After All; or. Righting Wrong;. It was a tienutlful May morning ami the air was lialruv with the fragrance of flower. Is;ibal Montclair stood at tbe altar aii'l pronounced with pale lips the suleiuu words of the niarrlaite service that uiaile her Edwin, Howard's wife. Mm vwa very beautiful woman and looked doubly so in her Biiowy wedding tr.irrnents were not more white than her pallid cheeky from which all color had i!nl. In vain did friends try to rallv from II. e sud mood In which s!i had fallen; their 8miathy and their coimrat illations Tell unheeded on her ears. Had .-he l.een to the funeral of her ilearot, fr:end she could not have looked more depairing than on her weililii: day. For tlie tiit time she thought of the fatal step she had taken. She felt as if slio had cumin. tn-d a r-iu i" vowing to love and honor him who sLxmI beside her, when lieart and affeitiuii were ir revix'uliiv allolht'E'S. 'Ileie, is a Loiinuet my friend re quested me to prfM-iit to the Lriile," said a liht-haired youth. 1 ,. u-i.t his curly head toward Isabel wh.spered M)iuetliii;i and was t!'''e- A crimson tl:i!i stole over Isabel's pale, i-a 1 faie for a moment; but it .lUic'klv llr I, le.iWnir her paler than ever. When alone, lie examined tho flowers, and a note dropped to the floor Horn union, ' them. the hastily picked it up, and lead : '1 aieweil to liope, love and life; t'lit nottoihee. 1 leave forever my native land foi It ily. May you always lo as liappv as you are now is the prayi-r of jour heal t-l Token "' l.Al I'K Vf.UXOX." .Ma.-', he di 1 not know the heart hi bad won, or that an enemy had w hl.-per-ed a few words of fiaiiul itinort to the cieduious I-alel. .-lie lelleved tliem; and one eveniiiL'. when the hiih-soiiletI ;irti-t was standing m the door or his .studio, looking up at the silvery moon above him and tiiinkm only or love and I-al.el, a servant handed him a paek.iu'" coiitaium; his letleis mid miniature, with the rep.i-st that he must never see a.'ain. At la -t he U i lia .1 it but a stratagem to try hi- love an I -o:i,'ht. an explaii.i turn." I Jut in vain, for lioiie was kucii. Then ruiiior eaii.e she was about to be man ;.' 1. I u that day, uliici crushed huh .pes of happnie.-v- forever, he s. nt hi t' a I ii'iiiet of .-weel-.-eentisl (lowers whieh told .-he was still be loved bv l ive ear- pa--e.l. I-alel had learned to love i: Iw.ud lor h - kindness to her; yet she felt she could nol appicciate bun ju-t!y u:it;l she saw the liht go out troin lils dark eyes and his cheeks lltow paler, an 1 noticed that he met the kiucof terrors v itii the resignation of a tine L'hri-liaii. Then, when she listened to his sad farewell, and ft It for the la.-t time his kiss iiKiti her brow, she knew how iic-olati she would be without hlni. Her father had U-en called home a few weeks before and she was alone l:i the world. The crimson sunlight, with its golden beams, came sdcalui.; into the boudoir where Isihel was seated. lie held a withered l ouipiet in her bauds, and tears were In her deep blue eves. That morniiiir she had learned that Claude was innocent. Yes, t trace ( iordou had confessed on her dying bed her only falsehood, and asked for forgiveness. It was readilv irrantcd; for Isabel could not but pity her when she said, "I loved linn: 1 knew ou were credulous; and that was the stratagem I took to separate you, for I thought I could win his love. Since then 1 have never known jne happy moment." It had been a glorious summer day, with its bland air and hazy light, falling so peacefully on the heart, when I.-ubcl Howard ami her hu-Uand- .. cce Fanny, drove up to Mr. Leon's mansion hi Italy, where they weie warmly Wtl .oiued by the family. Fanny thought they stared at Aunt IVll rather singularly as she introduced her to her husband's relatives, l'erhaps It was because they were struck with so much beauty. She declared aunty was more beautiful than ever. Hut she did not know w hv the bloom of health was coming again to Isabel's check. Fanny's curiosity was prat died when her little cousin Ida came in, and threw her arms around her IVH's neck, and said l know 1 U love you, lor you are so much like Mr. Vernon's beautiful poi tiait he has banging in his studio. Father, don't von think so'.'' "Yes, Ida, dear; and to satisfy you and to make an apology to jour cousin lor siarnin ai net so ruu-iy, we win go into emeu s little stuiiio. Strange emotions sprang up in tht bosom of Isabel as she gned at the i trait, tier man loll Her me owner must 1 me one sue nan wrongeu so long in thought, and now perchance she might see him, and all would be for given. It was a glorious night, such as seen onlv beneath au Italian sky. The moon shone with its soft mellow light. peculiar to the clime. Isabel was gaz- ini at the beautiful heavens above her. her mind wandering far back over the past. Another, too, was gazing with his midnight eyes at the same scene. He was also thinking of the past his hrst and only grier. It was on such a night as this," he niurmure.l, "she pledged her love to me and on such a night as this my hopes were cru.-lied. I-iiliel heard the murmured words ot the stranger. She heaved a deep sigh and when he looked at ttio apparition ltd ore linn he stretched Ins arms for ward to clasp her to his heart. Siinul taneou.-ly she sprang forward with the words: "Forgive, oh, forgive me Claude; I have always loved you!'' 1 1 is heai t was still true to his first love; and when explanations werr given he clasped hi r aira'n to his In art am w liisicied, He 1, vim shall et be mine; the past w 1. 