SEMIXEI & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : rTKDSESD-T, MABCH 21, 19SS. TERMS. gnbecriptlon, $1.00 per annuo, tt paid . adVenCI $- 'f BOt V,X aVaTBUCe. Traaaieut advertisements Inserted at 60 .-.a per inch fur each Insertion. Trn'nf Business nonce in local eel- ' jo crota ft line lor each Insertion. junctions will be wade to these desiring ajrerttse by r quartet kkti cocm COM HITTEK. jk( aiabtti of Uie Hpaubltcan Ceaoty Ceaaetttes earce.ll requested to eaa ,ar.a la M.eilutjwo, at Feuriua'a Hole', at 1 e'v-eca.ea lalurday, March SI, IU, far tt juriae of elect ag three ci a- fvvi Ui li 13 conference wi'u ether j a.s!ara ot tiie liMu CongreS"looaI district, I t..i.,.D. ea (he 19th da of April. 1S-8., . . . ... .a. u .) :. .. - . . ai C.aS"tuiu to m Cuicege in Jane S. B. CAVEN T, CBatamaj. f I ,!.. icrry. Pabiic Sale. Kaea aaJi John Bjroa will sell al hla w j.n;1 iu jiti. Vt'l'.r. 3 ib lea Wrat ot far a an -a A a-an N. 1 males, 4 g vod vsr& b 1 la. culls, t cows. 16 . -r I -seer and slower,?. w.g.n, at.ri.iar grain Jml, brae f-r, rve and l.iiu. I'JO buLe! of corn. 8'X.' buah j ot o LS sad all;kis persuuai pr ipvrty iia pafi X,ri L'i4 Wlliiaai Huopea will aril at JuLdi:wb J u: Iat4 C, P i touabo!d furai ta a' a1' e r pilua A lit ot ha, aa t corn a a' i. : :Wi:S. BLd p'ttatcr. a lot o' pork turf fr. aaa tidaa aud oum'rous ariiclrs lalaa&tiuasJ. Se at 10 o'clock A. il. 3B0RT LOC.1LS Ta i.'fr Li clear of Ice. A.ears susaelbirig sew at Iljcteobarg sr'i Uuutiogdve hal a fuuaial eTery day laat wsat. TLa uv:kr Caber lookclh op b a flatting la.k. Tba railroad engiucer' strike In the wsat aeutiuua.'1e A Son aUI,i)cJ 850 KS Imft weak. i dulau ' bUh.rgepspers report eountsrf.l-10 cent aeas in circulatiua. RaT. Miller, is attend iug the M. E. con-taras-e at W;l!iampurt. Tba Easter t-gg queatlon SLgags tbe sltvutien of the ht ja lolks. Alan if i I air let a admirers woro the grae'.i u3 h tturd iy, iu luan. Orr ii'JJ LDiaioo cbil lraii bare wreat 14 etiri ibo lueasiss this spring. Frttuunc ta'T aieoamiager, attended the U I. ctalartuceat VViliiauiaport. Martin ( rawtord, grsdust.-s Iki week In tka l'h 'a ' .b:a sc'ioo! of Pbaru.a-y. A Mirtnn ctinty dog auiej a snake last week. Te auuke caie out two early. Priib.bilKia 'S are basv now trj ing to krai i-3 lbs g.aatiug of liceust) to sell i:,a r. li i suiy t b- prospsrons ana Well pal l paw(!s wbtf can Cri te strike and loaf arciad. M,bt car lri4 nf eatTle were trcxen to cuth on the New Turk Railroads, ia the late a orva. Ka. Bjt, ia riirte.l. to have preaoh aa red hot t..r:auo a.rioa, laat Sun. 4ar avenirg Ta- 5aTt Lerlgar says: Saraael Csojer drauk 2? j oin of water at one altticg las r'Ker sen:ng. At A saa, Trk a'ate, the bdow wa 41 Bckca derji jn !h '.crrl bsfore the wind ka;-'i t' b ee. 7lioci.. abij--d b. Jjcah Thjmas from tk.a y "i tla U li , storui daisied It H.rn-baiJ till tbe ITih. Sot. tt.aa c ..iit;s l i Mli-U ia i, meljJ li iki- vna ll. a capita is la, have gone "irj" a:..'er io si rl:UU " "Al Ak. an, O , :he ot: r Jay a letter was ta'.irt-ea totunrttrti J an i nilha, before tka t -lit ana ma n ..-hil " a - .... " IS'Pt It jjcRTV nr. ta-re I" not kaaa s t r.u !ik- th-.- late e.j'i:nctial storm I t .lata the hni.t.-d yea-a. raw tit a Ir.cta, ia tbe aasw it was a gang ef ikraa that trapared to g 1 through KsU svas'a jaeslrv stars the oth r i.lfkl. I takaa li s Frsnrh tj kaock oat thep'lst lktsra ky sesrl ,t g tkaia to the l'ck op "Tan re as n ap .rt of lit kiud." Bra. 0:cr Esarna, of Decatur town ak!vy.Siu Coun'y haa .:.t fiuiehrd a quit that renta -a luttty tttr-e bunrtnd patcbea. Tr ial Saa.rt ar e-,lr :.g btbi r the treat aaj iri ta, i 1 fare diaaj j.ean d by tkajiaa tin: Rabiig tssten is aatertd la As axebuga aati tbe ground hog, is em a est k.rd ' N remarks, a tsaar,u i awa.! as awseT by any other aaa. Tla tao bl ckaas sent the price ot all kaa cf irorif.un up h gh In 1 biladelphia. e Icrk, Bjaton aad other cities last tat. It ia rep.irtcj tuat tie ErgMah sparrow taaia, exteaans v sa the bud of fruit trees tta iir.c. aiaeoa aa the busi begin to ta!. Iaiosot tks iqow drifted paasenger 'ruin lu Jersey, Uat weak, egits sold at 15 ""ll'", lil uaJuklei, each a ba-f a.r. Faofla, wto contemplate going lo boaae Tr Is tne a. ,ng ah.Mi'd call st C. B. R"t, it,', furuitnre f.jr in tho PaUc Idas. Tka 2 'ib u 0( tb, c?ntra peonayl- araual conterencs o! tbe U E. cburob, pet a-l h tfce Pice ? church, Wilhains rtotlth. ivh mat. iaa inatn'. iaa T.mpcrauee . ti jr.c.a a rt.nnt ,1 n...t ia tl.e a lf"-asr:.r. chnr.11 !, Port Boai, 4 '". a at 10 X. St. T . i I kar.