. t-. f , ip.j . i s i i ' SENTINEL & Piri:liLlCA2:. "ll?FLINTOWN. WElWESDAt, APRIL 8, 18S9. B. F. SCIIWEIER, UITUK ISO r.Or.IBTO.. XIoc.iv the Evangelist in among the T.n ADpfeles Inximcra. A unxiu th Illinuin Legialature prtjn)M-s ti make April 14, wLicli in ground Log day, a legal holiday. The mind f 31 rs. Harriet Bcecli t Stowe, authurt'HH f Uncle Tcm'n Cabiu Lhm lout itrt grip, and fho hn beiucHn imbecile. Thb Survivon of the 2t9th lYuii" svlvaniu VoluntrerH held a re-uiiion at Carlidle on the 25th intst. They hal fine weuther and a good time, A 8Tbon( fettling i manifesting itwlf in China agaiuxt foreigners. It is a pity that u walldoeH not xint smmiid China to keep them in arid utrai.gt rw out. Ticrhp in a difl"trenre lxtween thia and laet wanon. Thin w awm the ice on the northern laicx it guiie. Lasit times ; J wasn't eraxr ; tber fuo't anv- ! thing a rung with me ; I did it because tbe H. j other war playing eBV Ha.vit MiLLKa : I am fifteen year old ; I bars been here three year ; am one of the boy that play ed off craxy ; I played off"; I knew what waa going on all the time ; I mind what tbey were talking about and doing ; aeme blamed the boy. for using drug, and some blamed me for giving the boys drags; I didn't give the boys drugs ; I first plaved off to get la and see if they had any drugs j I don't think leaiitu. ny as to the good quality ot Hour uaed at the school. urand Arm men at Jalffiittown, W Konger. iVm. Bell, C. McClelland. J. W. Hughes, A. II. Weidman bear testimony in written statements to Mr. Greer ot the good and efficient management of the school. But above all stands the testimony of a nnmtwr of the boye whose tricks had awakened aa inquiry from every fart or the 1'nitcd State, and over whose imprudent fun and froiic citcens aaJ sUtesinen burled denunciation- at the management of the acuoci,ana over wnose tricks learned doctor the bus had auy ; the next time George wrote treties, and diagnoci.ed till the McGraner a ted mo to play off so that we averaged man and woman became confused. would get into the infirmary. He wanted Mere la wnai the lus say : to taks care of me when I was playing eff, Aroiitrrs Sriri... : nd then we would both bo in the ludrmary, I am fourteen ) ear ot age ; 1 lave .been than we would play off when people were in tan scDoi 1 eight years ; I am one of the coming, and we would both cat our nieala boy that played off crai ; I am the second case ; the Srat was Michael liriuey ; he play ed craxy ; when we went to bed I lart-d to cut up and make fun ; then Harvev Miller came in and sai l that I waa craxy ; then I did start to play craxy ; I would roll up the covers and throw mj self up against the corner, against the wall and ajamst the door, and th n I would fail down again ; then Joe Ilaiii-r went out for Mr. Coovert, brought up to ui. Johs Baboo : 1 am fifteen years old ; I have been Ore year in this school ; 1 like it good ; I like it good here ; 1 get plenty to eat and good provision ; I played off craxy ; I only play ed one day ; I d il it tor fnn aa a joke ; no one told me to do i: ; I did it myself. Michael Bbjxit .- I am fifteen years old ; I have been bere the male attendant; Mr. Sherwood came up or two years; I like it bere first rate ; I waa ana sai l -tio, t.ua: Mo. Uus and he , the first hoy to get aick ; I waa not craxy would shake me and then he would halloo I ,4 j didn't let oa that I waa craxy. but I JJo. Gi't!" but I let on I Knew nothing ; j was Kind of sick in my stomach; I get fumnon th" ice did not move the 5 th of May. 'Within the pant week, Prr-niden Harrison issued a proclamation op ening bet ween one and two million then the excitemeut got up and they sent j for the decter. Dr. Hoc pes ; b told the till on ! boys to bring up a baam of cold water and a p'euty to eat and plenty ol clothes like the other boys ; I am w.il treated ; I havo a s good bed ; I wasn't craxy and didn't get ra, ; .. ruoocu too ana men iner ; cr.,, . i often taI(t in m, om- xept on ruomng me ana pntting on cold j ,iIIIr, I cll .at in mv sleep I guet that is w.ter witn this wet rag until I shivered j nv they thought I wa crtxy, but I araau't ; wnn co:u ; men eure Xcbrauer came ; be waa holding me in t-i. and then when plenty of everything; bare two pairs f! No. 33, Decoialjer Term, 1S89. Sum drawers be boys all bave two pairs of ) moM in AasumpMt ; plea, "nfn R8 draa ers ; we hare good pair of shoes ; we , gurupRit." have new khowa j I am eore that we get j o. Miokle Paul, trading in name of enongh to eat, and good, aad tb grub la ' Paul Brotlwia vs. Oeorgo W. Heck, clean ; I made my confeasion ,ot my own ; JJ. 9 Februarv T., 18S9. Atil'ieal free will. Clotd McCot s 1 ata the boy tbey callj "Pete" McCoy ; Pete" i not my name ; 1 am fifteen year of age and have been bere four yeva ; waa one of the boys that played off erazy ; just p'ayed off once ; it waa in February ; did it because the other boys did it. Johh Scott : aiu eleven year old ; played off craty ; there was nothing at alt wrong with me when tbey thought 1 waa crazy ; have three suits, and a good oae in Djy case besiJex. Tilde Limes : am twelve year eld ; have been bere three years ; this is my fourth year ; am one oi the boys that placed off craxy; 1 wanted to fool them and bave some fun ; that is why did it ; there was nothing the matter w ith in at all ; played twice; mind ol jou (Mr. Greer) being here; y0u came on Sunday ; i waa upetaira in bed ; you ai-ked me it knew you, and told jon that you were -Uucle Sam," hen you were there ; Tom McDowell commenced to play tiS, (hen Uaorge Givler waa taking from judgment of Justice McCruni, defendant deads "nil delet." 3. Catharine Stuck ft. "William J. Stuck and David S. Stuck, Adminis trators of Benjamin Stuck, dee'd No. 10 Ft bruary T., 1889. Summons in aHsumpnit ; plea "non assumpsit." 4. Juniata Countv vs. Samuel 13. Louden, No. 3, April T., 1S39. Ap peal from judgment of Justice Mc Cruni ; defendant pleads "nil debet." 