Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 13, 1888, Image 2

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boitob abb rmormirroB.
Afteb the 1st of next January
xncr Jcrern in New York State are to
be executed with electricity. Hang
ivg is certainly over in that state.
- -
Perky cnnrrY is counting on coal,
coal oil and esa. It is Loped their
great expectations may be realized,
bat pears do not grow on apple trees.
Whes Thurman was first spoken
to in regard to tIacincr him on the
ticket with Cleveland, he said. "All
I car for is a seat in Heaven," which
is much as aaving that thd Cleveland
ticket is not heading Heavenward.
Twenty thocsasu uniformed Dem
ocrats indulged in a street parad at
St. Louis in honor of the Cleveland
Convention which certainly was
larcre narade. Thev will not hare
nthuRiaam for a parade after next
Th temperance movement has
struck Chicago, it will be slow work
in that city of many foreigners, bnt
it has progressed so far that the
movement is against the keeping of
a saloon within 200 feet of any church,
synagogue, or Bchool borne.
Mat Hewitt, of New York, one
of the most capable citizens of Goth
am as well as one of the most able
Democrats in the country is against
Cleveland, not because he is soured
by disappointment, but as hesays, be
rau.te Cleveland in no statesman.
Tue Democratic national conven
tion at St Louis was sobered by the
lection news from Oregon. Cleve
landixtn does not take among the
Pacific pecple. The Republicans
carried everything. Thev have the
Legislature by about 40 majority which
insurer a Republican United States
Or, tor Da Docoherty is not a
lucky man to nominate a President.
He nominated Hancock and defeat
came. He nominated eloquently last
week at St. Louis, Cleveland, which
is of itself a harbinger of defeat. Un
lucky meu and women, wherever con
certed are certain harbingers of de
feat. Get in out of the way of the
coming deluge.
Whs Congressman Scott, Cleve
land's office peddler arrived at St
Louis last week and declared for
Thnrrcan there was not a ghost of a
chance left for Gray for nomination
for the Vice Presidency. Thurman
is an old worn out man, who was
put on the ticket because he is known
by name to many of the older Demo- I
crats. and because the President has
a vain belief that it will spite Fora
aker of Ohio who condemned Cleve
land for wanting to send the trophies
of war, their rebels flags back to the
tueu who did their best to destroy I
the govermenL If it were possible
to elect the St Louis ticket, Mr.
l nnriuan is to OM and teeble a man
to live to see it end 4 years hence.
Tub Democracy after wrestling
with tbe tariff three'days at St Louie,
in their national convention last week,
vlopted the old plank of 1381,
giving to Cleveland the privelege of
interpreting it to suit himself. The
convention was all one sided, no
candidate for the Presidency w
mentioned in opposition to Cleveland,
be was nominated by acclamation.
Senator 1 barman ot Ubio was
nominated for Vice President. From
prenont appearance Cleveland and
Thurman cannot fail of meeting with
an overwhelming defeat in Novem
ber. When a man lowers the dignity
of hin position to become a political
tHS to secure a r nomination lor a
four years office his defeat is certain
to fo!!ow.
An exchange remarks : We won
rfer if our readers understand that
there is arising in tsoutn America a
nation which bids fair to compete
with the United States in enterprise
, ... t-v it i
And population. During the last
voar the Argentine Republic (and do
, , .
you Know wosi part oi oouiu amer
i.'a it i in ) added five thousand
miles of railroad to the four thou
rand which had been built before.
There wtfl this year be two hundred
thousand immigrants, chiefly from
the South of Europe. There are
ovpi' throe t'notiaand public schools,
and two hundred and thirty thou
ts-.nd is'-holjirs. The chief cities
are lighted with the electric light,
and :dmndtntly supplied with tele
phone. During 1887 four thousand
Tenslt catered the port", and the
reveutitj of the lievernment lelt a
surohi of six million dollars over the
expenses. Tho religion is Catholic
and the language Spanish, although
the Italian and the English are much
A railway aooidenteoourred on Jane
4th, just outside of Taenpioo, Max., in
whioh many lives were lost. A eon
atruation train was derailed near a
bridge by a eow and a donkey which
were on the track. The train crashed
through the bridge and went down an
embs.nka.ent. So far aa known, eigh
r VJ'U-I aed f.irty.one injured."
I -
tb J sbt cr VOB TBI ftniDIKT aitiuii
When the emng brethren look innocently
and ainile blandly there ia something np
among them. Tbey hd that appearance
I ant Friday. Early in the morning their
Cleveland and Hendricka 4 banner waa
dang to the brerse without a change except
that where tte portrait of Hendricks used
to be, waa placed a red Tbnrmia bind anna.
People who bad forgottoa what bia Majesty
Cleveland looks like, thought that tb pic-
tare waa a picture of Job a Martin, however,
aa the day wore away the brethren, became
informed of the meaning of it all, and that
a rattflcatioa meeting waa to be held in the
Circular warn quietly printed and not
paatod In conspicuous p aces, bat pit In
place among leaders when tbey would do
the most good. The circulars gave bo de
tail of w hat waa to be done, only that they
were to assemble and ratily.
