SSMIFrUTO W.N r TERMS. (lent aBr!l'niMt resorted at 50 TLt ln,b for each Inaertion. flCot buaineaa sotieee local - TT9 eWlt per hue lr each Insertion, faction, will aa "ede tho eoeiriog r " T-. ealf -.Barter I I I TTT - pakllc lalM. larch T. Mrs. Ssrah E. Tiomfwi, will " lt B, residence ! Delaware ., aa a quarter from Tbnmneoutowa, J i'.'ciuck : S horses, 3 bum with JL t co" s. sa Aldereey cow, B lot of iaVkcct. re-ming Implements booao . tum4t. A crKl it ol 11 months will be Js .a all sums over 5 .00 g.n t 8 StcphBB IB3, Jr.. Will Mil OB JiAa aoo farm MiflliBtowB, wtrt raeB, o cows, a bead ol young esf , ,cnv-r wane bruod now with pig, terming Implemeets. rd. March Tobias Wolfgang- will 11 .n ioe a.ojea Adams lua to Walker eest-a p. 1 I" o'clock, A. M. Five horses, ,,,., eight joung cat t la, six ham. a sue, agna, sled, (Tata drill, wioaow tul tu:i lin ot farming tmplsmenta 4 a 1..I or household turniture. Marcs 9 J. hn Knrti bsving quit farm will reaidenco ta Weal Perry . . . k. . : .11 . ml g,c!.i- Uorsee. nuw, yoaag cattle, baft, farming uteosiles, boost-bold furniture Me other articles. A credit of IV awn i In will be giiee ca all same erer f a iluilvi. March 10 Judge Jacob Smith wll stl at : re.!dea.-e, nar McAIisterviile. avvea tun, in 4 tear old brT Baa borara. a ipao al b ack oiaraa, Batcb well, (nod drl ar. t Sa :bre year o'A bor. ain bed f eu. cminf into rflt aboot t! Has of Farminnj Imu.omunta. bor, gmm, irfr br tba (altuo, Potatoe . b laa bu&rl. and Du' otbor artxlaa. 8ala al 1U e'ciuck. March li. O. C. DilTandorter will tall at a t rt Jrnrr, nrar Jt-ncho Villa, Terman agti tunbip, 3 hfad tt tiva atock. cob aiaiiaf ot horaea. cit abwp, aud ytun( aat'ja, a !"t ot cbickvna, PotaUa aad Coru br iba bub.l and larmteg iaplomauta. at 1J o'clock MutH 14 C. C. foia wi I aril at bla raaidroca arCmtrr, rTalkcr txnihip, aavea borate. 12 cattle, ca-ttinf ot S milca mjwi Bx., 1 !berp. nboia. rbi koa. ducka, farwiLg iiupl.-aieQtaaBl buabolil jooda Man k la H. L. Smith will aall at bia rralJaocr oac mil raat of McAlititriHe, 110 bead lit r alm-k, 1 1 burara, li coi, a tboroBck urrd Ilo'.ntnio bull, 3 Ilolaivio cova, 4a rwca, hot ul Karitunn 1 m p.anmota. Krr i thing niiitit bo a.' I J aa Mr. Baittb banrnnrtri bii lartu. A crwdttot' 1J awotba will bo fiea oa a.l uui ovar aala 9 u'c lock a. ra. March l'J. Mr.. Hnr Auker will al at bar rraiilaucw. la Wa!br touUit, hraa. n9, hof, laruiiaj inilo-an aaffaod hoaaa aa4 larniture. " 1 i Mrab S'lwi A Lakona will aolt 25 Bead ol Liv" at'tck, nrar fc trtr, Walkrr Bvwnpbip ; ilvraa.coita, routig cat' le. burn, abnap. Larnoaa, borao !, fariovaf un piataanta Ac. Tadar. Marrb 20 Iaaac Sbellrnbrrr ill aell a: hi uJ a i r"i-loi aaar Oak Iaa4 MilU t 9 "'clock A U. Two hwraaa. tarre ar, two ot thun with colt, aiz root, t wbich will bo frh about timo al aaa, a i't of Viiong u.Utlc. a Kit ol ahafv aaa alt kuni oi trmiog iiaplamonra. Ba-ch iin J hl R iraa will aall at hia raanl-s-a ib Hliato Valloy. 3 lc".a N-T I ot Peru air 'a. ai an Km I ia'1'f. 4 Rood wurt 3 tli colt a, 4 -. IS tunic cattir, R-apr aril Wi.wer.S (n, vprinir wairiiD, (tram f!l. bor fcara, rro and bork'haa:. 3'M) h i-hrl uf n-ra. tOO buab aa nt aad a.l bia ll property lin p:aoiaoa. j MwrU!4 WiV.iam Hoopas will aril at Jebuat.iWi' Ji.tiKiat.u I' lloua'iold tiimi rare of a.l lex r:puor. A l-it ot har, aad , corn a kit ol b.' -. id i Uti ra. a lt ot pork aboulilar. a:i 2 aiira n4 oiiaioua articles lalaxatloBtd Sn'ti 10, o'clock A X la good health ra of Ufa waa aoi looked for a aawa Ha waa a highly tvapenlrd rjrklrtl. -x eamnri Carter liaing oa Patteraoa atrewt, tbta place, while eonpliog cars aear Altooaa, had l be Boirera ol oae hand so badly aqawrs ed by Ike can, that ha baa beea il tea bird front work for several days. "The ladies of tbe Praebyteriaa Foreiga Uiaainnery S-"c'J deair to tbaak tba ofBoria of tba bridge Coropaay lor peravt ing tba dolegares aod visitors to the aanoJ to paaa over free," "Tlie boy who was kept after school for bed onbography said ba was spell-boaad. 