4 . SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MITTLITOWN : WtMBMT. SOT. SO, 1 TIKIS. aawartptt, fl-aO aaanaa a? paid taadv j w a paid in Muc MTinuwim, laswiud at M cu pwr tech far Me fcaanrttoa. Trtt boas sotieaa ia local col ino. 10 ewsta par lis for ack lasraoa DwaacMoa will b Mad a va tnoaa daairina I advartisw by rb yaw, balf ar qurtn SHOUT LOCALS. Tbre will be a tax en ear. logs next Kv. John Laird Iowa. recentlv. lied at Alton, Hackenberger'a pretzel ara all the f. Trv thera. Fob Sai.. A J"oJ tan plate store. CaU at this office-. Mr. MfSultr. wif ir John Uc Nultr ia sriusiv ill. ProthonoUrr Meminger haa bean qnite ill since Friday. HnrT .ook of Fermanagh town ahip died la at Fridar. Merchant Sehott haa bean in New Turk ity the punt wk. Tha apan of tha Patterson and of the river bridge is in laow. Did rou ea tha Hustler at Frau oiacn Uardwar Cumpauv Store. John Emerr haa aold hi two lota Ln thin town to Squire C B. Horning. Jane Detherid. of Kingston. Jam aica haa refused, 37 offer of marriage Children's overcoats, aizea from 4 to 13 veant, reduced to $2 at Schott'a. It in a punishable offena under the law t point a gun or pistol at a par un. Tha rush f.r clothing ia to Stray era whet everything ia felling at eoat. Read the new ad of Schott'a sacri fice sale in ciothxng in another col a tun. Do nut f ail t eee the Hastier at the Franciscan Hardware Company Stnre. 'Leonard Kaiser of Perry county killed three hogs that weighed 1266 jwrnndn. Rakar, At. Hickeuherger. bakea pretzel every now and then an wll a bread. 120 men's and oate, all aires $2. Ky'a ransimere To reduce stock at behott'a. The old time bortiu match has been revived in certain localities in MitBjo countr. Hitue vile person threw scalding water on a dog that belonged to the AJtona Tribune. 150 miu'k ciKHiinerei, men's boy's vt, all Kijee reducetl to cent at aWhr.tt'a. md C5 m P. S. New merer of tVnnell2(Sr Kavette Co., Pa., wan in town last week oa businese. Daniel Fiahcr bought farm num ber 2, f the lUighea property in Milford Uwnhij. Howard Kirk is ntting up the old Post Office nx'ii in Pattenton for a rwnfectiouar atwre Woa. Kurtr of Walker township has aidd hie farm in Walker town ship to John Marts. Rov. Philip firaif will preach on the aubject : "Ia life worth living. aext Habbath evening. Sow is the time to subscribe for the SrNTrL ani RsreaucAW and the FWwWAi Uttklf Prtsa. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. JtMaeph McCauley and Mia Claadiua Simons ou the Slat inat. Mi Nellie Lapp of Philadelphia, ia viaiting the family of ber uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Simons. Perry County Farmer's Institute will be held at the Court House, in Blxomheld, Jaauarv 7, 8 and 9, 1890. For Imraius in clothing to Schott'a. Price reduced. All "new atoek tbnt mu&t be Sol 1 regardless of ot. Four hundred Peuuavlvaniaus liv ing in Chicafro have issued a circular urging the World's Fair in 1H92 for Chicago. Ood overcoat for workingmeu. Welt nut t-K-ether. Sizoa from 34 to 44. Price t4.00. To reduc stock at Scbotfa. Handsome maltou chinchilla, ker ftfy and worsted overcoata reduced t $3.00. All must go, oat or loss at Sohott's. The railroad company hate bought thre acres of land along north track, through the ELM. Parker farm ad joining Patterson. John Riuo of Mifflin i6uuty was in Fermanagh township last week I Hiking to his real estate iuterests in the loet named townohip. Day Express passes this station at 2:03 P. M.. eastward bound and may W daged. Its time at Harrisbuvg i 3:20 P. M.; at