At 6 o'olock in the evening the town waa
aa quiet aa on a funeral day. The rank and
Ble smiled on each other aa they met, aa
much a to aay we'll be on band and that
waa all the sign they gave. The readers
winked as they met each other and that was
all. Orators Patterson, Jacobs Neoly.Gar
man and BurchHeld endeavored to appear aa
indihTerent aa Ind iOerence itself, and McMeen
seemed to be as busy looking to his farm
and peach orchard interest aa if BO ratifica
tion waa to take place ; Dr. Banks was kept
busy looking to the sick; Dr. Sando kept
one eve on the movement and said, "we'll
sll re there boys ;" Crawford waa neatling
in the deeper recesses of the inner court;
Bob Psrfcerdid a considerable amount of
button holing ; Sheriff Fow les drove to his
larm with the otmost seeming unconcern;
Berry pitched hone shoes with the tonaor
lal prnietaora. while the colored le ka all the
while were going one eye on bta cunning
movements ; Uarman looked on the game
with an e eon the colored brethren ;
ser aa polite aa a Frenchman knew what waa
going on in the under political currents;
Poet Master Crawford in bis diplomatic way
could'nt tell a thing about what was going
on only thst there waa to be a ratification ;
John Etka locked as wise as Uncle Sam
himself ; Ilollman waa almost ready to put
on a red Thurman handkerchief; Dr. Sc-
loutl ws looking about to Had a clear way
to the aituation ; Colonel Showers was satis
fled and gave a knowing look that it was all
right ; John Dietrick was in tor the move
ment; Schott and Meyer were enthusiastic
and full ol prophecy ; McClintic was in for
tariff reform. But tbey all felt nettled at
Barnuru, Chairman of the Democratic Na
tional Committee for saying that be waa
against placing Thurman on the ticket, be
cause Tbormsn is the next thing to corpse.
The leaders would talk about tho whole
situation excepting the impeding ratifica
tion. On that tbey were silent and talked
only by 'nudges," winks and smile which
"Jtrtt me when the aa gott JPowa."
When the sun waa down there waa a
movement suio ng the brethren
The band in one sbspe came from be
yond the river escorted by a large number
of little boys and girls from Patterson.
Post Mastur Crawford and Sheriff Fowls
and Sheriff Dietrick hastened to the Court
House ; Editor Jackruan and Silas Moyer in
a business like way went to Patterson's of
fice and soon emerged with "eelv.
It was plainly to be aaen how the ba'l
waa tc be put in motion. Meanwhile the
band began to play in front of the Court
House and alifihiogs being in abape when
tbe music ceased, John Dietrick called the
assembly to order and nominated James
North lor President.
Mr. North returned thanks lor tho honor
of presiding over wbst bo styled the first
Democratic meeting beld in Juniata under
the new administration.
A. J. Patterson, who ia the biggest man
in tho party in Juniata and who bason more
than one occasion had the Cleveland ear to
whisper into in regard to appointmenta waa
called for and promptly came forward
a Cleveland regulation speech
lie akatcbed tbe life of Cleveland from
his boyhood days to the present time. He
took for a text, the substance or tbe mot
toes ot tbe old Cleveland, left banner,
that bangs over Bridge street. He talked
about land grabbing corporations, and the
Dumbtr of acres ol railroad land grant land.
that bu been restored to the government
and claimed that as something tbat was
brought about especially by tbe Cleveland
administration. Ue did not take time to ex
explain that tbe reaaon tho land was return
ed to tbe government as public land ia be
cause the railroad companies bare violated
tbe land grant contract with tbe govetment.
Ue did net advocate tbe repeal ot tbe char
ters of wild cat, railroad enterprises in Penn
sylvania where charter privilegea or right.
Dave not been lived npto. He at,okeot taxa
tion tbe tariff He ia against a tariff or tax
tbat is higher than la necessary to just meet
government expenses and pay pensions,
and that means that he is with Cleveland
against a tariff or tax that will protect
American manufacturers against the cheap
lalwr good of Europe. lie eulogixed
Thurman and cloned on tbe subject ol tbe
culture of Cleveland. From bia standpoint
the President is a highly culture! man.
J. Howard Ineely was tbe next speaker.
For strong laudation ot the o called golden
era of the Democratic party, which was when
it held 8,000,1100,000 people in bondage.
Neely out Berods Herod himaell, and for
wild charges against the Republicans be is
hard to beat. He talked about Hamilton-
imnitm an4 I ITii,iiiiiniiiii in tk. .lt.tr. tf
government, and of course whatever be
thinks savors ot tbe teaching of Hamilton,
he would rule ont, but he waa careful not to
mention a single point that resemble or is
like tbe govermenial point that Hamilton
advocated. Of coarse he haul aomething to
say lor Cleveland and Thnrman. B clos
ed witbbopetul expressions lor victory.
Editor Uarman waa tbe next speaker.
He lelt confident of victory. Ue waa glad
to stand np fbr such candidates aa Cleve
land and Thnrman. tie dido I aay be baa
pitv lor the Republicans because they don't
know who will be nominated as their can
didate lor the Presidency, but in a depre-
I ciating way be deridid them for not knuw-
I ion who ia "set up" lor 'be Presidency. He
di not aay. but he could truthfully have
said tbat Cleveland was a complete set np'
I to the exclusion of all other asi
aspirants and
that Congressman Scott was sent to St
Louis to set it op for Thurman, and thst
Scott knocked out Bla?k and Gray to get
Thnrman nominated. If bo had told bis
bearers that such king like set np" can
not tak in tbe Republican party be would
have done justic to tbe set np point. He
poke to tbe taritf point. He don't like
the word because it is French. He wonld
call it a tax.JIIe charged tbat tbe Republicans
sre not sincere in thnr labor protection ad
vocacv and to prove bia position he talked
about contractors importing Italians, Bohe
mians, Chinese Ac, to work cbeaply tor
tbem, but be failed to tell tbem tbat tbe Re
publican party never advocated auch prac
tice, and that G rover Cleveland never in
his rnrsaagea took issue with such practice,
which ia the practice ol .ndividuals and com
panies. But such false reasoning is not or
iginal with Mr. Garman. Ue extoled Cleve- 1
land and Thurman and got oil an eloquent
description of the boys in bine fighting
above the cloud on Lookout mountain and
used tbat aa aa illustration to elevate Cleve
land and Thurman above the cloud. He
cnt tbem up high.
