Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, October 09, 1889, Image 2

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bbitob as raevaiBroa.
or rcuDiLnu.
rrs cocitt eravaTOB,
or rraarrr towuhit.
r aianco.
Bitiwtv million dollars of Ameri
ca a ull ban boen absorbs! by Eu
rope the paat j-far. It is believed
ui idi rtrueipoutioa ctuita me
f reater part of the draia.
Taa lections held in th new
State tha two I.ko:as, Washing
ton and Montana, on Tuesday, Oct.
1st, resulted in the two Diakotaa and
Washinp tvin going Republican. Mon
tana td Democratic.
The Delegate from Meiii-o, Cen
tral America and South America are
now making a tour of the United
States by railroad. In November
tbcr will meet in Convention with
delegatus from the United States at
Waiiainfrt'in. It will be the moat im
portant international convention that
baa been held in the 19th centarr.
The work of the Convention will af
fect future generations.
Taa citiI service reformers are cir
culating the speech that Mr. Curtis
ei ew iorK recently deliverer oi
the subject of Civil Servicu Reform
Mr. Curtis does his beet to impreaa
the readers of his speech with a be
lief in non-psrtisian ofics holding.
The country by a large majority
agrre with Mr. Curtis in the advo
cacy of placing only capable and hon.
at man in office continually, but that
ia one thing and keeping- a xuan in
office a life time to the exclusion of
other men equally as capable is
quits another thing. Run the
the theory of Mr. Curtis to its pat.
ural conclusion and it stops only in
dvnaatv nils.
Of Interest to Supervisors.
Tyrone Herald : Tha death of
Rich a. J Wills recall an incident of
his life. When he was Supervisor of
Tarriorsmark township, a traveler
stopped one night at Chamberlain's
tvwi ' in 'Warricrsmark, and next
morning with his team of horses and
wagon proceeded on his way Some
distance from Warriorsmark he came
to a place whero the road crossed or
forked, sod there being no finger
board pusted the man t"Vt the
wrong road, and after traveling must
pf the dsy hauled up at the same ho-
tel agaia. He quietly had hia team
put up, took supper, then inquired
where the nearest Supervisor lived.
On being ibformed that one lived in
town, he procured paper made out a
bill of his expenses for the night,
sent for Mr. Wills aad presented it,
with an explanation that the law re
quired finger boards st crossings and
forks of roa ls. Mr. Wills after pro
testing against paying tne bill con-
eluded to look up the law, and upon
finding the man to be correct paid
the amount demanded aad thus sav
ed an additional expense to the town
ahip of coste of prosecution. This
story is related by a citizen cf Warriors-car
Middleaborongh. Kj.
)t.xxits rn rLA-iD.
One of the meat remarkable iadus
trial enterprises of thia dsy of grvst
schemes is is the town of Middle-t
horough, Ky, which English capital
lata are spending over $10,000,000 to
develop. Referring to this a late
issue of the Manufacturers' IWord,
of Baltimore says : English iron aad
steel makers are preparing for a work
which is destined to have an almost
incalculable influence upon the fu
ture of the South and upon the
country st large. Several years ago
a number of the foremest iron and
steel makers of (treat Brittain rep
reseating millions of dollars of capi
tal, had their attention called to the
wonderful combination of mineral
wealth coking roal, high grade iron
ores of many kinds including BesKe
mer ores and other advantages of
the country around Cumberland Gap,
Tenn., a dividing point in the moun
tain range separating Virginia, Ken
tueky, Tennessee. They purchased
thousands of acres of land. Thev
commenced the cutting of a 3,500
foot tunnel through the mountains,
to open a way of communication for
several railroads ; they commenced
building reilroada, pre-iared to lay
out a town. These things they have
been doing so quietly that but few
know of this great enterprise prob
ably the most extensive industrial
undertaking of its character ever or-g-inixed.
They hare already spent
$1,000,000. in their work at Cum
berland Gap and at Middleaboreugb,
cki is the sarxe ef a new tow.
They are negotiating contracts for
not less than four furnaces, rolling
mill and steelworks, to coat $3,000,
000 ; thsy have contracts for opening
coal mines involving a cott of 1300,.
000, a $500,000 tannery, a $750,000
hotel and sanitarium, and several
smaller buMineas hotels seven saw.
mills in full operation te supply lum
ber for buildiag pui-pones in the
town, four brick yards with over $60,
0O0 invested, machine shop, planing
mills and a number of othsr enter -prises
representing a capital of alout
17.000.000 or an aggregate f $11..
mvi,uiru saan. Jiiaaiesuoroagn is
destined to be one of the great iron
iron and steel centers of th world,
and its growth promisee to Burpae
anything yet seen in the South.
Not only can Mid llesborough make
iron at th lowest possible cost, hav
ing abundancsof high-grade ores and
th best coking roal fullly equalling
OonnllHville in immediate proximity,
but it also hait CwHsemer ores from
which to make BdNaamer steeL It is
the heart of tke finest hard wood
country in North America wad has a
climat which for healthfalness can
not be surpaaaeo. I nere is to be a
great celebrstion of the opening of
the town on October 14th to 19th, in
which the Governors of a number of
Southern States and many other dis
tinguished public men will take part.
