WINTER. Fall TYLES ! L a tTandtrful EU STOCK T.cUru.Mua sell ,.,, CB JLOTUIXG coin.iutng btvle, tIii. i. X aale ia expecte.1 n jrive w:up!t atiefacti,, y VKIl-ALLS, WATCHM aj but.. Ne.k wear. CWn Ltlete. Cull and see. EPw AND FURNISHER NNSYLVAMA RAMMRnTT -"van. TIMK.TAULK and alter Seuday Mav Uh that .tor. at M 01,nwillrn.. 'al KA ST WARD. "'" cconooTion leaves Ajto,.. a! S "0 . m.. Ttrone 61 np-lon .HS a. m., Mount Colon at a. m.. Nrfon Hamilton 7.04 b. 1 'inn 7,Jtj a. ui., I.ewUtown 7ja . 'i'v.r-1 .ll n m., Mifflin 8.17 ' Mexico 8.2S . arvra . m.. Vandyke 8.84 a. ir..ntown H.43 a. m., Durward g 47 B :i irrtr.o x.54 a m.. Newport S.'uj a. mvirg st liarriahurg at 10 ltt a! m it fbilaifi-lphia, 8 15 p. m. 4 PrMleT4!tooa4,HT J a m., and stopping a all rsgalsr us between Altona aud Hanisear -a V Utinat -68 a. m., Hamsunr. p. M., and arnvee in Philadelphia at ni. it Taaiv leaves Pittsburg daily at . in.. AH. 'una at 2,00 p. m., and step, at U reiinlar at itiona arrives at Uiflla p. m .. Harrinbarj 7.00 p. ai falia !.: 4 .I'i a. m. L. Kiprm leaves rittaburg at 1 Mia. I mit ) ' I r- til Tvrtine tL hi . 11 . - . - p mi , uua n 1 37pm; Lcwistown b 43 p a ; Hi'- ;J piu; Harriaburg 1U4 pmi F,a. i.ta 4 -6 . tti. i'ad-lj bia Kxpruas will stop at hBXja WtSTV AKD. - - r -wsur at am; Harriaburg S 40 pa; MiSia 1. m ; Lrimitu 6 11 p m; liteeaa y 111 ; rrii il I uial.urg tlUMfa. at pA-irinKa Imtm PhtllABki. Jut 4 ;;o a. m.; Uarriiiburft, 8 IS a. av Irinm'n, ! "l a. m.; Nnwpurt, 8 2( a. 1 1 ; . . . a 111- .TL . . in.; V.m Pt, 10 no a. m.; Tvaear 1 1 11 1 1. m , Me tiro, 10 07 a. m.i Part !. I" i.i . m.; Mittlin, 10 20 a. rt, l' Z . m.; Narrow. 10 84 a. bm wn, lii 4 a. ra.; NeVevtoaB. 11 14 ; Ni.iun ll.tmiltno, 1 1 3 J a. m.; Baa '"i. rj 17 y. ni.; Tymnn, 10 p. m. --v I 4S . m., and atop at all rafolar j i.irrihary and Altooaa ! i Krn lcTra Fhiladvlpkia 4aW .'. 1 ' , Marriabura;, 10 30 p. av, at K ,-rKilie, MarjaTilla, Duaaaa Si l it, M ilii'ratowa. ThompMDtowa, .n a itiwn, 1 1 a. ai n.,tid Pitrabnrf , 8 10 a.av rhila.lnlpUia dallf at intra; ii.-u a. m.. jiaw- . t. a. 'Ju t ' L 1 a 1 a I 111.. 11. ir : 1 ; .. in.. MilHin 12.47 p. m.f Maa itt ail ri'icttiar ptatjona b((iKl MilBta .:t.Mir ( iK(-hca Altaona at I 80 a. m- I'llr,! P- AC KMnriATioa ! Piil- i"a la r at 1 1 AO a. m.. Uarriibart at j. i' xitinol 4.4J p. ra.. Haw V p '11., Millvratowa 6,26 p au. 1; a.itituwu p. in., Vaadrka 4,44 . 7 arura p. m., al'lico i 50 p. K i il j,r4 p.m., Milflm 6,0J p. ... nii:..n S.2.1 p. m , MeVartawa , 1.., .N.-wt.m Ha niltua 7,10 p. av, in n-t .11 7 ti p. m , Altnona 00 p. BV aritir rtjrra.lj.area Philadalpbla 11 tt 1! irriniirp a i' a m ( iv uuauHn 11; .Si-wiurt 4U1 am; aiifflmltta ,..ii.t.itu5iiiBi MeV'aytowalM i.. 1 nn.n 6 4 a in ; Uontiogdoal . 1 ,.t ribtirtf 6 X a m ; SprueaCraa a tti , Tirnne 1 liOani; Bell'a MiUi k m , Altoona 05 a n ; Plttabatf 1 t h"r Exprfaa at, ao Soadaya, . uiii- t with .aunday .Mail aaat laariaj ur l 1 13 p. ra. l.KWMTOflTN DIVISION. ii!i li a- i- LkoIhIowii JnnetioB lar Ui t 1, m, Id 53 t m, 8 16 p I t irr ai 7 1 " a ra, 3 00 p m. iii.'a arrirn at l.filoo Janctioa tr v at '.) y a m, 1 25 pn, 4 SO p n j fr iirr at J 23 m, 4 10 p in. TVKO.NK DIVISION. iiua Trrone lor Ballelaata aa Hav.-ii alK 10 a 111, 7 15 P LT - I r Curwcnsrilla and Claarflal a m, a ' p iu,7 23 p ni. una l. aro Tyrone lor Warrira MJi - irama Kurnace and Scotia at Xta 1 4 " p m. una arrtr at Tjrono from Bellf .r H aven at li05 p m, and 81' t9" una arrira at Tjrone from Cor an.) 11. arflold at 6 68 a m, and 11 una arnre at Tjrone from Seaii. . Maik mt Keunajlranta rnrnaa in, at 2 p m. K t b u a HFnFORD DlTI""1, na imm Hantinndea for ed' i.ii ami I umberland at .... , . .... ,ii,a at Hunttngda" '' , lf 1I 11.1 man and Can.brland al , ti 20 p. m. liul I.ll.ATSBURC; BRANCH- Altoon.for point. Sj-. 1 in 23 a m. 12 60 p m. I u ' 5 m , HiUpm 9 50pm. ,.r. arrne at AltooB !", ,. at 6 . a m. 11 85 a m. 1 J . m.40p. m. 7tKpm. and 10 aMI! V ( 41 'TlO.f 3IOTICB- r..ln are hereby eu" "g, . rutting timber, OuiWlB traaapaw"" an k t.. b a r il.v n lui.Ia. or i'hria l K,r acreral tracts f l"" L.n.olf d in Wt Hlt na thus treaapaaaing wh. be un.lrri(jni ia thus tre i.litig to 1 hrambcr 10, Ifff. Lev te Eot.iobworkJa- ;TrJ', ,ha 4 ggVTlNEL & REPUBLICAN MIFKLINTOWN : -rnPAT. yOTmBER It, 1S88. TERMS. 