Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 17, 1889, Image 2

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-mamjttmmm-mm ... - .
WrOSKNDAT, APRIL 17, 1888.
mvna ad rnorairroa.
Tbk Pennsylvania Itailrod em
ploys 19,518 men.
r"" two hundred ilullarH a Niw
Founillan.l woman agreed to allow
her hiiebnii.1 t t'lopo with aa other
AAriu.Ts, Scialitt!. ami Iem"
rrt" f:iwl in CLioaf,'."', nd that is
how the r ruiblicarj tirk-t rtm to
ha defeat!.
Tus WaMiinjjK.n Agricultural
Bureau nuouncra that a jiw-tt
the- wliiat rr'p prumixtH 01 j-rernt-cf
a f.ill crop.
Thi Bciuc'cratie brethren who only
l f- n srssi dhoutod so luatilr,
'"urn tbe rasi-ale out" do not whijx-r
that 'i!y Mtiteni'e Cow.
It eeci hard fr Irishmen to hear
that Fugiiwliinm jropoae to take
farmers from England and place
thm on the lands to
which Irish ten-cta were rejected
Rwout swte that during Stanley's
exjl-jrati. n in Africa he gathered
asilefrt t runrket eight hunured
thouvend dollnra worth of iviry.
Hunting fortune in ivury. Shame
on the ruin who would Kgrudge it
to bita.
hiruhtlf an the son of J. B. Packer, of
Sunbur, aa old friend of Keller's.
Wale, Baa er Wemaa.
AairtN.T.)v, April 10. A apecial
l the IW from Belaire, Md., Bays- :
Hannah Calder, who married Kate
IValo last February, was before
Judge Walters thin morning for
writ of habeas corpus to secure his
wif who It-ft him tthortlv after the
marriage. Kate was sworn and
ttififd that the wnn willing to lire
with Hannah if proe d a man. Han
nah wan then called to the stand and
tntiti(d that ho whs a man. The
judjjf linked him if he was willing to
undergo an examination, which
piffttion Hannah would not answer.
Judge Waltf-n, then Mated that the
court could do nothing, and that
it was entirely with Kate to do as she
pleaaed. At 3 o'clock Hannah con
tented to an examination, which war
conducted hr Dr. J. C. Butler, of
Iielaire. After the t xamination. Dr.
Butler made an affidavit before
Justice Lvle an to Hannah's hex and
agreed to keep it concealed. At 3.D0
o'clock Hannah left for Baltimore and
Kate Peal returned to her home at
Federal Hill. It in therefore Uliev
ed that Hannah is a woman.
I rum the Spark of a Pipe.
C'tarrara in his speech before the
X.gih1ature confensed that when he
nil the Vanderbilts did not sacced
in htfi Leg ff the Pennsylvania
Railroad IVn-r-any he was willing to
eell cut cn the best terms he could
cure. Carnegie is a critical foreign
er that has been making it go better
in America than in the 11 country.
L.r. B re for- r have, a il:ef that
hey are il'injj wonderfnl thirgn fi.r
the labor of the country when they
f- ah" .-it pnarhiv.g fr a division cf
the arninpn i f labr. The largt t
industry f the cotistry in thai farm
in in luftry. I'jmn it all C'ther in
dietnea are based. Every dollar
e- ttt-n out i f the soil und this groat
C'Hi.-.ko. At ril 3th.--A .b-eratch
farm, from ! from Maimiii, Iowa, Ritya : Robert
.hiedeler and wife were driving to
town yesterday, when a spark from
Schidler's pipe ignited the clothing
of hi wife, uud as the wind wan
blowing a Miff gale nhe was enveh'j
ed in thuue in au iDxtatit.
Terror atriokeu 8he jumjed from
the buggy on one Hide and her hus
band from the other. He did all in
his j"wer to jueuch the flainew, but
to ro avail.
The graxs tofk tiro around them
and Mr. SehideWr was completly
f nvtloped in a fierv fdiroud and died
lef,re her husband's eyes.
Si hdeler'rt handa were burned to
the lxce. H wan brought to town
and bin wounds drencd, but it is
feared that hie han.ln will have to be
He ia nearly crary f r ia the shock
of liin wife's death and his own pain
and bin physicians i-ay he may d-e.
The fumily it-oiif of the t.J.t-t in
the county, " having Ix-eu here for
thirtv years. Mrn. Scliidiler s
sixty-years old and her huibaud eeT
ent v.
indiistry is largely C'nductlj
Irunkencb is an i ffonce in the
sight of Itod and man. it is a sin
1 1 that keei tth a ruan out of heaven.
on a hanis of the division of the earn. but a man's mora! ri;ht to drink is
ing i f the farms. The farms that I not in the leant effected l auhe of
srenot cultivated bv the ownera tllp drunkard. Men are intern rate
..." . . . i in manv other thintrx. thev are m-
nemseiTM nre ciutivateii dv men , .. " ' , . 1
, temperate in their iiee of women ana
rr ho get ti e half of the products of in tLRt W!l. ,.Rtail more miptrr on
tLefnrins. It is a rutem that has I themselves than bv ilrink.
been in oprration in 1'eni.sj lvania i the women be Hboliht becaus
x v..," .:u t use is abused. Shame on
r r i i ui ki i rtniii'iia. on-n viiA , .
tuougtit. lo tcacn temperence ana
manufacturing chtablinhmenta and
rilr'..ds a.lopl it '
It w as not a just piece of business
fiT the Lgiblat!iro to hit down on
Roprei- ntutivo Hertz'.cr'e bill to place
th.h way in the Millerstown river
dam, so that fis-h from deep wafers may
again come up the river. It was
u4y thing but just and fair, Uepre
pentatiw from the Juniata Valley
have been as t.teady 88 the needle to
the l'wle in voting appropriations for
ether arts of the Htate and yet wh n
a small favor, far us expenditure
of money go., tut a great fav..r to
thy popl- in giving them a fish
supply is asked the legislature says J
ro. The fih comiiUMsiou it Beenis
was at the front against Mr Heartz
ler's bill and used their influence to
btrangle it. What are the fih
foinmissioners for? Are they only for
hatching purposes ?
Aurac CR"r.iiF of rittsburg,
whone bimineHS connections employ
17,500 D -n, delivered a speech t"the
Legist .i" nevernl fvecings ago in
which In- Hiiid, Vanderbilt was coerc
ed into fclliug his interest in the
fviuth lcnylauia Railroad to the
FennsyWsina Railroad, and that after
his death when his 8"Ijh contcmj'lat
ed renewing the work they too were
coerced to abandon the enterprise
loi'j were ibuiktu h sell out. 1 lie
urpot .f Caruekjif's - he savs - - ii
to iu'Lire the Legislature to pasn a
liw, to giv to shippers in Pennsyl
vania the same freight rat Bon Penn
sylvania railruilM as arc riven to
competitor with the same kind of
freitl't frvin ether Mates. Carnegie
pratice it is (tod like, l he good
things are all to use, they were given
by Doity to man for that purpose,
and woe to him who abuseth thetn';
woe to the drunkard; woe to the
whore-monger. To tell intelligent
people that to get rid of the drunkard
the iihe of liquor mimt be prohibit
ed is to invite the people to turn
their backs on the proposed prohibi
tory amendment. I unisu the drunk
ard, punish the man who sells him
drink. If Deity sends them to hell
for drunkeness, why not punish them
hero for raising a dibturbance here.
