r fine! MIFLINTOWN. nEDMlSlJ VT, Hit 2i, 1M-.9. B. F. SCIIWEIER, EDrroa ms raortaia-roa.. John R. Lvn. h col.reil,ex-Ck,r..rresB-lutn Lslb hwa pjxitit?d fourth A iditor .f th 1. S. TrtiiH?Yy. V" W. Hu-.tw.- ia:: j p'rittr of the VhiU l"I;'I.U ti.i.iii-r.- 1.-h1 of jm. tuuotii ut bin lu.'u in I'liiin irtljhi:i, on th- 15th im't., aj'.'.l CS enr. Ijki prmg f.ulu.-,- hetutn induced him to sell tie Inouirer to rhe prcv ni afJu-ient'uanagemeut. The ttenertil Assembly of the PresbvteriKa chant i is now in session in N "Vork City One of th Tent otiwtious retore tue l.Hlv is tr.e .(UOMtion f the r vLuon of the West mirter C'Tfewp.-iu ff Faith. Tlie diuiiu:ii n of the mi arterial fkrce ws a ot"stioii f,r serius fun aidoration ; h' present there xre 50' churi-heH wi"'..ut a pastor. Thr time 'vill soon b here for the pviple to rt- on the r.n-t itutional araendKerts. Th: reaib.-r can fam ilarie luuis'lf with the proposed chatigcs V y rending in iiuotliTO 'l imn whiit i o Imj voteif for or ag:uitst Tl-e ..l.j-ct of tlie ptil.Ii.Mti.Jti of the pro Sol fli:i!lL-estO till' f.lll-.lnuirntul i luw is tuiu-ifj.-uul every vott-r w ith tlie pn.jH.sed amendments nd every j h..uld real and re read till l,e I man k!k. has ii thorough know lodge li is t vnte for or against A what AtlllNoi'oN 1KWIS iilsllol- a tUllnl ! 1 ! i rt-utler died iii New York. Tii" doc-'. tors belirel he dieil. His u ife nnd j moth r were nwav at the tiiie nud they bvlievo that he was iit.f d ad ! b it lav in a tr.mce as i on former ocaaious. . i mt!;eraud wife arrived tit home I tit home head of a doctor hud oo.ne.1 the head of'11'1' rt, hich became general. , B. , lti ii - i - l ishoj. and had examined hi brain. The taolhor and daughter brought : suit against tin1 doct r f.r dung , Ii-!i.j. The dutor w:is heM in : t-oUO bail for rnakiug the exaiuinatiou vv ii ' i. 'iiL j:'"itr nuthoritv. Th: h'ti- Li -gislature jassed out n.ro,riation b.ll a:"t'r .mother till! thev v.. fel t 1 j ay f yreat inaiiv more thiugs than thev hi ve mollev r-.l . aiul now ft .veim r Ikoavi r is lelt ; tosav wl.al ait.rorriatioiib shall Je i ei:t r : .It to is.-ej. iili.i.li withm , limit T, . . -.. - . , ' ( neiioN.m.r wi.l ly lo more piled to seek other snelter, being, pnu ticril thai: the Legislature and . e. sed to a terrible the. The pav-; l.r ..;rsu. henteri.i iis us are Dut taster, Lin clerk and the ou pond ' a.L.lutelv ,,,Jnrv. The average ? V" X?1 thJ , , " f 1 T t - 11 l i hlie.ter unwound. hi.o part of 111. .11 -1 . 1 iu.. L-.u'-.i-i-ie isiikeiiietIl, n,l,lers k--pi up the fire frot.i the v. rage ma:i, im hn. 1. to go it bhud hiil it w is a vci v e.isv matter for the . l,..i. 1 o .r, ,...,..1 ethers to down -,e.. tl.i vU ' I " , XUi tier. lhk Namoau t outereue ikuu-j now in l l IU I-lim telm:i:iV IS CoU.lUCterl ; in t: K;i 'Y'si hn.w..,. "Vh:oh is1 . ". . ? . . 1 pr pel- iu view cf the fortti:iu owing, tli.it t!ie Iluglish language is t be- .....11 11 !sli--' ot tlie world. ti , . . . - 1 ue 1 ..,y it iau an. I Assyrian lan"lia,,es j had then- day and were followed bv the (tieek and the Iltiu I; languages nn.l uow 11 is as el.-iuiv lorslia.iowedjaiirgtoii an.t wagons were sent aa t-nything eau ! that the KnglUh 1 tl:ei-s. Eight men out Ui ....ki,.!,, .... i... , 0 .... t)f . : t ... -, ..1.1 TI I .... !.. 1 Years heuee the Jreek .....I !..;,. l..o..,.. ' .ill i;ue less attention roii.l to , tin Tii than either Envutian orj Assyrian for th.' simple reason . . . rer thing j-rt iitiing to (tree. l. 'iuo wil. h.-.e lxt-Ti trttislated into th.- l.rgl.s': iii.l.T.i h:is alrendv b.'en tratisiiited int.. the hingiiag-" and the lhigu .ii liug t ho language of the world t'n. r w ill no I..ng, r be any us.- f..r the t.ruek and Iiitiu. Sueh hou. v. i' is not th.. ess" with the .lill!lTl Hll.f 1.11 I- .1 linm..... t ' " o. ........ i . n.. i '"-.i, i'u;;uii'ii on stone, j nose i laagua-es 1. 11 many things of the pa-it that i-omi-i r ,.... ,. ,.;.. .. ;'i I i . ....... .v. ..j, i.i nut to know, and whieii ean onlv be f.-iiud out by studying the languages of the long past, a. found engraved on tal.l.-ts buried in th. ruins of the eiti.-s of lon; ago. Call A Constitutional Convention. A new constitution for this com moti wealth mm adopted iu 1S7-1, tif tm u eurs ago, and U caiise of defects iu it, public tu.'U are now nr- ii.. holding of au other Constitutional Convention to frame a nev fu.idi meiital law. It is urged that there jtre t' many Judges. A judge f. r . 10,000 p,pt nas cn-att a too U iakill.' I!,;. Midieial ,i,fri,l us mi iPnatr.ri i. 1 ? . 1 -bjedi,;, H'ms c o un. 11:1s .ustrict Mji'.ga list 1 lie I copies .11 uf.ial Accident Comprised of te counties of Pe i ry I Association. Oil September 4, 1S87 and Juniata. The .Utrict would i Ioctor ( teor-e W. Smith of r.!ie not bo too L t.. i.v .... . r , . .uui rir;,"' Mf ;,f P,rr-V ...tw, 11. US a ITt'M saia- u! u... K.-onies money would ; ...... ..u.. jusnce nu.t e.puly would a ..a sia-ruve; V IV. T .. ,:j ,,. , ' . . , m' m,Ur for"ry 1 .. '..m .u,. wuum lie TUfTi.iia.nt ... . , : " -. ' ''. me .nsututiv.ii ot ii.i.es 11 oouirarory tliat all .a- 1 ..a. ..a mi i.'.-i 1 w: v 1.. n. r m i . - ....... I r.ni.n id..rmri.in r .1... . ; a.i- i- . ....... ;.i.,.. r. v""j.v;!. : i..:.., rVr4r. . w im cu" "'jt Jones, ,;,v,ir w- . i i'.i1:: v ; .!.u. i.,T.cs :'.uu . xit. autl :, , r', u..uiio a memiH-r.' streets 1'ussenger Kaihvav Again tho constitution ,f lti4. j n the tirst of the ensuing month. I Mrs. Jones, in Novem oar.'-nv.i me m.mi.r.-.niri ,.t th. ! lie attorn aril net nalv l..f tho .... .if. .1 t 1 ........ " u v u.uipaiiT ann reooverea a ver- TrJl" i ""l-I . 'SO. Six months after the C Zuli ?' : U? sl TL 'j'r.rt J:'gn:;tS m accident lier child nas Lorn, n,l ev i .g.sl iti. .n for a district and yet un-1 th desctor h favor, which is alarmed er since has been a ,.fT..r.e f 1 - 1 . i.t i ue ojHratioii iiis-r.ti. .ii ..f . i'i. s"iii 1 consul urioii a tew men , u , - . - law umM for a ertu:u MHtioa that j ljei omes applicable . v. rv where '. through the .ommonwenM. TaU . i.