Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 06, 1889, Image 2

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    H1 -J
T. scnwiiER,
serves a tiwiinoi.
Ohio, Republican ; Virg inia.
Democratic ; New Jersey
Democratic, ; New York, Dem
Juniata County TTn-official.
Ssvr im-bes of now Ml in Color
svlj ou tbe iiOth of October.
Know was beavv enoub last Tburs
U in Western Nebraska to belate
railroad trains.
John Field a rbil.-ululpbin mer
ebnnt born in Ireland bas Imcmiu:.'
j- m.viter of tbe (junker City.
Cin::.n Cess-son 'V a dufaleatieu
of on bunJred tbusanl dollars,
liits knoeked the TradMiuf n's Na
tional Bunk tf Consbobocken, l'a.,
"bibber than a kits." The b:tuk wan
orfraniod only six years ago.
A wsai.tt tobacco dealer u allot
while r ''! :n a store in Canada re
cently, at nibt. He of course was
an old oHauiler, but hail never been
eimpecteil of bciujj a burglar. He
was a leading church member, Sun
day school nan, Ac.
Edward Everette Hal"'. Imprest-ion
of President Harrison.
I saw I'resident Harr'son firt in
tlie H;riite Chamber and on the
1 latf.rin of the Capitol r.t hia In
auguration ; I aaw him uevt at tbe
mnuiheeiit dinner-party in ow
York nt tlio (fraud Opera House on
tbe 30tb of April, and I Lave seen
luji now. Aud I um sure cf this :
there is in him a jxiwiTe v-iii of im
agination, one miy;ht say 'of poetry
which you do not find in mere poli
tician, aud w'.iicb in not often found
iu stinmfn. imvou not remeoi
ber how, in tbose little speecuet in
the d.iys of the canvass, he always
trm-L inif uuTpct.d note, and
told the heroes mi-thinf thev had
ui Tt-r thought of bi.-fore? Well that
le!iupt to tbi imaginative f.icultv.
In the Sc-uate Chamber while t'ie
formal proceedings lielonin t the
new birth went on, this man sat ns if
h were t;r.-nruin0'. He wa i.it
looking on any pern or anything
he wt lookiii;; into Eternity Half
aa hour after I stond behind hiir
w lien he wast il. Inrriiii' liin inauii-
ra!. The rain wn.i pourinjj in sheet j
not drupe. The water rolled down I
the paper in hi hand, and dripped Iu the province of Kistnis.t. near
intv from it lower inarcin. Yet he i temple, ia a bova" school, while
Kighty-two persons, friends of -Sheriff
f'owlea, partook of an c-el
supper at the Jacob House on Hal
low . Invitations bail been issu
ed for the supper several tlaya prior
to the occasion by a comroittoeof the
ex-sheriff's uliuirers, aud on that
evening at 8 o'clock P. II., the din
ing room of the hotel was crowded
with the favored ones who partook
of eels raptured in the Susquehanna
river at Selinsgrove and engaged in
ou after snier chat with his neigh
bors aud friends.
Selatrarc "otes.
Comrade Post 134
G. A. It.
I request a full attendance
members at our nest meeting on
ns it is nomination nigbt for new of
ficers let there bo a gNHl turnout.
By order of
J. M. Paxehake,
Pout Commander.
. State C.Sur- C-
Tress'r. trror. oner.
? 2 3 2
I - -
z y ? 5
5 a I ? h ?
- 5 S- yr
-' X ?
sj t f .
MitttiMtowa.... 7J 77 M 82 ',9 85
rrnuaaigb ... 7i 63 71 M 76 57
fattrrsoo 52 61 (OS 52 55 t.2
w llf.vr.1 C2 52 0i AO 82 61
Rle 42 SO 44 32 4" 32
Port Koval... 3H 49 3 51 37 51
S)rne Hill... 41 24 53 25 21
TurU.lt -M M 2rt 63 2 63
Tux,or .... 45 51 53 5S 67 69
Walker 92 M H7 60 I IC 40
Faratte 170 60 )7 54 172 63
Munrwe 51 KM 49 i'J 4'J i
Ilawre yi 23 5H 22 93 25
Thni"onl'u . 27 21 2 J 2"J 17
t;re not-Mxt... 6 5l .iO C. 5' I
Siilthnoa . 41 !! 4 21 4 2
B.a.a I.o,r 5 1." ft 1" 6 1--
f.sck 25 27 2-j 27 25 2
Mr. Editor : I will now after a
long tour through the country re
sume the dnties and 1 expansibilities
of a correspondent and come to the
front once more. I sen that all the
other correspondents have settled
down lxjhind tho stove to smoke the
pipe of peace in the rear. Henutj
speaks of me as having crossed the
Alps. I t'.ink w'll find JJeauty in
the Australian mines where no news
paper correspondent cm reach him
to harangue him about things that
apeared in ttie columns of the "Sen
tinel" I hope too that when the
'Pall 51 all Gazette," of London
jeeds a reporter thnt Beauty will ".e
called u;on to fill the position. On
To-Xlght and To-murrsw
And each day atwl nipdt dnriait tbia
week yoa can get at all drugpista Kesip.
Balaam Tor the throat and lnnra, acknowU
edged to be tbe moi-t nccfcrul remedy
aver fold for that cue ot CoHghr, Cronp,
Bnincliilin, Ht'O'fin C'ith, Aalbma and
C"" umptioa. Gat a bottle So-J'y and
k-epit alwayain tha buaav, o you rau
ch.t k vorr cold al nre. Prica 50 cent
r.d $1. Sample buttlea free.
IlMslLlngr Corn bf Machloer y.
On Satnrdnv a machine for busk
ing corn was iu actual operation at
the Highland dairv farm of T. Xi
Wetzel near this citr aud did satis
factory work. The corn stalks were
fed through the machine butts first
as fast as one man could handle them.