George Jacob, was the next speaker,
lie exprrssed great h irp ne s over Democra
tic oepecte and be waa particulary happy
tbat C leveland redeemed tbe pledgee be
had made 4 year ago. He forgot to men
tion tbat the gnat pledge to civil service
reform tbat won over the mugwump ele
ment baa been ignored by President Cleve
and, and that instead ol civil service re
form, be has given tbem a personal manage
ment in atate and national politics, with
C' rgrtaaman Scott aa bis chief lieutenant
wbo crusrea out all opponent from othce
as effectual I v aa if he had been cronned
Emperor. He forgot to menuon the broken
t it a.1
T.r7;l.Li., .iut Iuvj extravagant
rtii i.4ioto in favot tf Cleveland and
Thurman. Ktely got off some cxtravarant
aurrtions, but Jacob -Makes the cuke" in
that line. He bad much to aay about tbe
poor, and what be railed tbe rag tag; and
bob tail people, and labored bard by special
pleading methods to have it appear aa u
the Republican party ia purauing a policy
of government that injure tbe wellfare ol
peopla that be called, by such unkmd
name. 11 la remark were almost a
unkind aa when tbe southern slave bolder
cracked hi whip and called tbe poor white
of tbe south, wbite trash, and tbe poor
people ot tbe north, mud sill ol society.
He forgot to tell tbst tbe Rrpublican party
waa tbe friend of labor, and the friend of
tb) poor, and abo.iahrd slavery and thereby
removed an institution that endangered the
freedom of while a well a black people.
He forgot that tbe Republican party pasaed
tbe Homestead law by which a man may
obtain a borne, tbe rrvenoe ol which will
give him a comfortable living. Ho talked
about revenue reform and cited name ol
Republican of national reputation wbo
favored rev en no reform and from that be
glided to the tariff or tax on foreign goods
and declared that aa a people we are out
rageously taxed by Republican enactment
for tbe bene lit ol corporations and million
aire. He played on the tax question just
as if people knew nothing about taxation,
jnat aa if tbey do not understand that tbe
doctor's bill is a tax, just aa if tbey don't
understand that tbe lawyer fee is a tax,
just as if they don't know that tbe preach
er's salary is a tax. just aa it tbey don'
understand tbat everything tbat a man buys
subjects him to taxation and everything
b sells satirrcts some one elae to taxation
He did Dot run bis taxation talk to a conclu
sion by telling his bearers tbat diversified
industry in a nation I a system of taxation,
of one upon tba other for mutual benefit.
He confined hi taxation or tariff speech to
goods brought from foreign coon trie to
tLls country which ia tbe lirbttst f
the money taxes that tbe people bear. Be
otter Iv failed to touch the township taxes.
which are tbe heaviest taxes that tbe
people endure, and which tbo Democratic
party have as much to do with laying as
Republican. Ho exalted Cleveland and
Thurman into cloudland, but did not get
tbem above the clouda where German left
tbem. He and Uarman abould bold at
oiber meeting and try and get tbe candi
dates down, or tbey will be gone clear ont
of aigbt by tbe time November day come
Tbe speaking was all well done and for
groundless assertion and false reasoning,
ha perhaps not been equaled since Demo
cratic orator did their best to im
pre their bearer with the belief in tbedi
v laity of tbe institution of slavery and the
right of a slat to secede from tba national
Tba? evening waa one of June'a moat de
light tnl and caused tbe children to turn out
in lorce, to romp and scream in the Court
House yard to such a degree tbat tbe speak
ers could be beard only a lew feet fiom the
portico step from which tbey (poke. To
tbe confusion of tbe children waa added
the explosion of candidate Hackenbergcr
stock ot fire work which were gradually
set off a tbe seskers progressed wi:n
their speeches. Doubtless tbe oratora
wished the tire-works in any other
place than in Court House square. At the
conclusion ol Mr. Jacobs' speech tbe meet
ing adjourned and thus closed tbe ratifica
tion meeting of Cleveland and Thurman
which will be most noted for it wild dec
larations ot speakers, sputtering Ore works
and yelling boys and girla.
A Babbit's Eje in a Man.
At Baltimore some days ago, Dr.
J. J. Chiuelm performed the opera
tion of transferrinrr a rabbit's eye to
a man's bead at the Presbyterian
Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospi
tal in the presence of a large number
of physicians. The patient has been
blind for many years. A piece of the
blind eye was cut out br using- a
circular punch, very sharp, driven by
clock work. ith the tutme instru
ment a duplicate piece was taken
from the sound eye of a living rabbit.
The clear patch fitted accurately into
the hole made in the man's eye. The
operation was made painless by the
use of cocaine. The best results are
expected. North American.
The Value of a Minute.
A statistical person has computed
that in each minute in the United
states, nignt ana uay, all tbe vear
around. 24 barrels of beer have to go
down 12,006 throats and 4,830
bushels of grain have come to bin.