1 lie forgotten in the bright future." "And i.ii.'' she replied, "you will foiL'ive me, Claude, and w id love me as of ill?'' "Yes, willingly." "Ah! I am so happy!'' she murmured. Mie need not have said so he knew it from ti e expiession of her love-lit eyes. "Look, look, cousin Fanny, at Mr. Vernon, lit is gazing as earnestly at llell as he used to at that portrait in his studio." "I wonder who introduced them, said Fanny. The mystery was soon solved, and when Isabel Howard returned to her native land her artist lover accompanied her. t luce more she stood at the altar and pronounced the solemn marriage vow, and it was unfaltering this time. Mie was cured forever of the fault of being "too credulous," S'lrHwj with the Idea that the hand arien seusibly In size with the amount of blood present In It any moment, l'ro fessor Mosso, the Italian physiologist. has made some most interesting inves tigations. In his first experiments the hand was placed m a closed vessel ot water, when the change In the circula tion produced by the slightest action of the body or brain, the smallest thought or movement, was shown by a rise or fall in the liquid In the narrow neck of the vessel. Withalargebalanceonwhichthe horizontal human body may be poised he has found that one's thoughts may be literally weighed, and that even dreams or the effect of a Blight sound during slumber turn the blood to the brain sufficiently to siuk the balance of the head. The changing pulse even told bim when a professional friend was reading Italian ana when Greek, the greater effort for the latter djUj affect ing the blood flow. FARM Jf OTES. Mimvli'8 TJtbbidcs. As pot plants that can be easily raised we regard the hybrid tiger varieties of the Mimulos with especial favor. Tbe flowers are of a peculiar and handsome shape, resembling somewhat, in this respect, the Gloxinia, than which, however, the Mlmulus plants are far more easily raised, and also give a greater amount of bloom. For spring and summer blooming the seeds can be sown anj time in the winter months, and tbe plants be brought along to commence to bloom in May, or later, according to their condition. Tbe soil In which the seed is to be sown should be fine and randy, In shallow, well drained pans or pots. Scatter the seed thinly over the surface of the soil, which bas been previously mois tened, and then give a sprinkling of sand and press It down with a smooth block of wood, and cover the pan with a pane of glass. Give a warm place, and the young plants will soon appear. As boob as large enough, prick them out singly, and keep them growing un til sufficiently strong to prick out singly into small pots. When well es tablished they should be accustomed to a cooler atmosphere, so that they will be suited with the ordinary tempera ture of the green-house, and as soon as It will do, with a cold frame. The plants grow rapidly, and if large sized plants are wanted they must not be allowed to get root-bound, but be shifted a often as necessary to give them plenty of room. When once the plants are root-hound they will begin to bloom. While growing and flower ing the plants require plenty of water, which Is provided for them in saucers to s and in. A soil made of turfy loam, well rotted manure, leaf-mold and some sand Is a suitable one. Tbe main stem and stronger branches can be pinched back during growth in order to cause a greater number of shoots to start out and thus increase the blooming capacity. Tbe branches can be given suitable support by tying them to short sticks. Tbe plants do rather the best In shade, or a partial shade, and when in bloom will be suited with a north or east window in the house. They are good basket plants, or vase plants on a shady side of the house. The hybrid varieties of mlmulus have b?en produced by crossing the garden varieties of mimulus luteus with M. cupreus, which was introduced from the Chilian Andes not much more than twenty-Dve years ago. Whoever, to whom these plants are strangers, will undertake their cultivation, will find himself amply repaid hy their rarity, and their Iieauty and abundance of bloom. IlErTII FOR I'LANTINO SEED. As a rule, the majority of the farmers sow seeds too deep. Small seeds need just enough covering to give them moisture and darkness. The sod should be pressed on fine seeds only so as to ex clude the light. Especially should this be done vety carefully and slightly Just before a rain. Many seeds are lost and the reputation of some good, honest shedsmea ruined ia the estima tion of individuals, because fine seed are sown too deep, and the soil is pressed down too hard upon them. A c e it many farmers are n too great a hurry to sow seeds early; they do not wait for the ground to get sufficiently dry and warm. It Is bard to give general directions that will apply to all ca-es, but as a rule, the smaller the seed, tbe lighter should be the soil in which they are sown. The Radish 1'atcu. Radishes germinate quickly and grow rapidly. if pushed from the start they are very tender, but when tbe process of growth Is alow or retarded they are hard and tough. The long scarlet varieties are among the best, but the round radishes are also excellent. They may be sown broadcast or in rows. Radish seeds. when sown In the rows with beets. carrots and parsnips, spring up quickly. get ahead of the grass, and thus show the line of the rows. Ay they may be pulled up as fast as they are large enough, they will be out of the way in time to make room for the slower germinating seeds. Une advantage In securing fine radishes is to spade the soil deep, manure it well, and have the surlace fine, as forcing improves them. Large size Is not as desirable as criap- ness or flesh, and it they are used before fully matured will be more highly relished. rrtooREssivK men who have tried the bags on tomatoes say that the tomatoes thus covered were so delicate in color, so very smooth and perfect. that members of the household did not. upon first seeing them, know what they were. Now we hear of perfect specimens of pears and plums raised in this way. Wdex cows refuse good hay there Is something wrong. Most probably they have b-.en overfed. The remedy Is to cut the hay with a fodder-cutter, the cost of which will be repaid by the saving in one year, and wet it and mix bran with it, about two quarts for each cow, adding a small handful of salt. Breeders of fancy fowls, when pressed with orders, sometimes send out eggs that are small and undersized, While such eggs may hatch, yet as a rule, the chicks will be weak and cot easily reared. Only full-sized eggs should be shipped Ur hatching pur poses. Totato beetles wUl attack young egg plants In preference to anything else, and they are also partial to tomato plants when the latter are young and tender. Henra when ert tml tnmutrt plants are transplanted they must be searched over every day and the beetles lestroyed. Ten drops of the oil