Thousands of visitors are expect
ed, including leading capitalists
aad business men from all ovsr the
conn try, drawn there by a great sale
of town lots, which is to take place
at that time. Middleaborongh is the
terminus of the Knoxville St. Cum-
berland Gap Railroad, and of one
Branoh of the Louisville & Nashville,
which will build extensive shops
there, while half a doxen other roads
are soon to build to the future great
city of the South. Not only are the
remarkable ad ventages of the place
and its great future attracting the
attention of the press of the whole
country, but the leading financial
and industrial journals are giving
more attention to this town than
they have ever given to any enter
prise of that chararter in this ooun
try, and the indications now point to
a rapidity of growth that will aston
ish those who have watched the
marvellous programs of Florence, An-
niaton, Birmingham, and other cen
ters of activity in the South.
Heart Ailment.
The Bloomfield Advocate of last
week says : Mr. John German of
Spring townrhip for sometime paat,
had been troubled with heart disease
a T 1 f 1 a 'mw waaira aim wnnf n PJ.rna.
burg for treatment. Hia case WM
tinHasP IKm a TaTa rf tK Vi rtaiTAi 4 e1 Tnltw.
sictans. who ooncurred with a Bloom
vaaas. vau w uwf MWSBuaaM ftwa W
Sold doctor's diagnosis, and railed
the disease aneurism. Mr. German
died in Harrtsburg en the 20th ult .
and an autopsy was held. The heart
... ,t ,. V l
beef and the rib. on the left side of :
the kuun had beou worn away by the :
violent beating against them br the!
h-rt, A wife and large family ofj
small children survive him. 1
Counterfeiters in the Box.
t . , . , (stirred up a big dispute. Ncarlv
BixattKoMaa.. Ala.. Oct. 3-A , TW woman in Adam, county and
sation waa created in Chambers ; many from adjoining counties, who
county several days ago, by the ar. j were at all versed in the culinary art,
rest of the Rev J. H. M. Duran, a must have tried for that blue ribbon,
Methodist minister, charged witb M tb- loaves upon loaves pU-
. . I ed np. The director" finallv ire
pawing counterfeit money. He waa TailKf on to n9SUme lhe
lodged in jail and h.s trial came off risk of tying the ribbon. After the
yesterday. He admitted that he : premium was awarded it was diiMXT
had paiaad the SDurioua, monev. but I red that one tif the juageai was re-
nrovad that ke rnl it mil .,f t.. !
. . . .
tnbutlon box- There were eight
sUver dollars :n the box end seven of
, . , .
them were counterfeits. He said ;
that God snd the sinners who pass-.
... .li i
tui cuiui wwi uis oiiiv ones wno
knew. The case waa dismissed on
account of the facers' inability to
... saa B aassa
Trading Their Wirei.
The writer while riding across the
States some months since, stopped at
at the cabin of one of those settlers
on a small creek at the foot of big
smoky mountain in Nort h Carolina
The head of the family waa a licLt
h aired, heavilv beared man of fiftv or
- . - ... .
ai ilt. utwusa m a nsiroi iin.ii tmna. '
era and a shirt of the
u rr a m.tav-i.T
both of home manufacture. The wo-.trial It aw; aa yoa from rorsampnaa
man of the house waa a tall raw-boned, I -
dark visaged female of .0 or mere.! alleliflelel ales.
There were 11 children of all ages. l .... , .... . .4 J ,
of whom were clad in a coarse shirt' XFa ri i
i m Middleburg last week
end pantaloone except the smaller j Messrs. J. G. Shelly and W. M.
ones who wore nature's garb from ' Basom our photographers went to
crown to toe. None of th. family j w.nf ST7 B busineM triP
. , . ' I n e wish them success.
-o.-e.-u- oooornoee.
oirapaou taai waa me iiame ol
the host in reply to the professional
query. "Is there anrthing now eo -
ing ? repU.d .
-N'miin- v i,
ger, cepun it s the Mormins or a
swappin' match."
"What do you mean by a swapping
match ?"
"Wal, ef that don't beat all. Sar,
aance. turning to bis wife, "he un ! lnS the Cherry Hill School about 2
don know what a swappin' match is." ; v trm Richfield. Her school
"Humph I" ejaculated the woman, j Vfv
he u don' know much. WJJJ
stranger, a swappin match is where ed to his home in Philarlwlpliia.
folks swap hosees, mules, wives an' I The Sunday school of tl:is place
sich." f an entertainment. Ii was a de-
- Wives ! You don't mean to T ! CK1 'ucc- .The exercif. eon-
"k,J -okx mean, replied
the man, "an" there's goin' to be a
big swap over to Bill Sugg' to-mor
A ride cf about two hours orer the.
mountains broueht us to the ri-1
dance of the Suggs. It waa. like
. c: --j .11,.-
" I
habitation I saw in that locality, a
log structure, bus unlike Simpson's, I
it had two rooms instead of one. In '
the yard and under the trees there j
were about a doaen horses and mules,
two coont and about ten or twenty
sheep and a number of hounds.
There were eight men and seven
women, all clad in coarse, homespun
linen. Such women as wore any
head drees at all wore long poke or
One or two of the wo-'
men were fairly good looking, but
the rest of them, like the men were j
coarse, raw-boned and anything but 1
We had not arrived a uoment to
soon to hear the preliminaries of the
business for which the appointment
bad been made. Bill Suggs, the
proprietor of the house was the first
to brosch the subject, which he did
in the following language.
