l ' l ui. Fall pTYLES i Ml Mourterrul ,M 'i' Jill stock it t I I'iV.l A ' '""-o-te saMf. . 04 anl -etc. CaU ami s see. IIKU AND Ki: INNSYLVANUP.A!D; TIME-TAHL I '-- ami alter Simitar NvV ..... EASTWARD. r '" Ai r. r r 'JO ai I-.. .in Hirm iit..n 7.0-j . -"- . in., Lew -I'un, i.-- p. m. MHIMC KPII Mi., .tncl I" I . V., an.l ,rrlvp. m p-.i:. U". leaves Pu,,, d.,1, - r-trn.ar j.t.ti..n n j, I'- Hrn.sburK 7.1,0 n. m K-..1 K.x.;r... !. fitNb.,r.tlWB ";;."-" Tyron. 6apm, bT 'tin; I.fMon S4pai su. pin; llrr..-.l,.ir? Id 4 pin, fbtim. i i. i-v I ..i a m. I l.l'iplll.1 Hvia-.-BB Will t,.p "t " ' I "' l-o Handed IVliiTVr AKD. T I.i l..re I'lnni-lplin daile at '"in. lNrriliT(t :! 40 poi; Mi3l, ' p:n; l., w il.,wri 5 JH p m ; Alionafc ' p in ; rro. m i'lttclnirit l 1 1 6i , . (t r .'... trsj leaves Philadelphia v ,ir I ..i. ,.; ilarrixtnim, 8 15 a. . iirniK,i.,i, ,i . I h. m.; NfWtHift. S m . 1" i'i a. in.; Mexico, U 07 a. oi.; fort 4l. H I I . m.; Mil!!in. . . lord, 10 a. u.; Narnxrs, 10 SI a i-i, i,, i4-i a.m.; Mr.VpTtown, 11 14 r. .. -i..ti Hamilton. 1 1 J'J a. m-H. ::!. 1J I.' p. m.; Triif, 17 p. ' ! p. !., antl stop, at all rag-ilar "" ilarr;almr anj AUouoa m-tii KM-nr- le.iT,. Pliila.lrlphia HaK ' ' '' i' . 1 larnahurf , In p. !'": !. " HMilr, M.irv.Tilie, Dunra- . N ; it, MilliT-towii, Tbuainuala, i K- ... : at Miitlm, 1 1 j,. m i ' - -" ,1 . , 141 1'iiubury, (i 10 a. m . in., iiirri-l.iirtr II. JO a. u., Sa I - 1 j . :u., Miiilio 1 . 47 p. in., airy if ail regular .ilatiuns bitwpin Mtfllia, : A i rii r.' u lixa Altuona at 3. W f. m.r '' ' p. o.. 1 ' ' ia,,nTnn loavxa PljU- ' 1 ' ' I i.. v .it 11 .ri a. m., tlarrtubarf al ; 1 1 mcantioi III p. tn., '. i p. in., .MiHiTNtuam a,'JH p. aL nil nit mil p. in., Vainiybo t,M f , I ,k, iimri 't.ls p. ru., U.'lioo S.JO f. t K n il .'),"4 p. m ., MuMin i,0u p I. .- a Li..., ri p. ni., VoV.-vtowB , . in.. r, ,i .ii IUuiIIkii 7,10 p. a.. .'ii c I i ." lu p. in , Altxiua 'J 00 p. m. ' n i' K j r. lrav Philjciolphia. II 2S. I! f '.:rg tl'iam; D-incanooat , -i, . N prt 4"1 am; Milf!iol) I. . , mi 5 ol a m ; .Mo V ay town I tl i . M. L' ii ion 6 t i a iu ; U'lnURgdoai A ii ; 1 ,,ti rbur4f t a ui ; ijpruco Lrea ' . in : Tvr,,ni. ; ml t ni ; h-ir llilla a tn ; Altoiiiia HUj m ; Pittiboir i :i,r KiprcN.a rat, on Simdara, .ii.ii'i.-, t with .-(iinil.iy Mail oat leartuf ' : -it I I p. in. I.h'.V 1STOWM DIVISION, rt: n . i, ivi. I.uwiHtowu JmictiiHi lor MJ tt i o a in, 10 ) a m, :J 1 j p m ; tr i-urv at 7 I " a in, 4 CO p m. r iiiii- ,u : . n at Lfwiatown Junction fto lit in a in, 1 pm, 4 JO p m ; lro ir .,; i J , a in, 4 0 ) p nu l'HCi.VK DIVIalU.V. ri ' li' iM- Tyruuo for BellolooW u4 . H n. ii At t ii) a ui, 7 lip tu. La ii" t : ( .ir,,-u.iville mud ClturBell ' a in, ( p IH.7 p m. r:in l,-,tvi Tyiuno ior Warrior Mark, u-j ,v ,.,: Kuraaoo anil Stotia at 4 0 n i I i" p nt. , i.t i. ru e at Tyroaa Iroiu Bellfol 1 s . i n -mi i l J 06 p ui, anl St t r, . i at Trono trom CJr, ' t'nl ( i. ;irfK-l, at'tt 6SUJ, auJ 11 . i r p in rim arr-.v.- at 1'yroDa from Sci.i, War- V nt iin-1 rVutisy Ivania Turnac in, ..' ,1 p at. ! 1. K. K.i. riEDFOKD DIVWI0". run. I ir.. IIiintiHg'lon lor Bedford, 1 :;i. in nn i (.'uiiibrilinrt at 8ij ; . ir. i i". .irri.f- nt lliiiititiiiin frnm . !!. tnl".i..n ami CuuiiH-rUnil i .l, Jv i . 111. Mil'. I ll' AVSHl'KU BKANCU. n i I iv,- Alt, xina lor point S-iUtD, ' i in. - J" a in. V' SO p in. 1 40 P ' ) -n.. i n mi 9 oDpm. rr-i- ..nu' at Altoona from P' Hi. ut ', I i a in. 11 8. a m. i ' I i p. in. 7 'N pin. nt l r .tut Ion police. II piM i , aro l..-rt-bv cantionwl, o p. .ui tl. Ui,r1 ol lb unlcrii;n in- II.; . in.t Bfiil tiwnhip. ,"re h. t n-o ,. amlirritic herriws hunimR. ..r .ii y ..(h. r way 'Pi,a' Iiiii. In. n. tho trf.tpa.ta i- . -,l a i.,.,t p.'opl who lol- ' I 111 -.. - me- y, is-'.'. .mi. ta u . to ft job work dwu. Tiy ,r vm: n'H siivtlimff m SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN M1FFLINTOWN : WKPSESIHT. MARCH IS, lSjt. TE R VS. pawtcnpuoD, i-xj p Bunain if paid ia adranco; $.00 if not faid in adraDcr Trannient atlvertisoiuanta lnaerMl at 60 rnnts vrr inch ior each inanrtiota Tranint banimma notice in local umn, iv y' iiuv iui eacn tiuortton. 1),1 LU' lion will h. mmii t -Ha - - --... w uwmi ta aJTortia by tha year, half or quarter Maivh 1SS0. Mrs. Sarah T. Jmui.n'U will mil nt lu-r ihw-e iu J-'a Ht te ti w iilup, liorsf-H, cowh, j'oun cnttlf, k1' j ami finuiiii iiteuniltiT SU- nt Id nVl.N-k A. M. jruri-U l'.Uh. AlU rt Kauffuian will mU "ii tliv ii-.i-Ttv -f Jnni-M A.laiim, thitf miliH a.st f AlilHiuton n, 3 lu rst s, 3 oiwh, a lut -f vnun cattle an l ftirmiii"; ini'l uit-nts. "SUrrh -Jl.