Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, May 23, 1888, Image 2

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' t
sentinel & KKpmuar;
WED.VEKD.aT, MIT 21, 1SH8.
rnrra aao rtoriiimi.
Tn people want Congreas to settle
the tariff question before tbe cam'
paign opens for tbe rrctiJ!new.
The business ititereetti of all kind
waut Oonrrree to settle the tari
question before congress adjourne.
Brazil has abolished slavery, and
the colored folks down there are
singing aoegs of praise to Lincoln.
Tub 23th celebration of the battle
of Gettvsbnrg, next July, promises
to be an interesting celebration,
re union of the Bine and Gray.
Clstklakd's bob, to manage th
Pennsylvania Democracy, is Con'
cressman Scott of Erie. The face
of all the Pennsylvania Democracy i
turned toward lake Erie.
Turn erection of a sugar manufac
tory in Philadelphia that will require
the labor of 1000 men has awakened
considerable talk on the oubject of
raising sugar beets in Pennsylvania
It is said the Lack teleucop in the
observatory on Mount Hamilton
California i so etronr that canals
may be plainly Le seen on tbe planet
Mars. It is calculated that th ca
rials are 60 to bu feet wide I it
within the line of a possibility to
manufacture a glass powerful enough
to see people on the planet
Tub New York State Democratic
wan afraid to endorse the Cleveland
Hills tariff bill. If Congress would
do itself and the country insure, it
would pass a tariff bill so modified,
that the brwinene of the country
conld go on. The uncertainty that
Hangs ever tbe uiily, daily work is
producing an unfavorable opinion of
Congress in the mind of the people
CoKitRsasMw Soott, President
Cleveland's mouth piece and office
peddler in Pennsylvania, said in a
speech last week on the floor of Con
gress, to a Congressman that Le, the
man to whom he was talking bad not
the brains to become a millionaire.
Then according to Scott, there are
only a few brainy people in the state
and they are millionaires. Such sen
timents I. come an cflice peddler.
If Scott bad lived 400 years ago he
would have flourished as a peddler of
Tue opponents cf the abolition of
aecrtt sessions of the United Statep
Senate wero cu ruing enonh to get
a tent vote on t!ie Cnni-.da Fishery
question. Tlut cunning does not
pass for intelligence among the peo
ple. What interest rati suffer by hav
ing all the public business done in
public sessions ? The C0.000 people
would greatly prefer to know what
the Senate says in the Britiah fish
ery (mention. Is the puffed up Sen
ate afraid to reveal bow little it
knows on the question ?
The United States Senate still Con
A. , 1 , t
unci's 10 lioia secret sessions, in
time ot peace, just as it there are
things to be considered that the
people ahould not hear, fu.le ! We
all know it is the bear garden, un
dress time that the Senators have,
that induces them to adhere to the
obsolete custom, which is only in or
der in a kingly form of government,
or in time of war, when Hecrecy is
necessary cf times to prevent the en
my from becoming acquainted with
the line of policy of government.
From the Thiladelphia Bulletin :
likota Ueptiluii-ucR have taken an
extrirue step in ord.r to secure for
the Territory recognition as a State.
PeWatc from the southern section
will assemble, and on Ju!t 4th a
uiy tin. a
mass meeting win be UeKt I5y this
means it is intended to organize the
State Government and to demand re
cognition at the handa of the Admin
istration Politically, the movement
may have strategetic interest ; other
wise, it amounts to little, since the
Democrats in Congresa will not en
courage any movement which threat
ens to increase the Republican elect
oral vote.
The Crops. ia Indiana.
CntCA.io, May 16. A despatch
from Indiaoapolia savs : "Discourag
ing reports regarding tha outlook for
crops ara being received from all part
ef Indiana. Ia many counties bay and
oa. bava suffered severely from tbe
drought, while m tbo southern balf of
the State eora fields are being devastat
ed by the eat worm."
Fell a Thousand Feet.
Wilkisbarri. IV, May
a nomas nowan. aged 48, for many
years employed as bead man at the
t?ou:h YVilkesbarre abaft of the Lehigh
and Wilkesbarre Coal Company, met
bis death at a late hour last night ia a
way cost frightful. II had been lean
ing igainst a gate placed around tbe
haft, a distaiee of over one thousand
feet, into a sump of water some fifty
feat daep. In tbe fall both arms by
striking against the timbers, were sev
ered front his body. I'p to 11 o'clock
this morning his remains still lay in tbe
sump, and it may be aovoral days be
fore tUay tan be fon.
Lw' week it waa duuaood cat diamond
motif tbe two Democratic county commit
tee, that bold tbo wires by which their
ever! adherents are manipulated A month
CO tbo Democratic situation appears-1 a iv
rattled a a motinieia lakelet, and it waa not
till al ter a call ba-1 bona iaaaod by tho Gar.
man, Conn, Solonff wing that lb clouds be
tas to gather. Tho wlof just aamod deem
ed it jnst tbo thinf to bo first in tho arena,
and to b cortaio vf a catch of time by tbe
forelock, they called their committee to
meet on tbe I9th tact. Thi flnit call waa
like spring thonder. it gave Ufa to tbo reg
oar wing led by Jackmaa. Crawford and
McCahen. The thought of having march
stolen on them ia their minds raaaat tbe se
leetloo ot a set of delegate to the Stale
Convention and a eeriee of Cleveland reso
lotiona endorsing the policy ofjhia adminis
tration and urging bim for tbo second term .
A'l that might give the Garmao, Cono So
louff wing tbe post ufflea Ac, onder tho
ottice piddling process of Coogreasmaa
Scott of Erie, who ia Cleveland 'a office ped
dlar in Peons lvahia. It was a dlamonl
cat, and mast needs bo met t a eat equal
ly incisive. Indeed tbe regulars onder
(he leadership of Jackman, Crawford and
McCahen determined to cat a,natcu .higher
as a bid for state and national favor and la
order to do so tbey called their committee
a day earlier than tbe Garmsn, Cocn, Bu
louff party.