He sensible, don't on account of the
drunkard attempt to infringe on the
rights of ether pople. You can't
save the drunkard, that is (iod's
work, he alont can save him, he
alone can save vou, the Prohibition
cranks can't save vou. The cranks
do not know where to stop. In
Connecticut, a crank Supreme Court,
ruled, that cider, sweet or hard comes
under the prohibitory condemnation.
What next" who knows bat that the
cranks will take an advanced position
ttiat the cultivation of wheat and
rye and corn will have to be stopped
because li.pior is distilled from them.
They have not yet done so, but you
cannot tell what thc-y will advocate.
Tho cranks don't set-in to know that
the greatest reformers of the world
used drink tem;erarely. Christ's
first miracle, was that of making wine
for a marrinyv feast. He did not
get drunk. His enemies t-ai.l he sat
down to table with wine bibbers.
Jihn Calvin, the founder of the
Presbyterian church kept wiueiu his
houie to be used temperately.
Martin Luther after his successful!
encounter with the established
Ca'holic Church of Iwome at the Diet
of Worms drank beer that was sent
him in a silver pitcher by Duke
Erich who had leen hio friend at the
trial lefore the church court which
Contributed to the SkarmcL.
'Tla tid Tle t' for no man," la a
aviaf frequently heard. The uo the
(rest ceotrr of me xiiar Kiirm i the ref
alttor of lime the leBCth of days and
aisht io the difereot estons on the dif
ferent planets. It briufc about the dsv
time sod the ai-bt time the mutnlng and
ereoinjt to the inhabitant ot ttil g be
It controla tb motion of ail plaorta la this
litem and potniblr eootro and regulate
tb raatioDS ot them bv its on motfna for
the Bible expressions in the book ot Joanna
indicate that tt h movement, an! aatrono
bavezpreaid tbouini"D that it move and
al the planets and satellites with it. There
fore it is the regulator of time on the earth
as well as on the moin and other plane's.
No man baa ever stui-ped the sun time or
ratl.er do man baa been Inatruuieu al ia
topping the prgres ot the dav and mas
ina; it lunger except one, Joshua, and be
did not do tt, but tfod who granted bis rr
quest. The sun and the moon stood still
a whole day loi per in addition to the day
on abich the wondrr took place nnlil Joabua
won a complete victory over tbo-e bv was
warrioc with. When Joi-bua .pake nnto
the LorJ and said, ia reference lo the Sun
and nioun : "Sun stand thou ail 111 non
Gibeun and thou moon in the valley of
Ajalon tbls wonderful miracle took place
another day waa added lo that day with
out night. This was doue for Jo-.hu since
he waa a lradrr ehoen by Uod to lead the
Ii-raelitiab nation from whom the then
promised C hrist waa to come. And it as
becauaeof this promised Sen of Uod (great
er than the ana and Joshua and at tti.nu
crucifixion the sun waa earacned, and at
whose 2ud eouiibg the sun skill again be
darkened and the moon turned into
blood and the stara will tall te the earth,
and the powers of beavea will be ahtkea,)
Christ the resuriectioa aud life for
Joshua and for the saved Israelites so to be
in the last da , that the sua was brought
with the moon to a standstill ia favor of
the Israittet so that their victory became com
pleteby reaaon of the louger daylight to fight
in. There ia also another case recorded in
the Bible besides that of Joshua where a
deaceudent of Adam waa seen to have ike
aun an.t moon subj-ct to her. Thin case Is
found in revelvtioiis V2c and 1st verse and
reads : "And there appeared agreat wonder
in Heaven, a woman clothed with the aun
aud moon under her leot aud upon her head
a crown oi I atara.y Tnis women seems to
date more wt i he IKavenly bodies subject
to her tLa Joshua bad for but a day. The
Catholic ctiU'-cti claim that she is the holy
Virgiu, the raolLrr of Jesus bruit the ton
of man, the Son of Uod, who to red em
aud sve uiau bote tMttaial by tUe traitor
aud b-rc a craa ot ttioroaal the cross,
cruciuXi'n abd death instead ot using tor
a means ot defense his Godlike miraculous
power to raise the dead to life aud instead
ot ui-itsg bia miracu ous power to nnt upon
the ea, and at auother time to cairn the
wiuda and aea of the sea, saving ibeslnp
by pavii.g "rVace be still ; and instead ti
caliiLg ten legions of ange s to bis dHone
at his trial be. ..re Foi.uua Pnaie. Tbls
Christ b-re the crown oi thorns and the
indignities, and Innulla mentioned mat be
m'ght crown believers with forgiveness ot
stn sod lite in the Heavenly n.annous. It
the woman with Ike ain and uioou undi-r
ber teet and ih crown ot stars on h-r head
a the Virgin Mary then she was or per
haps Is to be honored with this power
th ougb tt.e merits and worthiness ot her
sun, the Son of Cod eqml with Uod the
Kailier, on account of which Si n of Right-
eoneoess, Jesus, God heard aud iuisir.il
Joshua in the day ot battle.
By rran.n ol the Sun an I Moon com ng
to a standing t'r Joi.hu it is proven that
the cause ol Christ was tn the IrraelitiKb
nation and thev prepared the Way for htm
the on or God during ihnir eKittic as a
aroodj, bark roads and cow paths t
the top of the mountain near th
Dripping Hock, where, on Monlay
about Jay-light lie found hi horses
feeding on oats stolen from bin bin,
and a bag, which Lad alnobeen stolen
from him, filled with oat. The close
irsuit of Mr. Duvall frightened the
thief, who made good his escape.
On returning, he met hie brother
Amos, who Lad followed on borne
back, at the foot of the mountain,
where the balance of the oatn wad
fed. The animals were very valuable
dark bays, nicely matched, which Mr.
t 11 " ..,,1.1 ..!-,. i-.in f. 1
. . . . . . . ' M j JilUJA wwuiu U.'b IflH lUV'U ll. -.
o rn.it- v.. u. lia.'H 'i ii-j s u , anil .
hr smt.iit.itiM'.i.. 1 u'-. ai-t tnv j saddle and two bridles were alao
nei ti.a ow.r, i. .u i ln 'fir j id ' stol'n. This is the eoond attempt
..-ent to the 2 dr-n .ill . he to hteal these horKf-e that faileiL
.t.te of ,..e , ..... ... tnr. "i Alv,uta month ago, on returning
.aiv.tt-.-i an fT ct0i por i 'h.-tr-, , . , , ', . . , . ,
Lord virf Pa s..er. -ho Is tu... abV t j home ilbollt 11 o clock at night, be
pe. a. rve -hm tr- m the drwin tha the ' saw hiri stable door open, and at once
in.iitni a 1 rmbiitic P.,-1" ' in K-1 Keen red his double-barreled eun.
which w as heavily charged with buck
shot, which he fired at the thief, who
was leaving, but without effect.
whir b Paasover waa instituted by 11 oars
and Aaron and eaten by Israel not
misy hanrs he' ore the death angel passed
upon Kgvpt. This Passover waa emblema
tic of Jesus Christ nor Passover, the Lamb
of God aacnf red for us on the cross and
whoso blood clean sea tbe bfli'vcr from bia
sins. And because emblematic of tbe Lamh
of God. the Son of Uod ia likeness as a man,
it was fnr this reaaon made effectual so that
tbe death angel passed over the 1st bora of
Israel leaving them alive. Aa the Israelii
1st born were :hus auvi-d from death Ly ob
serving tbe instituted Passover also be.
eanse ot Cbrist onr living Pssaoeer. ht
lievera will when 'heir bodies die have their
anut Isken to Psrsdiax a'ive nmil the
Keurrecter f ;hrlst shall come with thai h
Iv sngrl". to iu lo st-n rtin-r Mi" shall
ypi was -Bade rB--ctol to avii -g the liv-s
of the 1st born t.f Israel fn m I ha deate
V at came upon the 1st horn or Kg- p'ln.
