Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 28, 1888, Image 3

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W OKIES-1 AT, AKCB 2. 1988.
abcripti.-n. 1. 00 per annum It
l,nce; 1.4J " a" r"1 advaoce.
Tmu'"0' advertisements IcwsTtad at 6J
J mob tor each insertion.
r.nieot buainess notice in local col
li) cent per line tor each Insertion.
?Jdacuon will be mada to taoca daairtg
.Jvertlae 7 h year, half or quarter
91 ITT EE.
mstuser ot the Republican County
kjsts.lite ere earnestly requested to con
rsss i M.fllintuwo, at f oornjau's Hot', at
lalurtlur, March 81, I.,
tar the iiirtsjae of elect. ng tliiee cull-
lerse w ia conference wi:b. other
iauf.rce ul ttie li tb Congressional district.
si I,w..to&, un 'Vta d-T of April, 1S,
tu t .: sU!ea;atc to the Republican athQ
fc CaTl'-:'oU lo u40,"t 'n Chicago in J una.
8 B. CATEN Y, Caaiaaas.
p. a. Xik.T, i'crurj.
Tii rnrr w.a nigh l Week.
H il- jxsee Lav gone northward.
Tie bi: Hi will tn closed. onjGood Fridar.
Tb C'iIcbJ J anarchist ara again b
auuj'tg rist..ai.
TLe Herman population uf York, ia
g;.U as !iJ.
Xte ouLrt Home clock waa slotted to be
uucil ou H-'iday.
Sij-.r. J. Kurti. a citiasa of Delawara
Sawi-tlii, diett last Sunday.
L t P' tr-r of Boo mi ell baa b.sa a
re.-j Public for years.
Academy closed i's aecon 1 tartn
st t: obool rear on Tuesday.
Jut. Collier, la shij,j!rg Juniata county
aiuct logs to Liverpool, Kng'and.
Ite frefb terian congregation of Dun
aac::ou koritPiu(.'!ate buiMitig a new church.
T-e Hi tubliraj Cont ca'ion of Cuuil.er
ia 1 cunty, declared in favor ot Senator
J D. Ceun rua fur Fres.deut.
I he tate Treasurer of Kentucky la b
tiiU'l with the statu luuda f '50 000. Un
kouJuicu are g ad for that aiuncit.
bob Trego of Oakland, who haa been
a.; toyed by buatneaa Crnis outaide the
oi..'. daring tbu past winter, is now at
Tl.t-re ia a su( srslitious belief among aooie
..t ll.it j,eech treva Ibat are planted in
Li tear wi I uot bear witbia a period of
f-jur ycr.
A aia-il! u,utntity ot catb.,nate ammonia,
Ifp'acrd lu tr. ad dough, i'ghtena and
le-rlei a the bread. S certain bread
beaera aay.
li C. Kai.fciu, delivered a tempcrenc
iuecu iu ih' G. A. K. Ull, la-t r'ri lay and
rteuing. The atteuJuce ot
uj 'e w ta Ure.
Wi.1' na Tytou or-uerly of fhia plic,
B a c pte'l a opition aa manager of elec
tric btu-rle4 1 r Ihj rcacaylvauia railroad
al Si riiie Cn k.
Tue hreuk 'lu the Columbia dam, ia the
au ot rort p'0.le living in glorious
lalici!)t'n ot catching many abad tbia
).riLg ia ta Juniata.
Tl.a K publican cc-unty conention of
Cumbetiand recoOiuiend.d Lion. T. F.
aJler to lbs Siate Convention aa a camli
4ale lor uoujii.utu Q to the Supreme Bench.
T. J. ITdJisU aiilhare a new dwelling
kvute buiit on Main aireet, I'atterson thia
tynnf. Tbu ce.lar lor the house ia already
ka:Dg dug in tb lot between Mel )'a an l
Sprcial rrrvice will be bel 1 in the Llltb
sran cLuich i f Il ls place, on VTedr.e-d ty, i
TaiutJs, Friday and Satuiday evening!
sltLit ck, preparat . ry tocommaniun set
Tscaor. Et:r morning, April 1st.
J.-i, Mjif, u acrjcirt ot every kind
a hmuau or amtnala cured in SO minuteit
sy Wfl'ur l't Siiinttiiry Lotion. Tbia never
fal.a. by I.. Batk and Co.. Diuggixts,
MJ!ibasa Fa. Oct. -"6, P7. Cm
Tjuhj pa. nla of the town, gavj a pr'y
trenii-g laat eeek for Frank Patur.on,
ebo ia boats trom college rpendiag the
Saater bulij.ijt. The party wav at the borne
st Fia: k a parent.. Ir. and Mr. A. J. Pat
trjo. Tts rrgalar ruet.tk'y ssaticg.of tbe W.
C. T. V. will be held st tbe Methodist p.ir
ssg ou Tuesday evening, April 3d, at
s'rlutk. All ladies favorable to the tup-
arauiun n: ir. nquor traico are invited to
Tii" Stockriolders of t!ie Coainiercial Na
lUiLai Balk of liuhupue, Iowa, have closed
-e baik v,,;ui.taray, ter the reason, the
saa.neij J.,s not piy. Depjjitors will be
f fi 1. Tbatisthewar to closs
sack L mr-rly
Lpri-.r. Cure Guaranteed by Dr. J. B
aVrr, fi An h ireet, PhiPa, Pa. F.e
t occe, no o eratioa or delay from busi
., :tei.d by tbnnaauda of cure after.