5. A. J. Haws vs. T. J. Middaph, No. 31, April T., 1889. Summons in trespa.srf ; plea, "not guilty. Theo. H. Memminoeb, Prothonotaty. Prothonotarv's Office, ilifflintown, March 9, 1889. ) I EGA L. JXECUTOK'S NOTICE. Eiiattof DJVID SMITH, late of Dtls i encart toicithtp, Juniata Co , dec d. j Whereas Letters TeUameritsrv on the ! Iat Will and Testament of David Smith, ; late of the townabip of Delaware, dec-earn d, ! have been issu d to the underxipned. Una! is to notify all persons indebted to said I estate to make immediato payment and j llioce liaviL-g claim' to present the same! duly authenticated lor . I!l nx-nt. JONATUAN REISER. Executor. Thotur-Dfon, March 10'b, Wi Bar. VVENDSiENT TO THE CONSTITl'-j '1 IOS j'icj-ejj :r rl.t ctizeri oi ::.;- ) Coinmouw eiilth by the Oeneral Aaaettibly ot j tho Coromonwecllli of i'eiibay atiit, for I their approval r rejection at a apectal ' t lectton to I t eld June 18. ltr-9. Putlih ed by order ot the Secretary of tb Com n onwraltb. iu (.urauauce of Aiticle XV11I of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tbin Commonwealth : Eictiom 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and Houoe of Representatives of the Com monwealth ot Petinsylvanfa in General As erublv met. That the following amend ment is proposed to the Constitution of the AUTUMN. AND WINTER' I HAVE THE Latest Fall And JIM X WINTER STYLES . i ! valued at fifty cents. Bogus railr ad Bui-vevore have. le-u 'caught at lWme, la., after wwindling ' l.f.TbT i'.llt 4 A Tllll'll T1T1 ,T'dV iTl tlli careofbiTa; Tom commenced to .l ake and : ' n A i.4: lne.1 to hita ' ' . . J ' . " Grand Itapids, Michigan made 12, 000 pairs of wooden shoes last year. Jim RobbiuB, of Franklin, Indiana, lina leen Kent to iliA iieniteTitiMrv for two rears for stealing two chickens Commonwe.lt . of Pennaylv.nia, in accord tnee with the bichteentn Article thereof : AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to aatd Conaritutieu to D d--aignated aa Article XIX, as follows: ARTICLE XIX. I like Mr. Wright. Ilisti llxxocas'i acres i. f Okhlhouia to actual wttlers, i ,h" Soctuc Ih-ught it wouldn't do to t I ai fourteen years old ; I have been The treaty with the Indiar.B for the opening if tht territory waa made last Januarv. admit playing ff, a I thought that in t( r it and I wou d carry it out ; wou'd get still George MoGrai:er would kind of Luuch me c; in the stomach with I was j tern two years ; I like the school first rate ; heu I I one ol the boys that played crazy ; I WaNA.MAJktn'B pruposal t" put John n'' klle" 1-1 lht would atart mo cfl ajrair ; I j Field in the Philadelphia I.ht Of 1 "'" late m the mght ; I went,,,w tice, rained an uproarious protent from Philadelphia I.t puMioans. Fi Id has Ix-en an Itidi'peudent voter on the local ticket, and the Regulars will not jx-rmit him to Lave the office if they rati help it. A lSttmsH Khip of war in Samoa wh'aa th xtorm was whi approach ing steameil out of tl"? harbor of Apia and thereby was saved. The t - - i w .iiiiumiu mm o tii-rraiin btuj's of U .'ir lulil tlirtir fir. lmtilr.nl t. , nvu coui nml couH not get Up steam in ! g,ound ; Pete McCoy said Von bad better tune to run out to sea and were go and catch hlui. ma b-.' he's crary ;" I home the next day ; when I went in mother aaid he believed that I waa p'av irg off ; 1 didu't say anything I was afraid of giving tnyaetfaway father said he knew I was tilaving off; I bad a large book with pictures and he won d ak me what the pictures were and I wouldn't tell him cor rectly ; I would teil him something else; they thought there waa Doming wrong with me and sent me back to tchool; a hen I was at home father stid Dr. Fisher's cure was to w hip aud set me oc ice ; he said be would try that the next time ; about a wcik after j I went hick I playtd it sg-iid ; I rtartcd it j in ibe morning ; I ran around the play did it two timea. KasDLL Scott am fliteen year old next April ; I bave ecu nere about tour years; Mr. Coovert sent Wallace Ualbreath and me to the wosd pile to pile wood ; Wallace said I'll bet there isn't anything wrong with any of them" and 1 said -I will bet ao toe;" Wallace said to me '-Tbey bave it mighty nice up in Mr. Cwowrt'a room," and I aaid "I tuffont io;" Wallace said "Suppose you and I play off craif too ;" I said "All right ;" that evening when I went in to an I per I let on that I wa worrying about my brother JoLa, aad tbr" (commenced to play crazy j I plated it twice; Wallace (umuKncnl the same evening ; Grant Heioi came up there; I had read a atory entitled Jim Springs ; then I called Uraat Iiei'U, Jim Spr;i gs ; I knew wbat I waa doii:g ; I wauttd to make Grant Heiin and Mr. Coo Xrga A'oicca. kick ana jump, ami men uo trie io una? , j . r- J fl . i road from Kunsas City to Mimical himacll, and then be pulled bia bair ; )Oui,- aakel Tom il be knew you, and be didn't , , aar ao; thing to yon ; be just looked st you ; we bad lobolur f"r aiif per that bigbl 1 called the lb-. r tuuui.ig oyst.ro ; i'MERCt !TIIH APPRAISER'S aiid they Lad no tjuda of ;aii and still ' LIST. tuey run ; at auper all the time Chnrky I ... . i-uch mannt r onlv as mav tw i.rencribed by Brett said molaa;" Ljim Shirk aidiliI 1 "LaLt'ls AAU ' tp ulli; I lw. 1 he General Assembly shall, at the The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of intoxicating liquor, to be ued as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any violation it Ihi prohibition ahall be a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be prov. Jed by Uw. i The uiahulacture, sale, or keeping for ) aitltt ot iutovict:ijg liquor tor other pur j loses than aa a beverage may be allowed in Foreign & Domestic Merchandise IB TDK COUNTY OF" JUNIATA, FOR THE. YEAR 1889, AS APPRAISED AND CLA-IPlKDBV THE MER CANTILE APPRAISER. BtlrTLl.NTOWS. oil tlie reefs. The htorm was on ldth and 17th