Fur each minute, night and day, by
the official reports for the year 188(1,
the United States collected $639 and
spent $461 ; $178 more than neces
sary. The interest on tbe public
debt was $96 a minute, or junt exact
ly equal to the amount of silver min
ed iu that time. The telephone is
used 595 times, the telegraph 136
times. Of tobacco, 925 pounds are
raised, and part of it has been used
in making 6.G73 cigars and some f
it has gone np in tbe smoke of 2,292
cigarettes. Every minute 600 pounds
of wool grow io this country, and we
have to dig 61 tons of anthracite
coal and 200 tons of bituminous coal,
while of pig iron we turn out 12 tons
and of steel rails 3 tons. During
tbe last minute 15 kegs of nails have
been made. 12 bales of cotton from
the fields and 36 bushels of grain
gone into 149 gallons of spirits, while
$66 dollars in gold should have been
dug out of the earth. In the same
time the United States Mint tarned
out gold and silver coin to the value
of $121 and 42 acres of the public
domain have been sold or given away.
Gresham Graphically Described.
There are many things to be said
in lavor oi judge uresnam as a
Presidential candidate. As reports
go be has a marked resemblance to
Grant in many ways. He is noted
for loyalty to his friends he is taci
turn and reserved he is a Stalwart.
With Phelps as second, he can car
ry Aew lorn ana Indiana, tie is
against monopolies he would poll
more labor Totes than any other Re
publican. He is splendid and six
feet high, and his eyes are hazel, full
and large, with power to threaten
and command, or loot love to eyes
that speak again he loves equality
and despises the technicalities of law
he was a good soldier and loyal brig
adier and with all is a good deal of
a Sunday school hero. He has the
further Presidential recommenda
tion of having been born in a log
cabin of having had bnt scanty
schooling of oemg a good Presby
lerian ot oeing a poor man wbo ia
not worth more than $5,000. Then
he has the further qualification of
lucky star having had all his good
positions fall to him by luck and
without seeking. Then he can com
mand the full Irish vote because he
was born on St. Patrick's day. He
can control the full Stalwart vote
because be wae one of the famous 306.
He can count upon tbe full soldier
vote because he is a wounded veter
an. He can, in short come up to all
the demands of the Republican par-
! ty. Pittsburg leader.
" f m ..
J P STialr Bias .- - - " " - ,''--,- S?fc,Bi Si (f I I f ' XilU t i ' tl ' I
Chl.il DrssCd.
Erom tbe Lewistowa Oaxetto of tbo 6th
inst i a sad accident ocenrra rneeaay alter
noon in the drowning of a little girl by tbe
name or Lydia A. Beddings, about 8 year
old, whose parents ars In the asylum, she
being raised by Mia Lydia Esh, wbo live
along tbo creek just below Toder' tnilT.
Tbe big Hood tbe evening before having
moved some fence her brother Rufn bad
fixed it up tbat day. Lydia soot her niece
to tbe place Tor some chip tbat bad been
mad in repairing tbe fence, and this little
girl along. She tokt tbem to be careful
and not go near tb water, but when she
as doing something ia tbe bouse tb little
girl began throwing atones into tb water
nd loat ber balancaad fell ia. Tbe other
srirl rave tbe alarm, and when Miss Esh
came tbe child bad reached ibe current and
was carried out into tbe middle of the
stream. Tbe lady plunged in after her and
waa carried down the stream about five rod
before she could get to tbe above, and cam
near being drowned, aa she ia a cripp'a
She is to bo commended for her bravery.
Henry Evan and James Watt hearing tb
alarm, went to tbe creek as faat a they
could, and Mr. Evan aaya if be bad Dot
fell be could bav rot the child out. Tba
current waa so strong tbat tbe child was
carried along on the surface for nearly ball
a mile before she went down, Mr. Watts
seeing ber go down. Boats and hook
were secured and a somber of men went to
work to search for tb body. Tbe search
wa kept np until Friday morning, when
she wa lound by John Young in Gibboney'a
mill dsm, a mile from tb placo where she
fell in. Her funeral took place on Satur
day at tbo Am lab cburcb. Ten dollar wa
offered for tbe recovery of ber body by ber
guardian, John VV. Wilson, which sum bi
paid to Mr. Toung. She waa a bright little
girl and will be very much missed by Miss
Kah, wbo thongbt much of ber.
Teeth Are Unlawful Weapons.
" ell, wbat tbe charge T inquir
ed Judge Cobb yesterday morning
when John Blair stepped up to the)
judicial sanctum at the Tenth district
station-house to testify against t raDk
'"Him an' me got into ft fight last
night, and he chawed me on the
cheek and leg."
"Bite hard "
"You'd a thought so if it'd been
you, I guess."
"What did you want to chew John
for, Nugent 7
" by, tou see it was this way.
Our wimmen got into a fight in tbe
back alley and he pitched in, and
then I went for him.
"That don t answer my question.
Wbat did you bite him fori
"We was fightinand I don't allow
nobody to git away with me."
"Teeth are unlawful weapons in
this country. If youd only uned
your fists it would hare been simple
assault and battery, but when you
bite that makes it mayhem, and you'll
find it very serious business before
you get through. Ton stand com
mitted for trial."
"Can t I get bail ?"
"No bail for mayhem. Take him
Frank knows more law than he did
before. North American.
The Merits
r tk
Frora the New York Times, May 23d, 1888.
Speaking of tbe injunction in favor of the
Pullman Company, reatraining tbe Wagner
people from the nse ol tba vestibule attach
ment, a prominent railroad man aaid tho
other day : "The veatibule attachment is
one of the most important improvement of
tbe age toward tbe perfection of absolute
comlort in pasenger car construction.
Several years sgo, when the dining car waa
introduced and the practice ot preparing
snd serving meals on railway trains inaug
urated, it waa lound that timid people,
especially ladies and invalids, experienced
great difficulty in passing from their seat
in tb sleeper to tbe dinning car when the
train waa running at a high late ot apeed.