-i eaauipie tbe law that is now -More tliau the holder of an ordinary aU.ut to bo appli.sl to force the '. laV I'Iicy -ould give notice t,f an 10rjx.r3fi. fi bridge- across the ier ' ti pnt.sl death. Kt. iu Juniata on the cniTitv. Vhe.i . that law was euru-to.1 by the Legis-1 Utiire it was not a Juniata count nie-aniire, out. dv tne piovi-uoUft ot the constitution of 1874 as n as it Wume a law it became applicable to this county, and every otner coun ty aid certain men in a.U of th coun ties bordering' on the Juniata river have taken advantage f the general law and have taken ateps to force all of the old river bridges on the tax pavers tf the l-esp-live op unties in the Juuinta vallev. In th- vallev of i tli Suuwiiiuina it ap'spara the tax-; leavers have made thejnslvws felt raor an. I noonu ban presumed to take al- vnntne of the general hw and apply it si-eciallv in the rK-vornJ countiea U.rdenng on the stream to force the j bridges n the counties. As "with ; the bridge la s with ot'jer lawa, : und thus it a.Tip.-:.rs that the new j constitution w hile profesiug to aoid spe-ial legislation is an incisive in- 'truineBt to force an act pasd for a 1 ! of the tlate. There are other serious .lefejits in the constitutioii which should be retaeilied but the three 1 J11- T"ok,"n " are autncient tor tne present mention and of tuemselvi-s UxMild le a warrant for a rail for a roc-,tit uti'i:rd "onveatnn. Paymaster Whams's Battle. Eiur or vis i-AKrv shot bffore the treasi rk iu ori E.v ri. Tivson, ifav 14.- A Fort Thomas pe-iai giv. s nr!icul;irs of the re-1 c-nt tight lH-;ve'ii rob'w.rs and Unit ; 1 Srates Iayma!tr WiiKius's jiarty : iicsr t"ed:ir Siiriior. Jn nliich the r,,l,l.r- ..,..l...l o, ....m .o.r .u-nv Ji,(KW. The road where the attack ! as made winds down a long hill, I 'M' 'hi t.-p of wiiih it runs bo-! tc u high wall on the est ami a j low edge of rin k on the west. A Inrge rock was discovered ia tlie road n. i.t . nu i.oWf I t. t-o it .. ,H . .f . . ,. . a. V'J-- ' ' v 'l.l v. iik aa. u -a ai a v. rm the brow of the hill, wuich rose to the height of 50 feet. None of Ult rol,)ers coul.l lw seen Jroui l.elow. The i.. ..t.i . . , . ,r - . . . . t con si si eii or .unjor j. . v nam, J':i;iiy t-mue l. um u"in uu n had done j t.r; yy. pj tJitilxm, two noli com- issuing some of the most enterpris Imfore the , niisnioucd oflicers. uine trivutes and i in ' news of the d:iv, and ho has ,. . H two drivers, immediately returned - J" ' oi 'i.-r iiu i o.o i-J.. a vi i i. . i..,. .. .1. .'..;.;.. . ;... ftUll :l!s(, s.,!!t llleu ilk11 , tiu. lllU t(, I get iu across hre from the left. It j ii known ttiat at l-ast one man iu eacli ot tno nanking j.arties was : I either killed or wounded. The oav-1 i meters i.ari v made a break for the I , ' , , , . , , llMTT.. I-.l.iv ill.. l...l. vvli.e!. fie ravine l-low ihe ledge, three hundred vard.-t ........ t I shelter, and live were wwund. d in 'crossing it. The others of the l.attv . . , i ., 1.1 - . retreated further around the ivmt of tlie ln.1. j I'aymter AVham. from behind j fo'e, imuKKig lilt cross nre nan , ;. 1 . .,7 . 1 .. : i ' , . ......... ..,oj.,.,.,.,MU;;i.i,a io unooiucs.- . . to rally his men. but ILev Were -oin- future rears ' r " " v w 1 boot v. wuich was iu a strong iron-1 1. ...... li. . . 1 . . c .1 : 1HI.V 1.11 ine lJOI IJI ine amh ihm.t. It W;:s owned with an! ivi..:.il tl... soil Win '....ril u...,.- - - - - , V I V'', ' , 111 on cut open and ubaul..ned. Oue rulilh - r was sc-n to 1st t.-ik.-n awnv on 1 'a pack mule) and tracks of blood : Were to Mc .lisferville oil businesson ' Ji..-o..l tlii. , '...-a ...r 1 1..V.- '.i -ii.i . i'""ni t ., .1 ive s l.fere.1 bad.v.,t,e 11th inst. ' it ii.i tiinM iv'ic .i1 ,.t tr.. ...... ........ : .-....-. ... tt Ilic Wo::tl.ti it 111 the pay-j i master's party were ootivt red in an I ambulance to th.. h..v.rMt:.1 ,. r nn.l : lor; of j tliM leen were woun. led. Jne of - ' ' - ' - - Wound. -d sildi. rs lias di.-d and tlir.. : ,,tl,,.rv n.. .. ,.;;..i ...!;;.. I j 1 . 7,", : " " " ... ... in a iiuiiu .ll.tlL 1' .11. 1 ? 'Liters and Indians are out wareh- f 'r the robbers an.l troops m 1 ' to inter- i New Mexieo are haste that I " VUU T tbat rrit"r.v- eaullliU "ll""''.; iM"'r that tb'-vl . ..... ....... . iii.i'iiiui iu escate tr .. 1 into Suuira, Jlesieo. (ijv.raor ohlev h:us oS'i red a reward of id 00 ; , , ' , the roblKTs. thc story orrieLvr.LVfo.TKMED. ' Washisotox. May 11 The follow-; ling telegram confirmatory of tha! nr.4-i if it.ir .K..ct ..... I. A ..... . ... ... .. J reeeive.l it tne ar l'eprirtment to- . nay : San Fr.vm : , May 13. lSS9.-- To' tne Adjutaut -O.-neral, Watshinorton. i , . . . . I. C. : l'avmasttr Wham and escort! were attaeked by a lmdv of men inland W. T. I.. ambush at 1 o'eloek Saturday after noon, Mav 11. iH-tw.-eii (Irant and Ihomas. Arizona. Tliirbt of the eleven m-n forming esi-ort were i wounded, five supposi-d t be fatallv I Tho muidereiK and robln-rs secured i 5..(00 government fluids. The military and civil authorities are in 1 rtotivo pui-suit in ti. virinitv of (jraham Mountain. I recommend J t iat a l.I., ral reward .w oflc-red for , the npjirfuensioii of the murderers! or recovery of the government funds. ' ....... .., . .. ......j-t -v atiu,. lr.c-u 1 1.. ..... I .... . I !; The Loss of an Eye. i:aiet Justice Taxsou recently I .Wisinn f the ( '..m,.i P!.. ut.iitirt au viiiiii'iu 1L.1 rm nr t n M(, - " t. . , 1 of ISimr county ill the case of Smith ".. u.. t" 1 "".... ""'"i"'""'.' in-ing firuea; ;.? the eye by the lash of n whip, j ai 1I1M UIOU.'UI IL lOIHrV hll!.'bt. ' nn.Ung it of a serious nature learea me loss ot nis eye and sent a ! ciirlit ; ... T o ; f, VK " , Th, tion declin-: pav iue policy ou tbe CTOUlld I ... !..:!. 1. . T . '1 . .1.I1.L11 Ii:L.l Tl.0 1 fill. I T.t , ... . . "O " "' : comply wnn tue stipulation requiring immrvlmte n tf n ti, .(..- .... lisr tl... V-i.i....... . T-v. i . . .y 111 . ,. tnl roul.l not have made chum for . - .i'"."t vu.iu. a ue piain- , ti 1"h cf an eye until he had reason- h!e pr.a.f that such was in danger, sav tlie Siinreme Curt Jml.'es . r.