1 ho stalks were cut ana crusnea iv
the machine and the corn delivered
w. HoCbar aiix I k baca oai i ITvlfl Atmm
aiaatiti mi ahoaa waar Unt Uiaa a bafcw.aad
smoctli aa tum 1 tlxat tmad rt.
MiA InMl. BTMi 1 amwryfiaeaia
Iml Y' foE tlit cir c -d tirg aol "a
.bn rprrlj asrd. T. h " - h-l
tb. diractuiv lor Oh-j in ar inJ tim .
Um i uo. S " oq dm ri th-m. acd tbt- wiu
Mi vna nat f roar trlU. Yn ir fru tuY nd I krrp
M- m ' W-int orW I o tt about
in a wairon. A larsre crowd of.' f ar
my journey I met and bad a plessant mors and others were present to wit-
chat r.-ifh Pat and Biddy. They lit- ness tbe test of the machine which
tie thon-ht thor were entertiininpr J did its work effectively and satisfac
the eminent St rIous Tullious. Ijtory. The day of basking corn by
saw Be.mty, Ah ! Bemty U a dandy hand is about "over, aud th hnslu-V
.. J 776 10'.! 791 1049 776
.:. !l- t i:i til C';i(irv were
r' .lie. i i ti. Pioih.jnotJirv's oiTS:
t' H'j i. Welne- 1 y.
i. uer'a uiaj nity over B'g'ori 1.(7
T te.
Oroninijer's tu iiority over ?IcCnh-
nil 19 voi en. I- r . ... .
Smith' n.ijoritv over 51i ldagh is I ln connty wt week'.
2t;:t r:it. s. J I Wl now close, looking to bear
Ti.e temperance candidnle received from Pat aud Biddy, and Beauty.
10'J votes in the count v. "JC. of which i 1 "m as "ver
were jolled in MifHiutowu.
Our school is progressinij finely
nnder the instruction of I. S. Diram.
J. AV. Kurtz who has beeu very ill
ia slowly convalescing.
J. Bmks Kurtz a student of Dirk
irsou coll-e is borne on a vis-t
Ctdlege life seems to agree with him.
D E Parfet of Golden City. Col ,
spnt a few days with his relatives
'ttul fr cd-J in this vicinity.
Henrr Auker left on Monday morn
in for HcAIisterriPe, where he in
iends to leain a trJe.
ipt. Ait'nin vis:te'i onr scuool n
few weekj ago.
YI!i?o Frank is engaged in haul- !
r erops for .1. W. Hibbs. Sitae
wr -ri'" c.tt a glsnce that way.
I j'iesn-ne ihey admire tho props.
will loUow the thresher as surely as
the thresher follows tbe binder.
Lock Haven Rnpublican.
Anetber Bcductlen In n
Price er C'ablaael Ilol -irapha.
Wolff's AG M EBIacking
U wondnfol: praMfTlng WaterorooflnK
any I nattier ife a a tfeeo. rich Mae
lustre -"" lasts a rae. mm tfUnm.
Da nnt wftaid ACME BUakinc with an! athaa.
SvM tv bu. Suaaa. Crasna. Pracriata.
Una la the "i.ly prartieal
machina for Uu.liur. Ptaatvr,
1'aria Oruen. Ar.-, apoa -tato
Tkiea t doatroy the
I tla. tvad for Illualralcd
C Irrular.
Kmiaarl TV. Ilawlef,
Alelia. lelawaru Cn., l'a.
Saile A rnt for I niU-d MatM
except . Y. and New J-uf-laii't.
T faVlf Tonr flealer doe
St keep them, aend 11 iml I will hlp one ta
sv sxpiwaa ulBce. iJcpanaaa prapaid.
V Ww
Selling- at OosV
Hariroj determined to retire from bninre, I wjn .ii ,
at cost. Now is the t-m. t, .,rr. b,rfcrai, . in the " y Ur- .tock
Retiremtr-tfroni Busiu
ed the
was determined upon after I had
icofi's Emulsion
For the next 90 DAYS, I will make
fall lengi h Cabinet Pictures. t $2 (W J .tf a UBed and iulrx2 by P hysl
rCodL Tilyor OiX m.
George Luitzel snnt a fevr days
Boys in Japan.
stood aa if wholly unconscious of
the element and delivered that
speech with energy like ; Naf oloon's
at the bridge of Lodi rainor no rain
what was that T His business was
t" say how th Republic should be
maintained. Again ; at the Opera
H"t?s he sat through tiro hours of
the worst simrtking you ever henrd.
Ten worse speeches than were spok
en there are not to le found in liter;
at lire.
I watched him ngaiti- Listening?
Yes, in a fashion ; but a'd the time he
listened, learning, if you please
fancying imagining. At the end of
that evening I think ho had a fuller
and better idea of wbat was in that
theuti r than any other, man there.
And then, after thej dreariness of
those ten speeches he was called up.
H spoke perhaps ten minutes. The
eecU was entirely ex tempore in
form. It was pathetic, it was hu
inerous at timos, it was tender, it was
dignified. It held the tird audience
as only perfect speakiu does or can:
and people went away more alive for
it, more glad ,f the Centennial, more
aw:Ae to all it had to teach the na
tion. So quickened werw thev in
deed, that almost everyoue of them
will tell you now that all the speak
ing of the evening was admirable.
For the end of a battle is what makes
it a victory or failure. Now, here be
is again trnt with a picked audience
of a thosaud representatives of the
best life in America, but with mer
ry, laughing crowd of throe or f.mr
thousand Portsmouth people wlu
want to set a President. Once mere
he entera wholly into the orvasion
is wholly at ease and natural, laughs
w ith tlioxo who laugh as he shakes
hands with thos nho shake hands.
