Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 29, 1888, Image 2

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wkphesat rear tiMg
B. F. BCflWElER,
.iron a ricniro,.
Tbs Democrats Nations! CWei.-
tion will DNt on the th of Jnn l
gt Louis.
Tux Democrats s-ra to b qlcikt
ronrrnicp B'.siie. They insist on A
thai bis declination is net positive
It is reported tbat a hnefiUibust
tring scheme is on foot ia the Unitd
States to recover the fjoi.j uiin in
Ten. uela that have recently bn
taken posseemou or by Great Brit
tain. England will steal all that south
era country if laf t alone-
G sosoi II. Coarxa, who conetrnct
ed the groat engine that ran all of
the machinery ia Machinery Hall
dorinj the CeLtounial Eshibitioo id
Philadelphia in 1870, died at his Louie
in Providence. It. L on the 21.t of
r ehrnary, aged 72 yeeix of trtWa:
f the heext ennaed ty gasirie fever.
Thc people in the Northwest insist
on it, that their country rr. not as
greatly a storm stricken district as
baa te'o repreeente.l this winter. tby
ear it waj an exaggerated report, that
l.CKK) people perished by cold this
wintr. They put the loss of hfe at
two hundred.
runirisT Clkvelsd and wife are
enjoying an excursion to Florida.
This is the time to go, when the
change of weather in this latitude
from winter to npnng ia hardest on
people, but it ia not every one that
can go. Florida would get "too fnll"
if everyone could go there at this
tirue ia the year.
A Tocxa man in Clovelund died
yesterday of e xcrssive tmoking f
eigiu-etU-8. So ranch did he indulge
in the rxrnicions habit that "his sys
tem was fairly Foakt.l throcgh and
through with nicotine." The coritin
non moling of those car.tr little
stinkers seems to be about ns deadly
asdriukinrurn in quantities. Balle
tin Feb. '25.
Tax widely known Washington D.
C. banker W. W. Corcoran, died at
fs 30 A. Xf. last Friday. His fnther
was an In.-liruan an.I bis mother J
Maryland woman. He was botn t.t t
Georgetown D. C. in 171N. Ha start
el life as a dry goods tuorrliati', but
failed at the business, and after that
became a broker and banker, and
paid his former debts and died worth
millions of dollars.
THEchairrnan of tie Prohibition
State Committee has issued a call fi.r
-.$tute Convention to meet at Harris
burg on the 2d of May. His address,
like most documents coming from
Prohibition sources, is full of absur
dities and i iftccuraoiea. But it is not
likely thut the Prohibition party will
be a formidable political concern in
Pennsylvania this year. It wasoffect
ually disarmed by the passage of the
High Licenae act Bulletin.
The Smallest oh Earth.
rrota The N..rth American, Feb. 7.
The people of Burlington, New Jer
sey, are just now very mneh interest-
U in what ia claimed to be the small
est child on the faoe of the esrth.
The htt'e fellow name is Joseph
Deacon Lippinrt tt, and he has sees
three months cuic snd go since first
his eves opene.1 njn this cold, cold
world. Little Joseph i n exhibition
in Burlington, and crowds of peopie
pay to see hira rv. ry lsy. An idea of
how small this dincunitive chap is can
be best conveyed by the statement
that he can and has taken a np in an
ordinary ciifar box. What there ia
of bun is perfectly f, rmed He weighs
now, one pound and three onresv
Aeroea the stiouMei he measures
three inches; around the waist, six
and a half inches: elbow to tip of
fingers, fonr inches; lencfh, fifteen
inches. The palm of his hand cannot
be seen when a enny is placed upon
it. His eyes are blue and as Isrge as
small beans. This midget finds bis
way to the henrts of everv one rcho
sees him. He is the seventh child
which has blessed the union of Mr.
and Mrs Lippincott. All his brothers
and sisters were verv Kmall. sud
departed this life soou sfter their
birth. "Josey" seems to be in the lest
f health, aud several physician ex
press the belief that he will live to a
good age."
Aoir-EMu, Pa . Feb. 21. 1SSS.
Ms, Emtor: As an avowee! be
liever iu the divine right of infant bnp
d,isco. I feel tempted to briefly notire
tne mmiimtii,-tion frotu Black Lour
nnder date cf January 3t, publishel
in yonr isne or t ebrnsry l."th. I
eare little about taking v'onr corre
spondent "to task" for his articles
copied, as he sars, from the columns
of the Gospel Messenger. I am only
concerned to point out to roar rend
ers th fallacy of "gri, yi"WB on lQ.
faut baptism." . completely aTor
dant" with the views not alone of your
irrespou.lent but of every opponent
of thin cherished rite. A is well
known to all fully conversant with
mis nnnappy and long stan.ling
every argument that ever
cas. or c.n oe, hron-ht aeainst the
baptism of cluldren is easily reduce
oie to one or other of tbe following
syllogisms :
1. Any person who has a rirrhf
m positive institute must be express-ly
mentioned as having that right. But
infanU are not ao mentioned in con-
nection with baptism. Therefore
infants have no right to the adtainis
tration of this ordinance. 'We object
to this position as being glaringly
assumptive, ia that it presumes to
dictate to the ever blessed Go-J the
manner in which ha shall addr-c? his
Tctnr. He most "exprewly des
ignate" those who are to come under
any of hie appointments. We object
to thiw p.iu n as being exceedingly
narrow and bigoted, in that it sup
puw that we cannot know what God
says save when Le a.Mres?- na in m
partirnlar way, whereas it is a well
known f-ict that some of the mo?t lm
portAnt truths of revelations are Pet
befre us in inilirect ways, and again
that we may as certainly reach tLe
truth upon any particular subject
through indirect aa through direct
expression. When Pun I sav be wa
caucLt up into the third heaven, we
know a.4 certainly that there is also a
fir-Nt and second heaven, as thoiiirh he
had d r. ctly tSnnel their t-sis;tew.
But we olijort to this position of the
baptist a being indubitably Iale.
We waive other instanoea that might
be specified, and fix on one only.
