Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 19, 1888, Image 2

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i I
- ,1
4 1
Hi.itMu,sf:n! i:t, !"
Till: IMiri HMCAA
h-wl pven O0O RnaKlica majority ! cents ia En-Is.aJ can be -nt here for
he County Clerk's ofli-e wta broVen j about the fi.ime rrice, or at moft 23
into un J cin KeruiMicxn rc?fB were cents. On the other ban.!, k'tctien
st.'.en. Ia L'niuo county anJ inother ' r-tentstls as a wholeare cLer'-rin th;s
cunties the list of which to long
to here euumerate tuea vere '.vhip
pol an.l Lauihhed for political effect.
Tho Democrat and Iletfister out of
respect for its readers might once ic
a while jjive a hiat of the blocly nhirt
news of its party s'.uth.
r..K m mrm jrtx.K,
1 OR Al CIT"t r.rvi.,
vr bli roi tv
i nK rsrsipuxrui. rLtaom :
h.f.i roH-4-AT lb;k,
LEWIS I'L'lillE. -r I. kiwi,
TlloMA poI.AN.or I'iiiuheikhii,
Mltlli T ELr.lTORS.
. i - II 11.--!
l Inhti . TaZ-irt. I I.''
to the dock, and a speed of two hun
dred and tweuty revolutions rer
minute of the two screws wa kept
an without a lre for that tima
Tbe Fianel Shirt in the Sena.
-J.Jol.n WinlialievWr,
:. tiit-rt 1'. John,
4. Win. C. HU'iibton,
IS. J..lin J . M'K'olry,
. J,, K T. oit,-v
7. Will; mi S . EII',
X. K l(fr I'lm-I.ot,
. S.iiiii'l L. K nrta.
JO. Klw""d tiri-st.
1 1 William ('onn.ll.
1- W,,.i,n.li l'avne. 2',. J. C SMrt-wnr,
,, ,y i; tl. l Jt. Ths. Jone.
!,. Wiison C. Kress,
17. David CI irk,
18. ;. f;. Hutchison,
l't. John C. I.nwer,
2'. Jerctu'h K. Miller,
21. (ieorgj J Elliott,
22. Harry S. Paul,
I ;. Sbiras, Jr.,
-'. V. S. Newmer,
2 ". John W. W a iace,
1. II-ry It. 15.etiT.-l. 2. !- M. Trnal.
Republican County Ticket.
Th. Republican Creed.
"We believe in free ballot.
We believa in protection for pro
teet ion's sake, and we are not asham-
d of it.
We believe in the direct protection
of American labor aiiinst cheap
foreign L.Ikt.
We believe in railroad regulation.
We Lelitve iii good homestead
titles for citizens.
We lelieve in home rule for big
and intelligent Territories.
We believe in a double monetary
We believe in a big merchant
marine and in American ship yards.
We believe in a good navy and
good coast defences
Wo belie ve in making other nations
respect our rights and pay for all
they get from ns.
We believe iii protecting American
citizens against foreign interference
in any part of the world."
It is the Old Rebel Yell.
S--t r. I to artio nf VnUirt C nf,r,nct.
i on -TVTF. SKNT'-B.
K..II asfmiXV,
I V. l:l:..l-TI U N! IT-' "I'-I'KIl,
r.ii: sm r.iT'K.
yOU .11 l:Y I oMMI-s!ON.Ji,
riilLIi' HAKLI'Y.
Hmh-.iit Hkf.-mku Smut, one of
Arm rice's pr'T;i:nent women is in :
dving c.indition.
At tl;e Cotifcleruto reunion at
Clreenville. S. C, G.niral Tierce M
15. Young said :
"lVoplo m iv make you'believe that
there is a new South, but such is not
tho case. There may be a new fihip,
but the old captain is on the ipiarter
deck and the old pilot at the helm
Yon may talk nlniut your nev South,
but who is now the Governor cf the
Dominion, but th splended
I'itzhngh 1o f YLo ii the Gover
nor of Georgia, but tho gallant. tLe
,i..r...i (;,r.l,in And who is the
Governor of Missouri, but the brave
jr irmaduke t AH of t!.-m are the
comrades of the oil South. Ia com
merce. t.o. we find the ex Confeder
ates at the bed. Green, Alexander
and Ivgan being railroad magnates.
and in other commercial ind.istries
we find v terans in the lead. In the
Senate, among others we find the
L'allant and magnificent Hampton.
ou?itrv than in EalanJ. our
ingenuity in making such articles be
ing greater than it is in England.
A cheap cotton towel iu this tax
ridden land, quality for quality, costs
less here than in England.
All knit goods are cheaper here
than in England, especially jerseys
such as women wear. So are the
commoner grades of stockings and
American farming implements of
iall kin Is are exported and sold in
competition with English. They are
i better, more ingeniously made, more
durable and cheaper than the farm
ing implements of any country in the
American cutlery is imported by
and sold hi Eurland- Does not this
prove that the price is not higher
than English cutlery ? Pottery and
window glass cost one third what
they did when we depended on Eng
land to manufacture these articles
for us. The difference iu the price
to day is not the duty.