All this is genuiue. Old Johu Adams,
r his sou- or JIartiu Van Bun u, or
Jauics Buchanan, -r Polk or John
on or any of that ..'rt might as
well have tried to fly Hs t enter
with such simplicity, svmpathv and
dignity into the hf of'thent who are
crowdmj arouud him. Exohauge.
SERvnors Tclliocs.
November 4th, 18-Si).
per d zsn, aud Bust Cabinets, at .J.OO
per dor-n. 1 am also making very
popular picture called tbe Opera Pic
ture, at 4!2.00 per dozen, and another
picture nailed the Minature Pannell.
j at 1.50 per dozen.
Cards Bedcckd from 2.50 riu Dozf.n
to $1 0 ria Dozcx.
Do not fal to take advantage of
this opportunity at once.
Joswh Hess.
Mifll in tow u, Pa.
Sept. 16th, 1RS0. 3mo.
Ilair-ratea te the Catholic
Cesrreti at Baltlmere,
Tin tbe PenDmUmla
Tbe Catholic Congress to be held
Many of tho voung periplo of this
place attended a partv on IIallw . in Baltimore, Md., Novembtr 10th
Eve at the home of fcx-Shi-riff Lou-: to 13th, promises fc bring Ugeth-r
dou at East Point and spnt the! a verr large assmbla eef thedervv.
at were j evening iu playing many of the the laity, and the cburcb organiza
o was to ; games that properly belong to that , tions, from the entire Union. The
features ' scope of the meeting has far
teacher was culled awar one dar all
the loys except one with the ill ten
tion of plaviug a joke on the teach
er--bid in emptv coffins th
in tbe tempi-. Thu lxv who
ai t as sentiiitd hail hardlr closed mystic rvi?. Among tl
down the lids over the five K iys f the evening was a caks baked by grown the original indications and in
when the school master aiip-ared. ttio young ladies of tho party i: t one J view of these considerations the
Answering the teacher's question the - uf whom uttered a word daring the ; Pennsylvania Railroad 0!-rpany bits
sentinel said bis comrades hud gone ! iuakin up and baking thereof, iu ' arranged to sell excursion tickets to
to heaven, their boiliej i.ov beiiij ia ' w hi' h n.-id beun placeil a ru:g, a rey, ; 11 visitors to Baltimore on this oc
the coffins. a thimble, a button, and a cent. The. , .'asiou at a single fare for the round
The teacher feariu;r that the i'-k? ! cake was cut into slices and each one trip.
might have beeu carried to far rais-' of tho partv drew one from off the Tne tickets will be sold
clans because it is the best.
It is three times 23 sfficadous as jiali
Cod liver Ofl-
?t is far superior to all otisr BO-caHad
VL is a psrf8ct EmnMon, doss not edt;.v
rats or chang
Is is wonderfol is a c3h producer.
It is tt t jst renedj for Ccnsnmptioa;
Ccrofala, Eroncliitis, "Wastirg ric
cases, Chronic Coughs and Colls.
Sold by all Dr-ugtjlst.
XiOTT &. BOWNE, Chemlete. K.Y
Shot Dead.
I'aulme Hauler :id Johu Shubert
were en slaved at the bakerv t,f
Joseph Muttenholl'er at West licster,
l'a , the fornor as a, grl of all work
and tho latter ws a bater. Ou Satur
lay morning November 2, Khulw-rt
ent rabbit shootiu nd as be left
the bakery, Puu.iue remarked that
she would pay him twenty five cunts
for every rabbit he shot."
TUis evening she went to a friend's
house on Vst Cuestuut street
when she was soon joined by Shu
brf with a fim but no rabbits.
Pauline began twittiug him at his
lack of luck when he minted his
supposed empty guu at her is I pull!
ing the trigger, slict her dead. He
ut once gave himself up to the police
aim was suuscmwiiitlv rxoneratep br
iuo coroners jurv.
and he may uot have
intentionally but the fact that be aim
ed the gun at her and pulled the
trigger is against him. He merits
severe punishment.
T. Thomas Fortune' of New York,
hs is;t,d a call for a national con
vention of colored men at NahviII;,
Tonn., i.n January 13, 1890, to organ
ise a National Afro-American League
ed the lids of the coffins mid found
in reality all tivelmys bad died from
The siith I oy being now thor
oughly scarad, st:utd to run, when
the teacher overtook t im and whip
ped him to deal !i.
Bucks county has thirty -five veter
inary physicians.
Over $7000 has leen subci ibed at
Johnstown for the purjsisc of search
ing for tbe dead. An old man named
Fort.inger, banged himself in Coue
maugh Imroiigh.
A despatch froni (Vilumbus say
"Samuel Wbite, a life prisoner, who
was pardoned on condition that be
ubstain from strong drink, in Mav,
1S71. was to-slay brought back to
prison to remain tho rest of bis life
Nor.roLK, Va., Oct. 2. Vhil prow
ling in a coru field near Deep Creek,
in Norf dk county on Wednesday
night, a gypsy woman from a camp
near by got caught iu a lieartrap.
Tbe gun exploded and wouuded the
woman so bad that she died where
she was sh it and her body was found
Thursday morning lying alongside
the trap.
from all
plate. Tho partv who received tbe . stations on the Psnnsvlvania Rail-
piece with the ring will according to road system, November 7th to 12th, j
All pis.-na liarirg any cla?ni. arhat,e'rr.
again! Cbaa. A. 2 mi1 I, d.rra.ed. lali ol
Tisiro'ii iartii.p. Juni.ia Caotr, Pa.,
will plea pr-aent the aania. duly proven,
te Ihe uuti'i jrnai within 60 daa or l"r-
evar be debarred : And all thiae ewiny
ng hiu will likewiao niakeprnipt pivnirnl.
Jtlorney in fmel for Philip 5. Ztmll.
Thompwniuwu, Pa., Oct., 2tt:, lsf .