- Hury M,.ist will wll at Lis jiliu'' nf rful-iim in AValk-r t,iwiliii. li"r-4-H, -attl', hlicn anl farrtiititr itiiiliut-iits f nil kimln. TiriiH-liiv, ALtn-U 21st. Fjuk-Ii rtiiniiil-aki-r will m il ucar l:-ls ( tap. J;iiu:it:l ( ., I'll., iiih t-lltirc Ktix-k if liniM-s. I'uttlr, slitt-ji, hi"T anl fartn injr iiu-l-tii-tit.H. S. t. I:.,lir r, Anc li, !h t. President Harrison's Cabinet. Stii-.turv t,f Stiile I!niiii'. i-f M.-iiiif. Julius Tn-iisurv- William Wiu.lom, JIia. lii'Mt:t. Vr Nan lit iltifl-l lV-H'tn.-. V'iniiii-t. Iiiininiii r. Tr:i. v , .New Mis Wau.-i- Y.-rk. Int.ri-.r John Y. iv ,11 :. l', stlllH-tl T il-ll. I'hI N.-l.h .!-.!. 11 milker. I'eiiiisx lv.min. Vtti,i n (Seiu-rul - W. II. II Mil il l'. ltliUlil.'l. Secretary of ATi.-ultur J-re-iuiiiIi l!iii.k. Wiscmisiii. SHORT LOCALS. Win M,i-.k was t YYashiutou to wi- tbe inauriiratioii. Wbere are tbe brethren wlio said, 'turn tlic I'ascriK out." I;. I'lulip (iraif is attendiu' I.ntln run t'.-iiferenoe in I.iv rMM,. Tin- Jimiiit.-i Pilgrims to tin- Har li,i!i inauguration all came home in I sluipe. James Sptd.ley 1ms returned to th Wet-t bavin"; secure.1 a position on an engineer corps. I r. J. 1 Satid,.- b.is dwelling bouses iiIoiij tl'-lii bis fiit'ur. (.'linrl.s raiumbiiki r. liouht two Main htr.it , ! i (.'..nlport, p.rents in i iik nt tbe home of hi tli it place on the loth i;:st. A new bridge companv lias liecn i-ri'iinued nt Harrisbur-r for tbe purMs of building a new bridge. master at Miffl.n station daring the absence cf Cl .rea. e K? same UJB Binot, J Wm. C'rimmell, of Turlx-tt town- .lma nrtl, . .j.ta.1 . . Map, aged aUmt n years, died List w;.i.... m i i. . i on i.'iu.i. a ii iiiiieitu too, pincp Sundiiv. T.I... n. l. -r .- a JohuBUerof Ma oiunty . m leriuma 'h tow ns!m. l ist Wed. tiH.lav U.mg up Ins real estate m- Mr. I aste and w ife of Clu ster are isiting .lr. and .Mrs. John S. (irav hill. Mr. I'aste was formerly a bard- ware merchant in this town." Tbe heirs of Fjiianucl Mover, deceased, durin-' this winter, have bad a thousand railroad ties made in the w. Midland on tbe ridge north of t-'W n. Miss Mollie Conner was on a visit t- h-r sister Annie in Philadelphia w-me .tavs since. Annie 1 returned bi-tiie to Patterson with ttl-l visited her mother. her sister l.v consulting the sale register, tbe I fader will notice that the public sale "f Mrs. Sarah T. Jamison's horses; hii,1 ,.tt1. a .. ., ;n ..i... . i ii... ' 1, ' ' .. -nil ...1.- I-IIICC.-II lllC " - 1-tth ..f Miir. b. 1SS1). t. d. ' s"'b w:s sleeping, took the trunk Itch, Mange, and scratches on hu ! V'li'l 4',,",i,;"l the-money and Var man r nnimals cure.1 in 30 minutes ' rUn,1 distance fn.m the house by W..lf..r.rs Sanitary-lotion. This rol,b, ,l it of its contents. Mr. never fails. S. Id bv L. Banks A C.. ! -s-'Ver eighty years old and is Ir nnu Miisi;i..'.. i.. i lv j alone down stairs while tbe i-est of .... . . . . ., .. . , the family sleep up stairs. As vt it .'t . f1' T ""I V'MHnot known who o.mmitted the Hitcinoon of each week delivers , i . i ...a .... . i .... i . i iit.-ciu ticni lectures in tbe audience room of the Lutheran church. The lectures are well attended and highly appreciated." .lamest I. Blaine's grandmother was a .Tuniat.t woman and was Ihhh M ween this place and Johnstown in Mil f..rd township in a house that I ""sir where tbe buildings on tlie Sterrett farm are. Ijist Saturday a numlicr of men w.it- tinploved' cleaning out tlie ctuiiil nt the 1st l.sk ala.ve town. 1 In-mud was plact.l for a fertilizer ' ii the H,,wt r 1,4, from which a htiusc "n ''in n. d a earor more since. Uiipture cure guaranteed bv lr I:t.v,r- H:?t Arch street, Phila, a. I.-i. at once. Xo oe ration or delay fi-,,nl business, attested by thousands of cures after others faiL Advice fi-,.,.. Send for circular. March 14. SH, ly. links (at a party) I don't see what's the matter with that tiretty "oiuua lm.r there. She was awfully uirty a little while ago, and now she 'v. ni t have anything to do with me. Stranger - I have just come in. sli 's my wife. Now York Weekly. The Mountain City Theatre build "'g ut Alt.v.na was destroyed by fire on 'he morning if the 5th inst. The hie started in the cellar aKiut 3 " el. H-k as ne.-irly as can lie learned, id is Is'lieved to have lveeu tbe work of an inceu.li.irv. Tlie build ing est 7o,000 ; insurance $21,000. "iilish Spavin Liniment removes "1 Hard, Soft, or Calotised Lumjis and Blemishes, from horses, BI.hsI spavin, Chirlis. Spliuts, Sweeney, 1'inulame, StiHes, Sprains, all Swol len Throats, Coughs, Ac. Save $50 v the use of one lxittle. Warrant l. Sold bv Ta. Batiks Jk C , Drug irits, Mifflintown, Pa. (Vt. 31-'SS,ly K-litor John Orifllth, of The Mor r-.w .