r 2OLLECTI0J f w Spring STYLES ! -. win Ytctori,-, ,nJ w .. ' ;.s E CLOTHING Clou, co-fci.i.. Strl o.,,u lieu I -iva eatn.ulct., .. OKd orKR-ALLS. irATCBW ' le anirtB. 1. . , ...... .j, SBtf s I stTNEL & REPUBLICAN MIKKLINTOWN : wE.MESD.lY, SEP'R It. ISM. I "HER AND FURMSJi? TIM l-Tin, n .ct lter S.ndv u. ... . IrailllkjtltllilU.X: .." 18U r l" ""inn. .n. EASTWARD. 1 r" nin, . 1 r. ...v ACCUVMODiT , Tjron. JM writ,., r- - " ." a. ... N..,on u.miltun ? w 1" U MLior.1 S.ll . t.,M,mm -rt K,.v: ..exic0 . ""l,rur' - m.. V.k.iii - - I uompsonfown 8.4 a. tn., DBrward .... Mi.lrr.tow. e.,54 . m., .N.wJl rv., arrivtnir at Harriahurs; ,t laii. .:i ! at n.iiadWpbia.S 14 p. . t (.... a. m.,ud .toppi.g . m, . t,..twoen Altooua and irr-.. 'rfi- MiOtin at J-6e a. 4" p. M., an,! arrive, in PladsluIL"!! I Tan leev 1.. A I to leave. Pittebarg .T - - p. aae a :nif at all regular station, arrives at JU al-lpl.ia 4 J a a. a. M '! Kx press leavea Pittsbnrr .1 1 aa A'l,n::m, Ji.l hm. TiriiM 11 A -. l.u r .:; p ta ; LewiBtowo 4S lb: li r. 1 p 111 ; Uarriebur- lU4aa: k J- plna 4 'Jo am. 1 LiUJelphi Hxpre.a will at., at M. at 1 1 S i h. us., wkea vmm . .1 WilTHaiD. v-t loare. PbidIphia a.ilr at i'1 .1 ;i; ; HarrKbirg g 40 pat X Mm ' j' m ; I.wi.tcwn k 29 p m ; AitaMa 'u p m ; rni- at I'lttaburf at 11 Uaa. Wat r".itnaii leavea Philulirii. .!v at 4 a. tn.; Harrt.biirc, IU114 '-r.nr.nn. 8 S . m.: Newport, 2 a M .: r.t..n, 9 4" a. u.; Tboaapaoato, VJ a. m.; Van UyUo, 10 (Xt a. m.; Tuarar- 1 ' " a. in.; Mexico, 10 07 a. fart . l' 1! a. m.s Mifflin, 1020 a. u ' , 1 '1 . m ; Narrows, 10 U a. w - :-. Id 4 a. m.; McVertova, 1114 r i , , t..n Hamilton, 1 1 it!t a. Hn 1 - 7 p. ru.; Tyrone, 107 p-m. " 1. 1 45 p. m., and atop at all rafilar ' '"n II tirrnbi-rn an'l Altooaaa 'f'" K.h-h. leea Phiia.lelpaiaait ' ' r n.., Hairnburit, 10 JO a. ak, . : f .t K.'. kviUe, Mary.vllle, Doxcaa . 1 1 rt, M ill-r.towa, ThompMOtava, : .ti, time at Mittlio, 1 1 66 a. 11 1. -' - ' a. n.,Hiil Pitt.burg, t lOt-a. M 1. I k.,s U-aven Philadelphia daily at " Il.rri"litir(t 11.20 a. la., 9t - M p. m., Mitliio 1.47 p. is., Ma- ' -i.: r'vmtr atationa netwaaa Jiaxia 1 . 'n reachea Al tooua at U.3 p. t-tiii' -) p. m. Air Ai:ceMrBATiOB leavaa PxQ- ( i 1a itaily at 1 1 60 a. ni., Harnaborfil . -a., Dtincannon 4.4t p. IB., ,i p. in., Milluratuwa 6,'J9 p. bl, mi! p.iiitwn 5,'W p. m., Vandyka 4.44 u , I ' -ri-arora S.4S p. m., Mexica t.W p . I'i rt K..yal ,o4 p. m., N1IH10 ,(K) p , I.. .t..wn 6,23 p. m., MeVeytawi i. I . N. wt.in 11a ntlton 7,10 p t n 7 40 p. in., Altoona 9 00 p 1 1. it! Fxpre.eTea Pbiladalpia u ir-1-.onrn i 10 a mi yoncaniwa. (Biii: Newpf.rt 4 01 am; Miiai !.. tn Sfl a to; McVeytewi I B :.. Mt. L'ni.m 6 4. a m ; HunUnftiioal ie; I'.-rrTvbtirK 2S a m ; 8prucaCw am; Tyrone 7"Oam; ball' I -- 1 u: ; Aitoena 8 0.5 a m -n .';i.ri K.xpre.a ea.f, on Say 1 .nn-rt tv th .Minlay Mail eal toa'lf rr-..-.tMir it 1 IS p. m. I KWISTOWN DIVISION. 1- i - .. l..wl.towa Junctioa lar- t 1 a in, 10 &5 a m, 8 15 p i'v at 7 l. a m, 3 00 p m. 1 rr:ve at Lewi.town Junetie v a: 1 oil a tn, 1 2. pm, 4 iO pt tt i i-iry 11 !2."j a m, 4 10 p tn. TYRONE DlTIilOX. ;, :,. leave. TyroDO for Bellefw" k H.irii at 10 a oi, 7 la p 1 .e ! r Ciirwn..Tiilt and 0 p tu,7 2i p m. I t . aveTjnma lor Warrior aa r iirnaca and Scotia a ;o t tn. Im.i arnv at Tvrona from B1';' I 1. W lUveo at 1 06 p m, and t am irrne at Tyrone from Cnrw .ii. t CI.-.rtlel J at 6S a a, aa H I " p tn. a:n. arrive at Tyrtmo from Sca4iaJ Nina an.i fonnaylvanla roroaca 11., at i o.i p m. 'Mif K-JtlEDFOROPlvK""-" ave Hnntinrlaa far J? an, I Cil-kerlaad at I . H. T. R. ! Tt..nr rnv at Huntiafdaa p j 1. li .nntuaa aad Cumberlaa a HOLLIDATSBCRG BBACH i n. leavo Altoooa far poiaW SoO 1 a m. h 2S a m. 12 50 p m. I w t'O p m 9 60 p m. Tr.i!. arnva at Altoona 1,. 011th, f i 60 a m. 11 85 a m- ' ,5 a p. 111. 4') p. m. 7 00 p m. ana C ilTlO.l NOTICE- 4 mtV AM r.-r. h are brebr caunon BUii'" I, . rUitltMliJ. CMttltlffl iirutHT, - - Thr- r .limn nil rmii i -irf If-- Nulf. or otherwise '-pr L . . ' . l 1 : 4 in T.Jck ...if . aattttf Will iror prtrn(, inns rrwnp"1"' iNuw'tuhrr f - "- j-ea U Tha S.aMiel mnd Rtpniltr ,cw ,4 ..... t .