Tbey called the regulars to tie front on
tbe 16th or Hay which waa last Friday.
Tbe Stalwart Chairman llcCsbea, rosy
and bright from tbe highlands ot Macedo
nia was early on tbe grounds and when tbe
Conrt House bell rang at 2 o'clock P. M , It
bad an aggressive peei that harried the
ejmmitree into session. It is not pertinent
to tbe question to here enamrate how
many of the otber wing were preseot, bnt
there st Dr. Grcbb among tbe faithful to
second witb a hearty axon, every thiag that
m!f ht be proposed, S3 I thire was the gal
lant P. U. MeVVilliaraa so deeply ia band
and gloe witb tbe regulars, tbat thiy took
bim into full communion an I elected bim
with Sberitf Fowles, delegate to tha State
Convention. Sic Williams was a big spoke
ia the wheel of tbe dissestere and to Sad
him at the feast wi h credentials to the
state convention placed li his haais.wai ef
fective in more tbaa one way.
It waa a notable love feast with Grubb
and 51c Williams inside and tbe other dis
senters banging on tbo ngced edge out
side wondering what on earth tbey ahould
do oa Fat unlay, the time appointed lor
their meeting.
Tbe regulars passed a resolution endors
ing Cleveland for re-nominailoo.
Tbey praised bim for his honesty aVe.
Figuratively speaking tbey tapped bim no
der tbe chin for bis anti-tans' message.
They instructed Fowles and Mc Williams
to vote for only sack men to tho national
convention, who are in accord with tbe
President's policy and he for re-nomination.
They endorsed the Villa Cleveland tar-
.IT bill.
They endorsed everything about tbe
White House and Congress that the presi
dent smiles on excepting Mrs. Cleveland,
and bow it comes that they missed ber is
not explained. Perhaps they left the Pres
idents better balf to tbe gallantry of tbe
artcan. Conn, Suloafl" people, for th-re ia
good deal uf gallantry among them, but
it toat was the object in not mentioning
Mrs. Cleveland's name tbey missed it, fo r
the committee on Saturday forgot all sboat
the President's wife. Their closing action
was flung the dy fer the primary election,
which is to be held on Saturday, August 18.
satcsdat's cosmima.
If the action of the committee of the re
gulars on Friday did not mik- the party of
Oarman, Conn. aaJJSaSoutr feel as if the)
had their eyu teeth cut It canted them to
realise that they hadjeaptnred nearly ail
the campaign tbunderand that It had oice
to be diamond cut diamond.
It ia not certain .that tbe leaders sat up
all Friday night nursing tbo situation to
see what might bs evolved to straighten
things so tbat the lead which was ao gal
lantly taken could be regained, but the
cold naked fact would not down. Tatro
stood the glaring faat, tbe regulars bad
stolrn a march, bad come in one day ahead
and in tbe ruh bad won over one of their
rhoaea number aa4 cuplei bim with a
favorite aad successful regular as delegates
to the state convention. There seemed
little left for them, nothing but a whoisa'e
endorsement of tbe action of tho regulars
with a put!" tor Mrs Cleveland and office
peddler Scott.
People sometimes count without their
host and that to a cert -in degree waa the
case here, lor tbo 3 uloufT committee eame
ia on Saturday in high feather.
5 uloufT looked more KusaUo like than
over, just as if ready to storm tbe citidal
or the regulars, and If any of tbem felt that
they had been outwitted by tho regulars
thev guarded well their feeling from the
ryes of outsiders. Some ot tbem talked
lika tbe fez that bad lost its tail in a trap,
and for convenience sake urge all other
foxes to cut off their tails, so some of the
committee thought it beat to gt out of tho
T" l "T"' mp'"" lun"a"t
jot tbo work of friday'a committee, but
tbey all looked a-kanse at Mc Williams.
Tbey could 'at understand, and to give bim
s chance to decline tbo otT-r of Fndav'a
commitiea or to bead him off or to provide
for bis son appearanca at the slate con
veatioa they appointed B. F. Burchfleid al
ternate fur bim.
The source of tbe unaer enrrent of tbe
working ef tbe brethren is not plaia to every
one and it ia poeaibe tbat it a ws trow
Washington D. C for tho committee waa
aa eatbusiaatie la its endorsement of Cleve
land aa the regulara. It la true It forgot to
mention Mra. Cleveland but then it went a
degree farther than tha regulars, it gave a
hearty eadoaement to Congreaamaa Scott
who ia tha administration office peddler ia
Peons) Ivaaia, aad Mrs. Cleveland waa
present when Mr. Scott delivered bia late
anti tariff speech, so that in point of I
Mrs. t.leselnd was net naiened aod too
Garmao. Cenn. Su'ouff committee are in
tha lead on tho question ot admiaistration
endorsement, and ii. tha lead on organizati
on for tboy appointed a new county com
mittee. They were determined to atick to the
regulars as cloae aa a brother, aad not ig
nore tbem in anything, and they chose tho
same day for holding tbo primary election,
August IS, le. It was diamond cat dia
mond. Wilke.hbar.rb, Pa., May 16.
William Hague, aged thirty -five years,
a miner employed at Blackman's mine,
waa engaged this afternoon loading a
cartridge when his lamp fell into a keg
of powder, causing an explosion wbiea
tore bim to pieces. About tbe same
time in Murray shaft Edward Roderick
was arrack apoa the bead by a "sprig,
which fractured bis skull, from which
be will probably die. It is believed
f be "sprig was thrown with tbe lu
tention of committing marder.as it came
from a window at the top of tbe break-
r, sinking Roderick while be was
standing on the earrtag. waiting to be
lowered in tk shaft.
Explodes A Humbug.
From the Washington D. C Re
publican May 17. 1SSS. The Hon.!
Louis E Atkinson, of tue eighteenth '
Pennsylvania district ma ?e oa Thurs
day a uiost areseive tariff speech.
