traveled a short distance w hen a,'en eral quarrel begun, a younj? mulatto pirl Ix'inj? at the bottom of it. Hot words were passed, which soon led to blows. Then a reoilar old time Degro riot followed. Pistols, knives, razors, clubs, stones and all manner of weapons known to the negroes were culled into plav. One negro rushed up to Jack Hunt and, placmhis revolver to his breast, fired Hunt fell to the ground, but the remaining four rhamU-rs were emptied into his lajdv. Tom CoIIinr Tf Bi, ln ,Q tLe neok and " ! I Then a negro junked upon do ut ri I ,t ri n ii t fm . -v'" juuipaxi upon mm i ut hiIthroat from ear ' . almost entirely severinir his bend i . . . r 1 4 f 1 r . r i.: i. i.. " ion miuiuiamiui. By this time several of the" n. had taken to their heels! Julius Erabra fired n ohot at one man and 1 Ip but th ! then started to run. He was caught J and beaten with ston js and c!ubs un- ' was dead. More than half a dozeu were hurt Terr badly, three women in the number. The battle continued until every one had taken to the weods in differ ent directions and nobody left to fight. Ail parties engaged in the riot are hiding, but. the Sheriff is searching for them. vTbj They Were Diver red. SOME LCDICROI S KEASOXS FOB WbTICH PEO PLE SEEK SEPARATION. Hera ara a few of tho causes for divorce criven in Commissioner Wright's report on marriage and di vorce: Defendant took a buggy, drove six miles, got one Mr. , an old s we t- heart of hers, drove him out into the country, and then and there shot the said llr. in cold blood with arevol ver. This action caused plaintiff u a peakable suffering ; wherefore he prays for a divorce. On their bridal trip from New York defendant fell in with a German mna on the cars. She Bat on the same seat with the raid German, kissing him and entwined in his arms. Plaintiff remonstrated, but to no effect This conduct of defendant caused plaintiff great mental suffering. Defendant and plaintiff were mar ried in , both belonging to a pecul iar sect called "the Brotherhood f the New Life," with strange tenets j onf ?f 'hioU tha a man . "hoV1. 1 wife unless given a permit by the chief of the sect. In this case the husband alleges he has bwen unablo to obtain a permit from Chief ;that to the contrary the said has com manded his wifeanot to stay with bia for three years. Divorce grauted on the ground of cruelty. Defendant said to plaintiff: "I care more for 's little finger than for your whole body, thereby causing this plaintiff mental anguish and suffering Defendant made plaintiff climb a ladder to drive nails in the woodshed; not the way he drove the nails he lassoed her on coming down from t c ladder, tied her fast to the gate-pos-t then stuck sticks and straws in her nose and cars, gouged his knuckles in her eyes and he "wanted to seo if she was Dutch. On untying her he threw or shoved her into a nest of bees, all of which sorely grieved tho plaintiffin body and mind. Defendant struck plaintiff a violent blow with her bustle. "My husband would never cut his toe nails and I was scratched very severely every night, especially as ho was verv restless." North Americau. Tferld's Fair Bills in rengress. Wa5hi;to. I). C, Dc. 5. Sena tor Ingallu introduced in the Senate to-day a bill providing for the appro priation of $8,000,000 for a World's Fair in 1892 and the appointment of a commission from aU tho States and Territories to agree ujh.u the site. Edmunds will introduce a bill provid ing for theerwction of a non-sectariau National University