EVT.y ptJc SJAr-pED LIlE
avbove Clfj.
J50. FISZER 4 BROS.,LonisTiIIe,Ky.
Successful Treatment of Oiease)
MIC HI IRE tha Iih. r n n......
KllUlka Mlrrsbaa.
lilo l ariliar.
Tba aAoaar af tha KlrroSa Eillar ta ..i af aaa
aaaipwna k Im mm lln-tailr i mm iaai l ill aun
an rutA4 m tiumia l it aoia-rra pummmm hrjmmi
tM mt mm m.Ii'.m knm. W mm mi - far
BUrMuloua powar ia flanaa aw far aaa "- -1 mmrm
H impoMtbln. bat wa mm claaa that It will car aar (aa
whww Ui luars ara mm waa tbas kalf mrntmr fNaauaa
with p-r-mpv-L w.Ol aarf 4.4nkatad. dl Sad It T.
mmut umm t.vrj mnm atkwuM la 14. particularly Uuw
wh hm.v F i t-. 1 fr rrfl aab mcaratja ciisiaic tfia-
mmmem. "'""!! fu.f nf itl.n . Tha
aatlt -ia tn.t win k Hi tba gma a a tiia Mat tmmm
cir ttta iiaffiant tm tmm mnm t. m,
d lr ia oaa (allm aat jaga. Prlra 1(0.
aaata .ill t. Uat lrt aijr mantli. (M : wMSu tba
raarh .( all. rhjmtrtmm of 17 raara aiparlaaca la
aSarraf tb affira. Sa4 far circular mma trJmrwmmMmm.
Win. HaJam's Microbe Killer. HW&t
T Itlltt llil'il rr.. 1. 1.1 a a.
t T "' ana ll.e pnbhc genersllv to e.11 j
rr.y tock at cost pr ce,. It w ,11 pny ou. The Joo Vte "4ni'"'
Men', Boys' ,,,,. Childietis fc " " t!'-"- "Deriu.
j and Gent's furnishing: (foods. First Claas, combining Style QuaJi
I Llegance. Prices that will astonish you. At coet pric . ' M
I and JKWhLKl, Calico. Percale and Wkite Shirts Xeclw. ir''
cost 8' "u'1 SaleU1"' im ,uU aBd i oS 3TiJ
j NoTerb'rC b, 1SS0.
r -----wwwKMiriBBBf--imaTitamTammmmit
of Pittsburg Pa., make
On sod after Sunday Ji,T
train that alap at JIHHin ill'ros at f.liaiTZ
j ALTe!4 AceoMMShATI'ill laar.i Alleat.
A aTJT-TiT A T" Tms-r j a".T ' 536 m-. Tjmne .07
mJJ- a '. J a i.i i a mi
IlnntinKdon 6.3S s. nt.. V.mat Vnin ,1
7,?1 . ni.. Newton Hamilton 7.17
VlcVeVfoarn 7.37 a. in.. l.-wit.w0 8 I a
..!tr A . ..A ......
of mannfactnrinfir for tbe Domestic
. ' ... Will A a OA - If u ...
Uacl.tU.nest Brands of Illuminat- i " ,
. g and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha Tnacsrora 8,41 a. m.. Vandvte Mt a. ra '
nd Gasoline, that can be made from . I"0".,-!!! "' '
t ' tu., HllleratAwn U.V6 a m., Nevrirt
t fctroleum. j ra., srrivinr st llamianrc; f 10 20 a! a
:id st I'hilsdflphia, 1.2S p. ta. "
... cnanenge compsnson wun Sea Haom EzracKaleaTraAltaoaaii.il.
at 7,15 a. ni., and ateppina; s all rrntr
! Itation hi'tweeo Altuuna and HarrUburK,
reaches Mifflin si l(l,5 s. ni., llarrnhurr
11. 411 p. and arrirea in PbiladelLbia tl
3.15 p. an.
I Hail Tat is leavea Pittabarf daily al
j 5,XU a. ut., Altmina st 2,00 p. tu., aad ataa.
ping at all reculnr ntatmna arrirea at Hi Kid
at 6 f 3 p. tu., lUrrinbiiri 7.00 p. iu., fhila
adrlpbia lO. Vi p. m.
rcry known Product of Petroleum.
If yoa wish tbe most
ask for ours, trade for liifflintown and
vicinity Supplied by
January 2nd,-89-ly.
Mail Ezpreaa lesvea fit tulmrr at 1 OOaaj.
Altwans li 2i I p m ; Tyrua 0 52 m ; llaot
infdon 7 87 p ni ; l.cwiatowa IS 49 p ra ; HIT.
flin 9 10 p ra ; llarriaburg I'M p tu ; PLila
delpbis 4 25 a ua.
JVcic Firm.
Philadelphia Kzpraaa will atap al IIH
j st 11 37 p. sc., vlia dashed
I Wt8Tr'4Ka.
Whereaa, I.ettera Testa'ni-utary en th.i
ealaie ml IIasiil Sikbck, Isle ot Farciite
townahip, di-eeaavd, haa been (tranced In
ihi unleraigned, all ieranna indebted t i
sujversllt.,n ba i-iarried Within R valid for return until November 10th, dial. payment, and the having claim,
year ; the finder of th") key will takrf 1S89. All tickets Sold from Pitts-; will pleaae present them properly authenti
n long aud pleasant journer during burg and stations west of Latrobo . mmi ,or anitieuient. tu
tho year ; tho thimble "indicates ; will read to Washington, but will lie. JOSKru ROTHe'Jl'or
single blcissetlness whether fouud by sold at the Baltimore rate, and w ill MitSiatown, Ps., October 14, 18Si.
voung man or voung ladv ; tno ' admit of sttii..ing tiff in Baltimore!
, .. 41, r.... !
