-. M "1 t a. " " " I i . v ..1 SENTINEL KEFlIhLlCAri WI?FLlNTOWN. T.. F. S C II H'EIER, bmtob aid raorairroa. Pr.E.SIIFNT Ci.evhand will pnu-tiif law in NVw York City. A Novo Noha statesman proposes, that Camilla hliull annex the Ntw Knlnnil states t Cauotla. I5.AnE's first for-ijjn business is tlifir neotwanr armament bIiouM j.n.fnvtw as rapi.llv jih is on sis tent with care ami jwrfecti..n in plans and w.irkmauship. "We slioul.l encourage tlie estalv lLslimcut i.f American steanisliip lines." 1 "Our pension laws shoul.l jrive more aileiprote and dist-riminatin relief to the Union nol.liers anil sail ors and to their widows and orphans. "The freedom of the Imllot is a condition of our national life, and no !wer ytstetl in Confess or in the Executive to secure or periaftuate it should remuiu umisctl ujhu occasion. The people of nil the Concessional districts have an equal interest that nlnnit a l:ihv that was carried away I tlie election in each shall tridv fr. m Kansas City, Mo., to Kn'huid. I.u.lf V. Wiixiavsos, of Philmlel- pliiti who provi.ltil fr the fotuidin of a "Free St-hool of Mechanical Trades," died last Thursday morning. Aiuit.v.nt General Hastiliir lrands as false the statement that Penn sIvniiii troops Misorncriv ui Hie streets oi ns inirt 'ii. press the views and wishes of a majority of the iiiudifietl electors re- siding w ithin it. The results of such flections are not local and the insist ence ot electors rrsidmp in other districts that they shall be pure and free does not savor at all of impor tance. If in anv of the States the public securitv is thought to le were drunk and threatened lv ljrnorance anions- the streets of Wash- M('t'"K, the obvious remedy is ed ucation. I he svmpathv and help of our i.eo pie will not ! withheld from J.'irs F.rk sson. i.f ip.ui chid Monitor any communitv Ktru""lin-r with fame, died in New York last Fridav Mj -cial embarrassments or difficulties followed during which he seized some of the leaves, broke them and drank of the milky and glutinous sap with which they are saturated. When his friends found him he was senseless with the "peuca," or "mag uey leaves clutched in his bands. He was carried to his home and soon regained his health. The In dians are said to have long used jH-uca juice as a cure for mad dog bite. Communication. con meted with the suffrage, if the remedies proposed proceed upon law- itu lines aim are promoted lv uist I and honorable methods. How shall those who practice election frauds recover that respect for the ram-tit v who liave cscaiwd to tan ad a are ,,f the- l..11,.f bi.-li w fin,t i.,li alarmed over the i roiiosiil to puss a I tion and obligation of ixsl citizen law in Cimada to it m.it of the ar- sm'P ' The man who has etime to re - . . . - lir.ir.l ! l.ill..f L.r 0.1 .. lest of the thieves oil warrellts from r . "J"'" " 1 llTIC rettofl.te..! l.i Inri'iiiiut rue i lined rvtnies. moiiiui;.'. g d m ids. tie whs a I Swed bv liirth. He came to tl.el l"n it ed St::tes of America ill 1S.,0. J!a.k wrecking thieves and so forth On the night of the oth of Man h JoM-ph S rwarsheim, of near Hunt ingdoiiburg, Indiana was riveu 3H l.-tslies on his naked laxly for lie lecting to hIk v a iioticf from White 4'uj s. to go to work or leave. Last week hundreds men l.x-nt ed ill the Ilidiau Territory as saitl.-it tern. The Indians are protesting but the rush to Oklahoma gix-s on i I. .venitiieiit triMips there have not yet interfered to keep the settlers out. Tumi, are in the I'liitcd State? I.'iI.imio miles of railroad, and the past I ttu- roads were either killed or nuiiine.i for life. Most of the death: and enses of maiming were caused by coupling cars, "I do not mistrust the future. I lingers hfixe lceu in fretiuelit uu- btish ah !-g o;ir path, but we have uncovered and vanquished them all. Passion has swept some of our com munities, but onlv to give us a new demonstration that the great Ixtdvof our jn-ople are staple, jxitriotic and law abi. ling. No political party can long pursue advantage at the ex- j-ciisc of public honor, or by rude and indecent methods, without protest ami fatal disaffection in its own lcslv." Mt. Union, IV, March 4, '80. Mr. Editor: I notice now and then an article in your columns that proves to me and all readers of your valuable paper how much truth there was in Mr. Murphys statement when he said that "a gallon of strait whiskey osting ?2.50 jH-r OalL when retailed over the Car at 10c per glass, netted the tender a clear profit of $3.50." Iiut supjiose the gallon of strait whiskey le adultereated as most all your Drug store, and Hum hole liquors are. How then about the profits, if the inteligent farmer would compare his profits with that of the Jium tieller. I lou t believe he would ever spend any of his (SOc per busheL) wheat money for whiskey fiipps or (Jin Slings." And I further ln-lieve that if these chaps who have lately 1h--u saying so much in favor of whiskey (over an assumed name.) were made to come Iiefure the public with full name and address they would wish their father (the devil) had them. I may soon write to you again ami tell you when and w here I saw a bureau, some bks, and four chairs that once lielonged to llev. Jacob (I ruber. J. E. Mc. John Simpson'6 Tomb. health of any vegetable that can be mentioned. Leeds Mercury. lere'a a Pretty Mesa. The jvilitical situation in West Vir ginia is one of well-nigh unexampled perplexity, General Goff, the Repub lican candidate for the Governorship at the election held last November, has taken the oath of office upon the ground that he received a maioritv An indication of the growth of the morphine craze is given by a Port land, Me., m.