'I am tby fatber'a spirit, as the piat 1 fladt ami J to tba iuqoiaitire archia who bad bem iaveatigatiag tha enpboard. ' Dr. TaiDsaga baa aa opiaioa oa srossaa suffrage in rafsswac'to tha rara trafflc, aad that Is that assay wooea are tippiera ; aad besides, tba rough woaaea wowid rota aad tbe respectebla aaajority woaldat. JUk, Jfaagr, ia Screcsa of every kiad oa haoiaa ar aamala cared ia SO aaiaates by Wlfmri't SmatiMiy Lotm- Tbis aaver fails. Sold by L. Banks and CeH Dvo; gists, at iffl.atooa ra. Oct. 26, 87, Boa To all sabaarifewrs to tha S EST is Kb AS a Rsrcaiicia who pay arrearsgea Bod . pay oae dollar aed fifty cents in advaace, Tk Wttkly Prt and tha STun abb Rb pcbucab will ba soot for tha period of one year. Tbo FrAttkliB coaity repablleaa coavea tloa will be hHd oa the 17th day of April, bHore which there wlH ba 14 saea far u sniMr. riastiBra Gehr for Cogreas, T.S. Ujihone f ar Jodgs, aad Serarat caadidatea lor SUte Senate. Oa tba inlrrmatloaofjoha B.Tsa Oraatr. ovrrair ot the poor in falker township. Samt:rl Oratx. Jr was committed to jVil by Jostica Afi-Crant oa ifnadav for daaertioa ol his family aad allowing tbam to become a lowaahip charga. L. L Logan will preach bia farewell eer bbob oa Satardsr everjing. Hare a 10th, at 7 P at . la TJ B church, at Kast Salem ; on Sabbwh evening. Uarcb 11. at 7 P. M. ia TboaapeoatowB M. Cwbnrch. L. L Lobab. Albert Haslett, a rescectrd Clt'.aea or Wayne towwahip, KUHia " coooty, died oa Tbnrwtay, asred 63 year; Ue wss to be boriod on Saturday. On tbe awning of that day his asd wife dUd, aad the fanrral was postponed nntil Sunday, when both were buried together. Among tbe ladies In atteadaaee at tha "To men's Ffcreign Mi soaaiy Society that convened in tbe XitBiatowa Preabyter so church, lat Tbnra.lay, waa Mrs beaver, fa of tha Governor of this S ate. She waa he gaeat ef the family of Mr. William Banks dorisg her stay ia thia towa. "The Chh-aco saTdKwtewaa almost cam eled its arrangements lot tba removal af ibby prison In a Rtchtaoad ta Cbicaga. The svndicste ssy that it Is purely a bu4- Bna transactioa, a ad that they iateed ka- g It pt tced inside of another building, and harse si slmiaa;on tea ta all wha draire to see tha biatoric prisoB." Thia oflk-a baa turned ont a large anmrar of handMime and well ezecated aale billa. hie sp ing Once in a while a tj pograpical a'ake takea place jaat aa it does ta Daws- paper and book pria'iair. The people know h-ro they are propmrly aceomewiated. The Seutiaet and Kepubiicaa office ia the place at wbich ta have your billa printed. EarNs1! Spsvia Lrntmnat removea all Havel f-t. ar raiUaaed Lnmos aad Blrm. rhi Irom horx-a, Flood SaviB, Carba. Splints. Siwnr, Ring-bone, S titles. praine. all Swoltrn Throats, Congha, Etc. ve $ V by nae the of one bottle. War. ranted. So'd bv L. Banks at Co., Drnrrwt". ffimovi Pa. Oct-tM 87, mo SHORT LOCALS. Cnsgress Is wrestling with a tariff bill or twa. Fvtaraea b. .rnogi schools closed Isst Friday. On Friiav trmp'raacs vopi organised local sociat. sr IMehted to Hm. t.. S. AtkinaoB tot valuable piib'ir d'rnmi'i. tubin Ri-l Btraat" a herl1 of apriag ttsja pat Is s sppsravM-e laat wek. firrskam et I.liaoia baa many friends ks recomaiPcd hisa tor tbs Previdency. Znriseera as-1 firma en tbe Chtcas' Bnrlirg'ca and Quincy Railroad are oa a tnka Tka S'ate Drier of Ameriran Firemen Bill ant la Rtiunnt'lna aa the 81st day sfaarrh. Tba tins wlti son be here when the f ar BMr will I e Berrv with work oa tbe fields el tbs fara. Tba rsiaaii.Qarv wom"!i af ntintlngdoa Frsabrterr hald the a'.trntisn of tba town hat TSiira-lay. The Lrwi.fown Frre Pres enters rpon Its Th Trer, wiih as S pearance of substan tial prosperity tkauBrry If Drpew has Bits' friends ns ore bra forward aa a caudidata lor lbs PraaMnrv. Th pla- to bave nice sale bill printed si oners' jr i ea is Tb BBSTtBtb ABD trrsLins i. IJwr w rorrnerlv of this towa, h uf it the frumt iiibm rraidiag at T)rooe Pa., Bat is tuet ra i-ahbslb. To fun hic-Ti!i. grsap the pnlvs o tbe left wri,t nb the r sht htad sad pros laily for ore minute. Ex. Hsrry. F. Boraii, editor of tba Tyrone ei 'aies, srrmapoiert bv .V-s. Booaa I wss h ti.ea terrra! .lays ,f Uat week. iBstasrftLe bmlling of a railroad nur.tirsr.o conntv to lb:s plsco, aroujh Tu.ranr ValWv still coitiawes. Jol.n TVti tn atrv. teytn buaineas as il (h s book store on a aal- itrs'.ul twenty five cents art In a I! ery -f otis il ars. J.cti!t. ,:. , Alexsnder Speedy r.ee4. rt,e I oa th. night of the 20tb alt btsaatte j,.r oM. lutrtmeBt ia th "rkhvtiin grtre-iard. ns ot-irrrfT-r like th a. Send one dol rsnd fl tr ,-.c, to par for oat saber yesr r'B"rn tl thK SKKTtVtl. ABB RxPCBU sad Th, pT..t. rssk B. Kurrv. ol New Tirk. died uauroVi,fin n l.