"We una her met here to swap aa'
trade. I hev been tryin' to swap
wimmen with Jake Long here for
soma time. I hev got mv woman!
here ao hex Jake, 'an I'm ready
' j
to trade. What d'ye say Jak! ?"
Jake, a big, gawkv TOUnT fellow !
7 i, ,,
said : There mv aral BuL Domtintr
to a raw-boned dark ev-.H wnman of
w . . O
J .
lorty-nve. "ijhe can dig more aeng, j
. . , , . , . , , J 1
bin ianotin on the creek. 1 11 taa t
yea wnman an yer mare to boot."
Suggs bad led hia wife or woman
np to that of Long. The women
seemed to be alxnos) utterly indiffer
ent or if they did object they spoke
no word or male no sigu.
TW -Til T . v I
. - m. ;
woman," pointing to his wife, "is a '.
good cook and can ho. a. much corn j
as any woman in in the uaborhood,
an she's vai'ble. TU trade even up . ER C,u,t-' of
and ao boot-" J
There was considerable talk and a ' ,. 1 .yby, knl",n. nd ",-
tice, thai tha plac-a for holding the afore
duxan propositions, which finallv said General Election in the aereral bur.
ended in Suggs swapping for L ug's
woman and giving a red cow with
one horn and two sheep as a prem
ium or boot.
This settled two others, a middle
aged, red whiskered fellow, with a
rather good looking woman for a
wife, traded with a younger man for
a woman who was old enough to be
his mother, but looked aa though
she eould perform almost any man
ual labr. The young man turned
over his property and took charge
of the oue he hsd bartered for. Ho
seemed somewhat pleased by his
bargain, ahd his new purpose car-
tainly did not seem to have been sur-
ry for the exchange. The name of .
the young fellow is Bl odgett. There
, j
were aix bargains or trades success-
'uf el during the day one
I which was between an old fellow of '
"lxV ?r norm ana a muca younger
. , ,
uch Tounnr -
man, in wnicn may naa merely ex
changed for the woman the other j
man had in hie possiesion at a former j
rri , . , , .
aT --va j..e-wv,
gei tneir women dbcb. i nere was
.boot 1 P trade.
Chicago Times.
W he Baked the Best Bread. -
The bifrgest premium at the Man-
! Chester, Ohio fair, wn $45 for the
best loaf of salt-sising brad, aad it
lated to the vuccessful exhibitor, and,
.9 . . . (Via awaaIaJ A
iv. wouiav umwii uuiamwr.i.
V'ew iadcB Lad to be selectod and
the nbbon was tied the seeourl time.
rr-, t . , . -. -
Th unsuccessful exhibitors aid not
1U1 aown. However. 1 Hey ilcclar-
ed that the judarcs didn't "know
, - , ,, lr
anvtfairiiT slunk hrjmjl Mav. il.an
one hundred families are at swords
I points, and at least one eceaeement
It 1 J l - -ar f i
uae uenu ucciareta oil. ncarceiv a
day assvs without a fight, and the
whole county ia worked up over the
Interested People.
Advirtiaiag a pa art aMediriue fa tha pe
ra'iar way ia wbicb tb tr-urle'ar el
: K'Wip's Balsam lor Coughs and Calds dwa
ia lad-j wo-J-rful Ua aathnnsea all
! drnggis'i give tesa mtv call far it
i san
pla bottla Free, that 1by aaav try It be
i fora pa ehasiac . Tt-a ssrea bottlaa are S'je
. . . .
as ai.w car-a'aiv woou an via. a
Mrs. Annie "Wmey from Elkhart,
. lnaiaaa, is visiting her parents, Wm.
i Winey's of this place,
1 . Mr,f D- Merger has returned
j torn Muncy where he has been at-
!tWrbcL He is teaching the
lousier nan scnooi.
Mr. J. II. Mills, who was tmnl t-
ed in a Selinsgrove printing cfiice
waa at home over laat Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Weimar one of our
Juniata teachers haa got across the
line into Snrder countv. anil taV.
aauaiwol addraases from some of :
"nior mombra of the schooL !
t Section was taken up to help pay '
bought11 hlCh hTe
AricEie w"held ia MetierJo-.'
wol near Richfield. This picnic 1
1? oil untU so let. on vccott
oi nunmsr wmuier. niwuiana-1
,n3f th jwtf WMtnar It IV . laierfw ftf
tnr.,lMl Pmf Dauil Ibwr and A
jj. Wonderer fxm Freeburg and H
Stetler and J. A Snyder from Mid-
dleburg were the judges.
Aad each dsy ana night rfanae; thia
weak 70a can fat at all dragciafs Keap's
Ltalsaia for the throat aad Inof a, ackaowW
dated te be the meat aaccMafal raaedr
avar aokt for tha eaia 01 Cough, Croap,
Brnnehitia, Wbeopiag Oaga, Aitbne aad (
Conasiaptioa. Oat a bottle (a-afay
n ,
keep it alwaya ia the bosae, ae job aaa
check year cold at anca. Pric 60 ceata
and S I. Sample bottlee free.
W11KREA3, by an act of General Aa
armbly of the Commonwealth of Pena
avUaoia, entitled Aa act relating to fcjec
tina of thia Commonwealth," paaaed the
2nd dav of Julv, 1H89. and ita aupplfr
menta, it ia the dntjr of the Sheriff of every
county within thia Commonwealth te give
Dublic notice and to cnuuerita
Tha Omcera to be Elected ;
. lacea at which the Eire-
tioo ia to be held ; and
Give notice that certain persona holding
n"rflic' profit or tru.t are incapable
' holding or exerciaiog, at tha eauta time,
tha ofiict: or antxtiBiuieni r mm ni w.