9 .1-, lUO If not paid to advance. ia BdrerUaamenU lnaarted at 69 TrT, for each Insertion;. fTint btuineaa notice la local eol- 1 m-r line tor each lawtloo. iL tlona wiU be mada to thoe doatrtng .w by the Tar. halt or qnarte. JUNIATA COUNTYCeciJ. Preai- Saproma trai.Ta. jl (tiatoa. . p..-t Hyal Troa. f amaEaa-n atti-rai'B i.arr K.llurd Bma Lark i):ara e4T'tt- gljnri-a f :.'r'.ra Sinm-a Hi".... rea0 Suij'ii?bna . . . Tao'upaootowa. ii; Log Total dent. Judge. 25? S 2. 2 n O S- " c I S I - n : : : P - . 9 121 91 1X3 59 67 58 ti 52 HI 52 il4 U6 101 124 104 9H 64 100' ?2 122 an m 112 13J 10a liSl M 106 b4 I0M 71 IW 73 M0 l-,6 8 lMa 79 27b 1J7 i 10S 91 iS9 9 1X7 104 197 97 201 lt'8 HO 1U9 76 29 W 29 9H 76 53 74 55 86 42 35 42 li 28 11 80 1760 142 1740 1S55 on Prohibition ticltit IWe. 4 : Fit 0 ; Fenaniagh, 2 ; Lack, 1 s Mirain, 9 . ratUrmoD, 5 ; Port Boy- ; ThompBontown, 8 ;Turbett,l ; Tu.eaj-or, 19. and Walker. 17. To tal 75. For Oonput Wm. O. Rk1 Paila.lelphi, ka.1 ia Bf ale, 2; Far tte, 2 : Lvl, 1 ; Miffiin, 3 ; Patter ,nn- 2 ; Tbompatontovn, 3, and Walker, S. Total 2L For Senate iL O. Richie Prohibi tion, bad in Beale, 3; FaTette, .1 . I-ca 1 : Mifflin. 1 ; Port Raral, 1 , Thotupsotitown, 3. ami Walker, -L Total 14. O-o. Jwr-b Eq , had 1 rote ra Turbett for Confresa. J. T. Ai!nao. had 1 ot in Fay ette and 4 in Walker for Assembly. THE TIDAL HATE. Tba Deraccracy hate been swept away by a Republican t'dal wave. The poll tic a; complexion of the Lewer House of Congress baa been completely changon. Instead of a Democratic majori ty th-re will be a Republican majority. The electoral Tote ia a solid north excepting the atatea of Connecticut and New Jersey. H-re ia the electoral table i X C 1 V 4 i o sitisii'Ta. - ; X .;ff!i ituwn S'J 121 fort H-ijal 59 67 Turtxtt 52 114 V-a-snjgh 126 1". fatti rsjn. ................. .. 65 9N Wiiker 22 122 Mi'tord 112 159 Kile fc4 lufl Lk 74 130 L'-:are. .... 166 80 t.-otto 276 107 Vi.-iroe 91 139 Tuararora 103 197 Spruce Hill 106 80 Urrenwood 29 98 Susquehanna ............... . 75 63 Thomrooton. ............ . 'd'i 42 blatk Lo Vi 2" Maaaisox. Calif nrt ia. ...... Colrado ....... Illinois........ . Indiana......... Iowa.......... . Ivan aaa. ......... Maine II aasac busetts. . . Michigan ....... Minnesota ..... Nebraska ....... Nevada ........ New Hampshire . New York Ohio . .. ....... Oregon ......... toi najlsania... Kh.Ml.i laland ... Verrncnt. . ...... Weal Virginia... VVisconain ...... Total CUTIUIt. 8 Alabama 10 3 Arkinsas ........ 7 22 Connecticut...... 8 . 15 Delaware ........ 8 13 Florida 4 , 9 Ueorgia 12 . 6 Keutncky 1-1 14 Louisiana.... ... 8 15 Maryland 8 7 Mississippi... . 9 6 MUsonri.... . ..16 . 8 New Jerser...... 5 4 North Carolina... 11 . 36 South Carolina.. . 23 Tennessee . . Texaa ..30 Virginia ... . 4 . 4 . 6 . 11 .239 Total..., t 12 IS 12 163 Republicans in 'i are miailcsuag treat interest ia the coming parade jauilee to take place next Thursday evening. They are looking for large delegations from the eoantry, en foot, to wag-ess, and oa horse bark. Democratic brethren have been in vited to participate, but as yet they have ut consented to do ea, however, some of them say they can lUnminale their bwaaea for the parade. Report of school No. S. M its m town. P., for the second month. Per cent, of at. tendance 91. The following aie the Barnes of those who weiS present every day. Anna Hawk, Nellie atuaeer, Sylvia Toder, Isabella Scbweier. Kat.nie Stambaugh, Anna Roll- man, Virgin's Annua, Ada Dvnelsoo, Geo. Qsya, John G rat bill, Boyd Bergey, Ka-'ph Parker, Harry Ellis, Martin Greea. Pre sent evert tay but one. Barley McClellaa, Holmes faanehaker, Ga7 Anker, Minnie Forney, Tracey kioyer, Anna Craig, Jennie Hawk, Lydia Browand. Tbacbeb, M. A. Cooria. Wm. B. Ecklea, a brakemaa on a freight train going weat was found by John Fas-ek and George Doughman between the hours ol 8 and 4 o'clock on Sunday morning, op posite Charley Sarnesl's place in the Eaat Kid of the Mifflin railroad yard. When found the wheel of a freight car rested oa his neck. It w as necessary to ntuve the car to release the body. A jury consisting of Carl Espenscbade, Henry Hswk, Boyd Marry , d. Ellis with Samuel Rollioaa, as foreman and E. B. McCrnm as justice view ed tbe body on Sunday forenoon, and oa Monday evening reod.rd a verdict that he adcider-tly teil from the cars, and that no blame attach ea to the management of tbe tram lor Ilia death. His remains were taken to iLarruburg lor inusrulout. A wile and two chitureu at dotriaourg, aarouiaj tils OSS. A WALK AR8F9D. The Central Republican Club of this place ia perfecting arrangements to bold a grand parade Juntle next Thursday evening ia honor of tbe election of Harrison and Morton and Republican aucceaa gen orally. Ham, g boulder, ....... Sides, ' Lard. ...... 