't.r.i!. Advice Iree. Send for circular.
Until '.4, '.. It.
S' '.rr . ... And-ew f.rnh.s. a Cum.
V.i r. ! coi.tiiy lriu.-r, was n.oviug Lii
asKteL.i ,1 oods, when the lurniturv. which
apv k-d oa a wagon draw a by aix
serifs, t, k fire. The lurniture and wagen
r entirely cor.jumed.
hi Snyder of Ferguson Vsller, Mifflin
-lo t, kille-.t laat Frulav. br a lo that
si Ir.g dosrua hill trikinlr a hand
P a ai l whirling the band spike around
u that i: .truck him and broke hi neck.
aoou! 60 years ol age.
A B rnle tnr removing a cinder in th
ia gir-n by an engineer. It ia : "Let
tb is.jura.1 rva alone and rub the other one.
d tfce cinder will be out in two minutes."
Il I simple remedy, though it sounds uo
"Mos.ble. It is worth try iug.
Aa exchange is authority tor the state
al that foundered horse can be cured
-T wn ii.g his bridle bit thick with the
ars.nl tr...hly-diig sa.salras root and tj
irg it ;n twelve hours. Thia will effect
sure it ,,j;,ra ,t(,ia tw.ive hoars alter
a ba. heu L.undered.
Thrrr w.u be a meeting or temperance
rP e iu lbs lecture room of ih. Pr..m.
nr. h sftcr prayer-meeting, on
y eveuirg, for the purpose of
JBva,..i.p ihe question, to invite Mr. Rank
's to arend a w -ek in this town, in the in-
i-et ct t!:e Temperance Caa.se.
AMori-ts Jurt- r- w,o.-.i. -.a!
Tnbaa Korsman ol Hunting- Ion. at the'hear-
n nf ths license arnlieatior,. .,n.,i
"Ment Judge rur.t. on the 2It Inst.
that n!Kht the two lud -ere hnn, in
" ly lrnui the cross arms or a telephone
r- ' r. si .f , in an,in.(,n
English 8paeln L.iaiawal reosovea all
Hart SUt. or Calluoted Lnmp and Blrm
labea troiai boraea. Blood Spatia, Cnrba,
Splints, Sweeny. " Ring-b-mo, Stifles!
Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Congha, Etc.
Sare -0 by Bs tb of one bottle. (Tar
ranted. Sold by L. Banka at Co., Drnrgiatx,
MitUintown Pa. Oct.28 87. omo
Laura Uerab. aged a boat Q yeara, died
laat Wednesday, at her father's hooae near
PatlrrauD, rrwea the t Teeta of having been
scalded on the M onlay prerioos. The
child waa near the cook afore wbeo the
waan boiler waa lilted. A handle of the
boiler came IT and th acaidiog contents
fell on the child, from the effects of which
it died.
Me.aera Maiibm k at Nelon harior boarh t
the buiue. or Meters D. B. Doty k Co,
may be found at the wire hoo.ua of the old
Brio, south ot town, where they will be glad
to attend to the wanta ol the puolic in tbeir
lice l b;iiuru. Thay are youu men of
food buiueit qutiiilcaUona and are hearti
ly welcomed b) the people of tbia coiu-D-unity.
The Aaaocitte jadgoa in LlnutingJoa,
have oier ruled the President Judge, on
the question ol grauting llcenae to eull
lisjuor in lluurii.gdoa I be hololn t.iere wul
close buineas aud a. the brewery aaJ dia
tillory cannot suit in si i-utily leas than a
barrel they too wilt cloae buaineea and mote
elaeahere. Such ia the report troul Ilaat-mgdoa.
Read thafu-Jowing derp.tch relatire to !
the el. c. ion ot
Uniled Mates Senators, j
Sucb au amendment to tbe couatr.uilou
would be alu.oal uniiiioUsl; adopted by the
people; VVasRiiuToM, l. C, Marrh
Tho UoUee Coiutu ttee ou the Rt.-Tiaiou ot
the Lawa baa decided ty aa almost uuaui
Wo us vole to ripor! a joiul resolution pro
poii g au amendment to tbe cokSlttctioii
tor tue ctectlou of Unued Slate Senitora
by tbe direc.. rote ol tile ooyle.