Sugar is a Democratic industry,
i an.t rice "taxeu iuj per ceni. is
carefully ignored. The Republicans
repealed half the internal tax on
! tobacco iu I8S3, and would have
repealed the balance last season only
Speaker Carlisle refused to recognize
Judge Kelly for this purpose. What
follv, therefore, to talk about 190
er cent, on chewing tobacco. In
Free Trade England the workman
pays 1.200 per cent, on his tobacco.
TV.b I'nited Sfntes Senate hss
fnrjiisVd sf-Tril recrnHs fr the
flannel sii'rt rriga le. Setiaor J'laTt
i boe-i wesirit.g n ordinary bine
r.T,i n kru nfcessarv. lufcti tu .and wml i.' e m r :e.i u.iwi
engines suddenly btopied, and it was ! He always wears it or its mite wheu
found that the after liearings were m ue goes i-u. .
t wo pl-tces out of true by
'o dcveloo her speed of twenty three ! fl i
uiles a!i 1 n r two liandred and s:xtv : h i
a hair'? ' receutlv when twe willing days bf gan
liren.lth. This has been remedied ! to wear it in the Senate. His
and tbere will bo another srill trial ! pearance caused a thrill in the Sen-
, t ,kvi Philadelphia Times, atn. bnt he looked so fnrr"mei
ho-l and cmtonnDie mat lie maie
Re-Btated. ffurn. who now usnallv loll aronnd in
canrel shirts. Rut the Fensation
The tariff question has beeu sUtel I ame when the gwl Senator Ed
ne and aain iu these columns. ; mnnds, the nntivrnt of the Sen ite
Mere, it is i..ain stated in a new form and the greatest stickler for sennton-
bv the Philadelphia .Yortk American, rd dignitv, walked modestly into the
Itnail th article. The nrincioie nu- ronn tliis morning with a flannel
Aor WirT th tarilT nuestion is clear- shirt He appeared a little hesiat-
ly stated and the practical part is ! ing aljout it, as though he realized
clejirlv set forth on the tariff on Inm- i the breach of d'gnity he committed
lwr. A new England rarer sums ui ! in appeiring in the sacred Seriate
the beuelits certain to accrue to th j Chamber without a lxuied t,hirt, but
woi kinsman should the Mills bill b 'evervbody forgave him, and miny
enma n law in a manner that indicates ! more will i.njitafe him. But. a flannel
shirt in the United Spates h-imte I
Washington Cor. Baltimore Ameri
- -
iii ,.m ip .J W 'V h3-KSfc
a presumption of ignorance and Ktn
pi hty iu the audience addressed.
ihe article itself is of no consequence
beyond its illustration of the meth
ods of free-traders in discussior.
The writer takes the article of lum
ber first in his statement, and assures
the reader that taking off the iuty
of twenty per cent, would benefit tne
the laborer ; lor says this remark
able writer, "there is not a laboring
man in the country who does not
help to pay that duty of twenty pr
cent." Now, suppose somebody
should ask bow every laboring man.
or even any laboring man, pays any
TheoM. st n'l li-dt lubtitntinn for obtain
inn a Piiiin.-n Education. We hve Hue
cesffnllv r. an-d thousand ot younp men
for inn active tlutiuB ol r or Lireuiai
1. M!'l' &SOXS, Pittbnr?, Pa
Latest New Spring
t' VL' J i il
or even any laboring man, pays any; ... . v , r y.
part of that duty unless he buys ; S A L h ? .M Tj . A i 1 j I'
I'i.i-t, rr Ci.ivn.wii has nominat
ed I'I.mi-;. s E. Boyle f 1'ennsylvania
to be chief ju-tice of tho Supreme
Court of W.i.-l.intou Ti rntory. j ..ijivinms. glorious and excellent
Butler. In the Houso wu nave ity-
seven n b 1 soldiers,' and Confeder
ate soldiers are now ut the helm in
the State affairs and managing the
Republican Co. Committee.
There will be a meetinn or the Republi
can County Committee at tho Jacobs Ilnnse,
Mitttirtown at 1 o'clock P. M., harj, on
Saturrtav, September 2!th.
Po not rni this meeting as there will be
important businen to transact, which will
be ol personal interest to every committee -m
In the arternoon of Slid day there will be
a parade ot the Juniat I Division of tho Re
publican State L'-asue.
Let every Committeeman come, and bring
Lis friends along to see the parade.
Sept. 15, 1SBS.
Still a lew ItufJilo in Dakota.
Gi ni ;u. Iiu; a- s 1- t ter of accep I
t)inc is in h.irniotiy with the chief
points of the Republican platform
an 1
ics eatisf iction to his friends.
V Cm.
R. j ihlii asi
i t.ubhcation necuhes the . of L nion.
rartv of ''trui'
deet-ncv." No one has ever
the D.-moeratic party of siichn crime.
'.lii .r to br the unite! r.
accused Nortlr-rn Slates.
Ir;o. Dak: Sept. 12. A big buf
falo bull was killed three miles from
Oakes, in central Dskota, yesterday.
It was alone and was supposed to
have wandered from the usual feed
ing grouuls though three or four
buffalo have for several years been
reported as in the foot hills between
the dames and Missouri river, iu the
c-unties of Lognn and Emerson,
which are sparsely settled.
VThither Ha3 he Gone ?
T.ii. i f. and oi..; half ars of DeiilO
crati." .p-n.;it'.is. and what has it
111. .1'.