Philadelphia at 6:60. Mrs. Hopper, mother -in law of Joa eph Uughs of the Franciscus hard ware store. diad at the home of Mr. Hague in Lewistown last Thursday ftvcuiug. Mru's fine worsted suits at $7.60. No matter what the guode are worth or what t her cost No matter what e lose, go they must to reduce stock at Schott'a. "The Confereuca Xewa." a Meth odist Church journal, published at Harrisburg hss taken a new name a follows : "Peansylvania Methodist aud Confervnc News. Wm Allium Jr . after a railroad jnuut with the Pan American dele - gates, in tb capacity of a newspaper; earrenpondont. dropped oflf her to ee relative and friends. T. .1. f I V n , . hu- ", Jiun, iuu s'niru" " - Uian or animal cured in 30 minut.s V w. l-axsa oy ooiiora . nauitarj a -ever fa.,, hold by lx liauK mmmmt- X r- , r Krld. formerly of this r . resident of AJ toons, -cording to announcement of cards will be marriedjthis Wedneaday ev mag. J Wiiliam Btrayer. second son of merchant Samuel Straver in Patter on, died List Friday morning of conaumption. Interment ia the Presbyterian grave yard at 3 o'clock P. M.. on Sundav. The first time Register and corder E. E Berav want lie the wood with his fin Winchester rifle he shot a tarkey gobbler oa Shade monataia. The fowl was on the run when sliot. n I5" F- n of Solomon Booka has gone to Altoona where he will locate and practice his profe. ion. Mr. Books ha entered a field whsrw hi attainment a a u-ee-eiul practitioner can bw skowa to goixl alvantage. Last Thursday the Preebrterian congregation in Una town 'elected Edward Dillon of Woodbury, N. J-. their pastor. A number of the preachers wer voted for but Mr. Dillon led them alL His election wa made unanimous. -.e t'jrkeva will be in demand from nw until January they ahonld be fel we.l, a as to make them aa fat a pvuw. m.u Kirs pouna wm pav the freight and expenses of selling, aa well as add to the price. Only choice tarkey bring the highest price in market. An exchange says : Pin up two facts to ho conidered when you are dincouragfed : There are fewer busi ness failure among farmers than among any other class ; more men begin without capital and become owners of a good business ia farm ing than any other vocation. Liftt of let tars uncalled for remain ing in the P. O.. at SJifflintowu, Pa., week ending Nov. 16, 1889. Person calling for letter in thia liat will please ask for advertiaed matter: Lettera : Jim Nile. It. B. Wilaen, AL Hnrv, Michael Itieoako, Hiram Fox. Misi Lou E. Wills. Jaaas McCacijt, P. M. The young man and young woman who devot a portion of e ach of the long evening to study, newspaper and book reading, are the coming in telligent men and women. They mar not be the loud and noiar peo ple of their day and generation, butt they ara the coming men and women that mould the communities in which they live. Miss Tillie M. Loudon has just re turned from her second trip this fall to Phil adelphia, and is at home this wek with a full line of New Mil linery good and notions : bats, bon nets, kid gloves, handkerchiefs, stock ing and other article of the latest style. She invite tha public to call and examine good all Dew aud. to l sold obtap. The attention of the reader ia di rected to the new professional card of Dr. I. M. Crawford A Son in an other column of tbe SorriKrx ad Ra pvmicAn. Dr. Dowd ia a chip of the old block, and the abort time that he has been in the practice of his choen profession gives promise OI j lecoraing aa successful a docter and skillful a surgeon as his father. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Sft, or Calouavd Lumps and P!iuisifi, from horses. Blood Spavin, Curb, Splints, Sweeney, King hone, Sitnea, Spraina, all Swol len Throats, Coughs, Ac Sava 50 by tie use of one bottle. Warrant ed the mo.t wonderfnl blemish cure ever known. Sold by L. Banka A rv t- xr:otT xr r A corr ssondeat ef th Bloom field I pany will on or about January 1st, Advocate, writing from Landisburg, 1890, publish a reprint of "The early Perry cour.tr saya : Mr. J. F. Lowia ' Settlement of the Juniata Valley," killed a large bear near Addison written and published about thirty-bamm.H-k. southwest of this place, i five year ago by my father. U. J. Monday of last week. Ha was out ; Janes, and familiarly known aa deer-atalking at th time and sudden- j " Jon' Juniata Valley. Thia his Iv he fouud three bears eyeing him I tory wis, in the maia prepared from iu a ptM-uliar manner. Oue he killed : ettraenta gathered from th origi the iirnt abet and the other twa dia- ' nal settlers of the Jnniat Valley, and appearwd quicklr in the tall acrub. Thomas Sulouff was hunting in .1. j. 1 l. m ma iciHiiT oi oiakmougu a jraca orrbard, when bia dog treed some thing. Tom shot the game. When tbe animul drop't to the ground the dogs mounted it. It was a wild rat, and in tha threes of death it in flicted such woundri on the dog's neck with its claws that the dog may die. The wild rat in valuable game. The skin ia worth something and the s-alp is worth two dollars. Typhoid fevr found a lodgement among th student of "Hagntown re male summary, and tbe Sniinary has been cloat-d until after the holi day. Among tbe number stricken bv tVio diawahe ia All Kdua Kirk, daughter ol merchant Jehu Kirk oil thin town. Misa K rk wa aeoom - uaniad bv the principal of the Semi- nary to Harrisburg last Sat urdav and there v met br her father and brought borne on Fat Lin. When vou are iookinc around for a Ln-al iwr for the home eirole. ra- .....W ih.1 ih. S--rri .aD Ra. public a is the largest paier publish 1 in Juniata oouaty. and in addition to all important personal and relig ious and biuiincea aud political newa cives a well selected aMrtment of Utcrarr rwa.ling. almost twice an ra especially cnargeu w look, alter much reading as anv other paper the oomfort of ladies, children, and published in the countv. One dollar i invalida. They are to assist the la : j TV.. wV,., !..; th ! dies in inakine their toilets, to drsa U1m Prrta ran aMtir it with the s-n n lint si for one dol - lar and fifty cents in advance. Winfield Wilaon, son of Dr. David Wilson of Port Royal, died at hi home in Pittsburg, where he has been practising law for the past 15 years. Hi remains were brought to Port Royal for interment. The funeral took place last Saturday. Dr. WiWn haa been au exemplary and useful citizen all his life in Ju niata, and th thousand of men, who received avadamic instruetione from him and wore Zot I ther friends.a ther hear of the multiplication of will ! misfortune in ni uocuu.uk f" deeply Bynipam.ie iM,.fi-M Times of the . Twv rlo. we re attempt- L.tochVwth.lif.out of a email!. ."thorise. all MillerstowTl on Mondar. when drae'. t glv thei -b. call for it . dog at 311uersxowu o . , ra..tbatthev msv trr it be. ,. , i i.: . . William and an.iaa VHTwU Ul aVar fSM awaesw w - m . , inf bittoa-Mr. , -- 1S below the ah. hen two or th farm of Mr. Michael xenaii. about fonrmilea from York on of them became frightened at v a lrl1 on a run, which was takea up by the heraea. It was found impossible to atop them and thy ran but a ahort diaUac wha tha