- . i n . ' iwJVo.s i. I -..,... ttr --.i.r.i'- Wealth- Lm aster. IV. Mav IS. The itrit - nnial assessment, iiist completed. shows t ho t tal valuation 01 real estate in Lancaster to bo SS2.203.G28, exclusive of $3,518,150 school and church Tropertv. not taxable. The depreciation of value since the last tribunial a-Hsetismcut is $2,000,000. The richest district in the county is Manor township, with a valuation of M.1.V.M21 (and depreciation ot &100.000 since the last assessment). The money at interest iu the county : is i24.026 jSi. a little less than in J pieeeding years, but tlie amount ia nearly as largo as returned bv Alle rh .nvc-ouiitv. The number of horses returned is 23,816, worth $1,781, .50, aud the number of cattle 28,4fil, with n value of $037,052. The number of J taxables in the county is 42.984, which would indicate a i.-pulatiou f over 2tK),0(X. There are 517.357 acres of cleard laud, and 51,218 acres Iit r.ni.l Iit riliMni of thu count v. outside of license fees, is $72,114,7ai : and for county purposus, $205,509,07 Bohemian Oate. A decision of the Supreme Court of this State in the case of Geiger vs. Unger, of IJerks county, relieves the makers of Iijhemiau outs notes from considerable anxiety. In this case Ung r bought thirty bui!ieLs of the oats at $10 a bushel and was to re c,.;,e for the resulting crop the same prwe. lie gave liis nt lor tlie oats, but vt lu u he came to sell his crop he fouud there was no market for $10 oats, lie then refused to par the Ul)fe. The jury sustained liimin his a.-ti..i, and now the Supreme Court sustains this de-ision, thus releasing all the m:tkers of such not s from their vbligations in th's tlircction. CoDinuunlratlou. Mv enthusiasm has been greatly insj.ired by the reading of tbe last I few issue, "of vour interesting Tand .i n.-f (V, i.. r i ... , aroused our iie.vs cajwity and thi re- fore we would !eg have inn xmall ip.x i i. i i -i . .ui .'a ... t '.t V ; Tlj,. Cl.rII is all v:inttr. i this part i of the section and tne boys are once more allowed free access to the bug-, gv to g. to see tneir WsT girl. j " Oar friends John and Sam went to ' K:,vette ot. Saturdav last. The coal I r - : . , - , T - . , , ; f.i.i.,.1 Vllio.l.. f. ,., 11 1 1 . r,mtt lion. ! .v,.v. .11 .-..'UU....U . 1 William Henrv, Ben Brandt, Hen-; rv Swabbs team are hauling tlle ! . . - .1 ' prohs nit tlie htisir tract m IhiikiT township. ; Our friend Y. F. L.. took a tii) on r.iT,iriav a weeK. I s'iiose i:e . .1 i.- . 1 . . 1 A., vou must have some attraction the hollow, or whv do vou frequent it so ? " ' I hael N..arh,K,d hs bought the Oid mire of (ii leon Shell r. V lift's the mutter '.like ? the otus must be i io riii" Kate in the libs. V.!..? V i..i . wvt.111 a ' I UtJvrt O U 1 1 i. t'Ji lll.l ; young friends on his birthday, Mv j I ! I . The horse of J. S. I-.uk.ns Hs(., . 1. 11 ' , .uu...,,,,,. uMmm. - ;Vt - arao.. lie was the largest Horse ! iu tliis section. . W V .,,.,.,.. ..,1 Tl.,v;.l ir .. );,, ' . . g t l ...... 1 nui .u mu itiui nun i'ii.-seo. through this section 011 the ll'th 1 inst. which blew down fences ne.d I l.,?.l .1 1,. nt .ir i t . . - 1 lue jmililtas. Ol . llrum V'H'S I met on Saturday evening the 11th to j .. . . r..M T ; ' a.iuiip. airiu A lLXUIiluou i II l. " t t 1: . 1 a. ! . , u """"T . r. to Lni'.caster eouutv to work for hi cousin. ff V. S i nlwrfitilnr .r u l..rnro traet of w.dlafid iu Egvpt. Philip Cl-ek the Wnst JJun shoe .. i ; . rr . . i . jiinjv.i is 011 011 a liiea.-ure in v . t u- v- . . - J- K. aiiOriuer is putting i wenther-lNinrdinur on his house. We t-aw D.-n N'oxuu Simdav. get down that rustv ix n and 1,.. . hear from you. isitverious Tnlious, vou must e ..e. ..uimr Vi A 1,.. .1. 1. ...... ! - 1 . . trom VOU ailv more, let US hear from . you again, landy Jim aud AValker wheel going. keep the- S. and V. and A. and L. and L. A I'rrnliar 1'oint of Law. rAN A I1AllE REfovEit damaoks Ion ,ES R':"eii via oue b:kth. It's a well known sayiug among law vois thnt tlir? is iiotliinrr now in ! law an-l thnt in ev rv oaso n m-it-1 ter how strange fiidVeouliar it may be, there can always be found some- where in the mustv law books a ore- i cedent that will "overu it in rem-li. i inn- a ....liinl T..,... TJ , .. n , i , .'..",, : I , ..--, oil-, rimira i a lovid conundrum that is the talk of the cirnw a-d kingdom or Christ is certain the Uar and which, proWbiv "before 1 "M,,B coming opposition through her It ! it is Kfctthil, will W the cause'. 'f much ' J, 4"terCnr"" ho holds the words ol Eternal i.!ldis,..Isw,;..T, ,,.vr.o. 1. . . , .if."nd also holds all power in Heaven and i . . ii T. V' a"''ns .law ! Joiirna.s 01 I tils count vy and jLiigLuid, asthe legal principles undeHvin- the course of justice of both eouti ' tries nre the ,m Tl. I i.: .1 .1. . i . r "i'1 stl"n 1 " l"" . .mmon ; i - ieas tJourt are called t r.uzle over ' is whether a child can reaver for I IWrU.nn in nri ies received lifoi-e its I birth. -Mr. Jiothermel lirought Iilsi suit yesterday He represents the! and the 1 Tl ' . a ! Allllll Com auy. j ber ISXi ... I. 1 r . 1 . . . 1 wuuc 1u it car 01 mat ilUC, was iai-1 re.1 and receivcsl immanent injuries IH.'1-maneiit injuries to her tillille liern is ..f fio .-.'i;c; ' collision . . . s.FtK.. . Til 'i .ii" ii wiill a pasMcg wa 'on. She brou ight suit against the ltail- r , . ... ....u.i.c. X11C IHCUlLV OJ ft ' rroniiiumt ninliMl h.l 1. i an.l si.inal tn.nl. lu Ti,n f...i. ,.t . I uuiuit;ui x ined it and their opinio i.. - .it....i . ' they are unanimous in i inion that the sufferiurrs and Ipless condition oi the infant are I ncii'irrvs eou .... - 1 1,.!!? ? njun. receivetl at j T vT r Wltl1 "e !cer- T..e lUiIway Company is sued fori Id&niAsres done to Ihn chil l, and us the injuries are jxennanent, if a ver- diet should 19 recovered against it, it rrob:'blY will bo for a handsome sum. " - Iu the history of the law there is" no record of anv -ase having ever bee brought similar to this one. It IS a well selUeu linncij-ue', ii" " , that an unborn child can become en Li!! .1 A. n n i 1 dl .OUCH Q 111 f Tl t&T in. lotber-essionand enjoyment t it after birth, but whether a suit can . be brought for any other purpose by , auch infant is a question that all tne leiraltxxiks are dumb upon. The i trial of the case will be watched with great interest bv th bar, in view of the novel questionsof Uw wluch .have lieen rai-ed by 3Ir. IosthermeL Philadelphia Inquirer. - Contributed to the STiyt.. Th. h.. .