Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 01, 1889, Image 2

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m. .
iDiraa ro rorirroK.
TilRE is talk f calling sn
oxti.-n "f l',',BCr" in OctKr.
TIi.jlje, ii adcttd witi rheuma
tism in the infiscle of tVt bai-k.
(ir'iiui Kiuixris Trait hit tru-k a
popular vein thia time He pn. .puses
to ab. lih poverty an', death.
Foarv thmiaand land neekera
runns-d irt Oklahoma last week,
whii'h in twice the nuiulK-r of inhabi
tants cf Junintn " unty.
Or.UHi.Mi is n t l.rpe (nouejb. to
hold the land ev ekera that rushed
into the promif'id land when it watt
opened to ttett'.riment. The Burplus
thouamidH are erowdhifr ru-row, tlie
. . .
l i h i tin iir iiu'in ui luu vutii un
Wk have now reached that traiton
of tbe year when tho married woman
heeitaten kvoout paying 30 cent a
4'.iart for "truwberriea f. r the house
hold, and the married man, without
i i ii i i. . a . i . v. . .1
hettitalios. ihvs oU ceuta lor tweJve
etruw lrri with Inn reotaurant
lunch. New York Hun.
Tbi. propoatMl law to increase tho
salaiy of juJ'H in not lot ked u-on
with favr by the people. There
are plenty of abl lawyer who aro
willinp to accept the In-uch with its
prt'.nt nalary if the incumbents
ilemxe to Tacate or rniii on KcuuDt
i an innaffic iency of tairy.
FAM;--.'HptKin Murrall, of tho
I'ritit.;; hteanihhip ilihwuri. tlirew a
art ..f Liii carpo of freight tJtx'
iito the ma t ttik"
pBNh-ugi ra and the ere
Kard 700
of the steam
i)a;.rk t'.
lat wiih sinking in
tliat jm t i:as mmle
i-aV !
am f.i:uo;ia the world all owr.
Vuf inhibition siieech makers
mtiiuate ia tlieir sp-chts that the
Jit -piiblicau party "will catch it," if
lh" pri. Libit, ry anit tiiliut nt is defeat
ed. tii-y are u.iicg ialisortte lan
g.tage, jiit tiin kind of language to
ii- it '
brii!g an overwhelming l feat "I"-'11 1
the rajsej.f th. pro!iibitory amind-
Court I'roceedluga.
im1 regular April ienu t ourt j
thi.t e. rveiieit on itouday, April Si
ult , and adjourned on Wednesday
aftern.-n, .-ril 'i wat, as short as
f'reshad weit in the Sintimc:. anu
Iff! I HI KAN.
Constable Jilm Brant wasappiint
d to wait upon the grand jury.
S. A. Sprout. Iaac Look, J. P.
Cailioiin were appointed tijjhtacs. '
TLe custables til I ti-fir bonds,!
and rep.. its, and from the latter it is
learned that law and order reigns
supreme in Juniata. Tho constable
of Fajette rep.rted ono base born
child, and reported one citizen for
selling Lard ciil-r.
MrtVumll lieale was ap.intedau
.erseer of poor ia Tubcurora town
ship. Wm. K. l.'en was appointed a
sup rvisir in Bcalt townsiiij.
Abraham Miliiken was appointed
a supervisor in Tusearora township.
V. M. If. lVnnell was appointed
auditor V' distribute proceeds of the
Sheriffs sale of the 11. J. Forney
Robert A. ltohison, Daniel 11c-Cn-ell,
1). B. Esh, Daniel Kloss,
Wm. PufTeuls rger, W. W. Sharon
were appointed viewers for a free
bridge at Mifttintown across the river.
A stibpaoim in divorce Sarah
Kt'.lely by her next friend B F.
Oliver s. George Kuistly.
A (itcti f in livorc was granted
llliam Pile n;;ainst Nant y 1'ile.
John !Ii!ssrr v. ltobert SlcMeen
committee of May Bousall lunatic.
Verdict for plaintilF.
J. H. J.Iovt in trust for Balthbzer
Lauver vs. Henry A. Lauver, rulo on
BnltliH.or Lauver to show cause why
judgement should not be marked for
the rise of llary Aucktr, J. 11. Mover
and Keuben Lamer.
In the assigned estatu tf Ja:ob
Smith au alias order to sell bulance
t real estate was granted. The
nss.gmt'S of the 'stat reported sales
irs follows of the Jacob Smith estate
i'ii the isth i f April 18S0, which
we-e u titined bv t lie Court:
Tia- t No. '2, 17 acres to H. C. Mc
Alisfer f. r $S50 ; No. 3. k acre to
Sarah l'r.x tle for $73; No. 4, S acrts
t Jacob O. Smith for $740: No. 5,
r0 m-r. s to Daniel Smith for $73 ;No.
6, 05 a. rs to Jacob O. Smith for
f i:td ; No. 7, liO ncres to Henry J.
S.'ielU nU rger f 0 ; No. S. 2ti acres to
J. l n L S.iatl for $.10.70 : No. 0, 60
acres t John I. Smith for $720;
No. 10, It? acres. 03 perches to John
1 Smith for $44j; No. 11, S.l a res
to Lewis Ih-Keli for ?27.oO; No. 12,
-J acrea to J. Ln L. Smith for $1EJ:
No. lit, 27 acres to Henry Shelien
Herer for i'Sia : No. 17, 1 of an
aTe to Joim L. Smith for $t.
The case of Jonathan E. Cree vs
Dwelling House Fire Insurance Co.,
of Boston. This was a suit to re
Cyver insurance mor. y that is with
held, because it is alU get tlie plain -tifY
did not inf. im the company of
certain ind bteducs against him.
was continued.
The cuse of MicklePaul, trading in
iinn.e of l'aul Brothers vs teorge W.
Heck. This was a about an in-1
debt e. hit bs for shoes, and came up
from Squire E. B. McCrum's doi-ket.
and was to recover a mlance oT 66
per cent of a claim that Heck in
embarrised financial circumstance,
had said he could not pay. Verdict
for defendant.
In the case of Catharine Stuck vs
William J. Stuck and David S. Stuck
administrators of Benjamin Stuck,
for money advanced to lur husband
during his lifetime the jurv found f r
Mrs. Stuck 1,213.
In tho case of Juniata county vs
Hmrnl B. Louden, for th recovers- (
y for ' V
jprerioua board .f Oimmifwutntrti
trier tbe tm act of 1885, w tiich wa
'Aledfred hj was to refund
' Ktaio refunded certain t.Tp to tbe
county. en iu-t for county $150.
Com v Andrew Yeater charge
rix-eirin a htolen horse know in f: hiin
! to have been t den pnasecutor John
Shineli ff. Bill ignored.
! t'nm v Michael lrertler charge
i . i : i - i . :
j ittrcen. a- imiirvimi ten j'iucw-
cutor Ii-ry Kerslmjf. J li pr.tsecu-
tor dronr-ed tbe case.
Oku va Frank CaMier charjre
t larceny of a bridle of V. S. Leach
: and oars of D. B. McWiUianw
I prtreeutors, W. S. Iifach and D. 1$.
' McWiilituu.s. Verdict puilty, and
(nt-iict--l to three month iinpriatin
uimt in county jaiL
(V-m va John Shineloff Jr.. and
Carriu Ui.-u.-e) and Iavid Glare;
charge of taking a horse and buijy
aj.J ilriviniT sv-v.nil miles and ahan-
j dining it pr.i t utor Ut-orp-e lolby.