' Ninety-tlvo
than the j Tifi
million dollars
din admiiiistra
Mk. Tin km vs. democratic candi
date for Vice President, who wa"
ktai ted out on a speech making tour
has returned to his home in Ohio,
completely broken down.
Tine copious rains that prevailed
B'S far north as New York 10 days
ago was but the dgo of a great
storm, the center of which was in
Cuba, where several million dollars
of property was destroyed, and NO0
lives were lost.
m --
'No Man's Land," on the north of
Tevis seems to be the nesting place
for horse thieves who deTy all
authority The authority of the
Tinted States Court if extended to
that land, would afford an opportunity
to send I' nited States officials among
the thieves and break up their haunts.
TitKiiK was a stagnation in the
Philadelphia peach market last week
as may be learned from the Times of
the 1 tth which says. There was a
gre-it glut iu the peach market yester
day and sa'r s nt wholesale in lots of
ie hundred boskets were made as
low as five cents per basket or tive
righths of a bushel.
('iu contemporary the Democrat
and Register effects to disbelieve in
the bloody shirt where in point of fact,
the writers for that paper, if th.
know the difference between swearing
and praying, know, that scores of men
to day have bloody shirts and Moo ly
scars on their backs in Arkansas
where they were intimidated by the
whip from voting at the recent elec
tion. The nourish of a ten does not
annihilate the fact that the whip.
St e what we accomplish
p of otdy three
We have tl.-cted
tl.e first Democratic President in a
quarter of a century."
. -
Of Special Interest to Farmers.
I have been called upon, says the
tariff writer. lioU rt P. Porter, no
fewer than a dozen times to reply to
that tedious chestnut about the farm
er being taxed '. p:-r cent, on his
! fl..ri,nl tl.irt r7 nf-r cent, ou hiscoat. eveuinir as the time when he would
etc. Incredible as it may seem to
intelligent people, the Democratic
National Cou.mitt.e is insulting the
intelligence of the farmers of this
State by circulating this exploded
Mr. John Coder, of Union town
tl-is eouutv, who for a vear or
m. re was imploded as a clerk in G.
W. S mdcrsou's srore. this city, and
later as driver of the Adams' express
wagon, has proven himself an arrant
Eor about a year he had been pay
ing his addresses to Mis Eliio
Woods, an estimable young lady of
this citv. and had named Tuesday
Canada lumber, the maker of that
statement would cut a very absurd
figure indetd. Now,' no man who
does not buy foreign lumber pays
any part of the twenty percenL duty
on lumber, nor does he who does
buy it always, or even generally, pay
the duty as a part of the cost of pro
duction and marketing. Twenty per
cent, duty does not quite cover tl e
difference in the wages of labor be
tween this country and Canada : but
the natural barrier distance just
abou covers the balance of wage dis
par-ty, and duty and distance or
transportation together constitute a
a fair measure of protection.
But the writer proceeds to show
that if the poor man scrapes togeth
er enough to bnild a house he is met
by the duty on lumber ut the outset
and taxed out of hand. Is this true.'
Is there a man on the footstool who
can t-how anything of the sort ? W
deny it iu toto. As the difference in
the cost of Canada and American
lumler is solely one of wages paid in
production, even if every foot of lam
ber used shared in the duty, it would
bo for the interest of tho laborer to
insist on the duty, because it was
laid on the difference in the cost of
production, and that difference is one
of wages. Suppose that one employe
of a lumber company, desiring to
build a house, should inform his em
ployers that he wanted his lumber
duty off, what would be the reply?
This : That he could have his lum
ber duty off on condition tliiit he
would put in his lalor at the Canada
wace rate. If our lumbermen will
accept the Canada wage rate, that
country cunuot send dressed lumber
here and compete with us. e have
the Canada wag" rate before us. It
is not less than 35 per cent, belo v
ours for the same labor. Such state
ments are unworthy of a New Eng
laud journalist, who is aware that tho
most of the foice employed in the
manufacture of lumber from the
st nmrk to the mills is Canadian. Whvf
Because Canadians flock into t he-
border States, eager to earn Ameri
ca u wa-res. The charcoal burning of
Pro'ilnble employment lor liouenf, ener
getic men. either n ai'ary or commission,
expenses paid. A fcn i ouitli oirmMieJ each
lialeMiian. 'Ihe bus:ness easily learntd.
We crow all Ihe new and rare varieties of
Fruit and Ornamental treeH. W rite tor
tenuK. HlMl'K-i.BR'lfc THOMAS, Ms
plevc. Nnis. ries, Wt t Ctiotur, Fa. Es
tablished !t.5'i.
September It, 4:.
The C'lianiplon Cletliler ol'.Juulala Coiinij' lia lug jui re
turned Iron I lie KaMtern cltle with a wonderful
Will ni -.ke friends, outshine rivals, win victoiies, and sell itself on itg
merits. MENS BOY S k ClllLDRKX'S
and Gent's furnishing goods. Firrt Clnss, combining Style, Quality and
Elegance, with prices that will astenisli you. N sale is expected unless
I prove this.
But I ask your patronage only when I give complete satistaetioa. My
JEWELRY, Calico, Percale and White Shirts. Neck wear, Collars and
Cuffs,Trnuks and Satchels, is full and complete. Call and see.
June 16, 1SG.
L'teiillel nTd tro-
BOBar4 tbe trt Ha Hh,
Kvuee. Mum- Mrat,
lltusbutaf t-k. A. . A .