of March. n Nnitic hurricane drove tiiree American, ntid three German ships of war on n reef, wrecking them all and drowning many jk-isoiik. The lenient of nut ure destroyed the th t of lot'u nations in the Sumoan wattrs. C.ltight by the hurricane a::d wrecked "'J"'1 u to br-akfa.t tht mo:iting ; I kept , to.t blliere ,hilt , b,d rfdiDg t,0 much ; I read a good deal ; I just talked a good bit and ttten I acted foolish ; I turned my head around and laughed ; i oltea put mr head uader the cover to laugh ; I coulda't keep from it ; Charlie Shuey, a little fellow was playing crasy in another j bet near in ; he would sat, "Jake Diefen- ducer," and 1 lht.uht that was such a fuuny l: a too that I would lauh ; the uext liin I I lyt! c fl" in the sicu room ; tUcn they touk loKouomei wa. ''" m., to the attic and I quit pl.ving off; I would ciyiy Dr. LlAaJ. fcuew wht I was doint and what G.-rmau : c"r" 1 jUv,d ,hri" DO other fellow, were doing and h.t the dc.-tors were dtnng ; I didn't navd to do it ; I thought it would be good fus and lbs j other hoys did it and I wanted t-j get in the 'r,' i inbrmary ; I couieaacd that there wasn't ot tlrng aiiifg me, aj-l I made my con- i rlaui2 on : they brought m to the sick lue ; - - .. room and I waa there uni u alter dinner, and i thtn I quit bocaue I got tirel playing; off; fllE latest news from Siimut is that ! the time when Charlie Bret' p'ayed I start ed it agiin ; we cut np awful ; called 'ata' ' letting on my cat was gone; Gt-orge G nicer I handed me an old stocking, and I let ou : that lint w as a cat ; iu the morning f ithor came over at dinner time and took me : heme; tiiree boys took me over, aU-n my father rui:'.e l lue to 150 borne i waa atraid J I , grub" all the time ; ate off tho other boa' pla'es that meal, there was oi.e ta each side of me aud ono in frout of me ; Charlie kicConnoll Bet ul one side; Jwasu't craxy at all ; knew everything that was going on. Joub BaaDT - hitvc been bere about lour years; J am one of the bova that claved ciaxv : we bad a eommittew of bovs who Lad a bad hat. iae.son, gram, ' . . . . , . I col ai.d lumber... ana they put me on tn e Daa Hal ui 1 waa j c. s Kr( Ut.ri confectionery maa fcDout 11 ; ine oaa nsi la a nsi at-pi oy U. I . Kunixon. grccer. .... tbe bo) s, and anyone who misbehaves or : Wm. Be il, iiutlemeut dealer .cts badly hi ..me I put on it, and it ,. - - "eca, ooo.s ana .noes ' 1 I. D. Mnaer. ifniCfr considered a disgrace to be put on this list ; r r;.p.u,eii ..! . merchant. . felt vexeU that the boys bad put me on L. Bi.k- fc. to , urugeia'. . . . the b.d list ; played off twice ; tbere wa. Join E ka. eroc. r nptoinf craxy about me. I i- . - ' " Cca. Suvtt : - 1 Prancicua HatUw.rc i. Co", am twelve years ef sge ; am one ol the j hardware... C. r It ink e, merchart Class. Ratea, Tiic American ships Wt f. mr olliot rs IO ,or 1v'r n" and fort v six men. The 1 , , . , ; tut me up to 11 ; 1 was p:.mi on every ships lost Ullio offi.-ers ami eigntv- . ,. ....' ' i ,lnlr ! knew everethii.g thi: n aago.n oa ; seven men. A battle letween the : 1 ouIv lel:io's 03 . ,1( Sh,r.od ships could hardly huM' resulted ill came the firt lime 1 waa la mi: on tuy ine (structure ot all of the vessels ' and laying very still ; I lot on that I was :uid the loss (f so many lives. Maioh (t::ort..K A. Arms, a retired! I stupid and then I let on that I didn't know j ,sjua of v owa rB wi,. anytbtcg ,- I hid 00 notion 01 ia(ii.jr ..-..1 1: . .. u . . 1 . n .1 t . 1 ... t unlit ui ci a'"'i F " ff 1 Br ine v ii g.aai tit my otlu er attempte.l thooehl all the time th it MicLael to pull Governor JVilwr's IlosO in ! was p'aying rff ; there waan't a th.ng wrotig the Kiggs house at Washington. I), i with me ; we get tiib and bare, beet, toina t'.. Iu.-,t Wedm sdny afteruooll. ArtliS ' f hH,,,:' potatoes, cabt.age, tnrnipa, ; .v ,, 1 , , ,1 " . . , i bean, canned corn, hsrlfv, o it meal, ajtirr- ls ot. en. le I at the Governor becatuso ' . ... . ... , . , Xraut. at ricota, dried .uit'a, ri?n api'ie, the Governor would imt allow him1 . '. . . , t I r:ci, ci.tri.:.. rti.-:i., .'mil f u.;oc-, tried to ride in the inaugural procession mu.-b, dniii po--pie, cake, pie, crack- where hu wanted to ride. Thearmv 'rs, bicuit. u.o;,aaa ; we get plenty to officer took Iieaver to task for not ' 1 bra lwtKar saiy that bo vc.-aw p?wd answ. riior n l..tt..e H. I. 4 , . ! 1 "re ; thai I was wd! treated. ioiej 10 V, llr.. ...... -I i T " ,.j.i-iiii.i uimiui uitj removtu to Da. .T WiLLians : j I am sixteen years rid in May ; 1 bare j a goot lime and int. of luu ; I iuteuJei been here nine years ; I like if Cr! rite Hie roar ot tho proctShioU. Tho Governor tiriTur ..9 ti.., .. ... : ,, " " ' l,""l,buu"" bere , I I ke the school sr.d the trcher; I waited away. Arms followed, reach-' ,m one of thebojs that pi.yol iff; Idid so ecioverhi8bhoul.h r nnd gave) his because I saw the other boya, and I thongl.l Uose a twist. Tlie Governor turned I would have some fun and a and threw a crutch at the rapidly re-1 ,cn' 1 P'-"1 oa aaked treating . ficer. The pity is the ! p!" " ' ,h're UOX " " .... 1. 1 . 11 .1 i. with me when I waa rUvirg ; ih crutch . 1 1. 1 not fell the officer to the ,. , 7 ft r k were all j laying r9 ; I tiongt.t the S..d s n:itionaJ tiitancier of the LegisLituro ;3 trying to raise a breezy with the Reaver government, lie cause, two years ago, the statc guv. rum.'nt s l 1 a million dollars wrth of siukiug fund in Unitenl States 4 per cent b. mis. Tho sensational fi nancier says, the sule was a loss to the State, because the bonds have since Income more valuable, which is all true, but the tiuan. ier does not tell thHt thu time the sal. was made the lamds were declining. If the Slate. Government had known that the Ix.nds wciild have increased so rntii.liv in v-..!,,.. .1 . . .1 1 l . . ,, ' 1 uiiumiehH, lliev wew w u u going 00 aii ine tiro; ; no would have been kept in the Sinking ' " ,0''' to Sn ' no o"" Fuit.l. and thst fnn.l xr,.l.1 , ; y clothing is ltk.. the ..ti er b.e. - U.n that much better off. The LT I"" ""! T " T'" "'I ... ! panta ; l.mr woolen ahirfa. three ih.it. ef -..j,,., oe- stocktnea and a good .r . aho.