Hon, inapector, or clerk of any
election of
thu Commonweaita
1, FRANKLIN V. NOBLK. High Sheriff
be coiitity of Juniata, do herebv Biake 1
known and give thia public notice to the aloe
tora oftheconutv of Juuiata that on
Tsieealay. IWorenaber 5. 189,
(it being tha flrat Tuesday after the firat
Mnnday of aaid month,) a Urneral Flection
will be held in tba several Election Districts
established by law in atid county, at which
' tiro they will vote iiy billjt for the aevaral
: ofbeera hereinafter named, to wit:
--"- frtheofhee of TRKA3-
UKEK ef Iba Cmmonwsalta ot PeaBayl-
ONE fcKoON lor the office of COKON-
oubs and towoahips within the
county of
Jun'ata, are as follows, to wit
Theireemenut the borough of li ifflintowa
are to hold their election ia tha southeast
room f the Court House, kuown aa tje
' Sheriff's office, iu aaid borough.
I The freemen of the township of Feruian-
: agh are to bold their election in the north
east room of the Court House, known aa the
Treasurer's office, in Miftliutoa a borough.
' The freemen ot the townabip of Walker
are to hold their election at the School
, House in Mexico, in aaid township.
The freemen of the township of Delaware
are to hold their election at Snuth'a School
House, in aaid township.
i The freemen ot the borough of Thomp
aoutowu are (o bold their election at the
. St-boul IloJae iu aaui borough.
t The freemen of the township of Grevn-
wuu' " tu u,'ld ttieir election at the Pub-
" miaaia townnir
, 1 i.e irceuicu oi me lownftoip 01 jtonroe
are to lurid tneir elee.tion at tht Hehi.nl
,: , . . . ,. .
; Hoiiae in hichOeld, ia rani loaa.hip.
The fret-meu tf the townaliii ol Suiids-
bauna are to hold their eieoi'oit at f ry.
""Ocr'a Hotel, in aaid taa nMi;p.
Ihe freemen of the tvwiist.i ! I'unii-; ',
are to bld fbeir eictl al n-e :
House in McAlistervillr. in sal i r j
I 1 ne treem.-n ol the borouL t aiterun
j arc to hold ih.-ir election at the School
; House in Mia borougn.
The freemen of the borough of Port Roy al
, are to bold their election at tun School
I House in said borough.
j The fret-men of tne tcwuship of Milford
j arc to bold their election at Locust Grove
School House, in said towusliip.
! The freemen of the township of Spruce
, Hill are lo bold th -ir election at Spruce Hill
I' School llouse, iu said tow nship.
The freemen of the township ot Turbett
are to hold their election at the Church Hill
School House, in aaid townnhip.
The freepven of the township of Beale are
to hold their election at the School House
at Acadentia, in said toarnship.
The freemen of the township of Tuacarora,
except that portion of it lying north-westward
ot the summit of the bhade mountain,
are to hold their election at the School
House nrsr McCulloch's Hills, in said town
shlju The fieeiuen of the township of Lark, ex
'cept that portion ol it lying north-westward
1 i,r lla. .uuimil nl th. !shjlli mnnnt.i. ap.1.1
- " ' - -
-""-" election at the L-ck School Uouse,
I " ,owon,P;
I The freemen of ao much of the townships '
of Lk .nd Tm--ora an lie nonh-wt Id !
, the summit of the Sfasde mountain are to
I hold th. lreecti-.n at t-auver'a School Uouae
I m aaia aiainct.
kfitT" The election is to be oicned at
T e'cle)Cls. in the forenoon, and ahall
contiuue without intermission or adioom-
auent. and ia not to be closed before 7
O CltsCla. ia the etenwg.
I ao hereby aiako known aad give no
tice, -that ihe iuspectora and jndgea shall
neet at the respective places appoiuted lor
holding the election ia the district at which
they respectively belong, be to re 7 o'clock
ia the moraiiig of Tuesday, Nov. 6 !.
r " ""iwi" soau appoint one
rleik, who shall be a
quaiiDea voter 01 such
In case tha pereoa who ahall have re-'
ceived the second bigueat number of votes !
lor inspector shall not attend on the day ofj
any election, then the person wbo shall have '
rrcrived the second highest number of votve 1
for judge at the next preceding election 1
sball act as inspector in bis place. And in
cae the parson who shall have received the
highest tiurabT ot votes ahall not attend,
the person elected judge ahall appoint an
inspector ia his plae.e ; and ia case the per
son elected judge shall not attend, then tha
in-pecior wbo received the highest Dumber
of voles sball appoint a judge is his place ;
and if any vacancy ahall continue ia the
Ixwrd for tha apace of one hour after the
time tix d by 'aw for the opening of the elec
tion, the qualified voters of tha township,
ward or district for which auch officer shall
have been elected, present at the place nl
election, shall elect one of their number lo
hil such vacancv.
Special Attsbtios
is hereby directed to tha 8th Article of the
New Constitution.
SrCTio I. Every malt citixen twsnty-oae
yeare r age, possessing the following qual
ifications, shall bn entitled to vote at all
Firit He ahall have been acitixea of the
United Slates at leaat one month.