N. 1JU s-nt. tM't--
pr. plaid, ; r ctit. I .! i-..'J.
AERiC: M'F'iT CO.,
ZMa Wa-ki.. ...... A-.e..
ri.iU 1.
Iason & Hamlin
aboVe cJj.
We puarnntee every Paekago bearinff our
firm name, au.l will liEI'AINT where
Mttitif action is uot givftn.
Sterling PiMLed' paint.
si'P'Ertioji to
40 licautiful f'olors.
21 XLiquisito Tints.
I.olis K. Atkinson. Y. M. M. I'khnkll.
tjgi-CoHecting and Conveyancing prompt ;
ly attended to.
OrricK On Main street, in place of resi- !
dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Esq., south ol ;
Bridge street. JOct 6, lbbti. :
m. uTw"fo K d7 m . D.,
Has resumed actively the practice ot .
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral ',
branches. OtCce at the old corner ot Third '
and Oranga streets, Mitilmtown, fl.
J.irch 2'J, 1676.
TIM B-T A 15 L ki
On and after Sunday May U:h,
train that stop at V. itf. in ill run as olloj:
QSOnly reliable Companies repreHented.
P.-c. 8, lssc-ly
Organs and Pianos.
Pi Ciiriiwt Orrftrt wu introduced br ManD A
f Hani. in iti 1.1 . MiMtt V, Iluruliu Orni n hnv
u.u.it nL.ir.Utiiitd their fiiin-muy over ail thT.
l a io rtT;ivi Hijri't liouortt at ailiircut Worid's
aLXltllr.LiOUS fclUCC 1H7.
Unique Coach Paints,
9 Cotinn,
at a cost or f0 cirrs tun a nrM.T.
Harness Oil, &c, &c,
SiaTu t'liins Far.E.
j Stockholders Individually Liable.
j JOSKPH KOTIiKOCK , Frtstfient.
T. VAN IK WIN, Cashirr.
The Ttnprtvfit Modi- of Srrlnus riaricH, inrcntrd
by Mjtm A; llainliu in lv-i, in a trrt-at ndvance in
ii':m ri'iiflriUTlitm, I'VfMrt- prunounrin it "the
:n.t ii iiitovcnt'Tit ti piano lit hrm a cutury. (
r.;ii. circular, ci-isUiiiinc itUmoniaJt fmm j
pti-tia'T. luii-ictau-, and luiuTtt, mid 1'iauo and
O wti taUiluiie, free. i
to witness the ceremony, but they
were doomed to dis:tp5ointment.
After waiting a considerable time for
the arrival of the groom and the
ministei, one of the guests conclud-
oent., with a knife and fork taxe.l .?.
per cent. : drinks his coft'eee with
sugar taxed 'S per cent. : seasons his
food with suit taxed CO per cent. ;
pepper tacd til per cent.
He looks around on his wife and
children, all taxed in the same way ;
takes a chew ot tobacco taxed 10.' per
cent., or lights a cigar taxed 11S per
cent. Ami, sir. even the sunlight from
lead her to the altar and make her
1 i . w . P .i I In tl... arantnA no mn.l n
, ii,i,., .,o(j that region is almost whol.y doue by
assembled ut the home of the bride th.e C-iuadiaus, and solely on account
01 trie oeiter wages paia nere.
Now the makers of such statements
rs we have noticed insist that every
foot of domestic lnmber used in this
country pays a part of the daty im
posed. Does it T It does not. lake
out of the murket price of domestic
lumber the wajjes paid in excess of
those paid iu Canada, aud tho stum
page and cost remaining does not
differ anything like twenty per ceut.
Ihe market price of lumber is regn
lated almost wholly by the identical
parties who demand free lumber.
They are Americans who have pur
chased enormous tracts of timber in
Canada afttr having denuded enor
mous tracts at home nearest inari;et.
If they complain they complain of
their own acts. Let them swear.
relic of Free Trade argument:
Under this tariff the farmer rises
in the morning, puts on Uis nannei i 01 ,Q gee tlje ln;njster anj ascertain
shirt taxe 1 ut !" per cent. : his coat ; tho cause of delay. Imagine his sur
taxed T per cent. : shoes 35 per j prise when he learned that the min-
cc-nt, and hat taxed ! per cent. : ' ' l 1 wvihhi to jei 10. m
A. U. .... . 1 11 t 1. 1 1 1 1. ' 11
, . i l.l A 1
eates u.o water irom a uu.-.a ,....,.i.i , f.,.,t ,l,t r.l.. l.-.l t
the ceremony
3" per ceut, and then washes tus ! taken out a marriage license, and
face and bauds in a tin bowl taxed 35 . that on Monday night he had
per cent. : dries them on a cheip clandestinely skipped for parts un
.. , i. i i known. The guests were informed
cotton towel taxed 4- per cenL . . " . . , ,
1 i of the situation of affairs and return
He sits down on his humble meal j e, tj their ,,omflf, Rnmor has it
and euts from a plate taxed 50 per j that Coder is also engaged to a
woi thy young laily residing in
Warriorsmark and that she is now
engaged in the preparation of her
wedding trousseau. At present the
whereabouts of the gay and festive
John are a mystery. Huntingdon
Everything is bustle and activity
at t railln s shin v.int. 11m l .nl'i
heaven that pours into his huuibl e j mPre j3 rapi,iy approaching readi
dwelling must come through window
glass taxed "'. per cent , and yet he
thicks he lives in the freest govern
ment under heaven.