Chiii-tioa D. 11 .rshba-g'.r ot McVetoan
a breakmu, laal Tburodjv a'jout m.d n ul,
left tbe I ron I part ol tbe train at PonKotal,
to got on the bind part, lei and waa caught
by the abeela aud bad his right leg crushed,
up to Ik middle of Ilia tnih. He waa iu
great eitiutliQ ..nd sh'sck. Ten hour.- ai
U-raatd iLti psTiial reaction et in, ihe Ititu
.. .... .... . .1 .. u ... k. . . .
w s siul.uiiu, auoui a lucu. a ov-.ow .uo i
' ' .
i . . . .. n. it f-.,.. .1 rt. i 1
r J o t. .si.
uk .u t Dr. Do-d M. Crawford.
lb- Lewiitoan Uaicttu iav, tht ia Lappeued b.ut Ibiee o'clock, in the
West Met o township, a great interest is morning Marx llukea eut word to
t.ikn iu the ou try bosinesa . lira. Dctcctite Role, of Uamauurg, that bia store
Cbarle bratton of Ryde ia ia the La-1 a robhed and luat $-o was offered lor the
it ol making cand'ea enough (luring the burglars' capluie. sroon alter tbia a utee
cool weatbur to do all auuimer, as sue dou'l ige waa received by b::pt. O. L. McClel.au
approve of carrying oil lamp around j that a u-an bad teeu killed at Duncauuou
through the house. She wa iu the cellar , and on hia pel sou aa louud a Oox ot rings.
one dav lately and found that there
board in ivr I off the bvX. She
around and found tho ra'a bad carried six that mijibt be lucre. Two young u-lioaa
dos-n ot btr caudles up on tbe va.l on J oue wbi.e aud ibe other Colored were dc
the joisia. Laving iu a good supply of light, j Lamed there, aud when l.ote arrived he
Au old atory ia a new place is thus relat- j aireateu tbeui. Tue, gate Ibc.r name, a,
ed by the Liverpool Sun : Herman, a little ; Jobuaoii, c.l. m.) oi Caiuoio, aud Bell, ol
aon ol J.tob sihumakcr, uoariy lour years
old. met with a sad accident on Saturday.
He with other children ran alter a w.gon t acarched but no pipers were louud lo di.
loaded anh hay, and, trom what we can ; tdeulity. Role searched the
learn, one of the wheel .truck him aud , cioti.lug ot the two u.eu. On Jouuou'e
kuocke. huu over, and bis tbiga bone was p-r.ou was louud 13 nugs, a necklace-, 3
Iractu ed near the groin. J. F. Thotnp- . Vu ul cuu bullous, 2 breast puus, a charm,
aou reduced too traclure, auu the c ii'l is -.-- . , . -"" j- -
doii g a well aa can be expected. Chil- , Beb'a person brought loitu 4 rings, 1 ueck
drcn should be whipped away trom w.goua, , hace, 1 Ueasl piu and .omc.hu.a; like a
when ibey attempt to climb on them. . .mad ice pick. They were b.ougul lo
1 . -... .... .... i. ... . . i
La bbenst Lrg Ueiald aa s that Cambria i
, . . ,. ..
uty baa a wuch, and talks iu this wise.
about it : We are inlormed that a witch baa
made ita appearance at tbe borne of Johu
Ueea, jr , in Cambria township, aud a li'lie ;
sou aged about seven years 1 being torlur- j
ed thereby. It is believed the witch ia in ;
tbe shape of a rat, and as a result the cats
in tho neighborhood have Lteu captured J
and burned. Tbe child ia afllictcd with
some kind of fits. 1 here haa been con
aide raMe excitement created by the sup
poa d witch, and several cuugers" have
keu a Uaoi in huutiug dowu
tbe "evi1
List Saturday evening, a freight briit t
m ta named II. G Albright, living at Uir
risburg bad hia right leg crushed near the
knee, at tbe cost warf iu Patterson. Tbe
freight was shifting cars and the brakem an
stood up on a car as it passed under the
warf, w hich knocked him off and he lell in
such a nay that tbe cats passed over hi
leg. IT waa not rendered insensible by
tbe shock and several hours alter hurl talk
ed rationally to those about him, and aaia,
hedcaired to see bis parents, wnoi are a. so
residents of 11 trrisburg. Hi father cauio
on Sabbath morning t ea bin. Hie leg
was amputated lour inches above tho koee,
when partial ro action bad Set in, by Dr. D.
M. Crawford, Dr. L. Banks, aud Dr. Dowd
M. Crawtord. A.bngui ia doing as we.i aa
cau be expected, iio was on his tnird trip
a a brake man wh.u accident look place.
Tbe axle, of a freight train pisi.n B trroe
station, eaitward bound, broke I tat Thurs
day alternoon, wbico caused a wreck ot
fl.teen cars. Both track were covered by
thf wrecked material. Tbe Weal uud ol
Ihe atitiou tuildiug was demolished. Tbe
telegraph cilice wss in that end ot ibebuiid-
i.... Th l tuum liiuuue. sats: a.
taut Opnrator A. A. Leonard, of Barree,
. . tt.a ta. hoard1
whoWaSMttingiulront tf the key board ,
at the time ol Ihe collision, t
over on the fl or and completely coveted
wiih the d. bria of the wrecked cais and
their contents ol coke. Hour and teed. J.
J. Clemena, Ihe r. gular operator, who
re-ides at Newtoa lismiltoo, wss knocked j
truni Ihe er.d ol the table where, be waa
sitting and received a slight cut on his
head. Station Agent C. K.. Muler, w ho waa
in his office, was also abakea up couaider
ably but tortunVcly e:pd serious li jury.
