1 miNEL & REPUBLICAN MIFYLINTOWN : If EDJBUUT. JT5E It, 188fl. TERMS. jabeeriptioe, l-&0 per unaa if paid a 4aoce; 2.00 If aot paid la advance. Traaaiea advertieeinenU taearted at M ,u par laca for each inaartioa. Traeaiaat boatneae aoUcee la local cot ton, 10 eeota par Una for each tnaerttoa. Dadacuoea will ba mad to thoaa deeirtnf M ad'ertlae by tba year, half or qaartrr SHORT LOCALS. Trnel to Atlnntio city liiut oiu-jniM-.'d. ('hrl- Hollolxiuh in visiting in this j.lare. It o.ta J.15IW) a Ur to feed the J,.liutown auff.-rera. I. ii. Shelly of RiohtieM nxtel several Java iu town laxt week. The Tenuis Brother have a rojw ferrv in operation at Thompsontown. iK u.l animal in drift at the head (.f tli ishmil ariid oft" a HU-keniii tench. Tho 1hs in the state by Uie lute fl.Hpd i-annot I reinsured by aeventv million dollar. ii. Frank Snyder of Port Royal ha returned from IYiiiiHvlruiiia tvl!.-;,' f1"" vacation. FiitL.-r Mollincr, of l'ittsburfj, it it siu.l h:in restored many -oile to btaltli by the faith our. J. Frank Stoner delivered a s;e-h in Tli"iuj'Ktown for tlia Prohihi ti.uita on Saturday evening. F.dward Hartley employed in a ron.-h shop at Hojliduyshur was at Lis h me iu this j'liu-e lat we'k. It ix estimated that 6(( to 9( days will 1' required to alear Johnstown wf drift, mud and jtlxer flood lu-eumu latious. The Pennsylvania railroad looses bv the tluod one million live htindrud thonsttud dollars, an nenrlv ax can ! oitiiu.-itnl. t'.nintv hmmriutandeiit Auiuau in having his houne pointed on Patter- Hn utreet. He is doing the paint- ing himself. Tlie rope ferrr at this place run by ; 'k, Fluiiu-s ami Company is work 5 in tinelv. A loaded nix h'Tse waou t'tll Ik; nicely eroitMed on tl'.e rt:iL ti Saturday last travel over tho main line wit ojK-ned all the way through from Pittsburg to Phila- delphia by way of the Juniata Valley, i Mr-i. Mik-i a.nl altuti: 83 I year, mother of Harry Moore of Van Wert, died last Friday. The i funeral took ll:we on Moii.lav. June ' l- tli. A crack 1SIH) feet long aim ; Main afreet iu WilkvslwtiTe has frightened I i p.-. pie in that town. The crack w Rrllointo,l to niako .listributiou of -o- d by a coti! mine 80 f.-et under j th balance of the fund in bia bands. the town. ! Xhe finlll a,,;,,,,, f j. o. Horn- I John Iius. li fell into th.i creek at ' larger. Assignee of S. S. Graybill Lwiatovn List Weiluewlay ami was J was cnnneI. J iwned, but lieforo the Kxly was j Subjxi-na in divorce was awarded r-coverod it bad flouted down the . to Magdalena Stroup by her next ? river ns far as to Jack's creek. ' tiriend J.-utib Smith vs against Levi I ... , , , . - I St roup ber present buslwind. t V Sundav acliool excursion train I ., i- i i 5 . . - , , , . S:itisi-na in livorce was amanletl i carrvmg twelve hundred excursion- . t .. . T v J. ii - w, ii,to Sarah Sfllera against James M. pats was wrecked ill Ireland Ia,t s,jjera i Thursday. S.vetitv dead laslii-s . , , ' i : t a.i.t Subim-tia in ilivorce waa awardtst ? wnv n-cuverel up to June Uth. i-..- ,- w j 1 to Margnrett liittmger v C. W. . l iit- a uunibt-r of isjple living on ' liittinger. the d it of Pattrnum have not put W. H. M.x.re. AV. Kagler, Sr., Cm. jdowuthuir carpets since the high j W. Smith were appointed viewers to aier siiii'm inn nKrs uiiu rooms i ? the lower stories of bouses are yet i damp. Itefor the flat for wagons was i vim .,..-. tliu riiD, l-'mwrr Alil jaliriti i ............ ..t ..Z 1..- i. , Willi n I'L'ITT IF, IMltkn f.t- au uanu i , tium. """''""' Mifiihan's example was followel ami a.unrt 'Jil hora-s were swum across. Itch. Miuipi, and m-rntcbes on hu man r animals cured in 3D minutes hj V.