Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 05, 1889, Image 2

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crroa ao pmritmi.
t'i i frit-n.l are prrpttrLng
to brin ntn forwar.l for the nest
Prwsi.lentml rtw-e.
A Itxru M-rc-atag-uf tht minister
.-f the I'nubvNrian Gentra! AH-mbrc
Jo not favor prohibition.
1r. Atkls.n Lad friend through
th J strict who are jrirui him
for another term in C'or.grena.
LhiBrsrs.i Htrui k an Llliuoiii preach
r while he wan Jif.ursing from tha
fjiilj it. The atroLe did not kill him.
(."'" -kki want to jet back to
Waahinpti'in -arly. liii-i- them in a
pr.babilitv nf nn estra aoftrtion of
t-'ouresH Wiiia railed in October
le-jriRSoa Ufavkb. ilenvere.l a
apeecli in the Aca.li-my of Manic in
I 'hiUvlelphia m.veral evenings ago.
irv far. ,r i.f Prohibition. He spoke
for lnmaelf, nul nt for the lUpubli-
can party.
I Vmvi the ittiu of the Presby
terian Owaeral Amemblr in N.w
Yi-rk a number .f tlm brethren were
in vi.-tuus of rant-ally Xew
Yi-rkcr. An t-hlt-r f julol on a bunco
ste r r aiul win tWwil nut of $40,
uii"tb-r nirnitK-r i f the A-terubIy
ha..l hi vtt xM-kot J.lcLe.l if $20,
another )ml bin j"K-kot pii-kelof J123.
Roast Dog.
Iajii ittfo, Ixif. re I'reiuoiit M
kuona.s it uerui Frfmoiit : when
hw was calle.l -the voting jath
tfnilt-r" vf the unt xj-l id country
between the Htatea anil the Pncific
roat he tell in a book of his explo
rations of how he ihh inviteil to an
Indian feiwt, whero dog oup was the
jjreat ilelienov wnnl. Now, dog
are eaten in the st'ite of New Jrv
at may be Uarued from the Phila
d. Iphift H rd of May J'.l. Which
ayM :
it iBt dog lunch wiifc served in the
k'.difcou Klectric I.ipht Worku in
Harrison, N. -J.. on Saturday last,
and it wan t anted, nibbled and eaten
by twenty-rivo or thirty of the m
pIoes, half a dozen of whom were
pirln. who knowingly nte the meat
and proiiouncod it jroml. It wm ar
ranged two or three week nro that
a trial i f doif meat should be rondo
in the shop. J. Trumbull Marshall
fattened th pup on jn, milk and
crackeru. It was killed and dressed
on Friday.
Soma of t!ie yirls hailjunlm when
they heard that row. d nut being
served, and one of them vru made
ill. Others of the pirU took small
piecVH of tlie nient and ate it. Having
that it whs likrt chicken, young pork
and Y.-al. Few of the m n refuseil to
nt it, and it vns nil consumed.
Lynching a Fiend.
JWi -Hi Ron. Mich., May 27. -Albert
Martin, the mullatto who so
bruttally . tit raged Mrs. John Oillitt
wife of a farmer living near thiscitr,
aKmt ( weeks ,gi va taken from
the county jail olxiiit "2 o'clock this
morning b a marked ni"b aul lynch
ed. Kver since the outrage occur
red there 1 hsIm-ch considerable talk
f lvnchilii;, but the fact id its l-tnr'
talked aUjut no openly led the Sheriff i
an.t iHiltce to pav no attention to it
About '2 o'clock Turnkey LAroche op
ened the door when he waa confront
ed by three stranger wearing masks.
Tl.ey re,l Inroche and demanded
the k vs. He said he did not Lave
then. Thev tin 11 choked, beat and
dragged biui into the atreet, where
about lift tuusked men rushed him
around the corner. The mob were
armed with reo!v ra and a few of
them had aledge hammers, with which
thy soon battered down the iron
doom. TLc door of Martin's cell waa
not locked and a- the mobjentered be
sHi.t : -What in h - 1 th you want?"
Tlww w re his liu-t words. A noose
piickiy made iu a long rop which
the lyncher can led, and it was slip
ped over his lieck while he was vet
in Iwd. The other end of the rope
reached out to tbe street, where it
held by not less, than 'fifty will
ing hands.
With a bloodcurdling yell the mob
at art ed on arun. Mart iu w as unable
to regain bin feet, and as lie waa
dragged through the Sheriffs office
out to tho atreet his head struck a
coal stove with such force as to turn
it half way round. Amid shouts and
firing of revolvers the infuriated masa
headed for tho Seventh street bridge,
three blocks away. They had to
turn two utri-et corners on their way,
and us they made the turn of the
!aptist Church the oor wretches
head caught in the stone coveriug of
the gutter. No effort was made to
evtjicxte him, and the halt wns only
long enough to give a terrible tug on
the rope, by which tho IkmIv wan re
leased The noose on the rop had i
t j it. t. a i .1
loosened, and the knot lieiug in front
i i . , . , V , t
slipped over the w retclies chin ami
. . i ,1 t. .i . , .
into liisjnotith. It was then tight-1
etied until his lower jaw was pulled
down upon his neck in a manner
which must have caused the victim
terrible suffering. Arriving ot the
bridge one rnd of the rope was run
"r an iron atringer, and Martin wae
vruug off. ilia bcidy, which by this
ttruo muitt have beou lifeless, was left
hanviDir. and with a few parting shots
ti mor. n-.nt that wcene No K.ttemr,t
haw been made to arret any member j
of the molv. It is thotight it was'
PotT,po.,l cf Mr fvillis' neighbora
M . m '
It w ,'! be to the intereat of farmer
tie amount of 10 to 15 cent, ou a I
ushel of wheat t" clean t of rre. .
IValers pay 10 to 15 cento a bushel I
less fir wheat that has rye in it.'
Now is the tiiUi.- to clean the rye out
r th w boat. '
The rain tiwt tfe-f an to tall on the 80th f
Hy Decoration Day crated ita oat poor
about balf past 2 o'clock on Saturday morn
ing Jnne st 1389, and prod urad a acne of
deatruction along ths 140 mile of the Jooi
ata Tallej tbat baa bad mo paralall aine tba
occapancr of tba valley by tha white man.
r'roui the many valley tbat ran oat from
the river drain came flood", bearing upon
their lrritble rapid correal!, tencea, oat.
bouae, and the toil of tUoaaanda of Held a
and poured them into the river which roae
to a bifht above all other Uoodi.
l'eople looked oa and ahoddered, before
their oarvoua aig ht paiaed en to destruction
the fruit of many year of induatrioaa la.
bor, and million of capital, bouaes, barn,
beraeatratUe, boga, chirkena, turkey, beda,
beddin;. bouaehold furniture, car and
cradle, auggeative of infancy and theluliby
of mother and aiater, and every immagio.
able thing that man iu bi civitlied atate
nikri nae of.
The exposure aad Barrow ear ape from
death would fl'l a book.
An agad couple come down tbe "Long
Narrowa" between I.ewiatown and Mirttin.
town oa the
Tor or a rie.
