Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, April 10, 1889, Image 4

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Is It n. tolas!
Probably thousands of rwp'w In th,s
fiction of country, and this section la
10 exrei.tii n to any other in this res
p et In the I'nl ted States, have read
n.e report said to have been written by
Prof. A. Lattiuiore, Ih. IX.Lla. I..
Amtlvstof Food and Medicines. New
YoikSUt" Hoarder Health and Pro
fessor or Chemistry in the Hochester,
y., University, Utmsr that all or
the S:ife Uomedies manufactured by II.
II. Warner & Co., were pure and
v. ho'. foiue. nor ili I any of them con
tain any rucrcury or deleterious sub
hiaiiCo. To shoitm the controversy,
: owever, we will cive Professor Latti
t. (.re' report in' ire:
r.Nivtii-m f Hochester.)
t'HV Mil At. I.AbOllATORY, j
Ttr. II. II. Warner has placed in mj
r: !-tii'ii t!.e formuaiof Ihe several
lutviu: ne muriiif.ictuieJ and sold under
llepnpral :-. ztiuIIoi: o "Warner'
I-.iTe Kerned. . I h-v lt;veitieat1
tl.-' tocf'-r i t li.Mif.li.tiire which
;n t:-I i-T. v th cxTerne care and
;. ( r.;:-. to ti e I"', method. I have
l.il.en fiota tli.- I.tN-iatory samples of
a I t'.e ut'.i-.t-s Lnl in l!ii preparation
f tl c-e nif .c-.i.rs. as me'.l as ll.e ev
il..! lite ! c I r I 1 wh.t-h tl J enter. I
l. .- ' o jir ' i-e. f r -111 dltfeiei.t
i t ,- i-i tl.se; y "Wircft'i Safe
'.; . , ..."; ! t;;..:i rr.tifl mm n-
' til 'ti-lft'j frrt frt,rt
' .oe uj un I it It '
I a i r v I !.. I.. I.I I..
A i i -Ii-f 1 '..:. ..n 1 llri!.e-. New
. IK M.l e 1, .ifl r Health. Pro-I-
r ft Cl.rn : tiv. University of
I: . : .-r, N. V.
er..r.:it th.i.k t! at a Cim ot tts
i or II. II. Warner Si Co.
w . .:' I u.iif i ;u..;i such a statement If
i ' were untiue. at.d e low tavetta'
I in:' ai.tln-nty to "ay to our rraJers
1 1 .. It :i o.u'.e'.y ai d uuiiuallliediv
t u.- i:: every articular.
Cciiuisi. i'oou mi: Fowls. Hon
t it r.i w.l aid ut tl.e tame time
n i i.i ui c.i ly la olieti tLe question
; !i pci p'e vi.o mut make their fowls
i iy 1. 1 ('Jan and d.u.e, as well as In
:..iu:e ai.d irereatiou. And eveu
li e wealthy fowl owi.era are cot averse
t. L iving their fowls pay for their food
:i:i I c;ue, even it tliey are not expected
t ,-.iv f.ir their expensive houses and
t.itit y rum. Wit r persons living east
l t: e U cky Mountains corn nits',
sitn.tvs continue to be the cheapest
f..;i. I ut. it l.aa been objectionable as a
i- '::s:.tiit fix d on account of Its fat'.en
ii. i in; tr:!.'?. We b-lieve by cookinir
t:.-- i-t'i n v. !...lo until quite soft and
swollen t the fullest extent that a
'k. of heiii ni iy Le kept la a good
i.iiiii rot.dltiou when fed corn almost
xc'ar ively. We have Len ex;erimeat
r.ir with corn boiled very soft, ro.tated
:ir;d parched unt:I well baked through
n:il a very little led in its natural stale.
1 U:id oi:r hens laying splendidly
i ; u:i it. 11. ey have teen fed as much
; they cared to eat, were running
t ; ;u a ro-vt rrass run and fed no
othi r Kind uf Ui'y or green food. This
. I, wo cay say, is very cheap, cost-
1;: illty cents l-.t bushel, and kept
t..: I. ens in lii.er condition and at less
e. "t thaa anvthiiij eiso that we could
t "or.i, i at an 1 wheat are Increased
a'::u'it ihuiblo s by cixikln. and as
i ii.U ural ri-si:!t the hens wi.l not cet
:..t I ecause they pet only half as much
;.!M matter when ted cooked as wlieu
ied dry grain. They relish it greatly.
A!I sofi focJs and vegetables make
letter food fur fowls if cooked or
s.-aliic .1 uel.'. If a large kettle and
plenty of water and fuel is accessible,
it is very little, trouble cooking the
rations of several hundred bens. If
only a small ilock U kept, enough food
Jan be cooUed lu a small dish or (an
to !o theiu a day. Cooked food should
not X e kept until sour and stale, but
M'uuM be fed sweet aud wholesome.
We are satisfied that a saving of nearly
one halt can le eitected by the proper
Tiitf c.f water, steam, and tire.
Hotv To ijiniovE a Farm The
t'tst and the shortest way to improve
:v laitu ii to rtduce the stock, plow
your tallows ia winter so that the soil
will l.o waini and dry and the subsoil
i-'ecouipo: ed early in the spring. Har
row well and then sow ten or twelve
quarts t trass :-eed to the acre when
ou put m your oits. If all take,
your chai.ee is good for obtaining from
livn to tea acres of oats and a field
seeded down to crass. Then prepare
as many acres for rye-sowing, pro
vided jour land 13 not good enough
for wheat, and the two crops will give
y.m a l the straw you need, aud the
torn Held, with usual good luck, will
pioduce enough to fatten stock. At the
end ot the season you will have the
lio.luce from fifteen or twent? acres
f land, repiesented in oats, corn and
potatoes, and as many acres sown with
i ye and w heat. Keep just stock enough
to eat up the produce in grain and
l av, and a'ter gathering your next
Sear's crop of hay an I grain, covering
ay Cfiy acres of your .farm of one
hundred acres, you may think of add
in:; :.s many head of cattle as your
farm will sustain without purchasing
lienviiv of foreign supplies. By the
end ut ilia fourth year you are ready
to pu in a crop of wheat and save
plowing uy your bottom meadow, you
h:.v ie-.sceded jour whole farm and
are now ready to enlarge your dairy
and at the end of ten years your land
u:iL:ht to le in a condition to double
Sour crops and 11. e cumLer of your
cattle. This is rotation.
It is very annoying to raise a Cock
of pullets until they aie aearlv a year
old, and then, just at a tln?e when eggs
should l e coming in, to have the pul
lets defer their duty as if they would
never begin. Such pullets are usually
as haudsomo as can be. in full health,
:ind should have been huvng long ago.
The cause is du to a surplus of (trait
rood overlee.lin and they will usu
ally 1-5 found lat. A pullet may b
well Ted I rem the time It was a chick,
but the rood may be of a kind to pro
mole r.it an I may bs lacking in those
tieii.cnts that hasten growth aud ma
turity. The proper way to raise puU
1- tJ is to Teed food not abounding in
starch, and to keep them in exercise as
much as possible.
FAKlirns have a much greate:
J1; l.eie of Influence on the flavor of
n.Mk produced than they suppose, or
tl ey a:e willing to admit, Tl.e reason
v. l.v ; certain number of consumers
in all largo cities are willing to pi y
w hat, to a farmer or an average cou
stiu.er. may eeeiu extraordinary prices
is because they get butters ot high
Savor which are always uniform. The
makers or the-e butters nearly all use
clover or mea low hay and corn meal,
in varying proportions w ith other coarse
Todder and meals.