-s torth f. r the period of at --arat ii. n. I'hil ilade phia, Xaw Ti-rk ! 4. 'n rja,,, , n,,t tmii wben the MJnO'iaiarl ia ta:ku.i about. Tba snow dri,u ln th. ,tr.u of Tr city ,)r,p ()0 ,ha yith jrat j " 'took (.at" aud in a " cea tstiu.rl btilp lu get oat. "An Omaha p.p. r allurt.M to a nntnber or J"-"" ii -il'litiai rvaiJ.ota of th-! " at -uii-tiratfra," but th tvpas got it "Tier.," L,i ,B- jlt(,r B4ll , ,,10. tea. One night patllutk ud Joba at' ; iuiike boLaf, in Ceuttr loao '1 a tb. .t ef fwe Tuiaves, made aa effort ta get lata the bona ef Jtfra. Balebech la Port Koral eoe iht leal week bat her eoe Oee-ge lmrin tite thieea at work, sprang eat ef bed aad acared the borg'ars ivir. The funeral of King William ofGaraaaay took place Uat Saturday. The open bearse, ta wnicb waa the coffin ef dark btowa ul lsbd oak, with brass ornament, waa drawn by eight plutnelcss borsvs. teh, Jiang", m Seratentoot every kind en human or animals enred ia 8u minute, by H'oolord't Sanitary Lotion. TbU never faila. Sold by L. Bank, asd Co.. Diuggista, MiChoto-n Pa. Oct. tti, fc7, flu Scaator Conklir.g, a Boat perished aa.le floundering through a an-jw drift arm pit deep, while cro. rg kj3 ire in Xew Tork city, one da during tL. Lie stoma. w3)ubnu u uul ef the drittea Street. Nee Tork buaiaea aad travel was sauw. ed under during lb? lete ttisatrd. aa com-pter-jlv as I: carriid ua ia conlrv r-...i.. With hia d (Terence, there wre do lctc. ""'''' drift by - -. 'A Chinaman named Ah Lia baa beca pieced an Ike peoiun list. U, serred a a "Unjauisn" m tue nry at tiau ftauciwu during the Kebelnoa a-xl broke bis e. li" Is prubab'y tbe Brat el hiarace te recette aucb rcigiiitioa." Kuj.turi Cure Uuaraaieed by Dr. J. B Mjar, tJl Atch street, Puil s, Pa. Ee at wuce, ne oj er:iou or ilvUy Irom busi nea, aitaicd ly ..1 cure " atler oihera !.'. Ad ice Iruo. 3v id lor circular. Marth li, 3, ly. VTLan ILe l'bi.adepbi aad New York paoera a ritl, na were ladoua 1 i:n ac counts of ibo jtrcat sionu of the Ilea a d liih lusc. Ttere baa be-o au such storm iu vaatrm rcaia) irua, iuio, and tie w Uu.aua sla.c tu 4'i jears. Waifciaiou Jfiin, f Faj eue Iceaablp, wbi.e on his w ay to 11. L tnai'b'a aale ucar MeAtiatarriile, laai 1 LuriUm j, ia c tn;anr with bis cetgubwr JoUa ijtr.jer, auddealy sUfgurad au betoie iar. d irayer could help hiaa tell ia (lie road aal expired in a lew unquiet lima, lie was aged, ti ).. 1U UiObiha. There was no commai.icatioa by ril or tcljrpu tat ocu Boston ana J'hiLadrlliia bait ol Uat weak. To learn wkctLer ttie other sull rurriTed a drapatch waa tenl acie-a ih aea by way of Ctrrat B ilam, a Gitucu ol ii'JU luilts. TUiuk ol it, abet s long, to fi d out "LetUir i,or uod" Congresaijuai can lidalea In this the ISth dmtrici are bviug annouttced aiuona re ptibiicaua. L. t. Aikiuaou will be ( reseuted tor reuouiiuatiou, aud new caudideics aalar aa hearl Itoui a.e A. VV. Potter, ol bayder; VVi'iiacu VV ooda, ol iiuuliuduu ; Caplam iil or, oi Colon ; liorace Cuibertson, ol M ml in ; U.atins uher, ol KraLkiin. 1 hia haa beu the atoriuieal ala ch, baoa n aiuce rai rvada have teen built la York Stain ai.d t't'uua) Irania. lu tbia alate east oi liaruauurg, travel by rail was auaueuded thredaya. Tbo akiil aad tUe baouicrait ot cuan couid not prevail agaiust lue auow I and wibd. Telegrapa wirea were down aud tbe ra:lroa:i cuia a,rc tilleil wilb auow. Etjgiiau paviu Linmitnt rem ,vea aiK Hard S ll, or Caiiouaeii 1,11m, s aod Bit u. I l!bea Irolu liortt-S, Llot.d tavia, Cnrba, I Spliula, Sm, king bOf, un a, ipiaiis, all aoi'en 1 Lroatii, Coiigb-t, Etc.' S.evt- $iO by Ui-e tue of one butrU-. U'a-- , rauted. Sold b, L. BSi. av Co., Urut g ,, ' MlttlinloWB Pa. Oct.25 87. uuao j Mr. J. S. Whitiuer, i ett usi.ely enge- j ed iu lu iug ii(i aa nut l.