The atreaai roe rapidlv, but no one ex.
per tad tbe Hood.
Joahua A. KiJea aad hi wife, who had a
bouae a quarter of a mile from tbe Pike np
Jack' I'reek In M. til in county, ea Friday
night aboat 9 o'clock discovered tbat their
bouse was surrounded by water. The watdr
rapidly roae to the Hour of the honae, tbey
took their valuab!ca to the second nor
during the night, tbe water followed Ihe-n,
and a tbe night of horrer dragged ilaelt
along tbe water deepened around them,
reai bed their waiat, aad by and by the light
w-nt out, tbe building trembled, tbe water
rcactud to their chin, about tba time tbe
kitchen attachment broke awav. A door
way led from tbe Mcond story to tbe loft ol
the kitchen, the doorway was open and
Kiiien said to hia wife,
'while I reach nut and trv and get to the
tup oi the huuae."
Tbe aeed wife and mother encouraged
ber biMband with brave word a.
lie reached bia band to tbe roof, and obi
wLjt a thrill ol joy be rxperienced when hia
fingers grasped a cleat" he called it
tbat the carpenters had left on the roof j
when they pat a new roof on his bouse not
many montba ago. It was tbe hold be
needed, be drew himself up easily, tbe water
lilting bia body and then he reached down
ami toe, the band of hia wife dearer to
him then a thousand times than at any otber
tune in their long journey through life
and drew ber up on tbe roof.
Tbe house wsa then moving, and day was
breaking. Gradually they ftoatad down
ioto tbe awiftly running river.
VTbat coold tbey do t Ab, nothing
They could do nothiug.
Yes, tbey could call for help and rrsy and
in.l at intervals they called for help. They
belirvedthe run of the Lewistowa d.ni
would be their lst, but tbey patsed over it
Down tbey came between the mountains,
through the Long Narrow a, and as they
emerged into Juniata county, tbe building
was swirled into an eddy oa Uarry Starn
baugh'a farm abo it two miles north of this
One of Stambaagh'a son vnd a yenng
man named Price went ont In a boat to their
rescue. When R.den saw the boat ap
proaching he excla med, "motber,
i sending as a beat" and both be and Mrs.
Kiden ae'ieve the Lord sent the young men
in tbe beat in nwer to their prayer.
They were taken to Stambangh's honae.
n'' K-'ea immediately started tor this towa,
an,t hort time after her rescue Mrs. K'den
was compelled to Hee with Mr. Stambaugh'
family from the ri.inp water to a smalt house
oa a hill in Siambaugb'a peach orchard.
When tbey paasel the ni'road tower in
the Narrows, tbeir son Oeorge Ridea and
George Turbott heard their call. George
recognised bis parents on the house top,
and with hia companion mounted a hand
car snd came to Patterson, croaacd the
bridge to this side of the river and ran up
along the stream till they mettte wrecked
Tbe son's heart sank within him when he
aw that tbe bouae wa. .11 wreck and hi i
parents not ia it. He believed tbey bad I
been drowned, but great wa. bis jov when '
he learned . .hort time afterward that they
- ,
ware aaie.
A short time alter the old people were
taken Irom tbe building it waa csught by
th current and swung into tbe stream, and
there went to pieces.
was ever faithful," and accompanied them
in the ride sod cwain with them to tbe shore
to Stambaugh's p!ace.
They were tjken off the bnase about 7
o'clock on Saturday tuo-nirg.
wirum tux rorsiTT.
Within the limits of Juniata county the
Iota is appsilibsr.
Along all of the large creek Lost creek,
Licking creek, Tuscsrora creek, Cocoiamus
creek and their numerous tributaries from
there rprings to where tbey enter the river
tbe fenca are all gone
Such a clean sweep never took place be
f. re
IT A 1 s L k - a
iuu. o. acre. u... oeen srrippeo Ol .
""'ce soil, leaving rocks and stones and
. . ,
bard pan in many place as a arrinnina? !
. . ,1
mock ry to mans' boasted power to levy
tribute oa the soil and a tern hie reminder
tbat there is a higher power that esa throw
all things into a ch lotic state in the twinkle
of un eye.
Captain Degan, living near Oakland Mills,
bad the soil of sn oat Said swept entirely
away, leaving only a field of stone. Ill
Case is cited as an illustration of the lees of
oil from farm, tbat are well np toward th
toP. -01 B ib" 'p f bundreds of little
,r '" ,n 020 "alley of tb.s county,
How msny county bridge have been ear-
riel away ia not yet known. It is known
I that two have been swept from Lost creek.
Vlke briJge .od Cub. Mm d.m '
one ThonlpM,DtoWB. OBB toU to..
, , . . . , .
Many of the townshio brids-e are ona
The four bridgw across tha river in the
county are gore.
crtiEB ios; i.
Tbe Molsoa boose at Riverside Park
eung into the river on Saturday afternoon.
Tbe large warehouse oa the Mifflin aide
f tba rieer opposite Port Koyal, i cleaa
gone. Oiler' bonse joined tbe mas of
dwelling drift. Everjtbing about tbe houe
and barn of the Basbor farm over where tbe
above warehonae stood waa awnpt away.
At Mexico, only the roof of tbe stone
mill could be teen above the Hood.
Mr. Kloai' flaa bouse and Mr. Matter'
commodious dwelling honae were Oiled np
to tbe second floor with water. The Thomp
son warehoese was held down by grain In it
Porter Thompson's house waa surrounded
with water and Mrs. Thompson waa taken
oat a horse back. Tbe lock store house
ad louodery are among the missing.
Porter Thompson and family raased Sat.
arday night in a Held. The river backed
water around tbe bonse and bara of David
Sieher below Mexico.
The toll bora and warehouse at Tbomp
sontown with Ave boat loads of coal and
many thousand railroad ties went down with
the Hood.
Blacksmith Bergef living at Jerico dam,
had hi shop aad stable wpt away.
Mr. Shivery, wife of sheriff' Shivery, de
ceaaed , living near Oakland, found ber house
surrounded by water about 9 o'clock on Sat
urday n ght and Immediately prepared to
leave tbe building. Taking a light she start
ed with ber family to wade across the road
to higher ground. The light went oat. She
abouted for help. Oaymaa's came to her
rescue and saved her.
atirri. ibtow i YieixrrY.
People of tbe towa on Saturday morning
began to open their eyes to surrounding ob
jects tbat witnessed tbat a great rain had
fallen daring the preceedirg night.
Tbe rivnlet south of town waa iwolea to
tbe site of a Urge creek. Tbe eoonty bridge
at the south end ot Mia street wa off it
abutment and lay not far from ilaiaei'
creamery which wis Hooded out of working
The towa bridge at the end of aoutb
Main atreet wa miaaing, and all travel south
ward was cut off. Travel nortbwarJ was cut
off by tbe river rising onto the pike between
town and tbe first lock.
The embankment of the Selinagrove and
North Branch defunct railroad wa washed
away, and in atones of one of the abut
ments was depositel on the gardens of
Sheriff Londca and Johnny MeNulty.