at Washington in commemoration of the event, dis pensing with the World's Fair. Platform of the National Grange. The National Grange at Sacramen to, California, November 19, adopted a report favoring restriction of for eign immigration, building Amcri ican ships and the ownership of small farms. A resolution was adopted endorsing the California law as to tho state furnishing the text books at cost and condemning the single tax system , memorializ ing congress in favor of manufacture of jute, and other textrile fabrics for use instead of cotton bagging ; fa voring an increase of silver coinage : adAocating the circulation of paper money, independent of national bauks. in sufficient quantities to pre vent financial embarrassment. A Female Samson. AN tXiiLWM WOMAN WHO WAS A FOR AST MAN. r rom tbe London Illustrated New.. "MiM Phoebe Boun. of Matlock. never made an exhibition of herself ' in n n v wa V... TV:1: ?T i in any way, but William Huttun. in one of his tours, speaks of her with j womler as well as praise. Her step at JU, was very manlv-, and could cov er forty miles a day She could lift a hundred weiRht with each ban. I, and with the wind in her face tend her voice a mile. "She could knit, cook and spin, but bated them all with every accom- .1.-1 l a . r i . jiunuiuruk k ma iemaie character except modesty If any Pentlcmr.n I",,". i ' , , n iv-uic, BUO M BlX'Etl turn lwn- j J?! Uf- i rh-if.. T . nr - '""'B m nors-8 ' without a saddle, at a guinea a week. ! She was an excelled shot and a ' reader ; fon.l of SheakePeare and I doubtless, also of the musical ! since she plared the bass viol in M-it. 1 lock Church. GEM ER.1L MEWS ITEMS. Mr. Old.lunce "I want an en gagement rin of appropriate design. Jeweler "WLat do you think of twr hearts in rIbiel., " Mr. OUldunce "Twon't do. There's only one heart in thin trans action: The girl is marrrin for money. Ex. A Lettekenny farmer who li the mountain says he can always tell ! ves near wnen a nara storm is comin its Vi crows then fly to the letter protocteil nooss ior sneiter, sometimes a day before the storm reaches her". A successful religious revival is in progress in the jail at Cincinnati, ! rajtny uaruenea criminals and aban doned women having professed con version. Farmers near Hiawatha, Kansas are using corn for futL Corn bring 20 cents, while coal costs from 21 to 23 cents per busheL m , aro verai gixu petlestnans ,a - est T? who follow a fox-hunt - -- . X - .wud i foot anil twn nn ;k il.. I th ftaisn- I . -- iuC 1K w A Meadville vm. 1,7 I in? fir matches, which she nibblos .vwrhe4 iii Warvland. UVfrfcR Mabijobo, Md., Dec S. Abui. 2.30 o'clock this morning a baud of moil c-auie to tie juil overpowered ug keeper and brie optu the cell ui Joo Vermilion, t.--k him out and iy.clied him on d-i bridge leading U this village. As soon as J. A. Ridgcway, the j-:l-kevper, opened ilie door two ja.u grabbed him and covered him wi.h pistols. They the u went up stairs, broke open the c;ll, cut the leg irons from tho A jt, It aving them on t'.a prisoner, and put a rope abnnt Lis neck. They then dragged him to the bridge and immediately exei.