-vnufacturer, who has made and sold twenty-five thousand hypodermic needles since 188(i. They couldn't imagine what caus ed little Johnny Martin, of Sioux City, to f:iU ill and die, but a jKist niortetu showed thirteen marbles in his stomach. "On a $1 bill received at a Williams- Jeic Firm. -ooo- FALL AND WINTER GOODS. No more oummer for months to come. Fall and Winter are here, and to conform to the change, the Senior member of the firm has just returned from of the votes cast upon that occasion 'port bank was the inscription : "This and that the failure of the Sjieaker of i is the last of a fortune of tlO.OOO j Eastern Markets, where he Se ine riouse oi ieiegaies lo lssu tlie ' r"'iTn oi rum, cards and vvoiac n. lobiu-co grows readilv and necessarv certificate cannot properly operate to defeat the jopuiar will. Pr sident Carr, of the State Senate, has idso had himself sworn in as Governor, arguing that the office has become vacant, and that it- devolve upon him as president of the Senate to throw himself into the breach. In the meanwhile Governor Wilson, despite the expiration of his official term, declines to recognize either claimant and calmly liolds the fort. All this makes up a situation whose equities it is not easy to determine. But so far as can le judged at this distance and m the light of such in formation as is at hand, President Carr's claims seem to have the lest legal liasis. even luxurantly in California, but it can not le cured there. Something the matter with the climate. English people lmugbt over 90, 000 barrels of American apples hist year. "The Oklahoma, bill now under consideration in Congress, does not recognize the homstead principle pure and simple, biit provides that in addition to thW-e years occupancy settlers call acquire title only by pay ment of a dollar and a quarter per acre. There must le personal re-sid'-uce, oc .ipancy and cultivation of tlie the hmd for three vears, and Since the result of the I payment in four annual installments Beater in the Storm. People who passed through the Harrison inauguration rain are not throuirh talkinir about it. The ar over oOOO of the employees Governor iased the ordeal of the i storm as if the life and death of the Republic hung tremblingly in the balance. The Philadelphia BiiUetine peaks of him thus. There wasn't a moment from the liegiuning to the end of the services when the rain topped falling, and the weather nlv cleared after the hist visitor had left the Inauguration balL General Beaver came in for the worst f it. He wore no heavy overcoat. ami he sat on his horse from earlv President Harrison's Inaugural. A SYNol-sls. President Harrison's inaugural ad dress is iMith brief and compriheii appeareil to le in reasonably good condition when he left for his hoteL Kan Away With the Ilabj. THE rmsT FoUEION ItrslNKSS OFJERKP TO Sf.( RETARV HIINP A seci:d despatch from Kansas City, Mo., says: Kansas City has furnished Secretary Blaine " with prolib!y his first official business with a foreign country. Tlie facts of an interesting occurrence which led to a telegram leing sent from here by the Humane Society to the State IVpartmeiit this afternoon are as follow s : A few days ago Mrs. Daisy Spell mau, a young widow, made complaint to the Humane Society that George Henney and wife had left the city, taking with : ':1.1a her cighteeli- . il II 1 ; . -r . .1 momus-oid .i-glilcr iiUOV. Mie thought that ti. ir destination was Manchester, Kn gland. Five months ago Mrs. Sjellman had arranged with the Henney family to loard and take care of her baby The theory is that Mr. and Mrs. Henney lccame so at tached to the child that when Mrs. S tollman notified them a few days ago that she would take charge of it horselftheytookitaw.lv with them secretly, lteing unwilling to part with it. Tlie Henney family is highly resi tooted. This afternoon Secretary Huckett, of the Humane Society, sent the following te.egram to StTetary Blaine : To the Hon. James G HI Mine. Secret-try of State, IVashiwrton. D. C. : G-orge Heiiiiev and wife, British subjects, left Kansas City last Wed nesday via Washingt" n for New York. Their destination is Manchester, F.nghuid. They took with them Lucy Spclliuan, aged eighteen mouths, child of American parents, which they are carrying out of the country secretly, unlawfully and against the wish of the widowed mother. Please refer to the British Minister at once that he may cause the register of outgoing steamers to Ik? examined and prompt action to Ik? taken. sive. it is liriof in its review of the in the morning until dark all mom- points it touches upon, and coiiipre-ling arranging the procession, all liensive in presenting all the ttoints afternoon at the head of it, and all of living issues. I ovt ning review ing it at Tenth and K Die oath of office he declares to streets. By the time he reached the Ik- a mutual covenant l tot ween him- reviewing ist the water was running sou and the j-eopie lor the execution out of his sIuk? and his figure pasted of the laws, the