-a cuus.' tlie tate s.iM 4 ptrcciit. t . S. gjd titut me to wrong he bova other boy were playing off; G.a Spltler didn't tell rce that be was f'm in off; I saw Gua playing off afd then he would turn bia head ad laujh ; tl.at 1 whv i th.-neht he was I p..3lng off;, remember when my nroiber came to see me and all that waa said and don.t while ah waa here; I could have kept : from play ine it il I wanted ;:" there was no reason tor it only my own desire ; my cloth ing ia cod ; I bave three suits and ao ex tra pair of panta ; shoes and stocking are good ; two good new woolen shirt and two good o'd woolen ahirta ; they are all good we get ire ted well and plenty to eat ; if not it ia our o ww fault. A Dan G.ov. : "m m,"n ,a 1 h"e the real sh .kes, but rilun being craxy (,.rew year. ; . pi.yeu on craxy j I fl,a It ; w.. pU iag lbtl t.ff. j p!aytj mfJ twice ; I did H because the real did it , II dava Waluci GiLBitirn : I am u Ho ut thirteen yeais old; I came bere Irom llJTlon 5 I have b'eu here since the Dat.,n (chuol burnt down lait year; I would fjr rather bo in this r-chool than at the Dayton s.hjol ; the eating is about the stue ; the treatment is very good bere. belter thiu at Dayton ; the school is belter and the clothing ia awey belt, r than at Daj l.u ; tl.cy tit better and are war mar, Ku. r a:id ncaur ; the bos look better bere j than they dj at Dayton ; I heard Randall j Scotl' atory about him and I plaji.g ofl ; j I did play en"; I played off four day ; I Lad to f :y the text day, but rViifcht came. Willie Cox : I am It.i.e years old ; I Lave been her three an i a half year ; I l'.ke it g-jod ; they treat u w,.li .re ; I am one of tte b-jy that plarrd (.ffcraxy ; I did it twice; I d.d It to toe .,Qi:.e trtr.j a: d to get sa'at.ic and j alidicg ; I h-.fi no other reaaon ; I knew wbat was going -n ail the time ; there was oothn g ihe matter w eh me ; I get plenty to eat ; my mother comas often to swo me ; l:e it much pieaed with the school ; I had the tever ; there were no boys asked raw to p.ay craxy ; I played a day and half; the second time I got tired aud qnit. Thos. McDowill : I am ten year going on eleven ; I played ofl craxy once ; I p!ayed off Saturday even ing ; I k pt it np' three day., and quit becauae 1 got tired ; I kicked and .track .nd knocked around ; I knew what was go ing on ail the time ; I heard wbat every body raid ; I played off to bare fun. Al. Bakxb ; I am twelve years old ; I bad the shake boy. David IlowxLn : bad chiil ; didn't p'ay craxy and waau't crazy ; had a jerkin i from chill.; plenty to eat ; am like tbe lest bave plenty of clo:Les ; bave tbe same clothing a tbe other bo s ; we are all will treated bear no coin j. lain ts. rcTinoB or citizen, or mcalisteevill abd VICINITY. VcAlutbrville, Pa , March 6. 1859. To Ike Huperinttndtnt of Soldttri' Orphan School, Jlamtburg, Pii . : We, caucus of UcAiiatcri ilie and v icii.il) , biiii icg thai tbe Suidiers' Orphan School of this p'.icu La betu wonderlnlly aud ccjuatly miarej resent, d of late, and believing that, und-ir tho ru(nagemaut of Hon. Goorge '.V. Wiig'ul, to tcbool ha du iug the faat feir year, been very much improved iu its rondi'.ioti. aud that athe children ar-j well clothed, well fed and well instructed ; and that they are courteous, ui.uner'y ai.d xo.l bi.-bred ; and he loving that ihe acto i never in a better or more prosperona condition than at the j present time, do petition and earnestly ask that this reboot be not diicontmiud because j of these m.arepreaentaliona, but ibat it be continued with this samo couatderatlon granted to oilier noldirrs' orphan schools 1 hi.1-1 th.it r la c .1 ( fl' ; rli'l it lik (he Cither f - - ' (C II O .. M . V. T. Snyder, lurmture... V. II. iii.l'.'nan, Jewuler. ... McCaUiey & M l ere, imple ment d,alerr K. I!. alcCiintic, hardware. J"ii rt i'0.1.1 .1. merchant.. uiii-Scboit, dry good.... Jet. ACauis. grocer and con fectioner. .............. . Backs Kai. fftnaii, mtn-wr m- truiQ.-nti' J. A UurriM . h.-tel " D. V. lUrley, clothier JoLa til.k, merchant wiutt. W.W. Dimm, inereltant ... K. A. Smith, inert haM VV. S. Kicbenb-tugh, luer- cbunt C. A. TLcti.pnuii, grain a:, a coal David- Dhcr, grocer, rlour ted !eed N. Ir "V'.nDjke, mer.-ba-it. . J.T. kepier, uie,.-h i' rArcrri!. VT '' t Co., merchant... I'xvwt Shirk, merchant ..... W. W. Sharron. merchant .. .usman Jc (iingricb, mer cbaut .................. E. aU"s.eilyTb.rcbaot...,..'i Brown v Sod, merchants... Jcarpb Page, imp'ement D. BtOB.OC. J. M. Winev, uierchaut.... Rine V t;- bil', merchauta. S. B. Wikt-y, inuie'.ir.n t ... J. It. Van'iorn, botul W H Hoopes, M. D., Wmfpittler, ! fcdward .Suitter, merchant Tntop. ai Thompson, Ktra W Pi: li-.i two V tV Fharon, Sara'l Watt, Jnsepb Pag. A J Sauaiuan, David Shiik. Saniui V ilaoo, G P. Hiiudi, K D Jlitiiei", T K B. vr. Jcoh Hi.rM.T J it.ca I, MrNai, Jacob ii t'mev. P V P..rd Jc-roitia (ringrich, Pliilip kVeber. A Swarta'atidor, W K Kauffman, D.cii.-I Smith, II II K.l-cki..r, William Dunn, Wi '!iiu (Jrubb, I.nrian Smith, W J Shirk, J S ilariev. James Witfcoti. I.eo Sbelfnb-Tgr, W II U .uehmao L V S ieb-r, W a Jacoh, Frank Weber. Jamea Caveny, John AtlitMUn, S W Ginerich, J B S.11... T. l.t. T i K;:- :. -. .Sam. ,-. A r -.-:. G !..-! K W - nuir., Aaron Leidr, J Y S'.ellej', C Benner. i W MsAlister, N T Shi. line-ford. David Charters, KT)" Haidrraaa, D K Warner, K C"asnv, WAS ixcra. Sam'l Kickenbauh, Joseph T Smith, Winds t buy 5 percent. State W.nds. Rrpot tor lion. J.hn M.