Hi comparison of the eouditioti cf i
the country in 1837 and in 1897 ia a
most unanswerable argument for tbe
policy of protetiori. In one sentence
Mr. Atkinson disposed of the whoie
cry of free wool reducing the price
of ths laboring man's clothing. He
said :
Five or six pounds of wool will make dotbea line about 11 o'clock it tho moru
sutEcient cloth for a suit of heavy clothing- j Bg and went to tbe basement of bis hou-e
If the wool ia worth, ready for tusking into j where he made a nooae in the lino and
cloth, 60ceotaapoan1,tbe wool tbat enters fastened the enda of tho rope to ajoit,and
into a suit worth f 25 to 30 would coat
$3.60. Tbo highest class wools only pay a
duty of 12 cents a pound. If tbe duty were
added to tbo price it would only enhance
tbe price 72 centa for an entire heavy suit
of clothes. If the duty were off wool aod
72 centa were saved in the cost of each suit,
h iw much would be saved to Ibe wean r f
Not oce cent. Tha trifling ditTereoc" wou'd
be loat in tbe course of trade, and would
propab'y be distributed between the manu
facturer of tbe cloth, tbe j bber, tbe whole
sale merchant, tha mnchaniea who made op
tbe goods, and tbe clothier from whom the
clothing ia at least bought.
Seventy two cents is the highest tax
collected under this "oppressive
system of protection" upon an entire
suit of woolen clothe. This must be
removed, say the President and Mr.
Mills, but tbe 110 collected from
the mouth of every peraoD from the
infant's "ngar teat" and tue grand
sire's "toddy" mast be retained for
the benefit of a few sugar planters in
Liuisiaua, eight votes in tLe electoral
college, aud the same number in Can
gres ready to obey an executive
Mr. Atkinson explodes tbe humbug
abnit the duty on wool being a tax
on cl jthing,
A Rat Attacks a Child.
On Wednesday evening of last week
a rat attacked a child of Mr. Lutber
Neal in this place under tatber peett
liar circa tn,Uacei. It appears Mrs.
Neal left ber infant, five weeks old, in
tbe snmmer kitchen cn a couple of
chairs, in eare of ber bmband till sbe
could go to a a neighbor's on an errand,
bnt be, roan like, left tbo plaoe to do
some work in tbe garden. On ber re
turn she f.tand a rat witb its bead in
tbe baby's mouth, its lips, gams, and
tongne severely bitten. From tbe ef
feats of tbe woands tbe infant was
poisoned aod at last accounts was in a
precarious situation.
Boiler Explosion.
WrLMisoTow, Del., May 17. Short
ly before noon to day on tbe farm of
Benjamin Feescadm, four miles bfclow
I'ort Penu, in thia county, a corn
sheller was being driven by a steam
thrashing engiue, when an explosion
occurred. Mr. Fessenden was blown
a distance of e-'xty fr-et and injured
90 badly that he died a few hours
later. Samuel Lofland, Walter Bur
gon, Wilson Green (colored) and an
unknown man were also badly injur
ed. The injured men were einpl y
ed as helper aud wore uot near the
engino at the time of the explosion.
Uoctora from Delaware City an I
Mid. Ufcto.ru were summoned and at
tended them. Fessenden leave a wife
and two small children. The boiier
waa apparently sound, and the only
cause of explosion waa neglect in not
having kept it supplied with wtr.
Pushed Back lifer Mother.
Tbat truth ia stranger than fiction finds
an other illuitratioa iu the following from
the Hollidavsburg Register of the 6th, inst.
A young German girl in tbia town, named
Sophia Koehler, who was employed by a
family on Walnut street, aa a domestic, left
on Tuesday evening of last woek. on the
late train, to join ber lover, a colored man
named Julius DonslJ. formerly employed
in the American Hotel as a cook, and who
ia now in Philadelphia. The girl's parents
a-id sii-Its are a' most distracted over the
atrange infatuation of the girl, who ia not
by any mrsai bad looking and ia quite in
telligent. She became acquainted wvh ber
dusky lover while bath were living at tbe
above hotel. The girl's mother bad sus
pected tor aome time that the pair were on
too intimate terms, but as Donald bad le't
town some time before, her su-ptcious w-re
allayed. On Tueadav evening sbe was In
formed of her daughter's intention to lesve.
snd imjnediately went to tha atatiuu t- try
to prevent ber going. The girl was just
getting oa the train aa tbe poor old mother
arrived. S he was coaxed and entreated to
go home, but refused and tbe mother at
tempted to climb up tbe ateps as the train
was leaving, but tbe unnatura' daughter
roughly pushed ber back. Tbo negro to
whom abe went, ia aa b'ack as the ace of
apadea, and ia reported to be married and
tbe father of a family.
Three Girls at a Birth.
There waa a roaring time, a great
time, a sorrowful time, a gay time,
au awful time just as the reader has
a mind to view it at the reeiddoce
of Mra. Delia Ryan, at No. 156 West
Twenty-fifth street. New Yotk, on
Friday night. Mrs. Kyau gave birth
to triplets and tuey are all prls.
At balf past teu o'clock Dr. Kaue
handed the first over to the nurse,
who clothed it in the latest fashion
able attire. At half past eleven be
handed over No 2, and there was
a hurrying and a eknrrying to find
some clothes to fit the young lady.
Tbe nurse witb ber inevitable assist
ants, waa doing quite well with the
brace of Eves when lo ! Dr. Kane
pressed to the arms of the assistants
a third very young woman just at
balf pa't twelve There waa exactly
an hour between the birth of the
triplets. The last little lady was
quite indignant that she bad no
clothes to put on and only for the in
t erven tion of several people would
have torn off the new eTing bonnet
of her eldest sister tbe eldest by
two hours. Thev are all big, healthy
babies with plenty of lung power.