. . V . . T In,. a-vaaAw -a!T 1... a-
'i Ur- lULslMl IXX W lt.l- 1 TV 1 1 1-1 1 II l. UZ tOIC I1LU1L. DU CA 111 - r-v n p. D 1 Til i V vnTTPL
A 1 1 1 x - 1 "a ' -- A . il . : t 1 af - " '
criv siricKen, ana me cvm lurucjtitrt hiouikis may eujov iu jrivciegw oj i v
-aan a
wealth on the part of the finder. ! visiting both cities.
Tt... i t.: - .u- -l n !
i. Lir uuiuion oi iu ettiwe iett? ;tii
held uj excepting the thimble which
coitld'tit be found, n -ither could nnr-
one who had seen it, p.:t it was pi
Keep Pbenptaale Out af the
:i ,
was :
From the Newport Ledger : Farm
ers who are in the habit of allowing
ratal Gunning Accident
not caring to show bis or her trophy, j ..
i young j-eople report having,
at a very pleasant evening, anil J
iu favjr of reoeating it next vear. ' "?a .
s-.nne.iie iimi l.jitni it, ana
nfr.ml tu 1...1.1 if mi fl.r-
partv bad left the refreshment table ; ll,ir Psphate to lie abj,ut,
1, thimiiia l j tl.- tm i empty tags to be thrown where
ble where someone bad thrown it, j ?HtU ? n'.':t th.-m' wj.11 tlik" tliS
her trophv. i . ra 1 " . s: y't'"r0 ,ll,,1,1H
n lives on u. . itanii s iarm uoout
and a -half inus above rvuwpo rt,
had used me phosphate us u
fcr'i'tzer. In taking thu stulT into
J ' carriage bouse be spilled s-.--
i. 9 ine sill at the door, mid a sacl of ,
it was set in a ccrce : among so-n ;
ngricultrr;! machir r--. ISuuda .
oofi ' Fat levea I'biadHphia daily at
No more Summer for months 8 10 p " ; '"''' 1 1 55 p ..
VVat PAaacsara leavea Philsdalpsls
to COine. tall and Winter dsily at 4 3l s. m.; Uarri.burr, 8 lis.
re here, and to coniorm to the m?Te
change, the S?nior member of 962 vn nk'? " " Tuvar-
iahiT wik. . Ai. j , , - "r"i i " . ra.; articc, l hi a.m.; roM
n 'n uimjus. reuirnea irom " ni.j aunts, aozm a. a
iixat imieijr
L aa-navlial (Vrart prtft.
teaaa-as, Ue eaaari tr Neah.
ScisppU, 4'tsqtiem,
U svza.ua rg Atae:. etc . ake.
till Wi-'jt'i.-iuci Ata.,
iiillm Itvnla rutl save lllr
it-oonuoua 9xlnm arrd rvruXiM
I "A taSrn mat mn K Lea a . A . -
on evt-rj mrmt ciaaa l'in. . tl
-11. a
Interested People.
Advirtiains a patent tueuicina in tbe -e
rnlur way in which tbe poprietar e
Krmp'a Balaam tor Couebs and Cokla duea
is indeed wonderful. lie authorizes
drupsia'a to give thoas who call for
ampin soma rt, inai tney roar try II br. j -irr (;.,ntt
ilcAusTKKvnj Kmttiko Company.
Notice ia heraby pivan that sn applica
tion will be tnsdn to the fiovernur ,i.t tbia
Comniiitiiacalth np n HundtT Ihe 0 h d y n(
Ileceii.l--:, ls-itf In IJi-o. Mcrarlant, J." K
Heeteui. Saimiel Watt". Rniibcn Cjv nv,
Pavid Shirk. hrictitn B.-na-r, S. L. Mc-
Altati-r, Jaon Smith. W. W. Sh irr.m, J..
Pfr. N.T. Shslliniri.ird and B. C. McAl j
iater tor liira pa'i-tit craafinf tbtn and .
tneir Aaiciafa aid ne-aaa ira s cnrvr,-J
tt.io bv tKr- nunml tha UcAliateririlW Koit-
tisie Compinr, fur the Manatacture in McAl-
Utrrviiin, jitnin t.onniy, ri , in suit
raHida frm cuttnii. w.miI an I other materia!,
and the aah of tha aant. and to bare all
the privelatrea and bnebl nf tbo curpura
tion act i.f. April, s7. and ita anpp Tn-iit.
WblSS At tcll.HKKI'.
Soi itn f org.
No 'enib tr 61I1. ll.3t.
,?ia:x iiM to tuoo.
'SS3AVB. US ta 16C0.
1 EAUB. I II. 1W, Frac
tWaU; S Saita rtau Co., 135 1. Slat Bt. V.T.
-WV mmmmZ ifaaaWrai
rim noiLudjmt w
Milturd, 10 20 a. in ; Narrow,, 10 ?A a. m.;
i.ewiNiows, 10 id s. ra.; McVart.iwa, u
a. ni.j Newton Hamilton, 1 1 3! s. re.; Hun
tinpdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, I 117 p.m.
Altoons, 1 45 p. ni., and atop, at all renular
tatiiina lietweeu ll irri'licir and Aitwitta.;
Ort-TKK Kzrsiaa leaves Philadclpliis dsi
ly st 6 50 p. tu., ilarriaburir, 10 2" p. au,
atnppnii; at Kockvilla, Maryiviile, Dasess
Otir Doni NewM.rt, Millamtuwa, Thnnmnostowa.
mj . i . , . . .. . . '
..i T-. ... ' norai, iniio at Himin, 1 1 o.i i: m.; Al-
sbelves U ltll r ALL AND INTER Inum, 2 20 a. tu., and rittalmrg, C IU a. m.
rnl,r.ll 1 1 t Mail Tbais leaves Philadalrhis dailr st
(oodsofall kindft. Our cus- 7.w .. uamabura- 11.20 I. .., 5...
toniers have appreciated our rr'' p- J,'ffl.iu ,-':5- p- m- kto-
n'1 r;yrU1Br aiauoaa iwiaatin Miiris
Jiitern Markets, where he se
lected with great care the goods
Ss2 CSaTCTfn rAVTT.Jg tIlft his many patrons favor.