And to flnirb if can be said danime and
algr.time waited for man when vh son ar4
nKMin stmMf still 1 ana tide a d water was
divided tn tbe Ked Hea when I-rael psaaed
thr.ugn and these two wonderful mi acles
were irformed bv God on account of the
cans of tbe b"n promiael Christ tbe Paaa
over fo the next lite tor tbe saved. Tbta
Christ our Passover did come at the ap
pointed lima and lived with men to redeem
them, and suffered. dtei, arose) from foe
grave and enlervd Heaven, and Is Mediator
between U.at a -d man, and will coma lo
earth a 2nd f 'me, nor in humi'l'V as before-,
but inatea.1 tne name 80a ot God exa-t. d
ard glorified. Faara.
Tempraar Column.
Thinkin' it Over.
We'v been thinkin' It over and pravln',
Betsv and I.
About tbe are-ndmeot, aid sure as I'm say-
Twixt von and I.
I've 'bout mid np my mind to Tote as I
For the best ;
And I don't earn for John, or Tom, or Hairy
Hot alt Ibe rest.
Tie trne I've never been much of a crank.
Nor a rrohib ;
For I bare very often l-een dry an d alway
(Can't t-lt a sou!.) 1
But I've been thinkin' and thinkin' that
mar be
I'd better quit j
And it th's sgi'srion goes on I'll ss
More aboit it.
I'll think a little Just now. while I can.
It'll do no barm ;
I've earned twrnty shillings a dsy, like a
With mv sturdy arm ;
For twetitv yeara or more I ween,
And little got 1
And though I take a nip, now and then, 'tis
I'm not a sot.
T enry shillings a day. and what have I got t
Now let me see ;
Well, there's nor a shilling for a bouse and
For Rust and me.
Onr lodgings sr" on the fourth story floor,
And not very good ;
SomeOn.es we won d like a little more coal
fr a llrtle word.
And then, we don't have anything great to
And ltnle to drink ;
Sure, we've bean very spsrin' and should be
I c-rtai nlv think ;
But there' little Anna, she needs a new hood
And Bet, I declare
Is almost nut of rv-rvthiog good
She nerds to wear.
Whi' have I got T N'ot verv much if seems,
Ot taentv ahl'lttif a a Hav ;
So Ir's the traffic that garnered my dimes,
I"l voto it awts.
And I'll tell mv er.mridea, far an I b'twixt,
To sore the same ws ;
And we'll ra-rv the am- nlnaerit at ! nv.e
Jure the IH'h dir.
Seme Foolish People
Allow a rough to run nntil it gets beyond
Ibe reach of medicine. They often ssv,
Oh. It will wear away." but in most cases
It wears them away. Cnnld they be indue
ed to trv tbe uccessful medicine called
Krp'i Balsam, which we will sell on
guarantee to care they would Immediate!
seethe excellent effect after taking the
Crat dose. Price fVile and fl.OO. TViei
siss frrt At all drnggista.
Ltg-l Soltct:
Ktlmttof DJV1D SMTH. ImU JJ.a
wars towssAip, Juniata Co , dv'd.
Whereas Letters Testamentary on tbe
last Will and Testament of David Smith,
late ol the township of IK-Uaare, deceased,
have been issut d 10 the undersigned, this
ia to notify all persons indebted to ssid
estate 10 make immediato payment sod
those baring claims to present tbe same
dulv antbenticated for settlement.
Tbompsontown, March 16:D, W 6w.
Frreign & Domestic MerckndisB
IS Til
cation previous 10 hi corning and wben he
j 1 know that if the si-enra -d ctif.
Waa out n the Wa
did com- crucified him. Aud 11 cm be add ! , ,.,,, Wt.k ,v A , witn, w. ....-...h.
S tl-s a I -.v.
d il rrr i- 1 . n , ai d Iiir k, ard flarro and
ed tbat the wurldrx.at to dav b-caue of the
cause of Christ among nations and p...le
Tide waita lor no man. It is caused bv
We'll vote it awav Hav Y .(.
Masks and Chlerefona.
No noSler thin thar :
tbe bun and the ro .on and In greater p't f)n v tor drink ther would b rin m t,
byibelatt.r. It comia gnd'ialiy in from
tbe set at certain hours each tav. and cov
ers expiiard rocks snd sand bars and the
'ow parts ot beacties prevt.iu-i y exa .sm I to
tbe air and sicht by tbe ebbing out of the
tide which also take- place at certain hours.
Tide was divided and stood ar-ide (whether
it was tl .wing in or ou) for one kaon man.
Moses, who said to tbe children of Jsres
Chicago, April 9th. A despatch
from Eat L.iverKil, Ohio, eaya :
"The residence of Itolvert MaBane,
an aged farmer living a few miles
from here, waa visited earlv vester
st one time ia bis lite tnat in the latter Saya ,Jav morninp by two masked men
uod would raise up a pmpbrt like onto who forced an entrance throurrb tL
cellar window and found their war
up atairs where the f:imily were sleep
sen,-, t" hr bitter airaiuet the
ailvat"a C- ti-pacy
dtertnined the fate of Protestantism.
I.nther in taking the beer said. "As
Duke Llrick Lns now remembered me
, so mav our Lord Jesus Christ alavt
Tbb r-.ightown Farmt r Band was rememW hitu in his dying hour."
d.n:iriub..t in Wing, -Sallr in V ' th rr' ii'ition reformers of
.. . . . , . , ., , " , ttiere times kn.iw more tnan C hriEt,
t,.e(.SrdrnSiftirgS.tnd, and other Luth,.r ? EnWc-tbe laWB
m.-...di.n:s pieces an it marched down j against evil doers, and you have the
t hestEtit strer't, J'ulladelphis, sever
al tlavs ago, lnt Bias, its seeteat
roten of hi rn aDd nist thumping
Ih til on the banr drum, ar.d sharpest
ratt'u of the st:are drum, inett a.l i-f
awakening renpoLiv:nueical conls in
the breast of the Mayor aroused his
wrvj; to such a decree that he declar
ed the high stepping !and under ar.
reat. A street gamin shouted police.
Thebar.d tik leg bail, and only one or
wo of its metnliers were gathered
in by the custodians of the gust and
l'eace i f the City of Brotherly Lov.