Giiiity, ten days in county jail,
! J-hn Suint l..ff Jr , and Jvdin Diren
; nd Pav.d OW--harpe taking a
home and buirtrv and drivine: a
. ' -
number of mileH and abandoning it
prHecuur G. O. Arn.Jd. Guilty
ten days in county jaiL
Com s John Shineloff-Jr. charge
netting fire to a hay stack probecu
tor Jaiuea Zimmerman, truilty. two
years in Pittsburg penitentiary.
Com IVter Varner, John W.
Varner, AVilsou KIkkIcs Kl'jah Bell,
Jerome Wimer, William Valleutine
. charge, rutting and carrying away
umivr irm ianua oi jmoiii-i
4ut authority prosecutor. Lawyers
Simpboii and Sou of Snyder county,
acting for Daui. 1 Sh-, of Scbuylk.U
county. Setthdby paying for the
Com vs Frank Shield charge,
selling li.;uiT without licence pro
secutor. Constable of Fayette town
Bhip. No w iiiiess on hand. Verdict,
not guilty.
Coin t Geo. Hackenberger
charge Belling liquor without license
a i.robec'.itcr, Constalue I i'attern.
i Bill ignored.
C m va. K. 31. juig charge
s Uinir liouor in violation of license
i.n u.i'iili.r .T. il.n ShinelofT Sr.
! x- ,,.. sihir-.flr to rav
costs. In jail for rots.
Th common w. althcases this court
!rrst the eountr about five hundred
t ,i ,,nr
J. 11. VanOrmer, was appointed
guardian of tho minor children of
Mary VunOrmer, 1 ceasetl.
Cteo. Marx, wa.- cpt-ointetl guardian
oi it"' mi
Dal, ,'n
j,7 tiie
of the minor children of (. W . Kum-
estate of Samuel H. Fisher
deceased, opinion of the court was
In the estate of Patrick Evcrs,
deceased, auditor's rcpxirt was con
firmed and the sum of ."01,2S was
awarded to the overseers of pr of
lu tho state of Fred Alltoard,
deceav d, reprt of J. H. Neelv,
auditor, was tiled and confirmed nic-.
lr. Lucien Bank's, guardian of
Elizabeth E. Thomas was granted
leave to buy an organ for his ward.
In the eatate of Thomas Barnard,
deceased, ot inion and decree of Court
filed, ordering payment of legacy to
J nu. Nely, or to show cause why
claim should not be paid.
High License ie Wrong.
ConTibntrd !y tb W. C. T. U.
Postmaster General Wanamaker
male Lis first public utterance Sun
day oil the question of high license
and prohibition. He declared iu
fav.r of the Constitutional Atnend
tat nt, and exhorted the eight hun
dred persons who listened to his
words to work, pray and vote for it.
Mr. Wanamaker said he had been
requested to talk of temperance. He
read a portion of the fifteenth
chapter of Ephesiaus.lHginning with
the verse, "Be not drunk with wine."
He said :
What is the Christian idea of
right It is important that we get
the right thought, ltctise then we
will do right and lead a happy life.
The Christian idea is that we care
fully guard our deportment. We
should l- temjerate in all things
that we do. The Bible says that he
who does not do this is a fool. Now,
a mau who calls you a fol is not
minded much, but when God writes
us down as fools it is a very serious
thing. We should be tcini-rate in
everything. That means the use of
tobacco and opium : it includes
profanity and anger and impurity of
life. We are so to talk that we shall
build each otLer ui.
Mr. Wanamaker then referred t
tho wreck of the American men-of-war
at Samoa ami sp ke of the broken
hearted wives and children who were
waiting for the return of their hus
bands and fathers, who had been
dashed to pieces en the rocks. He
continued :
Uight here iu our city are broken
hearted jteeple beaten against the
rocks of adversity by this title of
liquor and of license. The man who
will not sign a temperance pledge,
though he diK a not need it himself,
to help a weaker brother is not as
much of a man as ho thinks himself
to be. Christ said : "Deny your
selves. Take up your cross and
follow me." There is no need to be
drunk t lie under the influence of
wine. The man who takes only a
little and will not give it up is as
much controlled by it as if he was an
habitual drunkard, lie is under the
in;' i:-i'ce because ho won't (five it ur.
What's the reason you won't stiind
out for the amendment? Becauso
vou hke a glass of Leer. You aav "I
want to W free to take au occasional
tirinK ii i ieei line it. wiiat milu-.
nee keeps you from voting for the
amendment t Isn't it the influence
of the olass of beer? There are
thousands of men in this city who do ,
not get drunk. Ibey say, "We have
the right to drink it if we w ant to ;
to sell it, to buy it or to give it awav.' ,
A man mar"not tlriuk it at all, but
v i. .1 . i.i . :
ue but i iiuttw iut: iiuiuru tti me i
t;.o,..r f will r , -T .rt, . ,
l -
tie wiu saj : "i am a j
in, but I am in buni-
tlfoi and the bqtior piplo drl witli I
. - liV -e.'t v tost toey ui'ini oeconie wartn lor ine
temperance nian, but I am m buni- Ue,nlv klL..dm. the bvh.r l.f. .
me, ho I won't say anything against
it." Now what inU ueuce ia he under ?
It'll the same with minr a poli-
the'tician. lie's afraid he won't get
votes, bo he is silent on the liquor
question. 'When a minister or a
teacher rfusoe to apeak out on the
queation he ia ru!xi by the lipaor
intereata. The drunkard who vote
for prohibition ia a freer man than
the total abstainer who rarriee water
'on Jioth shoulders and then votes for
iiijuor, or to put it in the harness of
high license.
Just as the aaloon keeper mvn-:t
answer for everv jrlasa he sells, ho we
must answer for voting for liiwr.
It is simply a question of whether or
not we are in favor of the saloon. It
isn't a question of high license. The
fiuibble that l-rohibition does not
prohibit has nothing to do with it.
The law against stealing does not
prevent stealing, I he same powr
that put the amendment -n our
Constitutional null attend to the en
forcement of the law. It isourdntv
to make it an difficult to get liquor as
it is to L'et pc.ison.
License means that the citv, the
State and the saloon -keeper shall go
into partnership to ruin men, to
build up jails, almshouses, hospitals
and houses of correction, and to keep
up the taiea.
God s froing to count the votes.
Vote for prohibition and you will be
voting lor Him, for order, for religion
and fiir the highest civilization. He
will see every ballot. Wheu you go
home to-night go down on your
kneea, every one of you, and pray
Ood t help you to carry the amend
iuent. Contributed for tbe Sbmtihl.
Tb ant ia an insect Hid lika all otbr io
arctn in tho Tetnorrt Z ' ia actire dur
iny tbt Kfrinf, umni.-r and autumn m nih.