The object of this t-hallow circular
is to make the farmer believe the
free trade theory enunciated by and riveting partitions.
, , ., . Almost tho whole of
lirover v. leveiann mat mc i'iu c i
tl:e do-nestio pnxluct is increased by
exactly tho amount of duty.
ness for launching, and will probably
glide into the river next Friday.
She is only waiting now for her rud
der and the article sections of her
shafts. Her hull outeido is quite
complete, and yesterday the work
men were busy finishing bulkheads
Lite ol lien HarrlMon.
BV Till AI THOR Or BE!f . Hi t.
roi; i;oys a.m childrkx.
the keel of
the Newark, or crnis?r No. 1 of the
government specifications, is now iu
position, and her frames and plates
1 b ra is the practical outcome of are in great part ready to be put in
the concentrated wisdom of the r- The Philadelphia, alongside
, , of the Newark, has all her lower
.National tomnniiee. a coupon frarap- ia rn
1 tl mn 1 shirt costs in England 3s. Cd , uer pistes and the covering of her
ranihtiient. mtiiuulation. ballot ! or t4 onts. The cost here would . safety deck as fatt as the workmen
rol.tung and s forth carried the i therefore le nearlv double, or 51.0S. can nvei mem on iter uppr
state of Arkansas for the democracy ' xll . t.,llal . rice is i. irames were being placed m position
, . , ,- I tuai price is I vesterdav, and it will not be long be
at the recent eloct-on, and the process A colmuon BUlt of clothes costs in j fQre .- repemble her twinsPster,
ui i n-iuiiuu in .i.ia..iu?n. , Kti'-Und Jthi., or ..o. m cost ue i;altunore.
the openiug of the campaign to here, therefore, would le ?fl2 50
Holivlif r the south for Cleveland and The actual rot is ?7.50, fime as in
Thurman. Crittenden county, Ar Er gland. An all wool $10 suit as
kansas was carried by the democray
by the most outrageous violence.
All prominent negroes had notices
The Yorktown has returned to tha
yard from the dry-dock. She is now
having her interior fittings put in.
Her masts were stepped yesterday,
and the rigging was besrun. The
fitters adjusted the wedges where
I the masts pierced the several decks.
! that exhibited by Major McKinley
costs just i'2, or $10, in London.
In F.ncland common boots costs
!,.., f -r,r,r .t th ,a ,i Ki , .n.i fJr nn 10s. ('2.50V i ua lu vessel now looks an trim as if
" , . . , ,.,,!,,, .- she had been at sea for a vear.
pons to vote, a numoer were oanisueu . insieaa oi cotiiiug uue iuiiu mui c
from the county, and over two dozen j here the prices is $1.25 for well made
were taken from their homes to the i brogans and $2.50 for fair boots.
woods tied up and whipped, how X 3s. f.d. (S4 cents) hat in England kittle remains to do now but to com
does that suit the Democrat and ' can be had here for $1, and it does Tte the apparatus for firing the
. , , , , . I , - , . , pneumatic guns- The engines were
Register for a bloody shirt When ; not cost nearly $2, as asserted. tejteJ vesterJay bv a continuous run
it was. known that Pulaski county 1 A tin bowel costing 10.L, or 20 1 of three bourn. The essel was fabt
The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius.
which lies alongside the dock, is be
ing finished on deck and below.
It gives us genuine pleasure to announce
to our readers the publication of the charm
ing life story of Gen. Harrison, ty an author
of world wide fame and to say that the hook
is worthy of that fame.
Gen. Htrrist.n baa a truly illustrative an
cestry, but that fade into insignificance
before the graph ic ttory ot bis own life as
herein pictured by his old friend Gen. Lew
It is remarkable that together these men
have risen from the quiet walks of life to
their present eminence.
Gen. Wallace in the preparation of this
fascinating biography, has had in addition
to his wonderful descriptive powers not
only tho advantage of an intimate personal
acquaintance with Gen. Harrison, bnt ex
perience as a soldier, and an extensive
knowleige of both national and interna
tional affairs. He is therefore qualified to
tell the thrilling life story much aa an eye
witness and participant and to intelligently
discuss the great national issues now agita
ting the whole country, and to declare with
authority Gen. Harrison's views concerning
Every loyal citizen anxious for the con
tinutd prosperity of our county should
read this Biography befoie November 4th,
and every ambitious boy should read this
splendid illustration of the true road to
The work is issued by the well known
bouse ot II ubhard Bros., of Philadelphia,
Chicago, and Kansas City, and ia beautifully
illustrated. We are not surprised to bear
it is having a wonderfully rapid sale through
Here is a fine chance for energetic young
men to make money, as every family in the
land shou'd be atTorded a chance to procure
this remarkably interesting and important
work atid that right speedily.
To canvass for one of the largent, old
est eiitabllslied. HKST IvOW.f
.tllSEilli:s in the countr).
Mot liberal terms. Unequa'ed facilities.
GENEVA NURSERY, established 146.
W.T. Smith, Geneva. X. If.
October 3 188.
Caution Xotice.