From the first a sujinct has been ad
mittd to a positive ordinance, and
tbia adajisaion is according to truth
and is ro held bv all who obherv the
obiigrtion of the New Testament
riis. while yet there ia no exprnen
law or example to support it to be
fousd in all the ord of Hod. 1 he
subject to winch we allude is woman
and her admiseion to the Lord's Sap
per. Conktrurted with reference to
tbia case the Baptists first arirnaient
is as follows : Any person l iving a
right to positive institute runfct le
mentioned as hnving that ribt. But
women are rj.'t so mentioned in con
nection with the Lr.rd's Supper.
Therefore women have no right to eat
the bread and drink the wino in me
morial of the Saviour's death and
coveDaut. And so onr Baptist breth
ren are, by their invariably practice,
placed in the same condemnation
with the rest of ns. "Irne, say they
"you may suppose there were chil
dren iu Borne of the households all"
of which are said to have been Imp
tized. But woe to the man who builds
his faith upon inference. Wl-eu
yonr Black Log correspondent shall
have cited me to an express warrant
in the Word of (iod for the admission
of a belovtd mother, or sister, cr
daughter to the sealing ordinance of
the Lord's House, I for one will con
cede him the unchallengeable richt to
all upon roe for an express warraut
for imposing the initiatory rite of this
same house upon my infant offspring
2. The second and chief argument
of the Batdii-tR against t!;e reception
of infants', t-tates svllogisiii ally. is as
follows : The Bible demands faith
or repentance es a prcroqnisits to
baptism. But infaDu cacn.-t suply
this j rereo'tusite ; infants therefore
lire rut proper subjects of baptism.
This is the argument tlmt lies at the
Uittom of the articles of "J. K. M-"
(Here I cht to makt a conf-.ssior,
perhaps, I failed to notico tie orticlo
that api-eaied in your issue of Jaun-
ary IS. But as it would seui to be
a piece of ti.e one in your issue f
icl r miy lo. I make no doubt I am
in a general way correct in r.ferriug
to the same category) The , gist of
this argument is 'his something is
aid iu the New Testament while
Fpeaking of the baptism of believtrs.
that is utterly lucompatiMe with the
state i f infamy; consetpiently, infants
canuot be eupposed to be proper sul
je ta of baptism. Now, tvljile. it would
lie quite ta.-y to poiut out the fallacy
of tu:s argnment, I wish, before do
ing so. to try tLe gait of tins famous
baptist steed upon a fr-wotner paral
lel, yet seldom traveled, courses.
Start we him on the line of circum
cision That children as well as
adults were authorttivtlv subjected
to this rite nnder tho Old Testament
economy, even baptists themselves
will not deny. And yet, in the face
of this historic Jact, what more is
needed than the logic of tht ir own
"hobby hoike" argument to prove to
the Satisfaction of the whole lmmer
sion world, that children were very
improperly to marked ? For does not
Paul alLrui, Gal. 5:3. h.very man
who is circumcised is a debtor to do
tbe whole lnw. And are not children
et the tender ftf;e of eight d;iys inca
pahlc of yielding themselves, and
heooinirg debtors to do the ahol
law : -A. child, sava J. rj M , "can
not vield ittelf." And saa Bishop
Sampson, another war horse on the
rams pat p. "in personal obligations
no roan is bonnd withont Lis own
consent." Hence aa circumcision iru
posed the obligation to kep the whole
law, a child, that could hot yield it-
Self, or give its own consent, was jus
as improperly circumcised under the
Mosaic economy, as tbe ofTrpring of
the peodormptist are now being bap
tized under the Christian. Wonder
ful thing tbis lopie of the Baptist
lu tbe lint of it the wisdom of on
of the most express appointments of
the Almighty :s seea to be folly! Woe
therefore even to the thick bosse
of J hovah's bm kler when this baps
tist war horse rushes upon it! Try
we a gait of this steed on the line of
tbe baptism of Jesus. Was Jesus
baptized? Yes. Was be rightly bap
tized ? Who dare ssy. No. And yet
according to tbe logic of the baptists
argument nothing is clearer than thut
he was not. And why not ? Because
t eiug immaculate he was neither ca
pable of faith nor insusceptible f re--py-rUnce
the indispeasible prerequi
sites, as the baptists affirm, of tbe
proper imposition of this rite. Clear
ly, either the blessed Master was not
rightly baptized, or this boarted ar
l'i ment of the modern Baptist is
I abominably fallacious.
Try we this
wind broken and spavined steed again
on the line of the salvation of infants.
Are those of onr nice who die in iu
fancy saved T So we fondly bctieve.
all of us baptist and peodobaptist
alike. And yet according to the sup
posed unanswerable atgnmeut of the
Baj-tist, thy cannot be. Why? Kim
ply because the ini xplorable law of
the kingdom forbids tbe thought.
Thia law, say Baptists, is unmiMake
aole in its intent and world wide and
inexorable in its sweep. He that be
lieveth shall be saved; he that be
lieveth not shall 1m damned" Rut
: since .ufants do not believe, they can
I not be saved. And hence all who di
a inf'.ncy are lost. So unspeakable
i I feeiV in ita 1 . 1 nt,tr-.ntA i fKiu
t v, i.i.. t
With one fell and pitiless stroke it
! biota out the children name from
both the church on earth and the
J church in heaven ! Does -J. E. II."
kaow that tbe fallacious reasoning
of Lis copied articles is capable of be
ing used quite aa potentially against
infant solvation aa against infant bap
titftn. I take the last three sentences
of his I ant communication, and after '
substituting the word "faith" for
"baptism" in the first and the word
"salvation" for "bap'ism in the sec
ond and third. I find they will read
thus : "Fsith is a command, and re
ligious obedience requires a volunta
ry act. The person obe ing the com
mand become active ; but in infant
salvation the subject :a passive and
nncocscious aad canuot voluntarily
obey the commund. As tar as we can
collect from Divine Inspiration infant
utlvation ia fonil wanti'itr." Wtnld
your correspulei)t be willing to hnb-
bcribe bis initials to such a syllogism
as this? And. if not, why not T Sure
ly he is not ready to eU in question
any statement in minor premise.