18 . 121 10 S 10 Tolil 1757 If 43 Con- Son- Aa- greas. ate. semnly. t 2 " i 2 F ? 5 2. E I 1 ' 3 ? uiaraicts. 5 SO ts r -s I : T z P : : : sl;imtown... 127 96 127 113 106 Toil Koval... 7-J 5 64 61 2 4 Tjrbett C5 99 62 103 99 64 r'eruiauagn... 12 103 lis 111 126 105 1'atters.m 77 f8 6 103 6( 101 Waiair 217 120 192 14 221 110 Miliurd 116 154 114 133 110 156 Baie eO 111 78 1 1 1 91 105 Itin Ml 116 HO 125 91 113 DiUwais .... 177 B9 177 69 107 75 te-te 273 112 271 1!6 277 lot Monroe J li 77 131 SO 140 l uacarur i t IS2 12S 191 !3H v4 ijru.e HU1.. 119 64 e9 97 117 M lireenwojrt .. 31 94 36 91 SO 99 Su9t.ieh&iin . 7i 61 76 53 77 51 Tln.tnta..nt..,u 3.1 40 P7 43 4 39 B!rk I..j... 12 29 13 28 11 SO Total 1933 1715 1774 l!2 1931 1698 j Sher- Keg. A ill. Recorder. ? I 4 1'ialsicT. " MiOinlowa... 102 122 97 127 Port K."al... 62 t4 66 72 lurbett 74 t8 44 121 Krruianagti .. 119 111 120 111 r-atteraon ... 74 9j 6.1 106 Wa.ker 204 140 216 128 Ml;t.jri 11 152 97 173 JV.e M 1 15 t2 111 Lark 70 135 76 131 LV!aare 15! 93 156 90 Kirtte 207 173 278 l-8 Monroe 7 140 3 1 II Tusrsrora.. . 118 201 127 192 Spruce Hill.. 112 74 106 K) lireenw.Mvl .. S3 95 39 87 Suaijiiehanna. 79 49 r0 48 Tbompaoot'n. 42 40 36 48 Black Log... 32 10 81 Total.. .. 1746 1920 17761894 1 Jury Com. SHORT LOCALS. Big buatU a are going out of faahion. Tte K:.g!irh are surprised at tte defeat of CleveUnd. Appliraata for tbe post office sra becom ing aumtrum. Oil cloth 2 yards square for $1.00 at Fianciscus Hardwsre. The r- mccrstic Cleveland election rain bow baa fadd from eight. Cash lor hi tea given at L. K. Strayer's, butcher, ItifOintown, Pa. tf. People who have bogs to butcher may be accomodated by calling on L. E. Strayer. An effort to nnd coal oil, this wioUjr, will be inatle at the Perry county wartn spring. Commissioner, John Cunninghsra oCers 14 seres choice land in Miliord township, fur sale. Those who want stesdy work can get good par ing job bv reading the ad," had ed "work onV-red, It is said that Chauacey M. Depew'a din ner at Chicago, swuug tbe New York dele gation soli f.y into line for Harrison. A s'x year old aon ol John Zo of Fer manash township had a thigh broken some days since, by sn unhinged gate falling up on uitu. Whartou Barker claims to be the origi nal livriaon m in. He Aaa an original Oar- Held man. Wharton must have been born in sn original sign. Dr. Darain M. Crawford and Miss Grace Uraybitl were married at the home of the bride 'a parents in tb:a (lace on tbe evening ot the 81b of November. Tbe aatistic sbility, if the Chsmtnrsborg Rapository waa hmught out ia an illustrat sd ed.tiou as soon ss tbe returns clear! v pointed out tbe election of Uarriaon. The golden new green coffee, alao the royal roaatmt coffee, corn meal, dour, fresh aakae, crackers and aweet potatoes at Jcs. A Da as Oa tus 4'aliera jja wnila t un nber ot 1 boya wnere piayiug in tbe hollow back of 1 tbe cemetery, they found the body ol a newiy-uorn iniani, with iu bead crushed, ! lying near a clump of bushes wrappod in a pices ot a wuuvau's under garweuU Word of tbe Uouiug of the oudy waa cou eyed to Coroner Brumbaugh, who iwpauueled a jury ol inquest- Dr. Harmon was called upon to Luake a post mortem, which reveal ed loo tact that tbe child had been born alive, rue juty ot inquisition sojourned to. meet tuis Thursday evening, when they will announce toeir verdict. An eflurl will be made to discover the guilty party or parents, which we sincerely hope wiU prove ucceastul. Huntingdon Journal. Tbnmss n Little, a respectable citisun r was fonnd deal in Dea at nia Loarding honse about 9 o'clock on tbe morning of the 6th inst ils was m good health when hi retired on Sundsv evening. Heart failure la believed to have caused his death. He wss un married and the lortune that he accumulat ed dui ing Lia 25 years of labor with the Pennaj Ivan ia Railroad Company will pass into the bauds of his Juaiata county re latives. He has s brother and two sisters living st tbe head of Tuscarora Valley and hia body, was sent to Waterloo for inter ment oa tbe 7 la day of this mocth. Tbe fortune is, that he leaves, accord lug to Al toona papera, aomewhere between thirty five hundred dollars a ti4 thirty-Are thousand dollars. 