It not to bo found in active lire during
S- ictt-r aaaon. Tbe liibla ravi at the
IIIcnJ Z5tb verne of fror.-rin : Tbe
auta are a prola not afronr yet they pre
pare rfeeir meat in tbe uuiro-r." Tbe ant
next to tbebeney b-e im a very dilig-nt in
vet working fr food and rllw-ritiit it. and
a.tcbir the ititerrata of ita neat or Lome
(vbr'brr it be in a:uu.p or lug or the
prouadj af an!t tbe iovaelon of man atid
beat. It lire' ott living inxecta tbat it el
turea, carriea to ita neat and kills for iiaelt
and touir aula. It alo calbera larae
quaulitie ol food from tei;.4tMe pii'lo
lor iteil aiid young anta. ! i aot a Urge
inaect Tt it eparea i a meat ID the auin
nr Uankind, f -eople of all natausa Dia'
profit in loll. wine the example of tbe ant
in their buinea aflaira and iu Ibe important
afiiire of .-ehjcion. At irin tut prepanta ita
meat ia tbe aumoaer before tbe winter at
air opUr prepare f"r thia lito and tor tb.
next lit- iMryond death bile in thia pnwul
life the only tme tor preparatitto. air bt?
believing, acc. piipg and tolloaring Jeati
I'brt at hoe bapiim at Jtiilan. tbe
Heaven were 'pei.ed and tbe Holy Spirit
dracrcded in ti e fotra of dove an t atx.de
with bim, Jena ilhe Word" made tletb
daellniK among urn "in lahion"atiil "in like
cm aa a nan." Tbe opening of tbe Heav
en and the Voice -tnd Fp-rit from H-aven
inlH te tbe UivinitT aod tiod aide oi Cbrial
Tbe Voice at ihi time aaid, Tbi la lot
belon-d hon io wbnm 1 am well pleaaed,'
(meaning ibe Son of (iwd Tbe pcta-Ter-ir
or rndurinc aeker ill bate th-e Divine
ai" to ovefcoaie every obstacle thai could
tiebar iiim f rem a ilvetinn. Everv difficulty
and tiha:cte cD bo oerconie through thia
fbiisf, v bo ta able to save them "tf tbe ut.
tei no-t tbat cime nr.to tvod through bim "
Pattern after bim wbo raya, Follow Me."
1 he ant furthermore is one ut tbe nx-af pr
reer;ng mtti. since if baa more per
verance than a grest many pet. pie. Tb re
ia a aTort of a person wno ararched an ant
f atberirg IimmI. The ant bad found a nr-ii
of a certain kind of corn at.d iromcdiatly
aiart.d In carry it toward i'a bjius. Kv
ry tiling went right well until it cime to a
olid, miaoued atone arsll that rtn across
lia route. Tbe dietanca to go around the
aal was to great, and il.e t.uly tl.tnK lor tbe
aut carrying the grain oi corn atveral times
heavier than its own weight was t.t
etieu.pt to get over if. it undertook
Ibe tk and with difficulty rrawied halt aay
to tbe top vtl.eo it ai.d the grain ot corn tell
down, it rallied awd tried again and suc
ceed, d In getting Dp a littlt bigber when it
a 'Ji.d time lost its hold and tumbled i'b
tbrgiain. If rallied agin ana came within
a quarter ot an inch oi tbe lop ot tbe wall
when the weight of ibe gram overlialancrd
it and it again tumbled. And yet it did not
gitt-up ht.pe and tfWt Ita p. rseveru.g
nature nerved it to go at it again and after
a lew staggers ibat it overcame in tbe way
succredtd it reaching the top. It aa nt-c
cesary lor the aut lo persevere to g-r or
bring the ttod aeroa ibe wall, so i it ner
escary tor people when Ibey see lb- saving
Cbrirt and his power "alar otT lo m.ko an
t fieri to obtain bia larnr and salvation. A
mn or woiud says, 'I bave seme com
preLension of Jexus, but it is du ai.t "
Micb ia not siitucent. Tbe idea ia bv Ui
ine help to nx.ll-it over all ob-tnt let. It
he 1st efjt.rt a ISelier in birn "who ever
liveth to makeinierceasiou at :he r glit hand
of Tower, docs not satlsly, theeff j.l uiioiil.f
be made sgaiu tor as tbe aut at U-t attain
t-d Us purpose so will tbe believer attain
ligl.I lu this lite aod ir tbe last day bear
loe words ol Jesus the great king, saying.
Well done thou poo.1 and laitl.tnl servaut."
1 here uit be walla ot obs'srles between a
man carry ing aoice ot Ibe Divine fMd or
li;!'t, faith in Chrii.1 and lh- b trbor ot'saiety .
M hen such ia Ibe cae let the mau or p- r
on aa ibe ant "people"' peiaevere s- let bim
prrsrvrrn iu faith iu tho (J rent Mater wli
led five tboiiaud wiih three firbea and eve
loavea of bread ; rmlscd the four days d-ad
Lszarns to life ; healed ten lepcrt bea cd
tbe blind from h:rtb, which two latter cases
ibe pbypicians and aurgeons either aliopa'h
ie or born, opsibic do not a'.d cannot d to
day. Have faith in this forgiving, a.vir.g,
miraculous Chr-st who said to some "Thy
sins betoigiven Tb.-e," siie such tbut ad
dressed by tbe Saviour bad tbe proper faith
in bim to he forgiven. A verse reads "lor
the Son ol man baa power on earth to for
give stus," and they tbat believe on Lim
sba.l ia no wise rerisb." Tbia Son of
man sutJ't red the "Just for tbe unjust."
"All have sinned and come abort ot tbe
glory of iitxi," but Christ i Agent aud
Lord to save aa many ot tbe wbole auinuvr
aa believe in him the only Savior from the
state of tbe lest or 2nd death. Tb-rrcioie
persrs ere and endure in bi:o. He will add
bia lavor to the effort and bring the perse,
vermg over the wa.ls of unbelief to btoief
brongh bim-ell who nukea tbe aeeker wor
thy through bis own merit being Advocate
with lion tba Father tor seker and beiiev
trs making tbe believers ibe fludt-ra of bnu,
ricbteous before Uod through the efficacy
ot hi own righteousness. The person that
area tbia K'ghteoua Ctrist alter otT,"
bouln like tbe ant reeking tbe top f me
wall, trj, try, again to come to hiai who
as; a : "Come unto me ally that labor and
are heavy Uden and I w.li give you rest "
Come to bim ehiel aioong ten tl.ouoi.J
be one altog-iber lovely " to
trno saints.
mane sainia D naving tbeir sins wished
way tLn.tigb tbe blood of tbia Christ.
I be persevering ant after getting over tbe
a!l got aately home with its treasure Writ
er and heavier thai, itself, and it ia nearly
Il.e same with belit-Ters they finally get to
the Heavenly mansions only they .carry no
treasures of earth beyond tbn grate exeat, t
the "Pearl ol Orot Price," who ia p-eem
wf'b them in tbia lile ami what is be -
je - u.
. : J fH " lu.rK"rd consider
-Jo to die ant thou
rer wava ard D. wise." is tbe wv another
Bible verse reads. This vers. donbtU-s
has reference to sluxsrds in every dav lite
and evtrv day work, and baa also re'ervne. !
cot cert'in' Uod and tb. bikber li e which
roar be obtained bv Cbnst lb. way and res.
1. . . .
.ln.,,,.'ie.. and work r ,ITB ri.hr her"
and through Cbrit. i,et bim sin.,
.......... u-..-.. ...i. .a,w.-.k . .
..... in. wor n i-
Christ wrtr. sutf red .or the nnwor-
. -1 k. . .
Famb. !
n en.
A recent despatch from New York
to the Philadelphia Inquirer aaya :
There was a torrinc fight between a
bear and a Bengal tiger at the Urand
Museum last night, which was not
conducted according to any prize
ring rules. The tiger was awarrtea
the fight at the end of the first
round. The bear did not claim a
foul because he was dead. The fight
was in this wise.
The sacred concert closed last
night at the museum at 10 o'clock.
and immediatelv aiterward the em -
. .
ployees began to prepare th animate
for shipment to their summer quar -
ters in 1'niia.ieipuia. xy some
dout the bhv-k l ar escaped from his
cage and walked over to the Bengal
tiger's cage and remarked that this
was a gooci time w seiue u.t
difficulty growing out of the election
lat fall, and insinuated that if the
-l: .z.. .1. .1. ,.T
... . - m...
chip waa knoiod c.ff and the war be -
gaJi; .. ... , . .L
ine tiger was m his cage, out i
bars w ere far enough at .art so that
he could s,r satiafactorilv. Ha let
out with his rigM and ca.'ight Brum
bv the throat. With his left dnke
he scalped the bear. The scrimmage
soon becamo interesting. The tiger
had the bead hold and although the
bear fought nobly he waa unuMo t"
make the tiger lotaien his grasp.