Then bow ran he avoid theconclasion
with iu brimstone taint T But trv in
this inconaiilerate steed of the Bap
list ouce more on a line of the tem-
poral snbaistence of infants. Shonld
infant a be supported T So tbe Bible
affirms and nature itself teaches. And
to this doubly imposed duty the
hearts of all are sweetiy conformed
I sav the hearts of 'all. for onr bap.
tist brethren care for the young ven
before they can yield consent, as ten
derly and as assiduously as any of
id. But here again I mat insist their
practice is not in accordance with the
outcome of their logic when reason
ing with the poedobaptitit. Does my
reader req'iire evidence of the truth
of this Strang statement ? If he will
construct the famous baptist argu
ment upou one or lw p-usares of
s-ripttire, he can not foil to sue that
in the light of it alone, though in op
posit. on to both oat ore and the Bi
ble, ii. funis should actually be left to
starve, lake is a. 1:1 "J, "II ye be wil
ling and obedient ye shall eit the
good of the land." Now let him in
keeping with the baptist method say,
Willingness and obedience are re
q iirc-d of them who ars to eat tbe
Hood of the land. But infanta can
neither will nor obey. Therefore in
fants must not eat tbe good of tbe
land." Theu ts.ke 2 These. 3:10, "If
any would not work neither should
he eat.'' Again let him aiy afttr the
manner of the biptists, '"He that will
not woik neither shall he e:it. But in
f.int canuot will to work. Therefore
infants must not eat.
Thus this second and chief argu
ment of the Bip'ist in whatever way,
it is viewed proves against the truth.
Is it a truth that infants should sub
sit ? This argument proves against
it. Is it a truth that infants mar be
saved ? This argument will prove the
contrary. Was Ci;rist rightly bap
tized t Aeeordmc to thi.s argument it
could not I.e. Were infants proper
sut'j 'cts of circunj-Msion ? This aign
ment will prove they wre not.
At a future time I may briefly
point out wherein the fallacy of this
argument consist., an. I at the same
ime indicate the ground on which
we claim the divine sanction for th
buj'tism cf our infint seed.
J. s. w.
A Great Help to Women-
Van' wotk from -un to sun,
Wtituan'swork ii never done."
Flow trne and yet
inventive rrnns
Tjd science has
wade vonderTal
progress in rcliw-
vf woman of much
1 ber tfrnirr drug-
ery and s turt.
Tha U.-dvl S'rani
CM,ker, an i!iin
ot ahich ie jrive to
our rfa1-ra. ia a
happr comtination
entitle priici-
l- and bil- im
provire the food we
ral and mmi it
co.t in tori in abort
time, Ita nae does nwav wi-h tho led hot
stove, ana cuokmc with It is a positive
pVasore. Strain cok-d food is ht-atlbier
and trior ptl;alld tbaa when prepared ia
the ordinary way. It a-'ver b'iras or drra
ana with the Model Looker there is do
ttteirn or ordvr in the fcense s lien cofikina;
food. It i rtrnlatintf blow a whia
le wto-n the water gets low, and n ed no
rare tt keep the n3-al from apoiling. The
Frtnklin InaOinienf Ptiilt !ii na hi. mi h
a prael:c.t! test wi b BoaionBrown Bread
and veffprahtra. and rejrt tha thv can he
cooked more roccesatullv by si -am than ia
an other way. A further tet w aa o-ade
with onions and showed no tr-ies of odor
in the room. This is tlis higtieat aciea tifi.;
su!ii(rity in this country. The Model
f't Co.. 4 Park How, Mew T .ok, want
feQt to h-lp tlieta p'e tbes-t woaa erful
So-sru Cooktrs ia every tamily. Ttv.ae
who apply earlj will get tbe biat territory.
Ary lailv or rutTOi"i w-shng to ei'gige
in rxtmanint reniutirra'ive employ went,
canuot do better l ban by writiug to tbe
liocel LV kt-r Co.
meeting of all the local unions of the
women's cbristain temperance urjion,
and young women's christian temper
ance unit n of Jun:sta county, as also
all others interested in temperance
work, "ill be held in the Prebytt rian
church. Mifflintown. on Friday Msrt-h
2d. at 10$ o'clock A. M. Mrs W. U.
W ods of Unntii'gdon, State Tret-s-nrer
of the W. C. T U. and other
tanaper n"e work I rd !pe.ikersill
be present. The object of tbe tne ti' g
iatolcta county orgauiz-nian of
tbe W. a T. U. and T. W. C. T. U.
Profenaor at Vsssir ('o cla). ''Xow,
who can tell rue the moat wotaderfnl aefci've
ment nt tbe nineteenth century t Miss Mor
ria, 1 pee your hand raidi.-d
Mis Morris (proudly). "My sister Ne'lio
has taught h--r pug dog. Thistle, to chew
gum " Judgs.
or r
Jannary l, 187, te Janaary 1. 1588.
To thr HomorahU. tkt JuJf of tht (bar
of Csavmoa Pleat of Juniata Count :
Wo, the undersigned. Anditors'ol the
County of Jnniata, elected and sworn ac
cording to law. to sunt, settle, and artju-t
tbe acei'UMs of the Treasurer, Sheriff and
Commissioners of the sasd Conntv of Juni
ata. repeettnlly report that we met in Ibe
Auditor's cfties) in MitP.intowu. on the drat
Vonday ot January, it being tbe 2nd da ot
the month, and after a caret ul examination
of aaid accounts we And ihm to be aa fol
lowa. from tbe In day ol Jannary, 18M7, to
the;31at day of December 1887. tho Treas
urer tor tbe year. John M. Copeland, pur
suant to notice, being present at tbia settle
ment 188. Jobs St. CornoiD, Treat. Dr.
Ja. 1, Te balaaee rrota last year t MM 4
U m Caroline Lyer and others
iDlrrsel .....................S
Printing m4 Stmlioutni.
B-nsall 'k. Jacknun, prinlmc.
Klaukx. Ave t
Wm. S. Al'Uun, court prucUma-
tioa. ax .... -
B. f. St'tiseier. Court prorlam-
tion. fee
T D. Urnn. court (icocUma.
tia. blanks itc ..........
J U. Ca-UiMl, :atatoaerv, fcc.
W. U. Kulluua, tatioDrry. fee..
1655 25
163 7
109 501
100 50
2P4 50
46 60
15 bl
Rtpmir, to Brtdgt.
J. T. Dimro. rryirt U bri Igo al
Mabant tDEO.....
IS- G. Pk, repair to bridge at
Cowmfj Prmm.