-lf..rd'n Sanitary Lotion. This m-ver fails. S..U1 bv L. Banks & Ci., DrugistH, Mifllintown, Pa. . .. .. The li ire engine ol tlie 1'utlersoii t..u L Hfol bidder cointmnv was uset .... S.iunl-v iu .lennin.' out tbe . iKt. ru that' si.ul.lieH water to the ui. uiadiilif shop fouilie ami to the ivsi.rvi.Jr. Mwsvs N'ellio N..t th and Maud I WiU.n of Pttt rsin ure at home from , I'lriiiin'luuu Smin:rv for vacation. M F.diia Kirk nnd Kate Thomas ar. nt home for summer Tctin from att. U'l.inie at m'Iun'1 t llnerstown. Men are now talking alut ajrreat flood hi the Junint VulW iu 17S9, Tlie pumpkin flood was in I8I1V A nraatrr n.vnl devaatated the valley in t7 Cut a greater than all known preceedm ; ones was that of June 1st. AU nisht lonj: on Friday June 31 vplH win. live nlon Shade mountain an. I the rid-'e north of town rW by tlia water courses hoard a jwuliar rumbling noiae which was .wcasion ad by large stones rolling down with tlie riixliin water. i.-knowledgenielit is due Professor Hamilton of the Pennsylvania State t'olle.. in IVnter county for dinru lu.uts relative to the ..liege, and pr-grimnie of cotumenfmetit week b.'inning Sunday, June 2:1, andend injr Thursalay, June 27. I.Ut of letters uncalled for remain- in- in the P. O.. at Mifflintown. Pa. W.-fk cndinir June Sth. 1SS0. Per n .-iiUiug for letters in this list will please ask for advertisetl matter lHmi. l Wesson. Vm. J. Desmond. A. m m, an a c. l's. B. Croap,P. M. l'rm.lterv t.s.k Mjt. Hava at his Word nnd dissolved the instori re lntion Itetweeii himsdf and the intown eon'Tesration to take iT.-ctnevt (Vt.ilvr. It is reiwrte.1 tliat an Hluentional institution at Fort Unlg,. Las In-en tenderwl him ul that thev desire him go there '"lit the lat of Julv. The late fl.ssl has change! the I I mm.l ,.f nnmi I ketti.-al ou tlu I a'. thev are f I rain of ,i dava miu.l ,.f a nnmlwr of men bo were i atil.ie.-t of oh now eonvinceU mai va and 40 nifhts would aailv diaturi; th l1m-of theeaxtb 'oak up the fountain of the tfreat "ep and deluge this world just "tnted in Biblical account. ng'ih Sparin Liniment reniovea all Hard. Soft, or Calouaad Lump. and Blemiahea, from horse. Blood Spavin. Curbs, Splinta, Sweenev, Dne. Stinea, Spi-aina, all Swol Jen Throat. Cougha. Ao. SaTe $50 br tho u of one bottle. Warrant eL Sold hr L. Banks & Co , Drug ffiata, Mifflintown. Pa. Oct. 31 -'88,1 y Kmanuel MertifTof Mexico had a thrilling experience in the late flood. He waa canal lock keeter, and did not realizes! it on the morning of the 1st of June till the water bad so surrounded the brick lock bouse that bin escape was impowuble. People in Mexico realising bis perilous con dition took the large doors ff the barn of Mr. Caveny and nailed them on railroad ties and fastened a roje t.i the tl.Mit or raft and allowed it to drift down to the lock bouse. Mer tiflf and his wife and a grand Hon mounted the raft and were drawn ashore. Iey rr!JliBatwii. The caab cootribaiions town auffervra ap to tba 1 PbiU'l. lfbia and Ticinitr. New Ywk for tba Jobna mat., af rerataj $TWI.475 876 613 Bro-klTii. J. racy Citr, Kawark aad oufi'1t 'Orc.... Thruh GuTsrnor Beavar. ...... Hittkbarit . I'hirapn. ............... . Ka.f.n .".. Cleveland. O '.'.'.'.I Maachnett I.fnlatnrt5..... .. Wa.hintoo. D. C Bilriaiore. Md.... ... Cine nnati, ).... .......... ..... Coiiiri.hu, ii., and vicioitr Ijn-e.r, P. ............ . .... Btblehra. I'-.................. Par. France.......... SQ FianrlaCA.. ................ tiw Hampshire Le;isUtiirv Autnta, Ua. R-adln(t. Pa Srratilon, Pa.................... Wilmintt..n, Wilkwoarre, Pa Intianalis. lud ................ Allealnatn. Pa ("anvlea. . J................... Fatfn, Pa... .................. Cheater, 1'a Cbarleatoo, S. I. .... . ... ....... Cbaltal'Mica, Tenn. ............. . I'h'i-nizTille, Pa Mtiieh Cbnok. Pa .... Norriafown, Pa. ................. Inver. Col Toledo, O S irannali. ti. ...... ............ Kanaaa Cur, Mi Darbv, Pa Columbia. S. C ................ . Cbamberahurg, Pa.... .......... Carlialr, pa Miliville, N. J 400,000 400,0U(I 45!,4i ItKi.imU 10V.0IK) 49.0OO SO, OO I 41.3 :m,ooii CT.9s 48.213 1 6.2i m ll,o o 11,1(1 10 lO.INNI lU.IXKI ;i.5o ;,hio 5,(iO ,( 7.9o T.INt) 6 7i0 fi.lKKI 3..VXI 2.731 2.7110 2 6410 2.iio 25 0 2.O00 i.;oo l.&uo I.KlO 1.219 1.IKKI ,iimi 1,4K Toial. $l,03l,2yi - a Adjourned Court. An adjourned Court was held on the 11th inst., of which the follow ing is a brief rejiort. The road case in Fermanagh town ship in which dejKisitions had been taken wan lostponed. The tirst and partial account of John MetzT. Committee of Armina Brant, a lunatic wax confirmed. Tli. tit-wt ami tit,,l .iimiint f Jrilin u Tnt;,w .Uiw of John Iird ..u -fil .i t illia,.,. vacate a ronu in r aveiie lownnni p. Wm. Van Sweifiiger, Wilson I Daughcrty nnd Samuel Panuabuker ! Sr.. were appointed to view and lay ; out a r wid in Lack towuahip iu :Cncord narrows. Walls ! , -r tr t ..... -.-..' . . , . j view ami voi-aie a roaii in iusoarora I townsbip. j J. W. L,yd. r. was appointed tax ' collector for the borou-h of Thomp- soutown souiowii ii nriiir oi ijtiuri u i xustAii Oi'L31.i.i.i.,.i;.,n llrr Vi.- t-a.l..n.r m ' i. f.i ; - t.;".l. .l,-,L.;.l ..!....: tl,.. Kl. ..f 1... ' -...... u: a.u. , ix.rou-u oi x oi 1 lunu. Iu the estate of I). nnis Deviney. i F. M. M. lVnnell was apitointed auditor. Iu the state of Alll rs (1. IillHall. p. Jt Jtup'lilh-M was appoint. 1 Auditor. Administrator Andrew Iteaehor . of is the state of Calvin li. Watta, deceas ed. wan "ranted an order to niortjrajre real estate of k:iuI .Itfitlent lor pay ment of dfht. An order of ku1 was giantt., muel I. and Vm. F. Sim.utu, aduiiuislrator of the estate of Joseph I. Simouton, dcw1. An order of twlo was j;rantel i Jamen C. Okesoti administrator of i the estate of Jtme B. Okesoli. Kieuptiotis were hied to the a-otint of estate f Abraham Iluhcr nnd hold un.'.er ailvis-meut. An order of sale was granted to F.phraim J KiirtsoxM-utorof Samuel ..f -l.. ..ranted in the estate of Wm. D. Welster. ."V i. .it.... - c - The sales of read estate of the estate of John McNanigal were cou timed. . ordered to le ter.-.! on the mortgage of J.wtb l..n.. rov deceasett. against iiif Tuscarora Academy proiH-rty Iu tho estate of Ja-ob Kline au ditors report w as con h met I. It. L. ltis. MoseaPannaDakeran.t Harry Hawk were grante.1 a mecha nics lien judgement entry va . H. McDonald owner and Wilbur F. Mc C'ahan e.ntra4-tor. A divorce was decreed Hay saliiu . . . - ... fc." . 1 VS . IV. i. iwum- Two thousand three hundred and nftv dollars was ordered tobiaid to tlie a.imiuisii i". - . .. ..f tha Mtala Benjamin Stuck, deceased, for a 1 I .a.. pAV In the estaVes ..f Henrr F. Zeidem and George Heikes inais,ti.,ns were conhrmHL 1 ne gtiar,u " HimWrger was connmeiL . (Iwr-e W. w appointe.l auKeiu the estate of Michael aiuuior iu Bashor. deceased. F. M. M. Pennell waa api.iuted . prov. a u u e, "T Sus..uehanna township. John iood aiuUtorinthe estate of Elizabeth J a terrible Sla , g- y - P- l .... 1 ti.-d the constantlr increasing rise aJ- The rruarilian s a"- r of Guv Mover wm continued. Gnardian John R- Vanormer frranted leave to sell real estate of Gilbert II. and Daniel K. Vanonner to Isabella Loudenslager for $3,350. A rule waa granted on heirs of Robert M. Thompson, deceased, to appear September 17. 