-rr in the vicinity j of Mercerobu g. wh.o'i am cat into log of tunable aiae and ahipped to Biltimore, j atbeoce lory ar aui-oed bv ateaiuer lo j Liverpool au 1 Loiidou. A gotd price ia L paid lbs iarruar tor a'jii'id iraea of a adit- f ab'e a le, ana somtt veiy I-g were' Drougnt ttt lost town 'iriu pari lew we ka. Fulton ki-putiu .- Froau the litiait:t.. 1 t. e-.i'i : It wae only learned Ibe ul' tf lty li ia block ot buildinxt r-cen.lj burue I io this utroiigb m.t-le a narrow eat-aie irom dea'mclioti a' tew weeks before. U a Dan- I il tiiiuer Oi-IecU'd tbe snieil ol burning,' wood aud making a aarcb, louud a fl. e rai' a -a tie kitchen cbimuey. Ibe sooi 'bad iailen tIoB and by aomo moans caugb1 ! a - . . ku .1 ..1 a t . . w I .. . .m li .fi r.. n j burnt d I trough toe D e b, autl a pttcu i ear petcoueLm.d. In a abort time it i . . . i . I a ould be been beyond control. ibe Democratic bretbren are exercised ovr the rauiara l Senator Ing ails, that a good a Pieaiilciit aa CK'velaid c-iuld Be taXito fr.irn any ot tbe walks ol life. The tretl riB abouiuu't take it an bard. loualu' lemark is ouiy an other way oi aiatii wnat b u been toe baslvl the peo eol Ibe UuHvd SluUs, namely, ibal the offii.cS are t.p-:n lo ail, aad no better proof oi luga-la' poaitiou is need' d IQau to leat the Dla'ory ol preailents ol the government. Kead ibe lives of pron-iaent prts denia, aucbss Jack son. Bih-hanm, Lincolu. Joboson, Gr.nt, and K'arn how correctly lugaila, was iu his remarks. Tbo Liwialown Uaxetteot last week. says On., .lav l.t.1 aeek. a aau .a lUreuirU w. -.i.v.,1- laa avi h 6J l alau ot I . i ti..,-,. .i,,i .r.,.aiu ! , i. .ta.n roafi loauiui int. uUoe tu kcVtjioan, ktiletl a large uiUfkral on tha t lite nittuntain. " I u Ktti- lS Aii,rrtSmilUv,aa.aBa...riu.iatea-e:a urtoag aa lornt ia tbe lg ,h., kn.e. ilavicr o.s re.olver alt.:. ! bile cbou'ing lu tLe auls expecting lo get a bt al some usil game tu make a dl.ii fur bi siCa alia, aabilo juke a.g bebii d a tree to gel a snot ai bis gaoiJ, tbe cccaeU pisioa aeut utf, ariih tbe above result, and lett tbe hunter ua crutcbea at least lor a athiie. From tbe Free Press : Mich ael Bair, taturr ol Mrs. Braver, living abont midaray betareen fainter aid if ailiaml, alter ealiui a Utarty OluBet last Tuoday abont i o'clock, coooula-Qei ol a nam between bis t sbouidrs. and atier 1)U. aoarn me (wa ,cit.d in the region ol his heart, and al tbougb every t-m.dy at hand sraa aJmim tered, hf die.1 betareen 6 and oVr-ck. Hewasani-d 111 ye", 6 months and 1 davs. Decea-ed was interred in tiw oetne- lerv at the Uuitksrd chnicb, on Fri 1 ay At 1 . k. lite iuauraece was at in bis Stte die. i ODr ' ' t.' . bngl.t. lart.e. had a-tne 00 on liie, but. as e jredrct.d, he lived t.. .11 ihe a. ltd eat inanrance companies ' lie was hietl'y esteemed by all knew ' I hepatrt cf School No. 3, Jtifflmtown, Pa , ! ft,t tbe 5tb and 6th mouth. Ft cent. .1 : .'. '' 5ian.b.ngb. Ads D-neldsoo. ra Warner, ' An-tia Wagner. Uoliwa F.uuab-ker era present e-ry d.y during tbo 6.h naonth. riltnia Warner. Annie Eollman, Cba. f -bif and Guy Ankrr niisaed bat one da- . Ttaf wtngwere prtseai duni g th. atn month - Joe S.otu. Jo... i ." I., H.-m ra-,e.k.r, Aaai r-.rt.' Slvle Todev, Nellie Muaaer, Naanie Stambough, Ada Dooelsoa, Clara Bobuvoa, Amelia ladmoi. The following . were pveeeat every day bat one: Gay Aaker, Cbae. Meaaiager, Mary Snyder, Elsie Miller, Aoaie Bellman.. M. A. Coerra, Ttmckrr. Jobn Horning, night watchmaa, in Wil liam Rollmau'a jewelry store mast sleep with bis cars fpea, for a hen three burglars appeared at the beck wiadowa of tba jewel ry es'-abhabniear, at half pa.t ens o'clock on one of the windy nights 'of last week, Horning was awake and eat inside, wuh a rerolirer or two and a Winchester r.fle all loaded with which to receive and salute fae ibisTea when they