-..iintv. OJu'o. Sentinel -.hcn ' tt his war hnm f-. u- r iiia...::r . "t luc narnaon i . . --. i iium m one ui -.- - e m a native Juniata. ir,,r " IIIltlfT tilt. Tn,..K.A..A. a , , . . F- AT , " f--tu-Ul 11 4,.lint Bttwi, tJlf. i,oulNof g , col !. H-k lt Fritlny ev uin- an ,-artli T-wki' a'.i,m,,anil hy a ruml.Iin" IMUS. frii'Ut-lll n,m,- ... ax." -nntis .f Rt-rL T.i J....i. , . , - - .-i.u mill lork tL.-r.,ujrLly that ther Pl,ri,-knl au.I rati out f t it ir 1,.,,,. ti. . a of cbiniw-y. Ml, w alk oracke,!, .liL ou tl.I au.l in mVUwU mttM. n.f.K-k was f. It in CumKrliiml aiKl Daui-hm counties, hut not a ha n Iv as in the fW i,,.,.i ..... - "'units. The r.-iKirt ncnl t!.- t..-rn,an ship of war Ola, ,,,! that the Aiii.-ri.-an war nhin Xiik ..fT. rlaprott. The j.n.tt was not h-e,le,L TheXi.irtlu n ,.,-.. pi t:re on the Ol-a, im.l exi,l,nl. .l an 11 inch nh.ll U-twet-u lir il.t-ks. The OI;a then exj linh ,1 H toi-iie,!,, tlti.h r the Xijisirwhieh blew her to pUfrs. The rei-nt tvill t: - . . .iiiiiiii- e.l or I. nie.l l,v news from Samoa in aixjut a week. The lilooiniU 1,1 Times kivh. The eoal mine wiU kooii Ik, i oTRti..,, a??"", we have Iteeii iiif,-rnieL The Mumps are making a clean ""iTpui l,vo,tlity are now ra-nn.r ii. town, u was the ireuerul K..niin...t thr.t the i-r..bil,it lull ty,xtAf,,1,.. ...A woui.l Villi to I'iilikn: t v .11:, ruiu anions tlie mi-tjlt!-r?l .iiiiit of the inabilitv to disiM... ,.f tht ir jn-.-iiu. The XewHirt News siivs. A vouii" lndy, named I Vila Willis", f..nm-rlvIf Duii.-ftim.-ii, but for the last three lnontbs vLsitiu friends and relatives f Markehilie and near Kshcol, and who has Ik en at Mr. J. L. C'aiiip l li's for the last two months, oin to scb.M.l. iiUmt two weeks e.-j, K,u7 plained of an itching or stin'iii"; in lit r tlesh alamt or near the small of the back. She thought she was . ill'' to l-ae a lx.il. l.tit ..i. (!.. ..v..,.,T.., of the -JCtb of Feliruarv , after she re tired for tbe ni'ht. it "troubled her itaiu, aiKlont Miiii-.tiiiir, slie thought she fi lt a needle or nin in her tli.li She i-keI ut tlie place nn.i finally removed therefrom u ste-I needle, of middle sie. The mvstt-rv w .il.l Pie Inc. lie com. fro She don't rcmciulsT of e. r a needle, but i t iin-nil r swallowing of nt one time swnllowin"; a j-in. From the Xewirt Inl-er. Win Feiistemacker sol.l his store and - household .roods at public s.-Ue at ! MUbn-stown. Am.ng nrticles sold ! WBS " "t f chickt ns und the biddin" U-came spirited, esiwciallv ltctweeu tl Tl . .. - - "... .-V l-e .1, illi:s..ll r ml ,1,,1-n l .r.-n i ! ' ''t 'TW t '"'T. eiM'h C " 'n rA'f, J; ',' ' ' I nine very mad when he learned j thutGreen "ran tbe chickens up on i him," an.l from a tongue ti-ht the men engaged in a knock-dow n ...i .1.. ... , - ' trouble was settled bv friends in tern Ting, and the sale went on. ' 1 he ISioomtit I t A.lv.K-ate of last week savs ': Last Saturday tbe i- ; t . . 4,l n m m. (rri.r. Vitl I r"l- lrty known as the old "Dicker hom to Hstil as a pars. iiage. CoUsid - ; -ration izsmi. Our Lutheran hrcth- reii arc to 1 con-'rattilateil ax thev : now have one of the Ust ministerial i residences in the Statv Judge ' Burnt tt li-st a v:duable Texan jxinv last wt k fr,.:n glanders. Last Week Wo Were banded a bunch of rye comprising 3 st.s-ks ; all rown from graiti on tbe farm of S. S. lU isingt r, of Saville township. It is iv irohtic vu-1,1 11.. t- tl... 1 . " . . britrht little ..n and vouiiLrcst eliil.l , of Judge liarnett, is Iving v rv ill ; w ith scarlet fi vi r. " Thieves n- i teretl the house of Alichnei Slmltu ..f atts towiistnp, l;ist ii-it lay night and stole f'Ji;.";. The tbi v.-s went in to the mom down stairs where Mr very.liard of henrii!-' He sleet is ,.', ...ii ii,,, iu- ii t.,. inm til 1 1 ni - ;udieiice;...i :tt...i ..i...;t ..: . mi, i ,11111111 '..-.i i,f..,-ii .-ii Slispl. - ion. Mi sii Al. C0U.K0F. The 3.1! b Ses sion of Six wicks, opens Monday evening, April 20, for the teaching of Young Ladies iu Y-s-al and In strumental Music. Address, F. C. Moyhi, Director, rrceburgh, l'iu March t'., (it. ;oael Temperance "leetlnsj ,. iDr will be held in tbe Evangelist! Church iu Patterson, i-n next Suuouy xfter noou, at 3 o'clock, to be led by T. D. Garntan, Esq. The public generally old and vonng are cordiallv invited loanem:. 1 uc exercises win tie ine ;. , singing of Gospel euusa, prayer and! s'iort aJilresse by la-lies and senile j .11 , AJ . a V cu n .,..k, ii'J'H -1 , ' . Gospel Songs will please bring them to the meeting. Mrs. II E. Bfkry, Prest. W. a T. r. Mrs. E. C. VanFosses, Secrfctary. . I , . . 