Altoosa Accohmodathim leaves Altoona
daily at 6 20 a. m., Tvrone 5 S2 a. m.,
Huntingdon 15,83 a. m., Momit Caitio at
ti.59 a. m., Newton Hamilton 7. Vi a. m.,
McVevtown T ,UG a. la., I.ewiMown 7,53 a.
ni., Milford t,l 1 a. in.. Mitt'in S.17 a.
Fort Royal 8.2:! a. ni-, Mexico S.2 a. m.,
TuHcurora 8,32 a. in.. Vandj ke a. a.,
Thonipsontown V.4'i a. iu., Di-.rward f.47 a
in.. Millerstown 8,54 a m., Newi.ert r.HSa.
! m., arriving at Hamshurg at 1 It a. .,
mnA mt ll. i I u i ol lA, i R lrt n m
J,hn i!cI.At auLi!. Joslph W. Ptiiikl stA Shout Expbens leaves Altoona dailr
.llCLAI'CIILl.t & RT.MJIEL, at ;.o.r . m., aud htoppii;g a all rredar
i KTuiiona ueiween dnooiia aim n-irriBanrj:,
' reaches H lfi! in at -3G a. in., UaTi.rurg
! 11.4'i p. M., and arrives in Fhilad.-iphia at
j X. I " p. in.
) Mail Tbaik leaves PittKbrn-g djiir at
' a. iu., Aitoon at 2,0f p. ui., aud utop-
' ping at all regular stutiotm arrived at MitUia
at o e; p. m., llarriiiburg 7 .ell p. m., Faila-
adelptiia 4 a. ta.
Mail Express leaves Pi!t-.l.urg atlOPfia.
I Altom, a ti 2M p iu ; Tyrone 0 Ii2 p iu j llual
ugdon 7 ?7 p iu ; Lewistowu b 4- p ui ; Mil
' tlin y lo j. id ; llarriftmrg ll1 4o p ui ; flina-
delptiia 4 -a a ui.
Philadelphia Express will stop .it Miif.is
at 11 o-i p. in., vlii o tlagcii
Vapt I.itsk leavi-s riiiad.-Iplii i diilr at
11 60 a m ; IUrrbur;: 8 411 p ui ; M:Itis
5 elj p ni ; l.evi'own 5 p in ; .;iiiLa
8 IU p m ; rrin-s at I'll tI.nre .it 1 1 j5 p m.
Wat Pis.FJi'.ER .-cves rti.a.llphia
' daily hi 4 Hun. in.; Hari-ishnrs, X 15 a. in.;
Iunea.inon, h 54 a. nt.; Newport, 9 'Z't a.
ni.; Vill.-rsloivn, 1 4''a. ni.; 'riHiiii...intowiil
! f'2 a. ni.; Van Pyke, ji) tut a. 111.; 7uvcar
or.i, in ('4 a. iu.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.-, furl
Itoyal, 10 13 a. in.; Kitliln, II' -'o a. m.;
Miltord, 10 2'j a. m ; Narrows, M ?I a. ni.,
Lewixtovin, HI 4eJ a. m.; McVeviown, 1114
a. n..; 'tton Haiuiiton, 11 '.'' a. in.; Hin
tnii."i'jn, 12 17 p. in.; Tyrone. I 07 p. ia.
Altoona, 1 45 p. m., and stop nt all r..:u!r
stations betA"',-li I! .rii-.hnr an t Alt.'ona.;
Ovsteb. K.tphfs leaves fhilt-!j ina dai
ly at 6 o0 p. ra., Itarrintmrg, 10 L :t p. m.,
sto ping at Koi-kville, MarynviUr, D.inrta
non, Newport, M illirtown, Tlion.j.jnloaa,
Port Koyat, tune at MuHin, II ."' a. in.; 4.1
ti.ona, 2 20 a. in., a:n Pnint.ur, l'l a.m.
M ail Tbain leaves I'liila lulpUia diilr at
7.00 a. ni., HarriMbnrg 11.20 a. in., Saw
port, 12 l-'l p. iu., .Mi.'flin 12-47 p. in., hiop
ping at al! regular stati im t-tw -en Mitbii
and Altoona reaches Aitoona at ..ll p. m.,
I'lttsbus-g 8.20 p. m.
Altoona Acconon trios l"iv Phil-
.lvl..l.,a H.iln ..l 11 Alt , r,. II .r,-li..r ,t
! are here and to conform to the 4.10 p.m., inmcanno-j 4.4 'r. m.. New.
: f.lin no-p fli Senior Tiioinl.i. ff
Above cut rcpreppnts onr patented
Settee. The only Settee ever maiie that the firm IiaPJUst returilC'll i'l Om
Will aillURt lis. 1: 10 uneven gru.iuu. (
VV. f. Pomerny, Joseph Rothrork,
Jot.n Hertrler.
Kobert IC. Parker,
T. V". 1-win.
1'hiiip M . Kepner,
Louis E. Alkiiison,
The Wm. B. Prico Mfg. Co.,
STOCK 11 'LI Fas :
rt.ilip M. Kepner, Anuie M. Shelley,
Joseph Koilireck,
I., r.. Atkinson,
iV. 1' . I un.. vy,
.li lin Iler'Z'.-r,
J jne II . Irwin,
K. E. P uker,
J. Ilol.ies Iiwiti,
T. V. It w in.
ratcated March 2S, 87.
