Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 24, 1889, Image 4

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Female Farmers.
Will the comlnjj young woman ba m
N-atlered all oyer tlie broa! prairie
of the Northwest are hundred? of eelf
lelutnt, true blue young: Lerolnes, Ht-1
vg In ema!l. Isolated cabins called
shacks, proving up claims, entering
homesteads anil making money.
It Is Ion some, dreaty business, this
living alone on a wild, unsettled prairie
without a lac or human form to wel
come on or cheer one's solitude, but
there stem to be a good many young
uaicn wlio have the grit to bang to
'.l.la solitary lire long enough to prove
up a claim at leant.
Four young ladies in Dakota last
ear put their beads together and hit
upon au ingenious plan, whereby they
t ould each secure a claim and yet all
live comfortably together in one house
and each be upon tier own land. In
stead of building four shacks with one
i ootu each, they constructed one shuck
with four rooms, but so nicely planned
that each room of the square building
was o:: a difTeient quarter section.
Kch had her own bed in her own
room and in tt::it way, each claimant
at night slept u;on her own land.
Society ladies of the city will won
Oer, not so much how these young lady
settlers get along without social priv
ileges, as how they dared live so far
away from the doctors. Why, bless
you! they never thought of being sic.
lioctors are not half so much of a I
household necessity as city people are
iu the habit of tlrnking.
For ail the oniinaiy ills of life, the
old fosh:oi:ed roots and herbs remedies
are more eff?ctive, and much safer in
results, than luo.lrrn doctors' pills and
potions. These latter are so radical
in their effects that, while they may
better meet the modern desire for quick
results, they frequently permacently
injure the system, nature rebelling
against the unnatural methods em
ployed. It is always 3afest to follow natural
methods In treating disease. The old
time roots and herb remedies, which
our tfood old log-cabin grandmothers
Knew !o well how to prepare, were the
Lest nif.licines t'.ie world ever knew,
because they were nature's remedies.
The modern world needs them. In
Warner's Log Cabin Uemedies, and
especially such us Warner's Log Cabin
Sarsaparilla. and Warner's Log Cibm
Cough and Consumption Itemedy, the
people of to-day have an opportunity to
secure the l.eallhy medicines which our
rugged anctstors used with such splen
did results.
Fixe Oixtxixt fob Wounds.
Take equal prM of parIy. plantain
Kates, groundsld and chick weed; well
I ruisp the whole, extract th juice by
f queering it through a muslin or flan
nel bag; get a piece of flay from the
pork butchers, beat it wU with a roll
ing pin and then put it in an earthen
ware Tessel near a slow Ore, and melt
it down without salt, when you have It
done sufficient, strain It Into a clear
gallipot and put the Juice of your herbs
with It, well stirring It; let it stand by
tho fire and gently simmer one hour,
then stand it aside. When cold It will
be fit for use. This is an excellent
ointment for scald heads.
pa ne s
i roR Burns. If you get half a pint
, of cold drawn linseed oil and some
; clean linen rag, pour your oil over the
i rag until it is perfectly saturated, have
ready a gallipot or other clean vessel to
let the oil drop into; take the rag up
with some tongs, set it alight, bold it
over and let the burnt oil fall into the
vessel, keep on until the whole Is burnt
then strain and bottle. Keep a feather
In the bottle and when anyone meets
with an accident apply the oil to the
burn with the feather, afterwards sat
urating a piece of lint and wrapping up
the injured part with it; attend to and
dress it frequently. This Is a very old
but sare and excellent recipe. No
housewife should be without it. The
I cost is trifling compared with Its vre-
iulnets and beneficial effect.
Bau Yukm4 Axu Hon- To Ies
tiuiv Tiikm. One of the most
troublesome and destructive Insects
which attack the leaves of trees is the
Bag worm or Basket worm (7tvrni-
f m.ti '..ru.is, llawolth). Its I
larv:i- overrun and prey on a great
variety of fruit and shade trees, loth '
deciduous and evergreen. The perfect
iu.-eet is a moth, the male having filmy j
wings, which give it the appearance of
a large wasp rattier thau a moth, as it i
Mutters around oa warm summer days, j
The female is wingless and legless, and j
when she has deposited her eggs in the
ba-Iike case Mie fal s to the ground I
and dies. Iite in the following spring i
these egrfs hatch out in small brown j
lartto which feed on the foliage of the !
tree tj which they attach themselves. !
They begin to build for themselves I
silken coverings, to the outside of
which they fasten pieces of the leaves
upon which they feed. In
Tiiimblc Kiggino. Some one has
invented a piece of thimble rigging
which is conducive to a seamstress'
comfort. A metallic ridge is attached
to one of the faces of the thimble. Just
below the indentations. This la known
as a thread cutter, and Is meant to save
the trouble or using the scissors at
every finish, not to speak of the perni
cious bablt of biting off the thread with
one's teeth. A short time since a good
little Philadelphia seamstress, in the
latter practice, first destroyed the
enamel and then broke off her front
Salad Cream. Thick sour cream,
salt, white or cayenne pepper and a lit
tle white vinegar roust be well stirred
together. A lump of sugar on a lemon
and dissolved on the vinegar or cream,
may also be added if approved. This
die-sing is excellent with lettuce or
endive. This is excellent as a mayon
naise lor vecetaoies 01
There's nothing like it.
Last siirins. bMnsr very muc h run down and
debilitated. I jurocured suuie or palne's cvlery
Uunipouud. The uvs of two bottles niaderne
frW like a new man. ab a general tonic and
spring medicine, 1 do not know lta equal."
Brigadier ODcral V. N. O., Burllugtun, Vt
ii.uo. lx fur as. 0L At Druggists.
Wibble "Don't tell me that adver
tising amounts to anything. I adver
tised three consecutive days for an old
woman to act as housekeeper and never
got a single answer."
Wabb'e "It was your own fault
that you didn't. Yon should bare ad
vertised for a middle aged woman."
To-Nlcbt mod To-Morrow Hlfflit.
And each day and tdgbtdarlng the week
you can get at ail drucfiista Kemp's Bal
aam for the lliroat and Lungs, acknowl
edged to be the niost successful remedy
ever sold for the cure of Coughs, Croup,
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma,
and Consumption. Get a bottle to-day and
keep it alwaya In the house, so you can
check your cold at once. Price 50c and $L
Sample Lotties free.
fc'CRlBULER Whit do you think of
my "Tale of Tox rt '," in the last Ba
zoo? Cynicus Very well carried out; it
was poor from beginning to end.
cold meats. For
fish salads the best dre-slng is oil and I r.ZL . .V -.
irilk t 1 j ,t- iv.vi.i.in Uil.. X I!