Dvst Fowlea bor'ling and Sher-
iFn lr-a .-
D . Craaiford itt-licnl vicra
IistH Watta waicb at jail
K R-rnr. Ida. watch al jiil......
S. S Wil-on, repair al j .
B. ScBtt. C'KMla lor jtii ... ... .
J. Nona it Son, coal lor jii'...
J. Kha- tilaaterins and mhu
&0 9-i
h 7 1
392 12.
113 75
11 75
3 9
1 90
39 Vt
I ahinc...
13 87
22 96
2 '
4 00
2 60
K. H. VsCiintic. brl lor
D- PanvsLaker reoaira lo lock.
C. McCs-lian, aj-nn(r
I. Ib-lmon, Kloiin f irj.il......
. W. lin k. lo aair or shoes
tor Carter and tramp..........
Kerd SIens cloihinK t..r prison
ers. R. E. 1'arker, bill auodnm.....
Total .....
731 78
Cosay Btmi Paul.
McASiMeraudolkern' boudS 22975 OO
J. H
Public Buildimgt.
F. W. Noble, repaira to pump
at jail.... - ...S
John s,- Orarbill. njaOit.g tor
Court Holiat.... . ..... .......
D. Hobnan repairs to vard tenco
Court mui Jurort' Pay.
D. T. Kitmore and others f rand
Jona'hm Keiser and ottit-rs petit
jurors ....... ...............
Win. H. Baiighman and others
tip staves ....................
670 m
1 00
47 23
I 40
49 03
703 69
I6.T8 10
136 21
Htgtttemg and A'tttiKg
H. K. Gootliiig and others
ComttabU (('aril.
John Hobn and other conata
bles'fees. ...... ........$
fox. Mtk aud Skunk Scalp:
Tboroaa G. I-auver itid olbera
scalps ..
H"crr Pcuiicntitry.
J. M. ConeUnd. till pod tor
!478 03
497 32
208 82
219 40
S174 75
17 32
8 00
9 22
23 46
1 4J
41 ry
f 7
13 t
79 38
12 C2
12 S3
107 f
2 M
15 47
34 47
36 3 5
keeping prisoners..... ......
K. B McCroni, coats". S
K S. Ioiy, attoaney for Com
monwealth E- S. Dotv, aitornry for s5ujireiu
Court. ... ...................
T. II. M-nn c-r, csi lecemler
Term. lHs
J- P. Callann, itiie. ........
T. U. wt minB'-r, cos's i'l' ruiry
Tirm, issj..
A. k. Swans, cost-, Uilson suit
T. II. Menuniter roata. tjilsoo suit
T. H. weuiirger Cit, 1. II.
K S. Ioiv, uttoro Comuioo-
w-alth Cas8. ...
B F. lto:ct,6ci.i. aiiurney Coin-
iiiaifj ih and Pardon B 'ari
H Ca-io r. ll:i--
E. B. McCruni, costs McMeen
CSS'- .... .....
T U H Mviuingt-r. cost. Waller,
Bensinger, and K loonds. . .
till V. Jacoba. w:tnua. ... ....
T. II. Mvminger, coats Curler
Case .......................
T. 11. steiuiiig--r, witnesses C ar-
tvr rase. ....
T. II. VeitiiTiger, costs lu Hurrt.il
and Vat.Zaiit cases ..........
A. HjckentKrger.airaiiito n 409 47
I. Zimmerman.. Millord.... 116431
J. bottiger Monroe... 4"0 47
John Kruvat Patleraon. 2HH :t
B. F- Siimiue!l...ro-t R..al 2U 3d
J.J Cu :b--rtvio.. Spruce Hill t' !
W W Finjtrt. Su qeh' a'.tj 1.6
Jacob Sis-ch-r. . Tboiui-aon'o 121 n
T. U. W;Cl'-."-..Turieit.... 44587
J. B. Barion.... .Tuscnrora. . 5'. '.171
Samuel Cltcfc... Wa.ker 1127 45
$1"741 14
AH of which i rtsprlfu'ly srbieitted.
W. P. UK All AM.
Coaafy .JJior.
Mifflintoan, Pa.. January ttih, 1888. S
I'RER thereof, frum tnentU J.jr of J mnaiy.
ls7 . to thr 8lt d of December, lss,. a,
t"keu from tht Record ta the Commiteionert'
Commonwealth Coil.
OcTSTaiiDiso Tx, Decemher 31, 18S8
yar. Collector. District. Jmou
1877. ValO i.a Slump..Licn $ 3 79
18SH. Chaa McCormick Port Kojal 74 69
1884, Wil lam Clark... B-a!i 30 5
11. 8. lh Spruce Mil; 1 1 ti:
18w6, Hi-nrr Swalb.... Delaware.. 156 35
H.O. Vunt....(ireenw.d 66 hh
o HarTV Kn s. 1 .... Patiersoti. 9'J
John i taii fie. Port Royal 2)t U
Ephriam Duncan. Turaror.. 63
1886, J. C. Beale rfc-ale 187
Samuel J. Slur's. . Delaware. 114 21
A. Swanalander. . r avette.. . 31 i
IL C. Ho-.... ""ermanagr! 36521
- J. S. NcCah. s...l,rk 117 8
x J. II. Howell S.ru-e Hill 41 'JO
A . C. Stroop. ... s u-queha'a 174
M Z Sowers. ...Thotucsou'n 53 33
8. U. BfSle. Tuscarora. UK 1 1
1887. J. C. BVale Keale 5i 78
Jacob Kp err ... Delaware.. 624 67
A. Swariclander..Faetle... 62188
Jobn Moner......rermana'u iiMti
m JacobForry......Greenwoi i-338
" S. D. Mmontiin...Lacfc 16260
Dec. 31, Bv -ld orders paid....
orders iasne1 in 187
exonerations to col
lectors. ...... ...
rsad certificates paid
outstandirg taxes..
percetitaje on State
tax, 1886.
c percenai;e on Slate
tax. 187
caah paid L. Cargill,
order Att'y Gen.. .
a salery ol Treasurer ..
balance due coantv..
75 89
38040 34
937 87
'.'86 60
10744 14
24 95
10 24
14 16
6X' 00
iH.i 88
$58550 07
$ 7815 88
Jan. I, To balance due County,
ontstatiding tales.....
A per cent, additions,
Duplicate ol .886
error. Duplic'e ol lS
taxes levied, 18s7....