-r b-o . -hen the not hd people to opnM it Ui. Ia tact uvua vi mt w- it eemt that the world haa BO rood thio that ia not criticiaed. Take tbe aoarchiat for itiaUoce aa erniciner and opponent ot tbe prn?nt civilizatino There are air rbia'a lo the l'et ci'ie uch aa Pan. London, and tbe Nibilit of St Petr.ha and acatterd In othe- citii-a or the m-t-' bitrhly civilurd ennntriea of Europe th.' opponent of civilixed lie ratf be to'ind There are anarchiata in the Empire of G"r mnv with ita hiffb inatita'iona of leaminr, ar.d with it well trained miiitarv ; and with ita aound Chnatiaa Church. Germanv like Ef'P'aod. aithmirh the rovemroenta of both nativna cr- food have diaatintled Anar-chia-a. Take the H"iolic f Fruice ani then roroe over to t'.e AUTicmn Kapnh ica e-p-iallr the Unit:d Siatra claimed to b .i - . i ,k n.i(. .nrl bere rou atill find the auarcbi-t in New York, Chicaro and St l.outv, and who aa anari-.hiMa are diaaariotied. want to upt law and ord-r In the Chri(iin na'i .na we havotbe Cbritian Church compowl of Prtr.)t-ri!!. BTu'. L-itherani and o-h- er flourishing cburcbea of other naujra. But aa tnere are p-ople a lt anar- ctiiBta tha not ivoTixe the Empire o (irniaiiv nor the laara of free America o there are -e...?e that try to condfiui the covernneot ot the Great MM-r aa lonr.4 in the Bible and pu' in artion in th t'liria- lian Ch'irrh that h rained the Eropea and Auit-ricnn n;t:na atrove th- othr n- I tion of li t. But tbla rond-tunin ia of no avail, s.nce a '.God reigns and tbe government of ashinptoa still lives,' (aord ot GarO.dd ;) and aa r."K'"d Mtid Uermaov still rule in their places 1c all the atia-chists do threaten, ho aUo most l..o.iiri,ww u,u" securely la the cinae of auriv ana mure securwiv ia too c-ina v ; rll . ,hM riin,thrurhont Enron aurelv and more 1 t0l Anmrict md rfaiinit in Aii md oth 1 ipiiumrn. .uu , v. order tf.e Divine rule whether the i.iat nam- ;,d continue to ,ulo or case like ,, ,iaVe opposed the adv.c of Cbri.tN caube and kingdom hv never permaneut'v cnecicea u. since me woo savs, --i (rood shepp.d." d am tha Light." -1 . 'he " "" ,hn fni ana sweep oi dis cause, am men ant wo- . . . j t- wt-n f Ttn sucrr are aitracren auii uraannv the invitation. ubtsoever will let him ' tbr fs'ers ot Lite. "and "be that comotn win in no ise o.. c,, out, ana .-oe that believ. ;h in tu sh.il! in nowise perish, ,, .........i ii.... t.. i.... three terses are no doubt a consolation to thouwnda upon thousands of anxious seek- - , tl.ey ccme "without oi.e pi. a sue J.aus on- T .d hia t ericctior. t.d aithtBlne-a a-'Vee . l ,. . . . .iwo .0 . toe rejMiiianr, iHlltivii f men and women. Tbese rntne into th tlo rcl c tihi'e rhe nt 1k-!i vii g ar.d wicked ZT ", S'wZZ the ar irchirs On N li in the laws or th.. eovtrnmenu ot thu Unitel State., Germany and England, altbotijrs, tbe laws of these nations are tb- best in tha world. ... ... . a kingdom of the Son o f.vl toe b-.t gift Ol Mhivkd to earth fnr th.. .h.irl Itvl m-tx t-a".-n of mankind. The kingdom of Christ as adrancing in the chU'Cbes. lmv , : ... fcll, (;nr; UelJ nf tlltt C!l,ci, n., no .l..te-r.. r.-o he l..n IVn. rtmn PTfirtnl. and is romt lete in holine... h" cl:urch m' bv' "" deteetsanJ will continue to have them until the saint" are all B.tbered on .he t.ebt hand o, Cod i;n.-.sT cmo to s-eK an.l :ive sinners a:.d ho JMrdon ibe defect of the tru- believer and mskes him spotless and righteous be' ore Ood through hitu-. lt aitboueh tha world iu iu iir 11 1 iu ' 1 1 ti; iHTiru sittj num. A vrre read- iu reie.er.ee to believera : "It e mar e have no sin se deceno our- M.!ri.a sr.. I th. Ir.ilt. is not in i.k ' Annlh. er vt.re reads in lel'erenee to the belieer : "If e courts-our sias he ia faithtul and U""' '"rgive s our sins and to c.e.nse u. .if all nnrightefiusness. Again, what the I anarchists arill accomplish in overthrowing i iaar and order must necassarily be limited, hat bo much limited cannor now he sti,t j.d. I.sw and order n ill ronq.ior although i it m-v have some reverses. And tbe cause : I fir st will cnuqiior a .t C mount over all obstacles of diM-onienied people with rood I . ..... . ... 1 governmenta ana religion, it as a c.use neWj,,)) ct,qiir through the leadership of j loe Son ot the Living G"d whom an an Jell Eel anoour ced the l.irlh of ; and also at his I'tr h because ot bis j ist uieril and wortnl j nes, and (iorl and man natures, the angels I ssnv v 1 1 . t .n . .7 .m. M .. K ....... iMt ..(..orv to .Ml in the HirrhMftt9 Imm K u .. I.. ... ... . "r" turmer ( iccoratng lo the reriaud ..... . IV. IVatameril) '-Aud .n earth peace among men in whom he is well p'eased." Glorr was thus 1st sung to Hod ihe Faiher the sender ot Jesus, and 2nd peace to those sinners he was sent to random bv suffering and dvinc in his perl ect ion because ot their sins and luiper eciion in themselves. And ! also on a"Count of this Christ an angrl rolled away tbe stone of bis se.nlcher or hi n.rectlon ; and auge'a eoTut assd him ahf.ut wren Ire was received int.. Heaven ; and he ' as fhe resurrected Christ and the Kesurrectcr yet to he went thus into Heaven hv aseei. ston and will be accompanied back to this earth to Judge the quick and rtead. and to rni,,t Tihiou to happinfti forever, nd lo c"nd,,on ,b" to poni-bment, taX inst mentioned angelic b . wine and msni- testations prove Christ tne Son of God and fnT ,bi reason being God a..d mn "in one per-on n.scan-e has anrt will conquor. EnC- 'and and the Lnited States may overcome me anarchists witbont much trouble, but earth, among w bich is his power to forgive sin. or lo condemn to Uelt theimp-niunt but he rather according to hi. band"t mercies saves to the aftermost tbe Penitants that come to God bv him while he - "Door ot Life" ia open , to receive them. Faber. a- . .. Over 60 people were forced to leave their ""f" es'ernav 10 cai or r rrrt Invl ptrlt L.sin- riuiiir oiriiie. ir jour Klf,. j. I..I run. liver sr.a L tfi nu.-a order, if yon are cotistireit.-! and b.ve headache arU an tiYist'rhtlv urnitiUn . . - . t. . . c"" amgg.st 10 nay tor f "mr' of ihis gra.d reroedy. The . ' r-veryone uaes u. targe Kvervone lilies ize package 50 cenu. k i.:.T..t . lmv i , leoiueiii 01 v iiiiamsourg nas caught six sp.arro as in an ordinary rat-trcp. A woman, who wili not give her HQ1ID la fi,-.ri.w . . A 1 . . . 1 1 1 ..uv . . . .1 1 1. a UCllilll IU M CUVI' near Faln.nnth T..,..ufe ...,i.. li is r pile of leaves and her only reatUug is a (rermau Uibie. A. v: i niuuc ci-mil" KCiUlV RJ OUf has been rerao'vej fn.m the bl.