of turpentine shaken up with a tablespootiful of sweet milk will cure half a dozen chickens of the gapes, each getting an equal part of it, or the same quantity mixed with flour or meal and a small bolus forced down the throat of tbe chick will do the work promptly. The dose should be repeated several times say morn, noon and night. All lovers of fine wool sheep are glad to note that Marino sheep of to day are not the gummy-fleeced ones of a few years ago. The exhibitors of this breed of sheep now call attention not only to the length, fineness and whiteness ot the fleeces, but to the comparative absence or the old-time gum, showing a marked increase in the j ield of wool when cleansed. A 4-t ear-old hog of the Tam worth Dreed standing four feet high and weighing 960 pounds was exhibited at the Chicago Fat Stock show. Tie affection know as writer's cramp is not confined to users of the pen, Dut appears In telegraphers and others who make continual use ot one set ot muscles. These cramps have been varU ously supposed to result from a diseased condition of the brain, spinal cord oi nerves, and were long regarded as in curable. Daring several years past, however, Wolff has been applying gym nastics combined with massage to the muscles affected, and has succeeded in curing more than half of the many cases treated. His process is neither difficult nor tedious, being simply regu lar movements or ice Drmra fir Alh.t parts, with rubbing or gentle striking? of the muscles, continued not mAi ,uan an noor a uay tor several wcosaV HOUSEHOLD. Wiutk Sovr fob StrrrERS. On. ! Af ., w mifr rim nint of fresh 1 cream, one piece ot lemon peel, one lamp or wtute sugar, a pioca w. un salt, three coriander seeds, one small stick of cinnamon, two ounces of sweet and three of bitter almonds, all blanched and pounded together in a mortar (al mond paste will do, ready prepared); mix lightly with the cream and the yolks of ten eggs beaten light. Bed the milk and other ingredients (except the cream, almonds and eggs)for a few minutes: set aside to cooL Then strain out the flavoring articles, and return the soup to tbe fire In a saucepan, Im mediately stirring tbe cream, &c, into it smoothly. Stir till it thickens, pour Into tbe tureen, which should contain some neatly squared slices or stale roll. Serve hot. A Kidney Pudding is most savory as a change from roast, boiled and fried meats. The kidneys are split, soaked, and seasoned with pepper and salt. A thin, delicate paste is made out of suet, marrow, rlour and milk, rolled, and, then part of the paste is used to line the bowl or mould. Tbe kidneys are then put in, with tbe least trifle of onion, mushroom, catsup, and sweet herbs, covered with the remainder of the paste and pinched around the edge. After being tied np in a cloth. It should boll between three and four hours. Flounders Cooked like sole. rut in a tin dish a little butter to grease it, add a small teaspoonful of finely chopped onions, and a wineglass f ul ot while wine vinegar. Then put the fish in tbe pan, add four teaspoons f ul of stock, and sprinkle two ounces of fine bread crumbs over it. and some parsley finely chflppea. Add a little salt and pepper, and cover the dish with two ounces of butter, stuck over In small pieces. Add the juice of a lemon. Put tbe dish in a slow oven or on a slow fire ror half an hour, and Berve It on the dish in which It has been cooked. The excellent washerwomen of Hol land and Belgium, who get np their linen so beautifully white, use refined borax as a washing powder, instead ot soda, in the propartion of one large handful of powder to about ten gallons of boiling water. Borax being a neu tral salt does not In tbe slightest degree injure the texture of tbe linen. Those that try this will be pleased with the result. It is also nice to wash blankets or woolen goods. Tue large sweet onion is said to be ery rich in those alkaline elements which counteract the poison of rheu matic gout. If slowly stewed in weak broth, and eaten with a little pepper, it will be found to be au admirable article of diet for patients of studious and sed entary habits. The stalks of cauliflower have the same sort of value, only too often the stalk of a cauliflower is so ill boiled and unpalatable that few per sons can eat it. SriCED Onions. One quart of good apple vinegar, two caps of sugar. one teaspoonful each of cloves, allspice and pepper. Slice some nice onions, and put them in a gallon jar with just a little salt sprinkled over each layer of onions, bcald your vinegar with the spices, and turn over the onions while hot. Let It stand twenty-four hours, drain off. scald and turn over them again. They will be ready for tbe table in three or four days, and are nice with all kinds of meat. Whortleberry Fuddinc One cup of molasses, two cups of flour, three cups of whortleberries, one teashoonf ul ot cream tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda. Sift the cream tartar in the flour, and the soda thoroughly in the molasses. Bake in a buttered pan hi a quick oven. Serve at once. Sauce: One well beaten egg, with a little sugar stirred In; add two tablespoonaful boil ing water. ElTENDINO THE FEA SEASON. This may be done in some measure. with late sowings, by nipping tbe points of tbe shoots, at the place where they show the first Cower. Then new growths will elart up from the joints below, thus giving a number of shoots instead of one, with tbe result also of making busby plants. By this means the cropping may be delayed several weeks. How to Treat Tasteless Early 3.PPLES. Take four pounds of apples iweign tnem arter tney are peeled), two pounds of sugor, half an ounce of cin namon In the stick, one quarter of an ounce of cloves and one pint of vine gar; let the vinegar, spices and sugar come to a boil; then put in the whole apples and cook them until they are so tender that a broom splint will pierce tuem easily. Young Beets. Wash, but do not cut tnem, as mis destroys their sweet ness; put tnem on to boil in water enough to cover them, and let them boil until they are perfectly tender; then take them up, peel and slice them, and season with salt, pepper and a lit tle melted butter. Later they are treatea as a salad, or with vinegar, and without