- .fta. VUO uaiu uoutru oi vi
Wnoorixo Cough. Take two peu-
njsworth of oil of ember, rub it into
the palms of the hands, bottoms of the
feet and down the backbone, night and
morning, not missing once until cured.
If a babe, a few drops of castor oil in a
little mlik In the morning, once or
t ice a week; if a child of 5 or 6. a tea
sroonful administered the same way
eveiy morning for a week. This will
work wonders, and I Lave myself
proved Its efficacy many times in my
own farailv.
of thes silk-Ilned coverings become
bag, suspended from the lower side of
the limb or twig. When they have at
tained nearly tiieir full growth, these
larva' have an unpleasant habit of spin
ning down upon any person under the
tree. Having s-pent the sunny hours of
June and July in stripping the leaves
from the trees and rendering themselves
generally disagreeable, the larvas fasten
their pendent homes securely to the
twigs, and change to the pupa form.
After a brief period they burst forth
from their pupal inclosures. the male
to flutter his brief hour in the waning
sunshine, the female to lay her eggs
inside the empty bag and die.
Throughout the winter the bags are
plainly Ben barging from the twigs,
and are readily removed by means of a
line wire brush at the eud of a pole of
the proier length to reach them, by a
man sUud.ng beneath the tree. The
lairs having been brushed off are
gathered up and burned. A very little
labor will clear an orchard or row of
shade trees.
Early cashes and I'otatoes
Tooetuer. 1 have never grown
these vegetables together, and see no
advantage In so doing, unless it be the
possible protection the potato vines
might give ths squash as a decoy to the
squash bug aud spotted beetle. The
soil should be prepared for the potatoes
as early as possible, the rows marked
out three feat apart, and only the alter
nate rows plante , leaving the others
for the squash. This would give
squash vines six feet ore way, and they
could be planted three feet apart In the
row, for bush varieties. Well rotted
manure of the best quality should be
applied in the hills for the squashes be
fore or at the time the potatoes were
planUd, the squash hills to remain un
til the conditions of soils and weather
were right for planting the seed, which
probably would not le until the pota
toes were up. By the time the squash
had spruuted, the potatoes would have
a good stiirt, and would protect the
squash from hard winds. Tne frequent
cultivation given the potatoes would
hasten the growth of the squash and
interfere wonderfully witn the ravages
if the squash bug, as he is sby and I
runs away at the first alarm. Precaution I
should be taken against the flea beetle I
by dusting the young vines In the top
or eacn mil ot squashes with rypsum
or land plaster. Into each bushel of
which a pint of turpentine has been
thoroughly stirred; then allow It to
stand a few days well covered to retain
all the fumes? This acts as a pre
ventivo, not as a remedy, and can also
be used on the cabbage and all planU
liabl.; to infection from the flea beetle.
To subdue the enemies ot the squash
crop is the most expenslveand laborious
part of its culture. The potatoes
would be dug before the squash vines
were done giowiug, or before the
squashes were picked.
To Ccre Boils. These painful and
troublesome things can be effectually
Je;lroyed by taking the following mix
ture: Two ounces of Epsom salts, one
ounce of salti'etre, put into a wine bot
tle of spring water, shake it often.
1 ake a wlneglassful three consecutive
mornings, fasting, then stop for three
mornings and then go on again until
time each ' t,,e whole of the mixture Is used. This
is a capital medicine.
Corn Bread. To make a loaf of
light corn bread for breakfast beat up
two fresh eggs, add a cup of milk, half
sour and half sweet, a lump of soft,
fresh butter, a little salt and a little
saleratus. Beat in enough corn meal
to make a moderately thin batter. Beat
very hard, pour into a buttered pan and
bake in a pretty hot oven one not hot
enough, however, to burn the top be
fore the middle Is cooked. Tr,e batter,
with the addition tf a little flour, w 11
make excellent griddle cakes.
To cure corns, get a lump of good
chalk, beat and pound until it la as fine
and soft as flour, then obtain a common
tallow candle, mix the chalk and tallow
Into a fine, smootn salve. This simple
plehian remedy if faithfully followed
seldom fails. Bub into the Corns night
and morning an J at any time when you
have the opportunity, until they drop
out or disappear altogether.
Fon a hair curler take two ounces of
borax, one drachm of gum arable and
add to them one quart of hot (not boil
ing) water. tir, and as soon as the
ingredients are dissolved add two table
spoonfuls of spirits of camphor. Before
going to bed wet the hair with this
fluid and roll it in pieces of paper in
the usual manner.
A delicious pudding Is made in
this way: Chop a pineapple quite fine;
take some cake which is a little dry,
rub it hue in your bands or crush It on
a kneading board; put it Into a pudding
dish in alternate layers with the pine
s' pple, sweeten abundantly, moisten
with cold water and bake in a moder
ate oven for an hour and three quartets.
To Destroy Bed Ants. Take a
large, coarse sponge, saturate it with
warm water and press it dry, then
sprinkle it over with fine pulverized
sugar and place it where the ants are
troublesome. They will soon collect
uion the sponge and get into the cells.
Then dip the sponge into scalding
water, which will kill them. Wash
out the sponge and repeat the process.
By this means you will soon be entirely
rid of them.
Vacts Worth Knowing.
Great Britain has the largest navy,
tlthoush Italy haa the greatest ships,
ireat Britain has 14 obsolete iroD-clads,
i non-obsolete coast-guard iron-clad
vessels, and 50 sea-going. France has
13 obsolete, 14 coast-guatd non-obsolete,
and 31 sea-going iron-clads. Italy has
9 obsolete and 12 sea-going iron-clads.
Fifty British vessels can steam over 12
knots an hour and less than 20; 31
French can stam over 12, and less
than IS knots. 12 Italian, over 13 and
less than 16 knots. Of the whole num
ber of sea-goi,. iron-clads having guns
tliat can pierce 20 inches and upwards
of iron. Great B itain has 23.64 per
cent,; France, oO.TO per cent.; Italy,
10.23 per cent.; but of the whole num
ber carrying 1G inches and over in com
plete water-line armor. Great Britain,
has 3.". 70 per cent,; France, 33.33 per
cent,; aud Italy, 11.90 per cent
There are now 40,000 scholars and
40t0 teachers lu the London "Bagged
bunday School," and these numbers are
fa.-4 nit reasing.