-uhkr of Thomas Rcese, aged 12, in ti e AltvoiR flospital hut uaxaus MEAT-CUTTER. ftn-MlU4 P'- wtmarmi th- st .. It .Mb, g S..-T.. Sitwe Hr-1. Scrapple. Creqa'-a. ,i . t.'- "i iT" I okoimii uw rn i wrwli.tu-A' t rbuaertaaia. i PRIVATE SALE. The underaigoea oners j rra 01 l' enb f u ,ho traet Tbe ud , .n ciw r-li k.rM well datl tor th roic ot all kipJ t r- a Vor Prticn!.r call on , ; ptteron, Juoiata Co.. Ha j " .. MEW unde, ,he '- bol..mn nevtr heard of a CLOT3 ES LINK tiiat rrquirea No Clotbis Every bonne-keeper, Uundrew nd m,re-keeper' wnt it. Sample neat .by m.,1, 6 fee lo, 85et... 12 M , - . . .... n v i -, (Lock co aae.i no nie cri.fbateo female pow- HR- D1I S oaraanaaale and way. MT-tiuU. tiih r.rannra. eni or Iff. of HENRY WMB BEECHER fr T,jf rlTtnir aia hl fr hi. blrta to hla Saala, ta Ou Uullr. Kit 1 1 anita pnrpaXL LEGjJL. . pROTUOJiOTAKY S mOTHONOTAKT'S NOTICE. s o n R I V RILL of Monroe Tvrm. i " I v..ti- ia hert'bv riven that the final ac- . count of J. U.tiravbitl of KichUeld, Mon- i roe Ta p., haa twen filed in Ibe ! tarv'a Uibee of Juniata Co., and Proibono. tbe aame wi II t pteeiti-d for cot tirmntinn and al- loaranre to the Conrt or Uoruroon rieaa oi j atid connty. on Tneadar, tbe 11th of June : A . I . 1W, ten and here all peraoua ' i ntrreMid maf atti-nd if they think proper J Tuio. H. Mmncn. i Froibonotary. Prr-thor.o.tr'a tMIice. ; i ,ftliU'li, Pa., May Hth, 18bi. . ! - - - - - - . I K' TIIUNOT4RY'S NOTICE A- i Vniirs i l.i. r.v ftOven thnt the First and ACCO,lul ,.t 'j,n Motzer ( .f talker p.hioi fon.n i. tee ot Erniina Brandt a ' i,,,,,, ha h-en filed in tbe Prothonotary's t.llic. "1 J uniata eounty and the same wili ' be o . sentr d for corftrmtion end allow ,o Cf)lrt f Comlnn ies of jd j t on..;; , n 1 u. sday the 11th day ot June I A . !.. !."((. Vt ben and hre all persons , . . ..-.-rf ...r altetia if luev InmK proper, i " n ' , L ' , Frotbonotary. ',,. 7 ""o? " .f , isn c j ' - - I KO l llONOTARY'S NOTICE. JCttalcof JOH.V L-IIRDuJ Tmearora Tap. Notice Is her.-by given lhal th-' first ar.d Bnsl account oi John K J-i.kms, Assignee bv- deed cf Voiiiatary Assigrnuen ot John Laird of Tnscaror T?., has ben fil-M in the Frothi notary's otfice of Juniata count v, and Ite stnte wiil be presented for pontirro atioi. and allowance to tlie Court of Cum men fleas o' said county, on Tceslay the ti e Uth dsy ol June, A !., lbt9. wbeu , Ld lrv al jrsps it.tir.sted mar attei i J It tn y think proper. TUKO. 11. MEX15CEI ProtLouotry. P-o-honoiarv's Ofli -e, ) '.fl':MP, l'a., Mjv hib, lHS'j. jKGISTEhVS NOT ICE. Vtie hereby given, that tlie to llotr ing person bavo tiled their acennnta in tbe Rrgif-r's oflic ot Juniata conntr, and tbo aame a ill be presented for cnKrmation and allowance at an Orphans Court. t be held j at Miff.it.town, Pa., on TUEiDAr. tilth. A. D., If9, at 9 o'clock A. M JUKE I : The Hrst and Hnal arconnt of J. ti. Ho.ntK-rrer, Ouardian of the estate of Jos- I et.h Market, a minor child of David Market. i deceased. Jacobs. Attorney. j 2. The first and final account of Andrew ! Bashoro and Michael K. Basbore, Executors of David Bhore. late.. tFerm.n.Xhton- ship, deceased. Lvons, Attorney. 3. Tbe first and Una) account of Joseph Mover, Admiristraior ol Abraham Mover, lateof Monroe township, deceased. J..cob , Attorney- 4. The fir-f and final account of Pet-r Barefoot. Aditi.ni'Str:ior ... Juti'i Barefoot, lateof r ayette township, deceased. Lyons, Attomev. 6. The tl'st and final account of Zw:hriab Wetrler and Vf.r Wetuler, Administrators ot Joseph Wetiler, fate of Walker township, deceased. A'kn.soii U. P.'lioeli; Attorneys. 6. 1 he first and fionl account of Joseph K'thio-k. Adaiimstrtor ot Ge-.rge Kotti. r.ick, la'e of Kerni tn:.gh township, deceaa ed. I.oi.s. Attomev. 7 Th. second and tinl account ot John 11. Smith and Solomon Ma ibeck. Executors of John C Smith, Ute of Walker township. deceased. Pattersou ft- Neely, Attorne.s. B. Tbe account of Andrew Ha-hore, Ad ministrator of Marv B. shore, late of Fay ette township, deceased. Lyons, Attorney . 9 The first and final account ot John Zook, Kxecutor of M:chae Heahonr. Life ot herroaujgh township, .lecuased. Atkinson At. Hennell. Attorneys. 1(1. The tint aud final account of J. How ard Neely, Esq., Admiuistrator of Elizabeth fagu, lata ot Millbrd township, deceased. Pstterson & Neely, Attorneys. II Tbe account of Kobert McMeen, Esq., Administrator of Eve Koglemsn, late ot Walker township, deceased. McMeen At torney. 12. 1 be first and final acconnt of J. Wraley McCaban, Administrator ol Peter T. b'vans, lateof healo townbbip, deceased. Lyons, Attorney. 13. The first and uual account of Henry K. pner. Adini..istr:fr of Vary C. Kepner, laie of I urtiett lownship, deceased. 1'atter son 4r. Nw'li. Aii..rnsyit. 14. Tbe li'-i and Ui.at account ot Samuel Q. Kohrer. Kuruior of Hon. Abraham K.m rer, late of Tuscrora towuship, deceased. Atkinson &. I'euoell, Attorneys. 15. 'I b first and final account ot Willi am W. Landis and Lehman 1.. Koons. Execu tors of John Landis, late ot Turbett town ship, deceased. Lyons, Attorney. lb. Tha Hrst and final account ot Jeremiah Lyons, Esq., Executor of AmosG. Bonsall, ate of Mifllintawn borough, deceased Ly ons, Attorney. 17. The fi.st and final account ef J. R. Vaugben, Administrator of Mary Vangben, .ue ... La;s .uwnsnip, aeceasea. AlKluaon f it Fenneil, Attornevs. j lb. Tbe account ot William J. Short and ' George W. Campbell, Executors nf Dennis j Uevinney. late ol Lack township, deceased. I Lyons, Attorney. ! 19. Tbe tirst and final account ofjohn Nei- , raond, Administrator ot Andrew Zetders, late of Monroe township, deceased. Atkio- , too t Panned, Attorneys. j 20. Tbe first and final account of Peter B : Zjng, Administrator of Catharine Zorig, late ot .Monroe township, deceased. P.' e.- . on ii. r."e'y. Ali.nr.tvs. j 21. Tlie a c. unti.1 IJeruyTitr I, Ex.i.uL.r ot iiUs it. W. brrulielsei, laie ol Lj k loa i. al:ip, .lece-f.e.f. EDDY'S POTATO BUG FXTEHMIITATOR. 1ms is the ouly practical m.