defense of the Con- to his black clothing as if he had st it utiou and the I nioii of the States. Iw n melted and run into it H I he advancement of a hundred was undoubtedly chilled throng 1 vears of government are mentioned, but he sat still on horseback through and marvelous as they are the ideal three weary hours raising his water- condition has not 1k-'1i reached "but soaked silk hat every minute and oil the whole the opportunities to the giving the ugly breezes a fresh chance individual to secure the -oruforts of at his unprotected head. Citizens life are U tter than found elsewhere, near by carried him h it coffee, the and Itettcr than they were one hun- onlv thing he would take and he dretl yours ago. He characterized the favorable ver dict of protection at the recent elec tion as a return to the protective pol icy of the government of the Ilepidv lic of earlier administrations. The evil of jn-riuitting communi ties and cormrntions to nullify the laws arc minted out. "It demoral izes those who tract ice it and de stroys the faith of those who suffer by it in the efficiency of the law as a safe protector. "Our naturalization should lie so amended as to make the inquiry into the character and good distositiou of arsons applying f,.r citizenship, more careful and searching." "We should not cease to lie hospitable to emigration, but we should cease to lie careless us to the character of it." "These men of all races even theltest, whose ii:iing is liocesarially a burd en ..11 public revenues or a throat to social order, these should Ik- -identified and excludi-d." It is the puqxisc to enlarge our friendly relations with all the great towers, "but they will not expect us to look kindly uton any project that would leave us subject to the dangers of a hostile observation of environ ments." "We have a ch ar right to oxiHi-t, therefore, that no F.tiroteaii government will seek to establish colonial ilciieliihlllcics upon the terri tories of these iudeH-ndeiit American stales. -n. i , - cmzeiis iloiuiciu-d tor pur- 1-oses ui irauo m au countries and in many islands of the sea, demand and will have our adequate care in this personal nnd commercial ri"hts. nif iitiTKsin I'l our navy require convenient coaling stations and dock and harU.r privileges." Those and tthor trading privileges we will feel free to obtain only by means that do not in any .1. groe partake of eoerci. m." Those who volunteer or are invited to give advice as to aptointmehts to office should recomtucud only such as are ca .able and honest. Honorable arty service will not lie esteemed a disqualification for public office, but it will in 110 case lie allowed to serve as a shield for olTuiid negligence, itmmijieteney or delinquency. It is exis ted to enforce the Civil" Service law fully and without evasion. "We shall not, however, I am sure, lie able to tut our civil service ujtou a uou -partisan lmsis until we have secured an incumU m y that fair mind ed men of tiieopjMisitiou will approve or impartality and integrity." "We will fortunately lie able to a ply to the redemption of the public tie bt any small and unforeseen ex cess of revenue. This is letter than to reduce our revenue In-low our nec essary extenditures, with the result ing choice lietweeu another change of our revenue laws and an increase of the public debt. It is quite ossi- j ble, I am sure, to effect the necessary reduction in our revenues without AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS HIS BOllV IS FOfJill IS A HoIXOW TREE. A stooial despatch from Harrisls burg, Ky., says : Iu 1873 John Simp s m was a well to do farmer of Wash ington oouutv, with a wife and two bright and interesting little children. Simpson disapieared fmiu homo one day, and all trac-s of him were lost. His domestic life was most pleasant and he was not known to have had an enemy. When he left he had a large sum of money, and his alseiice was accounted for by thinking ho had gone to Harrodsburg to tut the 111. iit y iu bank. He also wore a tine gold watch. After his continu ed altsenoc foul play was susMfted, and a s arch Ity lus family was in stituted and a rew ard offered, but all failed to bring anv tidings. Now comes the most mysterious part of the affair. On his farm was a large oak tree. Twenty feet from the ground were two large limits, funning a stub like apvearauce at the forks of the tree. Yesterday the tree was cut down by Simpson's brother and a son, now a grown young man. It was ilisoovered hol low from the forks of the limits near ly to the ground. Imagine their surprise ami horror when they split the trunk to find the bones of" a hu man lteing, which, when exjx.sed to the air and hamllrd by the two men crumbled to dust. On further search they found a gold watch, which the ( lder Simpson at once recognized ad his brother's. They took the watch to the wife, who also re cognized it as her husband's, but she refused to accept the bones as those of her husband, though it is the uni versal opinion that they are the re mains of John Simpson. But how did the man get there, what became of the money he was known to have, and if he was murdered and plac-d there, why did not the murderers also take the watch ? The whole story sotiuds like a fairy tale, but it is writ ten as it w as told by a man who was voting must be certified to br the at the