At balf past 9 o'clock oa Saturday mora,
lag tbe river bridge went, and from tbat time
on to Eve o'clock the water rose.
AtontS o'clock r. a.. John Tyson's bouae
at the first lock north of t.iwn slid from its
loundati n and floated away with a'l its
contents, just li hxura'before at 2 o'clock in
he morning Tyson niovad his family out,
but believing the water won Id every moment
bring a bait in the rising stream. Ileury
Penny moved out about tbe time Tyson
moved. Penny's house stood the storm
with the w ater within a few feet ot tbe rool.
Louis Reynold's bouse ia the vicinity was
went off the fo 3d at ion but ht bad cabled
it, and it did not get away, his stable and
slaughter bouae he cubied and tbey were
saved, but vera washed on tbe pike. David
Kautfuian'a bou near by was Hooded, but
stocd tbe storm. So with the houses along
the river a.i far up stream as to Miner town.
The moat of thetu were Hooded. The Net.
son X. Manbeck warehouses were Hooded
above the first floor. The gitter along north
street hy the Academy the Presbyterian
brick church at the north end of Miin
street waa trn out te tbe depth of 4 feet.
Only a small spot oa the Island north of
the buildings wa visible.
Ahram llackonberger who farms the Is
land left the bouse with hi? family and with
his horses ami cattle, and took refugs on
the barn floor. Wilbur McCahan brought
flacktnbergsr and family in a skiff to th;s
shore about 5 o'clock P. M.
i rarrxarox.
Tbe flood did great damage to the bo like
ot JetTareon Mover, and swept it and tbe
house ot John Monicben Alonso Faaick
and Wilae Cramer away- Every bouse tbat
stands on the Hat is damasrod. Water waiat
deep ran a strong current along the railroad
and if it had not been for the railroad shop
snd car on the track it is probable the d am .
agewonld have been greater lor i:U them
in ttie way thecurrunt was not so strung.
The business houses were sll located on
the flat, fireat damage was done to them
and soma of the proprietors of stores workvd
to get their goods on the top shelve. wb n
the water was up to their waists.
Tbe drift in the streets, the mud in tbe
bouses beggar description. Many ot the
cit rena wept over tbeir losa.
Jefferson Mover aad Alonaa Fasick were
away from borne when tbeir bouses swept
Brother Allison went to Patterson on Sun.
day to see what id to b-een, aodpfter sup
plying hi note book with rare notes and hi
he1 "i,h ;b'c,1n"' presented to the
tnhte th He"ld' ,n" Pa- Pper on
Emr!h' h n h" nt"n ,riP in
mi,h Edr Charlie Anker and
IT D .4 ,1. p .
U"""T " .rerjiun,g
went awimmingly a'ong till tbey came to
this side of the Island where tbe current
forced :beru against a tree. The boat np
Kt. AUion' three companion caught
bold of tbe ree, but tbe editor drop't over
tbe atern and went to the bottom like a
tone, came tojthe mrfaee of the water like
a cork and aw am like a feather for the Is
land shore.
In tbe swim be struck a fence and a it is
characteristic of him to atraddle feacea till
be 1 taken eft oa tbe aide tbat suits bias
be made a most admirable straddle of
tbe auhmerged one and held on like grim
death tor help. Dr. 5ando threw oft
hi coat and sprang into a boat and rowed
across from this side aad backed the
stern of the boat till be grasped it and
j tben floated him ashore and reloaded
him and landed him safely on this side of
the river. We congrstu'ste Brother Alii
, hi, e9cp, ,rom - w,,Brv
im "I
n.. .k
ggeet tbat tbe next time be goes out to
tbat be hang his clothes onahickory
but don't go near the water, and if it ia
boating vou sre alter William come up o
tbe hill and we'll loan you
a dry 10 acre
Held to practice in.
Iutormatiou'ot the Hood from abrosd is
as startling as home experience. The river
bridges at Lewistown are gone ; tbe fine
bouse and barns on the Burns farms
a e gone ; tbe furnace is gone ; all tbe
bouses on this side of the creek excepting
three a-a swept away or are moved from
tbeir fonndatlon. The electric light plant
ia washed out. It will take weeks to open
communication by railroad with Altoona.
Most of the bouse at Newport between tbe
river and tbe railroad are destroyed. At
Jonestown amona county, the basin tbat
WM form,Kl lo "PPly the state cana! of
, days gone by with water broke en Friday
j nigltt aad Hooded tbe lowUnd and drown
. e4 ne tbousend people and swept the
famous Cambria Iron Works that cost Ave
million dollar out of existence.
Tbe later from Jobnatowa reports that a
ware of water 40 feet from pa broken (dam
100 feet deep, S mile long, and a mite wide
annihilated all ef Johnstown that was built
on the flat. Five fo ten thousand people
were carried away with their bonse with tbe
ruohiDg torrent. No tongue can tell and no
pen describe the' horrors of tbe scene.
Great masse of broken houses inter.ming-
ted with bundreds of human beings were
shoved on a great stone bridge 40 fuet
above low water mark. By some means tt o
accumtoulatton on the bridge took Are. To
deiilasuch a sight is sickeoing.
Two fiends who were caught robbngttbe
dead were lynched.
Tbe Iowa is under martial law. John
town wa a town of of 80 (MM I inhabitant.
Many bridges in Cumberland Valley were
wept away. The Granger's pic.ntc ground
at VV iliiams Grove lo.t 8 bui dings.
Th Su-qnebann Valley was ewept lll.e
the Juniata Valley, it will be days and
weeks before particulars are obtained.
Tbe Potomac at Wasbwgton, D. C, did
great damage.
Tbe flood was Hve feet higher than in
ia 1H47.
The water waa on the porches of houses
alot.g south Msin street, and up to tbe
front door of the Elder honae.
The people are without bridge as tbe
earty settlers wire.
Tbe loss of tbe creamery is very much
O. K. McClelland, Soperiatendent"of tbe
Middle Division of the Pennsylvania rail
road came from Uarriaburg aad established
hi bead-qnarter at Tuscarora station. On
Monday be took '2 train load of lumber and
men to commence tbe rebuilding of bridge
between Lewistown and A'.toona.
Tbe young men who were npset with
Mr. Alison were safe I v gotton out.
A cumber of fouudstion wall f beusri,
ia Patterson are dmoged.
A loot boat ferry was established and
connection made with the railroad side of
tbe river early Sunday morning.
Kelly McNeal and Homer Bender cross-
edihe river te Patterson and Jback ,on Sat
nrday evening when tbe stream waa at its
height. Tbey came up water street and
landed on Bridge aireeijon tbe crossing be
tween Harley's store, and Scbott's dwelling
Tbe cisterns and .wejls in Paitsrsnn i
filled with mud.
George WiUon and Washington North
worejnearly overcome by tbe 'current ,on
Main street Patterson when leaving tbeir
Mrrchaut in Pttt-rca worked in Jstcr
up to their arm pits and were kept busy
placing tbeir good on higher shelves out of
the reach of be rising'water.
Clothing merchant Steayer remained in
his bouse and store.