KeeKT IVck aad Manager Patterson
did their best to eeoarate the brutes
but without n.iceefL
In its struggle the bear struck
Patterson on the thigh and toro his
flesh down to the knee, while Peck
was thrown to the ground aud badiy
injured about the knee. The tiger's
face was scratches! and torn by the
K-ar's claws, but it did not relax its
hold until the lear expired.
Meantime the whole mcnafreria
had lieen conTertexi into a jierfect
pandemonium. The lions already
restless began to roar with excite
ment and fiercely jumped against tbe
sidea of thsir cages. The hvenati le-
Ct -m furious at the smell of blood
which flowed from the bear and the
titer, while the leopard and other
lar 'e animals were all
roaring ana
within their
rushing up and down
kevs in the central carrt- had climbetl
... - , . . .
U'tagainst the side of their den ana
1 -. t,
aiiis-artti vo ue einoviu it uultuiv.
The assistants w ho had rushed
fr-.m the cage to assist the men who
were lighting the tiger, had partial-
lv unfaotened the partition between
the leojiard aad another cage which
held a wolf, and wildly rushing from
e nd to end of his dell tbe leopard
perceivetl this ojeniug and rushed j
into the adjoining cage-. Iu a mo-j
ment he had fastened upon the throat
of the unfortunate wolf precisely ns I
a cat iMiuut-es ujon a rat and shot k
him furious back and forth. The,
attention of tue keeper was at.ract-
ed by tins new uproar, and those
whocouidlie spareti were sent to
queil it. Tin y found nothing but
an emutv box in frtut t.f the dior-
- i
way to prevent ttj wolt anil lsxpart
from ttia out on tho floor. One
of the men cliaib fd up the Bide of the
cape aud let down the bar. From
time to time the wolf, which bad now
freed itaelf, apran uptin the leopard'n
back while he was crouching for a
sprni";. Iuj leopard g-Mwed at
the forearm of the wolf and tho Wolf
Knapped vicioualy aain aud a.iin
at liis s;it.;trtl hide, and the cage wan
filled with fur and blttd. Bones
cracked anl frightful roars and
screams f ilowt-i each new attack.
At last the leoppurd made a desper
ate spring at the wolf ami caught
him fairly by the ntx-k, shaking him ;
viciously and limillv hurling the wolf j
into the corner f the cage a niaug- J
led mass of blood, bones and laoerat- j
ed fieKlt. The wolf died in a few f
momenta. Tue leojiard luav recov
It was a hm-r time before the other ,
animtdri, which huti Ix.-ou raised to a I
high piich of excit!ment, couhl lie
ejuietn.f, an t it was a late uour am-n
tho traunk-r to the curs w:is nn;dH
T.p liie Lrrt I'jtr.
A Washing!. u ofll.-t;-.olf'-r, v.h. :-
a keen t.b-rvt-r, called at the U l.i;
H itisc recently "rieieiy to pav !.
respect .i" to the Pnaident, aiiil r -p-.rts
his observations as follows:
"Thtre wtis a greKt pressure of
patriots in waiting, and they were
admitted t the President's room in
itquatls of about fifty at a time. 1 got
in ut the tail end of one of these
sections, and of course Lad to wait
my turn iu line. This gave me an
opportunity to observe how the
President greeted and disposed of
the visiting statesmen. With inort
of them he extended ruerelv a formal
greeting, aud to such he turned hia
right ear as the receptacle f i r their
personal requests. He stood a
stoical listener, with no facial ex
pression shewing special interest in
what was sanl ami passed them on
with the simple suggestion to file
their patH-rs.
"With R.-Veral, however, he luaui
fested au appreciative interest, and
with fitlch lie would step toward tut:
window and turn his left ear and
listen with absorbed attention, quite
1:1 contract with Lis coursa toward
thottf to whom ho presented his right
aun.'ulur organ.
"Therefore, I giv it out aa
pointer to those who are struggling
to n a -n the President's car,' that if
he presents the right-hand Bide of
Lis ftp.-o to your tamest appeals for
place anl pap, the so una waves of
your voice wiil not vibrate tho drum
oi lust auricie ; Out it lie taces vou
with his left car, what vou have to
say will make a ltxlguient iu tb
tympanum of that organ and you will
nave grouutls of Lopo for tiio con
sideration of your claims.
"I oI.served this so closelv that it
is a sure tip. I mvself onlv struck
r'eT'd lolie its I paid niv restects
auu passett oat. My oos Tvaaon
sugg. - sts the query, Is tbe President
; Heat m liiB right tar f W ash. ng ton
i Critic.
" "
rr"m rm Vinne-.polia Trth-ine.
feu T.,.-l. fl T.... T
fell down the el' v .r shaft!, ihirtV
rt ; m j . tt..i !
" .im';iiuuu xxuoci ni,
"M,.-,,-i.; l. I- It t 1 ,-.,.,
rUcm! Ll ? bj ' d.J7'tingon
"- " , ' wmi.T iv i.-. .tt,
Uothivs the -r.scnf the adventa
rif.r ii-..-.t . w . . . - . . . . . I ... k ... . . .
exempt Bprrvin of tho wriet.
Bear against Tim LreparJ
John Lewies one of tbe pione- reof
Calaveraa coun ly, California, tells cf
a remarkaole shot thut he once maae.
Ii'a a true utory, too. For many
mouths a fox bat been playing havoc
with Mr. Lewis'a bens, artJ, do wlat
he wonhl, he eon'.d not 5atch or
hoot the feliow. There a big
.Hr.nt 300 feet lone, that had
fallen jni-l above his cabin, and when
he tried to ahoot the sly beaat would
dodge around the npturned roots,
eneak aJfog the further aiao of the
irvm until it reached the top, and
:,, i. . wr..i grK,,p
iiieu uiubo - - 1 I
. nioonl jpht riht Lew ia heard a com !
1 motion atn0ng the hens, and. running
( ont with his Run. saw tho fox aa
fcljn W(IUD(1 tbe root euj f tbe
i He rfti(i(d hi pon fcnd witb
; full.,wed along the tree
i it sh)Ut the rate he thought the fox
; Xru n the muzzle
cleaie.! tbe upper end of the tree he
int- the shsitow. Idea be
: mt the ,rea top fcnd
th-re lav the f.x dea.l. ri-ldJed with I
. burk(lh.rllUdi.ipbi(l Bulletin,
citrnty, met a f horrible dea.h the
other day. While unloading logs
mini a car at the top oi a uae, one
of the log" tdipptd, and in turning
ovir Ktrnck Bxlmnn in the back of
the bead, knocking him into the
slide, down which his body was
carried with the loirs. His death
was instantaneous, the body being
i Bt horribly mangled and the skuil
I It may not. be generslly known,
but according to the pro isions of the
recent marriage law, a clergyman or
; other officiating ofucer who marries
i a couple whose license was obtained
' in another county is liable to a fine
jof sixty dollars, if any party is dispos-
, ej to prosecute him. Ex.
James Bailev, of Iowa, married Lis
second wife twt days after the death
of the first Mrs. Bailey, was the re
cipient of a coat of tar and feathers,
i and succeeded in rublring tiff the laet
!,,f H, tr inst fiftr -three davs after
j the close of his second honeyrntxvn.
j lT.,.a,nm.