butter. a summer drink. The juice of one lemon, a tumblerful of cold water granulated sugar to taste and one-half small teaspoon or carbonate of soda. squeeze tbe juice from the lemon. strain and add it to the water with su- ?ar to sweeten; when well mixed add the soda, and drink while the mixture iiiervesces. Strawberry Jam requires the best run, ripe, out iresb, dry and sound. i ice tnem carerully, and put them vith tbe sugar, a full pound to a pound r iruit, in a preserving pan. Simmer ver a moderate fire for one hour with ut stirring. Put the jam into jars and wnen com cover aown. Colored silk gauze lace-trimmed landkercbeifs are made to do duty as 'ancy lamp-shade covers by cutting a lole In the centre for the chimney to lass through, and trimming the same run lace to ma ten tne border. Flour should be bought bv the bar rel, bat Indian meal is so apt to become infested with weevils that it should not remain much over a week on band. A spooxFCX of lime water and spoonful of sweet oil. beaten well to gether and applied with a feather di rectly to a burn, relieves the smart and prevents blistering. A rery good and sensitive barometer may oe maae Dy gluing together strips of red cedar and seasoned pine. A strip or eedar about thirty inches lonir one and one-half Inches wide and one eignt or an inch thick, is cut with the grain, ana to one side of it must be giuea strips or pine or equal thickness, wiin tne gram running across that of the cedar. This combination la set on end, and will, according to the state of tne weatner, be lonnd to have ten over on one side or the other, and thj may be determined by trial. f O.k pound ot mercury converted Into I fulminate is sufficient to charge &0,0Xt k -"-tua"OQ capa. Omaha Dame Ob, dearl I'm tired to death.' ' ' " II us band What doing? I have been shopping all cay; ai not even stop for lunch." What did you buy'' Nothing. " Deacon Jones (to country minister) Some of the members of the congre gation, Mr. Ooydman, "complain that you do not speak quite loud enough. Country Minister I speak as load as I can afford to. Deacon, at $000 a year. Mrs. Griggs Then you don't have to rely on the barometer to find oat when there Is going to be a storm? Mrs. Briggs Oh. dear, no. Grand father's rheumatic leg is just splendid. I don't know what we'd do without grandfather. Husband The photographer is ready to take your picture, I guess Photographer Yes, all ready. Kow took pleasant. Wife (before tbe camera) My dear, I think you'd better go into the other room. Pastor My dear little child, I saw yon shed tears while I was preaching last Sunday when you were in church with your ma. .Little child Tea, sir, I was sleepy, and mamma pinched me so bard. Guest Have you a fire-escape in this bouse? Landlord Two of 'em, sir. Guest I thought so. Tbe fire all escaped in my room last night, and I came near freezing. "Why. these are not tbe shoes 1 or dered," exclaimed the lady of the house, with extreme vexation; "this is a pair of $10 French kids. I can't afford such shoes as these. Beg pardon, madam," said the messenger, respectfully; "dui you've opened the wrong package. This $ pair is yours. The other was oruerea by the hired glrL" Wife fat breakfast) You came In very late last night. John. Husband (who plays poker xes, i er er was at tbe office. Wife (anxiously) Beally, John, I'm afraid to have you work so hard. Ton are over-taxing yonr strength. Can you let me have twenty dollars this morn ing? Husband Certainly, my dear. Tee: I shall break theenrarement. abe aid, folding ber anna and looking defiant; "it ia really too much trouble to converse with him; he's aa deaf aa a post, and talka like he had a mouthful of mush. Besides, the way be hawks and spita ia disgusting. "Don't break the engagement for that; tell him to take Dr. bage's Catarrh Kerned y. It will cure bim completely." "wen, ill tell him. I do hate to break it off, for in all other respecta he's quite too charming. Of course, it cured his catarrh. Printed materials are tbe first and favorite choice for light, semi-dressy costumes. The pretty printed pongees in ecru groundings with tiny floral fig ures ot blue, green, ruby, black and violet, are prominent among Imported dresses, and they are trimmed with lace ru filings and bands of ribbons put on rows around tbe plain underskirt with the bayadere stripe effect. Remarkable Surgery The science of surgery baa made auch wonderful progress in modern times, that the most intrieat and delicate operations are now undertaken and carried to a anc- iful issue. There are now several well uthenticated cases of what ia known ; pneamotony, that la to say, the removal of diseased portions of the lungs In cases of consumDlion. While; howcTifr, Vbia deli. cate operation naa aomeumes own mvc-rm fullv performed, the rinks attending it are so great, and tbe chances of reeovery ao alight, that it ia seldom reeortea to. Tlw safest plan In consumptive cases is to sae Dr. Fierce a Uoiuen 3ieaicai uuootut. This will always cure the disease in Its earlier staces. thoroughly arresting the ravages of the terrible malady, or remov ing its cause and healing the lungs. Water, green food and meat fowls must have to prosper during tne win ter. Tbe Mew Prime) Story is eaferlv sought for. read with pleasure or disappointment, is then tossed aside and forgotten, not lauia wno rasa oi jjr. Pierce f avorite fresenpuon, reaa It again, for they discover in it something to priae a messenger of joy to thosesutt'eriDg from functional aerangemenia or any oi the painful disorders or weaknesses pe culiar to their sex. Periodical pains, in ternal inflammation and ulceration, reidi- lv vield to its wonderful curative and heal ing powers. It is tbe only medicine for women, sold by druggists, unoer a pontine guarantee from tbe manulacturers. that it give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has beu printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faith fully carried out lor many years. There Is one part of the farm that is not benefited by the drainage; the ma nure heap. In General lebiitty, fmaclatlon. Oonntmption. and Wastinn tit Children, Seott't Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Uyiiophosphius, is a most valuable food and