-.r LK nuk rlasa. T7 TERMS, aabacriptioo, $1.00 pr annum if paid aavance; f 160 W P11 adrance. Trami0 advertnemenU laaertad at 60 ,u par iorh for each Inaertloo. TraoaiiMit buaineaa aoUcea la local col 1 10 eenta per lina lor each Insertion. Dedactiona wiU be made to those deairing toLdvertH by the year, half or quarter SHORT LOCALS. Col- y .1 Khettie Todd, or Pittsbnrg ia icg her parents in Patterson. w ... Ella Banks will enter Wllaeu -W ibf lege, this waek aa a student. Janiea Sharron ol Mc Aliatervillo haa re turnl to Prinaeton College. Herman Howe baa accepted a clerkship la L. B"k Co' D- "tor8' Homer McCrnm. of Akron, Ohio is Timting bis ftither ia this place. iU.tst (Jarrnan addreased the Iawiatown Paraocratic club a fw evening aioce. O. Frank Soylar, of Part Riyil has re tarnrd to PaoasylTania College, at Gottya burg. Anguatu. Fastek goea to Dickinsoa Col lage aa a atudent la the Freshman elaa this weak. Ellis Stump, ol thia place haa secured a position on the Everett Preas as com pasitor. J. K- Emnvtt, the actor recently purchaa ad a St. Bernard dog, for which he paid $js,(xo- Twsntv-ooe gray ruirrela were ahot la thraa daya laat week by Jaoiea and An drew Uauka. Slinses Bessie Varker aJ E-lna Kirk will enter Wilson College soon as ptu.'.euts. M is. Blaache McKee or Lewiatowa visit ad bcr friend Mil Mull Wilson in Patter son laa' week. Yellow fever i spreading in Florida. On September 6th, 5 deatba aad ttt'ty new caaee wete reported. Mise lrnia Logan who baa hen viMting mt Ur Tunnia'. in Thompsonfown. baa re turned to CUicaffu. Meaxra. livrge Parker, Ja iwi Mathers and A'adre kai.ka will return to Princeton College this wer k. The Ki'iuhlican S-natorial Conference will be held in thia place en Tuevday, the IMth of September. Uiss Lizxio Lord, of M" Alistervil!e n the guest ut Mist Klla liants m this place a taw days last week. It is reported thst William G. Rwrd, ol Chambersburg wi'.l be the Prohibition can" ahda'e for Conjrre... alma Ma Deaver after apending the sum mer at Bedford Springs has retnrned to her horns In thia place. Thomas McClellan of Altoona was risitinjf his brother Capt MoClellan u fov? thijs since. The Urand Ariay or the Kepub'.ic are holding a national eocinpmnl at Colum brr., Ohio, this week, Mrs. John Diehl, has inst retnrned f-r.r.1 th Kmt with full stock of new millinery goo ls. A mule owned by Manbck and Nelson, waa so severely sprained a fe day aince aa to Incapacitate it for work. The Franklin Kepoaitory report a sun ttower raised in Frankliu cr.uaty as measur ing 4 inches in circumference. J. Frank Fatterson and J. J. Patterson, ir.. end their summer vacation this week and return to Lafayette College. Misses Maud Wilson and Nellie North of Patterson will soon leave for Birmingham Seminary. Communion aerrices will r ad ruiniaterad in the Lutheran Church of thia place next babbsUh. Prepar atory Service on Saturday CTening; preceding. Miss Nora Klosa of Centre who last yeax waa engaged in teaching exnaie ia the Loya ville, Perry eounty. Orphan Borne, ia now engaged la the same work ia MoAlisterville Soldier a' Orphans' School The Mifflin county Democratic conven tion last week nominated Hon. Taomaa J. Frow for Congreaa, John B. Selhimer, for State Senate, Assembly, John S. Garrett, Chairman County Committee, F. B. Mc- Cabe. Rupture Core Gaaraoteed by Dr. J. B. Mayer, 831 Arch afreet, Phil'a, Pa. Eaae at once, no operation or delay from bnsi. ru. attested by thousands of cure after others fail. Advice free. Send for circular. March 14. '88, ly. C- W. Eapran, the gentlemanly and obliging baggage agent at the nta tio has been called to his home ZaneSTille. Ohio, on account of the seriona illnesa of his grandmother. James Banks and Harry Copeland will have control of W. H. Banks it Co'a drug store in Patterson during the ahsenco of W. H. Bank, who will enter the senior clam of the Medical Department of the Tjn- Iveraity of Pennsylrania in Philadelphia. Last year the President went fishing on Decoration Day. Tbia year ha goea flsb ing on the day ol Grangers' picnic, fron wbieh be bad excused himself on the plei of having a previous engagement to go to the meuataine to help knock ont some 1 iperheid sick Ex . After apending a year in scboola of Eu rope, perfecting beraell in the German, French and Italian languagea, Mias Jennie O. Barnett, daaghter of JudgeCharlea Bar- nett of BloomHeld baa returned. Miss Barnett ia acquainted in thia place. She will become an instructor in Wilson Col lege, Chambereburg, Pa. The Doty base ball club rwited McAliHterrille last Saturday and played two gomes, the first with a club from the Orphans' School from whom they succeeded in winning the giime, and the second played with MoAliHterville's club by whom they wero defeated by one run. English Epavin Liniment removes all Hard. Solt, or Calloused Lumps and Blem- i.hea from horaea, Blood Spavin, Cnrbs, Splints, Sweeny, Ring-bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, Etc Save $50 by the use of one bottle. War- ranted. Sold by L. Banka l Co., Druggiata, Milfimtown Pa. April 25. 