1 .......... 1 lii.r,,,.. A ."... . W . . Religion and Charity Boom-la- i-maii.i;'. .vi-.iiif; ju muirt i ( u ia. rvepner, ilemurks by J. B. What are they V j Knrtz. Prof. W. I. Hibbs, M. l! Rural Belle "They arc never held j Keiser, P. G. Shelley, J. H. Daagh except to raise money for some great j erly ; Director, E. Bonner, and T. D. religious or charitable object. The : Garman ; Question was closed by D. young men are blind-folded and on L. Kepacr ; Music by tie Choir ; Ad the jiyment of a fixed sum, some : j-ui ned to meet in the af teres an at girl whom he d.es"nt ku.w of course, j 1.15 o'clock is brought up to Lini and he is al-1 afterxoox session-. u. t-: : 1 1 , lowil to kiss her. He never finds iui wuom lie Kissett ; nut iy paying en.niidi be can finally LLsh everv inrl iu ine room, .to, vou see, ue gets the one he wants, but he never can tell which one it was." "I -c I-- thfrf nitu'b activity in rxi. you see. lie irets rehgious and benevolent circles in ii ixt I ins I "Yes xn'leetL It jut keeps everv tho t,f .t'1 hoi., " l T."rs"s "i' "" BCRE41' OFHroRMATIOI. l X. . Are loa Coin We,t j lr Tftn onviaa an IK, The lines of tlie ir.-i ---- .-uiwau iui.1 rr. I'anl- 1!1.... a.- throu-h Hindus, AVist-oiiMu, yim n-sota- Town DL-,. l 1 hey own an.l o-rnte 5,7X miles . . ... 4iij,i ."lissoun 1'F.nf-iuentM, vestibule trniiiB. hteam Heat, eleetric lihU A.C At St. Paul coiiiie-ti(iii.s are m-ide with all lines to the north-west: at Council Bluffe .... iinis in .-seiiraska, G.lora,lo, L tab, I.hiho an.1 Cahfoniia ; at Kansas voi, wuu 1Iues rnaniii" throifh Kansas. O 1,..!.. i Jiexicn ami .uthern Culifornia. " intend "innn -f .--,' t 11 on John II. Pott, Traveling Passenger sr,- UiUiam Street, iLiaWKjiort, Pa. Name the j.hu-e .--i iiui io ijiii,) ana you will le fumiKhel with majts, time tables, rates .f fare A;c, free of charge To the Wmi m ia Pennsylvania Kallroad. In order to affor.l Westt-rn ami Centml la,-. who intend to remove to Western States or territoii. tl.e lw r.i: ties ioskj1 le for reaching their new Lteave Harrisbur- 3.40, Duncannon 4.0t, NewjK.rt 4.20, Mifilin 5.0G r .... : . t . - ..... ..... i tu "-i.iMiiaHduiirtioua.zis, JU. Union Ul.IIiuitiu'doii C.3(l, TxTone 7.10 Bellw.Ksl 7.3(1, Altoona 8.10, Johns town 9.34. Lain. !e t37 fi,-,.., bur- 10.54 P. Ba-ra-e t-hacke.1 to destination. For d. tailed inform ation consult ticket agents nt stations liientioned alx.ve, or address Tims. K. Watt, Passeno; r Afreiit Western District, 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg. TII4.SKS. Eiilor Sentinel : Ikab Sir : I nlnill ial favor, if I shall lie allowed through I... .. 1 ... iuc- ouuzniiH oi vour valuable iuth.t aii, J-i.l, those of the'pupils. to the pat'rons of tbe IWaware 11.11 School I? f' V AiriMI I III IkTai Illll1iilt.tll- . .......o ..... j.ii.ir aim at me ntei-tam-luent held at this place on tbe even ing of Washington's birthday. We w ish t take Hok wnr .,f x-t lAIIUUIIi U I v.-te of thanks t Mr. David Si.i. her f. ... 1 1 r . x , nit- use oi ins or, run . t. l . Dtivid B. Dimm for lumlter, and to Mr. William Brantlioff. r for assist ance remit red ; aLso to Miss Mollie Dimm for conducting the vocal and instrumental music. Misses Cora Dimm, Annie Kurk and Ella Shelly, and Messrs. Chas. Spi.i-e and Banks Kurtz, are kiu.ily rcmemliered for tbe ai-tivf rmi-l i.Ln Owing to a protracted meeting lie- ux ui progress ni i-ist rtaiem, tbe nU.llt UCe WH-S not o turir. .j ; ...1. oth- "v emise would imv l...n ti , . , . . house was comfortably tilled and T 1 A AX 1. T .' noii i linns i ever saw so large an audience delmrt lliniia iv, 1. cotaiu-ly. That M-rtainlv sisaks' ,: r"" well f.,r "Civilisation " "The i.r.n ! u 1 e I,c,,,u " Mifflintown and which we intend lurcbasing a die-; fcet're a trial Lule ol Kemp'a Ual tioliarv for tbe use of scb.. '.Iri w"" '"" "isllitu.Hi.il Lunca. a remedv dutv as teacher at this i.lace bios Im ii luade v. rv i-leasa,.? -.l.v f I i t i , 4 , V . citceriiu Mmiliauce of their every .,. .... ... - . r.i -, ,i ....... x,aa in.