SENTINEL jfc KEFUBLlCAxi MI-?FLINTOWJ. T WEDNESDAY, MARCH 80, 188. F. SCH WEIER, bditob aid raoraiB-roa. A oreat famine rtvailH in a large lart of China. 1'e.m-r tree planting w largely en imtil in, bv Cumberland Vallev pie. The Vermont Supreme Court i'h'K tliat the I'rohibitorv l.iw of Ver- f tuont prevents the sal of lioth sweet and hard cider. A xnmrRof Philadclphians have died, from the effects of cold eon -, ... .. 1 ;,, it :.. 4 it- 1 ! tra.t. d mthe ram at ah,ngt.,n during the Harrison inauguration. Mr. Hi vrirRKv .w.v, lias sent to President Harrison a copv of her ' chilled to le heart. The next nioin ..i.. , i i .... , . I iur Mr. Faulkner received a telegram ... , ,. na.ns.ii is a .ioui.iv live,! Chrw - tiari mid th lank uill fail iu break - hi faith. 4 T , ... ., , , . . , A. J. Irxel, of Philadelphia has foutnhutcd a milium and a half of money to found an Industrial College fortiirls. Household work will be taught., th certain trades at which " w, .iu-11 can enga-e. Pi.oi i t in the Stute of Xew Hump - shire n the 1-Jth inst., voted on the ... . , ,. v i p test ion of a honor prohibitory 1 11 amendment to their state tumatitu-; tion. The amendment was defeated ' by a majority of 5(M)U votes. j Thk farmers of Maine are certain- j lv Til'ortlieriior OA nmrlt tiiftrn.dl frikm ' the -fact that twenty years ago nine teen out of every twenty farms in Maine r mortgaged, while now not more than one in twenty is so encumliered." A I. a nor and enthusiastic meetin-r I was held iu the Academy of Music I h.Ia.1. Iphia, a few evenm-s ago to . ,ip aroso he m xt m.,ruing he receiv boom up Charles Pamell in his ef- ed a telegram stating that his mother, fort to rescue home rule and reform who he had not known was sick, had for Ireland. Governor Beaver wa3 1 did the night previously, and her 1.- 4 1 . 1 1 41... .......4...,. . . . . : f . 4 t .1 I l'x -nnit-iii ii i lit meeting-. n Thk enVctual way to kill a shame is to ciiose it, and that is the only excuse that can 1 given for publish ing the depravity of the Senate of Kansas for iermitting a bill to come before it fixinp the age of girl's law ful consent nt 12 to IS years. Thk IVniocratir brethren are con stantly, in their minds placing a chip on the hut of each, Seuator Quay and Cann-ruti and then" shout, now they'll fight, it is a f pleasant delusion and if it amuses the brethren. They may be congratulated on Wing so easily sat ic tied. Is tin: merry month of May, a St itch Irish Convention will le held at Columbia., Teun., to form an or ganization to collect and preserve ve j ,, i the history of the Scotch Irish America. The S-otih Irish oft T.. -, T . . , ,, a niii (ii wiLur.m Aaiiruioiu, m iiie reiau ocaiers oi i nuaueipuia uwarora .ulev, Juniata Co.. should -r -i 4 - 1 . , . ., , . - j jiaMu, in., while returning from : were given a hearing liefore the tien- le repi es.-nted in the convention. . tLo lesid. u.-e of his sweetheart last . eral Judiciary G.mmitU-e of the Leg Tiir I'iiiladelpliin Iiniuirer is not uudav night was attackeil by a : islature iu support of the Laffertv r.lai nit d oer the project 1 'I a war 1 1 with I iermanv. It savs. It is un- lvermi'uy t-i.uffdl that if ueei-ssity j r'piird, the lX-lanare ship huilders eiuld turn nit a fl.-et of fast cruisers withm thru, m.iiitli .in.l .I,.-., ..,.4 r. . .. " eTerv it.rman. or i..r tluit matter, every Kur.ipeiin iuen-h:u.tman now j afloat in the Atbntic ur Iicin. I The Contest in West Virginia. This decisimi of the Democratic Court nf W. st Virginia is just what the li iiiicr!ts have desired it to le. It is declared thitt eti ral Onff can not t.tkf his place as ttovernor W-t-auHe a lVmiN-ratic Speaker of the legislature failed to comply with the law mid announced his election at the time the vote was considered. This enables Governor Wilson, whose term had expired, to hold over until the contest lietween doff and Fleming can le determined. The de cisimi does not touch upon the merits of the case ; it merely shows that when the Speaker refused to do his sworn duty he is enabled to keep out of of fice a man elected bv the ieoile - 4 4, and whose election is clearly shown by the returns transmitted to the Legislature by the Secretary of State. With the election machinery of the State in their own hands the Demo crat have made the must unscrupu lous use of it to defraud GcneraKroff out of his election. Their effort to destroy the integrity of the returns has so far proved futile, but they have taken advantage of a law which re quires the announcement of election by the Speaker, who refused to make such announcement. This is the contemptible quibble on which the prcseut trouble is built. It was never intended to jx-rmit ieuerat ttoii io necomc iroveruor, but the case is far froni concluded as it stands. Philadelphia Inquirer. Ghostly Manifestations. l.verv generation has its reoi'le who believe in spooks, spirits of the air, gobbms, ghusts and so forth The Philadelphia Inquirer of the 13th of this present mouth of March. pul- hsheil a uumlMr of ghostly manifcsta tions f reported recentlr for its colunuiH. The collection is interest ing reading and valuable information to i tot u believer and uubelierer in .ghostly manifestations. The engineer and conductor of train which left Law renceville, Ga. for Suwante, a few nights ago, while near a piece t-f thick woods saw some thing in Hiite standing on the track waring them iHsck. On approaching the ghoHtlr object it crossed and re-croes-d the truck. It increaned utraJigolj in size, its anus extending to twelve feet c.r no in length and its llr rearing itself massively in air. Wh-n olmobt ujion it the object turn ed and ran ahead, and, although the engineer increased the ieed of his locomotive, he could not overtake it. Finally, the upectre took tothewooda ami wavetl its long arms significantly js the train swept by. Jameti Faulkner and wife, of Chat tiuiooga, Tenu., a few night ago, jive a party in honor of an absent de-Ulster, who had recently recovered from sickness. Amid the festivities, without any warning, all the lamps were suddenly extinguished. A cold pres-n-e biuhI to iias through the riMim, and all preweut felt as if Home "upernatural agency had lfn at work, lhe liirhts were religmetl. inJatwl 9.50 p jf. m . or . - 4 . i . 