-icldnefordusung Plaster, i'aris Greeo, lc, upon po tato Tinea to destroy the beetle. tk;nd for Illustrated Clrculer. Kaiainel XT. II aw ley. ate. ha, Delaware to. Pa. AVtlA A rr r ... I 'except Y. and Kcw ng- UUJ'I. -aSTf J.1 ilm Dot keep them, send tl -Jo and I will ship one to tour express office. Kxpenaea prepaid. wcoiljiw IorkCitr Get a S:d p-per by suoscrihing for tti MI.L AM' l.trt Bl. t. ft I : KOtOS A LB. PropoaU for Buildinc o! Bri.i2e cr(.' ( Tuacarora Cm k at Shower Cro-ii iT 10 j Ljck Township w;:l bo received a'JtheCoia- j miiKioner's Office nj to 10 o'clock. May J Ai-' ITopo.N for :h- Ke,ir. ! mir ol tbe South East Win Wa" ..I Tridsia ai Thompson' Lock in lMaware Tl.. .runa and apecilieation to be bad iu OrbVe. Tbe nitht to reject any r all of the Bids are ro aerved. Commixaiont-r'a Office. Miftiintoon, 1 April 25, 18KS. John 11 CrxMcouaa, i t'ojcn H.nii, C'"Ui. Absalom Uicc. j Attest : O. H'. Burehfield, Clrtk. M.yl,4w. VI; EN DM EN T TO THE CONSTITU TION proposed to tlie citizens of thia Comraot-wealth by the General Aaaemblr of ll.o Ci.niiaonweaiili of Pennsylvania, lor heir approval er rejection at a special trlcctpm to be held Juue is. lscty. riu.uii d by order ot tbe Secretary oi tbe Com monwealth, in .urauanca of Aiticle XV'HI of tbe Constitution. Joint resolution propositi an amendment to tbe Constitution of ibisCoraruenaealth : Sectioh 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Kepret-entativrs of tbe Cora luonweal'h or Henusylvaoia in General A a renibiy met. Thai the lollowing amend ment is proposed to tbe Constitution of tbe Common wealtn of Pennsylvania, in accord ance with the E'rhteenth Article thereof s AMENDMEVT. There shall t-e an additional article to aid Constituting to b-.-U.-ciuated as Article XIX, as follows: ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping fer sale ot intozicatinc iKiuor. to b- used as a , beverage, ia herrby prohibited, and any violaiionot tbia prohibition suau De a luiademeanor, punishable as shall be pror. ded by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sa'e of intoxicating liquor tor other pur poses than aa a Oeveraire mar be allowed in such manuer only as may tm prescribed by law. The General Assembly shall, at ibe drst session succeeding the adoption of this article of the Constitution, enact laws with adequate penalties tor its enforcement. A true copy ot the Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE, Secretary of tbe Commonwealth MF.NDMENT lO THE CONSTITU TION proposed to the citizens of this Commonwealth by the General Assembly o tbeCommonwealth of Pennsylvania for ttitir approval or r.jis-ti"n at a special elec tion to be held June 18, lbb9. I'uhlisbi-d by order ol tho Secretary of the t'o.u uou wealih, in pursuance of Article XV111 of the Cniislituliou : Joint resolution propj'iDg an amend ment to tbe constitution of tbo couunoo weal.'h : Sfctiok I. Br it re$olrtd by the Senatt and lioune f lupresentatirti of the Cotn monu f'ilih oj' VtHtyiVania in ijcncrul $rmbly met 1 1. .i the l-j'lowi'.ig is proposf-n .s an aii.ei'dment to tLe cous'iluoou ol tbc Lot. mou.Tt.aab of IVi.'- lvnuii in accjrd sn.' nitli ihe j.tovisioos ot tho eight, culii ai tie v lliertot : AMENDMENT. Sir.k" out from ction oiic, of article eif-t-.t, lh" 'our qu aliticaiiona tor voiera w liich r.ail s as follows : 'If iweuty-two years of age or upwards, he shall have paid within two years, a sttte or county tax, wbicb shall have been as- iaessed at ieast two months, and paid at least one month before tbe election," so ttat the sectiou wbica read-, as follows : j .-Every male citir.en, tweniy-one yuara of ave, -.ossessitig the following qualifi.ialioiis, shall be eulllk-d to vote at all eltclions .- first. He shall have ben a ci'Teu of the United Slates ai icon! OD6 mjnlh. SecoLd. lit shall have resided in the stale one ye .r (or if, bav Dg previtiuilv i but n a qualified elector or native born citi zen ol the state, tie shall have removed therelr-m at.st returned, then six months) immediately precetimg tbe election Th'-d. He shall have reside 1 ,u tbo elec tion district where, he shall eflf lo vote at least two months immediately priCBil.i.g th eleciin. Fourth, it twet.ty.twn years ol ago or up Hsr.ls. be snail have paid, w ilbin ta o years, a fistr iirct.uiity tax. which shall hale b.-eu sskenit. d at least two luoti'i.s and paid at least ot.e uioiith beloie the el.rttou," sosll 1ms amended, so as to read as follows : hv. r m..le cioxn lwet.tv ..no yewra of sge, .t.--ssing the iol:ow imt qi .litic-.tionsf s'.hii m- ..i.titivit t vole at the polling place ! ihe e!-c!io.. district ot wriH'b t.e shall at th- inue tie a resident and not else here : Firr He snail h.tve been a citiz-. u ot the L't.Ued Slates at le-ist thirtv d lys. s. c.iitd He shnli have reside.! ia the stale one y.ur or li, having previously l-eeu a qualified elector or native b'.ru citi zen ot iuestie. he shll bave removed Iheretrom an.l reiun.e.i iher. six months,) im mefl lately prwedipg the election. I ti.r.l. He shall bave r.-sided in Ihe elec tion aisirict where he shall offer to vote at least ti.irty d s i tn tiled lately pr ceding the eltrciioti. 1 he legislature, at ihe session thereof li- xt after the adoption ..f (bis sec tion, shail, and troin time to time trier, it- ter may, . nacl lawa to properly enforce i Ibis pro. iston. s..urih. Every mile ci:iz.u of tlie age of twri. ..ne je.rs, who shall have been a ciiir. -u tor thirty (lavs at.d at. iitbahitaut ol Ibis dtste one year, text preceding an elec liou, exc pt al muuicipil elections, and for the Usi rlnrly dsys a resided ol ibe elec tion district in which be may orter bis vote, shall be eniiiied to vote at such an election iu tbe election district of which tie shall at the lime be a resilient aid net el ..where lor all utheera that now arts or hereslter may be elected by tbo p. op!e : Provided, Th.it in time of war no elector in tbe actual to-niar) service ol the Stsle or ol tbe United Slates, in the army or navy thereof, ihall be deprived ol his vote by reason of In an-cnce from such election district, and the i.-g.sla'ure sh ill bsve p'twer to provide he manner it. which and the time and place st li.di such absent electors may vote. and lor the le'urn ai.d canvass of their 1 v..ies lu the election district in which Ihey resj--cuolU' resid... l"ilth. For the purpose ol voting, no prr sou shall bo deemed to have g. lined or lost a residence by reason e his presence cr ab seiicw while .mployed in tbe service of tbe L nited States or the S t.te, nor wbiieengsged lu the l aviguiiou of the waters ot the State or ol lite lii-tb seas, uor while a student ot any c-l eg.