plow shear same in contact with th hind lesa of both animals. at -v-as a i . a utting off both leg of oa horse ad th right leg of the other jut above the ankle Both horsea re mained standing oa the atumpe that remained the other portions lying at soma distance aws v. The ler of one horae waa nearly severed, it beinir held by a amall atrip of akin. A v.t erinary Burgeon had them killed. Aaiathar atettacfiem la tha lrle ar Cablast rkalt-a-raatata. NOTICE. For the next 90 DAYS, I will make fall length Ciin Piciurtt, at $2 00 per dozen, and Butt Caimrit. at 3 0(t per doij-a. I am alao making a very popalar pictare railed tha Opera Pxc tura, at 00 p.r loao. and another picture Ballad the .Mimaiitrt Pmnntll, at $1.59 p-r dozu. ALL. WORK. REDCCED. Cad RxnrcKo raokr $2 50 pu Doxu to $1 50 ras Doirx. Do not fail to take advantage of thia opportunity at ones. Reapeclfally, Josara Hess. MiCSiutown, Pa. Sept. ICth, 1839. 3uio. Tta jMatlatai Catrarasia. The Juniata coaference of the ava- od of Central Pennsylvania Evangel ical Lutheran church, will be held at Troxemlle, Snyder countr, De cember 2, 3 and 4, 1889.' The following ia the program of exereiaes: Subject : The church and the fam Uy Mondsv evening The Churoh as an educator to the familv. P. Oraif. Tueaday eveaiog The church as a safe guard to the family. H. N. Founer. Tuesdar afternoon The Sundav school and the family. 8. E. Smith. Tuesday evening A children lutetinf.M. S. Romig, O. W. Leiah- er. Wednesday morning The family and the church. C. Flickinger. Wednasday afternoon. .Commun. A. F. Teager. Wednesday evening The family with and without the ohurch. J. R. Dimm, D. D. stst Fatjette. A protraetad meeting ha begno at Brown' church. E. A. Smith shot five wild turkey the other week along ahade mountaio. A writing acbool will be opeDed at Hod Bunk achool housa bvE.lL Smitb. J. M. Bay Las the new part tc his dwelling bouse about completed. Oar friend W. X. KrissiBger has been to Mifflia aud got one thou sand Deach tree which will be elant ed on the Hart farm aext spring. La&t Saturday a shooting match was held nesr this place. Ouh of oar belies while enlerUiu iog ber gallant one night to her aur priee found tha young man'a bnggv miasicg the next morning which caused a late return homo. Watch out boys or y call get hurt. BrsoTows Roaaaa. A TaUaiaibla Mlstwrlcail Wark. The Harriaburg Publishing Com- embudiea facts cwaceraing its esrlr ' st'Iement aad the genaalogr of the ' first settlsrs that are of great value at thia dav. To it will be added ad- ditional historical facta, gathered since the original publication. The subscription prion ia two dol lars, and it will be aent postpaid to any addrena. As the edition will be limited, orders should be seat at once. I Your subscription is respectfully ao- licitod. ery Truly. Taoa. M. Jonas. Direct orders to HsaaisBca PrBUHatnia Compact. Hamburg, Pa. . - - - . remasylvaala.Llawllaw. The fenosvlvsnia Lamited, per ' forminr a dailr service between Nw York and Chicaro. needed but joae feature to complete the perfection of ita appointment. Th man have their porter and barber, and now the ladies have their maid and hair-tire or. 1M lniroaucuon ol tne mains ia aa novel aa it is a unique feature. It exists on so other regular trian in the world, and the ladiaa who travel will appreciate it heartily. The maids ara colored women, and there ia one einploved on each train. Ther their hair, and aerve aa a hand-maid ! to them in the fullest sense of th terra. They will have an eye no the children, and have a care for invalids and ladies who may travel without a mal escort. The convenience and comfort of having an attendant of one's own s-x will 1m cordially ap preciated by timid women and those who are inexperienced in travel. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the Pullman Palace Car Company deserve great credit for their persia teut efforts to enhance tbe comfort and pleasure of their patron a. IaitcratellPa)Bl. Advertiataf a patent medicine ia th Ve nt eruT y ia which the poprietor I Kea.P'. Balaam tor Coughs ud Cow. es , fere pewchsslac. Tbe larf bottles r 0c aad $l.oa W certainly woo Id ad vis a ' trial. It -7 .v. yo. irom con.urtlo. m and John oa the left th Thursday avaaiag , Mr. Mjera was plowing with Tw-aight mm Tawawrraw Bight. Ana each mj aa4 ai-bt inf tkls eek ym eaa gat at all draggiaU Kraip'g tUlsata for lbs throat aa laaga, acssoai xtgra ta ba the asaat snccsaatal ressariy ever aukl for tha cata a Coaghs, Craap, Broschltia, Wbeopiag Ceaga, AJthms sad Ceasaaitiua. Sat a battle te-a'ay ao4 seep it always ia the boss, a jea ran check yoar coM at a sea. tnc SO errta scd fl. Ssaiple bottles fraa. . I . . . MAHRIKD : Fimuta Bbown. On th 1 1th, int, at the East Salem D. B. par sonage, by Rev. J. Landia. Mr. John H. Fisher and Miaa Lizzie J. Brown, both of near Dimmaviile, Juniata Co.' Sncaaa Kustsb. On tha - 27th ult.. by Jehn O. Ward, J. P., Joseph L. Spiehar of Perry county and Sal lie M- Keiater of thia county. Smook HAaaia. On the 7th inst at Richfield Ly Rev. George Sheaffr WUliam Snook of Beavertown, Snr d4 county, and Bertie Harris of tho former place. Gaohctoaa Hxastax. On the 6th inst., in Turbott township, by Rev. A. H. Spangler, Wilaon S. Oroninger, M. D., if MeEwensville, Northumber land county. Pa., and Sarah M. Her man, of former place. VIKDi GnKiaTT. On the 30th ult., in Car roll county .Indiana, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann, wif of William Christy, form erly of Fermanagh township, thia county, agd 64 years, 11 months, and 3 days. Powell On the 28th ult, in Mil ford township, James Brady, infant son of Jamea B. and Lydia C. Powell, aged 1 year and 5 mouth. Strateb. On Friday morning, th 15th of November, of consumption, William Si raver, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S rayr of Patterson, aged about 25 years. Kikt. On th 30th ult., in Tuaca rora township, John A., eon of H. J. aad Mary C. Kint, agd 3 years, 5 months and 20 day a ParaoLE- On the 4th inst., in Conemaugh, Cambria countr, Mrs. Mary, wife of W. N. Pringle, daujb t r of Tobias and Sarah E. Krcider, aged abont 25 years. Oaais. On the 7th inst., in Tur btt township, Mrs. Sophia Orris, mother of Mra. David Haines, aged 69 rears, 5 months and 26 days. Rbixkhaet. On tha 8th inst., near Mabontonga,Margarat, wife nf Hen ry W. Rhineai t aged 50 years, 6 months, and 13 day a. Wr&aAM. Oa the 8th inst., in Pat terson, Mrs. Charles M. Wearam, ag ed 47 years, 7 months and 8 days. . Latad. On the 9th inst, at Af ton, Iowa, Rev. John Laird, formerly of McCoysville, thia county. Zoox. On the 13th inst.. tu Fer managh township, from dysentery, Henry Zook, aged about 64 year. . MIFPLINTOWN MAKKKTS. JttrrusTaws. Kv. 20, 18S9. Batter ..... r Hsni Sbouklsr, .. Sides, ..... Laid MIPPLIIITOWK GB AIJT MASK XT. vfbest Cora old .......... Oats, Ky Clover ad. ..... .... Timothy sesd Flax saod hi sn ...... CbOf........ ...... Sborts. ............ Uroasd Alum ttalt.. Aswrd tsll. ...... PiaLAPrLPHiA, November 16, 18SD. Wheat 81 to 87 cuU. Corn 41 cents. Oata 26 to 31 cents- Rye 5C centa. Liv hens 8 to 9 cents Lav turkey 11c. Ducks 8 to 10i Live gees 8 to Octs. ButUr 14 to 2.1 couts. Eggs, fresh. 