4 .. . J futile and the company broke ur that a few minutes ln-fore 10 o clock ' u the previous night LiswutrfMarr ' hail died. j I Ex-Ma vor Sharp, of Atlanta, (la., WW in ntMr. ; Owen, wh lnvt I eii wounded in a ' tret lr.n by a Mr. Earuoti, was lvi Tne Mayor was alone in i"f,l,.,w'r ai"in uTr ; the house from the disabled man, j with tlie mant-l and his : head resting on his hand, when he 1 Mt two ltim-t taps on the shoulder t He looked around, saw nothing, and , , ' - , ti, I presumed he had miagiiieil it. llien tiir(H, Ktnn..r tj,,m f.Howed. He turned mid saw no one. Then three taps were once more related with such force as to make him wheel around. He went at once to the room where his friend lay and found him dead. William Martin, a Chattanoga iron worker, was lying in led when what at first seemed to le a shadow form ed into the sha' of a woman's hand. On one of the lingers was a ring which he recognized as having given , . his name livsi witus into ini-ii in: luruui'u 'i A German named Kuouflf, a rich miser, lived and died alone two miles south of Ilarrisburg, O. He buried his hoard of gold near his house. All those who have endeavored to find it have lecii driven awav by a ball of fire, which rises high in the I air, descends into the hollow sudden- j with the ability, sagacity . and faith ly, brightens, and as quickly fades fnlness of the employees.' It was a away, and on several occasions has truly wonderful exhibition of skillful leen transformed into hideous mon-! management, and finds its only tar- stcrs, which attack intruders. A fanner advancing upon it in a sleigh found it In-side him suddenbr trans formed into the form of a fiery red dog with glaring eyes, red tongue and hideous fangs. When the uion- ster failed away a pale blue colli u, ! standing upright, took its place, j This remained in the sleigh until the ( Straslxmrir road was reached, when! the sjieetre disappeared, leaving the j man almost cra2?l with fright. j was ! 4 .1 - 1- -!ll! T'll 44 t, . . . uost. xlis iiorn" suiUleuiv ie-ame I frightened ami tumtsl to one side -f I the road. Something like a pile of ' c mst:ilk.-s hut with hid.-oiis faec, ! was corning right toward liini in the middle of the road. He could not ! dis4--ru anv fret or legs, lmt he heard a tlnnidi-r.iits tro.iui. He drew his ' rt.Vl,iv,.r au. trt., livr at the ! .,bject, w'. ; 1 r spi ke m.r mov- ed, but w..v.l t n.-t yield the n ad. S ! lw. .r-t i n ui.L 1 Ltiul 1.. v-i i . .... . . ' v 1 ...!.- , ... ..u. : whin to the horse and got into town so frightened that he has not slept ! or eaten since. j , John Tribble, living in Port Ful-' ton, near Louisville, Ky., has letn ' hoodooed bv Ann Harden, a colored. woman. line lie was silting some flour she caused n "spt'll" to come ujxiu him. For two days he lay in a cataleptic state, unconscious of anv-1 l.i., l.;... vi,.'. ! i4i I'luaaaia as, oo.uit ituu. mu the spell tinally passt.-d off there was a numbness aliout his limlis and a strange feeling prevailed his whole K sly. At irregular periisls the spell comes back aud he is unconscious for several hours. The woman has left the city. The citizens of Tuscola, HI, are excited over a ghost who haunts a vacant house on Fast Sale street foruicrlv occupied bv an eminent lawyer who one night cut his throat with a razor. The phantom who now inhabits the dwelling resembles him in everr particular aud moves alxuit the premises chid in a role of white or his f;ice appears at the win lows of the house. Although the house is vacant it is frequently ilum- lnatetl from top to lmttom bv an un arthlv light. Shadows can be seen on the walls. The apparition "usually appears aliout tue house at mid night, r amities who have lived in the house have heard strange noises nightly and protested that they could not keep the doors shut, as even when looked the latches and lmlts would flr oiH-n. The mrsterv causes much excitement and wonder. A self appointed committee of alxiut ne liundretl citizens who recentlr repaired to the haunted Farsis man sion, nt Ileidsrillc, N. C, to investi gate the mvsterv of the unaccount able noises came a war as as the r went. While in the large vacant room if the house the whole assem blage was startled by hearing a noise like an iutensiiied dring, struggling. strangling groan piis-eetling from the floor, fhev tore up the floorin, and discovered nothing. The noises increased in volume until ther attain ed the intensitv of a roar of thunder. w hich sent the party jh-11 mell out of the house and none of them can lc again induced to venture near. Tlie town authorities are going to demol ish the structure. lleuts 1 a " lined CO jer cent in Los Ai.f H .aL, owing to Ci-'llspsc of the 1hx-!u. Inaugural Travel on the Penn sylvania Bailroad. When in 1S85 the Pennsylvania Il&ilroad Compauy successfuHly car ried into and returned from Wash ington the vast host of Inaugural Pilgrims, it was considered that the pericction of the railroad manage ment, in promptly and effectively moving large numbers of people with in a given &ace of time Lad been reached. But