- j mi i n me jiujiiis, ami the hearty co- -iteration of tbe i.a- , - ... rents m the educational wvrk. S. E. Shi-etz, Tea her, Delaware Hill School. . - rroceedfnss of Tliompson Iohu Local Inalilute. rKIPAT EVENING. Institute whs Called to order bv M. L. K istr ; inn-ii by tbe choir. Then proce.le,'. tlie nomination of officers, which resulted in tbe elec tion of M. L. Keif-er, President : G. W. Speakmau, Yice President ; Lot tie McA'iister, Secretary ; followed by an m'dtess cf 'Welcome." ly M. L Keiser ; mni,- by the cbf ir ; Dec Umation by Master John Gravbiil : tbe subject "what to do with" lazy pnpiis" wm opened by teacher G. Y. Spekinac, followed bv remarks bv D. L. Kepner. Prof. V. I. Hibbs, P. G Shelly, J. II. D ingbertr, J. B. Kurtz. J. W. Hibbs, I. X. " Grubb, l'rof. J. T. Adman. The question was referred to G. Y. Speakman for closing ; music by the choir ; decla mation by Gertie Sowers '-One by One :' Declamation by Lottie Thomp son, snbject. "I live to love Decla mation I y Edna Daujrherty, isnbj , "the kind wanted Declamation by Carrie Criswell, snbj., "My Mother's Pmyer :'' music by the cLoir, -'help it on ;" the sn' ject '-Physiolog-, was opened by J. B. Knrtz. followed by remarks by teacher, D. L. Kepner, .1. xi. Aai.giieny, iu. JJavis, X'rof. W. T I T: 1. 1. .1. j a - niooM ; me tpiestion was reterred to J. B Kurtz for closing. T Il:kl. . . l. . Music bv the choir, "Home sweet Hon e ; adjourned to meet Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. SAT. MORNING SESSION. ' iiiBiuuie cm iieu 10 uraer uv I'res. , M r. K(. . vrc: u , - Vn hy g M Monntz; The " i?".. . t was opened bv teacher M. L. Keiser: On motion of Rev. Mountz, the re- - u-tXa iUO I ma nder of the Institute be carried on in form of a --query liox." Re marks on the snbj. by J. H. DU"h erty, D. L. Kepner, G. W. Speakman, P. G. Shelley, question closed by M. L. Keieer; Music by the choir; Declamation by Florence Apple baugh ; The subject, Organization iitn. 1 1 ! t tt t - . . i au.. vi.iuiiuii mite ooeueu dv tear tier Institute was called to order bv i iTf s. Jl- Ia iveises ; Music Choir. "Ifnnin Kirwt linn,. .' by tbe Dec Stop Katie i Iamstion bv Chas. Daurrl.-rtr i lamation oy nas. Laughert. and Think Declamation b Gross, "A Winters Day;- Di on the "Mibject, 4,Read;rg" w Declamation by iscussion was npt-n. edbyS. T. Shurtz; Remarks Pw, XT' T IT I I . VJ.Speakman,P. G.Shelley. J. to UiU A- IvnlK . closed by teacher S. T. Shurtz ; tennisson 5 minutes ; Music by Choir. "The ReanHfnl . la tbe T. lamation by Tillie Gravbill, "Waeb i"g Dbe ;" The snbj. "Historr." wag opened by J. B. Kurtz : Remarks ? h.Kevr' S- T- i Prcf- W. I. Hlbbtt. ami T r . question closed bv J. B. Kurtz; Music bv tbe choir. Wl,i! ti,. r, vmmau , of " dt; ine eubj. "Tact was opened bv J. W TTil.V,c . T? i. i. A. La. Kepner, Prof. W. I. Hibbs. aDd . I T T." a " uo question clOFea by J. W. Hi libs : Music bv th . i asv ana TOU. Aril. tr met G evening at 7J o clcxrk. j- au.wu UBL. 8AT. EVEXIXa CKatnif Institute waji jA i If .res. .i . l . kiu.p. xr. i .m. - XJIXAKA UI cooir "hwinmno-nrath thanM . 11. it y mo tree ; Declamation. hv iDOlanson. suhi .Tr,l,r,r,;- of Grandmothers; Declamation by a. ran aioaigbt, 8ubi , "T e tytatue irogs; Declaniation by ll. a -w w J -rrie JiastersoD ; Music bv choir. "Kind WnrHa r-r, m. 1 be suuject of Irregular Attendance erty, Ilemarks by P. G. Sbellev, J.'ii. r riV 1- UMnei J- W.HibbsanJ 9 i"-"wu uiuoeu DT M J ' -i--tiiit,t.4Jtl UV quebUon was closed hv T V n,..i.u Declamation by Myra Graham ; on motion of L N. Grubb, a vote of tbans was tenJered to all who help ed to make this InKtont -v Duncntl, and to tbe people for their atten dance ; mUSIC bv tllA ellrvSr. Tnotiinl. - - w , a-aaC L IA LC adjourned. A aixtern jear old girl named Boaie Weaver haa conUsted to tbe burning i f tbe barn ol Mra. Peggy VTema, in Carroll coun ty , lid. Junt why abe committed tbe crime is Dot revealed. She made tbroe eflorta bo! ore abe succeeded. Nome Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond tbe reach oi iim1u.. tk .... . .. . . . . . j uiica tiy, i u 11 "ear away" but in moat r.J. j ed'tro-V"1 "y' thvy b iDduc I k"J71 ,uef.'cio". . . uicu n win aell on ituar.btue to care, they would immediately oeo tbe excellent etlect alter Ukmg tbe tir.t doae. Price 60c and $1.00. TrUl '- frtt. At ail druggi-tta. MI FFLLN 'ACADEMY JUITLIMOWN, Pa. The Spring session of ten weeks will Ik gio, Wednesday, AprU 3. Tboiough preparation for college. Our course is similar lo that of our beat prepar atory acboola. lusiruciion is given in Book-keeping bolii Single Miid lif.iii.l l'..,... , - o " . " .. J , uu 1 IA UU11 Teacbera course desizned i i- r j w PP11" lbv'a ,or exsmiuationa. Thorough inttruciiuu at low rates. For - - sddreaa tbe Principal I . particulars 1 February 27-Ct. K. K. Eutorr, A. B ' ,L,tl to ""rely opon ita nierita aud " '.T" " tore -"Chron , nirnv luugiih, Aaitiout, iiroucuuia slo Con.umptiou. Piice 5o ccuu and SI Jeo Htn., ol Ihotuasuale, Pa., thought a Lu.g.ai Lad cciirid bis bouse, be hastily spiang out ot bed struck a