The Tughtown Farmer Bar.vl may
be a "j-y forever" in Pughtown, but
not 0 on Chestnut street.
himself. Voses in so saying bal re'erenc
to the Saviour and deliverer of the world
Christ ; and it was likely b-rauae of this j ing. They attempted to chloroform
Lbrist whom Veaes waa emblematic of tbat I the inmates but were not BUCCWfaiaL
he was made a deliverer te save Ibe I-rael- i When they w.re discovered the fam
iteatromtbe Kiriptiana. It ws becsuse ! ily waa aroused by their appearance,
of thecoming caae and kingdom ol Christ j They knocked three small children
aa well a because of the convng of an Is- almost M?nkeless and locked them in
raehtish nation that at the stretching out 1 a small room and HJ-ked Mr. McBane
ot the tod by Woses, Uod s-)rt rd and j to give up all his money, saying they
parted the tide, waves, currents, and wa- I knew he received a tiloU-taud dollars
li ra ot the Red Sea to deliver the Israelites : ftatUMay fur mine territory be ll6
(who passed thro'igh the sea being bap:iaed ; ped 'f. On being told he had not
unto M.mm-4 in the cloud aa they went, a.i 1 ehisetl the bargain and did not re
says Psnl ) Hence it may be said ibat the j eeive any money they struck him
tide whether ebbing out or whether eblune j wit fir. hdiovel cutting an Ugly
in w.s divided with tbe deep water to the eT" in his head and knocking him
bottom or tbe sea tor the cb..sen Moses aud j aenselvhH. Hia wife pleaded for
bia follow.. A reason for believing that niercy. They removed her to a
..11 1 . . a. 1 t 1 1 1 a
M..es wa. made succeas ul in giving th. -ma,i n.-t ana jtK-aea 11.T in. AI-
i-r Mt-arcning tne nouse irom cellar
signs for the opening of thi Red Ssa for
the detiTrrance ot I-rael Is aa before stated,
the Iraeliiib nation was to prepara th
world for the aireat of Christ area lo
to gairnti ana nnaing nothing but a
small amount of silver thev escaped
j leaving no clew. A neighbor who
' l.c.v..,.1 in noil - . 14,.
pretar.tha old testament bvholv prophet, ' ""' 'VlT- T .u . ,
jk . , . . .." . . 1 forced his wav into the house and
and prtesiB Another r.-asoa tLat tbe Ia-1 , , j l -1 1 T
. . . ; found the mother and cbil.lren al-
raelitea were preparing the war for Cbrlat a. tr . . - . .. . .
..... " " ; most sufTocateil in their tight quar
ts that thnr sacrifice of buttocks, sheep.1. . , ,, , . j .
t of. tern and Mr. McBane almost dead
dove. , the t.bernac . and In lb. frilll K)KB of bl(KMl. KQ rlw to the
tempV ww .mill-mat,., r the eriic flx en i(lentitv of the maskpi ruffilkn8 has
ard sacrifice of Cbri.t on calvary -h- yet been didC-jvered."
thrflT borr tKt- ains or itae world to rdfia . 1
tbereor'e'of.twho trrrpt Mod. An-j The Haodsomest Ladj lo kfiftlintown
o h r reason tbat vlosea and bia fo low. r. ' i........ afMM--s4 ... - . ..
in,' near Ceiiterville, thih county, was j hmA s divided bemr- them bT the other day that she knew K.m'a Balsam for
roooert lunt mglit ly threti naslMt jj i( ,.,; ran ) uld because f the Thr.at and Longs ass a superior remedy
t. s.'iw ner chukd insianiir wnen
ne others had no rffect whatever. So fa urn. a
nation ol Israel and this is proven by the this and convince yon of ita m-.-rit, any
braten aerpei.1 m-ade by Motes in the wil- ; druggist will give too a Sample Bottle Free,
demesa being emblematic of Christ. Aa j tMf 50: "n't
Moses lifted up ibe serpent in the wilder.! 1 """" "
ner omunt tb S"B of man be lifted np, j Horft?S StolfiOt
is the si) a Km Testsment verso resda I
Se evea th lifting up i f the braien serpent ' From the Fulton Republican of
riTTeBtit., April Dth. A Iit'tler,
F., special f-ays : Lewis l'altersiin.
pr. iuiiient atvl wealthy farmer It v.
A fanner I.vs J-4.70O.
meu. imp. : uoo.ni v iin mm f CllIH r chri(t , lar.ltdrd )g
in tne notice out nis mot ner. Ml years
old. She heard a noibe and called to
mm. lie turnevt towar.l the win
dow and he saw three men who call
ed him to come out. Upon refusing
they burst in the door and as the
first man entered Patterh.u felled
him with a inker. The others over-
, jiowered him, however, and dragged
him I iirc fc sited to the barn, threat
ened to bang bini if lie refused to
tell th m whero he kept his gold.
When he declaretl he hail none they
placed a rojie around his neck, but
as he still j.KTsisted that he had no
money they concluded to torture him
by r'-tif-ting his feet at a fire in the
hot!". He was taken back to the
houee and his feet and face burned.
1'hey then searched the house and
after securing ft3 in minev and
HhaHi ki.v, April 0. Two strangers
visited Daniel Keller's place to-day
and after a proposal to purchase his
farm engaged the old farmer in a
game of cards. Keller became in
terested aud procur. d -4.700 which
he put up as stake.. The ruuiiev Patt-Twin's gold watch declaring that
wued bv the strangers and if he m-ivi-d until they were gone one
on a pole was rmbl. turtle of the lining np A! ru lu. aoi. a ery una nve-vear
ot Christ on the cross. Tbe people of oU1 m&ro and a t old Colt, lwih
oi iiamuietoman ana 1 ercheron
breed, were stolen from the stable of
believe in Jeans Christ are made alive tn r
cross. The people
Israel bitten by living strp-nts for the sin
f murmnring were made well if thev sim
ply looked on
the braien .erpent ; hut "Vllli" LhlvaU, w ho r Sldt-B on
... rh. ...iw-.r. r . l k .. n i n miu, m uruau
Tho- that lo-k nn'o, follow and ououav eoiiojg, jxarcn
oisi. .tuuuiuocwtii Jir. iAivail
" . w as awakened by the barking of his
Ul'g, BUU I
" the lock sj
born ot larael of people and of their cattle I i" .
, . t ... . track on fr
'' hunter he
' which croi
'" into Yc11h Vallev, proceeoinfr zi--r.it
at... : 1 .:f . . a. r -V
V so beck ti Nelson, grain,
roal aud lumber........
C. 8 Kei ner, confectionery
O. P. Koblaoa. grocer.....
Wm. B- 1, implement draier
O. W. Beck, boots and shoes
I D. Mnser, grocer......
r. Fspetirchade. merchant..
I.. Bsi.ka Av Co .druggist....
John K'ka. groer r. ....... .
A. llackrnbe'ger, grocer and
notion...... ..... ......
Pranrirrua Hardware A. Co.,
hardware. ......... . .....
C. K. H't k . merchant
W. 11. Kodgers,dtutgiet....
W . p. Snyder, furniture...
W. H. Kolloian. j-wflsr. ...
UrCauley It Mters, tuple
ffirst d.-alera.... ...... ..
K II. VcClintrc, hardware.
Joseph Peiinell, mcrcbaat..
Emit Scbott, dry goods....
Jos. Adam, grocer and con
fectioner. ... ............
Banks K suit man, music in
struments......... ......
J. A Marrav, hotel
O. VT. Harley.clotbier
John Kirk, merchant. ... . . .