-ul-ed their work. It is pret'y wll wvll provsn t!:ni Vermilion was guilty tf firing a nu-a-ber of burns and outbuildings in vicinity lately. It is supp w -d V. at be did this in revenge for the failure of a Justice of the Peace to hold sev eral young men who were accused of having burned the house of Vermil ion's father. Contributed to the JratATA Siitkil. ii-4 appoint a lima for great events j be appointed a time for creation a tim to deliver Israel frm bondags, and baa ap pointed a time in wbioh to jndge tha world in rightooan, while the other band aaaa on a smaller acaJa and at shorter intervals appoints tiroes for his aaenrbrrea and celebrations. The soldier appoints times for the re-anions of living, snrviving veterans of the la'e wars. In all eivihs-ii nations, in his lore and warmth f r tba survivors of battle, and the aarioors t the nation's government and laws, the soldier in rations sections appoints a day each rear tor a n-unton. Tho day come and the re unions are held provided allpbingstsre favor, able such as the weather, and ao forth . Christmas is Cening," is a quaint song, rung throughout a large portion of Chriat Undom, generally near Cbriotmaa and ol ten the night before Children siog it. Sabbath schools aiug it, and every person that has learned the song, or helped to sing it, or beard it sung, knows of it. Christ mas is a noUele day and bis never I oat its note, and has a flxed data each year. Tbt date occurs in the twelfth or last month ot the year, and always on the same day of be month from year to year namely the 25tb day of December. Christian men in time gone bye set thiaMate, on which In giv gifts to children and friends in com memeration of the wise men presenting gilts of gold, frankioeeaee and myhrr to Christ at bis birth. It is frequently said long before the day 'Chriatm as is coating ." It esq be said of this dsy months before it arrives "it la earning." So long before Jesus came into our state of .life long before bis birth, the Old Testament chapters and propheaie in licatel his com ing. He came at last at the appointed time and his advent was hailed by an nnuaually great angelic abowiog to the aight ol men. no doubt a wonderful experience for th ahepberda who watchel mod gaardrd their flocks from time to time. Again, Jiam Testament chapters snd verms indicate that not all concerning tbe Saviour has beeu fulfilled, aiuce be will come a aecond time to earth, in clouds, in great por and glery and tbe holy angrla with him. For instance when he bad ascended iu to Ueareo aodvas beyond the sight ol those who witnesned his aacension two angels looking like men clothed in white appeared in tba aight of tbe dis ciples and said .- Ta men of Gaiiieej by stand ye gazing np into bearea f this same Jesus which is taken np into heaven sbsl se come in like manner ss ye have seen him go into heaven, according to the announce ment of e two clothed in white, Jesua Christ will come a 2ud lime, which will be inOed's time with whom a thousand year is like it were yesterday. So surely as ap pointed re-uuion days coma. So surely as Christmas comes each year, although It, 8, or 9 months distant. So surely as it will came this year, so certainly Jesus Cbrift wil1 come a second time. A part of a verse reads-- "And unto them that look for hiiu shall he appeal tbe second time without am onto salvation. AKRO.1. A Family Calherlag. Bava yon a lather f Have yen a mother'? i Have yon a son or daughter, sister ar broib a , " WDO baa not yet taken Kemp 'a Bals-m for tbe Throat and Lunga, the guaranteed remedy for tbe enra of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Crouy and all Throat and Lung ,1, , cUd,. . irouniea i ll so, wny, wben a sample bet van to ya,jTt by any drug gist, aad Ibe large aiae eoaia,eaIy 60 ceaia one 1. 