1889, and ac cept or refuse to accept verdict of the inquest in the estate of said decedent. Tba sales of real estate in the state of Abraham Rohren, dec?aaed, were confimed. In the estate of Andrew Zeiders. J. X. Keller was apjxiinted auditor. FLOOD .lOTES. IVsl animals in the drift piles at the head of the island send off a sickening smelL "A so called clergyman who said he had lost a w ife and three children by the Conemaugh disaster refused a suit of clothes at the Pittsburg re lief depot lecue they were second hand. He then asked for a summer bat. He was offered a'newjblack one, but be would not take any but one of a summer color, and went away dissat isfied." During flood tide a pig found its way into the bardward store in Pat terson and finding the stairway went to the second story and there seem ed to feel comfortable. A Williamsport paper says; A dude wanted to le photographed standing on a raft in the midst of a flooded street. He hired a photo grapher aud a man to carry him to the raft, so that his fnet would not get wet. Some railroaders for barm less diversion, jumped on the raft and sunk it, compelling the dude, with ill-concealed rage to wade out in water to bis middle. A large rat seated on a buffalo robe floated from Clothing Merchant S: raver's stablo across his lot into his store iu Patterson and would have floated out of the front door, if it had not been caught. That is the robe was caught, the rat drowned. "A resident of South Williamsxrt who hail put his two pigs in bis par lor to shield them from the flood soon after missed them, and conclud ed they had got out and drowned. At bedtime in going up stairs to bis room bn found the two stowed in bis led and fast asleep." "A uiimlxr of Bt-llefonte women put on masculine attire to clean up after the flood." The wire if the railroad ferry broke a numtter of times last Thurs day. Ou Friday a report was cur rent that tho wire bad been tiled. Governor Boaver proposes to bor row $1,(MX),000 from private citizens, the monev to be expended in clean ing away the drift along streams. The refunding of tho money to citi zens who loan it to the Governor is to come from the state as soon as the nest Legislature convenes and passes an appropriation for that purpose. "Mr. J. M. r ronheiser, one of the Suerintendcnts in the Cambria Iron Works, Iied on Main street. His house was one of the first to go, and he himself, his wife, two daughters, son ami liabv were thrown into tho towu, To., until 1 o'clock r. m., FKI rain;; torrent. His wife and eldest ( DAY, JUXK 28, 1S8I. for the follow daujjhtcr were lost. He, with the inr bridiro work in Juniata Coutitv, bnbv, reached a lace of safety, ami bis ten-vear-old lsv twelve-vear-ild jirl floated near enough to be reacb--l. He -aujrht the little girl, but she cried : "It me pn, papa, and save broth-, er : ni v lej; is broken and my foot is caught lielow." 'Wueu ho told her b waa deter - ... : l . l ..i. t .. : l . lumen to it-sc.iu ur, sue , iu i - i "Then, pspa, pet a sharp knife and i cut hit ler "ff. I can stand it." I -The little f..ll.,w to bis fatb- er : "You can't aave me iata. Both niv fu-t are csu-'ht'fast and I can't hold out auv loujjer. Please p-t a j bridge iu the liorough of Thouipson pistol nnd shoot nie." : tow n, lMing one abutment and two "Cajitain Itaebv-, of the army, 1 1.1. l.l..l .. i i. .1. i.:i.i tu. .i . cue uom luiuuru. iuc - ! el Spartan fortitude and plnck. All j ni-ht loUj7 she lay in a bed without a mnttress or medical attention, in a -rarret tho wnter reaching to tbe ,",. rniv'i win'n. "iiiiwin .u.uju. m kiniiir. In tba mornintr she I nrriiMl down ttnirs her leir dnnclin? nn.lor Vior 1 oit w-tien rVi hit her ------ - - ; ,iaiu.-. .1 v. . ' wbisjK-red to Captain Gageby P.H.r lmpa ; he is no Bad. Then, turning to her father, she threw a kiss with her hand and lau-'hinply I :."':",Hi morning, papa : I'm all . .in! . i n Li- "The plucky little th.nS getting alonir hiuidMimely. and the Lor has as vet Hiift'ero.1 no ill conseiiuencoa from his immersion." 