W. W. Dimm, merchant ...
K. A . Suiilb, inerchaut. .. ...
W. S. Rirhenbaugb, mer
chant .
C. A. Thompson, grain and
coal.. ..
David Da-ber, grocer, flonr
and feed. ........... ....
N D VacD; ke. merchant..
J. T. Kepler, merchant.....
Wilson Av Co., merchsnta..
I av id Shirk, rootchant .....
W . W Sha.ron. merchant ..
"sui.ru -n at ftinars b, mer
chants ..................
R. s Koi) . reliant. .. ...
j tin utia Son. to- rchalrt. . .
; Jo-, j I. Page, III.). mrnt I.
j "
i J. K. Winiy. n.r. n int....
i h it. k ti 14 hill, m.-rcli ini.
b W lr.ey. i..i rrl.anf ...
J K Van horn, hotel
K'ta-rl Si lit. r. merchant..
Jac.b LU'iw.g. tti--r'hant ..
E G Sh .ff- r. ui rci.aLt....
U K Beste, uieretiant. .....
Adam Arnold, hotel
J. T. P'tura at Bro., met.
cbsuts.... ..... ..... ....
J. P. tVick.TsUau., merchaut
M. E. Schiegle, merchant..
E. A. Tennia at Uru., grain
at-d coal.
J. W. Uibns. lU'a.ber ao.l coal
Samuel Schlegle, i. enchant
C. G . H ii.ej , n.erchant. . ..
e.-ar IlL.
G. B M Kepi. r. orucgirt..
s. G. Oroner. (r.er ......
Wm Vc(ulliii, uiert-hai.t. .
P. Kepoer, (nin-r
A. J Petil. merchant
D. H. Bousum, merchant...
A. H Kejnolus, wrrcbant..
Pbthp Keener, coa.
Jacob Urontngrr, coal atid
lun. re-r ...... ..........
Noah Her i er. sratn and
lumber ....... ..
Noah Hertller, uercliaat...
Atex Woodward, merchant.
J P- Kei'y. n.eichant
VT. R. lomeri. no ich int. .
srstCE HILL.
J L. Bsrtoo, ui. rcl.ani. ...
J. C. t onu ai Bit... luerchams
K. 1 iieckdoin, lu. rvhaot..
Samuel Mowery.nierhbatit..
J. B. Hei-rv. n.eirhat.t
J. C. Crawlor-I, uieichaul. . .
H. S. Thompson, merchant.
A. J. Kurgest.n, mrrcbaut..
T Ham iron, merclianr. . . . .
Tm. VanSeringer at Son,
K H. Patterson, nierchanf.
Jobn Vsughan. nercbant..
Kutwrt iihiue, merchant....
. W Campnell merchant..
A. W. Opple, tn.-rch-nt....
W . p. North, g'stn, cost
lid luntlier. ........... .
i lo Jc Son. mercltatiis....
Samu.l Ktrsyer, clothier....
Joseph Penned, luerchunt..
McMei. at Beaie, merchants
T.J. MidUagb, .merchant...
Farmera Mer. Asso., nier
cbandise and ccal ...
W. H. Banka at Co., drug
gists Robert Nixon, hotel.......
KeubenGusa, hardware
Howard Ki.k, Tobaconisr.. .
T. H. Keese, oenfectionery.
Henr Dui-n, confectionery.
K. K. Mitchell, Hoar and feed
H. M. Hawk, merchant......
George Msckeiberger, res
taurant ami confectioner. .
Isaac M Goshen, grocer and
J. B. Meloy at Bio , mer
chants...... ............
Class. Rates.
TION proposed to the citicens of tfiis
Commonwealth by ttiu General Arsembii of
tbo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, lur
their approval or rejection it a special I
election to be l-eld Jure IB. 18i. Pnblith- j
ed by order ot tbo Jeretary of the Lulu
n.onwealth. In pursuance of Aiticle JLVJ1I
ut the Constitution.
Joint resolution propo-iog an amendment
to tbe Constitution of tbisCommunwesltb i
Sicrion I. Be it resolved by tbe Senate
ud Hons of Representatives of tbe Cotu
monwraltb ol Pennsylvania in General As
sembly met. Tbat the following amend
ment is proposed to tbe Constitution of tbe
Commonwealtn of Pennsylvania, in accord
ance with the Eighteenth Article thereof t
There shall t an additional articla to
said Conetituttsu to ba d. siguated as Article
XIX. as follows:
Tbe manufacture, sale, or keeping for
sale ot iutozicatiDg liquor, to bn used a a
leverage, la hereby prohibited, and any
violation of fbi prohibition shall be a
misdemeanor, punishable aa shall be prov.
ded by law.
Tbe mannfactnre, sale, or keeping for
sie of intoxicating liquor tor other pur
poses than as a beverage may be allowed lo
rucb manner only as may be prescribed bv
law. Tbe General Assembly tbsll, at the
tlrat session succeeding the adoption of this
article of the Constitution, enact laws with
adequate penalties for ita enforcement.
true copy ot tbe Joint Resolution.
Pecr.taxy of tbe Commonwealth.
Latest Fall
Tbe CbuDiplon Clettiler ol" Juniata Count y bftvlDg jmt
turned I'roui f he CuiUt n cities wllh a vronderful
Will in-.Le friendi, outbhine rivals, win victoria, and !! itiif Vm
merit. M EN S BOY S A CU JL1JREN 8 '
and Geut'a furniahing goods. Firat Ciasa, comViniug Style. Qaauty
Elegance, vtith pricsa that will aetniih you. Na aaJ ia zpett4 aaia.
I prove thia.
But I auk your patronage only when 1 give coa-plet aiit'aut.as. Hy
JEWELRY, Calico, Percale aud White Shirta. Neck wear. Collar,
Cuffe.Trtuika aud Satcbe. ia full ami complete. Cll abd see
June 16,
vvVir Firm. I Pennsylvania. Raileoad,
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 tO
1 0i
7 OO
7 00
7 00
12 r.o
10 Oi
7 00
7 00
7 oo
7 u
7 00
10 CO
15 00
7 O0
7 00
loO CO
1 CO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
7 00
7 10
7 00
10 CO
10 00
7 HO
10 00
10 ("I
10 00
7 00
No more nummer for months i
to come. Full and Winter are ;
AtToosa Accoaaonarius ies'si aUiatai
flsllv at il "J a. m., Tvrone Hi m
here, and to conform to the j ";rini-!Ve,l,rH'..VrS '?
chance, the benior memoer ol c evtowa . ..i a. w., i.wutow ,,4
iJ m 1
TION proposed to tbe cittajut ut tbia
Commonwi-alih by the General Assraiblv
ot tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tor
tbeir ajprovsl or rrjecttna at a special e'ec
lina fo bebelt! Jnce 18. 1889. Published
by onler of the Secretary ot tbe C'ltn 'non
wealth, in porsaance of Article JCVI11 of
tbe Constitution
Joint resolution proposing aa stnrnd
menl to thr constitution of ibo coiuaioo
wealth :
fivr.na 1. T! r-mm nJ km4 Au tkm Stmimfm
dHmief fttprentativt of tkt Com- Eastern Market", where he
srmeymrf That tbe toiiow .ok is proposed j lected with great care the goods
as an aujeijiliii.Tt to tbe eoris itatiiiu ol tbe ' . , . t -
co.. u.oo.va.ihot reun.yiv.nia in .ccopi-1 that his many patrons faor.
vnrf wirti th xoiun ui lorn :f bfutb
; Article tbereot :
S'rife out Irom mrcrioa oue, of arftcl
itftit, thtJ four qualifiCatlioMa lor fwiurl
j Ub sd nerSunflay Jlov'r i,.
trams ist step st Miflha w ill rus a( talis,,.
the firm has just returned from
We have now filled our
bhelves with Fall and Winter
Uur cus-
ahs. and paid at tomers have appreciated our '"hi.,? "
tn. election." .a , eflfortg to Ye them tood, to " I." ' ',
ro., MIlfoM ff f'S 01.. af'.Ctn
Port Royal .17 a. n-. Mxeo 8.M s. a'
Ttiscarora H.'JS s. ui.. Vandrks !.tg . as.'