Second He ahall have resided in the State
one year, (or if having previously been s
qualified elector or native boru eitUen ot
Slate, he ahall have removed therefrom and
returned, then six months.) iii ncu-i:atlv
preceding the election.
7 hud lie shall have resided in tl r elec
tion diatrict where h.- e!..ll ..1 .- r.rt ?
Iea.st two nonlha immediately j.-. -.:l,:.
Fourth K twrntv-two vra.-. , ...
npard, he shall have paid iih'i. .' ..r.
a Slate or county tax. -ni, h :a.; have,
been aaaeased at leaat two wutitnn tmt paid
. vuv inuaia wniv ine election.
I al-o hereby wake known and give no
tice, tha? "-every person excepting Jaaiirei
ot the Peace, v bo shall hold any ofnee
or appointment of office or trust under
the United States, or this State, or ay
city or iDCorpuratod diatrict, whether a
eoniminMoiiH officer w ti-rwte, a mid-
:Bpoye4 nodc7 legislative, eieca-
M tluiuUrv dmnmcDti of this
c... . i. r-'tl Gl.tM nf anv
inrerDorated cltv or di.tri- t, ami alao that
every member of Congreaa and of the State
j Legislature sod ot the ariect or cooiuiod
. council ot' any city, or commiionor ot any
I tneorporated diatrict, ia by law, incapable of
beMing or rxerciainr at the rasa time the
1 ofLra or appoiotnient of judge, inapectr of
', rlerk of any election in tki Commonwealth,
'. and bo innpertor, judge, or other officer or
i aoch election shall ba eligible to any office
then to be voted fnr."
Also, that in the 4 th auction of the Act f
Aaaembly, entitled "An Act relating te ex
ecntiana and for othar purpoaea," approved
April IBth, I M0, it iaenirted that the afore
aaid IStb aectioa '-ahall not becontraed ao
aa to prevent any military officer or borough
officer froai aerrmg ai judge, inspector or
clerk ft any general or apecial election of
inia Lonmouwaiio."
Aa therein directed. I also give official
notice ef the following provisions of an act
approved March 30, 18i6. entitled" An Act
regulating tha mode of voting at all elec
tions in the several counties ef thia Com
monwealth :"
Scctiob !. Be it enacted by the Senate
and House of Representatives of the Co-o
aonweaith ot i'enusvlvania in General As
aernbly met, and it ia hereby enacted by the
authority of the aaiue. That the qualifleii
voteta ol the several counties of tins Com
monwealth, at ail general, towuship, bor
ough aud sitial elections, are hereby hero,
alter authorized abl required to vote by
ticket, printed or written, or partly prmt'-d
and partly written, severally ciat3ed as
follows : One ticket shall embrace the names
of all J udjee ot Courts vott-d for. aud to be
latieled outside Judiciari toe ticket
shall embrace all the names .! .Stle offiecra
voted fur, and be labeled "tf tate -" o le
I tk ket sliall embrace the names ol ail cwuntv
fhcera voted tor, includine ultive of Sena-
tor, member and members of AsMmblv,
voted for, and members tf Congress, if v
ted for, and labeled -t'nuntv;" and aa h
j claaa ihall te deposited in separate ballot-
birit and Second Serltom of Ike Jrt of Coa
grett of March 21, 1S7U.
Scctiok 1. Bet tmacted by tht . and
; HoUMt of KtprttnltUnf of Mr United Stair
, f jimtric ia L'ougrttt astembltd. That all
citisensvi ito Luiicd Slates, wbo are, or
shall be otherwise qualified to vote at any
election by the people, in any State, Terri
tory, disir.ct, county, city, parish, town
ship, achool district, municipality or other
territorial subdivisions, ahall be entitled and
allowed to vote at all such elections withont
distinction of race, color, or previous con
dition of servitude, any Constitution, law,
cu.Nlom, usage or regulation of any State,
Territory, or by, or under its authority ta
tha contrary not itbatanding.
Sictiob 2. Jnd ke it fnrtktr enacted. That
if, by or under the authority of the Coo.
atitution or laws of any State, or the laws
of any Territory, auv act ia or ahall
be required to be done as a prerequisite
or qualification tor voting, and by such
Constitution or law perilous or officers are or
ahall be charged witn the performance of
duties in furnishing to citizens an opportu
nity to perform such prerequisite to become
qualified to vote, it ahall bo the duty of
every peraon and officer to give all citizens
of the United States the same and equal
opportunity to perform such prerequisite
and to become qualified to vote without dis
tinction of race, color or previous condi
tion of servitude, and if any such person or
officer ahall refuse or knowingly omit to give
fall effect to thia aection, be shall, for every
such offence, forfeit and pay the sura of fivo
hundred dollars to the person aggrieved
thereby, to be recovered by an action on
the case, with full costs and auch allowance
tor couuacl tees aa the court shall deem juat,
aalt ahall alafb for ererv aneh nfTpiw, k.
aerIUel guilty of misdemeanor, and ahall.
1 . : .1 ,- , . . .
1 ob cowvicnoo inereoi, oe unea noneaa tnao
-r hauitred di r iw ui
ess than one month nor more than one vnr.
01 both, at the discretion of the court.
; Given under my band at my office in Mifflin
town, this lounb day of October, in the
year of oar Lord itne thousand eight hun
dred aud eighly-ain, and of the Indepen
dence of ma Ceiled States, th one hon
' lred and thirteanth.