ligbt, and to Lis tutjilse te loutd a laige laccoon on oneol Ibe i.ta ot his bed. Ih.re was a lively lime in that bt nre ubile lit as poucdtnl tbu ine cut ol the coou with a heavy boot. il A Kill Hit 1 WALDSMITH XAXKIYEI Maivu ith, 16i!, at tbe Lutheran parsonage, by lU-v. Philip Grajf, Xlloluas lv. aJ.lsnnt Ii mho .li. t-'li. .. . .13- I AAAA il Xankivel, lnilii of Milford township. nwif.iLut- MILLEK. On the Gtii ult., by IU.W S. AL Mountz, javi.i Jiosteuir and Xora E. Miller, botii ol i'avette 1'wi). t;ix;iacH tbostle. On me otn ot rebruary, bv Iitv Ezra tsmitli. Samuel ( i,i,,r, ,,.l. and Alice irostle, iioth of Fayette Twp tillAl COXX. On the 2th of i el.ruary by Hev. P. p. Strawinski George .(nly f Mount Jewttt McKean cuunty, and Anna M. L Conn, 01 Ea,t WaterfortL BE.V11 JAMTSOV i... 28th ult, by liev. Emil Lewv, Miltou i: liear and Maggie S. Jamison, all of rayette Iwp. POLLOCK-KYLE On the2Sth oireoruarv-, l.y It v. E. H Berrv urawior.l I'oll.K-k and Marv both of Black Log Yalley. EMEBY SHIRK fV, Kvh day by the same, John T. Emerv same of tins place, and Sallie E. Shirk of r ayette I w p. STUDBAKER-1 1 OCK EXBEI1I5 Y tlie 4th inst., by the same IL A. Studbaker, of Schelisburg, Bed ford county, and Laura Hockeuber ry, of TtLscarora tow nship. , .! " uIedI i - ...... ti. 1 . ' , - th,e,.llth "H - ' !aWare "'"P. . Susan P. "g"' 1 wars, 4 niimtlis an.l , 1 , 1 10 tiav s. DRESSLER. On the 14th ult, in Greenwood townshiji, from catarrh iui.1 other affections, Jennie, daughter of Thomas Dressier, aged 8 years 1 month and 24 days. HEIIX On the 2Sth ult., in Port Royal, Sadie M., youngest daughter of William aud Maria Heid, aged alxut 2 vears. KirFLlNTOWN MARKRTs" MirruTOW. March 13, 18f9. rSi.tter Fggs ;;;; Rm, ."."" f boulder, ....... , Sides, L'd 20 11 12J, 10 H 9 MirrLINTOW.V GRAIN MARK VT Wheat, new 90 to 95 t-ern old ao t, .,- ;i ClnrMi Timotl,. -." j " " " " .3.60to 4 00 W. Flaxseed n . $1.76 1 60 20 00 1 80 22 00 1 20 v-a, Coop, ........... Oorta Ground Alnm Saitnir" AnwTtcan Sit..... 1 10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Pmi.i.r, Tieat i(3c to $1.07. Cum 38 to 40c. Oats 31 to Ale C7,. TL, .- 112.50 to $11.00. Rve straw $15 t 6, a ton. Hoiw at 4 to 40V a iKiund. gutter at 13 to 30c. Eggsl4c. Live chickens 11 to 12c ir lb. Smoked ham 10 to 12. Smoked sides 7c. amoked shoulder 7 to 8c Breakfast bacon 9 to irw- T.,-.t e.. - . . . . vjiu.ri- seed 5 to 9c. Tallow 3 to 4c. Pt tatoes 30 to 45c. PARKER & CO, B A NKEBS, Mais Stbeet, Mutlktows, Penxa., TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Discounts daily. Accounts of firms, individuals and corporations solicited. Four per cent Interest allowed on twelve months' certificates. January 1st, lsb9-ly. Successful Treatment of Disease A SSKlffi!!!?. DISCOVERY ! MK'RORR KILLER Klll.tk. Mlmk Successful Treatment. cures: Catarrh, Bmarkilla Consumption, Malaria, Rheumatism. Weaderfal Tontr i a wrr. T!.t??f7.0'th iorob..K'"'' ta of cob- - """4 ir a. tanoe) of aviiirnt known. t L -r.r . win ommum mo tmr raw avcrau vni. wsjrw uj caring " oo euaam ior tt MM tilMT AIM ,- 7"",' w ramus UK U will CUT anrin "Tr" lon" ro nut more than half gtme Pmvooa poor apputa. weak aaa ddittd.rndi7tS m ! 1nr w,l mcormbW chroatc di- mU 4n. ttxax will kill the rrm. 4uk1 T oZmZZm Uwl Wm. Radara's Microbe Killer. WSbifi. Ks LEGAL. STRAT. An aatrav bull aKnut - ..i .1 . :H color, baa b.-en on the premises ot" David Sieber, a ball mile ot y,rn .i.a. i... October. Tbe owner ia berebv rrminiwi to come lorsird. i-mvH rtw.awv . f- , 1 J I.,. and take him away. . D. K. SIEBER. Mexico, February 4, ltJB9. T RIENNIAL APPEALS. SPECIAL XOTICE. Tho dates previously advertised for hold ing tbe general appeal, in tbe commission ers' othce are changed. The following have been substituted. For west side of river, March 21, 1889. For east side of river, March Tl, 189. A special appeal will be held at McCul locbs Mills, Starch 7lb. 1889. By order of TBK COMMISSIONERS O. W. BiacsriKLD, Clerk. February 27,1889. id. AMENDMENT TO THE CONST1TD 1 ION proposed to the citizens of this Commonwealth by the Ueceral Assembly of ine Commonwealth ol l'ennsvivania, lor their approval or rt-Jection at a special election to be held June 18, 18s9. Publish ed by order ol the Secretary ot tbe Com monwealth, in 1 ursuance oi Aiticie AV1H of Ibe Constitution. Joint resolution proposiugan amend meut to tbe Constitution ol lliU Commonwealib : C-lCTIos 1. be it resoived by tbe Senate and Uouse of Ketwrrentaiives of the Cum- ,uunri,iii 01 rruiit) ivania in Ueneral As- ! sembly met. Thai ibe following amend ment is proposed to ibe Constitution of tbe , Commonwealtn of I't-noio Ivania, in accord- i ance with tbe Kiplitei nth Article ibereol : AA!END.:EMT. ' There shall Le au additional crticle to aid Constitution to be dt-tignated as Article XIX, as follows : ARTICLE XIX. The manuraciure, sale, or keeping for, by V Wa-) Buy Your BOOTS AIVD SHOES from G. W. HECK, AND SAVE MONEY. BKLF0RD BLOCK, CORNKR MAIN AND BRIDGE STREETS S p r in jr '&S Our reputation for first-class clothing at reasonable prices is well established, hut this w-at m we mean to excel all former efforts. A;;a YATl-S CLOTHING FOR MEN A. BOiS, & o-itn aad Chestnut, Ledger B sale of intoxicating liquor, to be nsed as i .