Tbompsontown a.7 a. is., Ifuraard t il
m., WillerstowB 8,4S a ra.t swsrt tw,.
tn., arrlvirir at Harnsliurj at 10 61 a. .
; and at Philadelphia, 1,25. mx.
I Saa Saoia lirsiM taavcj t'kni
! at C.r5 a m., and stopping a 1 1 ragtua;
taitocs ove anoona ai.a liarrusurf,
reaches Uiliiin at v iS a. u., bamrtuf
11.40 p. At., anrl arrives lu fa'.laes'Saa M
3.15 p. m.
ail Tails leavss Mttsbar itaj'T at
j 6.66 a. m., Altoona at 'J.IV f. la., aud ik-s-
piuf at all rsjular ststloai srrlrss at HKi
arrisbnr( 7 fcU f. a.., rasa-
we i
which reads foltuws :
.If twentV'lwo vesrs t.f aea or Howards.
he shall tie paid within two years, a state ! (Joods of all kinds.
i.9 ...nnlr tar whiph shall have berB as.
essed at least two ruoLt
least ooe month before the election, so , eflforts to give them fZOOd"
"Every male cltiseo, twenly.ono yar of ' Suit their pUrpOKCH, nd
ape, possessti,; the loiiowing quahflcattons, v . ari, l.far
shall be entitled to vote at all elections.- v.. j.-
first. He sbaii bav. been eitiaen or pared than ever to merit their
. IMrt state, a, .ea.T wan.... , confidence e invlte QU tO
Tkuu'l. 11 .nan wav ' " " : - . ,
state one yrar (or it, bav ot; previously come arid Fee and be Satisfied
been . quaiiflVd elector or native bora eiti- j . , .rnrH- .UnrtTT,nt
" " " w.- - y rasT l.iwu lesvss rinais.jrin asuf si
tncretrom ana reiornea, men si mumus; we nave ailUUbL everyiuing. 11 60 a as ; llarrisborg 8 40 p at ; Hath
immediately preceaiuft me eiecum W( u l.nrkva-rrl rail fnr i 6 0,5 P " i Law i.towu 6 p ; Aitesea
Third. He shall L.ve resided in the elee- Uon't De DaCKWHra, Call lOT g m . j.,,.,,,, ,t M
t.,n district wbr-rebe.balltff-rtovot. at; what VOU Want. ! w. P.lig,. Bi,w.i.,.
least two month, imsuediately preceding i J I T .! ! rhl.UsipaU
, .. ' . dailvat4 80a.ru.; Hamsbure, 8 14 a. av :
the olr-ctl.iu. ar-vv V Bt . ! n ' a "A. .
I'liniiniiQii, T3 us a. 1 m t iiiwpvn, V as a.
m.; M itiersiown, su a. sn.t i nosapspatewa.
Mail ExLraas laaves riltsbnia al 1 oe wa
Altn.irta 1". '( I T, tn Ttrrn. L'l m . 1 -
rife- ' 1B'ou 7 87 pm; l.swmowu 49 y ai i 8.U-
f.in 1U pm; lUrritburf 1J41 pist P-
us.pbia f .ti u.
Piiliadelpbia Kxprsaa will tss "al IriaV's
at 11 7 p. an., wuso Csffsl
erlastirg ma. oaviog iceir na Dlotted on
and cast into the sea of God", forgtf olness.
And just bore it can be sa d tbat the 1st
.... . fr ' ' ' - a'
. u it krA lb.in a.. . .
eac.pedbeine.lain when .the death ...,.1 "xl. Z f t Ti .. "
s . w a. . a ssMuni uv t H.-'ll V (.UU w t. 1 t (UU 4 1 flit.
slew tbe 1st born of people and cattle ot l,ii, C;j..,,n;,i ;
13 10 00
12 12 60
14 7 OO
6 75 00
14 7 0'
14 7 O0
13 10 00
14 7 00
o 75 00
14 7 00
15 10 00
13 10 Oo
13 10 00
14 7 00
18 10 00
18 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 Oj
14 7 00
14 7 tO
13 1000
18 1 00
18 lu0
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 O0
12 12 50
14 7 .0
14 7 00
14 7 00
18 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 HO
14 7 00
14 7 or.
14 7 CO
13 1000
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
18 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7l'0
12 12f.o!
13 KiOO
13 lOOOj
13 10 00
12 12 60
18 10 00
12 12 50
14 700
6 160 00
12 12 50
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 710
14 V 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
Fourth It teer-ty-two jearsot aje or op-! OCS III (I M30UIS.
wa.sMa. V. aa a, I . a. 1 1 k i ar e-.at4 isithin t BV ft at r
" I , U fit aa an Vol ss f I IT i a lO IkO ... a..
t al ear K IS i aatlBltl bamV. v --. . t . V W V a-wa. a ... . ,
fitatM lr COUUljT
Oar Boot
cm t & i.-Kti d ai Ifttftt two month ana D;a
at IfSrvt onr moDih betot e-et oi." nartmeilt 18 full
Shoe De
lta assort-
ora, iir i.v a. oj.i
' Roval, 10 18 a.
fezleo. 10 07 a. ra. rM
.; Hi.TJIs, 19 20 m .
mi it j 1 A na - . a.. mm
ai.all l ..men.!...' at. aa 1.1 rrxd ss follow i , .- . . "' " "
Kve,v maieci.iVen tw.n,v no , e.r. ot Hieut, ana you certainly can be ' " - Vi aVIf i.1 u
s(- posseting Ihetollowtn qu .llncafi. ns. BUited in fit, quality and price. xiDsti' ,a 17 p. ia ; Tvrone, J , .
sri-ll be etiitlf to vote at the pollii.g place . , , ... . aa .-a.. ' . .. r
ot ti.e ,i,c:,..n di.mct of winch b. .'a., .t ; hatever improv ements have A'""-,V:Tr.rn.i,nre
... tm . tiii .i r stations betweea llsmslirtre sscf Aussasi
thr time bv a resident an.l not elsewbrre: Keen ailded UV the IlianUlaCtUreP
First He hsll hae b'en a eiii.cu ot , .. ... Ovt-rss. Exraia. lesv-. Phtlarle't ki. .
H I'nlted States at least thirty days.