The open platforms between the cars form
ed a gulf over which they feared to attempt
pasae in line weather and which in wind
or storm, or both, was impassable to peop'e
with delicate constitutions. If the dining
car system waa to be a aocceea, this objecti
on must be overcome, and tbe Pullman
people set themselves the task of bridging
the chasm. In order to accompliah tbia end
tbey (involved and developed tbe idea of
tbe veatibule, and in bringing it into suc
cessful usage tbe railway companies, ss well
as their patrons, find that the original
ifficulty ha not only been completely
overcome, but tbat a great many other
marked advantage have been aecured in
tb introduction of tbe vestibule. One
trikins: feature ia tb additional atrench
created and distributed over tbe entire train
by the close fitting of the coaches to one
another and tbo consequently increased
power to withstand the shock of a collision.
Telescoping is hardly possible in a well-
equipped veatibule tram, from tbe simple
fact tbat tbe steel frame arrest tb force
which wonld drive one car into another
Tbe steadier motion with which tbecloaelr-
united factor of tb train are endowed will
be readilv recognized aa a moat beneficial
nit. This stead inea ia noticeable at
once, bnt particularly perceptible to the
ocenpaata of apper berths or those wbo,
having tried to read or write in tbe ordinary
car, undertake to da so in a veatibul train.
Tb vestibules, beside protecting tbe pas
eugers ia passing from and to end of tb
train, serve the purpose of storm door to
a residence, and prevent the sudden drafts
which tbe opening of an ordinary car door
alway creates. Another feature, which ia
prominent from a social standpoint, is the
deadening of the noise made by tb rapid
revolution of the wheel over tbe rails, a
tbat conversation may be carried on with
out in any way straining tbe voice
"Tbe constructors of tbess cars buildad
wiser ibaa tbey knew,' and aoceeded la
abolishing many of tbe petty annoyance
tbat best the railway traveler, even on tbe
best-equipped rosds."
"These car," be continued, ar aa far
nperior to tb ordinary coach as th Pull
man I to tbe old-tasbinnea passenger car.
Tbey sti bancs ia a great degree the pleasure
and comfort ol travel; and aa learned juuga
remarked In the aeciaion above referred t
tbey must bavo proved a atartling anu
successful innovation or a coaipet'Tjg
company would not have been so promt,!
in imitating them. Tbe Pennsylvania's
Horn York and Chicago Limited Kxpreas
waa the pioneer veatibule train, and th
enormous popularity It baa won ia the best
evidence ot public appreciation of it
Seventy-y ears-old Mary Donovan,
locked np in tbe Bridgeport (Good.)
jail for drunkenness, hanged herself
three times in bereell oa Tuesday night.
She was cnt down each time, and was
watehed tbe rest of tbe night.
Small-pox baa broken out among a
band of gypsies encamped on the
Schuylkill opposite Heading. Tbe
citizens are alarmed, and bate appeal-
ed to tbe health authorities.
Moonshiners are cutting up high jinks
in Clay county, Ala. A party attack
ed Allen Rigsby from ambush a few
nights ago and nearly killed hn
Several murders are reported from the
interior. Revenue officers captured
four of tbe outlaws on Tuesday.
1 h (ollo-ri.g e -" of price for anoounc-
, iwui Mntoallv ac-reed upon bv
the undersigned, and do deviatioa frool
,k. . .ill bo mad ; Conarreaa, Bia ,
rr.ui Judiw. 93 t Senate. B1U ; L-egis-
i.r mi. Aaaociata Jade. PrtboBotry,
R;.,' ..4 Recorder, and Sheriff, each.
5 ; Coaunissioner and District Attorney,
k b . Jnrr isommiseioner ana jabou".
each, (I. Alt additional commanisauom
remmnMtinccaadidotes will be charged
in Ima. atonav la all cases w ss
wsm. at. ALLisun,
" ) - Editor Jumtatm HtrU
-(jUitmr Sewtisbl abb Kepcbuoab.
- . -
af- FJiior : Plaaae announce the name
of Naal M. ntewart for the office of Regis
ter and Recorder. Mr. Stewart Kan
well ajiaUtfled lor tb office. He has been
a diliiKent worker in tbe Republican rank
and if bo niuatsd will make a strong candij
Rdiiar Stnhmtl easf Arnasitce t f wonld
uaumca to tb Republicans of Jnaiata
eeunty fur lb nomination of Register and
Recorder. J. U. M steer oi ran noysi wno ,
ia industrious and wertby and compteUnt
to diacbarge tbe duties of tb ofne.
ruil HUIAb.
Editor Stntiel nd Rrpuhlxten . I
wonld announce Anson B. Wilis as a auita- I
ble can 1 id ate for tbe oflic of Register and
Recorder. Mr. Wills is a clever and worthy
our man aucnoauiiy quanueu io ois-1
charge tb duties el tbe office mentioned.
BitrLui ivrrvn.
T fa Editors Plea announce thai
Dame af Jainn hlcCauley, a a eendidat
tor tba office of Sheriff, subject to tbo
naaa-aa af the Republican Party. Mr. Mc-
Caulev ia a true and tried Republican, of 1
wall known bnaineaa ability, tact and energy,
conscientious nod faithful, and if nominat-
ed and elected will creditably and honestly
discharge tb dull of tbi office.
May ai. 1888.
JaV. Editor i Please announce through
the column of yonr paper tbat 1 am a I
candidate lor Assembly, subject to tb I
neeae ol the Republican parly and solicit
tb support of tbe organisation.
Tarbett Township, Jnne A, 11788.
Tb name of A Bradford Erana la here
by announced as a candidate for Chairman
of the County Committee.