rate of a dollar ami a quarter rqieaker before it can lie omcially re cognized, General GofTs election is inchoate and his position not legally valhL As for Governor Wilson, his term having expired his sisitiou is clearly extra-constitutional ; and thus the office 1 icing vacant in contempla tion of law, the contention of Mr. Ciut seems to lie well considered. An application on the part of General Goff to the courts for a mandamus directing SK-akor Woods to declare the result of the election, as his duty requires, is what seems to lie the course that should be taken. North American. Free Bnm ia Maine. per acre. Jvo settler ran take more than 100 ,-cres. The provision for payment in the bill is intended to produce a sum sufficient to extinguish the Indian title to the land." one of a half dozen neighlxirs who gathered the lmnes, placed them iu a coffin and buried them in the old Siuqtson cemetery. He savs the I wife would not go to the burial, and that she still insists that her hus band is alive, anil she will yet see him Ik-fore she dies. The "brother of the deceased man refuses to fur ther disturb the tree. He says it held his brother for sixteen years, and it looks to much like desecration of his grave to molest it. The long sought remedy for hy drophobia is said to have iKen dis covered ill Pom. A l'emviioi lioinif breaking dow n our protective tariff inad rushed from the house, and Diphtheria la Franklin Cannty. PiTTsmniiH, Pa., March 5. Diph theria of a violent aud maligrant type is prevailing at St. Petersburg, Franklin county, to such an extent that the Town Counsil has issued an irdinance closing all churches, schi m .Is and singing classes, aud forbiding the holding of any public meeting. St. Petersburg is au oil town miles from Oil City, and the country between here and there is all afflict ed with the same disease. Cure for Hydrophobia. mj urmg any or serious! v industry. "The construction of domestic i f.-dling among a lot of "peuca" plants, some oi the juice ot these plants -u- 1 uiifli.-iu..i .,wl 1,, ,! I. ....11 1 Za. 1 ...1 - ii-. . . . .v a. . Ul r 11 1 U hiiii iivr nniiiuinni II II' IT lt n I 1 Ixii.m., X iL . . .. ,. ,.1. 1 i uoiiiin mau iur me la- numlierof modern war -hips and of A moment of reason seems to have : ble and the most conducive to (he Hoil Tour Celery. AND Vor WII.L FTM IT TO BE A SIT.E CI HE FOB RHETMATISM. New discoveries or what chum to lie new discoveries of the licalin" virtues of .hints are continually Ikj. mg made. One of the latest is celery is a cure for rheumatism d.-ed it is asserted that the disease is imjutssible if the vegetable iK-oiHtk-ed and freely eaten. The fact that it is always put iqxin the table raw prevents its thereaK-utic towers from iK-ing known. The celery should lie cut in bits, lioiled in water until soft, ami me water drank l,y the patient. m. iic niuk wiin a 111 ue Hour or iiutmeginto a sausepan with the lioil ed celery, serve it w arm, with pieces of toast, eat it with potatoes and the painful ailment will soon yield. Such is the declaration of a physic ian who has again and again tried the exK'rimoiit and with uniform su-eess- He adds that cold or tlamp never produces, but siniply develops the disease, of which acid IiIihmI is the primary and sustaining cause, and that while the blood is alkaline J there can lie neither rheumatism or gout. Statistics show that in one year, 187G, 204(1 1 K-rsons lied of rheuma tism in this country, and every case it is claimed, might have In-en cured or prevented by the adoption of the remedy mentioned. At least two thirds of the eases named heart dis ease are ascrilied to rheumatism and its agonizing ally, g,,ut Smallpox, so much dreaded is not half so de structive as rheumatism, w hich, it is maintained by many physicians, can le prevented by oljeyiiig nature's law s in diet But if you have incur red it, In, iled celery "is pronounced unhesitateingly tolie a siecitic. The proT way to eat celery is to have it cooked as a vegetable after the manner altove descrilied. The writer makes constant use of it in this way. Try it once, and vou would do without any veetblo with the single exception of the po tato, rather than celery. Cooked A sx-oial despatch from Augusta, -We., says : "The action of the Maine House of Representatives Ui-dav i:i passing the Pharmacy bill as amend ed creates surprise and consternation It is practically a free rum bill. Two years ago a constitutional amend ment was accepted by theiieople for ever prohibiting the sale of liquor iu the State, ex-epting for mechanical and medicinal purjKises. But here to-day is the House tossing A, free rum bill. The bill was originally presented to the Legislature by men who oidled themselves temierauce men. As remrted it allowed drug gists in large towns and cities to sell liquor for medicinal purjioses on a physician's prescription. As amend ed it allows municipal officers to license any number of drug stores in any town or citv to sell in amounts not exceeding a quart on a physician's prescription, and any druggist who is a dia-tor ran sell on his own prescription. This opened wide the door for free rum. The bill was passed by the overwhelming; vote of 84 to 4S." nE.YER.iL .YEWS ITEMS. WolffsACMEBIacking BEATS the World. It is the Beet HARNESS DRESSING The BEST for Men's Boots " Ladies' Children's iBioiirriir wATKRfnoor. OFT C N S and P M C S E R S th LmUw mmtm ! far m,,fa rm.l'm It i IMMMMM ana ! 