-hwsgo limited, westward bBd. betwa Lewi.r.,wnsod UcTeytowo 's ins rb day of F. brusry. waaaart. .Vtnbeck and Nelson, grata, coal so. majLer a;,r, wba wnj. , fe werk Tab. 11 . 'asscbarge of tLs bnainrss mentioned a' P". rs U town oa Siturdsy. JoeVh Lonracra, formerly of thia t. " " " fcotne, in Pbiladaliihia, lt FrU 111 rrrcaina were brought to this place i aoiajt,t noou for iBteni,Bt itt TJnion iaiery Mr. J..ha TsndU, of Tarbett towasbip re4 avsolrg Bs hti Bet bsw-. lttera i Waller Ceratater, Virginia Bea'a. D. at. Brabaker, Md.. Aaaia Brattoa. John F. Be sett, W. W. Ellis, 2, J. K. Janxa, James Cirlca, W. G. Sbellenberger, Epb riam KantTmaa, Joha B. McAlister, J. M. Prico, klaggie J. Ucatillips. John Rana, Samex-I Kickenbacgb, Emma Stong, K. J. S-nlth, J. R. Smith. Saiiie G. Murrow. Caaa. B. Caawroso, P. SI. The Bloomfleld advocate of February M, sJ S Adam Martia, of Liverpool, thia coun ty, pleaded guilty bctora Judge Butler ia tbe U. S. district court, at Philadelphia, oa last Thursday, to tba charge ol aalawfully retaining ona half of tha S3 662 peasioa nelodgiag to John Sryoc.ol Newaurg, Cum- berlaad Bounty. Varlia was the ageat who obtained tbe pension for Scyoo, and by agraomeut wiih bim be retained one half ol he peoetoa, or $l.8tu althoagb tba statute akea 2i tba limit of an ageat's leee. He,, return ed to Scyua 61,729. Jadge Butler aaataacedhim to pay a flae of gr0 aad casta. and TTbw Homiirst Baa ta M JBmiown r i'.trrmiu, ae ee l aa Uva Baadimen, aad otbwra are tiMritod to call ass way druggist od ra:rat s trial bottle of klmap'a Bal aam lur tbe Tbrea and Lungs, a remedy that ts selling entirely apoa lis merita aad M guaranteed to care aod reiiove aUCbroa ic aad Acute Cwiigbe. Asthma, Broncbitu aad (Joneuuipltoo. Price 6V ceots aad Si. 9IASO 21 JL UA9f L.I1V PIAilOS. Taa ImproTrd met sod of fasteaing the stnaaa ot puutew, iaveated by tbe ilasea aad Uamlia Organ and Pntao Compaor a few years euca. Is aaqaearionably one ol tba most important improvemenia ever nude, making the tasrrumeat more richly musical ia Ita loaee, as well at mora flbf able, aad leas liable to get out of taae. Some Foolish lYopl - Allow a rough to run ontil it gets beyond the reach of medicion. They often eay, Ob. it mill wear away," but in moat caaea it wears them away. Could they be indue ed to try tbe succesMul medictno called Cemp'a Baiasru, wbich we will sell oa a guarantee to care tbey would imiuedia.rjy see Iba excellent effect alter taking the Bret dots. Price M)c and Trial stss frtt. At alt druggikta. MIFFUR AC A DEM T. Aa Bnsli-h aad CI issical School for both sexes rbomaigb preparation lor college or business. During the coming term special atteattua will be paid to th.e prepsrinjc to teacb. Low rates. Tha spring lorn of 12 weeks Begins. HON DAT, APRIL iuo. 1898. For any further information 'addreaa the Principal. B, F. Eliiott, A. B.. Uifflintowa. Pa. Rooster Suit. Mr. H. R. Uaweis, ilie London preacher Ml art writer, baa b-ea sued iry one of his -Htbbora, aa tbe maiutainer of a pulilic aiaanco, ra tha shape of a loud -v viced icfc., that croeo 1 vociferously (accord lux to the testimony ia cour') tweuli -eight mea. between six. aud aix-tbiny in the murniug ! Mr. Haweis brought evidence to prove that tbe cock bad a beautiful voicev aad that thereat oi hia viciuitv enjoyed hW xnberanily cheerful use ol it. Tuo conclu sive of tbe suit we have not learned." The dwelling bouse and office of Judge nnk-in, tbe dwelling