25 to 27c: ackua 21 to -.ic ; loe houoe brands IS to iOc ; bmod 18 to 19c Applt-s at $1.25 to $3.50 a barrel. Grape, ' 10 puaud baskets at 35 to 37c. Flor ida oraug. , per box, $1.75 to $2.50. futatcx.' .io to 50s a bushel, sweet potatoes 55 to CO con taVvf bushel. On ion $1.75 to $3.00 a buaheL Clov rseed for prime western, C to CJc a pound. LEGAL. toKPOKATiurr oncc. McAiJSTZXTO-La EjtlTTBO CoMPAXT. HVIKV " lisrewj a mm myy.wi-m- j lion will Im made to tbe Uovarnor t"t turn : CoHaooMh up- n Muodty int J. b J 01 . ttecomnaf , I8e9. b tew. HcKs-la.K, J. it Hwlrsi. MihBU Watts. Knubou C .' David Sblrit, bri-uii Bcna-a-, 4. L. Kc- Aliatrr, Jc-b siai'h. W. W. Sbrr.n, J..i. ; Psfe. H.T. 8hfllls(lurd aid a. C. Mci- I istar Ivr loitars pstrsl crrarms; Ibaai jh! ; tueir Asiaiaa aad sncee-r m ewrpor tioa bt lbs aaoisot tha alsAlistorvtila Rott tiBf lotvp.nj, lor tho Huiatactani ia wcAi taicrvitie, Jnmata Ceuaty, Fs , of knit fuds from cotloa, wool sol oiher uiatsrui, and lb salo ol tbe saaaa. sod to bav sll lh pnvols sad buefita wt tha curpra tion act ol April, 174. and its anpp rmeota. WhlSS t UlLbfcHl . Solicitor. No 'ember 6th, lBbS-SU A DhHNISTRVrOK'S SALE ' ' A. tt VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By vtrtne ol so onitr ot th Orpbar.. Conrt of Jantata County, isat-d oa the I'tb day ol Srpbmbr, A D , tha omlrr isnml adraiaiatrator of tbe natal ot Rub ert N. Tbooapsoa, late of tho townsbip of Delaware, ta tbe county ol Juniata, aad stale ot Pennsylvania, will sell by paboc oaicry on lbs T-nii's in Dolawsre tonn sbip. Jaaists cuouiy, I's., oa Saturday, November 23, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. hi., th following very val aat,lr rral ratata : A ceiti ntassaifrt snd tract of land sit uate in D!aarr toaoibip, Jaai.ta cocntj, rVanat lva--ia, boandad aud dacrib t as tollowa, tis ; On tbe sort b) loads ol Wulisui G. Thiiupon sad C tab Sbu.ata ; oa thr uji by Uoda of said Uriah Sbuusn, UrArri Ts)lr and MiciioiUrubjr ; oa tho x.tiih bt laoda f as Ml Ms:bal Grubar ami Ibe Jauita K:rcr ; sua on tbe wf by Ueds l aid William G. Tb.inpou aad cootaiu- t u acres, more or less, har'Dg tbreoa erecled A LARGE BBICK DWELLING HOCSK. vasal asa bsbji, wsgoa-shed, crib and brg p-o. A 'wit wsi a Craw et Uts farai is e4arel asd ia ago .ista f eattivstssa, kslascs ia tiia. bev, cWiqi, ac. Tbis spleoi4 (aria, eeaventaat ta aurket. eh art-h sad acbMj. waltastad two nil east of Tbenpsoataaa. Ther is on tl place rnod ruaoiiig slar aas the doM, sad a young Utility orchard good o-ariag cuoditioa. TZHUs OF SAI.B .Too par cst. of parehaa utoooy to bn pod ah-a propn-ty a suickea oa ; Fittots pr c-nt. on tha 1st day ol January, A. D, 1K ; Twenty per cent, oa Ue 1I dsy ot April A D.. IB90, wha drd will be delivered and pos- ua ( VCD ; and vt tha balam-a ibuty thrws and ae third .t' lite purcbow in-Mry, leas eocowbarances U. reniai a charge on the real rtaie danua ihe h'e oi Srh K. TboaipMMi, widow . said decadent, ud tha luterest thereol to be paid to h annn ally on ll.e 1st d .y ul April ; arid tt. - in. cipal at ber death to tlie parlies etiii d tneroio ; and the balanre ol ih- puir inn nvisey to be pant April lt. to he se cured by judgment mri r- UHlAU SHCMAN. jSdmiuutritor. JUKI ATA VALLEY BANK, F MirFLISTOWl, PA. WITS BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholder! Individual" Liable. JOSBPfl KOT BROCK. Prtndnt. T. TAN IRWIN, rulur. BIBKCTBS. W. C. Pomaroy, Joseph Kothrock, ioba