-ri.ir. ia nerenr nmm ,,imi . n - ' oi mis pronioiuon shall bs a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be vroi ded bv law. Tbe manufacture, sale, or keeping for " luiuzicaiiug oqnor lor other pnr-t-osea than . . . Im-.,. . - i... -, , L .... . . . w i o anch manner only as may be prescribed by tun oeueiai Assembly ahall, at the u... mimkib succeetiing tl-e adoption of this . . , I . . . L I. . '"-" "te iouainuiion, enact laws with aaequaie penaltit a tor its enforcement. A true copy ot the Joint Kesnlntittn. CIIAkLES W. STONE, Secretary ol tl-e t'onimoDWeailh. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU--f TIHN propoaed to the citizena ot this ---.i,u uj im ueneral Assembly ol theContraonwealtb of Pennvlraoia for their approval or rejection at a special elec- finn tn hah.lt , .. , . ....... .. ... .. .v. a u 10. Joe3. ruhiished by order ol tbe Secretary of the Comtnon- ; id pursuance of Article JCV1II of ine constitution : Joint resolution proposing an amend rnent to the constitution of tbe common- Secnow 1. Bt it rttolttd by tht Smate andHomtof Representative! of the Com numtcealth of Pemmylrania in General Jit tembly met That ibe following is proposed as an amendment to the constitution of tbe Commonwealth or Pennsylvania in accord ance with Ibe provisions ot tho eighteenth article thereol : AMENDMENT. -.!.nk.h". r""D c,'ou one' r fcle eight the tur qualificationa lor voters which r-ads as follows : . "V,irr,,ytW?.r,'r"0f,,teor Prd. lie shall have paid within two years; a state or county tax, which shall have been as sessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election " so itat the .cli,.n which reads as lollow'a "Every male ciliren, teniy.one year's of g e, pos.sM,,g the lollowing qu.liHcations, Mi.ll beeniiiled io vote at all ejections- .h "e "' " h"ve ,H5,", or the United States at least one month. Second. II-ahall have resided in the slate one veur for il. I... ... : ... - i-ic.iuiiiiiy been a qualified elector or native born citi- .V "-.'' b"" havo ""ved htn-etroai and rttnrned, then six month-i immedistely preceding the election Ihird. He ahall have reside in the elec- u.,rici n.-re he shall oner to vote at ! !b"cUc7Ln,h" "nn"'di-'e'y Preceding j Fourth, ij l..ty.t.0ye.r, 0( or j w.ids, he shall have p.i.1, w.thin two years, . . . nuail nave "t" si-sesstd at lesst two months and ...iH ., wnicn shall h.. i ne n'"n,h be,ore U- electSn." w iui:iioen. iu An t, rwii . n.. t f- . .. SW11WWS uit.it cii iKfn item..- ..hm of aK VOPStSlt ff Ibe loll,, .Vino- n.liK.o - '.(IIIIL.IIUIII.. h-.ll be entitled to role at the polling pl.ce nt IriA at. I : j; . .. .... r w -rv.iou uifirict 01 which he shall at me time be a resideut and not elsewhere no... no snail have been a ciuzen the Lulled States at least thirty davs. of a.cond. He shall have resided the sia.e one y,-ar (or II, having previously been a qualified elector or native b .rn citi zen ot the state, be shall have removed therefrom and returned, then aix months,) immediately preceding the election. Third. He shall have resided in the elec tion district h.-re be shall oner to vote at least thirty dsts immitd lately preceding tbe election. The legislature, at the session thereof next after tbe adoption of this sec tion, ahall, aud from time to time thereaf ter may, enact laws to properly enforce this proviaion. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age oi" tweniy-one yeara, abo sbsll have been a citizen lor thirty daya and an inhabitant of tuis state oue year, next preceding an elec tion, except at municipal electiona. aud llor tbe last thirty daya a resident of the elec tion district in which be may offer bis vote, shsll be entitled to vote at sncb an election in the election district ot which he shall at tbe time bo a resident and not elsewhere lor all officers that now are or hereaftor n ay be elec led Ly the people : Provided, 1 bat in time of war no elector io tho actual military service of tbe State or 01 the V1. i,tU!' ,oe r--y r navy thereof, shall be deprived .! bis vote by reason, of his absence from such election district, and tbe legislature sh ill have power to provide the manner in which and tbs time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and lor the return and canvass of their votes in tbe election district in which they respectfully reside. Filth. For the purpose of voting, no per son shall be deemed to have gained or lost a resilience by reaaon of bis presence or ab- , -"no cuipioyea in the service ol tbe L uitt-d States or tbe S tate, nor while engaged iu Ibe navigation of the asters ol tbeStateor of the high seas, nor while a atudent ot any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except ibe inmates of any borne tor dis sbled aud indigent soldiers and sailors, who, tor ibe purpose ol voting, shall be deemed to res:0e in tbe election district where said home is locsted. Laws shsll be made lor ascertaining, by proper prools, the citizens wbo rbali be enutlod to thu right ol suf- Itage hereby established. A true copy ol tbe joint resolution. CHAKLhS W. STONE, Secretary of tbe Commonwealth. CO., pl; .1 sasajaaa Reap While the Lasts 1VO W IS YO U 11 OPPORTUNITY $5000 worth of MenX Bovs', Overcoats and fur Caps &o, to be SCHOTT'S AT A INDUCTION of twenty-five per centum TO MAKE KOOM FOIl SI'KIXd GOODS. In order to reduce our stock to sions, we offer the not phenomenal J5.ru.in, In Clot king .nd Furnishing Goods ever seen, name P.,.., i... . . u I j before and undersell everr eoniiWin hoiie in " 1 n mm. e 111 from 2o to 40 per cent. SCH0 T T , THE LEADING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOWN, I'A. 18G5, ESTABLISHED 1887 Special In citat ion To The lnbUc To attend the Attractive .Sale of from THE IMMENSE STOGK OF D. W. It will Le TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL MYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for ME N, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prieen. His prices leave all Competitors in the re.-ir w alan't to give him a call if in need of D. W. I I MIFFLIN TOWN We are Selling STOVES OF ALL KINDS, CHEAPJli THAN FJH Do not fail to see our SQUARE II EATERS, Tlli:i ARK lIKAVTIKa. A Fl'LL LINK OF COK MOVES AbWAY? N HANK We fmuii-h rej urs for all kinds of Stoves, Slove Pir.es. Coal BueL.U at the very lowest pi ices. OIL CLOTH A Sl'KCALlTV. A Bquare of 2 ,&TlU fof ,(0 FRAXCISCUSIIAKDWARE & CO. .nu.'1 irn Per nropay, Oravrl. rnuni Dcs I rlaar) or l iter ln eaes. Cure Uiiarsnt.-ed. Ottire, AiiCU St.. fliiladeletiia. All drtiffiois. Try it. $1 a Untie, six lor V Mar. 14,1SS, ly. I OB PRINTING OF F.VFKV KIN'K ' dunv at tl is t.tlit-e. hiV DON'T CUV YOU Rubber Boots until you have seen the "COLCHESTE?.' with Sole leather Heel. This Is the best fitting and MOST DuRASLE B22T In the market. Made of the best PURE GUM Stock. The Sole leather Heel saver Money to til Wearer. nnU'T "UY vou" CTioa u n urn m til tvu hmvs W Ilk TWfa Wmwm a COLCHESTER ARCTIC IISTHl wltn "Oota'ae Cosntsr." Anaaid of AL - In 0tyt Jtdurabtiny. Wyoy wtnttfi Mortrtoffour mofief tnr tt Col c h mmmr mi rs or vour motley xry ma x.mmm 'OUTSIDE COUNTER Youth,' andn.ildren'. nit. cleared at the .UKillrtt powible fdiea- -- a a iv.v s tin nraru OI Juniata C , Clothing that goes OR Clothin - A R I E Y it reader 25 Per Cent. Cheaper than i other, all things considered Kt-.Mi- a i.cini.t.'iri 'iVj.! 'i ':aru'y. liiASON & WhEi torm t,y Mmi & l,ii: iNui j ,j; i i r i .ts frillovrd in Ihe tiianuta,tufe t,f Ui.c c.-.r--,, n-jtu bet the Hm'iqA H 11, lm (rrai.a ,. ,, aial laiDrd lt)ir .iii,r iu uu l,n t., . ;.,. M.n & Ii-ii:.ii oj.f, sa Ci-u,,,',-'. u ii , 't onej'ia.ll mtumrt .f th.r i-,.!,,' i ; . iaaI at all ni UiT-M Vh . T .r Kiitil,!!'.,-,, a ,4 I'ans, MI, mnn A a s ' ,.. -a. en U.O bilaa.l V I I J si ! 4 J;.,..- 1 j Mn A: Haml.n ri-Dt ti4.U'j UWiriiinary rain I r TLfT p. ti .; uror to All Otrm. H.". f-..yr. - t tice.kfoca aciitevf-ri ,y othrr 1 i ;.i. inh . art of Mioo iMiiitliiir, tut 'iil dmrn ' they atmriuic ' y t fif ri iarkt. and Dow known i-,- f ,..,v - sir,"ar'2''u n 3 fi It ! TF ?t,IJrny and P 2 li f M ! I ems. t-ceuaerl llJHJ 'a! and Dow known f i- a .v - 1:411..- i:.-Us i - . rr - A4 arar- ?a m rti"."T -. d tuia artd u:her nu.rtMat a l .viL- A cirruiar. eonan.nr tt:ti"T:.ii f-f hacdretj iarriiar, ni,iriana, a J t .: - inf-tlirr iU l'-rij.uvers;A.(nrut .!'.: I'-ta aui i rTaia aoid f ,r t-eU pf er trwnla: a. v rtit-t MAiON & HAML'N ORCAN A'ri ri bOaTUN. NiVT IXHh. il.,u, HARLEY Kemp s Manure Sp Valuable Intvret:iiifiji f..r 1SSH, i ! i t. i IA'aa A . . '