The Kusslan method ror stopping a
run-away horse is said to be very
effective, and ;s not particularly cruel.
Il.ey plHto a cord wdti a running knot
around the horse's neck near the neck
str. p. To this slip uoose attach a pair
of ie:ns, which may be thrown over
the dash-board ready to be seized at
one. When the horse starts take up
the estra reins and tighten the cord
arouud the horse's throat. Xhe
most furious hoise thus choked stops
instantly and will not kick or fall.
rouLTRT need a good, Cry dusting
place. They like it better on a level
with the floor of the roultry-house
than to climb into a box. Over-reeding
or keeping on corn and other fattening
food is qu." as frequent a cause for
hens failing l "y us lack ot food.
Tn JiUESKRT Toilet. Some oas
shoe Id make a protest against the sop
ping ot children's bair with water, or
using a wet brurh In dressing their
bair, to save the nurse or mother some
trouble In arranging it. Water con
stantly evaporating from the surface
affects the natural c rcnlatlon, the
color and oil of the bair; it should ba
med on the scalp only, to cleanse it. or
at Oxed times to wash the bair, and
this preferably at night, when the bead
can be well covered up to avoid taking
cold. It will be lonnd quite dry in the
moruing. The use of hot water instead
or cold, for cleansing tbe scalp and bair
ir. ay be recommended. Hot water is a
stimulant and should give the bair a
good color. It is known that sulphur
U a component part of the natural col
or of the bair, and some of tbe hot
water bair dressers avow that they can
distinctly smell the sulphur deveiO(el
ly th.s process In tbe bair with tbe
band rubbing that accompanies Its use.
lia r dries more quickly a'sj, after the
hot water application than the cold.
Uut te sure to pin the bead up alter
rub'j Lj-ln a towel, which can be
removed and replace J. if it becomes
wet. It salt be applied, it should t in
this way. Uccaslt.ally this appli.-at on
will give a sound sltep to restless or
fatigued heads.
rnrsil Salads. Fiesh falals oul.t
not to lie long la water; the withered
only long enough to crisp them. The
outile leaves are thrown away, the
inner ones patted, well rinsed and
examined, ai d. if cecessary, plunged
Into salt and water for a few minutes,
which will quick y free the leaves ot
any insect that may cling to tb-m.
They may be thrown into a colander or
salad basket to drain, aud thence into
a napkin held by its four corners and
shaken lightly until It absorbs tbe
water bangiug about the leaves. Han
dle tbe salad as little as possible in
cutting. Do not mix it with dressing
until the moment of serving, and then
it is usual to put the Iiqu'ds at the bot
tom f the bowl and stir it up just
b: fere f etvli g. Salads or fish, meat or
potatoes ate Letter made half an hour
before they are uied, except euch as
are mixed with leaf salad. lt chives
or onions l handed apart when used,
not mixed in, as so many object to the
Tbekr Is no lack this season of
pretty linings for thin black materials.
i k, is of course, the most desirable,
and one sufficiently good can be pur
chased at fifty cents a yard. Tbere are
silk tluished muslins, sateens and otter
cotton fabrics, that look quite well
under grenadine, or other diaphanous
fabric. Uut silk bad better be always
used for wal-t lining, as any other
material Is apt to statu the skin and
underclothing In warm weather.
Eeowx llr.EAD. Which may also
be served as a pudding, is made by tak
ing one cup of molasses, one teaspoon
I ul of soda dissolved in a ball cupful of
boiling water; stir this In tbe molasses
until it is thoroughly mixed vrith it,
then add three pa its of graham flour to
one o corn meal in suQlcient quantity
to make a batter, to this add a table
spoonful of melted lard. Steam this
four hours. If you wish to eat It while
hot In place of biead. dry it in tbe oven
for Cfleen minutes; if lor pudding,
strve it fresh from the steamer with a
tour sauce.
Cold Potatoes. Xever throw
away cold potatoes. Tbere are many
nice ways of preparing them. Here is
ene which bears the somewhat high
sounding title of potatoes an maitre
d "hotel. Cut cold bailed potatoes into
quarter Inch slices, and put into a
saucepan with four or five tablespoon
fuls of milk, two of butter, some Tap
per aud salt and chopped parsley. Heat
quickly, stirring all tbe time until
ready to boll, when you may stir in the
Juice cf half a lemon, fc'epve very hot.
It is the lemon which gives it the
name, without that it would be simply
"stewed potato." It is not to be
treated with disdain under its less
pretentious title.
Lesiox 5uoktcake. Make a shoit
cake dovgh exactly like a strawberry
shortcake. While that is baking grate
the peel ot a lemon and squeeze every
drop of juice from it into the bowl.then
take halt a cup ot sugar and half a cup
of molasses, a teacupfal of water, a
li: tie lump of butter and a tablespoon
fulof flour. Let this boil until it is
just about as thick as a boiled custard.
When tbe shortcake Is baked cut tl in
two parts, and pour the mixture over
tbe lower one, then lay the upper part
on this, bottom side up, and cover that
also with custard.
Silver Cake. Whites of eight
eggs, whipped to a froth, three quar
ters of a pound of white granulated
sugar, half a pound ot butler. Add
the sugar and butter to tbe eggs and
bea: to a cream. Add half a cup of
sweet cream, set the flour in tbe oven
until bot, then sift thoroughly to re
move all lumps. Add the flour oue
cup at a time until it is stiff euough.
As seme eggs are larger tbaa others,
the same amount will not always an
swer. Lsst add four teaspoonfuls of
baking powder and flavor to taste. Iiy
adding half a cup ot red sugar you will
have a handsome cake.
AVE iiatk beard ladies educated
and Intelligent ladies declare with
actual pride their ignorance of tbe art
as cooking. They "could not make a
cup of coffee to save their lives," aud.
as to their making a loaf of bread, or
cooking a simple dinner, that was out
ot their power. Poor, miserable un
fortunate. rni:;E Ficklcs. Take a stone jar
and sprinkle some coarse rock salt m
the bottom, then put in a layer of cu
cumbers, then a layer of salt until you
have the Jar full. They will make a
brine for themselves. As they settle
town, fill up it you wish to. When
wanted for use. take out what Is re
quired , and pour boiling water over
them, soak until enough, tben put Into
vinegar. To keep pickles free from
4cuni, thev must be washed clean and
tbe little black pickles removed.
Sponge Pudding. Stir togethet
-ne cup of sugar, one cop of flour, and
aue teaspoonrul of cream of tartar
mixed in tbe flour. Beat three eggs,
uir Into the sugar, add one half tea
tpoontul of soda in one tablespoonful
f cold water. Hake between twenty
ai.du.ut. lu.nute or steam. Eat with
cream or sauce.
Plants require their food In a tolu.
ble conditiou. "o matter bow much
manure is added to tbe soil, only the
soluble portions are used. Tbe solids
can not be ot benefit until they de
compose and are dissolved by the
rRCNiNO when dormant tends to
Impait vigor, but if done when grow
ing or In leaf it checks growth, and
therefore a feeble tree should never be
pruned after growth commences In the
spring. But healthy, strong growers
may be lightly pruned at either t eason.
WiiEREYER sheep feed, new sweet
grasses flourish and weeds are de
stroyed. For this reason farmers
should raise more of them, If for no
other. But there ate several other
and equally good reasons why every
farm should bare its flock of these use
ful animals.
Ah eight day clock la a long-vrlnded
tetter WrlUnrr.