(.rer. IUV every day suit is ver rood Sun l-iy ruit of coure" is t tier ; we gat pleut toeit ami Booil provi-i,ji,a ; we see no one stinted ; I like it here ; I I ke the faculty aad the teach er ; we are treid well ; we have comtort- bots TXtcxs. j able bed and pl.'Tity o: covering; we gel lion. John If. Oreer ite inspec-' PlrntT nf lP ' 'at. tor of Soldiera' Orphan School. Las I-su- ! Cioifr HrriT: ed his retort of tho investigation ef the I am u-teen McaliaterTille Soldiers' Orphan S. boo!, which contain report of Dr. W. H. tloopa. t'r. l.ticien banks, aa to the sanitary cond . 1 I MT11 I, if. -tn r k . nl.l . f (. . h"re iw -. .-.r ; l.-n- ;a to Pne lJ.- -( -j I I laved . 8 crx; ! ; I did it f ir :-r. ; 1 : knew w t,t ( fnini un all tho t.:io : I lo.u 01 ocnooi, wnn an appended petition 01' . nna eviryttung mj- ws .,1 ,,. 1 . ..... citirns of Mr Alisterviiie that the school D.i i "hen I was j,l( mx ; I w..u:.i i t..o -. not eisonlinued. , sev"; we had Inhaler aoup; the -.. ,, With the report of the state inspector is j " K ail. d Bje a I tt.e iiu.e. it., r- w- - -a favorable report of the chnl by thn ailed lu- ai auv tun- ; me a-co . - L. , , followiug named citixen wb ae opper:nni ! I'tile headuch.- , I e. ......... . ... . ties ot knowing ot what tnev speak have i 'fee wi.l ana act S J Warner, W E Harlev, L W Shirk, L V Shirk, II L Smith. Richard Dunn, David Dunn, H K Uambrigbt, C L Jamiaon, J L Moore, Wm I.vona, W II Kinxer. y D Alib ugb. D S Iiosu-i;.er, A J Kouah. Thad 1Ttser, J Smith. S iniuei Koona, b Slelieobsrger, J A M.-Ah-ier, John B McAlist.r, Henry Benner, Hal Alexander, F VanDever, Henry Uatkel, Joacph Sielwr, Jacob Kramer, Jacob Sauaman. Sau.uel D Watta, S i cA!i5tcr, B M Kellv. Emil Ltwr, foab Smith, W II Mc A lister, D M Jamisor, L W Oier, S SS tor.ey, J S Witmrr, Wm H Kelbr, J P Baricn, K-.hett Wallaco, D II Sme-Jley, J BoarrMil, h S Ki; x -r, I U J.miaoa, Gm W rrtr, D R Watts. r H Kit xor, tl I. B thaler, Jacob Smith, Gideon Kai.ffinaj, John Bens r. John .V Uarney, D S Sntder, J L Muaaer. Abraham Sanaman, W W Walls, CCGraylill, John Musser, j Jcob Luiwig, meri-liaat !USlt'UAB)A. E.G.ShlT r, ni rcoaul.... il. K lieaie, niercnant I UCXLB WisOD. i Atidi Atuiiia, hotel........ , J. T. Dituiu tx. bro., tuei. j chatJta m I IiiMr;.STow. '1. P. A'i.-k.'i.oaic, luctvnant t. t.. Sh:.t-i, mere ban'.. ' E. Jk. Ter.au i. bro., grain 1 n;d con!................ I J. W. Hiboa. '.uo.ber aii4 coai j LLLAWAI.K. , Satnue! Schlegle, n erchant C. G. Winey, luerchant.... roT BOTAL. G. B. M. Kepler, ariifgiat.. U. G. Croxier, xrocer ...... Wm alcCulloch, merchant.. P- Kepner, grocer. ......... A. J. Petit, mcrcbnt,.. .. D. H. Bousnm, mercbant... A. 11 PevnolOa. ro. Mr.t j Phil.p KcLBtr, ou' Jaccb is roiuuer, coal and lumber . . .. .. .......... Neab lie: x .r. gram ant lumber TCEBLTT. Xoh Hertzler, tuerchaut... BBALX. Alex. Wo-drd, liierchan. J.P. Ke.ly. tn.ti;i.at.t W. R. Pomeiov, mcroni.t.. raicx hill. J L. Barton, le. icllatil . . . . J-C.ConuoL Bic . m.-r.-hnn a E. i. Ilo. ioiom, Ul.TcllRtlf.. Samuel 3oiry,n.c-il.h..iit.. 10 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 13 11 14 14 6 Id 14 14 14 It IS 14 14 It 13 13 14 18 13 13 14 13 1 . 14 5 14 14 18 14 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 (0 first acesicn eucceuding the adoption of this article of tbe Conatitution, enact law with adequate penalties for it enforcement. A true cop ot tbe Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION proposed to the cltixens ol this Commonwealth by tbe General Assembly o! tin-Commonwealth of Penunylvania for their approval or rejection at . special elec iion to behnid June 18. 1SS9. Published by otder ot the Secretary of thn Coraruon- I wealth, in pnrauai.ee of Article XVIII of i the (institution : 7 no 7 1 ill ' Joint resolution proponing an amend ' ''Ot ...f.... tr, ihf rnni.tiliilmn .hu ....... 10 on ! " . .. TaV . M 1 ' r. 0(' i SrCTMB 1 il ' Tb liumplwu C'!llilr tl JnBlaiu( citBli haiinr 1. lui-ued freni the EaMrrai f itlt-w wrltk a Meadtrlul FALL AJND Wf JNTER STOCK Viii make Iiitnds, ocitbhitifc rivals, win Tictories. bb.I m.ii ' till i merits. 1EN"S BOY'S & CHILDREN'S " FASHIONABLE CLOTHING and Gent's furnishinj goods. First Class, eoiiibiuit,g Jt.. (uIit Xo ule is x,fevta Bula, Elegance, with prices that will astonish you, I prove this. But I ask your piitror.rio -c1y w!.e!i I giv comiltte sat:sfuctiu. stock of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS &, SHOES OVKR-AKL.S, W'ATCIl'iij ' JEWEI.RV, Calico, lVrrsle and M'hi! Shirts. Neck wear fvi' 1 x-v.iim tlij Ci.fl'-.Ti uiika and .SatcLt is. is full and cfiuj lftf . Call en.i Sanil STRATSB. THE OLD K ELI ABLE CLOTHIER AM) FUKNISlJEp IN PATTERSON". June 1, 188G. Jeic Firm. fekksylvazia hajlboab. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. No more summer for months to come. Fall and Winter are here, and to conform to the TIME- t A )! 1 v I On end after Sunday N,.,r ;.itfc .isiaa uni aiopai . III.1U V ll, run EASTWARD. AlTOOSI !'. ' ArromioniTiiis !e. 1 . fly at f, 2 a. ru.. Tr,.H . locat r. '" H I tie it rejoiced bu the Senate ana Home of hrpreientatiret of the Com monw.iLh of Pennsyiranta in General -is tembiy mi t ih.it :tie t.ii.iM-ii.g ia pr.ipted ah hu atneuilllient to tile c.ina itution ol t:.e Conine tiwc-H.tu 01 i.'t.tia Iviuiia in arror.1 ance aillli I be provision- Ol the . :tl;(.-:;lb ntic e tlicreof : AJdEMJMENT. I . i-ike out iron, ecllo.l on.-, ol' aii.c.e eig'.it, the lour qualiticaliuns lor votois aiiich reada a., loliows : 'lf twent. -two yeHr of spe or upwards, lie shall have paid nithm tvo.yeara, state or county tax, aliich shad have bat a aK- ; sensed at leaat two month, ai.d paiil at ' j !eut one mouth before tin election," so : H ut the section which reada as loliows : . vj j ..r;Verr mat 160 i.o 7 00 ; 1 12 :0 10 Oil 7 00 ! 7 00 I 7 in ! 7 00 7 00 , 10(0 lo 10 Mi'tinif'l.in I'.'.V.l H,fi7 a. m.. Newton Hamilton r o ,.i . (l... c . . . c . , i u --... ... .. t ' . . ' (liuii"(.-, inv; u.-iiiui IIUJIIIUUI Ul u . 