The loss of fences in the Juniata Valley
amounts to many hundred thouoand dollars.
Tbe aggtegatetlots will amount to mil-
lien h.
Monster sized drift piles are on the North
farm and E. D. Parker f-iria on this ante of
the river from which all day Sunday pr:i
were grnbbing all kinds of goods- si any
keg ot powder were tsken out; barrels of
coal oil, boxes of atom goods At?.
Many hundred people viaited tbe drift piles
south of towa oa Monday, some to see others
to search for what may be found. There i
all tile of e 'erytbing in the nrii ts.
By the act of 18Sf the penalty cf
starting forest tires is a fine not more
than $500 and impris nutuont not
less than one month, nor more than
one year. One-half of the fine to go
tt the informer. By the act of LSTu
it is the duty of the commissioners
to appoint erwons t'i ferret out
parties burning tiiabcr laad.s and to
take measures to have such fires ex
tinguished where it can Ik- done, the
ejeiiBe to come out of the ountv
treasury: the unseated tas to be first
applied to that purpose. Bv the
above synopsis of the law against
tiring woods, it will be se;u that the
farmers and others who set lire to
old rubbish in fields at this time of
year, should exercise great caution
or they will make themselves ameu
able to the law, and be subject to
trouble and cost which would largely
outweigh tho Wnefit of burning such
rubbish. Those having land to lie
cleared off should under no circum
stance attempt to burn fallows in the
spring lie fore the trees are in full
A youth entered F. P. Kelly's st ire
at Kuffsdale with a tied up turkey,
which he laid upon the floor. A dog
came in next minute, whereat the
beared turkey snapjxnl it bandages,
doppt-d among ipieensware, broke .1
worth, and then sought exit through
a plate glass window. The question
of cmts is still au open one.
Lltrhtnlair Struck the Preacher.
ii'.rsD fob i.rnc
Dasti.ij IU., May Rev. J. C.
My rs if State Line, Ind., on repjest
of Rev. Mr. Steele, of New LiW-rty
Christian Church, Fountain count v,
Ind., filled the pulpit "f that church.
During the evening service a Kiriab
cloud waa noticed to ovcroast tLe skv,
and immediatlv afterwards a blink
ing Ixilt of lightning descended,
struck and destroyed the church
chimney, following tdong the stovi
pipes around the room, crushed the
two stoves into fragments and, tor
up the floor- After leaving the chim
ney a portion of the lolt ran down
the chandelier over the pulpit strik
ing Mr. Myers in the back of the
bead. He turned a somersault, fell
heavily to the floor and was thought
to be dead. He lay in an unco-j-acious
position for more than half an
hour. Several members of the con
gregation were shocked to insensi
bility, but soon recovered. On the
back of Mr. Myer's head where tbe
lightning struck him is a bruised
place alxiut the size of a silver dollar.
HiR foce apiear8 burned and Lis
bight is nearly destroyed. He w.ts
brought to this city for treatment,
and the oculist Dr. Poland, fears that
the loss of vision will be permanent.
Run Down By Bloodhounds.
This town was greatly excited on
receipt of the news that R, L. May,
Sheriff of this county, had been kiil
ed by some outlaws he was try to
arrest, near Howe Station, eight
miles south of here ; that the outlaws
were surrouiided and Lelp was need
ed. A special train was secured.
The (travson RiSieB and alargepoane
f citizens trot aboard and went to
v i m
an follows
A difncultr occurreit at
Howe between Btm Isora and J. M.
Culver, in which Isoni tried to
shoot Culver. An attempt was
made to arrest Lsom, but he and
a younger brother escaped, to a
thicket near town and Bout word to
Culver that they would kill him.
Sheriff May being notified, weut
thpre this morning to arrest them.
The lsom boys have relatives in
Howe, olio of whom carried them
were located in a thicket aud May and :
2 deputies were cautiousjv approacn-
,1, i, .. !., 41,
in"' their rendezvous. nt n neat tlie
centre of the woods Jlay came UKn
the buvs, distant about 12 paces, and
called u'v.n thi-lil to surrender.
!.. M,,,- lMii.MI
1 ' i ' ' . . ' ' -
Mav then tired two shots with his
pistol, neither r which took effect
Then both the lsom lys fired, the
shot from Iv-n's Winchester striking
Mav in tho groin, cutting a main
artery, ami killing lum almost in-,
atautly. As this was within half a !
mile of Howe, a large party were j
soon in pursuit, and succeeded in j
calchiug young Lsom, but lien, who
fired the fatal shot, escaped. lave
Hanuot and a Man named Ivhls,
both relatives of Ist m's, were also ar
rested. AVheU the Sliutuau
1 -
1....1 If t. 1 T. ,11.. ..,...!
a... i.... ,, ...j..
on the ground, and the woods and
liraine full of pursuers anxious to
enntiiiM the liiuid.n r of i!ie iHiimliir
. ii .... i . i
li.i1i I li m u 1 u ii in I s w i-ru Clll .'.t
, i . , i . .i ...
irom ranuiii, ami pi.ice.i on uieiia.i.
The ls..m Ih-vk i'.ro from Kentucky,)
and are under indictment there for
some crime. They have only 1-,-en j
at Howe a wt-ek. nnd Lave shown all!
the characteristics of do; rate nun.
T 1 si 1
new llicln-slcvs 111 h.n rman, alll
said t'n-v expec'.ed to liced them s-.ion.
At 3" o'clock the bloodhounds
r. .ched the sc. of the murder, and
in a few mi-r.te, thev struck the
trail Kii.l followed it nicely. Thirty
minutes after the fugitive. Bell Is.HU,
male his a-..pe:u-ance iu an open
cornfield, threw down his
HUIien i. r..-.t. lie was r, ;i mil a mile
rlit'.f where hi- committed
in. r. Ou !; : urr-.'iKt
S'.. rill' Cam "T:iitvsidt-s
alt :sipted lo kill Iti.u. but h: was
- i
disarnn d by oth r cilic-t rr-. Th lo
was fear of a lynching, and his am st
win kept (jnicl fr.-iu the poop'.? of
Slicrm.iii, and it v :is only known n :
few minutes hi f.,iv the arrival of ti.e
K-i.- st the depot. The tiraysou.
ICi'h.'s. thirty -five stro:i;j, Lad h::u in
chari: and placed him safely i:i jail. '
' 6 ISA? kUZ:ZK3
CaqQBsd nd pro
onacM xhf bv-t fur lt-h.
StDMiff Hire Meat,
8 r p f t , t 'rvK iz-,
Hunbitf ftek. r- . Ac
prsiiMitl,csttrt'.rt iz.yt.
AMERICAN ff r'ti CO.,
B4 A TMiuntca At.,
us i a i w;. s -a
Iil-T Mil.
$:sota t:::o.
m rartrl.l . sss. - k V U. 'mi
i-tiai a CciA Ca.. 1. list Dt IT.T. '
FeLKylTaa! tgrisaltBisl V7atU, Tori, r.
k&raaaax" btaaosrd tsfiars aad saw Kills.