FKANKLIi tt. NOBLE, Sheriff.
81. fit 's i:9ce, M'flliil..s,
U.-.lober4h, WJ. J4t.
11 aaauiiruLLV
without Laaow.
a rVT reaia4aaiHaa
'nun, us esaa
. uw.M siai'iVairLLS ux
wsstal to raar m k
i "f,wariis iti .Tit
fllT't rt.ssTirsnt,xrow.
Ult. LilA a aae mmm lata asX alaara aSMtaal. Xmt
mm mmj my tm mm
amrlmr mm aU
rinew boos m..
filaiiuw C.. itrawhlt-m. BI.Y.
Throat Af octim
Westing of lieah
VviCl HrpophOSpMtC.
i-.-LaraaL as Miuu
Amlt .'- f U'm Awahisa, amat l m
mjmn al.'ot a- jKlirilmtimm sttatssae isvw ft '
Sld. hy ell DruffnitU.
! S&'aTT A BOVtsZ. Ch.rwlata. N.
Saw Wiua, r'aeisss a Stjbbabb tarLC-
BrvTS a araoiAUTT
SSBB lI CavatvaSBB.
A. B. Fsr;a!iar Ce., I,siftH, Terff, Pa.
mwMt ef rrxr Ixyni m. 1 betr tfciim -r
tafaf ld BwUaT BfTWll, Mti hM
fiii - t - ' 't in us mi - i ini ii
Way aaa la M mwss la l m liss at piaaisssl 4
Sosval ky Bbsw eMOarfMi OaTsjSJSwfw SSTatiVBBBBBV wsva.
If Yoi Have
o vou
Qenuinefas a
cv'ery plua.
OLD HCivESTYis acKnowr-
edced to be tc purest
a better test than any talK
fS"out it. Give it a fair trial.
Yivir cicelr.,- has it.
JSO. YlVl'A r.H0S.lL9nlsrTfl.Kj
Watting Liitifeti!:
Wonderful nsh Produces.
Many riave gained one pounn
per day or 1U use.
Scott's femulsion is not a aecre
remedy. It contains the atimala
inir properties o! the HjpopLo-
E bates and pure Norwegian Co,
dver Oil, the potency of boti
being largely in"reaL It ia ns
by Physicians all over the vrorh
Sold hy all IruggimU.
CCOTT as BOVlfBlE. Cri.mlat.. N. Y
te cssvaas for the sale of Narsery Stock
Steady aaapioymeot goaraateed. hmXXoiWJ
mmt EipCBiei paid to saccassfal aieo!
Apply at ooca atatiof afS. Meotlea tais
Cbas. Bretb.rs Company.
Eeaheatar, ti. T.
Aaf. 21-11.
The only complete baek published. Kew
A papula- treatise epos the Gaaa aad
Fend Fiahaa of Msrtb America, with aa-
peclal retereace te habits sod metseda ef '
capture, by ti. Brown Seeds, 0. S. Com
mlKsiossr at Fisb aad Fisheries. With
uertm illustrstions aad macailaaal
troatispieca plats st a break trant ia bibs
cetera. Tha werk is published ia aaa val
ame, Keval Octave. Over 600 paces from
Beat p alas, oa haadsome paper, aad els
gaatlv bound . beat free oa receipt ef price,
S 40.
ril'LKIER Jb ALLE.l,
111S (aiiTiiT St., Pbiladclpbia, Pa.
Juiy 13, fgsa-ol.
170t t-hastaat 8U. Phtlads.
PaafUeas fwr Vrsdsslrs.
Tlsswreairad 3tod avs.
Hk.hT Jywfpeat. ataM
Cearae ai Madf . Unalon
V treat
hat Aim::AS
t tjw.jii.ltoa ... rr
awia ia Wal 1m ll-.A.
i....c. Uidc Hia,
Scr.psl. Ciai.
BamSorr Stk. Ar 4
Lai m.91. .r -a
BiSIS.aa nmsl ml Km.
aaa a watlifiai An,
Succ.ssTuI Trsatmanl of Discass)
J' U. aWttkM AMC (SUM Si saJJ U 1 -Ol-ia-a..
vaay-aajy. .sbbv .va aar-aasa.
I!W Snscessfal Treatae.t.
TordnfHI Teal- anil
a I'srihw.
?J212. V , T n via I"-"" b-r.ad
. - " a. - ..xii. fat
I . . "nT wrmm m.. wr
. .Z l ilt It will a.
- 1. nam in a'jc
ty aif am-.
1 .vm w..u ai . i. . 1 -
"."va wh"erablaasosaails.
"'"aa. ra,
fOJl ETII I KG M KT tiad r the san
which Kins; tod.moa aevsr beard nf a
CLOTaKS LINK that reqnirvs to CkeraBa
Pla. Evarv bouaw-kaepar. laandreaa sad
atera-fcaeper wanta it. Sample seat by
mall. S wet for 25cta.. 13 f-et fur 60c ts
Firtt Clan jIK& TS WJXTF.D for thu
Ccw.nl 1, . iddme KORTOV K BOND Ai
CO.. Maaataotarera Af sn la, Philadelphia
ra., (Lock Box 838.)
to casvaaa for the aalo of Kurry Stock.