medicine. It creates an appetite for food, strengthens the nervous system, and builds up tue body. Please read : "1 tried Scott's Emulsion on a yoang man whom Physicians at times gave up hope. Since he beean using the Emulsion bis Cough has ceased, gained flesh and strength, and from all appearancea his life will lie prolonged many years. juii oullivab, Hospital Steward, Morganza, Pa. Folitenesss pays in the cow-stable. A gentle man gets more milk than a iarsh man. Hearty everyboily needs a goo.1 medicine at this teason, to purify tue blood and boild up the ajs- m Hood s Sarsapvuia is ut most popular and tucceseral spring medicine and blood pander. It aires scrofula, all b a mors, dyspepsia, alcK head. icbe, that tired feeling. Straw and corn-fodder are best A-orked Into manure by putting them hrough good animals. Fraxer a ale Urease. One greasing with Frazer Axle Grease rill last two weeks, all others two or three lays. Try it. It received first premium t the Centennial and fans .exposition. The best preventive of trouble at iamblng time Is daily exercise for the 9 we, during winter. NERVES! NL.Hvl.SU What terrible mow this little) word brian before the eyes of thm Bexrotts. H rlf he. Neuralgia, Indication, Steeplesftaets, Ncnrotti PrxntntioCs, AB itat them in the face. Yet mil these muwttm troubles can be cured by usiog jimbound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. THIS GREAT NERVE TONIC Also contains the best remedies for diseased eea Sinoaa of tbe Kidneys. Liver, aad Blood, whieh always accoeipany nerve troublea. It SB a Nerve Tonic, aa Alterative, a T and a Diuretic. 1 hat is whv it CURBS WHEN OTHERS FAIL. Stxe a Bottle. Seed for full Jlnilii nlnis WOX, MICH tRD SOU 4 COfnentttrt, HUaUasiQTOM. Vls-- 0 Why We Win oum nnod's Sipnll 1 tbe be Iin m nd blood PriBf- , . trUTti and blood purirjtm remedies el tne vegl oa- J)gf nMi nyi ii i iuimt r i Ktptmiw, It paace car.ure power pe- collar to BaelL Otf nrr It tha only meaianti oi wn tmj be uld -U0 doees one dollar," nnnwer- ab'e aitanieot tw to fetrengln ana txonemi is anjinniiid tar tne core of erof- ma rbenm. boue. plmplea, fentBora. djmpep ZZ nuoumeat. atctt aeartarae. tadiaUoa, etc. d.m it ranaea tbe tadnera and liver and keep tbeae organs la bealtby eondiuon. Becaoae erery article enienns " . -t mi the beat to need and all ini 1J . amvwv - tbe lootaaad aerbaare groond In our on drug mill wmce maxea mnwinn ' tmpore or deleterious. Became It t an Uoneat Medicine .nd eery parcbaeer recelrea a fair eoulTalenl tor bis money. Becanae when riven a faltbfnl trial a Is reason ably certain to effect tbe desired reaull. Hood's SarsaDariua Sold by an druMta. $1: six for $V Prepare 1 on'.y by C. L HOOD a CUt. 4fuucii,uiwi, lOO Dawes One iour CATARRH Ely's Cream Bam Cold in Head J ELY BBOS. M Warren U N. T. MARVELOUS ni SCO VERY. Wbellr ""I'fce mrtin-ll .jretrea. IscrsfaiM udiria(. Amy bMk IraraH tn enc rraSlaf. f See stPhusdeliitiia. Ill at aaiiiumon. ituoon. lanre rm m ol Columbia Law atudeiiU. at Vale. WUlej-. olrlln. I'nivemlty ol Peun Mjchl aao UalTerattr. Cbaiitaaciua. kc. kc Koilpnea lf ,. .... ..J . ... . J. II . .. U Vk IMTDH jcimh K Beji jam i m. J ul (iiii!. Dr. fcaow. k. H. Cook. I'l-.n. N- Y. folate Normal Coll, fca i mmlmImi. w. .!.- ii. roT mm fKOK. LOI SKTTB. C Vittii Ave . N. Y. G OTJO la worth $5-.. per Itt. Fettlt. jm Birtt ta WttaTsl fUsaJ. QUI IB ausa W PC. iw W UWeMSjrrm, lJH,ll.ajil.llljniii.rHii--iiii.Ki FREE my rniri mart. Fall aneeerfetteej Jr'a TdW lHl. ml Si Caulaa. K00DI A OS, riiaeia 11. PA I. ftettlena .'Near, Phna tiia aoes laraisiMxl. Lite fcnoiaratilp. f4SW Wrile. rpsoivn ncTU wucci -" ""n NkiiifiiHnw i in .iaa aixi UfcUBKAMJ tO. In KIDDER PASTUlEs! aeTuvn Irii -.V. ta. bvmU, tTUw r.LU eS yva. MsSBsTaWsaMWWOa eaMtfiA Jr. SMford BUlwtll (Royal Society, March 1) is continuing his admirable researches on tbe changes produced by magnetism In the lineal dimensions of the different magnetic metals," says JVdiure. Ile finds that Iron, which first expands with the magnetizing force, soon reaches a maximum point. -pbence It contracts until it attains its original length; but on still further in creasing the magnetizing force it con tracts until it apparently reaches a min imum point, beyond which bis means have not enabled mm to proceed, liis muth appears to continually expand. nickel to continually contract, while cobalt contracts, reaches a minimum point and then expands, approaching its original length. Manganese steel was unaffected. His apparatus was so perfect and sensitive that he could read a variation of one hundred thousandth of a mi I i meter." A. practical railroad engineer of ex tensive observation and experience writes in answer to the question whether frost weakens rails that, con trary to what is commonly held in re gard to this point, a low temperature does not decrease tbe strength of rails. fiough accidents are more likely to occur from broken rails in cold weather. Tbe reason given for this latter fact is, that the ground, when frozen solid, losing the elasticity which acts as a sateguara in fine weather, and thus when a train runs on such a roadbed, something must yield; and, as the rail is the weak est point, it gives way. Extended ex perlments, says this writer, have been made with testing machines on steel and iron rails, the results of which show that the cold does not weaken the metal at all; the frost is also likely t diminish the safety of bridges by caus ing the metal to contract and produce an unequal strain on the trusses, etc Platinum can be made to adhere t gold by soldering In the following man ner. A small quantity of fine or eight een carat gold should be sweated mt the surface of the platinum at nearl a white heat, so that tbe gold shall soal into tbe face of tbe platinum. Ordi nary solder will then adhere firmly t the face obtained in this manner Hard solder acts by partially fusin. and combining wi h the surfaces to I. joined, and platinum will not fuse o combine with any sold-r at a tern pern ture anything like tbe fusing poiut ordinary gold solder. Experiment have proved that t! tensile strength of wet rope is only on third that of tbe same rope when dn and a rope saturated with grease o map Is weaker still, as the lubrlcan iiermits