We have now filled
1.4 J a I I " . . I ..
11 i.i 1 if M 1 i H 1 11:11 ill nra I hit im- . . ... ...
acarecrrtrwctataeaacav. ... nvi I' - aneipnis aauy at 1 1 jh s. tn., Elarriahiirr st
r -TZZTTTZZ pareu man ever to merit then
170 Chaatsst 8L, rsLlsds.
Casraa at Staaj. Oi
If yem iai saw
fit? J"r -"- ted rrw t.p row.
aaaaaa " l'l J..CGU timv.11 miM.
CitwiH rj-.rinr Si nil i..irr arma.
""- -a-a naialM. 9 .-ut t.T la.li. 1. l'aranv
"aril-, lir. Trnn.iatat lajati-u. ilesa.
It l!lt;!rt. .1. i-irt-.c lilc Ii.v I rvia hlc l,j, tit tm bla
dcaUw I.icaor.cliuiar. . , r-a.. . paV
ellorts to give thtm toods to
.suit their purposes, nnd we i
and Altoons reaches Allooaa st H 40 p
I iKiDnrr s.iu p. tu.
Altos it a Accaauantriaa
.'-iov ntHiK to..
r .a l ,a mm,
Ilrooklra. Sl.T.
jmoraing . noticed th . 'our of bis
Ou Saturday afternoon last, one of
the most distressing accidents that
has occurred in this neighborhood
for many years, took place on Canoe
mountain, almost diructly in tne rear
of the summer residence of Mr. P.W.
Snyder, at Point View, near Williams
burg. Lord Harnish, aged about 18
years, son of Mr. ZacbariaU Harnish
who lives 6ome distance east of
Yellow Springs, wasbuuting turkeys
as was also Mr. Benjamin O. Cooper
a ell known citizen and old hunt-r
from Williamsburg. They were
bunting in the same neigh bjihood
but each was unaware of the proximity
of the other. lioth men were using
turkey calls, and both were deceived
by them, mistaking them for the
auswering calls of the wild fowl, for
which they where bunf'ng. Mr.
Harnish was concealed behind a log
and Cooper seeing the bat was de
ceived thinking it was a turkov
He tired at it and the load of "B B"
shot struck Harnish in th. face and
t p of his head. Cooper disc vered
his dreadful mistake almost us soon
as the shot was tired ran to the young
man be found weltering in ble sL
The shot took effect iu bis nose,
forehead and fr.int part of bis head.
A son of Mr. (' -opcr who was along
with his father rau to tbe Pennsylva
nia Ico Company's office, and tele
phoned to Williamsburg for a doctor
but bofora the physician arrived the
young man was dead, The bodv
au7 1 young fa'."', were very . c't, an acted ( A
as if they ";ad beec j -ioned. lb' .-. ,-(
11 a I nt oace used remedies aud sent for.
' ! Mr. Gantt. One of tho cattle diet!
fore parchaaing. Th. large bottles are 6C joa Haadnr alghtt but the otht.r, are
ndSl.tH). We certainly would adviae a n a f air waT flf r,.cov,rr. l",,
tritl it roa- rave yoa liuro rontumptmn.
A Little Grave.
In the old grate yard quiet and still.
On the north aids of s Loautuul bill,
la s little grave that's neatly luaile,
Ia which nay darling boy was laid.
I love ta go to that qni-t f pot.
And think of Milton tint is nn'er forgot
M darling boy sad h a worda of etwer
That made him to my heart o dear.
i b-oking about to find what the t-s.tle
bad eaten he discovered that tiny
had licked up the phosphate from tho
j sill, found the sack in the wagon
I ..bed, and chewed tho cloth of it to
! get the sslitiit substance out of it.
mmm- .
Locust Run Items.
The farmers are busily engage, n
in husking their corn crop, and it
proves to be a good one.
Mr. S. P. Leyder bought a fine
! Hols tine cow last week.
I . TT 1 11 ,1
of light h- aa simply . iaBC fiala8 uaM l" DraS caooage
.ia tiiin IHIUllf .
I do not mourn him sa lat or gone.
To Ihtt irli
He aaid hn wi ul.l watt for aii tocouij.
Until my wrlc on etrth was dane.
Itaearaa to me hn is nearer lar.
And he left tboao b-sutiful gates ajar
On his way to that land of perfect reit,
I see him whau my soul is bleat.
No tempest now can spoil my 0 iwer.
It will aver bloom in that boaveuiy bower,
Jaaua will water and land it well.
So ia his book he doth ma tail.
Claba G.
One rare to Bat'nure via
tbe Pennsylvania rtailroad.
A large numbt r of people will be
attracted to Baltimore at the meet
ing of the Catholic Congress and the
ceremonies incident thereto, and, in
order tnat they make tbe trip ascou
venientlv and as cheaolr aa xsovsible
Shubert, ma v ! wa' 'k' u to the home of the lad's : the Pennsylvania Paiirocd Company
shot the girl j father. The yuug man was con j will sell excursion tickets, November
scious oeiore nis death, ami saut to I 7th to 12tb, valid f..r return until
Mr. (xjop r,"Ben what did you shoot i November ICtb, from all principal
me for: did you tako me for a turkey," stations on its lines, at a single far
Tbe affair is greatly regret tt-d and . for the round trip. During the same
has caused much sorrow in Williams-' i riod. in order that the riKit..r ..
burir and at the Tounir Man's homo Baltimore timv lil. evt..n.l tl.;rir;.. In i i .i ...