Boys in the primary schools of Stcck
Icn, California, are taught needlework
the same as the little girls, so that here
after they cau make small rejialrs for
The Lacgiiino Plant. Palgrave,
in his wotk on Central and Eastern
Arabia, mentions a plant whose becds
pioduce effects analogous to those of
laughing gas. The ph-nt is a native ot
Arabia. A dwarf variety is found at
Kaftuni, and another variety at Oman,
w liich attains a height of from three to
four feet, with woody stems, wide-
.-preading branches, and light green
f liage. The flowers ate produced in
clusters aud are yellow iu color. The
seed pods contain two or thrte black
seeds of the size and shaiie of a French
I can. Their flavor is a little like that
of opium, the taste is sweet, and the
odor from them produces a sickening
rensiition and Is slightly offensive.
These seeds, when pulverized and taken
in small doses, ojrate upon a person in
a very peculiar manner, lie begins to
Li ugh loudly and boisterously, and then
sings, dances, aud cuts up all kin. Is of
fantastic capers. The effect contiuues
about an hour, and the patient is ex
iremeiy ci mical. w lien the excite
ment ceases, the exhausted individual
falls into a deep sleep, which continues
for an hour cr more, and, when he
awakens, he Is utterly unconscious that
any such demonstrations have been
made by him. Scitntuic American.
e suggestion made
some time ago that the nutrient proer
ties assessed in so marked a degiee by
coj-iner on migtit be due to the pres
ence of unconiblned fatty acids has
leen continued by scientific inquiry
abroad, me lad being thus made mam
la-t that the darker vaiietits of oil.
which aie well known to be the most
acid, are also therapeutically the most
acne. iiie laiicr However, have a
ta.-d.ei which is as distinulslud as their
acidity, and on this account are not so
well adapt-d for medxal use as the
paler and mote pleasant kinds. The
l,.le.-t examination i shows the free acid
in the pale sorts to vary from 0.18 to
0. lper cent., and in the pale brown
from 2.54 to o 07 per cent. These tests
have let! to attempts to obta'n an artifi
cial an.! more pleasaut tustlnir oil-
equally beneficial, and it Is said, with a
gooa uegree oi success, l bus, olive oil
has been partially saponified in such a
manuer as to liberate 6 er cent, cf
acid, the product being unaffected un
til mixed with the pancreatic secretion.
when rapid absorption is effect' d after
emulsincation; children are found to
take this article leadily iu hot weather,
and with no disagieeable secondary
eiiecta. .ifw j or ln'.unf.
The I'rince of Wales's comfort is w ell
looked after by the London tlieatrical
managers. At the Couit Theatre he
has a l'erslau pavilion to smoke in, at
me uarrick a Chinese pagoda, and at,
tne Lyric an apartment not a whit less
A novel branch of learning has
been Introduced into the higher grades
oi me public sclionisor evv llaveu. It
consists of a bulletin board, upon which
are pasted each day clippings of import
ant Lome and ioreign news taken from
me liewspapers. special attentlou is
given to matters brought up in connec
tion with the study of history or geogra
phy. The pupils take a great Interest in
the ."bulletin." aud vie with one an
other in bringing the greatest number
of items which are suitable to be pasted.
TiiEnE are now 172 carpet manufac
turing establishment in Philadelphia,
working 7,350 looms and employing 17,
8u0 workmen. Last year 71,500,000
yards of carpet weie produced, worth
nearly M3.000.000.
The gross earnings of our railways
cess of thos i Vh t , , L . HCould-n- Spank HER.--My
Tl. 12 .,.!. r;,.. : , aear wife, I wish that you would be
ingtothe tna.A,! r ;.,v, .: ...i.i., more careful in your conversation be-
ueiery uompounn
Purifies the Elocd,
Strengthens the Nerves,
Stimulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels,
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. -
Use It Now!
"TJaTtnu used yonr Palne's Celery Ootripmina
this sptiniTt I can H&fely recommend It as tbe
Eicwt powerful and at tbe same time most
P"iiUe reculiuor. It la a uplenrtld nerva tonic,
t..i since uikms tt I have felt luce a new man."
K. K. Kkokv, Watenown, Dakota.
Wells. Richakdsoh a Co. Props. Bortlnston. Vt
An amusing anecdote comes from
Fredeni-borg, In Denn ark, the tempor
ary resident of the Russian Imperial
tamily. Two of the Czar'a childien,
who were laid up with measles, refused
to take the physic prescribed for tbem.
Che attendants Insisted In vain. The
oung people were not to be persuaded.
It last tbe Czar was sent for. and.find
ng that kind words were of no avail,
ne began to scold. Even that did not
succeed, so, turning to tbe nurse, the
Czar said: "I can do no more; and yet
just think that millions of subjects
obey me. while these striplings set me
at defiance."
N Chemical.
Is The it Days when food adulteration is so
common, it is a comfort to find an article for
tbe table that la thoroughly reliable. Walter
Maker & Co." break fiutt rocoa la eminent In
Ihla limited clam. No chemicals are naed In
Its manufacture mid it is absolutely pure. It
forms moreover a delicious and healthful
drink, as rcfreshinz and more nutritions than
lea or coffer.and free from the injurious effects
that those beverages sometimes produce. And
It Is very cheap withal. The house of . Walter
r.Aker Co. has maintained for mora than 100
rears a great and honored repute by the ex
cellence and purl-y of its manufactures.
A Mistake. Acent for lewelrv
bonse I've got a fine line of diamonds
I'd like to show you.
Man addressed l ou've made a mis
take, sir, I am the proprietor of this
hotel, not the clerk.
Nearly evrrvtKly needs a goo.1 medicine at this
season, to purify the blood and build up the sys
tem. Hood's sarsapATiUa 1 t-le dh popular and
enccersf u! spring medicine and blood pur.fler. It
cures scrofulA. au humors, Ujsepsta, sick nead-
acnr, mm tired reeling.
All that Is human must retrograde If
it aoes not advance.
A RaJtral Car tmr .iletle Fits.
Trt thf A Ldlfor PIM Inliimi nn.
that 1 have a po"lve remedy for U abovs
rained dlKae hich 1 arrant to cure th
worst raw. o nront la BIT Talth In lta vi
tnes Uiat 1 Will send fie a umnUhnllL mnA
valuable treatise to any sufferer "ho will givs
ir e his H O. ar,d Exprew addreea. Keap'y"
nwi, .ju.5.- isa;eaxibt- ew Vurk.
Youth Is a blunder: manhood a strug
gle; old age a regret.
otn:n Cures nroDtV. (iravei. KriM' ntre
Diabaiea, In nary, Larer Diseases. Nervousness
K-.iae cjinoa n.iuaef Cure, office, jl Arc
L, I'm. a. $i a bou.e. lor f-V. At Dru.'ni..