"verdict fees..........
Taxes on dogs. .......
cash from Commission
er Columbia Co.. tor
care ot t-ersons killed.
cash collected from Port
Rotal Boroueh is case
nt Rutherford and from
Philadelphia ia case of
Dunn. ........... ....
cash receivt-d from Per
Co., lor CMta in case ot
Shearer vs. M meter... .
" sasb received from Tur
bett tap., and olbera
for keeping paupets....
cash from sale ot Co.
11254 69
86 25
27 10
17870 52
20 00
41 48
804 88
52 40
131 84
... 23302 00
$58650 tT7
Boyd ITiiMt, attention aad
1 00
19 25
80 It
10 55
47 Ii
150 00
22 46
3 75
184 00
89 77
1 00
10 00
252 87
2 IS
I n'"rit trHite at Port Kuyal..
i. ((.. rir, atone lar
hridn at SI bntoDf o.... ...
W . C. Laird, vpura to bridge at
I McCoyaville
S- F. Lndwir, repair to bri1g
J. C. Diiiim, p aua for bridge at
I Oakland
Geoeare bivrv, repairs to br:ug
I at Oakiaad
I K. t. Gum. spike tor bridle, at
I Hon'
J. K Stiniflinc rrjaira to bridia
l- r. 1mm, rvpaira to brvlge
at Urlw arf.. ........ ........
Pet Ht-fllnnjr'r, repair to
I bridge at Wcl'ivvil. ........
Dobb II Vil!ik-n. repaira to
rrtoe at W-C .vavill. ....... .
W. W. Ried. repair to brila;e at
Jam- liotf trr. reDaira to
hHr at D nvua
f a. Rohrwr. rfnaira U bridtfM at
j nrole.bai (th
I. S. fc ltHtr, repairs to tirl-itat
W. K. Si-rr-it, repaira to trklgo
al rloriiui:'a. ,
Total S 7o 12
Commiajioarrs' Opie aud Court House
O. P- Barton, services aa Cora-
mii .n. r $ 1W 88
J. T. Dimiu, aerviccs as Comtms-
faifirr ...... . ........ 18748
tV. N Stt-rrclt, a-rvices aiCora-
misi ner....... .............. 149 82
S. B. London, services as Clerk.. 65000
A. J. Patterson, services aa coun
sel 60 00
E. Scbott, curl -iiu lor Court Ii.. 6 39
J. Adams, biooius lor Court H-, 8 00
J. J. Ilorning, carpenter's work
1 00
Total $ 1148 67
County Office:
vTm. M. Allison, andiiing Pro
thontary and Kegiater and Re
corder. ................... ..$ Id 00
M.J Huni,tati..n.rv 10 60
T. H. .Memiojter, Proibouotary's
ie.- 318 36
K. K. Bt-rry, dorKets lor ottice.. 16 26
b. E. Beirv, services nndcr Reve
nue law..................... 11 87
J M. Cotlaud, book lor Record
er office 12 60
T. 11. Meminger, execution dock
er 14 85
F. L. U utter, mortgage docket... 20 00
ToUl $ 423 83
General aud Spring Election.
Amount paid election olHc ers.
constables, housa rent, stf i3i VS
Mucellaueou Order.
Lewis Den an, et al Audioi$ 75 00
J. B M. Todd, court cryer.. W) W)
D. C. LoudT. janitor 110 00
Krnricus Hani a are Co.. gas-
i.iir.e tc 80 33
S. B. Cavtny, curking Jury
Comrui-Moneis, I8S0...... 2 AO
J oh. Cunimings, stenographer 233 0J
txiei.sr ia care, hoiniing.
clutbii'g and drugs tor
Iran. pa under Act Kith, 1985 117 40
A. 8 a arizlandi-r, ant others
abatement anl pr ceut, as
collectors 1401 S9
John Foteiuiu, boaltnc jurors 6 50
J. A. Murray, loard me jurors. 3 25
?t:- Lunatic AmIiiiu, llrris-
burjr 887 15
Pavid Foali-, -h- r'lt'a f.-eK... 191 65
C. B. Craatord, postage and
b x rent 13 I-
J. M. O p. I.in.i. R.-gi.t.-r'a and
Slo rifles d.H K. t 43 0.1
Dr. Djisin Crawiord, services
mjiil 34 2")
Jidiu H e, ic-t'r court hoii-aa 1 60
W. K Mr( 'ahan, surviccs Coun
ty Surveyor 21 75
Eiuil S.-hott, cloitine tor Carter
ami blanket tor j.iil. ....... 12 65
T. H Miiniu;er, i!iqii-t Mar
garet Catiu-r 14 84
Grace London, cieai i' g ottice.. 2 00
J. M CojeLmd, abatement, ttn
(jiui'iwh dutilirale. ....... 77 51
Wm. VV.gnr. rt-paira ti r:oclt. 100
Aaron l.uly, r-ii.f,-rin Fay
ette 18(7 18 01.
Ji hn Uollobaiitt. hauliiiff ajbea
from court house. ......... . 1 25
J. M. opelan1. d'KCount n i note 4 23
J no a' A i icul: ur il S- ci-tv... 10"l Utl
fan nel Lpp, tearing out bat)
dauia 600
H. s- Jchll, re airs t pump.. 2 00
Farmers' liercantile As'vci-iiion,
hunting jiidttiga. ........... 5 80
J. Lvona, ft-ea in Mc-Uonaio cae. 25 IX
J Knepp, service- 1 00
Fartii" r' tlercaiti'e Arsociation,
coal for court bonae. ... ...... 64 S3
I. t. Musaar. pitcher lor court
hon-e 75
J. M. Copeland, bill IVoni &nvdr
Co 89 34
James North h. Son. coal lur
conrt b.'Ui'eaiid itil ......... 103 25
W.E. Amuan, Teacher Insti
tute 178 00
A. J. Patterson, aervices in Me
Sleen, Shivery, Mc-)..na d.Tur
hett lown-hip. Port Kiyat. and
Phil'a ca es, and expenses to
Harrisl.uig 158 94
A.J. Patierann. indexing iil'la-
menfs and mortz-f;.... .... 500 CO
S. K. Loudon, services under
Revenue Act 397 83
F. W. Noble, repaira to cistern
pump 1 00
D. ft Seiber, sbovelmi: snow... 1 00
8. B. Lou. Ion, aervicts to injured
and killed trampa 25 On
J.tnia K. Beaver, clerk to tbe
J'irv ComiuiS'9iont:rs filling
whel 2 00
CI. d Homing, services as Jury
Comniia-iooer 30 00
Joseph Seiber, services as Jury
Commissioner............... 30 00
S. B. Louden. cl rk to Jurv Com
missioners .................. 25 00
Phdo Paonebaker, and other re.
piini to mower 1 80
Burial or Swifter and Struup,
soldiers.................... 55 25
Total. .