Mr. Editor: In looking around In search
of a suitable candidate for Slat Senator
on who can lead the Republican party to
victory in tbe district expediency dictate
the nomination of William C. Pomroy, of
Port Royal. He la in every way qualified
for lb office, and would make a wise and
careful legislator. In announcing bia nam
aa a candidate for Stat Senator, w do o
with thoconviction that be can be triumph
antly elected. MAN T VOTERS.
June 18 th, 1888.
Ftrmanaik twp , Juniata Co., dee'd.
Wberea Letter Testamentary 00 the
Last Will and Testament ot Lodwig Schroe
der, labs of the township or Fermanagh,
deceased, have been issued to tbe under
signed, this is to notiiy sll person indebt
ed to said estate to make Immediate pay
oteat and those having claims to present
the atmf slaly authenticated lor settlement.
LEWIS DEGAN, Executor.
Uiffliatown, Jnne 6, 18b8.-6w.
PER PROFIT and 8am-
ChNT plea Free to men can
vasser for Dr. Scott's Genuine
ElectrlclBelts. Brushes, Ac. La-1
dv as-eats wantud ' for Electric Corsets.
Quick sale. Write at once for terms. Dr.
Scott, 84S B'way, N. T.
For Dropsy. Gravel, "errsoi
ess Urinary or Liver Dis
ease). Cure Guaranteed. Orh-.e, V31
AKCU St., Philadelphia. All druggiats.
Try it. $1 a buttle, aiz lor $5
Uar. 14, ItSbS, ly.
A aura and aalc apcci&c Cor weak.
KM tad debility of lae acrvoua aya
tcaa, aad rrneral aahaaafioa ansia
froaa veutaful ampnjdcacc.aaccaaca
aad evcrvork of body aad braia.
raianra; physical sad aacnzal wask
neaa. ltM of nmum . and acnat ia-
canacier. CURES OLD and Y0UH6.
trice si pr Doa. rtjaiw aaa wr
ulc al ur MobcasacK a LDevatnrv.
So. N. Btxeat. Fhxla. Saad fbr curculaa.
FARM WA60MSsalttilMt7SW
ia cheapest Bereaear out aaa tbe
only sma lau w
k Alao saenofaeturai
a-fi XotVIarClat
4if Rallara. Imperii
ssssawaaaBBafaitrnw Heather
aitacBsa to au w
Meamveh Faaalai Mllla. I'ara febellers.
Feed Celtera, etc. All ars warramr. Pries
fraa-pan sua at tfi iu. aiaaiDaa.v.
Mason & Hamlin
Organs and Pianos.
Tr CaMnrt Organ was tntradnesd br Mssoa A
lla. i ia in last. Maaosi A Hamlla Organa bars
a:wa a maintained tarir anpreaaaer over ail ethara.
uTiHfmatw " I"-., ngagnai auwrtai worn i
Ibxaioiiiuus sines 187.
The ImpOTT Made of 8 trio sing Pianos, tevantad
ty Maaoa A Haaalia In las, fa a great advaac la
tan cmuuwuia, exptna reeuouncuig It "tbe
rretea impreveaaeBt in pianos la half a century.
llano circular. cstalaing S00 IssMlillinfala from
nrehaarrs, maocaaa. aaa
i tnaaia, aad Piaas) aad
tan Catalogues, rrsa.
t; sax ia sr. nnsta Sqisrs), VTT TtOZ.
ICaatlem notice.
All persona are hereby cautioned, not to
tresnaaa oa tbe land ml tbe nndersigned in
Spruce lii II, and Brale township, tor the
purpose of gathrrmg berries, bunting. Ash
ing, or in any olbw way trespassing, on
said lands, as the treapavaa law will be en
forced against people who violate said law.
June , 1888.
Notice t Treepaaaera.
Having leaard 400 sere of wood land
of David Wilson, and 400 acre of wood
land of John McClnre, adjoining land of
Pennsylvania Railroad Company in th
vicinity ot Boiler's Uap. I hereby caution
all person sgamst trespassing oa th abov
mentioned leased land for th purposo ol
cutting tics ber and so forth.
Jobs Bbasbtob.
MBSrntown, May 25, 188.
araaf A, m
A riNE piece or
Wat ConvinceYou of Its Mets
Jit.fiiaM Bros., Louitviuf , fv.
I.7, Erra a CH nl Ettaj-Klai.
TTa gsaxant evary Package bearing erne
lira naaa, and will REPAINT whsr
atiafactioa li not givsn.
j&srling fy&diJ-MLe.i paint.
40 Beautiful Colon.
34 ExrjnisiU Tints,
rerfset Imitations lamnn Abstain
Unique Coach Paints,
a a cost or se czars rem a acoex.
Harness OH, &c, &c.,
The Wm. B. Price Mfg. Co.,
The Peer of all Lawn Seat.
Above cut represents onr patented
Bettee. Th only Settee ever made that
will adjust iueif to uneven ground.
Painted bright red and ornamented.
"? j j a -
Prieee: Bettee. flJW avaiel JM.
Cksvlra. ff.SO.
Kackers. tt.OO smeSL.
They ail fold flat.
If your dealer don't keep them, ftck
cim to order lor you from
1301 Io 1323 N. Main SL,
ST. IMV1& Me.
8300 In Gold for General Superiority at Cla-
aaaaaii inausuiai exposition alter
xuu iruu ana sxpert teat.
"PeerleM" Traction and Portable
Engine. " Domestic " and Creamery
Engine. Steam Gang; Plows. The
M Getter " Thresher and Cleaner.
Patent Variable mo
tion Feed. Pas. Dora.
Baa. Works and
Tafcoa ttnprored and cheapest Saw-Mill on tbe
naarses. Bena lor cataluajue to U
waTyxssew, TUXZLU CO, FA,
W want aanta and Invite cxMTesijKsckdenjoe.