Ji perron who can write a graceful j
uote or letter is always spoken t.f with
phrases of commendation, i i.-e noci j
and essayists aie full of compliments to
the femiulue sex. as mey say me rp s
tolary art is especially femluiuc Bul
wer says: "A woman is the genius of
epistolary communication. Even men
write better to a woman than to one of
their own sex. No doubt they couture
up. while wrltit g. the loving, listeuing
face, the tender, pardoning l eart, the
readv tear of sympathy, anl passionate
coniidences c-f I.tait aud brain flow
rapidly from the ien." It should be
lor-sible loeveryii e to express him or
lierself in a i ttcily correct and suffi
ciently elccaut maunir. Nothing so
betokens the woman of cultivation and
tef.nrment as a coucise and well-ex-i
res?l note, snd id no otlier way can
ivr.i iai.ee be t easily ltrayed. Suffi
cient atienti. it not always bestowed
upon this biaiu h of culluie Ly tbe in-
Miuctois vl lie young, now unuj
tludrnt. ciin iing out lite detested
"con. 1 01J ion" or more ambitious
vjv."doo with ni.y thought that
far uiie impoitaut lhau the taking of
acote'.el pure, is the preparation lor
Mint wl.n U wiil be au tveijday Leces-
Oor imnudiate ancestors wrote better
and 'outer letters H an we do. Tliey
coveted three pages of large letter-paper
with crow-quid handwriting, folded the
pajsr neatly, tucked tia edge beneath
ll.e ctln r (lor there were no envelopes),
aud then staled it with a wafer or with
M-alirg-wax. It was extrusive to send
ore ot these epistles twenty-five ceuts
from New Vol k to Boston. The electric
telei:iai!i and cheap postage and postal
can s may have Leeu said. In a way, to
have mined correspondence in me old
tense; lovers and foud mothers doubtless
still write long letters, but the business
of the letter-w ritlug proiier is at an end.
The writing of notes has, however, cor-
ii-spondiugly increased.
In le'ter writing there are some points
a knowledge of which is absolutely es
sential, and we lake for grauted that
the facts that no letter, however well
expiessed. can be elegant if mis-spelled.
and no lnat'er how well-spelled, if un
gramiuaticully expiessed, are too well
understood to need reetition, but there
is ll.e les oudeistood branch of punct
i ation. Custom has now decreed a
system of convenient dashes permissible,
and fashion's votaries go so far as to
declare this the ouly elegant method,
aud that only in n-atter iulended foi
pi jut are colons, semi-colons and their
Kiuoied ullowable. There was a time
when the perfect punctuation of a letter
was lil. I a necessity. We think the
knowledge of cynect punctuation, and
Ihe ability t place them necessary:
then, possibly one is justified in choos
ing oue's owu way.
The note paper, formal cr informal,
should never le ruled ; it is as eavy a! ler a
few trials to write without lines as Willi,
and the liand-writ'iig is much less
hampered. There are a great many
fanciful pai-ers ujou the market which
are in bad taste.and should never be
used; the fancy can be indulged as far
as you like as lo quality, but never be
led into buying the varied colors, or
eccentric shapes, so common. There
are sl eets folded at the top and envel
opes oi.'iiIng from the en J, with torn
edges, paper even with burned edges.
puier with mottoes, with flowers and
innumerable other things. Deep colors
are always out of taste, and even in
tinted paper care should be used that it
Le ot the most delicats tones, as soft
grays, ja'.e greens, pinks and blues,
'alieie is one fashion which has nevet
tLangt d, and will never change, which
is always in good taste, and which, per
haps, would be to-day the most perfect
of all styles, and that is, good, plain,
luick, white, English note paper, folded
squaie, put in a square envelope, aud
sealed with red sealing-wax which bears
the imprint of the writer's motiogram
or coat of arms. No one can make any
mistake who uses such stationary as
this in any part of the world. On such
paper aud iu such form are ambassadors'
notes written; on such paper aud in such
style would the Frincess Louise write
her notes.
The intricate and gorgeous monogram
which so inspired collectors a few years
ago is creeping back into seme favor,
but a simple letter, or combinatiou ot
letters, stamped in one color or in silver
or gold, is a pretty device; these letters
are usually placed across tbe upper left
corner of the sheet. The plan or hav
ing all the note paper marked with the
address is an admirable one, for it
effectually reminds the person who re
ceives the note where the answer should
Le sent information of TThich some
ladies forget the importance, and which
should always be w ritten, if uot printed,
at the head of a letter. It also gives a
stylish tiuish to the appearance of the
note paper, is simple, unpretending and
Sealing-wax is not as popular as it
was a few years ago. Tns glued en
velope common, cheap, and necessary
has become the almost prevailing fash
ion for all notes as well as letters.
The ink should invariably bo black.
The date ot a letter should be written
in the upper light corner, near the top
of the page. The add i ess should be
placed theie also, unless stamped upon
the paper. Iu a noie the date is more
ofteu at the eud, below the signature.
Never date a letter vaguely; it may
seem a trivial matter at the time, but
do not forjet to write day ot week,
mouth, and year; it is far more elegant
to do so, aud may save the recipient
much trouble if futuie reference Le
made to it.
Do not bee in the letter half way down
the page; "My dear" or whatever form
of words used, should Le written not
more than an inch below the date, and
that. i'ihu, one inch and a half fiom
the lop of a lutu.Li.i a. led aoee .
Do uot send a blurred, blotted, slo
venly note to auy oue; it will remain to
call up a certain prejudice against you
In the m.nd of the recipient. Th"
fashion is not now, as it once was, im perative
that a margin be left around
the edge of the paper.
Dates aud numerical designations,
such as the number of a house, may Le
written In Arab.c figures, but quanti
ties should be expressed in words.
Few abbreviations are respectful, A
married lady should always be address
ed with the prefix ot her husband's
Christian name.
The subject of a friendly letter, can
not, of course, be dictated, but at least
let the epistle contain some fact of In
terest, rather than the Information to a
fiiend in the next town that "we have
had a rainy autumn:" Kemember that
to make much of little is as much the
ptoof of a good letter-writer as of a
good dress-maker. Have something in
jour letters besides bare fact. Indeed
bare fact may be called the enemv of
the letter-writer. However, interest-
ing it may be to you, it will be more so 1
to your correspondent if you weave a !
web of your own thouzhu and fanev
about it.
Anxious Passenger Where
this car going?
Conductor It is bound for Cbarles
town. "Beg pardou! I thought it was go- 1
ing to a f uaeial.
. . ,, . , . I
Tramp Well, my good lady, what '
can yon give me to eat today? j
Lady of the bouse We bad a wed-
ding here last night, and here Is some !
nf ria cake vou mav havn. I
StC" J . . nave, I
Tramp, backing oft Excuse me,
madam, but I make it a point never to
deprlvethe regular "Zn
tions tf what properly belongs to thtm.
A CbmpctUion by a Naught r Little
j U1 c,l)v a llll tf ;iJ but j UlinJ. i
baye M niUcll ri:i, IO wuat walll
to about things as a boy. I hate boys,
they're so mean; they always grab all
the straw beir ics at tbedinner table, and
never tell us when they are going to
have any fun. Only I like Gus Rogers.
Tbe other day Gus told me be was go
ing t let off hum fireworks, and he let
lVs-ie Nettle and me go and look at
tlem. All of us lite In a hotel ard his
mother's rovui has a window with a
balcony. His mother was g ne out to
buy some crtme de lit to put on her
fa-e, and he'd went and got eleven
boxes ot lucifer matches, aud ever so
many pieces of casti'.e soap; be stealed
thtm from the housekeeper. Just
when sle went to put them in her
closet, Gus went aud tod her Mrs.