1 1 nmcN pnlu yav un mmw. Too dent ban to mrtmm and n-Nl ith blaok fcC braah. B wIm and lly It. fliniai i roar aramtfalhar ankad bald ki bo mi aoa afaooal law taaa auior. WOLFF A RANDOLPH. PNtuoELPRiJL Fefi&irlra&lA Agricultural Works, Tor It, ?. fartfcrs MastUr hfimuibiw aula. Ba4 rr i etaUogtw. fet-iaM. fti. -Mtit at. er itfffMrfcl h BMCsry. . racitos Mm A. B. F A&qCHAB A SOS. Xark, fa. lected with great care the goods that his many patrons favor. DROP M. We have now filled our shelves vith Fals, and Wister Goods of all kinds. Our cus tomers have appreciated our efforts to give them goods to suit their purposes, and we believe that we are better pre pared than ever to merit their confidence. We invite you to come and see and be satisfied. In our dress goods department we have almost everything. Don't be backward, call for what you want. Shoes anil Hoots. Our Boot and Shoe De partment is full in its as.sort ment, and you certainly can be suited in fit, quality and price. Whatever improvements have been added by the manufactures we have them all. We can supply you with foot wear for any in or out door service. Our grocery Department never lags. We have on hand a full line oi Fresh, Plain and Fancy GROCERIES. Also, the only full line oi QUEENS WARE in the county. Kvery houe ; Johw kcLaighlik must have its lull supply ol Queens and Glassware, this is the store to call on for such ar ticles. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention, llemember the place, AUTUMN AMD WlNTEiT i. iiAvr. rat; Latest Fall And WINTER T LES ' 1e C hampion Cletbler ol.Junlala t ount hai Hinted n oiu.tlie Elern cltle- with a wonderful ?,IIMr FA-LL AND WINTER STOCK Will mko li itlirts, outshine rivals, w in rii-torit m,,! j ' ineiits. HXS HOI'S & CHILDREN'S FASHIONABLE CLOTIIIXq ' 0 r- ' - " j wii. uiin 1 1 o!;. No 'Uiitv ivte ia c-;i Elegance, with ricts thai Trill astonisb jou. I prove this. But I ask your pMtroiMgs only wlicn I pivo comj-Trie sai;- JVW'li'l V? V T 1 i iri... c-i . wr j i. , viuru, a. i un.iv nil a T line OlTffl. CC'JC TVFar Cuffs.Trnnks ami Sr4cLcle, is fall nnd comicto. Call ntO t.Pe Sani'l STRATEH. THE OLD RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND FLTRMHIP IN PATTERSON. Jone 16, 1886. l.ecis K. ATKiKaoH. K. M. M. Puistu. . ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW, M1KFLINTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and ConTeyauciug prouii ly attended to. OrriCB On Main street, in place of- resi dence ef Loaia K. Atkinson, Kxq-, south bridge street. Oct 2U, lbW. Da M. CKAWFOKD, M. D., Has resamed actively the practice ol Medicine and Surgery and tbeir collatrl branches. Office at the old corner ol Tl.ird and Orange streets, MifBintown, Pa. March 20, If 76. Joseph W. Htiiiiiii INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYjSL, JUNIATA CO., I'Jt. D7"Oaly reliable Companies represented. ' Jan. I, 18fO-ly j PLKNSYLVAKIA RAILEcId.. time-taiiu Oi and alter Sunday mr -,(. , trams that stop at M .mi,, a ill rHITm, EASTWARD. AlTPTWA ACCOMM0r.ATI.il.lM,,..,,, daily at 6 -0 a. ,.. T,r,np .V"0" Hnntinprton .:53 a. ra.. Mon.t rr, 6,57 a. di.. Xi-wtnn Ilsmiit..n 7 (c. , McVt-vfown 7.-J-2 a. in., iBt..-"n7 4i .' m., ViKord S.OS a Tn.. Kiffl,n u y, ' Port Koyal H.17 a. in-. Mexico '' ,' Tcxcarora S;2i a. m.. Vart- k k'q I "' Thompsontown K.37 a. m., Pnrw'arJ ' m., MiilerMon K.4'. a m., .No vporK m., arrivinr fit Harriahnrc at luo5 ami at Philadelphia, l.i". p. , "' . . ....,.,.,K . , BtstioDs Lielween Ali..,,,.n uj Harrina reaches M.itiin c, '.'AO a. m., HatIm). , 11.40 n. T.. and krr:v.. n Di.l .j , , - - - - " 1 " i i : 11 -: -i o. lo p. in. Maii Tuaim leave pit t .h5 a. ni., Pall and Winter Goods. I would inform the public that I have Maim STUKKT, OrroaiTE CoDKT HoCSE, ; now a ray new millinery store at my place mrir rt.-i. Alfoona at 2.dti n. I, ... pine at all regnlar Mati.in arrive. At Wj: I at d-t-.l p. ,u., rlari buri; T.i.Up. lu., l'tu,. . ndflpbia 4 2o m m. Alifllintowii, Pa., Frcd'k SiCil A I Ii 4.V oii. Mail Snircsi leaves PittslMir at 1 Odi Altuonat 211 p m ; Tyrone i, 6 ym- za. Ingdon 7 B7 pm; Lewintoa-n h4hpm; u. tliu S lOpin; Uarrtaburg lU4o pra; rbiia- BHAT AVZSXCAS MEAT-CUTTER. I raaqoallad ana pra. aaaatad lac ban Aa Huh. "How tl.. vou manage t keep awake all ni'lit lonp J" inquired a repwrtfr t.f tlie Pittslmrj' Dispat-cb of a lmlv who lial leen Hittins; beside a nirk In'd for days and nights recently. "I cbew fpim," sue replied wita ft verv HeriouH uir. "Truly f" "Yes -"so long as you're chewing pruni vou can't go to sleep. Pro fessional ntirsj-s have found out this virtue of gum, nnd I know from ex lerience that, no matter how drowsy and weary I may le, sleep never over takes me so long as I have gum in my mouth." No particular kind of gum is descriljed, and the chewing- gum can le kept letveen watches in the usual handy places on the 1:u:k of a chair, under a mantel or behind the clock. Clu-cking babies at balls is the la test wrinkle, says the Buffalo (N. Y.) Commercial. At a lndl iven in that city recently a woman lMcame tired of carrying her little one alnnit in her arms. She took the child to the hatroom and put it in a lox. The little sl-eier was then duly checked, the mother paying 10 cents for the privilege. "I ll keep the baby here till it wakes tip, but you must come and get it when it legins to cry," said the man in charge of the hat room. "All right," replied the mother, ami away she went to the ball room, where she enjoyed two hours recreation. At the end of that time tiif. Tiiotlir-r h-mh fH'!.tl tni ..f . that i fn.t to t;ik.. raw r.f tl.o l...l- i- inc weMing t alter Alcntt and Miss Ella Cox, in the Methodist Episcopal Parsonage, iu Cbestertown, ivent county, was interrupted bv the njvjK-arant-e of the girl's father, who in an excited manner for bade the marriage, Kev. Mr. Todd, the officiating minister, tried to per suade the father to consent to the marriage, but he persisted that if she married Alcutt he would have nothing more to do with her.