Addres A. S. PStiCfilB 60.N. Sorx, t.
8vccecs-ul Treaimint cf Dibcasa
.Vill i:Oir.I llie ( aax- at nil ll..-m4 .
.ii:c'Hki: hli I i ii
kllla.kj. , l.k
'TTtJ SacseafuljreataieBt.
ri'-VY'fr 1 ueiarrn.
r. Bronchitis.
-"3C-is WotftlwfrtI TnttSi- ji'cl
fslfd I MillitT.
WinpfDn jti o Q --tnail 7LrirAri hst
ar )4i tileMl in s-lumitiat 1 -T & rut.irt . . r-r?. tTmd
tn-rm '1 " known W caautb iit ft
ciir'ul eu pnwr m cunnr - v iz r Ttirje truat rurn
m iiti i . but -tV rlfin thit r iil cttrt n raaet
h -. ITj- Isaf an vt mr laae tulf co. t'vi'm
with lrrpi-tiu, s-sit nd lbiitTnt4l. will tend It U. .
r4 ItM.K-. llwrr '" !WH:li ami it. prt w-iUarb tb
wh Lr f.r :- ruh .nru-.tl-I- cir..nir '1
V'r- Ar rr e-nn- am mimm of di-j a Tl
m Ii instUU r ill k Jl 1h frmt an 1 t tbe iaiLr titu
rjr i!i isiTtnt tm thw n" t'i ust
S 1-1 ?!? in a cHva t-tiv j;i. l"r! !X tH,
ai --i- t'. 1m j- -tt ri'sntti. 4'bJl-: Trthtn i itm
fftfauk ft Piiri it I J v -i's-nx.'r in
chars-. f ,n--M S-nd f-n-rirrni.it' n1 iTif'jrriiat Hn.
Wf Cir'c 'l-ria I 5r J"1 rr
'luiAiatttio 4 .ily vrarticjU
ma. hln-ft-rUiituu I'iater,
i'&ri Grpcn, Ac upon ro
tto tiu. t destroy tlie
Utile, bead for Illustrated
Saniurl W. llAwley
Me; i a, lelaw-Mr Co., fa.
fle Air-nt lor l'nitt -1 Stat
not kC'pp thenu mmd l.Jo msfi I will lilp one to
jour eatpros ouico. jfc.jspei.HsMi prcpauiu.
Toa cat-ut vricaa was introduced m ,r.wot
arm try Maaon it llamlia In lol. oth.-r makses
(ullowsd m tna manatartore of these untrnmenta.
ssit tbs Msaea A Hasulin Onrans have alvrsrs maia
lained taau- acpr-mai y as ine beat In tho w.-rkl
HasoB Itanuio oCer, aa derooi.stratir.n of tha
oosaiisJe4 axeaUeoce rf their ctbis. tbe faet that
at all of the great nrld s Kxhibu-ons, since that of
Irsled eaiAjopisa 92 Z TO :);. tree.
atasoo Hamlin do not bentaie tn m-.ke the sr
traoniiaary claim for tbeir ,:ano, ht the are
superior to sll therm. Tbey rectvnlze Ui hieh
xccUaoea achieved brother leau:i. riake ie tin
an of Mane, baudme. but su.l claim ii- ,rtT.
Thia they abrlbuu solely to tin nn:arku:e im
provemaot Introduced b Usm In the yew Ji-2,
and sow tawvi uilw "V.mv ft H.sus Pia-o
PTma",tVt,,ni X aMlftft'heuseofntuca
slbtsiniyandp IIJ lll A--':,,, men of
toaa. tosuierl 1)11 I VU.rk rwr b
'saaad caoaet- 01i" ZTZIZ27. tj tt siaimIcuz
s ton and other uu4rtant adranraires.
A cireular, eontamiiur tastunonlsiS from three
aondrad purchasers, ouusiclan. and tuners, sent,
togcincr m lib daarnpu ve eata.ogne, to any apj.licacu
Pianos and Oreana sold for cash or easy pay
assots; a. so renuM.
- -----
! tl iC.y..
The .erkc.ra ot ilelaaan: Innml ip havi-
iwo chi'.lren which they wNhto bind ru t,
the tw. i S utr o'd, ihe sriri ia II years
o'd. it v erti sin irt and bright IrtKina:
ehiWir-". Km inrtoer ptrticulars evil on or
add sn J I;. MnseT, Tbonipsontowu , or
Arno'd Varnei, Kst-t Salem, J uniata Co., Fa.
STiy if, fi-0. 4t.
MOI ETIII.C. M.U undi r the sun
whuhkHB sol, nioi. ner h. ard ot a
("I.OTItF.S LINK that nquirra u Cijtscs
I'lSis. Every t.ouse-k. . per. laundress ud
More-keeper wsnls it. Sample sent by
tn1l, 0 feet lor 2Sets.. 12 t.er for ifcts.
Unt Clot A EATS MjtXTfV for th,$
(V,sv. iddrrw .VORTOX R BOD st '
C-. !anutctu-ers Ae--n ts, Philadelphia
fa., (Lock Box Wit.)
Ta-' ' i Li
rr -
Ettatt ofS.S. GRAY BILL of MoTot Tvp.
Notice is hereby given that the fina' ac
count of J. (. l,ra bill of Kichtleld, Mon
roe Twp., hits been tiled in the Proihono.
larv Office of Juniata Co., and the same
will l presented for cotittrnwtion and al
low auce to tl.e Court of Common Pleas ol
said county, on Tuesday, tbe lith of Judo
A It , lbb9, when and where all person
interested may attend if they think proper
Thio. 11. MlaUSSIB.
Prothonotar 's Office, i
MifHintown, Fa., May sth, 1HS9. .
I Notice is hereby given tbat the First and
! . , -. .. . .
psriial account ot John Molaer (of v alker
,uAI)Bb;r ) Cemmittee of Ermina Brandt a
'lunatic bus eeen filed in the Prothoaotary's
I Office ot Juniata county and tbe same will
le ptesented lor contiriuatioii and .allow
i . . ,U . ... . t' I 1I . .. . J
i siit.e iu mr t'liui i vi v.ujii iii'in . 1 1 n i i nm
, couoiy, on Tuesday the 1 1th day of June
A. !.. Ib9. When snd where all persons
irtereted may attend it they thiuk proer.
Tuxo. H. Mehiviiib,
Protbonotari 's Otlice. J
Mifiiiutowu, Pa.," May , 18?9.
1 3 ii )T IKN OTA RY'S N OTIC K.
I Ettatt of JOHS LAIRD Ttucarora Ttrp.
s,-otice is hereby Riven tbat the first and j
! final account d Jbu k. Jehkins, i".ui.
tv deed ii Voluutary AftHiftnmi'nt ol
' 1-airo ol 1 ucr.ra lap., u i seen tllei m i
I .1. - t .1 -Oi ...... .. . ... 1
" a ro.i...u.... "u.... ... .........
j hB ,,,. t,v j,rrfc, llle(l tor cIltirI1). j
; atjl)0 nd HuKac to tbe Court of Com i
! mon Pleas ot said county, on Tuesday
1 rosy attend ,
be 1 1 th day ol Jure, A 1
I Hi:d where all perssns it.terested
I 1
'f e) ' fhiiik proiier
Tmeo. 11. Memin.;e.