tbe fibres to Blip with gre itr ficility. Hemp rope contracts stroiu y on being wet, and a dry rope 25 fr long will shorten " lein? wet, TJie new niachiue just iuvented f. Tinting postal cards priuts them froi roll and turns them out in packaji ready for delivery. It rues them off the rate ot 300 a minute, wiih papt bunds pasted around each t went y-B ve il is said one man can look after tw. machines. A SEASONABLE o S3 .t Is Dade O straw berties dropped into powdend eu- ir. and whipped cream piled on top; s Tve with almond or lemon jelly a ke. Is in store for all who use Kemp's l:r sam for the Throat and Lungs, the grn. guaranteed remedy. Would yon beii-v ; hat it 1 sold on lis merits and that au druggist Is authorized by the proprietor this wonderful remedy to give you a sam pie bottle free ? It never fails to cure acui or chronlo coughs. All druggists se Kemp's Balsam. Large botiiea CO cent and tL Take the bridles with you when yo 10 to breakfast, and put them near th Love while you eat. FITS: AH Fits stopped free bv Dr. Kline's Grea Serve Keatorer. No r'itsafer Drst day 's use. Mai velous enrea. Treatise sud $i uo trial bottle free t KU rues, bend to Or.Kllne.HSl Area bL,l'ulla.,l s Separate the weaker animals; th? teed extra feed, whereas with t1 stronger they get scant feed. Nothing Cures Dropsy, Gravel, Bright'!, Heart. Dm bates. Urinary, Liver Diseases. Nervouaoe&n like Cann'a Kidney Core. Offlce, M Arc SL, Pbua. $1 a boiue, for A. At Drugr st curea IU worst cases. Core guaranieea. iry i: Profit In farming comes from t iaximum crops, and products vinler thought and summer work. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaae Thomp son 'sKyeaicr. Inisgiats sell at Sio. per Untie Bobebt (who has been sent over fc he fifth time to see bow Mrs. Brown u) AU right, ma, she's dead. i nrr. DnrvvT.R-I haTe had many peculiar experiences since I com menced selling goods, but I shall never forget one of my first attempts. It taught me a lesson now to u iui. ple which has been of Inestimable value to me ever since. -I entered a store, ana, caning tbe proprietor, asked him wneiner a could show him my samples. He was a surly man, and particularly so this morning." . Jfo, I dont want to buy anything, began the proprietor, after I had put my stereotyped speec u u mm. "But k assure "Do you see that door V said he. 'Yes, sir; but " "Git outl Git outl or 111 put you out," said the man motioning to tue door. . , i walk-. sinwivnut or tne aoor. anu turning around, said: "Say, mister, will vnn nllnw mo tn stav in NeW TTork a couple of days?' - Tins (vwiniinraa mm. lie smueu nuu smiled. lie Drone out in a iuuu laugh, and I walked into tne store "I tock mat man's oruer iui worth of goods, and he is to-day one of my best customers.' Tevder Recollections. One of those interrogation-point small boys ac companied his mother calling the other day, and asked quesuous enougu to un a catechism. There were six or eight persons In the parlor, and Tommy got In his work curing tne lapses iu mo conversation. "Mamma," he said, "is that a velvet chair?" "fan lommy, yes." "Are they all velvet, mam ma V" Yes; keep still." "xnai s a iuuny one there, ain't it. mamma with a gilt- edged back and a red -seat?" "JJon't talk so much, will you?" nai maae the seat red. mamma?" "I don't know; keep still. I tell you." Tommy kept still for a minute or two, and then there was a lull, he resumed: "I know, mamma; 1 guess It must have been spanked." Tommy went home in a very few minutes. T-jTTLic tbid jj ana bis father and mother were going to board with a neighbor for two weeks, while the house was under-going repairs. Fred was delighted at the prospect. "Mamma." he said, "didn't you say I must thank God for every good thing? "Yes. Fred." "Shall I thank him because we are going to board?" "Yes, IT you like." When the two weeks had expired. and the last dinner at the boarding- bouse had been eaten, Fred leaned back In his chair, and heaving a long sigh of relief, said, in the hearing of his host ess: "Now let's thank God we have got through boarding."' Dear Fri en d That gentleman who boards at your bouse seems to be very attentive to you. my dear. Sweet Girl lie is, and I I love him. but O, what a risk 1 am running. We are engaged. "Risk?" "Yes, It nearly breaks my heart when the thought comes to me that he may not love me for myself alone but boo, hool" Calm yourself, my dear. Why should he marry you if he does not love you?'' "lie he owes mother three months' board." He Do you know. Miss Mabel, I have discovered why my brain is so ac tive? She Xo, Mr. MinuswiL What is your theory? lie It's because I so ofteu start a train of thought. Slip Ah vmsI Tlia llmitoA A colored man, riding a mule, was run Into by a train and pitched from the track. As soon as possible tbe train was stopped and run back to ascertain tbe result of the accident. The man was found looking around in a dazed manner, and said firmly: Ye' jess go away! '1'aint wuth while to come running back byer arter me. De mule back on de track bisself, en I couldn't help It, en I aint gwine to pay no damitches 'bout nothin'." Bobby (who lives in an east side, Harlem flat) Pa, why are they called 'Apartment" houses? Father (a victim) Because they come rmrr. en eailw. "The Only A j&q hat itrir!f-nL,'C,fne.'or 7oman' PHa- ailmente. gold by drtipirisU. under a positive, amarantee, front the mBtrnfarttirrr!, iaSJl-, -l'rUSS I" C-u,u. Th-Buu. . THE OUTGROWTH OP A VAST EXPERIENCE. InvaW hS! RnTln.Utvh.ChJne9 nn dlstrtwlna; allmrnts peculiar to frmal-w. t the Dp. Pleree'a Favor Ite Prescription is the out&rowtb. or result, of this frreat and valuable experionce. Thousands of tfwtimoniRla. neifMl from patienta and from physicians who have tested it in the more atrirravated and obstinate cases which had battled their skill, prove it to be tbe most wonderful remir ever devised for the relief and cure of suf fering; women. It ia not recommended as a cure-all," bat as a most perfect bpeclllo for woman's peculiar diseases. jtu at powtriiii m. vi(orallng tonic, it imparts streujrtti to the A Powerful a WUI.IDBJBWUI, BUU AJ Ilie 1 nHir! I uterus, or womb and its lar. For overworked. worn - out.' run - down.' debilitated teachers, milliners. dressmakers, eeain- stresses. enoD-irirla.' nousekeepera, nurs- ins; mothers, and feeble women venenLllv-- Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription ia the irreatest earthly boon, being; unetjuaied aa an appetizing; cordial and restorative tonic It promote digestion and assimilation of food, cures nausea, weakness of stomach. India" nation, bloating; and eructations of g-aa. A Boon To Wdmem. TREATING THE WRONG Many times women call on their family tlffnvlni. ai a . another from liver or kidney disease, another from uervous exhaustion or b. lle'!JnLLk.f,-U-:h.,;n!re? "nd their easywromg; id IndifferJnt or L'ii'X' .nkbe,'er- DU ETobably worse pellin-all those distressing; symptoms, and ujruiuuc nao xjic riihUTKR f a Tr t u ii-j mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm awaaaa r . . 