houae of Oeorga 3. Bnner, and tbe dwelling house of Andrew Clovtae of Bloomfleld Perry eounly were estrnyed br tire soma evenings ago. M :st ot the contents of the buiMinga were ssved. The fire vn fl-st seea in the roof of one of the buildings but how it got there ia Bet aowa- Tbe Lewiatowo Sentinel save. James Hsrknees waa the loser us a -very valuable horse laet ? ardsv. Wnile R. M. Taylor waa removing a grief a on tha alionlder of the finite his knile pierced tbe main artery leading to tha bead. Desperate attempts were made to atop tbe flow of tbe blood but all in vain. Tha beast aooa died Irom tha loea of blood. Ona of tha promieent peea'iaritlea of tba late railroad strikes. Is cbsarved ia tba bang of place ol engineers and Creoles Aacnla. reprer-eitirig the Chicago, Burling ton and Quincy system of railroads, whose anginetrs are now nn a strike, bare bjru employing the late atrikirg eogineeia, el the Reading system, and tskitig theia wast ta 1111 tbe places of the pr eavnt stnkera- Ust of letters rrmaiaing in Ihe Pstter- n Pi.. Pot Offlie. not called tors Mtr tha B-nueti, Ellen rilrp'trkrk, Htftt Oib- .on. Samuel Howard, James M. Uoover, P. !!,- Kilnam. John Ksmssy, J. H Thompson. J. P . WsUs. Par: sea asking for tbe above erU please aay tbey are advertised. How abb Kibk, F Fattersoa Pa., March 1st, 188S. Tbe Arch Rock schools of FerruaoaKh . v: m.Ii knM an entertainment Bl me close of the inter term of ecbool, a Frids evaning, Msrcfl loin, i no pr.-g.-o" eonaiat of drBBiaa. charades, recitations declamations, tableaux, pantomimes, wit abundance of muttc. vocal aad tnstrumeatei AdmisaiuB lbcts. E. A. Frxaxa. 1 F. TboMas. ( TracArrs. The PetTT County Democrat saya . Dur a. t ar...BawB.aB Twnlll hattVtf 1 1! It, !- . ei visited the family of John Hostetter.of Cea tre township, to sea the triplets Cleveland iirov-r and Frsnces. On Suadsy they were 7 months old, and with the rxcepuon ot slight colds, are enjoying excellent beaitb. and are chubby and hearty. Grover is of a fretful disposition. Cleveland Is very amia ble, while Francea ia chipper and lively and has a .mile lor every obo that spak to her. From Iba Altoona Radical. Oa Tuesday, the Slst of February. Rev. J. W. Bam unit d in roerr Bo Mr. Thad lens T. Kro.der, and Mia. Annie E. Smi b, the nfoub. d.ught. r of J'r. Joba Smith, at tbe corner ot Ninth avenna and F ifteeu a err-e. The ceremony took place st th- of the bride in tho presoace of a Urge aumi b-rol friend.. Wo join with the BUu,amra friend, of Ihe yoacg conple la wtsb.Bg th. at . ple.nt and prosperous journey through .f,, .nd that their days may bo many aad their lives naeful and honored. List or letters ancalled for remaiBitig ta tbaP O., at MifflintowB Pa-. March 1st, 1 ;88. P- oca ealliag for letters lltswill plaasoasK far advaHlse Ur. E-Hlor i The Belles-lettres Literary ocjef . at H-ao School Uou-ie, in Fer- manajib towasbip, will diaeuas ia regalar aad geaeral debate, on Friday night, Marco 0th tbe interesting qusatioa Rttoivti. 'that be sins of the liin-ra indicate tbe dowa- laii ol tms Republic " NiUbnag 3e eieties are requested to So-i I ia their B-sl talent. Ditinguinrd speakers from Mif- intowa have S'gaiflod heir intention to he on head to aid and encourage our youth ful membera. bBOaBTABT. A DKBATE. all the auxi Il-ries and bands, savwina: growirg ictereatin the Work Tba poBtiicg "ecretarr, Miaa Kale Stewart read a good repvart ; Mrs. Dome tha Treasurer, rep.ted $3,800, a gaia ot 6742 over last year, leaving M yet to be raiaed betore Ap U, in order to make up oae Sjaarler of tba million tnnds. An intereetiug paper prepared by Miss Annie Irvine of BoliidaTa bnrg waa read by Mrs. stueaell of AIioobb. In the evening tbe Ker. G. W. Kaox a Pr of in fha Prerbyttriao Theological Semi nary of Tkio, Japan, delivered aa able lecture oa the rapid ad vaoeemeut of civilii cat i on ia that rsrpire, in the last quarter of a rraiwry. ICes-cgmg of Miss Freeman of BuotiBgdoa added very much to the pleasure of tbe meeting. The following reeolutious were adi-ftrd by tbe society. We de-ire to exlrad our ayn.pathy to Mrs. Bscghawcut and Afra. Euaaeii m their ri-eeat bereavesieat- We thaok the officera of tba Presbrteria! ocietT for Ibeir etllcieat services during the past year. We deeire to ex Drees our appreciation to those who bave so kiodly(eateriaia.