Uartalar, PkUip U. Eepuer, Bahsrt K. Psrkar, Leois K. Atkiosoa, T. T. Irwio. sTocaavaaaas Philip M. Kepnar, Aaai at. Shsll.y, Jeph Kolbrock, Jaa H. Irwia. L. E. Atkinson, I. Parker, W. C. Poataroy, J. HoIsm Irwin, ary Karts, J aroma M. Tkawpaaa, Jr Jka Hertslar, T. T. Irwta, Charlottes ay dar, Jesiab L. Barton, John at. Blair, Eobort . Pstteraoa. Thra aad Four per eat. intarest will b paid a crtiBcats ol depasite. (jan it, 188W ll Don't you forget it, G. W. H E C K. haa moved his Sbo Storewith tie i ulleat Stock in the L'ountj, Into the McCrum Hiiildinir. l.fi 173 a . -e-1-; ?i.fcv.-.-Ha5is. to- .wiL .-aS5 tea Ma,,S : Unequalled in Process! Unequalled in Convenience! HAVE MOST LABOR SAVING DEVICES. The 8WEEP8TAKES COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION lfZ-ZZ:Z? COOLEY PROCESS. This U the THIRD COLD MEDAL t P" Expositions, EVERY EXPOSITION ainoe Awarded the COLD MEDAL Awarded tbe COLD MEDAL State Fair. Boston, wnere there were over Awarded GRAND 8WEEPSTAKES EIGHTY of the Best Creamerica and FOURTEEN GOLD MEDALS have been awarded since tbe opt-Ding of Fairs a year ago. THE DEST IN ITS OWN STATE, THE BEST IN ITS OWN COUNTRY, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Complete Apparatus for Factories and Dairies. Illutmtd I'rice List Fn VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO.. Bellows Fall. Vt. Quality r Wa don't r. ir l.. thruw tn Ia othei wonts, we iin't a chl -"Ir wrk farior trmniin to -aiit tii mitt, a lw roar food a. Non-bai'iho Uei-t C''I'ing Tontn. Hots a4 CfaiMren. C. YATES fc LEDGKK BriLDIXV, SIXTH AND CHESTN I T PHILADELPHIA. JA. WKjaii'iim. Levis K. Avert isa. . . I atkiiioi rnvmrnmrnvM.. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MirrLnrTOirii, pa.. ITCoUwsting aad Cos -TTSassia sisaisl ly attoadd t. Orrics On Mais slraat, hs pi sea ef deae ef Laia K. Atklas, Xaa.. saa raal- U ef or.ura SLroai. Oct Jg, I ILBERroRCS tCHWETKB, ATT OENEY - AT - LAW, Ult rilXTOWH. PA. i)m" Office oa Court Hoaa. Bridge street, epposit BS.O CBSWrOBO. t. BABWIB IHIITUI. R. D. M. CKAWF0RD A SOV. lormea a partaorsBip far tk prastic v roKriaa ana taoir consttsial sraacbas. Omeo at old stand, rorsrr of Third aad Or sac utreots. slimiatowa. Pa. Oi.tr both ot inru win d loon at their affiaa at all tinea, anlaas otbarwiaa profaaloally aa mm- A siste win b left at tk star of Mr. Howard Kirk ia Pattwr foraalla, sad will be vxsminrd at 10 A. U., aad 3 P. at., of eacll dsy. April 1st, 1890. Jobs MLAasu. Jesse W. Btibbsi MCLAE6HLII at ITIMMIL, INSDKAHOE 1QENTS, POJtr ROYAL, JCNUTJ CO., PA. CT'Only raliabla Coiapanias roprasaaUd. J ::. I. i"i -1. aeno ros our catalosui H eaicsa AULAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. INO. balng it was invented. f?ErtJsT-?sss.v; at tbe d FOUR 200 ENTRIES. PRIZE at last Vt Itairymcn ExklUtion. Dairies of tbe Btate ia this contest. i c IV---. r n s in ic- t" tr ll CO SSTS j . . I'c uli'K.nlKtKUti ,,..'?-'!) . , i L. 1 1')' , , ma : ?TK, n f' r r- ' a ! JLCT r y MERCHANDISE MURDER ! Men's, Bays' aad Children olothiag. ovetooaU. a a hirts, hsU aad eaps, furaiahina; geoda, at reduced price AT SCHOTTS. THK QRKATKST SACR1FICK 8ALK ON RKCORD. Eacoararad by tha eaormou trade during the month af October we bought f a,000 worth more Clothing and Turaiahing Qoeds for Koveasber. The weather in October was favorsole to the Clothta trade, bat there ia evory reason to believe that Xovember will be a mild month. Now w find ourselves loaded to the muzzle with a full tock of clotViag and furniai grods. To unload aarselves is to