- or eiiuus.y of learning, nor while ken st ant a mshouse or public institution, except iie it'inaies of any home for dis able.! ai.d itidieenl sold it ra and sailors, w bo, for the piupose of voting, rhall be deemed lo tesitle in tho election district wbere said b me is located. Laws shall be made lor ascertaining, by proper proota, the citizens who shall hn entitled lo tho right of suf frage hereby established. A true ropy ot the jo.nt resolution. CHAKLrS W. STONE, i- . cretary of the (.'ociuonwealih y 1 trim I lIiT i e'Tery ; ftrmt clis-xa Puui' tJ".T.''" b"r- fcl'AKAllTUJI SIX il?r ' ' stAi.u rB. tteaala Saiuiraa Cs. tCS L airtBUB.r. ' frIASON & HAMLIN aHt?Ltaaa Hmltn . Other maki follow d in Um manatactare of uUiTil.. Ulne4theu; jnpremarr aa the b-t , w'rli eneqiiailed exeallenre of their ocAta, the fart lfut f'ari0Jit7J r-aria, 167, liltftril 3 Arum ,T-.IJr ""er, aa oetnonstration of tbe wuh best com net. '.ion tries, Ihey bave re tit highest crs.-f a-' coa- avan;.(.V-ste honors. .mig U.-.-U cauuoeues max Til a.tiifi r.. Mason kilamlinlonotb.itaie lo make thr . tordinar, ctaun for the.r p.ars h tiev -s superior to all others. Tom -t -o JnStS VJ axosilence sensed hy o-.toC' J,? Tina tbay attribnte sosMv tVthe iiSs and now known sa u .'.'I. ""D m U.e ear 1s,s M .unw A IT . i BTaisezv bj A Hfl albie parity and H I l p. pot. fltn;iner.t of s -' - - as w w.iii, .. icanaa- oiajts a Zmazf tv ' IXi araiother in, norliS.L' "-"dina; In tonal 7Z. T spWot wVoStSiiP'ANOCO. 1 -M5w0. HfVfe Spring" & Summer. I HAVE THE LATEST SPRING SUMMER l1 Tbe Cbaniplon.C'toltiler of Juniata County batloi janM. turned from f lie Eastern cftiea vlth u Houderlal SPHIKG AND Will make iriends. oulshiue rivalb. win vU-t!i merits. MEN'S BOY'S & CHILDREN S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING and Gent's furnishing goods. Firal C;i 86, combitiiug Style, Cooiiiy ,44 Elegance, with prices that will astonish you. No ,aie is aspccuJ '.M I prove this. But I ask your patronage ODly when I give complete aalinfaclieB. Ky ettk of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS k SHOES OVER-ALLS, WATClltS a. JEWELRY, Calico, Percale and White Shirt. Neck wear, CVr.ars ati Cufbs,TiniAs aud Kate help, is full end complete. CJ:;'.l and Sam'l STRAYSR. THE OLD KELIABLE CLOTH I Ell AND FIMUMSHER IN PATTERSON. June 16, 1886. Aew Firm, -000- SPRING&SU MM Ell GOODS- No more winter for months to come. Spring and Summer are here, and to conform to the chance, the Senior member of . , . the linn nas jutt returned lrom T , , T 1 . , , Eastern Markets, where he ie- lf.rtP.1 With rrrp.1t care ihe fronds o that his many patrons favor. HROP fN AA- Vt 'J-'. We have now filled our fchelves with Sprknu and Summer -ftia nt oil Lr t !. 1 u I Int rt 1 tomers have appreciated elloi ts to give them goods to suit their purposes, and we believe that we are better - pre mired than ever to mt't-it their confidence. We invite ou to come and iee and be (satisfied. In our dress goods department1 we bave almost everything. , Don't be backward, call for what you want. Shoes and louts. Our Boot and .Shoe De partment is full in its assort . l . . i.. i nieiiL, anu vuiiaiiuv can ue suited in fit, quality and price. ivi..... : l, ) iiuaitici iuiyiutiiicuiB iiiivc lx;en added by the manufactures we have them an. He can i .1 i- r Mipply you with loot wear for anv in or out door service. Our " . . grocery Department never lags. We haeon hand a lull line oi Fresh, Plain and Fancy GUOGEU1ES. AIpo, the only full line vi UUEEJVS WARE in the countv. Every COUntV. X.Very house .1 . ill i i must have its lull supply ol uueens anu uiassware. inis is tr.e htoi-e to call on lor .ucn ar ticles. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Remember the place, ZilAlS S-ThfcET, Off-O.-ilTE COUI.T iloDfch, MilHiiitown, lu., FrciVk llIASCilAlIa aV !OII. Sprii.g and Summer Goods. i would inform tbe public that I hate now in u.y tew millinery store at my place ot residence on Water street, Mifllintown, second door lrom corner of Bridge atreet, a full stock, of Sprii gatid Summer millinery goods, all now , aud of tbe latest k!) li s and having employed first class milliners lam prepared to supply tbepublic will, everything found in a firstclass milliner store, come and examine txy stock. I consider it no trouble to abow goods. 51 KS. IfhlilL. Match 2'J-fc7.1.s. OILS ! OILS ! OILS ! i T2E mwm OIL COMFABTi ! t.f I'itt.iL'Ur;- I:'., limke j -A. SlrIi:CI-A.LlT Y of wauufucturiBg for tbo Doineetic trario the Finest Brands of Iiluminat- ivg and Lubricatitg Oil?, KapLtha uij.I Gasoline, that can be made from Petroleum. We challenge coDipfcrison wilL every Luoun rrotlut-t cf rfctrokf.m. Jfj-oawish tLc most UjYIFORML Y S-? TISFjICTOR Y OILS IJST THE MARKET, a.k foronrsi, Ir.-.;U- i-.-r lUfllintowD and icinity Supplied by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE & CO January 2nd,-89-ly. All imr,rUnt local new. ar0 ppbHshcd !.oWort,nt genera! news. ul a larg- cn r.ri.d .monnt of lit-wsy rnaftw 8 ! Hi SUMMER STCK ia lit FLM NSYLYANIA EAILECAD. TIM K-TAULt On and after Sunday Mir l'Jih. ijv, trains that stop al tttffim wili'mn EASTWARD. Altoona AccowMonATiott kavsn Altoa daily at 5 eio a. ni , Ttrone G 7 a m ; "-"tingdon ;.3i -. Mo-t f8.., ," i,ll I. in.. N.w ton Hamilton 7,17 . m . McVevtown 7,37 a. m., tiis!r.wn jo 111., Milford P.'.O a in.. Miflm B.27 a. tt Port Koyi s.h-i a. m-. Mexico s,r t. m Tuscarora 8,4 1 a. m.. Vndvke S.lt a. ra ' TbompJiontown s.w a. ,., n ,rlra s.' m- MIIerto'!:.?-:1 Newport ... i m., arriving at Harrisl.-.irg at 10 20 a. m and at Philadelphia, 1.2n p. in. Sea fjiiosE Kn esil.iatM i!h..,n. i.n. at 7,15 a. u., aud 1 1 u , g a .! r.fa stations between Altoona at:1 Ha-tstHiri 'vl i 815 . ?n- ! Mail Ti!C UaTCn Pitfuhurt dailT i a9 O m . a tmiM .t v ni . n. . t""5 .. o iu iu ..ittLi. uf. arrt .rs t a . ' W f. m., ftuia- ; l ' i- ,u- , Etr" u'" iouF. 1 nin'iJUii ti k i uui : t 1 rntir r r, , t ni n r r.a. - I ingrlon 7 37 v tit ; irt,.:vn piu ; h um "P. ?1 iu l" drii.i.ia 4 i-'hiiadeiphia Epr..s win st n JT m Hll, n ijc-t p .1 MxS.s Fast Lis l-.ivea Phil lrliij 11 60 a re ; Ilnirisburg i: ):1 p n 6 15 I'm; Le.. t.tci. n ." 