-d as dur ing our stay ia Birdie. We woul l alao thank tba apeakera for tbeir able addreaaea which have added greiily to the interest of our meeting. . Wo nd-r thstiks to the P. R. R. for the favors granted oor society. R'tolvtd that the officers of the several societies make aa eirnest effort to have at least one representative at tba next annual meeting. Afaa. tTilsos Lotb, Caa-trmsa. The foUowing are tha otTirers ot th a So ciety, several of tbem having beoa elected at the meeting on Thursday ; PsBSIDBSf, Mrs. N. D. Orbtaon, Bellefonta, Pa. Vki Pbssidbbts, Mrs. Wm. fi. Woods, Uuatingdon, Pa, Mrs. William bVo-oMll. Leet-tuws, Pa, Mrs. S. M. K.I-K, Altooaa, Pa, Mias Sal he Irwin, Mirnialown. Pa, Mrs. at. S. Sbaw, Clear Qeld, Pa, RlCOBDlBO SbCBVTABT, Mrs. M. EL Wilson, Bellefonta, Pa. CoBaa.poBDuia Sbcbbtabt, Miss C. W. Stewart, Coleraia Forge, ' Pa, Tbkascbxb, Miss Jolia M. Dorria, llunuagdoa. Pa., There were 90 delegates aud viators. Tbe following are the oemes of delegates, with the Bamee ot several visitors, given uuder tbe name of tba cburchea to which thay belong : Clearfield Church Delegatea t Mrs. Rus sell Mcblinly, Miae Alice Bella, Mias Kate Bridge. Alexandria : Maggie Sir y ker, Biuio Wal ker. Aliooaa Firat-s Mrs. J. W. Bain, Miss McClvliaa.i, Madge Fay i from Boy's Baud al Balers lera and Ueoufeilvw-. Rerdsviile : Miss Liasie Taylor, Mias Jen nie hly la. fori Koysl : Miss Keistor. Mis McUaw Lower Spruce Creea: : Mrs. Lacrolia TbooipaoB. Uoiiidaysburg .- Mrs. H. M. Baldrmga. McCuanellstown : Mtaa Mary- Cooper, Miss Ktue Cuaaiagham. Acadeuua : Mrs. Tf oodbura, Miss Gra ham, Miaa Maaia Laurel. Loat Creek : Mrs. Wiieoa Loyd, Mrs . Mary Adams. Tuacarura ; MiaaMUaio eely, Miss Me Cul.ocb. Aitoona Second ; Mrs. Russoll, Mrs. Dr. Raas, Miss McCaule.t , Mias Mary Black. Bumiagbam ; alra. H. G. Fiaher, Miaa Freemaa ; Irom Bo) s' Band of UautiBgdoa, Waller Magnire, Arthur Reed trom Girl's Band, Miss Minnie ilerialer, Iviegu Wbar- toa. Miaa May Geist, Miss rultoB, Miss b-s:s WANTED To esevaag for one ol the larg-ejat. eld- est eatubl lasted. BUT KIOWS sjCRSKRICS lat the c.u.trj. Host liberal terms. TJnequaled facilitiea. GENEVA KL'RSERT, aatahlUhed 1846. W. T. I am It h. Ceaefa, T. PARKER fc COM BANKERS, 51aM StKKKT, MlFFLINTOWX, Pa33A. TraAMct a general babkiEg bdai- Dia3unta dailjr. i Accounts of firms, individuals and eorporatiooa solicited. Four per cent interest Allowed on twelv. months' certioataav j AprU 20-87. OILS! OILS tOHiS! J Sw LVi MADE m STAXMD OH COMPANY of PttUborg Fa., maa -A- SPECIALITY of manufacturing for tha Domes tia trada tba FineH Brandt of Illuminat ing and Lubricating Oils, Naphtha aud Oasolina, tUai can ba wad from Petroleum. W challenge comparison with every knoam Product of Petroleum. If job wiak th most VJTIF0RML1 SATISFACTORY OILS I Jf THE MARKET, ask for ours, trade for Mifflin town and vicinity Supplied by FRA2T CISCUS HAKDWARK A CO. December 14, S7-ly 18G5, ESTABLISHED Special Invitation To The , Public -afljr To attend tae Attractive Salo f CUtkintkAt ea trom THE IMMENSE STOCK or D. W. FOB TIES fob Bors AXD YOUTHS, A.D tUIU)KE5. LEDGER BUILDING, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STS". THOUSANDS OP THE BEST CD-OO GOLD elDOO WATCH Select Scbtjol. Thia school will i.o- April 9th, 18-jrt. in Centre School House, juniaia couo: , 1' A., aud continue 11 as ks aud "ill atfurd s lbruugh tlumiuori School and B iluawa ed ucation, together wiibLstm sad other high er oraiicbea. Terms reaaocable. There 111 bo a normal claa tr the beoefitaof thtiiw ih ,ng to piepare tor leaching Boar.iing can be I sou, Mias Millie vVDeit.ey. bad in the vicinity. For luriher pariiculara s-o I for circular, or ad -tree tbe Principal, S Campbell, Van Dyke, Juuia a County, Pa. F-ir Q itl BctMna Principal, refer to VT. R. Ami), County Supcriuien leal. Feb'y la, lsfr3. VTarrior's Mark U)der. Milroy ; Mrs. Mary Thompson. Mouot Union : Mrs. Snaver. Mrs. Simona. Miaa De Vor. Sinking Tally : Mn, J. J Co!e, ir. S E. Siewari. M. Bridenbuich. Mi.a Eiiii Morrow, Miaa Nanuin M onrow. Miaa Parker. Cruire Hall : krs. Mary Ooi-dbart. Lewiatown : Mrs. Stevenaou, Mrs. Jo ' !., Mrs. Kate ll.ver. Belltonte .