nt down th prices, and our caatasaera will reap the HARVEST ol BEST BARGAINS avtr known. We marked down every article to a priee that you will wonder at. The goods are met Hhop-worn but all aew and bright BEAD THESE GENUINE BE0UGTI0N3 : Man'a suit marked dewa t Mea'a saita marked down to Man s suits marked down ta Men suits marked dowa to 3 50 4.00 5.00 6.75; These suits ara cat in aaek aa 1 frock styles aad cease in light medium and dark caasiweres. Scotch, Chevoits, WorsUda, aad Corkscrews impart ed aad domestic. Man's ovrcoata f3.50. Man's vrets $5.00. Men' ovareoata 7.50. marked down to i t0j ; tol marked dawn marked down Many of these overeoats beiag made Corkorws, Caaaimera, Meltoas, at. Childress suits marked down to I J to i $150. Children's $3 00. Children's $3 60. Children $3 60. Children $376. suits markad down sait markad dowa nit markad down to j to ; suits marked down These auita are na old aat ap goads, having baoa receive 1 by days ago. But go they must. Children's overecaU marked down to 00- ! Childrea'a overeoata marked dowa to j I Children ovarsoats markad down to . .3 00. 1 Ail the best sod latest stylet areinoluJsd ia this offar. Mvry moth- or wuo saa a ooy w ciotne sheum avail I Men's pantaloons . 100. I Mau'r pmtaloous marked down to marked down to 31 60. Don't fsil uaJer aay oircumsUncs jare ia need of clothing if the greatest S C H 0 T T , THE LEiDING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOVVN. PA. , 1805, ESTABLISHE L, , Special Invitation To tvtUnd the Attractive Sal. Irom THE IMMENSE STOCK D. W. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who hava money to invest to xniine the Stuck of (W4a far MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It ia truly marreluu to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suit and Overcoats at the Hi prions leave all Competitors in tbe rear, a soi't fall to git a him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFF! IIS TO WIST ijL. IT IS A FACT HILL The Largest Stock -OF- HARD WARE IIS THE COUISTY Fuildirg Hardware waa nerer ao low aa saw, AILS LOCEI, allXSKI A-.. CKMIIT, rLilTIB, i fact vrTtLir; in the Hardware Line including Heus F'lrainliiap fts WALL PAPER, BLUVDS, Ac, Are IXow Sold at Bottom Prlr by FRANCTSCUS HARDWARE fc CO. POCLTtT rAY i; rrnprrrr atsascrd. Tb Pvcltst Ksl tiTia, uMirned ssoslblv. finely iliss'rs'rd, i :ha rt paper f.r fanner snd Isjiner l.t Itu tr. rrnli Dotlk rirr it to toa poat paid Ssad stawp fnraaB a'.aeopr. Address rntfry 3r, M rrl ft. Jfew York. ,i . , , L- : . o.iL 1. U l-'l-'. A J.J.. J:,J , .. Men suit marked dowa to 7 0 Man aaiU marked dowa to 10. 0 Ma's suiu marked down to 11.00 Maa'u ovsreosts 110.00. Men's overeeats $12.00. marked dewa to marked dewa to of light and mediam weight. Soys' long pasts sait to $2.87. Boys' leng"pants suit to $3 50. Boys' long pants sait to $4 00. ssrked dowa marked dewa marked dowa Boys' long pant suit marked dowa t $5.26. Boys' long pants suits marked to $c.oo. dewa us tea Bovs' overeoats raarkod dowa ta i $2.60. Bovs' overcoats i 3.00. Bovs' overcoats $3 5,,. maiksd dowa V markad dowa to herself of this uusipeet.d sftr. Men par.Ulooii marked down to ' $3.H0. A grtnt variety to select from at tho above reduced piioes. to see the above bar-'aina. If mjuey saving chanae ever knewa. yea 189. To The Public cl Clothing that g oir Wonderfully Low Friaea. KNOWN THAT W HATI ftajry'.vss'.l Attaral TTrrii. Vert. '"r. arassar s Siaa-ur k.arsi ui haw a :. i JavaewMl Aaai A. av rixssB a aiaar, ,, .j t; lt '. .'. '- , - - fit ' all 1 r.