A fll 1:
,",,UM' leaning apecialitiwa
aad ezpaosea wid to auccaaaful toea
occ.ssary. Write for tarns,
eiatiBf age. Vsalma thia paper.
a- lleolbbr,
Karaerv.,... fcu.t pk Rocheater, K. T
Sep't th, !, sm.
and rnoat !33tinq pi
of ot jnu;ru i-hc-A'iiiqloba
on ti:t ir.Ltl'.et. Try ina it i
SaV aat A.sTa.frss
Spring &
1 na T
Ib.Chasa.pl.av Cl.mi.r el JusUutcuu.yu.,,,.,,, ,"
latr.esl f. otJthe Easter. cll. t lib nd,rril, " J-M r-
Will make friends, outshine rivals, win viet
and Gauls furnishing goods. First
r.ieg-ance, witU prices that wdl satanish yon. s-ale i8
I pr.ve this.
But I ask your patromire only wben I give complete sati.faaiua. JT
nl,..V nl H1T4 niPJ UflTl L Ctltiiim.. ....... f
. . vi u, uvwio a onwMui IH-JMS, 'VATCHiS
JHlVlfl RV t , Tri - .
, v.iitu, a smis sua vvnue suirte. eck wur. Coll
Cuffs.Tranks and SatcLels. is full
Jbbs 16, 1166.
Jetc Firm.
No more winter for months
to come. Spring and Summer
are here, and to conform to the
change, the Senior member of
the firm has just returned from
Eastern Markets, where he se
lected with great care the goods
that his many patrons faror.
We hare now filled our
bhelves with Sprinw a hi Scmukr
Goods of all kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
efforts to give them goods to
suit- their purposes, and we
believe that w arai better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite ou to
come and see and be satisfied.
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
wua you want.
kJllUVSf CCfffft JLmUUl Sf.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
atiiiLva ui, ijuomi auu juitc.
Whatever improvements have
, uiL .i r
been added by the manufactures
have them all. We
can ,
r.pply OU With foot Wear for
- . , .
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a lull line ox
1-resh, 1'iain and Fancy
f ar a n . ,
full line Ol
Also, the only
in the county. Every' house
must have its full supply of
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar- I
j tides.
All orders by mail will re-1
ceive prompt attention,
i ltemember the place,
i IIaih Street, Offosits CoriT IIoi.se, J
Mifliiitlown. l's., i
JL Kou.
Spriug and Summer Goods.
1 would iafora tha pnhlle that I hate
aw ia ay Ifw ailliaery store at ay place
ef rsaidoace aa Water atraat, ktifSiateaB,
second doer f roa cirasr ef Bridge atreot,
a f ull stock, of S( rirf add Saanier ailliaery
cases, all saw, aad ef the latest sly 1st.
aad haviag a a played irst class arilliaers
lam pretared to aapply thepablie with
everything foaad 1b a Bratelaas ailliner
store, caaa aad examine ay Bteck.. I
consider it Be trouble te shew goods.
March 22-ST.l.v.
OllaS ! OllaS ! OILS !
. t , ,
t 1 a ivbnuuig a av., ii.n. f
r- i it . , , .
ixiuf tae riaui jsrmnus oi Ailuminat
IDC and Labricatili e Oila, NapLtLa;
. ,. ... - .
ana t..H60i;ne, ttat can be iaad iroro
VVa cballenga conipnrison with
every known Product cf Petroleum.
If yoa wish the most
ask for ours, trails for Mifflin town and
j Ticinitj Supplied bj
January nr1,-8D-ly.
ftilBFITSavMai.s mwm
"Tl PTiaj e wa
Ii IO.S.
orie, uu 1 sell it.,1 tL
Ciast, co.uLL
-kuuig btle. tia.i-v ....
snd ccniTtl tr. Call , ,et.
Till t-Ti BL It
Oa aad after Susday Uir
trams ILst st.p.t 11 mia will raa si fallow
Alvcow AreoMHSOATias leaves Altaait
Saily at f 35 a. ra., Trona e t7 m m
RaBtiuriua S.S3 a. ra., Vonst VbU ,i
T.U a. in.. Nf-wtr.B Hrrji'toa 7, IT . B
icTfTiowi 7.37 a. ia.. I.ewiatowa loo a'
m., VllfoM 8.20 s ra., Mifflm R .37 . ,'
Pert Royal 8.32 a. m-. Mexico 8.S7 m
Tnscarora 8,41 a. ra.. Vandyke 1.44 a. !
Tboenpsontown B.oi a. m., Dura'srd g,4J J
as., Millerstowo 0.U3 a to., Newport .1J.
m., arririns; at Ilarrishurc at 1 JO a.
and at J'hllsdlpaia, 1.2S p. a.. ''
Saa tfnoRB EiniM leaves altami tu.'.
at 7,18 a. aa., and ateppiaj a all rsiu!
atatioai bstaeen Alteor.a and RamtDtrr
rearhss alifflia at 10.05 a. a., llsrrisbtrt
11.40 p. M., and arrivss ta PuilaUsirkia si
t.16 p. as.
Kail Tasia leaves Pitisbarg daily si
&,ad a. as., Altuuoa at 2.CS p. ra., ssa mimp
ping at all rauiar atatioas arrives at aV3b
at a C3 p. aa., Harrirbarf 7.08 p. v., rkJ..
adrlpbia I0,j p. ra.
Mail Express leaves Pittsssrf at 1 (wiu.
Alteeaa 20 p ia ; Tyrvaa tt. am; BjuJ
lacdoa 7 87 p m ; Lewistovs t 4( p m i BB.