notwithstanding this extraordinary record the achievement of this company on the inaugural occasion just passed surpasses all previous accomplishments in this di rection. The company was prepar ed to do much more than it did and had not the unusal inclemency of the weather intervened the total result would have been far greater. One hundred and five thousand excursionists, including the public, the organizations, and the military w ere delivered in Washington be- fore noon of March 4th, and all, ex cept the clubs and military, were laiKled at the Baltimore ami l oto- mac Station. For the conveyance of this uumlier it required two hun dred and t n trains of ten cars each, with an average of fifty persons t each car. All the trains were run in M-ctions and in many cases the num ler of sections to a given train reached ten. This involved a con tinuous stream of crowded cars enter ing the station at intervals of a few minutes discharging their passen gers, and leing shifted out to make room for the incoming current. All these trains were moving promptly, and no accident of any kind ccur eil to mar the success of the work. No unavoidable delay was experienc ed, but under the strict rules gov erning the ojerators of the block system, there were, jH-rhn, here and there delays, which safety nec essitated, on a line of track filled to repletion with long trains of crowd ed cars. The true test of ability in man agement came when the thousands, impatient and eager to return, crowded into the station and filled the train as fast as they were made up. This difficult portion of the work was accomplished with reason able promptitude, considering the vast numlier of eople and the mul tiplicity of trains to be movoU at one time. On Monday night and on Tmnday hundreds of trains started from the Capitol, all freighted to their utmost capacity, and, under the admirable system which distin guishes the entire organization of this road, were forwarded to their desti nation steadily and in complete safe ty. Such a result conld never be achieved except under tne method of operation employed by the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company, coupled allel in a similar achievement, when the same Company handled with conspicuous success one hundred and seventy-five thousand eople on the occasion of the Constitutiimal Cen tennial at Philadelphia, in Septem- 1 ' 4 ler, 17S7. The revenue from this service will amount to half a million of dollars. . m . Collection of Debts. i vju 1110 evening oi me i.u inst., 4l. A "I T41 1 111 1 r 1 ! w m . m House tnu wiucn provides lor tlie collection of debts incurred for foml, clothing and other necessaries .f life This m-a-ure has a pxeat deal of influence Ik hind it from evtrv sec-j tion of the State. Concisely statel I it gives a tsilor, a grocer or a hutch-'' er the atithoritr to attach wasres the salary of a "debtor, that entitles j thf latter t a defense. The trades-' men wliom the bill will uff.n-t assert j lifi fl...- u ru 41. . ...f i,. Iu . .f n ..1 ...... . .( ', !ieotle. who are to le found in everv . .... . ...1 . . . . . ... . lu,, v'4 v nira . i community, who make it a constant practice to ''Is-at" their grocer or j tailor, and there Ls now no protection agaiust them. The tradesmen have ; lormetl association ami got up black ; ust:J u these professional delinquents. '; AppointmentaOntrul TennM. Conference i:anellctl AiMoclallan fVll llatniporl, Vst, CAROSIJ! DISTRICT. J. Ilartzler, Presiding Elder. Carlisle J. A. Irrine. Cumlerlaud P. W. Group and C. F. Garrett. Dillsburg J. W. Bentz. Bendersville J. Womeldorf. Ijewisburg L. K. Harris. liig Spring J. C. lteeser. Leesburg W. W. 1 toads. Hagerstown A. Stapleton. Hagerstown Circuit J. L. Miller. Perry J. Ii. Sechrist. Newport and Marysrille G. F4. Zehner. LiverjKMil W. C. Bierlv. Fishing CVeek J. H. Welch. Juniata J. P. JJucbner. S. W. Seiliert, memler tf NewrjKirt and Marysrille Quarterly Conference. 13. F. Hall, member of Fishing Cre k Valley Quarterly Conference. H. B. Hnrtzler, mcmlier of Carhsle Quarterly Conference. CECTRE 1'ISTRICT. I. M. Pines, Presiding Elder. Lewistown and Patterson S. P. Iieemer. McClure J. G. M. Swengle. MidiUcbarg S. Aurand and H. B. Barshinger. Port Trererton J. D. Storer. New Berlin It. W. Runran. Millmont W. N. Wallace. Centre W. IL Storer. Spring Mills W. L. Beaumont. Brush Valley A Rearick. Nittany Valley J. M. King, and W. Thompson. Sugar Valler P. C Wcidmrer, and 11 Kesslcr. Centre Hall F. S. Vought. Milesliurg E. W. Kooutz, and S. E. Koontz. 1W. A. E. (Kibble, New Berlin Quarterly Conference. . oah Doebler, ilidtUeburg Quar terly Conference. S. Yearic, Binsh Valley Quarterly Conference. E. Stamliach, Centre tuarterly Conference. "3 The Kurul New Yorker bays. The way mow y goes: Towels are used for holders ; lif.pVins are rtsc-l for dish-wipers ; soap is left to soak in ' a water ; clothes are whipped to pieces by the wind ; hams and clveese mould ! ml fret, lull oi rkiptxtb: tea. cnttee and spicks stand open and lose their ! 