The mother, Mrs. Bryan, is quite lit
tla, weighing not more than one Lun
dred and twenty pounds. Her hus
band is a young man about twenty
six. Mrs. Ryan has now had. wince
she was married four years ago, six
children, all cirta, two of whom are
dead. The eldest is now a bi nlnn,
handsome child of twenty-five inonthi
Mra. Ryan is getting along amazing-
n. Mil : , t, '
j .ii an am r.Tpwas.
Patent Remd Machine Lltlgra-
A bill la equity a as filed oa Monday in
tbo United P tales Circuit court by th
American Road Machine Co., of Kesne't
Ponare Pa. afainst Pennock at Sharp Co..
; qn"ro ,
I-oJel. r r th
sale of a roarh ae caJlrd
tbo "Western Reversible," which is Said to
ialrioge several of the pateota of tbe coir
Saved by his Wife.
On the 15'h, inst., Theodora Logan of
Orbtaonia. Huntinedon eouutv. procure I a
, opiariog bia neck in the bempoa yok", at
tempted to end hla miseries. He o
succeeded bad not his wife had oce
aid bate
occoaion to
go to tha cellar and discovered his dang!in
form. Sbs hurriedly alarmed a neighbor,
and between them tbo man was cut down
and with much la r resuscitated. His
ecape from death waa vary close and a few
seconds more of tho slow strangulation
would have forever atil'rd bis pulse if not
relieved his miseries. Almost his first co
herent retnaik was one deploring tbo faet
that they had not allowed him to die."
A Judge Lynch ia Jail.
CotxitBus, O., May 17. Judge
Lynch came very near making mak
ing an end of Umpbreys, a negro
wbb was arrested yesterday for an
assault upon a little girl. Ha was
bound over to court and wh?ti ta-f n
to j a.il his identity hecarao known to
the nthep- prisoners wh. at onc at
tacked him in a vicious manner. After
throwing him into a bath-tub and
nearly drowninp Lira the prisoners
secured a rope, placed it around bia
neck and dragged him about the
corridors, ending the performance by
drawing him up tree of the floor. The
brute would undoubtedly have been
strangled to death before the jail
officers arrived bad not one of tbe
prisoners cut tbe rope.
There are nssny persons who itosgine
they can cross a field or enter aa orchard.
fish in a stieam which is tho property of
another, and do many things of tbis char
acter which cannot be resisted by tbe own
er of the land ; that there is a popular idea
that wa'kiug over a field is not to tresspass
It possibly may not damage such property,
but is a misdemeanor to sio it, which is
punishable by law. Tbe season is earning
wben the people will he ss,untrrirg into the
eountrv, seeking tbe suburbs for a walk.
To such as do ao, aa well as all others, it
will be safe for Ihem to understand the law
of tresspass. Persons guilty of tresspass
are liable to a Use ol not lesaTthan ue nor
more than fifty dollars. If a party convict
ed is to poor to pay the fine, he can be im
prisoned one day for each dollar of the
impoaed penary. Exchange.
Miff m to wo and Fermanagh, in Mif-
tliDtown,. June 8.
Patterson and Milford, io Patterson, June 9.
Port Sovaland Turbott, in Port Roy
al June 11.
Walker, in Mexico; ..June 12
Th ompsontoe n and Delaware, in
Thcmpwinfosn. ...... .... June 18.
Greenwood, st atraight Water,. ...June 19.
S nsqaebsr.nt. at Prosperitv, June 23.
M onroe, at Ricelield ,. .....Junall.
Fayette, in McAlis'erviile Junei2.
Lark, at Croa M i .....June'JS.
Tuscarura. at MrCoysville,. ....... June 27.
Spruce Hill, at Wisdom . . , .... ...June 28.
Beale.'at Johnstown... . .. ....... June 29.
Tbe ex. supinations will bein at 8 3n A
M. Applicanta nnder 17 years of age will
not be adoii'ted info tbe class. Strangers
must fnrnikb a certificate of good moral
character Applicants must be examined in
tbe districts in which tbey intend to teach.
All Inends ef education - are invited. A
special examination for the county will be
held in MiT. intown, August 11.
Ceaafy Snperintendemt.
Ilairrtate to the Conventions
Tla Pennsylvania Hallr sad.
With a view of accommodating the hosts
of visitors to the political conventiona and
other general meetings hereinafter mention
ed, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will aell exenrsion tickets to tba points
named below from all prominent stations
on its system, on the datee specified, at one
fare for tbe round trip. The tickets will he
good for passage in both directions on s'l
regular passenger trains, except Limited
Hi press trains. Tbe occasions on whH-h
such tickets will be so!4 are ss follows :
1 Indianspol a, Indiana, on account of
the National Prohibition Convention, winch
will meet May Sotb. tickets will be sold
from May 2th to 23th inclusive, cood for
retu'n trip until June 6th, 1689. inclusive.
To St. Louis, Mo., on account .or the
National Democratic Conventioc, which
wit m-et June 5th, tickets will be sold Usy
31st to June 4th, inclusive, good to return
ui.til June 12tb, IS3S, inclusive.
To Cincinnati, Ohio, on account of the
meeting oftLe Supreme Lodge of the World
Knights of Pythias, which will assemble
Juno 12th, tickets will be sold June 7th to
1Mb, inclusive, good to return until July
2d, 1?K8, inclusive.
ao Chicago, 111, oa account of the
National Republican Convention, which
will meet Juno 19th, tickets will be sold
from June 14th to 18th, inclusive, good to
return until June 26th, inclusive.
The mutea over which the tickets will he
sold Is Pennsylvania Railroad to Pittsburgh,
hence by the Pennsylvania Cosapany'e
lines to destination.
Tha well-known and superior advantages
of the Pennsylvania Railroad, arising from
complete facilities, fine equipment, an t Ita
unsurpassed service of through trains,
commends this route most atrongly to in
tending visitors to those great gatherings.
Tbe receipts of tbe London Zoologi
cal Gardens have decrease $10,000 in
tbe past year, aod the managers blame
Buffalo Bill's show for tbe loss.