96 127 64 t.6 49 115 126 105 71 9 211 131 109 163 t7 ll 70 136 167 bO 277 112 91 139 104 219 108 78 29 99 76 63 42 42 11 80 Cleveland majority in tbe county is Vi votta. McCollum'a majority in the coun ty is 115 vote. Meyer s majority in the county i tiO votes. Atkinson's majority in the county is '21H votes. Jacobs' majority in tbe connty is lUH votes Hertrier's majority in tbe county in 233 votes. Noble's majority in the comity is 17 4 votes.. Berry's majority in the connty is 1'2'i votes. Ia the distiict Atkini-n has 470'. tuttjui'itv. The majorities otand : Mc Williams. Jiiliiats. ... Huntmirdun. . Mifflin Snvder...... Iciun r'ulton. ..... f rankliu... .. Atkinson. ... 218 ... 1C12 ... 308 , .. 992 ... 921 838 509 330 330 350 Atkinson's msjority.. 4709 In the Senatorial district the ma jorities are : Woods. Jscobs M iO!in. . ...... 819 Psrrv 316 J atniesteia e a e s ee 666 108 108 108 f ood'a msjority 657 A ticatteriDt? vote was polled as follows : t'iok and Brooks, Prohibition can iliiiatea for President and Vice Pres- ideuu Bt-ale. 7 : ravette, 6 ; Ferman aph. 3 ; Lack. 2 : ilifllintown. 14 Milford. 1 ; Patterson, 7 ; Port Uoy 1 4 ; Thouipsoutown, 7 ; Turbett, 1 Tuscarora, -i, pud Walker 22. To tal ye. For Auditor General M. S. Mar Miiis, ProLibition had the same vote Forsauiu office J. Miles Grten. I'nion Labor had one vote in Mifflin lumen Black, for Supremo Judge Hows Ventilating atove mill beat double tbe space with same amount ol lurl ot any ether stote. Call and see it at Fasxcisccs UitDaiti k. Co. Kenben L.. Ouaa ta preparing to btald a horse at Ibe brad of Third Street on a pi.-ce ot ground that be bought of B. F Scbweier. The enthuaiastic Democratic sister who blessed gixxard" that the late Demo cratic parade was a certain forerunner of Democratic victory, will, bo slower bore al ter in swearing on bsr giriwd. Itch, slsnse, end scratches on human or animals cured in SO minutes by Woolford's Sanitsry Lotion. Thia never tails. Sold by L. Bsnks A Co., Druggists. MifBintown. Pa. Oct. 81, 89. Korture Cure Guaranteed by Dr. J. B Maver, 831 Arch street, Phil's, Fa. Ease at wiice, no operation or delay from busi ness, att.sled by thouasnda of cures after ethers isil. Advice free. Send for circular. March 14. ti, lv. Ladies csll and see tbe new styles in Fsll and Winter Millinery. All tbe leading sbapea in French and American frames. New gooda received weekly. Mrs. S. M. McNiit. Main street. Patteraon. Fosters kid glovs cleaner tor sale. 8t. Mra. Susan McCrum died at tbe resi dence of ber eon-in law H. H. Marley in Ola: he, Kar.sss, on Wednesday, October 10th, 1888, sgtd 80 yesrs. Mrs. McCrum was a former ritisen of Milford township, this county, snd the wife of James McCrum, deceased." Here it ia again. A vein of coal baa been found in tbe aouth-weatern end of Snyder Co., at tbe base ot what ia kno aa Jack'a Mountain. Several teats have alreadv been made, and it is thought if properly woiked coal in paying quantities may be secured. Ilnsbsnd (on the wsy to depot for brief trirl Remember, my dear, that absence - makes the heart grow fonder. Wife Ah, yes, John ; and if you knew how fondly I think ol yon when yon are ab- -un from home Ton wo old go away much oftener. Life. rn,i..h Soavin Liniment removes all Hard. Solt, Oi Calloused Lumps and Blem isbes from horses, Blood Spavin, SDlints, Sweeny, King-bone, Sprains Some villian in tbe darkness ol the night knocked Mr. Buts of tbe laa'iatoa Globt down and attempted to rob bun. Tbe burg lar rouid But have known his man lor sev eral reaaone. First : II be Lad Known that But was 1 editor, be would have known thai Um had no money. Second : It he bad known that Bu x was an editor be would have known that noth ing abort of a killing blow would cAuae mm to lie quiet wblia a lUlef rumaged his pocE eta tor booty. Buts aa uiiitbt be expected of other edi- tota, when be was kooctcd down by U.e villian and tell tbe tbiet at his pockets quukly spraiig to his feet and atlackei the biguwaywan aud knocked hint down, but toe ibiol managed to regain hia leet aud ran away. The at Lack upon tne editor waa mde 10 a lluutiugdun by street. We congratulate bru'uer Buut upon bis courage which served bnu well at tbe critical time XelgbtwrlBB;!ffevvs. From tbe Liverpool Sob x Some soeik t bief entered G eorge W. Rnpp's shoemak er shop on Taesdsy night and carried off a lot of