$ 4733 41
Commonweatfh costs.... $ 670 63
Public buildings 49
Courts snd Jurors pav. ........ 2478 03
Registering and assessing...... 497 32
Constables returns.... ..... 2i832
Fox, mink, and skunk scalps.... 219 40
Western penitentiary ......... 174 75
County pri-on. ...... ......... 731 78
County bonds paid 22975 0
Interest paid.................. 1655 25
Printing and atanenery .. .. . ... 05O 92
kepvira to bridges ............ . 785 12
Commissioners' olbce and court
bonse 1118 67
County otbees. ..... ...... ..... 423 83
Genetal and sprinc elections.... 737 98
Miscellaneous orders. ......... 4733 41
$ 3MJ4M31
VTe the County Commissioners ol Juni
ata eonntr, in compliance with the law, do
puh.i-h the foregoing aa a statement of the
receipts and expet.ditlirea of th county
aforesaid, for the year A. D., 18o7, as lound
on tbe books of this ottice.
Given und -r our bauds this 10th day of
January, 1888, at ibe Commissioners office
in Mitt'intnwa.
jftteiti G.TV- BracBrikLo, Citrk.
a.l.4niTLITIES OF CnrSTTf,
Outstanding Co. Bonds $i4502 00
Accrued interest.... 690 00
Total Liabilities $ 8619200
Outstanding taxes.... 1074 It
Balance in bands
.. 7816 88 1
Treasurer ....
Total Assets
... 185o0 02
I.iahiliUsa evi
er Assan.
nwmi wil 11 1
w -
abo7e cJj.
OFMIFiU.'CTa.lM, 14.
Stockholders Icdividnallj Liable.
T. VAN IK"IN, father.
C. Pomcroy, Joseph Rn'hrock.
John iiertzler.
Tbilip M. Kepner,
Amos H. Bnnaall,
Robert E. Parker,
Louis E. Atkinson,
sTr-cxnoit rss :
Philip M. Kepner, Annie M. Shelley,
Joseph Hothrork, Jai.e II. Irwin,
L. K. Atkinson, K. V. Parker.
V. C. Poineroy, J. Ilol ot.a Itwin,
Amos (J. Ilonsait, T. V. Irwin.
Ch.irlotteSnyder, John llertttor.
Uary Eurlc, Jerome N. 1 b. tuj son, Jr.
Three and Four per cent, ir.terest will br
paid on ceititicates of deposite.
Jjn 23, :R87 tf
Worth Knowing,
That I ran sror toothache in less than
Ore minutes ; no pain, no extracting.
That I can extract teetb without pain,
by the use of a fluid applied 10 teeth
and gums ; do dauper.
That Diseased inms. known
as Scurvy) treat J?" sncc-sf nlly
and a cure r&, " i . Vt.-itif. d ia errrv
cast. JZfsS-i
Teeth Fif-trn and warrantid for life.
Artificial Teeth repaired, exchanged or.
remodelled, from $9.00 to $12 per set.
Beautiful Gum Enaioelad Teet inserted af
prices 10 suit all.
All work warranted to give perfect satis
faction. Peopla who have artificial teeth
with which they cannot ear, are especially
invited to call. Will visit prolt ssionally
at their homes if notified by letter.
Will visit regularly at Richfield tbe 2nd
weeks of aiay aad October.
Tibhs Cash.
Practical Kent 1st,
isTABLisHrs ia airrusTows, Pa., is I860.
Oct. 14 '85.
Mason & Hamlin
1 lac1
Organs and Pianos.
1.1- Ca'im-t Orran was tntrorinod hy Mason A
n lfl. Mason Hamlin OrcitiS hava
...naTnaintained ll.rir suprsnia. y over all otlwra.
i.:.m:,- received 11 i?t.wt Honors at all Ureal World's
JI1,' Tmrr' "'"de of JJ'riniriirr Tiano.. Invent
y M-"n 4 Hamliu in lssa. j. a sreat advance la
..iano rrmstmcli.m. rvrx-rt. prononnrinK it th
1 l.m. urcuiar. r-muiuin' 3-V) lestimotiials from
, .. rm; """arana. aaa tuners, and 1'iauo and
O .an C'alaloguea, free.
'zzi: & SAicfir cuts aot pia::o ci,
-: . r::t 3i:h C- CTsta l-zttt), JUT TCIt.
Gold anil Silver Iflining Go.,
JOeEFII H. RE ALL, President.
42-48 Congress St., Boston,
67 Broadway, New Tork-
The twelve SI i ties and mill of thie
company Lave just been examined by
tbe eminent English tiiiniDf? enrrineer
Mr. FraBeis D. Taylor, 51 Merchants
Exchange, Boston, who reports the
property as represented. It is the
beet in America for its capitaliralion.
April 11-38SR.
Ji:W.te..Mf Par"!
sv " 1-Ji a I. i 1
--r-J-tja.u.tjy ,JSB
Bright, ifew Fall
TbeCbamplon CUtbler ofjuntala Csuuty havlBs just re
tur ra-d from tbe Eastern cltiest witb a wonderful
Will in .ke iiienciR, outisLine riyala, win yiclories, and sell itself ea it
and Gents furnishing goods. Firt,t Class, combining Stle, Quality mix A
Elegance, with prices that will astonish jou. No sale is expected nnless
I prove this.
But I ask yonr patronage on'j when I gire complete satisfaction. My
JEWELRT, Cilico, Percale and White Shirts. 2eck wear, Collars aad
Cuffg.Tmnks snd Eatcbelr, is full and complete. CaU aDd sea.
Jane 16, 188G.
tJ-Collecting and conveyancing promi'tly
attended to. Omen in second story ol Bei
!urd kuilding. Enttanco on Matu str-et.
f4- ( .