The escape of these occupaula of the build
ing is regarded as miraculous by those who
witnessed tbe accident. The sou:b track
waa badly torn up lor ao.ee distance and
the road bed lite-rally cove red with the aebria
of the wrecked cars ana meir
Tbere were Uve tramps oa the ill-rated
train, one or whom was killed, and to ol
ihe others so badly injured that their recov
ery is tot expected. Tbe uame ol the man
.ho was killed can uot be ascertained. Jo
seph Brumbaugh, a teamster, wbvi was will
h.a team i.ist east of tae station, had him
.. .-j ivreil with the debris or
sen iuu ... .
tbe wreck- The lour mjureu t-e.
the body or tbe dead man were takm
avAat Altoona.
Tbe telegraphic instruments, wires,
.. .. . is. ..i the office, were
a:i IDS psrapueroa-.a
broken and destroyed except the telephon-
hwh was thu only means left of noil
.... ;i..... i .iithuriiies here ( the
lying tue iai.iv....
s... . e...i,.,l..t ,.nrnl-9 ia SO SIOD at
1 Williarosrort aolourned on the 20th mat., t
I .t ;n Sh.rankin next March. Tbe loilow-
In acnoiatments were announced
Jrs.era DiaTBICT. U. K. Feter, Pre-
aiding Elder.
! Uam Bank, S. E. Memlsfsr.
Bedfor.1, J. K. BaIL
Blaine, J. B. Graham.
Bnrot C.b na, To bo rapilM.
Caxariiie, F. Adama, J. S. Souaer.
Clear Hie. T. W. Bi ldle.
Eiioi.Tille, J. A. Maitern.
Errrett, B. B. Uamlin.
Well, I. N. Uooiehead.
Iluntinrdon, J. W. Cnrna.
LewUtoan, F. B. Eiddlo.
Logan, J. M. Jobnaton.
McConnel.aUjwo, E. H Wailaco.
McVo) town. W. R. Ptcsen.
Manor 11 lil, J. R. King.
Mifllintown, A. K. Miller.
Milroy, J. K. Stiipe.
Mount Union. C. I.. Banacoter.
New hlooiiiOetd, W. B. H. Stmo
Newton Hamilton, P. P. Strawinaki.
Orbiaonia, (J. M. Hoke
Peteraourg and AI xaudna, C. T. Duun
intrJ, Port Royal, W. II. Sterrna.
Raya Hill, J. C. Brown.
Sax ton. J. K. I.yd.
SchelUbnrg: J. K. Kni-eley.
Shirleybnrg, L. D. Otf.
TbO'iipsontowit, B. II. Hart.
Tbree H prinra, B U. B iker.
W .-at lluuliog lon and Mill Creek, M. L.
Wo!lharr, W. II. Bowden.
Supernumerary and si.'peranaated preach
n Wil iaiu Utniy Stevens-, G. H S lie. r
Claxk-, Jeao T. Akera, George Beikatreaa- j
r. John M.x-rel John W. Oiewine,
i a. Rau,,ii. Willian. Sc.rihr Wil- 1
,iau ; 1:)k. Cry;ol . Maral.all . I- i S. '
Cron.-, Bet jamio II Cn. ver, J aiues F. Fenui
ingb.n, Vi:li.m A iicrvea.
From lb.; Blooiuflo'd Tirrtea of March 21.
Laat Saturday morning between 12 and 1
..VLrf'b tl... tl. if. e .l.tpt. nf U irT ll.n.-
. . . , , i
IsetsiHit, wa entered by prving aud Oreuk- I
ii k ih.- aiiidoa g ! in the iront door j
meai.a ol a lare chisel nec iirel from the
hop ol John !! tuck, aud at a lluio when
a Ire. gut train aaa passing. There were
tbree ot lu. m. Oue entered and cleaned a
i show mm of aJ the iewelrv and took a bair
Ati. r Wvi.or the .lore thev wa.k-
" "
e l dow u the railroad to Bailf.turg where
't they boarded ait eaat-bouud lrei)rUt. At the
, tower, .n the n; i r end ot uuueaunon, one
ot tbeui in atteo.ptiug to get iff tell under
.. .
tbe cars and waa cut in lao. Ulacouirades
.,... ,(, c:a. ..t succeeded ill iuu,i.iij
o Uct ti Lul .fhe
was a Ihe mitug w banded lo Rote woo wir
luoked ed to Duucanuou to boHl any aua..g - lucu
1 bo ucad man was i
Tue iatu-r'a ciotui ig
edaed luelr criuio. 1 hey are thought lo
" j a
t oeiwug to a gang mil unttc iuio iuo w a. e-
boase at Port Royal aud lorced a .butter
: op en at ll.c lick, t otlica at taryai loo dur-
iu Ibe lore pari ol last week. Aii are
aioul l"J yeaia ol age. I hey will bo tried
at the April term ul Court.
An English and Classical School lor both
sexes thorough preparation lor College or
business. During Ibe coming term spa-cial
atieutiou wul be paid lo those preparing lo
tea;U. Low rates. Tbe apriug term ot 12
Weeks b.gtu.