Bib 10 p a. ; Harrisbarg 1.4ft p a ; fimm
dalpLia 4 2b a bi.
Philadelphia Mapress will slap at ftlala
at 11 87 p. aa., vfhea flf I'd
Fas I ivb leaves Phiad.lphia m si
ll av a ia ; rlarriMtirr I 4t pa; MS
i ..Trr u.7
Wat PASsr.aora Irsvrs Pbilsdslphit
oaiiy ai a )u a. m .; narrihDtira', S 15 s. i
bi.; afillarstown, 40s. m.; Thorof.ouisws.
t 2 a. .; Van )rk, 10 "0 a. in.; Tasut
ora, 10 C4 a. in.; Ucxire. 10 07 s. .; fsrt
Koyal, 10 13 a. au; aiillliu. IS L'O s.
af ilford, 10 20 a. in ; Narrows, 10 ii s. sl;
j Lewistowa, n 411 a. ru.; iirveyinwo, ii u
. tingdon, 12 17 p. m.; Trrnnn, 1 07
' AI,oon' 1 46 p-n' a'1 't",til
1 atatiuM lietween Marritbure snd A:
1 h P. a.
Oytrva Kxraxas leaves PhiUiitlnhia dai.
lv at 6 60 p. Bn., MarrisOarr. 10 '20 s. a
I ,ul 'U'f mt Hor"Tll'e, alsryviii, t..tta-
u, iviuri, Kiuitiit'", itomi.ii
port hayai.ti.aa at Kim,., u .. r. m..kC
'. ,ouo. - rutsburg.s 14, .
j , JJ J" J Vi"- .t
. part, 12 14 p. m., Mimu u.sj P. ... tu-
plii( at all regular stations bstirssa hBTj
i aad Alloena raacl.rs Alts.sa ai 2 p. .,
' HU.bur, 1.10 p. a.
! Alvuoxa AccstaeaiTias FH.
i iell'h"1 d,llT at lite a. m.. Ua-risbar si
I 4.1 p. an., Duocassoa 4.49 p. 111., .New-
port o.lti p. Bl., Millcratuwa o,'J p. a,
Thompsoiitowa 5,.6 p. ia., Va irtjo .4t
n m . Tliararnra A AR a m U.,.. A '.A .
rrt Royal 5,64 P. m.,'siiMiia s.'oi p.
j a.c 1. in it a o,- p. m., ai c srisws s,
. 4 p. a., Newtek llajullon 7,10 p. a.,
j Buatiaf Jua 7 49 p. a., A1!aobs 90 p. m.
Pacific Ezpressloaves Philadelpha 11 :
pan; Barrisburf 3 10 a a ; Duarsussii I
'Mim; Newport 4 00 a m ; iff;s4!5l
jao; I.ewistea u a 01 a ra ; Ai r frjtuwn I 23
a. a; Mt. Unloa ill a m ; Hnot:n;anl
' 12 a in j Petersburg 6 a a ; tfprecs Creek
,6 49 a ia; Tyrone 7 00 a a ; McU's hl.1i
,12Znm; Alteon Oi a m ; rittbr
I i 4& p m.
I 8a fchrra Kxpreaa east, aa Sssdafl,
will conaect with .?nuday Mail e.l Is.vug
Harnsborg: at 1 16 p. m.
Traras leave l.evriatewa Juacttna tar MM
rny at C 10 a as, 10 65 a na, I IS p ai fsr
Sanlaary al 8 CO a m, X Oil p a.
Traias arrive at Lawistewa Jusellss frss
Uilruy at tO a a, 1 pm, 4 . f m ; frsc
Saabary il I U m, 4 S3 p. a.
TTRO.51 D1V13I0X.
Trains leave Tyreae tar Bsilofsr.lt all
Lech Ilavsa at S 10 a a, 7 1 p a. L'
Tyroaa lar Darweosvilla aad Clsaris.4
k 20 a a, lh p oi, 7 2i p o.
Traias leave Tyroaa tar Wsrrisrs KsA,
Paaasylvaeia Faraaca aad Seatia al t Wi
at aad 1 18 p a.
Traias arrive al Tvrooa frea BIlf"
aad Lack Usvea al 11 hA a a, aad I P
Trains arrive at Tyrone frea Cerent
villa aad Clearfield al a0 a a, aad 1 1
as, S 17 p a.
Traias arrive at Tyreae frea Sceiis, Wsr
riera Mark aad t'euosylvania FsrBsrs si I
ti a a, at ( 4f p ra.
H. a B. T. . R. Al BIDFOBD UTiilOll-
Trains leave rjur.tanrHoa fsr 16.
Tlvadaaa aad Caabsrlasd at I Is a. c
aad 6 Is p. a.
Traias arriva at rlaBtiafdaa frsss
rrd, Dyadasa aad Caaasrlsal si I '
p. m., 20 p. m.
Trains leave Altonna for points asn'l,
T 20 a ia. 2.1 a m. 12 50 p m. 1 t
00 p a , CO p m 9 ef p a.
Trains arrive
at Alteena frea esisU
i SaaifS .1 a Alt . m 11 . p
11 So a m. 1 SP" "
" . y - j ., w. , ,. p
: a.
a. ar a or atasflo or Tsaaarwe.
SW Bar alias and aaa teaks. iiliaa-
blxVb will aaa Baa wader the besrvara rnmz