1 - . i . , , Birengin ; ooai is vmicu; vegeiaoies . that would warm over nicely are thrown away ; scrubbing brushes are left to warp in water ; bits of meat are j thrown aw ay that would make a good j soup of hash ; a pint or less of dough j is left sticking to the bread pan ; the cork is left out of the molasses jug and flies take possession ; the ex- j travegant use of butter, eggs and j sugar in cooking ; pails are allowed to sun-dry and fall apart ; bread is w anted ; tea and coffee are made too strong ; and careless breaking of dishes. GEYERjlirjC-EWS ITEMS. No extravagant eulogy or expensive display will make amends for an ill spent life, and they cannot possibly add honor to a well spent one. The body of Jacob Sorg, of Al leghany, missing since February 22, has leen foand in the river at that place with the liuilis lmund with cords. John Pippin, a wood-chopper of Lewis Bun, near Bradford, stole a lxittle of wood alcohol, drank it, and died in fearful agony. A Dubuque, Iowa, man has just shipjHHl eleven hundred cats and two hundred dogs to Dakota, where the animals are wanted to exterminate srround mice. Peach stones find ready sale at $6;, per ton in Vaca Valley, CaL They are usel as fuel, "burning as long as . - ii si l rri i coal and giving more heat!" Apricot fib nes are al i burned. Wlien there is a tendency in th-tat.K-s to rot after storing, fn-ely sprinkling with fclaked lime is the ln-st eorre'tive, particularly when the trouble is what is called dry rot. A Hungarian weaiimg ai noutn ! Bethleheni has been indefinitely ost jonel liecause the father of the bride refused to give Ins prosjective son-in-law $200 for taking her off his hands. A Maryland fisherman has invent ed a self working fishing pole, which by the aid of stout spiral springs. yanks out the unwary fish streams while the fisherman of the smokes and reads in peace. A negro boy near Camden, S. C, hst a dollar that lielonged to his mother. He felt so badly alout it that he liegan crying bitterly, ami did not stop for 24 hours, and then he died from exhaustion. Tlie opening of an oil well which Hows forty larrels a day on the Rynd farm, in Venango county, on Oil Creek a territory thought to have been exhausted twenty years ago has caused a rush for leases. GrrrvsBmn, Pa., March 12. L. C. Byurm, of this country, was to-day arrested, and in default of $1000 bail was held to answer the charge of sending letters to two farmers threatening to burn their barns. Mildred Maddox, of Brewton, Ala., dressed up as a tramp ami attempted to frighten her mother. The disguise was perfect, and Mrs. Maddox emptied the contents of a shotgun into her daughter's lody. . The girl will recover. A pony is lx-ing daily sent up in a balloon and lieing let down by a parachute, a la Baldwin, iu London, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is leiug agitated by anxiety to know whether the pony is scared tr not. Last week one ui;ht somelxxlv made himself lm Id enough to steal "a load of railroad ties from Henrj" Iveislin, nt Knoustown. The ties were found at Millerstown, but the ' thief t-tscaieL 1 he same week some- ldy oneil the Ink of John Rhodes' granary, and helped themselves to a lot of wheat and oats and about fifty bnO 1414 4 )f fi iVtl wllllll llH4 111 if 1 44-4.11 1 found ret. Cad luck to the thieves . - -. anyhow. The ministers in attendance upon the Juniata Lutheran Conference at Liverpool, lVrry county last week were. J. C. Jluuima, Adamsburg ; H. W. Follmcr, Yengertow n ; S. E. Smith, Ni-wjort : i. W. Leisher, Mc Ahst.n iile ; I. P. Ncff, Blain ; C. L. McColineli, Belleville; J. B. Focht, Lewistown ; I'hilip Graif, Mifllin town; M. S. Itomig, LirerjKsJ ; S. M. Mountz. Thompson town. Delegates: Itarick, Adamsburg; Samuel Keen, Newport ; Uriah Shuman, Thompson town : Wm. Gross, Belleville; ller. A. S. Fichthoru, Lewistown ; Jonathan Wert, Millerstown. The ubiquitous swindler has evolv ed a new plan by which to swindle the honest farmer. A chap in clerical broadcloth and w hite choker enters a farm house and asks for lodging or dinner, as the case may le. During Lirt wtav be annutinceK himnflf to lie a! traveling Bilile liKtrilutr, in the er vice tf a relijjious institution, and he tloeH ho fnr as to present the faiuily with a Bihle frwiu a filleil TaliHe. He is careful to hay that his society rexjuirea its distributing nieniWrx ti pay their own, way, aud exhibit vouchers thereof. After partaking of the good folk's hoKpitality he pre- pareu to leave antt aks for his bilL He ih generally told no charge ih made, but he calls their attention to "the rules, and insists on paying twenty-five cents per meaL Then he mildly requires a receipt on his blank form, 'a voucher you know, and pets the farmer to sign it. In DO days there is a notice from a neighlxiring bank to the pious farm er to call and pay the note for $1C2 50, which it liought and liears the farmer's signature. Ex. At the session of the general con ference of the railroad commission ers of the several states, with the members of the inter-state commerce commission, March 6th, at AVashin'- i T-k 44 -t 1 , , . "I ton D. C, ex-railroiul Gjmmiasioner coffin of Iowa, now representing the , .1 .l , 4-4 4 . nnnueruiHKi 01 oraKemen mtuie ail address in the course of which he said :" "Our Commission in Iowa has caused a law to lap niade effective that has lu on the statute books ten years, to the effect that the rail roads shall report to the commission the accidents occurring alonr their I lines, and it shown that in ten rears 1 we have killed and maimed 2.424 i men in the state of Iowa by the pin and link coupler and the hand break, These are a-stoumliug facts. Tbe avonie would le mietbin" bke 20 year. Tht- reports commenced when we vio c y otKW miles or rail- way, while m u w have 8,000 miles. : I ne commissioner s reiton ihbi shows that there were killed and j : ' - a.1.,. j. -.1...... i oioi .- tumc inn tan-w nn 349 men. There are 150,050 miles of railroad in the United States, and over six thousand of these strong, active men were either killed or maimed for life from these two causes alone last year. Ijvst year in the state of Iowa there were 29,345,846 passengers who traveled. Not one was burned by fire heating stoves while at the same time we killed and injured in that state, by the pin and link coupler 350 men." LEGAL. rJlRlENMAL APPEALS. SPECIAL NOTICE. Tb dates previously advertised for hold ing tbe general appeal in the commiwioD era' office are changed. The following have bees aubatitnted. For weit side or river, March 21, 1HR9. Fur tut side of" river, March 21. 