8H, 6mo Suit haa been commenced in the coartr of Dauphin county, against J. 4. Lumbard, editor of the Snvder County Tribune for libel by Charley Dower, ol Selinsgrove. S.O"0 damageaare claimed by Hower. We know notbinr of the facta of the case, but it looks tnm the distance aa if Hower was afraid to try the case in his own county The following are the datea fixed by law for the shooting of game : Gray or fox squiirels may be shot between Sept. 1 and Decmber 1. The turkey, partridge and quail aeaaon opens October 15 and end December 15. Pheaaanta may be killed from October I to December 81. The rab bit season opena November I and enda December 31. The Republicans o' Huntingdon county In convention assembled on laat Thursday nominated Hon Louis E. Atkinson for Con gress, subject to action ol Congressional Conference ; V. McK.. Williamson. Esq. for State Senator and Rev. V. H. !teven and P. M. Lytle Es., for Assembly. Mr. Atkinson was given the privilege of choos ing hia own contereea. The Democrats of Snyder county, in convention last wavk made the following nominations : Congress, Kdward Bassler ; Senator. Chas. P. Ulrich ; Assembly, Seren thousand crates of peaches I Thomas J. Smith ; Register and Recorder, hare been shipped from this station np to Ust Saturday erening. rive new car sbopa will won bo erected In Altoona. bv the P. R. R. C.. and will give employment tn about 1000 men. Mis Alice Hsy leavea this week for the University at Wooater, Ohio, and will enter the Sophmore clasa in that Institution. Dr. D. M. Ciaw ford ir., has gone tn VUn.Liv N'or Jerxer. where h? expectd to practice his profession. (.real reduction in price ol Wall Paper and large stock to select from at Faancicts lUxowaaa Co. Oil Window Shades with spring fixture, see., at Faaxriscrn tliinwiii ., Co. Was. Crafrd aa employee of the Gov ernment Printing (.Mice, at Washington D "., spout sexernl dsy In town last week. Schott'a Stores will be closed from Fridav ereuinsr at 6 1. M , uttil Sttturdny evening at the same hour tig account of impaired health, Mr. Chas. Hays will be unable to continue hia course in Princeton Theoli-wJcal Seminary this year. Last Thursday morning while Jacob Willa waa going the rounds through town with fa.a beet wagon hia horse ran art and broke Beth shafts. The l.i.-king Crt-ek Lutheraua will hold a festival iu Ued Bank school liotiar ti Saturdav aftert.tx)n and evening. All are invittxl. Samuel Hurn. of Patterson on Wednes day t vexing wuile a-hing in the river caught a btt w ihmg four pounds and six ounces The but. wa taken by an outline. W. W. Sharon oflVre hia Brick Hotel in alcA'isterville for aalo at a fair price and on laasonable term. Possession will be given ia 00 daya alter confirmation of sale. The Dcmocrata ol Perry county last week nominated Abraham Bowers for Congreas George Jacobs, of Juniata county was ea dnrsed for State Senator; for Aeeetnhly John Shively. Four cars wete mashed to pieces m a freight wreck near Thompon- town last Wednetnlay and trains were bl.x'ksleil for several hours. No one wa injured. Thu English Court of appeals baa deci ded that relatives of a dead person have no right to place now era or other tokena on the grave except with the permission of the eemotery authoritiee." W Uliam J. Dennis and Eliha Banner, both rf Thompeontewa ara Republicans who vet. ed for William H. Uarnsen la 1840, and will vote tor Harrison and Morton on the )'b n aext November. The Walnut Cornet Band will hold a r..cr.v,tl .ml PaLu Wwllr at Rt Paul on Saturday evening. September 15th , ' f FiamtirT. lSSfi. Political walks a special t Jaa. B- Wilaoa, David Cbartera J.F.Keller; Associate Judge, Jacob A. Smith; Jury Commissioner, Isaac Shery. No nomination waa matte for Prothonotary. W. H. Snyder was elected Chairman of the County Committee. Vermont and Arkansas held their elec tions, the former on the Gth inst., and tha latter on the 7 th last. The Vermont elec tions where the Republicans won, came off in good order while the Arkansas election, where the Democracy won, was turbulent in several district resulting ia the death of several mn. Olhcers in efforts to quell mobs and kuep order where wounded in some instances. "American mechanic live aa well as any cla's of people in the world, aad at the aame time it they are prudent they save money and purchase homes. Jf they lived as economically as foreign laborers are coin- celled to live on their scanty wages, their savings would be triple what they are. This is a sample illustration of the benefits of our American