00 f Amwtmwr Reelmctloa lm -tbe) Price ef Cabinet Iaia(e iraphi. NOTICE. For tbe next 90 DAYS, I will make fnll lAnviVi I'mktmmt Ha .4 en n. per d;izen, mlld Bud Ctneis. at $3.00 Pr dozen. I am also making very popular picture called tbe Operm Pic- l 2 00 X" do.. and another :P are nailed the. tfiiwfr Pannell, at 1.50 per dozen, AiV noH RrDrrrn n . tV WRK R"fCE"' CaBD9 Rzm"d 59 p - T $1 "R DZt!- Uj Dot fiul take advantage of tuis opporiauitv at ouce. Respectfully, Joseph Hess, llifllintown, Ta. Sept. ICth, 18S9. 3 mo. GEJfER.iL M'EWS ITEMS. Laura Trice, eighteen years old and good looking daughter of David Price, of Karthus, Centre coun ty, was found murdered lrinsr ia the middle of the road, a short distance from that town, on V'aHiim.iit nr lt week. The inquest revealed three bullet boles in her body and the fact that she had been ravished. Alfred Anderson was arrested at his home in Brisbin, on suspiscion of being the murderer. He admits having been in the neighborhood on the day of the murder. Since some unknown person has been seeking the Lf f Jbn Rosen steel, of near Greensbur, aud he is no longer safe, his have or ganized a vigilance committee whose members will keep watch alternately for the viilians, and if the attemn't ujon Mr. Ifciseusteel's life is repeat I 11. 1 1 1 . . A they will be sh, - 1 - . - - . . AWi'rK ot down. i. . , , . ... J, lu a?anare.rt elOty en Am wl. kVAI intl... 1 . r . " vuegas-oouiiesoi ljonuon have giyen notice that they will strike on Dec-ember 13. .f..y;.. OTIlE. To 'h Storcho-W of the First Nation- ' al Bank of Uitflmtown There wilt he an e'ection beki in ibe Ranking- Hue, Tues- . day. January 14 it., HI. between tbe hours of e'-evw orlv .and two ocl-tc f. M.. for th purpose " elating five Direc ters to serve the enuiiif yetr. I mo. D- S Klo, Cmhir. E XgrCTOR'S NOTICE. Whet-ma Letter- Testamentary on tbe es tate of As!fic V ALLCsrisc lateoi Delaware tnwnahiD. deceased, bas been (rented t e ! the nedersirned. all pern indebted to said estate are rHi-sfod to make imme diate pavnieat, and thnae having claims will plea preaent them properly anthenti eated tor settlement to Jisihiah LccmcasLAncn. Extcutor. East Salem, Pa.. November 24, lH9. BRIDGKCOwrtST.HEGTIJIG rriccpvHB eirrLiT3w bkidoecobtpaht. HirruTvt Pa.. Novemh-r 26. 1W9. A lueetitig tho atoekhr tsra of tbe Mtfftintown Bride" Companr will be held at tbe office or;rge Jacuba, K-q., in Mil. Hints wn. Pa.. Tnnndav, F--hrn-rv 6th, 1890, at 2 o'cloi k P. V., for tbe purpose of Considering tbe advisability of increasing tbe Capital stack or indebtedness of said Company By order of the Board of Directors, C. W. Mats. Secretory. XKCCTOR'S AND TRUSTKE3' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The undersigned Kxeeutors and Trnatees of th laat will and Testament of Christian Zonk, late of Manbeim tewnahip. Lanes -terjeonntv. Pa., deeeawd. will aell st pub lic sals on tbe preiuiaes in Fermanagh township. Junistn county, Pa., about three miles north of t iftiiuiewn, on Satnrdaji December 14. 1889- tbe follnwinc described Real Estate ta wit : TRACT NO. 1, containing CIGUTY-TIIREC ACRES, mare er less, having theren erected a BWBLUSU naCSB, rSAMB BASK BABB, CHP , PIBO BULL, bag pn and necessary nst-buildings, all cleared, besn snd decrih,Ml aa follows : on the east bv lands ol Sarah Cleck ; sauth by Lest Creek ; west by lands ot Elias Horning, and nertb by lada of I 1st id Sieber. Na. 2, A tract af laud containing THIRTY-TWO ACRES, mora or less having t hereon ererted a FRAME HOUSE, BANK BARN, bounded on tbeeaat !y lands uf C. Corkins; sonth by lands of George