S-cond. ! shall Lave resided ln the ,nnn V villi With loot Wfflr tiir "'"Ptunit t Rocaviiie, Marysvlt;, Da
state one Jrar (.r it, Lavn.g previously i I i y . non, Newport, aftllerstowa, Tkcwiaesahswa,
been a aiiailfld eiretor or name Oirn etu- nil in vi uui uuui fci . iv,tt
ly at a on p. m., namsonrg, 10 Tj f.
stopping at Kocaviiie, Marysvll., D
XJUT i I'nri boval. time at ilimin. II li a al.
fn ol Ibe state, he shall bare rrrsoTan i n roct,ry Department IieVer IacS 1 toona, a 3-1 a. sn., and Flttsbarj, 6 14 a. .
therefrom sn.i relumed, then s.x mouths,) - ? fc ' j rh,1a,
Immrdiatlj pri-c.Hlinit the election. e ildeOH IianU H IU11 line Ol j ? a m n,rri.inrg 1 1 It) , f,
Third, lie shall b.ve resided it. the dec- j J,' L anJ J-'anCy ! port, 12 18 p. tn., Mtfllia 1 J.47 'p. m., .eve-"
tton .1. strict wh..re he shall oflcr to votn at 1 1 J i ! i.,- ...u k... V.
7 00
Irssr thirtv dats immi-d atelv urcedms; the
election. Tbe legislature, at the aession
thereof n. xt after tbe slopiiou ..I this sre
tlon. shall, and from tiiue t.i tim thereaf
ter nit, ensct Isw. to properly eat'orc
this provision.
Fourth. Every tn.lo cliii-n f the sje of
tweuty-ore vears, who shsll have been a
cifc-n tor thtrlv las and at. inhabitant
thia state cine year, next preceding an elec
tion, czc.-pr at municipal electiwns, and for
the last thirty d.iys a re.idrnl of the elec
tion district in wh-.eh be may nfler bis vote,
hall be entitled to vote at such an elt-ction
in the election district ot which be shall at
the time h.- a resident at.d not elsewhere
for aii oflirera thai Dow are or hereaftir
rosy be elected by the people : Pretidtd,
That id time of war no elector in tbe actual
m.litary service of the State or ot tbe
Coitr-d Statea, in tbe army or navy thereof,
shall be deprived of hi. vote bv reason ol
his absence from such vlection district, and
tbe legisla'ure sh ill have p.wer to provide
tbe tuaotrer in which and tbe t'taeaod pla.-a
stwnich such sbsetit elreiors may vota,
and for ibe reruru and canvasa of fheir
voles in tbe election district in which J'bey
respectfully reMde.
Fitrh. For the rurpose of voting, no per
son shail be deemed to have gained or lost
a resilience by rrsMin of his prc"bce or sb
srt.ee while rrjiployrd in the service of the
L ulled States or the State, nor wbileer.gag.d
in tbe navigation of the water ot th- Stale or
of tbe high seas, nor while a student ot any
college or arroiiia'-y ol learnins;, nor while
kept al any a rui-bouse or public institution,
t-ncept the inmatee of sny boroe for dis
abled and indigent sold irr. and sailors, who,
tor Ibe pmpose ot voting, shall be deemed
to reside in thn election district where said
hon e is located. Lawa shall be mad.) for
ascertaining, by proper prools, tbe citicens
who shall be entitled to tho right of suf
frage her. by ealabli.bed.
A true cepv ot tbe Joint resolntion.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
ol i ; at,-
ill iuc
AlifUintown, la.
V Von.
tire toTreipamieri.
Having leased 400 acroa of wood land
of David Wilson, and 400 acres of wood
land of John McClurw, adjoining land, ol
Pennsylvania Railroad Company lu the
vicinity ot boiler's Gap. I hereby caution
all peraon. ataiust trespassing on tbe above
mruttoned leased laoos for tbe purpose of j
catting timber and se lorth.
Joaa BeasnoB.
Milflintowu, May 26, 180.
ping at an regc
fr g 1 J V It V 9(a1 i rd Altoocs reaches Aliases at I ) f. ..
M W..YJKj aCi llkv J flak3. i l ittsbnrg 8.20 P. at.
" Alvuova AccoMHeBAVisw Vesvas fkli
AlsO, the Only full line OI : delphia dally at 11 60 a. rr.., FTsrrtilsrf st
i 4.16 p. m., Dtincanaoi 4.49 p. as., ftw-
ffiiintv Fvprv . p. .. lusearora o.e p. m.. h.xks s
COUniA. r.er nOUFC . ni Port Koval 6.64 e. an., it tnia 4 ) a
must have it lull tupplv Ol ' Lewltow 6,a p. m , HeVytewa 4,
, 1 i I 48 p. m., 5ewe lis nlltou 7,10 e. at.,
QueenH and Glabsware, this is j Hnntiugdoa 7 40 p. iu,... ip. m.
the btore to call on for euch r- j Piel9e rxpr,.ileaT Ph,;....pfcl. M
tides. ipui; Barrisburg 8 10 m Dcaraansal
., , , ., .. 1 88 ami .Newport 4 01 a tn ; U.IXis4Sts
All Orders DV mail Will re- n I.ewistowB ol am; HrVsrla.. i
eeive prompt attention. 1lt-.Union V,1'"s
a r I 13 a m i Fstsrsbnrg f 26 s ni j f rsts Creei
llemember the place, jtio. m, Tyros 7f0aa aii's itr.
7 22 a ra Altena 8 tS wa , ritls-
Maw JSTBtEr, Orrosmt CorBT Horn, ' ia 4S p m.
Sea boor Express asst, ss 9ss4ssi.
!' will connaef with .innday Mail Issrhrg
Ham. burg at 1 Is p. re.
Train, leave Lewistewn Juse'ina fsr Vii
j rny at 8 10 m, 10 45 as, 1 la e m ; tur
Sunbury at 7 44 a m, 8 00 p m.
Tram, arriv at Lewistowa JcssMsa ttm
Mllroy at ft 60 a m, 1 25 pm, 4 C s sj ; frvta
Sunbory at 26 a m, 4 0J p ra.
Train leava Tyron fer Bsiisfsst as
Lock Haven at 8 10 a is, 7 Up at. Ls,
Tyron for Curwsnsrilia sna Ciss-is.4
8 20a m, 8 00 p n,7 itipn.
Train leave Tyro for W.rr!rs Hsri,
FsDDsylvams Famac and Senna si I Ms
m and 1 10 pm.
Train, arrive at Tyro frem Bsl sfssts
nd Lock Usvca at 12 06 p ra, asd 4 17
Train arrive at Tyrone from Cnrwses
ville and Clearfield at 6 6!f a m, asd 1 1 as a
D, 6 17pm.
Train, arriv at Tyron from Srs., Wir
riors Id ark and PenB.ylv.aia Tursss. st t
26 a m, at 6 40 p aa.
Trin leave Hnatingrioa fer lelM,
Hind man and Ccraberland at P M
at.d 6 86 p. nr..
Trains arrive at Huntingdon frote B"1
ford, Hyndroan and Ctirtihsrlsr.il st 12 1
p. ni., 6 20 p. ro.
Sprin g and Summer Goods.