For any furllier iul ormatlou address Ibe
R. F. Elliott, A. B..
MiUliutown, Pa.
elect School-
TUia school will open April 9.h, 1SS8, in
Centre Scbitol House, Juuiata couuty, Pa
aud continue 11 weeks and will altord a
thorough Com moo Scbo.il and Business ed
ucatiou, together wubLatiu ai.d oiher high
er branches. Term, reasonabl. There wil.
be a ticrmal clas lor tbe ben. fit of these
wisbii.g lopiepajeler ti aching, buaiding
can be b.u iu Ibe vicinity. For luither pr.
liculaia Ld lei ciicular, or address ihe
I'm eipal, S. Campbell, Van Dyke Juuiata
County, Pa.,
Foi qualiticalion vt Princlp..!, refer to W
E. Aiatan, Couuty buperiuieudent.
Feo'y 1C, loao.
Wataxas, it has pieaa.d our Heavenly
Father, in bis Provideuce, remove from
our midst our Brother, George Mitchell,
therelore be t
Rttoiul. That an bo in Luoilile subiuis
Jiu , UlUJ .bo doelu all th.ngi
well, kuowii g thai our loss is bis gam.
ReiulttJ : lht our sincere aud hearileii
symp-atbiea tss extended to the sorrowing
laml y aud IrieuUa lu lueir soio kim.
menl i aud Ibat we cherish the hope thai ho
baa gone to dwell with ibe lathers ot onr
Aioo. i a in thu camu aoove, there to
receive bigber degr. of Loaor.
RtioIrtJ : That as a token of r. spe-ct for
our deceased brother, we drape our charter
tor (be period ot ixty daya ; aud that Ibese
resolutions be placed ou our miuules and
a o..... be acnl lo ine I.iukV ot oeceascd
ud that Ihey to pubiisueu iu our couu.j
lalers. Is. X.. tlllia
Caeaxa, j
VvaLLXT, ICom.
- - .
D. M. C
Washin'n Caiuo No. al, f a.. P. O. a.ot A.
TH R t Bala.
By Ilattie Tjng Grissrold.
1 aui held like a captive knight.
I am bidden away Irom sight.
I cry like a child lor tbe light.
I am bound by the cruelest thongs,
I quiver srHb ouirage and wrongs,
Like a slave I sing a alave's sona.
A night .lira tbe toad moon gleams,
s;, ill viler mv il lot seems.
For at tiigbt I dream a slave's dreams
At morning, at evening, at boon.
The thorg lax r near, late or s-n.
Makes nue cry out fur death as a boon.
I quail 'neath a tyrant's dread eye,
I mutter vague threats, ai.d still try
To suhder tbe horrible tie.
But uiv struKlf'e is all in vain,
My cpr claims me again.
Aud anon, I clai.k the same chain.
Oh, ciuelest bondage of all,
Which well may tbo e'rona-i-st apj-ail,
j Il.sdy Irs1, nB a
997- sJ
Mr. Bert 11 ail of Stonfferatown cam to
town on Satnrday evening driving a horse
belonging to W. W . F Usher and a bnga:y be
lorrinrf to bimaelf. The team waa hitched
ia the yard of the Union Hotel stablea. and
about nine o'clock it waa discovered to be
mioeing. For varioua reaeons Joseph Hade
of St. Tbotnas was suspected with having
taken the I am. Be waa traced through
the Wt Point gate ho am and Chief Kreich
baum started in tur.uit. The team was
found at the reaidebce of William and
James Archibald ner St. Tnoiuas by whom
it had been found abandoned on the turn
pike, Mr. Krtichttiuin continued on to
Hade a home and arrested him. Heat first
denied all knowledge of the matter, bat
dually oaid be had taken the team while
druuk, to drive to St. Thomas. lie waa
lodged in jail charged with horse stealing
At a bearing on Monday afternoon be ad
mitted hit. guilt, waited a beating and was
committed lor court Franklin Repository.
Solvit!? tbe Tramp Problem.
At L banon on tbe 14tn, Judge M'Pber
son sentenced 15 trampa to 13 months each
in the Eastera Penitentiary. The tramp
were astonished at tbia aenu-nre, and when
taken hark to prison tney threatened to
break j til, and at once made aa attempt to
carry cut their tliriat. A wooden door
"a" "pht on the upper tier ol celU and aa
iron boll Liken out. Tbia ra beut in
h .i,- of a hook aud a rom. rod., ...
ti. kuig ot sutlk-ietil length to ro:h over
the walls of the prison. The iron hook
waa then lied to the one end of" tbe rope
aud a brick tied to it so as to give it weight
in tl rosing it over tbe wall. A young
daughter ol Sheriff Vordy discovered an
ouusu J commotion iu tbe trion ar.l. and
upou asceiiu tig th- j.tl toacr, from which
be could see into the yard, abe found the
tramp try iug to throw over the wall tbe
rope tbev bad inide. U r lather waa quick
Iv summoned trom the court room. He
armed hims. lt with a revolver, aud entered
the prison wbeie be found the trampa all
g itbcred. The rope waa secured aud every
aa'e-guinl p.l iced aroi:nd tbe prisoners to
keep tbra securely within the walls until
1'" '"fceB ""eipnia. 1 ne lo-
auu.. i .u.a, in eoiu'ueiii iug un iue auair,
aays : '-We ttlt-k Judge Mcpherson solved
Ihe trau p quentiou tor tbia county." Ex.
List ofJurorn.