1 i The flat at the B-s.ksferrv cairiesi 40 tons with safety. The creainerv has l recoverrxl from I l, t.ol ,i;..lrml ia in full oner anou yui ... of workmp order many hnnnre.1 pmnds of l.utter was male out on the farms ana lirouglit to atores in town- naa . rrl.it in the butter mirket. Store keeper legan j to shut down on taking, when low I the crenmerv fctarta aud the glut is l . i I 'over. I "In the lower end of Johnstown, ! st.jo.1 the Unite.1 Presbyterian rar-, . - . - . s-uia-e. 1 He waters carne.i u , M-nv Lna iwo mues .... ; ana lan.ie.i u in oau.iy . ' r-v' " l.u" " " " . cemetery ueiiig caujjui e.ldy, wa.s laude.1 squarely on the va- imiii hhiuumiiiw. lu.r..... t Undertaker Fannerr from Johns town HA vs that nearlr all the victims had their hands crossed in front of their faces, evidentlv to want off ob jects froni striking them. ot victim out of nftv was drowuel, one but killed by being struck by some float ing object." Tlie probability ia that by "the time the three thousand workmen at Johns town baveleen fed and paid for their work by removing tne wreckage irom ol ine sincarii in. . There will I lit- a .i ..n: .l,.il , - t lie .! it.eouw luuieu . h..-. ! br ( governor Beaver to lar for the cleaning up of the drfa piles of the streamy - j mentioned bv tho Bloomfield Advo - - A rt rirculate.l in our enberger, botb ol ji.mrue. .7 .V i j i t v mi.lst last e.lnesday that J K, " tttKU- ; Turner the popular miller at MA- ai lwn drowiietL HaonUv it ' .. . i " , i. t t . of waters he went to hi. barn to en- was'deavor to save his stock. NShK mora favorably located seeing his difficulty hastened to his assistance and most of the stock was saved. He labored in the waters until morning, when be found himself completely eut off from land with the water neck deep. Having cast off moat of his clothing while at work he determin ed to swim sshore. He was a long time in making the distance and was cast hither and thither by the angry waters until in an exhausted condi tion be reached bis borne. Mr. Tooiney had his mill dam carried away, but the mill was not much damaged. The matter of the distribution o' the S3,Min,00 raised for the John stown sufferers is one of responsibil ity. If their are 5(NM) sufferers and the money lie divided equally among them each would receive six hundred dollars. One of the cars placed on the rail road brido-e at Lewistown iu rennrt. ed to be on the head of the island at this place. Another of the same train of cars lies at the pier of the Harris burg bridge. "On McCormick's Island, near Harrisburg fourteen acres are cover ed with logs to a height of ten feet " "Richard Morris and five of his family left Wilkesbarre a week or so ago to attend a funeral at Pittsburg. , stopping on at Johnstown to get a, t?t sister-in-law. ished." The entire party per- 'On Friday when the flood rush ed down the Susquehanna a train of forty loaded coal cars" were run from Lewisburg on the West Branoh. The torrent struck the bridge, and the next instant the space was as clean as a whistle. Men found a portion of the train in the Susque hanna at Steelton, seventy miles be low." Tho flood made inroads on the Horningtown graveyard, located at the junction of Homing's run with the river. Store goods, coal oil and whisky that came down the river that was cautrht and appropriated .bv iteople to their own use are leing looked up j by officers of the law. Nelson & Man beck have put in new scales to till the place of the one tak en away by the flood. Twenty-nine hou-e were carried away by the flood from Lew is: 0 ten. Seven houses were swept away from Mifflintown ; two from Port Royal. 