A hired horse and
make short miles.
one's own spurs
I II mure rurpirii:iriiad
lr. J. H. 31ver. Sol Arch St.. 1'hll'a.
t a. r.ase at once, no operation or de
lay from business, attested by thou
sands of cures after others fail, advice
iree, send for circular.
A doo Is In "full dress" when he has
Dn nis collar and pants.
FITS? A.1 Fns sr onned free hr rr K:inar2
erve llesiorer. No Kits afier nrst dij's use. Mar-
iwiuir. j realise sua w trial Dottle tree til
zuuuiea. eeniour.Kiine.ji Area su Pnlla..fs.
Better to be a loan than in bad
company, was not written of our um
Catarrh Cared.
A e.erCTman. after veara rtt wmftrtim
ILat Icathaome dlsea- taan-h ani ..i.i.
Irying every known remedy, at lant found a
prear-npui-u nice completely cured and saved
elm from death. Anr atiffemr tr.m t,mA
uiuiaeaae aeuuing a f ir-adargeet l stamped
envelope to Prof. J. A. Lawrence. M War. en
fcU. N. mill receive the recipe free of clam
For chapped hands take halTaglll
of olive oil and two ounces of beeswax;
cut your wax into thin strips, put that
aud the oil into a gallipot on the hob
and let it tently dissolve, after which
stir it thoroughly and let it get cold,
when it will be flt Tor use. If loo hard
add more oil. This Is a good thing for
all chaps, whether hands, feet or lips,
snd is neither disagreeable nor unpleas
ant if applied to the lips.
Suades. The latest Idea
curtains are tbe Drettv
Fow your celery seed. An ounce of
seeds should produce 2U00 plants. Sow
on a tine seed bed and cover the seeds
very lightly. If the weather becomes
dry water the young plants. Grass
must be kept out, and should there be
danger from heavy winds at night or
fros s, a covering or muslin held at the
corners with weights may be spread
over tbem, though the young plants
are quits hardy.
The early weeds that spring up on
fields not Intended for cultivation can
be kept down by a flock of sheep. Many
weeds that are unlit for food when ma
tured serve as choice morsels for many
kinds of stock when they are Just
ahootin; out of the ground. Sheep
graze very close, and forage all over a
th'ld very industriously. They find
tveiy vestige of green food that ap
pears, aud by kteuu.g down the weeds
early, the Celd cau iu time be entirely
cleared tif the rests.
Artichokes become a pest after
Ihef once get a stand, as the small
tub-rs remain In the ground all winter
and shoot out in tbe spring, gradually
ppretuiuif over sore grouuu every
the pigs can ba tinned in to root then
Tainte j
in window
snaues, nana painted. A cool fawn
coiorea linen shade Is the background
for a branch of Iliac; a spray or pink
hydrangea looks well on gray linen
For weak and inflamed eyes, take a
piece of green copperas the size of a
hazelnut, put it In a pint of cold spring
water and bathe the eyes frequently.
If not strong enough use a little more
copperas; If too strong dilute with
Sowi.no or Seeds. Wherever tbe
soil is in proper condition to work, and
crumble before the ptow, or when
stirred by the spade or fork, a large
share of the hardy seeds may be sown.
Tbe larger share of seeds are sown In
rows twelve to fifteen inches apart, and
it Is well to have a marker that will
make furrows at these distances.
Nearly all of the root crops, parsnips,
early beets, carrots, onions, both seeds
and seta, leeks, carrots, etc, also rad
ishes In cold frames and In the open
ground, are best sown in this way.
In all Institutions, particularly for
children, where the eyes are required
to do cloaa work, the Drnmriinn r th.
They serve well In a field where J square surface of the windows to ths
square surrace or the floor
fever fall twlow one to four.
an aggiegate or $5,44.874 during the
month, as against $24,173,012 in Feb
ruary, 186K, showing an increase of f 1,
201,830. Heavy cotton and grain
movements, and better rates, were the
chief agencies producing the increased
earnings of February of this year. The
gain was not bo large as that made iu
January, but it was made upon earnings
of a mouth which, since 18ST, has each
yearaieadily produced heavily increas
ing totals.
Mns, John Lucas, president of the
A Oman's MIk Culture Association, in a
repoit to the Commissioner of Agricul
ture, said that with proper training the
United States could. In a short time,
not only raise its own silk but much
more, thus gaining at least f.30,0 ,.
I er annum.
Philadelphia grows. The building
operations in March were the heaviest
of any month in the history of the city.
They embraced 1777 dwellings, of
which 1279 were two-story. 404 three
story and 4 four-story, and increase of
1427 over those In February. The total
value of the dwellings is estimated at
upwards of f 4,000,000. The number of
uweuings commenced since Januarv 1st
foot up 2025, an increase of 153o over a
corresponding period iu 18S8.
The latest statistics of the China
missions, carefully collated, are found
in the Chinese Recorder for January,
lNt. The total of foreign missionaries
men, wives, and unmarried women
is 112-1, an increase of 93; native ordain
ed ministers. 162: unordAiiuwl nstin
helpers, 127S; communicants, 34,555,
au increase of 2295; pupils In schools,
14,817; an increase or 1140; contribu
tions by native churches. $14,173, an
increase of 5'J3rJ.
Do to-day's duty; fight to-day's
temptations; and do not weaken and
detract yourseir by looking forward to
things you cannot see, and could not
understand if you saw tliera.
Ueason is the eye and faith the ear
of the souL The eye sees and knows,
and the ear hears and believes; and the
ear hears what the eye cannot see. The
eye sees the flute, but only the ear hears
the music
During the past three mouths 691
new manufactories were started in the
riioFEssoR O. II. Mitchell, Ph. j
D., or Marietta, died March 29th after
a short illness of pneumonia. He was !
one of the ablest mathematicians and '
onuuuuifra mis country nas ever pro
duced. He was also the author of
several scientific articles.
fore the children."
"I am always careful. What do you
mean, eirr"
"Only this, my darling. Little Maud
this morning, when I refused her a
quarter, said: You are getting stingi
er ana meaner every day of vour life.
John Smith.' And It sounded so like
her mother that I did not have tfce
neart to spank her.
A Foolish Question. Violent
rain storm crowded street car hand
some lady and gentleman on rI at form
Gentleman, to those inside ''Can ycu
squeeze a lady in there?"
Chorus of male voices "Yes. cer
Lady goes in gets squeezed.
On. mamma!" exclaimed llttl
Edith, running Into the house neati
out of breath, "there's going to be a
marriage deception over to Mrs. Un-
pum's this evening."