tools and leather and left a willow stick in the shop. A bundle of leather was dropped about a hundred yards from tbe shop. The thief evidently took more than be could carry. In October a year ag hia shop was roobed to a similar manner, and Mr. Rupp thinks it was the same party " Wednesday night of Uat week Soms prowler broke open Henry Shope's mar Set : csr, which bad been put on G arbor's siding at Newport, tbe evening before, aud car j ried off a demijohn of whisky, which he had brought from Philadelphia for a cus tomer. They also earned a satchel con- laioing Ed. 6. Kby's clothes, that be sent home from Philadelphia to be washed. Tbe thieves alao broke open T. H. Btittnrl's bottling establishment and drank some beer and a eoucle of bottles of mild drinks. from hia sister, Mrs. Percival Hummel, liv ing near La Porte City, Iowa, in which she says that a cyclone struck that town at 9 o'clock p. m. of November 1st, doing great damage to tbe town. His other sis ter Joanna, who lives in that town was thrown out of tbe door, and her right arm. broken above the elbow. She was also hurt and bruised badly. Her husband, Sanders Walker while in the act of takin g bia fami ly into the cellar for security from the storm, waa thrown into the cellar and hurt internally, and is under medical treatment. It ia a my stery how tbe rest of the lamily escaped injury. Tbe bouse wss torn to pieces by tbe storm, one part being blown away. Their furniture, dishes, Ac, are all broken to pieces except two chairs Tbeir barn and outbuildings are alao gone t here waa more or less damage done to tbe stores and private buildings of the town but not damsge d to the extent of the Walk er residence. Joanna Walker is the sister of tbe Hamilton Brothers, of this town. She went west from here soon after her father's death. From tbo Lewistown Gasette .- The cause of tbe explosion at the ateam saw mill of Esh A Byli-r is attributed to the inefficiency of tlit engineer. It is rumored tbst work will begin in the support coal uelds in Meno in a short time. Emory McColm lost 'some thirty beads of cibbsge by csttle breaking into his garden and destroying it. One of our euiicns cut a nciiow tree on Jack's monn tsln last week. Wben it fell a warms of mosqnitos came out of it. They bad taken np tbeir winter quarters there. " Last Saturday, while J. K. Miller aad son were coming boi.te from Sslsbury, Hunting don county, with four horses snd a wsgon, aa they were crossing Jack'a mountain between Belleville and McVeytown, th. y saw an old bear and two young onea cross the road near the mountain top. Mrs. C. L. Nsle came near being bnrned one day iaat week. She was blackening a warm stove with a turpentine polish and it took Ore, igniting her dress. She smother ed it out with a rug and escaped with a few slight turns on her bands. MIFFLIN TOWN GRAIN MARKET. whMt aw (1.00 to 96 .ora old 60 Of 9R 60 . loverseed K3.50 to 4 00 Timothy seed Flax seed ............ j?r "P -. Shorts. Ground Alum Salt"! American Salt......... $1.76 1 00 20 00 1 80 22 00 1 20 1 10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PartADCLrata, November 10, 1888 Number one Pennsylvania wheat $1 13. Corn 49 to 60c. Oats 29 to 84c. Rve 67c. Live chickens 9 to 10c. Turkeya 10 to 1 lc. Ducks 9 to 1 lc Eggs 20 to 22c. Potatoes 8 10 40c. Onions 86 to 40c .'a bushel. Apples 20 to 60c a bushel. Cabbage $1. to $2 60 for 100 heads. Cloverseed 7 to 9c per lb. Winter bran $15 60 to $16.75 a ion Straw 90c t0 ji. ban(ini pounda. Hay 85c ts to 91. per hundred pounds. PARKER & CO., BANKERS, Ma Stbkxt, Mittlxktowx, Petna.., TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, Discounts daily. Accounts of firms, individuals and corporations solicited. Four per cent. Interest allowed on twelve months' certificates. FURNITURE. FURNITURE I I would respectfully inform the citizens of Juniata County that I have bought from John S. Gratbill his entire stock of Furniture and heuse furnish ing goods, which consists of LAMPS, CARPETS, SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTRESSES. FXJR1NITURE, to which I am adding daily, JEJV STOCK 11" A wnicn 1 am selling ei stremely LOW PRICES The oldest and best Institution for obtain ing a Busiueea bdjcstion. We have suc- cesrfully prepared thoussnds ol young men for tbe active duties oi life. For Circulars address, P. BCFF Ai. SOUS, Pittsburg, Pa. PBIf ATESALE, The undersigned offers 14 acres of