Samuel Lightner, of Newport felled
a tree in which an owl war. discover-
...1 H;., . t .. V .f :i Z4U v
: , -. A . t . i
. missed it, ana cut a frightful gash in
, - , . , j
I nut fathers band.
I ThTP about 11,0H remedies
! metitionetl in the hfteenth ed;tion .f
i 'Trntetl States Dispensatory;
: .vt r humanity gets ait and ow
s ufiuiu-
Jacob Porch, tax collector, in Mount
pleasant, We stmoreland county, is
suffering with several broken ribf,
due b a violent sneeze.
Doy left own business men will form
a protect ivp association and b!r.ckli.t
delinquent debtors.
A canvasback duck is said to be
able to flv t.j htr miltM hur
" " i
The old f.iahioned clibWs
wav fussed to ri-ad character bv the
ipeoj.h? wear off tbeirl hhoo holtri
K.me of their r-avinpx read thua:
i ,B.;d
j Sooo , rlrn m.n.t brHe...
Or, among otb- rs.
Worn on 'be toea
Spetd a be goes."
Worn on the heel
Thinks a good deal."
And wor-t of all,
Worn on the vamp
fie'a surely a acaiop.
Successful Traatment of Biseaa
MK kUBKN sate t aeae oi aJI D:-tiee.
H ills tbe Sltrrobea.
Successful Treatment.
Wentterfal Toe- wed
e loot! ariCer.
THa affioeror the KrUer fj eafus of tra.
ampUoa asbaentf rl rtnalb tlsnsonMmul bsttrs
ars isttaal m clsiauet f r it cuiailr iiutren. bertcd
ta?ss-f . k.Town. W'ti do clstta lac A
pawsr hi earias cssss so tsr soae titst csrs
at iaapoeaibls. bat ws f i claim '.li.t H will rare mjttts
whwrs ths lattr srs o-t mv th-.-. h-lf fnes Prsuoa
wilhporsppotts tMktf4deilitated. wiU rlndltti..
t-"wi .wry m Jto , hi ustt. jMrtlt-tUsri, tttn-t
wa . ksrs satlaesd Ut rvs witb mcorst le c!tm.k dis
sssr. attcv-jOs. . -m -it..rf riew.. Ths
as-a Ia. ta-U will htll tb- rniel 1 .t Uta mom tna
:u!w tits iwtttent et tltt rtrt- to turn
aJd ir is oq- irV.t sort j-tcs. ' ?r!rr fcfl.tro.
anSotnljat iVitrftmoMa. Cbaap:wtthi. tin
l"" sit PnjK-I.Ti ,J it rtn umrn..' m
sSimot tbt of. -a ttrod f.cirrttWsBriinlaemstloa.
WB. rilSii-l'S HWiiV' "r 5,5, a ret.
u HHUtMi w rii..a- r.l.v . a
C'atUtlOal XollCC.
All persona are hereby cautioned, not
trespass on the Isnds oi the undersigned ia
ypruce Hill, and Beale townships, for tht
purpose of gat b.-rina berries, hunrinf, flsb
mc, or in any other way tresp.ss.t.j, on
raid lands, aa tbe tresps-s law wi l oe ra
forced against people a bo violate said law
Maaaiaoa Ktaasarw
Jan. , iet9.
Xottc lol resBBiiirrt.
Bsvirg leased 40o arrt-a of wood land
ol David Wiist.n, and 4U0 acres of wood
land ct John Wet lore, adjoininfr lands et
I'erinsyivania fcailroad Com pant in the
iciniiy ot Bnxler'a (ip. I herenv rau'ion
II persons apainat trespassing on tbe above
mentioned leased lands tor the purpose ot
tatting timber and ao forth.
Jos. Bsaaaom.
MifHintown, Bay 26, 188.
The undetsigneit oCers 14 at. res of cbeice
land, adjoininn the bortmch oi pat . r t.e, a
private sale. Tbete ia a rood barn and
cent crib on the hant The land ia ail ch-s
arid level and Weil -datt-d lor ibe ir.sl
ot all kinds of grain and sard en pro. i nee
For particulars call on
Jobs Ccssiroham.
Patterson, Juntala Co.. 1'
O.MElBlRw Ml W oi.d. i tb sD.
which Kmr ,,' mon netrr berd ol .
CLOTH KS LKtual requires foCi.oTHt
Pa. Every honse-keeper. Ukndreas aim
toi-kerper wants it. r-ample sent bv
mall, 6 le. t lor 2vcis.. 12 Let tor 6Tts
Firtt Claf Jt-KT WjiKTED for Mi.
Count!. Adt1ra NtliiTON R BOND a.
f'O., tlanutaetarers Areata, Pbi'slelpnM
l a., (Lock box SB8.)
?5 (!V'? rn.rBnTETi fbvam; row
i5fL Iii A U arrlarvsrsar.-l ajs-ayaeca. tal. t . .
ttwdaj- bj latriuia worm
swsmwaat c.aarnh4 supcik to all ulhar r. ii-.
msrllss, or a-h rtfuB-l4. Senl by nail, Si- i i i
aiars as. Int. 1'IX. St IrasnaoA St., Bostaw, itaaa,
ly irrQrT-1. ctvur hja life 1mm Ms btrtl. to tut
WtUaW ! Ory IXiUar. 1 i ii m inilll
LwalU ROfTK (fl..
U.w UrMhlra. IV. Ta
Uswrtsllsa sn4 p-
Sa.aiaa iaa IM ftx H.-H.
Baaaaca Him Viral
Sarapsta. CnM.iti
aMbc l glaak. a. . Ac.
Ma. 13a aaot. aaprea.
srapia,aa rraair ifS'ai.
IM WaaMactaa Ast..
pRO!'OSALd. !
ProF"l Tor Bi:lllintr of Rriilcn acmrt
Tuirarra Cr-k at ShoKr CminR in
Lack Tonhii-. wi! bi rtcivel tftheVnu
m:iiinner' Ofliru np to 10 o'rlnck. May
SOtb. l'fO. Aloo pr.'tv.-l for ibe KepMr
mg of tt: Soii'b fist Winn TVa!i o! F.-iii - at
Tbou'tsci'b Lock in Irlarn Tp- Plani
and apec:flciit'n to be h4 in Otli'te. Tha
ricbt lo reject any tr all of tho hiJar re-
Commiwlonrt'i Ottica, Mifflintowti, i
Arril aft, lb9 S
Jena 11 CtiSGHA, i
Fa!cct Howaa, Com.
Abklom Rick. J
Att-at : fr. W. BurchJUld,
Clerfc. May 1,4.
TION pri jt'H-i t tliu cii:en of tbi I
Couiaioneai:u i toe ornerai auemuiy ui
i ti Ciraiunis-l!h of i'enDtyivauii, for
ibcir apuroval or rrjaciioa at a p.'Ciitl
.l.rtioo to be l.eld Jnue If. lfesy. Pnbliib-
ed by ord-r of tbe Searetarv f Cm
oionwallh. in vormDC of Aiticla XVIII
ut Ibe Constitution.
Joint resolution projosiig an amendment
to i lie Constitution ot this Commonwealth s
Scctiob; I. He it resolved by tbe Sonata
aud House of Representativea of tbe Com
monwealth oi IVonsylvania in General As-
oeiubly met. Thai tbe following amena
metit ia proposed to the Constitution of tbe
Comuionwealto .f P. nnsy Ivauia, In accord
ance with tbe Highieentb Article thereof:
There shall lie an additional article to
said Constitntien to be designated aa Article
I1X, aa follows:
The man n I ac i u re, sale, or keeping for
sale ol itiioXii-siiuK uquor, to b osed a a
beverage, is b. reby probibiied, and any
violation of this prohibition shall . ba a
misdemeanor, puniabable as shall be prov.
ded by law.