6he '-J. don't seem to care much
about dancing now-a-days. Of course,
when I was younger "
He "It la scarcely possible that you
can have beeh younger than yon are
Ax Irishman was planting shade
trees when a passing lady said:
iou -re digging out the holes,
you. Mr. Haggerty?"
"Jo, mum. Oi'm dlggtn' out
dirt an' lavin' the holes.'-
Feed, bitterly "That woman did
me tbe greatest injury woman can do
to man gave me a solemn promise or
narry "And broke It?"
Fred, more bitterlv "Xo. vr,f it
oa -, , . -. ... "
iua'jo mg Keep it, lOOl
A Haadred Teas f Msasy.
It hardly sesma rw-i.'- t , . t . .,
. L . ' uiuuri Iai (1
mourn ior a ten-cent article, could, if
'"'' " " U L .4 iii
nuffa. Diamond Dyes own the Held of
they have Imitators. "Nothlov Is a
omtJl Imitated." Hut no on. .....
eoaaterfait when the ceaulas can be obtained
V. v." ."."'P- w colors have
lately bean added to ths list of Diamond Drea
tn Stocking- Black. Turkey Red for CottS
7 -----7 - ".Liu. iii. xza.Duianurera.
Vella. Klohardson A Co, Burlington. VtTwUI
sendooloredfamplea of these new dyeawtth
v k of ?'rctions. to any address, free 3
eharf.. These additions seem to hkv.m.
tlieline so e.jnplete that anyehade ran ba
matched with some color of Diamond Drea.
The beautiful samole, book of shaded colors!
ately sent to all dealers lu dyes, win delight
the ere of any lady. "It s easy to dye wU
Diamond Dre," is so absolutely tri. thai
Df. John Morris, in a paper recently
read before the section on sanitary
r-cience of tbe Medical and Chirruglcal
Faculty of Maryland advances some
surprising ideas on the wholesomeness
of the eggs of commerce. He says
these popular articles of diet are per
haps tbe most liable to dangerous
change when kept, as they generally
are, for months before being exposed
for sale. They do not become overripe
and offensive In tbe old-fashioned way,
but they are Invaded by a peculiar fun
goid growth which can only be
detected by the microscope, but which
may be recognized by a peculiar musty
taste, unless the palate of the eater has
become educated by longcontiaued
use of the 'cooled" product. The
egg In this condition is a very unwhole
some food, and may lead to serious ail
ments in persons of a delicate constitu
tion or weakened digestive apparatus.
To attack the egg-cooling Industry is
to assail one of the most prorjtable
Industries connected with the produce
business. When eggs are very plenti
ful they are bought up and packed
away in cooling-houses aud kept until
a raise occurs In the market through a
falling off In the supply. Then tbe
market is stocked from the material
first received in store. The ordinary i
tests are useless when applied to these
eggs, tbe only ones they fail to respond
to being those of the palate and incu
bator; they are of no value as chicken
producers. "Candling" falls to show
any lack of translucency. and the
oldest inhabitant of the cold-storage
wareroom will have lost little or none
of Its substance by evaporation, hence
the floating test Is of no more avail
than tbe other. The condition of the
suiface or the yelk and of that of the
membrane lining the shell do give occa
sional Indications of tbe impairment in
tbe shape of specks of visible mold,
but when cooked this is not evsu
apparent. E;gs are not the only arti
cles of diet that are rendered positively
poisonous by reason of being kept by
middlemen in cold storage. Dr. Mor
ris also considers the ice-box an insani
tary agent, aud declares all food to be
Injured by contact with quantities of
ice. The natural law of the change Is
simply arrested, and when foods kept
on ice are brought into a normal atmos
phere decomposition sets in at once,
and they are rendered unfit for consumption.
Only a Crown. King George IL
was the last of the monarchs who made
a fixed residence at Saint James's pal
ace. It was his queen, Caroline, who,
being a stirring kind of a woman,
planned all sorts of improvements about
the royal parks and palaces; among
others, tbe exclusion of the public from
all royal enclosures. She asked of the
prime minister what would be the cost
of this last arrangement.
"Only a crown, madam," replied
tbe politic man; and tbe queen took
warning, and stayed her hand.
Sympathized with Nitcbe.
Granger "Doc, tliar mus' be suthln
left whar ye pulled tbet tooth for me
last week, it's ached ever sence."
Dentist, examining tbe mouth
".Nothing there, sir, but a vacuum.
"How big?"
"Why, about the size of a tooth, of
"Wal. yank 'er out. Doc I knowed
suthln was wrong. I've heerd that
nacher obhors a vackeyum, an' dinged
if I blame 'er, 'f she ever got one stuck
inter 'er Jaw."
Stranger "So you've lived In
Omaha all your life, eh? I wish you
would tell me whether it is true the
Winters are growing milder."
Old Omaha Citizen "Well, I don't
know; seems to me the other way. You
see, we didn t used to feel the cold as
we do now."
"You didn't?"
"Ho we hadn't any thermometers."
when S'lred for the best blood-purifier, always recommend; l r. p;, Tr,:r ,,
Medical Discovery, because he knows it lias hv far the lar'i-t sale anl'
best satisfaction to his customers. Golden Medical 1is.-.verr'oiiTt- . ii"'"11
from a common Illotch. or Eruption to the worst Scrofula. Sii'r-ri.?.,'i. f"100
Itoup-h Skin. In short, all riise.-ije em-si-l .r l.(l,l . . .T
zzz-i " . . i"v.:. . , ' v . ""'i"t-,i
" , ui, iiiii jnij:, Aii.. imiwiaiiii im-ui-IIlt VJieai j'.ii ; J 1 1 ir
iieai uuuer its ueuign luiiuence. r.specialiy lias it lii:in 1 1. -; . 1
curing Tetter, Eczema. Erysipelas. HoiU, Carbuncles, Sore Kv
bores ana swellings. iiip-jnmt iMRcae, " V hue
Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged tj lands.
Consumption, which is Scrofula of the Lungs, U arre:
remedy, II taken in uie earlier stages ot the discs-
rs rar.i,;..
't' t-'itcn,.- i:
. ia
sf...i. i
eil aii.l
1 bj :
Pierce's Cntlden M,.,
e only medii ine of i:
guaranteed to heneti: i.r
is recommended, or the im.i
77 most common mistake in corn
growing is to delay cultivation too
long. It is not necessary to wait until
1 the corn is large enough to see the
rows. . narrowing with a little
drag will break the crust that has
formed and admit air and warmth.