M.-i v Knriz, Jer'.me N. 1 l.on son, Jr
'harlot le S nvder.
1 tire, and Four per rent, ir.ti-rest will Le
! .hid f-n l-i-l tit'rate. ol ficposite.
, (jan 2;S, 18f7 tt
tic Firm.
Sprirg And Summer Goods.
No more winter for months
FOLDING lawn SETTEE, j to come. Spring and Fummer
The Teor of all Lawn Scats.
LiRht, durable, liau.isoiiie au.i mrong. rtf-terii -Markets, where he se
Painted LriUt red ana oriiameuiea.
Prices: Setie.-a. MantliLMi
lier'fcerars'i.o'o rh. ; that his many jiatrons favor.
They ail loin nm.
If your dealer don't l:eep them, ask
him to order for you irom
1301 to 1323 N. Main St.,
tr. ixtcis 910.
j lected with great care the goods
We have now filled
Spring &
Mimnier 7
S.VX) In CrfiH for General Puperiority at Cin
cinnati lu.niKtnai r.XHiHition alter
lull trial an.i tjtpert test.
pert 6,1b p. m.t Mnlfriuwa o,J0 p. m..
Thompsoiitowii o,-; p. in., Van ivk- 5.44
p. m., TiiHcarortt r.4.s p. m., M u 'k-S'J p.
tii., Irt lioyal .j,.4 p. in., Mi!!:ir. j,0i p.
ni., Li8lwn tl,l!i p. in., Mr Vyown 6,
4S p. m., jNrwton Ila niii'i 7,lft . m.,
IlnntitijrUon 7 4 p. io.f Alt'.n ' O j p. m.
Vav.1c Fxpr?Srleave fLuiadtphm 112-5
pin; HarriKLurg 8 if . m ; Jwih hudod 3
a8 a tn ; Newport .4 Ol am; M:!!i;n 4 29
in; Lfwistown 6(1 am; Mc Vr lnwn o
a. iu ; Mt. Uni'iu S 4'. a in ; fl jiit;nr'lm
12 a tn ; Petrrhlmrg ti l!" a m ; i rui e Cretk
6 40 a m; Tyrone 7 o0 a tn ; HA,'- XiUi
a ra : Altoona b 06 ui ; i iUtum
12 4 p ra.
S-'a hore Kxpre east, on SuofUrs,
will oontitrt with Sunday Mail tst ie.ivinj
I!..rriHbnrg at 1 15 p. in.
ii- -i x . i rains leave u'v!Miown j fiii(;in irr
believe that we are better pre- . roy at 6 35 a m. 10 5.-. a d., 1 , P m ; t
! pared than ever to merit their Sunbury t7 15 ,0' ; " p '"
,. , ... . Trains arrive at Lewistown J ;n. rtion frcw
COllIlUence. We IllVlte OU tO Milroy at 9U0 a ni, 1 2'. pin, I ah pm; tre
conie and see and he sati-fied. s""buryat 9ai 'a lJv"
: In our dress goods department Tyrone division.
l 1 1 .1 : Trains leave Tyrone for KelU-loute M
j c u.t auuu.-L evcryilling. ; Lock Haven at ii 10 a m. 7 1 t m. L.rt
shelves with
Goods of all kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
eflbits to give them goods to
suit their purposes, and we
Don't be backward, call
what vou want.
All perrons are hereby cautioned, not to
trespass on the lands ot the undersigui d in
Spruce Hill, and Beale townships, tor the
purpose of gathering berries, bunting, tih
mg, or in any other way trespassing, on
said lands, as the trepass law will be eu
lorced against people who violate said law.
ilABBisnn Mmkisth
June 9, 1888.
Xotlce loTrepaer.
Having leased 400 acres of wood land
ol David Wilson, and 400 acres of wod
land cf John McC'lure, adjoining lands ot
Pennsylvania Kailroa.l Company in the
vicinity ol Boxler's flap. I hereby caution
all persons against trespassing on the anove
mentioned leased lands for the purpose ol
cutting timber and so forth.
Jnux Beasiiok.
Mitflintown, May 28, 1889.
Tj rone lor Cnrweiisville and Cieartieid al
e 20 a m, 3 Ui p iu,7 26 p iu.
Trains leave Tyrone lor Warriors Mri
"Peerless" Traction and Portable ! tf7 Trm - r" vama r uruace and scotia t .
En?lnes. " Domestic" nnl Creamery iltltl MOUlS. " p ra'
Enirines, Meant Gan? Plows. The i , . Vf"D"i a,7ive at TJ ronu fr",n JB51j-efol,'
"Geiser" Thresher and Cleaner. ! Our Boot and Shoe De- : aml Lutk IUveu at 13 03 "n1 s' p"'
Patent Variable Frfcv ! nartment is full ill its nr.rf 1 rams arrive at Tyrone from Curana-
K'VEjneJ j- il twd. 1M. noun a ; vine and Cloartiold at 6 Ohaui, and 11 ai
HtfiliJ e?'1 ment' yu certainly can be j ' nPm.
1$- ' suited in fit, quality and price.! Trains arrive at Tyrone from Scoiia, Wir
fts. 4lIi-XrS i-ie-ST.i''r-ioS-sa i V.VV. I ! i t riors Mark and Pennsylvania Furnace '
;,,uttl"u 'inK.iiiis.iLH nave, 68,m, at 2 85 p m.