Nettle wauled her a minute, anil while
Mie was gone be grabbed the soap and
m;.tch'5, kiid whin she rauie back b?
watched hir. and she got real mad, aud
ie .scolded 1'clla (that is the rhamher
tuaid). Mini said she Unowned she did it,
aud 1 was real glad, because when I
was tinning somersets on my mother's
bed Ilia other day lMla slappeJ ine, and
;-a:d ti e wasn't going to make the Led
two times to i lea-e lue; then Bessie
and me slicked the matches in the soap
liko ten-plii, !it dG-is fired them off,
aud tin 1 l.ie 1 like anything, aud they
made an uw iul suu-ll, aud Gus went and
turned n little gas on so's his mother
would think it was that.
We got our dinner with the nurses,
cause the man that keeps the hotel
charges full rice tor the children if
they sit at the table in the big diniug
room. Once my mother let me go down
with her. audi talked a heap at the
table, and a gentleman that sat next to
us said. "Liitlo giris should be seen
and not bend." The nieau old thing
died last week, and I was real glad, and
1 told I,-ll i so, aud she Said if 1 Went
and said tilings like that I couldn't go
to Heaven. Much she knows about it;
and I wouldn't want to go if dirty
things like she is went there. Yester
day Alary, ui r nurse, told Bessij Net
tle's nurse th:.t sha heard Tarry Fin
iieun was g ii g to marry lier. Tarry
is one tf the waiters, aud he saves
candies for me from the big dining
room; and liesie Nettle went into her
mother's room, and her little brother
said she whipinAl hi in. aud Bessie said,
"O, Lord! what a lit-I" and you should
have heard l: r mo: her talk to her, an I
went aud shut her up in a dark room
where she kept her trunks, ami didn't
let her have nothing but bread and
water; and (ins Koizers went and yelled
through the key-hole, aud said, "Bessie
the devil is comi g lo catch you,' aud
Bessie screamed aud nluiost had a Ut,
and her mother tol l Mrs, Kogers. and
got Gus li -Ued. and Gus said lie was
going to set tiie I ou-e on Cre some day
and bum her out.
One day I went into the parlor and
creepod uudtr thefofa, and there wasn't
iiolnxly there. They don't let dogs nor
children go into the pallor, and 1 think
it's real mean; and 1 had to creep under
the s a, so nobody coul.l see jne, and
Mr. Boyce tunic in, and Miss Jackson;
she said oue day that children was a
worse nuisance than dogs. Mr. Boyce
aud Miss Jackson came in and silted
down on the sofa; and he said, "O.
Louisa, I do love you so much," aud
thou ho kis t-d her, for I heard it smack.
Aud then she said, O, Thomas, I do
wish I could believe you; don't j'ou
never kiss anybody else?" And he said,
No, dearest," and I yelled out, "O,
what a big story!.' for I faw him kiss
Bessie Nettle's nurse in the hall one
night, when the gas was turned down.
Didn't he jump up; you bet! and he
pulled me out aud tore my frock, aud
lie said, "'O, you wicked child, where
do yen ex-ct to go for telling such
s olies'r"' and 1 told l.iui, "you shut up,
I amt goiug anywhere with you." I
wih thai man would die, like the other
one, so I do; 1 don't caic w hether he
goes to heaven or not.
Gus Roger's mother had a lunch party
in her parlor, and they had champagne,
and they never gave him any; aud wheu
his motuer wasn't looking, he found a
bottle half full on the sideboard, and
he stealed it aud took it iu our nursery;
aud Mary wasn't there, and Gus aud
me diinked it out of the glass Mary
brushes her teeth in, and it was real
nice; and we looked in Mary's wardrobe
and found her fro.k the goes to church
in. ami Gus put It on, aud Mary's bon
licit too; aud we weut down iu the ball.
aud we tumbled down aud tored Mary's
frock, and made my nose bleed; and Gus
said, Oh, there's an eailhquaKer
'cau e we couldn't staud up; and you
should tee how the house did go up and
down awful; aud Gus and mo laid
down ou the cat pet, and the housekeeper
picked me up and looked me to my
mother's room, aud my mother said,
"Oil. my I whatever have your beeu
doing?" and I saiJ, "O, Lord! I driuk
ed champagne out of Gus ltoger's
mother's boule in the glass that Mary
brushes her teeth ia." And the house
keeper savs. 4'Oh. my goodness gracious!
that child's as tiiiht as bricks;" audi
said, "you bet; bully for you;" and
and then I was awful sick, and I've
forgot what else.
l:!CMt liilUrvt:, NunlDS
Mother', Overworked Mea, and fur all dis
ease w lie re ttie tissues are wasting away
from tbe inability to digest ordinary Joo.1,
or from overwork of Ihe brain or bodv, all
such tliould take S'coU'm Kmultion ot Pare
Col Liver Oil with Hypophospbilea. "I
use 1 the Emulsion on a lady who was deli
cate, acil threatened with Bronchitis. It
put her In such good health aud flesh, that
I must say it is the best Eonuislua 1 ever
used." L. P. WADDELL, M. !., Hufih's
Mill s. S3. J.
Hospitality Is an expression of divine
Dyaprpsla, lnilicesuon, sick heailacne, nJ that
tired feelinf are cured by Hoou's Sardaparula,
which lone the stomach, promote healthy du
test Ion, creates an appeuie, care dek beadicha
and hail da tip tne whole system, bold by all
iruggiU. lun Dose One Dollar.
A my i tie, even in tbe desert, temains
a myrtle.
A BaJieal Care far Ksllettle File.
To the Editor Pleas Inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy lor the above
named disease which I warrant toenre the
worst rssin so stronjc I my faith in its vir
txtrm tiiat I will send fie a sample bottle and
vainable treatise to any sufferer who will civ
me his V O and Eipr address. Keap'y.
iiC. HOOT. M. C lea 1'earl bt fcsw York.
Be temperate in argument, pleasure
and wine.
Kiiriirc c:iregiiarun(cetl by
Dr. J. IJ. ilyer, 631 Arch St., l'hll'a,
1'a, Ease at once, uo operation or de
lay from business, attested by thou
sands ol cure after others tail, advice
free, send for circular.
nit tan havA vr rtMtn aitrirwtrrnrl t .
Tracer A ale Urease.
Use the Frazer Axle Grease, 'tis the best
In tbe world will wear twice as long as
any other. Ask your dealer fur it, and
take no other.
Woman is last at the cross and earli
est at the grave.
FITS : A3 FitssioppN rreeo; Dr. Klina's Qteat
Nerve KeMurer. Nortuafiernrstdav'sase. u.r.
teams cares. Treatise and SLWirtal Dome tree to
incases. bendtoDr. k.UneJl Area Si. I"iula Ha.
. - fc
Half a loafer is better than a whole
Souiinf enre Drop.iv. uravei, unfiu't. Heart.
BmtKMt Urinary, UtKT uneaies. .ervonsaes2
usm k.iuner cure. um, vii Area
b ".. l " M tM,'f M DrK.
"'.!. it,
Tis an ; wkw .d thing to play with
io ui.
These twin diseases cause untold aufferlng.
Poctors admit that they are difficult to rare
ISO their pauenta. ramei
Celery Compound Los per
manently cored tbe worst
CS5LS ot rheumatism and
neuralgia en say those who
have used iu
riavlng reen troubled
with rbumat!sa at the knee
and loot tor nve yeri, I u
aimoet uniibte to el around,
and was very otiAra confined
to my bed for weeks at a
time. I used only oue bot
Uo Fame's Celery com
pound, and vu perfectly
cured. I ran now Jump
around, and (eel as Uvely a
a bo." Imm Caroio.