- The bride shed tears and the groom showed anger, but the minister made them happy by concluding the cere mony, ln-ing satisfied that the vouni lady was of age. John S. Bt 11, Chief of the United States Secret Service, reports that for the year ending June 30 there were 407 arrests for counterfeiting. Of those arrested 146 were convicted, 105 discharged and 96 cases ara still undecided. Forty-six of those ar rested were old offenders. A fact i.f interest is that a large percentage of the counterfeiters are Italians. A Scotchman in the picturesque and airy costume of the Highlands tioarded a train at Lyons the other day lound for Nice." Two French ladies were in the carrLige, and the moment the Highland, laddie made his apiM'arance thev were terrified &nd rushed on the platform yelling for help. W Masacc. Mil- Vat, alhl Seppl. I'roq.imara. -JjJ llamlrarx Siaak. -.. . T I No. lJU Mtit, evarraa AMERICAN M'f'G CO., a waabiorlaa Ava.. railaAVlaaia. t ft PKK PRIiriT ..H .aai. CKNT Die Free to nicu can- vaaaera lor Dr. Scott'a Genuine tleclrlc Kelts, Kruahci, fcc La dy serins aanii-d for Electric t'orseta. Qnu-k sa'ca. Write at once tor terms. Dr. Srntt, b4H B'wav. N. T. FOMETIIIXCi H1H under the sun which King boloniun nntr h-ard of a CI.OTHKS LINK that r. ..ire .No Cloth. Pins. Every houae-keepfr. laundress snd store-keeper wants it. Sample aent by mall, 6 teet lor 25cts.. 12 lt tor 5ct. Firtt Clatt JlkSTS WASTED for Ait Co. AdilrrM KOKTOX K BOND k. CO., Manulacturera Ag-.n ts, Philadelphia Pa., (Lock Box 938.) W ANTED AGENTS TO SOLICIT ORDERS For onr Choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. Steady work lor eners:etic, tetnpetate men. Salabt asr Exraxses, or c.mmiion il prelerred. The bu.ness quickly and easi ly learned. Salialact.no guaranteed to cus tomers and sceots. Wriie imniediatly for ternis. Slate are. Addn-aa It - (.. CIISK &. CO., 1430 Sotilh Penn Square, Phil'a, Pa. GET T1-I10 liKSX LEADS Til KM ALL THE P21ILADELA or resideBce on Water street, M'fflintown, secoad door iroru corner of Bridee street. a fnll stock, of ;Fall Winter millinery ! - '" Kuods, all new, and ol the latest styles.! . 1'i'!?iiel,'ni Mxia-ws will t ..pt iAi . . , . . , ... at 11 6i p. ru., nl.tjo tlaaiced and having employed first class milliners j i am prepared to supply the public with ' WhSTVt'AKD. everything found in a Orbtclans milliner store, come and examine try stock. I consider it no trouble to show goods. MRS. DK1HL. March 22-M.l.. CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST BEST AXD THE llll.-T CtlVILKTK St.WSI'APKk PL-itLISiIKO IS PEXNSYLV VSI.V JUMATA VALLEY BAKK, OF S1IFFLISTOM S, PA. WITH iiKANCH AT PORT KOYAL. JOSEPH ROTHKOCK. Pre$r(iet. T. VAN IK WIN, Cathttr. ' IlIBECTOBS. VV. C- Pouoeroy, Joseph liotbn.ck. Kepiier, Jolin Hertaler, Robert K. Parki r, T. V. 1. win. Philip M. Iouta E. Aik.iiH.iu, . i uBi to FAxiirs Wiaiimin rjroa and pruSla . r?! -"usss. s:e: ts tissn. Kirctii a CsBsaftiac Ca, S35 X. Ha 8t S.T. r I STOCKUOLI EBS : THE TIMES i the ,n..t rx,enive- p.,-..;..!. Kenner. Annie M. Sliellev ly Cirt-uUl.-d Slid widely ri-ad new.i.r 1 Jnnei.h Rnllirork. Jane H. Irwin. pi.Mihrd in I'riinsylrania. Its discmioa j L. E. Atkinson, K. E. Parker, ol public me,, ami public iuea.ire i in Ihe roroeroy, J. noia.es Irwin, I . W aa Uua I T T inlereM of p.ibhc i.i.c-ritv, l.one.t govern- My Kurf ' Jerome K. Thompson, Jr m-nt and rusruus industry, and it knows ; Charlotte Snyder. n parly r peiAunal allegiance in tre ating public :sxii3. In tlie brnideat and bes sei a a inini y and general t.ewrpaper. THEITaKWS OF THE WORLD Tbk Time has all the laci.i.ies ot advanc ed j uriialitn lr gathering newa from all quarters of the Globe, iu addition to that of the Aaaociated Prer-s.'now covering the whole world in its scope, niskirg it tho per ect.a of a newopvpnr. with everttliing raretnlly editel tn occupy the st.iaMeat apace. Three and Four piT ceut. it.terett will be paid on certificates ol de)oMte. .jan 23, WJ tl alii. LiA 0 "" raaDlalwj.fr-,uai I a-4 uai.at.d aurrtor to aU ofW rr. h rrTurxa-d. SVa br mail, i. I-anaa aZ.SIraaaMtiav,lMataa.La. "" a-41. or ma aian c la-, iax. Life of HEKRT WARD BEECHER Al lr llliur.t. rlrt.ar hia lira t rrm, 1. 1. L. ruT. h - ium Uo. J .ilar. . i ai j. n RMtH tl . Blauoa ii.. Atrooklvw. .VY. help. Sharks have liecome so plenty in the harlior of Havana that a sailor's lwK.ts thrown overboard will hrinrr lialf a dozen of the hungry monsters to the surface to inquire what time the sailor himself expects to tumble in. Under the present conspiracy- law of New York there are thirty tailors, ten walking delegates of "buihlin-' trades, twenty 1 taken, and twentv 1 rickm:ikers under indictment. ZHENEWDUMPIUG VAGOF. A PERFECT DUMPER, and tba HORTEST TURNING WhharwitbMtlaekr WAGON Kiiaer Malta mr Twncwe. MADE For Farming and tbar huUinc. Oar iaiareved -V " "ed ndrr Ihe keavieat laad. IZSZZZZZZJSi I Agents Wanted KENNETT WACON CO. KENNETT SQUARE, PA. AGENT S W ANTED to canvas- lor one of th largest. Old- et eolabllalied, Rent. Known Nuraerlea In Ihe Country. Most liberal l-rim.. ITnequaled facilities. GEN EVA M'KSKliY, established 1846. W. T. SMITH, Geneva, S. Y. I-OULTUY PAYS il properly managed. The IVriTBT Bcl- letix. ubl.hed monthly, finely lli.mtrai. d, ia the larst jape- f..r tanner and tanner L.ea inao nvd cemas monin bring" it to you Add New Yo.k. I post Mt. Send slan.p1foranip,er...y. aiesa romiiry, uniitnn, 326 Pearl bt PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned oilers 14 acres of choice land, adjoining the borongh of Patteraon, a icivate fate. There is a good barn and corn crib i the tract The land is all clear and level and well adapted lor the a-rowth of all kinda of grain and garden products. For articulars cail on JOHH Cl-KSISOHAM. PatKTsvUj Juaijta Co., I'd JOIRS.4L OF lOCIi:TY.-The J full and arcnra.e record of acii move- inenia and er.tettai.irnent, the d.tir. of in llueuliat p-i.ple and the current ti.pio i drawing room conversation i a recogniE d fealura in Ta Time. Throuzhoiit the a... cial a-aon events of i.npo.tanca are re ported daily and the -J-r-nraal si -iety" in the Sunday edition la ol acknowledged interest and authority. OI'R IIOVS L.XD (ilRLS-No other nw -paper gives Ihe same can fnl at leution lo the tieens and tastes of young readers. The spe devoted especially to Ihem c ninianda the services or the bi-st writers and ia edited with crnpnlotM care, with the aim of making it entertaining and Instructive and helpful to the sound educa tion as well as to the pure amusement of both big and little U.ts snd girls. TI1E TIME ain.a to have Ihe larg. est circulation by deserving it, and claims that it is nrauipaaaed in all Ihe essential ol a great tuetropolilan Pewsiaper. SPCCinEI COPIES ol anv .di- ion a ill U. sent Iree to any one sending their address. ! TEliMS Daily, tZ r aniiuni j 1 for ! tour Tnonths ; 30 centa per month ; deliver ed by carriers at 6 cents per week ; Si koat edition sixteen Urge handsome pages 128 columns, elegantly illustrated, p, r annum j 6 cents per copy. Daily and 8 un day, o per annum ; 60 centa per month. WaiELT EDrrioii, $1 per annum. Address all letters lo THE TIMES, PHILADELPHIA. Fast Like leares ."ljul.-lj.,.i tT u 1 1 60 a ; II 5 (16 pm; 1.i-mim,- n 6 p rJ; .tn,M t 10pm; arrives st 1'ittrl'i.rgat 11 Ui a. vVar pAssr.Nora leaves Phil,ie!pha daily at 4 SO a. ni.; IlarriKlnir, H 15 Duncsnnon, 8 54 . in.; Newport, S 2 t m.; Millerstovni, 9 ia. n.Tl.nmianiitoai, 9 62 a. m.; Van !;'t;e, IU tiu a. in; Tuctr- I ora, 10 04 a. m.; Mexico, 10 07 . Ui.; Van I Koyal, 10 IH a. m.; Milllin, 10 ai . B I Uillord, 10 26 a. u.; Narrows, 10 M . a7 I Lcwistown, 10 46 a. ni.; MrVr-rtorn, 11 H j a. m.; Newton Hamilton, 1 1 ti'j . m.; Knt- Stockholders Individually Liable. ; X IVm::,?... OrfTFR Kxpsesa leaves Plnladelphiadai , ly at 5 AO p. in., Hsrhsburg, In ;n p. B.t ; stopping at Kockville, .M.irkrvilie, Ilunctt-' ; non, Newport, Millerstoa n, Tli'iDijisuDiowj, Port Koyal, tuuo at MitMiu, 11 j.. m.; 4,! ; toona, 2 2H a. in., awl put-burg, 0 10 . a. Mail Train loaves I'l.i'.-el.lj.lns daily ii I 7.00 a. m., lUrri-liurg 11.20 a. il., -Int, 12 13 p. iu., M:i!!in U'.i; p. m., lis ping st all regular Millions bet-n MtXa. ai.d Altoi.na reaches Alto. ma at ,i.1) . j Pittsburg 8.20 p. at. Al.TO.JSA ACCOHMOntTI'.V l.va PtHi- . adcl hia daily at 11 r0 a. iu., liarrljurt tl .4.15).. in., l);incsii!i..n I t . y. m., c. ' rt 5,16 p. iu., MillerstuH'ii p. m., , Tbompsontown o. l'j p. in., V':ljl;.j S.H 1 p. to., Tuscarora 4,48 p. ru., M.-xi.'u 5.50 J. ui., Port Royal 5,o4 p. in., Himm ...Oj f ! m., Lewistown li,2'f p. in., Ml-W tiiso 6, , 4 p. id., Mewlon lla uiltoii 7.10 p. n., Uuiitingdon 7 i p. m., Ait -..u On p. a. Pacific Express leaves I'Liljdelpl.ia 11 2a p ni; IIarri(biirg :i lo a tn ; I:;tiiiLcosJ 3m; Newpf.rt 4il am; M:tfin4S 1 ui ; Lewiatuwu 5Ul am; McVeytail: a. in; Mt. Union 6 4 l a iu ; Uuuuri2ilun6 12am; Peteruburg 6 2" a ui ; pruco Cn?l 6 40 a m; Tyrone 7 imi a ni ; "it U;m 7 22am; Altoi.na 8 05 a m ; Fittsbatg 12 4 p iu. S- hhore Kzpress esst, .n Suniivt, will connect with .Minday Mail ea--. ieiiiaj llornsoilrg at 1 l i p. ,i. LKWISTOWN DIVI.SH). Trains leave Lewistowu JiiiicIku lor Hu roy at 0 10 a ni, lu 55 a m, ;( 1 j p m ; lr Sunbiu-y at 7 4 5 a in, 8 1.0 p m. Traina arrive at Lnwistiiwii Junstioa Iroa Milroy at 8 50 a ru, 1 2.'. pm, 4 io p m ; fro : Siinbury at U 2-i a ni, 4 ) I p iu. TYKONE DIVISION. Traina leave Tyroi.u l.ir Beili:tiiile ui Lock Haven at 8 10 a in, 7 I j p ni. Lc 'iyroue lor Ciirwousville ai;d Clearflsiil ', 8 20 a m, A 05 j. u.,7 2 1 p iu. Trains leave Tyrone lor U'arriori Mrk, : Pennsylvania Furnace ani Scotia at 6 0 . ni aud 1 10 p ru. Trains arrive at Tyroae Iroui p.-l'oiit ; and Lock Uaveu at 12 05 p ui, and i ii i ' Traiua arrive at Trnno Irom Curarav j ville and CKartleld at b 5Sa iu, aud 11 45 s j in, 6 17 p m. j Trains arrive at Tyrone from Sci:n, War I riors Mark and Pcilusvh aLi f iirnsce t ! 