The following are the name, of the Grand
and Petit Jurors drawn to sv-rte at the April
term ol court. lfi!S.-
uiivo Jiaoas-
B-ale, E. ., MitUintown.
tu-ate, James G., Beale.
Bosaert, M. S , Greenwood.
Batner, (i L., Su.uehan ia.
Brytrer, Jesy, Spruce Uill.
Cs.x, D. B , Greenwood.
Deau. II B-, Heale.
Uower, Jacob, Fermanagh.
Kiuxer, Stain-I. Fayette.
Kuisr.iv. U. W ., I'aiteraou.
Lone acre. J..ej.h. Miilord.
I.aurer. J. P., .W o.ro..
.Wil.er. Isaac, Walker.
.Vc Williams, D. B.. Benle.
Moist, Henry, Wdker.
Montcotu.-ry. Ezra. Lack.
Rtodulfh, Howard, Tuscarora.
Keed, U urisou, Beale.
bcacrist, Peter. Siiscjuebanna.
imiih, ti. W., Mittiiniown.
t'etoe B. F., Tu.sc.r.ira.
Smith, J icon, Favette.
Ts.in, Samuel, Walker.
Vau-bweruigen, Jesse, Tuscarora.
kttii jrauas.
Bevers, B. F., Turbett.
Uairto l, VI' m., Beaie.
Bender. B.-.jamin Taseirora.
Barton, lssae, Keriutn .h.
Beaver. I K., Faje'te.
t'ex. Thomas, Greenwood.
Crimui.-I, W. W., Walker.
Conn, Iltuiel, Spruce III I.
Evans, II. M.. S(TUCe Hill.
Ford. P. V.. Fayette.
Fry, N. O , Delaware.
Gray. Jaui'-s, Lack.
Ivit..ieh, Wm . Monroe.
frhaiii, J-.toi, Perm in tgh.
Guss. ME. Patlerson.
Ileckni.iii, T. K , Fayette,
liacki i.t-erter, J. D.. Fermtmgh.
Jenkins, J. R-. M lfoid.
Kilmer. Dr. J. S.. Port Royal.
Kllr, Stmuel, .wonr.He.
Kaullman, Wm., Mllloid.
Lauver, Thomas. Monro.-.
I.amz. Cbnaticn, Wa'ker.
Mvcs. Levi, Tbompsomowa.
Afii p'by, Thomas, Lick.
Martin, David, Delaware,
McCulloch, C. C, Tjs -arora.
Patker, John, Turbett.
Partner. W. M .Nlliord.
P.op.'es, J. II., Ferminajh.
Rosa. Wm.La.b.
Reynolds. Frank; Fayette.
Reynolds, Wm , Mi'lord.
R. l ison. R. A., Miilord.
Sausuian. J. (i., Fayette.
Stock, W in., Fa ette.
Sieher. D. H., Mifflin.
Swam. I) L.. Sp-nce Hill.
Watie. Jacob, Monroe.
Wills, Anson, Miftlin.
11 III):
HF.K H -n the ?tb ol March, Laura
H. rh, yci d 6 x srs, daut hter ! .sir. ai.d
airs. David litrsb ot Miilord township, this
Shi.nMer, .......
Sides, .... ......
Msrch 23, 1888.
... 20
.. 14
... 121
.. 9
Wheat, 80
Corn new............ 4H
Oa!, 25 to 30
Ryo bO
Cloverseed $3 to$ J.60
Timothy seed ......... ....... $1.75
Flax seed 1 60
bran VJ 00
Chop. ....... ............. 1 50
ishorts 22 00
Ground Alum Salt. .... ... 1 26
American Salt 1 00a I 10
PuiL.i.ELrnta, Saturday, March 2i, 18tW.
W beat fciJt-ts. Corn 6!cts. Oats dScla.
m.ked b.uis 1 1 to 12cts per lb. Live
cb.ckens II to ll'cts. Turkeys 12 to 13cta
butter 1J to 32c... Egg. lbcta. trice ot
cattle uuciiauiceJ.
Entnte of Ihomat IVatts deceased, in the
Orphan' t Court of Juniata Co.
The ui dersigned having been appointed
Auditor by the Orphan's Court ot Juniata
Comity to u ake distribution of tbe balance
in the harida ol Peter Brown administrator
ram Itttamt-lo oaar.ro of Thomas Watt,
late ot M. nroe towjisiiip, Juniata Counts,
Peniislvsn a. deceased, to wit tho sum ot
$1157 and 11 Ol hundredth hereby gives
notice that be will meet all parties interest
ed whe'lier legatees, devisees or creditors,
toe the purposes ol his appointment, al his
ortiee in Ihe B-tr..ugh ot Mifflia.nwn. on
Thursday the 12 h day ol Apiil A. D , 1838
InrtweeD it.e hum ot 1 . o'clork A. M aud
4 o'clisck P. M. ... .-aid dsy abenacd where
all parties ha. ing any claims i.pouaaid fund
must piwent Hie .ame or be torever barred
frem claiming agsinpt the same.
To canvass for one of the largest, old
est eat abl tubed. BEST HIOH.l
SL-RSEBIES ,lu the couatry.
Mo.t liberal term, fnequaled facilities.
GENEVA NURSERY, established 1848.
W. T. Smltk. (.eueta. X- T.
Maw Street, Mifflintowx, Penna.