I. P. Thomas & Son's,
faala .11 1m 1-KL- -1 . ......
. . wra-Bfc. aiania BBanora
In a esarrntrated tana. a. i. , -'"!
ThM.r. -. f .or au
ot K WORK-.,r, r-,
I I D?V VraLE BOB. tot BfcaSaaVaa I . k- - .4 .
thav aw personal attention.
wa guarantee ear foods not
toberp.Z3? "rhtZ
. T w u,,
J - - - - ....
wno tnsm enaorae ttn
yea win endorse 1 lieaii
r"i at a . a a
r-iina-ueipnia, Penn'a.
' VoaaaxaaT
aT.l-l a u :n w
uu aaiiis, jnniata Co., Pa
O dene at Una office.
AND IS -.w Y T
fl I -aV 1J &.
U 1
sasmiaiumi h ."v,r
Latest New Spring
TheChaniDion CI tinier ol"
turned (ran ta Eaitera c It lee
Will make friends, ouUbine rival, win victoii, and sell itself oa iu
and Gent'a furnishinij goods. First
Elegance, with prices that will astonish you. n sal is expected u1m
I prove this.
Bat I ask your patronage only when I give complete satis faction. Vy
.i.oto mss wniiTS 1 Saul's IIVCR.tl.li! WlTinvg
Stock: oi naio, uaro, uw u at ml vu-j v i-a aaa
JEWELRY, Calico, Percale and White Shirts, Keck wear, Cellar a4
Cufis.Tranks and Satchels, is full and complete. Call and see.
Job 1C, 1186.
Losis K. Atkibsob. r. M. M. rixilLL.
Bjr-Collecting Bad Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orncc On Mala street, la place of real
dene f Louis K. Atkioion, Kq-, south ol
Bridge atreet. fUct 26, lHCb.
Ha resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery snd their collateral
branch. Office at the old corner or Third
and Orange strsets, Hifflintown, Pa.
Uarcb . 1676.
ohm McLacoblib. Joara W. Brissii
Q7Only reliable Companies represented.
Doc. 8, 1 886-1 y
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN IK WIN, Caihitr.
W. C. Fomeroy, Joseph Knihrock,
John Hertsler,
Philip M. Kepner,
A mos i. Bonsall,
Louis K. Atkinson,
Kobrrt S. Parker,
Philip if. Krpnrr, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Rotbrock, Jane H. Itwin.
L. . Atkinson, R. E. Psrkrr,
W. C Pomrroy, J. Holmes Irwin,
AniosG. Bonsall, T. V. Irwin,
Ctisr!otteinder, John Hertrler.
Mary Kurttt, Jerome N. Thompson, Jr
Tlirre and Four prr cent, interest will be
psid on crttifiratrs el depoMte.
Jan Z3, IBB tl
Jcic Firm.
Spring And Summer Boods.
No more winter for months
to come. c-pring and summer
are here and to con form to the
change the Senior member of
the firm has iust returned from
, im 7 1 , ,
Jastern Markets, where ne se-
I rtp(1 with errant enrp tri rrnnrla
that his many patrons favor.
We have now filled our
shelves -with Spring & Summer
Goods of all kinds. Uur cus
tomers have appreciated our
efforts to give them goods to
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we art better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite you to
come and eee and be satisfied.
In our dress goods department
we nave almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Shoes and Soots.
Our Boot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you tertainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
?i nave on nana a lull line of
Fresh, Plain and Fancy
Also, the only full m nf
queens ware
in the countv.
Every house
must have its
full Supply of
I Uueens and r.lasnwnra thJo ;.
e, this
I ' - 1 AI,
store to call on for such ar-
All orders by mail will
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the place,
Mahi Stkxxt, Oppobxt, Con.x Ho.sg,
I M I fH !.... ..
-"--S,V V-J JL afl ,A
I Fre'k ESPjK:'SC!lAlE
j V Soil.
Juatata Cwty ha lag ja.i r-
wltn a wonderful
Class, combining Stjlo, Quality
Ob and after Sunday Way lsth, llsg
train that atop at MitJlin will ran ss ollsws:
Altooka AccoMBODATloa lesves Altoss
daily at 6 20 a. m., Tyrone 6 62 a. .,
Huntingdon 6,33 a. m.. Mount Unloa at
6,69 a. m., Newton Hamilton 7,04 a. n.,
HcVeytown 7,26 a. in., Lewistown 7,6J a.
m., llilford 8,11 a. m., Mifflin 8,17 a. a..
Port Royal 6,23 a. m-, Mexico 8.28 a. bl,
Tuscarors 8,32 a. m., Vandyke 8.36 a. m.,
Thnmpsontown 8,43 a. in., Durwsrd 8.47 a
m., Hillerstown 8,64 a m., Newport S.Uia.
tn., arriving at Harrisbarg at IU 10 a. .,
and at Philadelphia, 8 16 p. m.
Ska fc'no Exraass leaves altoons dslly
at 6,65 a. m., and stopping a all regular
ststioos between Altoona and Harriaburg,
reaches Mifflin at 9-66 a. m., Hamsburi
11.40 p. M., and arrives in Philadelphia at
8.16 p. m.
Mail Tbaib leaves Pittsburg dsily at
6.65 a. m., Altoona at 2,00 p. ni., and stop
ping at all regular station arrives at aliflHa
at 6 0S p. m., Harriaburg 7.00 p. m., fails
adolpbia 4 26 a. m.
Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at I 00 a a.