-lira. G. L. Potter ; from girls band, Miaaes Potter and Smith. Duticassrille : Mrs. Thompson, Mrs Qib- ZTU suwd Aaa a'.i.l.rSa U C71 . CO-OPERATIVE CLUBS. Tlkla. ts tl Bnt. ClicapMC, Aad co-operaVtiT fryimm of tvciliiig WmtchOT. Tt. wntsrbt-s ir.r Amricma Ltrrer bttrm WlDderra, tEotiUiMbf twvTf rmrotisTsi to arcoravcy and dnmbU lty. avnti Dive, 10 adrliuotx, nuiMrooa paLstcl im- pfwlTagfTTrrntm foODfi IB DO OthT ThJ T mt- mutuHry th otUf fHat 1XmmjVTt Mom- tmemim mmrt in the World, aufi gtrt jcwrltrtl Lb roti . atwi:k K S n X K Jtt" Bl JT. 1b rmtmrn Utwm Wm4 wtatast iW to the ixtnism. uid nmpetJl aftaM JVaVy WTm fit 11 JOTsAsB fi wit, sfpr-btrairv, stf ffrwy mm bbtsbbvb 9i& rrcirra. uar i o-ou-erau ihe rnri of tvry otf W vmI mm metivm. wmnmutM rmm iwUt la IVKIT CITY mmm TOW A . Hr-lTy profi. tafmJBtetd Om lairMlMaall Wnu fur full ptftKoUtit. The Keystone Watch Club Co. P. 0. B:x 923. FUliielphiA, Fa. REFERENCES: Ksystea -. . v . i . bate laercial Ageucy Sew Tart. .T. 9urlabm. ta. ClUttf. U. Satan, CS. rtrubtrgk. fa. BOlutwa. Hi. Istn, tatat. t. Lena. as. ruialclttla, n, Wllxafwa, aft. aWa aVSVSBa FURHITUliEl rUBHITDREl 1 would respectfully inform the citizens of Juniata County, that I bave bought from John t IS.- Gbatbill his entire stock of Furniture and house furnish ing goods, which consits of LAMPS. CARPETS, SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATTRESSES, FURNITURE, to which I am adding daily, JmJEJW STOCK which I am selling at ex stremely LOW PRICKS It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYER-P Who hare money to inrest to examine the Stock af CaOwwS Ar MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. It is truly maryelous to See THE BEAUTIFUJL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Ltw Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, s doa'l fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing, D. W. H A R L E Y MIFFl INTOWN (or cash. C. B. II OR N.I N CORTSTAL PALACS, G, t i O-rner of Bridge and Water strts Miffliatown, Pa. Jatuary 11th, 88-lv " " 1 OH PER PROFIT sod Mam A V J t'.l-NT plea Free o mt-ncan vsri-ers for Dr. Scell' SeBUlllt Kleclrlc Kelts. Bruabea, Ac. I s .ty ageota waated for Eloctria Corsets. (jnirK sales. Write at ones far terms. Dr Scott, 848 B'wsy. V. T. Spruce Crect: : M s. John VV gtoa, Miss Crisy lisvis, .Visa Katie Jobajou M tfl.Dtuwa: Mrs Jane 11. Irwin. Mitf Em ms ilava. H A It Hi Kit : A Great Help to Tfotueta Mao's work is Irom sua lo sun, Woman' wrk is never done. Hrw trne snd yet inventive genius sad science baa tide wonderful I r r rei-s in relicr ing woman rd ninch ol her former drug- rry and slav-ry. The Mod til Sieam Cm k -r. sn illustrs ot wbich we give to onr readers. Is a happy combinstloB ol scientific princi ples snd while im proving the food wa ear and saving its cost in tuel in abort time, lis ue does awav wt'b tbe red hot stove, and cooking with It ia a positive oleaaure. Steam cooked food ia healthier and mori palatalde than when prepare.! ia the ordinary war. It nevr burns or drys. and with the Model Cooker there is no steam or oder in tbs b i'ln when cooking loud. It is aeil rtgiilating b'ows a wbia tie when th" water gets Uw, and needs no eare to keep the nral from spoiling. The Fnuklin Institute el Philadelphia haa made a prarlical test with Boston (.Brown Bread and vegetablea. a nil report that thoy can be cocked more euccraafullr by at. am man in anv other way. A Inrfber teat was o-ade a ith onions snd showed no trace of odor in the riwm. This is the highest scientific tiMjntv in tbis country. 1 ne .wonei Cm. ker Co.. 34 Psrk Sow. New Tork.waot uenta to b-lB them p'ace these wondo-ful St-am Cookers ia every lamily. Th who apdy early will get the best territory Any lady or gentleman wiahtt.g to ri.g-ige , pcrmsn.