Eureka, Nevada.
JL03. 811 for C.oa. Druggists,
alatcmota testimonial paptr tree. "
mnj hue.
Woman cr CMM
patTorinf from
twin u'.r1
io im u'j
Xot a LiqiiidarSnvf VS sr K V & t-e
A psr:1'. i triee. Into r tj-trtl an1 la aartM -abie.
Fni ait e'itJi !t I'mx-ri-":'" ma.l. rtriirteroi,
ttlcta. tL.V HUoTllKH-i Warre l rL. N York.
r 2. it tr v i
for 8 m oaths ccuJti
move mjnvf U ia waa
reduced la f ?h from
V.2 toSO lba, W aa treat
ed by best phyeu'itns,
ou! 7 to crow worse.
Ttnaliy I took Swift's Fpecif!:. ar.d aeon bcrr.n to
Improve. After a w hile v.ss tX r:v wort, and J?rtho
Fiaat five xuor.Ths have beta a -veil as I ever vs.
rasa ifce ejects o tv.ilt'j peciiic
Joxnc Rat,
Jan. 8. 153. Ft- YVMyne, lud.
Sooka 03 Ulood and Skin diseases mailed frc.
"vitt Srsciric Cou.AtIastr.Cs.
ctI Pko'a r.emed fur Cat-rrh Is tba
f'ej licti, iMt to Us, aud tbeaiesT-
"ny s th"roiiitli !- tho nstnrailiw
Dli'h r'v-in lh cirAtiot' ot riiK'-stii-u anil uutrl
tlnn. Ld I y M i-areful .'.liitlon 't tli. Hue .n iw
t. (.1 11 .1-l.-d ... Jir. tll. I:u iov.d4
cut brrstfost tal.l'-. ltb iMirmu-o r.avcui.1 L.-r.
Isr- LuL n: five I.. it. any heavy tl -tor. b. Us.
1 1. ty tbe Jullilr.iik uu .l iiirb aj tii'li. of !i't tbat
s rin.utiitji n ina l.-Kiaiiually bui.l u. until stiou
rnoiiifli u tim every tiia.ni-y to il..-.. li-m
e-ii. of s.ill.r n:aiU:t ai.- Li.atinir an.unii u. ii-aiir
n atta-v be:.t'r tiit-io a a w.m ijint. U i.;.r
m-;- many a fatal Lait by t f.Ui.- imr .lvm t:U
fortitiril ith .ure t.luoU anil a iiruLicr: uouriab.d
tram.."' .s,rr( Oaxrtr.
llii'i-.imi'.y lla li'ilin ater or m is. Kol4
n!y in half J.un.l tint ty (jrurera. lsl-HM tjiua:
J1.HLS LPe A- I O.. llomir.:.n&Uua Chcuiiatsv
l. n.lon. Kmc iaiid
Ir roTT tttsu a - ,
Wf .- da a ' ' t-w vt
w, w ,f j w r. av
tmrriia on of 1 h ri-
brati SMITH ft tt KRSOtt
aruia. Tb- ftri-t xmAil anni
evr mauufa.-tuivl ani th
fl nt rb-iiu. of m.,1 e-irirtsi
aiauinfa-turd in r&lit.r r TPand 44-iun Sin-
artoortlouhlf action. Saffty ilainme-rlt aii)
IT wauclil Mteel. cuiv-iully inNj-tl fi r niK
rianhbpkii l atoi-it. i hy are unnvaifl fr liaib
darstbtllf t Htin m rumcr. lMnot tde--ivl ly
dip mallf able ram.iran Imitation which
a r of u-.u svti i for tho K- iiimi aiticif an.i art- not
rnl rTliar. but rimnicorona. Th SMITH ft
K.SStij Kvolrrn ar-all atauiprd upr n th-:ar-TfiB
with f.nn ntrnw. Id an l ilat- cf i-at- ntm
and arc ;atiirttuti'cl i--rfevt in vry di tail. ln
aut uon hav.uar tn Kuuin artinin. a'td it four
dlr cann-'t aupt ly you an ord'T a-nt to aln (vm
hw-iovr w.ii rtM t prt'iuj't and careful ait nt tori.
icjn pf t ca t 1 . in i f jm.i pr.ee fi rm--hcl upon aiy
fsF" Mtrt OB tni lahp-r aringn-ldT !l m sk
-i2T' ,
SOOO more Word and nearly 2000 more Ii!ns
irattona than any other Aniruaa Iicti-'Uiiry.
An Invaluable Companic.2
in errry Sohoc.I and at every 1- iroidf.
Bold ty all Bookseller. Illustrated raniplilct
cnt fre.--.
C.wt C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub"r,F rringfieM, II us.
atoOonaiEk boas, aaalagtoa, D.C. a CiactaaaU. (X
r"cTi-rTx-va rmrs.
innn !rwTfra Kafetr Hatii
HoMers H i;.N A W A to Intro,
dne thein. Kv-ry bra own"! buya
from 1 u&. Lluwi nvrr unrtrr hrne i
foet. K-uJ 2ft rLsv In ft iuiim to pa v post
ave and ialilnr for Nickel I'lated
hanipio that MelU f T S oanta. Addroaa
Brewster Mfg. Co., Holly, Mi oh.
a po-.u.. rwin i tr tli al.iv. ii : bv it. iua
Maui nw. ( Uu. rr - kiii'l and uf kmraui
I Um .or kiii'l and uf Iwnr L.nitiBX
rotiir t. mi faith in 11. sini-si-. tliaj
tl frew, Unrilltar with s vaitlalia
I will M-nil two hotl
-atlm on ftm dtanw. u an. mitTrri-r. lil.o Kipnw an t
r. O. vldraw. T. a. UU 1 C ML aL C. Ul l-Mrl St. S. V
n B Jtaarsvtns-. .Cav
II -1b T T . D4, M
rr mm aaata a iit I'tBAatt o-i nsri
rm Jhr A faction,, f,, Jiptlrt-. ccr.
Irw p-tw.lt, tmr 97l ntsi dMifM mm tx-1 rbi
rmt Trattaw mt4 ml .rial ai. V.. a.
mmirtm t Da. RLISK. Ml Arc. ft... rM wlplki.. r
-ri as arsa. sliis, HI IK rem risl wlpkt,
m trmca-- Mi. WARM OF iMITATlSii FHA
I prerribe and faflyen.
dt.rse KK a ftfj tte vny
prlflc forthecertajccji
of this d '.va.
Ki. UslNtiRAir A1T.V. D..
Aaaaterdam. X. Y.
We hava oid ftig Ci .'ci
mtnT rears. ind i-
"f li IL DYCHE 4 CO..
5r U I'bica...
wJUralSl.OO. Bold b Druerl
mm. vmm
829 N. 16th St., below Callowhlll. Phlla., Pa.
UO yeara1 4fXperience in all in I dUeas. 1 r-
HimnenUr rtt.res thooe wwtkenwl bv t-arly lndi
rrctlona, 4c.l ull or writ. Advice frw and rtncily
onIul-niUl. Iloursltl A M. till :t KM-aud 7 to 10
vninc. Mm tryti z ft. i-ulijid for Bok.
CiTv ia cz:3 iuji:ct ezats.
( fr Orttaal.Wt,w.ljaalaii
ji VySS. I-.I.I.I. pm Kir..... rr.lt.