Altoona 6 2U p m ; Tyrone tt bl p m j Hunt
ingdon 7 87 pm; Lewiatown o 4S pm j Mif
flin 9 10pm; Harriaburg 1046 p to ; Phila
delphia 4 26 a m.
Philadelphia Kxpreaa will step at Mralia
at 11 83 p. m., when flagged -
Fast Limb leaves Phiadrlphis1 daily at
11 60 a m; Harrisburg 140 p n; MifBla
6 04 p m ; Lewiatown 6 28 p n ; Altooua
8 10pm; arrivrs st Pittpburg at 1 1 61 pin
Wat Passibobb leaves Philadelphia
daily at 4 80 a. ru.; Harrisburg, 8 16 a. m.;
Dnneannon, 8 64 a. ru.; Newport, 9 26 a.
m.; Milierstoarn, 9 40a. m.;Thompaontowa,
9 62 a. 01.; Van Dvke, 10 OO a. ra t Tus-ar-ora,
10 04 a. m.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.; lort
Koyal, 10 13 a. m.; Mifflin, 10 20 a. m.;
Miltord, 10 26 a. m.; Narrows, 10 34 a. m.;
Lewistown, 10 46 a. in.; McVeytown, 1114
a. ni.; Newton Hamilton, 11 39 a. m.; Hun
tingdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 07 p. m.
Altoona, 1 46 p. m., and atop at all regular
stalious between Harrisburg and Altoona.;
OrCTBB Kxrasas lesves Philadelphia dal
ly at 6 60 p. m., Harrisburg, 10 20 p. m.,
stopping at Rockville, Marysville, Duncan
non, Newport, Millerstowa, Tbotnpsontowa,
Port Koyal, timo at Mifflin, 11 65 a. m.; AU
toona, 2 20 a. m., and Pittsburg, 6 10 s.m.
Mail Tbaib leaves Philadelphia daily at
7.00 a. m., Harrisburg 11.20 a. m., Nsw
port, 12 13 p. m., Mifflin 12.47 p. m., stop
ping at all regular stations betareen MiOia
and Altoona reaches Altoona at 8.30 p. .,
fittsburg 8.20 p. ns.
Altooba Acoommooatiob leaves P htl
adelphia daily at 11 60 a. m., Harrisburg al
4.16 p.m., Duncannon 4.49 p. m., New
port 6,16 p. m., Uillerstown 6,20 p. ra.,
Thompsontowa 6,36 p. m., Vandyks 6,44
P. m., Tuscarora 6,48 p. m., Mexico 6,60 p.
m., Port Royal 6,64 p. m., Mifflin 8,0 p.
to., Lewistown 6,23 p. ra.. McVevtown 4.
P- -, newion 11a ninoa .io s
iuntingdon 7 4l p. m , Altoona 9 09 p. a.
Pacific Express lesves Philadelphia II Si
p m ; Harrisburg 8 10am; Duncannon I
88am; Newport 4 01 am; UiSiB4l9s
rr Lewiatown 6 H a m j sic Vey town 33
a. iu; Mt. Union 6 49 a m ; Huntingdon
12am; Petersburg 0 25 a m ; B pruca Creak
6 40 a m; Tyrone 7 00am; Bell's Hill
7 22 a m ; Altoona 8 06 a m ; Pittsbutg
12 45 pm.
Sea thor Express east, n Snndsys,
will connect with .Sunday Mail east lsarlsj
Harrisburg at 1 15 p. an.
Trains leave Lewistown Junction lor stU
ry at 6 85 a m, 10 66 a ra, 8 16 p m ; tsr
Sunbury at 7 16 a m, S 00 p m.
Train arrive at Lewiatown Junction Irsai
Milroy at 8 00 a m, 1 25 pm, 4 40pm; frsat
Sua bury at 9 25 am, 4 lUpm.
Traina leave Tyrone for Belletonle aad
Lock Haven at 8 10 a m, 7 16 p ia. Leave
Tyrone for Curwensville and Clearfield al
20 a m, 8 06 p m,7 26 p m.
Train leav Tyros lor Warriors Mark,
Pennsylvania Furnace and Scotia at lilt
m and i 80 p m.
Train arrive at Tyron from Bsllsfont
and Lock iiavea at 12 05 p m, and 6 87 p m.
Traina arrive at Tyroa from Carwssa
ville and Clearfield at C 68 a ra, and 1 1 4 a
m, S 17 pm.
Traina arrive at Tyroa from Scotia, War
rior Hark and Pennsylvania furases at
68 a m, at 2 86 t m.
U. A B. T. R. K. A BEDFORD 1 YlSIOtf.
Train leav Huntingdon for Bsdford,
Hyudmaa and Cumberland at 8 26 a. at
and 6 86 p. m.
Trains arrive at Huntingdon from Bed
ford, Hyadmaa and Cumberland al 13 1
p. ra., 6 20 p. m.
Traina leav Altoona for poiats Seats, at
7 20 a sa. 8 26 a m. 12 60 p m. 1 60 p m.
6 00 p m., 8 CO p m 9 60 p an.
Traina arriv at Altooaa from pelat
South, at 6 60 a m. 11 86 a m. 1 86 p
66 p. ru. 6 40 p. m. 7 00 p m. aad 1 ' f
AH persobs are hereby cautioned against
bunting, cutting) timber, building fires,
throwing down stone and j rail fences, or
crossing Hclds, or otherwise tresapai'sirf
on any of tbe aeveral tract of land belong
ing to the undersigned in Lack toensbip
lor person thus tresspssstng will b dsslt
with accoiding to lav.
November 10, 1S68.
The Sentinel and Repntltrau offlc U tha
place to gut job work dose. Try it. It wil
pay yon lf.yon need anything in tht Une