Transact a euerbl hauling buui-
DiacauDta tlailr.
AccouiitB of firms, in JIti I sails and
corporations tolii-itcd.
Four per cent, interest allowed ou
twelre inoutlia' certificates.
April 20-c7.
5 Ml"
tt.-l I v' i I.
ST3 aLaw a.. tZ-lZi U iZ3
Thia ia ttie Ftasas. bra. pass t.
AsJ mltf eoaraiive s-y.u-m f seiling watrhr.
The ststj mr American Levf hrtm Windrra,
containing overj rswual to accuracy snd durabil.
try. ai.d have, in atldilioa. nutu.. u ..tented im-Irf-.Tetufi.
found in io other i:rb. 1 hey are ab
f.ul'jr th-only onal Dttwpproof M arc.
n-mra aiad-hi t!.e World, snd are sried tlirough
oulvri'h it:S I IX t: HI Hit. li'.ta(
Hirm H'-m4 ontt -Scl ). the. clruiifrest aud .implrat
m.'ie rjea an wv rijual far ;.prar.
-w fjs Halrh.
Kir t"o.ueraiie Club Py.tem brings them wlthl
tb- rswh or eery one.
H" want an arils, reapawalbla rp-
rsvntaislva 1st EVEII HIT stwal
H-avy prnfl.. guaranteed on limited InTesUaaat.
H rits for full paruculara.
Ths Keystone Watch Club Co.
P. 0. Bjx 823. PMladelphla, p.
sNatlocal hank, or aay Cos
This Space is
C. IVa
in r
aiJCo AG f:cieb t
Y aSaiS f Tark. .T. Sirriiter, fa,
Vs?5 Pmladelfiia, Pa. Wilms-. IX
' ' trtrca, kua. Xu., .
Special announcement next
week of Spring Stock.
--aaf- a. Thi ?anr mod hRBdsoiM nw book. . .
promlf5 to br on of th root popalai s-r m. --- m. .Uasi
m an OrVtiI of th teaaes of that min-nt panHnbinir hoaNr." Frr Pre "There In do
pook imblirtht-d with th scope and otijna of this work, and there ean be no competition, ns there
!5l CHje ot almoatt every other pablinhed by (rahecriptinn." ArifUBAod Pmtrlut "Tbe rnont
liiful book published in many a day." .V. T. H'orW " Rarely dofl a Tolame of greater tbten-e
an u more real itue raroe from the prenn." Ohja-rwr. S. Y. "ETrT kind of bumauraiHivor
re-'eiretj fji and careful ronPidrat(on.' V. T. Com. Adrertimrr. Weil euited to supply a, pres
ent ffflrraanT (n HhruTitaj, pub!. and rrt'rnte.' V Y Jnnr a'Com
It rssves the uuquallSed prals. of every one who examines It. (sold only by suteiiTtion.
I'. e st mixht to ml. M-q sad women aaranta make from Sloo to ioj per moc'b ea.lty.
T J (rlv Inst ructions so any oersori with T his hook can beeom a motrt n'lric' ft t a -recr.
mrpiKnnrm tm no Am'iersaea. aa ws siv Spacial Tarml and Pay reis;rit Chars-ea. Saesrs
territory r once. Itememhar. we alva yoa the mzclusirm aa). of f hi book In territorv i-stnee; yrnj.
nrf.jroQrla:'(feleu.ii'jy llluatrst. ii Ctrrnjars. cotlalnine 6iU parrtcubi's. frici 7 ara:. y ,
aswt wss, t j-jrAss s WiTEK V C0.7 Knh!Uhr. '""sS'-'jT1-.
of Pittsburg Pa., make
of manufacturing for the Domestic
trade tbe Finest Brands of Illuminat
ing and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha
and G&boline, that can be made from
We challenge comparison with
ery known Product of Petroleum.
If you wittb the oiost
ask for ours, trade for Mifflin town and
vicinity Supplied by
December 14,- 87-1 y
I would respectfully inform
the citizens ol Juniata County,
that I have bought from John
S. Gbatuill his entire btock of
Furniture and house furnish
ing goods, which consits of
to which I am adding daily,
which I aiu selling tit ex
stremely i laUW JrL ICUiaS
for cash.
C. B. II 0 R X I X G,
Chrystal Palace,
Corner of Bridge and Water fetreete
Jllifilinlown, Pa.
January lltb. 'SS-ly
1 (f PER I'ROriT Sams
AVlVf t' ENT plen Free to wen can
vasser lor or. Scoifu Genulue
Electric Helta, Itruabes), ate. La-
!y aeuts wanted for Electric Corsets
Ojncc sales. Write at ouca lor terms. Dr,
Scott, 84S B'aay, K. V.
Reserted for
1865, ESTABLISHED 1887
Special Invitation To The , Public
To attend the Attractive Sal ml Clotkiog tkat goes iXf
It will bt
Who have money to invest to examine the Stock mi Goods for
It is truly marvelous to See
of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices.
Hia prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail
to givtj him a call if in need of Clothing.
fit rCRT LITTLE Jtf.Ti.r,
8chott's Closincr
True to our olJ priueiplt-p, w
nextj-ear. This btinj the i-rho tbero t-et ins to be !ut one wy to fro
ourselves from our surplus t-tock of Ovt-ieuuls and llt.n a aud lioys Suit
and it ia Cut down the Price.