choice lend, adjoining the borough of Pstterson, st private sale. There is a good .barn and corn crib on the tract The laud is all clear and level and well adapted .for the growth of an ainaa ot grain and garden product For particulars call on Jobs Cchsisoham. Patterson, Juniata Co., Pa for cash. C. B. HORNING, Crystal Palace, Corner of Bridge and Waiter streets Mifflintown, Pa. January 11th, 88-ly LEGAL. Yy ISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the "partner ship berefore existing under tbe firm nirna of Nelson and Man beck, at Tbompsontown, has been dissolved, parties having aettle ment to make with the firm will iind tbe bouka at W. II. Nelson's bouse. NSLSOli A Maiebcck. Thompsontown, October 29tb, lb88,4t. 1 fin PER PROFIT and 8am- JLVSV CLNT pies Free to Diencan- vsaaers for Dr. Scott's Genuine Electric Belts, Brusbes, stc La dy agenta wanted for Electric Corsets. Quick sales. Write at once for terms. Dr. Scott, 848 B'way, N. Y. Curbs Still all Swollen Throats, Coughs, 'Etc. c... (Mi m the use of one botUe. War ranted. Sold by L. Banks A Co., Druggists MUBintowa Pa. Oct, 81- 89. ei.. rwoeoeratic camDaiia gill net that hunr suapended over Bridge street was craped last Friday nigtt. On Saturday m.nv eitixena looked upon the muim.., J arublema of mourning and expressed view to correspond with their political stand point. About 8 o'clock, a number of the unterrified lowered the banner snd put it o it of sight. We congratulate him upon bia escape Irom ! t he cuvvtoua clutches ol tbe a. The Dubkard settlement in Huntingdon County, Ind, ia wrought to a high pitcn wl ind'gnation over a wholesale poisoning of members ot tbe church. A communion service waa held at tbe cbuich, at wbKb in conlormity with tbe usual custom soup waa served to the brethren and the leet waabing ceremony waa performed. While tbe soup waa cook ng it was observed by tLose in cbaige that oil in large quantitiea roae to tbe aurface of tbe fluia and it waa repeatedly removed. No one dreamed mat tbe soup had been -bxed," and the members partook heartily. V ilk in a aLort Ume nearly every one ho partook waa writhing in pain and messengers wjre hastily despalcbed tor physious. Alter a hurried analysis 01 tne soup they decided that croton oil bad been put iu the kettles. Antidotes were administered and all, but two or three of tbe victims are sble to leave tbeir beds. The three, however, are still in a danger ous condition and may not puU through . Who the miscreant la that dosed tbe aol'p is slili a mystery, but 11 is the impression that the poisoning was the work ol a prac tical joker. Had not tbe greater portion of ti e oil been t-fciuirmd off it ia not likely tbat lu.iy 01 li e tennis would have aur- vived. A determined effort is now UUbg made 10 Luut cows tLe perpetrator and if caught be aid be aunmariiy dealt with." The B.oomtield Advocate ssys: Tbe borse and buggy stolen Irom Wm. Landis, of NewvUle, Cumberland county, on tbe 23d nit., was tound some day a alter wedg ed is among some heavy pine bushes about live miles Irom Newville. A lady found tne team. Tbe borse was so weak that it a w ith difficulty moved to a stable. Last week, A. M. Ebosds. Ei-q., of Carlisle, attorney lor toe standard Oil Company ia this portion of tbe State, commiasioned Mr. John A. Bower, of Spring township, to engage carpenters for cutting nt lnmber to be nsed ia the erection of a derrick. The derrick will be located n the Wsrm Springs on Judge John Bear's tarm and will be put m poaition before the snow falls. Tbe indications for oil in tbe above locality are regarded as most favorable by the experta ot tbe company. SALE O F TICKETS TO Al'CtS- TA LXl'UDUIO.l. Tbe Auguate Exposition, which promises to be tba most interssting, as well ss the lsrgest ever beld in the South, excepting toe World's Fair at New Orleans, opimed Thursday, November 8tb, under very aus picious circumatances. Most ot the exhib its are in place, s great mtny of the Slates being represented quite as extensively ss they were at New Orleans, notably tbe South Carolina State Exhibit, which at tracted gi n-ralkattention at tbe Wotld's Fair at that point. For the accommodation of part ica desiring to visit tbe exposition, tbe Pennsylvsuia iiatlroad Company placed j on aale, coinuirociug Monday Iaat. and will continue to aell every Monday and Thurs- dvy until and including, Thursday, Decem ber 13th, excursion tickets at reduced rates Irom all pribcipal stations north 01 Wash ington ; tickets to be good to return until December 20th. From Washington tickets will be sold every Tuesday and Thursdsy until December 13th, good for ten dsys, in cluding dsy ot sale. ' SOMETHING SEW under the sun, wkicb bling froloruon never beard of a CLOTHES LINE tbat requires No Clothes Puis. Every house-keeper, laundress snJ store-keeper wants it. Sample sent by nisll. 