Predion. itsry ' Ofli e, J
Miitimtow n. Pa., May sih, s89. J
' A Wi'r!MKNT T"B Cr.NSTITU- ,
C.mnionwe.lth by lUe General Aemt.lv of
me Coruinonw-ealih of 1'eiini.ylvanii, for
j iheir approval or reicii..n at a fpcul
eiecuou to be eld Junei. is- p,;M, - h -
' "" -'r' 7
J.-int r -p-.lution prr p.. sire ai anieniiment
' Ihe Ceus.iti.tion d thisConiinonw-jlth :
wti.j i. Hr,,vu,y ,nve
! '
i:ot.w.-!th ot Pe,.vlvam. in Ijei.eiai A
,ewUlv met. That ttie fr.liowinc amend
nt-nt i pr.poe.ei t the OfiWitmion of the
r njiuiuiu.rni ... ie..u-, ,i, in accoru
f . - I. a" !... i. . : A
! slice with Ihe Kithtientb Ar
rticle thereof :
Tn.'le m.ji. . c
l-aitl 1 !. l i t tM : ol
a.i iii.iTiil :i
d j-iiri. .it cl ;
M.. f..!l..w:
1 !i!' ii'.n u!ii;ture, kiI.-, or kufpiriit
u f ! ii-t.'X .c;it!p lirii r. to tie u-.ed sn a
l-.' . . r.ijre. I; ht-r-lv n.t ll.nro, and any
vi..:d'ion el Ill's r. hibiti.m t-iiall be a
ininii i.;e:it.''r, 'iiiiiliiblt' as hi1! hi pror.
Cvd I y law.
Ti t ii. un:!iic:ure, ale, or keeping for
.-a t. ft ii. to :c-t1 it. e; It.pior lor oilier jiur
1 os.-t :biii an tt btv.-e may r... all. .wed iu
pud: nmlili.T otilv a irav be irrpfl
1 ho (jeueiiil .lelllb!y !-hll. at
tl'et MM,ti ruvceeoipir t adoi.tion et ibis
aitirlcol lue C"u,ittiini., naci laws nilti
silc ijiiate jiinlti. s lor its enl. rcement.
t-tiTc-taiy oi ti e i c.iji iioue..iib.
2 Ti'N propiif-d to Ihe clti. -nj ..I n,is
VE.snviEST j TiiK co.Ns i iTU
tl ttff CjH'Iu:ji:wi-j1i h 1 PmiU Iv,init lor
i!Oii to June H. l'uti i-iu-4
hi utd-r ol ti.f Scrttry t tht; C-mii n m
rlih. in j urn Mntc -. Art c-ie AVIil ol
tli i ! i n :
Joint tt-f..iu'i'ti pr .)- in at nuT'd
l: t.t ft, il.r Cf'tlhtlUll lHj of lb coimiii'li-
v 1 L :
rrTii. 1- fit it rrso'cfl by th Senate
and Home of hrpresetttatim of the (m
mvnwealth of I'cansyirama in Hencrat .rft
t mriy met i rut i itiit,. luti la prop"fd
,iti .iti.-i tnifii! i ttif c't.'sj it'll :mi i-l tlje
tl. -I'Otl A'l U O. P Kliii;1.;!i in .( t -1
4rt- Uti - i' r 'Mnii- ol tii-; i-iliu. i.'.h
Kr! ic I Lti ol :
Si i ik r out Ir;tn ktc!in:i i ii f aritcltf
ipM, tour i'is..ilt:ali n- i r vifers
w lti i. f M'li ; , .ws :
Jr iwrii.'.-'wn yfr f az nr iijia irj,
) MtW hti- iui w i.hifi tmi y-jrn, h hi ale
orcotitiiv t x. Aiich ;tji.f. tiai'.- bi-n hh-
pitjt-"i at J.-uist it tnoliths, aud Jrlji at
i :-.t.l !!' ini:lh tn'tor-j ib'j 1T t MlU,' en
. it mT tti- ih ti w liicti rra'is i iilu i :
i Kvt-ry malt ciisi-ii, t -tit -oo ycArs ol
; are, iifc t ltiIoii p qu-;ilii..rTon.f
I UnH L niiil-4l io MtK at all itcti-ii :
! f imt. lit ta.I fi4o C ; it a mitcii ol
itir I'Mt(t Sttt at If lut ftftc iDiililfl.
t Srcou i. li5 ih(l h' rf1--d m the
! riNif ot jt:ir (-r it , iiHf p e lotm! '
; t- ti h qtialititM, u-'tir or u-ttivn born c:ti
i; ii . Ii- Ntisite, l.e t-tjali liavt- reinnvt-d
I iii-i.-.r jni aiiM rt'rnri, tin-n bix liionfl.s)
, HUM.' d i4tly rprodin tlm t-U etion
' h:rl. tr sh-tll lidVt rtiil''i ir ibe e .ec-
Tlari diairict iii rt; he nball i lfrr to vot at
! iraM 1ao nioi.U's iiiJiiiliatrlr prtcfl iUg
I tb eit-cituu.
Fourth. Il iwiT.tT-lwu year- of ape or up- '
Hrdi. he r-li;l htiTc paid. ithin t reaid,
; a ftiatf orcoantj tax. wbirh ImiI (ihu ;
; bi-eu aMrbN(.d a Jtgft to inr-ntha and pjirj '
t t-aht one Diot.ih betoie the eiidun,",
Mta.t t muru:!, o to raad as follow : I
fcvt-ty iii iitf cinztu iWfMy ot-e earn of '
-pe, jrMcMiip tbe I -1iih lujt; qi ti'icatiMi-, j
-liii be t-utit.cd lo v.irt at the polling place I
of llir eii'C'.loii dlrvtlifl (tj H'l.K'tl Ml 11 ..t
t'.f time bf a rt-fidrrit nnd nut elNe-Atit-r- : '
Kirif Mi Mia 1 1 fj ve ben a ciuz tt o!
toe I'tnred Sttrs mi rt ;b:rt v ittr. t
r,--rot.d !l f-hill hav) raided in tlie
tat one ar i!, b t.g pr-r.ou.y ,
t) a qUitllh' d e!t cttr or n :tl e b 'ru c l ti- j
Z'Tl o! lltctMarc, be Mrd! 1-aT- l- liived
. ibrlron. and rtl urn-it, ft. u ix tuonitiH,) ;
! ini iik-ok.u I) j.ru-.'iMirf tbe b c u.a. j
! il.ird. lie hhall hare rrsirtfd ia ihe dec- '
t;i'U iMt:ci ML r-i he M m i ii. r to totn at ;
U ufil iiiuty -I j n :,iu it -4e.. pr-ce lmn the
f nlum. J be 'f-rifc a i fjri-, it ! aentiion
tritreol to xt alii-r lti a-loptiou . i .bin hrc- !
j lion, fball, an-t lio.t time to time t.HTuat
; ter uia , r-uar l ! iwo to properly enlorne '
j tblM roT.MOfl- .
fourth. Evrry male citizeo ofthi aire ot
i -rii;-our je.ir, uo mntl have leen
I riiizeii lor tbirty days and at. inhabitant of I
this state one year, next ureeedins- an elee-
i lion, except at municipal electiun-.. and
tlitr Utt tlnrty d.iys a remdent ot tha elec-
lion difiricl in wtiich he may otter bis vote,
thall be emiiltd to vote at snrh sn eltrtion
in ti e election dinirici ol winch he shall at !