Knoxvillk, Tenn., May 17 In
formation comes from tba tobaoco grow
ing counties of Western North Carolina
tbat two-tbirds or more of tbe yooiig
plan's were killed by resent frosts.
Vegetables and whaet were greatly dam.
ag-ed at numerous points ia tbe mono
tains. The mercury went below 30,
aod in cue instance to 25 degrees below.
A Qumey. Ills., dispatch says: The
frost of last Snnday night almost des
troyed tbe small fruit ia this county.
Not oaly is tbe fruit killed, but tbe
vines areIao seriously injured.
PiTiCvBOH, Fa.. May 17. Weal-
J ere Pennsylvania was visited by bear
black frnst last night wbioh proved
j disastrous to early frnits and vegetables.
lc some places ice one eighth to a
quarter of an inch tbick was formed
; Farmers liv'rg in in and towns report
enrn. intato s and totnatne frocn
t several inobes under tbs; ground
St Lori, May 13. Advises from
the Red river county report that dam
age done t tie inhabitants of the lied j
river valley during tho past ten dsys is
almost beyond computation and the
overflow i he largest since 1843 Most
of tbe plsntatinns near tbe river have
been river d witb water four to s'x
feet deep and tuany miles of fencing
r , and barns have been washed dowa
and carried away. Many of the people
have lost their household furniture,
provision, and eorn. In several places
tbe river water extended from tbe bills
of Arkansas to tbe bills of Texas, a
distance of ten to fourteen miles. At
West Norwood a negro was drowned
yeaterdav while trying to swim from
the overflow Two wliila men were
drowned in Mill Creek, and a number
of other dea'bs are reported bat names
not given. Planting in tbe bottoms will
all have to be dne over again.
The IlandHomeftt Lady VirtHntown
and Patterson Kemsrked io a friend tie
other day that she knew Kemp's Rilsam lor
the Threat and Lungs a eop-rinr remedy
as it 'oppl her enxh iostsntly when
others had no efTwt whatever, ftn to prove
this and convince you of its ra rit, any
druggist will give you a Sample Bottle Fret.
large eize fUc and SI.
Tba fo'towif.g scale of prices foranooune
menta has been Mutually agreed upon br
ibe undersigned, and no deviation from
the - ame will he made ; Congress, $.'5 .
Pmud-nt Judge. $2 : Senate. tl J ; Legis
lature, $7 ; Associate. Judge, Protbonotary,
Reg later and Recorder, and Sheriff, each.
S5 Coruruiaaloner and District Attorney,
each, S3 ; Jury Commissioner and Auditor,
each, $1. All additional communications
recommend ing candidotea will be charged
10 rents per line, kloney in all caaes to be
paid ia ifict.
t.ditor Jummta Her mid.
U. r. -SCH WEI ER,
EdiUir SxsTiscL am Karcsucas.
Mr. Editor : Please announce tbe name
ol Meal al. Stewart for tbe office of,- Regis
ter and Recorder, klr. SUiwart is a man
well qualified for the office, lie has been
a dilligenl worker iu tbe Republican rauk
and U nominated will oisk" a atrong candi
date. Tl'SCAROKA.
EiitKT Ssaiisvl amd Republican .-I would
announce to tbe Kepubltcana of Juniata
ccunty tor tbe nomination of K -giater aud
Recorder, J. G. Mateer vf Port Royal who
ia industrious and wurtby aud comptetent
to discbarge tbe dutiea of tbe office.
Editor Sentinel mnd RepubUean : I
would announce Ansou B Wilis as a suita
ble candidal for the office of Register and
Recorder. Mr. Wilis is a clever and worthy
young man abundantly qualified to dis
charge the dutiea of tbe oflice mentioned.
To the Editor: Pltiase announce tbe
name of Jauana McCauley, as a candidate
tor tba office of SheritT, snhjnct to the
usages of the Republican Party. Mr. Mc
Cauley is a true and tried Republican, ol
well known buamess ability, tact aod energy,
conscientious and faithful, and if nominat
ed and elected will creiita&y and boneatly
discharge tbe duties of th s office.
May 21, 1888.
Notice ia hereby given to the Assessor
in tbe several oisiric.s' ii the county to
appear at the Couimmaiouers Office, in
aiiffiintown, on Satuiday, Nay 25th, 1SS8.
and lilt the Registry bxika lor their several
districts lor 1888.
By order ot toe Board fCommisainoera
Miffiiotown, Pa.. May 16, 1888 6t.
Ettaleof SJMl'KLJ. KURTZ, late of
Delaware toirnthtp, Juniata Co., dre'd.
Notice ia hereby given that letters of ad
ministration oa the estate of Ssmuel J.
Kurtx, late of Delaware towuahip, deceased.
have been granted in due form of law to the
undersigned residing in DMawa.e township
AH persons indented to aaid estate are no-
tided to call aud make payment and those
having claims to present them properly au
thenticated for aetllemeot.
April 18, 18C8 6 sr. Aimmxttr alor .
FARM WA60NSsiUta.i-virsst
(hm rhtapcfA Mrt-Kr oat etn3 tr-
on. 7 ia IBM bsj
lrtr 1 Irnwr
T -"sj Ha,Mae. I fa Basse lea. 1
'Mrraavaw tktm ssis aww-aa
flsmr-fc Paaatac Mlllau ( on bn-r-.
! C'Btta-rta, ric. All r a.rrftntt. HneH
CaUia. tw. fcK W ASK M 44' HI R CO. Col.aktjB,0.
Fa a arte, BmA Msmeata, n AtifKll . UB.
Mason & Hamlm
Organs and Pianos.
sm.ys maintained their snptwnarr oserall otier?