The soil at this season is cold, and
when covered by a crust of hardened
earth it warms very slowly. If this
harrowing is done before tbe corn is ud
the cultivator may be put in the fields
sereral days earlier. The drag will
uestroy small weeds in the hill.
wnicn the cultivator could not
Two of a Kind. Shultz "Do you
see mat aog or mine over tnexer"
Milleh "ices, I see him. Right
smart looking dog."
"You bet he Is is. That dog has got
more sense man I nave."
"Is that so? Well, some years ago I
bad a dog just like that one of yours,
still he hadn't sense enough to go In
out oi tne rain. "
LaaaaaaaaamaaaaamaJ gtlUn
cases of diseases for which it
will be promptly refunded.
For Weak Lungs Spitting of flood. Shortui -s of
Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is ;
Sold by Iruggi-ts, at $1.00, or sn Buttles for go.oo.
Copyright. 1S8.S, by WoRUs Disi-lnsaiiy Medical Assi
ia ,-. ......
epUc, aootbin and healing properties of Dr. Safe's Catarrh UoLac-J
:1 Mi
'la-' that i
re. in
l,;"J lor j;
iir.-arh. r;
in, ,
"-i .: :(. .. j'r,.T,r, .
i ...
"Wiiat a wonderful painter Rubers I
wasi" remarked Merritt at the art gal
"les," assented Cora. "It is said
of bim that he could change a laughing
race into a sad one by a single stroke.
"Why," spoke up little Johnny, in
disgust, "my school teacher can do
Too Green. Innocent looking
youtn "1 don t mind taking a hand.
though I haven't played a game of
poker In ten years. Let's see; what
does five aces beat?"
Host, who has met the same kind of
men before "Piay the swivel eyed lay.
boys. One eye on the cards, and the
other on your chips."
lUt In llie nn'i.l. t x inline tiU
S1.IKI MM IM II l w i .nnp
Sl.llll H MI M l.l Will MMl
t:i.r.o i-i r. wit t a i: m 1 1- s.i1P
vj-.-.o ixna mi i i ai i not
f. -i.as UHlKIM.ll t -llilh .
.'.(Ml an.l I liOV-' . tliiiil. shoes.
All UiAile in .i.::rn . Ilu!;. i. ai.j l.
IWsst Material. Kest St. '. It-., x i..i
If any oralrr says he liaa ti. TT. I,. IKM l.l As Mlnrs JmHZ
nam and pri-. stitmpe'l on bott'in.. put i.ii,, . r H. . frH::J l- i.
i;i:oi KiuN. mam,
aula by Jour iltiucr, rll W. L. UOXOI-As
JTcf compressed gun cotton is the
sarest high explosive ye! produced,
says Mr. Karl Uohrer. U. S. X. It
can be readily and safely transported
by any. conveyance, and is eminently
convenient to handle or store. It can
be sawed, turned, cut and bored easily
and safely; ad the turnings, cuttings
and borings mav be worked
Dry compressed gun-cotton, which
need form only a small nercenta? e of
any charge, is safer than gunpowder.
frAiD Mrs. Smith, who bad come to
spend the day, to little Edith:
vxre you giaa to see me again,
"Yes, m'm; and mamma's glad, too.
"Is she?"
"Yes, m'm; she said she hoped you'd
come too ay and nave it over with."
Mamma blushes scarlet, but Mrs.
smith simply smiles.
1 tjf Ulan v in, !,, in v. Med ii oiu ttir-e
to five l"l;r in KubtT J'.t, su id
at tii flr-t ha if h'iur fxpcrivMic in
strm nmlft to h. a..m. thl It U
tiara. y m Ix-ikt pr-'trctiun itisiii ft mo
quitu ti-'ttntg, n-'t on y ft.t ctiKTin-J
t briuit o batl.y titk'ii in. but m,.o
leliJ( h? d not l.M-k rxactl like
A.k f.r tic HHH HKAMr.Si ii .tr.
. V i
ttim dry
t 1-
in.! 1 I- : .
. A..!. .. , -ii.
- - ".liio
-nil. li
H UhAiij
- r i ...r t .i,
a- :. w u,ra
' S. cw
!, rr,...w
. r,. ki.1.
xatbot, to his friend who had lost
his dog Llnx I say, Slimlegs. they've
woriteu jinx up into sausages.
climlegs Uood heavensl Fatboy,
uu uud i ten me.
"les. Jee the remains of links
nanging tiiere."
itm so tnurh trmtlilcl with
catarrh it riituly tj?Yf.'d
fnytxjice. One bottle of Kly't
Cream Rilm did tltt t.vrft.
My Voice it fully rentitrrd.
B. F. IJniier, A. .V., Port.
of Vie Oinvt liin4ut Church.
ELY DUoS. 66 Wsrren st X. T.
Uu British Government, under tht
pressure of the recent progress of rail
road construction in the Northwest
Provinces of India, is about to trv the
experiment of sinking artesian wells to
secure an abundance of fresh watnr at
all seasons in that important part of
the empire. Already the stores neces
sary for the work have been shipped,
and the initial attempt will be made
at Agra.
is the doctor's wet
Old max, at the head of the stairs
at 2:J0 a. m. Susie, what time la It?
busie, with second look at Reginald.
vno looses his grip A few minutes
.iast 10, papa
Old man Don't forget to start the
j.ock again when you go to bed."
Jnyim.ew)T.STMrinM w. . . .u
fTi wlUl d!rae fr w,ca di-tor haa
i'J 1 DO -1 h nails one off his finir
e5 DJ the D(Tcts came .fl to t!lr
lil Si'? "V roT 3 Jr he suffered
f.l dreadfully; Is now pcitine well, and I
I ' M I am ratittlled Swin- ..
fTL.M" of the ssllvs of a calf comUi"
r; i . j u ' .""r- 1 " ulcers were dw
chief cause cf his improvement.
Jan. 12. 1S89. j-ero, lnd.
Ty thfrr.ik.h !.': v..'g-
"hVfc K"'iu tji- 'iisti- :.r : i
tnn. iid a t-u.Tr : i ,. i
tlrm "I . I!-. . trtl .... i'r
t--iili HVf v.- I! my hav .t n
t is. -y thf ju.iu-:n !.? - ; a i;;.j(a4.rf ii.-.ai
r th r.i'-rv m
'-T' t Li ttnv
f ii.-La prB.
i-Kh U- rti..p-t t v
Jv-j mau a fuTu; -i.a:t
fnrtint-d i itli i'u i. I :,
trmine." "rj rtt. r 'm
ri!r In hrtif I ' vri 1 tn., I
A.MLb fcPi'r V o.