Mr. bwiw w a highly respected to ashington, txcuniion tickets will evening bv shooting off bis revolver.
c.tiz..-u.lAillianio.,rr:,an.lisulmost bo sold between the two cities at We atlvisJ him to ,mt Lis revolve
i.ortunaie Unu- $1,20, valid sor return until Novem- away and nyt try it again. It mav
ltith- make dear fun for him.
The happiest man is Jacob Malor.
It's a Ky.
Miss Ida Lukens birth day party
was largely attended by ten btdies
and twelve gentlemen from whom
she received many handsome pres
ents. A certain young lady told C. S.,
of Locust Bun a sure cure for the
cold, but as it is a new remedy hi.
would like to bavu a little more in
formation ou the case before using it.
Mr. S. should not allow bis young
er brother to beat him sporting tbe
Samuel Groff is tbe champion jok
er oc the railroad.
Ixxk out for the 25 cent sbow as it
is still -around.
Philip Cleck is tbe well known
shoe maker at Lcast Bun, bad his
nose bailly demoralized last week
while half soleing a mir of shoes.
Tbe hammer gLincd aud struck him.
We are glad to bear that there
will be a siiciety started at the Lo
cust Bun school bouse iu tbe near
There is a certain young man in
ixicust liuu wii triott to scare nn
By virtue ol sn ordtr ot the Orphan'a
Court of Juniata CauutT, issued on the 17th
day of September, A. D.. 18n'J, tho uu ter
signed administrator of the eatate ot Kob
ert . Thompaon. late of the townahip ef
Delaware, in tho county ot Juniata, and
state ot Pennsylvania wilt sell by public
outcry on the pn-iui-a in Dalswsre town
ahip. Juniata county. Pa., on
Saturday, Kcvember 23, 1889,
at 10 e'elork A. M., the following very val
liable real eatate ;
A certain msaau-tare and tract ef land ait
nate in Delaware townahip, Junitlt county,
Pennaylvaais, bounded sod deacritiod aa
fellows, viz : On the north by lands ol
William G. Tbnmpaon and Uriah Shnist n ;
on the oanl by laoda of aaid Uriah Shumau,
Ooorge Taylor and Miciianl'lirnber ; a tLe
aouth by landa ol a id Miebafil draour and
the Juniata K'ver ; a:.d i.u the west bv landa
of raid William G. Thuuipaou aiid c.uia'u-
one liundretl r Bert clliiy-wevcn
c. -res.
ni-rr or'ii.ti,.!ii7 thereon erected
wagoB-ahed. enti and hoc pn. Atnt
14 A treil ol tin. I irui ia cleared and ia
a (Ti-d .tali- ol cultivation, balance in lini
Is r. chvainnt. ate. This plenilid farm,
ronvi-nienl to market, church and achnol.
iaaitnatrd Iwi mile. ral of Thimif aonlown.
There I a on tne place gmid running wtti-r
neaa th oimis, aud s young Ibriliy orchard
iu good ceariiig condition.
TERMS OP SALE - Ten per cent, of
puTchas money lo be paid whn proierty
is stricken down s Filloen per cent, on tbe
1st day of January, A. D , IS90 ; Twenty
per cent, on tbe 1st day ef April. A. D..
IS'.iO, when deed will be delivered aud poa
suasion given ; and ot Ihe balance ilnrtv
tbree and oua third ot the purcboe money,
leaa enenmbrrancea to remain a charge nn
the ivsl e'tate during the life el" Sarah E.
Tbnnipaon, widow of said decedent, an l
tba interest thereof to be paid to bur annn-
ally on ihe 1st duy ot April ; and the in-in
s v l s m x
to mtii i- a tor taa a il
Si. ail . eeip o iiient pll ratii ed
.fttii -X ,. 4-aisea ..i . i.i .uceeca.ii,
Aji i .1 ... c li.in ai.e. ..Icaliou
Cltaae Rrotiiere ('ompHny,
Jiucbeat. r, N. T.
Aug 21 -St.
. V. A N T 1" 1)
il .-ir-arv 5r
ttler y
u t.!
read v.
nit cimplr.eto..k puMiched. Now
A -
oula ln tia iiihim H.a Gam and
.,. r'l. .iai. Iirt. al h ra.
i.i-.mI ii-itr.Lcr to ..mi. i.rt mcihoiia nl
m .'y'i. Bi..a,. ..Mi,-. r. .s. tm.
Int.-u.. el 1 ian m il Kiel art-a. lh
i ..inci.-iiK H'n .. j,i hi. r nis. cm
!lO ll ,. .C- , UI- , i m !... Ir..: iii m)um
-.it.ra. ! .1.- . ia p . -i , ame vi,.
elm-, rt" a lli-.i'-.i. iltrrno-l pag.'a tfuis
Iimi I .il. i.aiiilx.loci I--l. ai.d rl-
I'll. tii lumtil
: .rii.
'?, fii!: A. A?.v,r.i.
S7l;i .i..-r.i r Sr., PsiLinrLrait, Pa
JU.i ll. i -s-...,r.
S.-nl I maun rvri,.! i price,
..S;T.SI-4; SriVS? nsd.rfl.r -rtn
l l.-fi M .( . .i...ii-.ii r . . r heard ef a
f"!.ir:!Ks I.i K rti r.illlr- I 'li-thfc.
i"IN- fri M.ua--ka-ft.-r. itnnrtreaa and
ilwr-'i,i--, ait.. a il. sacnele rert hy
eiai!. fl lf tor 2'm-i.. 12 i -i fir fitets.
Firtl C!o- A' TV 11.1 ST ED for rat.