I would mlorra th public that I have
now in ny eew millinery stor at my place
of residence on Water street, Mifillntown,
second door from corner of Bridge atreet,
a I till stock, of Rprir gand Summer millinery
goods, all new, and of tbe latest style,
nd having employed first class milliners
I sra prepared to '"rr'T the public with
everything found in a flrstclsss ruilliner
store, com and examine rcy stock. I
consider it no tronlile to show goods.
Msrch 22-K7.1.V.
of I'itthburjj Ta , make
Tbe ltetjM Bist.uoQtd iu the abora list
lit kai Hndw anrl .kU aa. a a. .. dm... . :
di.jj, aud on going to hiautable found Treanrron and alter wav 1st, lna9. i
the lock sawisd tiut and bi8 horai-a j An eipeai will lt h.:d in ibe Coinmis-J
For our Choice and Hardy Nursery Stock.
Steady work for energetic, temperate men.
Salat ahd ExrcssEs, or commission it
preferred. The business quickly and easi.
ly learned. Satisfaction guaranteed toens
tomers and agents. Write imraediatly for
terms. State age. Address
R C C II A R E A. CO..
14SO South l'enu Square, fni!'. Pa.
the Egyptians becsuso of the inatttu'ed
avecer aa covernt vtitu a iei.ler l nnii iicur lie wiuun ih; hnnr. mi. ! t .,,,: ,.,i i tt
while tbev moved off. CotL eacap-1 There is n.i )n.itiv clue t. tW j the W.kxI ot which was sprmki-d OB Camp pround ; tLey the-n etruck for
at. Uas vt Ilia rneis twfjreiitxt privwe r..., . ...r1
pune. He itDmfcdiKtt.lv fol!owvd the ': " rx r..oKo of Mimin-j
I.. p, mi . ij'iii .vim ier, net ween :
!bn .'...jrij ..f 10 o'clM-k a. at., ai.d 4 u'cUnza j
p. a., wlivu ao.J wfure all persons feeling
t.euielves Brit-.Mi tna altei.d il they'
tl.iLk proia-r. !
lin ro fct'drr u.v hard tiis 21 rd dav of
Varvb. A- ! , 8.
w u ui iniv I
R- . . ... , ... a.. wv.4a r , I
vs HlU wurlsiS. tliri-rric-V fielrj. t. VrenSjf. -r-frfcr.
r-01F.-I IIIG Fi8.trT nnderthe .no
which King rol..mvu tirvr beard of a
CI.OT3ES LINK that requires o Cloth s
Pm. Evtry hoos-keepr. Isundres. tad
store-keeper wants it. 6 ample sent by
tnall, 6 tea t for 25cta., 12 f.et for etVU
Fivi Clatt .tkA TS W.4STED 'or Ikit
Cew. Address NORTON R BOND At
CO., Manufacturers Af?s, Fhi'v!e!nfcia
F., itrjk F'x ?
i of manufttctnrirjg for tbe Doir.rbtic
ti ade tbe Finest Brands of Iliaminat-
Ti..:..r. r-i vr.ui.. I Train, leave Altoona fer p:ts F'tith, at
ing and Lubricating Oile, Naphtha ' 7 2o . m. 8 25 . m. 12 40 p m. 1 AO p
and Gasoline, tbat ran be made from ! 6 oo p m., 8 00pm 9 60 p ra.
Petroleum. ! Ti, .rrire at Altoona frs-s !:
... , ,, Pouth, at 6 46 a ra. 1 1 86 a tn. 1 Is r "
e clml.enge comnariHon with ( 65 p- m. 6 4r, p. m. ; r m. ,ni 1 S r
fverv kr,oivn Product of Petroleum. : m-
If you wish the most
at-k for oura, trade for MiflSintown and
vicinity Supplied by
January 2nd,-89-ly.
Caution Plotlcw.
All persons re hereby csutioii.d, tct
trespass on the lands ot the undersigns! t
Bpruee Hill, and Bele towr.sh p. f"T
purpose ol gatbi-rtug bernes, huoneg,
ing, or in any other way trrssiiiC, rm
said lands, as th trespass law wi'l b
forced against peopl "ho violate sa!"
BA.i.iov Miinrv
Joe B, leB.
All Important local news are published i "
in tbe eolnmn. of tbe Suriirn. 4t Kirra- ; The Searw.V aasd fiayvJ'" srSe U t
lawan alao lsporUat goeral osss. and j place to get Job work dene. Try ft. I'1'-1
a T.yg tri v.ri ef.jrf tf litenry a&rr pay yon if yn teed asvthirg I tt
- ... 2.i. '1
... u ni"
ei.i V
r iui.r. i
lout Sa"-
peUaCtions will I
M jv.Ttise by thr
fiocd l'rii.-,
j;l-arl i."--i'
merchant H '
Brr.'.i'Ji '. -i
axt laoctU.
t'Lauibcia'' ii r;
figUer. B-!- v
!Lirt.-v: J.
jn.lanor: -l :
Cbhri ui
hr.-n etui'l. 1
CbftniUTibar;? -
The art' '
A.. J. I'ut tvl h-.i.
oa Frido, f.i:.
ili.i Wiiiuri
ricrauce li-ctn i c i-'
ilcn.lsv t-vtnii:, ,
A tlnuid. r e'n
duration ;n v !:
ilaj fW'ULll lii i l '.:
Bia:-0!. l. t.i '!'
tiwti fct N.iV. ;
S'tiowuiuu l'-i .
O.iutoli yeck-v i
abev? on ep.rtL,' I
A qut-tr htti'.i
iu Hevi-nd i-liiuii"
which it n ! I i '
tabli.bcii 1
Luutr iu ! :
til l. W M.U1
S ut. il l'l... t
cf the S. a I. Ku
Lis reiii'Tai' t 1
trst f lla
"Tbe white l'.-i
hav forr--.i a 1':
rJ" tit tL- i" i
the tat itT j-s- t
Ki t. M i '. .. -
iivr it l. :
C.'tirt H. .
O i l. j t
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from W . :
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r D Kii i
K- iie:i ; ! ' i-
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which : t ' ' '
kitchs-i. ' "
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JeriJ I.!' ' :-
Del aw ut
Pcu Art S .
'I"be ril. ..f.-
YaUIS Wl.i s; t
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urti' in t-f ( ic ; i.
ilert, n t f. ,k .
Ilarlt-v it. i
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Urj i,'. la!, i V !'.
T.M.t V f I l' r
r' Alirt. i .;; . .:.
Jiot.ci. t rr i : t. '
cf t'' M I-. T : .i-
thev ari. t 1 :
a . ..
Irtftiif iiiis li -::
baina ' 1 I
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whr-l 1 1 s I i
gljlir t..
G.ror-i j:.i : .
will hi- i i'. l iu
L'jthrnii c'r. ir
half j nn t :
t 3 ( I Ca 1' 1
In ad;
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eovicd T.:. 'a;
fTiIar iiic-i :i-tf -held
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r.y W,.,.if, ,, -
rrii (,.; m , "1
1'JeltaTl' ' '
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DM.l ,ir,..
fraftiMbht terr .:
a'ley wa-i io.h
ir'il I i.a.-. t,-l
Pv-r. Vi;r is-
holi,, ffufi! 1
T!m er vac-at
Meth.-..liri ('..;
irl;np I".hi..r
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hU'iH.'.i,-,'.. 1,-t
R t v y. i -
rsra.t. Fir
T.. Maj-t-r, S.l: