r I DNrM)AT, JAM AKY 9, li. F. SCH W E I E n, (MITOB AMD rriTo. IIwtians lire linviii :i wnr iimou; tlll'IllSt'lvL'S. Asm.xjihlv sliiivi-u f;i ami 1 'tig Lair is t'.ie foiuiu;; f:iliiMi fr nun. Tiik Cliiiu-sf t-Iuiiu tliiit they us l su'iir :(MIO yrar:; ugo iu China. Tiik kings of Kur.'i' say, this is to ! :i M ar f jx act- n:aniig tlu-m. In I, nic:istr tunty in 1SSS, lo-Jti miirriag' lii'cnsrs wrrv gnmt'l. Is tlu r.' t ! nr ml t Ik' an in- uugm-ati. !! ball f Thnt's th-iiutstiou- Making th- M"tin.- DiM-trine a liv ing i.-s'u i-. n .pirstioti talked alxmt in ('!!.; res. Mi Kks eoimty i'i'le jn-oj".' Iliat whipi'lng in their i.ul.'ik- wh x.ls .shrill no l.mger 1- t. ilerntel. l'r.nMiNKT ine'ulx rs nf tin! ! Ttl r:i.-e .n s a .l. sire that l'resiileiit ih.n is..ii shi.uhi j.laee a rolorvil mall in lii-. i-aliinet. Tiik a'Hi'.ril s.it- :nei;ts of riulrail :.!,.. a that the companies in ls-SS, !..-'. j.i o.i.-v. The cause is nscrilx d r i : il -e.l rates. Ti l. largest corn cril reirtcl is in Ni ! laska: the cril is -l"0f tl -r.g !2 f; . t wi.l. an.l Vi feet le p, ami I.. ! i J'),nu(t luishels. is the past .'!( years ilrunketiness I.:;, .h . reas. .1 : 111 the past Hll years crime has ii:.r aseil f mr f.M accor.l ing tn statistics of Mr. Vines. Tiik el lipse of the Sim was so com pi. te at Helena, Mont., on the 1st inst., that chickens went to roost ami lamps wire lighti il in iliors. Ai.i.kv r ins, Vt rnsi, Ivania, TVhitr Cm hare Lt i n vmling notices of w.-ii'tiinir nti'l Ji"w rewarils nrr offer e.l f r inf. .rmati.'ii that will ltnfl t the Mer.tifi.-ation of the "WhiN- Caps Thk lAt w. ather propht t hail from N. w V.rk. an. I !' i re.Iicts an oj., n winter, tVcause the In.tians in the '..rthv.st arc si-llii:;' the Mank- i ts that (t. 'Vernmi lit gave th m. Tiik cl;pse of the S in was t-'tal in th.- K... k. v mountain region on the 1st insf., l:it In re in Juniata the Sin i i:t iL vn too gli-iip-c of the s:ni .k.'' I glass. ail t. atch even through ,a Li Tin- lest loll f t! annexation of I'ami'l i is talk, lot at Washington. It is a little premature. Ht ami ly Camilla" will ilrop into I'ni le Sam like a ripe the Lip of apple Wait till the fruit is ripe. (' .in.sou Hnj. of New- York, inliis recent message to the Legislature says, that it isclaimol that at least l(Mt,(,liO were xix-inle.1 in the 2th ati.l 2Uh Coiigressiomd listricts, in York State .luring the late campaign. He a.-ks for Legislative enactment against the use of money in elections. NonTTSo unv or startling was ot serve.l l.y the Astronomers who view -e.l the el lipse of the Sun from the sha.lowe.l lv It ..n the evening of the 1st int. What astronomer now l.ee.l are than th will hrin arth. glasses of great r power se in use : glasses that the planets nearer to the Am. logs in the tow-n of nilltown Lancaster county have lccn tiel, lo calise a ma.l log iit innuv clogs in that place. i lie ilogs will remain ti. .1 a i.erio.1 of !10 ilavs. A nmnlx-r . f hogs in the town wi re liitteli. It was a ma-1 iL-g New- Year scare, ami the il. veloiinients anioiijr hog ami L'gs will K-watche.l with great inter est in that tow-n. (oU;Noi; llt.wTO's recoinmetl.la. tiot; to the Legislature to provi.le for siihiiiiiting th.- amen.lm tits to the I coi.st i; i:ti-in, t a vote of the 4pl iiet .:ay i r .June, is in art .ly aj'prov e.l l.y a.; who have 1. arnetl of tut ( I -rti -.r's ri-commen.lation. Th pu tsti -n woul l tin nix- omsiilercil on Us m. nts, nt;r ly tree trom jktsou al an. I party int. -rests that are in Volv.-.I 1U eleetlon.s to till ollices. L t Us have the 1 1ft-tio lis on the prop.; e.l amen. hu nts in M;ey or June. H. C. A-rw.x.n, is tho name if the Am. riean Consul in St. IV.niings, w ho has ha.l the covetous taste t ask the lV.muiican government t leas,- him the lioties of Cliristoplu . I'luiuii'.is, that lit.- may show thciuin t..viis of the Tmtcvl States f Am.-rifii. lie wonhl gaurantw t pa the IX.minican gov.mment 50 j-r ci Tit. of the hones show receipts, or n. . less than two humlrcl tbousan.l .1. .liars f..r the four years lease. Sucl: a . t.nis man as Atw.o.l i-houM lx ri ciilh.l l.y the Va.sLiJ)gton Gom ni Illt'l.t. Tire Keystone State gave almost . yo.i KM) majority for the KemiHican ticket at the late election, lut iu the face of it all, the chairman of the lVmocratio State Committee has o ene.l his hea.l-piarters at Harris- luirg, ati.l declares Lis purjx.se keep them open till the close of the campaign iu-xi iail. l he clnurman certainlyk nnterrilied to the lack bone, but the s..lH-r second thought people of this Commonwealth will likely look ujx.ii his open doors as the office of miu-hine jH.litics. ifachine jx litics wherever it is known is in fa vor only among machine politicians. Governor Bsaver'g Message. (1 ivernor l$-aver sent an nMe m- a silgc t. the Irgishlture, relative to tiie.JliurH of this Commonwealth, which he computes lias a population of 5,(KMI,(K H.ple, and l.tVMl.lMK) voter -s170. lfH res),irit.s mater ial M.ivii ng. lit d.es not seek to vreatejthe impression that there are no evils to remedv. The Legislature lie considers as resiKiiih.il le for the laws to be enact ed. The several jrojMis.'d amendments to the state constitution, he favors submitting to the eople for their a.pi-ovid iu the month of May or June. H:? lx-lieves one mill of the person al proK-ity tax should le fiven to the resiH--tive towns and tiwushii where colh-cteil. Ou the (juestion of the burden some taxes on real estate he says: The real estate of the Commonwealth is taxed iu the various cities and counties thereof at rates varying from sixty mills, which is probably the highest, to twelve mills, which is pn .1 lably ths 1. w est. Admitting that the assessment is made at little more than half the value of the real estate assessed in many localities, it is nev ertheless true that we are allowing, under our present laws, the taxation of those least able to ln-ar such a burden at the rat of from six to thirty mills ujxn every dollar's worth of value, whilst wo are allow ing mil lions of corporate property to -scape taxation altogether, and incising iijxm K-rsomd projK-rty, which yields greater returns than real ctat, on ly from one half to one tenth of the burden of taxation lmrne bv the lat- t-r. Is is not therefore true that our farming jx.pulation and the owners of modest homesteads have a right t complain ? It is not also true in our efforts to prevent money from seeking investment outside of the Commonwealth, we are driving men from home I The State indebtedness unprovid ed for is $4. f7VU 3.05. The ( .venior devotes consider able space of his message to the drawing of the attention of the Leg islature to the subject of industrial education. He si x-aks of the close of the Sol diers' Orphan S h-.l in 18I0, and favors a continuance t " 18?5, after which time the On-hans remaining can be i r..vided for in homes cstab- lisli.sl and conducted bv churches and charitable institutions. In considering the Agriculture of this Commonwealth, he mentions the Jaws to prevent the spread of pl-ur.- pneumoma among cattle. In view ..f th.? fact that jx-ople of this state consume alx.ut :Um.i,mk,000 ixjuu.Ls of sugar every year, he deems it pr.ij.er that a state Ix.unty of so much per pound ! jaid on every pound of sugar raised in the state. He recommends the apjiointruent of a Commission t revise and codify the road, jxx.r and fence laws. He directs the attention of the Legislature t Tree l'lanting ; to the the passage ,,f an act to exempt from evv ami sale the home of the fainilv to tin- value of $C00. llailroads and Commerce are con- sideri-d. He directs at considerable length the attention of the Legislature to lVnal and lief..rm.torv Institutions to the caro if the idiotic and in-. ine to the & 'Lucre aim a;i..rs Home 1 (b ttvsburg Memorials the National tiuard to Tele rraphie Coiisi.lidation to the IV- artment of Internal Atliurs toljaw and I'ractict to Marriage and Di- .rce Laws to Insurance to the ."ashingtoii Inaugural Centennial to t- held in New York City next April - to the appointments of an Honor ary Commission to tne i ans vorits Fair this y. ar. In appropriate terms the Cr.rtemor sp-aks of the death of Auditor General A. Wilson Norris, and I I.-n. John Trunkev of the State Supreme Court, and closes by n- ming it njxm ttie ijegisiature to mett the issui-s of the day bravely. Two Pictures. They are lioth instantaneous pic tures sun pictures, sketched by that wonderful instrument, the eye, and hung in that invisible picture gallery "the halls of memory." Between them a sad history intervenes. The nrst is a origin sKeicn, none, in ine s roseate morn ing. It is a beautiful home, amid gre. n lawns and shad tries, an. I gardens and conscrvatorv are tilled with choicest flowers- But its cuiei cnarm is me ceniaL ener getic. Christian master, with his K vt of hoantiful children. Thelarirw manufactories across the way are the fountains of his weaith, and he has attained highest honors in the gift of the citizens of bis native State, vet never forgets that by industry eo.tsomv, integrity, and the blessing f I !, lie rose from poverty to his enviable Tsition. The bright hapt.v children are carefully trained in the as of wisdom, whilethey enjoy all the a.lvantiigin which abundant wealth affords. The second picture is taken when the lengthening shadows proclaim that lite s evening is approachin v e stan.i in tne same siit and are I.x king upon the original of the picture drawn so many years ago, ine lawn is gre-n ana velvet-like as . - , .... l-frc, the trees more lieautiful, and the mansion handsome and well preserve.!, out tne conservatory is tilled with farming implements in stead of rare exotics, and the parden wnn vegataiu instead oi llowers. And where is the soul of the home the delightful family so well known through all this s-ctionf 'Th. father has gone to the house of many mansions;' the daughters occupy homes of their own, and care for the sons who have all fallen victims to 'the mocker." "Not all those fine bovs, so well trained, and w ith such a father. No Governor H.'s sons!" "Yes ; every one. Only one is liv ing, and he is not a success. No matter how well Kvs are trained thev cannot venture abroad but temptations meet them at every turn. i ne laimres oi ricn mens sons are largely in excess of the successj-s, and one cannot wonder. The marvel is that any escape." A pall hangs over the second picture, the reminder of "temples of trod prostituted and destroyed, glorious possibilities wasted, and only a tariilshid Kfe-record remaining of those who might, who should have -walked w ith God," as did the honor ed .fa l in r. TLe world is full of such pictures. And who is responsible ! Mrs. E. J. Richmond, in National Temierance Advo-ate. A 0 vi ladle. Ttead, and profit by the reading. It liaa leen lisooverel tliat a gang f swindlers are working a new and successful scheme in Franklin county. They claim to le grocery agents and carry a fine line of samj.les. Sugars, coffees and all standard goods are sold cheajHT than they can be1ought at wholesale in the cities, and a lot of smaller articles are worked into the bills which ther sell to the farmers. The goods are not to be paid for until delivered. The pur chaser soon receives word that a car containing his goods is at the station. He pays for them and finds the sugars and coffees missing, but is told thev are placed in another car, which will arrive in a few davB. The car never comes, and the ginnls already deliver ed are found to be of inferior quality and badly damaged, but thev have paid more than full prices for them This is the second visit of the gang to that county, and their sales have amounted to more than 25,000. Franklin Repository. Ho Color Line. From the Doyleblown Intelligencer of December first : William Washington, of New Brunswick, N J., ia a colored gentle- mau. William has always been known among his friends as an ad ruirer of the gentler sex, but his latest achievement in this respect has won him nnlooked for fame. He has hitherto conf.nd his attentions to ladies of highly colored complexions lint now a tender neart encased in pure white fckin has fallen a victim to bis charms. The tender heart in question is owned by Miss Lizzie Fisher, a beautiful vouug girl of German parentage. Her first meet ircr with William was confined to sweet snls'cs, ihe second resulted in mutual adniiraUon, and the third evoked a propose! for a walk. The walk took place, and resulted in an agreement for the longer journeT of life. Tosether ther sought Jnatire of the I'eace Enoch Hrdv. who, for a consideration united them in the bonds of dlock. Lizzie associates freely with the colored people in her vicinity, and deflates that her hnsband ia a man to be proud of. Some citizens of the town, however, da not like the com hinstion, and tbreaten to disturb William's matrimonial falicities by calling the attention of the authori ties to the compact. Legislative Organization. The Legislature .convened on the 1st, inst., and organized by the elec tion of officers as fi .How s : 8ESATE. Chief Clerk, Russell Errett, of AUegueny. Journal Clerk, E. W. Smiley, Venango. Reading Clerk, Anthony Bannon, McKcan. Senate Librarian, J. C. IVlamy, of Lacka wanna. Sergcant-at-AruLs, James Franklin, of Philadelphia, Assistant Sergeants-at-Arnis, Peter J. J)Dahue, of Allegheny, and James (tales, of Lebanon, 1 orkeeper, Charles Wolf, of Phila lelpliia, Assistant IXwrkeep ers, I j. N. Suter, of Delaware, and Philip Ncwhart, of Allegheny. Mes sage Clerk, Thomas B. Reed, of MiiThn. Transcribing Clerks, J. A. Mi-Lain, of Washington, and Thomas Kilrow, of Susquehanna. Post master, Louis L Kelly, of Mont gomery. Messenger, Rufus Jl. Dull, f Somerset. Assistant Messenger, W. TV. Green, of Butler, Superin tendent of folding room, John H. Johnson, of Westmoreland. Pasters and folders J. W . Moschell, of Alle gheny ; George W. Jones, of Phila lelpliia ; Harry Morlette, of Caml ria ; Harris Richardson, of Huntingdon; James S. Woodwcll, of Allegheny. Watchman, Benjamin Kerrick, .cf Bradford. Fircnien, George W. Henry, of Schuylkill, aud Sam Salter, f Fhiledclphi. Janitor, R. B. Thompson, of Dauphin. Jw5to!ian of coat room, Jonathan Sf alding, of Erie, Clerk to President to tern.. T. L Eyre, of Chester. Engineer S. J. Adamson, of Philadelphia. Tiorsx. Speaker, Henry K. Bover. Phila delphia. , Resident Clerk. Charles E. oorht-cs, Philadelphia. Reading Cleric, J. R. W. Baker, Mercer. Mes sage Clerk, John LcCabe, Washing ton. Transcribing Clerks. James B. Fishr r, Franklin ; George V. Mc- Cracken, Delaware, Serueant-at Arms John D. Patterson, lauphin. Assistant Scrgcants-at-Arms, Alex Boyd, Philadelphia; Frederick Hart- man, Philadelphia; Geo. Evans, Bed ford ; E. L. Hear, Allegheny. Post- ratif ter, W. B. Thomas Philadelphia, Assistant lost master, m. Barton. Allegheny, DoorkiTTx-r, B. M. Jones, Westmoreland. Assistants Silas C. King, Chi-ster; George TV. Spanogle, Huntingdon: Adam Grimm, Somer set; John Eichnor. Philadelphia. Messenger, Edward SpoeLs, Craw ford. Assistant Messengers, Peter nansknecht, Philadeh.hia : A. Nicholson, Lai-kawanna; J. B. Rich- tureyer, Wayne. Superintendent of the folding rooms. Charles Smith. Philadelphia. Pasters and folders L S. Mclntyre, Blair; Ira P. Har rington, Lne; Patrick Reagan, Favctte ; Daniel IL Eoe, Indiana ; Elain E. Ree.lT, Lancaster ; Ge irge D. Lawrence, Elias Morton, McKean ; G. G. G.Mxlrich, Tioga; Charles W. Shannon, Venango ; Svdnev M,. Weihl, Butler. Lajjoastek, Ta., Jan. 3. Patrick Kally, cattle doal r, -was rel hx a steor he -was dri-ving at R. .hrerstoTm tLis aftt rnoon. His arm was broken hhouldf-r lislx-atl, and he was also injured internally. He is pronounc ed to 1 in a critical condition. Socth Fraxtsoham, 2tIa6S., Jan. 3. While many boys were fckatiiig on Gleas..u8 Pond this afternoon, two fell together and broke through the ice. Others coming to the rescue more ice broke and six fell in, Richard Brown, Thomas Hit-key, Patrick Kyan, Johnnie Kvan and Charles and Fred St. Peter. The first three were rescued, but the last three were dr iwned. 7 Aelsrli boring- ev. , From Perry c..untv paier8:. The! boss lmg of Lan.liaburg and vicinity was killed last week by Jeremiah Keck. Weight 503 pounds. Clias. N. McKecban, of Centre township, killed 2 porkers on the 1 1 tu uJt., when C li. iieiter, 1;SS butcher, stuffed a sausage that measured 50 feet, i inches. Abraham S. Kitner, of Shermans- dale, lost fourteen hogs from cholera the past falL On last Mon day night one of the voting experts of this place on his way horue became frightened at some curious object behind a willow tree ; he started to run very fast when he struck an ol- stacle in the path that threw him about fifteen feet, scaring him almost to death, but was not much hurt. There was a shooting match in Kennedy's Valley on Christmf.s. Many of those present were old men, wno talked oi tne times ol tne long ago and related marvelous tales of wonderful marksmanship in winch they were successful participants. The day was balmv and the chickens put np were carried off by the young men, who did the shooting. Last August, A. T. Hohenshilt sold a 6 year old bay horse for $90 to a man named Shoemaker, w ho was buying horses for a New York firm. The Animal was shipped to New York and there put on the race track, where he made his first mile run in 4 minutes. So much has his speed increased that he was recently sold for $500. The horse was bought when but a sucking colt bv Win. Zimmerman, from Thomas Messimer, of Cisna's Run, Hohenshilt bought it at Zimmerman's sale for $S0. How- is that for Perrv county stock ? Froin Mifflin county paiers: One dav last week when a little son of William Dvsart, of Newtonhamilton left the schiKl room he went, to jump on a wagon, but lmt nis hold and four horse wagon passed over him, breaking his arm. Kaufman Bros, made 21,968 gallons of cider on their hydraulic press the pastseasim, making 703 barrels. S. M Peachey's poultry house was invaded by a skunk one night a short time ago and our friend is the loser of several fine fowls. We are iuformed that Jacob Droane's sm. .k'j pipe was filled with gun-jOTftrf rv i ' the exploding burned Ins face rtc-1 what. He had the party who did" it" arrested and thy"had to pay for their joke. - "Three houses of ill repute,inLfcwisUw-n, one on Valley the other two on Water strii t, were raided Saturday night, December 30, ult. The creatures who tumbled out of the one on West Water street made themselves known by shooting, throw ing stones and doing some loud swearing. Friday night another similar ranch on West Third street was also cleaned out. "While we can not endorse these raids we do not think many persons will condemn them, for when those whos duty it is to suppress these places shut their eyes to their exist nee a little White Cap medicine judiciously, applied sometimes proves very effective. If it was made dangerous as well as unlaw ful to enter one of these bouses for illegal purposes there would be fewer in existence and a little less immor ality, and even enforced morality is letter than non? at all. As we un derstand the law the one wmo rent.- a house used for immoral purjiobi.s is responsible if his attention is called to its character. Oa last Thursday evening as Mr. Jacob Foust was returning homo from Newton Hamilton ho was wavlaid about half a mile below town. As ho was passing on the railroad ho re ceived a blow on the back of the head which knocked him senseless. His clothes was searched, but not having any money on his person they got nothing but a knife and his hat. He receivod several severe cuts and bruises on bis face and head, but was able to walk home. He fell across the south track and had there been a train coming along while he was in an unconscious state he would have been killed. Evils of "Fnsslness." The wear and tear of worry, of use less fretting, is that which impairs the machinery of the average Ameri can woman's mind. it-is not routine or to-day that makes her life miserable, but the worry alont to morrow and the dread of the effects i'f yesterday's pi Xisible outcome. The mental "hot box' is prepttually aflame in the fretting woman's train of thought. She fears the result of things done, and is melancholy over the possible result of things undone. She may come honestly by this per nicious proneness to mental friction because of being born of parents equally fretful and apprehensive without reason. None the leas is it the duty of women and, men, too to cultivate serenity and to strive for placidity as the greatest of attributes. The whole American nation is one of fuBsers and worriers and conjurors of uncomfortable, reace-tilling ghosts from nowhere save the confines of a disordered in magination. Between supine don't-careness and fussy np prehension there is a middle ground that American women people with unnecessary worries and that Amer ican mothers must rescue from this uncanny population. The fussv mother will have fussy sons anil daughters. The child is not the father of the man so much as tho daughter is the mother of the child- ren. It is the mother that transmits the dominant traits to her progeny, and the serenity of the mother will le found in her daughters, rather than the nervousness and unrest of the American father. The content ment that is better than wealth must, perforce, be more valuable than any thing which wealth can bur. Is not a contente-d nature, therefore, at least as well worth striving for as is pold or silver or precions stones ? When the fair head of a household is of the fussy kind, life in that home is not a rest, a peace, a calm, but a perpeturd effervescence, a parody on true home life. The father may be of the fretful, worrying kind. He is not at home long enough to bestow upon bis borne the impress of his fussiness. But if the wife and mother lacks repose and serenity of nnncl, tnen is that liouseboia a hot - I 1 il 1' 1 . oea oi tne aisoruer oi russmess, ana the children will be counterparts of the fidgety, apprehensive mother. and i'ri- Ua5. The Post hell an interesting and prontaiue lair ana lestival in their hall iu this place, Ix-gmiung lhurs day evening, lXct-nder 27, and clos ing Tuesday evening, January 1st, 18S9. Citizens in Tuscarora Valley as far west as McCoysville, and east as far as McAlistt-rville, and north and south as far as the mountains, mani fested an interest in the veterans' fair and festivaL Every evening, chicken, oysters, ice cream, cake, sandwiches, conco., iC.t were nerved. A Turkey dinner was served ou New Year Day, of which 175 people partook. A fair ot tancy and userui articles was held in connection with the fes tival, and received a fair share vt patronage. A nnmlKT of articles were votod and contested for in a number of ways. A gold handled umbrella was contested for bv railroad men, 1. 1. CramiT and Henry DeHuff of Pat terson. Cramer's votes realised in cash $37.88. DeHuff" s votes realized in cash $33.75. Total cash for uni brella votes, $71. CS. Considering the closeness of the vote and the large amount realized on it, DeHuff was presented with an umbrella simi lar to the one contested for. Miss Annie Stambaugh and Miss Flora Reese were contestants for lamp. Tho votes for Miss Stam baugh realized $23.19. The xoti-n f..r ilins Reese, realized $20.76. To tal cash for lamp $43.95. Consider ing the closen.-ss of th vote and the large amount realized on it Miss Reese was presented with a lamp aim liar t. the one contested for. A solid gold G. A. R. pin was vot ed for at 10 cents a chance. The cash return on this voto was $8.00 W. V. Cwplin of Lbwistown had the highest number or votes and was given the pin. An upholstered platform rocking chair was contested for by Elmer Bealo and Frank Goshen. Beale vote realized $21.10. Goshen's vote realized $0.39. Total $30.43. A second rocking chair was chanc ed for at 25cis a chance, which re turned $12.75 cash. John Bergy re ceived the chair. An upholstered one arm chair wap diPpoSefi cLm the same mannor at lOets a chance on which was rt-t ::. . . ... $1.40 cash. This chair wan won b Miss Ella Oberholtzer. A 22 pound turkev' on exhibi 1-nfii.Ti ms a -!-.riK..Tit it Alojnpoever could guess nenrest to the "jTubt" . ... .. .. . .. - - - . of grains of shelled corn m a .v-eu bottle. The guesses on the c-.ty. realir'd cash $10.85. Lee (Jotllo the turkey by guessing the ejact number of grains of corn in the ?ot tle, which was 737 grains. A wood saw and horse was voted to the la ziewt man. Tho cash secured by the wood-saw and horse was $G.15. Y. II McNitt won the prize. Tho entire receipts for articles contested for was $133.32. The total receipts from all sources was $423.71. The exjK.nses were $105.25 leav ing a clear gain of $3 IS. .1(5. At a regular muster, of Lieutenant D. H. Wilson, Post.o. 1134 G. A. R.. the committee ap;'nted V to ai rang itfl! P?t Faiiand FesV'ival, wax in Tructed to r'lu to'th'' "-tiz' inof tovu and country, he lK'enrty- tha::. ol the fost tor tiieinr roil i.- I lil-eral contrib.itions'aiid patronage : also to make special mention of tlisnks to business firma and persons from abroad for contributions se-t, by rcpiest of our town merchant-. Through O. F. Hinkle, m-rc hant, was received from A. J. M'-dk r & Co., PLila., a largely and hands oiaelv orn amented cake ; also from Henry Gregory of Hariisburg, a lot of perfumery and notions ; also from John H. Elliott, of Newville, Pa., 10 pound packages of roasted C'ifFie. Through . r. Snyder, tumiture Dealer, from Baxter & Co., Phila., one Sofa Chair ; also from W. R. T. W i.ncr & Co., Snnbury, Pa., e:n tribution in cash ; also from Nation al Chair Mfg. Co., Elrigo jVjr5"ork, 2 Upholstered PlatfurhfSpring Rock ers, 1 C nibineil Cradle and Crib. Through Frunciscus Hardware A Co., from Smith, Seltzer & Oo.,PbiIa.. 1 ?.Ct 01 silver plated desert ppoons, 1 set of silver plated table spoons. Through W. N. Sterrett from Hood, Bonbright &. Co., Phils., a contribution in cash ; also from Themton Barnes, Phila., 25 pounds Confectionery ; also from Miller A Hartman, 200 Cigars. W. R. Wharton of Port Roval, con tributed a Solid Gold G. A. R. Badge Pin. J. W. Stimmell, if Port Rival, contributes! an office chair. Committee : A. H. "Weipmas, J. W. HroiTEs, C. McCuxlas, H. W. Ksiselv, Jotrv Paxkabaker, Gbiboe GosTTEH, W. H. PODOEUS. Crambo, Jf.n. S. Tho Rrulirny Are reports tbat aurinp 1HK8 nnietf.n railroads, with almost 1000 miles of lines and nenrlr ?65,OO0,00O of 1kh1s and stock, hfiTe lxn closed out for the creditors. lTrrsi.rro, l'a., Jan. 3. J.iines ; Ifaon, ajred 18 rears, living rcn j Mononpuhela City, shot at a cat with 1 revolver to-dav, when the bullet struck a post, glanced and killed his infant brother, who was plavinr m the yard. The cat escfij-cd. Some Foolish People Allow a coogh to rnn nnlil it rets birou.1 the reach of medicine. They often Fay "i'n, n win wear away," tnt In most case it wears them away. Could 'hey be indue ed to try the successful medicine called Keoip a Baisam, which wo will sell on enarxntee to care, thev would iraine.ii;t-l seethe excellent effect alter taking th first dose. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial fix frit. At all druggists. From the Fulton Republican : Hog cholera prevails to a considerable ex tent in the Southern part of Arr township, Countv Treasurer !Ltt lost about twentv head of hoLrs find j pigs with the disease, among which 1 were hve larjre fattened hogs, that he ( A i m 1 . rt.. - was aoout to outcuer. other tanners in the vicinity have suflered in like. I luHimcr. Siiii 1 1..'. i.l ,r-Zl,,r' t, i i.-ir.,. ,ti in Inlerentlnf Fair ! Vu in . -1 ;ji n kj Oi ioi: I..-!.- ,- v.Lostia-t-. i - i ftge v Lif.i.T ' -'ue r.--,r...-a to paper : ed oil l".e .- v... ; :t 11 t"' lilt-lit. V.'i: for Lis tick- t i.e.- bring it. and Lal also f.rg.fieii las Wl.pt was worse, he Lad money. forgotten where I'f was going. It was found imjHissibe to suggest to him anv station that seemed to la the right one, and he l ad to tele graph home to lni'. " his fnen.is look into liis diary ami send l-iiu word where he was going. Aor.i came and he was started ou all right. . WISn TO STATK A FEW FACTS Worth Knowing, That I can stop tootbacue in lc tnn five minutes j no i'i.Jt, :.o exirsctci. That I can sraU l.s-th itin u pain, bv I ho ne ot a (IukI uni.ii.-.l lo tii leetb andgnms; uo (laua.-r. That I)laiiet .- Gnm(kawn en Micci-NNlntly THiiitMi in ti?ry ana a cure cast). warf.-.-. Teeth FiLLnn and wwinniKl l.r lil'. Artilicial Teeth rej.ah-p.1, exf hanjrwl or remortilled, trom '.l.eo t" $1 H'r net Beautiful Guiu Knaioelff.1 Teel inserted al pricea to nuit all. All work warranted to eve perfect satis- far linn. 1'm.plo olio bnvo aruliriul teeth with which I hoy cannot wi, aro cj.'Cially Invited t call. W i!i v.it prulraniunally at their homes if notified Ly I. tier. Will viirtt regularly at RwhneM the 2nd weeks of May and Ortobur. Terms Cah. G. Li. DEIIR, Practical Ilentlst. ESTABDHHrD in irruTOr!i, Fa., in I860. Oct. 14 H5. rj lrVsy-'v'JS Afr TortT fm fcT.y.it- ...t.i-t ni-i'i" .,r. m:j- f.M-t I r.fU-a , o Mai? M-.-n s in I'an-idi. t 9k '.unci, t rni-, 0rmur. a11 mh-T cr,"-.tn -9 Tlir xjir- UOM UUou.i.J fclad UeJ -.-SU.. UiUT- pased. , - DraTin(r ifl' iT prparn anfl nii In tbe Fint ftn iiort n.nr. lrm iy rJMnhle. N.. cn-.w 1 ir - n-i'iation of mod vim Or drawing A-i"r t-Vi!fi PtMt..hH'nilt' - :.' .t.-rrt.Mnrt?a lnth M IKV I IKK I TV.tl W.hich bu th !rr-t cm -t pin-. r. ttie mr:-t intlue-.t .al i-wf.iMiir of it k.Mrt .)'! hi -.1 in th Tld. Th irianrtrct M a nytico every patent OriirHtua'. Ttia iT ',.-r. ':'''r i'lli'Rti.i sivawT lpnt:i '! VV ';::KLV mt a vrnr. an.l 10 admitted U. Sl. 1 p.- r- to "riene, maihlnira 1 1: ;h , I . , , t l -' IC T1- 'i 7 .T TT.rk. and other deitartm - vt in usr .1 i-rei. pub lished in Pcy' rrnr,;r. 1 roil - - t fi niraci of I in ...,. i. f ar u.oJth lr one aol.ax. IVtao h-.. ir T1ifn to psfnt wni to TMunn M ('., k r of Scientiuc Amar-.caj. Ua.niiixok aoout TatDts mailed tr. WM. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER The Great GERM or BACTERIA DESTROYER. To Cure Disease, Remove the Cause, ficrev-arvlir. hare liivroverrd il.t comn.only called Micrcljc. :it j-iiirvii.L.rR CURES by eisstrtrjritgtk 1- .).'. ut tne van; e time fu-. fict tne .'o.t and .:' r the rrrVw. Mr. kadnm ha established r"fc.i:y No. 4 in Philadelphia. Office et 819 Arch Street. T'ji-Mi and pcrw.n M:ffrrirc fr"m CATARRH, HRr.NCHITlS.CONSUMPTION, MALARIA, P iil-UMATISM, Diseasci of the Blood, etc., ' -t 'n; 1 f tj-i lr nt al. vr aMr"-, will rccive .'. ':' N .-I'. t! e l.-n.rr rf ilir Mir; 1:1: Kim.kR tnu a it i;ijici-. A --m-!' s wi'u : .--.i:b-t:hc.l in l'ny'vnnta. New Itwt. 1 f laware, Ma rlar.d, aTi.iistrirt f Columbia, wl:ich this Ka.ciory will i!tiplv. A 1 his 4"cnni..;lc 1 A SUBicfciESTORATIVE TO HEALTH. PennsTlTttlil Agricultural Torts, Tori, P. r&rqfaax'ft Landird Enfaei and Sw Mill, Mosarr. TracTiou and A u urx. auc Ba. (iaeaPclaiv arranta y ant i&a4a. Addrea A. B. FAB(CUAB A S05. lark, Ft, r bseat aXZ3::a MEAT-CUTTER. Crnjn;iei and pro nounced th o-tt f.,t Hush, 8aisce. Mm- Vral, Pcripplr, 'roqijetta, lJavmburtf Siak. A . r. No. 15 Fet cxprent pr.-pi J.on n ccipt fi t-.SO. AMERICAN M'F'G CO., Z2d A Wa.fc1ns:tcm A-, I'biladclph.. C3.DT8 rF.l.rPR TEI FF.MAt.F. 1 ovv. Bwnra. or wh r.-fui.dHl. Heiit I.t mall, SI. I'a-tj4 ulnratc. lr. lnx, X Iretuunt Su, Burton, JUa, I .( urunv uiinn t rrnurn txmn inrfMh ty lDurtr.t.1. trtvitm him 1 liar. rpr 'iwuirg ifrexwld. Initn 111" Li rLH to mm l"SKI' IKMH. CO., . station '.. II rook I n. !t.Y. HKST MA My CI.OTIT JN'G IX j . d YA T h S CO. SI XI K Lht- CHESTNUT. ittoer Bcn.niNa IVl!c loTrmpamifr". flaring isMd 4 o ai-res of wood land . Jinv.il nilMn. and 400 acres ol wood ltid ol Jolm V- lure, adjoining lands ol lYmisj ivar.ir lisilr. ail C'-n-paiiv in tlie vicinity ( r's O.p. I I , r.-l v rsution all p-rsonH M(;aiiit.t tr-.pss'iiir ..ti tl.e ahove mentioned leased lard for the purpose of t ntting timber and so lorth. JOHB HrASHOR. Mitflintown, May 21, 1RS9. SOMCTIII(; XKH under tho sun which Kii.it oi.nnjii n. vtr lieapi of a CLOTHES LI Mi teat requires So Clotiies Puts. Every house-keeper, Unuiireaa and store-keeper wants it. Sample m,t by mail, 6 te. t tor 2.i., 12 I. , t u,r -, ts Firtt Ciati .IKHT.t W.I ST Eli for thi, v-... .h in.nacrur.-r A; it, Pain Ta., ( Lock Box Ji8 ) I Ittml Pt;l WK t' IUr- U K ' ' j , : ! nri-a-rit ton i tr.nr td Thonnt1 r-pTlrtion for r'"1 fJ U th L"p'U-1 Mr.t- and VnTu(rn roan. I?l O trie, the jtn.'i-rin of S icntiho VV'a Amerl.'im cit;t i:t:e l -$ f-rt.;c;tor mmm 1 r.rpattfr)t,rsvfBt.1rl0 mrB.copr-aa-aB& .u-t i.M-tha I'r.rUd ind lh.-. . -r . ! . 1 .. P H I . FOR ijbia I :t?yniiisitww a m mxpm m -a n w i w he m r a h i a ra i i ndvii mil Latest Fall WINTER TbeCbampI- Clatllr I.Junlala C ounty Lai6 Jt turned from the Eastern cities with a wouUerful ' FALL A IN D WO TER STOCK . . - - . : . r -. " i . ' Will make rid, uttiiii riala, win rictori. merits. AiE-N'-S BOY k ClllLLiRli S FASHIONABLE CLOTIIIXg and Oent's furnishing goJs. Firtt Cluss, coi.biuir, ."Style. Qtli;tT Elega?ce, with prices that will astonish you. No sale is tsptrt,4 I proye this. But-1 ask your patronage only when I j-ye cote;1. to parish y Rtockof HATS, CAPS, BOOTS A SHOK.S OVI-U-AM wATC!iWw JEWELRY, Oalicxj, Percale and TTkiM Sairta. vrir, ColUr Jt4 Cufrs.TrnnkB end Satchelp, in full ed i-cpUt. VU auj see. Sanil STRAYER. THE OLD KELIABLE CLOTHIER 15D FIRishER JS PATTERSOIX. Jone 16, 1896. Locis K. ATRIxon. F. M. M. PraKaLt. ATIilSO. It 1M.5SELL, ATTORNEYS- AT - LAYV, M1FFLINTOWN, PA. Q3r-Collecting and Conveyancing prompt lv attended to. OrriCK On Main street, in place of reii deuce of Louis K. Atkinson, E(q., eouth bridge street. lUct Uti, WW Jons Mcl.At GtiLrM. Jopb W. Ptimski !llt'L4I CIILI5 ti. TIMMEb, INSURANCE AGENTS, PORT ROYJiL, JVSIATA CO., rJ. CE-Ouly reliable Companies represented, j Jm. 1, 1889-ly IJUIATA VALLEY BAK, j OF MIFFLl.lTOn PA. WITU KRANCU AT PORT ROYAL. ! Stockholders Individually Liable. JOSKPH KOTUROCK. Pre;denl. T. VAN IKWJN, Cathter. CIBLCTOBS. W. C. PomeroT, Joseph Rothrork j John llertaler, I'hil:. M. Ki pner, ; Kol.i-rt E. I'arfeer, Louis K. Atkinson, I T. V. liwin. j STOCKUOLl ERS : ! Philip M. Kepner, Anni.; M. Shelley, i Joseph KoiLrotU, Jnne II. Irwin, ! L. K. Atkinson, K. E. l'arkfr, j W. C Potn.rf.y, J. Ilohnes Irwin, Jolm Ilertz.er, T. V. lrn in, I Mar Kurtz, Jerome IV. 1 borppson, Jr . CiiarlotieSnyder. , Three and Four per cent, it.terest will te paid on certificate, ol di posite. (Jan U-i, IJ.9 tf Firm. -Of-O- MS I ""'."r.. r.m m m.. tan ;g t Has resumed actively the practice of ; Port Royal ." a. ui-. B.-irj.a l Medicine and Surgery and their collateral Tuscarora .5G a. a... V.i(,tr ( branches. Office at the old corner of Tliltd . xhrnipontrii h.:-:7 a. mi., jrwr 14; aud Orange streets, Miftiintown, Fa. j m., WilliTto n W a Swpwt k t March 'J, 1H76. jm.. arrivlnir at lia-ri.l.urr at itli B FALL AND "WINTER GOODS. I X'n mr.rfl snnimpr for tnotlflis and A'.t.H.na r.-.-t..-s A't.-ns t -i. 10 p. a. 'to come- Fall and Winter hcre, and lo conform to ! change, the Senior member of ( w;- Vr ! the firm has iut returned 1'rofn I v. m., Tu.-rora p. r..., mm. , i ,i p. i m., Port Royal '.! p. m., V.if.m t...m p J'.aptem 3iarKet!', wiiere ne te i lectea wun great care tne good I .i a i . r i that his main' patrons favor. DROP JJN. OUr We have now filled ! shelves with Fall and Wijctkk : frwdc r.f nil l.-nid-: Our ri is , tomers have appreciated our , Wlll c1I111,.ct M; , .1EJ ! efforts to give them goods toi riarribtjuig at 1 11 r. m. 'suit their purposes, and we! . LKwrsToir?i divistos believe that we are better pre ol t,.iti dvoi. in Tior-it tlioli " Confidence. We lllVlte OU to ! come and tee and be Mti.-fied. ! In our dress goods department , 5s 1 .1 - ! we have almost everything. iDonHbe backward, call for i . ' i What VOU Want. I - (Shoes and floats. " ;ta, 1 10 p Trains arrive at Tvrune from BflW i" Our Root and Shoe De- 1 and Lock lu"a al ''- ' '""du',;f" partment is full in its a.ssort-i " !JuZ ! ment, and you certainly can be SUlted in fit, quality and price. ! Whatever improvements have i been added by the manufactures 1 1 ii 11 1 - j we nave mem an. e can supply you with foot wear for any in or out door service. Our grocery Department never lars. We have on hand a full line Fresh, I'lain and Fancy GROCERIES. Also, the only lull line oi QUEENS WARE in the county. Every house must have its lull supply ot Queens and Glassware, this is the store to call on for such ar ticles. All orders by mail will re ceive prompt attention. Remember the place, Mais Stkixt, Opposite Court House, MilUiittown. Pa.. Fred'k; 12S1J2:SCIA112 As Sou. - a a-aw navm - . And STYLES i ' itetlf oa it, ?U1CTLT13UU1LE0AB! TIM JC-TA ILK On aaa Su. y ,,v 2Vb . train, that step at il!rs ..i' IASTHAH. LTOOWA Acctmw MTH lea-. u. of J daily t fi 'ja m. Tjrote 5fij : Hm.tinr'm MvW1. J iw," "'"H I 1") . . li:l.- A U ... - . . . ',J ann mt. runanijiuia, i.i". a. ai. 't'l.Uai, 16.1 . and t- .p ti.g a m aratioca fc.'tarro Altu..n.a and Er-ai5 reach.v trCinai i-5o a. a. , Earauif 11.40 p. U., and arn-.ea la Pai iiVu 3.15 p. a.. Mail Tiaia li-airj finbarg deir y I 0.55 a. in., Altoona at a. m., pin ai ail rffii.ar sutiLi rnttrtt j;3 at 6 C:$ p. lu., Uarril.ur 7.vf. a., J"t adelphia 4 'J.'j a. ui. Mail F.xprr Plrl ,uf la,, i Altooi.a 6J'if I Tr.jat-1, 1. t m ; Bui. j motion 7 o? p 111 ; Ltliu.wo 4 ot ; ;. I tlin S 10 p rn ; IlBrribirg H. 1; fli4. d.-iphia 4 L,f a at. Philadelphia Kj.r,.K wiii rti.p u Jie at 11 '67 p. ni-, tii't fiijjc.t IthflT All). j Fast I.ise l.-vrs r:4-.!ti( 4.1, t i 11 6 a m : Harri-I :i a X f m ; Mil , j & !) p ni ; I -1t. n a f a m ; i mu ; b lOpD. ; arrir. t FitULcifal 11 t6pa j Wat pAsimura lrar Fiiiloii.l.i ! daily at 4 ?'' a. m.: f arr'.ih.irf , I 16 . a., ' Duncannon, I 64 a m ; Jlevpurt, 1 it 1 j m.; Villerst..-r.. (J 4'.' a. .ai..utoB, ! H 62 a. in.; Van Drk.. tl Mi a. ; Tur. ! ora, 10 01 a. m.; atexiro, 10 ' . fori ! Roval, 10 18 a. m.; ia, 10 VU a. bl; 1 Mil'tord, 10 20 a. m ; Narrows, It it a. .; ' Lcwisl )wn, 10 it'- a. a;.: ilcTrTv.aa, u ( s. ni.; Newton Rs'uiit.'B, 11 39 a m.; Uua ' tinsdon, 12 17 y. m ; Tr -ai, 1 7 a. b. ' Altooua, 1 45 p. ni., aol eti.p at m nt'iltr . fttious het-.vi-.-u arr.ir. ir aii-1 Aiijin I Oyftf KriS"' lear.'s rtiLadljhi4u. I ly at 5 50 p. m., flarritlmrf , 1 4. . : sloppier at RocKrilla, MarriTtuf, tKiacAa- Ni-wp.-rt, Sill. -rst.iwa, Tkomo.lli.aii, ; Port hovl, i:mr t KiSia, 1 1 (V'. . m.; A.- j i... -r.a. 'J -. ni., r.:!anrj. 4 II 1. m, I M ml Te ! -s i'f..: 1 1. !i :i Wlx tx i 7.VI' a. mi., n..m-l.i.re II.L'o .1. n.., St ' p..rt. 1 I .' p. 1;).. Mii'Ifin 12.47 p. 11; , tr. ! triiie at all r. v;ii..r t.iti.ii l..i.....-ii Ma I ntsbiire p. are! ai.nv Pi., the ' 4 U.trn-tiiirrin I ;U lII!'i:i f. - i m., Leist.,Bn i,.u p. m., v. .-jr.n t, .'Wt.Hl II 1 nl.!. 1 1' f a., 1 '" LO L. EH. : HununP(i.a 7 r- I - . J 1 acme r.xpreMfr l.ave i i.,ij-i (.:.! ii .ptn; Ilsrrisl-.nrft a l' a m ; P ici:m1 lab am; Newport 4 ('1 3-.:; HSilfi in; Lil(ti.n oil am; Jl -Vr !:. 5 i: ; a. in; Mt. Union 6 It am; Huutiu-I -s : Pi am; Tct. rshnrf ; 1'". a n-, -rr;.cr Crrf ; " T;,nBi 7 'B'4 ; B-'''.4 t l. a m ; Altoona b 0j a iu ; 1 ittw-'i - ! 4 1 P "- - ; n.y t g 10 a m, iu & am, 3 n m ; f - 1 Smil.iiry at 7 4") a m, 3 M p m. Trains arrive at l.,-wisicn Jur.cliu.fns Slllroy at 8 50 am, 1 -z:, pm, 1 .!(ifa.;H s",ib ury 4t ''ln,"iffl' Tyrone wtisi-.v. I Traina lae Trn.no f .r H.llrfor.tt u- ; Lock uTtu at m 10 w, 1 15 P m. lu 7!i,ue ft"! ; e-.rwen.riii0 .r,d cinrtMit' S 'M a ni, a Oi, p n.,7 T- p m. j Train, leave Tyrone lor rr.rririlh Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia at ' j " e i pm. ! Trams arrive at Tvror.e (riioi S. oiia, j i a. & B. T. R K 4. hkpf.h;!) niVi;Wv- Trains leave Iluuiiiin lou l-.r B-J' !'' II ll.lllcir. flint 1'ni.J.i rlt'i.i At X -1 and (j .',' p. m. Trains arrive at H.iiitui.l .ii Iroffl Mj ford, iivndniaii and Ciiiii.'..rlaril ' ' p. nj., t. 'M p. 111. IIOLLUiAVSIlfKU UKANC'H. Trains leave A!t.,na lr pnititSBt. 7 lit a m. L'5 a in. 12 "o p m. 1 ',u ' 5 00 p in., S CO p m 9 ii'l V u'- Trains ini.e at Aitooi.a lr..m P0'?1 South, at (ilia iu. 1 1 :'.' x iu. 1 -ir V "J-.'" 5i p. in. ti 40 p. in. 7 "i p ni- a" 10 "' iu. of Caution ollce. All pi.-nim are h. n l.y cii.n-ni' 1, Dlt M treapaha on the lands '' th- u-Arftpx Spruce Hill, and Beale town-hip". "r . . . I ... ... - . h.mtlliC. " ice, or in " "ther ' r,,-i , all lal.dM. an tile lres.pas !a w ' lorced against people who violate rti June 9, lfcft. . t e".c 1 & ' The Stnluul ar.4 ltrrui'tra place to get iob work done. Ti) K- pay yj if u uccd, thE 10 ti w m B. . .