system which the Usvs crs's would cripple or destroy." Mr. Frank Gibson, of Carroll township, brought into the Advocate office, laat Satur day, a curious lossil formation picked np from near the base of the famous old Gib son's Rock. The rock, which Mr. Gibson sava is Hamilton sand atone, has indented upon it the forehead, none and jay, of what appears to be thoae of a human skull, r ail ing lace downward ia the soft mud. the akull baa left a perfect imprint upon what became hardened raed. By meana of a plaster caat Mr. Gibeon baa brought oat the features most prominently, the teeth especially looking quite nstural. The vex ed question is how did the face gt there ia that age which geologists tell ns was aone ot time before the appearance of man or bis immediate prototype. Mr. (iibeon propose to send the plaster east to Prof. Clay polo. BloomSeld Advocate. C'aurt Proceedings. Court convened at 10 o'clock on Monday September 3rd, President Judge Baraett and Asaociatea MrMeea and Patterson on the bench. The constables of the different districts made their returns. The grand Juror were called and sworn and A. C. Powell was appointed to take charge of them. J. P. Calhoun, George Tarker, and Samuel Lapp were appoioted tipatavea. Petition of Dr. T. C. Eckelmaa. guard ran of Dyoniciu McCoonell, Ray McConnel, and Frank McCoonell to have private aale of ward 'a real estate, ratifle-1, approved of by the court. J. K. Jamison va Aaron Singley No. 118, September term 1967 It ia a ease that arrow out of the cutting of timber. Verdic t New trial aeked for. I Ja- f iture of the occasion. , cob Heel. man were appointed tor a review ot a public road leading from a point on public road leading from Even rials to Sev en Stare Tavern near to Stony Run school boose to a point on public road leading from N iemond'a church near the honee ot Thomas U. Leurer. Matthew Kodrers. Michael Sieber and Johe Adams were appointed to vacate a road in Fermanagh twp, and to lay ont another. L. S . Thompaoa, David B. Dimm and James W. Hosteller were appointed to view a road in Fayette townabip, from the public road near the residence of Joseph Seashore to a point on the public road near the residence of Joseph Lauver. In tbe assigned estate of David Wilson. Petition for order of aale granted by tbe court. Petition of Lucira Mayer, ot Koaauth, Iowa for order to have money paid to him from the estate of Catherine Stine, deceas ed, was granted by the Court and $26.48 waa ordered to be paid bim. In tbe estate of bllen Pollock, deceased, Henry Litx asked leave of Court to sell property at private aale, granted, and further proceedings held under advise ment until the 18lu of September. On Petition of J. H. Neely, B F. Burcb- field waa appointed guardian od litem of minor grandchildren ot Klisabetn rage, deceased. Petition of J. Howard Neely, admin istrator, in estate of Elisabeth Page, deceased, asking for a rule to show cause why specific performance of decedents eon tract beuld not be made, granted and made returnable on September lbth, 1888 On petition of Bessie r.. Boosali, minor child of Anna Bonaall, deceased, John C. Kepner waa appointed guardian. Report of P.M. M. Pennell, auditor o estate of Jacob Page, late of Fayette twp., deceased waa confirmed nisi by tbe Court. On petition of J. Howard eelj, admin istrator of Samuel U. Fisher, was sobetitu ted to tbe right of recognizees on the re cognizance. Report of J. Frank Stoner, Auditor in estate o. Susannah a. lieorr, oeceaaea, tiled in open Court and confirmed Dial by tbe Court. Report of J. Howard Neelr. auditor tn estate of Titus Rhine, dee'd, filed io open Court and confirmed nisi by tbe Co art. Report of J. F. Steaer. auditor ol estate of Benjamin P. B.ver, corflrtaed nisi by court. Report of J. Howard Neely, auditor in estate of Catherine Freet, dee'd, confirmed niai by court. Petition cf Samnel D. Bimontoa and Wil liam F. Simonlon, administrators of estate of Joseph I. Simonton. deceased, lor order to sell property belonging to dece dent in Perry county, granted by order of court. Sale of property of Catherine Daraer, deceased, by Darwin C Rannels, admin is trator. cor firmed bv court. C lerk of Orvhaa's Court acknowieagea hia deed to Emma Swineford, formerly Km ma J. Wolf tor land of her husband which she bad purchased. Wra.M. Allison, Commissioner In tbe i roceedmrs de lunatico inqnireod o, with reference to Mr. Jane Gallaher. filed hia return to the writ with all the proceedings bad thereon. Frederick Espenacbade waa appointed to take charge of estate. On petition of Sheriff Fow lea a rule waa granted arain.t all parties in interest 10 chow why rat.iel action ss entered on Judg mcnt No. 24. Dec. T. lb3, S. U. Kvaos vs. S. K. Sburtx, et al ebould nut be stricken off. and that judgment allowed to remain in in I's order, tbe sberin caving maae a ml. payment thereon, from funds arising from sheriffs sale ot S. X- Sburtz's prop erty. J. E. McCahan va Aaron Singley No. 118, September term 1887. It ia a caae that gr w out of the cutting of timber. William Cox va. William Carl and Mary Carl No. 39, December term 1887. A caae of ejectment, from land that Cox claims hia. Caae continued. 