01.. i.ewistnwn 7 u. the firm has just returned irom ! J'ort i;oyi s.17 a. m-, v 'xic.. a- . . .1 , ! Tnsi aiora 8,20 a. tn.. Vand kr- (..! x.Lcn.111 ..inirvein, vue-it; 11c Be- Ttompaontown S.:i7 a. iu., )u VI ro 7 U'J 7 (Hi 7 (. 0 7 uo 10 G'J 7 00 7 CO 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 ou 7 00 10 00 1160 7 00 75 00 7 00 7 00 10 O0 7 00 75 00 hren tlrat rate. Judro Samuel W.tta, E. L. Jainiaon. Stepnrn MoAliater, Rr. Ueorge TT. Leiaher, Philip Weaver, R. W. Ammerin.an, ;eorge W. McAltsler, L. W. Siebcr, Wias Nora Close, Mrs. A. I,. Mc Aliatrr, Vis Elua Cox, W in. t? pitier, Tbos. K. beaver, Kev. Emil Lesrey, John Atuaaer, W. W. Suarou, Judge Jacob iuiirh, s teptea .......... .wra. -arao r. onus, Mr, alarf I were a!:.,w.-d to .. ltt... . 1 Joa. Ilavr a .- I am i hu . . .j . . -1 ; :. . . -i years next Sc piem'.er ; I liKe i ll-a' ra ; 1 am one ct the ba ihai pi.re.1 cr .x ; i .1.1 It twice; thtr w;ia i, . hi,.j; r.a x Gi MtRiim: I J () Smith. I) R W.tta J B. ller.rr. ir,rh.i.i' I a-j twelve year o'd ; hae been here ! n'I,,, Koons, r H Kir. car, J. C. Ctawloiu, u.. ichant. . . five v. ar., , la.. d utf'craxv twice. 6 si el.eoherger. II I. Baaler, H. a. 1 honij ..u, mrrchant. .r u JA McAli.ier, Jacob .Smith, A. J. r uigescu, uitrchant.. niu Ht.oi : John B McAlist-r, Gideon Kai.fftiiaj, T. liar. .s-n, metc-Lant .in . I. v. i, j. ,r. r d ; played cffcta.y ; Henry Benner, John Bens .r. Wm. Var.Swerirrfrr &. (., 1 plaved it tbreu limes ; 1 tnew everytbinn Hal. Alexander, John .V (Jarney, mrrrbants that waa Koinpoa when pUyed off; there nJLe u'T' 1IS Snjder, lCK. v ;.,,-., i ., Henry U.tkel, J L Muaser. K H. Fslteraon. merctaut. -aa nothing wrong at ..1 with me. Jo.cph Siel-rr, Abraham San-man, J"ba Va.l.au, .... rchant.. lLU Vcfolsiu : Jacob Kramer, W W Walla, Kobett Khioe, m. rcl.ani.... am t-n veara old ; lite it her Orst i'c"b S.u.rtmn. CCfirayLill, W Campi.e!! ,fr, rhanl."." , r wit...... . a a " . f,u-n-l I att, John Musser, A. W. tij.ple, n.. k .hut . . . rate ;K..tplent.. to e.t and good, and S ia cA!i5tcr, raTTttsc. have a gvd l.-d ; p ayed cra.y twice. W. P. North, j aiu. ( oil t.T,(, sn,..: THETWODIKOTIS-dorTH UH t mV.Vi"," ' ' an: (..ttrteen yeae, PM . baT. . a r tiini ii u.. .:. . c-.. ' ... 1.. t a- o..t :..ur ye .r. ; am otw of the J Joseph it.'S '. '. :... :i: it p'a. .-1 "'fcrax. ; wa. in the, I'tlV.lic Rttfntiotl is now more tLen 4!c''"" Lt '. me-chanu ' -- r..-d,y in Februarr; evt-r directed to tlifsc two now istatfs i X' J "s-Kf...u.vr.-Jict... . r-l .,,.1 h- wo-id net wou'd be ff the Union. Cimtate, soil nd op- eh!... Ind'col'l'. t r., r-er,.:e i, ui; M thonZbt would t" "tun? t ios f. .r in vostinir; t of capital, W . Ii. h.i,.. & Co., "drng- ;... i:T -ny. d " I ii i ; aaid "itriil. ;" Hrf- taiiovrclled liv h'jv .-tiler fertion ! . i .: .--a : - ir i..:" k,.. . . ftiie (;r. -.t WW Ti. n.;o. ' n""t '. ''' w-a i i..i ; wha; 4. M iiw.H'ikoi. .V St. Turd KftlN f)T O ..-.: t:. mt- u.-.r. K- ,t ,j j :.?: !-fw pnt-H of it e,yir K.t'i . V . -1 .... ! a. . . c iz: . v r.:-'-.n'v ,r..; -,f our ; ' " ''u: I !ihj ' "t . in...- . .-. i-., ..,.,., '' ' t!:i:vir.!..,i 1.:,.. ,.,. t . ....... . . .'. . . s. ;; S..1 no! ne.a i ' 'a,n taas Vakotl lo it. I- ; l. U ihi ,i 1 i.il-d to 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 100b 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 0J 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 13 I I 00 13 lu i 0 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 15 111 50: 14 7 0 t 14 7 Oil j 1 4 7 O'.i j 13 10 00 i 14 7 00 I It 7 0'l! 14 7 Co j 14 7 0: J II 7(i 13 ill UJ 10 00 ; 14 7 OOl I 14 7 00! I 13 III fK) i 14 7 0t)l 14 7 On i 14 7 00 j 14 7(0 e cltir-eo, twent i -one vears of ape, pOftn SHi( toe following qualltjeallou, hhuil be entitled to vote al all elections : Fiit. He shall have beeo a citizen ol the United Slaiea at le.i.t one mi:uh. Second. Ue shall have, r. ruled in the Hate one year (or i:, hav n pieviousli Leen a qualiticU en ctur or native boru citi ItJ ol the Mine, l.e eta ! ha(e retnoed lh. r. tioin ana icturucd, tl.en an tnontt) iiur.ied.at. !y prec.-di-. the election Third. lie fihitll have reridd in the elec tion district win i.; he ttn- eller lo vote i.l lea.'t two nior.tr.. immedi'ely preeetiinji tbe e!ecti.n. Fourth li tw.-i ty-tao (.-an- ot -za or up w rrda. he. shail htve pai-1, w .thin to eats, a Mate or county tax. ( Inch aha:! bate b. en aa.e.a.d at ieaM two uionttta and paid at Ui. one Ui.n lh belo.e lie ei.cton," saait he ameude.., aa t r.-ad aa loiiowa ; Cverv ruale citizen twenty ono year of (?". poasessing ibe loliowinic q.itl:tieatioiis, 1 II h- eu'l.Ied lo Vi.te at the pollli.f place of the election district ol wi ich ha Mi.il nt the lime h-j a reiiii!.l nd tiot t-!itia n r.i : I irrc. He rLall have been citir. n ot i I me c . I CU nijlrn at k-aal illilly "taya. I .Si-f'in.1 II. h'.ll have resided ic the i Mute one jear ( r il, havn.g pieviou.ly oeen a quuiirj. .1 ei. ctor . r native b-irn citi aen oi in.. .i Jt! sbull fcsve removed therefrom am! teiinned, il.en i-ix inonihs.) imtu.diai. IV preceilln the election. Third. He shall have resided in tha elec tion ui.Mic-i r..-re he ah i I oiler to vote at les.l Ihiny da. a mined laieiv l reccdit.ir the I l'( xtl' II. 1 he I. c ih ature. al tLe sc-.a on tntre.it n. it atier the ad.ijj i.ui ..I :hia cc tion. ant.l, Jul from time t- time tl.ereal ter ruay, enact Jaws to properly uuliarce this truvit-i.u. rourui. r.rtry in.:.- ci i. n o: fie ; oi twen v-c if ; e-'.