1 When the Flood reached the flat I land on which Patterson is built. Commissioner John Cunningham turned bis two bogs out of their pen so that they could escape. In going up the alley Mr. North took them into bis stable thinking ofjconrse the water would not rise that high, but the water rose higher. The Logs swam until they were enabled to get into N rth's carriage where they re mained till North again visited his stable which was not till after the water had returuel to the channel of the river. Scaled proposals will be received t the Commissioners' Office Mifilin pt yix : 1. For the masou work of the basin bridge, iu the Borough of Miffliu tiiwn, being two abutments and four winr walls. Fur the immin work of the j turnpike bridge, near Cuba mill, ; Fermanagh township, lieinjj one i abutment and two wing walls. 3. For the mason work of the bridge at Old Port ltoval, across 1 usearora Creek, ln-mi' two anut- , meuts, one pier and four wing walls. i 4. For the mason work of the wing walls. - . 1. r . . . t i i ateriHj uriuge, in Lu-n xowiisuip, I buiug' repairs to two ubutments. j G. Fur an itx.n hri.lK across tLe . busiu ia tLe j,,, o Mifflintown. ' ? ' i. 1 or an iron bridge across Lost Creek, near Cuba milL i 8. For a Iron or wooden bridge across Tusraroru ClVek, at Old Port ft. Ftr an iron hri.Ure across Delaware Run. in the Boroii-rh of Thomsontown. 11 u:, . 11,nlpt,red in nccor- ; ,iunce wjth thiB advrtiHement. 1 Specifications cau be seen at the . toimik.u-n' Ofliee, in Miffliutowu. , n-. r;i,, ... mnv ,.11 l.i.U i. , 1 AdmiMou to Princeton. a N riaminailoo for rntranre to the N rzaminaii(.a for I XXrnrahroaa Claaa ot all l.t rrabruaa Claaa ot all Hppartmrnta of . ( Ue parIor ol lh. y. j. C. A.f eorner ol ( ,ri4 jclt ,imi, WinaiaiE , ThunJav, June 20tb, at II a. and coa- uuuinc mrouxa mo .n.-m.u . on. 1" 'XauilnaTion am ba i.lentical 'with .,,,. .ho..m .end in their namea to . Rr, Georje H. S' wart, Harritur(t, Pa. FKANCIS L. FATTU.V, n : . a V " 1 1 rrvaitirni w a i iulcivh v. wn.f -r-.r- - - - -- MAHKIKD : Gravbili. Amio. On the 11th ult.. . Amos Gravbill, of West Ptrrv town- ; Mii, Snyder c.unty, and Alice Ami of Monroe township, this county. Kisr-a Harry. On the 20th ult bv Ilev. K. E. Bern-, James S. Kiser, of this place, and Mary A- Harry, of Tuscarora. Sum- -Lttfji. Ou the 30th ult - j by the same, W. H. H. Solea, of Milford. and Barbara E. Lvter, of Mifflin county. Briutrs Kae(. Ou the same day, bv Itev. S. i. Dressier, Simon W. H. Burris and Ida YL Kain. all of Sus.iuch.anna township. , G.utvAX Zcrc. On the 31st ult.. in Harrisburg, bv Itev. S. C. Swallow, M.orris V. Garnian, formerlr of this nlace. and Cora Mav Zinn. both of Harrisbnrg. SBOTSB130EK SHKIXESBERi.rR. On the 11th inst., by Bev. E. K. Berry. ' Banks ShotsWrger and Sarah Shell GoopliibV On the Z&& ult., in ffa ICriTt .ata.c8 F w mm a" w rr n ixibV w rum .AaftrVTTtw TtrrkClir HIFFUSTOWN atXKUTS. HiFruBTOwx. Jaaall, 1M. Bouar u 11 Bui. 12 Shoulder, ....................... 10 Sidea, I M Lard......... . .............. 10 MirrUNTOWK GSalN UAEKKT. Wheat, . ......... Car old ............ Oaf, .... .... ....... Bra Clov erased...... .... . Timolar saad Flaa aaed 1'iaa...... . ....... tl ep. ... . . ........ Sl.orta.... ........... Ground Alan Salt.... Americaa Salt 90 S3 to 40 28 ..3.&0 to 4 no $1.75 , 1 60 oo .... 1 22 00 1 to I 10 PHiLA.mo.iHiA, June 15, 1889. j Beef cattle 3 to 5Jcts a pound. ; Spring lambs 5 to 8c a pound. Sheep j 3 tJ 42c P un1- Hogs 5 to 6Jc a i pound Jlilcn calves 4 to be a pound. I Dressed beef at 5 to 7lc a pound. Milch cows $25 to $55 per bead. Live Lens 10 to 12c per lb. Roos-, ters 6 to 7c. Spring chickens weigh ing 3 to 5cts a pair 12 to 15cts a iioiind Butter 1 to 19cta a nourjil u tQ 1& g1 . 