The Improved Mode of Struiriac Pianos. Ineaittad
by alam Hamlin n U. .acTT.
tTeaiest improTement is pianos tB hair a eeatnrv "
run., circular, ceiulnin, a.u TeaSniSsom
t.vx :t;k ft. (7alsa Basais). KTW T51T
FerDrepiy.Gravel fCerwatae
lewa Urinary tr Liver lu-
eases. Cure snarantoed. Oitl'r, '(3
AKCH St., Philadelphia. All drng'gista.
Try it. $1 a bottle, six lor i
Mar. 14.1888, ly.
A sars aad ssfc snaciac fer weak,
seas aed oelalti v of the senna v -
asm, aad tmeral eahsantjoa
froai yotMaiul isaprudeace.e
aad overwork of body and brata.
esmtny ptiy.ifcal sad ai msl wsak
acas, loss of tneatory aod semal iw-
capaorr. CURES OLD aad YOU NO.
Pnca ( per bna. Pepaesd an4 for
Bo. UOtJ H.
6w-"t nnoeaucs i LaDeismrf
ol Street, Phala. baad for arcaUz.
Subscribe for the Sbxtivkl o Rrpcs -tteaa,
f 1 per annum, if paid Iw a'tsance,
$!.), il r.ol raid in sd'ance.
11 S tJRf-V rV"
I H m U I --C4.1 J
- ' f iTEWaTf
a M
F.fXD .J
zVzRy pL'Jc 5JAI-pED LIE
aboVe cdj.
Tho Peer; of all Lawn Seat.
Above ent rpreaenta our pateeted
Settee. Tbe only Settee ever triads that
will asljnst itevlf to nneven groand.
Ijfrlit, durable, tanilsoiae and wtxmg.
Famted bright red aud ornamented.
Price t Settees. (l-SO svmd aO.
( kaln. Sl.ftO.
Hstken, ta.Ow oaveb.
They all fold flsL
If your dealer don't keep tbeaa, ask
bjin to crder fur you from
ijrssicAiT rd'Lriirs CEAia CO.,
1301 to 1323 N. Main St,
SI1. UlllS Bio.
00 In CnM fnr General Snperioritv at Olev
siaMii in-iuatriai upoaiium after
iiau iruu arul r.xrwrt test.
-eeTless, Tract ioa and rortaMe
Eng-laee. Domestic" and C ream cry
Engine. Steam Gang- Plows. The
"Gelscr Thresher and Cleaner.
Patent Tsrlal.le rVte-
tsaat fmprvrsd aad eheapeat Saw-Mill on tbe
aarses. hul for eatalncme lo all
ATitxsiejo', nixtLct ?a.
w waat aceata aad turtle correepomdeaea.
i 1
v f-uaraatee every Tackaee tariae; enr
firm r-arae, and will KKPA1KT where
satisfaetioa ia not given.
pt2?Iin2 sadg-Hied painli.
40 Ueantif al Colora.
MARBL E I N E ":iiier to
aa n.ma9sijK.
U Exqniaita Tint.
Psrfeet Imitations
Unique Coach Paints,
ar a cost o so caarrs mi a aeoev.
Harness Oil, &.c. &c,
fiaanx Caana Fairs.
The Wm. B. Price Mfg. Co.,
I. P.Thomas & Son's.
i. . " 'aleslrte elements ef rtahi.
In a eooceniratad form. ,,. n" r,ta manure
erep They sr. m,nZfJZ7 i.J.1ir'T ST aU
aent resajis. Thsr eaunut h. k..TT h,1 nenaa.
OrtrOK pererTrS ,h r-d
then, ear peonai ,'7
wsKtiarantaaanewx. .- C same sav
wh. e them Uet"- Th.
yo will endcrsa tbeS! ' m aad
. ....Buoiuma, Kenn'a.
CaUlsLd Mills, JuniaU Co., Pa
WTn "aasltiaVs Swwasasaw,
W F aou lead. Pat
kaasW EeVitvl a aff-w a-bi a, "l-'nrtl
Latest New Spring
Tbel UaujplwM Clstblsr ol.Jutilala CaBt7 aHarlar Jai r.
lurtaess rrtt Ibe Eailera cltle -with a OTarfwrfisl
Will laaka friends, ouUhin rivals, win viclories. ab2 gall ilself on its
and Gent's furniihin; gooJa. First Class, oorabiniDj' SUls, Qttality aasl
Elegance, with prices that will astonish yo. X sal is xpctel aalasa
I prove this.
But I ask vour patronage only when I give complete satisfaetioa. My
JKWKLRT, Calico, lercale and White Shirts. Xeck wear. Cellars aae
Cuffs.Trnnks and Katchels, is full aad complete. Call aad see.
June 16, 1??6
I.ovis K. Araiasoa. Y. M M. Pisssll.
By Collecting and Conveyaacinc prunipt
ly attended to.
Orric'a Oa Main etreet. ia place ef resi
dence el Louis K. Atkinson, K-q., south
Bridge siren. roct 26, lft?tt.
Has resomed actively the practice
alediciae and Surgery and their collateral
brancbea. Office at tbe old corner of Ttird
and Orange streets, Miffilotewn, Fa.
Uarcb 2'J, 1876.
Jr.ui L'cLacOHLis. Josara W. tTiaaci.
07" Only reliable Companies represented.
D. 8, lBM-ly
t . 1 , .
StoorholderB IndiTidually Liable. Pbuadeiphia Kxpresa wiu
T. VAN IK n IN, Caht.r
W. C. Pomeroy, Joseph Kotbrork,
John Uertiler, Tbihp M. Kepner,
Afros . Bonsai!, I.enis K. Atkinson,
Knlrt K. Parkor,
Tof LB"Lrrll :
Philip M. Kepnrr, Anuie M. Sbelley,
Joseph Keibrock, Jane H. Irwin,
I.. F. A!kinsrn, k. K. Parker,
W. C. fomiror, J. Molu.es Irwin,
An, oa G. Fepall, T. V. Irwin,
t'bulotter-njaer. Join Hertsler.
it Kurtr, Jrmme N. Tborrpton, Jr
1 brer ai d Fonr per cent ictertst will
paid o ceil tcsKs of drpofile.