8. Ephraim Rannela and D. C. Rannels, nartnera tradinc in the name of Rannela at Son, vs. A.J. Patterson, Kxecutor of Jacoo Kline, dee'd. No. 54. February Term. lb8 Appeal from judgment of E. B. McCrum, J P. Plea. fcU Debit, aec. rer. Verdict for plaintiff in tbe aum of $11-70. Tbomaa M. McCullocb vs. Jacob Zeigler. No. 13. April Term, 1888 Thia is an eject meot caae. McCullocb bought the property at Sheriff 's sale on which Zeigler lives. Zeigler refused to move claiming that tbe le of the property was of no account, that he bad no title in it. Plaintiff plead sur prise and case continued. Barbara Mast vs. John Zook. No. 34, September Term. 1888. Thia case is about a promisory note tbat John Zook, executor ol Micbaei Beasbor lound among tne papera of tbe deceased. Mr. Bartior. Barbara Mast a daua-hter ol Mr. Beaabor claims the note. and the executor doemed it best to have the matter settled in Court. Verdict for plaintiff in $1008.98. a John M. Campbell v. John Vaughan. No. 70, September Term, 1888. Thia ia a case that crew out of tbe painting of a house. Verdict for defendant. G.L. Bsrner v. John H. Patterson No. 73, September Term, 18B8. Thi la shout the settlement of a case on which limitation was claimed. Verdict for do fendant. Com. vs. Benj. Seasholtx, for disturbing a reliaious meeting In aa-quebsnna town ship, A. b. Portsline prosecutor. True bill. Verdict guilty. Broke jail one month of time. Not sentenced. Com. vs. Ben Seaholtx for assault and battery, A. B. Portsline prosecutor. True bill. Verdict guilty. Not sentenced. Com. vs. Ben Seasholtx for assaulting children, prosecutor S. S. Ritx. True bill. Verdict guilty. Not sentenced. Com. vs. Heo. F. Backet, and Hermond Cadwalder, for asaault and battery, prose cutor Wilson Palm. Not a true bill. Couu to to pay costs. Com. v William Bnrch for forgery, prosecutor T. V. Irwin. True bill. Plead guilty. Sentence two year in Western Penitentiary. $1 floe. Com. va. Irwin Weaver and Oeorge Wea ver, assault and battery .fHenry Aucker proa ecutor. True bill. Verdict not guilty. Costa divided between pjosecator and do fendanta. Corn. va. Robert Woodward, forgery, prosecutor T. V. Irwin. Trne bill. Plead guilty. Senteace deferred until Septem ber 18, 1888. . Com. v. Andrew Crouse, prosecutor A. W.Opple. True bill. Settled. Com. vs. CharU-a Opple, for aaaault and battery, prosecutor Benj. Crouse. Trne bill. Verdict guilty. Sentence, $181 fine and coats. Com. vs. Charles Opple, for agravatrd assault and battery, prosecutor George Emery. True bill. Verdict guilty. Sen fence 181 fine and eoats. Com. vs. A. W. Opple, for surety of peace, Bros ecutor Benjamin Crouse. Sen tence costs U iv ra en. Com. vs. A. W. Opple and Charles Opple and Frank Opple, for axaault and battery, John Crouse prosecutor. True bill. Ver- diet not guilty . I costs to be paid to de fendant, i by prosecutor. Com. vs. Henry Aucker. assault and battery, prosecutor. Joseph S. Weaver. Not a true bul. Crounty to pay coat. Com. va. John Coats, for asaault and battery, prosecutor Irwin Weaver. Not trne bill. Prosecutor to pay costs. Com. vi. Oeorge Weaver aad Irwin Weaver, and Joseph Weaver for larceny prosecutor Henry Aucker. True bill. Ver dict not guilty. Com. vs. Rose Smith for selling liquor without license, and giving it away ea bun- day, pro seen tor Martha Miller. True bill. Plead guilty to reward court, sentence $50 aad 20 day ia ceun'o jail. Com. va. Frank Shield selling Honor with out license, prosecutor Caraline Ro throe k. Not a trne bill. Prosecater to pay coats Com. vs. Samnel Diehl, for aaaault and battery and threat to kill, prosecutor Msry C Washington. Not a true bill. County to pay costs. Cam. vi Frank Shield sailing liquor without license. Sent np by district at torney by order of court. True bill to be tried at December session. Com va. Pbareea Dunkleberger. fnrnica tion and bastardy. Prosecutors Mapgie Herts. Defendant died before court. Farewell ItleetlBa;. Westminister Presbyterian Chureh waa filled with members