aat.t ers of the window. aboa'd force Ike I nil taere were luieies ia p:jrou oy taree tracxa toa; a tba; , leij ir.u to carrUge sh..p of Wajottij In addititn to these, Kicbmoad and Koi.ia .u, wbtMT the burglars totk out a j M .uat Veinon may be vwited oa low rate aaah. entered Ibo shop and stole a biace j ii, k. U ouich will be aold to the exenr sad bit and svrerai chisels. The brace j aioomta. The special train ot Pa linat. Par aod bit eaa lett lie bacK ol KoUmia'a -lace. lor Car. aud iy cuacbes will leave at Ibe A chiaei bad b- en iba:rted between anut- time p.ciBtd bflow, and round trip ticket, ters, bu (he wMk was so caetiouMy dona i l.otix a -top-over in Baiiimore on rwturn' ISal Horuing scarcely recoguiaad IU aud it j trij. gcxl !r ten daja, tu U used goiog is pt vbabie thai oy tue sligut prjlug tnat ou.y oia peuial tram ond reloroii g by aay aaa thru done, the ihieve caught a aiabt train except the Ntw Y-rk aad Chi ef the iihi iu the rooua and Camelled a eago Linuteo, wnl be -,M Irom theeiaiioo, m.ce." -At ail eveuta" the raaca.s tuaue ! oaeutiuue-t at tbe ra ee .aoiaxl . no great ailort to open Ibo uuur, aud I d hi aut aae lbs brace aud Ul, iu aay waj, ! wbich ia qene a uiii-loriune, lor U tijoj bad coul.uuej ibdir work. Morning, ceriaiuiv . .. "I "oaivi i-a wuigeu" one or more oi meui, wmcu woult Late rsvtaivd to MacKUioiua I'f ebo it la, wLo is brisking iuio buusis lu Ibis coioaauaiiy. It is kuoao that tbe UJiaaaa prowied aground the back part ol the Luue jiie a whue betors tbey inoughi ibey ware raatly lor work. 'Somewhat ol goodneas, something tree Fk-oi auu aud Sj'irit through All faiths, all or Ids, as i(.roush Ibe dak Ol ocean ahinaa the ligbtbouae Sf-ara. Attests tne preaebce every whi-re Ol love aud providential care." uirrLi.t AVAUEMT. An and Claaaical School lor both aexes luuruiiu prtporstiou lor college or buaiue Uuriiig Ibo coming term special attention win be paid to tbote preparing lo leacn. Low raiea. Tbe apring lirn vt 13 iets braias. HU.N 1AY. Ai'ElL 2sb. loCd. fur any luriker luiorruaiiou ad areas tbe PriaciBil, R. F. Elliott, A . if., U.aiiutvwa, Pa. FOKETER. Kate Porter, of No. 2o38 Flber street, was ciiargei wub babitnal druukenuesa br ber bui-oauU ileory, al tho Central Station tnia morning. '-Sue is a verv good woman oibereiae"be teelingly reeuarked. 4lutake will driuk. However, I'm wiliiu to give her snoiher chance." All right," said Magistrate Pole, ever ready to aijut strametl relation. "How lone will you swear oil I" ay, a year," replied tbe woman. a-No ; aay tororer 1" exciauut! tbe hns- I bud ir nualically . She so swore. Puila- i deipuia Huiieiiu. aw Selec t School. Tbia achotl will opou April 9,b, 16r8. in Crutre ocbool sl.tuse, abbiaia cooaty , Pa auu coo.ibue It x-a and will altord a Iboroug b Li iaiu.ou tct.ooi and lium.c.- rd, ocaiit u, toj.c.ttr wi'.b Latin ai d obti bigli er braucba. term. raaaoaM. 1'bt-re oil . te a Lei Bill cats li r tbe tent fit of ILusc wuLug io liijaielir It acting, bia.du.g Cab Lc ban in tbe vicinity. For Inrlber par ilc uia.a rd it.i i iicular, or audreaa ibe rrit s.pal, a. Campbell, Van Djxo Juniaia Count . , Pa., Fot ualitira;ion of Prrnc'p-l, refsr lo V. K Alain, Ct'Li iy Mjeriuiefulent. Feo'y 16, l-jfUte lu llic- Xtiiioiial t . u t a u II C'Ual Cl.aliu.en i I Couoty Committees, with ILcir tcielartea ol an iho Counties iu tbe lCib Col. art sioi.a. Ll.airicl, cxcciiog ibe CoUullea ol k Uiti U alio ItuullugUon, met at Leaiaioau ob .i.e l3lb iust., aud L-anscd , tn ioiioaibg laa.iuuo. iiraotrcJ, . bat in ibt t.pio on,ol tbe rep- i I njHi.-vu iltao iac CoUttootg lliM.-t.u Uo ,ot . n'i vo.uul uimiici, tual Inu aV"-w-l oi inree cuulia Irom eaucouiiiy, uicu baa beeu in uin r-iiiu. aud tleu eot. ,e sat.Macuou, bo ana tu- aaute lt bt-ieoy couiiuueu l.r tue luiure. " 1 he e oolei et s lu botnibate a ueit-aie lo tbe atiobal CcbVcbiioa lu accoidauvie a lib ibe NlMta ic.