Jjsn 23, lFf7 tl
7eic Firm.
Spring And Summer Gocds.
No more winter for months
to come. Spring and euinmcr
are here and to conform to the
change the Senior member of
the firm has just returned from
Eastern Markets, where he se
lected with great care the good
that his many patrons favor.
We have now filled our
shelves with Spring & Summer
Goods of all kinds. Our cus-
t . i . ,
loiiierH nave appreciated our
yv 4 i ii ,
eilorts to give them goods
c,.,a k. i
nun. lueir purpose, ana we
believe that we are Letter pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite ou to
come and ee and be i-a'tit-fied
In our dress goods department
we Lave almost evervthinn-
r saa-i . o
uvn i oe DacKward, call
what you want.
Shoes and BootsATTZ:
Our Boot and
Shoe De-
partment is full in
it a8Krt
ment, and you certainly can
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Oi.r
grocery Department never lags.
Ue have on hand a full line of!
rresn, jriain and Fancy
Also, the only full line
nine county. Every house
must have its full supply of
Queens and Glassware, this is
tue more to can on for such
All orders bv mail will
ceive prompt attention
Remember the place,
MawStbaxt, Op-obttw Cocbt Hofbk,
Mifflintown. P .
IF Till
On and alter Simday alay lUth, Ittt
rains tbat atop at Mifflin will rss ss ellewi:
Alvoosa Accoaaooavios lesves A'tesaa
ol j ai!y at 6 2U a.
HuntlBRdon 6.SS
Tyrone 6 62 a.
in., Moont Colon
i H.tv a. on., jVewfon Hamilton 7,04 a.
1 arVeytown 7,26 a. u., Lewiatowa 7,64
j Milford 8.11 a m., Mifflin 8,17 a.
Port Royal 8.23 a. ro-, Mexico 8,28 a. aa,
Tuscarora 8,82 a. m., Vandyke 8,36 a. at.,
Tbctnpsontown 8.48 a. ra., Durward 8,47 a
aa.. Millerstown 8,64 a m., JVewport 9,uia.
m., arriving at Hamsburg at lv 10 a. ta.,
and at Pliilsdelphia, 8 16 p. m.
Ska fuoas Ezrasss leaves altooaa dany
at 6.r5 a. an., aod stopping a all res a lax
atatiena between Altoona and Harrlsburg,
reaches Mifflin at 9-66 a. oi.. Harrisbarc
! 11.40 p. M., aud arrives ia Philadelphia
a. ia p. cd.
Mail Taais leaves Pittsburg dally at
6.65 a. m , Atluona at 2,t0 p. a., and step
ping at all regular stations arrives at MifEua
Phils -
I Mail Express leaves Pittsburr at 1 60
Altoona 6 U'J p in ; Tyrone 6 62 p a ; Heat
mgdon 7 87 ptu; Lewistown B 48 p as j MU
flin 9 10 p m ; llarrisburg lu 46 p m j Phita-
I aeipnia . a m.
at Haara
t a, i i r. ,. m m t . e .
...... r.
Fast Lib leaves Pbidelpbia' dsily at
; 11 tUm; Ilarribnrg 8 40 p aa ; MiCia
,' 6 06 p m j Lea istown 6 28 p m ; Alteeaa
j H 10 p m ; arrives at 1'ittslurg st 1 1 66 pa.
! VVa V Passesobr leaves Philadelphia
j daily at 4 SO a. m.; llarrisburg, 8 16 a. m.;
! Di:ncannon, 8 61 a. ru.; Newport, 9 ui a.
: ra.; Millerstown, 9 40 a. in.; Tbompsontewa,
j 9 62 a. an.; Van Dyke, 10 U0 a. in.; Tuscar
ora, 10 04 a. m.j Mexico, 10 7 a. m.; Port
j Koyal, 10 13 a. m.; MiQin, 10 20 a. dm
I Millord, 10 26 a. m ; Narrows, 10 84 a. aa.;
I Lewistown, 10 46 a. m.; McVeytowa, 11 14
; a. m.; Newton Hamilton, 11 ii . m.; ilia
: tir.gdon, 12 17 p. m.; Ttrooe, 1 07 p.m.
' Altoona, 1 46 p. m., and stop st all regular
te i "tatious between lisrnsburg aud Aliooaa.;
j OvtTsa Exraass Issvas Pbiladelpbia dal
I ly at 5 50 p. m., iiarriaburg , 10 -JU p. ss..
stopping at Kuckville, Msrysvilie, Duacaa
j non, Newport, Millerstown, Tbompsontewa,
' Port Koyal, time at Mitiin, 1 1 50 a. u.; Al
toona, 2 3li. ru., aud Pittsburg, 6 10 a.m.
Mail. Taaia leaves Pbiladelpbia dally al
7.00 a. ra., llarrisburg 11.20 a. m., sa
por t, VI li p. in., MifBin 12.47 p. m., stop
ping at all regular stationa between kitfiia
and A I tonus reaches Altouna at 8.80 p. m.,
Pittsburg 8.20 p. m.
Alvoova AccoamoDAVina learss PaQ
adelphia daily at 11 60 a. m., Barriabarg at
4.15 p. so., Duncannoa 4.49 p. m.. New
port 6,16 p. in., Millerstown 5,26 p. m.,
Thompsontowa 6,3o p. ua., Vaudyke 6,44
p. m., Tuscarora 5.4H p. ni., alaxico 6.60 p.
tn.. Port Koyal 6,64 p.m., Wittliu 6,0i p.
m., Lewistown 6,23 p. ra., tie Vey teas ,
4R p. ra., Newton llajiilton 7,10 p. m.,
Huntingdon 7 40 p. m , Altoona 9 0J p. m.