3 PDYSICIiNS r3til7-.M5!?.'y2'" Lnafm Sf, FilLEO. 5mdlUl UE Harina- exhausted the cians.1 was. .completely i alone. I began talm? Drrrc?iStypr W I usms the local treatment recommended in hia rnlSo'"'1 Medical Adviser.' I commenced to Im-. tommon Rense months I waa verftetlv cured, and h. wrote a letter to my familv t.. a leter"io my'fainP? paner bn, no trouble since. I had been i-tivefS IJ offErTnX VnStEi1?'!? how m? one writing me for than, " ."Rn'1 the full partictilam health to o in. one wrttir."Tv 7ZL .tl "a5TP to for reply. I have received over four hi, '2?. a, ''"PJ-nrlope I have described my case and the iVL, In reply, nestly advised them to do" kewTse p' u"' n'' n "r received second letters of thank.' m "rreat many I have menced the use of Favti PretI they n4 c"m required for the - Medical AdviaerlU ".' J1 h SI SO treatment so fuU and plainly LTdotn .ihf, "'IT1 ,he -" better already." f ' uua aown therein, and were much great deal of rood. IwJ?115 PjrT,n,,'n hf me a For which I tookVio bo?t7Tof I2iTPr?ion of thB "teruC am now feeun- like . diffe! wonSn?rite Prescription,' and I TDoctora Vli.a n . wntea: "I doctori-, .v.Ll ' fRWT'r. t. and I g worSi,rLl.r,e walklll I tSdan, l'beSer helTth be la this wld M.J I owe io n wvawa Silk and Safin Ribbons FREE ! sjtft br ib lawlt-w. ftra niy eVnel SMcsjrva i ! r.v-ry Imdr ktMniw) arwjrfrWiea, fai fcrw s-j-ttauts) mi fIUSJalaW1 ta test' iwtrs - ' sw mm A win's' -J, t- todt. fOaM l eTV It SKiem icl would Tl fVwrtiun mi ibr . itaMUMtvM -eTSTSTalXB. r Mis- aM Us m.TWmXut M or-ssT ' A i--Tirv, l ifcey w riw ''r ? SS ih i, tlAc r-a. .i-oim-lv r rve. !ltrvtlM ;Z?ml. of .ll- to till. di il...d a sV-s.fl4.B asm MSB -i.a mmm.f.r ia tarrt v- v m tmm full Ktc IW h ; 14 m U nr yemr. L",' wL-. m. th rrmmt offer im rl'T WJ,BaJ mtmw aLvTl !. vano, ava-i - . y mm, aosl an ywrw tliiTMflf, i mum ttt wmfrntj f tUtm a fva ill w w rmrw Uir suovvnp- boos, nd w m4 it pricm ltm vsovld hmrm Vm pmy any M.-rt, lor m h SBt of for MsfrtW nl-lxma- bort b'wia, II mnt full liprv'-itil M Mnftl ftr -II. mmfrn aJli-rrt-r rnr'"1 ' T ref-ow t aiv otac not pr- t samtftv-d BM-f rut tbtenot. CC CTAd t (AM, IW JaTvW fsrtlv Orma Where ths Woodbine Twineta. Kats are smart, but "Rouirh on Rate" beats thein. Clears out Kata. Mice, Koacnee. W au Hues. Files, 11-etles. M.itlia. Ants. Mosquito., Ued-biurs, rlen Lice. Iuecta. potato luKa, Sparrows. BHunks, Weasel, Oofbers. ytir w-uuka. Mo., Musk Uats. Jack fcauuil, Equircela Uc. mi it. liniRglslav " BOUail OS FAIN" I'laster. Porosed. ISa " BOUGH OS CO L'C Ilfi.- Coughs, colds. gJ. ALX, SKIN HUMOliS CURED BY ROUGHHITCH Roue on Itrh" Ointment cures Skin His sors. Hmplea, Kleah Worms. kiiuWorm. 1 efc fer, Kalt Kbeuin. frosted I net. Chiil.lains, Ith, Ivy poison, Barber'a Itch. Si-ald Head. Eczema. Kto. lrur. or mail. E. 8. Wsujj. Jersey t'ity. ROUGHIPILES Cor VHrtt or Hmon-hoiJi, , rrotrud tnfr, blee-dinfr. IniernaJ and external remiy tns-ch p-cksawS. fcure cure, 5Jc. lruraSi WANTED: ONE ACiKXT FOK THISCOLNTV, To lake orders lor turgtii MALL 1'UUlo OHAl'US iiito LIFE-SIZECRAYON PICTURES. 'Ilie picture are really beautlfuL I.tkene-w ciiaranteed. Ajreuts can easi.y orders aul uiake a lurge cuuiuiiasiua. Aadreai, luU-ruulionul 1'uulisliitig X l'l intinj Co. B28 MAKKET ST I'UILAUCLI'UIA. GENTS' HAT BAZAAR, 1, 3 & 5 Sew Church St., ror. Fulton St MW TflUK C1TT. A. MUH A HttS. BltiKle HatM at alauulacturarV Pricrw. Largeat AMurtmHit. 1iiX Stylus. BlKlCTLV ONE PUICE. DIaix'sv DilSe 6reat Englisll Bwiit and Dlall S I lllSf Rheumatic Remedy. Orel llox. 11 1 1 reeeil, 14 Pillv. at hoirif a-nii make rnore monr work t vt hi nereis' "n Th w.-rl'l Kith- ei nattv outfit S,E- 1 rrutm IkaK. Addicat, iialK lu Aufuala, MaiueL. 1 !i uimu wiit urn iurt a:wJ iroui Lrte to !) dulara la a Kubt-rr Coat, and at tiia first a If boti a iprntncs In aturiii ta rrvw t-t it U r 7 Ki, i fe rn ?hhs ta tiWMTTposwaf1a fcelk. nrmmmm ZJ uiediUlrnsjTaM.C JsUVClr.Wwi T7.. vikluta KriMtjaaiUof ""-" , . ,. Bi.rert sfwiHlw. T W dpMoVad mOicml o U'fciwl W h wurld. Very iaxjr "itt4-l,5 ko. .f turn nhboM ; S ul--r,Ru,.wawd 3 tx... . rwfVrrwd K. for mmm ytmt. wsuk h r-.. - WET banli a baiMs frr-teua than a moa- a-lt atttiaa. 'f t aaaT-ied mi -eta- m -If tav-CaTi la. ot a-- fecia tr aa Cm at tt uioUy Ukm mmmm wa, HEN Ask (or Xhm - ruil BHA D 6u ii . not ).avU) r'ro ruKD. tandfur deacrdp Ut ca l Col1 1 llll.ll T, loo7.j Aa a aoot h I n r and atrriigtlieiiiiiK nervine, "Favorite l,nnmitiiin' is unn. quaii-d and is invalual.le in allaying; and sul-iu- ... "x uervous exeiiatin- tty, irritability, exhaustion, prostration, hysti'ria, BaAiiis and other distretwitur, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and ortrHnic dise of the womb. It induces refreshing: ele.p and relievos mental anxiety and do Bjionduncy. . 