6 leet tor 25cts., 12 feet lor 60cts. Ftrtt Clmmt Jit ATS WANTED for thit Ccasrv. Address NORTON R BOND A CO., Manufacturers Agents, Philadelphia, Fa-, (Lock Box 938 ) OIXS ! OILS 1 OILS THE STANDARD OH COMPAS of Pittsburg Pa., make .A. SPECIALITY of manufacturinp; for the Domestic trade the Fiiutt Brandt of Illuminat ing and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha and Gasoline, that can be made from Petroleum. We challenge comparison with every known Product of Petroleum. If you wish the most UNIFORMLY SATISFACTORY OILS LV THE MARKET, ask for ours, trade for Mifflin town and vicinity Supplied by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE k CO. December 14,-87-ly nr Bugle Sounds the Keynote I Acceptatle and Welcoma Baigtias AT S C H O T T 9 S FALL AND WIN TER OPTCISTTTSTO- of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing which ia low on Men of Juniata county think and study well over what we hava t-rjt ts say. uur grand and superb stock of Fall and Winter Clothine- ia simnlT perfection perfected. Suppose we talk to vou aa Dlainlv anil anai'hlv aa lpossiblo while asking your valued and jrelcome patronage. This is what we want to impress on your mind. W e have everything you may need ia the way of clothing, whether it be a necessity or a luxury. Tour intemst is onr interest We offer von the best dollar's worth f goods for a Dollar in money and isn't thata fair exchange. We have the banner stock of Overcoats of the conntv. A assortment hich overshadows all the stock of other dealers in the nonnfv nnmnaii. tion wi!l exist this fall only in name not in fact. We will commence 1st placing on sale 350 MEN'S FINE MELTON OVERCOATS AT $8-30 The most particular dresser can take pride in wearing one of these garsaeaW.. ' 175 MEN'S STORM OVERCOATS AT $5, 200 MEN'S IMPORTED SILK LINED OVERCOATS AT $12. This garment will s'aml comuarison with ;inv that mrcian make to order for $20. Onr 10 line is simply trrand. It is simply impossible for tn to a va vou itm-thinc liko a ivnunr,!,.,..'.. description of our grand, gigantic stock of Men's, Youths'. Bovs' and Chil dren's Suits. Schott wiU sell Men's mixe l suits at 4.00 : Men's cheeked woolen ... imere suits at $6.60 ; Men's fine English dress suits at only 9.00 ; If en's fine dress suits, which we are selling at $15 00, are made from the most fashionable fabrics. 1 hey are equal to any merchant tailor's suit cossiag double the money. If you have your boys to clothe, now is vour DDortunitv. Wa hava just placed on Bf.le 700 Boys' suits. The styles are various, new aad taa latest fashions. I'nces from $2 up to $10. Come to SCHOTT'S for Your Hat. We will show you all the now celebrated makes. Our Furnishinr Oeods Department is the right place to buy your Winter Underwear. SCHOTT, THE LEADING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOWN, PA. 1865, ESTABLISHED 1887 Special Invitation jTo TThe Public To attend th Attractive Sale oi Clothing that from gees a THE IMMENSE STOCK D. W. OF Fall and Winter Goods. I would inform the public that I have ILfL"'a-alr- rfJ ITV ! ff 1 1 f 1 now in my new millinery store at my place "JI tV "LriltJI ClI e of rejMence on Water street, Mifflintown, We want a large number of energetic, re- j second door from corner of Bridge street, lisbie men to act as sgents lor tbe aale of a j a full stock, of Fsll A Winter millinery full line ol first class Nursery Stock wbich ; goods, all new, and of the latest styles is gnarnnteed true to name. We hire en biliary and all expenses paid by us, or if preferred oa Commission. Tbe work is steady and our terms most liberal. For ' store, come and examine my stock. particulars address i consider it no trouble to show goods. TUE GUARANTEE NURSERY CO., j MRS. DKIHL. ov'rU. 1868-8t, Ouivi, N. Y. ! March 22-8i.l.v. and having employed first class milliners lam prepared to supply the public with i everything found in a flrstclass milliner I .ut week we made mention ol the losa of a heifer call belonging to