Ix-en added by the manufactures . k B. T. R. h. t BEDK, ,,;(J 1)1VISI0.v.
we have them all. We can Traing leHVO Huntingd,.n ,r Bord,
supply yOU Wltll loot Wear for Hyudman and Cumberland at 8 2i
any in or out door service. Our 6 iJi r' m'
grocery Department iever lags. ', foiT'Hyndraan'an'cu
-j wyi n , ve naeon nana a lull line of P- m- '- p-
. r. E tlGiilSS l& bOH S. Fresh, Plain and Fancy hollidaysbueg branch.
af aT aTVrl W "wr m Tiains leave Altoona for poiiiin son.1,
i CjfKOCERIKS. i 7 20 a m. 8 25. in. 12 60 p'..,. 150 P"
j mA 5 00 p iu., 8 00 p m 9 50 p iu.
i Also, th Only full line of Trains arrive at Altoona from r01'"
i . T . Pouih, at 6 50 a in. 11 6 ii m. I j l"0-"''
QUEENS WA RE " p- "' ti 4" "' 7 "" ,u' M,rt 10
mnniirts !
Tjitt fmprtwfl arc! rhpapst Saw-Sim on tb
Dutxket- Send for catalogue to Iho
TATj-irscso'. raAsnuf co., pa.
We wast ajreata aud invite correspondence.
m a.
7 r
ji0r.ap-;T;r;fa.& the county. Every house
t7SiJ. :must have its lull sunnlv of
them our personal attention. For' '.'' m " J . OllApna a.nl ( la efiii-fi .UL, C.
.-.rpasd. Thl .' la
PER PRnriT and Sam.
CtNT pleit I'ree to men can
vassers for Or. Scott' Genuine
Electric licit, Ilrunhea, ic. La
dy agents wanted for Electric Corsets.
Quicki.a!e. Write at once for terms. Dr.
Scotty81B b'way, N. Y.
' tlicdU iix. H..uti kl.,n iiiwl f.l'.'i t 'lK't'Si
j croHMtig tit-Hi, or othcrine twvl m
CAl TIO. -01HL'.
e guarantee our roods! to L. .-.r,.,::; tL"' , " uiawwaic. IU1S IS a 11 .,.i i,..,..!,.- , ...i.,.i,ei aena"
;0u0 wm enuTrsl'i'nerr uU ,i,tm the store to call on lor such ar- i hunting, cutti,,Pj t,u.b. r, i.u.mi..
Philadelphia, Penn'a.
B. .u ...
who accoiau.g 10 ia.
llAts Stueet, OrrosiTE Cockt IIocse, Novembur 1C' 18t8'
Mimintovrii, Pa.,
V Son.
ceive prompt attention.
AXPKKW 1U:aSHORK. .Trvr "l
f 'tklat.d Kill, Juniata Co., Pa
11 1 V . 1 ' a-sn or. a-.tT tl.. ai.v..ml fr . th (!
Auuruerauy man will re- I.: ,1 , to....
lor porsots thus tresspassing i'l UB
The Sentiuel at. ltepKlUn ettf
Dlace to get job woik done. Try it.
i th
f nvnFilHT
r i
jn'advance ; 1 -r.
Transient adver
cenu i-r
Transient Imi-iii.
0T.it.. 10 cents per
I,tJuctlIis w :.. I
to advertise by tl
S . P. K.:.'!"''
on the si.-k I.-'-
Ijllit.' a Ml !.'"':
li,t m Port I- 1
Jacob N. I..' .
relative' V
Tlie r.i.n- ''
eiNtir.p co.iM b'r'.'
IiM.t W'.!--;i. "
hi town 'at T! "
-,,!! .Ill- '
toes. CaM at '!.--Martin
Be i ' - -
and dr.r- - '
tlr.mt p;v!;. '
X.vlu- il "".' " -0,1
,1 t...... i-
M.-iiei.-r ". 1
.,,..,. M.-l . '
-a.. to ...f- .i 1
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.tan-.. - N
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In-ieC 1 ' '.-
On -ii I -t
tLe I !" " 1
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Tl." (' '11'' '
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Oil Wu .! w
60c., at
I; v -The
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Joi,..S i; '
load . t 1 . '
home i-i M
Rob. rt st
return.-.l :
.liter l.i' i ' :
Tl r I',
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Mir. V
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rt.-v.i-i : ' '
died i .
lev. r.
1:.". . r ,
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"'I !..: :.. ..' r-
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1 L re ii i, :
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their -a ay , ., . ;
the limits . I J j
Nelv.011 an 1 "
business m -;,,,
store to M ,:t. :.
lio will m..,:i :..
tlw.r-.. ,.
vSaililiei I .... I ;i
dren an- or; '
Saint;. I (; ,
t beir I,, .i.c ;i, ..
A ( t.ll.e- . ;
on la-t Kri.'..i. ,
wona.-r h.,l e
and e ; , .
laundry m n ,
It'll "r- (' :
Mayer, s : 1 a . .
at once, no ...
Bess, attest,--1 1.
others tail. A 1
March 1 j, 'kv,
W. W. SI a ,
MeA.istcn .!;, :
"a sons',',, t -r ,1
if veu ure1"an : tn
pay yon