1 p r S 10 p i.i ; arii . s '-1 1 ?r aaiiy at ; Mil in a'tsba :i IJ,a,. :'leVh;s 1 a. m. Wat Pi.i'tii'ir.!- v. daily st 4 o'l n . i...: Hri i 1 Di.ncatni.i., b 1 i. N". m.; Hil!erst'-. n, '. !"a.m.:'l ! 52 a. m.; Y:i Dvi:.-. li ( .. ora, 10 Ot a. in.; Mexico, jo , 'J ! a. f "ntowa, ; Tmrar- iu.; Psrt - ! Royal, ion a. ! Miitonl, K' Jo a. in. ; Vniin, jr m ; N:rro s. i.J . . u.. .t. ii'.; MrV 'vi. ivn, 1 1 It .ll.:i'"l, i I . I . m.; (lu). it.. i 1. rc ti-., I -i. p. m. :i ., m l ..t.ip it a., regaiar II ji nvti :fj 5H.1 Alt.i .riA.j j Lcwimoku, u ! a- " Nfio" ' ' ; A'lo'.na, 1 : p. is: ith.r.s bi'twi'. i tT- Kxp.ici". leaves riuiadupbiadai- b at '5 '' F- '" I'-ieri. '. .c. 10 ri t. n ; ,.vxn.g k....kv,.i., M,rsv,i;.., oLi..' no"' N"Tt, M!ii.T-i..-i.,ibo'i.1outo6. ' 1'ort Kc' al.tiioe ul Mittfin. 11 ; . ui.: AI. : u,oya, j in ... ,., :,. 1 ivt.i.rg, vi im. ; Mail t)i i-mv-. rhiiad.ipiua daily at 7.01' a. m., il in i7.1.:re I!.!', n. m., New port, li 14 p. r.i., .irflu U.6J p. m., stop. pirg .-it sii regular sfreirns hnt.cyii lliSia arid Altoouu reteiics Allouna si a 40 p. at., I ill ..burg f .10 p. m. Altooha ArtiKHomtMs l5a fttii adelplna d.tily t 1 1 .'..l i.i., Hrnsburg al 4.15 p.m., D inc.u.x.in 1 ( i p. m., Sn port 6,11 p. in., Milior.i'. i. vn i.JJ p. m.. Tfioaitsontown o..i; ... m.. V'nti.i S 11 , ! '-. Tuacarora G,;1! p. in., Mexien S.iO f ' in-, J on Hoviti o,oi p. m., M'tt'in n no s ,. Luwiston ,.. ,u , Mcv -i.,n i n"""" m. m ,.., .,. m. Huntiuj.l u . p. m , A.ijoi .' u-i p. 1'acilic Express loaves I'd ile t. .(-sjia II St lu; llirrislurg 8 In am; IJ.u hihiod t 3S a m ; Newport 4 t'O a in ; ::tin I S'J s in l.ewistowo 5i a m ; Mc ;. town 4 2! a.m; Mt. Union o 4- a rn ; li joMiil jd a V2 m ; Feti-rsburg b li'j a m ; h prnre Oset 6 4 a m; Tyrone iiosm; B -n's Unit 7 1"-a m ; Alto..na lii'ii m i TitisL .ti 1 li 45 p in. S. a .h.ie Kxpre s r', on -:-dis wiil cotinncl Willi -iii.i l .y Ms.l o .t l.aring liarrisburj- at 1 15 p. m. I.EJV'ISTOWN l; ISM'S. Trains leave Lv'.ris'owii Jiin( ,,. n ir i roy at 6 10 a ui, lu o"j a m, .'i 1 . p m ; 1st .Smibury al 8 mi a in, .1 (.0 p u,. Trains arrive at I.ewistown Jn u tinn fto lliiroy at 6'.' a m, 1 !'. pin, 4 ! i m ; rr.-IT unhiiry at ...lii a. n, 4 HJ p. ;n. TVKo.NK IXVISI'.N. Traius leave Tyrouo tor hel.-t n.ls at Lock llav.n cf B l'J a m, 7 p n.. l.- Tyrone for Uuruensviile au-i C!es Held al bl!0im,3 lip n,, 7 25 p i... Tialns leave Tyrone tor Wa:ir:rs link, ren::sy!vmis Kumaco ar.d Sir.ns st bO'jn in ai d I lo p ni. Trains arrive a Tjrone liom hviletuiit and Lock H .veu at 1 1 ftH a in, and i til p ai. Trains strive at Tyrone trom Curw.os villc and Cioarfieid at h i'l .t in, and 11 4o a iu, C 1 7 p m. Trains arrive at Tyronoironi oiis, Wr irioraMatlc r.nd Von- iv aru J urt.scr at . 1'i a u, at 6 40 p m. li. i t. T. R. K. iL llEUK Ri) P1V1310S. Trains leave Huntingdon for b.ilrd, Ilyiidman and Cumberland at i't . and li Ah p. m. Trains krrire at tiiiutiug-ioa Ir .-n ; ,'ord' ,!"-" cumo-tuna at I p. in., C 20 p. m. j HOLLIDATSBL'KG UKANCH j Trains leave ALoona t..r j oir.'. S . j ' i 5 00 p 8 10 ' ,u 9 M P hr-f-U Is Trnins arrive at Allorma lic.r.i j.ntnis South, at 0 45 a ni. II 35 .1 m. I r it. .-6-i p. iu. C i'J p. ni. 7 t'O i rn. nd 1') P m. THEiisynnMPii'S UaX. Pl)r m IVaM. $ B. Mntti A PERFECT mm mac t HORTEST With Pfirfeer stimt mr Toaa-we. MIDI Ftrralnti s. 1 shi. huLn Our lrt.l'rV wtli e bend uniter (Ce .1 kMvWaL Isa H.'.t"'! .-' re f Ji- lAnont Wanted STYL jinr rtuj patrarriUra. sodi-vaa I ry w..- - KENNETT WACON CO. KBNMIT? fTiJUARaT. PA. M IK KLIN Hi TTERSESBAT. T K K - .ntcriftion $l-v .dvaticct " Transient advert:. inch Tor vac. Transient business -mn. lOcenta per id, jnadnctlons will be r. . .... ... t. v the aa ao." J I"' xHvm l j),.jthriitt ) V. E. Autn .n. bonne Mia. l'alltlie I'.l u p veart. t'M E-ritLui- iu Tii jjje Fraucieoiia t i Jlev. K.'Iiv pr..:'. bvttdiau Church . i TLe lliH-..-. T, i ilillitift-y Mi'M' in Miss I'm.: jPrtiii.1 l'jiia-i':.;. ht. H. f. C'lil:oll i.i Crel. Vail. y Wiilittiu"';"-" ;" f Jeiiji'iwtl'al i- il Ur. an -1 Mi ut I.w-wist ju ti place .'ii I'' '..l.'. Hull I'm k. : wv visitii.;: ! ' McM'-o" lu-i v.. . i. Ti.. - t 1 1 -. .: ever N..ill..-' u gati la-t W.-'lll -'.' fl -s.-t-n-.f P.. : biBf-rJ-v l..v proii .-i I.'n .'t -hi-.-- Jellt'b KhmIViusiI.'- barn .ri hi-i f.-irtu n. is n.-uriii' t-.-ii. i. ;: !v Ji.hu 1M. t . f M HE tlir.-'..r''1. 1-J..1. ; f gy on 'I li i n i i v . . , i A J'l. l. i' t ' I- ! 'i f Islaii'l "ii 'r. I:.' J favorttl.lt- . ii.- 1- i 121. Jo I'e. 1 1 Juhu H:i.-S i-f lii- 1' OD lust W ' tin -.J-i . 1(1 Jj.-1-.t.lln l-.rl Jitkilllll 1:1" li:i"-l I chur. li f i l i-- l i-' N".t w - 1. m :.. will 1 M-;itl ; 1 1 from llifViK-i .:. : ! Uaj). Joint I ; . i ferre'v. uti.l ! l them 1ooo my . - . of rat s. Tllii, W.'.l... - i: , Will M'lTt .,'; :-. terri;..'i-y v, . , Irwi:i. TLf si. V-wiiw :u jX. Jfll-ui , tlf Jill!.-. J. Tim.!, r Ul(t'll I i'1 to ac-;-;-l :i j Kuiiii.-. i in -. ! Wiliimu Si caught ti t i It us i - ti A hit-' i.i.-:.; the tvt t. .t. i -i JullUl.l.- II:'. ' ll-Jllb. .11 J ' day i v . i. i i fit ll.i. !-.. .. tor nf th.- l i'-r . prisd,;- tl,.-1- . . . 1 1 -. -and I'. 1 1 in .. Jjlnet 1-0.-1 '1 h :. 1 A 1..1." ..,, McC'V.:!- . , Hams' n M.: ix.-wiii,i.. !. :. i .. iii, .. -. t .i Mins Aim.. ! .-i;. townliij. i i I.Uthi r.i.l ) : : - :. frrail ii t ,. . . , Itfh, M.,1:. man ..i ;.i i I'jU.s.U. .-; - . .: rifVt I;,,; - : i i lruvi't - a; ' Aui-jhj- i . . latui.- i, . "f tow n-l.i ; . . day, ( j; wroiiii,-i. i.. . : luila. .-. Ti,.- v . , . Si!..-.- lh;! bed r .. ,. tunut.l-. .(, . P't'i." !;.:,. -. 1! j i a in-. .u f , ' t Al.' tl,, j- ..t , ; I Mill i in ry. j : i yi. ,, .', t ,, 't IU.- .,.-i-m.-. , ; i ?p mi . , r - iti-.t'i. :. , ,' ' M i : ii S: ' Mil-s 1. ..,,, LiunliMi-.i ,.. s. 'i iu '" J,:it (,,',-,7," .' t,TJM'.,l, tj. , v, .... I wftti- v,:,,.-!- tj.,., ... . Uie l,,,lw ,,f ,) , y'-r J. A. I.un. i "hunt lino f,-, ,. i f l'.-IV.'li:, . ,1 . ;. rW;M.r,.lu ,..., ; ""'M hv J "j; A. I'l-!' i'l vm, 'y '... U(I p."k.. I-. Ud CHU 1.;- .' lar.'i. l , r , , . o -' , M -., i . bl" -h-;,j, tr. , '-Uk'l-fcii Htnt.m I. lanl, S,lt, ,.- IsJ T.i a. Cnrl.t.. f V throats, C,.u-1- i ,a S Mh-L V- i- J,-i-l'llUl'..n.. I