'r. Pierce's Favorite Prearrlp. lion ia at legitimate Inedielue, carefully cimKiunil by an exierien'd and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate orirauization. It is puiI'l3!!.,vei?PUl''le to 118 ounitKieitlon and perf.H-tly harm leas In its effects in any condition of the system. in pregnancy, "Fa vorite Prescription " is a " mothers cordial," relieving; nausea, weak-m-ea of stomach and other distnmiug; syni- "'a v rill U1UU 14 tllllL condition. Tf Its urh is kept up in the latter months of gustation, it so prepares by reasoTi T of "he dlvv?. ijuv,d,,. . . , . t i mi'iii iiiatiwtini ioouiTort lnS Sutf-..w2."il. h-?vo a soothikq Nervine. A Mother's Cordial v--avJJ-C UiLTV, - . uneubU ekiU of UireeVhv.i disooursS-H A Voice FfiCM Cauforkil V. 1 - ... iiae iinii ituin- 111 i nt 1 enillH nr- w.llr .onw three trouble since. I r .... could walk all over send the full n.rt I roubles sef your medici k. : i . will plcese accept my I-.... oieiaiiB tola me jw me, ana may tioa iness you in your gooa vur-. Ijiter. she writes: "It is now four years since I t"" V "r vorite Prescription. and I have hud no return c.l the nn trouble I hsii then trouble I had then.' Well a. Fall. ltt. - ever wa in. . of the 'Favorite i"i lour bottl "Ki-Tire,,. j no nil ay- My friends tell of Pnrf Crerk, jr. r JVearWv?Jai Overt lAsne HaUlmm ai ao rSen1 ten eenta Treatise I ton rc ?hTT 7 - "0,! "PT." to Addreat, World's WMUCl l ll xneigjjoi maa Cure, J P-- Colds. Couehs, Sore Throst, "oarsone,. StifTNeck, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Headache, Toothache, Rheumatism Neuralgia, Asthma, Frostbites, Chilblain. quicker than anj known reme lj. H u the Bra and is me only --ar PAIN REMEDY That Instantly stops the eieruciatinv natn. sIIsts Innsmmation, au.l ,-ur. ( unlimr whether of the Lungs. Kiomicii. Ii iwe.t Jr .ni or orirtuin, iv one application. No matter now violent or eii-rnciatinr th n.i. Ilie Kiieumatlc. Bedri.l.m. luhrro. crin!i Nervoon. Neuui c, or jiruniratea w:th iii; muv Hurler. RADWATS READY RELIEF will sffor.1 Inmnnt eane. Thirty to ixt ilrops In ha:f tumti er of n will, in a few mmuU'S, cure framiw. pm Sioiuach. Nauea. Vomi'ini:. Ha pilaiion of ta. Heart, Ma'.ana, Chills au l ver,Kalntnea,lieart om. Sick Hea-laelie. Uiartuea, llvaenterr CoJc rt'lml id the Bowela and all Internal Palua! T here is ao: a remedial went in tlie wir-4 that will cure rever and Anne an 1 a:, otner MiiL notis. Hlllons. and other Fevers ( 11 1 i ,, ti.i WAV'S I'll. IS. ro quick HI UAUW.l, aHfr'Al'V Kl" t tr Firiy Cts.poi - .tattle. Soi3by D U22ittl 1IC ICADWAVS 1'IL.L,, For tfie Cure of a I tiie U-'nI.T of trie tomsr Liver. How dn, vU Uk. KA m t o Ny lie ure lo ira ''Ka.lway 4 ' ' ORGANS. TUj;b"t Honor- at v-. .r-t . PIANOS. Munri A H-mUudo not ti-tti tcft.akfth fitrmertfr arv cltvim that tti-:r runrvaj ,;., T u ou Tni ihfjr mttrihutt- .)! ti tl.e rrn ark- ; eu introducrd by tlrm In -2, Ti'.'v k: . i 5 ttr ,. HA-L1.N FiANO bl'KlN. LU." A. v-nxwutaj ttial 0 Willi fcOSTOV. 1M TreraotiT St. H1'A lMtW YOlliv. 46 Ksl li.L M FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Best ta the World. KaJeonlv bv tbe FrmtrrLnbrtaa. rOe.etChicaatfca-lt.aac Xoius. ax.ri iwwm STOPPED. FREE Tosano Fram Rfttfj?l. ri)r. KI.INE SGRKaT NERVE RESTORFR I for nil Pl NlKtl lllllattl (ljM I , rw ror -tv Afrrtunu, tis, f- e, wte. lrrultLK if Uk'i aa dirwr-J. .V. f'tlt W int Jul. n 1 rvat'aw nd J i:1ai hwlii free w . fati nt, ikf pic( wtrsvaiacbaircw UI tx.i eeeaj rltd. ctiij iitniM, -it n."-mt address J to Kl.lSr; 1 Arrh t . fl, . ad ; , hi Pa. twUracpr.. hh W ARK OflMllAllS ti tkA 1 7-1 AFFLICTED UNFORTDNATE After mil era fall consul) 329 H. lfiUl St., below CallowhiU, Phila, fa. 207raTvrMSloalinpF.riaa.diaraMa ra tnaoeatly iniorM thciaa wvakcevd Hr aarlv . tioaa.Ac Call or writ. Adnca iravaed atrlcnaw Hours ; 11 a. ta. uui.iloi is iucva i JO-HE 11 F.I.M TKU-'I iMCTIC Oil, 1 he treiU;t i-fine-i-l agoi tb wri4 rrr ot-w. Ntur- tr i O-liu. i-wn.B mmm -mJrDt. K" ti.-w ll MUD-.rru-I cvn-tllon.. L iifj by r-tu iviri t u- .--a i f. sump it . Tct 1 OQii"ntr?vS lif rS tU OUOO: tU K AnbSt..T,U!l-. 11 iw: ! V f. 1 1 4 P. L. X S'H I piTnrfih nl tallTt. 1.rf Ktc H the ootf spvV'ifin firttiecerivinctw of thin 1 if.4"as. u. -.iM.HAir avt.m n, Jh xurdxu. J. Y. Wj bare mold m- ct Jm Binj rotat-s. and It fasa 1. H, DYCTTF CO. 4'tilraco. IX S1.00 Sold by DnmgLtm A m i Vv oCcr Uic ti.uti Mim wiui u fccrvua fnot atyic a c-r.tnt Ui..t tai kc bim dry In tiio U-i ut aturaa. It sLIC'K tit," a lift ma faur to v-tt Cow-b 't orcr ll Ian-. V'lth tin :a tlia only porfoit Wind and WoU.rir Coat Is M I dwrr i r U lirand a.. and tAk no nlhf-r. If yevir wiort-kfC'-T ta loctie. A.aT. Towra.20 Simmon St., IlmitiM. M. Ihe gyrtera for tlellypry as fo (rreatlr les-n, and many tim a'lmoet eutin-ly do au.v with the sufferiiiKS of tluit trjin ordeal. "FaTorite Pre. Cures the lUi. iuii m." and otietiiiHte iurt of leucorrlira. or " m-h i f m, ' ' ciii-flSlV6 Bowing; at monthly periixis, painful men struation, unnatural siipprewii.n. prolap sus or fulliiiK of the womb, wtnk I . female weakness," anteversion, retrover eim, btu-ing; - down ei-nKatii.tiii. clirunw ei.nirestion, iiitlanuiiation. and ulceration of the womb, iiitlainination. pain sn4 ti-nderness in ovaries, accompanuil wita internal heat." "Favorite Presrrip- r-- I lion," w hen taken in nv I OB TnE I ri'ttion with the UK- of IT. E irnr a n ii'it ii .'i. n. - covery, and en'nll Uiiatis duos of lir. I'li rcea I'ur- ITHtive l-ell. IM ll.lttle I.lvtT Pills), cures Liver. Kidney himI UiaiMer die eases. '1 heir oniibuieil use also n rneii MikhI taints, and alHiiishes at.i-- riiLia slid acrolulous humors lrotn the system. it. ti-ly Mm. Ed. M. Campbti.t, of (mt ?T.f. Cut- 1 ll OG l-i-i II ii' ui-f tnv lifM vi-ttl, ut.M('k :.l par. oxysnie. or spasms, and ni:a ul fl' ur" rentes of severe lieadache. tut s.n.'' I T 1 utu ubirK yimr raiunir ir...... - , . kiwi nau vttu l.lfirl, wrltli.itt tl Iiad womb eoini'l'i.i't s thit ti.t .st seven- I . i . ,. . . .. . .. . . ,- i.nii.n. Mi llK jAr Ar cmTw m I LW f 1 TO PATS. fiigaeml te r M mmm Btwtmmmrm, w C3 kr-ly ttfcw 5trU Ca&lol Oo. X CtlnnaUjal9V r I Worst Cases. I r 1 j KlOHEYS. j ilk all over the city without inii.nveniciice. seem to be I-aviiig me under tiie lu tiirn intlueiiL'-' Heine, and I now fc 1 smarter than fur ynr 1-1' " . .-i IS told me that I could not be cured, and therelere the city without Inconvenience. " . iiiri. i coum i everlasting thanks lor v. L.:t j; u ii. la- tnv own worn : urn " me I net er looked eo ' is fUJA hi, Iirtigi' the ''' Six fnr f.S.OO. In stamps for Dr. Pii ree's iry i nn Ibs of V. n?tn'X4 Dispensary Medical AaoIa"i, Ko. B63 Main Etroet, BL-rJXi. iV t"....' ,iL I tk i'-r "'".; hVescription'' and one (mttie of ',J'''' ''s' HI of the -IVIIets.' All or t".; rVj.'u.y i.rt tJ r.eil." Is . arariTt-vTl.irrjsr.Trvr1t.... nrOT. i' saTlTilanTf