Jscoba ; west by lands of David W eller ; north by tract No. I, above described. No S. A trsctjof woodland sit sate in llim Valley eeerairt'er FORTY-FIT B Ai'REs, more or l-sa. honndd an the north by lands of Willi. m ston-r and others ; on tbe wast by buloufl"sai Allison; on tbe south bv J and ' i . Hower ; on tha east by Klia Ileraing. No. 4 One half interest in a tract ef un divided mnautain land containing two cbSBD acs n. bennded en the east by lands til McCahans ; sooth by Siogerly rand others ; wst by Levi Bpeglemoyer and nortn by Joseph Speglsraoyer. Sale to cotiaiaence at t o'clock P. II., when attendance will be given and terms made known bv DANIEL BURK HOLDER, CHRISTIAN YODKK. Executor and Trustee t. H. H. Sbvdbb. Aociioueer. una sconjs CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCH8 COLDS EMULSION CURES Wonderful Flesh Produce.. M&nj have gained one pouna per day bv its use. Scott's tmulsion is not a pccc' remedy. It contnins tbe stimuLi. ing properties of the lIypopi plates And pure iMorweeiaii Jo- Liver OiL th yv.tncj of h-tl: being largely ini-'na -d. It is tiso by Physicians . n tiver the worh- PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold, by all IhruggitU. COTT A BOWNE. Chemist.. N. Y ecennful Treatment of Disease A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERn JIK kUHKs ibe mmm- el .11 Ulanars. JIKKOnE KILLER KlIU ibe .Viirrebea. cnrBCffnl TrsateiaK iiail,V4lui II6HIU1CBU cures: Catarrh, Bronehltls. Ootiaumption, Malaria, Rheumatism. WoBeWfel Teek- aid TOa sViiiii af the Klarase KlUw I "I" b" ao saaetaalb drnv. ;loe! I'eribrr. ' mm vw ciuauvs awa If? a ar that I liajlHrfJ tm kapvxlrfe. bet m tUm LUM it ail! ahataara C PV wTm1 Waa4. fll An) It tfc thso hail g" " "TT "-"4 f ra with nvurabU rhn... . taila. or m rtra l.iaptMMt u tha ana aa Ma - 'll Pn.TMCIUl of I 7 Tia-j , , a -nm tai iniwuiiiiii. it lite a. .zir-rr - - n-t ii . ."lit i rta.i e m m aV k,t-m f2 -lu a w cT Vi . FERf fc'CT DUMPER, :)! tba :H09TEST TURNINC MACON t hkai-iiKMil-V.- - a. it ker Hkj . mr MADE rW KtrMINf an4 uutmt hauluia. Our Iaireve4 ' ' ben nuil. r ibe beavieac ItsS X?&tt32l ! Agents Wanted K.zNWETT W CON CO. XHHrTT SP ARE. PA- vVHTYOU SHOTJXJD US Scotls Emulsion Xalxrez Oil ma HYPOPHQ8PHITES. ftiBwed and endorsed &y Phyti ciona becauee it i Um featf. ttiiFalatablaasSk. Et is three timea as sScadoni as jJiIn Coi Liver CH. II la far snpailor to aU othsr so-called ia a psrfbct Zaraldaa, do9S not sapa-! Tata cr char59u is la t7Kii5rfd s a flash producer, tt i3 ZLa best t&.Zv1j fcr Consnmpticz, Ecrofala, Ercashitis, Wasting DJs - eases, Chronio Cocgha and Colds, -JTT &. &ei-, tnerriots, B.I. i AT r,E yni HEWERS OF OLD HONESTY TOBACCO WILL SOOfl FIJvlD JrT IJ LSTS LONJCE, TA5JE6 SWEETER TI-JANl OJrjEfc TO BACCOS, AD WILL pLEAySE VQ.I ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, UU AND INSIST ON CETTWC IT. EV'Eky pLJc STArjpED LlkE aboVe cJj. JKO. FIHZER Sl BROS., LoaisTiUe, Ky. W1H 1 11 JSTA I K A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, Tkat I can stop ToovH40BB in lest than Ova kiinntos; no )aiu, uo eztracting. That I can extract testb witbont vain. by the u of a fluid to tha teeth and gams ; ne dancer. 