Tbe manufacture, sale, or keeping for
sale ot iutnsiratitig liquor tor other pur
pose! I bin aa a beverage may be allowed in
such manner only as may be prearribod by
law. The General Assembly shall, at he
first session succeeding tbn adoption of thia
article ot the Constitution, enact lawa with
adequate penalties for ita enforcement.
A true cop) ot tbe Joiol Resolution.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
t ION proposed to the citiaen of thia
Coinii.onwealrh by tbe General Aasembly
o' theCommonwealib of I'enntylt'ania tor
Iheir approval or rejection at a special elec
tion to tebsld June 18, ltK9. Pnblibed
bv order of the Secretary ot tbtt Commou-
wealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII
tbe Constiluiion :
Joint reaolntvon nrrttstn si amerd
ment to ib constitutiou of ibe ct - mmon
scrif i. Btitretoirti by the Stnutt
ano Hume yf HcpTttrniatwtt of Iht Com-
n.M -,.s.y.rni aen.r.i js.
irmtit mri I'Lat tli following is propom rt
as an attend ment t the ctr.a itution ot tt.e
4.ou.inoiis eaila ot retins) Ivsnii in aecid
ance with the provision ot tba etgbtejth
art.ee tbert ol :
S'.rike out from section on-j, of article
elal.t, tbe tour qualification
tor volets
tlilrU r.-ails as lollowa :
if twent-two years of age or npw.rda,
le shall bate psid ai-biti two eara, a atate
or county tsx, which shall t.ave been as -
.K.d at least two months, and paid at
.east one mouin ostore inn eecilon.
ttst the aecuon ioca reads aa tollowa :
-Kvtry male c:t,en. twenty-one year, of
r.. . . .q , '
aball be entilled 10 vole at all elections ;
First. He shall have been a emmon ot
the United Sutes at lest one month.
Second. He .hall have resided in tbe
stale one year (or if, hav or previously
a luat.oo. elector or native oorn ci.l-
sea 01 the Male, he siialt have removed
ib-'reironi and returned, then six moaibs)
immediately preceding the election
Third. He ahsil bate resided in tb. elce-1
Hon district wbt re be sbalt etlsr to rote ml ,
least two mouiLa imaiadialely priced ingj
,br:,r,rr.,..e,v., 1
J j - e
strtii, ue sbail have
paid, within two y eat a,
a state or con. .It tax
ben assesstd at least
at least one month helot e tb. elect on," : suited in fit, Quality and prtCC
ahall be amended, ao as to read at follows:1,.., , . .
tverv maleri iseo twenty one yeara ot i ' hateVeT improVemCntrJ have
aKe, po.iwMtut .hetoiiowiuc q t .iiticationa.
... . ... ... . w,..m
of the cb ctiow dirict of wt.ico be shll
Ibe time b a resident
Ike li a n naiitn-t ... h.i.uu V. . . . n .iii
I sen ot the stie. be shall bave removed
j then Irtm and returned, then atx months,)
i.nm. air.i. ly pieced ii. tb. t b-c ion.
1 l.ird. He shall h oe reaided in the elec
tion district wbfte be shall cH.r to vote st
leai ibirty data irtnued iatel pr.-cedit(; the
election. 1 be It Km ature, at tbe acssion
hereof n. xt sfier tli adoption of tbia sec
tion, sbail, and tioin time to tme tnert af
ter iu.iv, enact Iaw to piopjrly cnlorco
this proviston .
Fourth. Every male citix o of the age of
1 "i'f )rt, sbo ahall hare been a
rit.s-.n tor thirty davs and an inhabitant ol
bia attte one year, next preceding an elec
tion, rxc. pf at municipal eloctions, and for
ibe U. i thirty d.ys a resident of the olec
t oi. disirxt in shell be may otlor hia vote,
rb.ll b entitltrd lo vote at snch an election
in tbe election district of which be shall at
be time be a resident ard not elsewhere
tor al' cturera that now srs or hereafitr
may be elected by tbe peopt. : ProvuJtd,
Tbat in time ot war no elector iu tbe actrsi
ooliisry service t.t the Stale or ot the
United States, in the army or navy thereof,
ball be deprived ot bia vole by mason ot
his absence from such election district, and
tbe W. a, a ore sh ill have power to ft vid.
tbe manner in which aud ibe time an j place
at w liKk sncb absent electors may vote,
and lor tbe return and canvasa of their
votes in ibe election district lo which Ibey
respectfully reside.
ri. tb. For the turposn of vuticp, no per
son aball be deemed to have gained or loat
a resHlei.ce by reason of bis prrsouc. cr ab
sence while employ, d in tbe Service of tbe
li nited Stales or tbe 6 late, fur a biieeeg .((. d
in ibe navigation of the ealets ol lb- S ate or
ot the high !, nor while a atud.-nt ol an)
c. I f e or s. miusry til l.isrnipj;. nor while
ktpl st ai.y a msliouse or public institution,
except the ii.ma es ol any hums lor dis
able, ai d indigent so'diers ai d sailors, w bo,
lor Ibe pui pose ol Toting, shall be dt-eiued
lo reside in the aieclion district where said
h n e is iocatei. Laws shall be msde lor
ascertsiinuc, by proper prooia, the citisens
who shall ea entitled to the tight of auf
Irage l.er by established.
A true copy ol '.be joint resolution.
c i n. - art it the I'nu lln.lilih
1 b ..'. m on
rpavn i
foikmed in tti mantavnre of
OlJlvT tTlaakaweai
b tba alssrm JL ItM,l. . rLTT .r","ll'B1
at . .
aTrY "''r7nrr a. U:e be-t in ths w;.rid!"Ua"
sta-on A Hcmliii oil-r. aa deii.,.o. .t-
BMniitlLMt .mvli. ... .... ..... ... iii
tH'XZliTC U. r r r--f"t "
,1 f HliiiNX.;;';,
at ail ot tbe
fana, 1SI,
with beal
si.T ti . - e : t ires.
l jMni'n, on"t he-itate to make the ex.
Inordinary e.sira for their p.anns. that tfar, are
openor to all others. TbeyKr.-roeVuVtt. 'th
' ptann
they a
IM attlri.HtLa. aalaa ... a.1
provetnent introduced br tne:a In "the yea, liij
aad nw knowr -s t .- Vt . , & n mil ri2a
Bl atBCUTM -Il-tS-4 -e. ... 1
. -J TlY"", eoniamin; t5.t:m.. -ia frero
Btnxl.ed (tnrelie-era. n.uK-v-., .! t,,.
.rrr- r'.- ai? is;
. aaa .
?uaca. csots moo.
iwaUsriaasesNl.rrftsK,V r.
K.rst t:rf ,h.H h.ve be. a a eiiiacO o! "rr ' . ' - .....--...-, tscse-
fbe Unreo States at leiM tb-rtv d.y. ail' in OT Out UwOr 5CrVlCe. Our V?u' "P1' ' r,V"'' Thomrwistcwa,
Send Hesh.i. have resided In the ! I )e t ctrt ment nvr Inim ! f or h''; ,!- ' AU
!. , i, k .i-..- &lut-er AP'lrtmnt neer lags, i toor.a, 2 ills, m., and PuubHrr, ,li,.B.
I - f -' . ,
I 7-v
J a--aj
Spring &
Tbe Cbauaplou Cletbler liuDialalunl) batlof Jitiira.
turned how tae lUaJiteru cltlext vvitti a. nondtrful
Uike li itn-l-s outeLine rivala, win victcries. and sell ;t'.f oy
met its.
illCN a BOl a & CillLUKKN'S
i and Gent's furnishing goods. First
Elegance, with prices that will aatocuah yon. No sale is expected aalaa,
I prove this.