-oit.llou, will luwl at lae ua I onal Uouae, in LuaUloau, lbu.Saay, Ap.ll 1'J.' The liiiktuilau Oals swiuUie. Tfac buLt Uiuu uaia aa ludtu liaa al lat reacuota .be d preiuj C-un iu Luc otaie of iaatblgau, soil, aa He cxcl'lctl, ibeucclalou area dcwl aaiUst ine oa. a rattiaia. lue caao, OrKt1. alaled, eaa Ibis: Oue ajrgg'Ul bougut DoUcuiiau oais aud gv bis noie lor 11. luo uole, as Uailal, "11 traualoired l" l"") ' "". 1Ter " l " 11 ' lrauU auil laatUqaatoct'Baiicratiuu. i'ue lurr Cuurl il.Cluea a.ual Bi n, aud tile c-iso as Carriea tu .lie iurtiue luuit, arbxii rulctl tha t ibe cunirat.! lor itiea lua nute aa IreutluliMit, aad, tnerelcre, net t.ino.i.g. 1 ao u-ruaa ol tne tout.act are at W taere ore, nnJ aud Void. AX. Tbe Age ef Meatus. Tho tocr" at ht-ait inrccgh Ibe att n cb. a boiled crow was asktd bow he lik ed it, and antwer el r -I can worry It down, but don't haker attt-r it." is oot.ct reacted Tbe man who ate a Ttif head or many a family where Ibis paper U read, sits down daily to a meal of crow, Sog arv p'atciea, and vegatablfS wilb all the flavor b-'iled tint ib'-m, meats tough as leather, an.1 atith abont as icuch awe-tnaxs. Thfy worrv it down, but haok t ior aoat Iliifs: rttablaa. Djspepa' indigestion and ill-it ib per are never seen in families that ose Ibe Model Steam Cook-r. bee illus tration. It Bts any i.tove, aad will cook a a holt- meal lor the faiullv with the Ore that out 1 keep a teakettle boiling It will sate its cost in any family in three months in i .f I aan.4 1 a&aaH fat an al tiAf h IU bT tie saving ... " t.l ht-allh and temper preserved. The Mod- al Ctttker Co., 84 Park Bow, New lord, ....i.ia .rerv county to help them " . rti-e. and anv ora Mil tbaaa. wonder nl Co.ers. and anv or e t:-lna itinabflBl remuneratire eruploa - houla write te Olt mment no P i at one for f nl' 1 TEX OATH AT TUB HtTIOSAL. CAPITAL. Pcatnailwaiaia Kaillroaal'a Pmp ular ExcurilaD. In order that everyone may have aa op port no if of veiling iTaahingtoa, tbe Peso syWacia iiailroad Company will ran a third and tbe laat special excursion to rTaabiog toa, on Thursday, March i9th, lb8. The rouad trip tickets will be operative for tea days, a .enod of tiw ample lor a iborongb visit to tbe capital aith its buodreos of in tereating ecenea aad place. Tbe public buildirga are a source of tbe greatest inter eat, auile Contra. a. the curia, tbo Oover- j uient inatitutiena, aLd tbe proniitrut (laces la the vjcir.iiy, serve to nil the mcaaure of ; pleasure pi Pittaburg..., I.iix-rtj Ij u . . Kit'. Train a L've. at 8 lh A. Si .. 7 60 8 JO . 7 60 ( lu . 7 Oil 6 M a . 7 00 7 it 2 . 7 i' 7 ot . 7 00 8 6i . 7 00 6 10 " . 7 OHJ 16 . 7 00 9 2d . 7 00 7 OO . a oO lu la' . 6 50 11 02 . So 1 1 oO . ti a'J i 03 P A . 6 oO lu 2t A. M. . 0 oO 9 50 . 0 60 10 61 " . ti .iO Vt 40 " . oi 12 lo P. A. .. 6 50 12 aO . 6 d' SdiijA. M. ' . o So 1 oa p. a. . 6 8o 1 2d . 6 SO It? . a -6 J I'-J . o U 2 09 " . 4 O'J 2 36 f 7 io " Coi.oe.Tiiie..... .. tcoim ale.... .... . . Greouaourg ........ taOiaua ............ Latrobe. ... ........ Deny ttla.r lie. ......... Ji'buaiown ......... Creauioli ............ A iLooua Bulaood .......... 5.1eluie. Clrard 1.1 Pui.ip-oura Oacei:s. ... .. . .... Tyrone ....... ... . Ilumingdon ........ Bedford. ... ........ Mt L'tiiou. ....... .. McVe) town I.eiatown Juallou. M.lniu Pot t Kof ,1 Aewpurt Trial Llat far April Term, David K. SulotT, endorsee of Jacob SulotT, vs- 1 bomaa L . Paiker. Mo. 1 1 , April term, 1378. Jnegiuont opened. K. E. Parker vs. Thomas J. Prow aad Thomas U. Parker, trading under the brm of Prow A Parker. No. 3(1, April term, '80. Jn.igment opeued. Jaraea N orth vs. Tbomaa J. Prow aad Thomas U. Parker. No. 87, April term, '82. Judgmeut opened. William firattou and , Wallace M. Brat- ton, doi eg buaibees as William Bratton Brothers, for oae of Mary Bratton, a use of Lewis Burcbfield, vs. Jacob Thomas J. Frow and T. (J. Parker, doing DUMuess as SulotT, Krow A Parker. No 72' FeX term. '83. Judgment opened. Overseers ol Ibe Poor of tbe B irongh, of M iffiintoarn vs. Joba C. Niaaley, Adminis trator of Patrick covers, deceased. No. 55, : Dec. term, .". Suirnuna in asaumpsil. , Plea. ron-a.suuipait. ! A ail lion Fii!kr" i rt. Tboe. J. Watt. No- ' 