1 bat Diaesand Gams (known as Scurvy) treat viV.v ed auccosslully and a cure war-tfyy rauted in ever Teeth FiLtun ! warranted lor life. Artiec-ial Trrti r-rMiired, exchanged er rrmoddlnd, trum VJ.W to $li r set. j beantilul fiiim Knauieled Test inserted at j prices l suit all. All work wsrrantnd to give perfect satis- J faction, feopie who bare artificial teeth with which tbey cannot eat. are especially ilia iteii t i -ill. Will t iiit protessionally al thnir homes if notified by letter. Will visit r-gu:arly at Kicbdald the 2nd I Wt-rk ol Wst and OtilUi. j TasMit Cab. G. L. DERR, Prnctlcul OentlMl. aTBLIKBBB IN HirrMSTOWS, P., IB ltiO. Oct. 14 '85. SALESMEN WANTED j to canraa lor 'he ale ol Nnrery Stock S'radj emplovuif nt guiaiit-ed. ftillery I nntl KxeilHVn psi t to Micmtial men! A pp'J' al onc- Maiinic ace Mention this pIr. Cliase Hrutliern Compauj, horbfrnUr, N. Y. Aug 21 -M. Tle only cni Ivte lotk r Naw readj. AMERICAN WISHES. A irpu.Hr trtirt uLMn the tMru nd Fund 1 uh' ol INwith Ani nn, wnb rs I'e-ciail La bit fci.d ui hod ot cai turo. bv Brnii Ooodo. L. S. Cm DiMrtiourr ot F ish and Fnleri . With bi.inerouM ilUintratioim and roajtnificcnt Iruntiivplcre lat ol a tfrrk triUt io nine culrs. 1 no work. 10 jtihlth d 10 ont5 I uine, Hnai Octavo, (iter IM pant , from j Dew pialea, on natidrHjiu i, auti el I ft ant I v houud. b 11I laeoo m-tiji ol price. FAtLk.llsH W ALLC1, Cmcni arr 6t., f uiiiPtLHiA, Pa Juit 10, 1869-bU Un. if A 0 t r u n fkwrt- id aJw a . -i. 1 ,.1 " to rtr f.w Ij.usjo Aner.. w o. -. . 1 n-icw, or raanh rJ raiTw-1 ipi-jor o all oiir r w tJt.n.i,'L 6rat y BifllL M. 1'AltaV Life of HfKRT WARD BEECHER 132-3.12. It ilhutrw 1. irWtnr dU UTo frttn htw feirtb U bim amm ta. lfK Of It. fiprrtaj- prvrpaUd. LMO rooK ltaua U.. ix-ookU . J'.Y, S1IAT aJTSIICAjr MEAT-CUTTER. menttctt ib h. t t-r ll.h. Mll-r Vftst, er p p I . 4 '-rtitrlirw No. 1JJ . i aDaM,arrrl4 tt. AMERICAN M'PG CO., S4 A Waahli.(iuu A., fSllaJvlpLia. nu t Tinn.A ns fnr LIFE SCHOLaHShl? BUSINESS COLLEGE l;OS t-bastset SC. Phllada. FeaaUeam fer lrmdeaxee. Timereqolre4 2to4 aaee. HHST JimtVD9t. hrmt Caerse et Ktasr. Catcviari I 'ret V yue bisk uum foyer. ' A 8GR.ID VTEL FENCE! HADF. or EXPANDED METAL s-SaiiST S0ETHIH6 NEW. For frrsiDtwcrs. Cmuochts. CrurrcRies. Famaa Qahocms Galia arbara. Wlaoaw Caardi. Traill. Firr-proor PLTFRIVO LATH, DOOB BJATH. te. Write for Illustrated Cttalone: mailed free CENTRAL EXPANDED METAL CO Hardware Jier Bees IU Crse name of thl. f j TH E T E T IST S Y L V A X I A ' THE CELEBRATED FOBCE-EEt I) I Hi -SI IIATE j ATTACHMENT GRUX HULL isiw.iiau, .,.. 5Tai,a.u 1KP. a. u. nrqnuiir LrniUtd, l,a, fa. ' Selling' at clTst! Having dottrminpd to retire frrm business I win tt.n , at cost. Now is I be tiui. to securs bargains in the 7 ge LATEST FALL WINTER ed tkeli,tII)entfroln B""-8 was FALL AND WWTEE STOCK I now iuvite my and I he pnblic penerally to call r 1 my .took at cot It will p.y vuu. The goo.V "ui aLr lieu Boys and Children a r '-t rts. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING and Genl'a furnisLing goods. Firht Class, combining Style OobH Elr-g-ne. Prices that wiJl astwni.h you. At cot prices 7 ni My Btark of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS &SHOKSOVKK-ALLS W.TiinM atid JKWKI.RY, Calico, Tercala ar.d Whit. fchirU. r ' and Cuffs, Trunks and Satchels, is full and couplet.. CW1 and see 1 1 ! cost ' " Sam'l STRAYEK. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER ANP rDRNISHER IN PATTER SO IV. Noveinbf r Ctb, 1SSD. OILS ! OILS ! OILS ! THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY ! of Pittsburg Pa., make j A. SPECIALITY j of manufactuiing for the Domestic i trade tha Ftnett Brand of Uiuminat- ! iug and Lubricating OUh, Xaphtha j i- . . -'r'"t" ana U60hne, that can be made from i Petroleum ! ; We challenge comparison with! every known Product of Petroleum. If you wish the most UNIFORM L Y SA TISFJf CTORY OILS IY THE MARKET, ask for ours, trade for MiHintown and icinity Supplied by FRANt lSCUS HARDWARE & CO. January 2ud,-89-ly. JVeic Firm. -ooo- FALL AND WINTER GOODS. No more Summer for months !to come. Fall and Winter ' are here, and to conform to the 'change, the Senior member of 'the firm has just returned from ! Eastern Markets, where he ee j !cted with great car the goods thut his many patrons faror. DROP JJV. N'e h ave now filled our i KtlWlVeS With FALL AND WINTER Goods of all kinds. Our CUS- ir- :t-J v.0 tirt,; a1Tn;uillcu Vlir non, Newport, Millerstown, ThOU1psoDtn ! efforts to give them iroods to ! rert KoT,1' ,ime at MiWin. ' 1 5S p. a.; A I W their purposes and we 1 ,0"' 2 m-:'d Pm"",rg' 8 lu ' - believe that we arw better pre- r.V'J pared than ever to merit tiieir i p0' 12 14 p- M"fin 12.6a p. m. t,p. confidence. We invite 3ou toluTT come and fee and be satisfied j ' utsbur8 810 p Jn our drees goods department' altoo-a accobhodatiob ioar.. rbi: wo have almost every thine ! fidanp.h't,d n5" 11 40 m- a"e ' I . , , , J ,. " 6 80 P- "' Duncannon ii.04 p. m., sw. Don't be backward, call for r" .32 p. m., Miiierstown 4 1 p what vou want. j tp"""" v.. Jyke ' 7.0a ! P. m , Tuscarura .n, p. aa., Meiico 7,09 p. tfF. V-.f W9 m m-t Fort Kojal 7,14 p. m., M.min 7.-0 p isiocs and Hoots, i Lc,"'r p , ucvy,oa , 11 f- ., Nrwtnn Hamilton 8 3 i. m Our Boot and Shoe De- j HaDti'"rlon 9-05 p- m o P. : partment is full in its aort- ' ir'u'VTT. , . inent, and you certainly can be uited in fit, quality and price. hatever improvements have been added by the manufactures we liave them all. Ve can supply 3 ou with foot wear for any in or out door service. Our crocerv DeDartment nevr lairc i" l 1 i i ..... u e nave on nana a lull line o. Fresh, Plain and Fancy ' Alho, the only full line 01 UUEEJXSWARE in the county. Every house nuiot have its full supply ot Queens and Glassware, this is tiie torc to call on for such nr. tides. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Remember the place, Main Stbeet, Opposite Couht IIocsl, AlifHiiitowii, la., Fred'lt i:SlJJ,SCIIAIi: &c Son. FALL&WINTEB GOODS, I would inform tbe publis that I have now in my new millinerv store at my place f residence on Water street, Mifflintown, second door from corner of Bridge street, a full stock, of Fall si.d Winlr millinerv goods, all new, and of tbe latest styles. nd having employed first class milliners lam prepared to anpply the public with everything- found in flrstclass milliner store, come and examine rev stock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DEIHL. March 22-e".l.. idwUlJiFJwliWS&5t"r', - J -""SUSBll Vortf And STYLES dHerminod upon nfier I had I'UrcLas- PENNSYLVANIA RA1LE0AD. TI M K-TABLK Ob snd after Sunday Nor. ICMb, trains tbat stop at Miffiia will ma rl 01: EASTWARD. HaRRISBlRO ACCOUBSDATfOB letTSS Hunttncdnn daily at 6 Ids. m.. Moust Un ion a 6.64 a. m.. Kewton Usmi!tn 0 Ou a. m., McVeytowo 8.20 a. in.. Lpwistown 6 4S a. ra.. htilforit 7 m u;m;n r no . ' Port RoyalT.M a. ta-. Mexico 7,1 8 a. m" I"carora J-20. Vandyke 7.24 a. m,' Tbompsontown 7 .Si a. m., Diirwari 7,85 m., Millerstown 7.41 a m., Newport 7,51 . m-' rri'"lt at Himihurj at (5,aU a.' m' and at Fbiladolpbia, 1,25 p. ra. EuIioiiE.miuIm.m. ..i.,, at 7,15 a. and stopping a all regular I stations between Altoona and Harriahnrr, Biimin ai iu,vo a. m., Uarrisburg 11.40 p. II., and arrives in Philadelphia at S.lft