1H89. A rpecial appeal will be held at McCul locha Milla, March 7th. 1889. By order of THE COMMISSIONERS O. W. BcaCHriELD, Clerk. February 27,isaa. id. jXECUTOR'S NOTICE. EtUttof DAVID SMITH, latt of Dtla trire (otrjAt, Juniata Co , ate a. Vberraa Li-ttrr Tealameatary on the lat W ill nd Tnntvttnnnt of David Smith, late nf ihn li nhio of UWaware. daceawd . -li)r ,i m, i,.debied to naid . entair to uake tniine-lutii patmeoi ana tbM bavins c!aiio to present the same dnlv anthrntioted for wtllemrut. JONATHAN REISER, Executor. Tbompkoiitowo, March lG n, 1889 6w. Amendment: to the cowstitu 1ION r.rnuored to the citizens of this Com moii ex iti by tbe Orneral Aasenibly of tne Cimiiuonwealth of 1'ennny Ivinn, for ihir .Limiiial 4 r rritM'.tion at a itwctal riw-tiou to t held June 18. 1889. Fui.ii-b ed bv order ot the Sevretarv of the Com- ntonmtaltb, in purauaoce of Aiticle XVIII of tbe Constitution. Joint resolution propoin(tan amendment to tbe Constitution of Ibis Commonwealth : r.ECTloa 1. Be it reMlved by the Senate and Hne of KepreMsntatives of the Com monnealih ol Hennaylvania in tieneral At armhlt met. That Die lolluwing amend ment la trroiMiaed to the Con.titution of the Conitnouwealt.i .f Pennaylvania, in accord- ance ith the Khteetith Article thw.f: Thrreahallbw an additional article to UoB.ti atle..totK:ar.igoaieaa.Ar.ic.; II X. aa fnlloira : ; A KTICLK A1A. Th manufacture, al, or krrpina for (air ol fitioxicatiriiC liquor, to b uxsl a br-ri)i', i hereby prohibited, and auy'ii.ii 'hi pruhiliitiun .hall he a Diiadeturui.r. tmilmbltf as buaII Ij iro. drd hy L. The niaiiulac'iire, aalr, or keeping fur a!o ot iBtoxtciiii( liquor for other pur- poera than aa m bct oraice may be .llow.-l och manner oniv as may b j.m-nbed bv law Tbe;ene,al A.nemblT -t the Utst sewnon cucceeiliug tlw adoption ol this article or the Constitution, enaci law. ith ciiarles w. stone, grrrwT of the Cmmonae.lth. 1 VFVnWKVT TO TI1V mVITlTIT A tion prwnot to thncttizent i thi. tm,uneai.h bj the General Ahiy : ol IheConimonoealtb of Pennsylvania lor their eiproval r rjrclii.n at a special elxc- j tion to beheld Jane IS. 1S'.I. I'lihllih.-d I by Older of tbe Secretary of the Common- j wealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII of: tbe Constitution s Joint reeoluUon proposing sn, amend- J roent to tbr constitution of the common-j Sictiom I. Be il retolced by the Senate and Home of Heprttenlatinet of the Com- monwealik of Penmylrania in General .It - tembly met That the lullowiog is 1-rupoi.eil as an amendment to tbe constitution ol the Commonwealth of IVnnsylvanU in accord- ! nee witn tbe tirovisiuus ol the eighteenth 4vrtwb. . AMESDMENr. Strike out from section one, of article eif bt, tbe four qualifications for voters "h.!i?.r-t?"?-foI'ow,s r a I If twenty-two years of age or upwards, be shall have paid within two years, s stte j or cvnnty tsz, which shsll bare been as- 1 s-sd at lt-.aat two months, and paid at J leaat one month before lha election," so' that the section which reads as follows : ! "Every mate citir.n, years of shall be entitled to vote at all elections n.-wo- " Bk iuiiuh Autft ijusiiui aiiuili ' Firr-t. He shall have been citixeu ot the United States at iengt one month. Second, lie shall have resided in the stale one year (or if, previously been a qualified elector or native born cili ten ol thr slate, he shall have removed 1 herefrom and returned, then six months) immediati-ly preceding tbe election Third. He shall have resided iu the elec tion district where he shall offer to Tote at least two months linmnliately preceding the election. Fourth. II twer.ty-to yearn of ajre or up wards, he shall have paid, within two years, a state or county lax. which shsll ba.o been asKeaaed at least two months and pi1 at leaat one month before tl.e elict on," shall lie amended, su as to read as follow : Every male citizen twenty one years ol possessing Ihe following qa tlifialiiins. ahall be entiill to voir at the polling place oi me ei.-ctiuii ui-inct or which he shall at i the lime lie a reaideut aod not elaewcrre : r irai. rte shall have been a citizeu ol the United Stales at luaal thirlr days. S'Cond. lie hll hare resided in the stsio one year (ur il, having prerioualy oeen a quaiineii elector or native burn ctti- lea ,D state, he shll have removed Ibcrefrom and returned, then six innnlhu.) muieuiaie.; preceamg ine election. i oirn. ne snail nave resHIea in the dec- tion liatric! wbi re he shall offer to vnta at least iliirly ds iimued lately la-ecwdiiig Ihe elrctiou. The leialature, at lha seasiou tbrreot ll M.-r Ihe alupiiu ..I :hi i-c- tion, shall, an ! Itltu lime lo time tiu-r. al ter may, eitae.t laws to properly enforce this provision. Fourth. Erery male citizen of the age 01' lweniy-ot,u years, who shall have been a citizen lor thirty days and ai. luhabilant ol this state one year, next preceding an elec tion, except at municipal elections, and Jt'ir tbe last thirty days a resident of tbe elec tion district in which he may offer his vote. shall be entitled Iu vote at such an election in tbe election district ol which he shall at tbe time be a resident and net c-lsewbere lor all vffieera that now are ur hereafier may be elecled by the people s Provided, That in lime of war no elector in the actual military service of the State or 01 tbe United Stales, in the army or navy thereof, shail be deprived if bis vote by reason of his absence from such election d .strict, and tbe legislature shall have power to provide tbe manner in which and the time and place at which such absent electors may voto, and for the return and eanvana of their votes in tbe election district in which I bey respectfully reside, r 11114. rw ina purpose 01 voting, no rer- . .h.n he Lt t,,,. . ,.