MO?w7V Ak ' l,,1""' t'N)lul
I l-itr. it. ,m-,. V
1 Wf --M ii... I it.k wrai j--r. ar Amix
C JLV - -- trrfrtt. 4r. in.... ir
X if' t"-'r'c"'-r- " -Kellw-rr. r !..-,-1
t tttr, ,w rH-m o.a.i. 14J.OOW tcati-
. j ' n.. at ...mhI
nosilMUfroaiLAQlES ,', uvi it-ui. rair.
Lhicae-lrr itemxal t'o 31 ad;M.n Vi.. I'h llaPa.
a T
IiAI FTM isa-
Irt.n Ier Mce-i l rtnii,s iraaa
larw lUfMm tui'l Pesuu iu fur
El fix H.-aie. For trm pr.a liat
trie at aa thia i-T and fl'lrav
Bnrt In ths Worl.l. Made oniv by l be Frazer Lnbrlea-
....I'.l i l ll I.', l-n N. V S.I f . Ml . . l
Principal Examiner.
Bureau, hit
'1.1m. ..Hffl..l
lacrwu, re-rattnr, widows1, ebUdren'a and depen
(est twlatleas'. azperienee I S j rs. to laat war. li era
U fsbwea Sorosu, anj rs, prsslisiA. klvuruAr
vC-vJ '- rv.- w T
Tl5vj5y 4 t'M omatinm so bad that
Zt&KsSl I f 1 It disabled nie for work
Xj-:.-Tv aTA I tit t rod cor. lined me to Eijr
5p-"SC iiS-S. f lurirff which tine t
X?.. T-r -X w could notcranrilpenir
lmtLi- -MM.mmX'imm' liiiasf; '--si
"3 fiold br drwsrisn or sent br mail. Lt3
Jc li T. ILaieltlue, Wrrcu. l'a.
jr iis 3!
0 J I TO a DAT.S
ium Swlaiais. .
flPj Sir aa)7 sa
II. c. aeoasaluhe prosecute e
" PtJne' Celery Compound fcaa been God
send to me. For the pu two year i hve suf.
fi-red wn a neuralgia cf the heart. di-i or rtu r
doctor rilling to cure me. I hv now t.k-ii
neanr lour bottles of the Cumpouml. and a::i
tree rroiu the complaint. I f.-l vei-v crjterij
to you." Cuas. U. laiwia, Central Villi ictl.
Celery Compound
"I have teen greatly afft-ied with aents
rheumatism, and could flul co re".l-f until I
used F&Lue elry evuipound. After uinT
six botUea of ibis mediums I am how cured it
rheumatic troubles."
San Cat, UirrcBiJiKOM. Sa Cornbh. N. II.
Effects Lasting Cures.
r&taes Celery Compounl bas perform! many
Other currs as marvrlnus as th!. oopiea ot
letters sent to any al irem. Pleasant to t&ke.
does not disturb, but suds digestion, uud eMlitv
ly vegetable; a child can take It. What a ti.o
use ot atiCcrin; loiter wiib rhcum&Ura or
&eurajlt ? f
r I ry m ncO Lirrngiipun Initiated Food nr
are ;.
Teach Gills to Do Housework.
Many motlieis. anil often those who
are the most competent to teach their
daughters the housewifery arts, in
which they themselves excel, are back
ward about. t!oin;r so because of their
very thoroughness, and their dislike of
Feeing tho woik awkwardly )erforniet!.
'I iirefcr doing it myself, for then it
will be done right," siiys one short
sighted mother. "I have no nack of
Instruction," say.? a second, who is
averse to teaching her child those tilings
which had lieen iatieutly taught her by
her own mother.
Liet the little giils perform light
tasks; the youncer they t.mnience, the
easier they will learn to set tables,
wash dishes, clean knives, sweep, ttt.
If they have a taste for it, and many
pirls have, it is a io-ltive wrong to
keep thein in ignorance, till learning be
comes a task ins'e.id of a pleasure; aud
if no natural liking exists, the faculty
f-hould be more carefully stimulated.
It is a matter of vital importance to
the happiness of the home over wlr.cli
she will one day preside, that the little
gill now at your cloow, "bothering"
you for permission to make a pie, to
roll ut a little cake, to wash a jocket
liauilkcrciiitf, or to iron towels shoull
be kindly ei.cotiraged instead ot
thoughtlessly ieelled in her laudable
ambition. There are few who have
not seen something of the discomforts
of an ill oiVercd home an 1 ill rooke 1
food. Xo mother would wiilmly con
template tho prosjiect of snli a liomu
for her son or daughter on leaving the
parent, but what security for happiness
can there be where the only depend
ence for home comforts is ujion hired
help? The best of servants knowing
her mistress to be ignorant, is almost
sure to become cureless, llut to the
scores of girls who every year marry
expecting to perform their ow n house
hold work, ignorance brings letribu-
i tion quickly. l,ove in a cottnge thrives
but feebly 011 salaratus bread and heavy
pie crust, i'ast lades the romance
from t lie newly wedded lovers when
sour biscuits and muddy cufT.-e. begin
to rouse the demons of indigestion and
s:ck headaches; and low spirits and
C'.ooruy faces will surely follow in
course of time.
TIio Clili-st Knlisli Count ry .Ncu
The Cr.t English country iiew.paier
was the Lincoln, Kutland an 1 Stam
ford Mercury, which made Us first ;ip
pearance in 1005. The Salisbury 1'osl
inan made its first appearance in 171(1.
lis prosiectus of September 7lli of that
year ran thus: "This pajier contains
an abstract of the most material occur
rences of the w hole week, foreign ami
domestic, aud will lie continued ev i
; o-t, provided a si-.Cicient number vxid
subscribe for its encouragement. If
subscribe it shall be delivered to
ai.y public or private bouse in town
every Monday. Thursday or Saturday
morning, by eight o'clock in winter
and by six in summer for $1.50 each.
Besides the news, wo perform all other
matters belonging to our art and mys
tery, whether in Iat In, Greek, Hebrew,
algebra, mathematics, etc."
I5y 17S2 the number of provincial
papers bad increased to fifty. A vivid
description of t lie state of the roads in
this country in winter time two cen
ti rios ago is uiwi in the following ex
tract liom tiie "Collect ions for llus
LanJry and Tiade." March 10, 1003 :
"The roads aie tilled with snow, and
we are forced li ride with the pacquet
over hedgfs and ditches. This day
seven-nights my boy with the pacquel
and two gentlemen werj seven hours
riding from Dunstable to Hockley, but
tTiree miles, barely escaping with their
lives, being often in holes and forced to
I o drawn out with ropes. A man and
woman were found dead within a mile
hence, and six horses lie dea l on the
road between Hockley and Uiickhil ,
s uotl.ered."
From ltputtllcan lleaflquarters.
MoitAVIA, f. Y., May 5, ls7. O. I'.
Woodwaku: I have been using Kemp M
lialsam and I find it very eti.-c'.u.tl iu re
lieving a cough witti wliioh I liave Iwt-n a:
flioted of late. Our drupcisl trd me tliey
sll more of ILN llian auy oili-r nmli
rt-iudy. 1 can i-li-erlu!ly rc.iiiiii-inl i.
Yours Truly, J. J. I'ea.se, Ediuir H'lm'.'.i
can. At all druggists. .Large LotlK-.i, r)e
aud JL
Ee courteous to all men, be friendly
with few.
Catarrh Tared.
A clerpvmrin. afti.-r year of unfferlntr from
tlint li'allisoino disca-. 'Rtarrli. a:il v.on.
tryine every knowu remeily. at ia.-t liiiin.i a
jirescrirtion which completely cured anil -av-eil
bim from death. Any sufferer frum t hind read
ful disea?o sending a seif-addresi-ed t-t:iinie
envelolie to I'mf. J. A. I -awrelM-e. M War. en
feu. N.Y.. will receive the recipe tree of chaivs.