p. m. Mail Tails leaves Pittsburg daily st 6,30 a. m., Altoona at 2,00 p. m., and stop ping at all regular atationa Brrirr at Mifflin at 6 CS p. ru., tiarrisburg 7.0 p. ni., hhils adulphia 10,0 p. m. Mail Exprexs loaves Pitt. burg st 1 00 pm Altoona tt 20 p m ; Tyrone b 62 p m ; liuct ingdon 7 37 p iu ; Lewistowu 8 4i pm ; Mif flin 9 10 pin; liarrisburg le 4S p in ; Phils delphia 4 26 a m. Dv Exi'BE'4 lejrei Pittsburg at 8 00 A M. ; Altoona I 1.40 A. M ; mar bj tiarrrj at MirHin at 2 05 P. II ;, at Harn buig at 3,20 P. K ; at Puiladr 0 50 P I Philadelphia Kxpross will atop at Hrft!:c at 11 37 p. in., otivn tiaggcl WKIW AKi. Vast Lisa leaves I'hid.-lphis daily a: 11 40 a ra ; Harrisburg S 05 p ta j Mifflin 6 C pm; Lea-istown 6 2S p ra; AUouls 8 10 m ; srrivrs at I'lttaLurg at 1 1 65 p ai Wav Passkboeb learrs rbils.l.lahis daily at 4 30 a. m.; Usrrisburg, 8 15 a. m.; Duncannon, 8 64 a. in.; Newport, 0 25 s' m.; Millerstown, 9 40a. ro.; ThoropKontown o a. m.; an Uyk, 10 00 a. m ; Tuncar I era, 10 04 a. ni.; Mexico, 10 07 a. ni ; Porl Royal, 10 13 a. ro.; Milflin, 10 20 a. m Miltord, 10 2G a. m ; Narrows, 10 34 s ro - Lewistown, 10 4j a. iu.; McVcvtown, il I a. m.; Newton Hamilton, 11 ilia, ni.; llun , tiliKdnn, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 07 p. m. I Altoona, 1 46 p. in., and atom at all ri-. ""en uarnsuurg and Altoona.; " 1 unaaeipnia dai- 'J at 6 50 p. m., Harrisburg, 10 20 p. m. flvftrraH Rru D1..1 j ... I "'"rP'-K ai Kocuv.ue, Marysville. Dnncae i j r. - , i"iiic arillOD 3 , 88 m' Newport 4 00 a ni; suttiin 4 9 ... , .oiaiunu o vi a in j JSc Ver town 6 2i a. in; Mt. Union 6 4'i a in ; UiintiiiK'1n B 12 a ra ; 1'etnrsburr 6 2j a in ; Spruce Cresk o i a u; ijrone w a m ; Hell's atil! I22im Altooua 8 05 a m ; I'itubui? VI 45 pm. S-a feliore Kxirei-a ml. ... s. ,.... . will counoct with juodav Matl ...i i-r,;" narrisburg at 1 15 p. m. LKWISTfllPM hii-K'i,... Trains - "AYtlv. . .... 1 r,"y at 6 10 " 10 65 is p m : rUr Sun nil r ( 7 yii ... .n J " ) m iu, d w p m. Trains arrive at Tewistown Junction (rem Milroy at B 60 a m, 1 25 pm, 4 jO p rn ; from SBiibury at U 05 a. ni, 4 HJ p. m. TYRONE DXVISIOX. Trains leave Tyrone for Bellelonte sad Lock Haven at 8 10 a m, 3,1(17.15 p m. Leave Tyrone for Cnrwoovil!e and Clcar fleld a'8 20 a m, 3 15 p m, 7 25 pm. Trains leave Tyrone for Warriors Mark, fennsylvania Furnace and Scotia al 7,60a m and 3,20 p m. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Belleroute and Lock Haven atl 1 68 a in, and o 40 p m. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Curwrns ville and Clearfield at 6 60 a m, and 1145a m, o 17 pm. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Scotia. War riors Mark and Pennsylvania Furosce at 1 1,40 a m, at 7,2i p m. H. A B. T. E. R. AEEDFOUD DIVISION. Trains leave Huntingdon tor Be.iford, llyndman and Cumberland at t) 25 a. m and 6 Si p. ni. Trains srrire at Huntingdon from Bed ford, nnimao sr,d CiiiiiIhtIuuiI st 12 IS p. m., 6 20 p. m. HOI.I.IDAYSHCKG BRANCH. Tiaina nr A !'. i-a for points .. i h. at 7 0 a in. 8 2 4 m. J2 p in. I 50 p iu. 6 Oil p in., rlllpni 9 6k p m. Trains ithb vt Alien.,. r,..,n i.i.- .f. South, at 6 4 S a ui. 11 Hi a m. I M.' l ai. oo p. m. h su p. I,,. 7 (ill p m. and V :ir p rn- Tra:nt. Ie; bcli...: h.r J'uEX-ti-lawn.-j at 8 Mi, , ni.. :! 2S i ..i. Ar rive at B-lii...d tr im riinx'ut,.ii. v 11, 20 a ni., and 6,10 p . The Sentinel and krjiui'tran oK.ce ia tie place to gei job work done. Tiy il. ll pay you if yt.o need auything in that line.