-t k . 1 r .- . j a residence by reason of bu presence or ab sence while employed In tbe service of tbe U mted States or tbe S tate, nor while engaged in the navigation of the watera ol the State or of tbe bigh seas, nor while a student ot any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public inatitntion, except the inmates of any home (or d is abled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for tbe purpose ot voting, shall be deemed to resale id the election district where said home ia located. Laws shall be made tor ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to Ihj right ol suf irage hen by established. A true ropy ol tbe Jo;at resolution. CHAKLeS W. STONE, Secretary of tbe Common weal ih. fSLJw JollyV. 0 V ftfc Dad but HI I Wy AOME BLlCintO if and I'll hm it a mam. WolffsAGMEBIacking IS A GREAT LABOR SAVER. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. RAIN AND SNOW DON'T AFFECT IT NO BRUSHING REQUIRED. MARES A SHOE WATERPROOF. CSED BT MEN. WOME.t AMD CHILDEI. Cm b. waited lika OH Oloth. mod kteolotalr Softens and Preaervw all kind of Leather. AakteBVaaddaaotsm "P till raa aa4 roa wUI b wall iwwardad. aU or Mw 84jm. Oioawm. PriiaiiH. Ac. For Hamwwe a to aaaqa.til. WOLFF Jt RANDOLPH. FHlLUELfltlL Jeic Firm. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. No more summer for months to come. Fall and Winter are here, and to conform to the chance, the Senior member of the firm has just returned from Eastern Markets, where he se lected with preat care the goods that his many patrons favor DROP JJ. He have now lined our shelves with Fall and Winter Uoous ol all kinds. Uur cus tomers have appreciated our efforts to give them goods to suit their purposes, and we believe that we are better pre pared than ever to merit their confidence. e invite you to come and hee and be satisfied 1 11 Olir dress goods department! j almost everything Don't be backward, call for what you want. Shoes and Hoots. Our Boot and part men t is full in Shoe De its assort- . ment, ana you certainly can oe j j fit qualitv !lnd price. r j Whatever improvements have n added by the manufactures we have them all. We can j wupply you wlth loot Ave.,r for mi y in ji uut unji ri i i vui i irrocorv Department never lags. u- haVe on hand a lull line Ol , . FrCbll, Ulld l'UHCy 4 ,?6'1l5,C,gi?.',, t! S-Jf M 5 L flj H M. Aid JYltO, tlie Ollly full line Ol J . 111 the COUIltV. KvelV JlOUSe jniist liave it- lllii MJlllliV ol II,u,vl "'lv ll- 11111 PUTI' " Queens and CJIa.-.SlVare, tiiid i.H -.1 . ,.,.. ... -....I. tlie tole to 011 ior ?ucu ar- I ! tides. Al! orders bv mail will re- ceive 1.1 umpt attention. ltei!!CIIll)er the p!a e, M AIX STl.i-.hT, Oi l'osn ii CoUJiT j .,... J llllllllfsWII, til. ; l-'retTk l'M'lO rClZ A I I J i Successful Troatmont cf Cisoasa A SCIENTIFIC BiSGQVERlf ! .1111 Itlllll l Iktr i uaae ol uli Mrrnsrr. itiH ftm:: Kii.i.rit Kll:.tbe .Itii-rebes. Successful Trectmtnt. cures: Cstsn-h, Bronchitis, Conr.u Tint ion. Malaria,' Rhtum:ii$m. WeeHerfa-l Toetr i.ti.l HloMl ni ibr i . Tbs effieaer of th afiml K t!l t in r-s rf . . a -sawpCim hu beae no if.tnllr .lni.tnaTi :t-.4t an j'i4ti.s4 ib elaimlnc f ritc-i4 its i-xf-: tw,.ad i mr-itl iu poer in earin rvwa a. Irrrw, ihM T4win, m-fih' anowa. no i t-itn it I i,a"i:.l. bat mo clara hat rt ttiM fnrr anci w-jt in- . jnjci an n i non. ir.,n ujih se. ffnnm with 4iM- ipnMita. -ak ajtH 4bilitat4Nl will Aniii: tna 141 t-.ic K4erTinpbaltl ba rt. part icalartr thuw wa bin "BllKPsd fw Jara wilb nrBrall'-hrofiit li J44. Mm ib or I4rrm.. aii4v . 4 1ia.w,. Tha l:ia tnt will kill Ih revia aoil at Ilia eemft litaa mm t !; pMiant la tba ma t Ba. tftulcl ttnlr m on atlnn .?i j-i.. f'rlee Tt I K. sna-eiot t' laat Vnnt otw TMnntti. withiii tha raach of all. Phvufi-ui f 17 Tr 4-nwrienra in narawnT thaoClta. S..ait fnr-irf-ilar nt iafurmatKai. Wm. Faiarn's Micrcba KSJsr. &?.Kz . rl filT'C "ri.rnR.TFIFFMI.E row. till. Ui U dei4 aiw 4ar B4trf aia4 a n. f uL t 4a4a i , B ntr aafrlcvr u ail ol h.r mm. metl.4, or eh f.'uiMkd. sent l,y 4141I f 1. laft4o u4ara. It 1'LX. s: Trvimail lkjaaoa, kaca. KM4I br IO WX) 4 iivar m an wtr.-n. Ufa cf HENRY WARD BEECHES' LM: lr JlhisttrmtsM. cllmr h tlf ftrom bin hirttl So tiati desmtia. I'tttw On iKftlmr. W i irt wmmgm prfMUcl, 100 PF.K PROFIT snd Kam rlNT pled Free 'o men can- rassera lor Ir. droit's Genuine Klectrlc lieltii. llriiaheM, 4tc. La dy agents wam.-d for Kleefric foraets. Quu-K sale. Write at once lor terms. Dr. Scott, hi IJ'wav. K. T. PeiiniylTiiiA aLgrica!tnral Vorkx, Tori, Fa, raxaaar-s oiaaaara t.g iaes aaa saw situ Saa f4r ( atalavn. r-,...- a.. aVaaress A. B. W AKQCHaB 605. lork, Pa. Aaia job aa,r Ui ir an a Ua mta CiraelL IT F1aXS& (into 11500. K3ASX S3S to 1133 1 trial la twwp - - k. atolull4aliaC(u,S35t.2t5tJl.r.' Tbe oldest and best Institution for obtain ing a Business Education. Wo have suc cessfully prepared thousands of yonnr men for the active duties ollife. For Circulars ad area a, !. Ili rrti JiOTS. P ttsbnrp, Pa. 1 1 riftt asaaaXsaK7-' fsT Wi" Imfn AUTUMN AND WINTER I HAVE THE ' Latest Fall WINTER TbeCbampUo ( lolbler ol.Junlala C ount havlns 1 turned fromllbe Eattternrcltleswltli a;vv onalerTuI tr- FAJLL AIND WIJNTER STOCK, Will niuke Iriends, outshine rivals, win victories. nj sei; merits. WEN'S KOY'S Sc CHILDREN'S D 'U FASHIONABLE CLOTHING and Gent's furnishing goods. First Class t onibinii)r Stvie. Elegance, with prices that will astonish you. No sale is experts Bn I prove this. But I ask your patronage only when I give eompleto i-atigfno'.a. v. stock of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES OVER-ALLS, WATCH kJS Jfjv fcl.lll , clieo, percale and White hhirts. eok weir, C&V Cuffs.Tinnks and Satchels, is full hnd complete. Call rin? iSB Sanil STRAYER. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FTHMSHER IN PATTERSON. Jnna 16, 1886. l,ocm K. Y. il. U. Fkdmxll. ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, MIKFLINTOWN, PA. recollecting and Conveyancing prcuipi ly attended to. Orrici On Main street, in place of resi deuce of Louis K. Atkinson, Ksq., south oi Bridge street. XOct 26, ltWG. M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Has resumed actively the practice ol Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches. Office at the old corner ol Tlmo and Orange streets, MiUlintown, Fa. March Ti, 1876. Johh KcLacoblih. Joiirn W. Stimmkl MCLAl'GHLIX K STiM MEL, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., t'A. JjyOnly reliable Companies represented. Jsn. 1, lt-ly JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OFMIFFLI.1TOWK, PA. WITS BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL.. Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSKFH ROTH ROCK. Prenient. T. VAN IKWIN, Vathnr. DiaccToas. W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Kothrock, John Uertsler, fbilip M. Kjner, Robert B. l'arker, Louis E. AtSuuson, T. V. Irwin. STOCKBOLI EKS : Philip M. Krpner, Annie M. Shelley, Joseph Koihrock, Jsne H. Irwin, L. K. Atkinson, R. K. Parkier, W. C. I'oBiiToJ, J. Irwin, John Herirlrr, T. V. Irwin, Mary Kurtz, Jerome IV. 1 lion j ton, Jr Chariot le Snyder. Three and Four per ct-nt. interest will be paid on certificates ot drpoMt. jsn 23, 1889 tl j Tall and Winter Goods. I would inform the public tliat I bate now iu uiy new millinery store at toy place of residence on Water street, Mifflintown, ,,.', a!i regular stations beta jsn second door from corner of Bridge street, and Altoona reaches Altuuu at 8 0 f. a., a full stock, of ;Fsll K. Winter millinery 1 fitisburg t.-J0 p. m. goods, all new, and of the latest styles i Altuosa Aix-omhupatikn !"i"i PU snd having employed first clss niilliners ' 'llrn- daily t 1 1 . a ..... li.rri-uur, tt y : at 1 "a . til T . I t I. n . a I .1 A t, in Ml. I I m prepared to supply the public with everything found in a flrstclsss milliner store, come and ez&mine nrv stock. consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DKIML. Msrrh 22-S7.1.V. WISH TO STATF. A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, than That I can stof tootuacuz in less Hve minutes ; uo pain, no extracting. That I can extract teeth without pain, by tbe use of a fluid applied to tho teeth and gums ; no danger. Thst Diseased Gurastknowni as Scurvy) treat fj. ed siicci-ssfully and a cure war.fcfftiijr'"'anted ia every r-itvrfaranted in every JXEZ caae, Teeth Fixlbd and warranted for lile. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or. rrmoddled, from $9.00 to $12 per set. beautiful Gum Enameled Teet inserted at prices to suit all. All work warranted to give perfect satis faction. People who have artllk ial teeth w ith which they cannot eat, are epecially invited to call. Will visit professionally at their homes If notified by letter. Will visit regularly ataRichtleld the 2nd weeks of May and October. Tc as Csh. G. Lu DERR, Practical Den tint, EST A BLlAHr O IN MIFFLIIfTOWl, Fa., IS 1800. Oct. 14 '80. OIIaSIOILSIOIIaS! THE STANDARD OIL COMPAUY! of Pittsburg Pa., make -A. SPECIALITY of mantifactniing for the Domestic trade the Finest Brand of Illuminat ing and Lubricating Oil, Naphtha and Gasoline, that can be made from ' Petroleum. We challenge comparison with j every known Product of Petroleum. I If yon wish the most 1 UNIFORMLY SATISFACTORY OILS IJT THE MARKET, ask for oura, trade for MiIlintown and j vicinity Supplied by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE & CO. Tannary Cn..-9-1 v. And STYLES PENNSYLVANIA RA1LP.0AD. TIM K-TADLE On end sfter Sunday Nut', vt, trains that stopat M:31iniIruoiif',u KASTWARD. LTOO!A ACCOUSODATIDS !eT.t Altosi, daily at 6 U( a. m.. 5t3 t , Huntingdon a. m.. ocst Cnl( 6,57 a. m., Newton Hami'ton 1 t m SlcVeytown 7.02 a. 10.. 7 ru., Vilford 8.0ft a ni., Mifflm (!, Port Royal 8.17 a. m-, Mi-tico X.Ti . aj T uscar or a 8.26 a. m.. Vanilyke 8, iO s. a ' Thomfsontown 8,37 a. ru., Darward .4j j m., Millerstown 8.49 a in., Nnwport i.Hm. in., arriTine- at Harrn-l nrt at 10 05 a and at Philadelphia, l,2fi p. m. Ska Snoil Expacas leaves Altooot Jtfit at .ff a. m., and stoppinir a sit rafaar stations lietween Alliums and HarrUtwr reaches Mitllin at 9-6G a. m., Harrudaii 11.40 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia u 3.16 p. in. Mail Tbais leaves l'ltt.r-'g daily tS 6.56 a. in., Altoona at -,t0 p. m., thi aw, ping at all regular stations am ten at H at 6 03 p. tn., Uarribburg 7.00 p. m., Fiat adelpbia i '1 a. m. Mail Express leaves iitt-hurg st 1 OOpa. Altoona ii p in ; Tyrone (islpm; Hon. ingdon 7 37 p ni ; l.ewiatuan 4"! pa; (a. Bin 9 10 pm; Uarrinburg KM.') m Yk. rtelphia 4 2a a m. Philadelphia Kiprci Kill atop at U& at 11 87 p. ru., wbeu Uoged WtSTAKB. Fast Like leave" Phiarlelphia dal'y u I 11 60 a ru; Harrii-burg ;! 40 p m, Um 6 06 p ni J lewistown 6 :'8 p ni ; A.lwist 8 10pm; arrives st Pitinhuig al 11 Uym. ! Wat pASFor leaves Phllslalata j daily at 4 MO a. in.; IWrinbtirg, b 15 a. n Duncsiiuon, 8 o 1 a. ru.; Xevrpnri, U 24 a. in.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. ni.; Tlinmmuntowi, I 9 62 a. ra.; Vim Dyke, 10 (id a. ui.; Tuaoar j ora, 10 04 a. ui.