Tertixent. 13essie Mamma, wl!i
Ibere be any doars in beaven?
Mamma Nonsense, child! o
coarse not.
"Xot even Ske terriers, mammaV"
JHlLAl-l Li-lliA, TA.
The leailinir ierlalH- In V .utliful Imp n lenre.
Young mea ciniety;l t in.' iuar-nae send for
valunble Medical Book. m uu it,,.i
ol l..uip. lu.i.u.:ati'iii liu iri A M t:.l X
I'. M., fiom I'. M. iiinil H P. M. Cloil .sun.Uf.
Blair's Pills-'KSSr
OtmI U.S. 34i t.t.d 14 pin.. "
I wawil .1 ak. hi
Vaas. iinian lai.a i- . rT.'
a i
FLORIDA! Free information!!
For ruap Stale lul let m. lrnnh et sad KmiM
Vi eekly. Soulli Florids Prnifreaa." wend
lal.alilr. o. M. CKosUV. mi r-iJualiul.u i.7r
rnf lorl
lilOWiiLI. CO.
r 11.11.1 f.ir r.port aa toi.sb-i.tal.lht. i nciilap
. . a-Jlsoaiosu. Lock Hoi ia. Wash.. U d
. "i u'ui, Mam,
ENSIOIsS .aT. 'O'er.. Bailors.
".,.yj,L0 Uie'' widows or parental
- " Xllarnarit- pruenraa.
".,"i " '- itt law. psmphlrl
jrasl Patbicx O Fashill. Alt j. V -lia,l. 2
IM-T'Lio kinds. Octna. and 10c. t
, . ... . ..... ik ianiDi.at.fnp
C UU a CU C. IM.Sti je ... apu.,,r
OHOI.eA PMOOF. o Ohio iHPsayiiiVV
SJOM.sn Mo-. s..srws..oieTs,., 5?
A Differ exce. Mrs. De rink,
reading Never show jour temper, no
matter mint tbe provocation. Never
resent a slight. Never lose your seir
poise under tryintr ctrcumstaoces. Do
our lest to male others barr-y. l-'or-get
that you l ave any wishes except
hen consulted. Watrh every oppor
tunity to be est-ful to thofe about you.
Tbere are thousands of llttie w.iys In
which this can be dor.e wlttout ap-far-inr
obtrusively ptdite.
Miss De TiLik Ars those rules for
Mrs. Da Pink, contemptuously
Certainly not. I am reading the latest
rules for society debutantes.
A Lew Voice. "YVby do you ppeak
in such a low VD!ce?" said a tueinU r
of a certain church to the pastor.
"Well." he replied, "when 1 Orst Le
can to preach they called me a shnuler,
because I S(oke so loud. One Sunday
mormncr, just after I finished the pray
er, and while the solemn Lmti was still
upon the congregation, a little fellow
broke the silence with the question:
'Ma, H Ood deaf?' I btve never
bhouted since."
A TAD Eiikak. Philadelphia
You are very i'onl of society. I see.
Do you belong to the exclusive 4(X)?
New Yorker N-o, uiifoi tunately
theie is a daik sta'.n on my social rec
ord. 'Indeed !"
"Yes, it's too true. I occe walked
two squares on Fifth avenue with a
very dear friend of mine, an eminent
scientist, who had on a suit of ready
made clothing."
IIopefut. Iltiit 1 d. u't know what
the ah .Governor would say It be wf-re
living at my having to go around with
only a few cents in my pocket, uont
cher know.
Guaidian and Trustee, indignany
Why, 1 e'd say that you'd better j;o and
get tome seuse iu your bead.
Mils. TIayseed, perplexed vrimt's
tbe meaning of MIK'CCI.XXX VIII
on that new school buiM:nn, Jonu'
Mr. Ilayteed Durned if I know. I
suppose it's Foam of thM new faneled
laucuaee called Yclapiik. I lie-jr i'y
are teaching it i:i the si-hoo'a.
,se . "
ommend Il'iofs Misjunl a V.j in use
lilu.Kl is pur.tiiil, enrlc.eil anil vit.l. Z :tl,
tired fcelinjr i eailrelj overcome an.l ttie s -
boil eiven strinsta an i Bor. Ttie ppc'U
res'oreJ ami sliariKT.nl, the a jtestire oiu ms
wjuc i, ana me kiuneTi ana i.rer luvigural-a. ing, but It nas i n -c:i .1 a i. riii.nant V. ti itiu,i
N. B. He sure to c.-t iiuods Sarsa;iari:ia. cure." Calvin t. sntTK, Wcn-worta. X. I. "
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Fo'.d bj all drniri ats. ft: !v fir $1. Prepared on:y I SoM br nil rtruccis-a. f!: f ,r v lY.)! xlj
b C LIIllOD 4 CO , L iltcll, Mm. bj I'. I. ilOOU a C.., Lowe 1, sla-s.
IOO 1 -sf. tlollar I KIO too n' Dolbir
Emiih "I know 'tis a siu to,
Uut I'm bent on the notion,
I'll throw raysolf into
The deep, 'briny ocean."
Iroirn " Fie, fie, my pooil friend, don't pive way to vour ailment" so "ilr,
and Kettle down into such .'loom and despondency. There-' 10 -.rii- fur ml "
conduct, when It's a well-known fact that all your bad feelin , t.-rriMe
aehes, poor appetite, Fen.-e of fatljrue, nud lassitude, low-spiriu. u:m1 Jivpnt !.n
criaeal condition are due to torpid liver and consequent intli"e-ti.t. nr-l'd.-liiliiv,
whii-h will all give way and di-appe.-.r. I tie dew bt f'-re s!i."-. -i;:-,. it yM
l ilt malic use ol' th:.t woi ld-faiiu-d anli-biiious, tonie meilii ine Kn-.v. a a- I'r.
1'ierce's Golden Medical Discoverv. It is iriiaranteed to him lit ..r un-in a:i
diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be r. Vi,.!. I. It
cured me when I was in a much worse condition than you are, and if mjuU
only try it, you v ill soon be singing
"Uut my spirit shall wander
Through gay coral bowers.
And frNk with the mermaids
It shall, by the Powers!"
Copyright. 13S3, by World's DiSPENSAnr Medical Association. PiviprMirs.
manenuy curod toy DH. 8AGE CATARRH
PATTITTSTRT I'SBTdeiler .ra l,e 1... the XV. T f lOl'r; l .l" HK ;',,'"5
UX1 II 1 i I I I M natnw S'lil price, atampril on bottom, put tin: t- " " ' '1'.
w ataA )' ,our ilia.tr, will V. L. DUCOLAS. KIllll-KloN. M.l"J-
Tne Lain who liu ttivehttnj Irou. thr
to firs dulijira In a Uutkber 4 -oat. ttutl
U hi tVr-t hm.'.f hour s sxp.rrc u.
m tm-m fiiMaS to hi- lorrow tiiat It is
hmnl.y a b-Ttcr prutrctjon timti a rnos
quito iMtung, n .t on y cli-CTi"
at being to bail. ukrn ui. but a. bo
,JU n,rt iMs 4XmWly iika
A.k lor the-riM. likASD" Rijckka
... ... . . Pena ror enpttT.ratalBTl.
'f-r t- -i- f T 1- -r 1- - - -
lit alatle artatal aa wwaa laU aaaw
SariM taw siaa
rtaaa Saataa.