-.. v. l, .t, ,11 Ue Lecii a ci1! tor thirty .laya and a', inhahnaut of thia Halt oi.e year, next pri-ced itifr an elec tion, except at municipal elections, and tor the la.t thirty dj . a reMdei.t of ihe elec tion district in which he may oBer h-n vnt.., shall be entitled to votu at such au election in the election diatricl ot which bo shall at the time be a tenrient aid uet elsewhere tor all omVcra that now are or hereafter may be elected by the oetir, : Ptovided' That in time ot w.r no elector iu the actr.ai military service of the Slate or ol the l'nitcd States, in the army or navy thereof , cb:i be deprived of his vole by reaaon of hisabsence from such election d istrict, aid the leffl.laltlre hh .'I I . . r. n . ...... : . the manner in which anJ tlie time ao 1 j!a-e ' at wbK-h uch absent tl. ci"rs may vote,! and i..r the return and eanva,. (,. their I votes in the election di.tii. t i i which ili.y resea-cTlijIiv realdt. " j rit-h. For th-j i nrpoae of voting, do r er- S..C rhall tjc Ceeine.l to , ainr- I or lost a resirici.ee bv tcaM.n iua n ei,c , r ab sence whild enip'.iy. d in Ihe service of the United Stale or Ihe r-itte. nor . hi e cup .g. d in ihe navigation .f ihe uaiers ol lb.- Siaie or ot lue liijiti seaa, nor wlii.ea atud-nt ot sny cili-i-cr nunii.iy ol lean ing, nor while kept rt .uy a m-l.ouae (,r l.:iJ:io insiimtion, except il,.- inma ea f mi. borne (or dis abled i,d indigent sc.'d if is ai rl saiiora, who, lor tbe puipoee f.f voting, shall he deemed 4. a .. War4 a la ' lected with great care the good j -; .VTo'lV that his manv patrons favor. I "nd at Philadelphia, 1.2.-. p. ,u. i Sea riuoax Exr.es. U-aies aitocnaa.il DIJOP N ! and .topping . allB ilVV7i Ja-i Htatton. between Altoo... and Uarr,, vv- 1 r it j reach. . Mifflin at fl-oC a. m u.,.k e have now filled our .0 P. m., .n.i .r.n... ,u T-i.'iw.S shelves with Fall and Winter ' ZA ...... , .na. na.rr IIUSMlrg ttaiT (.' a. 111., Altoona L"0 p. m., sna ' a. II. HI., anil ... ping at ali reiuior stations unices .t Kiffii. a'ai'r at K :fl! IN A lra Goods of all kinds. Our cus tomers have appreciated our ! at,;.'f's.-'""br.rg 7.t c r. m.. rtin. efforts to irive them goods to ! ., r ,1 , 1 Mail Express leaves Fitt.hurr all Oui suit their iiuqtoses, and we ; a it..i:. n pm j Tyrone h &,, m , believe that we are better pre- : "1d'" 1 7 m ! Lt"titl'1' v r . is- ... . ' . ; "in 10 pm; ijarrirburg I114, r.m. pared than ever to merit their d- iji,; 4 am. confidence. We invite ou to! come and f-ee and be hatified. j In our dress goods department; we have almost everything. Don't be backward, call fori what you want. I . daily at 4 So .. ni Khars nnd M snafu. 'uD.n'n. ,n-: . .niuernioivu, j m . m.; t rionifonloTc a-v tv a i fi v-. ' 9 62 " m"' Va" Dyk, 10 mi a. m ; Tuw-. Uur iiOOt and fchoe 1'e- , ora, 10 04 . ui.; Mexico, 10 0: a m Pert partment is full in its assort- i K-,0,,1: rc "l(,lin. 1020 . -.: x . . Hi. lord, 10 Jo .. m; .Narrow.. 10.1, M . ment, and you certainly can be , i.ewitown, 10 46 .. m.; MeVenow. ii ii suited in fit, quality and price, j Jfift ""T."'.- Whatever improvements have Aitoon. l 45 p. in., s!i 1 toj. ,t s!l ref bv been added by the manufactures I B,nt"'U8 betw"tlJ 1Urrisl":r; , . . 11 OriTra Fl.ilu laon. t...i. . . .. . . we nave tnem an. ne can lr :,ri,;; ri.iladelphia Kxpreis .:i al 11 bi p. m., l,eu lijjjm-l H KS T T" AI.D. Fast Lixr li avee rbiadelt hi 11 60 a m ; Hsrrisl u-g 3 40 j. u 6 HO p m ; Lew iMo i. 5 2h t n. K'pni; sn i(esr.t Pitisl i tr ai 1 1 - -. . . r . Wat PiMP.sr.n ie.re PLiiai, Hurrislinrs;, 8 1J . si Harrisburg, 10 20 SUPplv YOU With loot Wear for "tupping at Hockville, Maryavlli,.. Dnneaa- ...... J., rlru,.- -rci. n.,e. I "os, -'" M illerst..-n, ThoDi,.at. j ... r ore noi ai, time at Mirrm. u .i p. mi.; Ai- grocery lepaninent never lags, i - - n-.uud Fnts:iiiri;, 6 iut.m. e have on hand a lull line o ! . r.A,L 1 ,riVOS 1 ,i"-''r".s d.:ir I ... .. .. u...,.-i.ni( i ..u . m., r, rw- ; pott, VI p. m., aiiiflin 1J.47 r. n,p j I ifg a! a:l regular stations hstw.a H; I K.il Altoi l.a reacln-a .ii ni at 3.S f. .. I r tvburg fc.Jfi p. m. .. . ,- ii i- ' At-TOOKA AvCiimoiKtlull iaavea Tsil- AIsO, the Only lull line JI ! adolp!.i dm'v at 1 1 on a. -a., llarr.Mirjrat nrinnvcnir a .i i M ? 1 'l'?. 4 4" - s- VAU Vjt r It S'a i 'oa ,. p. Jrresh, Plain and Fancy Thr.uipaot.tsa'n 5,.'iri p. Va-idyk i.tl in., Mexico t.itl p. ni M . rl l . n .'. le. . lull SUpplv Ol i h3-. Lewistown tj..i n. m., Vf.,.s li. .11 w.. Ja ei iiouse ; lu lv,rt Roml - &1 p. n in the countv. must have its "..... .. ..,..1 '1....0..F ...... fl.;, - ; 4h j.. m.. IMea t.n Ila unti viucciu aiiu ui.ar.v.u.aa., 11110 43 Huntingdon 7 i'i p. iu , the Ntore to call on lor such ur ticles. All orders bv mail will ceive prompt attention. Keinember the place, u:ia . hj p. m. Pacific Express. leaves I'Liln-.l'1: .' ia Ijil pm; Harrl'.'irg 8 10 a tr. ; Ii'inroi n $ j Stain; Newport 1 vl sin; Mil:!n4fS re-lm; f.ewito-.vn 5 i 1 a in ; Vc rj in a i 'i; i s. ui ; Mt. L'ni in 6 4' a m ; M ,ir.t::ir1?s j i- a ni ; I'et. rrbnrg i 2- a ci : Hprure Crset I o 4u a m; Tyrone 7 n0 a si ; Dew's Uili, I 7 o-' a m . a I ...... . k. i. . o ; . .. , T. ' - - "a a....o..u. o a il. . i iiiso-ji ZVaAIN oTEEtT, Ol-roSITE aoUHT lloUKt, I'i 46 p ru. 11 iiniutowu, Pu.. Frca'k i;s.JaaNSCIIAIl aV SOU. htmeislocat.il. Laws shall be made (or ascer'ainn.g, hy prop, r roois, the citizens who shall he el, titled to th.j light ol suf fiage her.br established. A truoccpvol 'hejont resolution. CIlAKJaHS W. STONE. Secretaiy of the (.'on-monwealih. Sprii'g and Summer Goods. 1 wouM inlortil tbo public that I have cow lu my now lutliinery htire at my place of resilience on Water street, Siifflintown, second door from corner of Bridge stroet, a : nil tocL, of S; r r g ami Sun mer n.iMitiery pi.c.l, all now, anil ol the :at-. r-i aiyics i.ti'1 liavit.g cmpioyed first class .r-nliitier. I ur.i prepared to supply the fiili'.ic vrith everything found in a brstciass tniliii.i r store, coai: and cJi-iuiino ri'y st.ick. cotiside. it tio troublo to show good. MRS. l)Ki:il.. March 2-87.1. . Id! Sharon, MU ;,-rty Williams, Mus Inine, J. M. Sherwood, Uirir Spitler. The teatiiuoo of a latge number of tbe in in a aa to Ihe go.d m it.ment sufficient t o.tmig, surhuicut loo-l, aa to tha . : .!.: of ti e acti,,..! i. cilii.in. a iir ii;- He(OJ . ' . " " artOI, ,-c,r:- sr -1 tH!Ulrlfr niiinerous letters from farm- j th. re was nnthit.g wn.ng w r.u my mind ai I ot'"-rH vhicn are well Viortli ;. and nothinu sth sritt. ', . ! fliir. fts thov shoTV the rri'f r,f iiti rua ; ' u, . ,, . , . . . , , i (lU'l1 w ntcr R IH-rsiOnnl fTiifiriinca. r l - t ...... ; j ,u . ----- c 1 was pljy'ng ; 1 east the rest ot in.