Louis K. Atkissos. K. M. M. PrsstLL.
Kr-Collectina: and Convcjancing i.rompt
iv ai tended to.
. . . ii. uu;n In nlare of resi-
d.-.-M ol Lonis K. Atkinson, Ksij., sontli of
biuiice street. t.ct M, lt6.
Mas resumed actively tbe practice of
Mediciue and Surgery and their collators!
brunches. Office at the old corner ol Ttmo
and Orange afreets, Miltlintown, ri.
March 2'J, Iblii.
Joiis VcLai ohlis. Jostpn VT. Stihhel
311 1,41 f.llLI! K STJIJItl,
r7Only reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, loMi-lj
J9ctc Firm.
To the coining and going of
Seasons we must all conform.
TLe (J! ootid suitable for spring
mid summer must be supplant
ed by
We have now filled our
shelves with Tall and Winter
Goods of all kinds. Our cus
tomers have appreciated our
efforts to give thtm goods to
suit their purposes, and we
believe that we are better pre
pared than ever to merit their
confidence. We invite ou to
come and see and be satisfied
In our dress goods department
we have almost everything.
Don't be backward, call for
what you want.
Shoes and Hoots.
Our Coot and Shoe De
partment is full in its assort
ment, and you certainly can be
suited in fit, quality and price.
Whatever improvements have
been added by the manufactures
we have them all. We can
supply you with foot wear for
any in or out door service. Our
grocery Department never lags.
We have on hand a full line of
Fresh, I'lain and Fancy
Also, the only full line of
in the county. Every house
must have its full supply of
Queens and Glassware, this is
the store to call on for such ar
ticle?. All orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
Remember the plate,
Mais Street, Opposite Cocrt IIodse,
MillliiitowM, Ta.,
fc Son.
LI, person- are hereby cauticnes
. aga,.t Ching or bunlinc, r."hern'
ItUr""" " ,hr Un " under
"H'nMirr out fti.4 tl.j
Ts'sTsBjsirss svita idu
. TrW Allan tris.n,.f.
i iwi T-r
rTH -a
On and aner Simdav Nor'r liith, lM
trains,that stop at M ifflio ill ma as ollawa:
ZtToosA Accosmodatiom leares Altooua
dsilv at 6 '20 a. m., Tyrono ft Si . m.
Hnntitigdon S.33 a. m.. Mount Union at
6,f9 a. m.. Neaton Hamilton 7.01 .
cVertown 7 ,2H a. in., Lewistown 7,53 a.
rn., Milford 8.11 a m., Mifflin 8,17 a. in ,
Port Koyal 8.2? a. m-. Mexico 8.21 a. tu ,
Tnscarora S,32 a. m.. Vaodv ke a. in.,
Tbf mpsontown 8.43 a. m., Our ward H,47 J
1 Willerstosrn 8,54 a m., .Newport 9,0 j a.
m., arrivins; at Hamsliur2 at 10 10 a. ui.
and at Fhilad.-lpliia, 3 15 p. m.
Sea SktoltE Expbkns leaves altooua daily
at a. m., and stopping a all rjriiisr
at at iocs tietween Altooua aad UaniUurit,
reach, s Mitiiin at i-50 a. m., Uarrisburg
11.40 p. M., and arrives in Pbiiade'.jjhia at
3.1) p. 111.
Mail Tbais leaves Pittabnrg daily at
o.65 a. m., Altootia at a,;0 p. ta., and stop
pinft at alt regnlar stations arrives at Kiflim
at 6 ('3 p. m., llarribburg 7.0 p. ru., hhiia
adelpbia 4 Ji a. m.
Mail Express leares Pittrbnrg at 1 00 p m.
Altooua b 2 p m ; Tyrone 6 54 p m ; Ilutit
ltitdou 7 K7 p tn j Lewibtown 8 61 pui ; Mif
tlin9 16pni; Hsrrisburg 10 45 p m ; Phila
delphia 4 2i a m.
I'hiladelpbia Express will slop at llimtu
al 11 Si! mhea flagged.
Vast Lise leares rhiidt-lphis dai'y at
11 60 a m; Harri-t.iirg 3 40 p m ; Mlfllin
0(lipni; Lewistown 6 28 p m ; Altooua
b 10 p 111 ; arrives at I'ltfrhurr at 1 1 6-3 pm.
Wat pAssr.soia leaves Philadelphia
daily at 4 30 a. nt.; Harrinbure, 8 15 a. ra.;
( iuiicaiiuiiu, n o a. III.; We sport, y r a.
: m.; M illi rstown, 40 a. m.; Thompsontuwn,
i 9 62 a. in.; Van Dyke, 10 00 . m ; Tu-tcar-I
ora, 10 Ot a. in.; Mexico, 10 07 a. m.; Port
! Koyal, 10 13 a. m.; Milllin, loi'u a ia -
Milford, 10 2 a. ra.; Narrows, 10 oi a. m.;
Lewistown, 10 4ti a. m.; JlcVevtown, 11 U
a. m.; Newton liamilton, 11 3 . m.; Uun
tintrdon, 12 17 p. m.; Tyrone, 1 01 p. ax.;
Altoona, 1 40 p. m., aud atop at all reulsx
stations between 11 arm burg ar.d Allooua.
t)TtTea Expbess leaves Philadelphia dal
ly at o oil p. m., llarrisburg, 10 20 p. m
stopping at Kockfille, Uarysvilie, Uuncsa-'
nou, Aewport, Millerrtown, Thompoutoa n
Port hoyai, tmio t Milllio, 1 1 i a. in.; Al
tootia, 2 2k a. m., and Puinburg, 6 10 a.m.
Mali. Is aim leaves Philadelphia daily at
7.00 a. 111., Uarriaburg 11.20 a. iu., New
port, 12 1J p. iu., Mntiin 12.47 p. rn., stop
piugat ail reguliir atallous betwoou Mi:llia
and Altoona reaches Aitoona at 3 SO p. m
t'r.tcburg S.20 p. to.
Altooua AccoMMonarioa laarss Phil
adelplna daily at 1 1 60 a. m., Uarnsburg at
4.16 p.m., Unncannoa 4.49 p. ru., .New
port 6, It; p. in., Millcrstown 5,'i'i p. ra.,
Thomptiontown d,3ti p. iu., Vandyka 5,44
p. u.., TiiKcarora 5.18 p. m., Mexico 5 W a
tu.. Port koyal 5,54 p. m., UiHiiu 6 0 )
111., Lewistonu j,23 p. tu., McVeytown 6
4H p. m., iNdwiuo Ua niitoii 7,lo p. m
Uiit.tiugdon 7 40 p. ui. Aitoona 9 00. "
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia 11 25
p m ; Harriahurg 3 10am; Ouncaiinon
39 am; Newport 4 01 am; Milliin 4 42 a
m; Lewistown 6 04 am; McVeytoan 6 27
am; Mt. Union 6 64 am; Uuutu.t,-doa
20 a m ; Petersburg 6 3a a ru ; Spruce Cr.-ek
6 48 am; Tyrone 7 o7 a m ; iiell'a Mills
2 a m ; Altoona b 05 a m ; pittsbuig
12 4ti p iu.
Sa hhoro Express east, on Sandays.
will connect with Sunday Mail east lesriar
llarriaburg at 1 15 p. m.
Way Passenger west and Mail east will
stop at Lucknow and Poorman-s Sprint
wheu bagged. '
Trains leave Lewistown Junction for UU
roy at ti 85 a m, 10 65 a m, 8 1 5 p . ,or
Sunbury at 7 15 a m, 8 00 p ru.
Traius arrive at Lewistown Jtinctisn froat
M.lroy at 9 00 a ro, I 2i pm, 4 80 p m ; frum
ismibiiry ,t 9 25 a ra, 4 lo p m.
Tt-aiiiB leave Tyrono tor BolU-lonts aad
Lock Haven at 8 lo a m, 7 16 p m. Lc.r,
lyrone lor Curwensville aud Cioartlrld at
B 20 a tu, 3 00 p m,7 26 p m.
Trains leave Tyrone tor Warriots Mark,
rnnylvaiua Furnace and Scotia al 9 30 a
tn and 4 30 p rn.
Train, arrive at Tyrone from Bellofoais
and Lock Haven at 12 06 p ra, and 37 p ra.
Trains arrive at Tyrone from Corwens
ville ana Clearfield at 6 68 m, and 1 1 4 a
tn, o 1 7 p rn.
Traint arrive at Tyrone from Scoiia, War
rior. Mark and Pennsylvania Furuace at
ob a 111, at 2 85 p tu.
Trains leave' Huntingdon tor Bedford,
llyndiiiao and Cumberland at 8 25 a. ra
ana 6 35 p. m.
r iru"rri" at Huntingdon from Bod
ford, Hvndman and Cumberland at 12 I
p. m., 6 20 p. m.
Train. leave Altoona Tor points South, st
7 20 a m. 8 25 a ro. 2 00 p ra. 6 t'O p m. -It"
p tn., 9 60 p ru.
Trains arrive at Altoona from pots'
South, at ti 60 a m 11 9 . in-. . T-
wo p tn. 25 p. m. and 10 35 p ro.
All persobsare hereby cautioned giBt
hunting, cutting timber, buildirg ires,
throwing down stone and rail fences, er
crossing tii-lds, or otherwise tresspassing
on any ol the several tracts nf'Uod belong
ing to tbe undersigned in Lack tewssbip
'or persons thus trrsopss.ing will be eU
with accotdir.g to U .
November 16, 1888.
The Stutxntl and Rtfui'tram sffics U tks
place to get job work dons. Try It. ItU
Psy rmj if j-oti e.l nyttrrsg tn Ha
ta ad vatic
cents per
emn, 10 c
to advert
at his pl:u-
Bnisii'i M
2 t tto-v ewr
a Durham
three p-t
-will fell at
Ix M.
tariuinR Hi
I. a 1
rat s anl p
March o
at Centt-r,
aows. v.nin
'clock, a
Marrh 7
ail.- ai"1
at 9 o'clo k
foal. 9 (
ch ck.. ii'. Vi
hold CCM.ll
glvsu oti ail
March 8
the Juhii K.
wrk h.l'-
lie. a cti.
ajd tariliMti:
r"rl iv. M
all cti 1 J
towt.t-li'p, a:
four c .
tirood mi .
mill ami a I a
an i a ol 1
March '..
itlg W.I! e.-! 1
tOWDallip, Si:
of Kiclili. i'!.
hX!S. f.'irlli.t c
and ijii!ij.-;..u
10 iiioiitl.it :
Sre do.'-ir.
at Ii im r--t:J .-ii
Lort . t v 4
rja:i . I l.'.n-k
era, a tin r-
Of COVTj., e-iti.-
time of .al.-. 1 1
prarf, V n.'-i: t
the t u -1 1 -1 . ;i.
at 10 0VI0. U.
Mar.-h 12
hia ref ;!-: -,
airb to-A a-hi'.
sistint; .; t m -catil.-,
a J..t i
by th.- l-ti- h.
Sale il 1 .1 o'. l.
M.r,Ji 11 -resid
.-nee .tt . .
bitrsi-f.. I -J c.it t
COWS i.-.. I '' l
faru.iuif im; !-t
il'ir. ii I.i.-.
resi U-i.c. .i 1 ;
1 10 1,1-ju- 1 1 V - -thorough
cows, 4 j ewi .
pleuii-iiu. 1-. .
r' milh fi ts r.; t.
months vnll.l. -(Sale
at 9 o I
M i, li i:.
her r'.i.iiiic -. 1
covvn lc.
hold tlirui'm
M.-ir. I. 1 1.
heuil ot l.i .
town. I, I. ;l.
Slice;.. I. .111, ;
lum.-iit- A.L-.
Tu'- lav. M r
will aeil a: l.ia
land Hi.U '., .,
three lu.ir.'s, tv
M, t ,. ,.! u !;
ol Bile. lot .,!'
and all kiti.l-.
March 22:i-l.
reanliico in S i i
Peru at 1 is. A -work
lio.-.-. :', ii
cattie, li. ai,.-r -i
wagon, 1rr1.1i! rlr,
tmeka beat, .i' I
els ot ),ta and
March 21 V 1
Johnston 1. J .j,,, ,
t.itc of ul! I,-- r.(
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birth day.
What a g;rt,-l,
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