I was awia.
I wbm aaa
I mmUk ul
1 tii.aiM
smt BBW.SW al.iw. mmm a.iil.M. H.af,
Ma ai.ii. I
All rika
aa Hlww.1 wlaaw. wIlT
a.Uk aa4 aw. Ik. aal w4w.
The following story has bs ?
by the Superintendent of Ji
school: ot Smiti;
One .lay a n.Ksiu,.arT .
Permitted to addrees ttm s,7SW
recounted the usual i.,nfJ , B.
Heather, cli.'.dten, t ,1.1 ( ..
ry efforts in foie!8u unr,;
talkiPg to the restle-, i -.V'f
befoie blm lor irore tt in' t' '"
At last he said: "Anl lo. 1
children. I have W,l v,?a mT
these poor heathen c!ii:,iren lV)5
needs in that f ar-o3 j. r . l'-f
hat more can I sv?'' Jt'iuo
aV bright eed bit;e 2 ri ..
wearied almost to illstrw-tiir T 0 M
an.l quickly s!d to Mm: '
"I lia-e. misler. say amen."
Till: mimstt-r was Uln; . ..
family. ai,d U.bby ti,u, 8-(,k tLt
"Ma, What's an a.ij,C'.ive ,:
His mother explained ths'm
the word, and tl.en Um s'-ilt L?m.c
wl:y he wanted to know. Lia,
"L'ecauso I l.i aid pa faT
serinon u.ls morning V-HS , i."
poor one; and when I aed tn t r
what Mayviiish was. he ex -j U
aiijectlve." 11 s aa
The Lat Vi,i:u.Mr Tur,-
in the couise of his !a ly g, u- 0T.
iiu ua miaiuL', my Cinr. c"
And Turtledove's
proves the truth of his stattme-r "'s "e
IlF.l.lFvivn TIi-.i -I ..... .. .
(he was a young man wi.0 4
I'litiflilffira in tiln.i.irt i . Ii.ru:
.... ui..1,;, rtIJU Jf. .
ward her tenderiv, "l have ;0vi
l.,.,.. tt.. ii- . '"eu y.,u
V i-i jou Lai.
da) t '
Oh. Hill dav is aitpu.lu .
HairiH." answered the pirl, h'u-'
"George was so pertinacious I i "Z"
oM him the 3d ot next month
cards will be out in a d.iy n tto "
A LADV who wa-i veiy talliativa
inn nniuo iimei veiv H.liv cor"i'
r l.o. .1. a ... 1 . . i A . . - ' - F-a;
.ncbi. ciio n umi.tl
stayed too long.
"If they don't p..
you talk to tliem'r"
wl;-v tlien aoc
v .
m TfttAT
'". '.o .: u m,
i-.nt :il -.-r;.ii a:
' .i i.i-.av "y. oa t
1-..-. at r.n I r.j 4
' ! pi.r.E-r. .-.3 .
ine.1 fur iry J.j:.
tiie 1 it.lleicl Hie m-..: m r
tn.lt ' o id rul. :::na' :) . . .
'i'.ile ; ir". la uiy ir.rntaul i.-.
hi llnoa'a ar.Ji ar::u. n s
ar j iiiouznt cf it as s up c:a.
M mntvr of bow lon r-'andir.g. ia
REMEDY. 10 real, by 1 n :t :n ..-! -
I'.esf in li world. Kmamlne
st.-.oo .r l ink IIAMiM-Kr11'""" ,
HI.IHI IIIMIMIM 11 lU I I ,.,0,r,;,B.
:;..'. I'lll.ll K Al I.UHIMI- Ml OSS.
Ki.fill IMII.I VAI I I I 1 1 I -'
i.-tr, w i i: ii i . i an-- -inn. ....a
fc.'.nti an, i i ,:s e. ' m num. mioi-.i.
All ikaue lu l.utftfii, nation ax.u i-''
miirtia ijuuiiu to n;i-H llm 1... ..
Mrs. TurtleJ.,ve-X, :
SOU wouldn't say such i r.,v. t-- A a-'
ir vnn ilnln't f,.,.- I . ."-""-ID
j ...... f . ihi:j t;
S3 SHOE ts. ir
it.. U.1..1.1 ... Kni Flttlnr
We orJ-r tli m.u u .-" "! ,
f-l-t Itvli ) a t.rui.Mt t.'iit J"
lilrn dry tn it.- l.fw '"""iwil-
called T-Kh H-H ':R
4-..wli..v ... o-i it., .ai.d. -l ""T
f,o .n!.' p-rt.et r.a """TZ
CM la" lower mrmai
an.l ta.Vn. t.er. If vir
J. Twsa. s-wiwkim Ht Sjl
-J- .
waw. la I" Sta it. U'bTa
U u.ti. II t.u war " TT,
..II X. lki'
a.M m I. IM BM V'
ta. an II a. wf ia. w " . " rta
Bit. II w-b. Cwauwi.
a w. m raj
rrtn mhuk tkii a-. I
... la.
.lan.tl.IIW lUll Inu. aa. m"
- aa. Mini
aal a. an.l T .K1 Tt I 111 I I. I K I
wim! aavt MrW ly th.
aapwa la SU. a.-aw. Li I II J I Ulllw
y. :. .!i
Coin t i f
i. lie v fii't
lii'l. a: 1
elect !m M
j ears oi l
Jllrt..e li.
love eatit I
Tin: i
a On 1 1 , it u
iute:e:4 a
uctel ol H I
t.ve b. . .
j nli. S (if
I lie k iiul i
s: Ul It 1-
Tn i-. :
tO IU'-.'.
hali'i l e
i o ma le :
as to tie
which '
t :.ei e r.i..
e't- "'
ami- I "
.-it .ii ..t
II. e - '
I I I . .i . -i '
a far
lllll.iii eil :
of tl.e
Apia, ;
Jiiul-!; I'
iiiitl.-i. i. e
iiijew uii.
oUiel l-e)
111 Kil-i.a.
plan ea
li tl.e I, ,-.
ten f.
obt.t'.i.e.l :.
e!at :. 11; .
Is elV -
wi: it. i.i :
t ill e-l . :.:
l1 t-1 1 i I
ou; 1 i . u
liiii y : .a
'ise. '
ll'i. "
pr 'tee: e I
cent. It .
per Cf..'. .
cp:ial .'.
uril.n l
im it ! ' y .
able to ii'
In tl i '
tat' rt U ;i
to t'.eeee A
!lj r.i I.,
fute'vit 1 !
they aet 1 1
CUl.' Ml' ,
Is Se ec
tine i'ii"'
bett u'.h.
waters 1-
greater -1
who have
cup. II.
clasi bav.
and ol e
bef..ie I
reip.ue ..
all aw.t)
fur luteri I
will no i
projiei t :i
ltr p. .ii
i I eat 1 .1
and nun
I.e. a
lean j;rei
ecret p.
of their
coi.i; '.I a'
machiuei I
po;ie-s tl
have ovj
tl l.ii..-..
whleli tl
It cabin-
is pool '7
one-1 w
does i. ot
the I ; i . t I
bes lies 1 1
for the
erv'.ce L
private t
In tl.e I
lution vi I
of the Wi
Ilouse, tl
annual e
In the t
an kuien
the kiiu
the Ieni-j
tne ay
er to
pecial od
an amen
in the
quorum .
terln- tl
Usasa wi
tu. alSwa. sisasiiaaasa
ia a. aai.wli wa sm awl ywi Iw H awa ara. re h.m' Mliw
, AwJTwsw.-;MPMr-,a:M,
v. i