' :rit: a:- -.1; qi
i.r bOtiTtei
Ii:: s .tvr (T U
i ',r r .tt-Lirf
11, !:i-i- ISLLic (
device In use in Tails to relieve
horses from the severe strain of start
ing a heavy load consists in a spiral
spring of power in proportion to the
average load carried, and which
attacked to the end of the trace. The
springs have been used for six years iu
smiling cars, and show an improve
uieui since mat time in general sound
ness and condition, while the number
or sore and strained necks have ereatlv
fal and ebowsd no Inclination to heal
olft Specific, and he Is now well.
fand pain
rave him
Feb. 15,
P7. Jn. V XI a . A
. - - .'una,, AUUDni, A I.
Eena for book on Blood Pofon A Kirt m
fcwin Srxcuric Co., Atltot. k
Pi' Oorft fnr Cnn-
utuutioo 1m THt HKsT
kpft.iiut: th iniia
clear. ciiLv.
f jr to i uTi. Va
m 7&ssvfsssstssl m m W
fck-f a atrloMija.
1 prcrribe and !uiiv-o
dn Hm- if m. th.
fi- fur tbe certAia cur -
I t hill ft VMa
t. H. INGRAM AM M. r
V bar oM H,f .,
manw y.Bn, and n
f1 " tae test or Baua
aftion. 1. R. DYCHF ro
Sf.Otl. Sold hy Ir -
" eit
., suixxwirullr prossonm elslnis-oriiinal.
WILLING TO WORK. !jrR"rt nd t-fcnon
rinnwtn in th rati n try
JLJ i 1 I J ltatIUb4i 1S4 0.
IF Tor Trppn a
ItFl lll I I R
. tmrriiaw .n of th
' braTtsJ SMITH & U I
Iarntn. Th1 f ii'-t -m J a;
vt ir.anufiftuT--tl ;
. Brwt .h ii- l .-m-I
MariTifAt tur.! in r- -
f-i-r-1--ii.ir at-Ti- m. if.
1 trar'-t iti'tU-K .'..i. t'u
Ii r w wiiv In -i !. f
naiifii -.m l .ti- fe. : ;.
durnhlliti niiiiiiniiH
cii'-Hj iii (i I If. i Mr- h -I -a
--ofn-n -i-i i-.r fli. ;
onlv iinr na'. f. I '.-.x .-.
WKSSIIN r!f-v..:v. ar. ,
rrln wt'b t ni; s n;i!!i-. .v .
anl arr Kn u i n n t l i-;-t
ii-hi liavi:ic ti.e.
deUr i arm t ;! U -i
vV-low wiL' r' t- vi- n !-.
tOflacrtpt.Ta natfti j--.-.. t
rucafon SMITH
v tin'1 '..'r.'-i kh. 5
! . : t r; - beat iai
. .. .k :,- j t: i'T
-I.- i.:.r:a.-i f r IlUa,
ii- . 1 ' V.- l 'tc;.m
Htm IntitattoBa !
a u- aii ' ar is
... -ijr:. iie w-n :tr3
r - - ar t oate ff
r:' t .n -ttj'
rT t.r :.t r v.trm
t an i rai-' a'-VBtA
I r., .f rh sp4
T-sltaT D.Iiniftnd Brar.d r4
Trl TV " l Drwccl-ta. A--ft 7
I J,; no th.-r. r ;- .
V- M lri-:c''sa 4fl V
rT m fh.-r. r w ;
yrT tr-1 . ,n iip'i Ml '
Ly ,! ?rf-lt. i 4c
! reiurt. 1 M)
nsanlMUfrvai IA3ICS -
Lhirtit-N'rr iii-niicu.
' -ass ML. t
Spring Medicine
'uo . ocuunu oirfLLI,
The leaillnr Biieclalfar In Vn.,hr..i . ,
" ' .uutuiui iiup: uiienre.
lonti mei cmlf innlnln n,.m... . .
valusbls MsHii n l,
ot 2c. lmp. Co isUiUll'iu tiiinrs s A. JJ ti.i 1
r. ., irom S V. M. uutU t P. M. Clowd Sun.l...
ra.1 1 tons. rtonof oar bright school bars
as flirured that this is tro of Diamond Dres.
o ludte trom th stocks of our dealers in are
Mtrs. Diamond Drea own tha Seld r.t
py. nd are a complete, snroess. Of co u ra
some dyeing Is no lonfrer a difficult and dis
acreabls taalt. Almanaos. with their nlnUaa
u r roper times for differset work, tails n. ,v.IT
now la the time lor Spring drains. TWlsTto!
reth.r with the thouunt o that hindrsdtoini
of mneT. leads n. ,o vk what schoij bcyTaa
curs how ainy tbaoaandsaf ladies are sow
ssrmj that this is to tlms to uss Diamoa
Tht possibility of obtaining lllumiaa
tioft Raa Inconsiderable qoantlties from
tbe droppings of sows and hones hu
teen aemonstrated to the French J bVea.'
AiaiiCLDT oi SCICTIRM hf U Ra. f
should The process does not lessen the ralne 1 Otstbs axd Toast. Cook the
or the fertilizer. oysters by steaming, broiling or frlcaa-
sas. and aarva mn aica bnttarad UkMt.
Is a necessity with nearly even'lody. The run
Sown, tired condition at this sea-ton is due to im
purities in the blood which have accumulated
durlnit the winter, and aliich must be epellcd if
rou wish to feel well. Hood s Karsapnrilla thor
oughly purifies and lt!iies the blood, creates a
food appetite, cures biliousness and hcada-he,
gives healthy action to the kidneys and liver .and
imparts to the whole body health nd strength.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druifglsts. tl ; six for a. Prepared
only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass.
IOU loxtt Ouc UollMr
'Wlien in the spring I felt all run down and
debilitated. I found Hood s Sarsaparilla Just the
medicine to build ma up. My wife also, after
much physical prostration, found in Its use new
life and lasting benefit. Upon our little girl, who
had been sick with scarlet fever, lu effect was
marvellous, entirely removing the poison from
her blood and restoring her to good health."
E. G. Stbatton, bwampscott, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Prepared
j "j y- nouu oi iu, lx) we li, Mass.
lOO UoNea One IKtlljir
Irs-rrssf v
For Rteep or Flat Koofo.
r. wisd-rrsar
bsldpls!su? 1,uUUd- id iur cjataKwuo.
PHitaotLMis a fskous setcuLitr.
329 North fifteenth Street.
Below Callowhllf St.. Philadelphia. Pt.