1 96c per bus. Cora 42c. Oats 30 to 33c. Bran $14 to $15 a ton. Loci K. Avaiaaoa. F. at. kf. PsaasLL. ATKIHSOX at PElt.lELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MlFrLIltTOWW, PA. J JCellactiBg aad Cosvsjsncisg prompt ly attended to. Ovvics On Main atraet, ia place ef reai dance ef Lenia K. Atkinaoa, Kaq., aouth of Brid fa street. JOet 26, 1886. Yy M. CRAWFORD, M. D.f Baa returned actively the practice of Medicine aad Surgery and their collateral branches. OBce at the old corner of Third i atreeta, Mifflintown, Pa. and Orange March 29. 187S Joaa KcLitaiui. Joeara W. Stihmbl MCLAUGHLIN at STMMEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL, JUN1ATJ CO., PJ. OyOoly reliable Companiea repreaentad. Jan. 1, 1889-ly J WISH TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I can aror tootbacbb in leaa than Bra ninntra ; no pain, no extracting. That I can extract tneth without pain, by the naa of a fluid applied to the teeth aad garni ; no danger. That Diseaaed aw G ami (known aa Scnrry) treat Z. aN- 1 aucciwsfallv and a cure w"Tffraaia-fc ranted in every caae. JAA2 Tratb Frixan and warrantad for life. artittclal Teeth repaired, exchanged or. remoddled, Irom $9.00 to $12 per aet. Beautiful Gum Knaueled Tert inarrted a pricet to suit all. AH work warranted to give perfect aatia faction. Peopla who hare artificial teeth with which they cannot eat, are eapec'ially invited to call. Will viait profeaaionally at their homaa if notified by letter. Will viait regularly at.Richbld the 2nd weeka of May and October. Tcaaa Canb. G. Li. DERR, Practical Dentlat, ETaLiniD ia mrrLiKTOwa, Fa., ia I860, Oct. 11 '85. PRIVATE SALE. The anderaigned ofiWa 14 acres of choice land, adjoining the borough ot Pattrraon, a private aala. There ia a good barn and corn crib on tbe tract. Tbe land ia all clra and Wet and wall adapted lor the growth of all kinds of grain and garden prod net a. For atrticulars call on Jobs Ciiiii. Pattrraon, Juniata Co., Vx Ouy Yoi:r BOOTS AI1 from G. W. HECK, j-aJSTD SWP; lONKY. VR1DOE 8TRKET, 0PPOSITK OI'I IKt.LOWS II ALL Quality a P r We doa't atarra (Joaljij to throw a bona to Prie. In thei word a, we don't atigbt oor a-ork or ua in lrrk.r trimminfa to tempt you with a low p.i lor poor (food a. Mono bot;tha Boat Clotbing I- r M-o, Youfba. Bova and Children. V. C. YATES & LED6EB BCILPISW, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT PHILADELPHIA rjc (hevers or OLD HONESTY TOBACCO VILL S00p FlflD TrjAJ IJ LASTS LOpCEl, TASJES SWEETER TrjAfl OJrJEl TO- BCCOS, AflD VILL pLEAySE yoJ. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IT, AND INSIST ON CETTINC IT. EYEPV DLUC STAMDED L1E V I I If ABOVE CUT. HO. F1M2ER & BROS., Louisfille, lj. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OFMIfFLIVTOnH, PA. WITH 1 BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSKPH BOTUKOI K. Pmdent. T. VAN IKW1N, Caaattr. biBKcrona. W. C. Ponmmy, Joaepb Rothrock, Johe Mrrtalrr, Philip M. Kepner, Rolf rl K. Parkt-r, T. V. Irwin. Louis E. Atkinson, sTKnoLi'Es : Philip V . Kpnr, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph KoihrcK-k, Jane II. Irwin, L. E. Alkin.on, K. E. Parker, W. C. Poiucroy, J. Holaies Irwin, John Hertzler, T. V. Irwin, Mary Kurtz, Jerome N. Tbonpaon, Jr Charlotte b ny der. Three and Four per cent, icterest will ba paid on certiHcatra ot drpoaite. .jan 28, 1889 tf PARKER & CO. BANKERS, Main SniKtr, MirrLiXTowN, Pexju., 1KAK8ACT A OtNERAL BANKING BUSINESS Discounts daily. Accoui.ts of firms, individual and corporations solicited. Four per cert. Interest allowed on twelve nmntlis' certificates. January lt, lHK.l-ly. i c e CO., STS. I aWKVi unii WHAT A PlC-tlC BUYERS VTILL. II1TI AT S C H O T T -ooo- Our great Spring and summer Sale in Boys', and Children's Clothing, Hatu, Caps Goods is now on. You'll find every department overflowing Never in the beginning of a season have you seen such a handsome line of j goods offered for the price we will sell