of tbe different con gregations of the town and vicinity on Fri day evening upon the occasion of the fare well services ia honor of Miss Bmma Hays, daughter of Rev. L. Y. Hay a, who took her departure on Monday, by way of Saa Fran cisco, for Tofcio, Japan, where she mill be engaged in Foreign Miaaianary work, a Tescber in tbe girls Seminary in Tokio, under the auspicea ol the Foreign Mission ary Society of the Preabyterian Church. Rev. Campbell, of the Port Royal Presby terian Church officiated upon thia oc casion, and after music by the choir, and an appropriate prayer by Rev. Mr. Kelly, of the Spruce Crwek Presbyterian Church, read from Luke XXIV chapter, which was folio wed by prayer by Rev. Miller, of tbe Methodist Church of this place. Rer. Dr. Mendeoball, of Huntingdon, delivered a brief address upon tha progrea of Missionary work, and tbe progrea of the work in Japan, and obaerved that if the Japane coutinue to become chriatainized at the aame rate ol arithimatical progress ion until tbe close of the Century. Japan will be a Christian nation, and he termed M isa Hay ' devotion to the great an good wot k as heroic, sublime and Christlike. The choir was joined by tbe congregation in ainging the 608th hymn which waa fol lowed by an address by Rev. Kelly, of Spruce Creek, who remarked the character and abilities of Miaa Hay, and tbe great loss sastaioed by society, by tbe church, by the different societies for tbe promotion ol God 'a work, of which abe was an active member, and by ber own family circle where tbe lost would be felt moat keealy. A aolo waa sung most beautifully by Miss Freeman, ol Huntingdon who waa accom panied on the organ by Mrs. J. W . Wagner, which was followed by Rev. Wood bum. of Academia with an address. Rev. Philip Graiff", delivered an eloquent and very appropriate prayer, aad tha W. C. T. U. of Juuiata county in a communi cation read by Mis Lyons, ol Port Royal, expressed their regret at the loaa of Mia Hays, who haa been an active worker ia that organization, but who now haa been called to a larger and greater field of labor, but the Society, now lully realises tbat congratulations and not regrets are more appropriate. Mia Louie Jack man, refre eating the T. W. C. T. U. expressed th farewell of that organisation by reading several verses from tbe scriptures. Mr. George Wilson in a carefully prepar ed address represented the Westminister Presbyterian Congregation ia tbe farewell meeting and waa followed by Mias Emma Hays, a ho expressed thanks to the iutereat ed and sympathetic audience for the inter eat taken and aympatby expressed and shown ia herself aad in her great under taking. Many eyes were bathed ia tear and the speaker's voice trembled preceptibly aa she clearly and distinctly outlined her Bourse In the Missionary fields, and many praj era were quietly offered up, for tbe preservation ol the life, and health and for the success of thia brave young lady, who leavea Lome and ber native land, that the light ot truth may be shown to tbe benight ed ol the heathen land. May a access crown ber efforts. PARKER & CO., BANKERS, Mara Street, Mirn.ixrowx, Pens a-, TRAKSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Discounts daily. Accounts of firms, individuals and corporations solicited. Four per cent. Interest allowed on twelve months' certificates. For Drepay. Gravel, "ervaai s Crlaary ar Liver Dis eases. Core Guaraateed. Ofhce, S81 ASCH St., Philadelphia. All druggists. Try it. $1 a bottle, six for $6 Mar. 14, 1888, ly. SA LESM E TU WANTED. Pushing, reliable men, to Canvaa for Ifursery Stecli. Permanent employ sent Guaranteed. Smlery mud Jixprnset Paid. Apply at once, statins; aire. GLEN BROTHERS. Refer te this paper. Rochester, N . T. uae 18tb, 1888. WISH TO STATR A FEW FACTS Worth. Knowing, That I caa stop Tooraacna in less than va minutes ; no pain, ne extracting. That I can extract teeth without pain. by tbe nse of a fluid applied to the teeth and gums ; no danger. That Diseased sx Gam (known aa scarry) treat SzX-Li JT 1 auccraafully and a cure warEPr4 VViwJ ranted in every MA SOX fc IliMLII PIANOS. Thi improved method of fastening tbe strings ol pianos, invented by the Mason and Hamlin Organ and Piano Company lew years since, ia unquestionably one of tbe most important uuprevemwsta ever mada, making tbe instrument mere richly musical m its tones, aa well aa more dur able, and less liable to get out of tune. o The Homliest Saa in MitBiutown and Pailersou, as well as the handsomest, and other are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of fcvemp'a oal aatu lor Ibe Throat and Lungs, a remedy tbat is selling entirely upon its merits and ia guaranteed to cure and relieve allCbron ic aud Acute Cock lis, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Price 50 cents and $ $nO One bottle of English Spavin Lin iment cured my fine Norman mare oi two ugly blood spavins which damaged her val ue at least $80. It is the grandest Blem ish cure I ever used. Joan McCain, Horn Dialer, Darlington lud Sold by L. Bank & Co., Druggists, Mifflin Teeth Fills a and warranted for life. Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or remeddled. from $9.00 to $13 per set. Beeutilul Gum Knaiueled Teet inserted at price te suit alL All work warranted to give perfect aatis- fsctios. People who have artificial teeth witn wnicn they cannot eat, are e.pecially invited te call. Will visit professionally at their home, if notified by letter. Will Visit regularly at Richfield tbe 2nd week of May and October. Tains Cash. G. I,. DERR, PractlcaljDeatlst. BSTABLisnrn atirrLiiTewa, Pa., ia Is 0. Oct. 14 '85. FUHHITUHEI FURNITURE! I would respectfully inform the citizens of Juniata County that I have bought from John S. Gratbill his entire etock of Furniture and hu8 furnish ing goods, which consists of LAMPS, CARPETS, SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTRESSES. FURNITURE, to which I am adding daily, JElf STOCK which I am Belling ai ex. stremely low Israelis , for cash. C. B. HO R.N I 5 G, Crtstal Palace, Corner of Bridge and Wter streets Mifflintown, Pa. January 11th. SS-lr Come to our store and you'll tad that no matter whieh way yea lawk. our prices have been eut down so low that yoa cannot bat aaaaira ear pluck and energy in getting rial ef ear Summer Steak at the earlieet pos sible moment, ibe prices we are aaaatar are incomparably Jew. .TJei a single item has escaped the knife. QIjAXCE BELOW FOR BARGAINS ! MEN'S SUITS. OILS ! OELS ! OIXS Ve Want Youi To send us 40 cents for one of our B-iru FARM WRENCHES. larht. Handy aad roc. will Ontwaar aad Oat laat two Ordinary Wreacfcse. YOU WANT Ax Eixaica Household S. D This set consists ef xteseweea Set. Bvcr. iTHE STANDARD OIL COMPANY of Pittsburg Pa., make SPECIALITY of manufacturingf for the Domestic trade the Finest JSrmndt of Illnrainat ing and Lubricating Oile, Naphth and Gasoline, that can be made from Petroleum. We challenge comparison with every known Product of Petroleum. If you wihh the most LWIFORMLJ SATISFACTORY OILS M" THE .MARKET, ask for ours, trade for Mifflintown and vicinity Supplied by FRANCISCUS HARDWARE A CO. December 14,-87-ly SWEEPING REDUCTION IN MIX'S, YOUTHS' A5D JOTS' CL$THIG, HATS A!tn rritJIIII AT una $, 8 The C H O T T ' S , .Leading Clothier. Onr Our Our Our Our ( 8 10 12 IS Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits have have have have have been beea been baa a beea rednces! redaoed red need rodaceel red a real te te te te te Oar $5 Our 6 Our 7 Oar 9 BOYS' SUITS Suits have been reduced te Suits have bean real seed te Suits have bean reduce' te Suits have been renod te S at. S $. T M 11 T5 13 7. SS it i.lt 4 87 For only S3 wa offer a choice assortment (i Inr.-Pants Saits wkisa are in pretty styles aud have sold freely at $4 aad 14 0 Mohairs, Alpacas, Seersuckers. Striped Flannels, Xeckwear, Under wear, in fact anything; we nail, are destined to a short life aiter yea learn the undervalue at which we let voi carry the in awav. BEFORE YOU LEAVE TO WIS waits around to our stores aad procure anything yen neaa in Collar. Cuffs, Valises, Trunks, Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Xeckwear, aro., aa at 20 to 25 per eent lower than what you would have te pay at ether steres. SCH0T T , THE LEADING CLOTHIER, BRIDGE ST., MIFFLINTOWN, PA. tbe fans. Sent f i-eo reeslt of $ I CO. Ask Your Local Dealer for them, if he nv. ant rot Uie-. T for voa. or -e .11 es rset of r. mm above Send f.P fee or Ulutt.ufd eef icfus. ELLRICH & CO., Plantsville, Conn. DOiX'S CKLrBR 4TFW FFM I.K HOW. tlUV lulC U'l &lVlriwul. llM tMlr Sr 10.fJ AlMnru WtBiM. (iuai Ajitel superior u au Mnw rrn 8rnl k? mMTlw. or M.h ref uniled. kT nail. 1. I' tloslatl. Umm. town l a. April 25, 'H8, 6m. Seme Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it get beyond the reach ot medicine. Tbey often say, 'Oh, it will wear away," but in moat cases It weara ilieiu away. Could they be indue ed to try tbe successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we will sell on a guarantee to cure, they would immediately see tbe excellent effect after taking the drst dose. Price 60c and $I.OU. Trial size free At all druggists. Music for