; the lin e I, a rennent and net els. where j
I tor all oftii-ers that notv art r:r here.ilter
j nay l.e . l-cted hy the people: I'lcridtd,
Tbat in time ot war no elector in the a.-n l ,
. militury r ice ol ti e State or ot the j
', Luilid Stater, ill the army or navy thereof, !
' shall be deprii ed ol li: vote by reason ot
; ni aoence irom such election dn-tnet, ai d
the l.-ftiMiaiure sh ill nave p-.wer to t rovide
the maimer in which ant tbe time and place
and tor ihe relurn and canvass of ,1
vote in ttie election di-trict in which thev
respecituiiy reM.le.
i rll'L. For ttie t nriKtse ot volins-. no tr-
' sou shall tie Ceerued to have csined or lo.t
i a reaiaence by rearon ol bis Dresence or ah.
aeifcv wl.ne einolol. d in the service of tlie
Ijniled stales or the State, nor wbileengafrui
in the navigation ol the waters ot the Siaie or
oi ite ii Hi li seas, nor while a student ot anv
college .ir M-minniy ot l-'iiiri. nor while
kept al suy s ni-house or public inetitntion,
except the innia.es of any home tor dl-
ab.ed ami ludiiient solaiers ai d sailors, who,
lor tbe pu; pose ol voting, shall be deemed
to reside in tbe election dist.ir.t where said
heme is located. LWs shall l uisde tor
aceriiiiini, hy proper proofs, the citizens
who fhsll he ei.l.lkd to thn rigct ol suf-
liae .erel. eiLlnlied.
A tin.-ropy tn thejo.nt r solution.
Fecn-iary ol the Con.iuonw.alih.
aasaafcsaaaaaxs. AV. STATT.Nm Tn,t r-it
Spring fe Summer
Tlie ( hampion f lefliler
aaai uru sruiu me I.UMrrn ( II
Will mt.ke friends. cult-Line i-IthIb, win vie tori s. ttt '
and Gent's furnishing goods. Firtt Chips, con:biuing Siti U, t n i.iiT fcB(j
Elegance, w ith prices that will astonish you. No sale is exi' .
1 salsa
I prove this.
But I ask your patronage only when I give complete fa' -section My
u j.i.iv x , vauco, i ercaie ana
Ciiffs.TrnnkB nnd Satchels, is full
--1 1
lis i'att.ii:ksol.
Jun 1, 16.
Vc Firm.
o Tl I V' ( . O I T ' J f f( IW
O i IlliiUuoL1 .'l.U t'.i MuUllo"
i Xo moro w intpr for months
morC W illter months
i t0 Com' Pr,nS nnmv.V
are here, ail'l tO t'Onlorm to the
' , , ,
umnj;e, tue muur uieniuvi ui
- "Ift ill'ta hftS JUt retlimOfl lTOm
- : f.. i,.i... ...l i. ....
. .l .
- lected wita ureat care tne iroone
that hiri many patrons favor.
We have now filled our
r-Lelves with .frnisit and Summer
( 'loods of all kmd.4. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
tllbrts to givj them iroods to
pint their nurnoees. nd wo
, tie ovii-:i; iii.iL me neiier pre-
t,..i-otl tbim v.r ti. muwt tl..oe
. , ...
COnlldenCO. We IllVlte OU tO
come und ,-ee and ho Kitined.
1 In our dre?s goods department
- We have ulinot-t everi'tani;.
un't be backnitrd, cull
what vou wiiiit.
si m wm
ltif)f'S 4111(1 S3 (PatS.
Our Boot anJ
nartment is full in
uient. iuid you certainly can
rtnteti in lit, iu;ilitv ami price.
, . - " ,
hatevcr iinproveineiit.H have
been adiiel by the manufacturer
we Lave them all. We can
supply ou with loot wear for
any in or out door f-er ice. Our
pocerv Department never 1 in.
W e haeon hand a lull line oi
Freh, l'lain and Fancy
Also, the only luJI line
in the county. .bvery houne
niurd have its lull cujiiily ol
Queen miti CJla.sware, this is
the t'tore to chII on lor such ar
ticles. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Kerne tuber the pla.-e,
Mais JStrlet, Oi pohite Cduiit Horsi,
M ililiutowii, Ih.,
Fr-rk i:?ii:CAtA mi
tV oii.
' Sprii-g and Summer Goods.
i I wonld iitl'.rin tlio j.ulmc tbat I have
i now in tn) uuw ntiUiuery sicre at my piace
j uf residence on Water street, Miffiintown,
' second door from corner of Bridge street,
a ti:ll Ktock, of Sjru gsnd Siiiniiier tr.il'iitu-rj
; poods, all new, and of the latent s'yl"B
! and bavit.g employed first clas milliners
'lam prejared to supply the julilic with
J ever thing found in a firt.te.last. mi:!i!ier
j store, co'ue a.ud esamine try sirfe. I
consider it no Ironble to st-ow goods.
MRS. lii.IU L.
Wsrch 22-P7.1.V.
l..r!' - w - w - r-i fT " t tt ii
! VJ 1 JLiO Ul JLiO 1 VXjLiO
of PilULui Pa., make
t f uiBnufacturinp for the Dcmtnic
trade the Finest Brands of IlluruiDt.t-
ds o
; T g and LubnoatlBfJ
i Htid Gafsoline, tbat can be mAde from
j .
We challe:Tii- comparison with
every known l'rclact of l'ctrolecm.
If 3 0a wit.h the most
; 8 " Onrs, trade for Mifliintown anil
; vicinity Supiilir-d by
1 J 11 J
; .Tannary 2ul,-89ly.
All imiortant lr-al news sre piibiith-o
in the columns r' tte ScartssL . Hrrrs
ICA ; also Important a-one-xl new. sn i
Wrie and varied amount nl litvraiy matter
ol Juniata f ount) h
ICS) vTllil U t tn1ei fill
:ts f
' its
niie renins, rsecu wear,
rind c: nij hte. Ci'l n 1 1 -1 -(
T 1 M K - T A it
On end after .St i ruin y Vir
trains tJiat i!uf at M rt;in n ;;fr
f.A? WAKD.
AtTWTI tt"!
dsi'r st o ?A s.
0TiAl I I
t .. 'i r
' i'- A t.flL
r m,
"I I'ljtcli st
7.1 . .,
v 1 S.DU t.
V "r, r?1"n .' ' - M
7,11 s. m.. N.-wt .n H iT' i
in., v
in-, v,
V..rt Hot?'