this spring. So phem , ominally low are our prices, that we cannot do better than n nm tlmm MEN'S SACK in all the new colors, shades and patterns made and faithful manner. AU sites from SS to 42. this lot but what is worth $8, You will do well to come early. MEA'S CUTAWAV SUITS AT f8. Goad either for business or dress. They are made ef all wool material. Corkscrew, Plaids, Cassimeres, Chevoits , sW. All sizes from 33 to 42. Ferfiect fit. MEN "S JSTYLISU SUITS JT SIS-OO. You'll be surprised when you see these suits, and you will forever swear by us for clothing if you but buy one of the suits. Fancy Mixtures in Globe Cassimeres, Chevoits in Solid Colors and Stripes and Plaids all trimmed in custom it vie, were made to sell for 18, but we offer them for 15 dollars. KNEEPAKTS SUITS AT $2.87. Sires 4 to 14 Belt Suits in Fancy Plaids well maae specially suited for school wear. Worth at least 4 dollars. LONG PANTS SUITS, $5.00. Choice of five sty lee. They are worth regularly 7 dollar We sell them at 5 dollar. only. LONG PANTS SUITS S6. Big Boys magnificent Dress Suits, the bent material and Latent styles made and trimmed beautifully. You nave $2. 50. MEN'S SACK AND CUTAWAY SUITS AT $10. At this popular price we shall offer a superior assortment ol Sack, Cutaway and Frock Suits, soft Cassimeres, Stripes, Checks and Broken Plaids. You will be as much surprised at their extraordinary quality a you will at the marvelous low pricep. Any of these suits are worth 13 dollar. MEN'S STYLISH SUITS AT V2. Blue and Black Worsted Stripes and Plaids all shapes. Sacks, Cutaways and Frocks, Choice 12 dollars only. We im- tended getting lb dollars lor them BOY8AND CHILDREN'S SUITS Mothers w hen they ascertain the wonderful low prioes w e're naming, they will come and see and will purchase. KNEE PANTS SUITS AT 3.50. Sizes from 4 to 14. Cassimeres, Tricots, and Worsteds. Any suit is worth 2 dollars more. We bat tba) reputation of Selllaa; THE BEST HAT IN JUNIATA COUNTY- We show all the latest styles, all the best qualities, and il you ask any friend on the street ing, the odds, he will say at Schott s. Orders by mail promptly attended to. SCH0T T , THE LEADING CLOTHIER. BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOWN. PA. 18G5, ESTABLISHED 1887 Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goea on daHy from THE IMMENSE STOCK Of D. W. HARLEY. It will b I TO THK ADVANTAGE OK ALL 1HYKUS Who hav money to invest to examine tlie Stock uf (ioods far MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN I It ia truly marvelou to Se !TI1E BEAUTIFUL STY EES of Suita and Overcoats at tha Wonderfully Low Prica. Hi- pric? leave all Competitors in the rear, ao don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. H ARLE Y MIFF! INTOWN lA. IT IS A FACT WKLL KNOW N THAT K HAVE The Largest Stock HARDWARE IJN 'iTIE COUNTY. I'.uilding Hardware was never ao low a now, XAIL, LOCHS, UlXCita ... CKSIEWT, rUSTtH, ia fart evervthinn in the Hardware Line includinr; House Furnish ia k "d a WALL PAPER, BLINDS, -fcc, Are w Jiold at Bottom Pricea by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE & CO. I'OCLTRT PATS it prnprrljr nianacrd. The Pof LTaf Bt LKTia. inbliabrd monlhlv, Bnaly il'uatratad, ia lha Irat paper for lanrwr ! tarinrr. l.ra than n v., crtila a month brii.r ' yon pl paid. Snd atan.p foraairplcpf- Atdira 'cattTj Emttrfrn, P. -rt St Nr Yotk. THIS ' 8 Altn'is Ytithtt', end Furnishing SUITS S6, up in a strong IVot a suit LB aad but will sell them for 12. Come and see. where he got his hat he is wear awawawaTawaaaaaj ,aajfar koWrwl awjjl awlT it, U efaW W W aW lwfnsa-L $-m hT aV-aViL 4" 1 lq.1111 awTaat aWa. mXum Umm liffl of HEXRT WIRO BEECHER tSStXt SwA. nca' l-Slar fniaaoma TMOV BO..H o.. ifaaitfre brooklin. VV.