26 a ui, at 5 40 p ai. jU tB. T. K. H. Sl BEDK0KD MVl.'lOK. WISH TO STATE A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing,. That I can stop toothache in less thsn five minutes ; no pain, no extractiug. That I can extract teeth without pain, by the use of a Huid applied to the tuetb and gums ; no danger. That Diseased fv Gums (known as Scurvy) treat Q5ed soceesatully and a cure warPCftVv prauted in every case. 4JJDCC Teeth Filled and warranted for lite. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or. reuioddled, Irora $9.00 (o (12 per sel. Beautiful Gum Euaiueled Teet inserted at prices to suit all. All work warranted to give perfect satis laelion. People who have artificial teeth , with which they cannot eat, are especially invited to call. Will visit professionally at tbeir homes if notified by letter. Will visit regularly atRichllald the Snd ; weeks of Hay and October. Terms Cash. ! G. Li. DERR, Practical DenttMt, ESTABLIHBED MirrLISTOWS, Pa., ! 1860. Oct. 14 '85. Kotlce to TreHpauwers. a .... caving leased loo acres of wood HIT 1 ! rf'ITT Q f i"iTT al t Trains leave Huntingdon lor Bedford, V-.A JO i JJ.Xjs!5 I KJJlIjZS I Hyr.dmn and, CumberUnd at 8 S!5 t. m ' aud 0 35 p. ui. Trains arrive at Hi.ntiiitf Ion from hfi- otd, Hyndciun and Cuu.ls rl.r.d t I-" p. iu., 6 20 p. ni. IIOLLI DA YSHl'RG BKANCII. Trains leave Altoi.na fi.r points S.u"). 7 20 a m. 8 25 a m. 12 50 i. in. 1 oO J a. I 5 00 p 8 00 r, , j jlj p ui. e UOUlCellC , Trains arrive af Alliums from I))"" trade the r tnest Brandt of Uluminat- j South, at 6 45 a m. 1 1 35 a m. I J- p .," inn on T i : . ... 55 p. m. 6 40 p. iu. 7 . in. snd 10 f -Baa MUU AJUliriCHIiniT lllu u -i 11 t in 1 w a a .-.nuiiiiua ana Oasoiine, that can be made from : Petroleum. THE STABDABD OIL COMPAKY 1 1 of rittsburg Pa., make A SPECIALITY of manufacturing for tli land of David Wilson, and 400 acres or wood Undo! John McClure, adjoining lands of Pennsylvania Railroad Compauy io the v cinity of Boxler's O.p. I by all person, sg.m.t trespssaing on the above mentioned leased lands for the purposT of cutting timber and so forth. paTPOB9 r MiffllDtown, May Z 1?"" B'-BO- We challenge comparison with every known Product of Petroleum. If yon wish the most VJVIF0RMLY SATISFACTORY OILS LY THE MARKET, ak for ours, trade for Miflintown and vicinity Supplied by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE & CO. January Cnd.0-lv. fish- os Caution ollee. All persons are hereby catil:..iied, rot to trespass on the lands ol tlie iinderair?ea it Knr.i.a 11.11 f,twnil il. fi.r 0 purpose of Kathi-rmg berries, hunting. ine. or in anv other wav Irvsiuissiiigi said lands, as the trespass law will I t forced aga.ust lH'ople who vinlate sid l,w Ilmaisi.s Mmsm'-n June 9, 18K1. The Sentinel and HepiuUm elSc" place to get job work looe. Ti y it- " rny von if yi.c nsrd si.viliir ? i" " an t-'1-'-li - a,-- n- -7 T'?.""vm,1rr,aF lai.LLL-MulJj .r w-.-..art-.Jr-.i , t ' 1i f rf taiVVit ,ii.jflT I Vi II SENT! n i:p P nbscrij in advance Tran'en' cots p-r :: Transieii! anin, 10 c: Dducti.j Co advert:?, vear. Mru.il 1 l'H.M.tt- t -nt 1 1 sin Siil- ot 1' Mun-h 1 M II .11 t ! I tlil-.- in:'., hi-rsi-s. ' hi it 1 t'.-iriint M:itrl, nt Lis .l:o-. f.. nliip. i fu ti ii : ii m. Th'ir-1 l'liiiiini Juniot.-i ( ' li. l's-s. in' impli i:i 1 i.-nri-r. Fresie'eE S. -. 1. 1 i : i I',,'i iiu-. ! Tri'tii 1 1 IK-M'til. War l;. N':iv :. Y..rk. ' I nt. i i- -r hi.. 1 1 1 I I'.-v. iniiU. r. l.ii Alt -I !! X I.T. Ill.ll r. Sc-r. l:n- niinli I 'u-.k . V i' w mi. it.-. : t i 1 1 ;i ; i . wi. .. i. turn tli. K. V Pi,: .. I.lltll. ITIll -Til. .li.l.iii Yi '!i 1 1 1 M 1 1 ; 1 1 : H James Sj . 1 M t)M llOVlliL- eiiLjim-iT i i j -Jr .1 J. v llwi-llill-.' 1,. ;i Ifi.I'l 111- I II CI. Ml i. - 1' : ' vtiiK at 1 1 ! thin !:!.-. -! t A III ! , ol 'llll li i ; : purp. i-,.- . -f I .,: .Jamrx : i : ' mnHfer nt M !'' absence i f ( 'i i mince. A in. ( i i ; . j i . i t-liip. a.,'i-.l ol .. . IVi.lnv. Tl,. Suii.1m . .-, l.-l . ill renu-i!l:i -1, lliKl:l . . i ten -t-. Air. in vihit 111;' M r. . loll. Mi 1' : wiir.- in. '.In:.: 'H e ! clcreitM -1 . . i ; ; ri Jia.l :i tl. :i:i ftie n i::.ii.l . t" n. Misk M. :. tn tit -i- i-i-t. i .inc . l.-i - -li..l:ie I., I',;., Mini vihitcil !,. .-iiult,: I'ell.li-r v ill i . I .f Mr-. S.h-.h, iiiid en 1 1 i. a . l-'itll ..t M il . It. l.. Mm,;-, linn i nt it i : 1 1 1 1 . . I by Vi...!t.., ,r-. : never friil-. S Iru;'-l!- M -ly. "i:. v ), Ilftl I'll, .i -ii . ! eiltei-'n-l . '.."TII i.f t... . ler-t ii I e- :i I . -.. . !!)). I. . , .I:i!ii. - ; I "UK u .1 ii i, ,:, t ;, la 1 u . i-n l ) , . Miir.,r. ( ,-,,,,. ".. .1 Ii- :,i tlie St. I r. tl f;, I.l.-I Si, till, I le en,),!,,,, 'iinl nt tli. 1 Tlie lull, v, :i "11 t lie H, ,v . i "fif. I. II, H. .I Ullpt 1 1 re . ,, - K. MiM.-r. s. Pa- M:i-e rn . l ln fr. .ii, 1 11k.hmiii.1-, , t , A.Kiee flee Mure), 14 's. link-, ui t i flint's t),e ,,,.,t "liiuii iim r I i tlirl.v 11 ,tt!e w"H t l,se ,n Struni r j Tlie M, ,!,i,u "l'ill Alt.M . '' in-, ri.ii,- . 'ire Htrirte,) ... ' Ih L !is ,,. . , n'il is Keli.-y,.,! "i-k..fflti in, tl! e..vt 7u n.i Ptirlii-li Sim' Hnr.l, s..ft. -"l lilen.isl.e-i. s5'avin, (,!,. iriL' Is. lie, Sti! ' n TLr.intr,, . . '".v tli- ue .,f . .1- S.,1,1 l,v p Mitlin.t. v 'vlit,.r J,.,,, '"W e.,,,l,l Tl) SSSESXassSttmsa