98. Dec. term, !7. Ar-jeti .roia jid i.eot of L. B. McCrntu, J. P. Pica, nil deoit sec. rtg. John F. ii. Locg vs. The Towathip of Mi. ford. No. 101, Dec. term, '87. Sua trubs in trespass. Piea, not guilty. W. ti. Thompson vs. John G. Uxldeinan, Kilgar A. Tennis and Cua. C. Tennis park Hers, d'inz bua'iot'as in the tiaaie 0I Tennis, 11 tltleman & Co. ?ummous in assumpeit Tie!, itrtn-aafuinpait. Jol.n J. Ciyile v. E igar A. Tennis. li.rtb. tortn, '93 Suoiuiona lu auiiiBpait. Pies, non-ae-in pail. Samuel try m r. by itltt next iriend JthB Brtr.t-r. vs. ljt . i f ittlo- and Ssiuu-1 Ltl l ' n. V, Fe'. tf. m. Apji-a fiom tbe jiirlgmvul of E. It. ilccruui, J. p. Plea, nil aebii sec. r. g. l ibra n. K:.i ntss art V. C. Rannela trading iu tnu nun- of Kanonls A Son, vs. A. J. Patterson, Ex.cutor ol" J .cob Rhine, deceased. No. 69, Feb. term, "88. ' Appea, Irom juitjrueut E li. M-Crum. J. P. Fit i, bi. rl-bit sot, ra;. 1 hoiua, McCulkcb vs. K. Benntr. No 49. April ttiui, 'a8. Ai.-ai irom judgiueut nf S li Caveny, J.P l'loa, nil debit s.c 8- Inio ii iHiKoxa. Prttib y. Prt'lbl'llt'tal 1 V Ottfe. VI Ittimottli, i aiaicb IU, A D 1884. I J1A l: HIETi : I.ECI1 W HAM' On he, rh al Last :l!t-m. I Ilea'. J. Lalirfi.. lr la ri. 1 t at b si rt Viff Au-iia M H t totb Ol t.'i-t elU- irttf ., . MirPLlNTOtvv viivr Virvnvr.vii M:ircfc2i I'uiter FraTK Han ghi.nllt-r, Sitlct, t. a t i ...... .. . ........ .t,T 9 Kirn.INTO.VN J K A i ilAHNnl Wheat, Cora new.... Ua'a 3o Clovereced ........ . Timothy sovd...... FlaX StMfd .......... I' ran...... ...... tbop , Snorts... Ground Aiuru bait.. American &alt...... 41 25 to 3U 0 aa ut-i 60 .... $1.75 .... 1 bO ia on 1 50 11 CO 1 25 . 1 uOal IU PUILAI ELI'UIA MARKETS. PeiLaDiLrnia, Marcb 17, IbbH Wheat OOcis. Uata4.'ct. Corn 6tcts. Fall c back ens 14 to lbeis a Ib. Ducks ai 14 to locts Tmke. a 14 to I5cts. Butter 18 to ajct. Eats 15 to lbcts. Potatoes at 70 to cts per busLe1. App'ea at (2 50 to $125 a barrel. Hav ai 12 to (Iti a toa. Be atiaw at 18.6a) ta 1 a ton. LEGAL. UDITOR'S NOTICE. Ettate of Ihomx WuUt deceased, in the CrpAnn Court of Jut. tat i Co. The tit derignt d Laving It en euittiintef' Auditor by the On han't Court ol Junta'. to n.ake dKirihtit.oo ot the halaurr I in the hards ol Peter Brown a lioit.ia ralor j ram litlamtmto aaauo ol Thoutaa aVali. I Ute of Mi Drue townaiiip, Ju...ata County. ! PennlvB a. det-eatl. t- wit the n o' t 157 and 11 ol. hundredth hereSv as it- a mica that he will ruet-t all parties ini-tei ed whether lertt. d-?v.ans or rrcdittirr , the rn-soaw-s ot bis anooinimr .t hi. t. u on Th iraaay tbo I2:b dy o Apui A. D , le8 , ltn 'he bon' ti I o'clock A. M a..d 'dock P. H . o: .-aid flay wnea Jt.d a h-r v MlJ fnn taaa-f tawsn ri aTinv mmv a iaime r..M ,,..t tte same or r i. i tram clairuire .eainrl tba sasne. lkMlAR LT' ' V , .Ind'.fer. AGENTS WANTED To canvaaa for one ol the latrtrest, old estcatabllabed. BEST KIOff.1 .llBSERiEs ik eoMtry. Moat liberal term. Unequa'ed facUities. GENEVA NCRSEKT, established 1846. W. T. 6m Ilk. Ceaei lav, .1- T. PARKER fc CO BANKERS, MilS StBXET. iliFTLtXTOWS. Porsk. Transact at jan! baxkiij faaai nesa. DiBCDunta dailj. Accounts of firms, indivittual-) aud corporation solicited. Four pr cent, interest allowed ma twelve months' certificates. April 20-'87. PHIL' A S Mi- YATES BEST MABE mm FOBaFJ AMD TCTHS, FOB aWTS AAD CUILDBEX. LEDGER BUILDING, SIXTH AND CHESTKUT STS. THOUSANDS Of THB BEST GOLD "WATCH J-'Ia ai AaA it.'..."l U i2 CO-OPEP.ATIVE CLUBS. Tbia la I tie Rent, fheapeat, naal I'outtnltBl, Ad ei'v eo-oorratlTe fipletn t f ,cil1ne artchea. Tie wnlrh'-s are AmerlCin Lever S'lBl Winder, et'titainin every om-nlial to accuracy and durabil ity, aiul bave. in ad'lition. rnn'troua jj.terU'rt im pr eTter.t fmnl in no oihtraa'eh. Ibeyaieab. y lue tHily itulaMtf iMimptoe Jfoe tntm n.adf in tl e World, nt.rt r- jcueltd ihrotieb ont wf i ti KS I I y- MS fJf.v. 