Jn no iubtance is the price of
the Cloth and tbe triiumiuti. The
Scale of Iledurtion on
Oveicoats till tizt p,
Overcouts all dizee.
Overct ats all bizes,
Overcoats all eke?,
Overcoats nil fcizos,
Overcoatu all hizts,
Ovcrccats all sizes.
TLe litjtBt uoderwiiur, tbe Bebt (ilovt-ti, Fitie Nock wear, tLe liest
bbirta, Silk IlanJkercbit , Silk MufiU'iP. l-'iir Caj F. Altbouyh tLa good
are fine Quality
riucEs aiu: jow: to tiik loi et aoiob
SCQ0 T T ,
lllustrsted by ths nae of a Buepy ma4e br T. T.Haydoek, wl.lrh is not onW tn Iadtrif;
huKity In this pieturs. but TIIK l.r!DMU BI :.V ' avKICI'A. Hss
Hay.I.ek'i Salelv Kins Bolt au-l Klflh Wheel. AsS your J-n!or lit 'da T. X.
HtilMirH BII.UY, with tlie HaydiJ-jS tafetj- h. .i. i l!..;t Fifth ViUsal.
I. i(e ia insecure rHtng over any other.
rTliU pU'.sr. win be fur.Uha o . larg a.4. trlt.la4 1. eLaat Si M.a .Sa wttt srra V. fraaM H )
l,sn.rrAr.! r-j-l rp Ij.-'DOCiaZ,
SJIriBl Tor f at.l.wne oitsi runniri o
V. snli.al. I'rin. I laU Tor. l-luia sail Twelrth Ms., t IVtlVATl.
a.iEsi-3 ja:;ted vthehk we have sott.i vo iuvhetyent ro ?eofitielei
Baa9aaBB0ass?Baassssss-s KX-Mi ZJt'ttmmm
,hlue V rapper -with lied Hand.) &Zi A.3
isins.r.:.:nll?sA:2." I jCZ&J!3z-
Clean, seerything ia ths house; will restore Mao. L .
whitaueas to marble mantles, table., etc.; clean ANYBODY, ANYWHERE. In ANY
paint without dinimuTg lta lu.lrb ; scoura knlv. QUANTITY, from a pourHjIu pail,
while it washes tbem : makea china, aiasawarc and a FEW MINUTES,
aud window. glietoa with an added brtghtnea. : ONE PACKAGE makei:
pollahe. th. tin, bra., snd copter w araased li. 15 pounda Wilite Curd Soap ) A"l !s
ths kitchen ; cl.-an. tba bath-tub, floor, an.l sr - i'-'.'cf 1
cables ; waahea oil cloth, withoot liiiuViug th.ni A Fail of Superior Soft Soap. ) I,.ia.
'-aaea oat grease, dn t and ataina f roia can -eta t takes the place or
matting aud otuer woven fabrics. Washing Powders and Common Soaps.
I. P. Tho.iia3 & Son's,
r..D sln all the valnaMe elements of .tal.'e m-- ure
in a CD, . UL1-1 form, f-pet is lT oisri.nred for .it
cp.pa. They sr. manursetSre-l Krutl,"
t W OKKsf p-jmes, eTcrT fjcui,y w ".
them our personal attention, for the ;,, '...
Ihf",sU,V"OUr W ""-pa. e,i" 1 . T.
youwuleudortlem: a u them aad
aaJrcaoTOsirD ht
i-niiaaeiphla. Penn'a.
BOB tuj ar
Oklsuu Mills, Jtrtifala Co-., Pa
Out Sale Thi
will nut can v any trwaJs ts
anv Oveicont sbde the naked ttnt )f
rbt of the mukin huu Leen ignera).
Muiked Down la
Marked Down ta
Sitttkctl Down tm
Mucked Down (
Mmkcd Do-.vn (
Ma:k( J dowu t
IIbiLi J dona to
9 6
S 8.2a
S 7.5
S S R7
f 4 37
;t 2
Spring' and l rr rr cr (cki.
I would inlorra the j.ublic that I le
now in my new millinerv store at my plars
of residence on VVater street, M fflintown,
second door lron corner of Bridge street,
lull stock, of fr ru g V Siin tner fiiillmrry
looda, all nw, atid of the latest stylo,
snd havtr.g enjp.loyeii frr.t else, n'llliners'
Ism t. j sr-d to npjj!y therntlic with
everything Ititird in a flrstcis.a niillicer
store, rt.nie st.d examtr-e rcy .tock. I
consider it no treiiMr to shew goods.
March L2-r.l..
CD H'Nr'",icA;',;, j
SLRVoca DiBiury pill.
A ure and f.-r -cak-
1 tft an l darhiiity of th- twm v vw
a. inn p-Tal rr.nitii.ii a z
from ynu.ni ! im ur-.r3a-rce . f ' g
ami ova-r-r--,rY -t IvkIv 'a h ,
oit, irtM memory and tt-
citr. CUHES OLD YC l-f.
M It 1 T" HSI-r 1 f-QPF ?-.