-ni rrmuimin. .'('".' cannot do better than by writing Model Co. ker Co. 4M1TH f AKVErt u tbe 6tn ult., by Rev. K. L. Bor.), W elliugion SuiilBau.1 Re becca M. drvrT. bot a ol rorutAua2b. KREIDP.K SMITH O i the 21st ult in Altoo a, by Kev. J. W. Bun, Tuaddeiis T. Kreider and Annie .a-uitn, ttb ot ba city. HENRT HOOPED the 211 ult. b Rev. rt . II S!-v-'n, Jtia-a B H -nrv el Tu.carra and rh-rrice T. Uiopn ot bValc. FAUI-KSFR lOSK-s im the 221 ult hv the raion William Fiu keer, ul Phil del A.-me J..r.r-. port K.-r.l. CLARK LEaCH f) th29 h nit , be Kev E. K B-rrv. Jfr. H J. Clark ot it -ddleiow.i Pa . aiei M J-nnu lrach of B-'sie toenbii Juntatacouniy Pa VMFFLISTOWN MARKKTS. . 2l l" V 8 9 SO. YOU CAN SFORT THE BEST HHO flNEST OVERCOAT, 15 TUH LA5D, fK fSRT LITTLE MO.VMT. IF TOf WILL MtT JTTMrm Schott's Closinir Out Salo Thw Month. True to our old principles, we will not carry any good avoc ta next year. Thin being tbe case thorn boems to be but one way to free ourselves from onr t-urplus btock of Orercuatu and Men's and Buyu' Suite and it is Cut down th.t Pricts. In no instance ia tbe price of aDy Overcoat above tbo naked cost ef the Cloth and the trimuiiua. TLe cost of tbe making has been ignored. Scale of 1 eduction Occrcoais. on ISeifs tie 14 $12 $10 S. ii S3 Overcoats all sizes, Marked Do vi to S It Overcoats all sizes. Marked Down to S Overcoats all bizes, Marked Down to S t.H Overcoats all bizes, Maikod Don to 7. SO Overcoat ail size. Marked Down t 9 S-IT Ovtrr-oats all sues, Hulked down to S 4.3T Overcoats all aizea, Ktrked down to t t.ti FURNISHING GOODS MARKED AWAY DOWN. The finest underwear, the Bebt Gloveti, Fiue Neckwear, the best to the ta tbi stter. rTstmen'a yiUtlonary Meeting;. The 12ih annual aieetirg of the Women's Foreign Jfiasionary Society of the Preaby terv of Huntingdon met ia thia place on Thuradav, March 1st. at 9 o'clock A. M. O Wednesdsy evening very interesting ad drmSe( oa the importance of Foreign Mis a r.n Work were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Woodbura, of Academia, and Rev. R M. Cambell of Port Royal. On Thursday rnomini after devotional xrrciee, Mita Bmma Haya gave tb ad-irea ol welconw, which was responded to by the P residrst Mra. V. D- Oriaoa. Tha rocordiag Secre- tBcy, Vrt. U. H. Wtl read a rarer Hirri.iK-rr.WB. March 7, l--8 ni er ......................... Frga...... .... ................. Ham , Shoulder......... ............. Sides, ........ Lav d ..... . .. . ............. MIFFLINTOWN OkAl.V MAKKKI. Wheat, bO Oora u. w ............ 4H Oats...... 25 to 30 Kye 6U Cloverseed il to$ J 60 fimoiby aocd ................ $1.7a lax aoU 1 bO l.raa... ... ltf (JO L.bop ., 1 641 aiaorta 22 W Uruuud Aiuui all . ....... 1 'Zb Aiuhiuii aall............. 1 UOal 10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Philadblfbia, Afarch S, 1888. Wheat 91. Com 57. Oa-s 41. Priae lard 8. Smoked bun II tii 12 Live cbUkena H to 13ctaper ib. Duck and turkeys tbe same per Ib. Butter 23 to U9 cis per lb. Eggs 16 to 17cU rfos. C,-d 5 to 7e's per ib. Kye straw $17 t S 8 per ton. Hay $11 to $15 p-w ton. Re. 72 els per bushel. Cattle market unchanged. 50. FOKFEI T. BO G. W. HECK KEEPS TI1K LARGEST, BEST AND MOST VARI ED ST 0C k - OF Fool JTcar in Juniata Con nit;. ooo The above statement is true. Olhermen bants allege tli same to be true of their stosk. Let all making the claim t-t.unl up ftr inspection. I will forfeit $50 if I fail to sustain my claims. Let the others do the came. Let the people the whole truth. shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Fur Caps, allthougb. th coU axe fine Quality miCES ARE TO THE HOTTEST ItOTCU S C HOT T , THE LEADING CLOTHIER, PIUDGKST., MIFFLIXTOWN. PA. ;Bloe Wrapper'with lied iiand.' a Claacs STSryUuig in tua houaa; will raawral'10 'r whitonaas to marble mantlet, tables, ete. : cleana N Y B O D Y, ANYWHERE. In ANY paint witbonToimmllis7!!. Itutra; Bcooraknlvaa QUANTITY, from a pound to B pall, wade it waabea them: mataa china. and in a FEW MINUTES, aad