'..v. a.i ir... ,V(I( ftl V it rtOND at
(Hi , .lniiUirll-r. tctn, PhlUdall.hlS
l'a., (I.ia-k K.ix )
come and ee and be satisfied
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Shoes and Hoots.
merit their " u"dc"bos 4.4 p.
il- - -, . ri o,iu p. m., Millerstswn o,2(i r. ta.,
t e llllte Oll tO ThoniMuntoL 5.M U. V.ti.lrLa i A
p. in., 1 uacsrera 0.t8 p. m., Maura i.."i0 p.
m., Port Royal o,5l p.m., Miltlin ti.Oa p.
m., Lewiatown ,23 p. m., UcVaytowa ,
4S p. m., Newtn iia uiltan 7,Itl p. mn
Uuntiajrdon 7 10 p. in , Alta.iaa 9 00 p. m.
Psciflc Express leaves Philadelphia 1121V
p m; Harrisburg 8 10 a m ; Duncannoa
88am; iVewport IWI am; Mifflin 4 a
iu; Lewiatown 6 01 a iu ; McVeytowaiSZ
a. ui; Mt. Union 6 4-i a tu ; lluntiagdos (
12am; Petersburg s ui j S prucs Craak
Mdi m; Tyrone 7 sy a ui j bell'a Kills
7 '11 s tu j Altoons "05 a m; Pittabstg
I 'i 4 " p m.
Our Hoot and Shoe De
partment is lull in its assort
n.nt .:!.. 1
a..i.., v-eiiaiiujr can ue s... jshor. Kxpr t, on SnB.ay.,
hlllted 111 fit, quality and price wi" enect with .Sunday Mail eal laarrag
Whatarjr improvement, have """S.U!,,.,,,..
been added by the manufactures , Traina leave Loi.tow. jnnctioB iar tin-
WC liave them a . IV non tS a m, 8 IS p m lar
j Sunbury al 8 eO a tu, 3 0U p m.
vilsiia-.-.. over Ills
to canvass lor the sale of Nurac ry Stock.
A tnll line of leading sjn-ciaiiiis. Salery
and expenaea paid to aiicccaidal men. No
experience neccenaary. Write r terms,
ta ing age. Mention this paper.
C. I.. Hoot li by.
Nnraeryinan, Ea-t Park, Ri.cbei.ler, N. r
O a A a L. 1 DO a as
cipal at ber death to tbe parties entitled ; ,PO:' 'u-
thereto ; and Ihe balance ol the purchase j
mnnev to he paid April 1st, lt91, Iu be an- 1 '
cured by judgmedt and mortgaee. I rpTi T? pP'TC VI V t V T t
URIAH SHUMAN, ! HI X 1 1 1 O I L V A i 1 A
Thu Srmtxmtl mrnd Rtpm'.irmn office ia the Saw Escwes a Stasdaso isrLC-
K, to ut iob work doae. Ti v it. Il.ilc """
r oinu rus uiTtlimi'l. aWaaWawajaaiaawaw. .mm
psy yon if yen need .nythlng la thst line. A. B. Farnnhar To., Ltmltw!, York, Pa. Pi' ihM ItX
"I'PP'y VOU With loot Wear for! Trains arrive st Le-iatewB Junction fram
any in or out-door service. Our 6,Vw' mf " ' fra
i utci aLrepnriiufcnt, never lags.
We have on hand a full line 01
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full line oi
in the county. Every house
must have its full supply . ol
Queens and Glassware, this in
the. store, to. o.ill im. fur. c.,i,K . !2o s m, si e 40 p ra.
tides. i II. fc B. T. R. R. At. BEDFORD DIVISION.
Trains leave tlnntingdaa far Bedford,
ilyndraas sad Cnmheriand at I 2 a. m
aud 6 & p. m.
Trains arrive st Uuntisgdas frsm Bad
fsrd, Ilysdmas ssd Cumberland al 12 1
Main Strket, Orrosiri Cocbt IIocse, "' (Mf-B-
31if11iiitowii. la., I "ollidatsrcrs BRAwen.
-"red'li JiSPJ-iaNSClIADK
V Son.
Tiaina leave Tyroae for Ball.faala and
Lock Haraa st 10 a m, 7 la p m. Lsavs
Tyrone lor Curwsuavills and Clasrtleld st
8 20 a m, J IS p m, 7 26 p m.
Trains lesve Tyroae tor Warriors Mark,
Pennaylvaais furnace and Scotia at & 00 a
ni and I 10 pm.
Trains airira st Tyrone Irom Bellafeata
and Lock Haven st 1 1 63 a ui, and 6 40 p m.
Trains strive st Tyrone freoi Curwras
ville sud Clearfield st S 60 a m, sad 11 ii a
ni, 6 17 pm.
Trains srriva st Tyrone from Scotia, War
riors Mark and Pennsylvania furnace al 9
All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Trains leave Altoona for pointa Saath, al
I 7 30 s ra. 8 2 a m. 12 50 p m. lit si.
i 00 p tu., S 00 p m 0 p a.
J Traina arrirs at Al'eens fram pa lata
I c"nm. at n s m. 1 1 s m. I ilia, a,-
r ALL & WINTER GOODS. -M - 4 p-. t w r . ..4 i P
I would iBferm tbe pubiie thst I have
ew is my asw millisary store at ssy place
ef residence ea Watar street, kfifllistows,
second deer fram ceraer ef Bridge street,
sfulls'eck.ef Fell ss4 Winttr millinery
goods, sll saw, and of the latest stylee.
sad baring employed Irat class milliners'
I am prepared to supply tha pablic with
everything fosnd ia a flrstclsss milliner
tore, come and examine try stock. I
consider it no trouble to bo t ..ods.
March 22-S7.1.V.
Wltb wr wSa,tla?,r WACO
J-'itsea- ftautfts ar Tc.acr. MIDI
tit Farwba aail - - Oa la
nxle win auw Scats aacar tha Beevteat I
Ulibiw.ta. avh afall. I a. aura Hfeakeat
faU sarwiailaia. adSiwai iyr-i a
t.m I