'ihe ytirenf rt'ftti r t 4nt &t 1. the etrjn"e and ,-lrr.pleet aiad Th'-f a rr fully rtfvnl f'-r a f.ftmr a. wri), irabiitM mint aev-raee, te aty 07.1 WatrH. Oar t o-wera ive Club Syatcm rriegs them witkia tbe reach of every one tfe aaatit ana aaetlee. reapsDalMa rep. I In CVEaY llllt aaaial ToVT.t. Heivy p-ofl a a-irantced an Ilraited lavetmsat. V r.M for full parucBiars. The Keystone Watch Club Co. P. 0. Sjx 9:3. rHazdelpi!. Pa. C7 REFFKENCES: KeyetOBO . X ' .National a ... 1 mcrcial Ageocy ?rTsk ST. Imteift rr.titurra. Fx. Sih.rst 111, artcs. fi-.:s. f-. Isks, Us. Iti-aii'.rhis, I Sjastt, in. i.i:.jli;i, Tl. T:,aijtn. EsL ata., rw. iT w 4x G. FOR W. av- KKEP3 THE LARGEST, BEST AND MOST VARIED - ?e' ai if a . ! , n.i iit i. true O.her mer hunts a lege the .same t l.e true ut'tlieir .-tuck. Let all making the claim rtand up for iiisjieoiion L will forfeit $-50 if I fail to su-tain my claims. Let the others do the same. Let the people know the whole truth. PCT IP OR SHITT I P G, W. ONLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND Wi WfP'8 OPFOniiifllTiES, JJNT HOW TO TIIE3X. a-rar -wr . . -This lanra tud haatfio-ne new book. . ELEGAXTLT J"1 b ? Brother.. nxiSTRATED. mm well unflfi! of the itsas of tiat sn.inent poblHhlnw uow." Fr Prm There Is no book aUhai itb tbe -op nod obi-ie of tbie work, aud tbar can b no roniUtion. ah tbere I tu the en of almoaTt eraary otiir pnoiashfd by Bn(tcriptinn." Anrummn Putrutt "Tbe saor cawrful book PBbliahed in m&ajjr a d-." .V. V. WarM " Hn rely d a cola me of grreater tEterst end more riU ?ho cotue r-om the prvH, ' tthmrvr. .V. T. ETry ktnd of human eodearor rwaviT?, fuu and rr.rHil -ooei lration. .V. Y. Com. Advtrttit-r. Weil auitcd to supply a pnem ent lirit-w-ni-r tn lib-n-i puh"- end p-ve." V T. 'ob rtfr0rr AGKla CCaa'T MSS TKIS OPPOalVUKITY TC HAKE lttMEY.- IT rt--!vea ti nn'Ut-T!nc1 praia-e of er-TT or who examine. It. 89ld oni by Bnbat-rtpUon. It Vila ut 'rar to a'J. Ma and woman .arfttt. make from B10O to S.'.OO pet" rrtonb eaailv. "e"" irlva iDnmrTKtn at any neraon wia this n baorr a mrt sntstcl Arm. Be'&isTas'e is no o.odareDce. aa aa Soacial Terms and Pay Prf itt Sharers. Seeire vmtory aa ct. Hnierrtr, w tr.ff y -i rt" ercoiarva at J TV. io Lem'.ozj- e.i-)etl rnx T n'i' Tr raw ii m awaiaaali a In t ti j i a.t t eis OILS ! OILS ! OILS ! TE STiKCIED Ott COMPANY of Pittaibarg Pa., maka SPECIALITY of toftnufaotiiririrr for the DotEeetio trade the F west Brands of Illuminat ing and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha and Gasoline, that can be amade from Fetroleam. a We challenge comparison with ererj known Product of Petroleum. If yon wibh the most V.YIFORMLY SATISFACTORY OILS IJV THE MARKET, as-lc for ours, trade for Mifllin town and vicinity Supplied by FRAN ISCUS HARDWARE A CO. Deoember 14, 87-ly FURNITURE! FURNITURE! I would respectfully inform the citizens of Juuiata County, that I bare bought from John S. Graybill bis entire btock of Furnitur and hou.e furnish 'og goods, which consita of LAMPS. CARPETS, SUADES. OIL CLOTUS, MATTRESSES, FURJNITURE, to which I am adding daily, JTJEW STOCK which I am selling at ex btremely LOW PEICES for carih. C B. II 0 R X I X G, Chrtstal Palace, Comer of Bri.lrfa and Water utreets Mifllmiown, Pa. January 11th, '88 ly 1G0 I-KK PKoriT and Sam ' KNT plea Free to men can- J va.-ere lor Dr. Kcotl'a Genuine i Klertrlc Re!t). Mrajabea. Ac. La j'ly ijruti for Klectria Cornets ' tj m.-ax i'o. Write at once lor terms. Dr rott, g48 B'way, V. T. F E I T. 50. HE O K ST OCK! OK - Jan i.a ( tiiiilttj. IIOBIl!(Om5IG THE PIO K E C K. SHOE SI ORE IN JUNIATA CO. i as" T n ' " ' i r-' ia tr r cn''t I'.'ei. in., mriicfr". 18G5, ESTABLISHED 1887 Special Invitation To Hie Public To attend the Attractira Sal from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BITTERS Who have money to inrest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES a of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, a don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFJ INTOWN IP. you cars SPORT THE OVERCOAT, tOR rZRT LITTLE. MXZT. Schott's Closins: Out Month. True to our olJ priiiriplrs, we will net carry arty goods err to uestypar. This bfiDf the chko tticro tn m to be Lut ons war tn free ouiselven from our t-tirpluH htock of Overcoats and Mn's and lxya' SajU and it is Cut down tfit I'ricet. In no instance is lerr"" f pt Ovarce,ftt aibnva th Baked eeak of the Cloth and the triwuiirjp. The cost of tha mHkiog; lias been igTioresL Scale of Reduction ttccrcoats. Ovfreoats all eizc-o, Overcoats all sizn. Ovcreoata all sizrs. Overcoats all eizt-F, Overcoats all sizes. Overcoats all sizeo. Orrrcoata all sizes. 