- toy t.lac iiis- !I ; l sa.v tl.era abm::.ing ; tcey aud i MiRfintown, Mar 26, 18tS v , put t all on aid d.d a.. wil,:,g,y ; jut ''"''' w ntcr " bad ihe one spdl ; b,.t no bj,c, . j ,f , t hf ..rth-W est, ! aaw ,he res., and ,h. tight wou d do .. ! 7" ! M:oo; Wa.Kcer.alOreathand .1! ,K- a...... a.t,on 1bc' WU ob. 1 thought I would have some fun, so j p'ayed craxy. I wa-n'l crax. there w tolj n.o I ... v m i i . . . . . . . j ' f oo, except JuDl a I llrailr . ire ... - . ... I 'i " -v 1 iuej were p aying Ucubcu tjil.-.s. Qaidaare Howa.d Ki.k, T'.banonisi... T. il l.eese, ci'UIecti..ncry . Iif-nr Iiiimii, coiifectii.nerv. b. li. Mitct.eil, doar and ;eed il. sf . iiawii, merchant tj(-o.ge fiacket.hefger, re-tai.-raet an.1 Ci.i lc.ctiei.cri Isaac J! Uosbeii, fctoci-r aud luutlser MtLroao. ail T I 4 .1 .- Tj . and convey a creat i rk.,... - A ----- ation wbichwili be of lenefi f..r . ,. T .aeu.iouea ,n tn. .bove lis. n. Ci. CII tSE &. CO 1 V. .1. . -e. 1.., 1-J3. t si-i.iuiiu trasoil. Ana.lK-.l will m he'd 12 VI CO IS 10 00 I I i i 0 00 i 13 10 00 ; 13 12 60 1 1 10 00 12 12 60' i 14 7 00 A 150 fO i 1-! Vibti i II 7 en ; 14 7 tn j 14 7 00 I 14 7rt)i 14 7 tn li 7 0u 14 7 0f)i Kotlce loTrespassem, GILS! OILS! OILS! STiUDABD CIL CDMFAKY rprrn iilij H.-.virg l. . d 4IKI a. r. s of wood land ot Xavid ilaon, ami 400 acres ol wood i land of John Mcl'lure. adjoining land, of . Pennsylvania liailroad Con. any in the j I'tts 1 .lit l'u., luakfe vicinity ol Hoxler-. Gap. 1 heicbc caution I all persons against trcrptaswi oa the aliove t iXJ Ji Gi-A. TT rPV " lauun Mir iiiti purpose or cOttug timber and ao forth. I JoBK BeaSIIOB. j c.:' iiiMntifi.fi in ine? f,,r ti.e Dvii.(-f.lic j trade il.e Finest Brands of I; Jun.iriii t j ir. and L,ulrifatin Oil.-, Naphtha j and Gtiholitjp, t'l at can lie n.iii'.t- frctn I'ttroleiuni. 14 ANTED AG K N T S TO fcOUCIT ORIiF.nS Fcr our Choice snd Hnrdy Nursery Stcck. i We el:al'i"0 -CCi - i is,,- ..Ul, fteatiy Oik for. nergetic, temperate met.. 1 , , r -- A -tl' Salakt A5I KxpfnseS; or cnnitniion il 1 vor.T ' Uov.li l'rc.iucl u 3Vl.u!i n::i. r.r..fer.ar! - Tha. K,,ana- n..:-..tu a , I , ly le.rned. Satisfaction guaranteed to cus- J OU wish i hs most , mmm inn urniu. rite immcdiatlr fori r -r m , , itertre. Stite sgn. Address ' ' t - JFOHAiL SUiSF.ICTORY j to have fun ; when we were i.l e. Oaa.1 . nothing wrong with tr.e ; n ouu asked to ; I cocfeaaed of my o in iree aiil. Il ... w r . r 8"a iieaim ; j nuve two good suits and i .. - . - - .i- . an. u. .-i . . -are i. j ; i na.e reel ner CM SUll to Wi.l X ill. an 1 f . tae. pa.r ol pins, a:.d an extra coat : have i. u avinar ! n'i isortu JDakota. Annaiw e.t'.n- ,T I For n frkfi POT.v of this rhauirlet i "T'B " knew ' ldleh V" H- Center. Grilrel ! '.' '"". i anew T,UUK -, . . I5B . ahunt thr . ro'ir i.-.r. tVaVa ll.t .;yy-..J oll'v-raJ.' I I UlJ M) rae i, h., gmal l,lib ; tl!.ve two good suits and aa .7Z """ . a.9, awa ai irrni. ivsv. Jonatn,n H Cr amjiwi m isa ne.fi in tc-j Uc-mmis- in toe borough of MiWin- loav.Ait:! 20. 18r, oatween A. M . .1 d 4 o'clock -: -o- pe.soua feelirg ( .... . -1 s- auebll 11 IL.CJ ir.ii.K pr. o i t;i. .. t:.... ifl ,),, f at., r ! liieo.se. OILS LY THE MARKET, ar-l.- fr cm f, tru.le for Mifiaintriws; t i.d OMCTI!i.G SI W ntderihe I TifinitT Siir;iiied Lv which Kinjr feol.-mon n. ver heard ,.t . - , ". . CUITaFSriNKthatreomresNo rL;;":1''1' 1t t-'; ti-iltU VV ARE ii CO. i Sa t.hore Exprt-s east, ..ii 5iiWars. will connect wuli ounlay Mail east leads Iiarrisburg at 1 13 .. in. I.KWISTOWK DI VISIi '. Trains leave Lewistown Junction ter Wil roy at 6 10 a m, 10 oo a in, 3 1 ', p bi ; fer Sutihury at 7 4 i a in, 3 00 p m. Trains arrive at Lewistown Junction IruOj Milrr.y at 8 60 a m, 1 26 pin, 4 d'- p m ; ftuB S n.bury at a 25 a in, 4 u ' j iu. TYRONE DIVISION. Train leave Tyrone for Bcllefont Lock Haven at b lu a m, 7 lb p m. Laav, 'lyn.ue icr Curw.-nvville and Cieattlrid .1 b 20 a tn, 3 00 p m,7 25 p m. Tra ins leave Tyrone lor Warrior. Kark, fonnsylvsnia Furnace and Scotia at t I ui aud 1 10 p ni. I Trams arrive at Tyrone frcni Jjellefciite ' .ud Lock liaveu at 12 05 p m, and 6 d7 ;- m. Train, arrive at Tvrone from Cnras.t- ville aud Clcaraold at 0 5S a m, and 114 ni, 6 17pm. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Scolu, Wsr nors Murk and IVtiuic Ivauia Y urnac at 20 a in, at 6 40 p m. H - B. T. K. h. i bLDFuUU HVISiON. Trains leave Huntingdon for rlnltori!, 1 1 v nrt iii.it. and Cumberland at S a. m and b p. m. Trair.s arrive at Hunting ion Irom T!W- lord. Ilyndnian and Cumi.ci an ) a! li I p. n.., 6 20 p. iu. ! HOLLli)AVS:it"i.f; iiKAMJH. Trains leare Altoona lor points Snu'.h, at 7 20 a m h a m. li! 5o p m. 1 0 p 6 0t p ui., b to p ra 0 60 p iu. Trains arrive at Altoona frsm peinte t-'ouh. t 1 1". a in. 11 JS.i , m. 1 pTi. V i'.") p. m. C i'J p. iu. 7 lii - u.. an J i1 'A in. Cautlcra otit. : r - vuu- i,... i. . . . , . ...... T--eper. i:iunl'esa . ... ie-.e.,,r k. r.arppin set t bv ma'l. 6 te- t for 2S..t 4,, ,r finrf; ; riri C'a.i : r. . I: J c a-.,. and 1 January IL't.f!.-80-lr. A 'I I trs.'.r.s tic hereby fun..:in. s-' tft ir spas n t e iai o-. o th.- untervn?d m prncc Hip, fi laU- t'.wn-hlpa, lor th piirpore of ga'hcnnj; berries, hu.itifg, I" mg, cr iu a .y '.ther wa- tretpasai is. said iuils, :, th ". truspa i.-v wi.l be B lorded T,Lft j ct.j.l.- via vmlais a:d la fiAHSiaGK y.'snx-.n JtlLC 3, 1 '. 4!. . a. : ... j ?.'. ":. Mercantile .Ippraieer. i I'a., (Lock Box Kiltj.) " -i 1 1 1 . u i.-. ; a Iartu as.d varied amttunt o! liiciary matter. ay you if joo uccd ai.ythlag lu that