New York Offices : 62 Clinton Place. Eight Street
For The trentmntof Hfv-1 TVnv HkR tP
I.odb. Nrirvom 'orniJiniistii I'bviV. aui-1 Krrr-jf
Irotr4iJ.n.Brirfht' 0i lir't"' "v btrtttm
JitK'tu.rKM. errw-i of ro thri frr..ra no r.-
-Tuia wliavt dau-ssi orisr! nu.tr .-r of h.-.w inta M
infr. I will rurfciit lo nr iL in- wfiil sea-
irum orWTMlifn to all r:" r f v.. - nA
to aurresres or
A trial paraas of iril-
clnes lasuos
sent n-aa ou
rw mini .nil Ro nfl n w fs 112A .
. 'lall.delpbla.
"Did tliat lady buy anything:?'
asked the jeweller of his new boy, as
uie iaay in question left the store, ap
parently in a temper.
"She did not. She asked me for an
old gold breast pin, and I asked her if
Tie took this store for a junk shop.
Then she went out."
far Rlokata, Marasmus, and Waiting Dis.
orilars of Cblldron.
Scott't Emulsion of Fur Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites is unequalled. Tbe rapidi
ty with which children train flesh and
strength upon it is very wonderful. Read the
following : "J have used Scott's Emulsion
iu cases of Rickets and Marasmus of lone
standing, and bars been more than pleased
with tbe results, as in erery case the im
provement was marked." J. AL Main,
M. D , New York.
Despair. Sweet girl, disrobing
Did tou look under tha bed?
O d maid What for?
To see if theie is a man there."
'27o, dear, I've given up all hope."
Children's virtue
to the fvt&ta.
bring bsw wealth
you are
Easily Tone "i should reilly
like to write something that would be
read after I am dead." said a literary
man who had had little success with
lus recently published wcrks.
" ell, what's the matter with your
writing your will?" replied a friend.
i 11 see mat it is read after
r raxer Axle Crease).
The Frazer Axle Grease is tha best and.
Intrinsically, the cheapest. Don"t work
Brown "Have you seen Dumley
lately, RoblnsoD?" J
RjbiDsonYes. only a few mo
ments ago. He invited me to take a
drink with him."
Uaiyr'h6 taVe anjthiEg " Particular
"Well. yes. He uM if t u
for tbe drinks h.M rV "py
some other time." W1LU me
A. LADT refers tn tha .1 .
to front of the "T""..""
menu of rsflecUon."
for Ft!pra. Faiiorti.
f l.1r wlilnvantn.ra..r
PEVtiona U4HBAKBD. Uicharfr- procund-
Secrets S'JE
rr. Slxns. Orlp. sn
by nation rei-fjat ai.
rate hv mn. on r-.vi
piaa ruu. uo bt. l aul.
rth si.m rasa
Co.. Hollr. MicH.
S"T . Ka-np e, w rt
) Liuna not umW tlia h foet
J)iwtr Haf.tr Itoa ll jldir Co
linur htt- 11 v tw,. . ...
thoroncbir tausbt hr MAIL Ctrcuiirl irlZ'
Krra.f. cileaa. 43 Main Bi.raSgsg ii Vy
aiac of rr"!)- y, JHH
.ppiioauwn. Jf2
Ot&c Hours: 10 A. If to 8 P M . T :& 1 f aL
ifsarsfaVss TasV
aN. ?.Y?.....,.TK-
iMrsMJJBLB If k.ii s .tet4 m
, ) prsMi taria.
r ii ... ".f " : ,.
o ds. a Lisa tei ':JfIT lI
:s u3
(..a. :et.v..K ' 1
loan? tr Fr.f. ' , rT '
1 kVaWW . Msxlw rvmr.iT far It atw 4"
uioutuiia oi rM) on tn-
eurH. ft stroi
win m a two ttt
LrvsvtlM mi Ihhs rLaesw
t O. avdrlr!!. T A t
1 " r9
E FhEIV" '
T ajM ar- rM?jif
Rlair'tt Pill Crest English Gsuta
HlCair 9 rillSs Hheumatlc Ra.nely.
" 34 rsaad 14 Pill.
J,t- a. Kiuiou. LocS Koi a a. Wash. U C
A T'. lahV nan in oechcouT.tr V taf
for th- et. ml If ADJ'-irrXD n1 '.'mpimt
cmatlo Uiiia r Aairn rn Ih- n-art ?tr.at
(lDilf laj.TIIT rOlT.j:! 0 I'?.
tan b. oirY InMaht'y itt- ntrx. "fj
ba.t Alarm 1 s.-ar m " Al 'w. " 'W1;
I irnarr,. l.-iat., itiiv To.. I l..aiMi,
Piwl'o'ilIlrS.U?l f OI xwnw, PMadalphla. Pa,
Bct1rfa1dpuaitloa,ae. WrtlafMassnlal;
: Laws frea. a. W.
b.0. a ctaetDaatt. a.
nr. st&:
PaiHS mU. a. S FoiS Caua
Irans. 2 WEIOHf O 2808 LSI
jStwoeo siaostTieM a
rasa. v.Mfiia HOas. Akas eafflt
L m aiLvsa eo. Otlvv..0 mwa
Qkls ootr.iT m.m lim r,r knadlaf
iWl. em for facts aud mariuaa U" pasWJ
York 2rif-u
people, who
er for laud
to this cou
lud bnuge
They sett
tetierneDt d
where their
than what H
and absolu
where tliy
Mr. 1'ai
by the Mm
Rational 1
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standing an
antee of it
faith. " to ii
tlOU of tlif
lls aiUiin.;
this toiiuli
tieacl eiy is
nir-ut of en
the cause i
trouble In t
It is -.i.t
Biit'. 17 11 I
Ihf l'.i I t I
an Italian
rule lie n. :.'
liiui tionl It
well. As
vklin In. ill
have iiI.im
It IS ln.l
transfci n:
ItH't lii'd "
A 1. I ll' '
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h . ! i , t W.'i .
H !', Ii I 11'. 1.1
I i II... II,
I iN.
xiii.- i
U (H I t ! r
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April I..
liar la.U
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O'Vt'ii i 1 i
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uiiUs ot l
Tli i'
l.o'.May i
A l'I il 1
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nr it- i'li
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Vl.it. ! "
tlon ni :
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honor '
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lt? riin-r
t!ie yt-i.r
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wards .1
trated I
lu Wa
a crtiit
said In
"A Vt'iv
this Cull
est fi it
now I:
When (
on lit
most m
The lii
this ,
buil l i.
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mau L
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a belt,
If the
and ct
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his tie
to the
and Li
a box
and ig
log lb
ou A
spate L
the m
wf ageJ
Arm the BF.mT.
aoin fiBBauana,
w .