14 tio 18 $i FURNISHING GOODS MARKED AWAY DOWN. The finest underwear, the Beel Olovcn, F.cs Neckwear, tbe lacst shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs, bilk Mufflers. Yur Caps. Altaerga ti.a (ooda are fine Quality PItlClaS ARE IHMTX TO TIIK I.OTfKST ITC7II S C FI 0 T T , THE LEADING CLOTIIIKI., BK1UGK ST., MIFFL1NTOWN, 1'A. "THE GIEX. I LEFT BEHIND ME." CCIHRIGHTE3 !T7 -t '.SSlXXrsri.l ' " i . iar 1 1 1 1 ! iSr A ?i?Ztt&f A ! niuatrated by the oae of a Bnanry made by T. T. Hard or k, whl H la ntt ohIt the Leadtnaj BUCEV In this pirturn, but THE I.RtDIMi llir.t.t ' IH Illl t. Bas Hayd'fk'a t-afetv Kinit Boll ami Fif h Wheel. Aak 'Ut rt.-. tr for the T. X. Il ll IKK H lll l-lir, with the Hardoca. d.fety Kiog bolt .ad 11l:U Wheel. Life U inaecure rl'ltnK ever any othfr. fTkla ptetafl alll bcfaraUaal oa a lart aaS. arlataS la ataxia Mr la. a, ra w win araa ta fia t H.) a-inrfTiir I e--i r-l TT 7 r7!"TT" aTaTtaend Tiar V alal'-arae aaad " ' Haaol.ual.. ee l l.i. Tor. I'lsia .sal Tsirth Fta.. I5CI5!t tTI. O. .'tSSia A1TE3 WHZ3J1 "KTE HAV2 KOSS' 0 mvrSTJfEST 80 F30FTTaBLBj ,lilue Wrapper with Hed Band.) 0-.n eTery tliiug In tii bouivu; will rewiTr:v''it"-' Lf wbltabuMB to marble) BjanVvHi. table, etr.; cl-anj paint wiUiorjt duamiii lta luatre; aroun knlTec) while it waabee them ; makes china, g aMwar and vtodowe glaaten with an added t,nhtca--poUsb&a tLe tin, braaai and copper wareuaedli lite kitcbeo ; cl arise fi4 I .h-tub, floor, autil Tables; waahea oil r:of witbont lujunntfthm takes -ut irreaae. d "t and stains from rar-at mat)ngand otht wu?en f.Irl cs. THE SIMONDS SOAP CO., MEW YC?K CITY B D E , .. . . I In .li the Tatuahl. element, of h.cua2-.r.,l f.,rra. f, or aU I cri. TMtrauuiu'rurvl for nVultar-.,, Z. : r cannot Da bratei, In tt .i OI K WORKS p saea. every fa iii y. , th-ia r personal .tw-ntlon. For tl. k.Tv n 'mr ' w. guarantee our gx-oda not lo be ed. 1 1 .. ? I ho th'ia eotiorae taacn. Vou ue uhem ml i yua will eaiurae them. utrcrtrrnzD ar I- P. THOMAS aSc SOU, Philadelphfa, Penn'a. VOSaaXBBT ANDREW BEASnOKt.Gr.V.t Ojk'aii-l M j i T, JucTafi Co., Ta I t Clothing tkat gee. iulj . t ai BEST AHD FINEST IN TU LAND, IF YW WILL MW1 JTTKSD Sale This on Jflcii's Marked Dow te $lt Marked Dewn te $ it Marked Dowe te ? 8.2a Maikd Down te f 7.5? Harked Down te $ i.87 Marked down to $ 4.37 Marked down to $ 3.91 e ' t; - - a- m ateawaa,fa fw.aa Vartvta caaa, aw ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, fn ANY QUANTITY, from a poun'i to a pail, and in a FEW MINUTES. ONE PACKAGE makea: 15 pounds Wlute Curd Boar) it c- i A Pail of Surior Soft So. p. ) r-rtinia. It takea tit. plce of Washing Powders and Common Soaps. I Tnt bIMUNUX SOAP CO., I ?H-t. IO rn. NE W VOPK CITV. I Spring and Eircmer Cccds. I would inform tbe r-iilil'C that I hae noe- in iuy new inillinrrr r'ore at my plaea r.f rttaidenre on Water s'reet. Viffiintown. ; aerritid door ettrner of Bridge atreet, j .lull atock, of f :.ti; a. Summer Bt-liinerv gonds, all new, an-1 i.f tbe latest atejes. 1 ond havlr-p eimtlnyeti firft millirei. a am f rt:iiartii in ailTiplt" irieptinut. wnn .t. .. . . . t . """2 " for. come n. 1 esinjire rry aiovlc. I consider it no trout': '.o ah. goods. &. I tiHI . Kl. Maicl. 5-t7.1 .v. SEiVOCS DBILITT FJLltS. A and aJ-? fi-c il far vacak;- fle, sr.' atrLnii y cl tl.r n-TV - V tem. d r-rr.i --tlu-iiOfi a fro. y ' at! i uiitt u-.4r. .e, e- e.w t and ovfrw'; r.f r-dy ard, t.a --irt T'vesiit and ir.-t.taJ wr-ik- Laa. . e f Jk l"S Ot marveMv-ff -Daa inuai aQf Prior t TJr P turrrl nii tnr ar3av -aW. a T H-.rrV I evV,--, IV. bl Pti.a ?ai,e Di-airJ ."W rju. V t t. I r I i f . ' ! 1