Pacific Ezpressleavea Pbiladelpbia II 26
pmj Harrlsburg 8 10 a as DuncaaDnn
88am; Newport 401 s m j Mifflin 4 It a
ni LcwUtown 6t 1 am; MeVeytuwu 6 21
a. tn; Mt. Union 6 49 a na ; liuntiagdun t
12am; Petertourg 6 26 a m ; Spruce Creek
6 40 a ra; Tyrone 7 U0 a na ; Ball's Mills
7 22 a ni j Altoona 8 06 a aa ; Pittsbaig
12 45 p ra.
c- .
! - xiaprese east, ea aneaaya,
to j wi" connect with junday Hail east leavla(
iiarriaourg at i is p. ea.
Trains leave Lewistown Junction for H li
my at 6 35 a m, 10 6b a m, 8 1&pm far
Snnbury at 7 16 a m, 8 00 p m.
Traina arrive at Lowiatown Junction Prssi
Idilroy at 9 00 a m, 1 2A pm, 4 o0 p m ; from
Suubury at 9 25 a m, 4 lt p m.
Traina leave Trrono for Belleleata aad
for Lock x,ve at 10 a m, 7 la p ta. Leav,
t Tyrone lor Cuxwenavill and ClearBeld at
W a m, I 06 p m,7 25 p m.
or Warriora Mark,
and Scotia at 2
ni and 4 80 p m.
I Trin arrivs at Tyrone from Bellefonta
i anri f M. u a. .
- I ' ' uo p m' "a 3' p
a raiaa arrlva at Trm,, .,
villa and Clearfleld at 68 a ra, and 1 1 46 a
Traina arrive at Tyrone from Scotia, War
riora Hark and Pennsylvania Tamece at a
68 a ni, al 2 35 m.
Traina leave Ilnntingdoa for Bedford,
Hyndmaa and Cniv.berland at 8 25 a. as
and 6 85 p. m.
Trains arrive at Ilnntingdoa from Bed
ford, Hyndmaa and Cumberland at 12 16
p. ta., 6 20 p. m.
Traina leave Altoona for points
7 20 a na. 8 25 am. 12 40 pm. 1
6 00 p m., 8 ( 0 p m 9 60 p m.
Sonfk, at
60 p IB.
Altoona from peiata
II 86 a m. 1 86 p m. ,-
on p ra. and 10 115 p
All peraoba are hereby cantioned agaiatt
tVal-.' ' ?atl,nrt K building ires,
lr-!7ie.ne ?W" UM '0l fec". f
er rid' r t,,n"' tress pas.irg
fofr!eUn.,,,K,W1,,el U asck towasbi.
Novambev 18. li8. Wm ' WAI f S'
in advaar
ceiis per
nmn, 10 cl
to advert.
At a uir J
Xaivb (J. I
Primary L.
ot J oaists
places fur
al L ctiui I
and in arc.
itg Primsrl
ex ad in ILrl
the brrui:,
sal to r
and tb- Hi?!
bald in xbe
Sossat, A :
r. h Kl
1'be foVoi
( ur at tti'1
C v a I
snas :i ,
Ck a is h.
Vt i o ; i-
TL.. 4 tli l I
1 Ltr' w t
Tie l. r.. ji
Us ;uJ .
Ttit-r' nil
day LuorlL
A !ew bsd
vr at p - rr.
A gr.-ut .l.-a'
ill lit'c tills ntrai
S it ury U v I
f Oi- 4tti of J
fruit la lt,e q.:t
Tbe Slnfv ir
ltltiug f rind
TtCl' -TV t!r
tbe IrMMip 'id
VftfiikV report fri
a as.
A young mT 1
kut to li org;..
1-ri. Jri.iiit 2
t -KrtvJvrih V. j
fluO. J-ltllvi J
rOJl.r k Vt.'ii ti is I
Tbe KuDfuta
iihi rtt ii- i
rial. in-
:.!..t,tl A
tbe . t . f
PLiia.u . j i'.
Uu i. ; ,., ,
anbsut,!: :. .,
Dqbq : I n.i i -
A.bert Marl r-
QaridiJ-:.. ,
aouiinati'u ii
Tobla. Kri-: t- i
new a rit. im "1 il
live besthsr," ,..J
he la'et en
tOBH) lo J rc
teadani e .. Q
Dr-s1 r-'f i'
Market a:. ! ar'
leg! SS.I s! ' r',
kesi iii s:i.
gaoient ! (
aauibup il'M :.
Harrv M:i'
aoni.f Henr M
diad on S ir .'..
Oil Window M
(Oa., xt
4s real t r 1 :c '
aivd .
It is r-; ,rtr 1 :
takiag aiiuil.- r t
aaoisi, ! ,t u..t
MISS firirr V.
Ibe oi ber u the
Wilson (".!' !
euri . v m
while peel!: f ,hrk
a few ln m r.g.i,
JlttT t.l the
me strt f , ., ti
berlfl Wa: s,
ia man) Jan.. s.si;
and looked f-n the
ralic hre'Lr. -n.
Chaa. E. Km,
place, but now ej.-l
Doe rtort at II nr.
over SaM,ath.
Fred.-rirk Sri. I
citizon of r'ertiiei
Monday rnorni
about 75 veRrp
Vsgitatlon in Virj
Was greatly darns r
aaorning. t , rn. p. tH
all weia tr ten d..w
Philo . Uaiuim
Viow a ritiren .f Se..
tory, sild b te l.rfiri."
this town to Hi ins HI
township for $210'
iSovernrr Reaver
kaa aceej.i, j j
at riur.tit.m1on whirl
haa beeu liif!:tut.d
tne yourgist 01 c.m
Tbe sii.gioir clas 1
bald a successful! teJ
Hall on Fr! 1st snd s .1
iroeeeUs, J; li", a
parcliase ol U. -k, i0
Kuptura Cure bu.
4 .
lone at tins ottcs
v won.
, -'J""-raaone, Tryitf HmU
(.TV yon if you need .nUi0? inl,rt
r, r .1