But I ask your patronage only when I give complete a&tiafaciiaa.
JEWELKT, Cilico, Percala and White Shirt. Xei we-f, 0Uart
Cuffs,Triii:ts and Satchels, is full and complete, Cail ami '
Jnue 16, 1886.
Jetc JFirm.
(n and after Sunday Kov'r uA:k
No more winter for months; ea3Tward.
to come. Sprin
sr and Summer
are here, and to conform to the; Hnr.ttnednn . . t., u0Dt t;D)al M
b,o s. rr.. ?:etr,n tiarsl in n
r tot. . 11 J VI 111. Hi mv A
at. T U . is
vu. "i ue jucit i vkui itu ii
- ' K.tem MarketR. 'where be
lected with great care the goods
, . - r
, that his many patrons favor.
We have now filled
now niiea our
shelves with iiPftixa aki fcfMMER
I Goods of all kinds. UlIT
, . .
tomera liave appreciated our
I ffy, j, Q ye thtni Iioodn to
- . 1
' SUlt ttltlT pUTpOBeP, ana We
o Kt.l iv t hl t. r- oattAr l ,ro.
i . f .
pared than ever to merit their
contidtnce. einite ou to
i COuie aild Fee aild be Mltlbfied
I t .1... . .,,,,.,J J . .,
' OUr dl et?B K0td8 department
: y,a haVe allUOtft everything.
iw,stl, .s-u rrl ,uil Cn
Tvhat VOU Wflllt.
r J vaaa
fTf l0 CS (llXfl JLSOOtS
Our Bool and Shoe De-
! partiueilt iri full III itt?
Intent, nd you certainly
bcen added by the manufactures
1,..,... ,1...... fi 11-
uti t v7 t ii'- ot uti, tie: vtiii
We haveoit liand a iuil line
Fresh, l'luin and Fancy
A Ia lha nnlv in 1 I lirta
aartil nnl altri h 1 '. ,..v f
V"V , sdolplna ds.lv at II SO a. ni., Harn.hnai at
"V rr i. r.' 12 T A nit ' 1f' mt n.incsnn.ii 4 4P a. at., New
UlljllalNo V A lA 111 lrt V- Wil!crst..n H,M p. av.
; Thompsoutown 6,::ej p. in., Vandyke t.41
in the county. Every house . I- ni Tnsrarora 6,4n p. m., hcxko p.
.t . i it i i I ni., Tort Royal 5,64 p. in., UVftln 6.0J r
must have ltn lull huiijilv ol ; ,., Leuto ,.'s p. hcvt ,
Queens and GlanHWure, this is ' v- N,'on Hatuitns 7,h p. n...
, .. ,. . J liatilititttloii 7 i!) p. in , AUonrja 0 Ol p. m.
lilt; rluic iu van till tui sut.u tl i -
All orders by mail Trill re
ceive prompt attention.
Ueiueruber the plate,
Main iTHET, Oi rosiTE Cocbt Hot se,
Miliiliitoxs ii, iaM
Fred'k liSPliSCilADE
aV OH.
prii-g and Summer Goods.
I wuuld iuitvrm the public tbat I bat.
bow tn my new millinery store st my place
of residcLc. oa Water street, UiQllutown,
second door from corner of Btii. street,
a fall stock, of S;r igi.tl Bun rtt r mll':'nrr
foods, sli new, and of tbo latest aivles
and having emplov cd frst cisr tuiliicrrs
lam pr err red to supply thepullic wiib j
everything fonnd in s fl.atc'ass miiliner t
atom, come and examine trr stork. I 1
consider it no trouble to show foods.
MBS. IlblL.
Msrch 22-HT.l..
the mmw on. ccmfmy
i f PlttnLurg Tft., t.flks.
"f the Dcoeetie
h Fxntii Brand of nominat
ing and Lubricating Oil, Naphtha
tnd Gatioiiue, that can be made from
We challenge compariaon with
every kaown Product of Petroleum.
If yon ish thf most
k for our, ireil.- f-.r Mifllintown and
Ticinity Supplied by
January nd,-89-ly.
AU irat-.rtan' local newa ore pnnlia'ie.:
In tba colnmt.a at ti, Sc'Tuiel k. Rari a
I0AS ; tlso impirtant general ns. au I
I l.-5 13d vrie4 stxivoot of literary ms'tei
Cli ae, combining Style, (ouiity Mj
Altc-cks Aocouaonavies leaves A!kj.i.
j rtaUv f, 20 Tvrcne .
--- - - . m t q ,
im.. WiKordH.OSa m., ?U!iia 8.18 a. B-
i rort itni ai o. i i a. m, ai.ixiro m.St a gx
Tcscarora ,.'ti a. .. Yaocyke S nf; .
1 br-nipsotitomn 6.87 a. ro., iftrward 8.4J a
in.. Willerntown a tc.. Mewpbrt 9,u,,
m., arriving at Harrtsba'T at lu 01 a. t
I aad at Philadelphia, 1.2.S p. m.
j Sea Cboii Kirtiss kwves alUibua Cai'.j
at 6S a. m., ar.d stopping a all r7a
' station bfts-een Altoona and Uarriabuv
rears, a Vltflin at u.ttl . n u.....
. M ,. S.iTirr
i -sr-
j Wail Ton leavee pi'isburg dtiy i
- , 6-f'' m- Aitoona at 3t.li" p. ,.( tU
j n d ft f fk I i rwnlav at r rT. lv, ....i ..... w. m .
m 4 14 p. it... Ilarritbrirj 7 xti p. ia., fbn
ni.Nf liU 4 25 ft. .
Sail ExproMi '.cares futst nrg at tK'iiti.
AHoora i p u i Ty rottf 12 pB1I Bnota'
' mHt, 7 Ht r m . I ..-...,. t.
! n. j ifii..- . n.i.h, .- i.,o L,
! " "Jlt Jl i m. r-.i r-..
Ph!lalcl;.bia Surnx i:i.ii.st tttthm
M il E7 p. ni-, nitcn Cst:frd
Wat T Wa&D.
!.! leavea I'b'Mfsipbia sHr at
11 60 a ir.
IlsrrUI org .f, 40 p e 1 Htftla
b t'r. pin 1 Lewlatt wn e i( p m ; AliMat
b 1 p m 1 arrive at I'tlt.l utfr at 1 1 M
War PassTanaa less PtiMadstpbia
daily at 4 30 a. m.; tljrrUburn, K It 1. a.,
irorcsrnon, o a. :n.; .-vnwport, 2U .
i m. ilierstnwn, 9 4t: a. ni.;Tbonifaontow,
j 9 62 a. m.j Vsn PtUs, It ml a. a ; Tnsear!
ora, 10 04 a. m.; Mexico, 10 ly, a. m.; Pert
- I noyat. iv inm. n. .j wrmin, in lti a.
' u . 1 . 1 rt m .1 b. . ... ...
. m 1. 'tiri, tv . w. tH ; ,. arros s, in
ire Lewistnwn. VJ 4.1 a
MVcrtnwn, 1 1 It
. Uj-' Ne'
tinedon, 1
A'.toona, 1
ewtnn Haiutltou, 1 1 Si a. m.i Ho-
3 17 b. m.; Tiroau, I 07 r. ta
4i p. m., an1 stopt at all raailar
atationa between Ui.rristurf and Ali.xma.i
(Itirtt Krt
: -
iv at o ou p. m., tiarrisnnrf , IU ZV a
Kill TlllD tear. rfci!a1s!ph:a dairy at
I 7.fXi a. m., Uarrlabnrp 1 1 .2U a. m., Kw
i port. It 14 p. in., Xif3m li.47 p. siap
i ptrg at all regular stations botirren U:C1k
I and Altoona reaches Alt'toss al l.t) p. a.,
j I UIhnrg P. 20 ji. m.