the Catupal$n. We have fust received from the publiah era. S . Brainard'a Sons, 145 Wsbash Ave., a copy of the "TRUE BLUE REPUBLI CAN" Campaign Sorg Book, containing sixteen piece of muaic, arranged fur male quartette, with word and muaic complete. The music waa arranged by a quartette of Campaign dinger especially lor tbe com ing Campaign. The price of the book is but 16 cept. Llfi of HENRY W IRQ BEECHER ly uliunUil. emtur aia nr. iroa. au mna w am aWts. arlca On. IKUar. g.iirnwwr. prepaid. IKIO BOOB. t0.. etaliou U., Brooklyn, K.T. Sprinj and Summer Goods 1 I would inform the public tbat I have now a my aew niilliaery stora at my place of reaideuce en Water .treat, II IBiatewn, second door from earner ef Bridge street, a full ntock, ef Spring at Summer millinery 1 goods, all new, and ef the latest atylea. j and having employed ir.t class xallliaera ! I ass prepared to supply tha public with I everything feuad ia a Brstclass milliner ' stars, coisa saa exsania. my stock. I . esnsider it sa trouble to show goods, j MRS. DK13L I March 22-b".l.y. Oewa 1865, ESTABLISHED 1887 Special Invitation Te Th Publia To attend thn Attractire Sale f Clathing that gees en ImWj from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HAKLE x . It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock f Gods far MEN, BOYS AND UHlLDKHi. It is truly marvelous to Sea THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Lew Prices. Ilis prices leave all Com; etitors in the rear, --n't fail to giva him a call if in need of Clothing. D. W. HARLEY WILL rOPLB wm Impure sin J L'mara).) uiB Refrigerator j-btcl. are lined witk wood . una nd otacr aaiU. that uuse rumc troubles and alfjrv cbiidren diatiaaci by Uuatuiy milk, wiies) they caa get WHY REFRIGERATORS LIKED WITH etoiswan and Indurated Fibre, wk lea ar frac freai abaorptioa. eoraaioa. m4 i Watertown Steam Engine Co. Asia ara artr formaTiya of poivrntnis) nudes. THOKOI (VHLY S A ITART caJ of ice, and rotlucc low teoiLratwirc t Catalogues giwimg full explanations aasl tfa- acnptiofls will be mailed free oa applied Uoa. Address tAc a-aQulaciarrrs, MONROE Bros., trl "Way and Jeffcrwon ity-ot, craaErvTEijvr. oino. MAKRIED ; MAN BECK BASHORE At tbe bridi's residence on the eveniac of the Ctb.. by Rider W. B. Brnmbangh, ed iter Go ptl M f- eagrr, Huntingdon. Pa., William il. Maa baca of M.fflia and Clara E. Baabore ol Van Dyke. WI3EBACPT SNTDER. On the Sth inst., by Rev. A. H. Bpaogler, Georxe wuebaupt and Mis. Magrie Snyder, both of Port Royal. DIED: AtJKAN Chaster L., sen of Rictor B. and Annie K. Auman, died Sept. 6 1988, aged 9 months and b daya. MirrLIJITOWN MARKETS. Iinuron, Sep'r 12, 1888. Butter 18 Egg 16 Ham, 124 Shoulder 10 Sides 8 Lard 10 MIFFLIN TOWN GRAIN MARKET. Wheat, new . ..... 70 to Hi Corn new............ 55 Oats, 25 Ryo 6U Cloveraeed $3 00 Timothy seed $1.76 Flax seed .... 1 60 Bran 30 00 Chop ., 1 SO Sborta 2200 Ground Alum Salt 1 20 American Salt............. 1 lit PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PHTLABExrHla., Sep'r 8. Wheat 94 to $1.04. Corn 6aa56(c. Oats 27a34c, Chickens Live hena Hall let. Roostera 6 a. cts Eggs 19aZOot. Butter 17s2cu. Easr Libcbtt Cattle nothing doing 1 H- g Stja-i. 0 S tieep market dull G. W. HE OK, STILL IN THE LEAD. TOE 0Iir EXCIatSIVE Boot and Shoe Store. LARGEST STOCK, WE KEEP THESES! STOCK, MOST VARIED STOCK STEAM ENGINES ud BOILERS of au jtvi. tor Oeitak JAMES & MAYER BUGGY CO. or Foot Wear in Juniata County. IVInniiTactixr-o THE Velilcle ftv tb FARMERS' & MERCHANTS' USE. The most Btylish, Beet finished Slid Uot dnraUe aae4Uia pricaxi YEHICLF.3 ever offered in America. Send for full Eluitrated Cetalogue, 57. 69 and 6 1 Elm Street, CINCINNATI. Ohio. The people penerally recopnize penniDe claira. It is an easy matter to make extravagant etatements. It is fur more important, however, to have tbe people credit yotar Rtatements. We invite comparison. Onr stock is all nice, all neat and all new. We continue to sell at the lowest prices, and challengejany and all competitors. You know the store. There ia ocly one. We shadow all. G. W. HECK, BKLFORD BLOCK, ('OUNER MAIN AP URTPrtF TREFT Kemp'sMannre Spreader Telaable Ia Ssglf seed Trsds Msi-a f CLfcANFAST I saw S BLACK TOCKINGS .....frlltt. 1 1 f CfMb waa f I i i tt i aliss liaise'. MMCIIMryi a Per Cant. Cheapsr than any ether, all thknge oonaiderexi. aa ts ttf' rasss swes a mrr r aCTtave.fi alFt 0O- &iKZ,m. w. SILK FINISH, LISLE, anal COTTOH r-i,!SS"ErctLsioR hos'iut tn. I.M OMMTIUlT ITj. .V:flV,? I a-ui V j p v e7 ,haa ... ,1 y..c needa) thint U-fU4.ViaVt rsUKiaisnJf .1 iaHsMWlnl