T ur?;r'ri
' a. in.. "
M s
i i;i-Tv.i -r.'iw ii -J a. : i
m., M i'Vi h'.'wn y in
m.. srrtvirc t li.irr.sl.ti
end nt 'bii'ie.iiii.i, 1.2"
2 a
a ' rt,-.isf
at 7,'S . ni., aril hfnj ; '
b'sTiins liol ieii .'.ii.-i.na a..
r'a. litis Mirilin at l.o"' ii.
ll.iri p. V.., ,:. t ari!. . it, I
a-i p. in.
Vail Traih li-svea f'.n
s. ui , A ;i"..r it ,! y
J.injf it nil luci'.inr n;at:-i.iK ...
it -i cK j . rv.. llar-i.l.iirff 7."
at" pt.ii I '!,"' j.. m.
ili.lv st
r.1 :.
tt VuL'is
j. in.. ! UI.
Mai) F-itfrc'S ieivi-s ri'(
Altof.r.u 'Z j in ; T rcri
mpdon 7 .'i7 iu ; Kt-w i.to
lilt J !' p ii, ; I! irrihbi.rg 1
ir' at 1 f '1j si.
I m , HaiaS
' 1- r !
' i ,r I Fins-
-' r.t VlJX
at 1 i i i . in., when lii.(ar'i
Vat Ltsr. l.6vri rhudt-lpbia djin at
11 Ml a in ITarrinbnrir A 4(1 n t.. Uif'.
lor 6,r pm; Lcwimoh 5 p m, a .tu
r IV p m ; nrr-Tf a: 1 ittpl urf at 1 1 -b put.
Way fArritR lrarei FLiiiiUlti
dai'T t i Hf a. m.; FI:r: inbiiry, ? I& a. a
r.m,MM0n: b hi - n.; Newport,- ..J
tliir.rst..un. y l.i a. rn.; 1 ftoii ::ti..
9 hi a. m.; Vai l. te. In (Ml a. iu : 1 isi..aj
irs, 10 (( a. in ; Mcji.-o, 10 o; s. m ; m
- Koyal. 10 13 s. n..; Mitfiju, III in a. aA
be , ! rWiWI, u, 4.; .. ,-vf.i... ml
"-"; Nton iiam.itf.n. 11 n. H ii
tiii.-J.tn, IS !J I. tn.; Tvrnii.', 1 nT ... m,
A.t.n. i 4 m.. m m-.,-. t a'i r.-i-ikw
-,,,,, :r.i.!.i:rC an i . .t
fitim ?nr imm I'l.i:,.!,..
:y ai t -mi i. r.i.( run iwi.nrp-. i'i -j'i j..
"'l(.ir(tt l-rk XI ,ir ci-ilie, Dunrs.
i-oi. , N j.'irt, M ill. r.tiiwi., Thi.'i - -nf-iwa
l i.rt lii.J a', l.i:v r.t V iTIin. II -S , . ..i.; ,.'
irw.Tia, 2 Ms. in.. Slid r:Tf re, (, fi B. m.
Vail T'k Ir-.. l'bi!'ir!;'H. -Uhr st
7.n,i . tn., n-rrilnire M.J'i a. ii., Nr
r.nr', 1"2 1 p. Ti., Ylntiiu li.J p. m.,
r ir -it revUr Minnas t- -t.ie..-. VMs
a d ' t (t.-tiia r.'sclmf A!t''in at -J i'i p. m.
I'i t Uiirp I.!'"' p. m.
aae'i.l.is ilni'y at 11 .'.0 a. :r., Il-.rr - i- it
TlKmitiMiritown t. '.ii i. in., VipiiUe
I'. ifi., 1 lisrarora o.4H ,. rii.,
n., I'ort linvi-i ii. ii,.. Mi
Uj., I.eu'ist.iwn it.'! (i. t.i , !t '
'. rr.. N. aUin IU iii.e .-i
liuiitiiiril'ta 7 4' j-. in., Al: -.n
i -i '.
Fsi-IHc Cxprest. leaves I't ''i
p til ; llarripi ijrj: x I i a m
'Jrlstn; Newport AD" an:;
lit i Lewiatuw :i ft i I :i in; Vr
u; V'. U-ifori 6 i i a ii, '
Ills ni ; tVt-'riitiurif fi ''' a in ;
6 4 am; Ti rone 7 (i a 11. ;
i'aiu; Altonra ( a rr
' I
i Mil
a :i H
a-.-.-t S
.s 4 'i s
' c . tl 1 'Si
l ,. Iru
-' C're-a
!):.': J!.i:
; I'ltftnid
1'H'ip fj.
Sea Ij'.rc J?sr.rci.t. e.-ist, n-i a,
will eiiiinert with .-.uiid.iy Vaii -it !-.i.-ifp
' Hirnt.t.t;rg it 1 lo j. m.
i.KwirowN Lnv:sj(i.
TrsiriK lesve, t.ewiNtow n Jimeti.n Ii r Jfll
r.iy at 6 In a in, 10 66 a in, o 1'. p si ftir
Snnliiiry at H ii a ni, r.'i p i.:.
l'rititis arri m at L.-w istuu n J uprrlr s frum
Mllroy at f 6u a id, 1 J plu, 4 J" p in ; trot
cii'itmry at ii a m, J 'K p. ru.
Tri'ins leave Tyrone, for li ll. inle and
Lock IJiiMi 1 t a iu, 7 i'jpm. L av4
Tyroi.e I .r Cnrneiif ills an J C earf-id st
B 20 m ui, :s I t p ir, 7 ii p in.
Trail. Icavu T r .nd tor V..rr!orf V-k,
tYtiurylxaiua 1'urmco and Si :.t.a at i ln
ni au.l 1 10 p in.
Trams arrivti at Tjroi.n tn.ru h- ;mite
. t.r.es, !?'! si II ft(t a in, sr..'. 40 p u.
Iraibs t rri-.e st T.m no tioru rera
viiie and Clearfield at ft b'l a n, hi -i 1 1 .4 s
iu, 6 1 7 p ut.
' Trutis srrive at Tyrone from Sr. '.'. Vr
I rio.s Mura and IVnany Iranis r i.ruaie st
5 .i in, t S 4'i it tii.
U &. K. T. k. R.K.IIVFIHH) IlVIrlO.V.
i ,r taw: " " "
, '
't:.!'':,"'"1 c"""'lr,""1
H 'lord,
l II
HOM.II'A V;!;l'Hi; liK.N( II.
Trains leave Ail..
iu for p
:,ta S..u'h. st
1 o'J p III. 1
'J .l-i p Ul.
Trsins srrive t Altoons li.ni j.inl
Pouih, st G 46 a in. 1 1 f.h ui. 1 V m-
iS p. m. H 40 p. ni. 4 i" pin. mid 10 85 P
J. B
aod o
With st wtrfaox w A ,
KUker Shaft-, an- Toaarar. p.
V Fanrlx and othar hM Our tmpru
svaia will aat steital aaarr laie 7. j
ilVS2E3&miL I Agents Wantel