Altoosa A'Cosscntrioa isavsi Fi-i.
raclSr. Express Ieat6 Pc,!i(ljliia 11 i
p mi Barrlaburg 3 10 i mi .nnraimos I
SHam; Nevpi.it 4 0! am; Ui!lite4 3lt
tn l.t wiktowa S ill a in I M Vej loan S t
a ru; HI. Union 6 t'l ; li'tstnil.mt
12 m ; fetersbnrg 6 2.1 a ni ; Sprues Creek
6 40 a m Tyrone 7 ' 31 i rtell'f XiHa
!22im A!trosa I 05 s in t rittabsiA
j 12 45 p m.
j Sra Sliote Kxpress aal, a Snsdavs.
wiil connect with -inndsr will .aft i-aris
i Hirrsburg at 1 ii p. ti."
' T . .. I . . . ... f t. ' . . . mm.
toy at 8 10 a in, 10 or am, S 14 p at ; fur
Sunbnry at 7 45 a m, a no p m.
Trains arrive at Lew ;ton JnnetieB !
Mtlroy at 8 6U a m, 1 25 pm, 4 Bii j mt float
guubury at 25 n, 4 0-J p in.
Ttaii.s leave Tyrone for Bcllefukl. ar.B
l.ut.a. Hat en si 8 it a rt, 7 lo p ru. I.esv
'J'yroL. f ir vtirti cnsvlli. and Uirarflaid al
fc 20 a Ui, 3 L5 p m,7 25 p in.
Trains leave Tyrone fcr t'.rrltr Wsit.
j t'enn.ylvanla Furascc S'ld ScnliS t 60s
ni and 1 10 j. m.
Trains arrixo at T) rnnc rrom rlelleljtit.
and Lock Ilav.n al 13 Oft p m, atid 6 V (
I Trains arriv. st Tyrotiti fretn C"rf
I villc a. id Clcarneid at 6 68 a ni, atid 11 (5i
in, 6 17pra.
( Treina arriv at Tyrone fr-.tn Sco.'a, TTar
ru.ra Mark snd Pennsylvsnls rtirr.ace I
o a in, at 6 4'J p m.
Trcins iesve HunlitiA-dun for Birrd,
lis ndiiian and Carrt.friaTid st K 'ih . :
and 5 3 i p. m.
Trains arrir al il nut . r g i jtt Iron ('.!
fold, Ilynatnan and Cnnn.-rUiid at 12 1?
p. m., fi 2.) p. m.
Trains learc Altoot a for p&in! Sotitii. !
7 20 a m rt 25 a rn. 12 50 p rn. 1 60 p in.
6 do p iu., M0 p tn 9 60 p in.
Trains arrive at Altoona from r-.ir.re.
Bomb, at 6 45 a m. 11 5 a m. 1 84 p m- 4,
65 p. m. 6 40 p. ra. 7 0J pm. and 10 So J
sad SOS
Wish wr aetth... ,r? " WAliW"
Krister ha Ita ar Tasss. MDI
ita- Farwlin( and otbar hanltoc. Oar lasatteve
vie vrtll aot bend antler Iks heavies aswaV
A'ZSaSLZSSi lAgenU Wante
T.?V-.r tacfc for each J
f-lent ba.meae
TrZ ner line t
H.' ..i will bo u
.-rtise tf tb. yd
st -
SfiOK T I.
o.rb.r laJ Clu:'
a Milibn wJnt; :
o E. cider fr,u. :
kept uvtrr WILt
o. nbiti..'li tuj
Nellie Sjfl
ilLsa Irwui vf l.t
..a number if -J-
ei Ot Kv "r
y.fea Jai.a.iC. w;.
after Ui-gei
Jhuraiay and t'ndi
faji it auw- i 1U
Ou last Friday n;
rioinur J t-wa
ilcrcba'-l lVi.:.e..
l.xru t: il a. of 11 ' tl
ami pLiladeipLie.
Mil V DeLi-t
David Jieuue, of Jol.t
tounfy, visiu-a tin :
louJoIl last week
Merchant SeL :
daaiLuulli bt.'ia. ot i
jlaeLt in Net Y. i
riilfc'e atittt :u u :
Prohibiti' iLusti 1.
the tVnirt llo-.i-c iu-
iiie- W
rv t e. ,
JJaui, maJo apee.-M
Waa v. ell a'teLiJ. J
Jhe Jiunuul njt
at Valley Ud.t .i ii
b Leld a't the Tr:l-
Thuia.lav . ali;v 1, u
verv one lv there
Small IH'I h:i Li
the Oklui ui.-
sands t;re U :!. :
tba Indian ti i r
rder it a witi. i.
Iti'h, il:uif.'f.
Ban or BUl!n::N
bT'llflfol d "s b
never f:JI-. S -'.i 1
Pru'it-:. li.:
rtni-hi:il i:
Dr. Frai.a 1.
"V L;" 1 "
fy t J a ni1-' '
about tuli. l
An uui'fr : ' ';e! i-
lnou tlu: v i i
towiiHhiti v. i-. !
Byeiiint'a t. 11
not lujwii. I. -
iliBUi nL.ce.
LugeUe M " A
Afee, of Ti.fc.-t I
Vjv. r-r nioi n:L.i'. a.
lull) iilli-a f
23 veurs, 3 ni nti
Beut in C'hui. -ii H.
1'ul J li.ev.ta h:i-i
chant Sch 'tl'a l. t
elertion of th-.i
toi-k that f.'i u.-tt I
clothing departn.
V4 auited.
TueJtl tl
inauuratiuLi 1 t
aa, preside!'. 1
Kh-'iutr i f 1
citit-H ol the lui.d
tiarnih-. feiieerhes 1
a- ' ,
ill ntir ilk
ilist. D:ehl i
and bv the lu-t yl I
holue Viilh ti fjll r.i
nuveltie. ui.. I um I .
her hut.Un a I
Kai'tar" e ,r.
J. E. Awawi , b31
Pa. tai-e t,n
tlelliv fr. in 1 mi-1 1
thuudnu la f e in e
"Advice free. Se
ilnrih 14. Ks. 1-
The hut Ijj:i
Vtlehrutioli ..fl! t
ffntetitiiid mu";
W u. j.,i r e.l
cfti.-o Ltd. left t.r.J
people !ni vtai.t ;1
l"t. fc... tv. 'J
iihite. :n tr in
i hit, hi v hoi
,U Hard, S .ft, ' I
'(till UJelijiul,, K t;
Nphvin. (' irlw,
ini? l j.,. si i!.
n Thr.,atn, C
i .i
"V XL(- Ut. . .', l
J K..U bv I. I
tfiata, Mifflin?.. v n,
wtii.r aijct et.
ri'Voluti,,;! l.f 177l
il to niKke it J
I'ri si'h i , - (;
u 17H3. The
the eer.tet is.!
ew ,.,k tin
'n't 1. tht to
The prohibit
defeated in XI-.,.
nB;..rity on the
tUmpshlre, Mit
Teias, (r"iin.
hBTfi ftU M.,ted tl-rl
Vi r ,r the rean.):i thi.
t-f tt aiperan.-t- j.e
1-4 Ttt th. piohu.it
"Tbe new fetic
to fecc his cat'.'..
ed to mitble