S. W. Conn On Sabbat b the head, bide ana entrails or tba animal were found in a well adjoining the house krown as tbe old Askws property on the Perry Foresee place. Mr. Cona oners a reward of S25 lor tbe arrest and conviction of tbe miscreant or miscreants who committed the act. Ben Andersou. with his dig treed six coons on the aoole trees in the orchard, but the litters all escapeo oei"B cipmras. asr. John Brenixer, of Dillsburg. in one dsy b -twees sunrise and sunset, buskej 141 sbocks of cora, n?skig bnebels. Trial Elst for December Term No. 1. John R. Black Mr'g. John Harvester Company vs. W. A. Toomey detendent snd D. B. Dimm Gnrnisbee. No. 66 April term '86, attachment execution on judgment ; No. 65 April term '86, Plea Nulla bona. No. 2. William O. Thompson and Mary E.Thompson, bia wife, for the sole and separate use of tbe said Mary R. Thomp son va. David Sellers and Rebecca Seller s. No. 43 December term 86. Summons in ejectment. Plea, not guilty. No 3. William Corl in trust for Mary Corl vs. Jobn Roads A Co. No 66 De cember term '86. Appeal from judgment of Jamea S. Cox, J. P. Plea, Nil debit sec. r It- No. 4. William Cox vs. William Corl and Mary Corl. No. 89 December term 87. Summons in ejectment. Plea, not guilty. No. 5- Jobn J. Clyde vs. Edgar A. Ten- nut. o. II l em-nary term TiS. Summons in assumpsit. Plea, non assumpsit. No. 6. J. H. Lane vs. Robert Folk and Joshua Buchanan. No. 38 Kebrnary term 88. Summons in ejectment. Plea, not guilty. No. 7. Thomas McC alloc b vs. Jacob Zelgler and William S. Zeigler. No. SI April term "88. Summons in ejectment Plea, not guilty. No. 8. Catharine Krisber vs. Dsvid Fowles. No. 181 April term '88. Sum mons in trespass. Plea, not guilty. No. 9. Abraham Arndt va. Samuel Rboads, No. 141 September term '88, Sum mons in trespass. Plea, not guilty. No. 10. Wm. T. McCnlloch, Att'y in fact lor Jeonie McManlgle, alary McMan- igle, John B. McMscigle, Lucretia McCul- locb and Oeorga W. Wilson, guardian William McManigle and Grace McManlgle children of William McManigle, deceased heirs at law ot John McManigle, deceased vs. John Foorman. No. 44 December term "88. Appeal by Plaintiff." from judg ment of E. B. McCrnm, J. P. Tbbo. II. Minuets, Prolbonotary Protby's Office, Mifflintown, Pa. Oct. 20, "88. MIFFLINTOWN MARJLBTS. MivruBTOwB, November 14, 1888. Butter , C It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Uoe Js Air MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL, STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Price". His prices leave all Competitors? in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. H A R LEY they i v.n.i. rr.opLK t.e Impure JsriO t nwii.'r Kt'frifc,. tetf or. wl.ii.-M a:. itRi-aJ v. itii wt.-4i. x:tic t . ...As, rhat cau fca-tric trcm'i.t, ?ri I S LaAAat etSA'a. !)' 1111 tiCgj CDi.k, V JtriJ i gel REFRIGERATORS LiNr.n with Stoneware aud Indurated Fibre, which re frr from abiorption. coroion. nr' inv f " t a ion rt tkiv nm , juid are THOROIUHL1 NAMTAHV.rconomi- 4EJA. ol Kr. auui proUucc low trnireturt:i t CatjAi'Jcua-t pi wing full explanation and d- eriptiont. will te inailerl frre on application. Atidrctd the manufacturer, MONROE Bros, Central i sy and T-lTfTon Htroet, CLlTrKLAT. OHIO o are Sclliiiy; STOVES OF ALL KINDS, So not fail to sro our SQUARE HUATliRS, TIIKY ARC IIi:I' TIK". A FULL LINE OF COOK STOVB3 ALWAYS ON" HAM) We inrninh repairs for all kinds of Stoves, Stove Pip a. Coal BurkeU Js at the very lowest prices. OIL CLOTH A SPECALITW A BqUare of 2 fnr f 1.00. FRANCISCUS HARDWARE Ss CO. of Buy Your BOOTS AND SHOES from G. W. HECK, .AJSTID SAVE iMOISrEY. BELF6RD BLOCK, CORNER MAIN AND BRIDGE VVatertovvn Steam Engine 0o "WATERTOWN, UST. "5T. 8TREETS 1 ri. JiJatmartut-ftrm of STEAM ENGINES ,nd BOILERS Of All Kind. Write for Cataloc r' . aae- Liver Cure Guarauloert. Office, .81 ARCHSt.f Th,,pbia. All -rug,,.... Try it. SI a bottle, six lor Ss Mar. 14,ie8,ly- n Kemp'sMantireSpreader T alaaSle far 1 Ms. r.i.t- HHA I :! t-HVf M.K ""vv. 1 otrsr r-ta .v.4 eV tt tn .. - J avrt-o IIH till a waaBWWaaawawawl 1 -e, wmI gr. T fc Ail Ufa of HEKRY FMD EEKHES. OTiJ. Sr illearra-.. mrtic hia lit" I" m hi. I--M to iU- 1 rk.a Ooa l.nax. ljiirw-a paii. .-l.h i.n L3 25 Per Cent. Cheaper than any other, all thinga ooneldoroe). f:ieitjvars on ttie w.arliat. Bafaranras ra sarr . eisiiua O.. (.mollis, . In tlie KEMP PfKtt UT 1 irciijr r ''i.l 'i . f:tm"ii Ts t - yn need.aaytnma;