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.; rrt ; Koyal, 10 I4. n:.; Milllin, lo 0 a. mj Miltord, 10 - a. ni ; Narnmn. l'i :-l t. . : Lewiatown, 10 40 a. in.; McVirtian, 1114 . m.; Newton Hsiuiilnti, 11 3 a. ru., Hit tingdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 7 a. . Altoona, 1 45 p. m., and t..(.i at .1 rrfsisf ' stations between !iarrii!p:irj Alliuut.; OtITSR Exrszss IraVi'S i'!.iUdrl(,blA4i ly at 5 "U p. in., H.irriat,ure, In 1'U f. a., stopping at Kockvilln, MarysTill, Ousua uon, Neaport, Millertwn, Tbumpfuslovi, I I'ort l.oyal, timo at Vi'tlin, II 60 p. m.; Al toona, '1 JS) s. in., and Fittaburg, t) 10 s. a. Mail Tkaik leaves riiilsaslpii's daily si 7.0(1 a. m.t Harriilinrg 1 1 .-0 a. ui., 5r- rrt 1-' 1 in Mitliin l'i.17 n !.. 4lw. 1 ' 0 ,0"' m .5,2s'V 1 Tl.oiupsontowu 5, i'i p. iu., V'a.i lvts t,M 1 : p. u., 1 uscarora o, 11 p. u... an-iicu o.v f. I 01., 1 on D.u ai o,-Jt p. 111., aiiLiiifi utvv f. ! nj., Lewistown p. ui., MVnj tees t, I 4H p. m., lewtnn Ha uiinni 7.10 y. ! UuDtiiigduQ 7 4il p. 111., Alti a u UO p. a. j Pacific Express IraTes I'liiisiialpbis 11 ti ' p m; Harrinburg 3 lo a n. ; Diiu. ai.oes I ;SIam; Newport 4U1 in ; Mifflin lioj Lew istown 0(1 a tn ; He Vej tnws i B la. m; Mt. Union 6 4' s ru ; I!iiiitiiid-1 i 12am; I'eU-rsburg f -5 a ru ; sprues Lrssl G 40 a m ; Tyrone 7 U0 a 10 ; fc-ll's Kui j'tnil Altoona 0"i a in ; FilisHni i 12 4 ') p iu. Sea fcbore Kxprrss est, on SnotU'i, ; will connect with nn!y ! ! e'l li-s'isf 1 Ilarrisburg at 1 l " p. n- LKWITOW.N WVISH'S. I Trsins leave Lowistown Junction lor ry at ti 10 a tn, 10 55 a ui, 8 lo p ni I Suntmrv at 7 4.i a 111. A 00 p m. Trains arrive at Lewituwn Junction Milroy at 8 60 a m, 1 25 pm, 4 an pm; rrsa Sunbury at 0 25 a rc, 4 0 1 j' m. TThONK DIVISION. Trains leave Tyrone for Belli-fout ss4 Lock Uaveu at B 10 a ui, 7 15 p m. I' Tyrone lor Curweusville and ClosrHrfl si 8 20 a ui, i 06 p in, 7 25 p tu. Trains leave Tyrone lur Wsrrisrf Miri, PenuhVlvsnia Furnace aud Scotis st i '-' m and I 20 p ra. ; Trains arrive at Tyrone from bslls'o"1 and Lock Uaveu at 12 05 p ru, aul 6 57 p i Trains arrive at Tyrone from Cureess J ville and Clearfield at ti 6b a m, sDd 114 ! tu. o 17 pm. I Train uns arrive at Tyrone frutu Srotis, sf Mark and Fenua Uatiia Furnace sl ! riors Mark 26 a m, at 6 40 p m. U. Ac B. T. H. K. it HEDKt'KD DIVISIOS. Trains leave Huntingdon for Bsnli liyndman and Cuiubcriand at K '5 s. and ti ii6 p. lu. Trains arrive at Huntingdon ror" fi ford, Hyndmau and Cumberland st IZ j p. ni., 6 20 p. m. HOLL1DA YShUKG BKANCII- Trains leave Altoona for points S"ith, s 7 20 a m. 8 25 a 111. 12 50 p tu. 1 I t "' 6 00 p m., 8 '0 p ni 9 50 p ru. Trains arrive at Altomn horn r0'"" South, st 6 45 a m. 1 1 36 a in. 1 ' P m ' 65 p. m. b 40 p. m. 7 i p m- snd 10 T m. Caution .tot Ice. All persons are hereby rsnti-ned. trespass on the lands ol the underaigoea Spruce Hill, and Boale townsbii. 'r a Judb , 19. iri.- i- 4 .f Rmulltran ofEce l place to get job wo. k done. Ti y it pay von if von vr. i " i-tirri4ia. nl 4r14.htTl.1f Deme. uuu.. ing, or in anv other way trespassing, said lands, as the trespass ls will i' forced against people ho violate as fl I nassi""" Mis"1 SENTINEL MIFH ntPFSo Pabscription, i advance; $2.iJ Transient so"! 41MM pe lncn ,0H Transient buaid omn. 10 cents pe pvductiona w il le) advertise by year. Hlf Xfard. 21 at hi- f tow-Dbliil1. li"l farmii) iuii'i' Joriittta (-'-., V 1 hernes, CHtt.f. ' ing nn5i 1:1' ' ' tioncer. Maivh 2U'. 444.-II at tin- r.-i-:. near I'.iihI S..!. sli"tes, I" 1 1 . '' tttinhi-1. ! w.j'.i nielit'. Hurry Ol- -laat S:il iif.i i Miitiv 'irin.-i fur u:U -n M : Wa-' triintui r i!i 1 1 Ib'iirv II iu k Jlai kt nlH T't rVI E. S. l'iii k. r inptnii I ' . A Sabbntli S. in K -in p. (t. S i, :.v. a sioU'i-t si-h- ! auiiiim)'. irr. W. i ln.-. C. W-i.hiisn . f ioulv ill. ItnlK-rt MrM ahl to tin- tl Maino i-t i i-i t Tlit-rc ie f in', of raining l" ' :' $10,itm it yir. CllTIil-r!:l'..i . faviiriti- hict ; !: sie In irm- 1 r-i . 1 . r AMiiti. S.-..I. h the arc li' ' ii beck 111 Mir'.i t 4.V "Ilrt -r-l: 1 Liniii' f 1 'in 11 - t)n T:.. - l.iv i V.. 1..M - j lVoaibvl. 1 .;..i t A a- ;i f k f r "1 ini.tith 1 f .' fact. -r :: U .'. . lr. .1 . !: II iu ielt 1 ! i It-.thr. k. .-f I'.- Holm i M. '1 . ixiti"! lit tin- r. - Sl.Uire Hi t 'l ! ti,.- ..; vi -. drivi 11 . i.t ! -. Ki'tt, I s 1 Tin- S-i,-. !', 4jIm.Ii.-' 1 i ': . . 1 I . -11. -iv lt...-n:i 1 i Ar.l-. )..!.. pl.'l.-e 11 : V. -. liin n:ii ii' 1 ' Tliiirvli W. 11 ... -, TW!., l.-ii- 1 t .;! Uioilunl ! ! : : No j 1 in tin- M. ti,. 1, Iiext Siil.b.-iti. aVwiit at ( '. i. " a -un'.; r 1... liriii', ' tho luu.l Lrir, t.)WIl lillil ti . ' Mm. .1 l i tor , 1 fri-inU :;i tii laet S. t. ii.l l)!l i(..l:i 1 bl-TH "f II '.a I villi- I.uyi rm 1 in mi iiiiiiiiiii' tiista. Mrs. Jinn. t rcsn ni Tli"i , a ci-iit 1 i r r liin Ni 1-. ii : -" ilr. Li 1. A l'inb.'l- li lU.I V 1 it' 4 -li-i-i- he- "is - 1 f..r Urt a j.ri-a.-l r Tin- llifi.-l::. tilllf 1 f tin i line .li . . I .j .-. 1 --UJlS . 'f li.... r. in .t all i I .Ian,.- N 1 . 4 1 T 1 . 1 fl Ml i- -1; I i tit 1ln- l"i I'll'ii.'. fia 1 hi- t a I : ! i I Ii-n i-t-!i tni. Li- -t n. k b'htr. 'i .1 1 IllHUI lil.T.- i I I Tl,.- i- i rnian -i -j 1 1.!. Nii'M.-',. U'.l C .I1K-1. ""I nil St. H-k ; : Wiliiniii S: Sii-h.-r, ,.r l"i 1 turn. .1 fr. .... -'illl(.'o Ml M 0ks Tl I'll f Win. '"'"llllllil f I ' ! hill i 11' t li' n flour, il a- a 1 l'lillitili .-!' ,,' I' t itimis v iuit at tin- 1 lnut:ui'i.t i.f bri.l,. ;it tl,;- 'II IS Hi t. I I: Iast Tliurs. ''"al in n 'I'm I'h., six linn v "f the liif ii w 1 -ei . . 1 no mx' li lnai hurt ui