wlndowa ailatau wltb an added brtRktoeaa . ONE PACKAGE makes: polish., tbs tin, brass snd popper warscsed fto 15 pounds White Curd Soap i All Is stt lbs kitchen; el-ana, lha baib-tuh, flnor. and er J'ltiJ , ' rablsa ; waabaa oil cloth, withont lujurlug tbam: A Pail of Superior Soft Soap. J FtrT. lakaa out greaaa di-t aud stsint rrom cari-eu takes tns pltcs of "attlng and otbar vottt fabrics. Washing Powders and Common Soaps. THK SfMONDS SOAP CO., THE SIMONDS' SOAP CO., HEW VOSK CITvJPme. Ir cnt. MEW VOBK CITY. "THE GIRIi I LEFT BEHIND ME." BOFtRISHTEO lilt J"- ,-v a'rvt N5" put rp or suct rp A.1D qriT I'laE. iioBBxoniu the: no LEGAL. A Saw Aatraj. rl A Larre white sow. Iielieved to weicb nearly 200 pounda baa beea wsnderitisT .ernni the premises of the undersigned I Favette townsb-p. Juniata county, since he 19th dav ot February The own er of the sow a herebr requested to come and pr..vo property charges and take bee aaay or I wilt dlspoeo of ber sccurdiag to law. J- Kblsob yasOaaia- Msrsb Jad. 'fas. G, W. H E C K. 0NLV EXCLUSIVE HOOT AND SHOE STORE IN JUNIATA CO. Till WORLD'S OPFQRTUHITIES. .0 3 i AJST HOW TO USE Il s Tin a mirsi a vr "This lanr aad baadaoate new book. ELEOAXTLY J" brooebt oat by Harper A Brothers. ILLL STTl 4 TED promiaaa to bs one of tba moat populat -s-A4AJ -3 A Ak A A AaAa aaweO aa Barfnl of tba Issues of that eminent rmbnahing- bonse." free Press "Thsre Is no pnbuahed with tha acopa and objaeta of thia work, and there can ba no competition, as there ? 'J 'be raaa of almost every oth-r putIUhl brsnhacrtptloa." ArronMid PMtnot "Tba moat aaanu book pnbuahed m many a dar." .V. r. World Raratr do a rolnms of creatar Intenas aad mors rsal value corns from the press." Ohavrver. N. T " Every kind of human endeavor receive. niU and careful consideration. -V. T. Com. Artrmtorr - Wea suited to supply a nrea- et l'r.rtri'T Is tibmH-a. pohllc and pel rate." V Y .lomr nfCom A6EITS OOII'T KISS THIS OPPORTUKITY TO MARE MCMET.- It reratves the BaqBsJIflsd artst of every one who examines It. Sol.l onlv by sabaeriptlos. am-w li ' K"b Jo "ea and women asresta make from tlOO to SOO par month easily. m. . . -- w .ww.. ..h. , . J - " o-"-rme a most eueeaseroi s cm a. ym fi .nr. am mr WNBrwl ai wt, 'ory ev once. n Kaxrated by the nsa of a Buagy made br T. T. as.rdorL which Is not ot.1t the Leadlag Busgy in this wetiire, butVaCK (.afaott. tftttil of tfiKK A. Has Havdoek't Pafetv Kloe Bolt snd riftb vbsl. A.k your dealer lor tns T. T. HllUOCa tllHitilf, with tbe Uaydock Safely King Bolt and fifth Wave. Lite ia Insecure riding over any other. rTkla alawca Ml ba lralAa4 mm . mw aa. ,rl.rf la 1 1 1 ai il arla. mt aar mtmt m M B 'isnruasrrisM r-p t-p -psr- -yTO, mZ'!!m?lZ'r'!Z?Z' Cor. Plssi ssd Tlfth Kts.. nvcrvSATI. - AOOna ffiHTED 'WEEiE WE HATE BOSEI lO IHVrjTsTEsT 60 PEOFTTIBLAI " "'ISgaSSirmBTwwa : Spring and Ecmmer Gccds. L I would inform the pul.Hc that I . P. ThOsTlSS 8t SOsl'S. , now in my new millini tr sti-re at rrr p!r i ' of residence on Water afreet, V (T int-.e i second door from e.or.ier nr Bridpe strer a full stock, of PjTinjr ii. Siiermi r mil'ii.-r rooda. all nw, snd of the lateat stvjr tnd having employed flr r's.a'inft. f am prepared to supple thepnrilie witt . eviytoine fonnd in a Ur.telaaa mi"ir.r at"-... come snd eyaiiino rrv af.v-k. ' ennider if no tronbV to sh-w r"-da MBS. VVV.V Mrch 22-K7.1.V. Caution Police. Allrrinr.s ,rtl beirby csufinned sgr-iiti.' touting or Hahu. on tbe prop.-riy of tn-undt-rs.gned iu Fayette town.hip, st Ire ttvBDpstl laws will te eol rccf E-rr:t:M ! r FEETILIZEES Tes-aln all th. ralual.le rieerati rf .t.l. manor, tn s cincenlialM f.,nn. hper a ly prepared for all sr. pa. Ihr-f ar. manufa. lural ft.r raaulu ocrma-B..-I reenlTa. Thcr car not he hea-an tn tbe fle d IR nllRMvmcnrr facul t. ta firm them our perK-nal altenlirio. f"T the una m. aey we K'arantet70i.r (roodt not to he a-i rpa. Tha wha n them eodorae them, leu dm diem aad yva wiA eoooeaa them. jroViOrrjsT) st L P. THOMAS sSc BON, t Philadelphia, Pann'a. j Bow nn ar j ANDEEVV HEASH0RE..fCfJsT, i l i . i v. I I